littlenin · 1 year
continuing from this thread | @voicilasirene
Nin delighted in attending to Anouk. Such a beauty, with her prideful nature and her cold eyes. Nin would love to be more like her, so very ruthless.
She smiles softly at her. "You did seem a little distracted, piisaao." It's with fondness that she listens to her thoughts, brushing her hair softly with her fingers. "I didn't hear about that... I know little about the pirates. It seems I only encounter the lost boys," she hums thoughtfully at the realisation.
"But he was turned to dust?" She repeats, mouth hanging open for a moment. "Does that happen to the legged-folk? I had no idea," she's beyond fascinated, but beyond that, she hurts for Anouk. She pouts prettily.
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"I'm so sorry," she says. "To have your plans ruined like that... It's no good, really. This island is so harsh to someone who plans things so carefully, like you."
As she does the finishing touches for Anouk's lovely hair, she smiles at her. "But do you have a new target in sight? I'm sure it'll go better next time. How could it not? You deserve a good meal!"
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crimsonbathed · 1 year
" becasue i'm nice and pretty. "
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Amusement resided upon the features of the exile. Her lips twisted upwards, revealing freshly stained canines. Slim digits danced across the thick bones which were resting on the rocks before her. The scent of salt water stung, assaulting her senses in a way that threatened to make her face scrunch up. If it wasn't for the fact she was enjoying this little game so very, very much, she just might have grimaced at the very presence of the ocean. Such a disgusting place. From a distance, it would always be beautiful, the sea foam from distressed splashing, that brief transitioning moment where the merfolks eyes are still a beautiful void. It was nice, in theory. Yet the smells were overpowering. Bitter, reminding her of that dreaded flight she had made when she first arrived upon the island. Suffering through the misery, Carrion bit her cheek and stood upon the rocks before Anouk.
In her hands was a pile of bones, FAR too big for her. Thick gossamer held ribs together, connecting the pieces with a segmented spinal cord. If the garment were to be held up by someone large enough to display it in its entirety, they would discover that it was a corset of sorts. Dyed spider-webbing outlining the bones which would adorn the merfolk's own ribcage, drawing wandering lost boys eyes to the glistening accessories. Seashells and starfish decorated the space between the ribs, held in place by a thin layer of webbing. For it had been made with Anouk specifically in mind, and creating it had taken what felt like months. For Anouk was one of the few merfolk that Carrion properly enjoyed conversation with. Both were capable women, though, both were confined to their 'habitats'. For Anouk to learn of things upon the land when Peter was too busy to make visits, required Carrion, and for Carrion to retrieve bones from the sea, she required Anouk. A symbiotic relationship, that she was quite happy with.
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"While both of those are true, I'm not so sure yet. How should I know whether or not the water droplets clinging to the webs, will look as I envisioned it?" Carrion mused, arching a brow as sage green hues found their way to the merfolk. "What if it damns your visage? That would truly be something awful, for we wouldn't want you to miss a meal, or look anything less than your best! But-" She cooed, a mischievous smirk haunting the corner of her lips. "If you REALLY do want it, I suppose I could part with it."
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lowetyde · 1 year
well... that's gruesome.
*PROMPT : as said by varric.
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pure loathing. the look, sharp as a dagger's edge, shot in anouk's direction before those azure eyes rolled with the usual eccentric drama. how simple of her to think so ! any slight or mar would appear like the becoming of death to a creature as untouched as her.
marlowe nursed the cut, concealing it with his palm and pressing down ( yet trickles of blue blood still spiraled through the cracks ). " if this is the most garish thing you've witnessed, your eyes are more innocent than i was to believe. " , he spat in bitter mocking. she was beauty and grace personified, second only to one. it was not fair not fair not fair !
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" as lovely as your company is, i'd much prefer to languish in solitude. go entertain some other empty-headed dolt with your sugar-coated words. this wound is misery enough, i do not wish to suffer a migraine with it. "
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exiled-eyes · 1 year
❝ if you ask me, i’m a very trustworthy person. ❞
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"I believe everyone would say the same thing if asked." Salty water bit at the quartermasters ankles as wave upon wave crashed against the rocky shores. Each cold lick at their heels reminding them of the danger that they placed themself in whenever they dared to come this far across the island. To place themself within the wolves den, creeping along the outskirts with a foolish hope that none will strike at them. The rocks shifted beneath bare feet as Cecco slowly walked forwards, hands resting within the pockets of their frock coat.
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"Tell me dear," A smirk pulled at the corners of their lips as burnt umber hues fell towards the waters edge, where Anouk rested. Breath hitched within their throat for but a moment, as it did no matter what merfolk they gazed upon, their eyes trailing over her features. A honeyed voice paired with a face as delicate as a string of fresh pearls, but those teeth- the hungry gaze of a predator, all served as a reminder of just what demon resided beneath such beauty. These people? Creatures? They all held an otherworldly beauty that could hold the attention of even the most steadfast man or woman who was unfortunate enough to cross paths with one.
Curls lulled to the side as Cecco tilted their head. Coming to a stop, their body turned to face the open ocean, knees bending as they squatted down to get a better look at her. "-are you trustworthy because you only rely on yourself, or because you only answer to yourself?"
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somedayking · 6 years
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avntures · 6 years
y’all know this already but i uhh never really like running multis bc i feel like it’s harder to focus on all my muses as much as i want to / usually do on separate blogs but id end up w so many blogs if i didn’t use a multi and most people would prob get bored trying to keep up w which one i’m on so!  i’m just sittin here complaining!
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netcongrecords · 8 years
Smorgasbord 4.
"It's like having a coin and not knowing in which country it is legal tender."
In Print: Animal Meditations vols. 1-3, engineered by Colin Everest, are available here. Nice press is here.
"The possessed are not possessed by what is coming but by what is coming back."
Forthcoming: net cong, La Troisieme Depeche (Netcong Records #027A-C). Depeche Men, Mar. 2, 2017; Depeche Moves, Mar. 9, 2017; Depeche Moses, Mar. 16, 2017;
Craig Champlin, Ernie Bedlam Stories (Netcong Records #028 (TXT)), Mar. nth, 2017.
The Natural Blush, Anouk Aimee (tentative?) (Netcong Records #029), Apr. nth, 2017.
net cong, Processional Music, Sioux Falls, SD, June 3, 2017, venue TBD.
"Life is so continuous that we divide it into stages, and we call one of them death."
Netcong Records #010A The Natural Blush, The Moment of the Natural Blush (Raw Materials);
 Netcong Records #010B The Natural Blush, The Moment of the Natural Blush (Completely Conditioned);
Netcong Records #011 The Natural Blush, “Shanks/Monroe Doctrine,” b/w “I Will Make a Fisher” & “Small Symphony”;
Netcong Records #013 net cong, Week w/ Two Sundays” b/w “First Laguna Suite”.
"The room was a portrait of an empty stomach."
News from #netcong: the house was empty but the bed was warm.
Why we play the game #22.
All excerpts above from Clarice Lispector, The Passion According to G.H (1964).
C. Ev.
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