#pitch forward
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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Love the idea of anytime Bofur gets really drunk after meeting Bilbo his go to drunk action (we all have one) is to just grab hold of Bilbo and cuddle with him all night while the others still bring him drinks. Bilbo is just content to lean back against his chest and enjoy the cuddles.
Someone walks over and tells Bofur he needs to get up to do something and he just grumbles. Fili and Kili were in hysterics laughing when Bofur ended up accidentally telling Thorin to fuck off because he didn’t notice it was him when Thorin asked him to do something. Bilbo is trying not to laugh while the others are laughing their heads off and Thorin is rolling his eyes but doesn’t take it personally because he’s happy his company are enjoying themselves when they have such a tough road ahead of them.
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bluestation · 23 days
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🖊 september sketch log (#12)
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starlight-eclipsed · 6 months
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All the trouble he went through to hide his injuries and black blood, and it leaks out of his face. Figures.
I am running out of ways to tell people to go read A Dark Among the Lights by LuckyLectio on AO3. I'm starting to feel like this is an early 2000s FFN authors note with cheesy dialogue...I might just start saying random nonsense since it feels awkward to just post a link.
Anyway, chapter 12 was honestly really fun to read in spite of the fact that Dark was, y'know, actively dying. The character interactions are fantastic, I love all of them so much and their inter-personal relationships are written so well. Here's hoping next chapter goes better for our shady boi :b
Bonus below the cut:
A doodle for this chapter :3
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Also it's a crying shame that tumblr seems to hide the wonderful file names I give my pieces, so here's what we have so far :D
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pharawee · 1 month
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So The Last Time, a series that has already been postponed twice before, has been postponed again - this time indefinitely. This doesn't come unexpected and I'm not that invested in this show anyway but it's always sad if a small production house runs into release trouble like this. :/
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you guys don't need context for this. He's the boy of all time!
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kiwibirdlafayette · 8 months
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going through it rn (/neutral) so in the mean time have some silly things/sketches from this past week <3
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beananium · 7 months
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more vocabytes drawings! horray!
i imagine while he was getting his education license, mittens got a part time position at an all kaito catmaid cafe. he didn't mind it, actually.
bonus little comic i made before lining / coloring it (ft. his kiyoteru unit "brother" moss, and an unnamed mutual friend luka unit):
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antisocialxconstruct · 7 months
oof as much as I'd love to start drama by asking what IFs you have beef with..... I have to go with the less targeted question of 'what are some IF tropes you think are overdone'. personally if I have to see the same four ROs recycled into another game one more time I'll scream
LOL probably a safer question for me to answer too...
ROs are a big sticking point for me as well. Seeing the same archetypes over and over, feeling like someone came up with ROs first and is now desperately trying to finesse a story that can justify all of them being date-able*, someone having an actually interesting and compelling story to tell but bending themself into pretzels to fit in six romance arcs that may not even serve the plot just because that's an expected convention... Also in general I never lose interest in a new project faster than when I see artbreeder RO portraits. Not even because it's """AI art""" but because it's always the same empty eyed model-perfect 20something in different colors.
(*NOT the same as a story primarily designed to be a dating sim. I generally think that's fine as a genre, and some of these people would have an easier time if they were willing to admit that's what they were writing and not some sweeping grand narrative.)
My other biggest issue with a lot of amateur IF is like... excessive and overly ambitious customization? I think a lot of authors don't know where the line is on what they can just allow the reader to imagine without there being a variable for it, as well as what they should frankly just... be willing to decide for the reader when it best serves the story. As far as MC customization, I think this really stems from a lot of people in the community getting their first introduction to IF through CoG and then drawing the conclusion that if some character customization is good, more customization must be better! But if it's not going to come up in-text and be directly relevant to the plot or how the MC is characterized*... it doesn't need to be canonized.
(*by which I mean, like... making your character a specific religion, or disabled, or something like that. Things that actually impact how they engage with the world.)
Branching off of that, I think maybe my most potentially controversial take is... not every IF needs to have a customizable MC at all. It's entirely possible to write a story with a set, static protagonist, and still allow the player to make decisions that allow them to shape that character and the broader plot in a way that still feels personal and like they're an active participant. VNs tend to go this way, or else they have a faceless MC who still tends to have a more set personality, and I think sometimes I read IF demos and I really get the feeling they wish they could be writing someone specific, and they're getting hamstrung by the idea that they need to sand off enough defining features to let the MC be anyone.
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white-weasel · 8 months
If John was alive when Brit and Mallick won their game, they would have become apprentices together. Send post
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inniave · 3 months
fellow musicians!!! have u seen me talk about fawm & 50/90 but have no idea what that is?? do u want dedicated time & community for songwriting?? check this out!
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(flyer made by @/wobbiewobbit on fawm!!)
(if u wanna be friends on the fawm site dm me!!)
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emblazons · 2 years
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“It was taking that idea of a missing child and combining it with the more childlike sensibilities that we have. You know, can we put a monster in there that eats people? Because we are nerds and children-at-heart, we thought it was the best thing ever." - The Duffer Brothers, on how Denis Villeneuve’s Prisoners inspired Stranger Things (x)
stranger things inspirations series: 1 / ?
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ideas4infinity · 10 months
Lego kind of screwed over all future Toa of Water by making water breathing Gali's mask power instead of an innate ability. Come on. Why did you have to do that? Her mask is almost useless with her adaptive armor, but even beyond that. Hahli almost died! A Mahri Nui matoran did die!
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sandflakedraws · 1 year
Any chance the Touch of Sunlight PDF (and maybe the bonus PDFs) will be available on Kofi or somewhere similar at a later time? I wanted to pledge but Kickstarter doesn't take Paypal or maestro debit cards and that's all I got ;-;
Aw shucks, I'm sorry about that. Depending on how things go with publishers, permissions and the like, hosting the PDF somewhere else isn't impossible. Maybe gumroad?
But at the very least, I don't plan on having the webtoon itself behind any paywall.
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russellius · 1 year
love his lack of self-awareness, go off king!
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sucrosette · 10 months
★— ⋆。˚ [04. A Life as a Writer (and a Barista)]
For Day 21 of Carry on Countdown 23, Begin Again. @carryon-countdown
Basil is a writer in dire need of a starting line. But where the bloody hell is he going to find it?
Rated T for Basil being a Smut Author and Simon being a Smut Enthusiast.
This is a series of snapshots of different Simon Snows and Baz Pitches in the greater multiverse. You can find the other "lives" here: [Day 3: Alternate Universe][Day 19: Sci-Fi][Day 20: Flowers]
The hardest part of starting a love story, or any story really, is the bloody first line. No matter the environment, the characters, the whole setting, that first bloody line’s always the hardest. Basil’s been sitting on this one for three and a half weeks now. He’s been in bars, dive bars and class acts both, libraries, cafes, parks, even secluded little psychic shops. Nothing seemed to do the trick though. Basil’s remained just as wordless as ever, no matter where he goes.
Lately, though, he’s been haunting this one cafe in particular, with a little disaster of a barista and, he thinks, baker. He hasn’t actually been here early enough to see whether Simon does more than put the pastries out, but he’s always got a bit of a flour smear on his cheeks and his apron’s always a bit of a mess and it just sort of adds up to him being a baker, at least as far as Basil can tell.
He wouldn’t actually know, he’s never been a baker.
Right now, he’s not looking to be much of a writer either. He’s got to at least start this thing. Basil’s got a deal and everything, publishers and editors and such waiting on him. He pitched a damn good plot too and had a decent cast of characters. Now he just had… to bloody do something with it.
Resorting to staring down his empty document just seemed the obvious ‘something’ to do. The cursor blinked threateningly back at him. The cursor was unfortunately, undeniably winning.
Another cup of coffee slides itself in front of Basil, the prior empty one skillfully whisked away to Simon’s tray of dirty dishes. “Still no luck on your start?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve noticed,” Baz groans at the barista, glancing over to him out of the corner of his eyes and sipping his coffee even despite the apparent call-out.
“You’ve been in here every day for the last week,” Simon shrugs, “That doc remains as blank as when you came in the first day.”
“And the coffee?”
“Two hour mark.”
“Well, thank you then,” Baz says with another long spit of coffee, “I just don’t know where to start.”
Simon looks around the cafe, seeing it all but empty except for Basil, and plops himself down across from the struggling writer. “Well, what is it you’re actually trying to start?”
“It’s…” Basil pauses for a moment, assessing Simon with a little more scrutiny before shrugging. He worked in a cafe, there was only so much straight in anyone who works in a cafe, “It’s a romance. I’ve a contract. It’s a supernatural, enemies-to-lovers, witches and werewolves story with all the bells and whistles and underlying fairy tale elements except it’s a bit more future based than middle ages based. Oh, and they’re gay, but you probably could’ve guessed that.”
Simon blinks. “I still have no idea what that’s about.”
“Ah,” Baz lets out an awkward little laugh, “I can give you the proper pitch? I’ve got it all outlined, mostly, it’s just starting it.”
“You got a contract without a manuscript?”
“It’s a sequel, sort of. Like. Same verse, different characters. So yeah, I’ve a contract,” Baz confirms, “I just need to get it rolling.”
“Well, what’s the first one?” Simon asks, precious and innocent.
Basil sighs, supposing if he’s this far in he may as well unmask himself, hopefully Simon just didn’t know what the book was. “Prince of the Drowned.”
“Oh my god,” Simon leans over onto the table and closer to Basil, “That was so smutty… you look so respectable though.”
“Thank you? I think,” Baz snorts out a small laugh. “I guess there goes any hope of you not knowing who I am.”
“I’m not sorry. In fact I might be a little too proud. I don’t read a lot, but that book was hot. So is your next protagonist as much a rake as the last?” Simon, apparently, knows all the romance tropes.
“Well, not as much,” Baz wavers his hand a little bit, “This one’s more a like. Life-long obsession come to fruition sort of vibe. Unhealthy attachment, codependency in all the wrong ways, probably some sick and twisted fantasy fulfillment. You know, not exactly ‘clean’ stuff.”
“Ohh~” Simon bites his lip as the door opens to a new customer, “Okay I’m getting this, but I say start it with a fight. If they’re going to be messy like that, start it with a nasty fight.”
Basil takes a moment as Simon walks away, thinking it over. It works with his rough outline and it fits the vibe. Thank you, random cafe boy, you have truly helped a drowning man out. He puts the first words to page.
And ends up writing three thousand words in a single sitting. It’s a start, he might change it later. He might scrap it entirely later, or put it somewhere else in the novel, or in a different novel altogether, but it’s a start, and that’s better off than he’s been in over a week.
He doesn’t leave without Simon checking in again. “Hey, you’ve got words,” Simon half-sings from over Baz’s shoulder, and Baz immediately tabs away from his work.
“I do,” Baz twists in his seat to look at Simon properly, “And no spoilers for you.”
“That filthy already?” Simon teases and Basil only shrugs.
“Suppose you’ll have to read and find out, won’t you?” Baz smirks a little bit at Simon’s obvious curiosity, “Since you’re obviously a fan and all.”
Simon sighs, “If I bring my book in tomorrow, will you sign it for me?”
Baz can’t quite tell if that’s a tease or not, but he may as well take it for a genuine request. “I feel like that’s the least I can do for someone who helped me at least get a start going.”
“So generous,” Simon sighs, leaning just a little on the back of Baz’s chair, “Your boyfriend must be lucky though, I bet he gets previews of your smut.”
“Ah, well,” Baz shrugs, “If I had one, maybe he would.”
Simon’s lips form a precious little oh, terribly unsubtle for half a moment before leaning off Baz’s chair just as Baz closes his laptop entirely. “So what do you look for in a boyfriend… if you’re up to sharing?”
“That’s incredibly unsubtle, Simon,” Basil fixes his face in an unimpressed sort of look, but Simon’s clearly not buying it.
“So was asking you back tomorrow– and you already agreed.”
Baz let’s Simon have half a smirk and shrugs, “Suppose that I did, didn’t I?”
“That you did,” Simon grins back wide at Baz, knowing somehow he’s already won, “So is Basilton you’re real name or…?”
“It is,” Baz answers as he packs everything up, shoulder bag neatly in place, “If I do decide to show up tomorrow, though, you can call me Baz.”
It’s no surprise at all when Basil shows up just as invited the next day. It’s even less of a surprise when he signs his name in that book with his phone number alongside. ‘For the Unsubtle One with a spicy little mind,’ it says in neatly curled silver script. What’s least surprising of all is how quickly Simon calls that number, Baz’s phone ringing before he even manages to leave the cafe.
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