#[cm punk tag]: the best in the world
Unfortunately for everyone and my f/os, I am still thinking about cm punk
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seeingstarks · 1 year
the cream on the cake wants to escape
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summary : being newly signed to all elite wrestling, you don't know many people and expect no one to show up to your birthday party but end up with company of the devil himself and mr. best in the world. pairing : mjf x cm punk x plus size afab!reader cw : cursing, many sexual innuendos, teasing, breast grabbing/kneading, daddy/babygirl/daddy dynamic, implied cmjf references, thigh riding, cock/clit teasing, begging, male masturbation, blowjobs, dirty talk, double penetration, creampies, butt-plugs, slight bondage, ass slapping, utter filth. a/n : my birthday is in three days and with cm punk coming back soon i just had to whip something up also i love cmjf but basically this is something small i made for myself. i hope you all enjoy it though and as always reblogs are very much appreciated!! my ask box might be open soon for drabbles as i'm slowly getting the inspo for writing again. <3 there may be a few spelling/punctuation errors. word count : 2,518 words tag list : @josiewrites , @baysexuality
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some of the talent backstage had their suspicions when you became apart of bullet club gold in just a matter of months after being signed to all elite wrestling.
the rumours began to spread, hushed whispers down the halls the moment you left a room. there was no getting away from your ex - however none of them knew what actually happened.
you carefully hand-wrote each invitation to your birthday party being held later that night, allowing everyone to bring a plus one. in each envelope corner you curled a cursive letter heart with your initials on it.
not knowing many people at all elite, you felt doubt that anyone would come. if you had known more people maybe they would have thrown you a surprise party instead of doing one for yourself.
with a sigh you sat down at catering after grabbing a boxed cupcake juice robinson gave you earlier but didn't have time to sit down and eat until now.
glancing around, not many seemed to even care or notice it was your birthday. they were either too wrapped up in their own lives or didn't see you sitting all alone.
pulling out a lighter from your jacket pocket you attempted to ignite the flame a few times but had no luck. "seriously, the one time where things go to absolute shit and it's my birthday!?" you cursed out weight shifting as you felt someone's presence next to you.
anyone but him. "how is my switchblade babe doin', aye? need a light?" jay questioned with a smirk before pulling out his lighter and igniting the candle on the cupcake as if it were nothing.
you rolled your eyes before even taking a glance at jay, "didn't need your help, and don't call me that. we're not together anymore. don't even know why we're in a stable together." you crossed your arms at your ex.
"wow.. last time i help a friend out. well, i'll leave ya' be then." jay stood up and walked away while you took the wrapper off your cupcake and took a bite from the sweet treat.
a single tear fell down from the corner of your eyelid, today of all days you felt most lonely. the salty liquid ran all the way down to your lips and you didn't want anyone to see you crying. luckily bullet club gold wouldn't be needing the locker room today as you booked it and locked the door behind you.
the rest of the day seemed to go by at an agonizingly slow pace, you began to set up pastel decorations and blew up a few balloons as the clock ticked down nearing the time for guests to arrive.
walking into the washroom, you fixed up your h/c hair and brushed it off to the side while fixing your black dress which hugged your curves perfectly. not having the time to put a bra on or even caring about it, you shrugged while looking in the mirror and threw a light jean jacket on over the dress while slipping on a pair of combat boots, comfort and style.
once ready, you took a seat on the sofa and waited a good ten minutes before someone knocked on the door, "coming!!"
once seeing who was in your doorway your mouth fell agape, so many questions filling your mind but words unable to form.
"you 'gonna just stand there or welcome me in, i'll move ya' if i have too." shaking your head, you simply giggled and stepped aside.
"how- when- where?" you questioned and raised an eyebrow while looking the chicago native up and down who did indeed age like fine wine.
"okay.. see lemme' explain. me and uh- let's say a co-worker of mine paid off the others not to come in order for you to have a special night, that is... if you want."
you punched phil on the chest, who didn't flinch the slightest. the chicago native pretending to be hurt and scrunching up his face, "ouch that hurt soooo much."
"i was crying earlier and this so called co-worker of yours is nowhere to be seen!" you yelled at him and punched the man once again.
"shhh, babygirl. there he is." your eyes left his and looked up to meet with a pair of dark hues belonging to the devil himself who locked the door behind him.
"aw, are you two getting started without me?" maxwell asked.
gulping thickly you hid you your face in the crook of the chicago native's neck, your cheeks starting to heat up the moment phil wrapped his large hands around your waist and gave a slight squeeze.
"so brave before and now look at her hiding... we're gonna' have fun with you tonight, such a shy doll isn't that right?" maxwell taunted and approached the two of you, the heat of his breath running down your own neck sending chills down your spine, "but tonight is all about the birthday girl.. tomorrow me and phil have our fun.. that is if you can still walk by the time we're done."
stepping away from phil momentarily, you allowed him to still hold your hips as you looked up at him with a soft smile. "well... i've always wanted to try thigh riding.." you admitted shyly while glancing between the two men as they each shared a knowing look which could only mean trouble.
"oh? whose thigh do you wanna ride first?" phil pulled you in closer, rubbing his hands along your curves and pressing his growing hard on up against you, "look what you're doing to me already baby.."
maxwell smirked as another pair of hands went behind your figure, going under your shirt and massaging your breasts as you let out a soft moan for the devil, "fuck- not wearing a bra, is that just for daddy?" he asked and pinched your nipples causing a whine to escape your lips all at the same time when phil brushed the tip of his cock up against your clothed entrance.
"n-no it mm- happened by coincidence but i will make sure to wear em' less for both my daddies." you responded with a grin.
"did you hear that phil? she's got two daddies now- will be fun adding a chick into our little adventures, hm?" max questioned the chicago native who simply nodded as the two men continued to tease you.
throwing your head back you let out another moan, your underwear soaked at this point simply by the fact of phil teasing your clothed clit with his cock and maxwell tormenting your breasts with his hands, kneading at them as your nipples hardened under his touch, "more daddy- please-" you begged and took a sharp breath.
lifting your arms up, maxwell helped rid you of the black dress and phil briefly picked you up off your feet to slip the combat boots which were discarded haphazardly toward the floor.
you looked down and attempted to take your underwear off which caused phil to shake his head, "not yet, baby. don't think we forget about your little request."
phil took his clothing off and laid back on the sofa, luring you over with a finger wave as you straddled his thigh he pushed his knee up against your clit.
"go ahead and get off on my thigh, babygirl." your cheeks heated up once given permission as you began to ride his thigh, soft whimpers and moans already falling from your lips at the friction being created from your underwear.
"look at you.. soaked already and you haven't even had a cock inside you yet. just imagine how messy you're gonna be with both me and max inside you." the mere thought of what phil just said caused you to ride his thigh even faster, the moans becoming louder, your attention being adverted for a moment as you looked over in the corner to see maxwell jerking himself off in the chair, "don't stop doll, 'wanna watch." he spoke with a pant and you kept eye contact with maxwell while moaning out, "mmm-fuck!"
you were clearly falling apart on the chicago native, his cock hard while watching the curved beauty above him get off on just his thigh. "daddy- i'm so close-" you whined and grinded up against the man before making even more of a mess in your underwear.
"fuck- i'm close too babygirl-" maxwell spoke in broken breaths and phil gave you the okay to leave his thigh but not before he took your underwear as a sort of token to his accomplishments.
you crawled off the sofa, ass in the air which was definitely a sight to see for phil as your clit was still soaked from moments before. you dropped down to your knees infront of maxwell who had cum already dripping from the tip of his cock.
you stuck your tongue out and gave him kitten licks, looking up at maxwell with hooded eyes as his hands wrapped around in your hair and tugged gently while you took more of his length in and sucked lovingly. the man was already edging himself so it didn't take long for him to fill the entirety of your mouth with his warm seed, "i forgot to buy cake but that was some good as hell frosting." you smirked and wiped the remainder of the cum off your lips.
"always more where that came from, baby. however when the clock strikes midnight we get to have fun our way."
"what does your way entail exactly, phil?" you asked in a shy tone.
"well.. let's just say instead of crying over a stupid ex it will be because of overstimulation or.." phil looked around the room, a smirk growing on his lips, "cause we tied you up with this pastel ribbon. all depends if you're a good girl for us or not. isn't that right?"
you nodded your head, "yes sir, but i rather like that idea."
maxwell stood up from the chair and approached you, "what do you say we try it out tonight?"
you nodded your head so fast if you were a bobble head it would have popped off, eager to have more fun with the two men. "yes, pretty please."
"oh.. look how desperate she is to be tied up and filled with two cocks... think she can handle us both at the same time?" maxwell asked phil.
"let's find out and see."
phil picked you up and carried you to the sofa, placing kisses on each wrist before tying them together with pastel ribbon.
"ass up, legs spread." maxwell used a demanding tone of voice which had you dripping, he ran his fingers along your folds, "such a good girl already. prepared for the devil to corrupt you?" it wasn't a question, more of a warning as he slid into your entrance, giving you little time to adjust in attempts to grasp at the sofa.
"fuck, such a beautiful sight. look at her already clenching onto you so tight max.." phil hummed and entered himself slowly into your asshole, nearly hissing at how tight you were.
"p-phil- you're huge!" you yelled out, head barely able to think of a single thought while being stuffed full of two humongous cocks.
phil slapped you on the ass while entering the rest of his cock into you slowly as maxwell started to thrust, "that's daddy to you, got it?"
"uh-mhmm! yes daddy!" words became incoherent mumbles once the two men picked up speed, both making sure you were okay but at the same time whispering absolute filth into your ears as you clenched around their lengths as if your life depended on it.
"f-fuckk! you both feel amazing!" grunts and groans alike fell from both their lips and you could've sworn you heard them both call each other daddy, leaving you to wonder what they did in the midnight hour before adding a woman into the mix. you were never one to judge but with you there it was three times the charm.
the moans became increasingly louder as they pounded into you relentlessly, you'd all probably end up with a noise complaint sooner or later.
"go ahead and cum babygirl.. we can feel how close you are." you felt the heat of the chicago native's breath up against your ear, "yes sir." the flood gates were open as you came around maxwell's cock and he released inside of you while phil did the same. the three of you continued to ride out the high but you were the most worn out.
phil was the first to pull out as cum dripped from his tip all the way down from your asshole, "i was 'gonna save this for later but.. you should open it now." he handed you a small black box wrapped with a gold bow, the contents inside being a butt-plug.
your eyes went wide as you looked over at the chicago native, "what am i supposed to do with this?"
"think y'know.. sweetheart.. want you to sleep with it in as a reminder who owns that ass." he smirked and took the plug from your hand before inserting it inside your body.
"y-yes sir, thank you for the gift daddy." you placed a kiss to the chicago native's lips which he then returned and nipped at your lower lip, leaving you to want more.
maxwell had been keeping you warm in a way with his cock as you felt him continue to twitch inside you, a whine falling from your lips when he pulled out aswell.
"don't worry baby. there is much more where that came from." maxwell revealed a brown gift bag with the words burberry inscribed on the outside.
you sat back on the couch, still panting a bit while opening the gift from max which was a matching set of burberry lingerie in just your size, on the side was a pair of angel ears.
pouting you looked between the two men and they each furrowed their eyebrows, "what's wrong, baby?"
"just wanted something to keep this cum inside me. love being full of both my daddies icing like a cake." you grinned up at them as phil had something hid behind his back, a matching plug to the one gifted, "you're in luck."
yawning, the night activities started to take a toll on you so you got dressed in the lingerie which would surely be torn apart by morning and you kept the chicago native's gifts quite warm aswell.
once returning from the washroom, maxwell and phil were in their boxers and you cuddled up between them on the sofa before shutting your eyes as they each placed a kiss to your cheek.
"how was your birthday?" maxwell asked as you rested against his shoulder and you scratched the chicago native's beard softly, noticing him start to drift off toward slumber with your loving touch.
"best birthday ever. thank you both so much. now get some sleep, knuckleheads."
phil slapped your ass playfully in response, "goodnight, babygirl."
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nonsensegnomes · 1 year
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I didn't think of MJF before I joined AEW. It was always – this kid follows in your footsteps, this kid talks like you, his favorite wrestler is Roddy Piper just like you. You know the difference is, I never disrespected Roddy Piper. I never told Roddy Piper that I was better than him.
What's changed since I've joined AEW is, well now I think about Max.
The best in the world, it was always an attitude. Bret Hart: best there is, best there was, best there ever will be. Maxwell Jacob Friedman being better than the best in the world, I think, is a fantasy. I think I'm going to bring him back to reality.
➳CM Punk on MJF (2022)
Horny 🔥
➳CM Punk on MJF (2023)
@grand-magnificent i'd be remiss not to tag you in this after all your posting over the last year introduced me to them <3
A series of 14 square gifs depicting the feud between CM Punk & MJF that culminated in a dog collar match. Further ID in alt text.
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magnoliacharmed · 6 months
18+, CM Punk x Randy Orton one shot
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Tags: mutual masturbation, porn video, porn with feelings
Word count: 2909
Randy invites Punk over to his hotel room, then gets more than he bargained for.
Punk shoved his raggedy old duffle bag into Randy's arms and walked into the hotel room like he owned it. It was one thing Randy respected about him; he didn't act confident, he was confident. Sometimes, too much for his own good. But Randy was sure someone had said that about him in the past. 
"Did you really need to bring all this shit with you?"
Randy stared down at the duffle bag while he kicked the door to the room shut. Punk sat down on the couch, sinking into it without a care in the world. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table in front of it and rested his hands on his chest, blinking pretty eyes at Randy's prone figure still standing at the entrance. 
"This is a nice room, a lot nicer than anything they've given me. What do I gotta do to get a suite this nice?"
"Be me."
Punk huffed out his breath dramatically, then rolled his eyes. Randy was such a buzzkill sometimes. 
"Or, fuck me. Then you get to stay for a night. Depending on how I feel after, at least."
"Oh come on, Randy. We both know you'll let me stay."
"Don't be so sure."
Randy threw the bag onto the couch beside Punk and walked back into the room. The sun was setting relatively quickly, no doubt because of fat clouds rolling in. They were tinted a pleasant shade of pink and purple and orange on their bottoms, with a threatening deep gray painting the top of them. As hot as it was outside, rain would soon come pouring down. Randy let himself stare out into the distance for a few seconds, tilting his head at the droplets that were already beginning to appear on the window pane, then shut the curtains. 
Punk watched the whole thing quietly. Sometimes there were those little moments where he so desperately wanted to know what the hell was on Randy's mind. He wasn't sure he had the balls to ask him though, so he never reached out. The prospect of bothering him with an inane question, breaking whatever this little thing they shared together some nights… Well, Punk had come to enjoy it. So it was best to keep his mouth shut.
"You haven't even asked what's in the bag." Punk's voice held a hint of teasing in it.
"Probably something weird."
Yes, the stuff was weird. But he didn't need to say it like that, in that deadpan no-joke unreadable way that made Punk twist up inside.
"Lucky for you, weird is what I'm in the mood for tonight. Open it up."
Randy made his way back over to the couch as Punk unzipped the bag slowly. He wanted to shock Randy, in fact he kind of needed to. The shock was what made it especially fun. There was only so many times Randy could call him a bitch or fuck him in some sort of semi-public space before it started to bore Punk.
"Tsk, tsk," Randy shook his head as he rifled through the bag. A red and white striped cheerleader's skirt, a cock ring, various dildos of different colors and sizes… the only thing that caught the barest semblance of his interest were a few DVDs.
"Not weird enough, Punk. Or maybe, predictably weird."
Punk felt like his chest was going to cave in very suddenly. Not weird enough? What the fuck?
"Uh… predictably weird?"
"Yeah, man. I knew you were into this kinda stuff already." Randy threw a transparent purple dildo into Punk's lap as he hit the bottom of the bag. He picked up the DVD cases and fanned them out in his hands. Two were about what Randy expected-- one held a perfect shot of a woman with her mouth wide open and come covering her lips, the other a barrage of stills of a man being fucked in a few different positions.
"Kinda looks like us." Randy turned the case around to Punk and smiled. Thank God. Punk was starting to think he fucked up.
The last case was strangely not of the dirty variety. It advertised some low budget action movie, the kind where every element on it looked poorly photoshopped on. A ripped white sheet of paper was slotted in the plastic covering that covered the actor's body. Randy popped open the case to find an unmarked disc where the movie should have been. He was stumped.
"And what's this supposed to be?"
The little gap in Punk's front teeth was cute. It gave him an air of innocence he most certainly didn't actually possess. Randy couldn't help but to let his cock stiffen slightly at seeing Punk beam up at him while it showed. 
"A surprise."
Randy paused at how playful Punk had gotten. He knew to be cautious when he started acting like that. It was best to ignore it for the time being. Soon enough, Punk would spill his own secret. Whether that was because he couldn't contain it or because Randy would get it out of him one way or another was to be seen. 
"A surprise? I don't know if I like your surprises."
"You'll like that one. But for now, it waits. Choose one of those other videos."
Randy sat the mystery movie down on the coffee table. He tried to figure out what kind of mood he was in as he looked at the other two videos. Watching Punk squirm while he took his time deciding made it all the more fun.
"Hm, okay. I think I know what I want. Close your eyes."
Punk shut his eyelids and crossed his arms over his chest. Randy turned on the TV and immediately muted it as he pressed a few buttons on the remote to switch the input to the DVD player. The plastic case snapped and popped when Randy removed the disc from it. Very shortly after he let the player take it, the menu queued itself up in all of its bright, naughty glory. Randy let the production logos start, then skipped past all of the scenery set up. Finally, he turned the sound back up just a little. 
Punk was being a lot more patient than he expected. It turned Randy on more than he thought it would, so he hurried to remove his clothes. He lowered himself onto the couch, only inches away from Punk's figure.
Punk wasn't sure what to look at. Randy sat beside him completely naked, eyes on higher alert than usual, stroking himself slowly for Punk's benefit. He felt his cheeks get hot as he looked up towards the video, the woman with her mouth agape on the DVD cover getting ready to take a large cock into her mouth.
"Undress for me. Then, press play and sit back down."
Punk was off of the couch before Randy could finish. He fumbled to get his jeans and t-shirt off, then rushed over to press play. When he returned to sit by Randy, he made sure their bodies were touching.
"You must have seen the case for this one at my house, huh?" Randy's breath hitched as he twisted around himself. The video wasn't new to him by any means, but it was good every time. He'd shot off to it more than a few times, imagining the dark-haired woman as Punk each time. She even had a lip ring just like his. He wondered if he should do a better job hiding his stash as he recalled Batista coming across it once while visiting and making the connection between the woman and Punk very quickly.
"Maybe," Punk didn't take a second glance at the TV. His gaze fell fully on Randy's body, on the way his chest rose and fell while he stroked away. His head was thrown back while he continued on, feeling the way Punk stared a hole through him. Punk grabbed on to his own dick roughly, applying lots of pressure while he watched Randy. It'd been some time since they'd done this together. 
Randy's eyes, as blue as ever, shot open to return a look at Punk. The flush of his cheeks had spread across his cheeks, adding ever so sweetly to that innocent look he loved to put on. Punk felt especially seen, an overwhelming sense of pleasure washing over him. 
"Don't you look pretty," Randy smiled at Punk like he was going to eat him up. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Punk did look pretty coming undone just thinking about Randy.
"Just for you, Randy." Punk pressed his thumb hard at the base of himself. The woman's moans felt much louder in Punk's ear than they actually were. Randy could barely even hear them with the blood rushing in his ears.
"Just for me, fuck." 
Randy groaned and took a deep breath. He let go of himself, to Punk's immense disappointment. Punk continued to stroke at the sight of Randy's wet cock bobbing in the air. Punk didn't know where he got the discipline from to just stop at a moment's notice. He certainly wasn't going to stop on Randy's accord. It was selfish, but Randy had come to expect it. He'd even started to get a thrill out of how much Punk couldn't contain himself.
"You can keep going, but I want you to come while I fuck you. So you'd better slow it down."
Punk made a tortured noise that was a cross between annoyance and restraint. He pouted and let his hand flop onto the couch.
"I think it's time for that other video now. This time, you go stand over there and close your eyes."
Randy sighed at the request, but obeyed. It only took a couple of minutes for Punk to swap out the DVDs and position himself on the bed. He arched himself up, shaking his hair out to get it nice and big, and turned his head his neck quickly to peek at Randy still standing in the corner. The remote rested right in front of him, ready for the final step.
"Alright, open."
There was a long, expected silence in the room. Punk kept his ass in the air and wished he could see Randy's expression. If he wasn't angry, he could bet he was surprised.
"What… the fuck?"
Randy could not take his eyes off the image of Punk's fucked out face filling the TV screen. He had a wild look in his eyes as he bit at the bottom of his smiling lip and looked right into the lens of the camera. Randy was right behind him, or at least the blurred movement of his legs were.
"I look hot, huh?"
Randy was too pissed to admit that he looked perfect. 
"When did you do this?" Randy's voice was dangerously low. 
"Does it matter?" Punk readjusted his arms. They were starting to cramp up.
"No, I guess it fucking doesn't." 
The weight of the bed dipped when Randy climbed onto it. He grabbed at Punk's neck hard and forced him to look into his face.
"Are you mad at me?" Punk tried to reach up to give Randy a kiss, but couldn't move a muscle.
Randy took a second to answer. He was mad. Not because he'd been filmed without permission, he didn't care about that. He was mad because Punk had done it first, the sneaky bastard. He'd been planning on asking him if he could have a camera going for a while now. Now he had to come up with some new idea to keep Punk interested.
"I bet you wish I was, I know you like it when I'm angry. No, I'm not mad. I think it's sexy."
Punk almost let the wind get taken out of his sails before hearing that Randy said he thought it was sexy. He pushed his body back into Randy eagerly and inched his way to the remote's play button.
The volume had been turned up significantly from the sudden sound of Punk laughing ringing in Randy's ears as the video started. Randy watched himself pull Punk across-- his own bed? He filmed this at his house? He'd know those dark sheets anywhere. Video Randy grabbed at Punk's waist and pulled them chest to chest together, almost out of frame. He leaned into suck at the flesh of Punk's neck hard, making Punk moan as they both fell back fully on the bed. 
It was all coming back to Randy. That session between them had been a particularly good one. Better than usual, and that was saying a lot. Seeing the video now, it all clicked in Randy's head. Punk put on an extra special show just for him. 
Punk felt the slicked up head of Randy's cock press at his hole. While he thought they were both watching the video in a daze, Randy had reached over to the bedside table to rub lube onto himself. 
Punk was on his back now in the video with Randy still incessantly kissing and sucking at his neck. Those bruises took forever to heal, he remembered. He sported them proudly around the locker room and let the other guys take a guess at which Diva had given them to him. With every new name that came out of their mouths, Punk laughed. Video Punk looked up into the camera when Randy entered him. 
Punk of real life's mouth fell open when Randy took the opportunity to slot himself inside of him. He pushed back onto his dick and fucked back while watched the video play. It was unfortunate that the hidden positioning of the camcorder had muffled its microphone. Punk caught a few snippets of whatever Randy had been whispering to him that night and felt his cock twitch below him. He always knew the perfect thing to say. Randy continued to grasp at Punk's hips while he watched the video. What had made him so passionate that night, he couldn't remember. He was at Punk's neck like a vampire, moving from side to side then reaching up to say something obscene in his ear.
Punk moaned a beat off of his moans from the video, filling the room with a loud cacophony of his own voice. He was never not selling it. The smooth, tanned, tattooed skin of Video Randy's back had a bit of a sheen covering it from sweating. Video Punk licked the sweat that dripped down onto his neck as he looked back into the camera, then quickly pulled Randy in for a messy kiss when he began to look up in the direction of the lens.
"Very sneaky of you," Randy growled above him. He was sort of embarrassed at how ready he was to come this soon. 
Punk was jumping out of his skin from Randy's pace. His cock swung around heavily below him, begging to be touched. He wanted to save it for right at the end, right at the perfect moment. Randy's legs shook as he continued to fuck Punk hard and the video played on. Not only did Punk look good, but he himself looked good. He always looked good, but seeing himself on video in the middle of sex really did something else for him. At least he knew if wrestling didn't work out, he could always be a pornstar.  
Punk angled up to reach at his cock at the impending finale. He just knew it would catch Randy off guard. He of course knew it was coming up. He'd watched the video about a million times before finally debuting it to Randy. 
Video Randy slowed down and grinded slowly into Punk, a lewd movement that made Video Punk's eyes shut. They were both about to come. 
"God, you look so good, baby." 
Randy delicately smoothed Punk's sweaty hair out of his face. In a moment that Punk was sure had to be a slice of heaven, Randy's lessened pace and loving expression sent him careening out to space. He returned the look back to him, his eyes saucer plate huge and adoringly staring at Randy. Together they both groaned in ecstasy, their orgasms wracking their bodies at the same time.
Punk's moan was guttural as he latched onto his dick and stroked. His come shot out on the comforter with rushed spurts that made his legs wobble. Randy followed suit shortly after, breathing heavily. It took him a long time to actually pull out of Punk. He waited for his blurred, wet vision to clear up while he watched the last minutes of the video. He had collapsed on top of Punk, whispering little inside jokes as they both tried not to pass out. Finally, Randy of real life pulled out and fell back on to the bed, his arms spread out while he stared up at the ceiling. Punk climbed off of the bed and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up. Randy hadn't moved an inch when he returned to lie down next to him.
"So, you gonna kick me out?"
Punk framed the question as a joke. Deep down he wasn't sure if Randy was going to send him packing, especially after his little videotape stunt.
"No, Punk. I want you to stay."
Punk didn't press his luck as he moved in closer to Randy's body and the video quietly stopped playing.
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Want To Be King
Pairing:  CM Punk x Fem Reader 
Summary: The reader has a unique wrestling career, facing the men everywhere she's gone, and surprises the world when she comes out to confront one of her old foes, the AEW world champion, CM Punk. leaving him speechless, he finds her backstage, trying to explain that he's not the same man he once was, with and without words…
Based off this song:
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1.3k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks 
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There was one thing in wrestling that always gave me the best rush, put a smile on my face when the crowd roared. Being a woman who wrestled in the men's division made it all better, but tonight? I had real business to attend to.
When I wanted something, I took it. This time was no different.
CM Punk was out in the ring, addressing the crowd as he just won the AEW World title, mentioning that he'd take any challenger and I put his words to the test, his body freezing in place, pupils expanded when my music hit.
No emotion on my face, just a laser lock on Punk because we had a wicked history. Once upon a time, he bullied me for being a woman who wrestled men, wrestled me in matches, and screwed me over so many times.
My blood has never pumped so hard, but I didn't show it. Getting into the ring, I took a microphone, circling around him slowly as he was taking a breath, already knowing what I had to say.
"Long time no see, Punk," I stopped in front of him, my tone having him breathing in deeply, "Now, I'm going to keep things short and simple because let's face it. I don't like you and I never have."
It was rare for the crowd to cheer against him, encouraging me to continue and I gladly did, stepping up to his face and saying softly:
"A good couple of years ago, you told me that I shouldn't be wrestling men, that wrestling is a man's world."
The look in my eyes and the smile on my face gave it all away, fixed on the world title that was on his shoulder, smiling more when I looked back up and challenged:
"If this is a man's world, then I want to be king."
"Y/N," He whispered; Of course, he didn't want this, leaning down a little more to try and talk to me without anyone hearing, but instead?
A nice headbutt to the nose knocked him to his ass, dropping his title and I quickly squatted down to grab it, having his eyes teary already, holding it and smirking:
"You were never afraid to knock me down before? Now, you have every right to."
He quickly shot up, getting into my face, but I didn't play into it, not giving him what he wanted always did more damage. Shoving the title back into his arms, I growled to him:
"You know the kind of woman that I am. I will be the king."
Shoving him one last time, I backed away slowly, blowing a kiss:
"Can be just like old times, except I win."
The first thing that I did when I got backstage was go find Tony Khan. I wanted this match and no one was stopping me from getting what I wanted. Of course, he wasn't with the tech team, so I went marching to his office, just to hear:
"Ah, ah little lady!"
Dax and Cash coincidentally were at his office door, making me laugh:
"Of course! Punk's little lapdogs are here!"
"Lapdogs, huh?" Dax stepped up and I actually admired that they were ready to go unlike Punk, but I ignored them when a voice down the hall called out:
"Guys, back down. I got this."
"You're giving me my match and that's that!" I turned as I heard Punk's voice, ready to fight again when he came over and grabbed my wrist:
"Be lucky that I only want to talk after what you just did."
"You sure you got this man?" Cash wanted to assure and Punk nodded, getting the door:
"We'll be in here. Let Khan know."
I made sure to slap his hand off my wrist when I stepped in, wanting this all to be over once the door was shut:
"Whatever you didn't have the balls to say out in the ring, say it now."
"God, what happened to you?" He looked, astonished by my attitude and language, laughing as I kindly let him know:
"You know that I have never liked you and unfortunately, you have what I want."
"Okay, Y/N. I get it," He held his face for a moment, collecting his thoughts, "I get that you don't like me, but what happened between us was forever ago! Why do you want this title now, hm? Just because I have it?"
"And if so?" I growled, crossing my arms, "You would do the same and you sure as hell can't deny that."
"The old me would have," He admitted, trying to explain, "But I'm not that same man."
"That trick ain't gonna work on me, Punk," I was unphased and just those few words weren't convincing in the slightest, "I'm not like these dumb kids nowadays that for some reason, looked up to you out of all people."
"I have admitted it before and will again, I used to be an asshole!" He stressed, taking a step closer to me, "Yeah, I bullied you when you first started out. You were a woman out there beating grown men. You were a threat! You know psychological warfare is a tactic regardless if you're a woman or a man. That's all it was and if you're still pained by that, I am sorry. And I'm sorry, but I'm not wrestling you for this."
"Scared you'll lose?" I laughed, looking up at him with a glare, "I'm stronger now than ever, you know that and I can see it in your eyes."
"If you could truly see into my eyes, you'd know the truth," He whispered, looking back down and he was only trying to fool me again, but I played in a little:
"If I don't know the truth, then tell me. I'd love to hear."
"You still can't tell why I bullied you?" He cocked his eyebrow slightly, waiting for the answer he thought was typical:
"You can't beat-"
Before I could finish, he hit me with a truth that I couldn't find believable, kissing me hard, holding my face still to let it grow deeper, even having me kiss back a little while remembering our whole past.
It was undeniable the passion he brought into it, one arm around my neck then around my hip, hugging tightly and when he loosened up, eyes closed while our lips parted, I had to blink a few times, seeing the old him in front of me and then to now.
Maybe he did change after all.
"Things don't have to be this way," He opened his eyes, hoping he got his point across, "Let the past just be the past because we can have an incredible future, Y/N."
I wasn't sure what to say and the timing couldn't be better, stepping away from him and fixing myself right as Tony walked into the room, looking at us:
"Y/N! My goodness, I never expected this."
"Sorry for the sudden pop-up," I chuckled, Punk taking the lead before I could say more:
"We're sorry about this. Just let an old pot stir a little is all."
Punk took my hand again, ready to walk out of the door, having Tony open it kindly, but confusing him:
"So, where are we going with this?"
That kiss said a lot, but after what I did tonight? The burning fire in me? Thinking back on all the times Punk took the lead on something of mine?
Not this time.
Gosh, his face was priceless when I took my hand away, smiling in his face as I shut the door in it: 
"I want to be king." 
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randyortonofficial · 6 months
title: show me something real (click here for the ao3 version) pairing: cody rhodes/randy orton (candy), hhh/punk if you squint SUPER hard word count: 4975 important tags: shower sex, dirty talk description: People in the locker rooms might be throwing a fit about the return of CM Punk tonight. They may just be trying to find Hunter to bitch about it and demand an explanation, but it’s not something Cody and Randy think too much about, not when they have each other to focus all their attention on.
Because who the hell cares about CM Punk when Cody’s husband is back in town to give him the dirtiest sex in the world whenever they want?
It was the best Survivor Series night of Cody’s career.
Previously, it was Survivor Series back in 2008. That was the one he and Randy won, both of them being the sole survivors out of all the ten participants in the match, and thusly, a foreshadowing to their eventual future together.
They weren’t the sole survivors of this one. It was a special Wargames matchup, focused mainly on destruction instead of elimination, and Randy was only in the match for the last ten minutes, but he had finally returned back to WWE after being out for eighteen long, long months and Cody was going super stir crazy as a result.
Hell, he almost wished for another injury so he could keep recovering at home with his husband by his side. The pec injury did give them some precious time together, but there was still about eleven months to account for.
Not anymore though.
Now, Randy is back.
Randy is back, and here to stay, and now he and Cody can get it on in a major way.
(As Randy had so eloquently told Cody when he landed in town last night).
“We had a pretty tough match, huh?” Randy lets out a long sigh as he stretches his arms up high. “We should uh… shower off.” He crosses his arms over his chest before leaning against the wall. His steel blue eyes roam all over Cody with purpose, his gaze lingering in certain places. “Clean up some before going out. Don’t you agree?”
Cody’s grin spreads so wide across his face that it actually kind of hurts. As he opens his mouth to enthusiastically agree with him, he’s cut off by someone’s strong arm wrapping around his shoulders from behind.
He and Randy frown and both furrow their eyebrows together before looking to the man at Cody’s side.
“Hunter,” Randy starts, “can me and Codes have a moment?”
“Just excited to see my favorite couple back in WWE!” Hunter praises. “Hey guys, tell me something.”
Cody and Randy both immediately answer with, “something,” and as Hunter rolls his eyes, they both chuckle at each other.
They both really are just so funny sometimes.
“What do you guys think of Phil being back?”
“What’d you offer to get him back here?” Randy asks. “A win against Roman at Wrestlemania?”
“A spot on WWE’s board of directors?” Cody adds.
“All the ice cream bars in the world?”
“A chance to set Colt Cabana on fire?”
“Your big, fat co-”
“Are you guys gonna keep going back and forth with each other until I leave you two alone to do whatever the hell it is you guys do now?”
“Yup.” Randy raises his eyebrows and holds out his hand. “Can I get my husband back now?”
With a sigh, Hunter unwraps his arm from Cody and holds up his hands in defeat. “He’s all yours. Whatever you guys do though, uh,” he shoves his hands into his pockets and looks them both over as they hold onto each other’s hands, “don’t make it too obvious what you decide to do with each other. You know what I mean?”
“You mean hardcore sex with each other?”
Hunter blinks at Randy a few times before pressing his lips together in a strained, but still fond smile, the kind that comes along with mentoring Randy Orton for near two decades. “Good to have you back, Randy.” He pats Randy’s shoulder before looking to Cody and telling him, “keep making sure he stays out of trouble.”
Randy groans and rolls his eyes while Cody chuckles. “Hey!” Randy calls out. “I’ve been on my best behavior for thirteen years now!”
Hunter holds up a middle finger in the air as he continues down the hall, right before disappearing down another one.
“How come nobody ever tells me to make sure you stay out of trouble?” Randy mentions while he and Cody make their way down to Cody’s locker room.
“Because I never get into it.”
“Neither do I.”
“Not anymore with my influence.” Cody squeezes Randy’s hand and smiles over at him. “Kidding, obviously, I know a lot of it was your doing. However,” he walks in front of Randy, still holding his hand, and raises an eyebrow, “I would like for you to be on your bad behavior real soon.”
With a smirk and a rising hum, Randy tilts his head back to show off the column of his throat. He proceeds to look Cody over and licks his lips as he surveys his body, so much different then from when they first got together all those years ago.
He’s no longer some toned twink with a hairless chest and delicate limbs. He’s got huge biceps now, hair all over his chest and leading down chiseled abs, he’s got that pec tattoo of his dad’s name and his logo tattooed on his bicep (after Randy talked him out of doing it on his neck), and he’s an absolutely manly man now.
He always was, but it’s much more prominent this time. Cody carries this distinct alpha-like air, he walks the halls with confidence and commands everyone’s attention…
… and yet, despite what Randy sees in front of him, he still sees that toned twink with the hairless chest and delicate limbs.
Randy takes in a deep breath as he lets go of Cody’s hand. “We gotta go wash up,” he tells him in a low tone.
And suddenly, he’s bending down onto a knee to hoist Cody up over his shoulder like he weighs nothing at all. To Randy, this will always be the case, and Cody is thankful that, after all this time, Randy can still pick him up and throw him around with ease. It was something he worried about when he started to gain muscle, if it would affect their sexual dynamic, but it’s only intensified what they’ve been doing with each other.
As Randy continues down the hall, Cody raises his head to look down the other way. There’s a blush on his cheeks and it grows much more seeing Phil at the other end.
Phil tilts his head. He blinks at the two men as he casually waves their way.
Cody waves back before Randy disappears with him down the hall.
Phil from the past would have given Cody and Randy a lot of shit for being so open about doing this kind of thing where anyone could see, but they’ve all let bygones be bygones at this point. Phil might not have changed in some ways, but he has in others. It depends on who you ask whether they think Phil has truly changed.
People in the locker rooms might be throwing a fit about the return of CM Punk tonight. They may just be trying to find Hunter to bitch about it and demand an explanation, but it’s not something Cody and Randy think too much about, not when they have each other to focus all their attention on.
Who the hell cares about CM Punk when Cody’s husband is back in town to give him the dirtiest sex in the world whenever they want?
  After setting Cody down on his feet on the floor, Randy leans in to murmur into his ear, “get undressed.”
And he doesn’t have to tell Cody twice.
His boots have to come off first before he can pull down his tights. He hears the water running nearby and raises his head to see the wonderful sight of a naked Randy under the showerhead. It motivates him to quickly rid the rest of his ring gear, to the point he almost trips stepping out of his tights, and Randy has to laugh at his dramatic, eager display.
“Fuck, you really couldn’t wait, could you?” Randy asks as he leans against the tile, his big arms crossed over his even bigger chest. “Were you that desperate, baby boy?”
Baby boy.
The familiar nickname cuts through Cody’s facade and sentences it to death immediately. That bravado of a confident man who can command the ring and inspire others with his effortless leadership has now reverted back to that lost boy still trying to figure out his footing in the world and had to rely on Randy to help him through to the other side.
Cody’s mouth goes dry looking at Randy. He has to grab onto the bar in the shower to steady himself as he steps onto the tile, water gently splashing under his feet. His grip tightens on the bar and he’s whimpering out, “yes, daddy.”
Cody was really proud of himself for gaining all this muscle. Being a pretty boy was fun, and he misses it at times, but he’s at a place where he’s fully confident with his body. People take him seriously now, they see him as the leader he’s worked so hard to be, and it’s great to no longer be wondering what his purpose is or what sort of path his career is going to take.
But Randy sees him for all that he is.
Randy sees him as that confident leader, but he also still remembers Cody as that boy who desperately needs to be taken in his big, strong arms and fucked relentlessly until he forgets everything but his name.
Cody’s so big now, but Randy is, somehow, even bigger.
Randy is the most shredded he’s ever been in his life. Fuck, even his muscles have muscles. Cody’s pretty sure Randy developed muscles he never knew existed and it’s such a crazy thing to think when they’ve been together for over a decade but Randy continues to blow his mind, day in and day out. Those muscles, the arms and the thighs, oh god, the thighs, Cody can never get over those beautiful fucking thighs, and then there’s his cock-
His thick fucking cock. Thicker than any other part of his body.
A hot breath pushes past his pretty, pink lips as he watches Randy’s fingers wrap around his hardening erection. His own fingers are twitching, wanting more than anything to reach out and touch but despite his best efforts, he’s frozen in place. As if being held there by another presence so strong that he can’t even attempt to step into it, not without permission-
“What are you waiting for?”
Cody looks up into Randy’s eyes with his own, bright and blue, as Randy pulls him right up against his body with his other hand.
Randy looks down into Cody’s eyes with his own, a cold and calculated steel. He smirks before letting his tongue swipe out along his lips. Gently, he lets go of Cody’s hand and he holds his own up in the air, appearing to offer himself in his entirety to the other man. With Randy’s implied permission, Cody finds it in himself to finally touch him and he can’t even help the moan that falls from his lips as he grabs Randy’s biceps. The heat in his eyes is prominent watching his hands move up those strong arms he’s fantasized so much about, a heat that burns up, flares hot when they make eye contact again.
Cody swallows his arousal down enough for him to speak. “I missed you like this,” he says just above a whisper. “Thought about it so much.”
“Yeah, daddy did too,” Randy’s voice rumbles out as he leans in, so close their foreheads almost touch but not quite. His hands then slip down Cody’s back to grab his ass, squeeze it tight in his hands, and he grins at the gasp Cody exhales against his lips.
“Thought about this every day, you know that?” He then moves his mouth by Cody’s ear to whisper, “getting my baby boy alone again, doing whatever the fuck I want to him.”
With a whine, Cody closes his eyes. “God, I need you,” he pleads. “I can’t wait anymore for it-”
“You were pretty fucking obvious about it out there,” Randy scoffs. “You were calling the shots out there just fine earlier. Telling everyone what to do, taking charge and taking names and all of a sudden I walk out there…” He bites at Cody’s earlobe to drag it out with his teeth, and as Cody moans, Randy is fully pressing their foreheads together. “... you turn right back into a slut for me. And you let everyone knew it too, I fucking saw you spreading your legs out there when I gave that RKO to JD-”
“I-I couldn’t help it, daddy.” Cody’s hands move over Randy’s shoulders and down his broad pecs. “Reminded me what it was like… all those years ago in Legacy…”
His hands continue downwards over his abs. Twitching fingers run along the ridges of Randy’s muscles and press into the skin just to feel how firm and hard they are. Cody bites back his moan at first before deciding to let it out, because it’s just the both of them here in this shower and he has no reason to hide how much he wants the much bigger man in front of him. Sure, they could just do this back on Cody’s tour bus, but where’s the fun in that? Why do it there when they can do it here, just like old times?
“Back when I had no idea what I was doing,” Cody chuckles quietly. “And I just followed your every word. Watched your every action. Trusted you, at every second, to take care of me…” And as his hands roam back up to grip tight at Randy’s shoulders, he looks back into his eyes before telling him, a low voice that drips with desire, “begging for you to take me.”
In an instant, Randy has his hand pressing Cody to the wall by his throat. It has Cody gasping out for air and darkens his eyes so much so that you can’t even make out the bright blue anymore, eyes now a mystifying shade of absolute lust.
Randy bites his lip as his eyes encircle Cody’s features. Those mystifying eyes and those pretty, pink, and naturally pouty lips. There’re crinkles at the corners of Cody’s eyes now, a fact of getting older, and his life experiences show better over his features, no longer that perfect babyface from years ago, at least not in appearance’s sake, but in state of mind, this will always be the core of who Cody is.
Doesn’t matter how many press conferences Cody does, how many suits he wears, or how many people he’s able to lead, because he will always bow down to Randy Orton.
Then, now, and until the end of time.
Cody watches Randy with baited breath, eyes as dark as the night that they’re heading for together. He can barely focus because he’s so aching hard and dying for Randy to soothe the pain that came from waiting for him to come back, waiting month after month after month, fuck, so many of them and it seemed never ending, just like the building anticipation between them in this shower.
Randy narrows his eyes. “And that’s what you want, isn’t it?” he asks quietly. “For me to take you again?”
Cody swallows heavily. He nods as best he can. “More than anything, daddy.”
“Well, you don’t gotta worry anymore, baby,” Randy murmurs as he begins to lean in. “Cause daddy’s back home…”
Although he takes Cody’s lips so ruthlessly, it is done with great care. Randy is taking whatever his heart desires, but it just so happens that Cody’s heart wants the same exact. It’s just the way Cody likes it when it’s been as long as it has - powerful, insistent, and so sloppy that it makes even the most experienced people blush.
Layers of steam shroud their bodies as the hot water rains down, which besides the benefit of adding to the growing atmosphere of lust, provides much relief to their sore bodies from earlier in the night. The droplets steadily roll down their wet skin, it drips down Randy’s pec and onto Cody’s stomach and it’s just wonderful how they’re so connected right now. Their tongues are eagerly rolling over each other’s mouths, slipping past the plush lines to dance within, and they’re biting too, biting and sucking, licking and pressing, gasping and moaning in between.
As far as Cody and Randy are concerned, they have the whole night to show each other just how much they’ve missed one another.
It’s not certain how long it’s been when they pull away, and it’s just barely. Cody rolls his lips back between his teeth as his eyes dip to Randy’s lips, and his breath hitches when Randy wipes his tongue out. Randy gives Cody’s throat one more squeeze before his hands latch onto his hips, and then he’s leaning forward to sink his teeth into Cody’s neck. It pulls a loud gasp from Cody’s lips, his eyes widening before they flutter shut, and his head rolls off to the side as Randy begins to suck at his skin.
After the third time, however, Randy is pressing his tongue to the column of Cody’s throat to tantalizingly lick all the way up to Cody’s lips, though he doesn’t kiss him again. He just lets his breath hotly ghost out over Cody’s mouth and Cody is whining out loud because fuck, Randy’s lips are right there, what the fuck is he trying to pull? Why is he depriving him, depriving them?
“I wanna see that mouth get put to work, boy,” Randy drawls. “Understand?”
Cody’s eyes light up immensely.
He can’t remember the last time he’s wanted to suck off Randy so bad. Fuck, he can’t remember when he’s wanted anything ever in his life so bad.
A nod from Cody is all Randy needs to growl at him, “good. Show me what those pretty, dick-sucking lips of yours can do.”
And then Randy is gripping tight at Cody’ hair to force him down onto his knees. He’s pulling Cody’s face forward and thrusts against his lip with a groan, and Cody is moaning as he sticks out his tongue to curl around the head. He lids his eyes open at the other man and grabs onto his hips, nail pressing into the skin.
“C’mon, I don’t got all day,” Randy warns. “Take me in, now.”
Cody doesn’t protest, doesn’t say a word as he licks right up Randy’s shaft before taking him in, all the way. Randy lets out a loud moan, eyes closing and his head lulling back.
“Fuck.” Randy’s fingers thread back into Cody’s blonde threads. “Holy fuck, Cody, that’s it.”
He’s moaning, over and over, as he quickly moves his mouth. The heady taste of Randy’s musk, that tinge of saltiness and ounces of sweetness drive Cody crazy. Randy carries just a little bit of everything to keep Cody coming back for more, and he decides to deepthroat him again, and again, and again, with relative ease.
Cody’s letting all the fantasies he’s had about their reunion guide his movements. His hands can’t help but to wander over Randy’s firm, sculpted abs and he moans feeling how hard he is under his fingertips. The knowledge of what a big, powerful man he’s somehow managed to marry sends flares of arousal throughout his body, causes his hole to clench around the nothing, and he’s whining out after pulling to the tip.
“Fuck, I missed my daddy.”
“Miss him telling you what to do?” Randy breathes out as he yanks Cody back by his hair to stare down into those beautiful eyes. “Making you do what he wants?”
“Can you fuck my mouth?” Cody asks so sweet. “Please, can you fuck it? Use me? Please?”
“Fuck yeah, I can,” Randy groans out, steadying Cody’s head with one hand as the other steadies his cock at the base to rub it along Cody’s pretty lips. Randy moans as Cody gives the tip a little suckle, because Cody can’t fucking help himself when Randy tastes so good, better than anyone and anything. “Yeah, open up wide for your daddy, baby boy…”
The moaning Cody gives is muffled as Randy pushes past his lips to sink his cock down his throat. He has no time to even grab at Randy to keep himself grounded before Randy is grabbing both of his wrists to pin them high up on the shower tile.
“Take it, Cody, be a good boy and take it,” Randy growls at him as he sinks his nails into Cody’s wrists. Cody is gagging around Randy as Randy continues to push in, but when he can’t anymore, he starts to swivel his hips around, moaning as he does so.
Cody is settled on his knees, right at Randy’s mercy. He is helpless as Randy keeps him pinned to the wall by his wrists, and he only needs one hand to do so. One hand practically crushes his wrists in their grip as the other hand threads right back into his hair to tug at the strands, and it makes his scalp burn but only in the best way, as it always is with Randy.
He’s using Cody just like Cody wants. No regard for his being (at least on the surface) and using his mouth solely as a vehicle for his own pleasure. Cody can’t even move, the only thing he really can do is gag around Randy everytime he pushes in too far or flex his fingers, maybe even tense his thighs. Sometimes, he looks up to Randy and even through the tears beading at the corners of his eyes, it’s clear to him how much Randy is enjoying his velvety hot mouth.
As Randy continues to fuck his throat raw, all Cody can think about is being a good boy for him. Being a good hole and letting Randy take him, wreck him, and destroy him, just like he did all those years ago, because things never really do change, don’t they?
With a loud groan, Randy pulls Cody down all the way and swivels his hips once more. He tugs at Cody’s hair and begins to pull him to the tip, and with the way Randy’s breathing is getting, Cody can tell he’s about halfway there. It means he has other ideas in mind, and in all of Cody’s excitement and hopefulness, he’s whining out at his beloved, “I’ve been wanting you, Randy, I’ve always fucking wanted you, god, I need you to give it to me, I need you to just fuck me and I’ll be a good boy, I’ll always be a good boy, please Randy, please daddy, please, please, please-”
“God fucking damn, Cody,” Randy huffs out a laugh as he looks up to the ceiling. He shakes his head in amazement. “Thirteen fucking years, and you’re still as much of a desperate slut like you were the first time. You’re fucking perfect, you know that?”
The praise has Cody giving a little trill. “I am?”
“Always. Now get the fuck up and turn your pretty little ass around, boy.”
The moment Randy removes his hands from him, Cody is instantly scrambling against the wall to pull himself up to his feet. He goes to turn around but Randy is doing the honors for him, easily turning Cody to shove him up against the wall and grabbing at his hips to pull him back so his ass can present itself.
His ass is actually much bigger than it was in the past. There’s much more meat to it, and it’s obvious in any pants he wears, or right now, what he doesn’t wear. It grew with him like his muscles, and Randy has always been so appreciative and supportive of the work Cody has put into his body. They got together when Cody was leaned and toned, more of a pretty boy than the obvious manly man he now is, but Randy still treats Cody the same way he did all those years ago.
And right now, Cody is so thankful for that.
It hurts when Randy pushes into him, but it’s what he expected, what he needed. Cody needs that pain, the excruciating stretch, the heat of Randy’s hands on his body to keep his back arched so pretty as the water continue to cascade over them from above. Randy pulls out to the tip just to slowly push all the way back in and Cody’s eyes almost roll into the back of his head as he lets out a long, and almost whiny moan out into the open.
“That’s it,” Randy murmurs as he continues with his movements - slow, but each thrust packing a hard punch. “Taking me so good, baby boy. Doesn’t matter how many times I fuck you, you’re always gonna be tight for your daddy, huh? The perfect fit?”
Cody whimpers and nods. “A-Always, daddy-”
He gasps as Randy grabs his throat from behind. His eyes fall shut and he doesn’t move a muscle as Randy leads him up to stand up a bit more, until they’re both standing up straight. Randy’s breath is ghosting over his ear, hot air expelling from his mouth in short bursts as he breathes in and out.
“You said you were always gonna be good for me, right?” Randy grumbles into his ear.
“Always,” Cody whispers. “Wouldn’t be anything else.”
Randy’s lips slowly widen into a proud smirk. “Good boy,” he whispers in turn before kissing Cody’s cheek. “Daddy loves you, you know that?”
“I-I love you too-”
Cody’s voice cracks when Randy squeezes his throat. He’s gasping out for air before Randy spanks him, the sound cracking throughout, and he’s crying out right as Randy begins to give it him with all the strength he has and fuck, is there so much of it. If it was Cody from years ago, he might even say it’s too much but he can take whatever Randy throws at him now.
Randy is brutally hammering away into Cody, hand under Cody’s chin and over his throat, fingers almost crushing Cody’s jaw with the kind of hold he’s adopted. It hurts, god, it hurts, it’s never hurt like this before, but it’s never felt so damn good like this either.
Cody is a willing slave to Randy’s desires. He has no more theory of mind, no thoughts beyond RandyRandyRandy and please more and daddydaddydaddy, he is a mere shell, a being comprised of all of Randy’s dirtiest fantasies and he can’t think of a sweeter fate. He cries out with each slam of Randy’s hips, over and over again. Even with his eyes screwed so tightly shut, the tears manage to find their way out to roll down his cheeks. Randy is truly giving him everything and it’s shocking, tragic even, that none of the men Cody has been with could ever induce this in him. All of this wonderful sex, the best sex in the world, locked behind the closet of a straight man that only Cody held the key for.
“Oh my - fuck - R-Randy, Randy,” Cody sobs, “Randy, please-”
“Yeah, say my fucking name,” Randy growls. “You like this, baby? You like being used like a fucking slut?”
“Yes, daddy, just your slut, daddy,” Cody gasps.
“Want daddy to fill you up? Give you his come, is that what you want, baby boy, huh? Is it what you need?”
“Need it, daddy, please, need your come-”
“I bet you fucking need it, you little whore,” he growls out as his other hand pulls one of Cody’s back to keep it behind Cody’ back, grip on Cody’s wrist so hard it’s pressing against bone, and it hurts, it’ll leave bruises with all the others that are forming on Cody, and Cody loves it, fuck, he welcomes it.
He loves everything Randy does to him, and he loves it even more when Randy fills him up with a long and loud groan. His wrist and chin hurt like fucking hell, to the point it makes him wanna cry, but it’s what he needs, he needs to be dominated, to be told what to do and not given a choice because this is what he knows so intimately.
Despite everything that’s happened in his life, and all Cody has gone through, this is where he feels the most comfort. It’s how he can escape from the responsibilities he has now. No thoughts beyond letting Randy take control of him, take care of him, he gets to let Randy call all the shot and he can go back to being that lost boy still trying to figure out his footing in the world, the boy who had to rely on Randy to help him through to the other side.
Cody comes along with Randy, the both of them pretty much in sync now with the amount of times they’ve fucked at this point. Randy’s grip on Cody begins to loosen in the wondrous afterglow of their shared orgasms, and the gentle, butterfly kisses he trails over Cody’s neck and shoulders is a welcomed juxtaposition to his harsh treatment mere minutes ago. Cody’s shoulders slump with relaxation under the kisses and he flexes his fingers in appreciation for the newfound freedom. Randy’s hands are kneading his sides in soothing ministrations and after letting his lips graze up Cody’s neck to his ear, he whispers, “I really missed you, Cody.”
Cody tilts his head to the side. He lets out a long sigh, just to get his breath back, and is able to muster a smile. “You think being all soft now will make up for the way you fucked me just now?”
A chuckle rumbles up from Randy’s throat. “Abso-fuckin-lutely,” he drawls. “Is it working?”
After pressing a gentle kiss to his husband’s lips, Cody tells him, “yeah. It really is.”
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sugarlow23 · 7 months
Rambling Devil Theory under the cut. Posting before (presumably) their real identity is revealed at Full Gear tomorrow.
TL;DR: I think, thematically, The Devil should be Jack Perry. He's mad that MJF had the audacity to have a face turn through the power of friendship after being the catalyst for Jack abandoning his friendship with Hook to turn heel.
Back in march of this year MJF confronted Jack in the ring. In an incredible monologue Max tells Jack that he has all the makings of being a champion and a worthy rival for him but is being held back by his friendships. Crucially, he also specifically says that he's going to be held back by his newest friend Hook, too.
"You just had to be the good guy for these people? Really? These people?" he says with disdain as he motions to the crowd outside the ring. "Where has being a good guy gotten you?"
At that point MJF was world champion and Jack... Jack was still just Jungle Boy. The gimmick name sounds silly when MJF says it like that. Just Jungle Boy.
"When I become world champion, at least I won't wake up alone every day and hate the person I see in the mirror." Jack says before the cameras cut out.
Then, several months later, after escalating brutality in the ring, Jack had his heel turn at Forbidden Door. He attacked his then tag team partner and only remaining friend, Hook, as they were heading backstage together after Jack's loss.
Jack then set his sights on the FTW championship. He won it from Hook at Blood and Guts in july but when he became increasingly unhinged and attempted to retire the belt in an elaborate in-ring funeral with a hammer Hook returned to stop him. After a brief fight Hook challenged Jack for a rematch at All In.
The All In pre-show match ended with Hook regaining the title followed by the now infamous fight between Jack and CM Punk. Both of them ended up leaving the the arena in disgrace that night. CM Punk was eventually fired for the incident while Jack was suspended indefinitely. Any storylines that had been planned for him were dashed - and as one of AEW's Four Pillars there were definitely stories planned.
But while Jack was having the worst time of his life MJF was experiencing a face turn through the power of friendship. At that same pay-per-view MJF fought his best friend Adam Cole and instead of turning on each other the experience only served to strengthen their bond.
So Jack was forced to sit at home and watch as MJF discarded his own advise about friendship to became more and more popular as a face. Despite still being an asshole Max now had the crowd on his side. He'd become the people's scumbag. And he was happier than ever.
Jack followed MJF's advise. He became selfish. He threw away his friendships. He put himself first. And this was where it lead: being miserable and alone.
I think this is when Jack, fueled by anger and frustration, snuck into MJF's locker room and stole the devil mask. He attacked Jay specifically to frame MJF. Then later he attacked the acclaimed simply to hurt people he saw as MJF's friends. He wants Max to feel cornered and alone.
And the timing works out! Shortly after The Devil was first seen there were reports that Jack Perry was no longer indefinitely suspended. The phrasing from a source at the time makes it sound like AEW was putting more distance between Jack and the fight while setting things up for his return.
Admittedly, this is where my theory breaks down. Jack has motive to do all of this but I can't account for the other four guys that accompany The Devil. For this to work the other masked assailants have to be hired goons and not other wrestlers because Jack doesn't have friends or a faction that would help him out. In fact, this theory hinges specifically on him not having friends.
But that's how I would have written this story if I were Tony Khan.
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blueonwrestling · 1 year
@alanangels asked me for a reccomendation on some Jay Briscoe matches and I thought it’d be a great idea to share just in general some of Jay’s best singles and tag matches that i would highly reccomend.
These are just the matches that are on youtube, there are COUNTLESS more matches out there from Jay and Mark that I would go out of your way to look up, but this is a solid start.
obviously i’m going to exclude the Briscoes vs FTR in their classic trilogy last year as this is probably alot of peoples first experience with the Briscoes and we all know how amazing those matches are.
Jay Briscoe vs Bryan Danielson, ROH Final Battle 2003 27/12/2003
The Briscoes vs Bryan Danielson/Samoa Joe, ROH Battle Line are Drawn 10/01/2004
The Briscoes vs CM Punk/Colt Cabana 2 out of 3 falls, ROH Death Before Dishonor II Night One
The Briscoes vs MCMG, ROH Good Times Great Memories 28/04/2007
The Briscoes vs Kevin Steen/Generico ROH Man Up 15/09/2007
The Kings Of Wrestling vs. The Briscoes, ROH Death Before Dishonor 8 19/06/10
Jay Briscoe vs Jay Lethal ROH Best in the World 19/06/15 
I could go on for fucking ever here, and there are PLENTY not on youtube, but just a taste of those 7 matches there plus FTR vs Briscoes from last year is a good taste of the pure raw nature of Jay Briscoe.
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mystalwartheart · 16 days
name. Jill Valentine
nickname(s). Jillybean, JV, Val, Regina, The Master of Unlocking
title. Branch Captain, Special Tactics and Rescue Service Los Angeles-Pacific and Senior Field Agent, Bioterrorism Task Force
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Private, like a lot of Jill's personal life. She is either mixed or part of a diaspora though, so her spiritual beliefs likely reflect that blending of cultures.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience/ justice
primary goals in life. To be the best person she can for the people in her life, and to "protect and serve" where possible. She hopes to play some small part in building a better world for the Year 2000 and beyond.
languages known. English, Tahitian, German (fluent), Korean, Spanish, Dutch (some). Do please note her mun is not fluent in all these languages XD
quirks. - She's a young woman from Los Angeles. It's the 1980s. Do the math XD If you see this side of her, it means she trusts and feels comfortable around you.
savvies. - Physical strength, agility, martial arts, military tactics, operational strategy, criminology, leadership, navigation, maritime and civil engineering, stealth, the ability to sustain deep cover, lockpicking, explosive ordinance disposal, combat diving, classical piano, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, cooking, singing
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 172 cm (5 ft 8 in)
weight. 56 kg (123 lb)
scars/birthmarks. None to speak of.
abilities/powers. - Natural immunity to mutagenic viral strains such as the Clay Progenitor Virus and its descendants.
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Honestly? Probably hamburgers: They're fast, compact and filling. Hinano is right up the street from her, and In-n-Out is all over the city.
favourite drink. Smoothies!
topping. Your basic pepperoni.
favourite colour. Blue
favourite music genre. You'll most likely catch her listening to pop, but Jill is an ex-rock groupie from LA and her sis is in a punk/chamber pop revival band. She has harder stuff in her library, and don't forget this is also the era where there's a lot of overlap between those genres.
favourite book genre. Literary fiction
favourite movie genre. Anything lighthearted or thought-provoking. Jill doesn't like being reminded of work off the clock, so nothing super dramatic or angsty.
favourite season. Summer
favourite curse word. "Damn" or "Shit"
favourite scent. Giorgio Beverly Hills
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. Top as a general rule, unless you're really special to her.
loud burper or soft burper. Uh, you won't hear anything because that's uncouth and not ladylike??
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no - More like tolerates. You'll get an exasperated groan, but she'll still probably smile at least a little.
their opinion on the mun. "She cares a lot, is very loyal and dedicated but she works too much. She needs to take care of herself and rest more. We're alike in that way."
Tagged by @red-man-of-mustache
Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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droptoeholdyourhorses · 9 months
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Thankfully I got to Wembley and back without running into any issues with the trains. Even just getting on at the station, I saw four other people wearing wrestling shirts and that number gradually increased the closer it got to London. The whole day had a similar atmosphere to when I attended WrestleMania 31. Wrestling. Fans. Everywhere.
I was up in the nosebleeds so not the best of views, having to rely on the screen above the ring for most of the night. The atmosphere more than made up for it. Although I am jealous of my work mate who also attended, had floor seats, and can be seen multiple times in the crowd throughout the show.
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Ticketmaster told me the doors opened at 3:30, that Zero Hour would start at 5, and the main show would start at 6. Thank goodness I was in my seat by 4:15 because otherwise I would have missed Powerhouse Hobbs and Miro who were in the ring at 4:30. Imagine still being in line at the merch stand instead. Side note - I thought WWE replica titles were pricey going for £300 to £450. AEW replicas start at £650 and go up to £850.
From where I was sat, I had no clue it was Anthony Ogogo with Paul Wight and Grado. Genuinely thought it was Wardlow at first. Mercedes got a good reaction the first time she was shown but got a better pop the second time once more fans had filled in and the main show was underway.
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I saw Aussie Open compete at NJPW Royal Quest in August 2019 and I didn't think much of them at the time. Fair play to the lads, they've had a hell of a few years since. Would have hoped for them to hold onto the ROH tag titles for longer. Don't think they'll be complaining about opening All In against the hottest act in the company though.
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Not much reaction to this match in my section, although people were glad to see HOOK get the win. Jack Perry doing Rolling Thunder on top of the limo was also impressive. I do wonder how a casual fan checking out the show would react to Perry's comment about the limo having real glass.
"Well, duh, what else would it be?"
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Every time I have seen Samoa Joe live, he's gotten a positive reaction whether playing face or heel. CM Punk was met with a mixed response, although I couldn't see anyone that didn't sing along with Cult of Personality. I understand the logic of "I'm gonna take your Real World Championship simply so you can't have it." I don't understand the logic of AEW promoting matches for a fake title. Will Thunder Rosa declare herself the Real Women's Champion when she returns? If this does end up being Punk's swansong, there are worse ways to go. From an on-screen perspective at least.
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Omega, Ibushi, and Page losing was not popular with the live crowd, getting some "bull plop" chants. I wasn't that fussed personally, think it makes sense for Takeshita to keep building momentum ahead of the singles with Kenny. The six-man tag was fine for what it was but I wouldn't say there was anything particularly memorable here either.
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Ahead of their usual Superkick Party theme, the Young Bucks had a short "Another One Bites The Dust" parody "A Superkick Knocks You Out". It wouldn't be the last time an act on the show would shoehorn in a Queen song. Both teams put on a solid match as you'd expected, definitely picking up the pace as it went on. Surprised that FTR retained given Cash's recent issues. Wembley was most respectful of the manner, singing "Wheeler's Got a Gun" to the tune of "Give It Up".
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I like Eddie Kingston. I like Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends. I like the Blackpool Combat Club. It's a shame I was limited as to how much I got to see of them. And that's not because of the cheap seats. Stadium Stampede was always going to be a hard watch live with ten different guys in four or five different places at once. It felt like Eddie was gone for most of the match. Penta's transformation from El Zero Miedo to Oscuro did not come across well live either. Was mostly met by confusion and laughter. Massive reactions for Orange and of course SUE! Great to see Cassidy, Trent and Chuck get the win on such a big stage.
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Remember the band Queen? Saraya sure does. Remember Queen Elizabeth II? Toni Storm sure does. Remember great women's wrestling? Tony Khan might be forgetting it. This match suffered from its placement on the card and there wasn't much crowd noise for it, at least where I was sat. Toni Storm accidentally decking Saraya's mum drew an "ooooooo" and Saraya got a good pop for the win.
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I've now seen Sting wrestle for four different promotions - WWA, TNA, WWE, and AEW. It's amazing that he's still going at 64 and having such a great run to boot. Massive reaction for his old WCW theme Seek and Destroy too.
I saw a Casket match between Mr. Anderson and Bully Ray at a TNA show in 2014. Except they had a cheap wooden casket that looked like it would fall apart any second. I think the four guys in this would have preferred it, given how often each did a spot directly onto the coffin itself. Everyone delivered in this one.
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Before making his proper entrance, Chris Jericho decided to mimic Freddie Mercury. Can't think why. Judas is a catchy song and having 80,000+ singing it all at once was immense. I know people wanted to see Will Ospreay against someone else, such as a third match with Kenny Omega, but I was hyped for this one. Always been a Jericho fan, one of the first wrestlers I remember seeing when I started watching in 2001. Ospreay is tremendous and I had only seen him live in a throwaway tag match previously. These two knocked it out of the park and this was probably my match of the night.
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As soon as I got to Wembley Stadium and found my spot in the massive queue, there were already people singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". There were tributes to Bray Wyatt throughout the night and it reached its most poignant during House of Black's entrance.
Quite a contrast then when The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn won, leading to the World's Largest Scissoring.
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Oh boy, this was a divisive one live. Some people around me loved it and were thrilled that friendship won out the night, some people thought the match had too much comedy and needed one guy betraying the other. One guy in my section would not stop shouting for Adam Cole to take his shirt off and take it seriously. I liked it for the most part. Wasn't a fan of the false double pin, even with the immediate restart. Glad that Better Than You Bay Bay is still going. Hope All Out doesn't undo it immediately.
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Overall, I had a great time at All In and very much hope I can go again in 2024. Would have liked to attend with someone rather than be on my own, but did get to meet up with my work mate for a burger after the show. I also got to see Cash Wheeler, Sonjay Dutt, Wheeler Yuta and SUE! in passing too. Fun times all round... was absolutely exhausted after. Luckily, there's no more London shows this year...
At least, I'm not currently planning to go to Royal Quest III anyhow.
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thirdworldrockout · 1 month
Shifting Gears: AEW
New champ. Good thing? Maybe. Hope so.
They've had 8 champs since opening shop in 2019. Here's a quick dive into these 8 individuals who were AEW World Champ.
Chris Jericho: He was a creative force in WWE. Multiple time IC champ, Jeri-Show tag team title run with Big Show and The List. Good choice for a first world champ, gives it some legit.
2. Jon Moxley: The former Dean Ambrose. The weakest link of the Shield? Well, that's up for debate. He was the quirky one of the group. He turned back the hands of time for his AEW debut, going back to his hardcore roots.
3. Kenny Omega: Kenny Omega is AEW. For my money, he was the best representation of a high-level AEW singles superstar. He had all the moves and the smart-ass-ness of every mark fan.
4. Adam Page: His run on top was bad timing. From inaugural world champ runner-up to Dark Order, talk about a double momentum killer. Enter CM Punk and it goes downhill from here.
5. CM Punk: Punk is a master of politics. He bashed WWE in AEW and now he's doing it the other way around. He was injury prone at this stage of his career but what makes him gold are his promos and that's how he gets himself over. Can't argue with success, you have power when you're over.
6. MJF: He's a nightmare. He sounds like every bad guy from every Nickelodeon show from the late 90's to mid-2000's cranked up to 11. His promos are too calculated, his use of big words are overbearing, I get it, he owns a dictionary and likes to browse through it.
For this reason, I didn't take much notes on the longest reigning AEW world champ. From the little I know, he has the in-ring skills but without the over-the-top stylings of his promos and presentation, he's just another high-level mid-card AEW guy.
7. Samoa Joe: Transitional champ at this point in his career. Highlight was his match with Punk at Wembley.
8. Swerve Strickland: The freshest face of the bunch, screams TNA Impact-level. Will he last? Wait and see...
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galaxy-brain-rasslin · 9 months
Just some quick thoughts on All In. There will be spoilers.
Zero Hour
I, 100% did not expect Adam and MJF to win, at all. I expected there to be the initial start of a betrayal or something. I was pleasantly surprised, since I love the two of them.
Aussie Open seems really good. I should probably check out ROH.
Hook is one of my favorite anime protagonists, and Jack Perry has improved so much by being a complete piece of shit.
Also, Taz being hyped up for everything Hook does will literally never get old. Dude just sounds so proud every damn time.
CM Punk vs Samoa Joe
I don't really care a whole lot about CM Punk. I've seen a few of his pre-AEW matches, and I think he cuts a fun promo. I also think he's clearly enjoying himself, which makes watching his matches more enjoyable, in their own way.
That said, watching Samoa Joe just beat the absolute fuck out of Punk for most of the match was beautiful. I missed Joe in the original ROH and TNA/Impact, but his NXT and WWE stuff was so fun. Joe works at such a great pace, too. He literally always feels like a threat.
Seeing "real world championship" in quotes every time they mention CM Punk’s belt always reminds me of when AJ Styles was being announced in WWE as "The Man Who Would Like to be Announced as 'The Face that Runs the Place'"
Golden Elite vs Bullet Club Gold w/ Takeshita
Juice Robinson is my favorite feral little gremlin in pro wrestling.
Jay White is a beautiful piece of shit and I love him for it. He's also so fucking good in the ring.
Takeshita is also fantastic and has been consistently great.
I love how much everyone hates Don Callis.
Golden☆Lovers OTP
Hangman Adam Page is one of all-time favorite wrestlers. Just always happy to see him out there.
Ibushi tried to murder people with his kicks and it was fantastic shit.
A shitty surprise pin on Kenny Omega is absolutely on brand. I was peeved in a good way.
FTR vs Young Bucks
Fuck the Revival. I also like FTR a lot. Been a fan of theirs since NXT, and I loved seeing them draped in gold not that long ago.
I don't always feel like watching a Young Bucks match, but I always enjoy the match when it's done.
FTR and the Bucks were top-tier tag team wrestling today.
I legitimately expected FTR to lose, given the legal troubles that Cash could be facing. Seeing FTR win was a nice surprise.
FTR having arm bands for Brodie Lee, Bray Wyatt, and Jay Briscoe was so sweet, and so sad.
Stadium Stampede
Find someone who loves you as much as Eddie Kingston hates Claudi Castagnoli.
Mox looked so fucking cool walking out.
Oh my god, Trent, why, what the fuck. Please stop.
Someone getting skewers stabbed into their heads will always make me wince and laugh simultaneously.
Penta being walked backstage by medics only to return as Penta Oscuro was amazing shit. Penta is great.
Wheeler Yuta is the perfect person in BCC to be a bloodthirsty little goblin that you want to see eat the pin. He does his job well.
Also Best Friends hugging Yuta only to beat him up was gold.
I lost track of what was happening at least 400 times during the match and I don't care. I was thoroughly entertained.
Dr. Britt Baker, DMD v. Toni Storm v. Saraya v. Hikaru Shida
I assumed Saraya was going to win as soon as I saw her come out to Queen with her entire goddamn family walking out.
Toni Storm is a beautiful disaster.
In the event that Saraya wouldn't be winning, I didn't want Britt to win.
But that's also primarily because I *wanted* Shida to retain. Also, I love that Shida's theme has big 90s X-Men vibes.
Shida in general is just great. She should win every match.
I also just had no real investment in Brit for this match. She just kinda felt like she could have been nearly any other woman from the women's division. She wasn't *bad* by any means, just not someone I was pulling for or against.
I'm curious to see what happens with this implosion of the Outcasts now that Saraya and Toni aren't on good terms.
I dislike Ronnie Radke musically and as a person, so I'm not really thrilled at the idea of hearing Saraya's music more now that she's the champ.
At the same time, given all the shit she's been through, I can't be too mad about them giving her a run.
I still want Shida to have an actual good, long run though. I love her matches.
Christian Cage & Swerve vs. Darby Allin and Sting
Schiavone shouting "IT'S STING" is one of my favorite things in wrestling.
Joker Sting is fun as hell.
Swerve is actually the coolest motherfucker on the entire roster, and it is a literal crime that he doesn't have a belt.
Christian Cage is a menace and I can't get over that he wrestles in a sleeveless turtleneck now.
Darby is here for a good time, not a long time.
Darby shouldn't either, but I'm fairly certain he's not even human anymore.
I love Swerve.
I also love Prince Nana.
Getting all of Wembly to shout "Swerve's house" probably felt cool.
This was fun as hell.
Will Ospreay vs Chris Jericho
Ospreay is so fucking good, dude. Like he's absolutely up there as one of the best to do this. Every match I've seen of his just blows me away.
Jericho is also absolutely one of the most versatile wrestlers of all time. I've seen this man reinvent himself like a dozen times, and every time feels just as natural as the one before it.
If they had Jericho win, there was going to be a riot.
Plz give me more Ospreay matches. Dude can fucking go.
I'm curious to know what happens with Jericho and Sammy now
House of Black vs The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn
HOB walking out with a lantern 😭
The Fireflies 😭
HOB looks so cool in white, holy shit.
I love Julia's hats.
I am not a cop, so obviously I love The Acclaimed.
Billy Gunn coming out in full-on Badd Ass Billy Gunn trunks made me feel like I was 12 again.
I love HOB, but if The Acclaimed didn't win this, after their whole mini arc of Gunn retiring, and Gunn bringing back BABG, I was gonna be mad.
Is there a rule that someone has to wreck Julia's shit every match, because lmao
A lot of fun.
Brody King scares the hell out of me.
Adam Cole vs. MJF
I went into this expecting heartbreak
Adam Cole, who took character inspiration from Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2, comes out sporting some definite Broderlands-vibe gear.
MJF is still wearing BTYBB gear.
MJF as this babyface-leaning thing is actually some of the greatest shit I've ever seen. The whole turmoil over using a weapon feels like Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart.
Cole being a desperate POS to the confused, hurt, and mad MJF was wonderful.
The tombstone onto the announce desk with metal reinforcement was brutal on my knees as a viewer.
lol Roddy. lmao.
MJF and Cole almost having a total falling out after the match was amazing.
Cole opting not to slam the AEW belt into MJF's head after the match, and they hug instead? Cinema.
Was I still deeply concerned that there was going to be a betrayal literally up until the PPV feed stopped? Oh hell yes. I watched Ciampa turn on Gargano after the little copyright stuff showed up in NXT. I will *still* be concerned about that until the moment it happens.
That said, I genuinely don't want it to happen because these dudes work so well together. They're just so fucking dorky in the best way.
Misc. Other Thoughts
I missed whatever happened with Miro and Hobbs, because I just missed the whole first hour of Zero Hour.
Apparently there was Drama involving Punk and Jack Perry-- I guess related to the use of actual glass in the windshield of the car that Hook and Perry wrestled on? Whatever. Punk isn't why I watch this stuff, but I would rather Perry not get screwed.
Why did they keep panning over to Mercedes Moné if she wasn't gonna do anything other than vibe to The Acclaimed's theme?
That being said, I was loving the wig she had on. I've been liking the shorter-cut wigs compared to the long-ass stuff she was wearing as Sasha Banks
A lot of people kept expecting Edge to show up at some point. I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that his contract was extended.
Overall, this was, in all honesty, probably the best wrestling PPV I've ever watched. And, thanks to the invention of VHS tapes in my youth and the WWE Network as an adult, I have seen a *lot* of PPVs. This felt bigger than any Wrestlemania I've watched. I can't compare it to Wrestle Kingdom because I've never actually seen one of those all the way through. But it had numerous people who have been in Wrestle Kingdom matches, which were great.
I'm just annoyed that All Out is next goddamn week, because I don't want to shell out $100 in two weeks for this stuff.
Regardless. I love wrestling. We are in one of the greatest eras of pro wrestling, if not *the* greatest. What a time to be a fan.
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pxecedm · 4 months
RULES: Blatant honesty and, this time around, you are not allowed to omit anything!
Age: 28
Height: 5‘1 (155 cm)
Shoe size: US 4.5 (35)
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Children: 4 children; son Cantarius (deceased), daughter Merveille, identical twin sons Jenaro Philippe & Javiero Maxence
Tattoos: more than 30 white ink‘s over the body, 5 black ink tattoos with various sayings
Phobias: Aphephosmophobia (fear of being touched.)
Favorite food: croissants with black marmelade
Favorite color: black, pink
Favorite drink: coffee, tequila
Favorite animal: pig
Relationship status: married to the most stubborn and best man in the world ( @mrvampirerock )
Favorite music: mainly punk (Bowling for Soup) but also anything that sounds nice to my ears.
tagged by: @nuit-sanglant
tagging: @american-satan ; @wckdwtchx ; @mirelamoretti ; @xonlyagodcankillanothergodx ; @likefireweburn ; @maelioxcarlsson
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dreadwhoop · 8 months
Reviewing the All Elite Wrestling personnel 2023 Edition (Part 4) -
The Best Matches of AEW in 2023
No particular order to these I'm just trying to remind myself AEW has good matches.
MJF Vs Bryan Danielson at Revolution 2023 (March 5th)
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The Main Event and an Iron-Man classic. Perhaps surpasses even Bret and Shawn, this confirmed beyond any shadow of doubt why MJF is the headliner and the only true star under 30 years old in the entire business. His already veteran proficiency to adapt and tell a story with one of the all-time greats in Danielson is a testament to how much greater he'll get in the upcoming years. Go watch it.
FTR vs Bullet Club Gold 2/3 Falls at AEW Collision (July 15th)
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I could also include their first encounter or even before with Punk Vs Samoa Joe included but this was the payoff to a simple story of two challengers who got everything out of the greatest tag team in the world. Incredible pacing and supreme result.
Kenny Omega Vs Will Ospreay AEW Forbidden Door (June 25th)
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Highly regarded as a classic, this shows Kenny Omega is still a major draw and Will Ospreay is an insane person. I really don't have much more to say other than it's brutal to watch and, unlike Moxley Vs Hangman, worth your time to appreciate wrestlers putting their bodies on the line and not taking shortcuts.
Jamie Hayter Vs Riho at AEW Dynamite (April 5th)
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Criminally underrated (because they're women of course), this was one of the defining reasons why Jamie Hayter is so sorely missed. Both had incredible chemistry and made each other look like stars. The Women's Division has been slaughtered without these two maintaining it.
Konosuke Takeshita Vs Bandido at AEW Rampage (June 16th)
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Another very overlooked, underrated, contest between two of the guys I've said to push this year. The dynamic of contrasting styles yet blending a variety of high-flying offense with power moves means a longer match to pace out and make them both steal a show someday should be thought upon for next year.
Other matches I feel are worth going out of your way to enjoy would be Mark Briscoe Vs Jay Lethal for the sentimental value as it is a tribute match to the tragic passing of Jay Briscoe. CM Punk Vs Ricky Starks at the end of the 2nd Owen Hart Cup to tell a story and give Ricky Starks his most notable win to date. Kris Statlander Vs Julia Hart at WrestleDream which just happened but shows Julia is going to be a big star. The Gunns Vs FTR which again showcases FTR as the all-time greatest tag-team working today. Finally MJF Vs Adam Cole at All In for once again proving MJF is a masterful talent who can get the best out of anyone.
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californiaelitewells · 11 months
Forbidden Door 2023 Review
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Hello, welcome to my pro wrestling Review Blog.
As this is my first post i would like to make my intoduction short and sweet.
If you do not already know me, I have been a fan of wrestling for the past 3 years and I don't watch WWE
I have chosen Forbidden Door to be the introduction to my reviews as I feel that is not only the best PayPerView we've had all year but demonstrates a decebt chunk of my favorite wrestling talent. That being said, I would have loved to see some nore Lucha on the card.
I wont be going in depth on the buy-in so I'll just say this:
I love to see more Trios in AEW, i think thats a great way of showing off lesser developed talent.
Athena is great and should be on TV more.
I like how they used the Stu Grayson vs El Phantasmo match to sort of update casual audiences that these 2 competitors are no longer in the faction you might remember them last being in (Dark Order and Bullet Club respectively)
And with the Buy in out of the way lets dive into this event!
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AEW World Championship, Hiroshi Tanahashi vs MJF
So usually I would have an issue with starting a ppv with the World Champion match, but I think Forbidden Door is lends itself more slack since it's a crossover event, meant to celebrate the talent and succsess of both companies. It's for this same reasoning that I will allow the more casual builds to these matches.
To me it seems MJF vs Tanahashi is made to show how well both athletes compete in a more American, slow paced, sportsman showboaty style of wrestling.
MJF as the heel works well at doing very obvious cowardly tactics. Tanahashi does an equal job acting as the milktoast babyface, starting chants with the audience and working to outsmart his opponent.
Somewhere halfway through the match we see another staple of American wrestling psychology, the worked injury. With MJF emphasisizing pain in his left knee. We saw this same concept utilized by MJF's previous opponent and, soon to be, tag team partner Adam Cole. Could this be a sign that MJF and Cole have more in common than either of them realize?
MJF ends the match using the ultimate heel weapon of the modern era, his Dynamite Diamond Ring.
Overall this was a very textbook American Televesion style wrestling match and I enjpyed it in its slower pace and simplicity.
(I won't be doing grades, because im just a guy on tumblr, just read what I wrote before this)
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Hideo Kojima vs CM Punk
So during the build to this match it was rumored that KENTA would be punks opponent, but as we learned last week, that was not the case. I for one, am a big KENTA and New Japan Strong fan, and as he is currently their champion, I am preferable to KENTA not losing anytime soon. Especially to CM Punk who I am expecting to go all the way in this Owen Hart Tournament
Speaking of Punk, he did not have the warm reception he is used to. A lot of people will say he was booed out the building but in my opinion it was %60-%40 Booing Punk.
This match was fine. It wasn't bad by any means but the only spots I would find as stand out are when Punk was referencing his role models, Hulk Hogan and Himself.
Overall I like the offence Kojima brought when he got fired up and I applaud Phil's adaptation to working this match as a heel.
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4-Way Match for the AEW Intecontinental Title, Zack Sabre Jr, Katsuyori Shibata, Daniel Garcia, and Orange Cassidy
Before the event began I would have pointed to this match as sleeper hit of the night. After everything it's still tied second for me.
I have to say that this year has been the year Zack Sabre Jr became one of my new favorite wrestlers, his technical wrestling skills and ring psychology are absolutley out of this world, and you have him in the ring with a legend like Shibata, an upcoming technical student Garcia, and the deceptively slippery grapple workings of Orange Cassidy, and you're sure to get wrestling Gold.
Quick note, if I had a serious complaint about this match it would be that Zack Sabre Jr didn't come out to his usual TMDK theme Young Punks. I really like that song.
This match started with Orange using his standard pathetic kicks as a way of getting into the head of all 3 of his opponents but once he started to get some hest we saw Daniel Garcia establish that if anyone is going to try a non grappling move it will be shut down shortly.
Daniel Garcia being the only Sports Entertainer of this match adds an interestling wrinkle as the rest of athletes treat him as almost an after thought.
We've seen Daniel Garcia struggle with his identity as a Sports entertainer vs his skills as a pro wrestler, and with this match it seems that Shibata might be the key factor that Bryan Danielson couldn't be when it comes to bringing Daniel Garcia to the side of Pro wrestling.
Conversly we see the dynamic between ZSJ and OC start to develope, as it seems the style of dominating tekking that Zack has in his arsenal is the perfect counter to oranges momentum based offense, that mixed with the fact we've seen Orange Cassidy growing increasingly tired I think we could see Zack become the Intercontinental champion sometime soon.
Not today though as it was Oranges opurtunity seizing rollup that earned him another day as champ.
Overall this match was a personal fav and on any other night aould be candidate for match of the night.
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IWGP World Heavyweight Championshio, Jungleboy Jack Perry vs Sanada
If the MJF vs Tanahashi was to showcase american wrestling to an international audience, this match was that for Japanese style competetive wrestling.
So a lot of people aren't hot for this match but I personally really like this matchup. Jack Perry is a Los Angeles native so I will always have that homestate suppprt for him, but I also really like how his character is very casual and soft. It makes him the perfect babyface contender for any world championship, that with his solid in ring work makes him a great choice for the New Japan championship.
In the build to this Sanada said he was not familiar Jack Perry, and to me that is classic japanese style of promo. From what I've seen its common for japanese wrestlers to try and belittle the status of their opponent rather than the american style of straight up shit talking. And as Jack is not an ex WWE talent, a lot of people already right him off as an unknown.
This match was very good if a little underwhelming. The psychology works well with Sanada constantly underestimating his opponent and Jack using his unique offense to catch Sanada off guard but with matches later in the night, there really was no way this match could live up to the sort of intensity New Japan matches usually bring.
Ultimatly it was Sanadas imposing size, strength, and experience that won him the match.
Overall I feep this match was very good in a vacuum but ok this card unfortunatly it will be overshadowed.
Another factor in this match being overshadowed could be the angle post match. Where we saw Jungleboy turn on his so called Best Friend Hook, in an attempt to threaten him for his FTW championship. I personally would have rather seen this team drag on for another week or 2, it seems like the real heat was that he turned on Hook and not that he turned on a friend. I would have like to see a moment where we think Hook is starting to appreciate and need Jungleboy the same way Jungleboy needed Christian Cage.
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The Elite (Hangman Adam Page and the Young Bucks), Eddie Kingston, and Tomohiro Ishii vs The Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, and Claudio Castagnoli), Konosuke Takeshita, and Shota Umino
I didn't realize what kind of task I put onto myself until I got to this match.
So this match is full of Elite style "Whos friends with who," drama that makes chismosos like me go wild.
I love to see Eddie Kingston on payperview anytime. His raw aggression is something that nobody else in wrestling could replicate at this time.
Mox being the defacto captain of this team of roughneck badasses is a very entertaining sight.
Hangman and the bucks are great whitemeat babyfaces in this match filled with mean muggers.
Seeing Ishii and Kingston team together has me thinking about the chances of Kingston joining Chaos, but then we would have to get used to the idea of Eddie teaming up with Best Friends and Orange Cassidy. Which... Im not entirely against.
If theres one thing AEW has been able to do consistantly well its the multiman matches.
Its truly impressive how much chaos and drama they are able to fit while maintiaining a throughline through the action so that nobody is stepping on anyone elses time.
Honestly I wouldn't be able to track the action in a way that does it justice, but if this is your first time watching these athletes I would like to ask you to focus on the emotion portrayed by Eddie Kingston, from the opening bell with his drive to kill Claudio, to his moments alone in the ring with his closest friend and toughest opponent Jon Moxley, to the moments he takes to emphasize his teamwork with his enemies turned teammates.
Overall I liked this match. For a certain type of audience this wasnt their favoeite. But for me this is the type of storytelling that could only be found in professional wrestling.
Small side note: I am slightly dissapointed we didn't acknowledge the Bullet Club connection in this payperview but maybe its still in phase 1 to lead to its climax next yesr at forbidden door 3
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AEW Womens Championship
So going into this most people could already predict the outcome, but I had a personal bias towards wanting Willow to win. I was at New Japan Resurgence where I saw her win that New Japan Strong Womens championship, and I would have loved to see Willow carry those belts and represent womens wrestling here in the states for multiple companies.
However, Toni is still very early in her second run as womens champ and it makes sense that they would like to establish her as a dominant champion, beating another champ without the need of her heel faction by her side.
Toni working heel has definantly won me over more so than her face work. She brings a sort of aggression that portrays her as the smaller yet more vicious competitor in this match.
While i said i would have loved to see a Willow double champ, I still love what this match does to her character. Basically teaching her that while she has the strength to be strong champion she needs to find that deeper drive to be the world champion.
Hopefully we see this story continue in the womens Owen Hart tournament.
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IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship.
There was no way this wasn't going to be my favorite match of the night. Their first match was my match of the year so far, this is my favorite belt in all of Pro Wrestling.
Starting with the intros, this time it was Osprey who got the extra intro cinematic, going back to his Elevated Theme. Mirroring when Kenny had his opening cinematic with the sephiroth theme.
Kenny being the champion for new japan, he returned to his iconic Devils Sky opening, a song that in my opinion absolutley conveys his status as pro wrestlings true final boss.
Before the bell rings we already understand that Kenny is the face in this match, as this is his home country of canada, that coupled with his ongoing story with the betrayal by Don Callis.
This match opens with a trading of wrist control by both competitors. Holds going back and forth with both Kenny and Will getting equal oppurtunity offense.
This doesn't last long as Kenny goes for his finisher early into the match, renting space in Will's head as if to say he could go for the kill at anytime in this match, but Osprey counters and continues to counter to the point where he nearly kicks Omega in the face. To the crowd Will is the heel but to himself, he's more prepared than he's ever been.
Kenny soon gets the upper hand and shows yet again he wants to get the effective offense in by going for his terminator dive, but Don Callis knows Kennys offense better than anyone and he knows that if Kenny lands that move this early it would be a major uphill climb for Osprey, so he risks his own presence in order to interfier with Kenny.
This gives Will the oppurtunity to inflict some much needed violence, and this is where we begin to see just how much of a grudge Will has been holding since Wrestle Kingdom.
Once again the offense goes back and forth but both Kenny and Will are using more creative and damaging moves.
This is when Will once again gets the advantage, and begins right where he left off, attempting to ram Kenny's head through the comentary table, rhyming the moment when Kenny did the same to Will in their last bout.
This is when we see something Will has yet to really show off on AEW tv, and thats his crowdwork. Licking Kennys blood off his bicep to a chorus of "You sick fuck," chants.
In case this wasnt clear how personal this is to Osprey he uses Kennys move, the V Trigger, against him. And this wont be the last time we see this type of tactic from Will.
Once again we see Osprey getting a reaction fron the crowd grabbing a canadian flag and doing everything disrespectful he could think of. However it seems it was his enjoyment in pissing off the crowd that distracted him from his opponent, as Kenny fires up with Canadian rage and uses his countrys flag to lay on some much needed offense.
Now that Kenny has the upper hand he wants to show that this match is still far from over, returning the violence he recieved by driving Ospreys face into the steel steps, both these men are now covered in blood.
Osprey has let it be known that last time he fought Kenny he was deeply affected by the blood loss, not just mentally but physically.
Its safe to assume thats why Kenny decided to bring his opponent to the center of the ring and use his submission wrestling knowledge, to try and get Will to quit the mtach early. But Osprey shows yet again he is not the same competitor he was on Jan 4th.
The ground based wrestling continues to go back and forth just as this match has gone plenty of times before.
Both competitors have gained enough energy to try and over power eachother wirh their more offensive moves, howevee it seems as soon as one wrestler is close to finishing the match the other narrowly escapes.
Its around this time we see the return of Don Callis. This fires up Kenny as his hatred for Don Callis causes him to hit Osprey with a flurry of V triggers.
This is when we see the return of the screwdriver, handed off to Will Osprey, who in a moment of desperation is put into position to get hit with the One Winged Angel but he counters using the screwdriver on Kenny just like Callis did when he turned on Kenny.
Osprey uses his moment to Hit Kenny with the hidden blade elbow, then the stormbreaker. This is when everyone thought Kenny was put away for good, but Kenny just barely escapes with a milimeter rope break.
Don whispers something to Osprey, some sort of desperation play and we see it played out in full effect.
First a v trigger.
Then a one winged angel
No one kicks out of the one winged angel
Except for Kenny at one!
The crowd erupts!
And for the final time this match returns to zero, both competitors trade offense yet again.
This is when we see probably the most devastating move of the night the Tiger Driver 91,
With Kenny dumped soley on his head he is pinned for 2.
Osprey does the one thing neither competitor has been able to do until now and continue his offense, hit his finisher, and pin Kenny for 3.
Will Osprey is the new IWGP US Heavy weight Champion.
Sorry not sorry for the play by play for this one and not the others. This match was unbelievable. Of both of the Championship matches showcased the differences between american and Japanese wrestling this match showcased how a great blend of both could lead to a whole new style of wrestling. One perfectly encompassed by the IWGP US Heavyweight title.
There are 2 layers to this match really. The competative fighting spirit of both competitors, and the interpersonal drama between Kenny, Will, and Don.
The moment Don returned we saw what could have been Will becoming what is essentially the new Kenny Omega, complete with Don at his side, and the one winged angel, but as we saw there is only one Kenny Omega. However, it was Will being himself and using what got him to this position to overcome his biggest challenge yet.
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Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, and Minoru Suzuki vs Sting, Darby Allin, and Tetsuya Naito
Always good to see Minoru Suzuki in the ring.
Also the significance of Chris Jericho snd Sting in the ring for the first time is hard to deny.
From what I understand Sting was put in a couple of scary situations so I hope everything with him is healthy.
All in all this match is a perfect match to convey to audiences that AEW not only has respect for the past, but has a future that can stand side by side with them.
Overall, I am surprised by how much I enjoyed Suzuki with Jericho. I also hope this alliance with Sting and Darby and LIJ doesnt end here but it most likely will.
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Main Event: Bryan Danielson vs Kazuchika Okada
I was definantly excited to hear Danielson come out to Final Countdown. But Okadas theme will always be the hypest. If Kenny's theme is final boss, then Okadas is shonen protag.
Fron the second the bell rings you can tell there is a reason these 2 are in a ring together. They both excude the energy that tells you theyre the top of their game and when they're in the ring its a wrestling match not a pro wrestling segment.
The pace of this match is notable as both competitors do not take too much time to get to know eachother before the big offense begins.
This match is definantly made to represent the clashing of styles. Tanahashi could do American style, Jungleboy can do Japanese style. Kenny and Osprey can blend both. But nobody does American Style better than Danielson and nobody does Japanese Style better than okada.
We see this on display when Danielson uses his matbased submission style to focus okadas right arm. Likewise when Okada uses his aggressive strong style to inflict high damage on Bryan Danielson.
Throughout this match both competitors do a greay job in making you believ this could go either way.
So there is a spot that i can only call devious. It's when Bryan Danielson is imitating a seizure. It was all too believable at the time but i will admit that I felt all the synonyms for shocked when I saw Bryan snap into attack mode, hit the ropes and go for the busaiko knee.
Of course it was after that when we really started to notice that Bryan hurt his arm real bad
As for the finish I am going to be honest and say I am completely surprised that Danielson won. I'm doubly surprised it was due to a tap.
This match was a great one overall and for a first time viewing its full of twist and turns and gives yoh plenty of reason to understand that both of these men deserve their titles as Best in the World.
Thanks for checkung out my review. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well. Soery for any and all grammatical errors english is my first and only language.
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wrestlingisfake · 9 months
AEW Fake Rankings, 9/4/2023
Men's singles division - babyfaces
Bryan Danielson
Kenny Omega
Orange Cassidy
Eddie Kingston (NJPW STRONG champion)
Chris Jericho
Adam Page
Katsuyori Shibata* (ROH pure champion)
HOOK (FTW champion)
Keith Lee
Men's singles division - heels
Jon Moxley (AEW international champion)
Konosuke Takeshita
Samoa Joe (ROH television champion)
Ricky Starks
Claudio Castagnoli (ROH men's world champion)
Jay White
Luchasaurus (AEW TNT champion)
Christian Cage
Powerhouse Hobbs
Juice Robinson
Unranked: AR Fox, Big Bill, Brock Anderson, Dalton Castle, Daniel Garcia, El Hijo del Vikingo (AAA mega champion), Ethan Page, Gravity, Isiah Kassidy, Jake Hager, Komander, Lee Johnson, Metalik*, Nick Wayne, Scorpio Sky, Serpentico, Shawn Spears, Shane Taylor, Swerve Strickland, Tony Nese, Wheeler Yuta
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Feels like a lot of shakeup here, for a variety of reasons: The departure of CM Punk and the suspension of Jack Perry, MJF and Adam Cole becoming a hot babyface team, the dissolution of Chris Jericho's stable, and multiple guys returning to prominence on Collision.
It might seem weird to rank Danielson as the top babyface when he's clearly part of a heel faction. All I know is everybody loved him at Forbidden Door, and he was clearly playing babyface against Starks this weekend. Does that mean a turn or a breakup in the Blackpool Combat Club's future? I doubt it. Either way, I'm sure Danielson will be back to kicking puppies or whatever soon enough.
It's striking to me how Cassidy and Kingston have risen up through the ranks, but I also think it's worth callint out how pivotal Samoa Joe has become. He's become a fixture on Collision and ROH, and now he's mixing it up with MJF. It's strange to me that he's running around with ROH's midcard title when he's being pushed ahead of Castagnoli. Maybe those two need to face off one of these days.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Better Than You Bay Bay - MJF (AEW men's world champion) & Adam Cole (ROH tag team champions)
FTR - Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler (AEW tag team champions)
The Young Bucks - Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson
The Hardys - Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy
Darby Allin & Sting
Best Friends - Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta
Lucha Bros. - Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix
Action Andretti & Darius Martin
The Outrunners - Truth Magnum* & Turbo Floyd*
Men's tag team division - heels
The Gunns - Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn
Aussie Open - Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher
John Silver & Alex Reynolds
Mike Santana & Angel Ortiz
Matt Menard & Angelo Parker
Vincent* & Dutch*
The Wingmen - Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth*
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
I'm actually not sure if the Outrunners are supposed to be faces or heels, but I like 'em, so there. I'm also not sure how long Rey Fenix is supposed to be out selling the injury angle from two weeks ago.
Conspicuous by their absence on this list is the Kigndom, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, who are obviously being set up for a big match with Cole and MJF. At this point I don't see anyone else taking the ROH tag title from the champs, but very little about the Cole/MJF story has gone the way I expected. Maybe they could headline Final Battle in December?
As for the AEW tag title, I assume FTR vs. Gunns is the next step, but there's probably another FTR-Bucks showdown coming sooner or later. If Santana and Ortiz are really sticking together, they need to get back in the title hunt. I suspect Silver and Reynolds are out of the running after losing last night--they'll probably get back to trios matches with Evil Uno.
Men's trios division - babyfaces
Max Caster & Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn (AEW trios champions)
Bronson* & Boulder* & Jacked Jameson*
Men's trios division - heels
Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews
Brian Cage & Bishop Kaun* & Toa Liona* (ROH trios champions)
Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh
QT Marshall (AAA Latin American champion) & Johnny TV & Aaron Solo
Kip Sabian & The Butcher & The Blade
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
It's still hard to tell which trios are sticking together long term, and which ones are just thrown together for a couple of matches before going their separate ways again. As it stands, though, we've got a few heel teams for Billy and the Acclaimed to fight for a while. Cage's team has mostly defended their ROH title in glorified squash matches; if they're building them up to be unseated by a serious team, I have no idea when that will happen.
Women's singles division - babyfaces
Britt Baker
Kris Statlander (AEW TBS champion)
Hikaru Shida
Willow Nightingale
Skye Blue
Women's singles division - heels
Saraya (AEW women's world champion)
Athena (ROH women's world champion)
Toni Storm
Ruby Soho
Nyla Rose
Anna Jay
Taya Valkyrie
Mercedes Martinez
Marina Shafir
Unranked: Emi Sakura, The Bunny
The heel side looks very strong until you recall that many of them have only had one televised AEW match all month. Nevertheless, it feels like it's time for some women to turn face, and I suppose the breakup of Storm, Saraya, and Soho will help in that regard. Thing is, the women's roster has more than enough talent to get 10 faces and 10 heels on TV regularly; they just don't for some reason. Maybe if Mercedes Mone comes in that will change, but experience has taught me that it'll take more than that.
Only wrestled in ROH matches in past 30 days: Angelico, Brandon Cutler, Christopher Daniels, Evil Uno, Griff Garrison, Josh Woods, Kiera Hogan, Lee Moriarty, Leila Grey, Leyla Hirsch, Luther, Madison Rayne, Matt Sydal, Shawn Dean
Most of the names here are not what you'd call key players on the weekly ROH shows. In other words, the real backbone of the ROH roster is mostly people wrestlers who aren't exclusive to either brand, like Athena, Willow, Joe, Dalton, etc. That's working out as far as the quality of both brands, but I'm not sure it's a good strategy for establishing a unique brand identity for ROH.
No televised AEW or ROH matches in over 30 days: Abadon, Andrade El Idolo, Anthony Ogogo, Ari Daivari, Colt Cabana, Dustin Rhodes, Harley Cameron, Julia Hart, Lance Archer, Matt Taven, Michael Nakazawa, Mike Bennett, Nick Comoroto, Parker Bordreaux, Penelope Ford, Preston Vance, Red Velvet, Riho, Rush, Sammy Guevara, Serena Deeb, Stu Grayson, Wardlow, Yuka Sakazaki, Zack Clayton
Part-time/semi-retired: Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay*, Paige Vanzant, Paul Wight, Rebel, Rob Van Dam*, Sonjay Dutt, Stokely Hathaway
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Bandido (left arm - broken wrist)
Danhausen (right shoulder - pectoralis tear)
Dante Martin (left leg - unspecified injury)
Jack Perry (indefinite suspension)
Jade Cargill (personal leave)
Jamie Hayter (right shoulder - unspecified injury)
Kyle O'Reilly (neck - herniated spinal disc)
Mark Briscoe (knee - unspecified injury)
Marq Quen (undisclosed injury)
PAC (undisclosed injury)
Roderick Strong (storyline - neck inury)
Tay Melo (pregnancy)
Thunder Rosa (back - unspecified injury)
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