#{ I think that Mika has a love of potential with love though. }
yuichiroswife · 2 years
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Romantic Interest.
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Ooooh so you're romanceable. :))) And even if you personally are not (and are some flavor of aro/ace) know that there is so much about you that is just romantic in the ways that a painting or poem can be romantic. There's this softness, beauty and emotion to you that is magnetic to people, and you get more complex the longer people know you until all of the sudden it clicks. You're the character that gets explored a lot more deeply than others, or should be, as the more anyone learns about you, the more wonderful you become in their eyes. Even the things you aren't a fan of within yourself are details that humanize you to others and make you this tangible, living wonder. So don't hide those parts of yourself away, they are beautiful in a way that the important people in your life will or already have learned to marvel at. <3
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Tagged by: @crxstallium​
Tagging: Steal it from me and make sure to tag me.
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unhappytimeleaper · 1 year
Hii can I request yandere Mika hcs please?
requested by anonymous
Word Count; 4,200
Okay, so requests for just general headcanons are hard for me because usually there is just so much I could go off of. I tried my best to whittle down this to where it wasn’t overwhelming but still enough to capture the main points of what I wanted. I ended up cutting out some ideas because I couldn’t keep writing; I wanted to edit and finish this. I’m sorry. 
Also p.s. I’m a very small account with less than 150 followers. I only get notes occasionally, and I say this because I still regularly have minors interact, and I will instantly be able to see that and block you. I’m 100% aware the bigger accounts grow, the harder it can be for one person to check, but none of you are being sneaky, and I don’t care about likes/reblogs enough to let it slide. Go away. I don’t like you if you are actively a minor trying to save my work. If you can read all 4,000 words of this, you can read where it says don’t interact if under Seventeen. Even while getting ready to post this I had an ageless blog like my last post like no.  
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Kagehira Mika; Unedited. Gender Neutral Reader.
CW; this is a clusterfuck. Yandere everything. Stalking, jealousy, unsolicited photography, stealing, manipulation, violence [against Mika, not reader], isolation, potential kidnapping, power imbalances, paranoia, other characters enabling yandere’s actions, and dismissal of feelings. Some moments can be read with lewd intentions, though never explicitly stated. Seriously it just has it all.
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
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For a general setup, Mika is. Well, a contradiction in many ways. The best way to put it is just as how others describe him, cat-like. It’s never to say Mika thinks he’s above you, consistently battling himself with the idea of being human over something like a doll, but for someone so ‘below’ you metaphorically, he pulls the strings. In the case of you, his extent of creepy actions, his stalking tendencies, and overall jealousy trap you in the strings of the marionette this time. For someone so below you as he claims, why does he have the power? Why does he not listen to you if he claims you have control over him? Cat-like— pets who rely on humans to bend to their needs and take care of them but still are more of a type to “run a household” rather than wait for the owner to come to them. 
A good example is, say, isolation; you explain to him keeping you alone with little interaction outside of him (and maybe minimal time with Shu or Ritsu) isn’t good; it isn’t healthy. Just a little time together in public, you don’t even need to go alone, just need to stretch and feel the bare sun on your skin even for a few moments; he loves you, right? He cares for you, so this would be better for both of you. He’s so weak-willed and eager to please you for a moment you think he’d easily comply, but it doesn’t work. It sends him more into a panicked frenzy, clinging and cuddling, making all sorts of claims that move too fast to rebuttal. It’s dizzying, and in the end, he remains the one truly in power despite his remarks about being only for your needs. 
Of course, the main this is despite his contradictions in power, overall, he does genuinely often seek to please you. Make no mistake that despite being the one with the upper hand in terms of your future, you still can easily live a life of semi-normalcy if you play your cards right. And even if things get to the extreme, like fully isolated, Mika will bend fate to bring you nearly anything you would ask for. And if he can’t get it, he’ll try anything he can to make it. 
Now to argue, the reasoning behind Mika’s tendencies is pretty apparent. The rooted abandonment issues are a crucial factor, it drives most of his fears and creates logic as to why he feels the need to lock onto people so intensely. He’s a rooted stalker, a mix between being extremely open with it and completely hidden, taking photos constantly without your knowledge, willing to collect all sorts of trash or items he can get his hands on, break-in, and more. There basically isn’t a stone unturned where Mika hasn’t been. Even more part of this comes in despite a fear of talking to strangers; he will threaten them for being ‘too friendly’ and say you two are together even if you aren’t, almost always driving people away from you. This can be found in Mika’s delusional nature of having conversations which he thinks are you giving advice or others telling him, much like how he fantasizes about conversations with Shu when looking for answers to projects. Some of this is attributed to Mika being well aware his emotions are almost always in control. 
Regarding you and others interacting, Mika primarily runs on autopilot. He might not even recall what he says to them; it’s a mix of emotion and adrenaline running the show. The final reason for his tendencies is trying to break out of being a doll. He does have feelings, wants, and desires that he should work to fulfill rather than always being just a doll told everything. It’s a lot of weight and pressure, and one of the things that comes with that is the human desire for love. For attention and validation on a deeper scale, something that the human side eventually craves from you. No longer does he just want to be a doll that falls into the corner waiting to be molded; he knows that as a human, these are things that come with it— even if profoundly misplaced. And as away the human side doesn’t take away from his more meek, submissive attitude that came with a doll mentality, at least not entirely, but it is what makes him realize more the nature of his desires. 
And as mentioned, Mika is… well, gross. Not in a literal sense, okay, maybe slightly literally in the thoughts and extreme hoarding of items he might be willing to take, but it’s more than that. Mika pushes the acceptable bounties; he has little and runs purely on emotions and whims— they control him. His actions are horrendously creepy at times, and his delusions push him to do things that just come off as disturbing. The tragic downside is ES isn’t an ordinary place with ordinary people. The majority of those around him come off more as enablers or too busy to care in the hustle of idol life. Examples being are Shu, Ritsu, and Arashi, all being helpless enablers to Mika and doing little to genuinely help you if it means Mika’s happiness. Cosmic Productions doesn’t care; as long as Valkyrie brings in revenue, then you’re just collateral damage and other companies at ES have little awareness of the reality going in the department. Not to mention I don’t think Crazy:B or Eden has the best members to speak on the subject, with 2wink being the most reasonable you could go to, but often they have enough going on it’s hard to seek solace in them.
And the last main general note is that while things would never be easy and life would always have some level of undertones of there being something wrong seeping from under the surface, Mika is one where you could get away with not being kidnapped and isolated. This doesn’t remove any general problems or underlying creepiness, it might even make it worse, but the idea of available yet moderated freedom might be better than nothing. Nearly all of your attention still needs to go to Mika, and if you would be to play the role of a partner to him, having the chance to still semi-function outside of being locked in some rooms might be a better alternative. This does stems from the fact Mika is willing to bend for you, as long as you comply with parts of his affection even for show. It also doesn’t dilute any aspects like stalking or stealing. But unless there is only full-out rejection of everything, would Mika likely turn to Shu or Ritsu for advice which would supply kidnapping as an alternative route (those little shits). It’s not easy for Mika to transport you to the dorm or Shu’s apartment to keep you locked up, and as mentioned, once isolated, getting Mika to let up and let you leave is nearly nonexistent even if you begin to return his advances (both for show or genuine). Overall, this is to say kidnapping is never a guaranteed ending with Mika, unlike with many others but not ever out of the question either. It can come very suddenly and always a looming presence if you aren’t willing to give into Mika’s fantasies. 
Okay, so that is the central portion. Now some more miscellaneous items. 
For one, Mika genuinely doesn’t mind if you use violence against him. Not saying he wants it necessarily; it’s not some masochistic desire to be hit, kicked, and generally beaten by you. But it doesn’t serve as a functional way to get him to stop or go away. He is essentially any attention is still attention. You’re mistaken if you think that while he is crying, clawing at your legs and hips for attention, a quick slap or kick to get him to let go will work. It might somehow many him latch on harder, claiming that it’s okay, you can do it again, it helps you calm down, just let him stay. Keep giving him the attention, the validation. And even worse this behavior is something Mika is willing to do in public if pushed or called out enough. Any terms of thinking you’re abandoning or leaving him creates an overdrive in him, quickly transforming into someone willing to beg to keep you around. In public, it’s made worse because not only does he look like the one being hurt by you— he’s an idol. Well-known one too, and if something terrible happens to him, it will only come back and hurt you. Either through die-hard fans or the company scolding you. Violence not only spurs Mika more but damages your livelihood in the bigger picture, making it null any tactic to help with the burden of Mika’s tendencies. 
However, this extends to one important thing. Your actions don’t really hurt Mika? Even on a physical level. It’s well noted Mika has an extremely high pain tolerance and that it would take a lot for him to acknowledge something hurting him in a way that would temporarily take him out. He doesn’t mind being physically hurt not only because it has some power dynamics and he’s doing anything to please you, but even in the case there is that contraction of him still having the upper hand. He gives you the permission to hit or kick him, likely because he has an awareness of being able to take it without it limiting his hold on you and still giving that outlet to you. Even if these are subconscious choices, it’s unsettling how much control he still has between his physicality benefits, idol career, and connections. Mika truly is a powerhouse in this way, and violence to him practically cannot solve anything as a means of escape, even if he offers it as stress relief or punishment to himself. 
Another big thing for Mika is forgetting the past and focusing on the future. There was before you, and then there is now. Anything before does not matter, and in a sense, he sort of expects this from you as well. Ex-partners, ex-crushes, ex-situation-ships; none of those matter now that he is here, and you better feel the same of these things being ‘dead.’ Photos or any other sentimental item need to be wiped away, and your mind shouldn’t need to wander back to them because you have something more now and forever. This idea of focusing on the future/now also relates to how many delusions and ideas for how things will work out between you in the long term. Marriage, starting a family, domestic life as a whole— Mika spends much of his time picturing and creating pieces that inspire him of this future as well as daydreaming of what life could become no longer attached to his past. 
Some more quick round-head canons; Mika will fill up notebooks and writing your name and his name. Pretty much any cross-over you can think of. Just your name with hearts, your name and his name with hearts, your first name and his last name, his first name and your last name, a teased ship name given from Arashi— the list can go on. It’s scribbled messily, and other times written with such extreme care. It’s only loose papers and trash, on his sketch designs and doodled with his finger on tables. Not only does he do it as a practice of his handwriting and the love of seeing your name written with that, but the combinations he can make feel like a validation of the closeness he has. Much like any early crush, it’s some comfort level of daydreaming— regardless of the actual proximity you have with one another. Also yes, he will lose loose pages and if you don’t know what he’s doing it’s very creepy the first few times. Or hundred. The amount of times he writes your names together is beyond comfort; very heavily boarding on obsessive. 
Mika is also not great at conversations, with mostly everyone but the awkwardness is pushed even more with you. There is too much pressure, and his feelings run in such high control that it often comes out as a mix of self-deprecating, worshipping you, and trying to act like a normal mess. It’s almost always awkward even if you try to ease him and are kind, and it does kinda become worse the longer it goes on because this is when his stalking, photography, and niche personal things become apparent in conversations. If you didn’t think he was stalking you beforehand or at least didn’t catch him, you’d be given many hints the more he talks to you. This extends from the fact he does everything possible to get materials and content he knows interests you. Even if you think it’s something knows one would know you like, Mika does somehow and will in passing bring it up in the weirdest form of trying to have a casual conversation. Books, CDs, and TV shows and stuff are all a part of his hoarding connection about you simply because you like it.  Even if it never would be something he’d look up on his own, he’d do anything to connect and relate even more to you. There never is any proof you can’t call him out other than having suspicions which, once again, little to anyone would take seriously, but you can’t help but feel Mika knows more than he is truly letting on. 
Will do any and everything for you if he can; carrying items, buying you things, cleaning stuff— of course, be careful asking him for this because he might take advantage of you letting him get this close to such personal tasks— but there never is anything he doesn’t offer to do. Idol work might get in the way, though, he can’t neglect his job, but any other time he is on your heels, waiting to do anything he can for you. And sure, at first, it’s nice. It lifts some burdens or comes off as Mika being Mika offering to give more than needed to anyone. But buying you things often comes off with a strange energy radiating off of them, even if there is seemingly nothing wrong. Him cleaning or doing simple domestic tasks, such as laundry, ends up with some things being missing or damaged. You notice so many other weird things in your apartment if he offers to clean. And carrying items,  while seemly harmless, still just makes your stomach churn. He fully just shows up out of nowhere on the most random shopping tasks offering his help and pushing closer and closer to you. What once was Mika feeling like his strange but overall kind, sweet nature stepping up to help an overworked staff member turns exhausting, skin-crawling offer. Even if he usually looks all sweet and innocent offering. Damn, the fact he does have some cuteness charm regardless of his actions. 
Arashi coming in clutch again being an enabler to Mika!! Upon teaching Mika about selfies and the momentum of photos… Mika gets a little too on board with this. He takes photos whenever he can, both blurry and crisp, highly focused or landscape of you, anywhere and everywhere. There are so many pictures he has and collects, often finding it hard to delete any one of them because there is something special attached to each one. Selfies and other photos he can get with you, either to your knowledge or without it are probably the most important to his collections. The second ones are those that either are from dates or situations that Mika dates. He is willing to print them off and keep them all over, even having dedicated spaces and boxes of printed photos or simply made posters. There would probably be some specific photo he becomes horrendously attached to as well, much like having one of Shu he constantly uses to talk to or seek advice from. 
The reason to account for the photos is because, as I’ve touched on, Mika is a filthy hoarder. He will legitimately take whatever he can get his hands on if he thinks it has some value to you. While I think depending on the item, particular trash isn’t seen as valuable or limited value others have much more. For example, plastic utensils aren’t valued at much; you used it once and then got rid of them, which has very little value to you. But say a silverware from your kitchen, chopsticks/spoon/whatever you use daily, has that value level and is worth wanting to keep for his own use. If you wear makeup, an empty lipstick/chapstick tube will be more sentimental or valued than a used tissue. This can also be found in the fact he’s mainly sharing spaces. While he still is a hoarder and does his best to keep his collection out of the main sight or in a place that isn’t easily accessed, there is always a chance someone could come to clean out those spaces. Something like a tissue is more likely to get loaded and thrown away, while Mika could better justify a chapstick holder as being able to be kept. This doesn’t change the fact that he is able and willing to collect a lot of gross things, such as well willing to have a container of bath water of yours if he could easily get it or an old notebook you might forget about. Even if it’s just work notes, he’d take it. And Mika might sometimes try to get rid of parts of his collection until he can secure a long-term and connected relationship with you, such as living together; it’s hard for him to part with anything of yours. These items are fucking everywhere too. His dorm, Shu’s apartment, the sewing station, and his area at CosPro. You might even see things you thought you lost just lying around and be able to “steal” them back with how prolific his hoarding is scattered. 
Clothing is the one thing; sadly, you will probably never get back, or at least if you could not in its original form. Mika loves, even obsessively, uses scraps and parts of your clothing in his. Even in the costumes for Valkyrie if he can, so there is a piece of you on stage with him. His use for upcycling extends back to his past, needing to take clothes and items from the trash to even have things of his own to wear, but now it feels much more special. This is rewriting all of the stigma and pain he carried of having nothing more than trash clothes— discarded by people just as he was. Sure, this clothes was stolen and didn’t have your permission to use, but it has the comfort woven into its threads. It smells like you and has the texture from how you cared for it when you washed it. It has the stains and memories of you, the feeling of someone being so loved by you it’s clearly ready to be thrown out finally, so it’s perfect if he repurposes it. He never takes too much, and if you have a clear favorite item Mika knows not to take it; maybe steal it from the wash pile and use it as a pillow cover for a bit, but always have it returned as well. At that time he’d fantasy the domestic life of being together, where he could openly wear his upcycled material of your clothes patched together [and you can wear them too!]. Or where he can take your clothes and wear them without shame or worry of getting them back on time, and the comments you’d make seeing him in your stuff. All of the fantasies turn him bright red, and even the next day, when you greet him, he looks a little more flushed than usual around you.
However yes, many things go missing, but they are often just as much replaced. Simple things are replaced with Mika spending his own money and then finding ways to either customize or make it so the item is uniquely tied to the two of you. Certain things also have trackers in them, but most are just decorative in some way. You remember how you lost your favorite pair of chopsticks when you brought your own lunch that one day. Weirdly enough the next day a new pair ended up in your bag but one bejeweled on the handle to match a particular sewer’s aesthetic while the other matched yours. Or hair clips that you once got as decorative jokes for a photo you and your friends had been planning; you figured you just misplaced them but these new ones you found are nothing like the previous ones aesthetic… If you look too long in a shop at clothing or accessories Mika might not always be able to buy them due to expenses buts he’s well quick to make them, even with the added benefit of it being tailored now specifically to how you prefer. They always end up at your desk so neatly packaged, many coworkers assume it’s perhaps brands trying to get cozy with you for future deals with idol groups but these aren’t the same as what you saw in the window. No, these are too perfect for you to be just any run-of-the-mill store item. The even more unsettling part is how this person managed to get your measurements so spot on if not for measuring you in your sleep. 
There is also one specific way Mika would get caught for the more,, creepy actions. You’d know he could be a bit of a stalker. He has his moments where it’s oblivious he’s following you or others but those always come off more like a kicked puppy trying to follow someone home rather than malicious. Like he wants to interact, but internal conflict holds him back so much he forgets where he is until he is slightly too far behind and stumbles to keep up. If he really wants to stalk, Mika can keep himself hidden. There are other times all his other more ‘bizarre’ actions are qualified as Mika being Mika, like being fatigued after bouts of practice and finding his way to your desk out of habit in hopes to see you rather than going and getting medical attention/rest, or coming to hover around your desk for inspiration like a cat. If you aren’t there, usually you see cheap candies on your desk as a reminder he was there and is probably off looking for you or went back to the workstation much more disappointed than before. For the most part conversation with Mika, you might not lead to believe anything is deeply wrong with his infatuation levels. He’s always spoken weirdly with his doll-like commentary and the idea of letting others “control” him such as Shu and you. Or that his comments tend to come from a lack of understanding rather than outright trying to harm, so you do your best to guide him in topics. You’ve always known his emotional state can be complex, and his childhood likely made it hard to process feelings, resulting him them dominating his sense of self and backfiring into making them more unsettling than maybe he intended [of course while Mika’s perception of the events being vastly different]. All of these would change when you awake in the middle of the night hearing stumbling in your apartment. The first few times you hear a thump or grunt, you believe it’s just your sleepy brain making up stuff. It’s unsettling, and you always can feel your heart rate spike, but you don’t have anything to assume there is something wrong. But it often continues and you’re getting worried. Everything comes rushing into a close of an era when you manage to shake yourself awake one night, hearing a whine from the floor by your bed only to see a mass of dark hair and clothes. None other than Mika, watching you in your sleep— or well trying. 
See while Mika would love to use the nighttime to stalk around your apartment and get things done… his case of night blindness makes it much harder. Walking into walls or furniture, tripping over a bag that wasn’t always there, or simply leaning in too close that he bonked his head into your trying to look at your face before diving under your bed as to tousle around. It never really hurts, but he does let out a startled noise, or the falling is enough to cause a loud sound. But now, you’ve caught him in the act. And many questions are bound to follow in the morning, ones neither of you can escape from. Finding out Mika’s habits won’t change the outcome for him too much; what will is how you choose to follow but it doesn’t matter. He’ll find a way to be around in your life more no matter how you respond. 
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
2wink Album Release Commemoration Solo Live MC Segments
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Both Yuuta-kun and I’s solo songs have a strong message of “let’s keep on moving forward!”, but… Don’t you think both songs shine with their own individuality?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Time: MC①
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Hinata: “Kuu! Chuu! Kuuchuusen!”
Yuuta: “Now is a free-for-all of rave reviews~! ♪ That was our first song, Twinkle Kuuchuusen!”
“Though I was a tad nervous about how the choruses would go since they were written specifically for the album—”
Hinata: “But there was no need to worry! Thanks to you all, it was fun to sing and it felt amazing~! ♪”
“Everyone here at the venue~! Thank you for coming to our commemorative album release live today!”
Yuuta: “Today’s live show will be ruled by 2wink from toe to tip!”
“To express our everyday gratitude for all those who support us, we will be doing “this and that” to show our appreciation~!”
“…Well, Aniki will be. ♪”
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Hinata: What do you mean, “this and that”?! That’s way too much!”
“We’ll do our best to liven things up as we usually do! …Well, “usually” might not be the right word, but stay with us to the end, ‘kay~!”
Yuuta: “Now, our next song, Swee2wink Love Letter. With a love letter from us, we’ll a smile to your face…♪”
Time: MC②
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Yuuta: “—That was our second song, Swee2wink Love Letter. Did our love letter reach your hearts?”
“…Huh, is it that shocking that I went out on stage by myself?”
“I took a shortcut and slipped on out while Aniki’s looking around for me. …Kidding~! ♪”
“No worries! I’m your scheduled MC appearing right as planned, here to introduce himself!”
“Anyhow, hello again! I’m Aoi Yuuta from 2wink!”
“What did you think of our latest album? Were you able to feel 2wink’s potential?”
“I made this album together with Aniki, with all sorts of our feelings and thoughts put into it.”
“I’d be happy if we could convey our growth through our songs.”
“But for this moment, please let me have you all to myself!”
“Next up is my solo song. A WAY OF LIGHT—Right now, please look at me.”
Time: MC③
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Yuuta: “That was A WAY OF LIGHT by Aoi Yuuta.”
“The path you take forward on your own is steep. It’s uneven, and pitch black.”
“But I want to keep moving forward and to keep trying, without stopping. I don’t want to have any regrets.”
“Everyone, if you have a goal, don’t hesitate to take on the challenge!”
“It’ll be alright, if you work hard, surely, you will find your way.”
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Hinata: “Uu~… It’s hard to come out when you’re saying something so “heartfelt”, Yuuta-kun!”
“Or rather, that’s on purpose, isn’t it? It has to be a strategy to monopolize the MC role! I can see right through you! ☆”
Yuuta: “You got me there! As a prize for seeing through my ruse, I’ll let you introduce the next song, Aniki.”
Hinata: “Hooray~! It’s not like I’m actually getting anything, but I like it when it sounds like I get a prize! ♪”
“Here’s our next song! Grasp victory, with Fighting Dreamer!”
Time: MC④
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Hinata: “That was Fighting Dreamer by 2wink!”
“We performed this song around the time we held Twin Peaks.”
“How nostalgic, remember the Meat Bun Eating Contest? We ended up getting a buncha offers from big-eating programs because of that, you know!
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Yuuta: “Yup. But apparently our agency said no, saying that we’re “not that type of idol”.”
“If we had accepted it, maybe there could’ve been a world where we were sold as the “big-eating twin idols”! ♪”
“...By the way, Aniki. You haven’t introduced yourself yet, have you?”
Hinata: “Oh, you’re right! I nearly forgot! Thank you, Yuuta-kun! ♪”
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Hinata: “Hello, I’m Aoi Hinata from 2wink! Are you enjoying the live~?”
“…Ahaha, thanks! We’re starting to reach the homestretch, but let’s make things even more exciting!”
“Next up is my solo song, GO-AHEAD SIGNAL! Are you guys ready? Now, let’s jump on out together!”
Time: MC⑤
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Hinata: “That was GO-AHEAD SIGNAL by Aoi Hinata! Did you guys like my solo song?”
“Both Yuuta-kun and I’s solo songs have a strong message of “let’s keep on moving forward!”, but…”
“Don’t you think both songs shine with their own individuality? My song is like daytime when the sun is shining, and Yuuta-kun’s song is like dusk when the stars begin to appear in the sky.”
“What do you guys think, comparing the two songs? If you liked them, let us know on social media!”
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Yuuta: “And let us know how you felt about the live, too~! ♪”
Hinata: “Huh? What are you doing in that outfit, Yuuta-kun? Isn’t your turn over?”
Yuuta: “Heheh, we don’t get to wear our personalized outfits that often!”
“I figured it’d be a great opportunity to let everyone see us both wear our personalized outfits. It’s a special one-night-only service…☆”
“Now that we’ve received some huge cheers, let’s move onto our next song!”
“Please listen; Turbulent Storm by 2wink!”
Time: MC⑥
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Hinata: “That was Turbulent Storm by 2wink!”
“Hmm? The venue’s going wild…”
“Oh, I get it! Surprised by our outfits?”
“This is the outfit we used for our Repayment Festival live. It’s a school event of sorts, so this is probably the first time a lot of you are seeing it live!”
“…We look nice in the calm vibes it gives? Ahaha, thank you~! ♪”
“I like the outfits we wore for Twinkle Kuuchuusen, too. We can wear all sorts of outfits now, compared to our debut.”
“Not just that. We’ve been able to release a new album, we’re now able to perform all on our own—”
“And we were able to have our long-awaited namesake program, 2×2!”
“And it’s all thanks to everyone for supporting 2wink. Really, thank you! ♪”
“Together with Yuuta-kun, I will continue to keep on moving forward. Thank you for all your support of 2wink~! ♪”
“Here’s our next song! 2×2’s theme song, Love×me⇄monsteR!”
“More selfishly than anyone else, we’ll shine on, peace…☆”
Time: MC⑦
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Yuuta: “That was Love×me⇄monsteR by 2wink! Has everyone checked out our namesake program, 2×2?”
“Ahaha, that was our loudest cheer yet today~! ♪ Our viewership rating is 100% here! ☆”
Hinata: “Seems a lot of people look forward to seeing the “friends” Yuuta-kun and I call in each episode—”
“How about next time we do a “Making New Friends” episode? Onii-chan’s worried about your friendships, Yuuta-kun!”
Yuuta: “Eh~, don’t “onii-chan” me. I don’t intend to invite any friend other than Shinobu-kun!”
“Anyways, I feel those who watch our program get excited to watch each episode to see if I’ll invite someone else!”
“That’s why I firmly only call in Shinobu-kun. It’s called strategy! ♪”
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Hinata: “Is that what it is~? I have a feeling you’re just making stuff up~…”
Yuuta: “You’re imagining it, “Onii-chan”. ♪”
“Well, let’s take the opportunity to all sing together! ♪ Mischievous Party Time!!, and Sugar Spice Houteishiki!”
Time: MC⑧
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Hinata: “That was Sugar Spice Houteishiki! That’s it for today’s live! Everyone, did you have fun?”
Yuuta: “…Ahaha, thank you so much for all the applause! ♪”
“We’re so happy to have been able to see everyone’s smiling faces!”
“Let’s all have fun together again sometime. Goodbye~!”
Hinata: “Bye bye, seeya then~! ♪”
Time: MC⑨
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Yuuta: “Thank you guys so much for the encore!”
“Everyone’s cheers reached all the way backstage! ♪”
Hinata: “All your passionate feelings reached us! We also felt we hadn’t sung enough!”
“If they want us to sing this much, we have no choice, don’t we, Yuuta-kun? ♪”
Yuuta: “That’s right, Aniki! ♪ Let’s all enjoy the final song together! Here’s 2wink, with—”
Hinata & Yuuta: BRAND NEW STARS!!”
Time: MC⑩
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Hinata: That was BRAND NEW STARS!! Everyone, thank you so much for coming to our solo live today!”
“I’m so happy to have gotten an encore~! It really encourages me to keep doing my best! ♪”
Yuuta: “For us 2wink, today’s live is an unforgettable day for us.”
“We 2wink are still growing! We’ll keep shining even more, so please continue to support us, okay!”
“This was 2wink’s Aoi Yuuta…”
Hinata: “And 2wink’s Aoi Hinata!”
Hinata & Yuuta: “Goodbye, ‘til the day we meet again~!”
[ ☆ ]
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helloofromthewired · 5 months
No Matter Where You Go, Everyone's Connected
At its very core, SEL is about connection, I think.
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SEL was originally created by aBe to appeal to both Western and Eastern audiences, but for Western and Eastern fans to have very different views on it. It was kind of meant as an attempt to show how different West and East (specifically America and Japan) are, but I think it kind of backfired for the exact same reason it succeeded at the same time. Contradictory, I know, but stay with me here.
Lain has many connections across the series: some personal, but the vast, vast, vast, vast majority are impersonal. They're connections that exist, but that she doesn't necessarily feel connected to; they're the billions of people in and connecting with the Wired, which thanks to Protocol 7 has implanted itself in the subconscious mind of humanity as a whole. These connections aren't as important to Lain as her personal connections are; or, to expand on that a bit, the connections she wants to have.
Alice is a key example of this, and I think that she's Lain's most important relationship: Lain loves Alice from the bottom of her heart. It's a very deep and very important love for Lain; it's the only thing that could've realistically broken her from Masami's control, and we see it happen. Likewise, Alice loves Lain; if not loves, then at least has incredibly deep, caring, and complex feelings for her. Throughout the entire series, Alice is the only person we see actually care for Lain Iwakura: not Lain of the Wired, or Lain-as-God, or "Lain". Even her own father kind of kind of haphazardly dismisses her, her mother downright hates her, and Mika couldn't care less about her. Taro is interested in Lain, primarily for the Lain of the Wired as well as his role as a servant of the Knights, but I can't say he actually cares about her. Alice's friends more or less hang out with Lain because Alice does. Masami doesn't care about Lain in the same way that Alice does; his "care" is incredibly selfish, incredibly toxic, and incredibly abusive.
(TL;DR: they're lesbians, your honor)
At the same time, though, is the connection that Lain has with the rest of the world not important? In that vein, not potentially more important? We can comprehend Dunbar's Number: we can maintain social relationships with about 150 people. We can't comprehend the millions of people we connect with every day; we watch the same videos, we look at the same images, read the same books, watch/read the same news, laugh at the same jokes, play the same games, and so on. Even since the beginning of widespread international... well, connection after the Agricultural Revolution, humanity has been interconnected in some way or form.
It's not a direct connection. I know jack shit about any random 30 year old living in Jakarta or a 13 year old living in Tehran, aside from the fact that they live in Indonesia and Iran. But it's still a connection: it's a connection across time, across borders, across nations. When I'm reading, say, Marx, I'm reading the same books that people in the 1800s read; that inspired Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Luxemburg, Foster, and others (some of whom weren't even socialists, like Ataturk or Mussolini); that changed western philosophy in the last two centuries. I'm connecting with the millions, if not billions of people who have also read Marx; be they from 1856, 1917, or 2024. When I watch a video with 30 million views, I'm connecting with 30 million people; it's an indirect and impersonal connection, but we're all connected through watching that video.
The internet connects billions of people simply by its very existence. When you log into an internet connection, you are connecting to 5.35 billion other people. SEL understands that. Everybody in SEL is connected to the Wired; not just through hooking into it, but through Protocol 7 connecting all of humanity subconsciously, as well. Lain herself is the amalgam of that; she is not just a product of the Wired, or the God of the Wired, or God at all: she is the output, the child of that connection. In a sense, the connection itself.
That's what "Let's all love Lain!" really means, I think. It's a meme; an idea spreading from person to person in a culture. Or, contrary to what aBe might've expected, multiple cultures. It took over MAL about a year back, and it's become popular in both Japan and the States. "Let's all love Lain!" is the ultimate meme in SEL; it is the connection point, ultimately what connects everybody together in the end; their connection to the Wired, their love for Lain, their link to all other 8 billion people in the world.
"Protocol 7 is expected to allow the seamless transfer of information between the Wired and the real world." The message immediately after that?
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soulerflaire · 4 months
Felt like rating more anime I've watched recently or am currently watching.
Skip and Loafer
Summary: Mitsumi, a girl growing up in the country, moves to Tokyo to attend a prestigious high school. Her first day, she runs into Sousuke, the most popular guy in school, and they become friends.
Sounds like fairly standard high school romance anime, which I usually am not particularly interested in, but the writing in this one is far better than most. The characters act like real people with complicated, messy emotions that they are still learning to deal with. Also notably, Mitsumi doesn't immediately fall head over heels for Sousuke, nor does he immediately fall for her. Even by the end of the season, they're just good friends, though it's clear feelings are developing on both sides. The focus of the show is less on the romance and more on the characters themselves. Mitsumi's ambition mixed with uncertainty and anxiety in a new environment, Sousuke's past weighing him down and his popularity affecting his interactions with people, Mika's realization of her own jealous and petty nature and her attempts to break free from it, Makoto and Yuzuki overcoming their preconceptions about each other.
But even without all of that, I still very much like the show for something major it did: it included a trans character and treated her with respect. I've talked about this before, but the inclusion of Nao as a character is so well done. She's never once the butt of a joke, or made out to be creepy or bad. Mitsumi lives with Nao in Tokyo, and Nao's a loving and caring aunt who offers advice and support to Mitsumi whenever she needs it. Most animes that include trans characters either make them "guy in a dress" jokes or demonize them as unstable or dangerous (even some of my favorite shows are guilty of this). But Skip and Loafer puts Nao into the position of a caring mentor figure (not just to Mitsumi, but to Mika too) as well as a competent and successful stylist. And even beyond that, the show doesn't make a big deal out of her being trans. Rather than Nao being "the trans character", she is just a character who happens to be trans. I hope this is the beginning of a trend of anime treating trans people better. 8/10.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
Summary: Usato and his two classmates Inukami and Ryusen are summoned to another world on their way home from school. In typical isekai fashion, they were summoned to defeat the Demon Lord, and are granted magical powers. However, once the large and imposing Rose, leader of the kingdom's team of healers, learns that Usato has an affinity for healing magic, she grabs him and hauls him over to the healer team's base for intensive training.
I love the general premise of how Rose teaches Usato to use healing magic. Rather than allow him to become a physically weak caster, she puts him through hellish physical training and forces him to use his healing magic to instantly recover so that he can train more, pushing him harder and harder until he learns to constantly cast healing magic on himself to reinforce his body, allowing him to perform inhuman feats of strength and endurance. I also love that pretty much everyone else in the world thinks Rose is completely insane for using healing magic this way and slowly goes from pitying Usato to wondering about his sanity as he progresses in his training.
The show generally has a very light tone, poking fun at some isekai tropes, but there is a heavy undertone about the horrors of war. There's a reason Rose is training Usato so hard. And when the time comes for Usato to step onto the battlefield as a member of the Rescue Team, the show almost completely drops the light tone, only bringing it fully back after the battle ends.
I thoroughly enjoyed every episode, and I like all of the characters a lot. I am a little worried about the potential harem forming, with both Inukami and Felm clearly crushing on Usato, but I'm hoping it's just a love triangle and doesn't develop into a full blown harem. I have so little patience for those these days. 8/10, if the show doesn't continue I will absolutely have to read the manga.
Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save the World
Summary: Four adventurers, Nick, Tiana, Zem, and Curran, have all been betrayed by people they trusted completely and have become disillusioned with the world. They happen to meet at a tavern and drown their sorrows together. The following morning, they decide to form an adventuring party, promising to never trust each other and to never interfere with each others' personal lives.
What I love most about this show is that, of course, they all immediately begin trusting each other and become a found family. They constantly talk about distrust, but their actions say otherwise. I love their interactions so much, I could watch entire episodes of them bantering.
I think it's also interesting the way the show handles their trauma. All four of them have unhealthy coping mechanisms that cost a lot of money: Nick has become an idol otaku, blowing all his money on merch. Tiana is addicted to gambling and, despite being quite good at it, still gambles too much and always loses money in the end. Zem spends almost every night drinking at a hostess club. And Curran is obsessed with food, using all her money to eat at fancy restaurants. All four of their addictions are clearly coping mechanisms filling the holes their betrayals left, and while these habits are unhealthy for all of them, the habits also keep them from falling into despair. They're both distractions from the group's pasts and goals to strive for: keep working, keep earning money, keep living, so they can keep enjoying their vices.
It's a found family show that focuses a lot on trust, trauma, and the complex lives everyone has. Even antagonist characters get backstories that explain (but don't excuse) their actions. And it balances the heavy subject matter very well with humor, so the show never feels like a downer. 8/10.
Kaiju No. 8
Summary: In a world where monstrous kaiju regularly attack civilization, Kafka Hibino works as part of the cleanup crew that handles the aftermath of kaiju attacks. He once aspired to join the Kaiju Defense Force, but gave up after failing the exam repeatedly. He meets Reno Ichikawa, a young man who plans to enlist and who encourages Kafka to take another try at the exam. Before that happens, however, they are caught in a kaiju attack and end up in the hospital. While there, Kafka is infected by a small kaiju, and is transformed into a new type of kaiju.
Despite having a similar premise of kaiju attacking humanity, Pacific Rim is not a good comparison for the show. The Kaiju Defense Force doesn't use giant robots, they use special combat suits created from materials harvested from kaiju corpses. The kaiju themselves have specific types (seven known types, leading Kafka to be designated as a new eighth type, hence the name of the show) with a range of sizes (though all still much larger than humans).
This show is fantastic. The humor, the action, the animation, it's all top quality. It's also a wild ride and I have absolutely no idea where it's going, to be honest. It's on episode 7 right now and they just keep throwing curve balls left and right. I think my favorite aspect is that, when not in his kaiju form, Kafka is just a regular dude surrounded by typical OP anime characters. Despite weeks of training, he is unable to perform the superhuman feats the rest of the Defense Force trainees can. Initially, he can't even use the power suit properly, which makes him unable to use most of the anti-kaiju weapons because they're too heavy. That, combined with his cheerful personality, makes Kafka a relatable and endearing main character.
Also, it's nice to have a main character in his 30s, even if it's physically painful for me to hear other characters call him old. Tentative 10/10, we'll see how the rest of the season holds up.
Tonari no Yokai-san
Summary: In an alternate reality where myths and legends are normal, everyday things, the small town of Fuchigamori is home to numerous supernatural beings living alongside humans.
This show has got some feels. It starts out as very heartwarming slice of life, focusing mostly on Buchio, a recently reborn nekomata, and Mutsumi, a young human girl who idolizes Jiro, the crow tengu who watches over the town. The stories are mostly separate, though they deal with some common themes from different perspectives.
As the show goes on, it starts hitting on heavy topics about love, loss, and family, the three major themes of the show. There are still heartwarming moments to be had, but they are outnumbered by the heavy emotional moments. To me, the main message of the show so far has been "Relationships of all kinds are painful, but the good ones are worth every moment of that pain."
I love Buchio, he's such a good character. He's trying his best, and he messes up, but he keeps trying; the lil' guy just needs so many hugs. And the exploration of Jiro as a character is fascinating to me. At first he seems like this calm, confident guy who always knows the right thing to say, always knows what to do, a steadfast guardian for the town. But in time we learn that he's a person like everyone else, suffering from fear, doubt, and loss just as much as anyone, and all he can do is try his best, just like Buchio.
Also there's at least one queer couple in the show, Wagen and Kazuhiko. The show refers to them as "partners" and doesn't elaborate further, but to me at least, it's pretty clear they're a couple.
The downside to the show for me is that it is a little slow. I love the characters and their interactions, but that is literally all the show has. It's 95% people sitting around talking and having emotional moments, so it can feel kinda dull at times. I would not recommend binging it, tbh; I'm watching it weekly as it updates on Crunchyroll, and I think that's probably the best way to watch it. 7/10.
A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics
Summary: A reverse isekai where young princess Sara da Odin and her faithful knight Livia de Udis teleport to modern day Japan to escape the rebellion that overthrew their kingdom and killed Sara's parents, the king and queen. Sara meets Sosuke Kaburaya, a private investigator, and convinces him to take her in off the street.
This show definitely does not start off with a bang. It very much gives off "weak story for the purpose of jokes and fanservice" vibes, and for several episodes, it looks like that's all it has to it. But episode 7 was a turning point where I realized how well they were actually writing the characters of Sara and Sosuke.
The show basically follows two stories. One is about Livia's attempts to make a living in this world, and is mostly just jokes and fanservice. The other is Sara and Sosuke, and this one focuses much more on their character growth and dynamic. I didn't even notice how their interactions smoothly changed over time from "Guy forced to take care of child from another world" to "father and daughter" until episode 7. The episode begins with Sosuke trying to figure out how to enroll Sara into school, something she expressed interest in previously. She has no citizenship, no form of ID, and no birth certificate with which to get said ID or citizenship, and she can't be enrolled in school without those. There's a scene where they calmly discuss options, and that was the first moment that I noticed their dynamic had changed. They don't throw blame around or get mad at each other, they just discuss options, realize they can't figure out a solution, and decide to set the issue aside for the day. Even when Sosuke comments that Sara's not good enough at acting to pretend to be his daughter, Sara doesn't get defensive; she agrees with him. She realizes Sosuke is trying his best to figure it out, and Sosuke genuinely wants to find a way for Sara to go to school.
They then spend the day on a case, following a guy around to see if he's cheating on his wife. It turns out he's just dropping a bit of spare money on horse races for fun, and Sosuke and Sara end up enjoying the day together instead. At the end of it, as they're walking back to the car, Sosuke stops and says "Hey, Sara. Do you want to be my daughter for real?" and Sara says yes.
That's the point that it hit me, that these two had already become a father-daughter duo, and I just hadn't realized it. Sosuke, a man who previously hated the idea of being responsible for the well-being of this random girl, casually suggests adopting her, and Sara, a proud princess who previously considered Sosuke just a useful peon, happily agrees.
To be honest, if the show was just about Sosuke and Sara's story, I would give it a 7/10. But so much of the show is devoted to the Livia story's jokes and fanservice, it's like they're afraid their audience would get bored of a serious plot. For that, I have to knock it down to 5/10.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Are you enjoying windblume 3.5? I think it’s pretty good but could’ve used a bit more Venti.
I'm getting to this late cause I go through events slowly but I just finished it!
There were definitely some parts I liked more than others, and I guess it can be said that there was some characterization expansion through interaction, which is always nice (but what the hell did they do to poor Mika's voice, like??? It wasn't like that Weinlesefest and I'd put my life on that claim)
The city looked beautiful as always, I wish it always looked like that with all the flora and pretty blue carpets, the mini games were fun too, though I suck a those little beat based rhythm games and probably always will
And while it is supposed to be a Mondstadt centered event I do understand the want to include the new shiny characters instead of just focusing on Mondstadt characters, though it is a tragedy that we'll probably never get Mondstadt characters coming to Sumeru or Fontaine when that comes out, but oh well
That all being said, I miss him so much
It's so weird, the relationship Hoyo has with Venti, I can't tell whether they love or hate him because they so often stick him in events as practically a cameo that really don't need him, and then barely ever make him the focus of any of the events in his nation— I feel as though he could have had at least a little bit more of an active role, even if it was through the means of being considered a candidate as one of the potential solutions to the riddles so that we could get a letter from him, I mean the last riddle "a legend that never ends" had his name written all over it, immortal Bard and all
Like yes I do wanna join you for a drink, I would love to do a fast-track love poem class with nobody else, "plenty of time during the festival" yeah right...
I also find it incredibly humorous that a group of witches basically challenged him for no particular reason, then he responded with "no" and they were like "ok, we're just gonna host meetings here then"
But the idea that the Cecilia flower represents "a once-wayward heart transformed by the power of love" is just !!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm having thoughts
Anyway overall yeah it was fun, nice to see Albedo again, he was gone for quite awhile, and I'm just happy they're still giving us Mondstadt events at this point tbh
I'll just have to fantasize harder about Windblume Venti content in my own head to make up for this neglect I suppose
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xxibalbas · 9 months
what are your ann persona ships
i ship her with everyone tbh 😭 futaba, mika, and haru namely... shiho too ofc but that's not a rarepair. she has so much yuri potential
using this as an excuse to ramble under the cut
futaba/ann because I like the interaction here where ann & ryuji get futaba to open up by hanging out with her like normal people (vs makoto's horrible attempt the day prior 😭)
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i just think ann is good for futaba, treats her normally from the get-go instead of like some weird problem to be fixed, and is a good person to introduce futaba to the world of teen-girl-friendships after being isolated so long. and the idea of sweet extroverted model gf x weird NEET gf is cute to me. plus futaba already thinks ann is hot (see her pervy comments in the monabus)
i do hc this as more of a one-sided crush on futaba's part but still ;;
i feel like ann/mika is self-explanatory. the rivalry. ann's love for villainesses and the way she understands & respects mika's bitchiness instead of resenting her for it. the mutual respect they have by the end. the way mementos mission fed us. i love them
and finally! ann/haru because even though they don't interact much in canon, there's so much potential. mostly because ann like villainesses and haru likes shoujo heroines and i think... that's just... poetry. feels very yuri. that's why i drew this lol, i might redraw it sometime
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Fic author interview!
Thamks @galexibrain
Anyone who wants to do this can!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Currently 70
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
We Call This Fate (MDZS) [JC/WWX] - 546 kudos
2. Smile, And You're Much Cuter! (MDZS) [JC/WWX] - 445 kudos (idek why people like this so much -_- it's a fic i wrote i like the least)
3. Red (MDZS) [JC/WWX. companion work to Fate] - 389 kudos
4. and there is one price i'd cheat to win (MDZS) [JC/WWX] - 355 kudos
5. My Love Grows Gardens And Flower Crowns (MDZS) [JC/LXC] - 341 kudos (relic from my past lel)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do as much as I can! I take a while to reply though because sometimes I'm either not in the right brainspace or the comments have piled up, making me overwhelmed.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably the Jiang Cheng centric angst fic "Indecision". I rarely write unhappy endings even though I write a lot of angst. But this one's ending has absolutely no closure lol.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have a happy or hopeful ending but I guess if we go by pure fluff and everything nice with not a single shred of angst potential then Experiences [Nu: Carnival - Eiden/Edmond], aforementioned My Love Grows Gardens and Flower Crowns and finally Simple Complexities [MDZS - JC/WWX]
7. Do you write crossovers?
I wrote one series for a TGCF/MDZS crossover because I wanted Shi Qingxuan and Jiang Cheng to meet.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Outright hate, no. Weirdly worded borderline rude "constructive criticisms" and backhanded "compliments" a number of times.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write smut! As for "what kind" uhm...mostly vanilla-ish? But with some amount of dubcon though. I think my xiancheng fic "Etched" is the only one in BDSM adjacent territory and a fair amount of questionableness.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! For this fic inspired off of Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem. Pairing is JC/LXC.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Strangely enough, no.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Uhh OTP of all times is probably XianCheng by now? I always love a ship I've once loved though so all my old OTPs are honestly all-time favorites too. Some old ships in question that I still love a lot are IchiRuki (Bleach) and NezuShi (No. 6)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmm.... my longest standing WIP is the BaekChen RPF "Shall We, My Dear" which I fear may not ever be updated. But I do still wanna finish it though...
15. What are your writing strengths?
ANGST, psychological whump, some more angst.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not being able to control my wordcount and not having a consistent writing schedule lol.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'd get too insecure to do full dialogues but a few short ones here and there should be within my abilities.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
WAAAYYY back I wrote a fic on a random notepad for Nintama Rantaro when I was like 10 or something lolll. Of course I wasn't in fandoms or anything at all back then. For a "fandom" my first posted fic was a Naruto one, Gaara centric because I didn't care (mostly) for anyone else xD.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Several actually. ZhouDu from Priest's Mo Du, NezuShi (and so what if No.6 is old?), some kinda self-indulgent genshin rarepairs I wanna try very specific ideas on [few eg: KaeRosaLuc, VenLuc, EuLuc] and YuuMika from Owari no Seraph because I'd recently begun rereading the manga and Mika is once again blorbo.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
Simple Complexities hands down. It's not my most popular but I think I hold this fic really dear because I did a great job. From my old EXO RPF fandom, the Noragami AU ChanSoo fic; even though my writing has improved loads from then, I'm still plenty proud of this one. And finally, while We Call This Fate is not my "favorite" but I worked the hardest for this so it has a lot of my love and blood, sweat and tears.
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aetheternity · 2 years
I can understand some people’s concern thinking that if this Windblume was about Venti and Monstadt characters like the first one it would feel stale and repetitive, because that’s somewhat the case with all the lantern rites. But the difference is there’s clearly so much left to explore about the Mondstadt characters, especially Venti. He has so much potential left in him to fuel an event. Mondstadt hasn’t been utilized nearly well enough by Hoyoverse so far to have run out of content to supply on its own yet.
This is exactly why I said they should just rerun the old events instead of giving us a new event every year or so. It would not only save them time but money as well. I never got to play the first Windblume festival and I would've much rather have had that experience than this new one. I never got to play the first Lantern Rite but I played the last two. The second one is the best one in my opinion though. Cause watching the first one it felt like the story was being padded.
They don't have to rerun them with the same rewards either just have a little temporary spot in the events list and make it like hangouts where it isn't mandatory to play them and you can do it if you want to. Rerun the minigames and have them not give you primos. Simple as that.
There really is so much they have yet to explore with Mondstadt. Diona's relationship with her father and how those two could better it in the future or just any development besides poor Diona just wanting her dad not to drink because it upsets her. Bennett's dads (would love to meet those guys!) Fischl's home life. There was a little something about it in GAA just not enough for me. I wanna see more of Mona's work outside of the few times she uses it (she also needs a second story quest). Literally anything else about Jean, god she is so cute. She fucking reads romance novels in her spare time and she used to own a turtle ffs. Razor's parents could be explored way way more. Literally do anything with Barbara as a character besides she's an idol and a sister. Grand Master Varka and how one becomes the GM of Mondstadt. Klee's strength because there is a whole lot of telling and basically no showing with her. Anymore of Kaeya before he came to live with Diluc. Mika's life outside of his work. Maybe a bit more about Amber as a person. Anything about Noelle's life that doesn't have to do with her wanting to be a knight. Venti's range of emotions. I wanna see this man cry, that sounds awful but I want to see Venti sob his eyes out. I wanna see him lose it Aang style.
Just fucking blow everything apart:
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This is why he needs a second story quest dammit.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Heyy blorby anon who wrote about deaged Nico again I know it's been a long time since it was a hot topic on this blog but I watched the baby Nico video on his YouTube channel and I have thoughts and feelings about it again. So here's how I think the f1 teams would interact with deaged Nico:
1. Mercedes
According to them Nico is THEIR baby everyone else needs to back off. Each and every single Mercedes employee seems to be wrapped around his little finger and they are extremely possessive over him. Sidenote George I'd bribing him with candy to blame everything that goes wrong on Lando. Broken glass blame it on Lando. Finger painting on Toto's photo of Christian Horner blame it on Lando. Various Albon pets found in the Mercedes hospitality blame it on Lando
2. Williams
There is mutual adoration between them. Nico associates them with his dad and Williams associates him with good PR. Alex has experience with kids and knows how to play with kids without hurting them or treating them like they're made of porcelain bur he's still subjected to Lewis yelling "be gentle!he's only little!". Nicky just gives him a lot of Nutella and ends up giving him a sugar high just before returning him to Mercedes
3. Ferrari
Nico obviously loves them and they really need good PR because otherwise they'll need to open an OnlyFans. Charles and him babble at each other in French and Charles gives him plenty of his patented gentle cheek pinches and head pats. Ferrari has an unlimited folder of photos of them cuddled up. Also since no one can say no to Bambi eyes carlos and Ferrari has plenty of videos of Carlos attempting to converse with baby Nico while Nico just pulls his hair and hugs him.
4. McLaren
Nico shows up demanding Mika they can't provide him with Mika so he has a meltdown and screams his head off. This leads to Lando having a meltdown as well and calling Carlos for help. Carlos tries to make them get along but this just leads to more tears. Carlos has no idea which crying baby to calm down first. Daniel swoops in cheers him up shoots a lot of cute insta videos with him and has another PR win. Zak tries to recruit Nico to his endless list of potential mclaren drivers.
5. Haas
Loves Mick. Loves K Mag. Hates Steiner. "Gene the baby is a focking merc spy"
6. Red Bull and Alphatauri
I've clubbed them together because the answer is the same. He adores all of them. Max is an always willing playmate. Checo being a parent himself is a kid whisperer and knows all his non verbal communication. Pierre is French and messy and even in baby form Nico appreciates a good drama starter. Yuki is always bringing him exotic food items to try and teaching him fun Japanese phrases. However he hates Christian Horner because due to his and Toto's homoerotic behavior he believes that Toto is cheating on Susie with him
7. Aston Martin
Not much there but when Nico is being particularly bratty Seb wrangles him on to his lap and makes him sit still and behave and Aston Martin would never turn down a good photo opportunity
8. Alpine
Esteban and Pierre have the exact same relationship with Nico but Nico is also Esteban's back up Karaoke partner when Mick is busy. Fernando is attempting to partner with Nico to spread chaos
9. Alfa Romeo
Valtteri gave him his bucket hat for free after he caught Nico staring at it also he's trying to teach Nico Finnish. The Finnish lessons are actually going very well. If Nico had been on his best behavior all day (which is very rarely) Zhou makes him a tiny baby cup of bubble tea to sip at
Thanks for entertaining my unhingedness!!!
i NEEDED this dose of cuteness I need it injected into me actually 🥹🥹🥹
blame everything on lando!!! so true
"Nico associates Williams with his dad and they associate him with good PR" killed me. he IS good PR though. the greatest. although is he just a cute baby or is he world champion nico rosberg who turned into cute baby cause that's 2 different PR strategies 🤔
Ferrari having to choose between the onlyfans thirstposting or the baby fever posting 💀
GIVE HIM MIKA!!! GIVE HIM MIKA RN!! TAKE HIM OUT OF HIS SABBATICAL..... Carlos' crying baby being Lando you own my heart actually... naur zak brown tryna RECRUIT 💀
love that baby Nico has such strong opinions on monogamy
Max as a willing playmate 🥹 checo going full dad ahhhh saur cute... nico finally learning finnish...the baby bubble tea
this whole post is the equivalent of drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows... thank you
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dotster001 · 2 years
🦈 anon again, been a while
Was wondering if you have/could make a ranking list of your favorite games or characters?
SHARKY!!!!!! Hi, darling!
This is gonna be a long post so buckle up.
Let's see, so the games list changes depending on what I'm hyperfixated on at the time so I think currently,
1. Genshin Impact
2. Minecraft
3. Twisted Wonderland
4. Tears of Themis
5. Court of Darkness
6. Obey me
7. Ikemen Vampire
8. Ensemble stars
9. Ikemen Prince
10. Ayakashi Romance Reborn
11. Phasmophobia
12. Various Wii games that I will not list because it's embarrassing...
As for characters, I have a tier list of Twst characters that my sister and I made months ago, so it's probably not accurate anymore (fanfiction has changed me as a person 😅)
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I have serial killer handwriting
We aren't going to talk about it.
The arcana isn't on the list cause I no longer play it, but I am madly in love with Asra. As for other characters, I'll go through the list above numerically....
1. I rank characters in games like genshin by who can kill my enemies the fastest, so my current favorites list is Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Noelle, the traveler, and scaramouche/the wanderer. Rosaria is growing on me, and I just got Alhaitham, but neither of them is super leveled yet so we'll see what happens. Also, Thoma, despite not being a killer, is a favorite. Klee and Kazuha are cuties, and Zhongli has potential to end up on my list (cause dragon) I just don't feel like I know him, and have never seen him fight.
3. All twst boys are squishy boys who need love and protection. I think Mal is my favorite, but it's one of those "do I simp for you, or am I projecting on you" situations. But aside from that idk a favorite.
4. Marius. Von. Hagen. He really solidified that I might be moro-romantic. But Vyn is definitely a close second, though he's in the same situation as Malleus.
5. I love Dia, cause he's me. I really enjoyed Fenn and Lou's routes. Roy is getting a lot of attention from me cause I'm pissed at Lynt rn, and the rest are squishy boys (except maybe guy. I never know how to feel about him)
6. Mammon. I love him. I love him. I love him. I would die for him. I like the rest too, to a ridiculous extent, but Mams is my favorite.
7. I've really enjoyed everyone's route so far. Vincent was my first man, but it's really hard to pick a fave. I really want to play Charles'route, but it's not out yet, so I'm just giving him love through events rn 😂
8. My top five who live in my office are Nagisa, Mayoi, Mika, Nikki, and Hiiro....but there's quite a few that have grown in me.
9. Yves , Clavis, and Rio are my current beloveds. I'd date any of them fr fr. Leon and Sariel get honorable mentions, and I think I'm gonna really enjoy Licht's route....but the rest I am a little scared for 😂
10. This game is so fucking good I can't. I really like the twins. Their true forms are so pretty, and they are both flustering in their own ways. I adore Kuya as well. I also like Kuro a lot, he's a squishy boy who needs cuddles. Yakumo, Aki, and kagemaru get honorable mentions, and I ended up really enjoying Aoi's route much to my surprise.
I think those are all the characters in games I currently play... hopefully this wasn't too much information, but it's your fault for getting me started 😂
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chandler min ( cha eunwoo fc ) is looking for three roommate(s) who are approximately twenty one+ years old. they look a bit like utp. you do not have to contact the mun prior to applying. ( look my love of new girl has inspired me to seek out a new girl-esque wanted connection for chandler ! essentially it's a group of individuals living in a loft somewhere in la ! the similarities to the show pretty much stop there because i don't want to rip it off completely - i just think there's plenty of potential to be had in terms of their individual and group dynamics !).
chandler min ( cha eunwoo fc ) is looking for a best friend who is approximately twenty-six (give or take a couple of years in either direction) years old. they look a bit like bright vachirawit, froy gutierrez, archie renaux, evan mock, jonathan daviss, emilio sakraya, mika hasizume, ryan potter, nico hiraga, diego tinoco, moc preferred . you do have to contact the mun prior to applying. ( my url is @diisgustednoiises ! chandler and his best friend met during college where they quickly became close through shared interests and a similar or the same degree ! they're as thick as thieves. and there's no one chandler trusts more. and for the past couple of years, chandler has found himself falling in love with his best friend though he's never worked up the courage to say anything ! how your character feels is entirely up to you but there's definitely potential for romance or the demise of their friendship ! ).
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enstarsomo · 2 years
So I wasn't expecting to get any interaction on my first ever post but hi there new follower 🐶 I'm glad you enjoyed my omorashi ramblings. This time I have an actual fanfic instead of whatever the last post was; I don't even know I was just writing down my thoughts. Mika again because I love him and also he has lots of good omo potential, but next time I promise it will be someone else. Anyways, onto the fic:
Mika lay in bed, snuggled in several layers of blankets. He had worked himself too hard, again, but this time he got very ill as a result. His head throbbed and his entire body felt cold and frail; he probably couldn't get up even if he wanted to, which is why when he first felt the slight twinge in his bladder alerting him that he needed to pee, he ignored it. It wasn't bad yet and he was so tired that even going to the bathroom seemed like a daunting task. He stayed there for a while, squirming occasionally under the sheets, but overall the urge didn't bother him that much. His eyes were feeling heavy so he decided to rest them and ended up drifting off for a bit. Or so he thought. A quick glance at the clock showed that an entire hour had passed in his sleep, and after gradually regaining his consciousness, Mika found that his need was a lot more pressing now. It still didn't feel urgent but he was definitely uncomfortable enough to try getting to the bathroom. As soon as he managed to free himself from the blankets and roll off the bed though, a wave of desperation hit him. He hadn't realised just how badly he needed to go until he stood up and suddenly gravity was pulling down on all the liquid in his bladder. In its weakened state, his body couldn't handle this overwhelming urge and he collapsed to the ground, clutching himself tightly so he wouldn't lose control right there. He didn't, but there was no way he could get back up again without wetting himself. After a few minutes of Mika being immobilised, Ritsu walked in, returning from a practice session.
"Mika-rin!" he exclaimed as soon as he saw his sick friend writhing in pain on the floor. "What's wrong?" he urged, assisting Mika to his feet and propping him up on his shoulder.
"B-Bathroom," Mika muttered, crossing his shaking legs.
"Here, let me help," Ritsu offered.
He led Mika to the bathroom while Mika held onto his shirt, whimpering quietly.
"We're almost there," Ritsu reassured as he fumbled with the doorknob, noticing Mika's increasing discomfort.
He finally got the door open, but they only got a few steps inside before Mika fell to his knees again, only some feet from the toilet. His desperation and illness had gotten the best of him. He was still dry, gripping himself as hard as he could with both hands, but he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Come on, you're so close," Ritsu encouraged with a forced smile. "Can you get up?"
Too exhausted to speak, Mika simply shook his head. He couldn't move.
It pained Ritsu to see his friend so defeated. To see him reach his limit this close to the finish-line. "What if I carried you? Could you-" he began, but was cut off by the sound of Mika's strangled squeaks.
It was too late; Mika was already wetting himself. The flow was weak as he still tried his hardest to keep it in, but it was clear he'd lost this battle. Ritsu thought quickly and grabbed a towel off the rack, shoving it between Mika's legs and holding it there.
"Stop trying to hold it, you're gonna hurt yourself- just relax, it's okay."
Mika didn't get a chance to think before his body made the decision for him. He closed his eyes, a soft moan escaping his lips as warm urine gushed into his pyjama shorts, dripping down onto the towel. He was only peeing for maybe 40 seconds when the stream stopped. The towel was damp but not soaked and it had absorbed most of the liquid, having a decently sized yellow stain. Ritsu rubbed his back gently, trying to soothe him.
"You can let go of the rest, don't be afraid," he comforted.
"Th-That's all," Mika answered faintly, letting out a final tiny spurt.
Ritsu knew that Mika could usually hold more than that, so this really surprised him. He didn't have the most powerful bladder, but many days he'd come back, rushing straight for the bathroom, and Ritsu would hear him going for well over a minute. He must be very sick for such a small amount to debilitate him like that.
"You sure you're done? Should I take this away now?"
Mika nodded. Ritsu pressed on the towel to soak up anything that was left then he rolled it up and tossed it into the hamper. He quickly washed his hands and sat back down beside Mika, reaching up to feel his forehead. He had a strong fever. Ritsu pulled him into a hug.
"I'm worried about you Mika-rin; I didn't know your condition was so serious... I'm sorry I left you alone and wasn't there when you needed me, but I'm here now, and I'll do everything I can-" He got up and started the water in the tub. "Now come on you need to get cleaned up."
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itiaskia · 3 days
shumika marriage
I actually have a lot of thoughts about this because of the sorta-engagement fic I wrote… I still need to write the 3rd fic in that series about the actual engagement but I’ve been procrastinatinng the fic for stupid reasons x3
But canon-wise, I feel like Shu’s conversation with Mika at the end of raison, telling him that they should live the life their predecessors couldn’t… man is DOWN BAD for Mika lmao he’s so…
I feel like if Shu proposes he’d either do it one of two ways, some grand orchestrated thing where everything is over the top and has to be absolutely perfect, or he does it in a super roundabout way that confuses Mika on if he’s asking him to become an “eternal partner” of Valkyrie or get married xD
If Mika proposes, I feel like he’d only do this if Shu prompted him to, and then they’d both feel guilty and have their own issues revolving it. Shu’s would be about telling Mika what to do, and Mika’s would be about not living up to Shu’s potential. But I do like the idea of Mika surprising him with it, just telling him out of the blue and catching Shu completely off guard. It would prove to Shu that he wasn’t “making” Mika do anything, and would be a perfect way for Mika to prove his humanity and how far he’s come.
Anyhow as for the actual marriage Shu is 100% a bridezilla he’s micromanaging everything, Naru is Mika’s “Maid of Honor” and she and Shu butt heads about everything in the wedding details because traditionally the MoH helps plan the wedding… Everything she tries to take care of Shu ends up bitching about, even though a lot of “her” ideas are ideas that Mika had offhandedly suggested to her and she wanted to see them through x)
I’ve been to like 20+ weddings and there’s always some sort of drama going on about things lol Love the idea of Shu planning every last minute detail and then it like surprise rains on the wedding day so they have to change plans last minute and do something inside and Shu’s panicking but Mika reminds him that at the end of the day it’s not about the theatrics it’s about each other, so what if the napkins don’t match the roses, his eyes don’t match and Shu likes him anyways and that gets Shu to calm down about a lot of the detail stuff. I think he’d get wine drunk if his family was there and being obnoxious, be really sappy about Mika in his speech. Mika’s so nervous to make a good impression on Shu’s family (even though they already like him) that he gets really really shy but he opens up and gets more affectionate after Shu starts embarrassing himself.
Oh and their bachelor parties would be really funny. The eccentrics take Shu to a burlesque show and he leaves speechless and does not want to talk about it. Mika gets all dressed up goes out clubbing with Pretty 5 + Ritsu. He has a blast but ends up crying in the bathroom at like 3 am bc someone kissed his cheek and he feels guilty about it.
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akehoshimystar · 22 days
Takeru R
The Powerful Beauty Seeker
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Takeru: Now that we’ve cleared all the shopping list, let’s hurry back and get some rest. Shinobu: Sure! Oh, can we stop by the convenience store first? Takeru: Of course.
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When we arrived at the convenience store, Shinobu made a beeline to…
Shinobu: Ah, there it is! Takeru: What are you buying? …….Lotion? Wouldn't it have been better to stop by a drugstore instead of a convenience store? Shinobu: It's just for the next occasion, this size is more than enough. The travel sizes tend to be at convenience stores after all. That being said, I haven't decided what to buy next, so I've been trying these out for a while. Takeru: I see. You could have asked me for a recommendation, though. Let me tell you about the lotion that has been taking care of me….
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Takeru: (…or so I thought)
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I grabbed Shinobu’s face with both hands and observed him closely.
Shinobu: W-Wuh ish it??
Firm skin that seems to have anything but dryness. And his pores are not noticeable at all, so glamorous. .…..I know that these days, cheap products are not to be underestimated.
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Shinobu: Scaryyyyy. What’s going on here? Takeru: Shinobu, how long has it been since you used the lotion from the convenience store? Shinobu: Ehhh? I don't remember much. I think I've been using it for quite some time now… Takeru: Hmm? He can maintain such fine skin for just 1000 yen…
The lotion I use on a daily basis has one extra zero. And yet…
Takeru: Youth is the key all along, huh….
When I finally fret Shinobu, he gradually returned to his usual expression after making a face that resembled a space cat meme.
Shinobu: It seems like you’ve just discovered something..... Anyway, I'd love to know Mika-nee’s recommendation! I really want to graduate from mediocrity, so I'd be really happy if you could give me some advice.
I understand the desire for even more beauty, and I'm willing to help him achieve that.
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Takeru: If you still have time, how about hanging out with me a little more? Some products may not suit your skin, so I'll do my best to help you choose one ♡ Shinobu: Yay! I'm counting on you, Mika-nee. Takeru: Music to my ears. I won't let the potential of this young man go to waste. Shinobu: Am I being praised? Anyway, thank you.
With high spirits, we headed to our next destination, which was decided last minute. This fun feeling may be the true key to the beauty.
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ghoulfr13nd · 4 months
hiii!!! hope you're doing well!!! you know, i'm actually impressed you weren't answering on laptop or in notepad considering how long were our conversations getting already! ghsdfjk i always have to have my notepad opened when writing asks bcos im scared id send them on accident or delete them fsdgjk
Moonlight Sonata and in general these small bits of mood shifts were very effective! and it's amazing that even though they are outliers they still match the general playlist! another song that had BIG effect on me was also I Never Told You What I Do for a Living! i think it was the first major mood shift completely steering the wheel somewhere else and like- it also shocked me, i almost felt like i was lured by mac's party persona only to be brought into a dark alley and get stabbed fgsdjkfl it felt like the title was said to me literally by her before getting murdered fsdjkdfg
oh yeah! from experience i can tell that just talking about ocs/story helps! its something about an active brainstorming and answering questions makes oc brain going! fgdsjsdf im so happy our talks help you out! :D and ooh, if you're not sure if there should be more than angels and demons there are always could be man-made horrors! :D Linsey being a human experiment that escaped the lab sounds like something that could potentially match her? but of course it's just a suggestion, im just joining the brainstorming! idk how compatible that would be with your story it's just on idea! fgsdj
and of course! i love them, i actually think Mac became my blorbo? considering how much space she takes in my brain vs the amount of info i have about her i'd say she's Up There? fgsdjfsdkl speaking about questions! how does mac look btw? by the pic for her playlist i assume she's a blonde/has hair dyed in pastel color and has rather "party girl" fashion sense but outside of that im not making any assumptions and i don't think i saw any drawings of her in what you shared so i'm curious! additionally: since she's an angel does she have wings? 👀 i assume if she does she can hide them to better blend in with humans? and what weapon does she use to kill people??? finn should love his waders he makes them work swimmingly! uwu dfasghk ADDITIONAL QUESTION: do you have any instruments that you associate with specific oc? for example i associate cello with Klepsydra!
OOH OK OK! just a disclaimer, i'm aware not all of the songs match them but these are just songs that i was listening to and had a thought like "that's so mac-core" fsdhfjsd anyway!: Mac: Lollipop by MIKA That Girl by Emei Don't Wanna Sleep my Maneskin Nerves by Icon For Hire Raise Hell by Dorothy Platitudes (Piano) by Lucas Saur Panacea by Disasterpeace (piano makes me think about her idk why ;v;) Fret Street by Go! Child Land of Opportunity by A Great Big World Unholy by Sam Smith Rise Above by Tommee Profitt GRRRLS by AViVA Odds Are by The Fifth Guys Animal by Jim Yoself Crossed The Line by Vosai Reaper by Glaceo Demon Mode by Stileto Again by Crusher-P looks at the amount of songs uhhhhh. do you see what i mean when i say mac's like blorbo to me???? i had to make a LIST! fgsdjkfsdlfjdsfhk
Ves: Black Sheep by Dorothy LA FINE by Maneskin Hope of Morning by Icon of Hire Dead of Night by Daniel Olsén Recycled Youth by Call Me Karizma Jessica Kill by Sum 41
with Linsay i don't have much but i had one song that popped into my head (with my limited understanding of her backstory!): Sorry About Your Parents by Icon For Hire (which i think is too… idk aggressive for her but also… hmmmm…) and also uh Home in the West by Lucas Saur
i don't know much about Finn but i still have something!: Welcome to the Habitat by Lucas Saur The Water Shelf by Disasterpeace (oh yeah that reminds me, what kind of music does Finn listen to?)
thank you! and you know, ironically Klepsydra isn't a main character, even though they are my main oc fhdsjk they are mostly in background, doing their own thing outside of main cast's stories, so narrative treats them as Void bound actually but they are pretty heart bound in their concept! (maybe even witch of heart? they gotta be manipulating class for sure fgsdfhk) anyway! they don't interact with the "main" cast often, the time they are on the screen they are mostly there for comedic effect and then they vanish, and it goes like that for a long time, until the narrative finally decides to focus on them for one "filler" chapter where they get hurt at the end and their powers get revealed to the audience, something like- "oh hey remember this joke character that's always smiling and nice but never lets people get too close? well there's a reason they behave this way and are actually super angsty mf with super destructive powers and they are vital to the story, isn't it wild?" and from that point the narrative would give them more and more spotlight which would culminate in a finale where they can't hide/run away from their own emotions any longer and it ends up in destruction- so yeah…. id say running away and avoiding problems is a big part of their story fhsdfjk (and yes, im sure that says nothing about us, nope! :D)
music anon 🎶
IM DOING WELL!! i went to a concert in tuesday and actually typed most of this that day but i was at work and busy and now its saturday 10:51pm. anyway i saw modest mouse with my brother, so thats one more gender playlist artist down>>>:3c also today i was given a tour of a funeral home and i went to the cemetery and volunteered in the visitors center there, and i’ve been listening to marie kondo’s book and generally just feeling pretty great!! and now i am. very tired. like emotionally. i’m not used to this. i started prozac like a month ago and i feel SO MUCH ALL THE TIME HOW DO NOT-DEPRESSED PEOPLE DO THIS ALL THE TIME. ALSO HOW ARE *YOU!!!!!!!!!*
but!! no uhhh dont get me wrong i usually type my responses out in the notes on my phone (hiii im typing this in here rn!!). i like being able to scroll through your ask without scrolling away from my answer… i did need an actual keyboard for the big answer though>:3c
and aaaa that makes me so happy!! genuinely so so happy. a lot of the pop on mac’s playlist (aside from a few songs) are mostly there for vibes, it is the fluff of the club before she either reveals herself or has a moment of brief self reflection. shes efficient and ruthless and machine-like in her (no pun intended) execution. but she doesn’t allow herself to think about the morality of what she’s doing. she serves her purpose, her holy mission provided to her by God — and God is good, right? who is she to question His plan? and so she does see herself as sort of an extension, a limb, rather than her own being. and who she actually is is at odds with what she’s being made to do, and so sometimes she gets these quiet moments where her heart breaks a little bit, before she shuts it down with partying and drinking and girls.
i’m so?!???!!!!!! touched!!!!!!!!! MY oc? your blorbo? 🥺 that makes me so happy!! i’m so honored!! i love her so much and i have so much fun playing with her in my head and it makes me so happy to have someone to talk about her with!!!
Mac is the type to change her look often! I imagine her changing her hair style/color to match her outfits. whichhh is very easy for her because (AND I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT TOLD YOU THIS!!) her humanoid form isn’t her only form!! she’s able to change between them at will. i haven’t decided the specifics of her angelic form but it’s somewhere in the realm of a bird of prey/harpy/phoenix type deal. and similarly, Ves’s demon counterpart is either a snake or dragon situation. their humanoid forms are their default, and i imagine they become more animalistic as tension grows :3
buuuut Mac generally has either light light blonde, white, or pastel colored hair! it generally leans more white, though. i imagine her eyelashes are white too, and she has gold eyes. she also is usually wearing pink or white, though not exclusively. she tends to have a mix of eras going on, generally pop girly aesthetics from 90s/y2k - present. i like to imagine it manifests as sort of a retro-futuristic vibe.
i havent really thought much about what she wears for leisure… i’ll start thinking about that more :0
she DOES have wings and also a halo! though she does hide them most of the time. generally i’ve sort of imagined her halo becomes a collar when she’s hiding it, and then as she takes on a more righteous display for killing, it expands and rises above her head and her hair falls over it. i’ve usually imagine her using a large hammer to fight (think john egbert or ramona flowers), but i think when it comes time to actually kill, she generally just uses her hands. she also has sharp teeth!
(adjacently, Ves uses a scythe when she fights — though its a lot more rare for her to, and she generally doesn’t want to kill anyone. she would have to be really pushed to her limits before she snaps and gets to that point 👀)
also let me just share Ves and Mac’s pinterest boards!! i don’t know why i didnt think about sharing them sooner fjskdj. also i dont know if i touched on it beyond “they’re dating” but Mac is a lesbian and Ves is bi/pan
ohhhh i love cello for Klepsydra…. those vibes go so well!!
for Mac, i associate her with harsh electric guitar and soft piano!
Ves is drums and mellower electric guitar, some acoustic guitar
Linsey is banjo!
I’m not sure about Finn yet. I’ve been being pulled towards more of a like, synth-pop no-lyrics sort of vibe for him, but who knows if that’ll stick! (its been a minute since i listened to all the songs you recommended - i did that the day of the concert. is that where im pulling that from?)
the only one i dont really see myself associating with her is Lollipop by MIKA and thats NOT bc i don’t see the potential of it, its because i listened to that album with my mom in the car ALL THE TIME when i was little and so every time i hear any of the songs from it, i think about being like 9 years old and asking my mom to play the lollipop song hfskjdjd. but yes yes yes i love this playlist for her!!! one of my favorites from it is don’t wanna sleep….. also unholy!! very very fitting.
i do like the songs you’ve chosen for Ves but i feel like theyre a little too… emotionally intense, i think? Ves is NOT in touch with her emotions at all, in an equal but opposite way as Mac. shes a very in-the-moment person, not as a rule but just because its hard for her to think about time in either direction. shes just trying to get from one moment to the next. (which is also sort of the opposite of Mac, too, huh? :0 in the way that Mac tends to mix time up together rather than avoid thinking about it)
also i will say that i do think some of ves’s playlist that *i’ve* made doesnt communicate that well. i was pleased as punch that you were able to clock her so well with my music choices, because i’ve had a really hard time with it. she’s been sort of in a mutating state — shes a LOT different than how i originally envisioned her when i made her. the issue was that i wanted conflicting personality traits for her, and now i’ve committed to some and mac has the rest, while also having her own unique qualities that i’m really excited about.
sorry about your parents is a little too aggressive for Linsey, but I liked home in the west!! i dont remember what i thought about the ones for Finn off the top of my head 😔 i would relisten to all of them before replying and i dont want to wait anymore
ANDDDDD KLEPSYDRA BEING A SIDE CHARACTER THAT IS SLOWLY REVEALED TO HAVE SO MUCH MORE GOING OM??? THAT FUCKS SO HAAAARRRDDD I LOVE IT!! i’m interested in what issues in the story it is shes avoiding? :0 whats going on in the main plot over there? 👀
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