#[do you want me too?: herowriter]
galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
[Writings - Poisoning PT 3]
[PART 1 | PART 2]
[Under a cut for some light body horror(?) content. I-- was not planning on this becoming a small event thing but oH WELL.]
He’d thought, maybe, the fire combined with humiliation would be enough... Would force his brother to stop playing tricks, seeking to end everything good he’d ever had in his life.
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He’d walked home, covered in burnt-on blood, eyes glowing so bright that even the sun would have competition, ready to finally see his partner returned to him. He had obliterated any shred of goodness others saw in him that night, acting just as Notch had always warned...
A being of chaos.
A being of death.
Minecraft’s Demon.
He had done it all for a small vial, glittering like a trapped galaxy in a bottle. It had been hesitantly opened, the admin’s vision flickering over the other. Their chest still rose and fell by the barest of breaths, their skin was paler than usual- as if they’d spent a year underground. He opened their mouth, dripping in the contents of the vial.
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“....please...” His true voice, the barest hint of a croak. Herobrine had watched, his own breath catching as the other had stilled, then coughed--- the color for a moment returned, and with it, his hope. Perhaps his brother (for once in his rotten life) had not pulled the wool over his eyes, had let him have this one kindness....
That hope, however, started to fade as the color drained more rapidly from the other’s form. His hands rushed up, gripping at the other’s own. Calloused and burn-scarred. Were those his scars, or their’s?
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“WRITER!” His vocals nearly snapped at that, age-old injuries immediately ripping into him. But he paid it no mind, paid the entire world little heed as he was forced to watch the scene before him.
The color drained, their body slowly gaining a more ashen hue... And then darker, darker still. The color blackened in their hair, brunette-brown shifting to an obsidian purple. They shifted-- they were alive, they were-
Their scream tore into his soul. Both eyes opened at once, revealing pure-black surrounding a fading hazel orb, one that was quickly molding- transforming. Was that-- a glow?--
Their scream was blood-curdling, choked and clouded with terror and agony. It was a noise he knew quite well from his youth- the screams of Notch’s victims, late in the night. It made his very heart tear in two in a fraction of a second, hands suddenly being gripped by something far stronger than anything Writer had ever offered. The hazel finally winked out, replaced by pure-black...
And they collapsed back onto the bed.
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“--stay, stay with me-- Writer! WRITER!!” Their breathing was back, but now it was hoarse and ragged, each breath half-tinted by a shudder. Their entire body was flickering, as if it was caught between this world and the next- but the changes continued, all the same. It wasn’t until their skin was a deep ash and their hair a darkened purple that it finally seemed to stop.
He hesitantly pulled one hand away from their’s, resting it near their neck. They were breathing, yes, but... What if this was one of Notch’s----?!
Ice cold.
Their skin was like touching an ice spire deep in the frozen lands.-- But he could feel a heartbeat underneath it, weak... But there.
Herobrine nearly jumped clear through the roof.-- It was their voice, warped to an echoing tone, as if it was coming from the bottom of a mineshaft. His heart fell straight into the depths of the Nether as he watched them slowly open their eyes...
And he was met with two glowing cubes of gold.
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“....Hero?...” He didn’t hesitate. The other was pulled into an embrace, Herobrine closing his eyes as he squeezed them as much as he could without potentially breaking bones. There was a weak wheeze, and he speedily let go- quick to return them to a laying position on the bed. “....everything hurts...”
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latenightdoodles · 3 years
Yearly Challenge - Day 7
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Day seven belongs to... Herobrine and Writer!
I had to be semi-quick about this one since I have another early shift, but I loved drawing it all the same. Herobrine and Writer, coming back from their newest mineshaft- they got a little beat up because they were semi-careless, but they both had fun (and scored a LOT of ore!) so they’re walking back to the house, making dinner plans along the way- and trying to figure out how they’ll calm down their dogs when they get there.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
[Writings - Poisoning]
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How could he have been this blind?
Herobrine stared at the other’s unmoving body, the only sign they were alive being the softest rise and fall of their chest. The entire area was quiet, the admin’s very aura being a deterrent for every mob nearby to shut up or suffer. It was the aura of a man on the brink, hands clenched into fists as he tried so hard to keep his emotions in check, if only slightly.
It was supposed to be a normal night.- Writer had gone to a nearby village (a good week’s travel, were it not for their teleportation ability) and procured dinner. They’d mentioned rather briefly how they’d accidentally bumped into someone in village and spilled all the villager’s wares, but managed to help give it all back to the poor person they’d bumped into... And were thanked with warm soup.
It had been a tad strange, but Herobrine had brushed it off. He shouldn’t have. He had chuckled when Writer placed the two bowls on the table- each were the same soup, but one, he could tell, was made by Writer- the other, presumably, the strange villager.
He should’ve suspected. Maybe he’d just grown weak over time. Maybe, with all the attempts on his life, he’d never stopped to think... Sure, poison was a method, but... It was one he could never see his brother undertaking--...
Not until the evidence laid before him, pale as milk, breathing so shallow even his hearing was having trouble detecting it. The bowl Writer had eaten from had been inspected, and he’d found a hint of a specialized potion in it... One that, he presumed, was meant for him.
It would permanently kill a Minecraftian.
But what would it do to a human?
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He grit his teeth, wishing for all the world that he’d just been more cautious. Building and moving bases every time he’d been discovered clearly hadn’t been enough... But it wouldn’t help, not now. The demigod slowly stood from his seat, one hand gently, ever-so-softly resting over the hand of his beloved.
Notch had done this.
His BROTHER had done this.
... No.
No brother would ever be this cruel.- All the assassins, all the traps, the tricks, the lies, the slander, and now--- now this. Even Herobrine’s heart couldn’t handle the pressure. For a moment, it felt as though something inside him snapped clean in two with the flicker of the torches in the bedroom. His hand moved, gingerly pulling up the yellow blankets over the other’s sleeping form.
The demigod turned. Outside, there was a peal of thunder. A diamond sword appeared in his hand as fiery red consumed his thoughts.
Notch had always called him a demon.
It was time to show him what a REAL demon was.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
yooo Writer and Meta Knight, same thing w/ Writer and Herobrine!
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Writer and MK probably would adopt a coyote-esque monster, one rejected by Nightmare Enterprises due to failure in combat at a young age. I'm thinking like this, but possibly with a mix of blue/green tinges in the fur, since it's supposed to be a creature of poison. The coyote-monster would absolutely have the name 'Fringe'.
MK would train it to defend the home, as well as fight alongside himself and Writer.
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These two actually have two pets- two cats, to be precise. The two cats would be chimera twins (like in this picture). Writer would own the left-sided cat, and HB the right-sided cat. Writer's chimera cat would have the name 'Double', while HB's cat would have the name 'Piston'. And, due to HB saving the two cats from being blind when they were found, the cats both have permanently pure-white, glowing eyes.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Open Starter - Found]
The darkened skies of The End glowered. Enderman groaned and whined, traversing aimlessly. End Stone clicked underfoot, a bald man facing his adversaries.
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“Stay away from us.” Herobrine brandished a diamond sword. It seemed plain, with no glow of enchantment. Herobrine himself, however, was hovering faintly off the ground, a bloody fog starting to exude from him. “Have I not asked you enough?” He was breathing heavy, a few cuts flashing for a second, before beginning to heal. Twin white lights glowed like the inside of a supernova.
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Writer was holding their pizza peel, the weapon stained with blood at its tip. The receiver of the razor-sharp blow was currently glowering. Notch, ‘The Savior of Minecraft’... Flew before them, his friendly, benevolent eyes narrowed to murderous slits.
Writer had a few cuts of their own, a few golden lights flickering around them, phasing through the ground and floating through the air. They were feeling creative, alright.
“... Brother...” Notch chuckled, looking at the team assembled before him. “... You know I can’t let you spread falsehoods about me, of all beings~...” He twirled a rose that was in his hand. “After all, it leads to painful consequences...” Writer grit their teeth. Herobrine narrowed his eyes. In unison, the two readied their weapons.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
🥞 🧸🌻 for Writer and Herobrine!
[Gentle Cottagecore Q's]
🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food?
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"Um..." Writer paused, staring blankly for a minute while they tried to think of an answer. "... I don't like... Any one thing as a 'go-to' breakfast food, but I'm used to eating 'breakfast burritos', alongside some form of caffeine- usually Red Bull Blue Edition or Monster Juice."
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"Cooked porkchop and apples, believe it or not." Herobrine chuckled. "But that's just food from my universe. If I could have anything for breakfast, I would want those fruit snacks Writer brings back sometimes- I think the label says 'Gushers'?"
🧸 Teddy Bear: Do you ever want to raise kids someday?
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"That would be a resounding no. Although I'm thinking of the whole 'pregnancy, give birth, raise from baby to adulthood' deal... I don't know how I'd feel about adoption.... Guess I'm on the fence. Depends on the kid, y'know?"
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"... While it would be nice, I don't want to give my brother more targets than he already has..." Herobrine sighed. "But, if my brother WASN'T after my life and anything that made me happy... I think I'd like to raise a child."
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today?
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"When Hero and I went mining this morning, it... Kinda... Devolved into a dance party in the strip mine. Totally worth it."
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"I got to goof off in the strip mines with Writer, and, my brother didn't show up today! Nearly at a month-streak now...!!"
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galaxies-unknown-a · 4 years
Ah, Soulmate AUs
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[Under the cut: what will probably be added to the muse pages eventually...! SOULMATE AUs BECAUSE I CAN’T CONTROL MYSELF NOR WILL I ATTEMPT TO-]
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First Words... Which are hilarious. Bill’s are printed under his bowtie, and read ‘Deer teeth, heck yes!’, so he offers deer teeth TO EVERYONE. Writer’s are ‘Want some deer teeth kid?’.
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The two have a unique number branded somewhere on their body. J5′s appeared after he was struck by lightning, and Writer’s appeared in the same moment (up until then she thought she had no soulmate). They share a curved number ‘5′ that has an inverted/upside-down ‘5′ connected to the first.
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This one I actually started RP’ing recently! Writer and Korosensei share mirrored sensations- so they can feel anything that brushes against the other’s skin/nerves. However, while most sensations are identical, pain for one just causes a weird discomfort for the other (discomfort severity is dependent on the pain). They have a tendency to write messages to each other on their skin.
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500% MK and Writer share the ability to only see in shades of their soulmate’s eye color until they meet. This one is rather interesting since MK’s eye color changes depending on mood, whereas Writer only has hazel... So MK gets to see shades of brown until he meets Writer, whereas Writer will randomly get flashes of colors other than yellow.
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Optimus and Writer are connected by the urge to sing along to each other when one is singing... Which was rather weird for OP since he was in combat a few times and randomly started singing love songs... While fighting... He made it work, but it gave him some pretty awkward nicknames. Writer has accidentally started singing in Cybertronian while in class/college before. The two have started using songs to convey how their day is going when they aren’t near one another.- And they try to do so when they know they’re both available (so one doesn’t accidentally screw over the other’s day and vice versa).
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Soundwave and Writer... It’s names. Which just makes it hilarious when Writer’s a kid since she’s watching the Transformers series and going ‘wait that’s my soulmate’, and when she finds out about the multiverse... Oh, all heck breaks loose. By the time she and Soundwave meet, Writer’s presumably given up on ever finding her Soundwave- but then she notices her name engraved in the other’s arm, ‘Writer of Worlds’.
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This is a rather intriguing one, but... Herobrine and Writer have appeared in each other’s dreams, but have never interacted with the other. It’s been rather odd, since both knew what the other looked like before they ever met.- But when the Herobrine creepypasta took off... Suffice to say, Writer was both surprised and very worried. It didn’t take long for Herobrine to find her after that, but he kept his distance for a number of years before finally gathering the courage to actually say ‘hello’.
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They can feel a natural tug to be closer to one another- it always comes from the direction of their soulmate. Since they were initially separated by dimensions, the tugs were so weak they were nonexistent.. But when Writer found herself in Undertale, the tugs became far stronger- enough that both knew they had soulmates. When they met... Let’s just say it was like trying to separate two magnets.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 4 years
Headcanons - Herowriter
[Herobrine x Writer headcanons!]
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Writer and Herobrine’s shared home is a cobblestone, birch, and oak structure.
Herobrine does not need sleep. This does not, however, keep him from cuddling with Writer at night and dozing for hours.
Writer’s nicknames for Herobrine are ‘Glow Eyes’, ‘B’ine’, ‘Hero’, ‘HB’, and ‘Cute demon’.
Herobrine’s nicknames for Writer are ‘my redstone’, ‘cookie killer’, ‘Rites’, and ‘angel’.
The two love building together- they have multiple bases on multiple worlds (and some have several bases!).
Herobrine likes randomly picking Writer up and hugging her- never enough to hurt, but tight enough that she can’t escape.
The two regularly play-battle (no real weapons allowed, foam equipment from the real world only).
Herobrine is highly self-conscious about his eyes, so Writer tends to compliment them a lot.
Their regular conversation when they’re alone is a mix of compliments and sarcasm.
Writer has died exactly three times while with Herobrine- and this has caused him to become highly protective of her as a result.
Writer can- and does- randomly hug-attack Herobrine, although he’s usually able to teleport before she can get him- and then he gets her, instead.
Writer is a builder, Herobrine is a redstonist.
Herobrine has tried teaching Writer redstone- but she still doesn’t get it, no matter how he tries to teach her.
This does not, however, stop her from asking him for lessons (or him giving her said lessons).
The two are very softly affectionate, but not in any sort of public environment. The worst they do in public is hold hands (and even that is brief) because they both have a HUGE does of social anxiety.
When they are alone, however, all bets are off.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 4 years
Writer’s Differences per Ship
[Because I’m pretty sure ya’ll know what the differences are per verse if you’ve read her bio.
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Plus I need somewhere I can keep these... This’ll basically be a list of ‘so this ship is at this stage, this is the job Writer has in this ship/verse. Needed to write this out somewhere, may as well put it here!]
Bill Cipher - Bill is pining, and Writer is fully unaware. She has no job in this ‘verse, and is currently trying to find a new one. This means that Writer will be highly cautious about spending here.
Johnny 5 - The two are technically dating, but J5 has no clue how to properly ‘date’, so Writer is sort of teaching him as they go. Writer is an artist-for-hire in this ‘verse, since they live in MC so she technically doesn’t need to pay regular living expenses.
Korosensei - They’re dating. That’s the tea. Writer lives on a version of Earth, so yes she has a job- as an English teacher’s assistant. It’s not exactly much, but it’s something.
Meta Knight - Writer has a completely different physical form in this ship, and yes, the two are dating. She has no job, but technically one could claim that fighting off Dedede’s monsters with Kirby and Meta Knight is her job.
Optimus Prime - They’re dating, yes. Writer’s job in this one is (as of yet) unknown, as to whether she has an actual job or doesn’t, amongst other things... I’ll figure it out.
Soundwave - Soundwave is pining (and unaware), Writer is oblivious. She also has a job at a gas station.
Herobrine - They’re dating, and Writer has no job. She spends most of her days mining or relaxing and hanging out with Herobrine.
Mettaton - They’re dating. Writer is a small-time gamer streamer, and trying to make enough for her own home (which is just b a r e l y enough). She has a part-time job at a bookstore nearby- which Mettaton is known to frequent between gigs.
Also! Bonus mention: Bill Cipher x Writer and Optimus x Writer’s tags are the only tags I have that are not based on a song’s lyrics.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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Due to the number of assassins/hired thugs on Herobrine’s trail, I believe that he’s quite accustomed to moving around a lot. When he started dating Writer, he made multiple different ‘bases’, so that if ever the position of one was compromised (or he was worried that it was), the two could just move to another ‘base’ and be safe- for a time.
As such, a nervous habit of his is building bases. Some have been discovered by random explorers, and been thought to be hidden treasure troves- while many remain unknown to the vast majority of Minecraftia.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 4 years
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“Let’s just hope this peace lasts.”
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