#[misunderstood outcast: herobrine]
galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
[Writings - Poisoning PT 4 - Finale]
[PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3]
[The icons (but not the frames) used for Monster!MC!Writer were made via SyBeez’s Minecraft-sona picrew!]
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“You got it.” Herobrine’s mouth moved to the words, the chat bar appearing in time to his quiet voice. It had been a few days since the antidote had been administered, and while Writer’s physical body continued to change... They were at least (as far as Herobrine could tell) on the road to recovery.
If anything, trying to get them to stay in bed had been the issue.
“I’mma make it...!” A single gray hand clung to the corner of the wall. Writer was huffing, trying to intake air even as it felt as if every breath was being pushed out by a rock. Their mouth was open, as was a set of pitch-black slits around their neck- something Writer had taken to calling ‘gills’.
They finally pushed off the wall, blackened feet stepping across the wooden floor. It wasn’t until they were at the table in the kitchen that they collapsed into a seat, one hand over their chest as they gasped for air.
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“You made it really far this time!” His words were met with an out-of-breath chuckle.
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“I’ll...call it far....when I c’n...mine...!”  Herobrine shook his head, although the silent laugh could be seen from the way his shoulders shook. Writer grinned.
The changes had been... Rather fast, not immediate- but quick all the same. Their eyesight had gotten far sharper- the light far more painful, resulting in a need for shades during the day... Which was slowly morphing into the other being a complete night owl, and sleeping through the day. The slits in their neck had taken a few days to form- initially little more than cuts before gradually cutting deeper and deeper, moving in time to their breathing.
Their skin tone had evened out, fading to a more pale-ish gray, but still gray all the same... And their teeth had taken on a sharpened point. They looked.... A bit like a monster straight from the depths of the mineshafts, and the glow that had slowly started to come over their eyes barely helped in this perception.
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“And you’ll be mining soon, I promise.” Herobrine’s heart had continued to flutter between worry and relief with each day... But for now...
He was just happy they were healing. 
News had spread far and wide of Herobrine’s assault on Notch’s mansion, and how those who had survived the experience were beginning to disappear... He knew he had spared them all, which led the demigod to one conclusion... One he didn’t like. His brother was getting back at him for the humiliation... But not daring to attack directly. Herobrine hadn’t caught hide nor hair of an assassin ever since his visit to the other’s home.... Ever since he razed it to the ground.
He could worry about moving bases once Writer was a bit healthier... Once the abilities of their strange new form were known..... Once he had a few more days of rest.
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galaxies-forbidden · 3 years
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I firmly believe he has a temperature play kink- and given that he’s immune to lava, that kink can get rather... EXTREME.
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latenightdoodles · 3 years
Yearly Challenge - Day 7
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Day seven belongs to... Herobrine and Writer!
I had to be semi-quick about this one since I have another early shift, but I loved drawing it all the same. Herobrine and Writer, coming back from their newest mineshaft- they got a little beat up because they were semi-careless, but they both had fun (and scored a LOT of ore!) so they’re walking back to the house, making dinner plans along the way- and trying to figure out how they’ll calm down their dogs when they get there.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
"I will always protect you" [ To his uncle herobrine]
[Send in “I will always protect you” to see my muse’s reaction.]
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"That's not a game you should be playing, Moxxie." As much as Herobrine enjoyed the sentiment- someone who cared enough to want to protect him- he couldn't help the concern that gnawed at his gut. One had already gotten hurt by getting dragged into this puzzle that was his life... He didn't want to get Moxxie and Storm hurt in the meantime.
He could protect himself- or at least, he would try. He wasn't certain he'd always be able, especially with Notch's latest ploy still toying at the corners of his mind. Everything had to be sourced from the bases, now... He wasn't taking any chances.
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"Besides, it was my plan to always protect you... You and your brother are both **very** precious to me, after all." He patted the imp between the horns, a soft smile crossing his face.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
7- What do you like most about this character? (Herobrine)
[Character Ask Meme! Drop a random character + a number!]
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Okay, okay--- I'll take this more seriously. While he is aesthetically pleasing (faintly unsettling sonova bitch that just appears behind you to say hi-) I think what I like most about my portrayal of Herobrine is how soft he is??? The misunderstandings??? Like-- I know right now he's on a bloody warpath in blog-canon since Notch poisoned (potentially killed) his Writer, but... The fact that he's so soft.
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My 'softer' approach to Herobrine- and his overall flip from being villain to misunderstood hero- is actually something I took from an x Reader I read involving Herobrine years ago. I may not read x Readers as much as I used to, but... It was a single fanfic. A single fanfic out amongst the untold thousands that flipped the script. I don't even remember where it is-- but in it, the reader was told by HB (after they panicked and fled from him) that his brother was the villain and he was just... Trying to live his life, and hated that everyone feared him so much.
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And I love that idea, so of course, many years later (when I gave in and decided to RP as him) I took that approach.-- Sure, he's a cryptid, sure, he's scary when you don't expect him (I scare my coworkers plenty since apparently, without my keys on my hip I'm silent as a ghost),--- but he's just wanting to help. He wants to help. That's all he's ever wanted... And that thought just makes me feel sadly happy for him, because he's trying, he's trying so much and yet his brother comes along and dashes all his hopes, every time...
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But yeah that doesn't compare to his glowing eyes /j
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Actually, it’s *safer* to mine at night than it is to mine during the day... Who told you it wasn’t?”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
[Writings - Poisoning PT 3]
[PART 1 | PART 2]
[Under a cut for some light body horror(?) content. I-- was not planning on this becoming a small event thing but oH WELL.]
He’d thought, maybe, the fire combined with humiliation would be enough... Would force his brother to stop playing tricks, seeking to end everything good he’d ever had in his life.
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He’d walked home, covered in burnt-on blood, eyes glowing so bright that even the sun would have competition, ready to finally see his partner returned to him. He had obliterated any shred of goodness others saw in him that night, acting just as Notch had always warned...
A being of chaos.
A being of death.
Minecraft’s Demon.
He had done it all for a small vial, glittering like a trapped galaxy in a bottle. It had been hesitantly opened, the admin’s vision flickering over the other. Their chest still rose and fell by the barest of breaths, their skin was paler than usual- as if they’d spent a year underground. He opened their mouth, dripping in the contents of the vial.
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“....please...” His true voice, the barest hint of a croak. Herobrine had watched, his own breath catching as the other had stilled, then coughed--- the color for a moment returned, and with it, his hope. Perhaps his brother (for once in his rotten life) had not pulled the wool over his eyes, had let him have this one kindness....
That hope, however, started to fade as the color drained more rapidly from the other’s form. His hands rushed up, gripping at the other’s own. Calloused and burn-scarred. Were those his scars, or their’s?
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“WRITER!” His vocals nearly snapped at that, age-old injuries immediately ripping into him. But he paid it no mind, paid the entire world little heed as he was forced to watch the scene before him.
The color drained, their body slowly gaining a more ashen hue... And then darker, darker still. The color blackened in their hair, brunette-brown shifting to an obsidian purple. They shifted-- they were alive, they were-
Their scream tore into his soul. Both eyes opened at once, revealing pure-black surrounding a fading hazel orb, one that was quickly molding- transforming. Was that-- a glow?--
Their scream was blood-curdling, choked and clouded with terror and agony. It was a noise he knew quite well from his youth- the screams of Notch’s victims, late in the night. It made his very heart tear in two in a fraction of a second, hands suddenly being gripped by something far stronger than anything Writer had ever offered. The hazel finally winked out, replaced by pure-black...
And they collapsed back onto the bed.
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“--stay, stay with me-- Writer! WRITER!!” Their breathing was back, but now it was hoarse and ragged, each breath half-tinted by a shudder. Their entire body was flickering, as if it was caught between this world and the next- but the changes continued, all the same. It wasn’t until their skin was a deep ash and their hair a darkened purple that it finally seemed to stop.
He hesitantly pulled one hand away from their’s, resting it near their neck. They were breathing, yes, but... What if this was one of Notch’s----?!
Ice cold.
Their skin was like touching an ice spire deep in the frozen lands.-- But he could feel a heartbeat underneath it, weak... But there.
Herobrine nearly jumped clear through the roof.-- It was their voice, warped to an echoing tone, as if it was coming from the bottom of a mineshaft. His heart fell straight into the depths of the Nether as he watched them slowly open their eyes...
And he was met with two glowing cubes of gold.
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“....Hero?...” He didn’t hesitate. The other was pulled into an embrace, Herobrine closing his eyes as he squeezed them as much as he could without potentially breaking bones. There was a weak wheeze, and he speedily let go- quick to return them to a laying position on the bed. “....everything hurts...”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
[Writings - Poisoning]
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How could he have been this blind?
Herobrine stared at the other’s unmoving body, the only sign they were alive being the softest rise and fall of their chest. The entire area was quiet, the admin’s very aura being a deterrent for every mob nearby to shut up or suffer. It was the aura of a man on the brink, hands clenched into fists as he tried so hard to keep his emotions in check, if only slightly.
It was supposed to be a normal night.- Writer had gone to a nearby village (a good week’s travel, were it not for their teleportation ability) and procured dinner. They’d mentioned rather briefly how they’d accidentally bumped into someone in village and spilled all the villager’s wares, but managed to help give it all back to the poor person they’d bumped into... And were thanked with warm soup.
It had been a tad strange, but Herobrine had brushed it off. He shouldn’t have. He had chuckled when Writer placed the two bowls on the table- each were the same soup, but one, he could tell, was made by Writer- the other, presumably, the strange villager.
He should’ve suspected. Maybe he’d just grown weak over time. Maybe, with all the attempts on his life, he’d never stopped to think... Sure, poison was a method, but... It was one he could never see his brother undertaking--...
Not until the evidence laid before him, pale as milk, breathing so shallow even his hearing was having trouble detecting it. The bowl Writer had eaten from had been inspected, and he’d found a hint of a specialized potion in it... One that, he presumed, was meant for him.
It would permanently kill a Minecraftian.
But what would it do to a human?
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He grit his teeth, wishing for all the world that he’d just been more cautious. Building and moving bases every time he’d been discovered clearly hadn’t been enough... But it wouldn’t help, not now. The demigod slowly stood from his seat, one hand gently, ever-so-softly resting over the hand of his beloved.
Notch had done this.
His BROTHER had done this.
... No.
No brother would ever be this cruel.- All the assassins, all the traps, the tricks, the lies, the slander, and now--- now this. Even Herobrine’s heart couldn’t handle the pressure. For a moment, it felt as though something inside him snapped clean in two with the flicker of the torches in the bedroom. His hand moved, gingerly pulling up the yellow blankets over the other’s sleeping form.
The demigod turned. Outside, there was a peal of thunder. A diamond sword appeared in his hand as fiery red consumed his thoughts.
Notch had always called him a demon.
It was time to show him what a REAL demon was.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @sharpshooternomoremoxxie​ || From here.]
The hellhound continued to smile opening her mouth but moxxie voice interrupted and his southern ascent which he often hid came out. “ sally marie ya not be bugging that darn zombie again or i’ll have ya over meh knee! Be care with dat bow and arrow now no pointing it at others this means a you Johnny!” It was rare for moxxie natural ascent to come out and when it did it made the old hellhound smile. “ it makes me happy to see moxxie so happy that he let his accent come out. You both are doing a great job with him..
he use to be so shy and withdrawn but now he so outgoing. Yes we helping those mobs that don’t want to deal with the curious children and moxxie even texted his “uncle?” to come with his friend to join us also but if ya get overwhelmed ya welcome to step away to calm down.” two big wolves were pulling the pig from the spit so they could put it on the table and get it all nice looking for eating  and a enderman even wandered into the party unknowingly but after the kids were told not to look it in the eyes everything was fine the children were even amazed at the enderman’s block picking up skills which they tried to do but couldn’t which just added the awe to them.
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Writer had yet to experience hearing the imp’s accent, so to hear it so suddenly in a yell was more than a little startling. They found their eyes darting about from one group to the next, before nodding towards the grandmother’s statement. The mention that Herobrine would be showing up... Calmed them, a little. At least they’d be able to hang out with their alternate.
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“Best be careful with Herobrine. I know you all mean well, but he is a rather timid creature due to events he’d rather not discuss.” Korosensei warned. “Try not to crowd him, please.” The octopus chuckled. “Oh, I doubt I’ll get overwhelmed, but thank you for letting us know~.” He was 99% certain that Writer would be taking advantage of that. He, however, was more inclined to stick this out ‘til the end! After all, maybe some of them would try to take a shot at him, and he could see how hellhounds tried to kill something that moved fast enough to break the sound barrier.
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“I hope Moxxie’s told you, but I guess I may as well offer an additional warning: you know about the multiverse, right?... ‘Cause Herobrine’s ‘friend’ is most likely an alternate of myself.” Which meant that there’d be two Writers at the same party... Not that they were complaining.
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Herobrine had teleported to the party with his Writer, but the two, quite the socially-averse beings, were currently just trying to come up with an ‘attack plan’ for how they’d go about this entire thing. Dealing with Korosensei and his family was one matter- dealing with a veritable army of unknowns was driving the two up a proverbial wall.
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“We were invited, ‘Brine... I doubt they’re gonna start attacking us...” Writer glanced towards the mass of hellhounds. Yeah, that was... A bit unnerving. They could already feel adrenaline beginning its course through their system. “... I’ll be right by your side, the whole time... We’ll be fine...” This was half-said to Herobrine, half-said to themself.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @speedsternomore​ || FUN TIMES!]
The child couldn’t help but giggle trying to look dramatic. “ I wanta eat da veggies!” He giggled as he tried to slowly chase his uncle with the veggies but not fast enough that he dropped anything after all those veggies were for eating later on but he was having fun pretending to be a veggie eating vampire besides he didn’t get to see his uncle much anymore cause of Notch so any play time was greatly appreciated by the hedgehog.
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“You won’t be eating **mine**!” Herobrine was doing his best to dodge furniture as the chase took them all over the house, going at a slower speed so that Storm could keep up, while still enjoying the chase all the same. After so many weeks on the run, with Notch canvasing every corner of Minecraftia for his hide, he was grateful to have a moment where he could be safe- there was no crazy brother, there was no bounty on his head- there was just this. A perfect, peaceful moment. “I can run FOREVERRRRR!”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @speedsternomore​ || From here.]
Storm suddenly panicked when the phone went dead on the other line he yelled out for Herobrine jumping up he grabbed his crutch izabelle who had just had a growth spurt herself jumped on his shoulder. “ Hero Hero! Korosensei in danger! We need to get to him! Someone gonna assassinate him! I need to get to the school to save him!” The child was in full panic mode right now worried about Korosensei tears were in his eyes from the panic and fear.
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Herobrine being Herobrine, he merely teleported into the room upon being summoned, although his expression was rather confused and afraid- up until Storm said someone was trying to assassinate the octopus. At that, he breathed a sigh of relief, teleporting closer and trying to lay a hand on the frantic child’s arm.
“It’s alright. People try to assassinate Korosensei all the time- no one’s succeeded.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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Blank template under cut!
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
🫂 For Writer and Felix, and for Steve and Herobrine?
[Send 👥 for a headcanon relating to both of our muses!]
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Mutually bonding over gushing about their crushes (ships that aren't yet canon/ships with lots, and I mean lots, of love to give)- all hours. Every hour. MADNESS.
The two send each other music every now and again, sometimes they send meme videos- Writer usually sends Felix funny cat vids, while Felix sends Writer build-fail vids. Bonus points for using specific YT'rs/Vines!
When the two are oblivious to an F/O or something, the other is always going 'how are you this dense' quietly. The only problem being: they both dense and anxiety says pick the answer that feels safest (i.e., 'nah they don't like me'). Also, can see these two hyping each other up like CRAZY.
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Since these two haven't interacted yet, my HCs are pretty... Unknown. I guess I would say that Herobrine would be afraid of Steve, until they got to actually know one another? It's no offense to the minecraftian, but his Steve is a fully-indoctrinated warrior of Notch himself, so... HB would be very nervous around the blocky boy.
HOWEVER, if these two ever actually got over that one mega hurdle and started hanging out... I could see them comparing different ways to build bases and mine tunnels, and trying out new foods from worlds that aren't Minecraft based together. Also, HB would absolutely bestow a boon upon Steve, so the other could call him if the need ever arises.
I can also see them both joking (eventually) about the whole 'HB's evil!' thing, if only to help HB come more to-terms with it.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @speedsternomore || Eyyyyy!]
“ Uh huh! “ The hedgehog giggled happily as he snuggled into his father softly.  “Today my special day and I get to spend it with my da, ma, Izabelle and uncle hero! Gonna be the bestest day evar!” The spider skittered in when her name was said climbing herself up in a chair storm giggled and got his spider a piece of meat to chew on.
Korosensei laughed.
“Indeed!” He picked up a plate of waffles, setting them down before the hedgehog, alongside some fruit and maple syrup (as well as whip cream!). Writer turned around the corner, a smile on their face. They attempted to ruffle Storm’s quills a little.
“G’mornin’, birthday boy.” They made their way towards the fridge, pulling out a jug of what appeared to be apple cider. “What’d’ya want t’drink?” They glanced Storm’s way.
“Herobrine will be along after he finishes harvestin-” And Herobrine appeared, smiling as he handed a wrapped box to Korosensei. It vanished a second later, out of sight. “-As I was saying..!” He snickered. “Breakfast is on, everyone!”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
yooo Writer and Meta Knight, same thing w/ Writer and Herobrine!
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Writer and MK probably would adopt a coyote-esque monster, one rejected by Nightmare Enterprises due to failure in combat at a young age. I'm thinking like this, but possibly with a mix of blue/green tinges in the fur, since it's supposed to be a creature of poison. The coyote-monster would absolutely have the name 'Fringe'.
MK would train it to defend the home, as well as fight alongside himself and Writer.
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These two actually have two pets- two cats, to be precise. The two cats would be chimera twins (like in this picture). Writer would own the left-sided cat, and HB the right-sided cat. Writer's chimera cat would have the name 'Double', while HB's cat would have the name 'Piston'. And, due to HB saving the two cats from being blind when they were found, the cats both have permanently pure-white, glowing eyes.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @speedsternomore​ || From here!]
‘ I can keep em? Really?!” Oh boy the hedgehog’s eyes were shining like big shiny emeralds before he squealed in delight hugging the confused spider. “ do you hear that spooder! You can stay! I never had a pet spooder before! I need to look up what i need to properly take care of you! Korosensei Do you or writer have any books or know anyone that might help? I want my spooder to have the best life evar! Do you think Writer will mind a Spooder in the house?”
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“I don’t see any reason why not, so long as the spider doesn’t attack anyone.” Korosensei found himself elated at the child’s curiosity and desire to have such an odd pet. It was nice to see the nuances of others unfold! The next question concerning books was met with a gust of wind, and a split-second flash of a multiversal door opening. And then Korosensei was back, with three books that appeared to be... Hand-written.
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“I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of writing my own copies based on a few of the more thrilling books I managed to find!” The octopus waved a few tentacles. “As for Writer... I would advise you go ask them. And if you want tips on Minecraftian spiders, then Writer knows an alternate of themself who knows Herobrine, a native to this type of universe.” He nodded his head.
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