#{ She uses her looks to lure her targets in and then kills them with her quirk. }
Not in Kansas anymore (Iridescent, Part 9)
Let me stress, this is not Maeve from the show, but my own Maeve just named the same to send Spencer into hell whenever he thinks about it.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!OC.
Summary: They get sent out undercover for a case, and Spencer makes full use of his role before they have to go back to normal.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: swearing, descriptions of stabbing and blood, general cm violence
Parts: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt7, Pt8, Pt10
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Almost a month later, and they’re given another big case. Somewhere out in Kansas, another small town where everybody knows everybody else’s business.
A man, still unknown, had been targeting newlywed couples in towns bordering the one they were now stationed in. The geoprofile that Spencer had drawn up told them that he almost certainly lived in this little town. So far he’d killed seven ‘unfaithful’ newlywed wives, who hadn’t been unfaithful - as far as Penelope could find out.
They know it's a man because he leaves the husbands alive, injured so they can’t intervene, but awake enough to watch. Apparently, the man approaches the house the morning of the attacks, and if the woman answers and talks to him then she’s classed as unfaithful, but if they call for their husband, or the man answers, then they’re spared.
Returning hours later, under the cover of darkness, to attack the couples and have the man watch him ‘save’ their marriage by taking away the ‘problem’.
It’s been brutal.
And undiscovered for so long since the small towns didn’t know where to put all their data into one place. Once a tech analyst in one of the towns realised the connections, the BAU were contacted immediately.
To avoid more deaths, Spencer and Maeve were sent in as a newlywed couple, to lure this guy out as the BAU hadn’t visited any of the towns yet and didn’t know the team members. 
Even the local PD weren’t informed either, to make it as realistic as possible.
Which is how they found themselves standing outside a pretty house in Kansas in a small town that she’d never heard of, his arm around her waist and their matching gold rings glinting in the warm sun. Plus her pretty engagement ring Spencer had produced for her to wear seemingly out of nowhere.
It really is gorgeous, and silver, which is her preferred jewellery type - the gold wedding ring made her very unhappy.
With a soft sigh, she scanned over the house once more, a smile tugging at her lips.
“You know, this house looks too nice for the BAU budget.”
Humming in agreement, he tugged her that extra bit closer to lean his head on top of hers. Hand settling comfortably on her hip.
“I convinced Rossi to hire it out. I’m collecting his dry cleaning for two months.”
Laughing, she slapped his chest lightly with the back of her hand, even as he pouted at the thought of his next two months being entirely taken up by collecting Rossi’s dry cleaning. It’s worth it though, very glad that he’d sacrificed his time for them, because this place is gorgeous. 
She’s always lived in the city, but she could easily see herself settling down somewhere like this.. with someone like Spencer.
Thankfully their neighbours came out to stifle that line of thought, greeting them happily over their white picket fence. Spencer kept his hand on her lower back the entire time, hell, his hand didn’t actually stop moving.
Even as they introduced themselves as Walter and Valerie Reid - both their middle names - his hand smoothed down her spine and then across the small of her back until his fingers ghosted her waist. Somehow able to keep up conversation with their neighbours as he dragged his hand slowly back up her spine, feeling out every ridge as if to convince himself that she’s in one piece. And it just doesn’t work in her brain, how the man who wouldn’t have shaken her hands a couple months ago was now memorising the feel of her.
It had been a month since they made up and sure he had been more tactile with the occasional hand to the small of her back or over her shoulders, but not this much. Forcing herself not to enjoy it since it’s only for the case.
There’s no way he feels even remotely close to the way she does.
“--that right angel?”
That snapped her out of her own head, not even realising she’d started daydreaming about him again. But the silly bastard doesn’t make it easy to focus as his hand brushes hair from the nape of her neck before sliding down her back again.
Smug smile telling her that he knows exactly what he’s doing, and she blinked softly to answer him.
“Sorry love?”
Dammit, not it’s his turn to melt, managing to hold the stupid grin off his face, but the smugness fell into something a little more real as his hand slipped to squeeze the dip of her waist.
“Asked uhm.. if we wanted to look around at kindergartens with them, since we’re trying for a baby. Aren’t we, angel.”
Rolling her eyes, she smoothed her hand down his chest to look at their neighbours, giving them a smile.
“We will be. After we’ve settled, he’s just a little excited.”
The thought of having a kid together should not make her as breathless as it did. Talking with the neighbours for a little longer - even though she’s absolutely not fully with them - before going inside. Where he quickly kissed her temple before getting on with unpacking his bags.
She fully believes she isn’t going to get through this in one piece.
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It’s now been two days, and there’s been no sign of their UnSub, which led to them going all out.
They got a large advertisement in the local paper celebrating their newlywed status and having moved in, with a sappy photo of them together. Attended any sort of club or event that had been running to make a big thing about themselves, and loudly went shopping together in the local market that had popped up in the afternoon. Every and each interaction underscored by Spencer’s constant touching and affectionate little kisses to her head, hair or temple.
He is loving every second of having Ava as his wife, introducing her as such every time he gets the chance before launching into their ‘love story’ that felt a little too real. According to their backstory, they worked together as professors at a college and eventually fell for each other after a long period of work rivalry.
Over these last two days, it became so natural to have Spencer practically attached to her hip, that it felt wrong without him. It felt odd to not have him holding onto her or kissing something soft against her temple.
Even in their house, away from anyone that needs to be fooled by their undercover story, he’s no different. It’s hard to convince herself she doesn’t love it.
Unfortunately, he’s had to sequester himself away in their study to do somecase work, keeping a log of everything they do while undercover - and completing hers after losing their card game last night. But then someone knocked on the door, swiftly following that with the doorbell.
Getting up to answer the door, she didn’t even consider that this wouldn’t be one of their neighbours, like it had been for the past two days. However, with the town’s deputy standing on her doorstep, the case flew harshly back into the forefront of her mind. The man had been described as wearing a uniform, this could be it.
Leaning on the door, she smiled out at the man, hoping Spencer wouldn’t wander out to see what it was and blow the whole reason they’d gone undercover.
“Good evening officer, is there a problem?”
“No ma’am, just wanted to introduce myself and make sure you folks are settled in. I’m John Brown, Deputy. Saw your ad in the paper, congratulations.”
Maeve thanked him softly and he held out a hand for her to shake. She saw the way his eyes glinted, knowing this was part of his test to determine whether or not she would be his next victim. A test she has to fail so that he would target her instead of another defenceless woman.
Shaking his hand a little longer than he probably found appropriate. His eyes darted to see if Spencer was going to turn up.
“That’s kind of you Deputy, I’m Valerie. My husband is busy right now, I hope you understand.”
Putting on a bashful smile to appease to the part of him that had to see her as unfaithful. The man is attractive, she’ll give him that, but isn’t anything special compared to her husband down the hall.
It worked, John squeezed a touch too tight before stepping back, hand falling to his badge. 
“No problems at all ma’am, I hope you won’t mind me checking in again sometime.”
Laughing softly, she moved to stand and change her hold on the door, ready to close it and sprint back to Spencer now that she’d spoken to the UnSub. But she needs to maintain this a little longer.
“Please, call me Valerie, I’ll see you soon John.”
Using his first name to really ram it home, and then shutting the door. Calmly turning to walk down the hallway to the study, knowing he could see her through the window.
Turning down and out of sight, she walked straight into Spencer, and he moved to gently hold her against the wall. Hand on her shoulder to hold her still while he finished his phone call, eyebrows drawn together as he scanned her face, making sure she’s okay.
“Yes, I’m sure. Get a team in place for tonight Emily, he’ll be here.”
Christ, he’s looking at her so ardently, she’s not sure that she quite remembers how to breathe.
But then his phone is shoved into his pocket and she has his entire attention - constricting her lungs even further. His hands snaked their way to her hips to hold her still, to ground her back to Earth. Eye contact, steady breathing to coax her own back to normal, the gentle squeeze of his hands to remind her that she’s okay.
“Are you alright angel?”
Honestly, she still melts utterly when he calls her that, and this time he can feel it, the relaxation under his palms as she finally meets his gaze.
“Mhm, I’m alright Spence.You know the profile, he wouldn’t have attacked me at the front door. He’s never done that before.”
“He’s also never hunted in his hometown before, we’re forcing his hand and we don’t know what else he could change.”
Tugging her forward into a hug, one arm wraps around her back, snug around her, the other holding her head to his neck. Breathing her in and just staying like that as her arms immediately wrapped around him. Fisting his shirt in her hands as she leans into his touch.
“Emily has already mobilised a team, they’ll be in place for tonight. I won’t let this guy hurt you. I promise.”
Laughing softly, she practically nuzzled into the skin of his neck, breath warm as she spoke. 
“Careful, I’ll hold you to that.”
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Something went wrong. Spencer had been blitzed from behind while they were eating dinner. It had been too soon, they weren’t ready.
Now, as he slowly forced himself up from the floor, something clearly wasn’t right. Picking himself up, trying not to look at the blood that had pooled on their kitchen floor, he scrambled over to the drawer where they’d stashed an emergency gun.
Holding back the sigh of relief at the cool metal reaching his palm, but as he picked it up it felt too heavy - like he was going to topple over.
Probably had something to do with the blood dripping down the side of his face, staining his blue shirt.
Brokenly calling it in to Emily, he realised that the ringing in his right ear was going down - making him aware that there had even been a ringing in the first place. Letting him properly focus on the sound from upstairs, crying. Sobbing, really. But that shouldn’t be Maeve, he’d promised that she’d be fine.
He promised.
Causing him to blatantly ignore Emily and hang up the phone, stuffing his phone in his back pocket and stumbling to the stairs. Ambling up with the gun heavy in his hands, finding the source from their master bedroom.
Wishing they’d never gotten up this morning - or that he’d intervened at the front door. She isn’t worth this case.
Through his hazy vision as he pushed the door open, he saw the UnSub holding Maeve up by the window. Facing the door and waiting for him. Fuck.. he makes the husband watch.
Coming upstairs might’ve just killed her.
“Hello Walter, pleasure to finally meet you. Don’t worry, I met your wife earlier.”
Digging the knife a little harder into Maeve’s side, finally making Spencer aware of the knife pressed into her side. He desperately tried to figure out where it would hit her if he stabbed her, but he couldn’t. He can’t think, Maeve is in danger. His wife.
“Give her--”
“Funny, even with a head injury, you come to save her, gun and all. But she didn’t even call out for you, you know. I dragged her off and she screamed for a Spencer. Bitch was more unfaithful than I realised.”
Panicking, Spencer took a step closer, wanting to bargain and plead and shoot this fucking bastard. For Maeve.
“No, no. That’s- That’s me, Walter is my middle name. Please don’t hurt her, I promised.”
Maeve hadn’t stopped looking at him, so desperately. She had screamed for him, he had promised to keep her safe, holding eye contact as the UnSub laughed. A horrible sound right now as he just wanted this all over.
“What good are promises and vows, when your wife talks to any man that comes to the door, like a common whore.”
“Don’t call her that.”
“I can call this traitorous bitch whatever I want, this is what’s best for your marriage.”
The knife dug in deeper, cutting through the pretty blue sweater she’d worn just to match with him today. All he could do was watch as blood started to seep through, not enough to be serious, but it was still too much for his heart.
Hazy brain trying to sort through what to say. The UnSub’s hatred probably began with his mother leaving his father, regardless of whether or not she cheated - and that pure hatred was cemented when his wifely likely cheated and left him. As if it rationalised his hatred because they’d proved he was right.
But he also knew this kind of man can’t be talked down - his hands were too fucking shaky, and his vision too blurry to try and do anything physical.
Maeve, Jesus, she’s smiling at him softly, even though she had a knife cutting shallowly into her gut and an arm locked around her throat. Her voice wasn’t as level as she had hoped for, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore as she spoke to Spencer.
“It’s alright sweetheart, just take the shot.”
The man doesn’t even seem fazed, as if knowing how unlikely it is that Spencer would get a decent shot off, if any at all. And his grip tightened on the gun, raising it just a little. The action did make him hold Maeve tighter, but there’s no point, he really can’t safely make a shot.
Fuck- he’s terrified that he’ll hit her.
“I- I can’t. Angel, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Sirens finally sounded from outside and the man clearly bristled, looking nervously between him and the window. Spencer was going to fucking throttle whoever just set off those sirens, knowing that it was only going to make the man panic. The police had never arrived so quickly before.
As he was looking for the right thing to say, the man gave Spencer one last look.
“We both know, you’re better off.”
Drawing back the knife and stabbing Maeve in the side, quickly managing to pull it out and get another one in before Spencer’s heavy reactions finally kicked in.
The pain had Maeve doubled over and Spencer fired now that the shot was clear, hitting the man clear in the heart and sending him over - dead before he even hit the floor. Impressive considering Spencer was aiming for his head. 
There had been a scream, and it wasn’t until he was cradling Maeve on the floor that he realised it was coming from him.
Making sure the knife hadn’t been jolted as he violently kicked the man’s body away to make enough room for him and Maeve were on the floor, grabbing for whatever clothes they’d discarded the night before. Desperately trying to stem the bleeding.
Maeve’s hands travelled up his arms, leaving smears he’s never going to be able to tear from his memory, eventually settling in his hair. Until she let out a sad whine, pulling her hand back, all bloody from the injury to his head.
“Spence, sweetheart, you’re bleeding.”
“You’re a little more important than me right now baby. Stay still for me okay, fuck, fuck-- not again, not again--”
Her words were all slurred, and she just continued frowning, not caring that all his focus was on trying to stop her bleeding. Whereas she was trying to get him to refocus, not understanding why she was so important to focus on right now.
“No you- you need to be checked out. You’re so clever Spencer, you need to- you need t’ protect your brain.”
As he was trying to focus on her, he could feel her hands lax from where they’d been smoothing through his hair. Eyes darting up to her face as she started to mumble her words, eyes slipping shut.
“Maeve?! Angel, baby, c’mon, stay with me, help is coming.”
“Oh~ you called me Maeve! It sounds so pretty. ‘M sorry love, I need- I need to rest my eyes, won’t sleep, promise.”
He moved his hands to her face, inadvertently smearing her blood across her cheeks, but he needed her to open her eyes. He can’t lose her - he fucking refuses to lose her.
This woman, carved so perfectly into his heart, isn’t allowed to leave him yet. There is so much more he wants to do with her- hell, he wants to tell the stupid fucking woman that he loves her and he’s an idiot for leaving it so long to tell her. That he’s sorry that she has to be in danger whenever he realises his feelings for her.
Tapping her face lightly while her eyes darted underneath her eyelids.
“Uh huh, it’s real pretty, just like your gorgeous eyes. Keep them open for me angel. Maeve, come on now.”
It had calmed down, the bleeding, the trousers that he’d grabbed from the floor were completely soaked but the blood wasn’t flowing as violently anymore and he could ease some of the panic in his heart.
The knowledge that Emily was outside, the house had already been breached, and there was an ambulance waiting for them was the only thing he was holding onto to avoid breaking down.
But he damn near sobbed when she peeled one eye open to look at him, a few tears dropping onto her face, but she didn’t seem to care.
“You’re lucky you’re cute Spence. But it’s too bright to keep my eyes open, please can you turn the lights of love, please.”
“The lights.. the light is off babygirl, keep that eye open for me anyway. Please Maeve, I can’t lose you.”
Scrunching her face up, ignoring the stab of pain that flickered through her as she gazed up at him. Forcing the other eye open even against the blaring light, trying not to hold it against him for not turning it off yet.
Reaching up, she cradled his face carefully within her hands, like he’s doing with her. So gently, as if she thought he’d break. As if he were the one here so close to dying.
When she smiled again, it took all his willpower to ignore the blood between her teeth.
“You won’t lose me sweet thing, I’m jus’ a little sleepy. Let me have a nap and then we can go back to being married, yeah?”
“No- No! Maeve, come on, eyes open.”
But it was no use, her hands slipped off his face and falling to her chest as her eyes fluttered shut. Smushing her face into his palm as the pain and light started to dim underneath her eyelids, her lips brushing his hand.
“You keep calling me Maeve, I love it so much. I uh.. can we talk about it later? I really like it, but I prefer- I prefer angel.”
Breathing finally evened as she passed out, going limp against his hand as he finally stopped trying not to cry. Pulling her up into his arms and sobbing into her hair, hearing the paramedics scaling the stairs out in the hallway.
Pressing small kisses to her hair over and over, as if he could ever start to make up for not being able to keep her safe. Voice breaking through his words.
“I’ll call you angel forever Maeve, I promise, but you have to wake up. Please- please don’t leave me.”
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chronosbled · 1 year
Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot At the Body Shop Doing something unholy
A lucky, lucky girl She got married to a boy like you She'd kick you out if she ever, ever knew 'Bout all the shit you tell me that you do Dirty, dirty boy You know everyone is talkin' on the scene I hear them whisperin' 'bout the places that you've been And how you don't know how to keep your business clean
Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot At the Body Shop Doin' something unholy He's sat back while she's droppin' it She be poppin' it Yeah, she put it down slowly Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome so he can get that Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot At the Body Shop Doin' something unholy
Mm, daddy, daddy, if you want it, drop the addy Give me love, give me Fendi, my Balenciaga daddy You gon' need to bag it up 'cause I'm spendin' on Rodeo You can watch me back it up, I'll be gone in the A.M. And he, he get me Prada, get me Miu Miu like Rihanna He always call me 'cause I never cause no drama And when you want it, baby, I know I got you covered And when you need it, baby, just jump under the covers
Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot At the Body Shop Doin' something unholy He's sat back while she's droppin' it She be poppin' it Yeah, she put it down slowly Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome so he can get that Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot At the Body Shop Doin' something unholy
Oh-oh, oh-ee-oh-ee, ee-oh Oh-oh, oh-ee-oh-ee, ee-oh Oh-oh, oh-ee-oh-ee, ee-oh Oh-oh, oh-ee-oh-ee, ee-oh
Praise the lord amen She a 10, a gem He a mannequin She a diadem Comin' back again to the body shop And she tell me when Cause she wanna top Your harem want me more than you do If you wanna you can bow to me to
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
May i make a request? So pretty much fem reader is a a kill for hire, (with morals) no innocents etc) and liu kang sand either bi han kuai and smoke, or kung lao and raiden, to recruit her, they watch,as she asks all bubbly and sweet to lure in her tagret only to kill them easily, posion or something?. They ofc fall in love XD
She Would Hurt A Fly
Prior notes: You not one of my opps trying to convict me of something, right? FBI already trying to get me after my constant research on Datura. Don’t put me in jail for making a murder scene 👁️👁️.
Pairing: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Violence but you will learn something about pigs.
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“You want us to fetch…her?” Bi-Han asked with uncertainty.
All the brothers looked down at a picture of you that was given to them by Liu Kang. No offense but you seem like some ordinary person. But according to Liu Kang you are a tricky woman who is a fierce killer. That can’t be right.
“She looks so sweet though.” Tomas said.
“Do not judge, lest ye be judged.” Liu Kang replied.
“You said she was an assassin that can be hired? If you have the Lin Kuei at your side, why would you need someone else like her that you have to pay for?” Kuai Liang had a point.
“Though true that I have your clan by my side, she can do something none of you were trained to do. I don’t question the Lin Kuei’s abilities but I need someone with her unique expertise.”
Liu Kang’s words only fueled their curiosity even more. Bi-Han was somewhat upset with the god for thinking that he needs someone else other than his clan. But if his words are true he wants to see it for himself. So they’ll accept this quest to get you. They won’t act immediately however. They need to see if you are truly needed. What can you do that is so different?
Target acquired. Your target: a lowlife scum who is somehow let free after committing his heinous crime. People talk, and they all think he somehow paid the judge for his freedom. Some even think he had the justice system by the balls way earlier than when he committed the crime. And you were hired to kill him in any way you see fit. You would have done this job for free but your clients insisted that you deserve the pay. Work your magic girl! You have an audience with you now that you don’t even know about.
Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, and Tomas hide in the bushes and behind trees to keep an eye on you. It looked they were just stalking a poor woman who was having some car problems in front of her farm home. You could have fooled anyone.
“Should we help her?” Tomas asked.
“Do we look like mechanics, Tomas? Do us a favor and keep your mouth shut.” Bi-Han berated him.
“Settle down, brother. You are only irritated because she has not done anything yet. How about we approach her now and-“ Kuai Liang was cut off when he heard you yell out to someone. All their heads turned to see what you were going on about. Time for action.
You were waving over your target and started asking for help. You acted like a clueless damsel in distress. A poor woman who can’t get her truck to start working.
“Please sir, I need your help. My car is acting all strange. Please sir, I’d really appreciate it.” You gave him your sweetest voice while looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
Who could say no to a face like yours. He accepted which made you jump for joy and clap your hands. That wasn’t fake you were just happy that he accepted in the first place, already making the job go smoothly. Your target had no idea what he was walking into. Hell, he even thought the same thing that you were making this too easy for him. It would be him who will fall victim to you.
You kept your act going. You asked dumb questions about the car and acted all sweet when he corrected you about something. Yet you were only pissing Bi-Han off even more. He wanted to yell at you to do something else. Kill him already. The brothers were all missing the point that this was how you do your. The fact is you lure your targets in. Give them a false sense of security before striking them down. They only know how to sneak up and strike when the opportunity opens up. You just have more patience than them. They don’t have to wait any longer because now you are striking.
You offered to get the man a drink for being so kind to you. He accepted of course. You were quick with getting him a cup and you passed it to him. He looked at you strangely as he looked down into the cup with blue liquid inside of it. He asked you what was inside. You reassured him it was just Calypso lemonade, nothing bad. Well, he trusted you. You built his trust up before, why would a sweet and bubbly lady like you mess with a man’s drink?
He gulped it down quickly and immediately he started reacting. The brothers turned their full attention onto him. Alright, so maybe you weren’t so truthful. Maybe you put in some drain cleaner that was a similar color to the lemonade. Maybe, just maybe. They watched him stubble away from you while holding his throat.
“What’s happening? Did she do something?” Tomas asked, convinced he blinked and missed what you did.
“I don’t know. He just started coughing.” Kuai Liang might not know but Bi-Han suspected there was something else they weren’t thinking of.
Of course you won’t stab a man in broad daylight. You’re a professional. And then it clicked.
“What was that?” Both brothers asked Bi-Han.
“She has clearly poisoned him. The fool was too stupid to realize she was luring him in.” Bi-Han wants to act like he wasn’t doubting you just a few moments ago.
“I’m a no-rust-build-up woman, myself.” You declared to the guy as you watched him crawl away from you, still keeping up that sweet voice.
And just like that he was gone. No blood left over or screams to already anyone else. A quick yet painful death for him and a job well done. Now to dispose of the body.
You left quite an impression on the boys. Kuai Liang finds your tactic to be effective. You fooled them all and he find that incredible. Tomas thinks you would be amazing as a huntress. You have the patience and the sneakiness to be one. He wouldn’t mind learning a thing or two from you. And Bi-Han…what the fuck is he doing.
“Brother, are you…smiling?” Kuai Liang looks confused and Tomas seems horrified.
Bi-Han doesn’t say a word, only hums in response. He’s smiling as he watches you drag the body over the pig pen. This isn’t like a smile one does when they are day dreaming about their crush. No, this is a smile that says he likes you but not in the right ways. A closed-mouth smile that shows no warmth but a devilish desire.
You are a deceitful woman who has tricked all. You trap your victims by giving them a false sense of security. You leave no evidence and do it silently so no one would know. You are leaving that man’s family clueless of his demise. You are wicked and he likes that a lot.
Again he’s not alone in that. Tomas would like to get close to you just to learn your tricks as well. Maybe see if that persona is actually you or just some trick. Either way he wants to get to know you. Kuai Liang is awed by intellect and you have sure shown that by your well constructed plan. He can see why you are even worthy of hiring. You do it so effortlessly it makes your beauty pop out more. We got some bachelors over here.
“Should we go up to her now and tell her Lord Liu Kang’s proposal?” Tomas stepped in front of Bi-Han when asking that question. The only response he got was Bi-Han’s hand in his face, pushing him away so Bi-Han could keep looking at you.
They’ll wait this out a bit. At least it will give you enough time to dump the body into the pig pen and feed your poor, hungry pigs. They can stomach it.
You were brought before Lord Liu Kang who told you he would like to have you around. It was a big shock to you. A god wants to hire you? Slap that on your resume immediately.
You accepted the offer quickly. You thanking him for seeing that you are a good person at heart and only try to kill those who deserve such a fate. An antihero if you will. And hey, you have the chance to meet some new people now. Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, and Tomas seem to be really interested in getting to know you.
Liu Kang was very suspicious of their intentions though. Mostly Bi-Han since he still had that devilish smirk on his face as he stared at you. He hasn’t even talked he just keeps giving off that low hum. Something is off. Maybe he won’t have you train with the Lin Kuei.
“Perhaps I shall send you to the Wu Shi Academy. They might be a better fit for you.” Liu Kang said in perfect earshot of the brothers.
A collective ‘no’ rang out from them which told you and him everything. They like you, they like your skills. They just won’t have any drink you give them. Especially not a Calypso.
After notes: Heathers is free on YouTube. It’s really important you know that. Might give a hint on how I thought of this. Might also be craving a Calypso badly. That Southern Peach gets me.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Hello again friend! I kept thinking about this when we were playing together. What if there was a survivor on a colony/space station of an alien infestation that happens the usual way: Some idiot infected with a chestburster comes into the formerly safe area. This survivor gets the said alien attatched to her and it follows her around. The xeno vents, stalks and runs with the survivor around. Of course the human learns to utilize this xeno to defend herself too, "Sic her on 'em" as we lovingly call it. ;)
Hello, my friend! Here you go :) Takes place on the Sevastopol like in the game! Here's the ideas I came up with! Ended up keeping it Gender-Neutral as it's mostly just me spilling ideas. Xenomorph is female though.
Also, yes, the title is meant to look like that. That's the name of the game according to Xbox.
Yandere! Aliens, Isolation Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Alien pet (?), Violence/Murder, Kidnapping, Stalking, Forced companionship.
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Most people are familiar with Aliens, Isolation, right?
You spend the whole game trying to survive a station invested with Xenomorphs.
For the first portion of the game you're chased by just one Xenomorph.
That's what this idea is based on.
You're trying to survive in the Sevastopol, roaming the halls and hiding in vents from people, androids, and aliens.
Except this time... the alien doesn't want to kill you.
She has other purposes for you.
It's unknown why this particular Xenomorph is so attached to you... but one thing is painfully clear.
She won't leave you alone.
Despite the terrifying aspect of this, you can use this to your advantage.
You can use audio lures and flares to call the Xenomorph into the area.
She naturally targets humans, although is she sees an android as a threat she'd attack that too.
Another way to call her is by your voice.
Simply screaming calls the beast to the area to cause chaos and death.
You are, surprisingly, the safest person in this station.
The main threat appears to be on your side for one reason or another.
As a result... she becomes like a weapon... an attack dog (alien?).
The Xenomorph always seems to know where you are, like she's remembered your scent.
No matter how many times you transport yourself around and between areas, you can hear her signature crawling in the vents.
Even if you knew the alien doesn't plan to kill you... you dread going under open vents.
Even with the help you don't find yourself comforted in the dark halls of this station.
You still use vents to hide and gather whatever supplies you can.
Wouldn't it be a neat idea if the Xenomorph found supplies and dropped them by you from vents.
You'll be standing by a vent, only for crafting materials to be dropped beside you in a saliva coated mess.
Quietly you thank your foreign helper and put together an item.
People are wary to target you, they've heard of a human being able to tame the alien creature roaming about.
Yet at the same time... you have access to good supplies....
Anyone who attacks you is met with the same end, a Xenomorph slashing and biting through their flesh.
Hell, even if you made friends, you can hear the Xenomorph hissing from the vents.
She wants to keep you alone.
The Xenomorph would only stay out of the way for so long.
Soon she'll feel she wants to keep her human safe and hers.
Just when you feel you're getting used to the Xenomorph, the tables turn.
She picks you up from a vent or pins you to drag you away.
She doesn't intentionally knock you out or hurt you, yet that may still happen by accident.
When you wake up you find yourself in mini nest within the station.
She doesn't take you to the reactor, she wants you alone.
You're surrounded by the strange Xenomorph resin the creatures make.
You can't move, the resin coating the walls and locking you in a room.
You... you really thought you would escape.
Yet the Xenomorph only chitters and hisses, nuzzling her oblong head against you as she curls around you.
Truth is, you were probably going to die here anywhere.
The alien may try to give you food and water, but you're on a sinking ship.
Having an alien be your protector in this place has a price to pay...
This time... it just so happens to be you.
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fantasylandbitch · 10 days
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Summary: While Danny is out with Ethan to get a few of his favorite snacks, he doesn't realize that Ethan is setting up to kill one of your friends. At the apartment Sam tries her best to apologize and accommodate you while you both try to hide your relationship not realizing some of them know but soon secrecy brings jealousy. 
Warning: Long Chapter, Fluff, 18+ A Little Spicy 18+, Self Deprecation, Family Therapy, Creepy Ethan
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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"Y/n..I'm sorry for leaving you in the bathroom so abruptly" Sam apologized to you before looking down at the ground and then up at your e/c eyes. Then your eyes surprised her. What about them that surprised her? It was how your eyes looked, they held a certain level of judgment but also held understanding and comfort for her. "I wasn't expecting you to recall what happened to you so soon" she voiced as she tried to hold eye contact with you but under the kitchen lights, your gentle gaze made her nervous. 
"Sam" you spoke softly, taking her hand and guiding her to sit on a stool with you near the island. "I don't remember a lot of what happened to me...just bits and pieces, I can't make sense of them yet" you voiced as you thought of your next words carefully. "However, you could have told me how you felt instead of leaving me to wonder if I had done something wrong," you told her with honesty, and just as Sam was going to open her mouth you stopped her. "I don't blame you for what happened to me and you shouldn't feel responsible for whatever transpired before."
"But I do, Y/n, because if I hadn't left Ethan with you, you wouldn't be here wounded and trying to piece together what happened. If only I had known Ghost Face was going to target you...I would have stayed," Sam confessed, her leg bouncing with anxiety before she averted your gaze once again.
You let out a light sigh as you look at Sam. "If you had been there instead of Ethan then I feel like the outcome would've played out differently," you said to her. Your words bounced in every corner of her mind as Sam turned her head to you, she thought about the worst outcomes had she switched places with Ethan that night. She knows that Ghost Face would have played dirty like using one of you to lure the other out as one of you would have to watch the other die in some way or suffer much worse. The thought brought tears to Sam's eyes as she nodded in agreement, nevertheless, you reached out to comfort her. You place your hand on her thigh, unaware that Mindy was observing the interaction.
At the couch, Mindy's eyes widened as she watched your hand touch Sam's thigh to comfort her. Then she turns her head to Tara who's sitting next to her before whispering "Tara? Tell me how do you know someone is gay without telling me they're gay?" making the little Carpenter turn her head to her sister and you because she thought who else would Mindy be talking about.
Then Tara saw your gentle squeeze on her sister's thigh, Sam covering your hand with her own before pulling your stool closer to hers, making you laugh. She then watches as her older sister leans her shoulder against you, then uses your shoulder as a pillow before you say something to Sam that she can't hear. Tara watches as her older sister lifts her head to look at you and how you move your right hand to wipe something off her face before slowly leaning in to kiss her. Tara believes your exchange with her sister was supposed to be private. But in the end, it brought a tiny smile to Tara's face. She was reminded of the days when she and Amber were seeing each other, calling each other up to see how the other was doing and making plans to go on a date, and how she would call Amber to come over to the house so they could try some alcohol that her mom forgot to lock up as they listened to music while dancing. Some part of Tara wishes she could go back in time to see Amber again but she also believes that is where her love for drinking started. She was curious at first about everything about love and the adventures of drinking, but now, she wants to forget, forget the mental and physical scarring that she had to endure in Woodsboro two years ago.
But what brought Tara back to the present was when Chad had asked a question from her lap "Hey Sam, are you or Danny cooking tonight?" He asked from the couch before sitting up. The creaking from the couch caused you and Sam to separate quickly before he could see you both exchanging your love for one another because you and Sam wanted to keep the relationship a secret until Ghost Face was dealt with.
"Uh I was planning to cook tonight," Sam says aloud as she slowly gets off the stool to walk around the island and open the fridge. "I was thinking of making chicken with rice and vegetables" she announced before checking the freezer, only to realize that she forgot to buy the vegetables. 
"Vegetables, Chicken, and Rice don't sound horrible" Chad voices as he lays back down putting his head back on Tara's lap as she slowly starts touching his hair.
"Damn it! I forgot to buy the vegetables" she says annoyed because she was looking forward to eating the vegetables.
"Hey hey Sam, it's okay maybe I could make dinner tonight" you chimed from your seat as you watched your girlfriend simmer down before closing the freezer door to look at you.
"Nope! Not a chance. Sam, she might kill us through our stomachs!" Chad yells, about to get up from the couch causing Tara to sigh knowing an argument is about to start.
But Mindy pushes his shoulders down before he can and slaps his forehead "Chad, if Y/n wanted to kill us, she would have done it a long time ago." She said showing whose side she was on before continuing her thoughts "And Chad? I will support almost any relationship you get into because as you know I'm gay and I’m your sister, but how deep in Ethan's ass are you in or is it the other way around?" And your brows rose at Mindy's choice of words.
Her actions caused Chad to rub his forehead as he started to sit up on the couch to face her. "What kind of question is that!?" He yells before standing up causing Tara to scoot over to the other end of the couch as she exchanges a look with her sister from across the room. "Nothing is going on between me and Ethan and as your older brother, could you refrain from asking me questions like that?!" Chad asks, yelling at his sister once again. Sam crosses her arms and gave a heavy sigh before looking over at you as she notices how you're leaning your head to the side so you can better listen to the conversation behind you.
"As if, I'm the oldest! But whatever, whoever came out of moms coochie first is irrelevant right now Chad, the point is why are you all up Ethan's ass and not having a mind of your own? We're all supposed to be on the same team because Ghost Face is coming after all of us, he's not cherry picking here" Mindy said sternly, mad that her brother is still up in arms about you attacking Ethan and now he thinks you're going to kill everyone at dinner time.
"I'm not up Ethan's ass. He's my roommate. I care about his safety and knowing he was knocked out in that basement and then attacked by Y/n makes me feel protective." Chad voices honestly as he gave a heavy sigh before dragging his hands down his face "We already lost Quinn and I don't want to lose anyone else so forgive me if I don't trust Y/n right now."
"Is this related to your ex?" Mindy questions her brother, the smoke leaving her ears as she calms down. "Is it because you couldn't save her that now you feel responsible for your roommate?" She asked another question, seeing a connection between what happened then and what is happening right now.
"Now why would you bring up my ex like that Mindy? That was two years ago." Chad asked back, hurt but open to hearing what his sister had to say.
"Because for some of us, two years ago.." Mindy starts before looking over at Tara and then at Sam. "Felt like yesterday, I was at Amber's house party and sucking faces with a girl before settling on the couch later that night to watch Uncle Randy on TV before Ghost Face showed up. But that party that ended in a shit show? It hasn't stopped me from going to other parties and meeting people which is how I met my beloved Anika."
"That's the thing Mindy," Chad said earnestly. "You handled what happened two years ago differently than I do. I still go to parties too, with you, Tara, and now Ethan. But I can't shake the fear of losing more people I'm close to." His words hung heavy in the air causing you to turn your head toward the island, your expression portraying a sense of defeat. Without a word, you reach for a piece of paper and a pen on the island, writing something down. Sam watched as you pushed the piece of paper toward her, your disappointment was evident on your face.
Then Sam picks up the piece of paper reading it over as she realizes that it's a recipe for dinner that she would be able to make "It's called Blood Pasta uh?" Sam asked you, amused by the name while you pouted on the other side of the island so she walked over to you. Then Sam places her hands on either side of your body, caging you between herself and the island before lightly pressing her chest up against your back and lowering her head down. "Why don't you help me make it? '' She whispers into your ear as her breath tickles the little hairs on your skin making you smile and her smile widens. She wants to know you in every way possible and seeing your smile means a lot to her.
"Well, technically I could but Sam it's a fairly simple meal to make," You tell her, causing Sam to take her hands and place them near your knees as she begins tracing circles in thought.
Then Sam stops moving her hands, allowing you to pay attention to them as you anticipate her next move before she slowly drags her hands down your thighs causing you to take a deep breath. The feeling of her hands on your thighs is soothing and light to the touch but you don’t realize that she is intentionally teasing you until after she takes it up a notch. Sam starts to drag her nails down the rest of your thighs making you lean back into her chest as you spread your legs, mistakenly, Sam thought you were giving her more access to do what she wanted to you until you quickly clasp her hands when they get closer to your crotch and stand up.
"Fine! Fine, I'll help you make the damn Blood Pasta!" you said aloud, feeling flustered while behind you Sam stepped out of the way watching you hurriedly get up from the stool with a smirk. But when you turn around to face your girlfriend you catch her smirk at the last second before she changes it to a smile, and when you go to look up at her you find half lidded eyes looking back at you. You can feel the blood rush to your face, it's because you can almost imagine what dirty thoughts she might be thinking while gazing into your eyes. "Saaam" You stretched her name and she smiled. Sam won’t admit it to you but she's always loved the sound of your voice whenever you say her name or become talkative because your voice sounds smooth yet husky to the drums in her ears. But it didn’t stop her from watching you take a walk around the island passing the front door as you made your way over to get the pot from the drying rack. "There are children in the apartment..behave yourself" you giggled while trying to keep your cool in front of her family as you brought the pot to the sink.
But Sam couldn't help herself as she walked in the opposite direction and towards the cabinets. While walking over to you, her eyes gravitated toward a place that held one of the knives you threw at Ethan earlier, and for a minute she wondered. ‘How much strength did you use to have a knife sticking out of a cabinet door?’ she thought before she took residence near the sink, waiting for the pot to fill up with water alongside you. "Y/n '' she calls your name, studying your side profile before you turn your head to look at her and even then she tries to burn your face into her memory. "Try-" she started when she noticed the water in the pot was about to fill up so she leaned over to turn the faucet off before pulling on her hoodie that you're wearing "Not to take it personally."
Sam said next which made you scoff, the sound making her smile drop a little because she understands from personal experience what it feels like to be the bad guy in everyone's eyes. "I'll try not to take it so personally...Also six feet Sam," you told her, making Sam tilt her head like a dog as her brows furrowed with confusion. "We can't keep this" you smile while pointing your finger at her and then at yourself "a secret if you're always trying to touch me."
Your words cause Sam to smile "True but can you blame me?" She asks you, her brows relaxing as she looks at your eyes and then at your lips. With Sam eyeing you this way, she only makes your smile widen as big as hers and you nod repeatedly in front of her. Then you both hear the couch creak again making you both turn your heads to see Tara stand up before Sam asks "Boundaries right? Then can you take a step back for me? I don't want to spill all this water and make you wet now. That would be a lot to clean up."
You hear her say, her words making you laugh “Yeah, okay, sure” you say mid laugh before you accidentally snort. The unexpected snort made Sam laugh after she put the pot on the stove and you laughed even harder while covering your face as Tara walked into the kitchen.
"Hey you two, need any help with dinner?" Tara asked you both with a smile after witnessing you and her sister laughing in the kitchen. 
"Um sure," you say to her as you look over at Sam briefly, your girlfriend shrugging before you open the fridge to find one package of chicken. "Here, take this chicken please," you say to Tara, handing her one package to put on the island. "Thank you...now I just have to find the last one…but uh make sure you take off the skin" you say aloud trying to find the last package of chicken but Sam steps in by putting her hand on your shoulder.
“Here, let me get the last package for you so you don't open up your stitches” Sam voices, concerned about your wounds reopening before she bent over to find the package of meat for you in the fridge. However, when you turn away to find a butter knife to open the package of chicken ahead of time Tara opens the freezer to get an ice pop then forgets to close the door. Upon finding the package of chicken for dinner, Sam goes to stand up when her head makes contact with the freezer door. “OW!” Sam yells causing you to whip your head around to look at her “Tara! What is with you and not closing doors lately!?” She yells at her little sister before handing the package to you.
"Oooh, please! That was two times Sam I’ll make sure to close the door next time" Tara spoke back to her sister. Her backtalk makes Sam walk over to her to flick her in the forehead but you stop Sam by stepping in front of her to talk to Tara. 
“Tara, all your sister is trying to say is that she would appreciate it if you would be mindful of others in the apartment and close the doors..” you started and Sam who is behind you is secretly mouthing.
‘You are so lucky that Y/n is standing between us’ Sam mouthed to her sister as she made faces at her causing Tara to smirk and you to turn your head briefly to Sam before looking back at Tara.
“Do you understand where she’s coming from Tara? She just wants everyone to keep their limbs intact and their heads on their shoulders” you say next causing Tara to nod in agreement. 
“Fine, I will take that into consideration” Tara replied before taking the butter knife from you to open a package of chicken while you look for another butter knife to use when Sam offers one in your peripherals. Then you turn to reach out and grab it from her but are met with some resistance so you look up at Sam only to make eye contact with the same dark figure behind her eyes from the other night. 
“Sam?” you called her name before you saw the dark figure in her eyes take up most of her irises slowly bringing you into a trance as if the dark figure behind them was testing if you would submit or stand your ground. But much to the dark figure’s dismay in Sam, the creature that occupies your irises stands tall and fierce. Your expression gradually shifts from curious to pissed off and quizzical, unsure of what to make of Sam’s eyes. But unlike Sam’s darkness, which is rooted in the twisted legacy passed down from her father through blood, the creature within you is an enigma. You know of the creature within you from attacking Ethan, yet its origins remain a mystery, a shadow lurking in the corners of your mind.
"Sam, are you and Y/n having a staring contest right now?" Tara asks from behind you as you come back to your senses, the creature in your eyes retreating quickly, you turn your head to look at Tara before looking back at Sam’s eyes as you watch the light walk back into them. 
"Uh? Um, we were I think but um here you go Y/n" Sam replied to Tara confused, handing you the butter knife before she noticed the water was boiling on the stove so she tended to it. "SO what do we throw into the pot first?" She asks out loud before picking up the piece of paper from earlier "Okay first the salt" she says to herself as she gets the salt from the cabinet before reading the little paper again like she was working at a restaurant.
But you just momentarily stare at Sam before turning your back on her to open the other package of chicken she gave you wondering what to make of what just happened in the kitchen as you skinned it."Clear the way!" Tara yells, making Sam step out of her way while Sam watches Tara and you bring the chicken over to put into the pot to get boiled. 
"Now" you paused as Sam turned to the sink to turn on the faucet so you and her sister could wash your hands "We wait," you said last as your eyes wandered to Sam’s face.
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While you, Tara, and Sam are waiting for the chicken to boil, you three hear someone using their keys to unlock the front door to the apartment as Chad makes his way over to the kitchen to get a drink after talking to his sister while you throw the skin from the chicken into the trash can.
“Took you guys a long time,” Chad says aloud as he watches Danny and Ethan walk into the apartment with some grocery bags.
“Got lost?” Sam asked Danny before her eyes shifted to Ethan, her instincts telling her to watch out for him as he might be a threat to you.
“No, not necessarily, while walking to a bodega nearby Ethan and I were talking about life until we lost each other in the middle of a crowd. It turned out his shoelace had come undone so he found refuge in an alleyway to tighten his shoe while I tried to find a vantage point to see where he was” Danny answered her before noticing you walking over to the pot to examine the water with Tara and then looked back at Sam.
“Yeah that was my bad, I should have said something sooner to you before stepping out of the way to fix my shoe. I’m sorry about that.” Ethan apologized to Danny, feeling bad for giving him a freight before looking at you and Tara at the stove.
“Hey, Sam, can you get the chicken bones from the pot for us?” Tara asked, causing Sam to turn around to look at what was going on.
“Sure,” she says, putting a mitten on so she wouldn’t burn herself from the steam, and then got a large spoon to hook the chicken bones onto “Wow look at the color of that water,” Sam says aloud smiling at the pot before breaking the spaghetti noodles in the box and emptying the contents into the pot.
Then everyone in the apartment waits at their respective spots for dinner such as Danny, Chad, and Ethan hanging out in the living room to watch whatever Mindy had put on while Mindy, Tara, Sam and You hung out around the island in the kitchen and every so often look at the TV when a scene happens to catch one of your eyes.
But there was a particular scene that caught Sam’s eye on TV, it depicted a serial killer running after a girl down a hallway similar to what she believes might have happened to you at your apartment. The scene causes Ethan's story to resurface but as she thinks more about it, his story doesn't make much sense to her 'Why would you have hit Ethan over the head if he was trying to help you restore the electricity?' she pondered, unable to reconcile his account with her perception of you. Though she felt your gaze on her, her thoughts continued to race. 'Ghost Face wouldn't spare anyone...Did he not see Ethan in the basement with you?' she continued, questioning the consistency of Ethan's narrative and Ghost Face's true intentions.
While across the room, Ethan is replaying what he did to you at your apartment while watching the same film on TV. The scenes on the screen slowly make him smile at the thought of deceiving you by being your semi dependable friend to becoming Ghost Face and making your blood run cold in front of him. Ethan can practically feel himself getting excited all over again from remembering your earlier encounters and the expressions you’ve made but the feeling soon disappears when he remembers the amount of strength you revealed to him on two occasions. The first is when you slammed him against the corner of a wall to save Anika and the second one is from when you disarmed him and then tried to kill him earlier that morning. The very thought causes him to lock his jaw and look over at you, as he contemplates how to get rid of you before you can do further damage to a much bigger plan that has yet to be set in motion even though his foreman would rather have you join them despite what they did to you. Ethan believes that if his boss truly wanted to have you join their team of killers they would try to convince you themselves and not have him the shy and dorky guy to be the middleman when he's supposed to remain shy, irritated and scared for his life so Chad could take care of him. 
But Ethan's gaze on your figure doesn't go unnoticed because Sam glares at him from across the room even though you're sitting right in front of her, she can't help but feel protective over you. However, despite how she feels about Ethan's story she doesn't like that his stare seems almost predatory so she pulls your stool closer to her body. 
The sudden movement of your stool moving beneath you causes you to have a mini heart attack because your body for a second fell backward but to counter the loss of balance you hook your right leg around Sam’s left and place your left hand on her right thigh. “Holy shit Sam, a little warning would have been nice,” you said to her and Sam lowered her head a little with a tilt before looking up at you.
“You're right. I’m sorry for doing that to you” she apologized to you before she purposely moved her left hand to rub the side of your right thigh, making sure that Ethan was aware and watching her as she briefly looked over at him, her hand settling on your calf next as his jaw grew tight. “Got something on your mind, Y/n?” she asked you, as she turned her head before noticing how quiet you were while examining her face, specifically her eyes. 
“Mm,” you started, taking a deep breath as you paused to think of what you were going to say, your mind still wondering about the phenomenon that your girlfriend’s eyes went through an hour ago. However, you were at a loss for words as if your brain had left your body, your eyes shifting from her onyx brown orbs to her lips and then back at her eyes again before taking the opportunity to turn your body fully toward the island to hide your red face as Sam started to smile at you.
“Oh, cat got your tongue Y/n?” Mindy asked for both herself and Tara because they were paying attention to how you and Sam were conversing just moments ago as you sat there baffled in front of them.
“Yeah and what did I say about hanging around my sister?” Tara said afterward as Mindy and she exchanged a look before giving you a shit eating grin.
“Ha ha,” you say scoffing at them, “I can be quiet when I want to Mindy and Tara I’m not interested in your sister…we’re just friends” you countered with a smile as you looked over at your girlfriend making sure she's not offended in any way as you watch her prop her head with her hand, watching you with amusement.
After overhearing you demote yourself from being Sam’s girlfriend to friend, Danny takes the opportunity to get up from the couch to get himself a drink from the fridge but first he stops by to hug Sam from behind “What you girls are talking about over here?” He asked as you watched him snake his arms around Sam’s torso and her waist before squeezing her, causing Sam to bring her hands up to rub his toned forearms in front of you, and for a minute you felt a little jealous.
‘Maybe we should tell everyone we’re together’ you thought to yourself not noticing that Mindy is watching you intently, eating up every visual information she can pick up from you so she can tell Anika over the phone later. Tara on the other hand looks worried that you might intentionally take the closest pen near you and stab Danny in the jugular several times. However, you know in your heart, that Sam is interested in you because she’s always trying to find ways to touch and kiss you. You just don’t know if Danny knows that because he sort of acts like he’s still together with Sam in some way even now while he’s giving Sam a forehead kiss as she looks up at him, you know it's just a cover. 
Then Tara clears her throat several times to get her sister's attention as she watches you intently look at Sam unable to pull your eyes away from the fake couple but her attempts don’t work. 
But Tara’s throat clearing doesn’t go unnoticed because it certainly catches Mindy’s attention, so she watches as Tara tries to cue her older sister in on what she’s doing. Mindy looks between you and Sam when she finally picks up on what's wrong. ‘Ooooh’ Mindy thought, realizing that maybe you’re jealous of Sam for giving Danny attention and not you, which makes Mindy smile before thinking about what question to ask you. “Hey Y/n” Mindy calls your name as soon as she thinks of her question, making you turn your head to look at her.
“What's up Mindy?” you respond to your friend with a light smile because you know that Mindy could do you no wrong or so you thought.
“What were you doing before you went to Gale’s rescue?” She asked you knowing that Sam’s ears would perk up sooner or later because Kirby sort of filled everyone in while they packed themselves into your car after finding Ghost Face’s location.
“Oh um I was meeting up with a client at a restaurant called Rancho Tequileria near Gale’s home, she actually picked the place,” you told her not knowing that Mindy was going to use what little information you just told her as ammunition to spark you into a heavy conversation and make Sam get jealous.
“Oh, who's this mystery client that took you on what could have been a cute date?” she asked you, smiling to herself because not only did she get Tara to stop clearing her throat but she had Tara looking at her with a grin and Sam giving her the side eye before looking at you.
“Oh uh,” you smiled at Mindy thinking about that meeting “Her name is Melanie Rodriguez she wanted some help with designing her website for her Slay the Day salon so Erika and Luna recommended me to her a few weeks ago.” 
“Oh yeah, was she pretty in looks as well as personality? Also, Erika and Luna are the same couple who runs a Mothers Love, A Woman's Bakery right?” Mindy asked you as she became immersed in talking with you, making her forget why she was talking to you in the first place.
“Yes and I’ve been working with them for two years now going on three in September” You nodded at Mindy’s second question with a smile before talking about your client. “As for your first question, yes she was intimidatingly pretty and she was patient, decisive, and surprisingly easy to talk to despite me being initially nervous.” You say to Mindy feeling animated in front of her while Sam moves her head to get a better look at you while you talk about another woman in front of her. “It was kind of funny because at some point Melanie was looking in my direction while licking her lips…well technically it wasn’t funny I was just really confused, I couldn’t tell if she was looking at what I was eating or someone behind me.” You said aloud as Mindy’s smile grew as she remembered why she was asking you questions in the first place before looking over at Tara who was shocked by the information you just revealed. 
“What were you eating at the restaurant?” Sam asked you with a tightened jaw hoping she heard you wrong as you turned your head to her.
“I was eating this dish called um…give me a minute to look up the dish because I don’t want to butcher the name.” You told her as you pulled your phone from your pocket to look up the dish you ate from the restaurant while Sam watched your facial expressions go from focused to happy as you handed her your phone.
Sam takes your phone and looks at the screen “You ate a Molcajete de Rancho uh?” she asked you and you nodded at her with a smile as she kept her eyes on your phone before highlighting the text and searching for a photo of it. ‘This dish does look good’ she thought to herself before looking up at you briefly “What was Melanie eating?” she asked next and you thought about it.
“Well I don’t believe she was eating a lot but she had a dish called Azteca Fajitas” you replied not missing a detail as Sam looked away from your phone and at you fully. “I thought the dish sounded very cool and it smelled really good which is why I remembered the name” you explained as Sam looked down at your phone to look up a photo of Melanie's dish.
“Are you sure Melanie wasn’t looking at you when she licked her lips?” Sam asked you, her eyes narrowing at you a little as she gave you your phone back because the dish that Melanie had although delicious looking didn’t look like much to Sam in her opinion. In fact, Sam felt that the reason why Melanie didn’t eat a lot is because she was sizing you up to eat you out later that day but you just shook your head with a shrug at her question.    
Danny on the other hand was impressed by your client for being so bold around you because he knows that if a man did that to you that you would have probably retreated and honestly he wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But his thoughts couldn’t protect him from Sam’s anger and jealousy that was burning through her skin because he felt that the temperature underneath his arms was similar to a furnace which he found very unusual. Because he can’t recall seeing or feeling that kind of reaction from Sam whenever he would talk about other women in front of her assuming Sam knew he wouldn’t leave her for another person so he slowly unwraps his arms from around his ex before stepping to the side so he can get a drink. 
“Sam, unless she’s a cannibal I don’t see why she would look at me and then lick her lips,” you say to your girlfriend not understanding why she was heavily focused on Melanie’s habit of licking her lips as you recall another detail. “I wonder what attractive being behind me she was undressing,” you said next, causing Tara and Mindy to cover their mouths while Sam narrowed her eyes fully on you.
“SHE DID WHAT?” Sam yelled, startling you. She knew that the cogs in your brain were working but she didn’t expect to hear those words come out of your mouth “How can you not see that Melanie was interested in you? She was practically undressing you with her eyes!”
“I don’t see why you are so alarmed about Melanie licking her lips and undressing someone with her eyes. It’s not like it was toward me” you replied, getting frustrated because you were confused as to why your girlfriend was getting mad at you. 
“Mindy, what have you done?” Tara whispers to her and she watches as her childhood friend shrugs.
“I was just trying to help Y/n get payback” Mindy replies to Tara as she shakes her head “I didn’t think it was going to end up in their first argument'' she whispers to the smaller Carpenter sister honestly.
Sam’s eyes widened, taken aback by your response. “How can you not notice something so obvious!” Sam starts yelling again but she doesn’t realize that you don’t necessarily understand social cues all that well. 
But with the TV volume a little too loud for your liking, the heat of the room from cooking, you having a hard time understanding what Sam is trying to say and Sam yelling at you, you don’t realize that you are being overstimulated. With a clenched fist at your sides, your voice trembled with anger “News flash, Sam! I’m not you! I’m not this bodybuilder or trackstar built woman that people are conventionally attracted to. I know in my bones that Melanie is not interested in me by any means because of that!” you yell back at Sam which leaves everyone in the apartment stunned. 
As Danny slowly opens up the fridge to get a drink from the door, he leans over to look at the chicken and pasta that you and Sam made in the pot before quietly clearing his throat. “Dinner is ready,” he says in the relatively quiet room except for the TV that's on as he turns off the heat underneath the pot.
You try to take a deep breath while holding back tears from frustration. “You guys can eat. I'm not hungry right now.” You say to Danny as he nods before reaching into the cabinet above the stove to get a few bowls “I need a quiet space and time to calm down.”
You said as you looked over at Danny before turning your back on Sam, standing up then walking to Danny’s room, he chimes “You can use the spare room that I have down the hallway…because it's cool and less noisy.” Danny said a little awkwardly “It's down the hallway passed the bathroom to the left..you can’t miss it” Danny suggested to you which you followed immediately. 
When the door slammed shut behind you, Sam sat there on her stool in the kitchen, speechless. Her mind raced, trying to process the sudden outburst. She had no idea that you felt that way about yourself no one in the room had. The anger and hurt in your voice echoed in her mind. It hurt her to hear you, the woman she loved talk that way, her heart sank, a mix of guilt and sorrow washing over her. She had only meant to educate you, not hurt you. 
“Um, you want me to go talk to Y/n, Sam?” Tara asked her sister, getting ready to get up from her seat to get a bowl of Blood pasta as Chad and Ethan started shuffling into the kitchen waiting to get a bowl of their own quietly. But all Sam could do was shake her head while looking down the hallway as she tried to think of something to say to you that felt genuine but she couldn't. Nothing in her head sounded right to her so she got up from her seat causing Mindy to look up at her.
“Do you have a plan to get back in Y/n’s good graces?” Mindy asked, curious to see if Sam had any idea on how to apologize to you considering that she has never brought a girl home as far as she knows. 
Once again Sam silently shook her head as she looked over at Mindy hoping just by looking at her that she could absorb some knowledge on how to apologize to you without the risk of losing you. Because even though it’s not Sam’s first time being with a woman in the capacity of loving a woman, understanding what a woman wants, and how a woman feels. It’s certainly her first time being in a committed relationship with a woman, especially a woman who she believes might be neurodiverse and she doesn’t want to fuck it up.
“Even though I still don’t trust her. I say talk to Y/n as if you're talking to any of us Sam,” Chad voices making Sam look over at him by the front door eating the Blood pasta that you and her made together. He gives Sam the much needed push to get her away from the kitchen. “My god this dinner is so good” he whispers to himself as Sam secretly smiles at his reaction to the food before she slowly makes her way down the hallway.
In the bedroom that you reside in at the end of the hallway, you are berating yourself for how you reacted. “Y/n why did you do that!? You should have just agreed to what she was saying to you! You had one job to not fuck this relationship up and you can’t even do that correctly!” you say to yourself as you walk back and forth in the small room. “Sam is going to leave you because…because you're too much,” you say to yourself as Sam stood outside the room with her hand hovering over the door knob not understanding why you would say such things to yourself when she knows you were just voicing how you felt to her at the island.
Then Sam knocks on the door to get your attention “Y/n, can I come in?” She asks through the door hoping to hear a reply from you but she doesn’t. It makes her wonder what you might be doing in the spare room. Like if you're standing still on the other side waiting for her to leave or perhaps waiting for her to bust the door down. “Y/n? Y/n, I just want to talk. I’m not here to yell at you” Sam said next hoping you would understand that there is a gentle third option before hearing you shuffle towards the door and slowly unlock it for her. 
After you unlock the door Sam gently enters the room before closing and locking the door behind her, the clicking sound entering your ears as you turn around to face her but not before turning on the lamp in the small room you both occupy.
“Oh, you didn’t have to put on the lights Y/n. I would have been able to see you in the dark” Sam says as she turns around to face you with gentle tired eyes. She then notices the tear stains on your cheeks and the glassy look in your eyes. It is clear to her that you might be more sensitive than most people, especially with how quickly you became frustrated with the topic. 
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time, inadvertently making you both laugh as you tried to dry your face with your hands. You sniffle before saying “You go first…because I don’t know what to say to you” You voice softly to your girlfriend unsure of what to say when your body is full of anxiety.
Sam can see this very clearly because you're breathing a little heavily and you're playing with the bottom of her sweater. Sam knows the signs all too well because even though she’s calm in front of you right now she is also experiencing anxiety just like you, except she's playing with her hands. “Y/n…I’m sorry for upsetting you earlier. I only meant to educate you about the signs of how someone like Melanie might like you, however, I got so caught up in being jealous about another woman hitting on you that I didn’t realize that I had frustrated you.” Sam said thoughtfully to you as she looked down at her hands that she started messaging out of nervousness.
After Sam was done talking it was your turn to speak even though your mind raced on what to say back to her. “I uh“ you started, trying not to cry in front of her “I’m sorry for yelling at you in front of your family” you continued as you found your voice even though it was shaky “That wasn’t cool of me to do” you finished your thought before sitting down on the bed.
“I appreciate you for saying that, however, I don’t think you should be sorry for speaking your mind,” Sam says back to you as she walks over to join you on the bed. But Sam sees you getting comfortable, spreading out on the bed as you avert your gaze elsewhere. Sam smiles for two reasons at you, the first reason is because you're opening up more to her and the second reason is because she's always wanted to straddle you in bed. 
Without looking at Sam another thought came to mind that you felt that you needed to apologize for “It still wasn’t cool of me to do Sam and I’m also sorry for being jealous of yo-” You started to voice to Sam before you paused midway as you felt the bed dip near your hips, you immediately looked up. Your heart almost left your chest as you witnessed Sam getting comfortable climbing on top of you, her eyes half lidded like she was going to eat you right up beneath her.
“You? Y/n jealous of me?” Sam inquired in a whisper smiling down at you while realizing why you would have been jealous while she slowly moved your hands above your head. “For giving him attention?” she says next as she watches your breath pick up beneath her.
“Whoa Carpenter,” you said aloud with a nervous smile but also with surprise in your voice, You started to breathe heavily now. You watch as Sam leans down to your level her soft lips start kissing your neck. “I don’t know if it’s safe for us..to be in the same room together..” you started breathlessly as Sam was kissing near a sweet spot on your neck “Anymore,” you said last, a light moan leaving your lips.
Your moan encourages Sam to kiss you more even though initially she just wanted to let you know that you are beautiful just the way you are by reminding you with a few kisses to your neck and lips to prove her point. However, Sam would be happy to settle for making you moan and groan below her as long as possible “All I want is you Y/n” she says out of breath, tempted to rub herself against your thigh while kissing up your neck. “Only you,” Sam says to you as she starts feverishly kissing your lips while pulling at the hoodie you're wearing, unable to stop herself until she has to rip herself away from you so she can breathe as you chase her lips for more affection. 
“Sam” you whisper her name, unable to take your half lidded eyes off her as you start to drag your eyes slowly up and down her body. For a moment your eyes settle on her chest, watching as her chest rises and falls each time she breathes in more air while you try to catch your own. Sam notices and smiles down at you lovingly. Neither of you knew how absolutely crazy you both are for each other mind, body, and spirit. It was almost like you were made for each other like lost lovers in time. A compliment to the other. It drives you nuts inside how crazy you are about Sam, it turns your crazy into something adventurous because you want to know what loving Sam and getting lost in her feels like.
While you admire Sam from beneath her, Sam watches as the cogs in your head start moving. It gets her excited for more because she loves being able to see the different sides of you whether provoked sexually like this or seeing you naturally in the presence of her family and with her alone. But as quickly as the spark began she could see the lust in your eyes waning because she knows you're hesitating, you’re careful. Too careful. Too cautious to express that you want her in her entirety, she knows you’re new to the world of love but it makes her wonder, how many people have you met already? How many people have you met, whether platonic, familial, or romantic? How many of those people saw the love in your eyes for them that they acknowledged and told you in their own ways that you were too much? Because Sam knows that you aren’t too much, you're a woman who needs attunement, affection, and a place to grow, and thrive. In her own way, she wants to help you grow as a person because unknowingly you've helped her grow too.
As Sam’s half lidded eyes looked back at your own, filled with questions and thoughts about your love for her and being able to grow together, she didn't realize that you had moved until she was lying on her back. Sam looks up at you with surprise, the lust that was waning before is now illuminating. That's all she could see in your eyes before noticing you blushing as you place your hands on either side of her head, climbing on top of her before you carefully lean down to her level on the bed. Your face is hovering over her own. Your noses touch as she gazes into your eyes. Your lips are just inches apart. You look at your girlfriend's lips and then at her eyes waiting for her to give you permission to kiss her as your breath feathers over her skin. Your heart is beating so fast you can practically hear it in your ears. You scan Sam’s face, noticing her half lidded gaze, her long lashes, and then her plump lips that you don’t notice right away her slow nod of approval for you to kiss her until she caresses your face with her hand to focus on her. ‘She’s lying to you’ the voice said in your head ‘She doesn’t actually want you’ it voiced once again. It was the anxiety talking to you and for a moment you closed your eyes trying to hold back what little tears threatened to come to the surface. You back away from Sam but within her reach she lightly swipes her thumb across your cheekbone to comfort you.
“Shhhh” Sam says to you in a calm but low voice trying to be soothing to your ears so you would relax “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Sam voices to you so you know that you don’t have to continue, giving you an out as you nod against her hand before leaning into it causing Sam to caress the other side of your face. Sam decides to sit up, you sitting up along with her as she examines your face seeing the light scars that litter your face from your first encounter with Ghost Face before lightly kissing them. “You are so beautiful you know that Y/n” Sam said to you with love as she littered your face with kisses “And handsome and super kind..” she continued kissing your forehead. “Your well of love must be so so deep just like you,” she said next as she kissed your lips before backing away to say something else but something about Sam’s kiss made your hands gently take hers away from your face to bring her closer so you can kiss her.
Your kiss takes Sam by surprise as she slowly melts into you because when your lips touched hers it was smooth and gentle just like you, your hands roamed her body while her arms wrapped around your neck. But as gentle as your kisses started they gradually got rough and hot. Your lips gravitated down her neck not hard enough to leave hickeys but enough that you started to hear Sam moan in your ear. You swear it’s one of the hottest sounds to grace your eardrums as her moans make you moan into her skin, you kiss down to her clavicle and then give her chest some attention as Sam allows you to lay her down on the bed. Continuing your course you bite Sam’s tank top lifting it up as the bottom of it rises causing it to reveal her muscles underneath making Sam breathe more heavily as she anticipates what you might do next. But she is impatient, Sam rolls her lower body into you trying to find friction against your thigh, however, you stop her movements by pressing your hands down on her hips as you kiss down her stomach inching ever closer to her hips, and Sam moans with anticipation. 
“Baby” Sam whines to you while trying to catch her breath as she feels herself grow wet at the thought of you between her legs.
You end up giggling at her whines, the vibrations from your giggles making her even wetter at the thought of you bringing toys into the bedroom. Then you lick just above the waistband of her jeans, before propping yourself up as you drag your hands up her thighs about to unbutton her jeans. However, before you can unbutton Sam’s jeans the light in the room flickers making you and Sam look at the corner of the room before it goes out causing you to flinch away from Sam. You end up having another flashback. You remember hearing the light bulb at the corner of the main hallway in the basement break as if someone had hit the bulb with a hard object leaving shattered glass on the floor before Ghost Face appeared in front of you in the dark and then hearing a voice say ‘Why is it so hard to kill a roach like you?’ It didn’t make sense as it continued, you felt a series of painful waves as Ghost Face sliced the side of your ribs and then punched your side as if it were happening in real time. “Agh,” you say aloud panting against the wall before another flash ‘I have to keep going’ and then noticing Ghost Face in an alleyway. 
The last thing you remember hearing was Sam and Tara screaming from your phone “Y/N!” before Sam touched your hand as you opened your eyes to see her phone light illuminating the spare room. “Did you have another flashback?” Sam asked you in a whisper, you nodded in front of her tiredly making her scoot closer to you so she could embrace you as you covered the larger wound with your hand before she kissed your cheek. “The light bulb must have been old which is why it broke so suddenly,” she says as she kisses your lips next before taking your hand in hers as she tries to calm down.
“I wouldn’t put it past the universe to give us a sign that now isn’t the greatest time to be intimate” you respond to Sam’s explanation making her laugh as she nods because she's sort of religious but isn’t opposed to there being something higher than her god or perhaps believing that it’s just the way of the world like you do.
“Maybe,” she says to you with a smile before taking your hand and pulling you up with her. You both slowly make your way to the bedroom door for Sam to unlock. She opens the door for you so you can walk out first before exiting herself. “Y/n” she calls your name once again making you turn around to face her as she lifts her hand to caress your face before leaning into you so she can whisper something in your ear making your mouth open just a little as your brows rise. “I just thought I would tell you that” Sam explains to you as she backs away from you with a smile.
You were so shocked by what she told you that you were overcome with joy but you also didn’t know what to say back to her but her name “Sam I-I-...What do I?” you stuttered, having a hard time forming a coherent thought before she stopped you with a kiss.
“You don’t have to do or say anything right now Y/n. Only when you feel ready to say it” is what she tells you before a loud noise interrupts your moment causing you and Sam to run to the living room. “Is everyone okay!” Sam yells as she scans the room hoping it's not Ghost Face until she hears you sigh with relief before following your gaze to the kitchen.
“Don’t worry I just dropped a bowl in the kitchen!” Danny announces before standing up to let everyone know he's okay. “Okay well maybe everyone should worry,” he says taking back his previous statement “No one comes into this kitchen until I’ve cleared the floor of sharp ceramic pieces and please only wear shoes if you plan to step in here” Danny informs his guests before looking over at Sam “Sam could you give me a hand?” he asks.
“Yeah I can,” she says to him with a little smile before turning to you. “You hang out at the coffee table with the others and when I’m done helping Danny, I’ll bring over the dinner we made okay?” She asks you and you respond with a nod and a smile which widens Sam’s smile, her nodding back “I’ll be over soon.”
Sam says last but before you can move from your spot to join your friends Kirby calls your phone.
“Hey Kirby, I feel like it's been a while, what's up?” you ask your sister in law before you pull the phone away from your ear.
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“Y/N, WE NEED TO TALK!” Kirby yells through the phone letting you know she's angry with you.
“Uh, about what? I don’t understand?” You reply not understanding why your sister in law was angry and now yelling at you.
“God you are so lucky that I have a lot of paperwork to deal with. Anyway tell Sam I’m stopping by the apartment tomorrow,” Kirby said to you before continuing. “You better not go anywhere,” she says last in a threatening tone that leaves you a bit alarmed. 
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Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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Stay in my mentions crew: @daddy-jareau @lummaland @screechcat @sluttyhorrorcharacter @f4riedimples @darkangelxoxo @stickydefendorpersona @werewolfbansheelove @fanboy7794 @grandpatrolnut @alphawolfstabs @rainbowmess823 @womenofmarvellover @inactivecabbage @msboules @bowergirlwitch
Scream 6 : A Love so Understanding Playlist
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minttea31 · 3 months
Orchid the rainwing
Updated ref
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Art credits: @minttea31 @gg-is-a-loser
Story: Orchid is a skilled assassin who works for the Skywing ex-prince Swift who is also her mate. Orchid doesn’t take very kindly to strangers and tends to treat them as threats rather than dragons.
She’s a sore loser and winner. She’s over flirty and uses her good looks to lure in her targets. She tends to get a little overprotective over the dragons she cares about and is willing to kill anyone that poses a threat.
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Chen Gong with tanjiro!fem!reader headcanons
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warning: ooc, manga spoilers, violence
The long anticipated collab work with @praisethesuuun is finally here! Guys, go check out their amazing blog if you wanna read more Chen Gong content! Here's a link to some more romance headcanons with this ball of sunshine! :)
With that being said y'all, sit back, relax and enjoy these headcanons!
Whether it was Brunhilde’s twisted judgment or it was simply because she wanted the best for the soul she guided to Valhalla, Chen Gong was extremely grateful to the Valkyrie placed the soul in Lord Lu Bu’s care. 
The soul in question was [First Name] Kamado, a swordswoman who centuries ago alongside like-minded individuals, secretly protected the public from the demons that prowled at night to devour human flesh. Yet in exchange for the knowledge of learning the art of Sun Breathing, she had paid it with her life and died at the tender age of twenty-eight. 
Those who had possessed the Mark of the Demon Slayer were cursed to perish. It seemed like a myth originally intended to scare off anyone from becoming a Hashira was not simply just that; it had been a truth, one that the Ubuyashiki family had known and shared with very few because it would discourage Demon Slayers who wanted to the Mark just to prove that they were the strongest within the organization. A badge of honor paid in blood.
It did not take much effort from the swordswoman to win over his heart. She was kind, empathetic, and extremely helpful around the camp. She’d do any task that was asked by himself or another soldier without complaint:  laundry, polishing armor or weapons, and preparing meals. 
The soldiers grew to like her and were often bewildered at the tales she’d share with them over the fire about her days as a Demon Slayer. They all laughed when she vehemently said she’ll never step foot in the entertainment district again because she feared it’d crumble in a single night like it had when she went undercover as an oiran-in-training. In her defense, the demons she’d faced were incredibly powerful, and she almost died from that fight! 
However, Chen Gong remained oblivious to [First Name]’s strength until Lu Bu had received orders from the higher-ups to investigate a peculiar situation: there was new territory to be explored, and all of the expedition teams were never seen again. The only clue of what actually happened was a half mutilated corpse of a soldier, the top half of his face removed…yet the army could see a blissful smile stretched across that rotten cadaver. 
As if he’d died a happy man and not in fear of the unknown. 
[First Name] took a single whiff at the corpse and immediately confirmed that the culprit is in fact a demon. She asked Lu Bu to allow her to handle the situation. She hypothesized that this demon targeted only men, or used their Blood Demon Art to immobilize them long enough to be devoured. Whether it was through their honeyed words or another method, she was not sure. 
But please allow her to go so that no one else would be killed. 
Lu Bu simply looked at the swordswoman and nodded, grunting to bring back proof that she carried out the deed. The demon’s head would be sufficient. [First Name] thanked him profusely, pressing her forehead against the floor before departing the tent. 
Hours before nightfall befell upon the skies of Valhalla, [First Name] was prepared to leave the camp, her sword strapped to her right side and fitted in borrowed, dirty armor. She surmised that the scent of a man would lure the demon out from its hiding place to hunt and conceal her own odor. 
Chen Gong did not like this strategy, not at all. But Lu Bu’s word was the law. He had to follow the commands of his lord. He wished [First Name] to come back safely, preferably not in critical condition or nearly comatose like in her stories of fighting against demons in the Taisho era.
She smiled brightly and said she would come back. Squeezing his shoulder gently, her form disappeared beneath the covers of the night. The longest night Chen Gong had experience thus far since he’d arrived in Valhalla.
He wanted to have faith in [First Name], to trust that she will keep her promise…but should he have given the Demon Slayer his most prized possession so she would be reminded to come back? No, that wouldn’t be right. He was the great Lu Bu’s genius strategist, not a fair maiden worried about her lover!
Yes, he might have known her for less than six months but damn it all he wanted to marry her! Who wouldn’t?!
Night passed before Chen Gong realized it, the faint orange-red rays of dawn approaching over the horizon. Just when the men were about to move out, however, a soldier noticed someone walking towards them. [First Name]. Covered in dirt and blood, and smiling at them tiredly as she slowly, steadily, headed in their direction. 
She made it back. She’s alive. 
Chen Gong broke into a run, passing the soldiers and embraced her tightly in the grassy fields. When he pulled away he did not hesitate to chastise her for worrying him and Lu Bu, pressing kisses around her dirty face. When he realized what he’d done, the swordswoman’s cheeks were flushed dark red as she stammered an apology, holding up a single amber eye in the air. 
She did try to bring back the head like the general wanted, but a demon’s body immediately disintegrates when the head is severed from the neck. The eyeball was the only piece of the demon she was able to salvage. 
Chen Gong didn’t give [First Name] another chance to apologize before he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the infirmary tent without a second thought. When he saw it was empty, he grabbed some supplies to start treating the most superficial wounds on his own until the doctor arrived. Once he’d gone outside though, some of the soldiers teased him about how he acted earlier. Realizing what he’d done made his face burn with embarrassment. 
Gods, what would [First Name] think of him now after acting like a barbarian?! He didn’t mean to act like that, but how can she be so reckless?! 
His troubled thoughts were shortly shattered when the doctor informed him that aside from having some deep lacerations and a broken rib, the Demon Slayer was in good health. She just needed to be on light duty and get plenty of rest. Chen Gong was relieved…yet at the same time, nervous. 
He needed to tell her. He needed to let her know that he was in love with her, and soon. 
So that was exactly what he did once she woke up three days later in the infirmary tent. He lightly scolded her for making him worry to death as he held her in his arms. When she asked about the eyeball, he informed her that he personally took care of it. 
Lord Lu Bu wasn’t all too happy that she didn’t bring back a head, but something was better than nothing. Now that he knew demons existed in Valhalla, he’d consult her if they ran into unnecessary trouble again. 
 A silence between them before the strategist took a leap of faith and sealed it with a light kiss. 
[First Name] grew flustered from his actions, stammering and wiggling as he continued to place smaller kisses around her face. He only stopped to look her in the eye and solemnly asked her to become his wife, if she’ll allow him to court her. 
Wide-eyed and with a pinkened face resembling a plum blossom, [First Name] nodded in acceptance. Chen Gong grinned, hugging her tightly again before she released a pained yelp. 
He quickly apologized, loosening his grip around her hips as he embraced her once more. 
Upon arriving at their designated military base, Chen Gong did not hesitate to begin the courtship immediately. Horseback riding, exploring the marketplace, and cuddling were some of the activities they did together. 
He did try to spoil his soon-to-be-wife with hairpins and perfume bottles, but she was insistent that she didn’t need it at all. He still bought it when she wasn’t looking, anyway. The marketplace was also where she’d reunited with her blacksmith, Lord Haganezuka….and he had a very violent reaction to seeing her chipped sword.
By ‘violent reaction’ he chased them both around the vendor booths with knives in either hand, two more were wrapped around his head with a black cloth.  It took a good while for the man to be calm enough to agree to fix the blade.
In less than three months, Chen Gong was a happily married man and obtained a new ability that would greatly benefit him in the next war: complete immunity towards all forms of seduction. 
In summary, Chen Gong is a loving, committed man who will not hesitate to simp over his spouse just as much as he fawned over Lu Bu. 
Bonus Content:
Ordinarily, Chen Gong would celebrate the New Year with the soldiers at the barracks, eating and drinking until the following morning. But this time, he will not be joining them. Instead, he would be secluded in a forested area within the territory’s borders, mesmerized by his spouse dancing bare-footed in the middle of pillars of ignited torches. Her face was concealed by a white veil, tiny bells jingling from the red sash that wrapped around her head. 
The sleeve of her ceremonial robes billowed in the wind, twirling a decorated wooden blade between her fingers. For generations the Kamado family have performed the rite to please gods, and recently, to pay their respects to Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the man who had founded the Breathing Styles and saved their ancestor’s family from demons. It had been passed from father to son, and in [First Name]’s case, from father to daughter. 
Yet after her father passed on, she persisted in carrying out the tradition, even when some of the villagers believed bad luck would happen if a woman carried out the sacred dance. Nothing happened….until that fateful winter morning.
But she never believed her family’s demise had been because of ‘bad luck’. Muzan attacked her mother and siblings simply because he wanted to see if a demon could withstand the sunlight. Her and Nezuko’s survival would be considered merciful in his perspective. 
Remembering the tragic tale behind the dance brought fresh tears to Chen Gong’s eyes. His wife had been through so much, and she is still kind to everyone even in death. Above all else…she was simply divine in that celestial garb. 
How did he get so lucky?!
From dusk to dawn, he watched [First Name] perform the rite with jugs of wine sitting by his feet, a warm smile stretched across his face, marveling at this spectacle.
It is said amongst the soldiers that at the start of each new year, the strategist’s simping for his wife increases tenfold and he acts like a lovestruck fool around her for the first three weeks…and progressively gets worse. 
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After reading a bunch of headcannons, I decided to make my own serial killer Francis AU. This goes hand in hand with my dead on the outside and inside Francis headcanon.
So serial killer Francis doesn’t kill often. Just for a long period of time before he targets his next victim. His murder weapons are inconsistent. He could either use a knife, a meat cleaver anything to get the job done. He has killed a total of 23 people so far.
Francis primary targets cheating housewives/women who lure him into their houses to have an affair while their husbands are away. He doesn’t care for them a bit. In fact, they’re a nuisance to him. This is because in my headcanon he had an abusive father who would frequently cheat on his mom. (His father was his first victim but that’s a different story). In a way, Francis is taking out his anger on his dead father by allowing himself to be swayed by those cheating housewives and kill them. He wants to punish them for their disloyalty in their own relationship. Francis had become somewhat of a misanthrope growing up. And he gets a twisted sense of euphoria of ending someone’s relationship with his own hands, with the surviving spouse grieving over their lover. The rest of his victims happen to be witnesses who walked in on the murder scene at the wrong time. It’s usually his victim’s husbands. Children aren’t an exception either.
His modus operandi is after his victims bring him into their houses, Francis will pin them down, mutilate their bodies to torture them until they die in a pool of their own blood. This Francis is a sadistic bastard in this one because he loves hearing the screams of his victims while he murders them. Afterwards Francis will kill any witnesses, clean himself up and pin the blame of a doppelgänger attack. He hasn’t been caught yet and Francis is glad he got away with it all.
There was one exception however: Nacha. At the time, she just moved into Francis’s apartment. She was unmarried but looking for love. She saw Francis one day and decided to be friendly with him. Francis however, just brushed her off as another nuisance but he can’t comprehend why Nacha was nice to someone like her. After a few more interactions, Francis gradually warmed up to Nacha a bit and they both had a fling together. But the night after their fling, Nacha began avoiding him. Francis couldn’t tell why but he felt like she disappointed him. At first, Francis planned to kill her but he slowly began to care for her but she ruined that for him after she distanced herself from him. He was *this* close to actually caring for Nacha and almost killing her because after the affair, he had feelings of love and hate towards her. He couldn’t tell which but in the end, he decided to leave her alone. Even if he had the chance to kill her, he’d be too obvious of a suspect since they’re both neighbours.
Nacha began distancing herself from Francis because she saw the red flags on him from a mile away. Francis was cold and incompatible with her, not to mention that he said very questionable things that made her wonder if the man she’s with is a psychopath. So the night after that fling, Nacha became afraid of Francis and stopped talking to him. But that’s until she found out she’s pregnant with Anastacha.
Years after Anastacha was born, Francis can get the hint that he’s her daughter. He did confront Nacha about it. After an awkward conversation, Francis decided to leave both of them alone. He did wanted to try to interact with Anastacha but Nacha wouldn’t allow her to interact with her father because she had a sneaking suspicion that he was toxic. In the end, Francis let go of any chance he had of being in his daughter’s life because he knew he’s not a good person and can’t be a good parent either.
What are your thoughts?
AH I remember you! Hello!
Your serial killer Francis reminds me of what I *thought* Francis was going to be before playing the game.
HUH, I like how you incorporate the 'milkman sleeps with married women' thing into his murder method.
This is probably why his doppel is blood-covered...
I like his backstory with Nacha in here. Its not really my thing but I do find it interesting. Wouldn't Nacha try and find another place to live considering she knows something is up with him?
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the20thcenturykid · 3 months
I was thinking about something... We know that both Lilith and Alastor were missing for the last 7 years and we have confirmation that Lilith is now in heaven and from Alastor breakdown in finale that his powers are somewhat compromised, limited (what could also add to the reason why he lost to Adam, since as prideful as Al is he couldn't fathom loosing to him even when not on his full power) and that his deal is part of it, probably even cause.
Soooo, long post theory ehead.
Leading theory is that Alastor made not so good a deal with Lilith but! When? If it happened during those 7 years would Husk know about it at all since it looks like Alastor might not even be able to talk about it? (Again, his pride and hubris but it also looks like he isn't allowed to say much about those 7 years) I highly doubt Alastor had some heartfelt conversation about that somewhere during those 6 months of show, especially if he really cannot say much about it so... Husk shouldn't know much.
What if the deal itself is old news and recent development was just part of it? Since he played with some voodoo during his lifetime it's not out of question he made it even before his death or right after since from the beginning he was able to take down overlords one after another. Also - did Al actually sold his soul or someone pulled on him "power for tiny favour in future" ploy? Or both?
The question of why he's engaging with the Hotel's plot is also on, because as honestly compelling is the idea he was just bored we can be sure it's just an excuse and he has way bigger plans.
Alastor was and is the hunter.
He also can probably destroy souls. He threatened Husk to do so, since overlords he killed disappeared completely they could get this fate. Normally when the human soul gets killed in hell they come back sooner or later but not when killed by angels and apparently Alastor if he decides to do so.
Now to the point - I have weird feelings that his deal isn't with Lilith but rather this "future favour" is somehow connected to her and probably she's its target. What if she messed with the one who owns Alastor's soul and he was sent to silence her? From the start - I don't know if Alastor is/was strong enough to kill an ancient demon queen even with extra power from his "benefactor" but if so it would be wise to hide from demon who's hunting her in only place he would never be able to go - in heaven.
Now, why is Alastor supposedly weaker if he's to take down Lilith? BECAUSE HE FAILED and this is his punishment for that. Why was he missing for the whole 7 years? Was he searching for Lilith? Yeah, for that I have no fucking idea to be honest. Idk, he tried to break into heaven by force and accidentally fell into limbo between heaven and hell and just got out after 7 years and Lilith not sure where he is didn't want to leave her safe haven for which she probably paid quite a big price (probably part of the deal which Lute mentioned at the end of season). Idk, that would be funny.
This all could quite well fit the reason why Alastor is so interested not only in the Hotel but most importantly in Charlie. As redemption might be a way to enter heaven I doubt Al would even consider going through it, but just knowledge if it's possible for demon souls to go there would be some hint how to exploit this possibility to get to Lilith. But the most important part here is Charlie. She's still young and finding her footing and how's the best way to get her trust? Help her grow and achieve her goals. Alastor went for some lengths to gather some trust and by how everyone reacted for his comeback at the end it looks like aside from Lucifer and Husk he bought some of it from them. And there's also a question of Charlie's deal. "Favour where she doesn't have to harm her friends"? Maybe some footing for the way to lure Lilith out of heaven or find his way there to get her by himself.
So why doesn't Alastor just use Charlie now to lure Lilith out? If he threatened to harm Charlie who's still discovering her own power her mother should come running to help her child? Well judging from outside sources about Al and his personality he isn't as cold blooded as one might think and even when he was alive he had his code. Afterall using hostages is quite low blow, so he's trying to avoid it by manipulating Charlie into trusting her. This is also the reason why he hated Lucifer's involvement so much - he's another obstacle and actually quite problematic. One thing is to manipulate the young one to get to the ancient demon queen, the other to try to manipulate the young one in front of their father to get to the ancient demon queen who happens to be said fathers wife (ex?).
And now for the finale and his breakdown. One thing is his pride was just completely slaughtered by Adam, he's losing control, he's not only weaker than someone, but even weaker than he himself thought (and just a few hours earlier he was making fun of Adam for his hubris and just got the biggest UNO reverse card in his afterlife). Also, he realised that he almost died in an attempt of protecting Hotel and its residents. No matter if they are just means to the end, if he's accidentally creating himself a new obstacle on the way to his prey by getting attached to them and most importantly Charlie using them will be way more difficult. He's scared of showing any weaknesses, and here he showed not only that he isn't as powerful in fight as he seemed but now feels emotionally vulnerable. And he hates it so much.
One last thing. Who's the person with whom Alastor made a deal? Since he gained the skill of destroying souls one might think it's some angel, but then heaven wouldn't be so safe for Lilith. So probably Roo, the Root of whole evil that was teased here and there by Viv for some time. If so
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firelance2361 · 4 months
What If...The Ronin Took The Ten Rings?
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Following up on my recent train of What If…? ideas, here’s a cool design for an idea I had connecting a few different parts of the MCU together.
[In this universe, after losing his family in the Snap and donning the Ronin persona, Clint Barton’s quest for vengeance as the Ronin led him into the sights of Xu Wenwu and the Ten Rings. While the other members found the Ronin to be a threat to their regime, Wenwu saw in the former Avenger a possible new means to return Shang-Chi and Xialing to him.
Setting up a fake hit job to lure in the Ronin, Wenwu approached Clint with an offer to join him, telling them they can protect the world better than his former allies did.
Clint points out his Ten Rings, recognizing him as the true Mandarin who was responsible for Tony Stark’s capture in Afghanistan. Wenwu laments to him about his family’s death, emphasizing with him over his wife Ying Li’s death. He tells him that he can help him clear the board and remove players like Kingpin and Power Broker from the table. Ronin accepts his offer, becoming Wenwu’s enforcer, but in secret forms ulterior motives to overthrow him.
Over the course of a year and a half, Ronin works as the Ten Rings best assassin alongside Razorfist and Death Dealer, removing their enemies in places like Madripoor, New York, Hong Kong, etc. He clears through his targets one after the next, leaving nothing but death and bloodshed in his wake.
His warpath drew the attention of people like Wilson Fisk and Sharon Carter, who saw the potential threat of this assassin if he were to rise to power, as well as his former friend Natasha Romanoff who becomes worried for her friend’s safety and mentality as his rampage grows more dangerous.
All the while, as the Ronin rises in the ranks of the Ten Rings, he starts building his own group of followers within it, working towards his ultimate goal of overthrowing the Warrior King.
During a mission to infiltrate the Power Broker’s operations, he spots her with Xu Xialing discussing the potential prospects of the new batch of Super Solider Serum. Seizing the opportunity, the Robin goes rogue; he knocks out the lights, takes out Sharon and her guards and corners Xialing, engaging her in a duel. While Xialing easily overpowers him and is prepared to kill him in a chokehold, Ronin breaks free by grabbing her by the arm, dislocating it, allowing him to knock her back down.
As he takes her away, Sharon, still groggy, puts in a distress call to Natasha, believing if anyone can stop him, she can. She relays the message to Fisk, who in retaliation sends Maya Lopez after him, knowing this could go south if the Ronin succeeds in his plan.
After locating and tracking down her brother Shang-Chi at his apartment in San Francisco, the duel lasts a bit longer than expected, with Shang-Chi managing to actually pin the former Avenger down for a killing blow, until Nat arrives, telling him that’s Clint Barton. Ronin uses this to his advantage, using Shang-Chi’s pendant as a projectile to activate Nat’s Widow’s Bites, before pushing Shang-Chi right in the line of fire, shocking him unconscious.
Nat tries to stop him, but Ronin throws a smoke bomb at the ground, blinding her. When it clears, he’s gone with Shang-Chi. Knowing where he’s likely going, she races off to try and stop him, unaware that Maya is watching and following her all the while.
Back at the Ten Rings’ HQ, Wenwu and Razor Fist are looking over the scrolls of Ta-Lo, trying to find the gateway to it, when the guards start clamoring outside as something is happening. Wenwu armors up and steps outside, only to his horror to find both Xialing and Shang-Chi tied up, bloodied, and held hostage by Ronin and his loyalists.
A grief-fueled Ronin then calls out Wenwu for his actions, and that even a man over a thousand years could never understand what it was like to live as a mere mortal like him, one gave everything to the world despite having no powers or special abilities, yet was shunned and received nothing but shame, ridicule, and ultimately death. He challenges the Mandarin to a duel: One match against him for his children’s life, or else they die.
Remembering what the Iron Gang did to Ying Li on these very grounds, Wenwu ultimately accepts, wanting to put the Ronin back in his place for the sake of his family.
Elsewhere, Nat is trying desperately to reach the fortress in a rainy blur, until she gets stopped by Maya Lopez, still hellbent on avenging her father and killing Clint.
As Nat fights to get there first, both factions of the Ten Rings gather around the palace; Shang-Chi and Xialing, still bound, are forced to watch the duel that will decide their fate and their family’s. Clint and Wenwu, both armored up, draw their weapons, the rain shimmering around the both of them.
The battle begins, the two warriors engage in an all-out melee, Wenwu’s power only being matched by Clint’s swiftness and agility, his sword clashing with the Rings’s in a cacophony of combat. Eventually though, Wenwu’s sheer strength starts to overpower Clint, beating him senseless, but Clint anticipated this, waiting for the moment when Wenwu would get more reckless in his attacks. Meanwhile, back outside, Nat manages to knock off Maya’s leg and stun her with a Widow Bite, apologizing for that before running off to stop Clint.
As Clint gets smashed into the ground, Wenwu raises his fist, readying his Rings to kill him, but in doing so gives Ronin the opening he needed. Clint manages to slip a piece of sharp debris into his glove when he was pinned, so now, using the same trick as he did with Shang-Chi with his deadly accuracy, ricochets his new projectile right into Wenwu’s median nerve, severing it.
Wasting not a second, Clint grabs his sword and stabs Wenwu in the leg, further crippling him. As he continues fighting, Wenwu’s strength begins to give, as the Ronin keeps hitting him at critical points to take him off the edge. Then the game-changer comes as Wenwu tries to blast Clint with the Rings, allowing Clint to knock him down as he calls them back to him. Whirring around, Clint manages to catch the Rings on his own arm mid-flight, before spinning back to finish off Wenwu with a downward slam, knocking everyone back. He continues beating into Wenwu, visions of his family, of his pain, of everything he suffered though, and yet even that was never enough.
Nat sees the concentric bursts of power from the palace, knowing that either way, something’s wrong. As Wenwu lays bloodied and defeated, Ronin uses his new Rings to take the rest from Wenwu, claiming them for himself. Shang-Chi and Xialing try to break free to save their father, but Ronin uses the Rings to hold them in place and watch. Wenwu looks over at them, accepting that his goal of reuniting his family was somewhat successful in the end, telling them both to avenge their family.
Wenwu accepts his fate, surrendering to the Ronin as Shang-Chi and Xialing are left helpless to watch. Clint then channels the Rings’ power into his blade, preparing to finish off the Mandarin for good.
Nat then barges in, witnessing the unfortunate scene before her. Clint glares at her, the friend she once knew gone, now replaced by a madman. As Ronin unmasks himself, Nat tells him she’s sorry she failed him, that she knows why he’s doing this but that he needs to stop, but Clint isn’t having any of it. As Nat begs for Clint to see reason and asks what will it take for him to listen, he simply tells her the same thing he’s told all his enemies:
“What I want…you can’t give me.”
He stabs Wenwu, as Nat, Shang-Chi, and Xialing watch in horror. Nat leaps in to try and stop him, but Clint just throws the two at her, before ordering his men to take them captive. Razor Fist breaks through and holds Ronin’s loyalists back, allowing them time to escape, but sacrificing himself in the process.
As the three make their escape, they find Maya on the ground still reeling from the Widow Bite. Nat removes it and tells her that if she wants to live, then they all need to go. As the group escape the oncoming convoy of troops after them, The Ronin watches on, not even fazed. He admires this new strength and commands the rest of his troops to submit to him or die, gesturing to Wenwu’s and Razor Fist’s dead bodies. The other troops submit to him, declaring the Ronin as their new leader.
As both groups report to their higher-ups - Nat, Shang-Chi, and Xialing to the other remaining Avengers; Maya to Wilson Fisk and Sharon Carter - both sides receive a message from Ronin, informing them that Wenwu’s death was just the beginning. He tells them all that a new era has begun, one from which only reckoning will come for all who bar him from his goal.
With that, the Ronin assumes his new throne as the ruler of the Ten Rings, his aim and his empire now secured as one, all while forces beyond watch in preparation.
Sorry if the bio’s a bit lengthier than most, but I thought it would be an interesting concept for a future What If..? scenario plus a fun way to revisit a more unexplored part of Marvel’s past with the Blip.
Hope you like it!
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loosesodamarble · 3 months
Aqua Deer Mafia AU
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare and @lyranova are to blame for this~! (affectionate)
Morgen Faust: The Stag. The head of the Aqua Deer mafia. While mild and unassuming on the surface, Morgen is a driven man who doesn’t take kindly to injustice. He uses his connections in the mafia to track down and fight more sinister syndicates. Morgen will use violence and underhanded tactics to a degree but does reign in his mafia members to minimize the severity of their crimes. In this sense, the Aqua Deer are like vigilantes. Clover City officials are still very against the Aqua Deer as they’ve outed a number of corrupt individuals in the past.
Nacht Faust: The Buck. Morgen’s second-in-command and a double agent keeping tabs on the Black Bull mafia. (Yami, the leader of the Bulls, is aware of Nacht’s split allegiance but since it hasn’t harmed the Bulls yet, he lets it slide. For now.) He used to associate with another syndicate until they targeted Morgen to keep Nacht in line, only for that to push him to betray the group. He’s a master of disguise and infiltration, though his battle prowess is notable as well. Nacht has a habit of naming his belongings.
Gimodelo: Nacht’s favorite handgun.
Plumede: His motorcycle which he uses to get around the city.
Slotos: Body armor disguised as day-to-day clothing.
Walgner: A special phone that has been made largely untraceable thanks to Marx’s handiwork. 
Rill Boismortier: The Fawn. A new recruit to the Aqua Deer. Joined the mafia to find and punish people who’ve forged several of his artworks. He’s a martial arts prodigy, having learned multiple schools of fighting and using that knowledge to create his own mixed martial arts that is wildly unpredictable in a fight. The core of his fighting style is making use of the environment around him and his own enemies’ momentum to gain the upper hand.
Walter: The Moose. An older member of the Aqua Deer. Despite his age, he never had the ambition of taking charge of the mafia and instead trains younger members of the group such as Rill. There’s not a fighting style nor weapon that Walter isn’t at least familiar with. His social intelligence makes him invaluable for assessing public reactions and political backlash against the mafia’s activity.
Marx Francois: The Informant. A hacker and master at gathering information. Once employed by the government, he quit his job over disagreements about how the city government was turning Clover City into a surveillance state. He’s also wanted for leaking thousands of pages of government documents that were meant to be under lock and key.
Fragil Tormenta: The Calm. An underground doctor, giving medical aid to those who can’t pay the hospital bills or otherwise can’t legally be treated (ie. a criminal getting a bullet removed or stab wound stitched).
Another mafia group that is neither antagonistic towards the Aqua Deer nor friendly with them.
Discordia Helheim (Lyra's oc): The Vampire. She runs her own mafia group called The Coven. Known for her beauty and silver tongue which lures many a high profile man into a false sense of security. Infamous in the underground for bringing affairs and conspiracies to light without her identity being compromised.
Josele Canty (my oc): The Doe. A highly skilled assassin and Discordia’s right hand woman. Skilled in martial arts and can use anything as a weapon, having once killed a man with nothing more than a sewing kit. Her physical durability is inhuman, having survived car accidents without so much as a scratch and substances such as king cobra venom being proven ineffective against her. Though officially with The Coven, Josele is regularly hired by the Aqua Deer. This is against Discordia’s wishes.
Acylla Rhine (@faewraithsworld's oc): The Jewel. Josele’s weapon coordinator. She’s created firearms and bullets without metals so Josele can sneak them past metal detectors. She has a variety of purses, bottles, and other common looking items with false bottoms and hidden compartments to hide Josele’s tools. One of her more intriguing creations is a bra where the underwire is removable to be used as a garrote. She’s no slouch herself in a fight (able to make use of anything she’s invented), but she prefers working behind the scenes.
Moros Helheim (Lyra's oc, again): The Thrall. Discordia’s husband and advisor in the mafia. He doesn’t hold much true power in The Coven but him being allowed in at all is a big privilege.
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
Fall 2022 Anime Overview- Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
It’s time to start reviewing the anime I watched in the fall season! There’s some anime I chose to save for later, like Bocchi the Rock! (which I’m watching now and enjoying) and Raven of the Inner Palace, though I’ve heard great things about it and it’s a rare shoujosei adaptation so definitely go check it out! I might do a review of that when I do get to watch it, since it’s been overlooked this season with so many heavy hitters.
But onto what I did watch! And this one has so much to chew on it gets a whole post to itself.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
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A top contender for anime of the year for me. It’s not over yet though, so I pray it sticks the landing with the next season(s).
The anime follows Suletta Mercury, a girl who arrives at a new school (and new planet!) with her giant robot Aerial. Quickly she discovers a girl named Miorine, who’s desperate to escape to Earth because her bigwig father has decreed that people can duel with their giant robots for Miorine’s hand in marriage. Mio is not at all on board with this, especially because her current fiance is an abusive jerk. Suletta confronts the jerk fiance, challenges him to a duel and...well, you can probably guess what happens, especially if you’ve seen Revolutionary Girl Utena.
(And if you haven’t, go watch it! Though look up content warnings if you’ve got specific triggers or don’t often deal with darker media. I’ve got an episode breakdown here!)
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Anyway, Gundam said Gay Space Rights.
Meanwhille, Suletta’s mother, Prospera (yes, it’s a codename AND a reference to The Tempest) has a thirst for revenge after a horrible wrong was done to her by the terrible corporation Mio’s dad heads, and has secret plan brewing behind the scenes. There’s alson conflict between Earthlings and the space-faring people who are exploiting them. Meanwhile all poor Suletta wanted to do is make some friends and enjoy a couple of dates!
This anime is so good so far, and was specifically targeted for me in so many ways it’s not funny. A fun cast of characters? Well written queer girls? Shadowy parental manipulation? A protagonist who’s sweet and shy yet supremely dangerous? Good action that’s driven by good character dynamics? Lots of cool women kicking ass? Tangled relationships and tons or well written relationship drama?
I’ve definitely enjoyed a few mecha shows (like Planet With),but I tend to bounce off them, in part because I have a hard time telling what’s happening when robots are fighting and the technobabble starts flowing. That still is occasionally an issue in this show, but because the fights are so driven by character conflict and there’s clear stakes I can follow along with (like the fact using a Gundam for too long is supposed to kill you), it’s not as much as an issue as it usually is. And Gundam knew exactly how to lure me in. The second I heard the whole first episode was a Utena reference, it pulled me in and I’ve enjoyed every second since.
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The whole first episode echoing Utena does show the show’s pedigree (the series composer actually wrote the Utena light novels) and offers a little reassurance for audiences hoping it delivers on its queer storylines But the show is no rip-off, and it it very much does its own thing from that point on. Suletta isn’t Utena, and Miorine isn’t Anthy and this is apparent from the first episode. Suletta is achingly insecure, Miorine isn’t resigned to being a bride and has a short temper and abrasive attitude. The show isn’t about gender or compulsory heterosexuality (so far), it just has a lot of complex female characters in a wide variety of roles and has a developing romance between two women as the central relationship.
But like Utena, abuse is a huge theme, but very specifically parental abuse. Both Miorine and Suletta are being used as tools by their parents in a complex political game- Miorine is aware of this (though not the full scope of it, probably) while poor Suletta is very much in the dark. The way the parents use their children is chilling, but not without complexity- there are reasons to sympathize with Prospera, even if her treatment of her daughter is unforgiveable. She feels like a person, even thought we don’t know her full story.
The show also isn’t subtle about it’s political themes!
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That particular conflict has been bubbling in the background, but handled well so far (there are some great, more subtle moments, like the news showing the ‘weapons’ from the protest above, which included ‘molotov cocktails’ clearly put there by the police, and...an umbrella.) But even if works have themes I like or agree with, what really matters to me is the characters and if they’re executed well. Fortunately, the show has a loveable cast whose journeys I look forward to with both excitement and trepidation.
Whether it’s the wonderfully angry Chuchu and her legendary [redacted] in episode 4, or the unpredictable arc of what started out as the show’s biggest (teenage) jerk, or seeing the funny romantic rivalries Lilique unwittingly gets entangled in, the show makes you care about these kids.
It’s also, as a side note, the best treatment of fat people I’ve seen in anime. There are a ton of plus-sized people in different roles, and they’re never made fun of (except for one mild comment in a later episode that is quickly shut down, and the person apologizes). Lilique is a chubby girl who’s allowed to just be the cute romantic one of the group and is canonically popular with the boys. Considering how anime is usually the opposite of body-positive, it’s really nice to see.
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The central relationship of the show is, of course, Suletta and Miorine. And it’s a really fun relationship to follow. Even with the Utena reference and casual acceptance of gay marriage, I was a little worried about being baited by the show. But I’m happy to say I’m really satisfied with the development of the relationship so far. Both Suletta and Miorine are layered characters, and it’s great to watch the girls’ feelings grow as they miscommunicate and struggle and learn more about each other. We watch what starts as an engagement of convenience grow into a real bond, and root for these girls every step of the way. And yes, they’re bringing the gay.
But the relationship, and the show, is not without its shocking twists, and the very last minute of the last episode of this show left me a puddle on the floor and begging for more.This show can grab your heart and rip it out and you’ll thank them for it.
All I’ll say is fans of fascinating, screwed up women will be happy. I’m certainly happy! For now, at least. I like this show a lot, so I hope it doesn’t screw up it’s second season. It’s built up a lot of trust for me, but I’ve had that trust betrayed before. Such is the curse of being an anime fan, and a fan in general.
But for now, I whole heartedly recommend it, and encourage everyone to check it out! It’s got all the good things and there’s a ton to speculate on. Come freak out and theorize over that post credits scene where [redacted] with me.
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ally-holmes · 2 years
Regular Customer | Steve Harrington x Reader (ch.5)
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Series Masterlist.
Chapter Four – Chapter Six.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!reader|plus-sized!reader|nerd!reader
Word count: 5211
Regular Customer | Chapter Five.
At six in the morning, the alarm got off, waking all of them up. They'd been so damn tired that they barely moved all night and enjoyed as little rest as they could get, even in uncomfortable positions. Nancy started explaining what Vecna showed her last night. It was hard for her to find her voice after all the awful things that man inserted into her mind; she talked in whispers, her voice breaking from fear, eyes lost in the distance, tears falling from them silently.
"He's been telling us his plan this whole time."
Max's words made Y/N uncomfortable. If that was true, if Vecna only needed four kills to start his Doom Party, then why didn't he kill Max last night instead of sending Nancy a message? Was he being cocky? Eleven, the power-girl who was now powerless, seemed to be the person the message was for; was Vecna trying to lure the girl into a mind battle or something?
Y/N kept silent. Whatever Vecna/Henry/One's true plan was, he was hiding it pretty well and she couldn't just discourage them when the party was getting worked up, ready to fight that super sorcerer. The plan sounded good in theory, as Robin pointed out, but the idea of Max being the bait had too many loose ends.
"Max, can I ask you something?" Y/N approach the young girl when the others started to wonder where they could get weapons.
"If you're trying to stop me–"
"I think is dangerous as hell, but that's not what I wanted. Steve said that when Vecna got you in the graveyard, you got out thanks to the music. How do you think it worked?"
"What do you mean?"
"Taking a good look at the risks, with the town looking for Eddie, and probably for all the Hellfire Club members, there could be a chance of somebody entering Victor Creel's house in the middle of everything. What will happen then? If Lucas isn't fast enough to put the headphones on you or if the walkman breaks. Max, we have to minimize the risks."
"You're not being very positive."
"I'm being realistic. So, think. The music, why is it special?"
"I– I don't know. It made me remember the people I love. My friends. The good times."
"Let's pretend Vecna targeted you for your sad emotions. Something traumatic happened to you and–"
"Yeah. Right. Keep going," she pleaded uncomfortably.
"Sure. Maybe visualizing the good times, clinging to those memories, would take you away from there. You might not be able to do it by yourself and that's where the music helps. So, do you know the lyrics?"
"Of course. What does–"
"Then sing it to yourself. If something happens. If Lucas isn't fast enough. If Carver finds you. If the walkman breaks. Plan B: sing it to yourself."
The look in the girl's eyes made Y/N understand her alarm was being dismissed like she was some crazy girl with negative tendencies. She did what she thought was better, she'd warned the girl of the odds her suicidal mission had and she gave her some tips that might work; whether she used them or not wasn't Y/N's problem anymore.
The War Zone was the best chance they got to get weapons. Y/N's sword was useful, but they needed more things. Plus, it was far from Hawkins, which could give them some sense of anonymity. Y/N's car wouldn't be able to fit the whole party on its insides, but Eddie had other ideas for transportation. Still, Y/N went to her car and took out of the gloves compartment her checkbook. They couldn't go shopping without any money, could they? She should find a good excuse for her parents, but in the meantime it was appropriate.
As might be expected, Eddie's idea of transportation implied a felony. They got inside somebody's RV and took the road. It was cute to see Eddie finally offering a plan, a good plan, and committing to it with a clear mind. If in the meantime he playfully flirted with Steve Y/N wasn't going to mention it, she found it funny when Steve was out of his element.
"Don't you want to be shotgun?" Eddie asked her once the adrenaline from the theft had passed and all of them had settled in the caravan.
Y/N look at the front where Steve was driving, having some sort of conversation with Nancy, who sat next to him. They looked like a married couple going on excursions with their children to Yellowstone or something. She pulled down the hem of her shirt.
"Do I bother you, Munson?"
"Never, my love. How could you ask that?" He took a seat next to her and hugged her. "My clothes look good on you, by the way."
Unable to respond without self-hate, she just hummed and emptied her mind.
Once they were parked in The War Zone, they decided who would take what supplies. Eddie, Lucas, and Dustin were going to stay in the RV. Eddie had been right; the place was huge and had almost everything to kill anything. Y/N did a beeline to the knives' stand and took her time evaluating the blades and the balance of some of them to finally grab four of them for self defense purposes, and two hunter knives to use to spears. She met with Erica then, helping her to her list.
That's when they saw them. A green invasion. The basketball team was there looking for weapons to hunt and probably kill Eddie. Y/N shouldn't have gone out of the caravan. The party regrouped, she used her checkbook to pay for everything, and they left before any other jocks showed up.
"Carver was buying a gun," Nancy told them in their escape.
After finding a clear away from the road where they could assemble their weapons, the party ate whatever the owners of the caravan had available. Some cereal, bread, peanut butter, Oreos, and two apples.
The silent periods of the party were longer as the day went by. They didn't feel safe in their town and they had to go back to the Upside Down where they felt even less safe. Not even a week ago, Y/N was crying on Eddie's shoulder about the conversation she overheard in Family Video, thinking how impossible it would be for her to show her face in the store ever again. Now she was assembling some shields with nails and garbage cans' lids with Dustin Henderson and Eddie Munson while Nancy Wheeler and Max Mayfield were sawing off a shotgun; the Sinclair siblings were creating some sort of spears, and Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley were mixing Molotov cocktails. As Y/N was feeling more and more uncertain about the whole situation, Eddie was getting comfortable in it. He finally was doing something to protect himself instead of just waiting.
While he talked and played with Dustin, Y/N couldn't help but notice the slight hint of goodbye his words carried. It might've been fear talking, but she knew Eddie was being realistic. The chances of coming back alive were small, and in case they came back in one piece the town would still be hunting for him. He was being fatalistic; she was going to fight for him, to the death.
On their shopping mission at The War Zone, they'd also got some clothes that Steve was already wearing and Y/N was having trouble tearing her eyes away from him. The military boots were sexy, but the jacket? Hopefully, it wouldn't get damaged in the Upside Down and Steve would wear it often in town because that was a treat.
"Hey, do you think the shields are good enough for you, warrior princess?"
"You disappoint me, Eddie the Banished, I thought that, as the Dungeon Master, you would know that I'm a paladin."
"Well, can you cast spells from the divine forces? Because that would make you a true paladin and would help us defeat Vecna," Dustin said.
"I don't think you embody goodness either," Eddie completed.
"I don't, now?"
"No. You embody power. Strength. Loyalty."
"Love," the kid agreed. "Eddie's right, you should get another character for the next campaign. Something more suitable for you."
"I thought the point of D&D was that we could be whatever we wanted. Anyway, here, take this," she handed a knife to each of them.
If the knives used to do the spears were dented and big, the ones she gave them were slim and sharp.
"Is always better to have a second weapon. I once saw a History documentary about Roman legionnaires. They had a shield, a spear, and a small sword. I got you both one. I got one for myself. And another one for– Well, extra, I guess."
Eddie and Dustin shared a look. "Is there something going on between you and Steve?"
"I don't think that's the best topic right now, dude." Eddie tried to silence Dustin.
"He's just in a moment of temporary insanity. I promise. Whatever you think is going on between him and Nancy, it's not happening. At all."
"That doesn't mean that he suddenly likes me, Dustin."
"Maybe it does! I honestly don't understand what he has in his head. Definitely not a brain."
"When he worked at the mall I thought he was going to make a move on Robin. She's amazing. I get that she might not like him, and I respect that they're friends, but, come on, you? You're crazy about him and super cool, how can he just not do something!"
"Too much hairspray inhalation."
"Are you guys ready?" Nancy asked them loudly from across the field. Eddie gave her the thumbs up. "Then let's get inside. We have to be back before the sun sets."
After dropping Lucas, Erica, and Max off at Victor Creel's house, they hid the RV. A sacred silence surrounded them.
"Okay. I want to run through it one more time," Nancy repeated. She seemed determined and focused, but also terrified of failing if she showed any kind of weakness. "Phase one."
"We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready," Robin answered.
"Phase two."
"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance," Steve supplied.
"Phase three."
"Me, Y/N, and Eddie draw the bats away," Dustin pointed to the older teen behind him. Eddie gave him a sign of affection.
"We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and… flambé."
"Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"
"Got it."
They were all suit-up, ready for battle. Steve carried an ax in his backpack, complaining about not having time to go look for his bat. That complaint took place hours before, when they were driving, and Steve had mentioned it to Nancy, who had remembered him that the bat was made by Jonathan and her for their first encounter with a demogorgon; Nancy had said that it suited Steve better, obviously.
Jungle drums echoed in Y/N's chest as she followed the other into Eddie's trailer. They didn't have time to lose; there was no hesitation in Steve as he climbed the rope while Eddie was still closing the trailer door. What Steve did, landing effortlessly on his feet, was impressive, and Y/N felt the urge to say so or actually applaud until Robin made her sarcastic comment. She and Nancy didn't seem too impressed by his athletics. Perhaps it was due to the fact that none of them had a crush on him, or maybe they were too used to seeing him doing exceptional stuff. Y/N was still impressed by him. The day before, he had jumped into the lake straight into a potential death, and now he did so too. There was no way they could be sure there were no demobats, demodogs, or demotigers in the trailer guarding the gate.
"Cute heart eyes," Eddie whispered to her. She elbowed him in the ribs.
The fact that Robin helped Nancy without asking made Y/N feel better when Eddie offered his help. Steve offered his hand to her when she landed, just as he had done with Nancy. Although Y/N was worried he had to do too much effort to pull her up in comparison to Nancy, she took the hand. He pulled her onto her feet as effortlessly as he had landed, so fast that she hit his chest, and he chuckled.
"You good?"
Was she though? Y/N couldn't stop smiling after that. Her cheeks hurt from the effort to keep a straight face. They grabbed the things the others threw, they helped the others get up when they landed, and that's how they went out of the trailer.
Steve hesitated for a second before going back to them.
"Hey, guys, listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all," he looked each of them dead into the eyes, "you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep them busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Even when you could," he pointed at Y/N. She nodded. "Okay? You guys are just–"
"Decoys," Dustin cut him off. "Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve."
"Absolutely. I mean, look at us," he shared a look with the kid. "We are not heroes."
Steve wasn't as pleased as he wanted to and looked at Y/N sternly. He had reasons to be scared for them. They claimed not to be heroes, but he had seen otherwise. He'd seen Dustin come back for him on a Russian base instead of saving himself. He knew the kid was trouble. Eddie seemed at the edge of something life-changing, and if Steve had to guess, using the conversation they had the day before in the Upside Down as a clue, he would say that Eddie has tired of running, of hiding. And, of course, there was Y/N. He barely knew her a week ago, and now he was certain that the girl in front of him would fight to the death.
He nodded. He wasn't pleased, but he knew there was no other option. Before he could regroup with the other two, Y/N asked him to wait, giving him a knife. The knife was as long as a forearm, perfect grip, sharpest as can be.
"I know the ax is cooler, but this is better to cut someone's head off. Just one swing and it's detached. The bad news is you should be too close to him to do it."
Steve grabbed the knife with a nod, lingering his fingers on Y/N's.
"Hey, Steve? Make him pay," Eddie asked.
With that being said, Steve, Nancy, and Robin started their way to Victor Creel's house. Eddie, Dustin, and Y/N had work to do on the trailer.
Drawing the bats wasn't the only thing they had to do. It wouldn't be safe for them to do so if the bats could break into the place and destroy them. They might not be super strong or big, but they were organized. There were thousands of bats, and only three of them too. If they were at a proper house, they could at least count on the strength of the walls, this was not the case. As best as they could, they reinforced the structure, covered doors, and windows, and prepared the amplifiers on top of the trailer. Y/N took a good look at the structure from the outside, and the inside.
"We need something to cover the drainpipes and the toilet. Is there any other hole? Vents? Doesn't matter how tiny you think it is."
"Don't you think you're getting paranoid, Y/N?" Dustin asked her. "How are they going to get inside from the toilet?"
"I don't want to risk it. We don't know what they can and cannot do."
Therefore, they reinforced the windows and mortared any other opening, no matter how small it was.
It was done.
They were ready.
Now they just had to… wait.
"What are you going to play?" Y/N asked Eddie as they waited.
"I was thinking about Master of Puppets. I've been practicing like crazy since it came out."
"Wait. So… If the Upside Down is in the past, does that mean that you'd be the first one on playing that song?"
"God, shut up," he blushed.
"Copy that. Initiating phace three."
Dustin's words cut their conversation short. It was show time.
With the amplifiers connected to the other world through the gate, they were ready to make some noise. Eddie was giving his everything on each note, was vibing with the music, was embodying it. It was cathartic. Dustin and Y/N followed the flow with their bodies, especially with their heads. The lyrics played in their minds because they'd listened to the song obsessively.
"Dude. Most. Metal. Ever!!!"
The three of them were pleased with themselves and terrified as fuck. The adrenaline still running through their veins made them jump up and down to get free from the tension.
Everything was fine.
Everything. Really.
Until it wasn't.
Y/N had been right, and in covering even the tinniest vent and hole in the trailer they prevented the bats from going in. Unfortunately, they also became a boring target for them. That, or the golden trio was having trouble with Vecna/Henry/One.
"We need to see if the bats are still engaged with us. If they're not, we might need to draw them again."
"What is taking so long? He should be famblé by now."
"I should go. I should go help them."
"No. Nop. There's no way you're leaving, Y/N!"
"Are you insane? You can't just go out there with all the bats surrounding us."
Eddie and Dustin looked at them as if she was an alien.
"What's the plan then? Wait here for hours? Days until we convince ourselves that out friends were dead while we were here doing nothing? We have weapons. Let's use them!"
"We just draw all the bats. TO US."
"Holly shit, you're being serious. You really want to go out there. Are you insane?"
"You're not going out."
"I wasn't asking for permission."
"Eddie!" She cupped his face between her hands and looked into his eyes. "We either need to save them or buy them more time, but we need to do something. I need to do something."
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Fine. Henderson, stay."
"What? NO! What the fuck is wrong with you both? Hey! Hey, where do you think you're going? Eddie! Y/N! Shit. Fuck. Shit. NO! Hey!"
They were both ready to go out the door. She had her sword in one hand and her shield in the other. "We're going to buy some time. The Wheeler's bikes are still here. Could you take one and go to Vecna? If you can't it's fine, you don't have to. But then you'll stay here and be a good boy."
Eddie kept cursing under his breath, jumping from one foot to another. Dustin looked at both of them and felt it. Friendship. Family. Yes, it was suicidal. Yes, the chances of going back alive were shorter than before. But, how could he stay put and do nothing? That's when he started cursing under his breath, just like Eddie.
"We'll cover you, Dustin, as much as we can," Eddie tried to encourage him, although he was anxious as hell, too.
"Okay. Yeah. Sure. Okay. I'll take the bike and go."
"Do not look back. That might stop you. Wait until the bats are busy with us, then go," Y/N ordered.
"I love you guys."
"We love you too buddy," Eddie hugged him while she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Door opened. Eddie and Y/N took two of the bikes and went in the opposite direction of Vecna to give Dustin a clear path. The bats followed, happy for their new meal. Eddie fell off the bike so Y/N went to help him. They stand back to back, shield and weapon. They were ready.
The bats surrounded them like a tornado. They crashed towards them. They hit them, tried to tangle their tails on their necks. Eddie's spear wasn't as useful as they thought it would be, but he was good at using his shield as a weapon too, while the opposite happened to Y/N. The shield was a burden on her, so she ditched it and grabbed her sword with both hands. She cut those bastards in half. Wings, tails, horns… it didn't matter what body part it was, she was cutting it with her weapon.
As might be expected, the demobats got too close on several occasions. Eddie was drawn to the floor twice by a tail on his neck, and she cut it every time, which gave the bats the opportunity to bite her. She might've looked pretty tasty to those assholes. The sweat mixed with the blood and the dusty environment. Their movements became restless. Her grip weakened due to the pain and exhaustion. His protective movements were slower. They were going to die if the others didn't kill Vecna soon.
"What? Oh, fuck!" He hit another bat that slapped him with its tail.
"I love you!!"
"Are you saying goodbye?! Shit, motherfuc–!"
"If I'm dying I'm glad it's next to you!!"
"Shut up! We're not dying! I'm not letting you die!"
The speed of the bats flying around them grew stronger and faster, they were doomed.
And just there, when everything seemed lost, the bats fell to the ground. Dead.
It was impossible for them to determine the time they lay there, waiting, next to the dead bats for their friends to come. At some point, they heard it. People running towards them, their names being called, curses and pleads. They were both so damn tired it took a lot for Y/N to open her eyes.
"Vecna?" She asked, her voice weak, barely a whisper.
"Jesus Christ! That scared me!" Steve's reaction made her smile.
Unknown hands helped her sit; the movement made her groan. When her sight focused back, she found relief in Steve's eyes; he gifted her a weak smile.
"Hi," he whispered.
"Hi," she answered likewise.
"Dude, that was mental. My whole body hurts, fuck." Eddie's groans made Steve and Y/N chuckle.
"Are you alive? What the fuck did you think you were doing?"
"This is not what we talked about. This isn't something you should do. We had a plan for something."
Robin's rambling mixed with Nancy's disapproval. Eddie was too busy hugging Dustin in relief without compromising his wounds to pay attention, and Y/N was being helped by Steve, who murmured soft words like "It's okay. There you go. I'm right here. You're safe now. There. You good? Easy there."
"So, what happened?" Y/N's question seemed to refocus the topic.
"That's what I want to know." Nancy sounded pissed. "We had a plan."
"And something went wrong. You were taking too long."
Dustin had gotten out of the trailer without a problem, without looking back to his friends. He had gone to Creel's house like a soul followed by the devil, and he found his friends being suffocated by the vines. He took the knife Y/N gave him and tried to free them. They didn't know yet, but at that moment Eleven was having a battle with Vecna that made him ignore the vines. Dustin had explained to the others what had happened and that they needed to kill the bastard fast or Y/N and Eddie would be dead.
They had accomplished phase four of the plan and flambé him. It wasn't enough. Nancy had shot him. And shot him. And shot him. Steve found himself close enough to cut Vecna's head, and so he did, with the long knife Y/N gave him a few moments back. Vecna's head flew and rolled until the wall stopped it; his body fell to the ground, burning.
"So, you needed help," Y/N summed up.
"That's not the point. You had one job and–"
"Nance, I think that's enough. Okay? It's over. It's done. No more Vecna," Steve cut her off.
"Slash Henry," Robin muttered.
"Slash One," Eddie finished with a wink.
Going back to the other side was complicated, almost impossible for Eddie and Y/N with their injuries and exhaustion. They made it, nonetheless, and on the other side Dustin called the others on the walkie like crazy.
"Now the hard part," Y/N mumbled to herself. "You go grab the RV and drive it to Creel's house. If Max's injured, call an ambulance."
"Now you're making plans and we should follow?" Nancy was utterly pissed.
"Meanwhile, I'm taking Eddie to the basketball team hideout Lucas told us about. There, I'll call the police to send help. We'll pretend he'd been captive there this whole time."
"Don't you think Carver or his friend would be there?" Robin wondered.
"It's a possibility."
"Fine by me, love." With Eddie's approval, there wasn't much else to do.
"Be safe," Steve pleaded.
"Lucas, do you copy? Vecna's out. I repeat, Vecna's out. Lucas. Lucas. Nothing. We need to go now. Come on!"
The car ride to the basketball team hideout was silent. They had left all the weapons and such hidden in the trailer park, but they were both sweaty and bloodied. The road was empty.
"How are we going to explain it?"
"Don't know."
"Let's go to your place. Let's go there. You shower, attend your wounds and hid them, then we keep with the plan."
"No. Listen to me. The visible wounds you have can be explained with Carver's intervention, but your dirty clothes, filled with blood… that's another thing. I know I've been panicking too much and I made you responsible for my safety, but now I'm trying to protect you."
She accepted and she was fast. The shower helped her regain control of herself; that's why she drove better and faster this time. The hideout was empty and had a function phone that she used to call the Hawkins Police Department. As she'd done for the last few days, she lost control of her emotions and cried, begging for someone to help them, insulted Callahan, and cursed like a sailor. Fifteen minutes after the call, the police arrived, finding them by the door, Eddie laying his weight on Y/N.
Chief Powell was the only one who stopped the shouting nonsense of the other two officers. He approached the kids with both hands up. Y/N's eyes were fierce while Eddie's were tired and in pain, barely keeping himself awake. Powell took a good look at them and sighed.
"We need to take him, Y/N."
"He needs a doctor."
"I'll call for one."
"I'll go with him."
"Kid, listen…"
"Chief Powell, I'm going with him whether you like it or not."
That's how she found herself in the back of a police car with Eddie, handcuffed and crying softly against her chest as she hugged him protectively.
As they approached the center of town, the quiet morphed into a panicked noise. Sirens, yells, and pleads echoed. Y/N looked through the window, finding the firefighters containing a big fire in the courthouse, that was broken in half.
"Here chief Powell. I don't care how you do it, but we need a doc in the station," he told the radio in the car.
"We're on it, chief, but is going to take time with the earthquake," someone on the radio responded.
"I don't care. Make it happen, Doris."
The police station was rather empty. Doris, who had substituted Flo for secretary duty, opened the door for them as they approached. Chief Powell had Eddie grabbed by the arm, both hands handcuffed to his back, Y/N glued to their backs. Two steps in, Lucas Sinclair got up out of his chair.
"Eddie! Y/N! Thank God you're fine!" He looked rough.
"What happened to you?" She asked in a clear way to know what story they were following, and before Powell could stop him, Lucas was answering.
"You were right about Jason this whole time. He and another guy from the team lured Max and Erica to the old Creel's house. I was looking for them. I was desperate, Y/N. And then I saw light on the house. I only found Max there, with Jason. He was breaking her arm– It was the worst experience of my life, Y/N." When Lucas started crying, she knew he wasn't pretending, he was just letting go. She came near him and held him. "God, I don't know what would've happened if I don't come in time. He got crazy. He beat me up and he had a gun. A gun!! If the earthquake hadn't hit just in time to make him lose his balance I don't– I don't know– It was Jason this whole time."
"What about Erica? Where's she? Max's fine?"
"Erica freed herself. She's now talking to an officer with my mom and dad. She has a sprained wrist for fighting against her attacker. And Max– She's at the hospital. I don't know much more. And you? Where did you find Eddie?"
Now it was time to lie, and Lucas knew it. "I knew I had to look somewhere closer to Carver. When the earthquake hit," she had no idea there had been one, "I decided to look into the team hideout. You told me about it once. Eddie was there."
"I should have listelened to you when you said Jason was nasty."
"We're safe now. That's what matters, Lucas."
And, scene.
"Did someone look at your injuries?"
"Not yet. Callahan said he was calling a doctor, but nothing yet. Erica needs one. I need one. And as far as I can see, Eddie needs one too. Where is it, chief?"
"On it, Sinclair. On it. Y/N L/N why don't you sit here with Mr. Sinclair while I find a proper place for Mr. Munson here?"
"Where are you taking him?"
"To an interrogation room. There's no need to worry. Jason Carver is in one too. The doctor would be on the way. This kind of thing has its process, Miss. L/N, and we cannot rush it. It could take days until we clear the case. Luckily the earthquake wasn't too big. We have a couple of collapsed buildings and a fire in the courthouse."
"Fine. I need a phone, then."
"Be my guest. I'm too tired to fight with you."
"And give Eddie some water and food! We don't know which conditions he'd been in."
Powell took Eddie down the hall. The boy looked over his shoulder once and gave his best friend a shy, tired smile, before muttering a thank you.
To be continued…
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173 notes · View notes
isleofdarkness · 6 months
an i avle to ask abiut jenna? i wpuld reallu lije to knoe nore acout her storu, whay was maledicent doing to her thst comsyitutrd throwimg hdr off a cliff?
Are you feeling alright? Yes, you can ask about Jenna, I'm just slightly concerned as you seem very tired.
Warnings; I legit cried while writing this. Infant death that's a mercy killing, attempted murder-suicide (Mal, the latter, was eight and Jenna, the former was around a month,) a child is forced by circumstance to kill a beloved sibling. Some pretty heavy grief and suicidal stuff after that, and then repression of trauma. This one is extremely heavy.
Jenna didn't have much of a story. Her parents were unknown but, as she was born with pink skin that turned violet where the light hit, she was abandoned pretty quickly because having a baby with a weird skin colour is putting a massive target on your back. To her parents' credit, she was abandoned outside of Facilier's arcade. Unfortunately, this was at night and they didn't knock on the door to wake him. He had no idea someone had left a baby on his doorstep that night.
Because Facilier was being watched (this was before the war and he, as a key member of Sanctum, was being observed so they knew who was coming and going and why. Someone saw these people leave a basket (what is this, a Victorian England orphan drama? This is the Isle, use a box like the rest of us,) and went to see what was in it. As they knew Maleficent was interested in acquiring people with unusual skin tones, they bought the baby straight to her.
Mal doesn't know how long there was a baby in the dungeon without her knowing, but she figures it must have been only a few days because her mother hadn't had the time to put measures in place to keep Mal from figuring it out. Seriously, mother, you don't have guards at the door of an empty cell. She was eight and curious, so she lied to the guards to lure them away, then snuck back to see who was in the cell.
That was the first time she saw a face she would pray she would never forget. That sweet little girl with her pink skin, magenta hair, and magenta eyes, who looked up at Mal with the most innocent look of wonder and, without fear, reached out a tiny hand to tug Mal's hair so she could examine it.
She didn't know why this baby was in the dungeon, but she knew that she shouldn't be. Mal took the baby and ran away from home.
The problem was that this was before she and Jay really trusted each other. Evie and Carlos weren't part of the gang yet. Mal had yet to survive the war that would solidify her trust in Harriet, Diego, Lydia, etc. So she was eight, and she ran away to an abandoned house. She had absolutely no clue what to do next.
She couldn't ask for help no matter how much she needed it. Not only was she on her own, but Maleficent seemed to have a kill order on her. Mal could barely risk looking out a window, that was how many of Maleficent's soldiers were on the streets. She had no way to feed this baby, no idea how to care for her, and she couldn't keep the cold winter away. The baby, who she'd taken to calling Jenna because the name just felt right, got sick. Very sick. She was sick and starving and Mal couldn't fix it no matter what she tried.
She loved that baby. She'd always wanted a sibling and now she had one, this sweet, innocent little sister who seemed to trust her so much and who was so eager to learn about the world around her. But now, only a few days after getting her, her baby sister was wasting away. Starving, sick...
Mal didn't have a way to get help. All she knew was that, when someone couldn't feed a baby, they usually threw the baby off of a cliff and into the ocean to make their death quick. The skinnier and sicker Jenna got, the closer Mal came to the conclusion that she was going to need to do the unthinkable. She was going to need to mercy kill a baby.
It was seeing the shadow of death cast over Jenna's face that finally made her give up. To her, it was either the cliffs or a long, slow, torturous death by sickness and starvation. She hated herself, but she couldn't let Jenna suffer. She went to the cliffs.
What Jay doesn't know is that Mal didn't just let Jenna go. Mal, with Jenna in her arms so that the baby wouldn't be scared, jumped off of the cliff to try and kill herself, too.
She hadn't known, but Maverick had seen what was about to happen. Not soon enough to stop it, but soon enough to save one of them. Harriet had nearly caught up with Mal when Mal jumped, and she followed her into the icy tides without hesitation. Harriet managed to get Mal to the beach and force the water out of her lungs, but she knew they couldn't expect a second miracle. That wasn't how the Isle worked.
Sure enough, Maverick appeared with a bundle of blankets in her arms, face blank and head bowed. She'd used magick to dry the blankets and there was no sign that what was in them was injured, let alone dead, but Harriet knew before Maverick said anything.
Maverick was forced to lay baby Jenna to rest a few days later without Mal present, Mal still comatose on Harriet's ship. When she finally woke after a few days, she had screamed and cried and cussed both of them black and blue for keeping her alive. How dare they save her and not Jenna? How dare they not let her die with the baby she felt she'd had a huge part in killing? She'd tried again, first by looking for weapons that had been taken from the room and then by attacking Harriet and Maverick, trying to force one of them to kill her.
Maverick took the beating until Mal wore herself out. When her anger left her cold and unable to hide her grief and guilt, it was Maverick who wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight as she screamed and sobbed and begged to be killed.
The two tried to force Mal to stay on the ship in the aftermath, but she refused. She had work to do. She forced her pain into a lockbox and buried it deep. She refused to go see the beautiful grave site Maverick had laid the baby to rest in for months, until she knew she would be able to keep the pain from breaking free. Jay didn't know the story until a year later, and Mal had been in so much pain uttering it that she hadn't been able to hide the worst details, the fact that she still wished she had died in that jump. Carlos and Evie didn't hear the story until two years after that, and they got the abridged version. Mal has never told those two about her suicide attempt, or the fact that she still gets suicidal around the anniversary. The name is banned for the pain it brings her. Her crew doesn't ask about Jenna and Mal doesn't talk about Jenna.
At least she didn't until November first, when, at the end of the panic from Riah having accidentally turned into a damn cat while he was asleep had finally abated, Riah had looked around the room. His eyes scanned people the rest of them couldn't see. And then they stopped right next to Mal, and his head tilted as he listened to words the rest of them couldn't hear.
"Mal... did you have a kid?"
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theoddcatlady · 6 months
We Killed Bobby Tanner
It was me, Jessie Bates, Hunter Gilch, and Gabrielle Edison. We are the reason that Bobby Tanner never returned home that Friday night ten years ago, why every year his parents send out a plea asking for their son to come home. It was us. The senior class rejects.
Jessie was a bit slow and would believe anything you told him. You could tell this boy over a dozen times that ‘gullible’ was written on the ceiling and he’d believe you each of those times.
Gabrielle was pretty popular until her sophomore year when she got gonorrhea after having sex with her cheating shitbag of a boyfriend who didn’t know how to put on a condom. He, of course, blamed her for giving it to him and it didn’t matter what the truth was after that- Gabrielle was labeled a dirty slut and became a social outcast.
Hunter was just… off. Jessie followed him around like a lost puppy, but Hunter was that kid everyone was sure was either going to one day shoot up the school or become a prolific serial killer. Casual conversations would quickly turn sadistic as he’d brag about catching squirrels and birds in traps before killing them and cutting them up. He was the leader of our lil group, probably because the rest of us didn’t have a backbone.
Me, you can pick a reason why I was picked on- I’m fat, I had a serious acne problem, I’m socially awkward and a crybaby. I was an easy target because I’d start to cry when the words got too much and that was exactly what the bullies wanted.
Bobby was one of those bullies. He was everything we weren’t- he had money, he was good looking, he thought he was pretty smart, and he was funny… at least, if you weren’t the butt end of his jokes. We usually were. The only one he didn’t really pick on was Hunter, at least, not if he didn’t have a pack of friends around him. Hunter scared him, and probably for a good reason.
It was Hunter’s idea to kill him, after all.
It was after school, we were all at Hunter’s house. His parents were never home and it was a safe place to chill. I’d just finished throwing the pizza rolls in the microwave when he came out with it.
“What’s your perfect plan to kill someone?” Hunter said, interrupting Gabrielle’s rant about our stupid English teacher Mr. Shea.
Jessie laughed while Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “Really? I don’t have one, Hunter. Because I’m not a sociopath.”
“Come on, it’s all hypothetical,” Hunter waved his hand, “Just go with it. What’s your go to plan?”
Jessie stroked his chin, which had a few scraggly hairs on it that he proudly called his ‘beard’. “Huh… I mean, I guess I’d kill them with my dad’s shotgun so he goes down for the murder? Fuck my dad,” He said.
Hunter snickered while I took a seat on the couch arm and pondered this hypothetical question. “I mean, I’d probably go for making it look like an accident. Like they fell off a cliff or a building, or the brakes in their car just gave out,” I answered.
Hunter looked genuinely impressed. “That’s actually not half bad! Come on, Gabrielle, what do you think?” He asked.
Gabrielle scoffed before she started twirling her hair- she always did that when she was thinking on something. “Oh my god, fine… I think I’d just poison the bastard? I’m not really strong, I mean, neither is Noelle, but here she is threatening to throw people off of buildings,” She elbowed my ribs teasingly.
“It’s a hypothetical question!” I threw my hands up in the air before looking down at Hunter. “Since you asked, I’m sure you already have an answer.”
“Lure them out to the woods before slicing open their throat so I can shower in their blood,” Hunter grinned menacingly and I had to suppress a shudder.
“That’s fucking gross… and would leave so much evidence, you idiot,” Gabrielle shook her head, “Actual sociopath, Hunter Gilch.”
We all laughed until Hunter brought up the next question. “Okay, who would you murder then? Say you could murder anyone and know you could get away with it. Name your picks,” He said as he crossed his arms.
I shifted uncomfortably while Gabrielle shook her head. “Too much, Hunter, too much,” She said.
“Who would you murder?” Jessie piped up with.
Hunter opened his mouth to respond when I heard the microwave beep. “Natural segue, it’s pizza rolls time!” I leaped up from the couch arm and ran into the kitchen. I did hear Hunter say he had a few possibles, but my return with the delicious snack had us completely forget about murder.
The next week the cruelest prank was played on me. I got to my locker to see a present from a secret admirer, a box of chocolates with a sweet love letter. I was so overjoyed and I ended up enjoying two or three chocolates before class.
Chocolates that Bobby had laced with laxatives.
Just as the teacher was about to hand out the assignments, my stomach made that oh so uncomfortable gurgling sound and I had to bolt for the bathroom. I… didn’t make it. And I'd been wearing a skirt that day.
Liquid shit dripped down my legs as I scrambled for the bathroom, only to hear the cruelest laughter behind me. I looked, I saw Bobby, I saw his friends taking pictures with their phones, and I realized what happened.
I considered killing myself that night. The whole school knew what had happened. One of Bobby’s friends had texted him to let him know it was going down and that’s how he knew, and the incriminating pictures of me waddling down the hallway with a brown trail behind me spread like wildfire. I’d never live this down.
I’d already decided that I’d take all my mother’s sleeping pills and wash it down with a bottle of vodka when I heard my doorbell frantically ringing.
My mom was out so I ended up dragging myself to the door. When I opened it, there he was- Hunter. It had been raining out and he was soaking wet, gasping for breath as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Bobby. That’s who I’d fucking murder. Bobby fucking Tanner.”
I burst into tears and collapsed in Hunter’s arms.
That’s when we seriously began to plan to murder Bobby.
Jessie took no effort to convince, although I’m not sure he knew we were serious until the night it happened. Gabrielle was on the fence, but after she heard people laughing about ‘Shitstain Noelle’, she agreed to help as long as she wasn’t doing the actual killing part.
We all had a part to play. Gabrielle was the bait. Hunter and Jessie were the muscle. And I was the clean up crew.
I remember going to Jessie’s father’s home improvement shop to pick out the weapons. Jessie might’ve been dumb as a box of rocks when it came to things like school and common sense, but he knew tools. He chattered my ear off about how this certain brand of hammer was known to have its head come flying off if you used it too roughly and how this other brand was hardy and good for long term use.
Hunter picked one of those hammers and tossed it in the air. I never saw him smile quite so genuinely as he added it to the basket.
It was much more fun to actually plan the murder than commit it, at least for me. Each of us did get our own hammer, Jessie jokingly called us the hammer bros and Hunter laughed until he cried.
Gabrielle was probably the best damn bait. She made sure to approach Bobby when he was alone and actually let the bastard feel her up before saying if he wanted more, he should come with her after school. I was her back up, watching from around the corner just in case he got too much. I saw how he ogled her, he was entranced. Sure she was a slut, but she was still hot, and Bobby was still a teenage boy.
She had him drive them to the woods near Jessie’s place. We were all in position. The car pulled up and Bobby was far too focused on making out with Gabrielle to notice Hunter storming up to the car. By the time Hunter ripped the door open, it was too late for Bobby to get away.
The plan didn’t feel real until Hunter cracked the hammer against Bobby’s mouth.
Bobby screamed as Hunter dragged him out, bringing the hammer down again and again on his head. Jessie joined in and began smashing him wherever he could, but Hunter did most of the work. Jessie was more timid, he didn’t have it in him to really kill someone else.
Hunter did though. Bobby screamed and begged for him to stop. I don’t think he ever threw a punch back, he didn’t have a chance.
When he finally ceased crying and struggling, his face was a swollen, bloody mess. You couldn’t tell who he used to be. I think Hunter would’ve continued beating him if Jessie didn’t tell him it was enough. Bobby was dead.
The next part of the plan was performed mechanically. Hunter and Jessie took Bobby’s car to a deeper part of the woods where it was dismantled. Gabrielle went home. And I took care of the body, throwing it in the nearby river, tied with rocks, where it’ll never be seen again.
They sent search parties. People were dragged in for questioning. Even Hunter was, but we each other’s alibi- we were at Hunter’s house all night and he didn’t go anywhere. Probably the best stroke of luck was that Bobby didn’t tell anyone he was going out with Gabrielle. He was probably going to save the bragging for later.
People completely forgot about ‘Shitstain Noelle’ now that Bobby just up and disappeared. People talked about how he was such a good kid with such a promising future. Some rumors sprouted up about how all the pressure from his parents just made him crack and he took off to live in Florida or some shit. Other people still continued to point the finger at Hunter, saying we were just covering for him. Never really thought we participated though.
But I lied.
Bobby Tanner wasn’t dead when I took him to the river.
It came as a shock to me when I went to lift his body out of the bed of Jessie’s truck and he groaned. I nearly screamed. Somehow after being pulverized, Bobby was still alive.
I had a choice. If I dumped him in the water, he’d drown. No question about it. It was up to me now to finish the job.
Or maybe I couldn’t. Maybe when faced with the choice at the end, I just couldn’t.
Bobby was stashed under my bed. Every day when I came home from school, I expected to find him dead, but somehow he’d kept clinging onto life. I took care of him best I could with what supplies I could pick up over the counter, I fed him food turned into paste, and I’d clean up after him.
He wasn’t really… Bobby anymore. Even when his face healed, it was all crooked and puffy. I think sometime during the beating Hunter knocked one of his eyes out, because it was just gone, I don’t know what happened to it. I had to teach him how to go to the bathroom, how to eat by himself. I asked him if he remembered who I was, if he remembered Noelle.
All I got was a blank stare.
Bobby went with me to my new place when I moved out of my mother’s house. I taught him how to be quiet and stay still in the trunk I’d keep him in. During the day he knew to hide under the bed, when I got home from work he’d always give me a hug before lying down on the couch. He knew not to be seen, he listened to whatever I said. It was like having a son.
I never told the others. After the murder we just… grew apart. Things weren’t the same. Hunter was more manic and morbid than ever, Jessie became quiet and threw himself into work at his father’s shop, and Gabrielle…
Gabrielle couldn’t live with what we did. She hung herself about three months after our group murder. It was too much for her. I wish I told her at least that we didn’t kill Bobby. It’s probably the only reason the guilt hasn’t consumed me either.
But maybe I shouldn’t have kept him alive, either.
Like I said, it’s been ten years. Bobby’s made leaps and strides in taking care of himself, he can even heat up leftovers in the microwave. For the longest time, he was a blank slate. I was his Noelle, the woman taking care of him. His only friend. The world outside was a bad place, was the reason he lost himself.
Last week I left out some old things while doing some spring cleaning. Most importantly, I left out a book of pictures. I came back home to see Bobby staring at a picture of my friends. I asked him what he was doing and he just shrugged and I thought that was that. He didn’t have his memories, after all.
Well that picture knocked something loose. I came home today to find Bobby was gone, with that picture torn up in little shreds. Sometime that afternoon someone broke into the home improvement store that Jessie still worked at and beat him to death with one of the hammers.
I’m trying to get in contact with Hunter now, I know he still lives in the state but we haven’t spoken in years.
I just hope I’m not too late.
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charlie-lynchs · 4 months
Well, that hurts like a b***h
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Sara Lance x daughter reader
POV: The legends have a mission and Charlie has to save the day, but gets hurt while doing that. It’s 2018.
Warnings ⚠️: blood, weapons, swearing
“Mom I can handle myself.” Charlie said walking behind her mother. “We talked about this now too often. You’re a kid, my kid and I said no.” Sara said not even turning around. “I am 17 years old, Mom. I’m not Child anymore.” She said. They now arrived at the bridge. “Physically yes. Do I have to remind you that you’re born 2007, that makes you 10.” Sara said.
Oliver and Sara went onto the Queens Gambit to hide the pregnancy from everyone. Sara gave birth to her on the ship of the bad guys. When she “died” a second time, Oliver was left with Charlie on the island. Then she got sick and Oliver panicked so he gave her the Mirakuru. Which lead her to the grow to a 8 year old girl in 2008. Now in 2018 she still looks like 17, but is 11 years old. With the Mirakuru she got strong and clever, Nate likes to call her ‘Big Brain’.
“Oh really you play that card, again? But isn’t the Mirakuru an argument for me going to a mission? I’m stronger and harder to kill.” she said annoyed. “That makes not a better case for you. You are not going onto mission. Unterstand?” Sara said starting to point with her finger. Before Charlie could answer Gideon interrupts. “Captain Lance, there is an anachronism.” she announces. “Gather the team. This conversation is not over” Sara said walking to the round board in the middle.
It didn’t take long until everyone was gathered around. “What to we got?” Ray asked standing next to Sara. “There has been a Zombie attack in 1973.” Gideon explained. “Okay, Zari you stay here. Everyone else suit up, we have mission.” Sara said. Charlie sits in the background on one of the chairs. She was really pissed at her mom, pissed that she still treats her like a child even tough she’s been through more then most grown ups. She made her way to her room while Zari moves the Waverider to the right time and place. After Zari did her job and legends are just observing, she made her way to Charlie. She knocks on the door.
“Can I come in?” she asked and door opens. “You do know she just wants to protect you?” She said sitting down on her desk chair. “Since when do you agree with her?” Charlie said looking up to her. “Since I know that you should worship every minute you have with your family.” Zari said. “She lost so much. She doesn’t want to lose you too.” she said. “I know, but I’m not a kid and I’ve been through worse stuff.” she said groaning. “She would understand if you finally explain what happened to you on the island when you were alone.” Zari said. Charlie just looked at her. Zari and Felicity are the only people on earth knowing what happened in that one and a half year where Charlie was alone on the island. “I can’t. I’m not telling her to protect her.” Charlie said. “But don’t you think she will feel betrayed when you tell her?” Zari said looking at her. There is a silence after that. Suddenly Charlie jumps up. “Betray! Zari you’re a genius!“ she said running to the bridge.
Zari took after her. “Why am I a genius?” she asked when they arrived. “Well I asked myself. How the hell did freaking zombies get into 1973?” Charlie explaining while typing something. “And why did they target a small supermarket, instead of the peace event right next to it?” Charlie said. “Right! Normally they would target the place with the most people.” Zari said. “But what if someone wanted them there, to lure the legends there. Someone who felt betrayed and wants revenge but still has a heart not to hurt hundred of people.” she kept going. “Someone like Jane Bloom.” Charlie said letting the image show on the screen. “Ex-Worker at the Bureau. But got fired after she had something against us.” Charlie said. “So she is angry.” Zari said and Charlie just nods. “Sara we’ve got some news.” Zari said, but there was no answer. Zari and Charlie just looked at each other. “Coms are down.” Charlie said. She types something more. “Fuck.” she said running towards the entrance. “Charlie? Where are you going?” Zari asked running after her. “To them. She is especially pissed at mom. She wants her dead. We can’t warn them. So I go there and warn them.” She said taking her arrows and bow. “Ok but I come with you.” Zari said. “No you stay here be my eyes and ears. We go on my private channel so she can’t stop that to. My mom is not going to die today!” Charlie walking out.
Charlie made her way through the city. Now and then she found a zombie on her way and killed it with a perfect shot arrow in the head. When she arrived at the scene she stayed in the background watching the Legends fight the zombies. “Zari you there?” Charlie whispered. “Yeah Baby Lance. You see here?” Zari asked through the coms. “Not yet.” Charlie said still watching everyone closely. Then she sees Sara being busy fighting a zombie and Jane coming from behind with a sword like weapon. Without thinking twice Charlie jumped between the two. The sword stabbing through her stomach. She fell to the ground. By now Sara noticed and knocked Jane out. After that she immediately runs to Charlie. “Charlie! Oh god.” Sara exclaimed while laying Charlies head on her lap. Ray already trying to stop the bleeding. “Why did you that?” Sara said stroking her hair. “It couldn’t be you.” Charlie just said slowly closing her eyes. “Charlie! Baby stay with me. Open your eyes come on.” were the last words she heard.
Sara run to the waverider. Her dying daughter in her arms. When she walked in Zari run by. “What happened?” she said after seeing Charlie. No one answers, all to focused on her. Sara makes her way to the medby. “Gideon! Tell me what going on.” Sara yelled placing her daughter on the chair and putting the bracelet on her wrist. “It seems like the sword was able to hurt organs of Ms. Lance. If I am able to repair that, I have to put her into a coma.” Gideon explained. “Chance of survival?” Sara asked even though she doesn’t want to her the answer. “15%, Captain Lance”. Sara didn’t know how the act or respond. She goes and takes Charlies hand. “Come back to me Sweetheart.” Sara says while pushing hair out of her daughters face. “She is strong, Sara” Nate says standing behind her. “Can you call Oliver and Felicity? Tell them what happened.” she said not looking at him. Nate walked away and does as he is told.
Gideon was able to repair the organs of Charlie but had to put her into a coma. And like she said, the chance that Charlie wakes up is low. Hours turned into Days and days into weeks.
For 4 weeks Charlie was now in the coma. They changed the chair in the medbay into a hospital bed, also big enough so Sara can stay the nights there. Oliver and Felicity came and visit. Right now Sara was sitting on a chair next to Charlie watching her closely. At the same time the team sits at bridge. Everyone was still down and it’s like with Charlie the good spirit of the ship went into a coma. “It’s weird seeing Sara like that.” Zari exclaimed. “Well she usually doesn’t show emotions to often, but when it comes to Charlie she is always softer.” Ray said sitting down. Suddenly there was a ring and Ava Sharpe tried calling via video. “We can’t press her away forever.” Nate said standing up and accepting the call. “Mr. Heywood. I would like to talk to your captain.” she said without a hint of emotions. “I’m sorry, but Captain Lance is not available at the moment.” Ray says now standing next to his best friend. “You have been reclining my calls for week and stop working. It’s time to start working again.” she said. “We have our reasons and they are non of your business.” Zari said this time. “Is it because of Ms. Lance?” She asked and everyone looked surprised. “I know everything. And it has to be said. She is just another human being. Let it go and get your asses up and work. Now I would like to talk to your captain.” she said. This time Mick stands up. “If you talk one more word about Charlie I will burn down your whole office.” he growls and hangs up the call. Everybody looks at Mick, confused on how protective he got. In the medbay Sara fell asleep in the chair next to Charlie.
Pain is the first thing that Charlie feels when she opens her eyes. Her hands go immediately to her stomach where no longer a sword was in, but a bandage wrapped around. She looks around and realises she is in the medbay, she also sees her mother next to her. “Ms. Lance. It’s is good to see you’re awake.” Gideon says. Because of the noice Sara jolts up thinking something bad is happening. “Careful we don’t want you to fall.” Sara turns around from where the voice came from and sees her daughter awake in the bed. Sara hugs her immediately holding her like she is going to lose her any moment. “How are you feeling?” She asked looking at her. “Good. Well, this hurts like a b***h.” Charlie points at her stomach. Everyone was relieved to see her awake. Her dad also came to visit.
Over the next few days it came out that she only survived because of the Mirakuru in her blood. Recovery was still hard but she had the Legends and her mom by her side always.
Right now she was laying on her own bed watching a movie. There was a knock on her door, with a press of button the door opens and her mom stands there with a plate of food. “Thanks but I’m not hungry.” she says and looks back at the TV. “But you haven’t ate your breakfast or lunch. You gotta eat something, baby.” Sara said placing the plate on the nightstand and runs her hand through Charlies hair. She sits down on the desk chair, next to the bed. It had been standing there since Charlie slept in her own bed again and Sara was there until she fell asleep. Sara takes the remote and pauses the movie. “Hey! I was watching that.” Charlie says looking at her mother. “We have to finish our conversation.” Sara said looking at her with a face Charlie couldn’t interpret. “No we don’t. I understood what you had to say and I won’t bother you again.” she said taking the plate starting to eat trying to get out of the conversation. “You didn’t bother. While you were in that coma I had a lot of time to think. About everything. You’re not a child anymore and you’re more clever than me for sure. You proved that. Connecting the dots between Jane and the attack. It was brilliant. So I decided to let you come onto missions. Little ones in the beginning” Sara said. Charlie smiled and jumped up hugging her. It was not the most clever decision given her wound. “Careful we don’t want you to tear your stitches again.” Sara said but with a smile on her face. She helps Charlie sitting down again. “And don’t forget small ones. I choose, no complaints.” Charlie just nods on that comment. Sara laid down with her daughter and the movie continued. Sara didn’t plan on staying the night in Charlies room but she fell asleep on her chest and Sara didn’t want to wake her up. After Charlie healed completely she went on her first official mission and solved it like a real legend.
The End
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