#[spark of gold: optimus]
galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
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Optimus is very disappointed.
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mychlapci · 20 days
Arranged Marriage Asks you say?? I say, TFA Megop coded. Mostly fluff with some smut at the end. (Rozie Anon)
Oppy is chosen to become the bride to Megatron at the behest of Ultra Magnus, the Council, and Megatron himself. This is after the series is over and Megatron escapes confinement (perhaps Optimus broke him out?? The boy has such strong morals and wouldn't let the corrupt council kill a mech so brutally and without justice, even Megatron). Maybe this is for peace treaty reasons, maybe Cybertron is under attack and they need help, even from their greatest enemies. UM and the Council tried to change Megatron's mind about taking their best Prime, but he had his spark set, that feisty little Prime will be his whether he or his Council likes it or not.
Optimus is all dolled up in the finest of dowry, bridal veil and all. Silver and white gold armor pieces that are more ornate than functional, steelsilk dress and drapings embroidered with golden lace, and precious jewels hang from his frame. At least he got to choose how he looked and the Council spared no expense ensuring that this wedding was perfect. Of course they did have to make compromises with Megatron over some aspects of the decorations and ceremony, this wasn't a private affair after all. This would be televised across the galaxy, a union between two empires putting millions of years of war to rest.
The ceremony goes off without a hitch. Optimus is no blushing bride, he stalks down the aisle with a gait of grimm confidence, maybe a little bashful and definitely anxious, but to those watching he looks almost sad.
When the "happily" wedded couple returns home (the Nemesis), Optimus expects that Megatron will ravage him, take his valve and breed him. Why else would a warlord like him want a bride besides producing an heir? It's not like Megatron is actually fond of him. He defeated him, locked him up, and condemned him to a fate that should have killed him. Megatron doesn't like him!
Yes, actually. It takes a while for him to come to terms with it, but Megatron does genuinely like Optimus. Megatron wasn't going to settle for anyone who doesn't meet his standards. Someone daring, strong, iron-willed, and most of all, capable of defeating him in combat. It's a pretty significant turn on for Decepticons to be defeated in a fight by a truly worthy opponent. He's been enamored by the little Prime for years since they fought on earth.
And horrifyingly, Optimus finds he too is falling for Megatron. Sure he's his husband, but it was a political marriage, a marriage of convenience! He wasn't supposed to actually fall in love with him! But the longer he stays on the Nemesis, the more they work together towards a brighter future for Cybertron, the more he learns and grows to appreciate the Decepticon culture... he finds himself genuinely adoring the company of his mighty and powerful husband.
He's well taken care of, having put on a few pounds and filled out, curvy, beefy, and plump. Not at all flabby, strong muscles lay beneath the fat capable of bench pressing his husband. Which also has the very welcome bonus of flustering the warlord. He gets quite a bit more attention now. He's respected, he's noticed, he's revered, and he's loving it. Basking in the adoration their people are showing him. He's starting to like the sound of "Empress of Decepticons."
The way he confesses his love wasn't how he imagined. He wanted it to be this grand gesture, showing his appreciation for everything Megatron has given him and done for him. Instead, it comes out in the most natural way possible. In the comfort of their home, with a beautiful view of reformed Cybertron just beyond the window of their little library, laughing at some obscure tale Megatron embellishes for entertainment between the two of them.
"I love you."
The room goes silent. Until Optimus starts stuttering, but never disputes his claim, just trying to make it sound more elegant. Megatron cuts him off.
"I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time."
"How long?"
"Since the beginning."
Abrupt and accidental as it was, their confession was no less spark-felt. Megatron draws Optimus in for a kiss that quickly becomes heated. Their fields mingling, intwinging, branding and consuming them in burning passion. Megatron lifts Optimus up (not a difficult task, the mech is half his size... could suck his spike standing up-) and briskly makes their way back to Megatron's room.
Months of pent up sexual tension is suddenly released and before he knows it, Optimus is spread out on a massive, luxurious, berth, ready and willing. Wet, clenching, valve around exploratory fingers as Megatron preps him. And soon a spike nearly the size of his forearm is inexorably breaching him, Optimus overloads before the whole thing is seated.
The next few breems are a whirlwind of pleasure. Optimus screams Megatron's name, the most lewd sounds and pleas fall from his lips, begging for more, harder, faster. He's suddenly very glad they live alone. His access ports open, flashing green, ready for connection. Megatron plugs into each one, amplifying the feedback of pleasure between the two. Megatron is one to open his spark chamber first.
"Bond with me, my beloved, forever and always."
"Always, forever!"
Sparkbonded and finally sated after hours of gratuitous fragging, Optimus and Megatron rest.
A few weeks later, Optimus starts feeling sick. A trip to Ratchet's clinic - Deadlock, or rather Drift now, is helping him run it - confirms their suspicions. But it's not just one bittie in the forge.
It's a clutch of five.
Turns out being revived by the Allspark (Optimus) and holding it in one's spark chamber (Megatron) makes for a very potent fertility agent.
YES tfa megop is so good for an arranged marriage scenario. I love how this takes it a different route, without Megatron ravaging Optimus it really feels like a marriage of convenience. They keep their distance at first, rarely butting into each other's daily lives on purpose, but things happen, they get wrapped up in conversations, they spend time together outside of fighting and it's... better than they've expected :)
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Cyberverse idea
As a very young sparkling Bumblebee is kidnapped by Decepticons. Megatron takes the young bittie under his wing in hoping to raise a Heir as well as to spite Optimus by raising his son.
Bumblebee grows up not knowing much outside of the Decepticon's base or ever knowing his true family of origins. However one day Bee gets bored and with some 'convincing' on Starscream's part the yellow mini sneaks out one night, when exploring the borders of Decepticon territory he spots a red & gold speedster sneaking across the border and heading towards the base. Seeing this as a chance to prove himself Bee tackles the Auto Bot, after a short scuffle the speedster suddenly freezes and looks at Bee with shocked but knowing optics.
"Bumblebee?...is it really you?" The Red speedster spoke dropping his knife.
"Do I know you?" Bee gives a very confused look while putting away his own weapon but he remained on guard.
The red mech shook his head with a sorrowful smile "No, you were so little when we lost you...our Carrier was convinced you were one with the All Spark. But my little brother.. y-your alive even after all this time!"
Bee just stares in shock for a while. He has a older brother and a Carrier who thought he was gone. But why didn't his Sire tell him any of this? Did his Carrier and Sire had a huge fight before leaving suddenly but why was his brother an Auto Bot and not a Decepticon? The mini has so many question to ask yet very little time as the speedster suddenly runs off back towards the border promising to bring back answers. As for Bee he is torn between speaking with his Sire or waiting for the speedster who is calming to be his brother.
(Hope you enjoyed this little idea)
I love this idea
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown
Based off this post. Enjoy this short little thing.
Many times the Matrix was given, and many times its bearers writhed in agony at its touch. The priests told them they were worthy.
But Optimus knows he is not.
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The priests always said that he was worthy. Like every Prime before him, Optimus's frame forever ached with the weight of the holy relic he bore. Fire leapt in his fuel lines. His hydraulics burned with exertion that he had done nothing to earn. Every waking moment was a form of torture as the relic within him made its opinion quite clear.
He was not worthy.
"Your station is the most holy on all of Cybertron. Bear this weight with pride." The priests smiled as he passed, gilded in gold and draped in fine cloths. The people cheered as they saw him step out of the Citadel. He despised it.
They did not know the pain that came from carrying the relic within him. They did not know that just like every single Prime who came before him, he was not intended for this station.
"Rise, Optimus Prime." The head priest blessed him as he stood before the masses. The Matrix burned within his spark chamber, reminding him that he did not belong.
"Glory to the Empire!" The people shouted in joy. Optimus remained still, his battlemask ever present as he watched the celebration. Whispers spoke in the back of his mind, murmurs offering wisdom even as his spark flared in quiet agony.
The price he paid for divine knowledge was high. Such was the consequence of imposing on Primus's most holy.
"You make an excellent Prime." Ratchet smiled as Optimus passed by. The doctor affixed his brooch to his cape, and while the act was tender, the Matrix thrummed in warning. If his corrupted form was to taint the divinity of the Primes, he was to have no joy.
"Now we can make some real change!" Ironhide exclaimed with glee as he patted Optimus on the back. Optimus nodded, but he did not smile. He was not allowed to smile. The Matrix was clear.
Every decision he made was done with agony clouding his thoughts. He learned to stop twitching when the Matrix caused his nerves to shoot with pain. He quickly silenced his instinctual cries when his plating felt so tight around him that he might suffocate.
"You alright Prime?" Jazz asked after one long cycle of legislation discussion. Optimus said nothing. Voicing his pain would bring only suffering to those around him.
"Of course." He answered simply. Jazz didn't believe him. No one did.
"The Decepticons have turned Kaon into a fortress. It won't be long until they march on Tarn too." Prowl frowned as he hunched over a map. Optimus stood still, his vision hazy as ghostly forms surrounded him. Their glares were so intense that he couldn't help the way his plating flared.
"You are not worthy." They whispered as Optimus pointed out a location on the map, the knowledge of his unworthy predecessors guiding his thoughts.
The forms of the old gods pressed up against him, their ghostly frames burning everywhere they touched. The only ones who did not harm him where those who shared his fate. Countless presences wrapping around him and shielding him from the wrath of the ancient horrors that denied him the holy rank he had been forced to bear.
"Send our forces to the northern border and prepare for war. Cybertron will not fall." The ghostly optics never left him as he made his declaration. They held no love for him.
"Sir, we need you." Ultra Magnus reached out, touching Optimus's shoulder as he looked out over the remains of the burning city of Rodion. It had all happened so fast. The flames of war engulfed their world before he had the chance to react.
"Please Prime, guide us." His Council begged, pleading with what they saw as the most holy for salvation. Optimus had nothing to give. The Matrix denied him. He could give no blessings or assurances.
"Optimus, what are we going to do?" One by one his companions came to him for comfort. Optimus's spark burned with righteous fury every time he offered another battle plan instead of some sort of prophecy, a promise of peace.
His frame forever burned. The Matrix cursed him, but the people needed him.
He would make himself worthy, if only to give his people something to cling to.
"Energon shortages are increasing. This war is devastating the planet." Perceptor noted clinically. The rest of the war council grew grim. They knew how far their people had fallen. Centuries of war were killing their world and they all knew it.
"If a true Prime had been chosen, this would have never come to pass." The old gods whispered, their digits digging under his plating and setting his circuits alight with agony. Optimus did not react. He had long learned to remain silent when the Matrix saw fit to punish him for his hubris.
How a mortal could have ever dreamed of carrying the Matrix was beyond him. And yet, he had to be worthy. Whatever the Matrix said, his people needed him. Perhaps he was not a proper Prime, but he was all that remained.
He would tear himself apart to be worthy of the mantle he bore.
"Optimus, your frame is falling to pieces! You need to rest!" Ratchet demanded as Optimus stood watch. His digits were shaky, as was now his regular state of being. His plating was cracked, his hydraulics were weakened, his optics strained more with every passing cycle. Already he had been forced to permanently wear his mask just to hide his eternal frown. It hurt too much to pretend anymore. Such was the curse of his station.
The longer he stood in the place of a divine, the more he deteriorated. All those who came before him fell this way. Optimus merely endured because he had to.
"Pride shall be your downfall oh foolish mortal." Their whispers forever haunted his audials. He could hardly recharge anymore. And yet, while Megatron still reigned, he could not falter.
"Orion, please, this has got to stop." Jazz pleaded with him as they prepared to leave Cybertron. He wasn't sure if Jazz meant the war or his increasing distance from his troops. Optimus wasn't sure he wanted to know.
He had to be worthy... there was no other choice.
"Prime." Megatron met his gaze, and Optimus returned it. What was the use in fighting anymore? After so very long, they had new concerns. Cybertron needed to be restored. Their war was irrelevant.
"Let us get this over with." Optimus murmured as the words of the Matrix drowned out all else. He wished it could all end.
His frame was battered and he had not recharged properly in millennia. His life was one of pain. The Matrix never allowed him a moment's rest, not while he defiled it with his very existence. Over and over it murmured-
"You are not worthy."
He knew it, and he believed it.
"Sup OP!" Hot Rod held out his first, an Earth custom that he had picked up from Primus knows where. Optimus stalled as the eternal whispers quieted. Hot Rod tilted his helm in confusion as Optimus reached up with shaky digits to wipe at his face.
It didn't hurt anymore.
"You are worthy." His voice was breathless as his knees felt weak. Megatron came to support him as Optimus struggled to stand upright. The pain had begun to fade. The Matrix sang with joy as he set his gaze upon the warrior before him.
"Prime, you alright?" Hot Rod nervously came forward, unsure how to act. Optimus retracted his mask. Those gathered gasped as Optimus dropped to a knee, a smile on his face.
"You are worthy." He repeated, echoing the words of the gods within him.
"What? I don't get it? What's going on?" Optimus continued to smile as the Matrix pulsed within him. He knew what it desired and he had no interest in denying it. Soon, very soon.
Soon he would not need to be worthy.
Vorns came and went. Optimus endured the pain. Hot Rod needed more time. He was not prepared for his station, not yet. The Matrix flared every time he approached the warrior, prodding but not demanding, not yet.
But finally, after what felt like an eternity, the time had come.
"Hot Rod, will you accept this station?" Optimus asked, and the warrior before him paused. The mecha gathered around paused in their steps, dropping whatever they were doing to stare. Optimus had come from nowhere. He could see why they were concerned.
However, he could not wait any longer. Not when salvation stood before him.
"I don't understand." Hot Rod stared in confusion. Optimus smiled.
"You will. For unlike me... you are worthy." His chest plating parted, the Matrix shone. For one in his functioning, Optimus felt its approval. This was the correct choice.
The relic tore away from him, and Optimus fell to a knee as he caught it and held it out to the mech before him. The Matrix burned his servos as he touched it, but the holy fire merely served to have him shake. His freedom stood before him.
Hot Rod reached out, his hesitation obvious up until he touched the relic. A smile spread across his face. He looked as though he had found a piece of himself long lost. Optimus smiled alongside him as the Matrix finally found its Prime.
"Rise, Rodimus Prime." A new Prime stood before him, holy flame his to command. Optimus relished in the flames that whipped across his plating. They burned, but not as the Matrix had tormented him for so long.
He was free.
He was not worthy.
But he did not need to be.
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klaudia96art · 2 years
 Mermaid and pirate 
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hello everyone I present to you my au mermaid and pirate a story hanging from the fantastic artist @pastelpaperplanesit is a story of the prime prince and the pirate megatron ✌️🥰 This is a brief plot: it speaks of the ancient legend of the abyss whoever finds all spark the lost treasure of the abyss it is said whoever possesses it obtains immortality and otherworldly powers no portal has dared to cross beyond the end of the sea it is said that many have tried ships but no one has ever succeeded. only one with a heart of gold can access the heirs of the royal family of the deep the king of all seas ultra magnus and his only sons elite and sentinel and optimus. on dry land there is the king of all pirates the most feared and the most ferocious megatron the leader of the decepticons. with the good will and the desire to find the lost treasure so megatron captured optimus to lead him to the treasure the two faced many difficulties in then falling in love with each other Prime first to go alone to mainland she wears a pearl that allows her to have legs but when she takes it off she becomes a mermaid so she could travel better with megatron the given prowl😉❤️
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
21 + OptRatch + The 13 Primes Au
Make of gold, the sunset goes, OP remembered Ratchet told him once when they just arrived to Earth, compared to here, their sunset was blue like the ocean of Earth, Cybertron's oceans were grey
"Orion" Optimus hears, he turns his head to see Ratchet's lost optics
"Is something wrong?" He asks, mostly as a reflex
"What do you think?" Ratchet got closer with a growl "I'm still mad at you"
"You know why I didn't told you"
"I know, and I understand," Ratchet raised his voice "I'm just mad, you always say I'm your everything but you still keep secrets from me! The Rescue Team, the AllSpark, you! If you and your 'siblings' didn't felt the AllSpark, would you ever told me?"
"Ratchet, I do not want you to get into this" Optimus begged with sad optics
"Well, I'm into this since the beginning!" Ratchet yelled, resting his servo on OP's shoulder "And you're crazier than I thought if you think I will let you go away to the middle of the galaxy, alone, only with a bunch of decepticons!"
"Ratchet nothing, Orion, I will not let you go alone"
"You must do" Optimus softened his gaze
"I don't accept it! Enough secrets from me! I will go, final period!" Ratchet got his faceplate so close Optimus could only see his optics full of determination, dear father, why Ratchet was so hard to deal with
"I need you here"
"You don't need me here, you want me here because you're scared something will happen to me"
"That's why you can't come!"
"Great- Orion, I don't care if you're Primus itself"
"Please, Ratchet, I don't know with what we are going to deal!"
"Neither we did when we got stuck in this mud-ball"
"Why is so hard to convince you?"
"Because I'm worried! I care a lot but you're constantly keeping me away from you and I can't deal with it anymore!"
"I'm worried too!" Optimus raised his optics to him "I- I don't know what I will do if something happens, that scares me! And that kills me!"
Optimus squeezed Ratchet's servo
"Ratchet, the last thing I want is to lose you"
"Orion" Ratchet took Optimus' servo in reply "I know it scares you, but you can't hide all the bad from me, no matter how Prime you are"
"I want to protect you"
"You can't, neither I can protect you, but we can stay together, and I wanna help"
"Primus, Ratchet"
"Primus, Orion"
Both bots looked at each other for a moment, both with their optics nailed on the other, Optimus had a pair of really sad optics, like about to glint, Ratchet was usually the hard shell but he couldn't let Orion keep those optics for so much, he surrounded the bot with care, Optimus rested his head on Ratchet's shoulder "Ratchet, why are you like this?"
"That's what makes me Ratchet, your little chicken spark is what makes you Orion"
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nova--spark · 10 months
Having reached the end of their natural lives, the infamous trio from Jasper of Miko, Jack and Rafael all find themselves given a blessing from Primus, for all they had done for Cybertron.
They were reborn, in Cybertronian forms all their own. To be with their robotic families once again, for as long as they could dream of.
Now under the care of Team Prime, as reborn Sparklings, they are to find a balance between the past and present to their existence and new life.
Miko : Purple pink with small green details flight frame, but has significant armor
Jack : Speed frame, silver blue and black colors, with decent enough armor
Raf : Orange gold and white, small frame with data cables, medical tools and minimal armor.
All 3 Sparklings were reborn with full memories of their pasts
Currently they are all the size of Mini-Cons, and are still very young as a result, meaning they're taken care of full time
Primary Caretakers : Optimus and Elita
Secondary Caretakers : Ratchet, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Ultra Magnus and Arcee
Siblings : Bumblebee and Smokescreen
Have retained their names from Earth, but will eventually be given Cybertronian names.
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toomanybrainrots · 11 months
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Optimus Prime, previous designation: Orion Pax, is the Autobot's fearless and brave leader, one chosen by Primus itself to be a Prime.
Of course, he's not all stoic and metal! Inside he has a heart — well, spark — of pure, earth gold! He would do anything for his team and the Autobots, even if it cost him his spark.
Elita's crew(?)
Hot Rod
Elita's crew(?)
Origins and Story
Before Optimus Prime was, well, a Prime. He was Orion Pax, a humble middle caste archivist that always longed for more in his mundane life. He was under Alpha Trion's command, and was usually seen wandering the halls or in the archives.
That was his life, the same usual and oh so boeing routine in the city of Iacon. He wished for more. And he got it when he heard of the new uprising gladiator, Megatronus he called himself, and his speeches.
He got it from a holovid, given by Ratchet, a well known party ambulance friend of his, to him. He couldn't help but resonate with Megatronus' words, feeling a sense of kindling within him as he watched his speech, all his focus on the gladiator.
From there, he continued to watch holovids of Megatronus' speeches, documenting everything in his own personal archive. Shockwave, a colorful and lively senator, often commented that he was like a little fanbot of Megatronus'("Geez, Orion. It's like you're his number one fanbot!").
He never thought he'd actually get to see one of Megatronus' speeches in person. That was, until his close friend Hot Rod, had found him watching one of his holovids. Orion hadn't noticed until Hot Rod had plopped down and taken a seat next to him. The speedster had told him he had been there the entire time("Oh, I've been here the entire time." "You WHAT?!")
Orion, understandably, had felt embarrassed. Hot Rod didn't humiliate Orion, thankfully. Instead, he offered Orion a front row seat to one of Megatronus' speeches. It didn't surprise Orion that Hot Rod was close with Megatronus, he was close with everyone.
Once he saw the gladiator's speech in bot. It felt like he had seen it for the first time, he felt it resonate within him like it did with the first speech he watched.
It was then that he decided to ask Hot Rod for Megatronus' comm number, and sent him a comm message(O: Your message has reached Iacon.)
And nearly got his frequency blocked by the gladiator.
However, with a lot of convincing from Hot Rod to Megatronus("Come on, megs! He's not so bad for a middle caste." "That's not rare coming from you." "Yeah, maybe. But we should let him in on this. He genuinely cares, megs. With the right teaching from a certain gladiator...he could help us." "...I will ponder on it."). The gladiator responded, though he was very passive aggressive.
Megatronus taught Orion everything he knew about Cybertron's corruption, from the pits of Kaon to the pollution of Tarn, to the negligence of Nyon, he thought him everything that was hidden away from him. They grew close, almost like brothers in a way. Orion helped Megatronus' influence in Iacon, and Megatronus helped Orion in return. It was symbiotic.
Then, they started to plan to confront the High Council about this. Hot Rod helped them, and Shockwave did aswell. With two mechs with great influence and strong ties from bots of the High Council and from bots everywhere on Cybertronian, Orion almost thought that they were prepared.
He didn't expect the proposition that Megatronus during their confrontation though.
The gladiator wanted to overthrow the High Council, and it almost sounded like he was demanding himself to be named Prime, atleast to Orion that is.
He didn't understand why his friend wanted to do that, and so he offered a different proposition. He offered negotiations, peaceful meetings instead of the force that Megatronus suggested.
The High Council seemed to like his proposition, enough to make him a Prime. He didn't want that. If anything, he wasn't worthy to be one, Megatronus was. But his friend stopped him. And Orion could tell he wasn't happy that he got named Prime, even if he said otherwise.
It went good for a while. Orion had weekly negotiations with the High Council, and everything seemed to be going good for Orion.
Until the Autobots were formed on the High Council's command.
The Autobots were made to stop any more riots and protests from happening. And they used force to do it. He remembered the first time he saw it happen, the amount of bots laying on the ground, either dead or unconscious, some of his allies mixed amongs the ones layed down or those that were apprehended.
Megatronus demanded that Orion take action, as he was now a Prime. Orion didn't, he wanted to wait, to play the long game. Megatronus was furious, and ended up going no contact for a while. ("How is...Megatronus? Is he doing well?" "He's alright." "Then, can you please tell him to comm me? I'm—" "He. Is. Fine.")
Then, when he finally heard of Megatronus. It was too late.
There were riots and attacks everywhere, killing innocents and destroying Iacon and cities. There were rampages, energon spilled, and so so much violence.
He pleaded with Megatronus to stop this. To stop this massacre. His friend did not listen, he continued. And he was forced to fight his old friend.
That was the start of the war, where many cities fell. And where he made his most regretted decision and mistake, right before he boarded the Ark, and crashed on Earth.
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siphersaysstuff · 11 months
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It's "Locktober", a month entirely about Dinobot leader GRIMLOCK! I mean, what else could it be? So let's close in on some of the plastic toys of the Autobot warrior who simply won't be restrained in this month's batch of Patron-backed @tfwiki pictures!
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Sadly, I don't have wiki-worthy samples of the first Grimlock toy, G1 or G2 (also I'd want all 3 G2 decos represented). But here's the Action Master, the fourth release of the character in the original toyline. He came with an "Anti-tank cannon" partner/drone (bonus pic!).
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Robots in Disguise 2001 Grimlock, named to secure the Trademark, is one of the most awkward Transformers toys ever made. Them arms, man. This yellow deco was a Hasbro exclusive, released in a post-RID 4-pack of the entire Build Team on Black Friday 2003. Thank you for preserving the name.
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The only Unicron Trilogy Grimlock wasn't even originally supposed to be in that series! The Energon Grimlock & Swoop toys (who can combine into Mega-Dinobot) were originally meant to be in the concurrently-running Universe line, but got shifted to the combination-centric Energon.
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Grimlock was a natural choice to be in the very limited 2006 Classics line, though him being a Deluxe baffled many. Still, for my money this is a great redesign. I can just see him biting down on a Decepticon, pinning him to the floor, and transforming to stand directly on top of him.
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Grimlock made a splash in Animated, though his role and number of toys ended up being pretty limited overall. Still, aside from the big Voyager toy, there's the smaller Activator version, with a partially-spring-loaded conversion activated by pressing the gold button on his dino-butt.
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Shattered Glass Grimlock started as a brainless beast. But the pre-convention "prank" comic pages by @therobotmonster and myself portrayed him as highly intelligent and verbose, inspired by the Brain Gremlin from "Gremlins 2". Which went over so well that's how he ended up in later SG stories!
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Weirdly, it took some time for Grimlock to show up in the Kre-O building-brick line. The first were Age of Extinction sets, including one with an inexplicable G1-based build and Kreon in the "Grimlock Unleashed" set! G1 Grim also showed up in the "Kreon Class of '85" San Diego Comic Con 2015 exclusive set.
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Speaking of Age of Extinction Grimlock, one of the oddest toys of this version of the character is this Walmart-exclusive redeco of the ten-year-old Energon Cruellock mold! The "energon star" accessory has been glued into place to hide that the toy lacks its "spark crystal".
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And speaking of weird Grimlocks, Angry Birds Transformers! The app's still going, what the hell? It briefly had actual toys, which included this Jenga-branded "Optimus Prime Attack Game" set with a Grimlock Bird Jenga frame! And yes, this thing is in the mobile game. In both, the goal is to knock out as many tummy bricks and pigs as possible.
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The large "Hyper Change Heroes" 3-Step version of Robots In Disguise 2015 Grimlock is possibly the perfect-scale dino-mode toy compared to his teammates' Warrior-class toys (def a bit too big in robot mode)… but ooh, does he take a big hit in robot-mode posability and accuracy from the waist down.
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Cyberverse "Spark Armor" Grimlock came with a "Trash Crash" dump truck that forms incredibly bulky armor for him. Interchangeability of the Spark Armors has not been extensively tested to the best of my (admittedly limited) knowledge on the subject.
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Of course, G1 Grimmers gets loads of merch. He's currently the only TF to have two wholly-different molds in Super7's ReAction retro action figure line, with both robot and dino mode figs. This G2-colored (but not G2-symbol'd, boo) figure was one of many, many Target exclusive ReAction figs.
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Let's end on the "ultimate" G1 Grimlock (well, non-Masterpiece version, though one can argue which of those two is truly "ultimate"), Studio Series! He came with a semi-posable Wheelie figure, so when his price point was inevitably budget-cut, the "partner" fig could be dropped, a sacrifice so the later Dinobots could still afford AN accessory.
If you enjoy these stomps through Transformers toy history, you can help out by joining my Patreon at "gregstfwikipics". Every little bit helps get more pics out a month, plus at higher pledge tiers you can even pick a theme!
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Alright, a continuation of Bayverse Autobots dealing with a rogue human carrier due to the absolute fuckery (as in the noncon body modification and unethical human experimentation) from Sector Seven.
(Needless to say, Optimus makes a good impression. The rest of them? Not so much...)
You’re not exactly sure how to feel about your life at the moment. Just one major upheaval after another. It feels more from like a supernatural or superhero action movie with the subplot of a shadow government agency making people disappear Just Because insert-whatever-plot-revalent-reason-of-ultimate-power… 
In the end, there’s no secret order or great prophecy or hidden school with a twinkling headmaster too full of secrets and too much regrets. Just a human that managed to escape on sheer dumb luck that’s trying lay down low and not get caught.
The accelerated healing seems to either cure your terminal illness or keep it in check, but you’re no Deadpool. Jumping from one fourth-story window is one time too many, and not a thing you wish to repeat if it can be avoided.
Now your life is veering into another direction. A sci-fi one.
One with aliens.
Giant metal titans that can transform in vehicles and what not.
What not also includes the ability to project a physical avatar which is sitting across from you right now as you’re wolfing down the fourth Grand Slam plate. Leo Cullen, the alias, is still nursing his hot chocolate, the lumberjack slam barely touched; whereas Optimus, the real man… mecha, alien, is parked outside.
A boot taps your shoe, you look up to see him smile, dimpled and a bit crooked, as he pushes his plate forward and quickly switches it with your empty one.
You’ve gotten used to the constant low buzz at the back of your neck, but the sudden jolt that sears your spine is a different story.
You stop eating. Fork down and napkin up as you pay attention to the direction.
“Something wrong?”
“I think it’s an eyelash.” The lie comes easily. After all, you and him are both hiding in plain sight for similar reasons. “Hold on.”
The angle of the compact mirror catches a couple half-asleep at their table, and behind them, an older man with greying red hair with glasses. He’s staring at you and a flare lights your nerves on fire.
The table rattles as you push up, the smile feels like a grimace as you say you’re going to the toilet.
The restroom is single users and it suits your needs perfectly. In the reflection, a wan face stares back at you; still thin and sharp from the weight loss and stress still etched on your features. Recovery is an absolute bitch and being on the run gives it a caustic tongue.
Splashing water over your face does little to settle your newfound sparky nerves, and you’re finishing up when there’s a loud click of the door unlocking without your damn permission and it swings open to-
“There you are!” 
The face and body is different, softer with floral wear but the same greying red hair and glasses. You hold your breath and let the static build in your gut. There’s a distant thought that’s amazed by the aliens’ adaptiveness. To have different forms at a blink of an eye? What a skill to have…
They’re saying something but it doesn’t matter. All you need is for them to come closer. Closer.
Cold porcelain digs into your lower back as you wait for the door to finally settle, and finally-
You have no idea who’s more surprised when they disintegrate in an electric rain as you dig your hands into them. The gold chains and rings around your palms and fingers aren’t to just look pretty.
The dryer sputters in a slow death and soap dispenser sparks, drooling out all of its contents. Only the toilet and sink escaped due to the lack of sensors. Lucky them that you’re getting better at that trick. You once shorted out half a block -signs, posts, and even the cars, nothing was left unaffected- to escape in the dark streets.
It does leave you off-kilter: bodily disconnected, yet hyper-aware of all the running currents.
Leo’s outside the door, and you force your shaking, wet hands to smooth out the static in your hair, patting them dry with your clothes. (A small, distant part of yourself jokes about matching Leo’s greying side streaks should you ever return to your original hair.)
There’s concern on his face and he says something but you honestly want to go back to bed. Just sleep it off for awhile.
He pulls you close and hot air hits your wet face. Sun beating overhead and you drag your feet to disperse the extra charge, teeth hurting whenever a radio is changed.
Leo makes no comment when you kick up dust, but he hum in a strange singsong and unrecognizable tune that bleeds out the itch under your skin.
Besides the weirdly green ambulance in the far corner, there’s a hummer and a sports car nearby giving you the same sharp sense of jittery awareness. And unlike the ambulance who’s avatar you knocked out, those two weren’t muted and had their attention on you.
Static numbs your clenched fingers and your spine buzzes as you and Leo pass them. You're tense. Absolutely ready to bolt away, and if it wasn't for the arm around your shoulders and the calming presence exuded by Leo, you're pretty sure you would have taken your chances to run into traffic. 
The lizard part of your brain is still screaming to try: Don’t turn your back!
A bizarre sensation of cool water slides down your neck and you shiver as it spreads down your back, like a huge icy-hot pack and a massage as it rolls and digs into your muscles, unknotting them, playfully tapping each individual knobs of your spine. 
It’s enough to shove the overwhelming urge to run to back of your head. Enough to realize that you need to breathe and had a death grip on Leo’s clothes. Leather and flannel twisted in your hands, straining the materials even.
In a way, you’re operating on a cross between autopilot and hyperviligance. You know that the Leo/Optimus hybrid is physically guiding you back to him, but your entire focus is tracking the other not-cars. Too many, persists the lizard, what’s stopping them?
You’re suddenly back inside the cab, seatbelts curling and sliding back to its proper place. 
Your life is turning upside-down again, but all you do is stumble to the bed in the back. Too strung out by everything to speak. The mattress shifts and bury your face into the eerily smooth skin of a neck and inhale the mix of tires, metal, and fire. He pulls you over to rest right on top of him and you follow it, soaking his body heat and matching his slow rise of his chest.
Optimus hums, the pitch low, and you realize it’s his whole frame, not just the avatar, that’s gently vibrating in a strangely soothing noise that slowly eases away the harsh tension in your back and unclenches your belly, limbs relaxing as you cling to the other body and broad hands, warm and sure, are resting on your lower back, heat sinking into the sore muscles.
Hunger still nips at your senses, but it’s the exhaustion that drags you down.
The noise drowns out the sharp awareness that’s outside, and somewhere between the easy, slow strokes across your lower back and rocking motions of the drive, you fall asleep.
You’re vaguely aware you’re purring back.
:: Congratulations, Prime, we have a feral carrier in our grasp now. ::
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skylarkking · 6 months
To Heal a Mockingbird
A TFA Ratchet x Mech!Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
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Chapter 7: An Unexpected Meeting
"Uh, I don't think that's such a good idea, boss bot."
"Prime! No!"
When these sounds hit my audials, I was immediately yanked out of stasis, and I lept to my pedes with blades drawn and ready to fight whomever had dared to startle me.
My optics were immediately met by five Autobots, a red and blue hauler type, a yellow and black speedster, an army green hulk of a mech, a gold and black cyberninja, and finally a very familiar red and white mech that didn't register in my memory banks but did in my spark.
"Where am I? Who are you?" I barked as I switched between the stunned Autobots.
"Y/D?" The red and white mech whispered in surprise and awe. I focused on him and tried my best to hide the fact my systems were blaring with alerts of all sorts. "Hey hey, it's okay. It's me. Ratchet."
The name immediately clicked in my mind, and recognition crossed my face.
"R.... Ratchet?" I questioned. "Wh... what are you doing here?" I then looked about and noticed I was no longer on Cybertron but out in some remote asteroid field and were dangerously exposed. "We need to take cover! Fast! Before the Decepticons find us!"
"Whoa whoa easy Y/D." Ratchet said.
"I'm not taking chances! Not while Megatron is after me!"
"Megatron?" The red and blue mech questioned. "But... the war's been over for centuries. Why would he be hunting you?"
"It.... Is it over?" I asked.
"Yeah, kid. It's over." Ratchet reassured me. "Autobots won thanks to you." He then approached me and gently placed a servo on one of my blades, lowering it down. "You don't need those right now." I retracted my blades and felt my knees buckle under me as I fell to a kneel before Ratchet. Thankfully, the medic caught my upper half and gently held me to his chassis.
"It's over." I quietly wept with relief. "It... it's really over." I felt dizziness as my systems crashed, the rest of my frame crumbling into a pile on the ground.
"Bulkhead, carry him, and let's get out of here." Ratchet said.
"But what about that?" The yellow and black mech asked as he pointed to the Allspark container.
"Leave it. Or better still throw it back through the Space Bridge." Ratchet said firmly. "This thing isn't meant to be found, nor was Y/D, but i'd be a fool to leave him out here in his current condition."
"What's got you so spooked all of a sudden, Ratchet?" The red and blue mech asked. As if to confirm the medic's fears, the red and blue mech received a message from his ship's computer.
"Teletran-1 to Optimus Prime. Teletran- to Optimus Prime." It said. "Unidentified space craft entering this sector. Energy signature consistent with Decepticon warship."
"Decepticon? That must be a mistake. The Decepticons were destroyed centuries ago." The red and blue mech said.
"Well, aside from wings here." The yellow mech added.
"Defeated, not destroyed. And we're not waiting around for them to find it or Y/D." Ratchet said as he shifted forms. "What are you bots waiting for? An invitation? Load it up, pronto!"
"Wait, Ratchet." The red and blue mech questioned as the green mech picked up the allspark and loaded it into the medic. "Why the sudden urgency? What is this thing? And who's Y/D?"
"There's no time. Let's move!" Ratchet ordered.
The group with the help of the green mech managed to haul aft towards the ship that they beloved to, my now slowly rebooting frame resting on a medical berth while the others took the Allspark out of Ratchet and placed it onto the metal flooring.
"You're the history buff, Prime." Ratchet said to the red and blue mech. "Ever hear of the Allspark?"
"Yeah, it's the most powerful energy source in the universe." The Prime said. "It gave the spark of life to all Cybertronians."
"Everybot knows that story." The green mech said.
"Heres another one. The only way we were able to win the GreatWarr all those centuries ago was by keeping the Allspark out of thedeceptionn's hands. Or rather, Y/D did." Ratchet turned to look at me with a saddening expression on his face. "He stole it from Crystal City to keep it safe, even going so far as to fling himself into a space bridge before it exploded just to keep it out of Megatron's grip."
"The records say that the Autobots sent it away, though." The Prime said. "Not the Decepticons."
"It's written that way to prevent another uprising among Decepticons." Ratchet said. "By scrubbing Y/D from history, the Autobots are able to maintain control over Cybertron."
"How do you know this?" The cyberninja asked.
"I was there when it happened." Ratchet said grimly.
"Nnnngh..." I groaned quietly as I regained consciousness, Ratchet rushing over to me with a worried expression.
'They're coming.' I hear the Allspark whisper.
"We... we need to move." I groaned as I tried to push myself back up, my joints shaking and trembling from the effort. "The Decepticons... they're coming for it."
-with the Decepticons-
"Lord Megatron. I'm picking up 2 rather unique energy signatures." Blackarachnia said. "One is fairly strong, while the other is... known to us."
"And what would that signature be, Blackarachnia?" Megatron asked coldly.
"Someone who owes the Decepticons a lot more than loyalty." She said with a smirk. "Carnifex is with the strong signature."
Megatron visibly stiffened and gripped on the arm of his throne so tightly the metal bent and warped underneath.
"What did you say?" He asked coldly.
"That's the traitorous bot who got away, is it not?"
"Indeed it is." Megatron growled. "Follow that signal at once! Now!"
-with Y/D-
"Kid, you need to calm down." Ratchet said as I began to panic and tried to fight against him.
"No! You don't understand! We need to move! Now!" I begged.
"And we will Y/D." The Prime said. "Ratchet, try and calm him down, the rest of you with me." The other Autobots nodded and followed the Prime to the command bridge, the ships' engines roaring to life as it pulled away from the asteroid field.
"Y/D, listen to me." Ratchet said as he framed the sides of my face between his servos. "Trust me when I say we will get the Allspark to safety. Optimus is a good captain, and the others are good bots too."
"Their maintenence bots, Ratchet!" I argued. "They don't know how to fight!"
"Prime does, and so does Prowl our tag along cyberninja. They are rookies, sure, but they can help fight if need be. Even Bulkhead and Bumblebee have a bit of a fight in them."
"I can't let them get killed." I said with a shake and static in my voice.
"They won't. I promise."
"Yeah, Y/D?"
"I... I'm scared."
Previous Chapter: Here
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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mychlapci · 1 month
Broody Carriers!! There's this fic on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/58022971#main (I'm on mobile so I'm not sure it'll work, it's called Brooding Brain and is a Jazz/Prowl fic.) and it scratches my brain so good. Just what I needed to add to my personal headcanons regarding carriers.
Personally, I prefer mechs laying eggs over live birth. Makes more sense in my brain and some species, like chickens, get broody when it's time to lay some eggs. Prefect to add to my egg-laying carriers. And because my favorite pairing is TFA Megop (as you might have noticed from some other asks you've gotten lately, I'm just going to refer to myself as Rozie Anon from now on) most of the word vomit I'm throwing at you is based on them.
So, Optimus is usually the one to get sparked, so I'm gonna focus on his brooding state. (Imagine this is some vague peacetime au and Megop is already established as conjunxes.)
At the beginning when he first gets sparked - once he's gotten over the shock and subsequent urge to murder his conjux - things are going pretty smoothly for the first trimester. His body is reconfiguring itself to better support the bitties and is putting on weight due to the cravings of various material. From hard metals like iron and titanium to soft, precious, metals like gold and silver. Energon prepared in different ways like extravagant, well-crafted and nutritious, 5-course meals or just the raw crystal to munch on. (I like to imagine he has a small hoard of various, common to hard-to-find, non-perishables. Gold and silver nuggets, coins, and chains, crystals either energon or otherwise, even shed armor pieces that would have normally been smelt down. It's like a little dragon hoard :3c)
His hips have widened with his growing belly and his thighs are thicker to accommodate for the shift in weight. He has the same pregnant thought process of "Oh Primus, I'm getting fat, I'm fat! My conjux is never going to want to touch me again!" Megatron has to reassure him that he's just a beautiful as before and honestly to him, he looks even more so, if that was even possible.
Second trimester comes around and Optimus is starting to get achy. He's starting to get more and more moody and, well, broody, as time goes on. He's crafted a wonderful little nest which Megatron pitched in for finding the right size frame, mattress, and buying a shit-ton of material for it. (He's a warlord, it's fine, he's got the funds to spare, anything for his wifey.) Optimus starts complaining his back and feet ache, his protoform has gotten more sensitive, and his titties are finally swelling. Megatron pulls out all the stops for him, back rubs and foot baths, massages (that often turn into back-blowing sex), milking his swollen titties, and just generally spoiling his wife rotten.
Optimus finds that it's getting harder and harder to concentrate, he's reluctant to leave the nest, and he starts getting more snippy and aggressive with anyone other than Megatron. He once snapped at Strika for something minor and then began apologizing profusely, only for her to laugh and say that she knew he didn't mean it, he's brooding and can't control himself. In fact she says Lugnut's brooding state was worse when they had their bitties. He's really more of a hissing kitten compared to Lugnut.
By the time he's in his third trimester and his due date is coming up, all his higher brain functions are shutting down quickly and his core temperature has risen. He rarely ever leaves the nest anymore and can really only get out one word answers for things like "fuel", "energon", "cuddles?", and "spark". The only time where Optimus is more or less cognizant at this point is when they're spark-merging. Spark-merging for a Carrier, especially with the sire of the sparklings, is one of the main ways to properly stabilize the sparks. It takes a lot of strain on the Carrier's spark to support the clutch (for Optimus, a clutch of five), and sharing sparks with the sire or another mech with a close relationship helps lift that stress. It's also a good bonding experience for the bitties even before they hatch.
Optimus is still getting railed and milked even while broody though. With his higher brain functions shut down, all there is left is instinct, and he's become Horny As Fuck. Being horny and broody at the same time makes him insatiable. Megatron is the only one who can properly satisfy him because he's the only one who can get close enough to him without the threat of getting mauled. He was basically getting fucked 24/7 before, but now Megatron has to tie Optimus up and set a sex machine on him so he can take a break.
Finally, his bitties are ready to be laid. The eggs are bigger than expected so it's a tight squeeze and long labor. Megatron is by his side the whole time, coxxing Optimus through the whole process with Ratchet as the mid-wife (the only other person that was able to get close to him). And once the eggs are out, Optimus immediately sets upon laying on them, all his vents open to dump as much heat as possible on them. Eggs need to be kept at a very specific temperature, which is why incubators were created, but it would take a few months before Optimus would be coherent enough to allow them to be moved to an incubator.
After those months are up and Optimus has started coming back to his senses, Megatron is able to convince him to move the eggs to the incubator. And once they're safe and secure, it doesn't take long for Optimus to regain his composure. He's still a little moody and occasionally takes an egg or two out of the incubator to place in his pouch (I like to think they also have a marsupial-esque pouch to carry the bitties while their either still in their eggs or still small enough to fit, the pouch can get up to forging temperatures for eggs), but is otherwise back to normal.
Until Megatron knock him up again.
ohhh inch resting... broody carriers are certainly fun, and i draw extreme satisfaction from imagining a tuckered out Optimus all splayed out over his precious eggs... He's all hazy and hyper-protective of his clutch, not even Megatron could tear him away from them. It's best to leave the happy little carrier alone...
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cozzzynook · 22 days
Ratbat was taken from Soundwave by the Autobots. When they realized he didn't have any information they abandoned him in Nyon.
The sparkling was terrified, hungry and scared. Hot Rod heard the crying and went to investigate.
When Soundwave awoke after the battle to find Ratbat was taken from him.
He raged.
He took his damaged frame from the empty battle grounds and forced himself on sire adrenaline straight for autobot base camp.
He commed Megatron ordering for back up and switched his comm off before any statement could be made.
If it were any bot else Megatron would join only to slay them for giving him an order but seeing as this was Soundwave. His most loyal solider and one of his oldest friends, he would oblige and eagerly take this opportunity to slaughter as many autobots as his servos and troops could manage.
By the time Megatron made it with his army, it was already an energon bath making them stagger for a klik.
Soundwave was nowhere to be seen but they could hear the screams of the autobots who were unfortunate enough to incur the wrath of Soundwave and his cassettes he unleashed.
Soundwave didn’t feel a thing as he mowed down autobot after autobot.
He dealt heavy wounds to those who were admirable opponents and cut down any weaker than himself.
He could not find it in himself to say words more intelligible than guttural growls and static screams as vocalizer phased in and out.
He wouldn’t stop until he found his bitty and the mechs who took him.
It wasn’t until Soundwave came face plate to face plate with two lowly mechs held in Optimus Primes servos.
The mech looked extremely angry for once and when soundwave made a move to prepare a fight, he was slightly thrown off by the prime tossing the two mechs at his pedes.
“They have taken your sparkling. See to it they have a long and fitting punishment for endangering such a young innocent bitty.”
The primes words were borderline feral and Soundwave was not blind to the carriers weight on the primes frame.
It was something he would not share with Megatron.
“Your bitty is the city of Nyon. They are with a mech designated Rodimus of Nyon. There you will find he is treating the wounds and fear of your sparkling. Make sure their punishment is slow.”
The prime turned his back strut to the pleasing and begging slag glossa scrubbers.
There was an unbridled blinding rage that swept within Soundwave and he knew looking at their optics how he would torture the two wasted metals.
With a message to Megatron and a set of claws through the mechs chassis that would injure but not kill, he was off.
The city of Nyon was not an easy place to enter but it seems the prime sent word of him coming and there on the outskirts of Nyon was a mech of trims gold, mostly red with notes of yellow coloring a beautiful frame that screamed protective warmth.
A warmth and nurturing spirit that enveloped the mech and shrouded around and within his bitty who was clean, bandaged and recharging peacefully clinging to the mech who began to hold his sparkling out towards him.
His bitty smelled of medicine and carriers energon the moment he held him to his face plate and then his chassis to feel his spark beat.
In the crook of his neck cables and again to his face plates.
Holding his bitty was not enough, Soundwave— in front of a stranger — opened his chassis and poured his spark to his bitty and felt the pour of his sparklings energy return.
The bond of sire and sparkling grew in connection and he felt his rage quiet for the first time since waking so many hours ago.
It wasn’t until that very moment he was able to feel the damage and exhaustion done to his frame and the world went black.
When he woke, he was laying in a berth of silk sheets and soft cushions with his sparklings scent on him and in the nest accompanied by another.
His bitty was not in his servos and that made his jerk forward only to wince.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, he’s right here,” looking to the side, Soundwave sees the mech who held Ratbat sit on the side of the bed and lower him with a warm servo.
In his arm, he held Ratbat who hungrily suckled against his energon pouch and clung to him with energon glazed optics and the sweet scent of a happy and well loved fresh sparkling.
“He got hungry and I didn’t want him to wake you so I stayed close. I’m sorry but he needs carriers energon to heal.”
Soundwave kept his intake shut but he nodded slightly.
He could only watch as the mech named Rodimus of Nyon cared for his sparkling with such ease when even he had some trouble fueling Ratbat.
“I’ve cleaned your wounds and bandaged you up, it’s no medics work but you should be fine. You need rest though.”
It was true.
He felt far better than he should have and he wondered why the mech was short selling himself.
But most of all he wondered, “help: why?”
“Hm? Because. Harming a sparkling is the worst thing a bot can do. When I found him, he was hurt so badly. His wings will take a long time to heal even with surgery. Not to mention they interrogated the poor bitty..My prime has called for a temporary truce. One Megatron is honoring for the moment.”
That shocked Soundwave.
“I heard you ran into Optimus, if you can see the carrier weight I’m sure your leader can too,” Rodimus chuckled a little.
“Those two are more intwined than most believe. I hate to say it but this will definitely bring about a treaty since Megatron will not want his own bitty suffering the same.”
Soundwave had his inquiries and theories on the two but in that moment all that mattered was his own sparkling.
Though, he isn’t the least bit surprised the two are still together, he’s just surprised they were careless enough to bring a sparkling into the mix. At least he found Ratbat and his cassettes.
“I’m sorry this happened to you and your sparkling, but i hope this ensures it will never happen again.”
That rage begins to kindle in his spark again, he can feel his claws extending and his fangs slipping free but a warm embrace field is brushing along his own and he’s slipping from the confines of rage that was beginning to leak from his aura and make his bitty upset.
“Please, not in front of him. Let it consume you when its just you and the rusted virus spikes that caused all this.”
The insult honestly made Soundwave feel a bit better. Rodimus of Nyon could not see it but Soundwave was smirking beneath his mask.
“Thank you: Rodimus of Nyon.”
“No biggie,” the mech smiled making his spark spin faster, “and hey, call me Roddy. Your bitty is drinking from me, I think its only right,” the mech joked.
Were it anybot else he would’ve stared them down until they feared for their survival…but this mech..this mech made him smile.
And he let him know it too.
With a brush of his em field, Soundwave allowed the mech to see him and feeling his own field mix with his sparklings and the mech who selflessly fueled his sparkling from his own pouches so gently, he knew he would one day conjunx the mech before him.
He just hoped the treaty would come soon, he doesn’t want to commit treason.
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galacticspaceguy · 2 years
I, am cringe. But I am free.
It was finally the day. This wasn't what Soundwave would have ever dreamed of happening.
Soundwave was never one for showing his emotions, masking his feelings was so much better. But as of recently, he almost entirely let himself go. His spark fluttered in ways he was unfamiliar with.
He remembered these feelings as slight notions he felt towards his ex-leader.
He was never like this with Megatron. This is so much more.
He looked over himself one last time. Nothing changed much. Except for the excessive gold that draped over his shoulders, waists and arms, and a purple cape, with the Decepticon insignia on it in a brighter purple.
Most of this was Starscream’s idea. But… Soundwave supposed he didn’t mind. Plus, Soundwave had his own surprise for the ceremony.
“SOUNDWAVE!!” Frenzy bursted into his room.
“Frenzy?” Soundwave was starting to finally use his actual voice after centuries.
“We’re starting- Woah.” Frenzy stopped and stared.
“Did I mess something up!? I knew something looked off-“
“You look so good!” Frenzy screamed. She ran up and grabbed Soundwave’s hand. “Now let’s go, your future conjunx Endura awaits!”
“You finally approve of me and Starscream’s relationship?” Soundwave lightened up. Perhaps there was hope-
“Haha! No.” Frenzy scowled. “But Starscream is gonna let me play my guitar, so…”
“Of course he did.” Soundwave sighed.
The Nemesis was beautiful. Rows of Decepticon flags were hanged up. There was energon, music, and a crowd of happy Decepticons.
Either they came because there was energon, or because no one has seen a proper bonding since the early parts of the war, where young bots and cons were ready to get their sparks tied before death got to them first.
Everyone went silent when old Cybertronian music started picking up, Frenzy’s guitar playing in soft rifts. All eyes were on Soundwave. Then the door on the other side of the room opened. Starscream stepped out, wearing gold and a cape similar to Soundwave’s, with the addition of a gold crown, with one big red jewel on its crest.
The Decepticon’s parted, making a clear path for the two. They were the envy of all. When they had finally met in the middle, their hands roughly held the others, not wanting to let go. It almost felt surreal.
Soundwave took in every bit of Starscream’s beauty. From the slight makeup to the polished paint.
“You look beautiful.” Soundwave whispered.
“Look who’s talking.” Starscream smirked, leaning in ever so slightly.
Starscream and Soundwave had already gone through most of the conjunx rituals, the four ceremonial acts that made them whole.
Now this would make it more publicity official.
They just had to finish the “Act of Devotion” showing off the admiration and desire they held for one another. Though Starscream had a few sincere words to say, Soundwave had something more planned.
They stood on a higher platform, next to the control panels and the warships screens.
They looked out at their people.
Time to start the ceremony.
It was the dead of night. They planned to sneak onto the Nemesis and recapture all the Decepticons that had escaped Ghost’s prisons. Optimus picked up a few more Autobots for the mission, but they were a small force against the Cons, even with Ghost’s forces right behind them.
“Megatron, are you certain?” Optimus knelt down beside him. “That’s about a few hundred Decepticons in that ship.”
“This will work.” It has to. “If we keep holding off to recapture those cons, the more we put this town, this planet, in danger.”
“We are putting ourselves, and these humans, in danger.” Optimus glanced towards the dozens of humans in black vans behind them.
“We have to do this.” Megatron was stubborn. Optimus sighed, walking away.
“Besides, they’re under Starscream’s command, how bad could it be?” Megatron called out after him. Joking even though Megatron was also doubting himself.
This has to work. And it will.
They approached the Nemesis, human forces surrounding it. The Autobots were planning an attack from above, managing to get onto the Nemesis’s roof.
“Is this a good idea?” Arcee whispered.
“Of course it is. No one will know we’re up here.” Megatron replied, coming off ruder than he anticipated.
“You didn’t install a defense mechanism for your warship's roof!?” Elita yelled, (quietly)
“I never needed too. I didn’t think you’d Autobots were that insane.” Megatron looked back at them.
“So you admit this plan is insane?” Bumblebee butted in.
Megatron rolled his eyes and sighed angrily. He stopped when he reached the far end of the metal roof.
“This is the main deck.”
Elita started to tear at the metal roofing.
Oh no. Megatron should’ve repaired his ship after that meteor shower 3 thousand years ago.
Soundwave was ready to break the oath. The oath of never showing his face again. Being a spy meant giving up a lot of things. But he isn’t anyone’s spy anymore. The ceremony was almost over, then Starscream and Soundwave would connect their sparks in private to finish the ritual. Soundwave ran a hand over Starscream’s chest.
It was all so perfect. Until they heard an explosion from the ceiling.
Multiple Autobots fell from the ceiling. They grunted and groaned as they got up. Among them was Megatron.
Soundwave’s visior would have cracked right then and there. His fists tightened, almost blowing up that dragged right here and now.
“Wha…” Megatron gained back his grip on reality, quickly firing up his fusion cannon. He looked around the room, then his gaze landed on Soundwave and Starscream.
“Is this a Conjunx ceremony?” Megatron muttered, asking, not just stating facts.
Soundwave wanted to cuss, scream, and attack, but Starscream was already getting to that.
“Must you Autobots ruin everything!?”
The rest of the Autobots had adjusted already.
“Never took you for the settling down type, Screamer-“ Elita started, then noticed Megatron. His eyes showed hurt as his fusion cannon lowered.
“Let’s finish this now, Cons!” Bumblebee said, charismatically.
“Decepticons! Attack- “ Starscream started to scream out orders, before Soundwave stopped him, Soundwave’s hand landing on his chest.
Soundwave looked at Megatron. Behind the mask there was hate in Soundwave’s eyes.
They were over.
Soundwave pulled Starscream in, catching him in a dip.
A collective gasp was let out by everyone, even Starscream, as Soundwave’s mask unhitched. Soundwave’s blue eyes locked with Starscream’s red ones.
In a moment Soundwave locked Starscream in a kiss. Their sparks flowed with a vibrant blue, interlocking with each other. That was about half the deed to be done.
Soundwave pulled a shaken Starscream up.
“Now, you may attack.”
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karlyanalora · 6 months
How about Ratchet? Animated or otherwise.
First impression
Grumpy. Old. Kind of weird about the ship.
Impression now
Oh, that’s why he’s weird about the ship!
TFA Ratchet has a spark of gold. He’s been through a lot, and he cares for all those under his care. He’s kind, but not nice. The guy’s a grump who would yell at kids to get off his lawn. But when crap hits the fan, he’s there.
He’s not one to defy orders. Like in the season one finale, he thought Optimus was being too harsh, but he still reluctantly took the key from Sari. He thought the whole Omega Supreme thing was wrong, but he was still a part of it. His subtle defiance was being Omega’s friend and not just his handler.
Favorite moment
Every moment with him and Omega Supreme. Especially when he’s talking to Omega about war and how it won’t be forever.
Idea for a story
An post canon story exploring his and Arcee’s romance. He probably knows everything that can be known about her. She knows nothing about him. She’s a special agent. He’s just a field medic.
It’s clear they like each other in that surface level way. But moving beyond that is going to be quite the odd journey.
Unpopular opinion
More of a gentle reminder about a canon fact. He’s not CMO Ratchet; he’s field medic Ratchet. There’s a reason no one cared that he stayed with Omega Supreme after the War.
Favorite relationship
The way he talked to Optimus after the Lockdown incident, knowing that Optimus was probably traumatized and not wanting him to deal with it alone. The way Optimus reciprocated and offered to listen to Ratchet’s own struggles. Optimus knows Ratchet better than anyone else on the team and vice versa.
Favorite headcanon
So I don’t think TFA Ratchet is a medical genius in the classic way. He’s got no insane talent with his hands, and miracles don’t come effortlessly to him. But he’s tenacious. He works harder and studies longer than anyone else. He networks, reaching out to experts who could help. He doesn’t give up on his patients, even when everyone else calls them lost causes.
His skill in the field and in surgery? Hard earned with tons of simulations. Every time he’s lost a patient, the moment he can, he runs countless simulations until he can find what went wrong and a solution for next time. Bit of a problem when there is no solution, but that’s where he creates one.
I bet Arcee was not the first operative he was sent to rescue. He’s ordinary enough that the Autobots can afford to lose him but skilled enough that they send him on missions to retrieve people with important intel.
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
pairing sparkling blurb thingy: Optimus Prime/Prowl
(if you're surprised, you shouldn't be)
The only thing surprising about this is how long it took you to send it XD I was waiting for it from the second I posted about em
ANYWAY! Optimus is the one carrying, and this sheltered little goody two shoes had no idea about interfacing til after landing on earth. He kinda got addicted to it: it just always felt so warm, Prowl was always gentle and made him feel more loved and accepted than anyone ever had before, and he could never get enough of that feeling. It's no surprise he eventually ends up sparked
He's baffled by the concept at first, once Ratchet gives him the news after a standard tune up. There's something growing inside him?! An entire other person, a full cybertronian bot? How?! How can that be? The only way for mecha to come to life is via the Allspark vault on Cybertron, and now the Allspark shards scattered across this planet. He doesn't have any access to that, so how can this be? Error 404, does not compute
Once he gets over the shock and the reality settles in tho, he's incredibly excited. And nervous. This is a huge honor and responsibility, he thinks: if he's making a person then he owes it to them to give them the best possible life! He needs to do everything right! He downloads every single tiny scrap of information he can find about sparklings, and pesters Ratchet with literally hundreds of questions. How much should he recharge, how much should he fuel, does he need to be careful transforming? What's the necessary amount of exercise? He probably shouldn't be fighting decepticons, right? How long will he need to spend building them? Is he going to need to download schematics? What about-
He's the most nervous dedicated carrier Ratchet's seen in a long time 🤭 granted, he's the only carrier Ratchet's seen in a long time. He just wants to do right by his baby, even if he still hasn't quite conceptualized what a baby is.
The first time the sparkling kicks he runs to Ratchet in a panic thinking they're trying to escape early. Ratchet has to gently explain that that's normal, it means they're developing into a healthy newspark. Prowl mentions that there's an old superstition that the first time a sparkling kicks, it means they want their carrier to know they're there, and that makes Optimus light up in excitement. Their creation already likes him! That's great! Everytime the baby kicks from then on to the emergence, he always stop what he's doing to touch his belly and push as much acknowledgment and affection through their budding sparkbond. He wants them to know that he's there, too! He'll always be here for them 💖 and when he finds out that the sparkling will be able to hear voices after a certain development point, he makes it a part of his daily routine to ask Prowl to say hello to them. He talks to them all the time, constantly, telling them about anything and everything. He gets so used to having them kicking in his belly and connected to his spark, he can't get to sleep without one servo on his middle, gently stroking it and humming to the little one.
When they're born, Optimus isn't at all prepared for the pain. It's the worst thing he's ever had to endure--not even getting literally killed by Megatron could compare. In all his time in service to the elite guard and protecting earth, he'd never rated anything on the pain scale more than a 7.5. Labor is a strong 15. He's full on ugly crying and begging Ratchet to make it stop, to GET. IT. OUT!! It lasts nearly 20 hours and Prowl is as supportive as he can be, doing everything demanded of him with lethal efficiency and doing everything in his power to keep his mate comfortable.
When the sparkling finally arrives, they're thankfully healthy. All of Optimus's careful prep and precautions ensured they're born without any complications 😊 a beautiful blue and gold sparkling, perfectly precious. They come out screaming, loudly announcing to everyone that they are not happy about being thrust into a world that's so cold and bright and scary! Once they're cleaned and not so slimy-sticky anymore, Prowl gently helps Optimus sit up so he can hold their newspark. He kinda freezes up, optics wider than they've ever been and servos trembling as they're placed into his arms. They're still squalling, afraid and overstimulated, and he's not sure what to do. Instinct takes over after a moment though, and he cuddles them closer against his chassis. Bouncing them as gently as he can, shushing them with the promise of, "I'm here, I- I'm here! It's me, i-it's me, I'm right here, it's ok... shhhhh..."
And sure enough, that's enough. Hearing their carrier's familiar voice, snuggled close against his pulsing spark, they start to calm down. He watches with wonder as they squirm closer, murring as their tiny newborn systems begin to settle. Their optics squint open for the first time, blurry and unseeing but the most beautiful shade of blue, tiny glossa poking out and beginning to root for their first meal.
Optimus is surprised when he suddenly bursts into tears. He doesn't know why he's crying. He doesn't know where this flood of tears came from but he's just so overwhelmed with emotion he just can't stop. He snuggles them close and curls around them as much as he can, sobbing and blubbering and kissing their little helm over and over again. He's just so happy to finally have them here, he had no idea it was possible to love something like this, to love something this much. He'd of course loved them while they were growing inside of him, but this is so much different somehow. Seeing them so tiny and precious in his arms has brought an entirely new type of adoration bubbling to the surface, and he never, ever wants to let go of this feeling 💖
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