#[dun dun DUNN
66sharkteeth · 1 year
I have a question about the scene where Charlie and Claude argues abt him having an "obsessive crush" on Jericho:
Since Jericho let Claude bring the sicon with him to lock Charlie up, does Jericho know about their conversation? If he does; did it make any difference in how he treats Claude? He obviously already knew abt it, but did he get more motivated or smth? idk
I know he often tunes Charlie and Baggie out, but his whole sicon was next to Claude.
Oh, Jericho's very aware of everything. I kind of hope that re-reading that scene with the context that Jericho's essentially listening in on the whole thing kind of changes some of these panels. Like scion gripping him once Charlie starts to spout facts...
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Or this kind of "You really listening to this BS?" look that it gives him.
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Claude definitely also said some things in that scene knowing that Jericho was listening. It really changes nothing for Jericho tho, since he only had a slight concern that a seed of doubt was being planted, but Claude's delusions assured him that he won't let it grow.
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anghexescu · 27 days
The timeline for what happened is this:
Klaus gets the mission to track vash down.
Klaus then gets order to stand by, but doesn't follow that order, believing that vash should be apprehended since he's dangerous.
Klaus doesn't remember what happened last year, but he's heard from others. With his memories gone, there's something about Klaus that just....well, something isn't right.
He fights against Wolfwood, escapes after the whole ordeal,
But he's been shot in the chest and without his healing factor, there's no way he'd make it through.
He dies and this is all before the event. When the event happens, he's no where to be seen.
With the event now gone, Klaus is still absent from his home and just about anywhere else he'd usually frequent.
Something wolfwood said about protecting, unable to protect the person he fights for or himself bothers him.
Anyway, where is Klaus?
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the stage manager.
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r0ugesun · 2 months
Hi. So lovely of you to respond. Yes I would like a modern mob aemond targeryan please. Fluff please. He is a lobster head after his brother is all burned up. He falls in love at first sight with a music teacher. I have violin in mind (because well I play it) and then he pursues her she brings his gentler side out and he loves it. He is wrapped around her finger and she doesn’t even know it 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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Hi!! thank you so much for your patience I was so eager to take this request because I used to play the violin as well! I’ve been told I should start playing again hehe but anyway I hope you like it I got a little carried away towards the end hope u don’t mind :>
Warnings: ooc! Aegon and criston cause I made them likable
Mob boss! Aemond Targaryen x violinist! Reader
Synopsis: mob boss Aemond Targaryen is mesmerized by violinist y/n at a charity gala. With a push from his right hand man Criston, Aemond steps out of his comfort zone to meet her. As their connection deepens, y/n charm and music reveal a softer side of Aemond, sparking a romance that transforms his cold exterior into heartfelt devotion.
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Aemond Targaryen, the cold and fierce mob boss with a reputation as severe as his tailored suits, walked into the grand ballroom, flanked by his trusted right-hand man, Criston Cole. The two of them made an imposing pair, their presence commanding the room's attention as they navigated through the mingling guests.
“This place is a fuckin’ zoo,” Criston remarked, his eyes scanning the crowd. “What are we even doing here, Aemond?”
“We’re here to secure alliances and assess our rivals” Aemond replied, his voice cold and measured. “Events like this are perfect for gauging the competition and making connections.”
Criston nodded, though his expression remained skeptical. “You really think we’ll find anyone worth our time here?”
Aemond's gaze swept the room, taking in the city’s elite, politicians, and business magnates. “We’re not looking for anyone Cole. We’re looking for opportunities. Information. Weaknesses.”
Criston smirked. “Well, if anyone can find a needle in a haystack, it’s you.”
Before Aemond could respond, a hush fell over the room as the lights dimmed slightly. A spotlight illuminated a small stage set up at one end of the ballroom. A woman stepped into the light, holding a violin. Her presence was magnetic, her beauty undeniable, but it was the confidence in her stance and the grace with which she lifted her bow that truly captivated Aemond.
He found himself inexplicably drawn to her, his focus entirely consumed by the anticipation of her performance. As she began to play, the first notes of the violin filled the room, weaving a spell over the audience. The music was soulful, poignant, and Aemond felt it resonate deep within him, stirring emotions he hadn’t acknowledged in years.
Criston leaned in, whispering, “Looks like someone’s caught your eye, thought you were here for business.”
Aemond’s expression didn’t waver. “Everything is business, Cole.”
his gaze fixed on y/n as she played, her eyes closed in concentration, completely lost in the music. He was mesmerized, not just by her beauty but by the depth of emotion conveyed through her performance.
As the final note lingered in the air, the room erupted in applause, breaking Aemond’s trance. He clapped along with the rest.
“She’s incredible” Criston said, still beside him.
Aemond nodded slowly. “Yes, she is.”
Criston grinned, nudging him. “You should go talk to her.”
Aemond hesitated, his usual confidence wavering. “I don’t think she’d be to eager to talk to someone…like me” he said pointing to the scar below his eye patch “I’d scare her off.”
Criston laughed. “Scare her off? Come on, Aemond. Just be yourself. Besides, you’re not that scary.”
Aemond shot him a look. “Really? I made a child on the subway piss their pants when I smiled at them.”
Criston shrugged, still grinning. “Okay, maybe a little. But look at her, She’s radiant. She won’t be scared off by a little…personality”
Aemond frowned. “I don’t know…”
Criston rolled his eyes. “Fine, if you won’t talk to her, I will. I’ll just go up there and tell her how my boss has been staring at her like a lovesick puppy.”
Aemond’s expression darkened. “Cole you wouldn’t dare.”
Criston raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Don’t say I never do anything for you.”
Before Aemond could stop him, Criston made his way towards y/n, who was now standing by the bar, accepting compliments and congratulations from various guests. Aemond watched in horror as Criston approached her, his heart pounding in his chest.
After a brief exchange, Criston gestured towards Aemond, who was too far away to hear the conversation but could see y/n’s eyes widen slightly before she smiled and nodded. Criston beckoned Aemond over, his grin widening as he did so.
“Fucking criston” Aemond muttered under his breath as he made his way towards them, his heart racing.
When he reached them, Criston was already introducing him. “this is my boss, he’s not really familiar with classical music maybe you could educate him a little, I’ll catch up with you later boss” criston turned and left quickly leaving Aemond and the alluring violinist.
y/n turned to him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and amusement. “I’m guessing you’re not here to request ‘Hot Cross buns’?”
Aemond allowed a smirk to touch his lips. “Not unless you have a particularly dark and ominous version of it.”
y/n laughed, the sound light and musical. “I think I left my evil repertoire at home. But I could play you something with a bit of a twist.”
“I think you already have” Aemond replied, his voice low and sincere.
She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “A man of mystery, I see. Do you have a name, or should I keep referring to you as ‘Brooding Stranger’?”
“Aemond,” he said, extending his hand. “Aemond Targaryen.”
y/n shook his hand, her grip firm but gentle. “y/n. Just y/n.”
“Just y/n” he echoed, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “You play beautifully. I’ve never heard anything quite like it.”
“Thank you” she replied, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. “It’s always nice to know my music is appreciated, especially by someone who looks like they’re plotting world domination.”
Aemond chuckled, a deep, rich sound. “World domination might be a bit much. I prefer to keep my ambitions more…localized.”
“Ah, a modest tyrant. How refreshing” y/n teased, taking a sip of her wine. “So, Aemond Targaryen, what brings you to a charity gala? I can’t imagine this is your usual scene.”
“I’m here for the networking” he admitted. “But your performance was a welcome distraction.”
“Well, I’m glad to be of service” she said with a wink. “But I have to ask, what kind of networking does a man like you do at an event like this?”
“Let’s just say I have interests in various industries” Aemond replied cryptically. “And what about you? Do you always steal the show at these events?”
“Only when I’m invited” y/n said with a grin. “I’m a music teacher by day, but I love performing whenever I get the chance.”
“A music teacher?” Aemond echoed, genuinely interested. “That’s quite a contrast.”
“It keeps life interesting” y/n said. “And it’s always rewarding to see kiddos grow and develop their own love for music.”
“I imagine it’s a fulfilling job” Aemond said, his respect for her growing. “You must be very talented to balance both teaching and performing.”
y/n shrugged modestly. “I do my best. It helps that I love what I do. What about you? Do you love what you do?”
Aemond’s expression faltered for a moment. “It has its challenges, but It’s a part of who I am, it helps that it’s a family affair”
“Well, that’s good” y/n said, her smile returning. “Working so closely with your family must be nice.”
Their conversation continued, flowing effortlessly as they exchanged stories and laughter. Aemond found himself drawn to her light-heartedness and wit, while y/n was captivated by his depth and mystery. After that night they became fast friends, y/n was someone he could relax around and share a laugh with and he brought an excitement in her life.
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A few days went by, Aemond found himself standing outside a hospital room, a place he dreaded to be. The harsh, sterile smell of antiseptic filled his nostrils, and the quiet beeping of machines echoed down the hallway. Criston stood beside him, his presence a silent support.
Aemond took a deep breath before pushing the door open. Inside, Aegon lay in the hospital bed, his body swathed in bandages. The sight of his brother, once so vibrant and full of life, now covered in burns and barely being able to move, it was almost more than Aemond could bear.
“Aegon” he said softly, stepping closer to the bed.
Aegon’s remaining eye opened gently, and he managed a weak smile. “Hey, little brother” he croaked, his voice raspy from the pain.
Aemond swallowed hard, guilt gnawing at him. “How are you feeling?”
Aegon chuckled, though it quickly turned into a cough. “Like a thanksgiving turkey. But I’ll live. You know me, too stubborn to die.”
Aemond tried to smile, but it felt hollow.
“This shouldn’t have happened, It’s my fault I should’ve gotten to you quicker, those fucking bastards rhaenyra sent….”
“Don’t be ridiculous” Aegon said, his voice firmer now. “This isn’t on you, I should’ve waited for back up.”
Criston, sensing the tension, spoke up. “Aemond, why don’t we give him some time to rest? We can come back later.”
Aemond hesitated, but Aegon nodded. “Go on, Aemond. I’ll be fine. You need to take care of yourself too.”
Reluctantly, Aemond nodded and turned to leave, with Criston following closely behind. As they walked down the hallway, Aemond’s mind raced, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him.
Once they were outside, they both lit up a cigarette, Criston put a hand on Aemond’s shoulder. “You need to take your mind off this, Aemond. Sitting around and blaming yourself isn’t going to help Aegon or you.”
Aemond looked at him, his expression tormented. “What would you have me do?”
Criston gave him a knowing look. “Visit y/n. You were different around her, better. She seems to have that effect on you., though she doesn’t seem to know it.”
Aemond frowned, but the memory of y/n’s smile and laughter was a bright spot in his mind. “I don’t want to burden her with our bullshit.”
“You won’t be a burden” Criston insisted. “Trust me. Go see her. You need this, Aemond.”
After a long pause, Aemond took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled deeply before finally nodding. “Alright. I’ll go.”
Criston smiled, satisfied. “Good. Now, go on. I’ll handle things here.”
With a nod of gratitude, Aemond headed to y/n’s music school, hoping she was there. The drive was a blur, his thoughts consumed by his brother’s condition and the unexpected pull he felt towards y/n.
When he arrived, he took a deep breath before stepping inside. The sound of children practicing instruments filled the air, a welcome contrast to the sterile silence of the hospital. He followed the music until he found her in a classroom, guiding a group of young violinists with patience and grace.
As soon as she saw him, her eyes lit up with surprise and delight. “Aemond! Hey! What brings you here?”
He managed a small smile. “I needed a distraction. And I thought…maybe you could help with that.”
Her expression softened, and she nodded. “Of course. Just give me a moment to finish up here.”
Aemond watched as she gently corrected a student’s posture, her touch light and encouraging. When the lesson ended, the children packed up their instruments and filed out, leaving him alone with y/n.
She approached him, concern in her eyes. “What’s wrong, Aemond?”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “My older brother, Aegon. He was…. in an accident. He’s in the hospital, and…Its all my fault, I should’ve gotten to him on time.”
“Aemond” she said softly, stepping closer and placing a comforting hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry. But you can’t blame yourself. Accidents happen.”
“I know” he said, his voice strained. “But it’s hard not to.” It’s hard not to when you know it was no accident at all, he thought to himself bitterly.
“Come with me” she said softly, her voice full of warmth as she led him to her office, it was a big room filled with various musical instruments. She gestured for him to sit on a comfortable chair.
Aemond settled into the chair, feeling a bit awkward amidst the array of instruments. “This place is amazing” he said, his gaze wandering over the collection. “It seems like a haven.”
“It is” she said with a tender smile. “Whenever I’m overwhelmed, this room is where I find peace. Music has always had a way of clearing the noise in my head.”
“I’ve always turned to books and strategy based games for escape” he admitted, “music has never really been my forte. I think I’ve listened to more elevator music than actual songs.”
Y/n chuckled “ah yes, the big bad Aemond Targaryen listening to royalty free music, I can definitely see you doing a little shuffle to the elevator jingles”
Aemond raised an eyebrow in mock indignation. “And what of it? Maybe I’m just trying to avoid the embarrassment of dancing like an overly enthusiastic middle school teacher when Whitney Houston plays in public.”
“That was one time!” Y/n protested, her voice tinged with defensiveness.
She huffed and sat directly in front of him
“Anyway, music can be profoundly healing,” y/n said. “You know I wrote a little something recently, It might help ease your mind.”
was a hint of intrigue in his eyes. “Very well, then. Impress me.”
“I titled this one ‘The dance of the dragons’.”
Y/n fetched her violin and, with a practiced hand, began to play the piece. The rich, expressive notes filled the room, weaving a tapestry of sound that seemed to cut through the tension. As the music flowed, Aemond’s stern expression began to soften, his usual cold demeanor melting into a more contemplative state.
When she finished, she looked up to find him gazing at her, his eye reflecting a rare, genuine warmth.
“Thank you, y/n. That was… incredible.”
She met his gaze, her eyes earnest. “I’m glad it helped. You know, Aemond, you don’t have to carry everything alone. I’m here for you.”
He leaned back, his expression troubled. “I’ve always been the one who has to remain strong, to hold everything together…..I don’t really know any other way”
“You don’t have to be strong all the time,” she said gently “It’s okay to let yourself fall apart every now and then. You’re allowed to have bad days too.”
Aemond’s eye searched hers, filled with vulnerability. “I’ve never met anyone like you y/n, I feel lighter when I’m with you”
Her cheeks flushed, her voice trembling slightly. “I feel the same way about you. There’s something about you that draws me in.”
The room fell silent, the air thick with unspoken emotion. Aemond’s breath caught, his gaze locked with hers. His hands reached out, cupping her face as if afraid she might disappear.
“You mean so much to me” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I… I don’t know if I can express how much you’ve come to mean to me.”
Before she could respond, he closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that was both urgent and tender. The kiss was a blend of passion and sweetness, filled with the depth of his unspoken feelings. His hands roamed her back, pulling her close, their breaths mingling as their kiss deepened.
When they finally parted, their foreheads rested against each other’s, both of them breathless and overcome with emotion.
She gazed up at him, her heart pounding. “What does this mean for us, Aemond?”
He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch lingering. “It means I want something more….With you.”
Her smile widened, and she nodded, her eyes bright. “I’d like that.”
They held each other for a moment longer before she gently pulled away. “Let’s get out of here. There’s a little café down the street that makes the best lemon cakes. I think we both could use a treat.”
Aemond chuckled softly, nodding. “Lead the way.”
As they left the music school and walked down the street together, a sense of hopeful anticipation filled him.
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unbeknownst to them, Jacaerys sat in a sleek black car parked discreetly across the street. He observed them through the tinted windows, his expression dark and contemplative.
On the other end of the line, Rhaenyra’s voice crackled through the phone. “What’s going on? Have you found anything of interest?”
Jacaerys’s gaze remained fixed on Aemond and y/n as they walked arm in arm. “Yes” he said, his tone ominous. “It seems my dear uncle has found l a new source of… inspiration. I think I’d like to see what’s got him so preoccupied lately.”
Rhaenyra’s voice grew cold. “You know what to do, and be careful Jace. We can’t afford any mistakes.”
Jacaerys’s lips curled into a dark smile. “Don’t worry mom. I have something in mind.”
As the car pulled away, the street seemed to grow colder, the threat of a looming confrontation hanging in the air.
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101 notes · View notes
edgecfeden · 1 year
not to brag but my dashboard still looks the same 😌😌
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eloscore · 11 days
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396 notes · View notes
add will to the frequently asked characters
oh and also please do chris dunne
Zubin Sedghi is staring at Chris Dunne
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daily-property-police · 9 months
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Day 352
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dipplinduo · 7 months
Sweet & Sour Dipplins "What If?"
huh so drayton was the one behind the outage??
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:) yes
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Currently about to have a breakdown because I keep thinking I should finish my bake even though I’m barely halfway done but I’m freezing cold and I’m comfy on my couch and I’m having not so good thoughts….
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reyskitchensink · 1 year
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I'm ready for spooky season
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sinnamonscouture · 4 months
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Jourdan Dun Covers Cap 74024 Magazine
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nekofantasia · 4 months
We can drop her into a vat of molten steel!
"Hasta la vista, baby."
Dip her in forbidden hot soup
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litwtc-referrer · 4 months
refferer are you alive
Oh yeah sry i kinda forgot abt this blog cause i haven’t gotten an ask in forever
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soilanonlorelmao · 5 months
-a caffeinated anon that's over analyzing
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calculus run
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