#[i’d be honored (neon j)]
ask-mixednsr-au · 3 years
They group is inside of the tent. Neon lights are accompanied with blacklight covering the whole area. Music plays in the background, with bass causing everything to tremble slightly.
As the group does down an isle, reading a checking their tickets to find their seats, a fluffy white dog runs up to the group, carrying glow sticks and merchandise.
“Oh! Aw, they look like Volcano!”
The lights dim suddenly, and the dog barks for attention before trotting in a direction, looking back to make sure they’re following. The group complies.
As they’re walking, there is an announcement. A platform lowers with a neon green spotlight on it, showing the Ringleader, Neon J.
“The show is about to begin! Please take your seats. Our wonderful staff should help you find your seats — just look for the glowing dog!”
“I repeat, the show is about to begin! Please follow the dog to your seats if you are not seated yet, and turn off any devices you may have on your person. No recording!”
“The show is about to begin! Please take your seats and turn off any devices.”
Sayu runs up to the front of the group, petting the dog. She takes a glow stick from the puppy, breaking them and shaking them.
Pluto picks her up and puts her on their shoulders. She excitedly looks around. The group shuffles past the two to keep following the dog.
“The show will begin in five.”
A red platform lights up, and Zimelu appears, posing in his stage.
A blue platform lights up, and Purl-hew appears, posing while holding onto silks attached to the ceiling.
A yellow platform lights up, and Haym appears, posing while balancing on a tightrope
A green platform lights up, and Eloni appears, removing the hoop from his head and posing whilst swinging around on it.
Several bright white props light up, along with a final white platform. Rin swings in from out of view, holding into the bar with his legs.
Sayu is swiftly taken and launched into the air, caught by Eloni. Neon J looks surprised, but does a thumbs up and looks at where Rin swung from.
He sees a very angry NEO NSR.
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didyoutrydynamite · 3 years
Old Friends
New prompt baby!
Prompt by alexanderstormbringer: Reese introduces her old friend, Arslan, to the rest of her team. Jaune, of course, is terribly awkward and makes a fool of himself, much to Arslan's and the rest of the team's great amusement.
Team Juniors were sat in Atlas’s library, partaking in one of their usual pass times of deep philosophical debate.
“So why can’t I just stomp on the snail?”
“Ughh, May, we’ve been over this. The snail is immortal and if it touches you die!”
“A snail honestly doesn’t sound that threatening Reese.”
Reese sighed as her words were lost on the resident markswoman as she turned to Jaune pleaded “J-man, can you please help me explain why she’d have to spend the rest of her immortal life looking out for the killer snail.”
Jaune looked at Reese as he thought for a moment then responded, “I’d just hire a guy to drop the snail in a box of wet cement.”
“Oh in that case I’d definitely take the one trillion lien.” May stated.
“Totally. Hello, new yacht!” Neon agreed.
“You guys just don’t get it!” Reese argued. “One day that little killer snail will bust out with it’s tiny muscles and come after you. Then one day when you least expect it, it’ll sneak up behind you and-!”
It was then suddenly a figure in a red cloak dropped from the ceiling. The stranger rose up right behind Reese, extending out an index and middle finger together, whipping her arm down on Reese’s neck before anyone could shout a warning. The two fingers landed on what must have been a sensitive spot, causing Reese to scrunch up her neck like a retreating turtle and let out a startled squeal.
“ACK! What the hellllaaaaaAAAAAARSLAN?!” As Reese turned towards her ambusher, her anger had shifted to surprise then absolute elation, apparently recognizing the stranger as they pulled down their hood, revealing platinum blonde hair and exoticly tanned skin.
The welcomed intruder, Arslan, if Jaune heard Reese’s squeal correctly, simply giggled, “I see your defenses are as open as ev- OOMPH.” Arslan’s sentence was cut short as Reese wrapped her up in a spine shattering hug, which was then returned happily.
Eventually the two broke the warm embrace and Reese started bouncing with excitement.
“Dude what hell?! You’re here! You're here! What are you doing in Atlas?” 
“Master and I are here on assignment.”
“Dad’s here!?” Reese gasped.
“Correct.” Arslan nodded, “In fact he’s talking with General Ironwood up in his office right now. He was hoping to request the aid of a certain team of students to help out with this mission. I was sent down to go retrieve them.”
Arslan’s hint didn’t go unnoticed. “We’ve been requested for a mission?” May excitedly inquired.
“Wait a minute,” Neon interjected. “Reese’s dad is your master? Is he some sort of ninja or something?”
Jaune was pretty sure if Reese’s dad was a ninja, the girl would never have stopped talking about it. ‘You talking to me you little shit? I’ll have you know that my dad is a ninja master, graduated at the top of his dojo…!’. The thought gave him a chuckle.
“Pffft, if you count lugging around a Dust Thrower and chucking explosives as stealthy, then yeah.” Reese cackled, “Nah, he’s a Huntsman like Jaune’s dad. Wait! I need to introduce you!”
Reese grabbed the girl next to her. “Guys, this is my dad’s protégé and my best friend from back home! Arslan Altan!” She waved her arms towards her best friend as if revealing a brand new car.
Arslan was dressed in bright yellow monk robes that reminded Jaune of those old Mistrali Kung-fu movies, complete with dark baggy pants and a bright red sash around her waist. The only things she wore that would have made you guess she was even bothered with getting cold was a pair of big snow boots and a large dark red cloak she wore on her shoulders. Jaune couldn’t help but admire the way her platinum blonde hair and olive green eyes contrasted against her dark skin, giving her a fiercely sharp look.
The monk bowed respectively. “It is an honor to finally meet you all. Reese has told me quite a few stories of team Juniors. Let me see… you must be May Zedong, correct?”
May took a moment to look surprised and then nodded in confirmation. “That’s right, based on your robes, you belong to the Usama Monastery?”
Now it was Arslan’s turn to be surprised, “Exactly! I’m surprised to hear we’re known outside of Mistral.”
“One of my dads grew up in Mistral, he studied the lawsuits on Usama Monastery v. SDC. I was happy to hear that the ruins had managed to be saved.”
“We all were.” Arslan agreed but then sighed, “Although the village down the river wasn’t quite as lucky, the whole place is under water at this point.”
“Hey sorry to interject here.” Neon interrupted “ But I remember something about you shadowing a Huntsman? Are you from Haven Academy?”
“No, actually.” Arslan stated, “Let’s just say that Haven and I were not able to see eye to eye on certain things. I’m getting my Huntress license through apprenticeship under Master Chloris. I assume you must be Neon Katt?”
“Guilty as charged.” Neon confirmed. “ And that sounds super cool! So you’re like a free spirit huh? Roaming the frontier, kicking ass and taking names?”
“In a sense.” Arslan chuckled. “ I still have to adhere to Huntsman law and all that. It’s a lot more dangerous than actually studying at a school, but there's a saying among Huntsman, ’Every day outside an Academy is worth a week of classes.’” 
“Awesome!” Neon exclaimed. “I can tell we’re gonna be fast besties. Also you have got to tell me what you use for your hair! Bet guys go wild for the lioness mane you got, huh?”
“Thank you,” Arslan flattered “But I’m hardly as popular as you suggest, my presence tends to intimidate rather than charm.”
“Oh please. I bet guys say thank you after punching them in the face. You totally got the Amazonian Beauty thing going on girl! Right Jaune?”
“Huh? What?” Jaune dumbly asked, wondering why the conversation was steered towards him. He noticed the glint in Neon’s eye as she metaphorically threw the ball in his court.
“So you must be Jaune Arc.” Arslan thankfully said, either knowingly or unknowingly, sparring Jaune from giving his opinion on how attractive she was. “From the stories Reese had told me I’d thought you would be taller.”
“Totally…” Jaune then coughed into his hand “I-I mean yes, I am! It’s a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Reese is a friend of mine.”
Nailed it.
He held out a hand, Arslan taking it into a surprisingly strong handshake that nearly took him off balance.
“Likewise. And I’d like to go ahead and give my deepest apologies for all the mischief she has no doubt caused.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad!” Reese protested.
“Do I need to remind you of the time you invented ‘Urban Kayaking’?. The city still hasn’t removed those wire fences around that water fountain.”
“It was revolutionary and those cops wouldn’t know fun if it kicked them in the shins!”
The little daredevil’s passion gave Jaune a light laugh. “You don’t need to apologize, Arslan, I can assure you she hasn’t been that… much trouble…” he trailed off as his mind suddenly montaged every stunt Reese had pulled since the start of the school year, before he politely bowed and sighed “Thankyou for understanding.”
As Reese whined, Arslan let out a soft chuckle. “Although it’s good to know there's another that shares my pain, I can’t help but feel guilty that my responsibilities may have been placed on you now.”
“Well I’m sure we’ll find a way for you to make it up to me then.” Jaune joked, rubbing the back of his neck.
It took seconds for Jaune to realize how suggestive that statement was, and then another second to internally scream.
‘Maybe no one noticed?’ Jaune thought to himself hopefully, ‘Maybe I’m just over thinking how straightforward that must have sounded!’ He then took a second to gauge reactions.
Reese looked mortified, May was giving him a thumbs up. Neon’s jaw dropped open, the corners of her mouth curled upward as if it was both her birthday and Shawcrossmas morning.
Arslan’s eyebrows were raised in surprise, before narrowing and crossing her arms in front of her into a more challenging stance.
“And how exactly can I make it up to you?”
Abort! Abort! Pull up! Eject!
“N-n-not that I’m insinuating that you need to do anything!” Jaune blurted out, “I-I o-only meant that you shouldn’t feel obligated to do something for me! A-and I wouldn’t take advantage of something like that. And I would never try anything with you, w-well not never, not like because you’re unattractive-”
As Jaune was busy shoving his foot deeper and deeper down his throat, Arslan let out a hearty laugh.
“Haha… It’s okay. Reese has told me plenty about you, including your quirks, so I understand you didn’t mean anything by it.”
The poor boy simply whimpered a thankyou as he tried to fight his blush, Reese taking the chance to jump in, fighting back her own second hand embarrassment.
“A-Anyways! Mission? Dad? Something else entirely?”
“Ah yes, I believe we’ve kept Master and the General waiting long enough. We should get going-!”
The little skater punk started dragging the lioness towards Ironwood’s office ahead of the rest of team JNRZ, leaving May to console Jaune with a few pats on the back as Neon gave him some praise on his bold move, and then some constructive criticisms on his lacking follow through.
“I am so sorry.” Reese apologized outside the rest of the group’s hearing as they walked through the Academy’s halls.“ I swear he’s a lot awesomer when you get to know him.”
“No worries,” reassured Arslan “He’ll have plenty of time to be ‘awesome’ on our mission. But I do have to admit…” She leaned in and whispered this next part. “ He really is as cute as you say.”
“What?!” Reese loudly whispered as her ears turned red, “I-I never said that!”
“Really? Hm, I guess I must have misheard you somewhere between your stories of fun adventures with Jaune and how cool he is when he takes charge.” The monk let out a laugh as her friend smacked her arm.
“S-shut up! You really suck you know that?”
“I missed you too.” Arslan chuckled as she wrapped an arm around her childhood friend’s shoulder.
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Friends on discord were making their art summaries of 2020 and I decided to make my own
This year was basically the year of OCs-
Tumblr media
I’d say I’m proud of my progress this year and I can still continue that improvement in 2021 :D
2020 has obviously been a chaotic year for us all, but I did get some good out of it; I finally left a toxic fandom and instead rejoined the KND fandom, I’m (slowly) starting to make animatics, and met some amazing people (both irl and online)!
Along with this, I want to make a few shout outs:
@mkayeatsspaghetii — my best friend irl, my dude, my Annus to my Unus, I am proud in not only your improvement to draw but as well as your improvement to animate. I always love hearing about your OCs and your own original stories, plz keep it up! Whenever I rejoined the KND fandom I basically dragged you down into the pit with me for awhile and I’m not sorry XD
@ra1nb0w-ph0en1x — My TKD buddy, I’ve known you for about two years now and I’m extremely honored to call you my friend!💜 I adore your art and am extremely happy to hear that you’re moving forward as a black belt! :D I know where we met wasn’t a very happy time, but I’m still happy that even after we left a certain fandom we could still talk and be friends. I’m really hoping I can meet you in person one day!💟
@ohlookanothercartoontofallinto — Your art style is adorable and I’m in love with your OC, Lisa (protect at all cost)! And I never say it enough, but also thank you for inviting me onto the KND discord (I honestly have no idea why— I’m a loser compared to everybody else there) I know we don’t talk a lot, but just know I appreciate you a lot!💖
@fallen-gabrielle — Your Uno bros and angst content feeds my soul and I love the times ranting about every small detail involving that chaotic demon family. It (strangely) brought me comfort knowing I wasn’t the only one that can go crazy over the Uno family and I am extremely happy I met you! ✨💙✨
@destiny-126 — I know we don’t talk a lot bc my shy ass is too scared to start a conversation without me thinking I’m annoying you You dragged me into 2 pits: The ���Love for the Teen Ninjaz” pit, and the “No Straight Roads” pit (and thank you for it). I adore your art sm and I always look forward to seeing your content! ✨Your Teen Ninja ask blog really helped keep me entertained during quarantine and your Neon J and 1010 family content is only dragging me into the NSR fandom more- (I’m still listening to the 1010 cover as I’m typing this bc of you- adyjfj)
@socksandbuttons — I know we don’t talk a whole lot bc same reason: my shy ass is too scared to say anything but I still want you to know I admire your art (both digital and tradional)! You’re slowly dragging me into the Fusionfall fandom and idk what to think about it XD. But I’m hoping I could get a chance to know you better in 2021 ^^
@sneakystarstruckspyzineprofessor — I don’t say this enough, but I love that mini fanfics you make and thank you so much for being one of the people that supported my KND content from the beginning! I helped me continue my content forward and motivated me to keep going! Thank you sm! ❤️
@madamas-blog — I’m in love with your Sector Metor and your OCs (especially Chubbs, Numbuh 8L and Creed) and I’m really excited to see the next chapter of your GKND story! And thank you for also supporting my KND content from the beginning, it means more than you’ll ever know! ❤️
@luci-moon — I know we don’t talk a lot, but I absolutely ADORE your art and headcanons, and thank you so much for your support on my space boyfriends (Leon and Nigel) as well as my other OCs. I always love seeing your 1x274 and 1x5 content and more! I have noticed you’ve been offline for awhile, but whenever you come back I just want you to know that I really want to become friends!💖
If I didn’t mention you, please don’t think it was anything personal, I just don’t know how much I’ll be able to type before this list becomes longer than I want it to be😂😅 but just know I love you and appreciate you all!✨🖤💖
In conclusion; to everyone new and old who have stuck with me through this crazy, chaotic year, thank you so much and I hope 2021 is amazing for all of you! ✨🖤💕🎉
~Numbuh 333✨🖤
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heroes-writing · 5 years
Hello new friend! Could I please request a scenario for Amai Mask with an s/o who had been turned into a kinda grotesque monster, and he was on her way to save her, but she didn't make it in time? The person who captured reader was out to ruin Amai, so The only way to transform her back, is to announce at his next concert (a huge one) that he was dating her, kiss her in front of everybody, and wait 24 hours. That works, but does he do it? Thank you!
Very interesting! I tried to make this as in character as possible lol?! Amai Mask is kind of a grey character for me, but I happen to believe him to be hiding dark depths. (In the manga he can be very ruthless and vain so ahh I felt very sorry for his monster s/o for a hot minute…)
So TBH: since -I- personally don’t trust this guy with the safety of any monster, regardless if it’s his s/o or not-- and because you gave me the option of “does he do it?” Weeellll! Read on and find out how he-- and the reader! Handles it!
Warnings: Dark themes, unhealthy relationships(?), inevitable break up.
Word Count: 1766
“Tell me where (Name) is before I slaughter you both—”
The woman in question flinched, her eyes watering and spilling over onto pallid grey cheeks.
The scientist holding her shackles reared his head back and belted out a cruel, shrieking cackle. The sound bounced around the cavernous lab. The mixture he had poured over (Name) sloshed in large beaker he held in a gloved hand, and he gestured with it almost drunkenly.
“Why Amai Mask—She’s right here!!” With a rough shove, her binds were released, and (Name) fell to the floor with a cry. Even in this cruel form, all hard and shell like in places, the fall hurt. A sob tore from her lips as her hot tears rained on the ground.
Even monsters can cry…(Name) thought as she sniffled and picked herself up. In a burst of hope, she dared to meet Amai’s gaze—She hoped to see a protective glare, or worried shock.
…Instead there was an ominous shadow cutting across his features, and his eyes were burning bright.
Not from recognition, not from love—All (Name) could see was hate.
His beautifully clenched jaw, his sculpted brows raised in apathy... (Name) had never seen this dark side of him directed AT her before. It was almost unthinkable to see him react so viciously.
The veins in her lover’s face were pulsing. It was a dangerous signal that every fiber of his being was flexing in white hot anger. She had cooed over it once before when he had dispatched a monster on one of their first dates, but not now.
He snapped his head to the side, making his flawless hair lay just so across his forehead to hide it. She assumed he would have threaded a hand through his perfect blue locks if both palms weren’t dripping with blood.
I’ve never seen him this angry…
Doesn’t he know it’s me?!
His eyes were growing hazy as he stared at (Name)—his irises doubled as they flickered at high speeds over her form.
He was judging her tears as weakness and analyzing her every flinch for signs of retaliation. There was not a hint of recognition within them, and she couldn’t help but whimper and hide her face in her heavily clawed hands.
The scientist laughed again, “You really don’t know!! How pathe—hiii!!" Their words were cut short as Amai released a low snarl.
Bloodlust flooded the room as if a dam had given way. The intent to kill was suddenly so thick in the air the scientist choked on his word and screamed instead.
The situation was becoming too stressful for (Name) to overcome. Her bulky shoulders hitched as heaving sobs wracked her body. Her tears were murky and discolored like mud—
Amai Mask swiped his hands low, perfectly dispelling the gore on them. The impact of the splash laid holes in the ground as if it had been sprayed with acid.
“I’d be careful if I were you…I don’t have to make your death quick, villain!”
He stepped closer, and something in (Name) flashed in bright neon lights: Danger! Keep away!
“Tell. Me. Where. (Name). Is!!”
(Name) shivered as a mirage of her lover flickered behind her.
As she turned in shock, the scientist was kicking his legs in the air. His voice squawking with the effort to keep his throat protected while Amai lifted him by his tie and collar..
“T-There—She—SHE’S RIGHT THERE!!” He pointed with both hands at (Name), and the solution he held crashed to the floor. The concoction was so strong it transmuted even the concrete into a monstrous shape.
Amai’s golden eyes peered down, before he slowly turned to face (Name) again. The scientist swung and scrabbled to lift himself up in Amai Mask’s iron grip.
Her lover’s face was devoid of emotion. “You really expect me to believe that you turned her into this monster?”
His voice was so cold…If her form hadn’t been changed, she would have never doubted his resolve to rescue her.
But now…
Doubt was thick and rotten in her stomach as she looked down at her body. She didn’t even recognize herself as she glanced down at her oozing and crusty hands and feet. Her clothes were shredded, but present. Surely, he could see the evidence of her transformation.
Her only other saving grace against Amai Mask’s brutal fury…Was that her voice was unchanged.
“Love….Love, it’s me, (Name)! I-I’m sorry I look like this!--”
His eyes glinted red as he bared his teeth, “Don’t try to save your pitiful life with lies!!!”
He raised the scientist up, his arm fully extended and clenching hard, “I’m tired of your games—” He raised his other fist and curled it into a fist, threatening a killing blow.
The scientist knew the jig was up.
“N-nonono! If you want to turn her back! It’s simple! J-just hold a concert in my honor—I MEAN!” They squeaked as Amai squeezed, “Kiss your monster lover in front of a crowd and I’ll turn them back—” With sweat dripping down his forehead and cheeks, he managed a small impish smile.
Both (Name) and the scientist froze…
“…W-what?” The scientist’s eyes bulged behind foggy glasses, “D-don’t you want them to return to normal?!”
“I’m going to kill you now.”
Amai Mask hushed him and set the scientist down with a scoff. He leveled them with stare of pure indifference.
“There’s one thing you must understand first since you’re human…”
“--As a hero, I will not buckle under the threat of others.”
The grip Amai had on the scientist crunched in a sickening sound. His musical voice carried over the sudden rush of desperate screams.
“As an idol, I won’t ruin my reputation for such a bold-faced lie.”
With a move so fast (Name) couldn’t comprehend, Amai Mask threw the scientist to splatter against the furthest wall. Computers shattered and buzzed with electricity. The foundations shook, the lights flickered, and dust rained from the ceiling in a sudden choking cloud.
Amai didn’t even flinch and instead brushed off his shoulders. He barely reacted at the sound of (Name)’s breaths turning shallow in her throat. He didn’t twitch when (Name)’s hazy vision made her sway in place.
He seemed to watch her curiously before he finally decided to face her. His hands slipped into his designer jean pockets as he hummed and blinked as if bored.
To have that gaze directed at her…It paralyzed (Name) from the neck down. Growths of all kinds dotted her form, and they shivered and folded back like a cat’s ears in response.  Even as she gulped and cowered, her display of surrender was clear.
…But she knew--!!
Amai Mask hated monsters. Wanted them all dead--
“They must not live. They are evil.” She had heard those words before, and they were ringing in her skull like a siren.
“I-It’s me!! I can prove it!!” She sniffled and pressed a sincere hand against her chest.
“Go on, then.” He replied coolly.
Biting her lip with sharp teeth she panted, “I-I know you were stressed out about your movie premiere! You told me in the green room before your interview—T-that you weren’t sure if the—the film would surpass your one from last year.”
He stepped closer, his heels clacking on the ground.
She buckled deeper into herself, cradling her head in her hands.
“You liked the strawberry mango smoothie I got you on our first date—” her voice warbled at the memories.
“You ate it for me even though you said you were dieting!”
(Name) shook her head hopelessly, “Amai, there has to be an antidote somewhere. Something that can change me back!!”
Before she knew it, he had closed the distance. The sight of his shoes tapping impatiently just before her knees turned her blood to ice. Wincing in on herself, she heard the slight gentle jingle of his many bracelets as he squatted.
“No, please, Amai…” She pleaded.
She didn’t want to raise her face—not if she had to meet her doom at the hands of her love, but one of his fingers dared to tap at one of the growths on her chin.
Shivering and crying, she squeezed her eyes shut and lifted her head.
“(Name), if that’s really you, then tell me what I prioritize most as a hero…”
The words formed unbidden in her throat, “You—You have to be beautiful, strong, and skillful…always.”
He paused for a long moment, before sighing.
He pressed his hands against his knees and stood smoothly. He didn’t offer her his handkerchief as he usually would, nor did he lend a hand to help her stand. His attitude was distant as he reached into his jacket and flipped open his cellphone.
He barely looked at her as he dialed a number.
“I’ll call the association. We’ll get some scientists to try and create an antidote if one can’t be found around here…” Then as if composing himself, he closed his eyes and nodded to (Name), as if she were a person he had bumped shoulders with on the street.
“I’m sorry this happened to you, (Name). For not being able to save you, I’ve gone against my own code of excellence...” He placed a hand on his chest, before turning away again.
(Name) blinked, speechless, as Amai walked away and began ordering the association at the other end into action. He walked and walked…
He carried on right out of the room.
Unsure of how to proceed, (Name) sat there shivering until a team of H.A. scientists arrived in contamination suits. The lab was swept, (Name) was put into immediate care, and Amai kept his distance—
No, he kept busy, is what he told the news outlets regarding (Name)’s disappearance.
“She has fallen ill, unfortunately. Please pray for her good health.”
His smile was, as usual, perfect in every way as he glittered on the tv in (Name)’s private room…She hadn’t seen him in person since his “heroic rescue.” But then again, she didn’t want to.
The growths were going away, slowly but surely. Her skin was returning to its normal pallor, the shells and carapace fell away to reveal her hair, but she had an awful feeling that’s all Amai Mask would see if he looked at her even now. She had no idea what to believe was real about that man anymore.
(Name) was almost glad he chose to stay away. It would make breaking up a hell of a lot easier.
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feitanswife · 5 years
Sorry for the fucking essay but no actually I’m not
So I saw a buzzfeed story article on snap and it was from a hashtag on twitter that was trending a few days back, #igotwokewhen or something to that effect.
And it reminded me of something that would be WAY too long of a story for twitter.
Well, several somethings. Three to be exact. This was like a two year process that only sort of included tumblr.
So it started in my sophomore year of high school (10th grade, I was... turning 16 that coming March) and I was in Honors 10th Grade English with the rest of the tryhards.
(Honors didn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, the classes were relatively similar to core, it was basically a box you checked during class selection to say “I want to be in a class with people who give a shit”)
And I was in a corner with two other kids: the one I’ll call Cake Face, and her best friend, Cutie. (Cause they were cute. Like adorable non-threatening videogame-nerd-who-even-I-could-drop-kick-if-they-tried-anything cute, which was very much my “type” in high school as I was in complete and utter denial about my lack of sexual attraction and only let myself grow close to people I could totally take in a fight to ease my anxiety about being touched.)
Cake Face was a terrifying girl who very Clearly had a tumblr.
This was 2014-2015. She Very Clearly Had A Tumblr.™️ like it was Scary.
She sat behind me and she terrified me. I’d known her from 7th grade onwards and until that point I knew 3 things about her: she wore WAY too much makeup, she was a try hard at school, and she hated pretty much everyone.
Except Cutie, who she would kill and die for.
Cutie, whose real name I can’t even remember now, was the first out trans peer I remember having. (I say “out” because two of my best friends who is known for much longer came out later, but at the time to my knowledge Cutie was the only one so I count them as first cause it was my first interaction under the pretense)
Cutie was also the first non-binary person I knew. That is without condition, to my knowledge (I haven’t kept track of many people from high school) as the next notable encounter was well into college.
So now you had me, vaguely crushing on Cutie whose Overbearingly Agressively Supportive best friend sat right behind me.
Needless to say that crush went nowhere, we hardly talked cause I was too afraid of Cake Face to even start up a coversation for fear I’d say something wrong and get my head ripped off. She was openly confrontational with our teacher and the rest of the class and I just kept my head down and said nothing.
Come to think of it, that’s probably what Cutie was doing too. I certainly wouldn’t want my best friend fighting people on my behalf all day. Talk about embarrassing.
But the idea had been put in my head and since I was about ankle deep in Fandom Tumblr that that point (mostly popular anime with some J-fashion on the side) I decided to dip my toes in further.
And while I was still wrapping my head around the vague idea of asexuality and oh no what does this mean for the boyfriend I got last spring my near best friend in the world cane out as a trans guy on like, day one of our AP language and composition class.
Just to me and our mutual friend but like, it happened. The name he ended up choosing could be shortened to a rather gener neutral nickname so he ended up going by that at large, but the actual conversation only happened with us.
(To be fair, his deadname when combined with his middle name was a weed based pun so no one was surprised he changed it. it was also spelled weirdly.)
And that was the first time I’d ever like, fully integrated into the... entire culture of interacting??? I guess??? Like learning the lingo, learning the flags, figuring out what a binder was (and trying to talk him out of wearing it to gym class, irresponsible little shit!) and I quickly became very protective of him.
I mean I was protective before cause he had other problems like anxiety worse than mine and we all know that when a group of friends all have anxiety that whoever’s is currently least active gets to pretend they’re fine and deal with shit. But this was a whole other layer. It honestly made me a little paranoid cause people... people show their true colors at times like these.
Like that second friend he told.
I ended up writing her into a novel just to hit her character with a truck over one (1) conversation.
Cause when my friend was around she was a sweet angel.
But when he wasn’t she was rude as shit and misgendered him constantly. Also she was really jealous of me being better at essay writing than her and like well maybe if you focused more effort into class and less into talking shit about your supposed best friend then??? Maybe you’d know how to write???
And I worked my ass off on a group poster project and she threw it out and redid the whole thing herself cause she didn’t like mine and it’s been like four years and I have never forgiven her for that I had like three panic attacks for that poster and you threw it away?
I’m not even gonna censor her name Fuck You Jillian you entitled piece of shit!
And around that time I also met the most important person of my life.
She’s a year younger than me and three times as smart, she’s still my best friend to this day and all of our friends unironically call her mom.
And she was the first person I came out to as ace.
(Mostly because she did first and the only response I could think of was “me too!” We were eating lunch. I think I was sitting on the floor. She was on a bench. I was looking up at her. Her hair was bright fire engine red and down to her butt and she was in full gothwear.)
It was because of her that I eventually made a new tumblr account (first under lily-of-the-rain, then raininglillies, then Feitanswife which I have no interest in changing cause I can’t fathom anyone else having this url) and sort of dove deep into all of this cause I finally felt like I could.
Like she was the full permission to exist in this space! She ran our high schools GSA and now is Vice President of our college’s Queer and Allues club (which I only joined cause she dragged me)
and all of that while being ace, which I was ultimately horrifically ashamed of until I met her.
Not because I thought it was wrong to be ace, I just thought it made me less important. Just in general. I was less important in the straight world and less important among the lgbtq+ community. No one was gonna make a fuss over me if I just sat down and shut up, but I wasn’t going to be missed if I disappeared either.
I was just what I’d always been, a background character. Meant to be seen and not heard. Don’t make a fuss just sit and be quiet and be glad we saved you a chair at all.
But she wasn’t. She walked in and it didn’t matter if it was a night out or 7 am on a Tuesday she was dressed to the nines, with her nearly neon red hair and a sort of “DONT fuck with me” energy that let her just mow down anyone who wanted to start shit, with her or anyone else.
And people respected her not in spite of who she was but because of it
And that was the final flip of the switch I needed. First it was the awareness, then the caring personal connection, and then there was “you have the right and the duty to flip that fucking switch. It is yours.
Not because someone else told you to or because it affects people you care about, but because it affect you
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cybr-grl · 6 years
Ah...Okashicon 2018...
Just thinking about it brings a smile on my face (◡‿◡✿)
I have been to my fare share of anime conventions. Some small and some so extremely large that halfway through the day you just pass out from trekking miles and miles in 6 inch tall platform shoes. 
Okashicon was not like any other con that I have been to. This was their very first year but surprisingly it was so well run that you might have thought that they had been doing this for years. Nothing was delayed, badges were handed out promptly, volunteers knew what was going on, there was a great lineup of panels, etc. The only complaint I might have was that I wished there were more people to enjoy everything Okashicon had to offer but of course since this is their first year they’re not going to have a hundred thousand people show up. But even though there wasn't that many people, the few artist alley friends I spoke to said they still made a good profit and everyone seemed to have a dandy time. Many people called it “Chillcon”. Which was very true. Usually at cons I’d be running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off trying to get to my next desired panel or getting bumped around in the sea of people in the dealers room. So much so that I wouldn't have enough time to hang a nice conversation to any of my pals that I bumped into. But I spent most of my time at Okashicon just chillin’ with my friends because it’s exactly that: Chillcon.
I also especially loved the fact that Okashicon really cared about the J-fashion community as a whole. There were many panels that catered to J-fashion folks and the mixer at the end of the con welcomed all types of J-fashion style which really warmed my heart. ALSO ALSO THE MIXER WAS CALLED “CLUB KONPEITO PONPON” WHICH I THINK IS THE CUTEST THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WOOOOOOORLD!!! ( ;´Д`)
Day 0 was spent at model fittings for mother freakin Listen Flavor which HOLY COW I AM SO HONORED TO BE CHOSEN AS A MODEL FOR THEIR RUNWAY SHOW THANK YOU FAKE STAR THANK YOU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am not worthy (☉‿☉✿)
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On Day 1, I also spent the entire day preparing for the fashion show and hanging out with good friends that I had not seen for a long time! I even got to meet Kurebayashi, one of my biggest inspirations in life, again!!! The first time I met her was last year at San Japan and we got to trade kandi which I still have and treasure so so much! I almost cried because she actually still remembered me and was even wearing the bracelet I traded with her. I was so star struck, I felt like I was in a movie. Haruka Kurebayashi was one of the guests of the con and is an image model for Listen Flavor so she walked in the fashion show as well. 50% Dangerous was also showcased in the fashion show! They are an American based fashion brand that create the dopest clothing I have ever seen!!! The fashion show went spectacularly without a hitch thanks to all the models who put in all their hard work, the amazing people who helped with hair and makeup, the spectacular Rubab, and many many other people who helped backstage in one way or another. Texas J-Pop Idol, Galaxy Girl Paida, even made an appearance halfway through the show and everyone loved her! After the fashion show, a few of my close friends and I headed to a nearby sushi place for dinner which really hit the spot because I only had a cucumber sandwich to eat all day (sorry, Mom). And then we went back to the con for a bit to participate in the K-pop random dance panel. I recently just started listening to K-pop so I had no clue what any of the dances were so all I did was just flail my arms around while my amazing friend Sam literally WORKED IT (she knew the dance moves to every song, I felt like a proud mom).
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Day 2 was when things really got poppin’. In the morning I cosplayed as Kanna Kamui (don't lewd the loli please and thank you) from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and had a fun little group photoshoot! Afterwhich I changed out into a more colorful Decora look and headed to the guest autographs session to give Kurechan her gift which funny enough she was wanting to buy already so I’m glad she loved it. Then I headed to the J-fashion Swap Meet which was CRAZY PACKED. I spent most of it sitting on the floor eating a melon pan and drinking Mango Calpico but all I remember was an endless amount of lolita dresses from the windooowwww to the wall. Then we quickly made our way to the Cosplay Contest which was AMAZING. Everyone was super talented at their craft and Moderately Okay Cosplay was hilarious. Galaxy Girl Paida even made a special half time appearance and we were all super gung ho and cheered her on!!! After that, the gang and I were hungry so we drove all the way to Kura Sushi for some delicious revolving sushi where they were super nice to us and gave us all free Gachapons!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ IT FELT LIKE CHRISTMAS. Then we checked out Kinokuniya til we were the last ones left in the store (sorrymasen). We went back to the con and hung out at the pool til it was time for the rave which was super fun!!!! God bless Tina (who is one of the designers for 50% Dangerous!) for taking care of us and showering us with love and hydration, WE APPRECIATE YOU ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ
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And last but not least, Day 3! My last day was completely dedicated to the Club Konpeito Ponpon (try saying that 10 times fast) J-fashion Mixer where everyone was dressed up in the cutest looks!!! I walked into the event and my eyes were hit with so much color and happiness that I started crying tears of joy. The guest DJs, Drop Team Epic, were even playing while the festivities were going on so not only were my eyes happy but my ears were as well. We were served some delicious and really filling sandwiches! And the mocktails...oh the mocktails...my mouth is watering as I type this but they absolutely blew my mind. I’ve never had one in my entire life but I am glad that I am alive to experience the wonders of a mocktail. I ordered this blueberry flavored one and they added a cute little shark gummy candy in it and the whole time I was just singing the Baby Shark song in my head (Baby Shark dodododododo). They even added some pop rocks in it but my dumbass choked on one because I’m a 5 year old that needs supervision at all times. While we were eating, they did some raffles and thanks to the lucky ticket that Tina nicely got for me, I actually won something! I’m wearing it right now but it’s this soft fuzzy Little Twin Stars blanket cape pillow thingey that Kinokuniya graciously sponsored! And then they had the guests, 50% Dangerous and Kurechan, choose their favorite looks and they chose my beautiful gorgeous amazing friends Van and Meci which was so well deserved! I LOVE MY FRIENDS SO MUCH ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥ After the prizes, it was selfie hour and kandi making time! I made a neon rainbow kandi bracelet that reads BEGONE THOT on it which I will pass down to my future grandchildren who will then pass it down to future cybr family generations to come. 
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All in all, Okashicon 2018 was a FRIGGIN BLAST and I will 10000000% return next year and wholeheartedly encourage others to attend as well! I am so so grateful to the entire team who made Okashicon a reality and give them a gazillion claps for all their hard work!!!
Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you have a swell day! (^з^)-☆
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felicityb-reviews · 7 years
Review Roundup - February 2018 Week 1
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Hello, my loves!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and this is your Review Roundup for Week 1 of February 2018!!
So... Last Friday, I mentioned making some changes to my Review Roundup format. The reasoning being that as I've expanded my network of Korean music channels, It's become very clear to me that it's too difficult for me to write a substantial review of 25+ videos every week without each review mixing into the last. I've also come to realize that I can't include *every* song I find that happens to be in Korean, and that's fine!! Most songs are either ballads or OST ballads (which are even worse), and it's just not worth my time to flog those at you guys.
So, I'm gonna try to explain this to y'all as best as I can. It sounds more complicated than it is in practice, but I wanna give y'all an idea of what's going on.
I'm gonna present to you all the playlist of songs for the week. From there, you'll see a new segment called the Titacular Ten. Yes, I am aware "titacular" is not a word, but catch me not givin' a fuck in these streets. These guys are songs I enjoyed, but didn't like enough to put in the Fabulous Five. They'll be rated (*not* reviewed) according to my replayability scale.
And speaking of my rating scale, I've decided to add a new category called KoKoNotABop (because nothing brings me joy more than pissing off the stans of my favorite K-Pop group). This sits in between Conditional Replay and Trash Bomb with Shuffle Bait. I decided to add KoKoNotABop, because there wasn't really anything for those songs that weren't complete Trash Bombs, but fell short. I could enjoy these songs from time to time, but I wouldn't intentionally put them in a playlist, so I didn't want to call them Shuffle Bait. In short, I just wanted to expand the range of my extraness.
Moving on, you'll see the Honorable Mentions/Trash Bombs of the week after the Titacular Ten. The Honorable Mentions are tracks that didn't make it into the week's Fab Five, but I still wanted to speak on. And if you've seen my previous RRUs, you know what Trash Bombs are.
I haven't had to rated many songs as Trash Bombs, but that should be considered a small mercy. Y'all know how I get when I don't like a song
Let's get started!!
This Weeks' List
The Titacular Ten
Saturn (Nevada51 featuring Gayoung Seo of Spy Girls)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Perfectly Perfect (MxM of BRANDNEWBOYS)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
BLOCKED (Ash-B featuring Cherry Coke)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Ballad of Full Speed (Evolution of Sound)
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Grayish (JUNA)
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Run Away (Mona)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
To the sky (CLC)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
If (Day6)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Mi Amor (CoCoSori)
Mi Amori Dance Practice
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Good Bye (Hong Jin Young)
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Honorable Mentions
You Have a Crush On Me (No Brain)
If you guys can believe it, this was the type of song I loved during my J-Pop days. Oh boy, does this take me back.
And yes, I do realize this song is literally a decade old. There are idols active in the industry that this song is older than. But I'm gonna need y'all to bring me some freshly prepared fucks to care.
The children deserve to know about No Brain!!
Crush On Me (sorry, that title is too long to be typing over and over) is a punk track that is fun, personified. Every time I queue up the song to play, I just wanna dance the night away~ have my own little party, dancing and singing along. And don't think that you can get away from this song unscathed, cause the hook (neon naege banhaesseo) will stick itself in your brain and torment you till you're singing along like a good little Baby Borgie.
No Brain is a band that I want every single NuGen K-Pop (2014/2015) fan to get into. Every single one of you. Cause while this band is hella talented (they've literally been in the game for twenty years), they don't write music to show it off. They write music because they fucking love it. And that's the best kind, sis. I could clock this song for a lot of things I'd clock a modern K-Pop song for, but I won't because this song is entirely too fun to be picked apart like a science experiment.
My main reason for including Crush On You was that I love how fun this song is, BUT!! I also wanted an excuse to include No Brain's collab stage with Lovelyz from the 2017 MBC Year End Song Festival.
Now *that* was a oollab stage, ladies.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
No Gravity (Yoon Mi Rae)
Yoon MiRae is the OG Korean Female Rapper.
That's not my bias speaking (although it's definitely showing), I've never heard anyone speak ill of Mirae. NEVAH!! And I mean, why would they want to!?!?! She's magical. I literally can't say enough nice things about her.
I literally zone in on her and don't pay anyone else any mind when she's in a song. Whenever she's gracious enough to give us a solo, my wigs bow in reverence to her. I just love this woman so much. She can do no wrong in my book.
Gravity is a pre-release track from Mirae's upcoming Korean album. We have no word on what it's called or when it's dropping, but I already know it's amazing. Gravity is a midtempo rap ballad, and I usually find these cheesy af, but I really like Mirae's take on it. For those of you who've been YMR stans for a while, the vocals are arranged in Mirae's typical fashion - hard hitting rap verses, brackted in by Smoove™ vocals.
Yes, Mirae is the one who has your rap fave givin' Soulful Vocals™.
Gravity is just so nice, you guys. I don't know what it is about these Korean acts dropping really hopeful and healing tracks this year, but I want it to continue. These types of midtempos are usually reserved for Bad Days™, but I lowkey wanna listen to Gravity all the time. There's enough groove that it doesn't drag my mood down if I'm feelin' good, but at the same time, the uplifting vibe is great for everything kinda sucks.
Off Topic, but if y'all haven't heard Mirae's Black Happiness, I urge you!! It's S U C H a good song!! That's a song that's for the worst of days, sis.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Free Somebody (Luna of f(x) x HEDA)
I really do not understand what the point of this release was. Can someone from SM DM me on Twitter and explain. Cause sis, this shit made no sense to me.
Firstly, congratulations to Ms HEDA are in order!! If you weren't aware (like me), everysing (a Korean karaoke company) and Genie Music (SM Entertainment's distributor) ran a contest called Battle Singer to select a new feature vocalist for an upcoming Station release. Why SM didn't give her her own Station track, I'm not sure, but I rather liked the way she sounded here. So, I can't be too mad.
Wha I *am* mad at, however, is why SM decided to have Luna and HEDA do karaoke on one of the unused sets of Younha's Parade video, and releasing that shit as a single. Y'all couldn't call in nobody to produce these vocals?!?!?! Every single one of y'all vocal producers were busy?!?!?!
I'm just so over SMSTATION releases varying in quality and effort spent. Some weeks, SM puts in the time and effort to rock that shit out, but then we also get lazy as fuck all releases like these. And I get it, there was a contest attached to this and we don't know if SM is gonna pull Ms HEDA back in for a round 2. I'm hoping they do, but SM is fickle. I just wish this release was up to the standard as Luna and Amber's Lower. Some of y'all thought that song was dry af, but at least the video was dynamic.
Rating - KoKoNotABop
The Fabulous Five
5. Mystery (Jalhyejun)
Mystery sounds like Lim Kim and Neon Bunny decided to team up for a song. They didn't, but if they ever did, I'd need at least three albums worth of material from it.
Mystery is a very cutesy synthrock song. It lowkey reminds me of something Puffy AmiYumi would do 2003/2004, but it mostly sounds like a bonus track on Neon Bunny's Seoulite. Not a bad thing; Puffy AmiYumi were literally my gateway into J-Pop fifteen years ago (I still listen to them), and Seoulite is one of the best Korean albums of 2011.
Mystery sounds like it belongs in a kids' show, and that's exactly why I like it. It's not anything crazy energetic, but it's really fun and every time I listen to it, it puts the biggest smile on my face. And because it isn't super in your face, you could also use it very peppy background music.
We love a versatile queen, sis.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
4. To Do List (Kim Hyorin)
Okay, sis... I was a lil nervous when I heard the teasers for this. Too many of my faves been droppin' ballads as digital singles, and then disappearing into the ether. Hyorin is my girl, but I will *always* put the music first.
Fortunately,I had nothing to worry about; Hyorin did with To Do List what Henry couldn't do with Monster. Give me an engaging ballad.
Hyorin's To Do List is the same flavor of stripped back ballad as Henry's Monster; it's just Hyorin's sweet vocals layered over a clean electric guitar. It's just that she can emote with her voice and is an overall better vocalist.
I'm finding that I really enjoying this style of ballad. There's just an unexpected element to having a song be just electric guitar and vocals, ya know?!?! Like I mentioned above, I was very unsure about Hyorin making her solo debut under her own agency with a song like this, but I can see why she did it. Ballads do stupidly well in Korea, so Hyorin was catering to that market. BUT ALSO!! There's enough spunk here to keep the more adventurous crowd happy.
Of course, Hyorin could also sing me the dictionary, and I'd be like, "YASSS KWEEN!! BUILD THE CHILDREN'S VOCABULARY!! TAKE EVERY SINGLE OF MY WIGS, GODDESS!!".
So what do I know?!?!
Rating - Heavy Rotation
3. Unstoppable (The Night Of Seokyo x Minju)
I normally don't include covers on this list, and I definitely wouldn't put them in the Fab Five. But y'all, this fucking cover. I really wish they covered the entire song, because it's fucking M A G I C A L
Which only makes sense, because the original is even more magical, but still...
Minju and the Night of Seokyo's Unstoppable is a cover of Lianne La Havas's 2015 song Unstoppable. I have no idea why I don't know this song or artist, because they're both magical. I already said Unstoppable was magical, but I'm gonna say it again!! This song is so good!! Can I live in the feeling this song creates?!?! I'd enjoy that a lot, sis. It's just so calm and healing, and I need that to be my energy for all of 2018.
And Ms Lianne, y'all. My wig toppled off my head the first 30 seconds of the song, because ma'am looks like a Black goddess. Can I be her when I grow up?!?!?! She looks so cool, and her music is just so nice. God, I love just Black women, you guys. They're so amazing, and they never get credit for always being ahead of the curve (as mentioned in my Nega Dola review). But I love Black women. I wouldn't be who I am today without Black women. None of us would. And I think it's time that we acknowledge that!!
So now that I've gotten that out of my system (we are unapologetically stanning Black women in 2018 and beyond, sis), let's discuss the Night of Seokyo and Minju's cover of Unstoppable. Absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking. I felt like I was floating. I usually don't care for covers, because 90% of them fall into two categories - a) indistinct from the original because they do everything the original does and b) complete and total trash because they did Too Much™ when reinterpretting it. But Minju and the Night of Seokyo strike the perfect balance - the rearrangement for piano and vocal does Just Enough™ to stand out on it's own without feeling like it's fucked up the vibe of the song.
I really should have just done a standalone review of this cover, since I *clearly* have so much so say on it, but it's just so good. A very big thank you to my girl sunnysidae who found the original version for Unstoppable for me. You're the best, sis!!
Rating - Heavy Rotation
2. Baby Funk (Yoo Naul of Brown Eyed Soul)
Everything about this song n video is so Black!! I'm Shook™!!
I don't know Brown Eyed Soul that well, so I really thought Naul was the Black dude in the video. Thought BES had a whole ass (well, half ass) nigga in the group!!
Baby Funk's name is a little misleading - the only thing Funky about her is that guitar line (and the beatswitch that happens towards the end). But that's fine!! We love a good throwback to the Soul tracks of the '90s!!
I really don't know what to say, but tbh I really shouldn't have to - y'all *know* I L I V E for a good RnB/Soul track. And Baby Funk definitely delivers, babies!! I'm not gonna lie, the video did put me a off little, at first; I can't help but be suspect of the dynamic here. But you know, I'm just gonna receive this blessing, and keep it pushing. Naul made a love letter to Black culture with Baby Funk, and I Appreciate™.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
1. Blind (Planetarium Records)
Trigger Warning - intense strobe lighting effects are used in the live showcase video
One of these days, I'm gonna need to learn these dudes' names. Especially since they refuse to stop terrorizing my wig collection with their group albums.
Sidenote - whoever decided to bait n switch my Black ass with them teasers, ya mama's a heaux. And I expect a full version of T.M.N.T with vocals on Case#3!! That shit is too good to just be an intro!!
When I first saw the teasers for Planetarium's CASE#1, I didn't think much of it. I thought they were an EDM label, number 1. And number 2, teasers didn't really give me anything to be excited about. But they blasted onto the scene with Blah, which had me eatin' my words a lil. I didn't include ha in my Fab Five for that week, but I was definitely paying attention to them Planetarium boys. And then came a live video of Glue (which I did put in my Fab Five), and now Blind.
Blind is a very clear 180 from the very fun, very tropical themed Blah. But catch these niggas drivin' off into the sunset with my wig, because I am B A L D T.
Blind is an intense synthpop track with a slight RnB tilt. Which is to be expect, because Planetarium is an RnB/Hip Hop label. But guys, this song is just S O G O O D. If every idol boy band in K-Pop *has* to do overly series tracks because They're Super Serious Boys Who Very Serious All The Time Seriously™, I'm gonna need them deliver tracks on this level.
Show me you have soul, not that you have abs. I've seen enough shirt lifts to last me a lifetime, kids.
On top of giving us a music video that's a continuation of Blah, the Planetarium boys have also provided us with a live showcase video that you can watch here. Be mindful that there is intense strobing effects during the chorus bits.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Alright loves, that's all I've got for you guys this week!! I hope the change in format isn't jarring, but I needed to do something to alleviate some of the work that goes into these lists. Cause pretty soon, I'm not gonna have the gobs and gobs of free time that I have now to do them, on top of my standalone reviews. My SHINee Feature Spotlight series has been halted, for now, but tune in on Friday at 12pm and 6pm EST for a special surprise. And be sure to tune in on Monday at 6pm EST for me full length review of the week.
Love, you guys!!
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jamesaaliyah · 5 years
Starter #7 part two
I gasp in pain as another backhand whipped my head back, i look over at James and he’s got tears running down his face gasping for air but only broken sobs coming out. The man shrugged and said “Seems lover boy is having problems over there wonder what he’s gonna do if i do this?” He grabs a serrated knife and inspects it turn around and going up to him and i hold my breathe hoping he doesn’t hurt him. “You gonna tell us what you know yet James, I honestly did not think that i was gonna get ahold of you this easy. But here we are. All i need to know is the location of the flash drive?” I speak up as he opens his mouth “Don’t say anything baby I’m okay I’m alright” He sighs and whips around, our kidnapper “ Don’t say anything baby” he fakes a high pitched voice mocking me. “Good god I’m sick of your mouth” with that he jams the knife into my stomach and I gasp it turning choked sob.
As I’m desperately trying to get air into my lungs, sobs coming out instead of air coming in. James face is pure horror and i weakly shake my head. I hear him distantly scream “I’ll tell you fuck I’ll tell you but please you’ve got to help her first” I beat him and say to James “ No you will no-“ I’m cut off by the blinding pain and i look down and the knife in me is being twisted it feels like my insides are crashing around inside me. I cough up blood, i realize i can’t go out this way. The man stands up straight and leaves with a ‘I’ll let you think about it. “God you’re so fucking d-dumb! Let me fucking help. I’m useless i-i can’t even protect you.” I try to calm him down with small ‘It’s okay baby” and “I’m fine it’s fine we’ll make it” he just sobs brokenly and shakes his head and gestures to the deep red soaking my shirt and dripping onto the floor. In his best calmest voice which isn’t quite as calm as he means his voice cracking at each sentence “Sweet-sweetheart you’re bleeding out I’ve got to do something you can’t leave me not like this okay. You just have to hang on. The agency can go fuck themselves because you mean more than that fucking flash drive” I quietly shake my head and the man comes storming back in and squats beside me and pulls the knife out a bit and stares at my boyfriend “Now or never bud” and i smirk as good as i can and say “fuck you you’re not getting shi-“ suddenly James blurts out the location, “it’s buried under the red oak tree in the park should be about five feet down they’ll be agents watching it.” I glare at him before the man stands and thanks him before nodding at his men to untie us them untying me first and he yanks the knife out and i slump to the ground me fading in and out of consciousness before it all goes black i see James rum up and fall onto his knees him placing pressure on my wound “hey baby, it’ll be okay promise” softly and grin up at him and more tears fall from those soft brown eyes, “ you know some would say I’ve yee’d my last haw” he laughs brokenly and whispers “yeah i guess some would. But now isn’t the time for jokes Ali.” i motion for him to get closer and i can tell i won’t make it to the hospital i feel it. I kiss him one more time trying to tell him everything I’ve ever wanted him to know. I pull away and after he adjusts so my back is against his chest and one of our hands intertwined and his other pressing his shirt against my wound the one on my thigh stopped bleeding awhile ago. He’s trying to cry quietly but i can feel him shaking he’s whispering “ I love you i do baby so much you can’t leave me here alone i can’t do it without you, hell i don’t even know how to do laundry” at that i giggle and squeeze his hand and tipping my head up to smile softly and say “You know i love you so much i hope you know that and no matter what happens you’ll be okay cause I’ll be with you in your heart okay i love you so so much. You’ll figure out laundry i promise.” With that my breaths are becoming slower and i can hear him sob harder and keep my head pressed to him he’s saying something but i can’t hear it. Must be the team arriving. I hope he makes it out of here he can do it without me i know he can. I love him more than anything and with that my eyes close.
She’s murmuring with her eyes half closed breathing shallower and i hear the door bust open and i scream for help and they’re running in and they get here and i look down. Her eyes closed and i check her chest and it’s not moving so i move to her pulse. Nothing. No no no no no no she can’t be she-she can’t fucking leave like this. It should’ve been me, i hold her tight against me and brush her braids back and sob and the footsteps are getting louder so i push back her braids and stand up slowly with her in my arms and walk towards them. Covered in that deep scarlet red color her head into my chest with her legs draped over my arms dangling in the open air and her neon colored hair she was so excited about getting just days ago. I walk towards them and her best friend takes one look and stops dead in their tracks and i can see their whole world crack. She doesn’t know that i had to feel the life fade out of her and and her eyes dim before falling closed, her world didn’t shatter to pieces. She didn’t lose the love of her life. I glance down and see the ring on her finger.
I’m incredibly nervous and I’m worried she’ll say no. I wait patiently downstairs on the couch cause i know she wouldn’t like it in public, i hear the stairs creak under her feet and her morning voice “J i didn’t see you in bed where’d you g- Oh you’re down here” she walks over and wraps her arms around my shoulders and i grab her hand and lead her into the spot next to me. “Baby I’ve got something to say” I feel her tense up beside me and i turn and get on my knee in front of her and present the ring to her and she’s gasps and covers her mouth and goes to speak but i beat her to it and starts “ I’ve loved you since highschool and i didn’t admit it for a long time cause you’re too good for me and will continue to be. I love you more than I’ve loved anyone before and I’d do anything for you, when I’m grumpy I’ll still make you breakfast, I’ll watch stupid movies i hate with you, I’ll listen to your charcter rants and I’d even die for you. That’s how much i love you. In fact, I love you 3000. So would you do the honor of when its time allowing me to switch this with a real engagement ring” She’s in tears and nodding yes and i pick her up and hug her tightly and i feel her arms wrap around my neck squeezing back and into my neck i hear a small whisper saying “I love you 3000 baby” I smile and continue to hug her.
Current time
I can feel more tears drip down my cheeks and the sound fading out as i drop to my knees and pull her closer to me.i feel the hand of my teammates hand on my shoulder and i shrug it off “James you’ve got to let her go so we can get you out of here” i shake my head “I’ll get her out myself” Her friend reaches out for her and i growl and glare at them “Don’t fucking touch her. You weren’t here for her you weren’t there TO WATCH HER FUCKING DIE IT WAS ME I SAW THAT I SAW THE LIFE FADE FROM HER EYES! I-I’M THE ONE THAT THAT DOESNT GET TO HEAR HER SAY I LOVE YOU ANYMORE I’M THE ONE THA-THAT LOST THE LOVE THAT I THOUGHT I COULD NEVER HAVE! DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS do you know how how that fe-“ i cant finish the sentences as the tears come back and i lean back and sit pulling her into my lap and holding her whispering “I’m sorry Aaliyah I’m so so sorry it should be me should’ve been me. I love you so much I love you baby i love you.”
3rd POV
The team leaders look at each other and nod and one person sneaks up behind James and injects a sedative into his neck and as soon as he feels it. Her friends pull her from his lap and carry her away and he realizes she’s gone and it takes five agents to keep him pinned to have it work and have him out. He’s screaming and thrashing and struggling to escape saying “She can’t be alone she hates it she needs me i need her she’s she’s gone she’s gone” before he passes out and one of the bigger guys hoist him up on one shoulder and carries him out.
This is the story of two people deeply in love
One is alive
But both are lost.
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ask-mixednsr-au · 3 years
What are they/1010 doing
“We as a troupe are performing and turning the scales in our favor! This music is ours, this stage is hours, this district is ours! 1010, engage and fire at will and use your voices! We will not let them take our district!”
“Yes sir!”
“We might be screwed—“
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ruthgabyguerrero · 7 years
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Southern California Veteran DJ’s Keep Hip-Hop Alive
Standing on step stools, the students respond with a hand up, and a "here" to their names being called. Their teacher, however, unlike regular grade school teachers who look up and monotonously nod at students' reply, reiterates with a boosting remark every time.
"Ezekiel in the house ready to cut it off!" Mr. Choc, wearing Dickies cut off at the calves and high-top Vans, tells a student.
"Victor, who goes by 'Lil Vic!'" he tells another.
He then shouts, "who's ready to get scratching!"
The pre-teen students raise one hand and cheer and use their other hand to hold on to their too-big headphones as they leap in excitement. The other teacher, DJ Babu, wearing a black baseball cap and a black tee with the word “junkies” on both, handles the two turntables and mixer and instructs the students in a tender, purposely downtempo tone,
"Make sure you could hear yourself on your headphones," he says,
And "keep one ear open. I see some of you with the headphones covering both ears."
A loud, catchy beat consumes the hipster-looking room with its light wooden floors, festival posters framed on its walls, and a cool coffee table shaped like a compact cassette surrounded by two modern mid-century style sofas. The rhythm is a bass that is signature Hip-Hop. The students then place one ear cup behind their ear, as Mr. Choc says, "somebody say yeahhh!"
And just like that the aspiring DJs rock the air of professional Hip-Hop DJ's, and are one step closer to mastering the infamous Two Turntables and Mixer right before each of them.
The school these youngsters attend is The Beat Junkie Institute of Sound, owned and operated by seven friends and colleagues, located in the city of Glendale. At six pm every Monday and Wednesday and at twelve pm every Saturday the intermediate students are taught by Southern California's most legendary DJ’s.
The classes, which run like a college quarter system with ten weeks of lessons, include more than just an opportunity for pastime, but instead the fundamentals in DJing, reasons Brian Samson Sr. enrolled his 11-year-old at BJIOS.
"[I] wanted to get him into an educational environment about DJing so he has a real structured perspective. [Hip-Hop] is not about hanging out and going to parties," he said regarding the school.
Samson is a DJ himself who's worked in the music industry for twenty five years with labels such as Def Jam and who currently works in marketing and promotion for independent artists. Videos of his past DJ gigs kept young Samson entertained for years and eventually sparked an interest at the age of seven. At the age of nine he made his own instrumentals playlist, and told his parents he wanted to DJ his own birthday pool party--a moment that prompted Samson to finally look into classes for his son. The primary reservation for Samson, however, was whether the courses would distract from his regular school. But after a year of negotiating and after making the Honor Roll at his school, Brian Samson Jr. finally convinced his father to enroll him in the “DJing for Kids” courses.
“It was kind of hard [at first], I kept thinking ‘Oh my God there’s a lot of buttons,’”
young Samson, a miniature version of his father with his all-black attire, husky frame and amiable demeanor, says about class, adding,  “[My friends] are not that into DJing, they’re more into sports. I like DJing better.”
The structured perspective Samson desired for his only son is truly what students are consuming at this after-school activity. Fundamentals include heavy repetition, positioning guidance, musical terminology and even some calisthenics for their adult students, says DJ Babu, whose real name is Melvin Babu.
"It's a combination of music school and martial arts the way we teach our classes. It's literally some Cobra Kai shit."
On this Wednesday the kids are taught by two of the seven teachers in the BJIOS, ex-Power 106 DJ, Mr. Choc, and current member of the Hip-Hop group Dilated Peoples, DJ Babu. Babu, who drove all the way from his hometown of Corona, faces the students with his turntables before him on a small elevated stage, demonstrating a scratching pattern that the kids must then repeat. He turns the brim of his hat to the side, licks his index and middle fingers on his left hand, and places them on the vinyl to demonstrate, saying, "Forward, forward, forward, bring it back."
An effortless pattern for him is a tricky one for beginners. Repetition, however, causes the students' unison scratching to sound more and more harmonic each time.
"Switch!" Mr. Choc yells above the "Black Beatles" instrumental for the students to now stand in front of the vinyl on the left side because standing in the middle doesn't allow for full control, he says. And luckily the step stools these pre-teens stand on to reach the top of the tables custom-made for adults are wide enough for the easy switch.
Scratch, scratch, scratch, playback.
He switches the song to Drake’s "Fake Love," another tune the kids readily recognize and jump in excitement to hear. Their task this time is to count it's BPM, or Beats Per Minute, after deciding "Black Beatles" had 72.
Tap, tap, tap,
Mr. Choc counts the tempo of the song with his finger but not with his words. After 60 seconds of the beat, skinny arms shoot up and, chosen one-by-one, all agree on a tempo of 67.
"Great job guys, great job," Mr. Choc says as he steps off the stage to high-five one student, walking further to high-five another, and another, before heading back to his place on the stage.
Melo-D, DJ Rhettmatic, J Rocc, D-Styles, Dj Sunil, along with Mr. Choc and DJ Babu make up a DJ crew named Beat Junkies that originally formed in 1992. The crew participated in DJ battles, nightclub performances, mixtapes or "street albums," and music production, but as of four years ago decided to get invested in a more serious venture through their skillful union.
Their first venture was a digital record group, BeatJunkies.com, that allowed subscribers access to the beats curated and provided by the Beat Junkies themselves. With the success of this digital record group the friends wondered what else they can venture on; then the idea of a DJ school came to mind. At the time, however, Babu and Dilated Peoples were at their peak touring worldwide, releasing the most music and collaborating with artists such as Cypress Hill, Kanye West and The Roots among many more other names, adding,
"Mentally and commitment wise we weren't ready. I was in the middle of making my last album with my band, and the other guys' tour schedule meant they were out of town so much...I just wasn't ready to teach yet."
A year and a half ago, however, D-Styles in a Beat Junkie meeting brought up the idea once again, and this time it made more sense. Babu was slowing down with his band and longed for more “normalcy” and the opportunity to be home with his kids, and fondly remembers what D-styles said that fortified this plan,
"What do Boxer's do when they don't wanna box no more? They open gyms."
In an era where technology has fundamentally taken over manual tasks, old-school turntablists have seen the integrity of DJing, too, be compromised in the music industry. Today, all that’s needed is a playlist and a few computer programs on a laptop to blend songs together for you, minimizing the tasks of a “DJ” to yelling on a microphone in order to heighten the environment and twisting a few knobs for cool musical effects.
But could it be that Hip-Hop itself has contributed to the vanishing of this organic art? The Hip-Hop culture is rooted on the quality of secrecy; an aura of pride that refuses to share, particularly in the mainstream, for fear of dilution. It is a world thriving with qualified talent that may possibly, like Babu claims he used to, be confusing “selling out” with helping maintain an art alive,
“It took me 25 years to realize it was really selfish. And as an artist I was just killing myself not sharing. What’s the point of making all this shit or getting good at this art form if you’re not gonna share?”
BJIOS teaches without a laptop, without computer programs, and instead with vinyls on the infamous Two Turntables and a Mixer that its student must mix manually. Each of the two turntables has a different song, or artist, or even genre and a DJ’s job is to make a song something else. He/She changes the genre of a song, turning William Bell into Dilated Peoples, Earl Klugh into Wu-Tang Clan, Kool and the Gang into Nas; ultimately a soulful vinyl into a Hip-Hop one, by manually blending the rhythms together, every once in a while “scratching” the vinyl, oh so skillfully, to make a remix of a song that glides.
“That’s what’s different about our school and our approach is that we want to lift the level of DJIng, and the perception of what real DJing is,” Babu says, adding,
“At the most core of it, I want DJ’s hand skills [perfected]. I get really hurt when I see someone DJing publicly and the fundamentals are wrong, the mechanics are wrong. Like, ‘the record rotates this way guys, why are you scratching over here?’”
The city of Glendale was primarily chosen because of sound regulations other prospective locations imposed. Babu, however, has developed an admiration for the city’s trendy milieu, stating restaurants like Shake Shack and Eggslut, as well as the Museum of Neon Art and the city’s very-modern Library with its seven conference rooms, big screen projectors and a 3D printing lab, as his favorite parts of the city, adding,
“If I could change my life and live right here on Ivy (the street the school is located in) I’d sell my car and just walk everywhere.”
And, “I want to be part of Glendale, I think we’re a real gem for the city, and I want them to realize what they have, and I want them to get behind us. And include us in the community section of things. I want to be in community centers, I want to work with the YMCA, I want to get into the private schools and junior colleges, let them know what we’re doing.”
The ultimate goal for him and his fellow Beat Junkies, however, is to be able to provide DJ lessons free of charge for all. He is currently working on a scholarship program along with restaurant owner and chef Roy Choi that would allow twelve children from the city of Watts to take free lessons that at the end of the semester would provide them with their very own equipment.
“I dream of...I am open to the idea of becoming a non-profit. If we didn't have that burden of knowing we needed to make X-amount a month, if we could be non-profit, that would be the ultimate.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
I'm not a good person. But I'm trying. Just tell me when I do something wrong and I'll try to change. Just give others a chance to do the same. If they don't listen/care then lay a beat-down. Until then... people can change. Just... give them a chance.
“...I’ll give Neon J a chance. I’m still going to be wary because of what he did, it hurts a lot, but there’s a line between petty and evil when it comes to wanting things to get even. However, changing is all his decision.”
“I do not want my destruction to be my legacy, but I am willing to take you down. We both have seen what happens if a support isn’t strong enough; I’m I have a right to be skeptical of if your ragtag team can hold up to the demands of Vinyl City. My threat remains true.”
“And if we defeat you?”
“...I’ll need to talk to them about that.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Not to be rude but destroying instruments to the screams of others so many times you can't count is not retail work. Blocking out said screams and pleas does not help. It's almost like Neon J is a soldier who has hurt people.
“I guess that’s why they hired me. I used to be a soldier too and, well, I’m not too proud of that either. But on the battlefield it’s kill or be killed. Yet this is different...”
“The Lights Up Auditions were never supposed to be a battlefield, much less a place to destroy music of all things. They were people, citizens. You didn’t kill them, yet they were hurt. Not everyone was fighting, not everyone was a rock artist, and many of them were people who wanted to help and didn’t expect....”
“It was a job. I needed to survive and I couldn’t just think of what I — what it —“
“As the person who had to repair several of the instruments you broke, I learned names and listened. A lot of those instruments had stories, I could tell you them.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 3 years
What song are you going to sing Sayu?
“Along to the melody! I don’t need lyrics to have a powerful voice!”
“Or to command things, apparently.”
Sayu sings a high note as Rin swings down in attempt to grab someone from NEO NSR, only for his prop to swing up suddenly at Sayu’s command, taking Rin with it.
Neon J does not look pleased, now more focused on 1010 and the loss of control.
“No, no no! Troops, the stage has been compromised! I repeat, the stage has been compromised!”
“We have to work to make taking over harder, Right sir? We’re better!”
Neon J looks at Rin, catching on. He stands up, posing and singing out a note; 1010 stops what they are doing to pay attention, and the lights go out. Pink props still shine.
The music suddenly changes, each stage lighting back up to a beat with individual props lighting up with a following riff.
Spotlights flash back on at the end, focusing on Neon J.
“Work It. Make It. Do It. Makes Us.”
1010 appears, harmonizing their voices and turning their props turning their colors signifying their control returning.
“Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 3 years
Eloni: dad can we keep this kid? 🥺
Neon J: yeah sure son- WAIT NO SHE’S ONE OF THEM-
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
How will you find the way back from whatever techno BS has trapped you? The RIGHT way home as well if that's possible to mess up, as well. If it is you may be vulnerable to my favorite trope! If not you may need to have a go at grandpa over there. Screen-punch like Fyra. Duke it out against the dude. Get your butt whooped by a macineman? Any way you do it, I'm here for it!
“Oh, getting out is easy! Again, I’m not an idiot, I don’t get myself in trouble if I don’t see a way out. I know how to get myself out and kick this this old man out. I should let Kul Fyra lose on him the second I can, she’s already messed up Pluto, I can only wonder what she’d do to him.”
“First of all, I’m not old. I’m in my thirties! Second of all, the moment I’m out of here I’m officially declaring war on your rebel group!”
“You are the one that made it violent! I’m not just talking about here — the competition was supposed to be a concert! You destroyed countless instruments! You didn’t have to, but you did!”
“I was hired to do that!”
“And just like your little vanity projects, the idea to think for yourself didn’t cross your mind!”
“What could I do? I was young and—“
“Everything was rigged against me!”
“I know that! I knew that when I tried to win fair and square and you—!!”
“And I what?!”
“You didn’t listen to a single scream.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Oh! So Kliff fights capitalism!
Punish the bot for art crimes-
“Art? More like mass-produced excuses for a performance.”
“I’ve seen videos. They aren’t that impressive. Magnets to make sure they don’t lose their grip, built to carry mass amounts of weight, they’re programmed to be able to do those stunts. It’s not impressive if you get to the technical part.”
“No. I won’t. Because you know they’re mass produced to perform that same song and dance a million times over. The music is trash too.”
“Then give it to your troops.”
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