#`⠀ *⠀ ┈ ⠀little but fierce .⠀⠀/⠀⠀max mayfield .
strangertwistoffate · 2 years
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Sadie said they thought she might be too old to cast in Stranger Things 2 but she ends up being the tiniest one.
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lithiumcreepblog · 1 year
I’ve had a beer and I’m rewatching Only Murders in the Building… this sounds crazy but hear me out… Jonathan, Steve and Max as Charles, Oliver and Mabel
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werepuppy-steve · 3 months
a lil non-smutty snippet from the "eddie helps chrissy with her sex life" fic (now titled: helping hand) sfw: sex is mentioned but not described in explicit detail
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before she leaves, eddie tilts her head up with two fingers under her chin and softly pecks her lips.
"don't be shy about asking if you want to do this again, alright?"
"i promise i won't." chrissy leans up and kisses his cheek before turning to leave, a bashful smile on her face and her cheeks tinged pink. she waves at eddie as she backs out of the driveway.
eddie shoves his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants as he watches her drive off. her moans and cries from the night before and this morning are still echoing in his head, threatening to make him hard again.
he's going to have to call steve over and tell him all the dirty little details while fucking his boyfriend’s brains out.
he turns to walk back up the steps of the trailer but jumps as he's suddenly met with the glaring eyes of max mayfield.
"i'm not keeping this a secret from steve," she says firmly, arms crossed over her chest. "friends don't lie. especially not about something like this."
eddie has to hand it to her, she can be downright scary when she wants to be. fierce and protective of her people. but he has to chuckle a little at the situation.
the frown on max's face turns into a scowl. "you think this is funny, munson?"
oh, she sounds pissed off now.
"i literally catch you cheating on your boyfriend and you're laughing?"
okay, maybe now's the time to take control of the situation before it escalates. "sorry, red," eddie says, waving a hand in front of him. "not funny in the slightest." there's still a hint of amusement in his tone. "just, you might have the wrong idea of what's going on here."
max doesn't look relieved. "i don't think i do, actually."
eddie sighs. she gets her stubbornness from steve.
"you do, and i can promise you, there is no cheating happening."
"i just saw you kiss her!" max exclaims, eyes wide and eyebrows raised to her hairline. "did you forget that my trailer is right across from yours? the walls aren't that thick, eddie! you had your gross sex mixtape playing and i could hear every noise you two made last night!"
her hands shake at her sides but she stands her ground. "i like chrissy. she's a good person and she makes things fun. but i won't let you string steve along like he’s just some plaything."
she looks genuinely distraught and eddie feels bad for laughing at her.
he sighs. "c'mere, kid." he pulls her to his chest with a hand on the back of her head. she still has her arms crossed, but she relaxes after a minute, wrapping them around eddie's back while he sways them comfortingly.
"i appreciate you looking out for him, but i'm not cheating on steve," he says firmly. "he's well aware of what we were doing last night. this was just me helping out a friend."
he can feel max crinkle her nose against his collarbone. "you're helping her out by having loud kinky sex? i didn't even think you liked women."
eddie barks out a laugh as they pull away. max still looks a little upset. eddie just ruffles her hair. "i don't, but there's a lot of things you'll understand when you're older, red. you might be a bit too young to have this conversation right now."
max rolls her eyes. "please, i'm plenty old enough." a light blush dusts her cheeks as she looks at the ground and mutters, "me and lucas have done some stuff."
"some stuff that i hope you're both being safe about." eddie rests his hands on her shoulders and gives her a soft smile. "tell you what, how about i go get dressed and i take you out for breakfast, huh? then maybe we can come back here and i'll lay it all out for you and answer any question you have. deal?"
max pretends to think about it before nodding with a smile. "deal."
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hairmetal666 · 3 months
He resolutely does not think about Steve for the rest of the night. Doesn’t make himself come so hard with the whisper of Steve’s name on his lips that some of it lands on his chin.
Eddie’s not thinking about it. He isn’t. It’s nothing.
If he and Steve are fighting over Jason, which is the only way he can interpret what happened in that locker room, it’s a very cold war. He doesn’t see Harrington or Carver for a few days, though he’s grateful to avoid Steve after whatever the fuck that was between them.
As the days pass, he meets with the kids on their lunch, as planned. They all roll new characters, even—much to Eddie’s surprise—Max, and the kids promise to check their schedules and ask their parents for when they can run the one-shot.
There’ll be no missing Jason now, though—it’s basketball lesson time and Eddie’s running late. God knows there’s no way Carver waits around for someone like him.
He’s hustling to the court in his brand new Nike basketball shoes, and in his periphery, he sees a couple of people spread out on the grass. It almost doesn’t register—he’s in such a hurry and a little bit actually nervous to play fucking basketball—he almost passes right by the figures on the grass. Except it’s not just three random people, it’s Steve Harrington, Erica Sinclair, and Max Mayfield.
Harrington says something and Max’s face shifts from a scowl until she’s throwing her head back in laughter. Max—quiet, grouchy, fierce Max—has maybe said ten whole worlds to Eddie in the time he's known her, and yet here is Harrington—fucking Harrington—already getting sentences and laughter.
The longer he watches, the more the scene in front of him coalesces. Steve’s arms are extended to each respective girl. In fact, they’re sort of holding his hands. A sharp glare hits Eddie in the eye, makes him wince, and—
Erica and Max are painting Steve’s fingernails. Jesus Christ.
Chapter 10 of Forever is the Sweetest Con posted now on ao3!
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withacapitalp · 2 years
So I wrote a first draft chapter idea for the no upside down au fic idea I had ages ago. Fair warning this is kinda long.....sorry. Also here's the link to the ao3 instead of reading here
Eddie was no stranger to tall tales. 
He practically built his entire school career on tall tales. He was a legend- The ‘Freak’ of Hawkins High, a psycho who was on his third round of senior year with no signs of ever leaving. He was the scary satanic metalhead who sold drugs in the woods behind the school and would happily indoctrinate any lost souls into his cult of the supernatural. 
Eddie was an enigma, and he liked it that way. He liked the stories people told, rumors that were beyond crazy, things he wouldn’t even dream of doing. It was funny. 
But the story that the Freshman kept telling was just ridiculous. 
Eddie liked all four of the boys, he really did. Dustin was a smartass, but the emphasis was on the smart. He had never met someone who thought as quickly as Dustin did, and that made him a great player. Lucas was so open and expressive that he was awesome to have as a part of a Party. He could always be counted on to react in the best ways to any twists or turns Eddie threw into a campaign. Mike was a little brat sometimes, but his strategic expertise was through the roof, and Will was just all around one of the nicest people Eddie had ever met. 
All in all, they were great. Sweet, fiercely loyal, and way too good for a shitty little town like Hawkins. They were definitely going to get out of here and make it big if they managed to live through high school. 
There was just one big fat problem- the boys kept lying about knowing Steve Harrington. 
And not even just knowing him. According to Dustin, Steve was their babysitter. 
Their goddamn Babysitter. 
Well, not really our babysitter anymore. We’re fourteen, we don’t need a sitter. We’re just friends now. Best friends!
Best friends with Steve Harrington. King Steve, the apex predator of the Hawkins High food chain back in his hayday. According to the boys, Steve let them hang out at his house whenever they wanted, gave them rides everywhere, and apparently lived his entire life just to take care of six weird teenagers. The four nerds, Maxine ‘Mad Max’ Mayfield, and some unknown other girl that they were incredibly tight lipped about. 
It would be quite the story if the kids were telling the truth. A legend that rivaled Eddie’s own mythos. 
But they were 100% lying. 
Barring the fact that Max barely even looked at any of them when they passed her in the hallway, and ignoring that Eddie had never even so much as seen a picture of this other girl Elle they kept hinting at, Eddie knew Steve Harrington. They often got lumped in the same stupid kid classes, and he had spent many a class watching the infamous King Steve. 
Never once had Eddie ever seen him so much as look at anyone below his social class. 
His friends would terrorize Eddie and the other losers of the school, but Steve wouldn’t even look at him in the hallway. He was above it all, too good to even deign sparing anyone like Eddie a passing glance. Even when Steve had ditched his jerk friends a year or so back, he had still kept his King status, still stayed on a pedestal. 
He still hadn’t looked at Eddie. 
He didn’t know which one was objectively worse, being beaten on or being ignored, but Eddie did know that Steve refusing to even acknowledge his existence had always pissed him off more than the bruises did. 
There was no way an uppity asshole like that was friends with kids like Dustin Henderson and Will Byers. He knew Steve had stayed in town after graduating for some unknown reason, but there was no way he had stayed to babysit. 
Still, if this lie made the boys feel like they had some sort of cool factor, then it was mostly harmless. Being a freshman was hard, being a weird freshman was even harder. Better to let them have their fantasy and hope with enough time they would get comfortable with who they were and drop it. 
Except that didn’t happen. 
Eddie had bravely put up with the constant Steve talk for over three months. Steve said this, or we did that with Steve this weekend. We should do this on our next turn, Steve would do it (That one always pissed Eddie off the most, because usually they would manage to evade death every time by using that tactic). On and on, like he was their freaking imaginary friend. 
But now Imaginary Steve was making them leave early from Hellfire, and that was a slight Eddie could not put up with.
“I’m sorry, Eddie, but we told you we could only stay until eight this time,” Will apologized for the fourth time as he started to pack up his bag, pointing at the clock and giving the other boys a look to get them up and moving, “Steve has the late shift today, and he’s taking his break to pick us up, so we can’t make him late,”
Eddie pursed his lips and stared down at the carefully crafted board he had painstakingly put together. Here they were. Right at the edge of defeating Kyuss, the Worm that Walks. It was a campaign they had been working on for weeks, a campaign Eddie had been planning for months. They were right at the point of no return, and half of the club was leaving because fake Steve Harrington didn’t want to be patient. 
Enough was enough. 
“Guys, I don’t know why you feel like pretending to know Steve Harrington is earning you points, but it really isn’t. He doesn’t even go here anymore, his name has zero clout,” Eddie growled, completely fed up with having to hear about a boy he had finally gotten rid of. Gareth and Jeff immediately nodded along, also done with having to hear the made up stories. 
“Pretending?” Lucas questioned, sharing a confused look with Will. 
“Dude, we already told you this. Steve’s been watching us for years now. He dated my sister for a bit, but when they broke up he kept babysitting us and the girls. Hopper needed someone to watch El when he was at work, and we were always over anyway, so it just became a thing,” Mike explained in a matter of fact tone, rolling his eyes. 
Oh, Eddie had been told. Eddie had been told plenty. He was just finally calling bullshit. 
Yeah, Steve and Nancy Wheeler had dated, but the entire school knew that relationship had exploded and shattered into a thousand pieces. She had cheated with Jonathan Byers, a fellow freak of the school. It was impressive to watch, and Eddie had taken great satisfaction in finally seeing Steve get knocked down a peg.
Why on Earth would a guy like Steve Harrington keep watching the kid brothers of both her ex and the guy who helped her cheat?
“Richie Rich King Steve needs babysitting money?” Gareth asked sarcastically, derision dripping from every word. 
“He never took any money,” Dustin protested, growing frustrated when he realized that the older boys were serious about not believing them, “He didn’t like being paid for hanging out with us, he said it felt weird.” 
The rest of Hellfire shared haughty looks, unable to help themselves. Now it was getting ridiculous. It was already impossible to believe that Steve Harrington was babysitting, but babysitting for free? 
“Okay, jokes over. Let’s finish the campaign,” Eddie said, giving the boys an out. He knew what it was like to double down when you were afraid of being called out. He put on his best DM voice and perched on his throne, dropping his head low between his shoulders, “Kyuss is waiting to demolish you all,”
“Regardless of whether you believe us or not, we have to go,” Lucas grumbled, crossing his arms. 
Fine, if they wanted to play this game, then Eddie would play. He hated humiliating the kids, but at some point they needed to learn. 
“If you’re telling the truth, then let’s see if Steve shows up. You said he hates waiting, so if he actually is here to drive you, then he’ll come in, right?” Eddie challenged, throwing down the gauntlet. The boys exchanged annoyed eye rolls, but sat back down, letting the silence stand tense and awkward between them all. 
The clock continued to tick along the wall of the drama room.
“Look guys,” Eddie finally sighed at 8:08, intending to take mercy on his stupid little sheep, “I know it can be hard coming into high school, but-“
“Hey! Dipshits!”
The whole club turned towards the source of the shouting, and, to Eddie’s complete and utter shock, Steve Harrington came barging in through the door, eyes flashing in anger. 
His hair was longer, and he was wearing a dorky green vest that totally clashed with his preppy clothes, but there was no denying those big brown eyes that Eddie had never managed to capture in his gaze. 
He looked completely ticked off, and the boys scrambled out of their seats, surrounding him and all starting to talk at once, trying to explain what had happened. It was like looking at a pack of puppies with a single lonely wolf surveying them. Steve let them talk over each other for a second more, but the moment he held a hand up, all four immediately went silent. 
Part of Eddie was desperate to learn whatever dark magic Harrington was using to hold the boys still and silent. The rest of him was blanking out. 
“Guys, I might be deaf, but I’m almost 99% sure I was beeping the horn. And I know for a fact I told you that you were supposed to be out by 8:00 sharp,” Steve said with an impatient sigh, his fingers flying as he spoke. 
Eddie watched dumbly as the boys began to respond in kind, their hands moving alongside their fingers. Unlike their usual talking over each other and finishing one another’s sentences, they did a quick back and forth, choosing one person to speak at a time. 
“We were coming out on time, but Eddie and the others didn’t believe us when we said you were giving us a ride home!” Dustin explained with a shout, moving his hands nearly as fast as Steve had. Steve looked around his horde of fourteen year olds, and for the very first time in their lives, he made eye contact with Eddie. 
There they were. Big and brown. Eyes that Eddie had always secretly longed to see, even if it was just so he could properly flip Steve off and make sure he saw it. He had always expected Steve to glare at him, or roll his eyes, but he was just looking at Eddie. Just looking.
Like Eddie was nothing especially interesting or grotesque. Not a legend, not a monster. Just another person Steve had no attachment to. 
It was infuriating. 
“You know, you all might be the smartest people I know, but you can be really fricken stupid sometimes,” Steve said with a shake of his head. Eddie wanted to laugh, because Harrington was a hundred percent right, but he refused to even chuckle on principle. 
“It’s not our fault we had to…to….how do you say prove?” Mike interrupted himself with an angry sigh, throwing his hands up as he did. His movements were a lot slower than Dustin’s, and a bit more clumsy, but he was still trying. 
“Prove,” Steve stated, holding his left palm out and smacking the back of his right hand sharply enough that it bounced back just a bit. All of the boys copied the motion, like the most deranged group of ducklings Eddie had ever seen, “You don’t have to sign, Mike. I’m right next to you,”   
Oh. That’s what they were. Signs. 
They were using sign language. 
Which meant Steve wasn’t joking around when he used the word ‘deaf’. 
Eddie’s brain was exploding. 
“I just messed up one word,” Mike muttered under his breath, throwing his hair over one shoulder and picking his hands back up, once again making movements as he spoke, “We had to prove that we knew you.”
“Well, here’s the proof. I’m already late, so let’s go,” Steve turned to go, and the boys shared a quick glance behind his back. Will caught the arm of Steve’s jacket and waited until the other teen was fully facing him before speaking with stilted slow signs. 
“If you’re already late, then maybe we can have five more minutes?” 
They had chosen well. Will was easily the softest of the four, and Eddie knew firsthand just how dangerous those puppy eyes could be. 
“You’re pushing your luck, Byers,” Steve sighed with a soft grin. It was bizarre. Steve was obviously inordinately fond of Eddie’s little sheep, and all of their stories that he had previously disregarded were now at the forefront of his mind. Steve was acting sweet, gentle, completely not like Eddie had ever seen him. 
He was acting like, well, like their babysitter. 
Or someone who had once been their babysitter, if Dustin was to be believed. 
But it still couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t. Steve Harrington wasn’t that kind of guy, and Eddie needed to be right on that. If he wasn’t, then he didn’t know what he would do. 
“Wouldn’t want to waste the royalty’s time with a freak game, would we?” Eddie called out, purposefully pitching his voice low. The simplest thing to call out here was the weird pretending Steve was deaf. Before tonight he had never even heard a whisper of a rumor that Steve Harrington had any kind of flaw, so if he pulled on that lie, then the rest would fall like a house of cards. 
The boys all startled like they had forgotten he was there, but Steve didn’t react until they turned around to look at Eddie. His eyes were back on Eddie, but not meeting his gaze. Not exactly. 
“Too eager to get back to whatever girl you’re keeping waiting, King Steve?” Eddie continued to keep his voice quieter than normal, everyone but Steve seeming to catch exactly what he was doing. The boys were shooting him warning looks, but he ignored them all in favor of staring Steve down. 
The other boy’s eyes were narrow now, but not in a glare. He looked almost confused, like he was trying to parse out exactly what was going on.
Because he couldn’t fucking understand Eddie if he actually was deaf. 
Because Eddie was being a supreme giant asshole if this was true. 
But Steve Harrington wasn’t deaf, and the act was annoying as shit. If anyone was insulting deaf people right now, it was Steve, not Eddie. There was a tiny smart voice in the back of Eddie’s mind telling him that no one would take a joke this far, but the nasty needling voice right up at the front was overshadowing it, and there was no stopping him now. 
“What? Didn’t catch what I said? I think that this might be the first time you’ve ever bothered to care about what I have to say. Kind of ironic that now the King wants to hear me, and he can’t.”  
The rest of the club exploded into laughter, and Steve’s jaw set in a tight line. Now he was glaring, but there was an underlying hurt there that Eddie hadn’t been expecting. 
All this time acting completely above it all, and he was showing his soft underbelly now? Over a fakeout joke? Eddie scoffed and ignored the way his heart was starting to race at an uncomfortable clip. 
Steve jerked his head towards Dustin, and without any hesitation the boy’s fingers started rapidly moving, clearly translating what Eddie had just said. While they did that, the rest of the boys looked at Eddie with varying amounts of horror. 
“What is the matter with you?!” Lucas demanded, looking like he would love nothing more than to walk over and punch Eddie’s lights out. Will’s eyes were wet and shiny, and Mike looked positively murderous. Steve brought their attention back to him with a soft click of his tongue. 
“No girls today, just not too eager to not lose my job, Munson,” Steve shot back, voice impossibly cold and hands staying loose and limp by his sides. The soft set of his shoulders was gone, replaced by a harsh straight back and guarded expression. He completely ignored the second part of what Eddie said, turning around and striding towards the door, “I’m leaving now, with or without you guys. I only have three minutes left of my break, and Robin is going to be pissy if I’m late.” 
The four teens hurried after him, pausing only briefly to shoot Eddie betrayed hurt-filled glares that took all of the fun out of the joke. The rest of Hellfire continued to chuckling, making snide remarks back and forth between each other, and a pit started to form in Eddie’s gut. A pit he knew well enough. 
Guilt. Shame. The knowledge that he had done something cruel when he didn’t really have to. 
It was an awful feeling and it was completely unfair. Steve and his cronies had spent years making Eddie’s life hell. These were just desserts. It wasn’t even like he had said anything that bad. Even if Steve actually was deaf, which was still up for debate, then this was a fair turnabout for over a decade of mistreatment from Steve and people like Steve. 
Never mind that Steve had never done a thing to Eddie himself. Harrington wasn’t an actual person, just an idea of one. A symbol of the small town jock. 
So why did Eddie feel so fucking bad right now? 
“What the hell just happened,” Eddie muttered, hating the way the guilt was gnawing a deep black hole into his chest. 
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In case you missed them, here are the next ten works posted from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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One Last Hawkins Summer by @sparklyslug | Art by @janie-bean
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Wayne Munson, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), The Party (Stranger Things)
Relationship(s):Eddie Munson/Nancy Wheeler
“Uh,” Eddie says. “Hey Wheeler.”
“I’m leaving Hawkins at the end of the summer,” she says fiercely. “And I’m not coming back.”
“Oh,” Eddie clears his throat. “Good for you.” It’s a very popular sentiment around town these days, personally Eddie thinks it should be put into practice across the board.
“You’re coming with me,” Nancy says, in a tone that doesn’t really invite discussion or argument.
“Um. Okay?”
Seriously? That’s all you got, man? But before Eddie can get through fully kicking his own ass for that weak response, Wheeler’s giving him a tight nod and a flash of a satisfied smile, before getting back in the car and onto the road without so much as another word or glance at him.
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The Things She Does For Her Kids by @marsetta | Art by @anaccidentwaitingtohappen
Rating: General
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Hellfire Club, The Party, Robin Buckley
Pairing(s): Steddie, hints Robin/Chrissy, hints Robin/Chrissy/Jason
Summary: Stevie Harrington decides to confront Eddie Munson about the kids she babysits and what his intentions are with them. That changes a few things for everyone.
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We Made Quite A Mess, Babe by @sourwolfs | Art by @inflomora-art
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Gareth (Stranger Things), Jeff (Stranger Things), Unnamed Freak (Stranger Things), Heather Holloway (mentioned), Benny Hammond (mentioned)
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Starting with a new client should have stopped being so nerve-wracking five years ago, but Steve can’t help the anxious butterflies fluttering around his stomach as he hits the end call button. It’s his first job since… well, everything, and he can’t help but be a little anxious. There’s something scary about just being him now instead of them. Even if they never really were them in the first place. Not when it came to work.
OR: The one where Steve is a traveling personal chef working for Corroded Coffin
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Long Live by @paceprompting | Art by @staymagical
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington was a pitiful excuse for a crown prince, and he would be an even worse disappointment as a king. Only worthy enough to sire the next heirs and hope they lived up the expectations of the throne.
Until one little thing comes along in the middle of the night and upends everything Steve has ever known--leaving him on the run, with no one to trust. Then comes along a man, with chaos in his blood and enrapturing eyes that Steve finds himself following first as an ally...and then something much more.
Steve Harrington was never meant to be a crown prince, but instead, perhaps he could be a man of his own making.
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Find What Was Lost by ChaosDweller | Art by @peachypurr
Rating: Teen
Warning(s): Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): Max Mayfield, Eleven | Jane Hopper
Relationship(s): Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Will Byers/Dustin Henderson, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper
A year ago El disappeared into thin air and max hasn’t seen her since not until one night when she gets lost in the woods and comes across a monsterpus sight.
Will they be able to return her to who she once was or is she forever stuck a monster.
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Fuck. I Think I Love You by @oh-stars | Art by @imfinereallyy
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Original Male Character(s), Nancy Wheeler, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), Chrissy Cunningham, The Party (Stranger Things), Jonathan Byers
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington/Original Male Character(s)
Steve's happy! He's exploring who he is now that he's sort of out and dating a man for the first time with his newfound freedom. He's having fun and he's in love!!
Or so he thought. Turns out, love doesn't always give as much as it gets?
It's a good thing Eddie Munson is ready to help get him through this break up. He's just being a good friend to his new, totally straight, friend Steve while he gets over his last relationship. Totally has nothing to do with his crush on the guy or the devastating smile Steve gives him across the table at study group. It's not like he has a chance.
Or does he?
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Jurassic Disaster by @it-gets-worse-at-night | Art by @alicetallula
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Martin Brenner, Sam Owens, Connie Frazier, Billy Hargrove, Dustin Henderson, Max Mayfield, Will Byers, Eleven "Jane" Hopper
Relationship(s): Steve harrington/ edide munson, Steve harrington & robin buckley
With the EPA breathing down Dr. Brenner's neck about the safety and legitimacy of his island, Ted Wheeler, Brenner's lawyer, thinks it would be best to bring some experts on board to evaluate the efficacy of the island, as well as it's safety. Despite having worked for Brenner for several years and knowing what was going on, Ted had yet to visit the island himself, and figured that this was as good a time as any. Dr. Brenner makes the call to Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, pulling them out of their Montana dig site with the promise of enough money to finance several more digs. Meanwhile, Ted invites Eddie Munson, someone consulted early on in the project. Having sentenced the island to doom from the outset, Eddie rejoices in his chance to prove to Brenner that he is not the smartest person in the room. With money and his reputation on the line, Henry Creel will go to great lengths to steal Brenner's science, but in doing so, will he doom everyone on the island to gruesome deaths?
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To Fall to Such A Little Thing by @kallisto-k | Art by @alicetallula
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Tommy Hagan, Heather Holloway, Nancy Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Chrissy Cunningham, Jason Carver
Relationship(s): past billy hargrove/chrissy cunningham, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Tommy Hagan/Steve Harrington, background Eddie Munson/Jason Carver
Summary: Louisiana wasn’t Billy’s first choice but after everything that had happened back in California, he needed to get away. He thought the more rural state would be quieter, but when a body is found staged in a tree, Billy and his partner Steve get dragged all around Louisiana on a hunt he couldn’t put out of his mind no matter how much he wanted to.
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Driving Princess Daisy by @marsetta | Art by @hereforanepilogue
Rating: General
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson
Summary: Steve Harrington just got kicked out of college, again, and decides to visit his horse. Eddie Munson is not ready to hand over the reins of the horse he'd taken under his care. They fall in love.
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The Ballad of Eddie Munson's Vest by @hawkinsleather | Art by @artbean
Rating: Teen
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, Ronnie Ecker (Stranger Things), Al Munson
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, Ronnie Ecker & Eddie Munson, Al Munson & Eddie Munson
"Thought you'd like to make one of those cut off vests I've seen your heavy metal heroes wear. I need a new jacket, so I thought you could use my old one. You just need to cut the sleeves off," he lifts the jacket up by the shoulders. "An' Benny donated his old shirt for the back."
Eddie knows Wayne likes to make do and mend, find new use for old things, never throw away anything that's still functional in some way, and he does not mind a second hand present that's a work in progress. He likes to do things with his hands. There's just one big problem with this one.
"Thank you, Wayne," he hugs the older man. "But I don't know how to sew," he continues as he lets go of his uncle and looks at him with his big sad puppy dog eyes.
- - - -
It’s Eddie’s 13th birthday and his Uncle Wayne has a special present for him with some assembly required, and he’s going to teach him how to do it. But first Eddie has some plans with his best friend Ronnie.
Stay tuned for more incredible works from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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tabithaxking · 6 months
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[cis female and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [TABITHA KING]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [SOPHIE THATCHER]. You must be the [TWENTY THREE] year old [WAITRESS AT ALL NIGHT DINER / HOUSE CLEANER]. Word is you’re [HONEST] but can also be a bit [STANDOFFISH] and your favorite song is [DUVET BY BÔA]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS].
fullname. tabitha louise king
nicknames. tabby, tab, tabby cat.
gender. cis female
pronouns. she / her
d.o.b. october 27th, 2000 | ( 23 years old )
astrology. scorpio ☀ scorpio ☾  gemini ↑
birth place. unknown.
hometown. various.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. waitress at the all night diner / house cleaner.
religion. atheist.
tattoos. none.
piercings. two holes in ears, helix.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. heterosexual.
family. angelica king (mother), unknown (father), francis king (grandfather), yelena king (gandmother).
children. theodora "theo" king (daughter).
rosie dunne ( love, rosie ), emma ( just for the summer ), max mayfield ( stranger things ), sarah manning ( orphan black ), eleanor shellstrop ( the good place ).
+ intelligent, strong, independent. - standoffish, untrusting, introverted.
( tw: depictions of undiagnosed mental illness, child neglect, illness )
There’s not much known about where exactly Tabitha King came from. Her birth certificate was from a local Milwaukee hospital, but whether or not they stayed there long enough to consider that home, Tabby didn't count on it. The only core memories she has comes to mind is of a beautiful blonde looking at her in the rearview mirror of a beat up car. Singing Fleetwood Mac with her dangling earrings and the smell of roses. A warm smile and eyes that sparkled. Staying up late watching black and white movies in motels. The good times. These were the memories of her mother that she likes to think about the most.
But that wasn't the whole picture. It was leaving place after place once the men Angelica was dating grew bored with her constant drama. Her highs and lows. It was days of her mother not being able to get out of bed because she was in one of her 'moods'. It was the times that her mother said she was going out, and not coming back for weeks at a time. Angelica was here one moment and gone the next. A rare comet from a distance. A destructive force upon contact. The periods of times that her mother would leave, galavanting off with her new beau and leaving her daughter behind, became longer and longer. Eventually, CPS caught wind of the eight-year-old who showed up to school wearing dirty clothes, unbrushed hair and severely underfed, Tabby got put into the system.
It took them a whole year to find her mother, but Tabitha was always waiting for her. Even when they said Angelica wasn't coming and that she'd have to go to Aurora Bay, California and live with her grandparents, she still waited. Waited for her mother to come home, to choose her, to make her feel special. It never happened. Tabitha was withdrawn as a kid, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. It made her fiercely independent. Her grandparents were lovely people, but they knew their daughter - she was never coming back.
As time moved on, Tabby eventually came out of her shell and what emerged was an angry little girl. At school, she was too smart and too mouthy. Constantly in detention for talking back to teachers while getting straight A's on their tests. Any rule was broken, forever acting out as if the school would call her mother and she'd have to come and get her. All it did was give her grandparents grief. She loved them, but the trauma from her childhood was too deep in her veins. Her only saving grace were her friends, the people who made school tolerable. Her best friend, Lucky - he was the grounding force she needed. She would have loved him if she were able to, but after everything that happened with her mother, Tabitha had learned never to love anyone too much. It'll only destroy you when they inevitably leave.
Comforting him during the rough patches with his family came easy to her, and they only grew closer during those times until one night, it blossomed into something more. One night was all it took to completely flip her world upside down. She fully supported his sudden move to London after his parents divorce, she longed to go with him but two pink lines kept her planted in Aurora Bay. Tabitha thought about telling him. When they spoke on the phone, he was always so excited, telling stories about adventures. Tabitha knew that if she told him, he'd come home and it seemed so cruel to crush his dreams like that. There were thoughts of other options, but this was a piece of Lucky and she'd never get rid of that. So she lied, to everyone. Said the baby was someone else's and decided to raise their daughter on her own.
It was tough being a mother at 18. She was still just a child herself, but her grandparents were a great support. Theodora King was born and Tabitha's whole life changed. There were no more talks of college. Only doctors appointments, midnight feedings and the cost of diapers. Eventually, once Theo was a little older, she got a job as a waitress at the All-Nighter Diner as they could watch her daughter overnight. There wasn't much time for things like a social life or friends, and eventually Lucky drifted into the background of her new life.
Just as Theo turned three, her grandmother started experiencing signs of Alzheimer's. Forgetting things, getting easily confused. Things got so bad that Tabitha started worrying that it was no longer safe to have her watch Theo unsupervised, and her grandfather needed to look after his wife. The two moved out into an apartment in Ocean Crest. It was small, but it was theirs and Tabitha tried her best to make sure that Theo never wanted for anything. But times were tough, she had no support. And then on Theo's fourth birthday, she cracked. Bills were piling up, her presents were mediocre and all Theo wished for.. was a dad. While they'd talked on and off over the years, Tabitha bit the bullet and called Lucky. Just as she expected, he came straight home.
From there, after many long conversations, they've been figuring out co-parenting as they go. Tabitha has taken extra part-time work for the days she's not waitressing to make sure that all Theo's needs are taken care of, the weight of impending doom lifted with Lucky's support. She still struggles asking for help, but getting there in time. Theo believes that wishes do come true as she really did get her dad for her fourth birthday.
tabitha has been living in aurora bay for the last 14 years after her grandparents took her in from foster care. before that, she was moving from home to home in chicago. ( possible connections: childhood friends, cousins, foster kids from chicago )
her mom was undiagnosed bipolar and would go maniac epsiodes where she would leave tabitha alone for long periods of time. they would move from place to place so she could have picked up a few friends when she was younger. her mom used to enchant men so they had a place to stay, she'd date them for a while but then her moods were get erratic and she'd do things like steal, break their shit or one time, she nearly burnt someone's house down. ( possible connections: men her mom dated, kids of the men her mom dated, someone who encourages this chick to go to therapy )
known around town as a bit of a hard-ass in her youth. she used to talk back to teachers and get detention for being in fights, angry little girl. would have had a small-tight knit group of friends that she cared about but pretended to be indifferent towards them ( possible connections: best friends, friends who lost touch after she got pregnant, kids she got into fights with )
has been working at the all nighter diner for the past fours years since the birth of her daughter, has recently started cleaning houses on the side for extra cash. very unenthusiastic worker but does what she has to so she's not fired ( possible connections: cleaning clients, regulars at the diner, co-workers )
got pregnant just before her 18th birthday after a one night stand with her best friend, lucky. didn't tell anyone that it was his so he wouldn't find out. eventually told him and he came home to help out. currently successfully co-parenting. ( possible connections: lucky's family and friends, godparents, people who helped while she was raising theo )
hasn't been on a date in like five years, at least not successfully. she's a single mom who worked two jobs (reba coded) so there's not much time for things like romance. but since lucky is back and helping out, she might explore more of the online dating space ( possible connections: bad blinde dates, unsuccessful hookups, unrequited crushes )
her non-mom related hobbies include: reading comics, ice-skating (she's actually pretty good) and going to the movies or drive-in, she's a cinemaphile when she has two hours to spare. you can usually find her around town at the movie house, comic emporium, sharky's on the odd occasion. ( possible connections: friends with owners/workers, fellow regulars, random run-ins, one night stands )
before moving to ocean crest apartments, tabitha and theo used to live with her grandparents where she was raised after leaving foster care. unfortunately her grandmother has been suffering with alzheimer's and has been steadily declining so they moved out. on occasion, tabitha takes her grandmother to the hospital for appointments to help her grandfather. ( possible connections: doctors, nurses, people randomly met at the hospital, ocean crest neighbors )
theo is just about to start school in september as she's now five years old. she'll be attending aurora bay elementary, but previously she would have been in daycare at kid’s cottage daycare center on random days that tabitha's grandparents were not available. ( possible connections: new teachers, old daycare teachers, parent friends, playdate friends, theo's best friend's parent )
childhood best friend of / shares a child with @luckylewis
grew up around with @lorelailewis and @macaulaymontgomery
@cassidyxcooke is theo's godparent
cousin to @bazhowletts
employee of @greengideon at the all night diner
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scheodingers-muppet · 2 years
Nativity in Black
i forgot to post yesterday so here, take this; the first chapter to my first long fic!
Title is from N.I.B. by Black Sabbath. Yes, I know that's not what the name actually means but it sounds cool and it'll all make more sense later in the plot.
Modern AU with Rockstar!Eddie and Choreographer!Steve.
"C'mon man, it's not that bad!" Gareth couldn't have been more wrong. It was bad. It was very bad.
"I'm like Bambi, dude. No way I'm embarrassing myself for the entire world to see." Eddie went around his room like a tornado, packing all his last-minute things for the trip out to California to record the music video for their newest song; a softer love ballad Jeff wrote for his fiancé. He held his phone between his shoulder and his ear, Gareth loudly sighing at the other end.
"Just meet with the choreographer and try. If it doesn't go well, we'll think of something else. But Red pulled some major strings and got the best of the best for this shoot and you know Jeff will lose his shit if it's not perfect."
"Fine. I'll meet with the choreographer, but start brainstorming some stuff I can do when it all goes to shit!"
Eddie zipped up his suitcase and hung up the phone, heading into the kitchen to tell Wayne goodbye and thank him for cat-sitting while he's gone.
"Eh don't worry about it. Little Jynx here is probably the close I'll get to a grandkid, plus she loves me something fierce." Jynx, Eddie's little black cat he found behind a dumpster at the restaurant he used to work at before Corroded Coffin made it big, sat purring on the counter while Wayne scratched behind her ear.
"Ouch, old man. Words hurt." Eddie faked offense, knowing Wayne doesn't actually mean it, and hugged his faux-father goodbye.
"Calm down, you big baby. You'll be fine!" Robin was too busy fixing her eyeliner in Steve's bathroom mirror to notice he had thrown himself onto the bed, face buried into his pillow.
"I can't do it. He's too hot, Robs. I'm gonna make a fool out of myself!" Steve was spiraling. Like, badly.
He hadn't thought much about his new gig to choreograph a music video for some metal band when Max Mayfield had reached out. He didn't really listen to them much, but the name sounded familiar and he always loved doing ballroom. Plus, they were from the same small town - probably why the name sounded familiar in the first place.
However, that confidence and ease of being picked for a job like this vanished the moment he started working. He had pulled up the bands social media, trying to get a better idea of what he's working with. And oh my god. Holy shit. This guy was like... wow.
And that leads them back here. Robin walks over and plops herself down next to Steve. He rolls over and puts his head in her lap, staring up at her like a sad puppy dog. Robin wipes the hair away from his eyes and strokes his cheek.
"You'll be fine. Just treat it like a regular gig and no one will be the wiser. Then, once it's all said and done, you ask him to drinks and get married," Steve just glared back up at her, unamused. "Now come on, we gotta get going if we want to beat the traffic. I've still got to meet with the director and lighting crew to get costumes finished."
Steve grunted and closed his eyes, not ready to face his definitely humiliating fate. Robin poked his forehead and he relented. getting up and grabbing his jacket before heading to the door.
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ginger-grimm · 2 years
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Full Name: Vanessa Rose Nelson
Birthdate: November 6th, 1968
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Species: Superpowered-Human
Family: Dwight Nelson (Father), Lorraine Nelson, neé Lewis (Mother, deceased), Patricia Walker, neé Nelson (Maternal Aunt)
Love Interest: Nancy Wheeler
Friends: Carmen Bauman, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers, Joyce Byers, El Hopper, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Max Mayfield, Erica Sinclair, Jim Hopper
Likes: Art, painting, drawing, lipstick, high heels, the feeling of chalk on her hands, candles, cookies
Dislikes: Conforming, injustice, hot weather, anything bland (color is a must!!), being bored
Phobias: Being stuck in one place for too long
Style: Both scholar-chic but also rebellious, likes to express herself through makeup and hair, always wearing lipstick, thigh-high boots are a must, usually wears darker nailpolishes, minimal jewlery, fiercely protective of a friendship bracelett she got from Will
Speech: English accent, lower voice which she can and will raise when neccesary
Physical Quirks/Scars: Scar on her right shoulder from getting stabbed
Personality: Tough, challenging, artistic, sarcastic, nurturing, sneaky, smart, accepting
Background: Born in the UK, Vanessa and her mother Lorraine left the country early in her life to be with her father Dwight in America. There, she grows up in a rural community in the outskirts of an Illinois small town, surrounded by people who are always eerily happy and contempt with their life. Vanessa, though, has never been like them - in more ways than one. Even still, she knows how to adapt, and she knows not to get on her father’s bad side. But she’s growing older and she’s tired of spending her days locked in a guarded community. When her mother dies, Vanessa has had enough and begins to run off into the nearest city whenever she can. Despite her father consistently managing to bring her home again, Ness begins to make friends with all kinds of different people, getting to know the type of life she’s always wished for. When Vanessa sees an article about a young girl named Maria, who was locked away by her parents for having powers, she takes off to Indiana to find her and meet someone who could be just like her. Unknowingly, Vanessa is doing exactly what her father wants her to do. But unbeknownst to him, his daughter is a lot smarter than he anticipated. In the strange little town of Hawkins, she meets people who accept her for who she is, people she doesn’t want to betray. So she decides to keep the location of her new friend a secret, not knowing that her father is hot on her heels, and that he knows a lot more than he thinks she does.
Faceclaim: Sadie Soverall
TAGGING: @waterloou @firsthorror @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @jvstjewels @oneirataxia-girl @wordspin-shares @nejires-hado @lucys-chen  
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
Hi there! It is Sarah here! I was wondering if I can have a The Maze Runner, Wednesday, Stranger Things, Harry Potter and Teen Wolf ships please?
Physical Appearance: I have long brown hair with blonde highlights, ocean blue eyes with bluish-purple glasses, I have a curvy but lean body with strong calves thanks to the years of dancing (cheerleading and ballet), horse-riding, running and jumping, I am 5'1 feet tall, I have pale-tan skin with freckles on my face and also I got random moles and freckles on my arms and legs as well and people say I got a smile that can brighten up any room.
Personality: I am an open-minded, kind-hearted, optimistic and friendly girl with a love of learning things like zodiac signs, MBTI types, crystals and Disney etc. I can be very impatient, stubborn, naive and I am also in the spectrum so I can be blunt and quirky only because I see the world in a different way from other people but I see the good in people no matter what and I am loyal and dependable to my friends and family and when someone hurts my friends and my family I can be fiercely protective all over them.
My type for a perfect person: I just want to be my best friend and partner in crime, I want a gentleman or gentlelady who will be proudly hold my hand and being glad that I am their girlfriend, I want someone to bring me flowers and compliments everyday and being the mother/father of my future kids someday and treat me like a queen all the time.
Sexuality and Pronouns: Bisexual (Both male and female preference) and She/Her
Big Three: Sagittarius sun, Cancer moon and Aquarius rising
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Enneagram Type: Type 2 (The Helper)
Temperament Personality Type: Sanguine-Choleric (The Influencer)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Likes: Singing, dancing, acting, writing, reading books, typing, watching Disney movies, Zodiac signs, MBTI types and crystals.
Dislikes: Mean people, vegetables, yelling, someone who hurts the ones I love the most and bullies.
Random Facts: I've been in the school musical productions for 5 years and my childhood nickname was Sarah-Bear.
hi hi!! you have like the coolest hobbies ever I swear it ☹️🫶
I hope these all work for you!! :))
The Maze Runner -> i actually haven't watched the movies,, only read the books so the character I put you with is the book version!
I give you Brenda!
- Brenda would definitely fit your type, she would be your partner in crime and you two would not leave each other's side throughout the trials
- I feel like she'd really surprise you with how much she actually enjoys dancing, informally. She's the a club dancer to classical music I think
- I bet she'd try her best to act with you, dance with you, bring you any flowers she can find without suspicion from wicked
- given that you're in the maze, she probably snuck little things into the box before anyone at wicked could realize just for you
- you'd both be very protective of each other, plus you can both constantly mess with Jorge
Wednesday -> I give you Enid Sinclair!
- She would LOVE to dance with you, sing with you, and even act with you
- Constantly holding your hand bc she loves physical touch especially if she can show off how awesome you are
- You teaching her ballet bc she insisted >>>
- I also think shed be REALLY into zodiac signs + personality tests and you could both talk about them 24/7
- Not to mention you'd both brag about one another and be v protective but in subtle ways
Stranger Things -> I give you Max Mayfield!
- She's not a big dancer, but she'd try for you + you'd try to skate for her and such
- She definitely sings but ONLY around you it's your special thing
- I think you could easily get her into zodiac signs and personality quizzes
- she's the type to be v proud of you, and would definitely show you off
- she's not much of a flowers gal but I think she'd bring you any little nick nacks that remind her of you
- and you're both again VERY over protective of one another!!
Harry Potter -> I give you George Weasley!
- Hear me out, I think he'd be a very very understanding and calm guy with specific people — you being one of them
- You can have fun with him when in public, and expect him to see the beauty in some things you like outside of the public eye!
- he probably would CONSTANTLY have an arm wrapped around you and be v proud of you
- Fred would constantly joke that they're sharing (George definitely is not a fan of that idea)
- He'd dance with you if you asked
- Plus him and Fred doing acting scenes with you >>>
- idk I think it would just work really well!
Teen Wolf -> I've only seen so much of teen wolf, therefore we only have the original cast to choose from (Lydia, Allison, Scott, and Stiles)
I want to give you Lydia!
- she would love to dance and sing with you + she'd convince the others to come to school plays and such!
- I think she'd also know all about zodiacs and personality types
- She'd show you off in person after she got used to not caring about the publics opinion + she'd for sure bring you flowers whenever she remembered too
- writing extra notes for you, learning origami, and then giving you class notes as flowers>>
- she'd just be v supportive of all your endeavors and be v proud she can call u hers!!
I hope you like these!! :))
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aceshavens · 2 years
a quick little drabble, based on the words “ward, guard, youth”
“Alright guys, break it up!”
Max Mayfield groans in relief, immediately skating over to the side of the ice rink and hauling herself over the rim. It’s hard with the forty extra pounds of hockey gear weighing her down, but she’s sure that she manages to look cool regardless. Hawkins wasn’t big enough for an indoor ice rink, so every November a couple of high school jocks were recruited into setting up a slap-shod rink.
It’s nice because they don’t have to worry about seating everyone like in the school gymnasium, and after getting tackled she can stare up into the sky and wallow in her misery for a few seconds before forcing herself up. However, the gusts of wind that had been buffeting her from all sides this entire morning weren’t as pleasant, especially since she’s no longer moving.
It’s days like this, where the sun does little to alleviate the chill of winter that leave Max wishing that she had stayed in California. It is a guilty wish, and a foolish one because if she was still in California she would have never met Lucas. Or El. Or Mike or any of the others. But goddamnit, she missed having winter be a vaguely cool season instead of whatever kind of hell a midwestern winter was. Winter break was still two weeks away for christ sake, Max thinks grumpily.
A hand lands on her shoulder, and she twists around to see Steve smiling at her in his awful earsearing windbreaker. He, of course, looks perfectly fine and not cold at all. Max hates him a little.
“You’re killing it out there kid,” He says, patting her on the back with enthusiasm, “I really liked the way you sent Collin’s scrawny ass flying.”
Max grins at the reminder. Jacob Collins was a scrawny boy barely a year older than her, and he liked to spend most of his time chasing after girl’s skirts and drinking cheap-ass beer. She would have disliked just for that, but he liked to say shit like I can’t believe Harrington let that redhaired bitch join community hockey.
Hence, the hard shove she had given him when he had skated too close to the goalie posts, a move that wasn’t exactly game-legal. Max hadn’t expected for him to go flying, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel bad for him and his broken nose.
“He had it coming,” Is what she decides to say, “He should really pay attention or he’ll be a ‘weakling dragging down the entire team’” She makes quotations marks around the last part of that, and Steve’s grimace tells her that he recognizes from one of Collin’s many, many rants.
“Forget about him, Max. He’s a little punk that’s too cowardly to say shit to your face.” He grins, , “Besides, if you keep on improving you’ll probably be the best player on the team.”
Max scoffs a little, but- Steve is nice, but he’s not a good liar like most nice people are. When he says shit like that, he actually means it. The realization sends a wave of fondness through her, and she scuffs the floorboards with the tip of her skate, looking down so she can hide her smile. She’s pretty sure she fails.
“You really think so?” The words come out more vulnerable than she intended. But Steve doesn’t skip a beat.
“Hell yeah I do.” He pats her back again, harder this time, “You’re a bonafide natural. The poor sods you’re plating against will piss their pants when they see you.”
Max laughs, sharp and high. A couple of the boys glance over, and she can she the way one or two of them blanch at whatever expression is crossing her face right now, Good, she thinks fiercely, they should be afraid.
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cr1msonpeak · 4 days
[ Truth is, I’m not handling it very well. Max Mayfield to Sophie Bone. ]
The centuries hardened her beyond measure, but the sight, the speech of young Max was truly worth the indescribable heartache. She liked to think she walked through life with a certain dignity and grace, but upon witnessing the nature of @acceptedrisk, someone centuries younger than she, it forced Sophie to gravely reconsider. Where her commonly harsh tongue would throw stones and cast great judgement, her face instead resembled something one might call soft… which wasn't too inviting compared to usual standards, just a tad gentler, not so cemented. Rooted in her inheritance was her father's sharp tone and calloused soul, but more importantly, the blessing of her mother's good heart was passed down. She was soft with Max, in the way she's tender with little Jane, but never does she lie to them, not even to protect. ‘ I am afraid it takes quite some time to... adjust, ma chérie; if you even will is still a mystery. 'Tis not a simple thing, nor shall it ever be. Change is très difficile, no matter the circumstance. ’ And death was a dire one, indeed.
Lady Bone reached forth— there's so much tension inside her, to the extent where the elder can feel it, taste it in the air. She'd existed in ruins from the cradle to cremation, but at least now she's been given the children she was seemingly unworthy of back in her own time. Despite sorrows' desperate attempt to smother her completely, the familiar sight of sheer innocence is enough to reel back, resuscitating a long murdered heart. The eyes once vacant and smile feigned, replaced with a determined fixation, a role denied before the earth claimed her to rot. Sophie's fingers lingered in max's hair; even after it was tucked neatly behind her ear, the hand remained persistent.
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‘ You do not have to handle anything, child. We all must grieve for what we have lost, and no one here expects any less. ’ (I know it's bad when you look outside, but bad people no longer live in our home!) Index finger and thumb move to gently pinch Max's chin, drawing up her head, assuring she was listening, eye contact fiercely consistent. Words lapped with a hint of venom on the lips, although deeply contradicted by the flesh touch still gentle. ‘ Do you understand? ’
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usagirln12003 · 3 months
Jane "Eleven" Hopper: Hogwarts AU
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Jane Hopper is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 19th of February 1982 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1993, being sorted into Hufflepuff House.
She has a Willow wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
Her Patronus is Non-Corporeal.
Her favorite subject is Charms and her least favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Raised inside the Department of Mysteries and completely deprived of socialization, Eleven was timid, socially withdrawn and extremely cautious of other people. However, she became fiercely protective and showed unyielding loyalty towards those who cared for her, especially to Mike whom she fell in love with, to the point of sacrificing herself to destroy the dementor when it threatened to harm her friends. Even after being separated for a year, Eleven showed considerable determination in saving her friends by reuniting with them at Hogwarts under a fake name when she sensed them to be in grave danger.
If Eleven attempted to defy Dr. Brenner's orders when under his control, she would be locked in a cramped room as punishment, potentially for hours on end. These painful experiences lead her to develop severe claustrophobia. She also showed some signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, frequently remembering her harrowing experiences at the department following her escape.
Despite her life being clouded with people manipulating and bullying her, El is shown to be incredibly empathetic, sweet, and curious about the world. Her sheltered life has left her incredibly emotional, becoming distraught easily in a dangerous or somber setting. As she grows older, El never loses her compassion, but begins to be careful on who to extend that compassion to. El's friends and family are her upmost priority, willing to do anything and everything for them even if it threatens her life.
Due to a very limited vocabulary, she could not effectively communicate her thoughts and emotions and had little to no understanding of simple concepts such as friendships or promises. These difficulties communicating often lead to misunderstandings with her friends. Despite this, she was a quick learner and came up with creative ways of explaining concepts as shown when she flickered the curtaibs to explain the nature of the Veil of Death.
Episodes of intense stress and fear had the potential to trigger Eleven's magic, releasing it in unpredictable and sometimes dangerous ways. She was reluctant to harm innocent life and had no malicious intent but was sometimes forced to maim or kill in extreme circumstances. She did not take this lightly as these instances were always followed by strong feelings of guilt and self-loathing (not to mention the physical toll these acts had on her body). Despite having killed before, upon being pressured by Kali into trying to kill, she refused to after seeing the man she was about to kill had children and then stopped Kali from killing him. In every event of having to resort to killing someone, she has done it in self-defense.
After nearly an entire year of living with Hopper, Eleven's vocabulary expanded significantly, although she still struggled to understand complex words and social cues. Eleven also learns to be more independent when she forms a friendship with Max Mayfield and to start making her own choices. When discovering Vecna's return, Eleven became onboard to stopping him and when viewing the memories of the possessed Billy Hargrove, she sympathizes with him for having an abusive father which allows him to break free from Vecna's control over him.
When losing her father temporarily, El is forced into a new environment at Durmstrang that leaves her having difficulty adjusting to social interaction beyond her Hogwarts friends. As bullying from her classmates worsens to the point she acts out with physical violence, El sinks into a solemn belief that she is a "monster" instead of the "superhero" her friends put her up as. Upon having the chance to regain control of her powers, El undergoes a special training program, and slowly overcomes her belief that she is a "monster", overpowering Brenner's manipulation and coldly rejecting his dying attempts to gain sympathy for his horrific actions.
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groveofhares · 4 months
It is a name among Hunters as ruthless, no mercy, kill any monster without question. They are known for their cruel almost inhumane tactics on any monster, believing that an only good creature was a dead one. Even killing humans that support monsters or help them.
Neil Hargrove is one of them, but he was not only cruel to monsters, he was cruel and abusive to his son who was taught almost the day he was born that he was a hunter that there was no other life besides that. That killing and hunting was a reward.
William was not like any Hargrove, as a child, he was kind, almost to kind. He took after his mother who was gentle and supportive, but also fierce. She wanted her boy to not take the life of a hunter, to do what her son wanted. Neil and her fought over it until the day she left, Billy still hoped she was safe somewhere but feels his father may have done something, but without her, Neil abused Billy, making him cold.
When Susan entered the picture, she had no idea what would happen, falling for Neil's charm. Billy gained a younger step-sister who Neil believed was more bait than hunter material, seeking to throw Maxine into horrible situations that lured out monsters for Billy and Neil to kill.
It was one night that almost got Max and Billy killed. A hunting that went bad. Neil fled like some coward, leaving the siblings to fend off a pack of monsters they'd never seen before, things Billy now remembered as Kitsune who, after nearly killing the two, shown they were just protecting their children when the hunters attacked unprovoked, leaving the Hargrove-Mayfield step siblings alone.
It was in that moment Billy returned home, battered with a hurt Max, finding Neil and Susan gone. Billy broke into the armory, while Max took clothing and food. The two packing weapons, clothing, food, other items. And stole all the cash they could find before leaving into the night in Billy's Camaro.
He drove with Max, only stopping to refuel or sleep. Finding themselves in backwards bumfuck Hawkins, Indiana where his car finally stopped for good. Finding resources for a little apartment, and no one questioning the step-siblings. Billy works as a lifeguard while Max attends school, him wanting her to live normally but also giving her a choice to be a hunter and to have knowledge of what is out there, but also making sure Neil and the Hargrove's heinous kills died with Billy who breaks the cycle by helping the supernatural.
His code is if the being isn't harming or killing for pleasure than he will leave them be. If they are doing what needs to be done to survive, he doesn't mind. Only hunting when he is sure the supernatural is truly evil, and mostly for extra pay because hey, he had a little shit bird to feed.
Billy is more trained in hand to hand, but is a good shot to if he had to be.
A little later he gains Flayed powers, survives the Starcourt and can use the power if he needs to without being controlled by the Mind Flayer.
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
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Lucas Sinclair ( @liiabilities​ ) liked for a starter from Max Mayfield!
      Dying sucked. But what sucked more was physical therapy, it was like torture and humiliation all rolled into one neat little gruelling 45-minute session with a man she swears took some sort of sick pleasure out of watching her struggle, all with a smile on his face and gross positivity that she was doing great. Max had been fiercely independent, from the second she could walk and talk as a kid, and now she could barely pick up a glass of water herself without spilling it everywhere.
      Lucas had been amazing, an honest to god lifesaver in every sense of the word. There hadn’t been a single day in the last three months he hadn’t showed up, even before she woke up, Steve tells her how he barely left her side; how he had to drag his ass home to sleep and shower with the promise that Steve would be there until Lucas came back. But that doesn’t save him from being the target of her frustrations, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, stupid fucking water” she curses sending the glass flying and water spilling all over the hospital sheets as Lucas walks into her room. She groans flopping back on the bed in sheer frustration, red rimmed eyes and face flushed in embarrassment, of course Lucas would walk in at that exact moment. “I hate this.” she groans, every inch of her body aching from PT, “can you like, call the nurse or something or just suffocate me and put me outta my misery.” a dry laugh catching in her throat as she reluctantly pulls herself back to sit up in bed.
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lovemikage · 2 years
— for you, the world
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summary: max tries to be a good friend. really, she does.
content warnings: max is TWENTY!!!!!!, reader is like 18-19, brothers best friend!max, fem!reader ty to liyah for helping edit this i love u, no explicit smut between the two, reader gets off to the thought of max, slight perv!max (she watches), crybaby!reader, max is sweet and i love her, uhhh that's it
wc: 1.61k
“Aye, Henderson — Wheeler, fuck off, i’m trying to get a hit in!”
Your brother’s voice booms throughout the living room and it makes you grimace – why the hell were you even here?
“Can you stop yelling? You guys are so fucking annoying!”
Ah, that’s why. The powerful force of red hair and rage that sits next to you.
Maxine Mayfield. You’ve had a crush on her ever since she moved to Hawkins and started hanging out with your brother’s group of friends – she was just so dreamy! So strong, and sweet, and always made you feel included, and–
There’s a hand on your shoulder. 
“You okay, bub? I know you hate when they’re loud.”
You blink. Snap yourself out of whatever daydream you’d been having about Max protecting you from the world and maybe making out with you. Turn your head and look at her with eyes so wide and pure that it makes her want to ruin you. 
She snaps herself out of it.
The look she’s giving you feels loaded and you don’t know why. She isn’t mad at you, right? You can’t tell, but there’s an intensity in those ice blue eyes that makes you shiver and clench your legs just a bit tighter.
“Y-yeah – m’okay, Maxie! Just – might go up to my room for a little bit. K-kinda, um – kinda getting bored down here, and I have a test tomorrow, and – uh, yeah! Gotta go! Beat their asses for me!”
And then you’re scurrying off the couch and up the stairs, ignoring Max’s (and now your brother’s) worried gaze. You feel hot. 
The second you get to your room you’re collapsing onto the bed, chest heaving with shaky breaths while you replay the last two minutes or so. Quite literally nothing happened, and yet you feel like everything happened. Max looked like she wanted to eat you. Like – like a predator, almost…
You slow your breathing. Close your eyes and let your mind wander like you’re so accustomed to doing, thoughts consumed by your Maxie.
There we go. Nothing calms you down like thinking of her, you realize – and maybe you might be a bit obsessed, but that wasn’t a problem if no one knew about it. 
You couldn’t help it. Ever since she came into your life she’d been your protector, someone to count on – sure, the rest of the boys acted like you were their little sister, but she was different. She talked to you, asked you how your day was, yelled at the boys when they were bugging you – hell, she even helped you with your homework sometimes. You could text her random selfies and outfits without feeling self conscious, always giggling gleefully at the “lookin good, babe!” you would get in response. It was almost like she was your girlfriend. Almost.
Wouldn’t that be nice, though? If your Maxie really was your Maxie? You think she’d be a good girlfriend – caring, passionate, the type to love fiercely. Fierce. What a good adjective to describe her. 
You shiver; the hand that had been resting on your stomach is stroking right above the waistband of your skirt, now, almost like you’re teasing yourself. You think this is how Max would touch you, if she was your girlfriend.
She’d probably be a fierce lover, too, you think – not selfish, never, but a bit rough. Brazen, maybe – the type to shove her hand down your pants and rub your clit in harsh circles just. Like. that. 
“Mmph–!” You squeak the moment your fingers make contact with your clothed cunt, a crude imitation of the things you think Max is capable of. It’s like little lightning bolts jolting through you. It’s so good. 
You shake your head, bringing yourself back to your thoughts. She’d probably have you stripped down by now, discard your jean skirt somewhere on your plush carpet (you make sure to do the same). She’d push your panties to the side just because she thinks it’s sweet how cute they make you look while she defiles you. 
She’d coo, tell you you’ve got such a pretty pussy, then insert a finger and curl. 
Your back arches up off the bed, eyes squeezed shut. It’s so good, you’ve never fingered yourself before, and the sting of the stretch only makes it better – because, in your head, it’s coming from your Maxie.
“S-so good – Maxie, Maxie, s’so good…” You’re whimpering to yourself, thankful that you’re alone upstairs and the loud sound of Super Smash Brothers can drown you out downstairs. You pump your one finger in lazily, adding another one when you get used to the stretch and start to need more (because Max would want you to be full, obviously). Your hips start bucking up to meet your hand and you have to turn so you can whine into the pillow instead, tears brimming your eyes while you try to hump yourself to completion.
But it isn’t working, and you sob and sniffle because it’s not fair, you just want to cum, your Maxie would make you cum, so why can’t you?
You’re so caught up in your own head that you don’t feel your phone buzzing at your side, your brother’s contact lighting up the screen.
You good? I’m sending Max up there ok? Just in case its girl stuff or whatever. 
– – – – – – – – – – 
Max is…confused. You had never run off from her like that before (well, sometimes, but usually it was when she got too close – she’d just figured you didn’t really like people being in your bubble, and she could respect that). She was just worried the boys had been bugging you too much, she knows how anxious you could get. 
She’s almost relieved when your brother sends her to go check on you. 
“I think she’s on her period or something, just go make sure she’s not upse – Byers, you asshole, don’t hit me off the platform –!”
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, already halfway up the stairs by the time he finishes his sentence. Max loved your brother, she really did, but god, he was an idiot sometimes. 
She’s worried while she walks down the hall to your room – she hopes she didn’t scare you, she tries not to. She knows she can be really abrasive sometimes, but – 
Was that a whine? 
“F-feels good, Maxie, don’t stop, p-please–”
No, yep, that’s a whine. Your whines. And it’s of her name.
Her hand’s shaking as it reaches up to twist your doorknob, pushing forward just slightly so she can peek through the crack. This is heinous. Awful. Something pervy teenage boys do when they can’t control their hormones. And yet she feels her cunt clench, wet heat pooling in her panties. 
Apparently she’s not any better than a teenage boy. Nice. 
But could you blame her? You just look so…cute; so frustrated, all high, needy whimpers, tears staining your pillow. You’re bucking your hips into your hand like you can’t cum and she can tell that you need help. You need her.
Max has, of course, always felt protective over you, but she never told you why. When you were younger, you reminded her a bit of herself – brash and bumbling and terrified to make new friends. By the time she’d grown into herself, you hadn’t – so she wanted to help you, in whatever way you needed. At that time, it was showing you how to skateboard or how to help you do a hard math problem. 
As you both grew, her affection…changed. Got darker, stronger, more romantic than platonic. Max hated it. Your brother had welcomed her into his friend group with welcome arms and she’s gonna repay him by crushing on his baby sister? Fat fucking chance.
But you made it so hard, always prancing around in your tiny skirts and hanging off of her arm like you didn’t know what you were doing. And you didn’t, of course you didn’t, because for whatever reason you idolized her and wanted to be around her all the time. She didn’t have the heart to push you away like she knew she should, so she let you stay there, simultaneously too close and not nearly close enough. She wanted to keep you close, lest you stray to someone else — she knew how boys were, and she knew they definitely wanted to do all of the depraved things to you that she did.
 But you wanted her – really wanted her, she could see it in the way your slick sticks to your fingers while they pump in and out of your puffy cunt, how your pretty ass is arched up perfectly. It’s like you’re trying to get her in trouble. 
And you are. Clearly.
“M-maxie, can’t do it myself – need you, please–”
She jumps. Almost falls back onto the hallway carpet. You’re looking at her, glassy eyes wide in the way that makes her want to jump on you. You’re asking her to help you, not your fantasy her –
And Max had always been awful at saying no to you.
She rushes into the room immediately, clicking the door closed behind her and locking it for good measure. Of course you’d forgotten to do that. Silly.
The bed dips under her weight, pale hands cupping your face. Her voice is a sweet coo, just like you thought it’d be, reassuring and warm and safe. Your lashes flutter and you sniffle – you’re so frustrated, so close. You need it.
You whimper when she pulls one of her hands away and Max shushes you, letting you nuzzle into her other one, her thumb wiping your tears away softly. Her free hand reappears to tap against your hip; her touch feels scalding, but her voice soothes it immediately.  “Shhh, shhh, baby, why’re you crying, huh? C’mon, turn over for me – show me where you need me, okay? We’re gonna make you feel all better.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – 
tags: @fleurecrits @heartshapedcigarette
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