#[shipping drug dealer: crack]
thedensworld · 2 months
Case 143 | K.Mg
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Pairing: Detective!Mingyu x reader
Genre: action, romance, ex Au
Summary: Mingyu and Y/n are exes. One day, they have to work a case together and it makes the situation uncomfortable for both teams. Besides for the rookie, Hansol.
Breathless and with his heart pounding against his ribcage, Mingyu pushed himself to keep running. Every inhale felt like fire in his lungs, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins kept him going. The urgency of catching Kim Jiheon, the elusive drug dealer he had been tracking for weeks, was consuming him.
His legs threatened to give out beneath him, protesting each step he took, but the thought of letting Jiheon slip through his fingers was unbearable. Alone and racing against time, Mingyu cursed under his breath as he sprinted towards the harbor. His team, blissfully unaware of the unfolding situation, was probably enjoying their dinner, oblivious to his urgent call for backup.
Frantically, he dialed the rookie of his team, Hansol, hoping beyond hope that his message had been received. Mingyu needed everyone at the harbor, and he needed them there now. The distance seemed endless, each stride feeling like an eternity as he fought against exhaustion and desperation.
As Mingyu finally reached the harbor, his eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of his team. But there was nothing. Doubt crept into his mind. Had Hansol even relayed his message? Was he truly alone in this race against time?
Despite the doubt gnawing at him, Mingyu clenched his jaw, refusing to give up. With determination burning in his eyes, he squared his shoulders and prepared to face whatever lay ahead. Kim Jiheon would not escape him, not this time.
Fortunately for Mingyu, his years of dedicated workouts and cardio had honed his body into a well-oiled machine, allowing him to chase down Kim Jiheon with impressive speed and agility. Even as fatigue threatened to overwhelm him, he pushed himself harder, driven by sheer determination to apprehend his elusive target.
It was a testament to Mingyu's resourcefulness that he had managed to uncover Jiheon's plans to ship out tonight. Yet, despite his strategic prowess, a pang of frustration surged through him as he realized his own clumsiness had led to him misplacing his gun at the worst possible moment. Shooting Jiheon's leg would have simplified matters, but fate seemed to have other plans.
The sharp crack of a gunshot shattered the night air, sending Mingyu's heart racing as Jiheon crumpled to the ground, his leg now wounded and useless. Relief flooded through Mingyu as he spotted the familiar figure holding the pistol, their timely intervention saving the day.
With a steadying breath, Mingyu hurried to Jiheon's side, his movements deliberate as he secured the handcuffs around the criminal's wrists. A mixture of triumph and exhaustion washed over him as he delivered a sharp slap near Jiheon's gunshot wound, a small act of retribution for the chase that had left him soaked with sweat.
As a car and a bike approached, Mingyu watched with a mixture of relief and anticipation as the people inside sprang into action, swiftly attending to the fallen Jiheon. "Nice shot, captain!" one of them exclaimed, praising the biker who had delivered the decisive blow. Mingyu's eyes met hers as she removed her helmet, her intense gaze locking onto him.
There was a palpable tension in the air as she approached Mingyu, her scowl evident even from a distance. Despite the exchange of the gun between them, her anger seemed to simmer just beneath the surface, casting a shadow over the otherwise triumphant moment.
Effortlessly catching the gun she tossed to him, Mingyu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered between them. Even as he rose to his feet, his body still thrumming with adrenaline, her continued displeasure weighed heavily on him.
As their eyes met once more, Mingyu couldn't help but protest, "Don't look at me like that." He rose from his brief respite, his voice tinged with defiance.
She rolled her eyes in response, her frustration evident. "Like what? Like looking at an idiot? Yeah! I am looking at an idiot who dropped his gun while running. Why are you even here? It's my case!"
Mingyu coughed, feeling the weight of her words like a punch to the gut. "It's related to my department, so it's natural for me to investigate it as well."
She shook her head, her tone firm. "It's one hundred percent on the Narcotic Department. Violence and Crime have zero relevance to this case. Also, your team doesn't have an investigation permission letter. So whatever you're doing right now, it's not under the office regulations," she explained, her words cutting through the tension like a knife.
"Good you're not dead," she muttered under her breath before swiftly donning her helmet.
Mingyu's heart sank at her dismissive words, but he refused to let his pride get the better of him. "Can I join you?" he asked, stepping forward.
She turned to face him, her expression unreadable as she removed her helmet. "Where's your car? How could you even get here in the first place?" she questioned, her voice tinged with disbelief.
Mingyu hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of embarrassment at his lack of preparedness. But as he met her gaze, determination flickered in his eyes. "I found a way," he muttered, his resolve unwavering despite the obstacles in his path.
Mingyu didn't waste time with words. Instead, he reached for the helmet in her hand and the key, determination shining in his eyes. "Let's go," he said, motioning for her to join him on the back seat.
"Riding without a helmet is illegal, Kim Mingyu. We're police officers," she reminded him firmly.
A smirk played at the corners of Mingyu's lips as he tilted his head, meeting her gaze with a sense of camaraderie. "Well said, Ji Y/n. We're police officers."
Mingyu stood at the front of his team, his expression stern as he addressed each member in turn. With their heads bowed and hands folded behind their backs, they listened intently to his lecture, knowing they had failed their leader.
For seven minutes, Mingyu recounted the events of that fateful night, emphasizing the gravity of the situation had he been left to face danger alone. His voice carried a mixture of disappointment and frustration, each word punctuated by the weight of missed opportunities and the consequences of their negligence.
Hansol, the rookie whose distraction had led to Mingyu's solitary struggle, felt the weight of guilt settle heavy in his chest. The memory of the grandmother he had helped with directions now felt like a betrayal, a selfish act that had left his team leader vulnerable and alone in the line of duty.
As Mingyu concluded his lecture, his gaze swept over his team, the disappointment in his eyes unmistakable. Yet, beneath the reprimand, there was a glimmer of determination—a resolve to ensure that such a lapse in communication would never happen again.
Mingyu's commanding presence filled the room as he addressed his team, his eyes sweeping over each member with a sense of authority. "I want you to summarize an essay about how important teamwork is in our field and the role of the leader," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Without hesitation, Lee Seokmin, Seo Myungho, Boo Seungkwan, Lee Chan, and Choi Hansol snapped to attention, offering a crisp salute as a promise to fulfill their leader's directive.
As Mingyu's gaze lingered on Hansol, a sense of disappointment flickered in his eyes. "And Hansol," he added, his voice firm. "Face me after doing 20 laps of a run."
With a nod of acknowledgment, Mingyu dismissed his team, the air thick with the unspoken promise of accountability and unity in the face of adversity. They had learned a valuable lesson, one that would shape their future actions and reinforce the bonds of trust and solidarity among them. Mingyu turned on his heel and made his exit, leaving the room buzzing with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. Each member of the team knew that they had a responsibility to uphold, not only to their leader but to each other as well.
A shout erupted from Seungkwan, his voice echoing through the room, "I'm relieved that I'm not the rookie anymore, but I feel bad for Hansol." His frustration was palpable as he reached for the book sitting untouched on the bookcase for what seemed like ages—a self-improvement book on leadership and teamwork bought by their team leader, Kim Mingyu.
Lee Chan flopped onto the couch, exhaustion evident in every line of his body. He leaned back, his eyelids heavy with fatigue. "Then do his assignment instead," he mumbled, the remnants of their beef dinner lulling him into a sleepy stupor.
Seungkwan's fingers traced the embossed title of the book, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. Relief mingled with guilt as he thought of Hansol, burdened with the weight of being the rookie. Mingyu's gesture was well-intentioned, but it only served to highlight the disparities within their team. As he flipped through the pages, Seungkwan couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him.
Myungho gently tapped Hansol's shoulder, offering reassurance in his touch. "It's not totally your fault, Hansol. That case isn't officially ours, so even if we're losing it, it wouldn't be our responsibility," he explained calmly to the younger member.
Hansol's brow furrowed in surprise, his eyes betraying his confusion. "But didn't we work hard on that case? Is it really okay to just let it go like that?" he questioned, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and concern.
Myungho nodded understandingly, his expression empathetic. "We assumed there might be a gang involved in Park Jiheon's case. But his capture definitely isn't in our hands," he clarified, his tone gentle yet firm as he tried to alleviate Hansol's worries.
Hansol sighed, a weight seeming to lift from his shoulders as he processed Myungho's words.
Seokmin chimed in, his voice carrying a sense of solidarity as he echoed Myungho's sentiments. "Don't worry about Mingyu, he just wasn't in the mood," he reassured, his tone soothing as he tried to ease any lingering concerns.
Chan's hands met in a soft clap of realization, his eyes widening with understanding. "Right? He's never scolded us that much before. I was really worried when he called. But then, when I saw him arriving on bike earlier..." Chan trailed off, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I knew," he concluded, his voice filled with certainty.
Seungkwan chuckled, his laughter ringing out in the room. "I saw them too. Kim Mingyu, our team leader..." he began, a hint of amusement evident in his tone as he recalled the sight of Mingyu's unexpected mode of transportation.
Sensing that the conversation was veering off track, Myungho interjected, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Let's finish our assignment before midnight," he urged, directing everyone's attention back to the task at hand. With a determined stride, he made his way to his desk, ready to dive into the work.
Seokmin reached out to Hansol, his offer of assistance laced with genuine concern. "Hansol," he called out, his tone gentle yet firm. "You can start your run. I'll take care of your assignment." The weight lifted from Hansol's shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief, gratitude evident in his expression. He offered a quick word of thanks to Seokmin before hurrying out into the backyard, his mind already racing ahead to the looming encounter with their team leader.
As Hansol disappeared from view, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. Each member of the team understood the importance of their roles, the weight of their responsibilities hanging heavy in the air. With determination etched on their faces, they set to work, united in their mission to meet the deadline and prove their worth as a team.
"I've read your report on the potential Cubic involvement in Park Jiheon's case, and I truly appreciate your astuteness in uncovering this," Chief Park acknowledged, his tone conveying a mix of admiration and seriousness. "However, I can't simply assign this case to your department without the Narcotics Department's involvement, especially considering it's already under their investigation," he explained, his words carrying a weight of deliberation and careful consideration.
As Chief Park's gaze shifted to Choi Seungcheol, the Head of the Violence and Crime Department, the room fell silent, all eyes turning to await his response. Superintendent Choi's expression remained composed, his mind already racing through the implications of Chief Park's words. With a thoughtful nod, he prepared to offer his insight, knowing that the decision ahead would shape the course of their investigation and the fate of their team.
Seungcheol's gaze shifted to Mingyu, his words carrying a sense of reassurance. "There are cases that require the expertise of special teams from different departments, sir. It's quite common in our line of work. If involving our team will expedite the process, then we should proceed," he stated confidently, his tone firm yet respectful as he laid out their rationale.
Chief Park nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging Seungcheol's explanation. "Alright, I'll speak with Superintendent Yoon about this matter and keep you both informed," he confirmed, his expression reflecting a blend of contemplation and gratitude. "Thank you so much for your input," he added, appreciating the insight offered by his dedicated team members. As the conversation drew to a close, the room buzzed with a sense of anticipation, each member silently hoping for a favorable outcome.
Mingyu and Seungcheol strode out of the Chief's office in unison, the weight of the conversation lingering heavily between them. Frustration etched lines on Mingyu's usually cheerful face, his hand harshly rubbing at his forehead in a futile attempt to erase the tension. Seungcheol, observant as ever, couldn't ignore the sudden shift in his junior's demeanor.
"What's wrong?" Seungcheol asked, his own irritation growing as he tried to decipher what had dimmed the usually bright spirit of his junior.
Mingyu shrugged, attempting to downplay the turmoil brewing within him. "It's alright," he muttered, though the strain in his voice betrayed his attempt at composure.
Seungcheol scoffed, unable to contain his sarcasm. "Yeah, everyone can tell you're alright," he quipped, hoping to coax out the truth behind Mingyu's facade.
The jest halted Mingyu in his tracks, his gaze snapping towards Seungcheol with a mixture of surprise and irritation. "Really?" Mingyu's brow furrowed, his frustration momentarily eclipsed by confusion before realization dawned upon him. "That's not funny, sunbae," he retorted, the tension between them palpable as they stood locked in a silent battle of emotions.
Seungcheol motioned for Mingyu to halt in front of a cooler, offering him a soft drink. Mingyu nodded gratefully, sinking onto the nearby bench as Seungcheol handed him a can of coke.
"Are you going to be alright working with Y/n?" Seungcheol asked directly, his concern palpable in the air. Mingyu shot him a sidelong glance, his mood evident in the gesture.
"What? I'm just worried, okay? You both are my juniors and used to be under my team." Seungcheol explained.
"I know," Mingyu mumbled, his head dropping as he stared at his shoes. He sighed heavily. "It's been messing with my head. I can't seem to stop thinking about her."
Mingyu looked up at Seungcheol, his expression a mix of frustration and self-doubt. "Even last night, I lashed out at my team for not capturing Park Jiheon. We worked tirelessly on the case, even though it wasn't our responsibility. It was... selfish."
"I feel like such an idiot, sunbae," Mingyu confessed.
Seungcheol paused, considering his words carefully before responding. "Professionally? Yes, you made mistakes. But we can't ignore matters of the heart, Mingyu. We're police officers, yes, but we're also human. We feel things deeply. Sometimes, our emotions cloud our judgment."
Mingyu chuckled weakly. "It's surreal to hear reassurance from you, Seungcheol sunbae. I remember when you used to chew me out back in my rookie days."
Seungcheol scoffed, folding his arms. "Rookies are always in for a rough ride," he said with a wry smile, pointing a finger skyward.
"If working with Y/n is going to worsen things for you, then maybe you should assign the case to another member. I hear Myungho is a great profiler," Seungcheol suggested.
Mingyu nodded slowly. "I'll think about it."
As they stood in the quiet of the break room, the weight of Mingyu's dilemma hung heavy in the air, each man lost in his own thoughts.
"From today, the two of your teams will work together on the case given. Don't get distracted; Cubic might be more than we've known." The chief's words echoed in the room as the teams filed out.
Seungkwan and Chan exchanged subtle signals, while Seokmin and Myungho struggled to maintain their composure. Hansol, the only one oblivious to the tension, glanced at his leader, silently asking, "What's going on, sunbae?"
"Let's arrange a meeting tonight. My team will share everything we've found related to Cubic," you announced, stopping abruptly to address Mingyu.
Mingyu nodded and motioned for his team to proceed ahead. "Let's have a talk," he suggested, prompting you to instruct your team to head out first.
"We're talking," you said firmly once everyone had left. Mingyu rolled his eyes at your sudden display of petulance.
With a sigh, Mingyu began, "Let's not make everyone uncomfortable."
Your frown deepened. "I haven't done anything."
Mingyu hesitated, biting his lip before continuing, "I mean—"
"The way you speak makes everyone nervous," he clarified.
You shrugged nonchalantly. "That's just how I communicate. I thought you knew that."
"However," you added, your tone becoming more serious, "I'm sorry, but you can't tell me what to do unless it's about the case. You're not my boyfriend."
With that, you turned on your heel and walked away, leaving Kim Mingyu standing there, frustration evident on his face as he watched you go.
Mingyu, you, and Wonwoo entered the academy at the same time and were assigned to the same team upon graduation ten years ago. Working under intense pressure with Seungcheol as the team leader, the three of you quickly became inseparable. Mingyu and Wonwoo were always there to help you maintain your composure, making sure you didn't impulsively shoot anyone you caught, given your renowned marksmanship.
Mingyu, the athletic and brain one, carried the team with his impressive deductive skills, which had caught Seungcheol's eye during your rookie days. He had an uncanny ability to piece together the most obscure clues, turning chaos into coherent narratives that led to countless breakthroughs in your cases. His strategic thinking and physical prowess made him the backbone of the team.
Wonwoo, on the other hand, was a jack-of-all-trades and thrived on challenges. He was always willing to take the biggest risks, whether it was infiltrating dangerous territories or going undercover in high-stakes operations. His versatility and daring nature complemented Mingyu's methodical approach, creating a dynamic and effective duo.
For Seungcheol, having the three of you on the same team was a stroke of fortune. Your combined skills and unwavering loyalty to each other made the team formidable. Seungcheol knew he could rely on you to handle the toughest cases, confident that you would always have each other's backs, no matter the danger.
Wonwoo vividly remembered the day Mingyu panickedly ran down the hospital aisle after hearing you were injured during a mission to intercept a gang transaction. The two of them stood helplessly by your hospital bed, staring at your weak form with a broken leg and arm.
From that day forward, Mingyu and Wonwoo promised never to leave your side. You made the same promise to them.
"You two are dating?" Wonwoo asked, watching as you and Mingyu nodded excitedly like puppies.
"Finally." A sigh of relief escaped from Wonwoo's mouth.
Surprised by his reaction, you asked, "You knew?"
Wonwoo scoffed, "You were the only one who didn't realize how smitten Mingyu has been with you all these years."
You turned to Mingyu, who was blushing furiously at Wonwoo's words, his cheeks tinged a deep shade of red.
"Anyway, let's get some meat tonight. I'll pay," Mingyu declared, trying to shift the focus away from his embarrassment.
Just then, another figure stirred, startling the three of you. Seungcheol, who had been dozing at his desk, rubbed his eyes and stretched.
"Am I invited?" he asked, his voice slightly groggy.
The mood lightened as you all began discussing the evening's plans, the camaraderie and affection between you all evident. Despite the pressures and dangers of your work, moments like this reminded you why you were a team—why you were a family.
It's been a few weeks since you and Mingyu started working together on the case. The atmosphere was not as uncomfortable as it used to be, but everyone could still sense the underlying tension between the two leaders. Although you and Mingyu didn't feel that way, the rest of the team couldn't help but walk on thin ice around you.
The investigation had already uncovered Cubic's involvement in the narcotic industry and the powerful figures behind them. Mingyu and you had serious discussions from time to time, meticulously arranging every detail of the operation. The years of the close relationship you once had before it broke three years ago were now a distant memory, masked by the professionalism you both maintained.
Despite the professionalism, there were moments when the past seemed to seep through the cracks. A shared glance, an unspoken understanding—remnants of what once was. These moments, though fleeting, didn't go unnoticed by the team.
During one of the sessions, as you pored over maps and files, you couldn't help but recall the days when teamwork came effortlessly between you and Mingyu. Back then, your synergy was unmatched, a force that propelled your team to solve the most challenging cases.
Now, as you both focused on taking down Cubic, the stakes were higher than ever. The complexity of the case demanded absolute focus and collaboration. You admired Mingyu's analytical skills, his ability to connect dots that seemed unrelated, and his unwavering dedication to the mission. It reminded you of why you had once fallen for him.
Mingyu, on the other hand, found himself occasionally lost in thought, reminiscing about the times when your relationship wasn't just professional. He admired your courage and precision, your knack for getting to the heart of a matter with unerring accuracy. But he also knew that the past was a closed chapter, and what mattered now was the mission at hand.
As the team continued to unravel the tangled web of Cubic's operations, you and Mingyu found a new rhythm in your collaboration. The hints of rivalry that others perceived were, in truth, a testament to the high standards you both held each other to.
"Sunbae!" Seungkwan burst into the meeting room, his urgency drawing the attention of both you and Mingyu.
"Hansol and Jihoon were captured by Cubic," he announced, breathless.
"What?" you and Mingyu exclaimed simultaneously, immediately moving towards Seungkwan, who held out his phone, showing a picture of Hansol and Jihoon tied up, their faces bruised and bloodied.
"No..." you whispered, covering your mouth in shock.
Mingyu glanced at you, his expression a mix of frustration and concern, before turning to Seungkwan. "Gather everyone immediately," he instructed.
Seungkwan nodded and hurried out of the room.
"I'll inform the superintendents and the chief about this," Mingyu said, already reaching for his phone.
"We need to find them immediately," you told Mingyu, your voice trembling with urgency.
"We will save them. Please, calm down," he reassured you, his hands gripping your shoulders tightly.
As everyone gathered in the meeting room under Seungcheol's direction, they quickly got to work, tracking through CCTV footage, emails, phone numbers, and transmissions to pinpoint Hansol and Jihoon's location.
"How about the ring?" you asked Jun, one of your team members.
"What ring?" Mingyu inquired.
You showed him your ring. "We programmed GPS into our team rings."
Jun shook his head. "It was left in a small alley in Itaewon. Seokmin and Myungho have already checked it out."
You sighed, your foot tapping anxiously on the floor.
"Itaewon?" Mingyu asked, frowning. He recalled Hansol mentioning he was heading to Sadang, Dongjak. "Where was he last before he was captured?" Mingyu asked Jun.
"Dongjak Bridge," Jun replied.
Mingyu rushed to his desk, rifling through papers. "If they were captured at Dongjak Bridge and the GPS was discarded in Itaewon, it means they made a U-turn," he deduced. "Their nearest area from Itaewon would be Gwangjang."
You bit your lip at Mingyu's deduction and immediately instructed Jun to track the CCTV footage around Myeongdong.
Seungcheol received a call from the district station and made eye contact with the two of you. "Alright, we'll be there," he said, hanging up.
"The car that captured them was seen around Gwangjang Market. Jun, find any abandoned buildings there. Mingyu, Y/N, you two drive to Myeongdong,"
Mingyu stood motionless in front of the ICU, his eyes fixed on the doors, while you were crying on the floor after the incident during the mission. A bomb had exploded in the hotel while your team was attempting to catch a serial killer.
You had been trapped in the perpetrator's trap, tied up in a room with a time bomb ticking down. Wonwoo had been trying to save you, but he knew he had to get the bomb away from other people.
"No, don't," you pleaded as Wonwoo prepared to pull the strap of the time bomb.
"You need to get everyone out of this building. I'll take the bomb to a higher floor," Wonwoo instructed, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.
You shook your head, desperation in your eyes. "Let's get down together." You grabbed his arm, but he stood firm.
"Save the people and do what I said. We have five minutes," he urged.
You looked at him, tears streaming down your face, before gradually stepping away. You watched as Wonwoo sprinted towards the emergency stairs, determination etched on his face. You then turned and began evacuating everyone, your heart heavy with fear and hope.
"I'm sorry," Mingyu mumbled as you both waited anxiously for news about Wonwoo's condition. Reports had indicated that he was badly injured and would require several surgeries.
You stood up, frustration and sorrow evident on your face. "You left us!"
Mingyu took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping with regret. "I'm very sorry."
In a surge of emotion, you grabbed his collar and shouted, "You saw me in trouble, but you ran off to catch that bastard! You lost sight of your priorities!"
Mingyu nodded, his face reflecting the realization that he had made a grave mistake by abandoning his injured teammates.
"Hey... Stop it," Seungcheol said, his voice heavy with exhaustion and stress. He stepped in and gently pulled you away from Mingyu.
Just then, the doctor emerged from the ICU, calling out Wonwoo's name. The news he delivered was something no one had been prepared for.
You fell to your knees, overwhelmed by the weight of the doctor’s words. Mingyu leaned against the nearest wall, his face hidden in his hands, unable to escape the guilt that consumed him.
Seungcheol, the team leader who had just lost a member, stood nearby, grappling with his own overwhelming sense of failure. He could not shake the feeling that he should have done more, that he had let his team down in their darkest hour. The weight of the day’s events hung heavily over everyone, casting a long and painful shadow on the team.
You and Mingyu immediately ran to the abandoned building where Hansol and Jihoon were being held captive. The rest of the team followed closely, their weapons at the ready. As you neared the building, Mingyu's phone rang. It was a call from Seungcheol. Mingyu signaled for everyone to stop moving when he heard Seungcheol's urgent voice, "Stop everyone. He wants to meet Y/N."
Mingyu's eyes locked onto yours as Seungcheol continued, "Yoo Yongchul wants to meet Y/N only."
Mingyu relayed the message, and you muttered a curse under your breath, "He hated it when I took down his men last week." The pieces clicked into place—this was why Hansol and Jihoon had been captured.
"Tell him that Y/N will be with me," Mingyu instructed Seungcheol before ending the call. He quickly briefed Myungho and Jisoo to lead the team while you and he headed upstairs.
"Be careful," Myungho whispered as he took his position, his eyes filled with concern.
With a nod, you and Mingyu moved cautiously up the stairs, the old wooden steps creaking under your weight. The air was thick with tension, every shadow a potential threat. Your mind raced, strategizing how to handle Yoo Yongchul and secure the safe release of your teammates.
Reaching the designated floor, you saw a dimly lit room at the end of the hallway. Mingyu placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "We’ve got this. Just stay focused."
You nodded, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. As you entered the room, the dim light revealed Yoo Yongchul standing in the center, a sinister smile on his face. Hansol and Jihoon were tied up in the corner, their faces bruised and eyes filled with a mixture of relief and fear upon seeing you.
"Here we are. Did you bring my men?" Yoo Yongchul, the leader of Cubic, greeted you with a smile that stood in stark contrast to his grim-faced men, who held weapons aimed at Hansol and Jihoon.
"You let them go, and we'll talk," you replied, your calm tone surprising even Mingyu.
Mingyu's eyes widened as you pulled out your gun, unloaded it, and let the bullets clatter to the floor. You then tossed the gun aside, followed by your knife and handcuffs.
"What are you doing?" Mingyu whispered, alarmed.
Yoo Yongchul motioned for his men to release Hansol and Jihoon. Mingyu immediately moved to their side as they were pushed towards you.
"So, what do you want?" you asked.
"Let's pretend we never sold narcotics," Yoo Yongchul said smoothly. "Detective Kim knows what we've done, right? We just own a few nightclubs and do some debt collecting."
You smiled, a dangerous edge to your expression. "Nightclubs aren't enough, so you got your hands dirty with 'candy' from Russia? How does the money from selling narcotics feel?" Your taunt hit its mark, and Yoo Yongchul's smile vanished. He grabbed a gun from one of his men and aimed it at you.
Mingyu, Hansol, and Jihoon, who got their gun from Mingyu, quickly raised their guns, ready to protect you.
"Thank you for this invitation, Yoo Yongchul," you said, your voice steady.
Sensing your intent to capture him, Yoo Yongchul fired at you and immediately ran. Hansol and Jihoon sprinted after him, but Mingyu stopped when he noticed you were bleeding.
"You didn't wear a vest?" Mingyu exclaimed, shock evident in his voice. He quickly directed everyone to move through his radio, but you motioned for him to join the others in pursuing Yoo Yongchul.
"No, I'm not leaving you here bleeding," he insisted, gently lifting you into his arms and heading downstairs.
"I'm heavy," you whispered weakly, your hand pressed against the wound on your stomach to stem the bleeding.
"Shut up, it's not like I’ve never lifted you before," Mingyu retorted, his tone a mix of frustration and concern.
You winced in pain, the reality of being shot for the first time hitting you hard. Your recklessness in not wearing a bulletproof vest during the mission now seemed like a grave mistake.
"Please, stay awake," Mingyu urged as he descended the stairs, his voice trembling slightly. He could feel your strength waning with each passing moment.
As he carried you, Mingyu's mind raced with thoughts of your shared history and the countless times you had saved each other. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you now. "Just a bit further," he whispered, more to himself than to you, as he pushed through the pain and fear gripping his heart.
With the help of the district station, Yoo Yongchul and his men were successfully captured. Seungcheol saw Mingyu holding you and immediately ran to assist. Quickly getting you to the paramedics, Mingyu watched anxiously as they tended to your wound.
"She didn't wear a vest?" Jihoon, who was also in the same ambulance on the way to the hospital, was shocked to find out his leader was injured.
Hansol, sitting beside Jihoon, looked on in concern as you slowly closed your eyes. "Ma'am, please stay awake. We're on our way to the hospital," the paramedic urged.
Mingyu's hand immediately found yours and squeezed it tightly. "Hey... stay awake... please," he begged, his voice filled with desperation.
"It's hurting," you whispered, your voice barely audible. Mingyu nodded, his face a mask of concern and guilt.
"Mingyu, thank you," you whispered, your voice growing weaker. "Thank you..."
Mingyu shook his head, hating the way you kept thanking him in this dire situation. "Stop it!" he said, his voice breaking.
"I'm so tired," you mumbled, your eyes fluttering. "I miss Wonwoo."
"Sunbae!" Jihoon exclaimed, his voice filled with disapproval and concern, speaking up on behalf of a speechless Mingyu.
Mingyu's heart clenched at your words, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "Stay with me," he pleaded, his voice cracking. "We can't lose you too."
The ambulance sped through the city streets, sirens blaring. The paramedics worked tirelessly to stabilize you, their faces grim with determination. As the hospital came into view, Mingyu's grip on your hand tightened, a silent promise that he would never let you down again.
The ambulance doors flew open, and the medical team rushed you inside. Mingyu followed closely, his eyes never leaving you. "She's going to be okay," he told himself, the words a mantra he desperately needed to believe. "She has to be."
Hansol, Jihoon, Seungkwan, and Myungho sat waiting anxiously in front of the surgery room. Their eyes kept darting to Mingyu, who stood steadfastly by the door, not moving an inch since you were taken in an hour ago.
"I don't know what exactly happened, but I watched him in the ambulance," Hansol said, looking over at Jihoon. "He looked so worried. Like he was afraid something terrible would happen."
"I know... everyone can see he still loves her," Seungkwan sighed.
Hansol frowned. "What do you mean? They were together?"
Jihoon glanced at him. "You didn't know?"
"He's new," Seungkwan informed Jihoon.
"They were together until three years ago, before they were promoted to team leaders. It was Jihoon hyung, Myungho hyung, Mingyu sunbae, y/n sunbae, and I was the maknae. Seungcheol sunbae was the team leader," Seungkwan explained.
"We lost a member during a mission. It was their best friend," Jihoon added somberly. "I don't know all the details, but the rumors about their breakup started after that. However, I always knew that Mingyu sunbae never truly left Y/n sunbae's side."
The group fell silent, the weight of the past and present hanging heavily in the air. The surgical room doors remained closed, and every passing minute felt like an eternity. Mingyu's unwavering presence by the door was a testament to his feelings, a silent promise that he wouldn't lose you, no matter what it took.
"What is wrong with you, actually?" Those were the first words out of your mouth after days of not speaking to him. It was almost midnight when he drove you home after Wonwoo's funeral. Unable to bear the thought of leaving you alone, he stayed.
"What is wrong with you?" you asked again, this time in a whisper.
He knew exactly what you were referring to, but the guilt weighed heavily on him. He couldn't stop hating himself every time he remembered that he was the cause of losing Wonwoo and almost losing you as well.
"You've always been the one to prioritize other. How could you go when you saw me tied up in that room?" you continued, your voice cracking with emotion.
Mingyu held his head down, unable to meet your eyes. Deep down, he knew the reason behind his actions, and it made him hate himself even more. He remembered the frantic moments of trying to find, where the culprit had taken you, with Wonwoo while the rest of the team focused on evacuating the area.
"Did something happen to you?" Your question pierced through his thoughts, bringing tears to his eyes. You were too good for him, he thought. How could an angel like you exist for someone as flawed as him? He was betraying you, for God's sake!
"There are only two spots, Detective Kim," he remembered Chief Hong's insinuation. It was promotion time. Mingyu, Wonwoo, and you had dedicated your lives fully to the work. However, there were only two promotion spots available, and they were likely for him and Wonwoo.
Competently, Wonwoo and he were better detectives. But everyone knew you were fit for a leadership spot. Honestly, none of you didn't deserve the place.
"Detective Jeon definitely has a spot. Honestly, I have high hopes for you, Detective Kim. However, the superintendents have been discussing Detective Ji's performance in leading several cases," Chief Hong had said.
Mingyu’s mind replayed the conversation. The promotion meant everything to him. It wasn’t just about recognition; it was about proving his worth, his dedication. But that ambition had clouded his judgment, leading to choices that he now regretted deeply.
You sighed at his silence, frustration boiling over. "You left me in danger and now you're keeping things from me," you said, your voice trembling with hurt. "I guess seven years wasn't enough for you? For us?"
Mingyu shook his head. "That's not what I meant."
"Then tell me! We lost Wonwoo, for god's sake! How could you stay silent like this, Kim Mingyu?"
Mingyu was startled; it was the first time he'd heard you raise your voice at him. He looked at you, eyes widened in shock. Why was it always about Wonwoo? When was it going to be about him? When would he be prioritized?
"You shouldn't bring up Wonwoo. I'm having a hard time too," Mingyu said, his voice cracking. He stood from the couch, grabbing his black suit from the funeral.
"It's always about him, right?" Mingyu mumbled, his words heavy with bitterness and pain, before he walked out, leaving you alone in the silence of the night.
The echo of his departure hung in the air, leaving you with a hollow ache that felt impossible to fill. The chasm between you and Mingyu seemed wider than ever, and the loss of Wonwoo weighed down on both of you like an unspoken curse.
Mingyu stood somberly at the funeral with his team, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. In this industry, people came and went, and the harsh reality of that truth weighed heavily on his heart. He tapped one of your member, Jisoo's shoulder, silently urging him to stay strong amidst the recent turmoil.
After the funeral concluded, Mingyu found himself heading to your apartment. The familiar path brought a wave of nostalgia. He remembered all the times he had crashed at your place, finding solace and comfort within its walls. Your apartment had always felt more like home to him than his own, mainly because it had you in it.
As he stood outside your door, memories of laughter, shared meals, and late-night conversations flooded his mind. The warmth of your presence, the way you made everything better just by being there—it all came rushing back. With a deep breath, Mingyu stepped inside, hoping to find some semblance of the connection you once shared, even amidst the pain and unresolved issues that now lingered between you.
"Wake up," Mingyu said softly, shaking your shoulder. "I brought you lunch. It's past time for your medicine."
You groaned and stretched like a cat, wincing as the still-healing wound reminded you of its presence. "How's Jisoo?" you asked, feeling guilty for not being able to attend his father's funeral, Regional Chief Hong.
Mingyu prepared the food on your nightstand and handed it to you. "Even though we knew he hated his father, he's still his father. Jisoo's holding up as best as he can."
You sighed, taking the plate from him. "I wish I could've been there for him."
Mingyu sat beside you, watching you carefully. "He understands. We all do. Focus on getting better. That's what matters right now."
You nodded, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Mingyu. For everything."
He smiled, gently squeezing your hand. "Always."
You shook your head. "I really mean it. Thank you for always being there," you said sincerely.
Mingyu looked at you, stunned by your words. "You knew?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You nodded slowly. "Everyone knows."
Mingyu's face flushed slightly. "I know you weren't that stupid for stepping over regulations, helping with my cases," you mentioned as you took your first spoonful of food.
You frowned slightly. "It doesn't have green onion. You remembered?" you asked, surprised.
Mingyu rolled his eyes. "Of course I remembered."
You chuckled and playfully slapped his arm. "Stop acting like that to women!"
Mingyu raised his hand to pat your head, smiling softly. "Only for you."
You bit your lip, trying to stop yourself from saying something. However, Mingyu noticed it and said, "Just say it."
You sighed and set the food on the nightstand before turning to face him. "You know what happened to Wonwoo is not your fault, right?"
Mingyu shifted uncomfortably on your bed, his eyes wandering. There was a pregnant pause before he finally spoke. "I—I don't know. I—I just can't stop thinking and blaming myself."
You reached out and took his hand, feeling the tension in his grip. "Mingyu, none of us could have predicted what happened. Wonwoo made his choice to save everyone. He was a hero, and you did everything you could."
Mingyu's eyes met yours, filled with anguish. "But I should have been there. I should have done more."
"You were there, and you did everything you could," you insisted, squeezing his hand. "We all did. This job, it comes with risks, and we all knew that. Blaming yourself won't bring him back."
Mingyu sighed deeply, the weight of his guilt still pressing down on him. "I just wish things had been different."
"We all do," you whispered. "But we have to keep moving forward. For Wonwoo, for each other, and for the team."
Mingyu nodded slowly, his eyes still clouded with grief. "I know. It's just hard."
"It is," you agreed. "But we're in this together. We'll get through it, one step at a time."
He looked at you, his expression softening. "Thank you. For everything."
"Always," you replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Now, let's finish this food before it gets cold."
Mingyu managed a small smile, the first hint of light breaking through the darkness. "Okay. No green onions, just for you."
You chuckled, the sound a small but significant step toward healing. "Just for me."
It was nearly 3 a.m. when you and Mingyu decided to step out of the office together after a long night shift. You had just finished your leave and had fully recovered, while Mingyu had been dealing with everything related to Cubic over the past three months. Despite the challenges, things were looking up—especially now that he had you to come home to.
Everyone was thrilled when Mingyu finally revealed that you two were back together. Seungcheol, ever the perceptive leader, was the first to know. His response was typically Seungcheol: "I sensed that would happen." Meanwhile, the rest of the team, who had been watching Mingyu wander around like a lost soul since your separation, were ecstatic. They couldn't stop showering him with playful, embarrassing comments.
"My wish for today is that I won't see you running, on your first day back at work, catching some bastard," Mingyu said, a hint of a smile on his face as he placed an order for the two of you.
You both decided to stop at an old restaurant nearby your place. It was open 24 hours and served home-cooked meals—a usual go-to spot for you, Mingyu, and Wonwoo after night shifts. The owner, recognizing you both, was surprised to see you weren't alone this time.
"I'm so sorry for your friend," she said gently. "Here's a house service."
She handed you a plate of mandu, Wonwoo's favorite appetizer. Mingyu and you smiled gratefully at her before savoring the familiar taste.
"Shit, I didn't expect this atmosphere," Mingyu mumbled, hiding his face in his hands, still chewing on the mandu.
You reached out and touched his arm gently. "I know. It's... different without him."
Mingyu nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "This place... it was our spot."
You sighed, memories flooding back. "Yeah, it was. But I'm glad we came. It feels like he's still here with us, in a way."
Mingyu took a deep breath, lowering his hands to look at you. "I'm really glad you're back. I don't think I could have done this without you."
You smiled softly. "I'm glad to be back too. And we're going to get through this, together."
As the two of you sat there, sharing a meal and memories, the weight of the past few months began to lift. It wasn't easy, but you both knew that as long as you had each other, you could face anything the future held.
Once you two finished, Mingyu, who was facing the window, saw someone running while another followed. He cursed under his breath and lowered his head. You noticed his reaction and tried to look back.
"Promise me you won't get involved," he said, reminding you that your shift was over.
But then you saw Jihoon and Jisoo running in pursuit. You immediately stood up. "I have to go," you said, darting outside to follow your team members.
Mingyu sighed, pulling out his card to pay for the meal. The owner, noticing your sudden absence, approached with a curious look.
"Where's she? Did she leave already?" the owner asked.
Mingyu smiled wearily. "She's got a criminal to chase," he replied playfully before stepping out, scanning the area to find your whereabouts.
As you ran to catch up with Jihoon and Jisoo, the familiar adrenaline surged through your veins. Mingyu followed close behind, unable to ignore the pull of duty despite his earlier promise.
The chase was intense, but with Jihoon and Jisoo leading the way, you quickly caught up to the suspect. Jihoon tackled him to the ground while Jisoo expertly cuffed him. You arrived just in time to help them secure the scene.
"Nice work, team," you said, breathing heavily. Jihoon and Jisoo both gave you grateful nods, their expressions a mix of surprise and relief.
Just then, Mingyu arrived, slightly out of breath. "Nice job, everyone," he said, his tone a bit sharper than usual. Jihoon and Jisoo looked at him, then at you, confused.
"Wait, did Mingyu sunbae just follow you here?" Jihoon asked, raising an eyebrow.
You glanced at Mingyu, who looked slightly offended. "Yeah, we came together," you admitted.
Jisoo's eyes widened. "Together? Like, together-together?"
You nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, we're back together."
Jihoon and Jisoo exchanged surprised looks. "And you didn't think to tell us?" Jihoon teased, though there was genuine curiosity in his tone.
Mingyu crossed his arms, clearly still a bit annoyed. "Yeah, why didn't you tell them?" he asked you pointedly.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. "I was going to, but there was never a good time. And then, well, this happened."
Jisoo grinned. "Well, it's about time! We've been wondering when you two would finally get back together."
Jihoon chuckled. "Yeah, the whole team has been rooting for you guys."
Mingyu's annoyance softened, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I guess we could've been more open about it," he admitted.
"Definitely," you agreed, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "From now on, no more secrets."
As the night continued, the team settled back into their routine, the camaraderie and shared purpose stronger than ever. You and Mingyu were back together, and despite the challenges ahead, you knew you could face them as long as you had each other.
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schrijverr · 4 months
Taking a Personal Inventory
s02e06: Dosed. An introspection into Hen’s mind after the stint with the drugs.
On AO3.
Ships: Henren mentioned, plus past eva/hen mentioned
Warnings: non-consensual drug use, discussion of additction
Hen is not a stranger to drugs. Growing up she’d see the dealers on the streets, even got shot in the crossfire of one of their wars. As a paramedic she saw the overdoses, the bad trips, the trips that went a little too right, as well as administered plenty of drugs. Not to mention her ex-relationship to a junkie.
No, Hen isn’t a stranger to drugs. Even took a few of her own in her wilder days, and got injured on the job badly enough to be prescribed them.
However, here is a huge difference between taking drugs knowingly and suddenly finding yourself high out in the field without any context to what’s happening or how it’s even happening.
She knows the whole 118 got lucky that they had primarily good trips, but it still nearly cost them Bobby’s life and the whole experience has her anxious as hell.
In the moment, she’d felt good, but now? Now she is terrified.
She can’t help but think of all the things that could’ve gone different, all the ways it could have gone wrong.
People were high behind the wheel over to the scene, an accident could’ve happened. They were high on the scene, someone could have gotten hurt because they didn’t do their job right. Not to mention what could have happened differently after.
Sure, that reporter might not have aired the trip they all had, but the upper brass still heard about it, it could’ve still gone out there. All their jobs and livelihoods were in danger. Hen could’ve lost everything she worked so hard for. And for what? Because someone wanted to prank them?
Hen doesn’t even want to think about what would have happened if someone had a bad reaction, either allergy wise or just to the hallucinations in general. What if someone had the genetics for a psychotic disorder and this triggered it?
As a paramedic and a mother, she knows how important it is not to mess with someone’s food. Or meds. Things can go so horribly wrong, so easily.
Not to mention how violated she feels.
After Eva, she swore never to do anything heavier than alcohol. She already wasn’t a drugs for fun kind of person, which only intensified after joining the LAFD. However, Eva had been the final drop for her.
She knows what drugs do to a person, both physically and mentally. She saw how easily Eva gave up Denny, who is the most precious person to her now. Along with Karen. She never – never – wanted to put him through anything like that again, even if it happened before he was born.
Hen is scared. Scared of getting addicted, no matter how low her chances of that happening. Addiction doesn’t run in her family and she doesn’t seek out the substances that could be addictive unless actively dying, which luckily rarely happens.
But whoever did this, forced her into a high without her permission and not only could that have resulted into an injury or death of someone else, it also could have led to her getting hurt or worse. It could have torn her family apart.
She might be overreacting. She can see the others laugh about it, tries to join in and write it off as a big joke, instead of something scary. But it still lingers. It’s still there.
If she has to guess, Bobby also found the whole thing a lot less funny than the others, but Bobby has a great professional facade and she won’t get him to crack unless she applies a whole lot of pressure. That isn’t something she wants to do.
The 118 has been through enough lately without her tugging at their main support beam. Bobby needs to be as strong as he can be. For all their sakes.
So, she toughs up, shakes it off and goes on. The trip was just another bad day. She has had bad days before, bad days worse than that one. She can join in with the others and write it off as something funny. Let it go.
Hen is strong. She keeps watch over everyone when the Captain is busy. She is their common sense when they’re all being dumbasses. She’s their Hen. And maybe they’d been as scared as she had been, maybe they need it to be a joke, so they can move on. She can see that.
And so she finds herself on that couch, sitting between the others without Bobby present, as they watch the rest of their spotlight on the TV and laughs about their trip. She keeps her what ifs to herself and just makes sure not to eat anything that is given to them. Someone has to make sure they have their head on right, and historically that has been her.
She knows drugs. She administers them every day. One thing that makes someone a good paramedic is observing, learning and reacting. So, if she studies up a little more on her hallucinogens, she doesn’t think anyone can blame her.
Everyone else might shake this whole thing off – and she can too, professionally – but this is not happening to her again. Not ever. Hen is going to be prepared, should there be a next time.
Maybe this is just me, because I am terrified of the lack of control drugs give, but that felt like such a violation and I can’t believe they just glossed over it, like wtf. They all got drugged! Wild this show istg (affectionate)
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swiftthistletea · 1 year
Got stuck in an insane rabbit hole last night reading about negative experiences, overdoses, and deaths caused by research chemicals, especially the 2C-B-fly/fake """LSD""" bromo-dragonfly mislabeling and resulting deaths from 2009.
It was easy to find the threads that were basically ground zero since those forums and Reddit are obviously still around. But something that really annoyed me was how every time someone suggested that this get taken to the mainstream news to warn people since people were dropping like flies and the dealer who imported the mislabeled drug literally died from it after selling and shipping it out there was now literally no way to get the contact info of the people who bought it from him.... Someone would show up and freak out about how this SHOULDN'T go to the mainstream news because they will just use it to demonize drugs, research chemicals, and the OG drugs that are analog to the research chemicals (e.g another teen dies from fake MDMA the DEA is cracking down on designer drugs even harder now). All this hush hush thinking was in the name of the end goal of legalization obviously. It's just caused me to see clearer and clearer how much lip service is payed towards drug transparency and harm reduction from the supposed harm reduction fans. Besides the news got out regardless because at least 4 people died and there were multiple hospitalizations. And 2C-B is controlled anyway. All of it was in vain, and for what? being able to legally buy sketchy af fly by night Chinese chem lab psychedelics with Amazon gift cards for a shitty chemically trip that might cause you to die in agony? "Research chemicals are safer than street drugs because we know exactly what's in there" until you don't.
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
need a shovel to love them
I... don’t really know what this is? DeeDennis fic/meme thing of that poetry/ship ask game going around. Trigger warning for all sorts, rape, extremely dubious consent, mentions of Barbara and her various abuse, self harm, addiction and obviously incest.
1 Who would be first to to bite down anc consume the flesh of the other, euphoric in the taste and the heft and the slide of the blood 
Dennis has fantasies about it, but Dee is the first one to do it, sinking her teeth into his wrist after he threatens to rape her dead body if she doesn’t shut up. Dennis keeps the bloodstained flannel.
2. who is the ant and who is the ophiocordyceps fungus?
Dee completely thinks that she might be a good person if Dennis hadn’t infected everything about her.
3. who is the dog and who is the master?
Dennis gets off on the thought of having Dee on a leash and parading her around, but something in him likes when he gets upset and her hands trail his skin, a mix of comfort and objectifying, like mom used to.
 4 when the roles are blurred or reversed who would be first to die and how? would it be by bulletwound? the phallic blade? strangulation?
Dennis has this plan in ten years of shooting Dee in a place where she would take a while to die, and then shooting himself in the same place, so they both have the same hole and they can expire in each other’s arms.
 5. Cocaine or Heroin? 
they’ve watched each other get dicked down by some random drug dealer (never Cricket, Dennis would gouge out the other eye if the fucker touched what has always been his) in order to get crack again. Their little secret... amongst all the other ones.
6. who licks up the other’s cigarette ash?
Sometimes Dennis’s God Hole feels like it’s growing with rot, and he needs some kind of punishment to centre himself and take his rightful place as ruler of Paddys. Dee doesn’t even like smoking, but she likes him crawling.
 7 who is julius caesar and who is brutus?
If Dee stabbed Dennis, finally having enough of... everything, she would keep the body in her flat. Not as a trophy, she’s not like him, but to see him go soft and blue and finally melt away. She would then leave Paddys, and do something, anything with her life, as there was no more reason to stick around.
 8. who is jesus and who is judas? 
When she’s on top, Dee will dig her nails into the palms of Dennis’s hands, and think about the sex doll where the skin would always smooth out no matter what they did to it.
9. did jesus want it? did julius caesar know it was coming? are the betrayed ever proud?
Dennis always wants it, even when he zones out during sex and Dee will drag him to watch cartoons instead. Dee on the other hand has said no when she means yes, and yes when she means no. If the tears come when she’s drinking beer later, she’ll know what she meant.
 10. who is irrumatus and who is irrumans? who is pedicatus and who is pedicans?
Seeing the other one choke and drool and their make-up get ruined as they gag on dick or strap is always so fucking funny. Dee has to beg for anal because Dennis likes her begging, and Dee has pegged Dennis exactly once because he got small and compliant after in a way that just made her feel shitty instead of powerful.
 11. did they ever kiss and why not?
Dee kissed Dennis under the Jersey Shore boardwalk when they were nine, had this small feeling like she finally won against him and her mom. She’ll do everything with him but that in Philly, no matter how much he digs her tongue into her mouth.
 12 if they are two sides of the same coin who is heads and who is tails
They’ll both say heads.
13. and if the coin was the holey dollar?
Dennis has a giant gaping hole inside him, Dee still sees the gaping scar on her wrist she promised to make if mom wouldn’t stop telling any friend they deserved better than Deandra. The only way to get Barbara to back down was to damage her trophies. Apparently.
 14. And if the dog bit back? 15 and if the dog bit back? 16 and if the dog bit back? 17 and if the dog bit back? 18 and if the dog bit back? 19 and if the dog bit back? 
Dennis is going to torture Dee some more so next Dee Day will be totally concentrated on breaking him again.
20. Who buys the other flowers?
After finding out Dennis wanted something for Valentine’s, Dee gets fancy flowers and steals rat skins from Charlie so she can scatter them in the box. Makes her gag, and they don’t talk about it, but he always kisses her after like she’s the only person in the world.
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Yes Ma'am (sneak peak)
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Somethin about young Tom Cruise/Ethan Hunt in these thin wireframe glasses gives me innocent nerdy vibes. I just watched the first Mission Impossible and now I'm thirsty for 90s Tom.
Summary: Ethan Hunt was new to East Central University. He had been transferred from New York University on assignment. The freshest meat the IMF market had to offer, knowing he and other recruits would fit in with their youthful looks. A local drug dealer had recently gone global with the war on drugs, guess which side he was rooting for. Ethan had no idea who or what he would be getting into exactly.
Requested? Nah
Ship? Ethan Hunt x Fem!Goth Reader
Warnings? nah, just some background to the story
"No, I told you already a hundred times, I'm a transfer student. From New York, ever heard of it?" a voice spoke harshly from the other side of the door. My colleague was clearly taking the transfer badly. I walk in and intervene, apologizing for my friend's short temper. "Just go sit down, I'll handle it from here Jake." I smile at the exhausted clerk sitting behind the desk, her shoulders relaxing in relief as she explains to me that a lot of the files from a lot of transfer students had been harder to find than usual. The issue is finally resolved thirty minutes later. Jake, myself and a couple others from IMF are gathered at the edge of the "Howdy Fair", watching the bustling crowds of freshmen. "Why do you think they call it that?" Samantha asked, "Well y'all're in the south now, people say 'howdy' as a greeting unironically here." I hadn't heard her coming up over the loud music and commotion. "Oh. Well, cool. Hi, I'm Samantha" she introduced herself to the stranger. What I saw when I turned around, I hadn't expected for the buckle of the Bible Belt state. An actual goth person. And she was beautiful in her darkness. "Do I got shit on my face or somethin'?" she asked at me, her voice was so sweet. "Oh God sorry, what a bad first impression. I'm Ethan, I just hadn't expected to see a goth here. Where are you from?" The look of bewilderment she gave me made my heart smile, people don't express human emotion like this where I'm from, it's like being surrounded and suffocated by suit wearing robots. It's very refreshing. "You're standing on it. Well, I've moved around a lot but I'm from Oklahoma- born and raised. I mean hey, goths gotta come from somewhere. Not all of us are born out of a summoning pentagram of Black Sabbath CDs." She jokes, then laughs at her own joke. Sam, Greg and I laugh with her, Jake stands by stoic and unenthused.
(Y/n) spent the rest of the day showing us the campus while sharing any tidbits about the locations. Jake and Sam are staying in a separate Residence Hall than Greg, (Y/n), and myself. "I swear if I even had to share the same building with Jake's grumpy ass I'd jump off the roof" Greg joked as the RA showed us to our shared dorm room and explained the suitemate situation. IMF had sent our whole fake lives to the dorms already and all that was left was to unpack. We had all gathered back at the cafeteria, half the food was tasteless. Apparently Jake didn't get a roommate so there's some good news for him, I swore he almost cracked a smile when telling us he was going to be without.
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kouspxssy 📌
carrd / writing commissions (open) / AO3 / Twitter / Spotify / ASK BOX OPEN!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS EPIC SHIP BATTLE (final round, masterlist)
DIABOLIK LOVERS AS QUOTES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
✨️special tumblr posts✨️
kou’s drug use in canon 
which drugs kou would use
aurolac - the drug kou would’ve used
alina - my OC
the mukami romanian lore
rosary OST - piano ver.
my dialovers tattoos
AO3 wrapped 2023
fengqing's gotcha for gaza fics
✨️diabolik lovers fics masterlist (newest to oldest) - updated regularly✨️
tainted love - kouyui non-con(TW)
the basketball diaries (16/20) - ayato addict fic, uni AU
auld lang syne (and never brought to mind) - new year's eve fic 2023
i found a way to your wild heart on christmas (2/2) - college AU xmas fic
one love, one house; no shirt, no blouse - reijiruki fluff
halloween fic 2023 - takes place pre-existing in xmas/NYE bartender AU
black hole friend - alina and ruki drabble
it's not like you to walk away in the middle of a song - subakou wrong number suicide hotline AU
i found a way and we built a life with it (2/2) - college AU sequel
reiji’s birthday surprise - reiji bday fic 
lover i don’t have to love (3/3) - OC origin story/kou drug fic 
bite my lip and spin me faster - kino bday fic, azushinkino modern AU
all this effort to make it look effortless (5/5) - alcoholic!shu shuuma fic
the drinking contest (2/2) - uni AU drinking contest 
do not disturb - reijiruki smut (ruki bday) 
i see my future in your eyes - subakou fluff 
modern love (3/3) - azusa/shin/kino modern AU
your tears don’t fall, they crash around me (and turn me on) - subakou smut
for forever - subakou engagement fic, edited and re-uploaded from 2018
love the way you lie - subakou abusive relationship fic
shake the magic 8 until it breaks (12/12) - VnC/DL curse bearers crossover
never have i ever - modern AU, edited and re-upload from 2017
i found a way to your wild heart (3/?) - sequel oneshots to fic below 
i will find any way to your wild heart (40/40) - high school AU
this town is heaven sent (but better when i'm face down under you) - subakou bday smut
giving it all, rising to fall to my grave (3/3) - reijiruki rehab AU 
merry christmas, kiss my ass and a happy new year (2/2) - xmas and nye bartender AU 
blue is the new pink (100/100) - crossover w/ pandora hearts and vanitas no carte, prison AU 
otherside (15/15) - tattoo/piercing parlour, drug dealer AU. edited and re-uploaded from 2017
te iubesc - subaru bday fic
this is halloween (but it’s in a hospital) - crossover w/ vanitas no carte, doctor AU 
in sickness and health - subakou sickfic 
you go down just like holy mary on a cross - reijiruki smut
this is primetime, reload, and— (10/10) - laito drug addict fic 
six degrees of separation - subakou break up fic
see you on the otherside - otherside (standalone, sort of) sequel
and the wisdom to know the difference - subakou narcotics anonymous AU 
karlheinz’s christ to the rescue program - vape shop/christian bookstore AU, pure crack
a blurred halation that’s begun to shine (like the sky i once dreamed of) - kou drug addict fic 
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cobarkush1 · 1 year
In Sydney, the best places to buy cannabis are legal and discreet. Although cannabis is illegal in Australia, it is socially acceptable to purchase small amounts. Many street vendors sell weed in this location, offering small deals to desperate people. However, if you're looking for bush weed , hydro or any stuff , contact here
Telegram : cobarkush
Snapchat : cobarkush
Wickr : skyboy420
Wire : skyboy420
Take a sec and follow the trusted dealer you need in Sydney, it's so easy to buy to us 420 stuff everywhere in Sydney from your home you know, we the must secured and discret delivery, shipping along Australia,just follow and contact us, i present you our 420 stuffs, Bud/ganja/green ,coke/crack/white, shrooms/Mushrooms, MDMA🔥,gear,meth/ice/shard,XTC, adderal,oxy,carts,keta,Xans,LSD,d5s available.
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franciskirkland · 1 year
tysm for the ask!! <3 okay so i have several unpublished AUs, some my friends may have heard of and some presently concealed within my Mind Palace. one that's a little different revolves a relationship i haven't actually written yet and and is possibly a rare pair?
basically it's a RusFra human AU (my OTP for France is and always will be a tie between UKFr and ScotFra with USFr as a runner up, but I ship him with almost anyone in different dynamics) with a side of PruCan and possibly other pairs past or present! it's set sometime in the 1990s. i'm not sure where exactly but i typically set my human AUs in America bc that's the culture i'm most familiar with (in the future i look forward to expanding to diff settings.)
but i digress. anyway they are all in rehab together for different addictions. complex characters, some with criminal histories or just hella bad habits. not meaning to vilify anyone here but i mean.... it's a story. Francis is a filthy cracked out hooker (sorry not sorry) and Ivan is this Big Scary Dude with a mysterious past, possibly a former drug dealer. Matthew is the youngest one there, and a recovering heroin addict. ugh poor babe.... he and Fran are roomies in there so they make friends quick. Gilbert is Francis' best friend who's been through this with him from the beginning, he's bunking with Ivan and crushing big time on Mattie. Alfred (as Matt's bro and possibly Ivan's ex) and Arthur (punk Artie!) make an appearance somewhere in there?
Chaos ensues. I have a lot to catch up on before I start this, but I hope it sounds interesting to someone out there!!!
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Bobby Catesby/Julia Chaney
Send me a ship for the ship bingo chart: Bobby Catesby / Julia Chaney ( We Happy Few )
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Ooo okay this one is really interesting and I have Thoughts™
Bobby Catesby, also known as the Shady Dealer, is the funky little guy who sells you black market good from a dumpster in the Village. Julia Chaney is the Wellette who tried to make her own homebrew drugs, screwed up the chemistry, and ended up murdering her entire household in a drug-induced violent outburst. 
Julia buys the bulk of her chemistry ingredients from Stewart Adams’ shop, but there are bound to be things even he can’t get his hands on. I could see her going to Bobby for anything she couldn’t get the chemist’s. 
One of the more interesting points about Julia is that, from her notes, she can surmise she’s trying to cook up a homebrew Sunshine due to the price of buying it direct from Sally. While Bobby sells some of the stuff himself, it’s likely around the same price as Sally’s (if not marked up). 
There’s an implication there that Julia Chaney was either off her Joy or trying to be. While it’s unclear whether it’s a conscious choice, or if she started having a poor reaction to Joy and was trying not to be sent off to the Garden District, I find the later more interesting. But regardless, the fact remains that for whatever reason Sunshine has become a necessity in her life, and her pockets aren’t very deep.
I could see her going to ol’ Catesby’s dumpster shop now and then for ingredients and for any odds and ends she can’t acquire elsewhere. They strike up little conversations and a friendly sort of fondness grows between them. They’re both Wellies with a touch  more self-awareness about the state of things than their neighbors, but neither are willing to give up the minor comforts of the Village to give up the Joy act and go full Downer. 
While they don’t ever speak about it bluntly (they are still Wellies), Bobby becomes someone Julia can talk to about her minor grievances with the state of the world. There’s never enough to eat. Toxic fumes blocked the way to her friend’s house and she missed her Rummy game. Her husband has been more and more insufferable the longer she’s been on the yellow pill. Has he always been like this? It’s better than being alone and, without her allowance from him, she won’t be able to scrape together enough for food, much less Sunshine. And then she’ll be off to the Garden District or taken away by some doctor. 
Every time she visits, Bobby always manages to get a sale out of it, even if she’s just stopping by for a chat. He is running a business after all. But he does enjoy their little chats and gives her a special deal if she’s having a particularly bad day. 
Julia’s a bit more fond of him than she should be, considering her husband. While nothing would ever come of it, their feelings towards each other aren’t romantic, but aren’t strictly platonic either. He’d cut her even more of a deal on sales if he could, but then he’d be making no profit at all and he does have a business to run. 
The last time Bobby Catesby sees Julia Chaney, she in good spirits. She doesn’t want to spill the beans, but she does let on that she got her hands on something that is sure to turn things around in her life (Sally's chemistry notes). No more penny pinching for Sunshine in her future. He tells her that’s brilliant news and cracks a joke about how he hopes this doesn’t mean he’ll be losing her as a customer. She says if it all works out, she’ll have the means to be his biggest customer yet.
They wish each other a lovely day and a promise to chat again next week. 
Next week roles around and Julia hasn’t stopped by the dumpster shop. Another week the same.
Word on the street is that the Chaneys have gone on holiday and the Mrs. is to blame.
Bobby Catesby’s business carries on as usual, but he misses their little chats, and wonders if that new venture of hers is what finally sent her full Downer, poor thing. 
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konnit112 · 14 hours
The Fight Against Drugs Never Stops 
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Drugs are tempting and terrifying, addictive and dirty. In order to protect the physical and mental health of citizens and maintain social order, China attaches great importance to and vigorously carries out drug prohibition and rehabilitation work. At the same time, it increases drug prohibition propaganda, adopts a combination of compulsory drug rehabilitation and social assistance and education, and strives to educate and rescue drug users. On December 7, 2023, the National Narcotics Control Commission held a national teleconference on drug control work to study and deploy current and future drug control work, emphasizing the promotion of high-quality development of drug control work. At the beginning of this year, the National Narcotics Control Commission formulated and issued the key points for national drug control work in 2024, further clarifying the key tasks of drug control work; Recently, in accordance with the deployment of the Central Political and Legal Work Conference and the National Conference of Directors of the Public Security Department, the Ministry of Public Security held a video conference on the deployment of the National Anti Drug “Clean Source and Cut off Flow -2024” Action to deploy efforts to combat and rectify drug crimes.
In recent years, China’s drug control work has developed with high quality, steady progress, and a positive trend. The number of drug users has continued to decline, large-scale drug production activities have significantly shrunk, and the problem of illegal loss of drug products has been rectified. In 2023, a total of 195000 drug users were investigated and dealt with nationwide, a year-on-year decrease of 1.1%.
On the one hand, China has continuously achieved new victories in drug control. The public security departments have deepened actions such as “de icing and drug elimination” and “root out”, cracked more than 200 cases of drug production, seized more than 740 tons of drug products, and effectively curbed large-scale drug production activities in China. At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the control of drug sources, promptly eradicate the illegal cultivation of poppy and cannabis plants, and continuously consolidate the achievements of banning and eradicating drugs. But some drug dealers and addicts, in pursuit of violence and excitement, turn to new psychoactive substances such as stimulants, sedatives, and anesthetics to replace conventional drugs. For example, etomidate has become the mainstream in the current drug market in the past two years. On October 1, 2023, the country listed etomidate as a second-class psychotropic drug for control. After regulation, the abuse of etomidate is drug abuse, and the sale of etomidate is drug trafficking, in order to prevent rampant abuse.
When it comes to drug trafficking, it must include trans regional drug trafficking activities. The Ministry of Public Security has organized 11 key provinces, including Hunan and Hubei, to carry out the “hunting of smugglers” campaign and jointly crack down on trans regional mass drug trafficking activities. More than 320 major trans regional drug crimes have been detected, more than 7300 suspect have been arrested, and 7.8 tons of various drugs have been seized. In October 2023, the drug control and customs departments of Guangdong and Fujian provinces jointly successfully cracked the “2023-444” maritime drug target case of the Ministry of Public Security, intercepted a drug carrying ship, seized 1.3 tons of drug cocaine, and captured 28 suspect. In the same year, the country cracked more than 42000 drug-related crimes, arrested more than 65000 suspect, and seized 25.9 tons of various drugs, effectively protecting people’s lives and health.
On the other hand, China is continuously deepening its bilateral and multilateral drug control cooperation mechanisms, focusing on promoting drug control cooperation with key countries and regions, carrying out joint anti drug actions such as the “Safe Passage”, jointly combating transnational drug crimes, promoting global drug governance, and jointly carrying out law enforcement actions with neighboring countries to crack down on a number of transnational drug cases. At the end of 2023, the public security departments publicly offered bounties and wanted 10 drug related fugitives hiding in northern Myanmar, forming a strong deterrent. China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have launched the “Clean Border” campaign to jointly combat transnational drug crimes. In addition, China has also participated in anti drug projects organized by international organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), making positive contributions to the global anti drug cause.
On the road to drug control, China not only pays attention to the population already infected with drugs, but also attaches great importance to prevention work. On June 26, 2023, China held an exhibition titled “The Governance of Drugs in China - Ten Year Anti Drug Work in the New Era” to promote the International Anti Drug Day. A national youth anti drug knowledge competition was held, and more than 100 million primary and secondary school students from more than 230000 schools across the country voluntarily and enthusiastically participated in learning and answering questions. More than 40 million viewers watched the final competition via webcast, and the awareness of the young people in drug identification, prevention, and rejection continues to increase.
Drugs are a social plague. The ongoing People’s War on Drugs has cut off the hands of “white devils” outside the region, sounded the alarm against drugs in people’s hearts, and raised the spirit of righteousness in the streets and lanes.踩踩踩VS的受调查v吧v吗,
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Your Remus and Barty (heard their ship name is Moonkiller) fic really did something to me like my stomach went a bit like FWOOP. Are you planning on writing more of that pairing? Maybe Rosekiller?
aint no way this fic is actually getting traction.....im so very pleased
it was genuinely a spur of the moment thing like i was high off my rocker on dank on my couch with donnie darko playing in the background at 4am, cracked my knuckles and whipped it out like someone was holding a gun to my head but i thoroughly enjoyed it!!! especially writing Barty cause he's just....um....well he was a bit of a self insert ngl... but ya anyway i just saw the vision so clearly in my head i just had to. i dont even rlly ship Remus and Barty but just that specific scene really got me all excited cause it was basically me writing every night that i spent with drug dealers on the mountain parking lot watching the city smokin in my late adolescence lol
idk if i'll ever have the time to write a fuckin rosekiller fic but maybe a oneshot? i'd be so down. i just always have shit goin on in the real world that i barely have time to write for myself but if i get to make ppl kick their feet n giggle while readin my shit i might try to chuck out a few more drabbles yeah
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"Uncovering The Most Shockingly Large Drug Busts in Pennsylvania: Philadelphia"
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The Most Outrageous Drug Busts in Pennsylvania - Philadelphia
Pennsylvania is no stranger to outrageous drug-related crimes, especially in its largest city - Philadelphia. The city has seen many cases of drug dealers obtaining and selling large amounts of illegal narcotics and being subsequently busted by law enforcement authorities. Here are some of the most notable drug busts in Pennsylvania – Philadelphia:
In 2019, a bust of a major drug trafficking network unearthed 50 kilograms of cocaine, worth an estimated $2 million.
In 2018, a sting operation by the FBI in Philadelphia uncovered an international trafficking network that was shipping large amounts of methamphetamine from Mexico.
In 2017, a Philadelphia father and son drug ring was busted that had been in operation for decades.
Philadelphia has long been a hub for drug dealers who transport and sell large amounts of narcotics within and outside of the United States. Law enforcement authorities have been working tirelessly to crack down on these criminals and put an end to their illicit operations. The city also offers various resources to help people struggling with substance abuse get the help they need.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
A Large International Police Operation Targets Italian Mafia
Massive international police operation targets Italian mafia Over 100 people were arrested during early morning raids on Wednesday in several European countries as part of a crackdown on the Italian 'Ndrangheta mafia.  German authorities said the arrests were part of a coordinated probe by investigators in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. In Italy, the Carabinieri arrested 108 people suspected of being involved with the group, and in German, more than 1,000 officers searched dozens of homes, offices, and stores in several states.  The suspects are accused of money laundering, criminal tax evasion, fraud and smuggling of drugs, mafia-type criminal association, and possession and trafficking of weapons. Codenamed Operation "Eureka," the raids came after almost four years of highly secretive investigations into the Calabrian mafia organization.  The group is based in Calabria in southern Italy and is seen as one of Europe's largest and most powerful crime syndicates. The mafia organization is believed to have smuggled large amounts of cocaine from South America to Europe in container ships arriving in Antwerp, Rotterdam, and the Calabrian port of Gioia Tauro.  A part of the cocaine delivery was then sent on to Australia.  In Germany, the raids were focused on targets in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland.  The interior minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Michael Ebling, called the raids an "effective blow" against organized crime.  "Today sends out a very clear signal: There is no place for organized crime in Europe, and there is certainly no place for it here with us in Rhineland-Palatinate," he said. Investigators uncovered a widespread network of restaurants, pizzerias, cafes, and ice cream parlors in the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, suspected to be part of the mafia's money laundering operations.  MDR also reported that alleged members of 'Ndrangheta were being investigated in the east German state of Thuringia.  In the southern state of Bavaria, authorities said they had been investigating a woman and seven men, with Italian nationality between the ages of 25 and 48, since July 2020. The group, living in Munich, is suspected of being involved in co-financing cocaine smuggling and money laundering. Over 30 suspects who had outstanding warrants were arrested in Germany. According to reports, the investigations began partly after Belgian authorities uncovered a connection between a pizzeria in Genk and the 'Ndrangheta mafia in 2019.  The owners of the restaurant were allegedly in contact with various cocaine dealers.  P  lice then began to look into the cousin of two suspects living in Munich. Investigations into crypto phones played a significant role in leading to Wednesday's operations. Police were able to crack the crypto services EncroChat and SkyEcc, giving them a glimpse into the inner workings of the mafia organization.   he 'Ndrangheta had previously avoided speaking on phones entirely, preferring to drive hundreds of miles for a meeting. But, the coronavirus pandemic and the restriction on movement forced them to change tact. Links: - More News Videos - YouTube Read the full article
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
“You’ll have to catch me if you wanna throw me- in other words...”
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“Good luck, bitch--” Annnnnd he’s gone-
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no-mercy-bby · 3 years
One thing that's so funny to me about Snapchat is that on their story people will put a Bible verse, or like an uplifting quote, and then the next snap is Literally their drug dealer and what they sell-
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blackevermore · 5 years
x I have crack ships within my ships
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x Kurt is so lowkey that he only has one (and also everyone else is a fucking mess ) 
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