#{ Susie } The voice of an angel
corruptimles · 1 year
Was intrigued by your Team Sillyvision AU so was scrolling through your stuff and found Malice Angel WITH A SECOND MONSTER MAW MOUTH THING AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO JUMPSCARED IN MY LIFE.
Lmaoo sorry but I'm glad to hear that because, aside from Sillybendz, she's probably one of my favourite designs for Team Sillyvision AU
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See, it's a voice actress joke
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spry-the-artist · 2 years
Ink Demonth Day 29th: Home
Summary: Henry made a deal to go home in a month. But after he becomes part of the ink, will that deal stay true?
Around a week ago, Henry had been invited over to the old, decrepit halls of his former work place, Joey Drew Studios. Joey had said he wanted him to see something. It didn’t take long for Henry to figure out what it was.
But one event led to another, and now he was dropping possibly hundreds of feet due because a corrupted version of Alice Angel (Susie Campbell?) wanted to be perfect. Which apparently required her to get his new friend, a not so corrupted version of Boris.
Henry knew she’d kill him. And he would say over his dead body, but that was the angel’s plan.
He knew that as soon as the elevator would hit the ground, he’d be dead. All he could think of at the moment was going home.
Home, it was the only thing that could make him happy at the moment. He thought of Linda, her image crystal clear in his head. He missed her so badly, even if it had only been a week. If he died right here and now, at least his last thoughts would be about his beloved wife.
As tears welled up in his brown eyes, he started hearing a voice. It wasn’t clear at first, but that quickly changed.
“So, I’m guessing ya ain’t too keen about dying, huh, old pal?”
The voice sounded like Joey. Whether it was the man or not didn’t matter, Henry hated it instantly.
“Of course! If I had just ripped up that letter, I would have still lived at least till I was 66!”
“You do know that your just gonna join the rest of this lot when ya die, right? You’ll never see Linda, even when she herself is dead. If your lucky, you’ll become a Boris!”
That scared Henry. Of course, it confirmed his suspicion that these monsters were his old coworkers. But the voice made him realize that if dies, he’ll become one of them, “Why are you here? To make sure I’m not panicking when I wake in in the ‘screaming well of voices’ instead of Heaven?”
The voice cackled, “Of course not! That would be quite entertainin. I’m here to strike a deal.”
“I can’t change the fact that you’ll die, nor the fact that’ll you’ll join the ink. But I can control how turn up!”
Henry raised an eyebrow at that, “Sure, just don’t change anything. I like being human, thank you very much.”
The voice laughed again, “Hah! Ya wanna be human? Fine, you’ll be a human! But now, for my end…”
Of course someone with Joey’s voice wouldn’t give anything for free.
“In exchange for you staying human, you have to stay here for another month! Then, you’ll go home!”
Home, he didn’t even except the voice to offer him to ever go home! There was no reason not to accept this deal! “Deal!”
The voice giggled for one last time, “Have a good landing Henry!”
The moment it said that, he landed.
Everything went black
“My head…”
Henry slowly got up. Everything was black and white. Was this what the others saw? Maybe it was an inevitable part of being an ink monster. Though the reason why was still unclear, the studio was already monochrome enough!
He felt… less tall. The room he was in seemed to be the sacrifice room. And from what he remembered, he used to reach the top of the… coffins (that was still disturbing). But now, the only reached 3/4s of it.
Did the voice not know his height? What else did it not know?
Henry put a hand on the coffin and realized that it didn’t know a lot. Either that, or this voice had tricked him into becoming a f*$&ing cartoon! Wait, did his brain just censor a swear?
Like that matters, he needed to find a mirror! Or an ink puddle.
The man ran out of the room, not even thinking to see if there was another axe in the room, and sprinted towards the nearest ink puddle.
Thankfully, there were no searchers to be seen. But what he did see wasn’t much better.
It looked to be a cartoon version of himself. In slightly more fancy wear then what he showed up in. The outfit looked to be a music conductor’s suit, seemed more fitting on the voice or Joey since they were clearly the ones in control. It looked like his hands had been swapped out with Bendy’s due to many factors. One, they were (white) gloved. Two, they had two black ovals on each hand. Three, they were oversized. And four, the fingers were basically sausages.
He also looked younger, with dark hair and no wrinkles in sight. He also didn’t feel pain in his back so that could be the case. His eyes were like the ones in the Bendy cartoons. Well, it’s better than the uncanny ones on the posters and cutouts.
Last, but not least, he was entirely black and white. Not grey like the world around him, but perfectly black and white.
The voice lied to him! He was farther from being human than the searchers and Sammy are. Sure he was a human toon, but-
Well, the voice definitely did trick him. But at least it wasn’t straight up lying to him.
Henry tried reaching behind his back, among other cartoon tricks, to see if this was of any use. But the only change in survival he’d have now was having a harder time carrying things due to his new hands. That, and at least an easier time seeing searchers due to the new height. Though the height would cause other problems.
Did the voice want him to not make the month? Because the problems seemed to be stacking up.
Or maybe it just wanted him to be so worried about this that he forgets to take care of himself.
That settles it! Henry was going to finish this month just to spite the voice.
And to come home too, of course.
Alice had not expected to find an ink puddle in the place of her errand boy when she came to the elevator. It distracted Boris so in the moment she didn’t think about it.
But now that she had gotten what she wanted, she couldn’t help but feel sad.
She had wanted Henry to die, yes, but she didn’t want him to join the inky depths forever.
Or maybe she was mad… that was it! She was mad that he’d never leave. Hopefully she’d find a way to get him back as an errand boy, or else he’d just be another useless slug.
The angel imagined what he could’ve turned into, hopefully one of the Lost Ones. The butcher gang members were like wild animals, the searchers couldn’t move around much, and if he was a Boris she’d have to kill him!
She checked the cameras and microphones. One of the gent machines were programmed to make security equipment and intercoms so she had made hundreds. They went all the way up to the Music Department, any higher was inaccessible. She had also found the system that connected them all a long time ago as well.
The angel decided to look at her new favourite spot in the entire studio. The ‘Sammy Puddle’. That traitor deserved to be stuck in the dark abyss for all of eternity. Every time she was in a bad mood, she’d look there and laugh.
But what she found did the opposite of that. In the sacrificial room stood a cartoon man. Not like any she had seen while working in the studio. Was he a background character? No, she’d have known by now that the machine made those as well. Plus, from what she remembered Joey had put a reference sheet of Alice in the machine when he sacrificed her old self.
Background characters didn’t have those.
Looking closer, she saw some similarities to her errand boy. The hair, the general structure, the way it moved around. Some thing were off, like his height, clothes, and colours. Speaking of colours, he was completely black and white. That just wasn’t a thing in the studio.
It had to be her errand boy. She would’ve noticed a toon so perfect and gutted it years ago.
She wasn’t interested in doing that to him though. Alice wasn’t even interested in making him her errand boy anymore!
No, she had to get him on her side. She had to know how he was so perfect!
Henry was travelling to the lower levels. It may be a stupid idea, but right now he was tired of just wandering the music department. It had been days. And the soup always appeared once again, it wasn’t good enough to drink out of boredom.
He also wanted to go give Alice a piece of his mind. If he thought about it for a single second, he’d realize she’d gut him, but right now he couldn’t go home without the she-demon paying.
He had finally gotten to her level, thank the lord and saviour Ink Demon that there were stairs alongside the elevator. Yes, he was calling the demon his lord and saviour, no he hadn’t turned into Sammy. But that demon was the only thing ruling over the studio.
The room she inhabited wasn’t far from the stairs. He entered inside, pretending not to notice the new Boris corpse in the corner.
Suddenly, a voice could be heard, one that definitely had a body unlike the last one, “Hello my little errand boy. I see you’ve changed since your last visit.”
Henry growled, “You’ve got a real nerve still calling me your errand boy. I’ll never work for you again, not after you killed Boris.”
“Oh hush, that coward would’ve died soon enough anyways! It was entertaining seeing him cry over the sad, pathetic, inky puddle you became.”
The man growled again.
“Anyways, you’re right. You’re not my errand boy anymore. In fact, I want to meet eye to eye!”
“I’ll do that when I choke out to death!”
“Hah! Like you can even actually meet me eye to eye with that new height of yours! But, trust me Henry, I mean good! If you pair up with me, I won’t ever have to kill another creature again.”
Henry pondered over this, “I’m only here for another month. A bit less actually. What will you do when I’m gone?”
“Don’t worry. If all goes to plan, I’ll never have to kill. Now, go meet me, I even set up a table and chair for you!”
The toon did as he was told, walking the crooked boards that lead to the other side before going to the left of the room. I’m the room that extended from it, was exactly as the she-demon said. She had a table and chair of her own.
He sat down on his.
“So, what do you want?”
The angel laughed, “I want to know how you got so perfect!”
“How I got so perfect? I don’t know, I’m not the one who chose to become this.”, technically that was true. It’s not like eh chose to become a toon.
“Hmm, surely you can remember. That reminds me, how much do you remember of your past life?”
“Huh? I remember tons!”
“I’m sure you do, I remember a lot too. In fact, I think the key to become perfect is to have all my memories!”
“So… why’d you ask me how to become perfect?”
“It’s just a theory I made up on the spot. Hmm… could you do your angel a favour and think of home? Most of the ink creatures down here remember a tad bit about that.”
Henry begun thinking about his wife Linda. No matter where he was, whether the streets or the biggest mansion, as long as she’d be with him then he’d call it home.
But something was… wrong with his memories. They looked like they were coloured with pencils, the details fading as his beloved’s face became unrecognizable. But suddenly, everything was back to normal again. Then he started forgetting once again. It was like his memories pulsed.
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It had only been a week since he didn’t think about her! How the hell did that make her image so foggy.
‘What would Linda say if she saw me now? She’d probably reject me for being a freak.’, Henry thought to himself.
“Well, are you going to answer to your angel?”, her sickly sweet voice rung. Ever since they ‘partnered up’, she had used it.
“Hm? Yeah, I remember home well. It’s a bit wavy but everything’s fine otherwise.”
“Splendid! If my plan works out, I’ll be beautiful again and have all of my old self’s memories!”
“…And if you don’t?”
Alice’s face contorted into one of rage, her voice reverted back to the one she had used during the errands, “Then you’ll get the honour of being the first creature I use to become beautiful again!”
Henry gulped and slowly inched away from the room.
She seemed even crazier then before.
Turns out, Alice’s little plan hadn’t worked out. She had made it quite apparent when she s reached into every single intercom that she wanted Henry’s head immediately.
So, like a coward, he started boarding up the hall where the bacon soup shelf was. It always regenerated, so that meant he never had to leave again.
His only thoughts were about survival. Whether it was reminding himself to eat, or to put more boards up after a searcher destroyed one of them. Those &$*holes had also started popping up in the shelter itself so he needed to find a weapon very soon.
It had been three weeks since the deal first started.
It had been two weeks since he hadn’t thought of his home.
It had been one week since he hadn’t thought about his identity.
It had been three weeks since the angel decided to attack the toon. He was scared for his life.
When a strange voice started speaking to him, he was afraid. But it didn’t sound like the angel, so why worry?
“Hello, dear pal! How’ve you been enjoying the past month? Love your new form?”
The toon cocked his head, “New form?”
“Right, right! I mean new form of life! Surely your life hasn’t always consisted of being in a small hallway.”
He rummaged his head for any memories, but didn’t find anything. All he remembered was surviving. That, and faint memories that pulsed between being faint and there being nothing at all.
“No, not really.”
The strange voice laughed, “Well then, are you ready to go home?”
“But I am home? I’m sure you’ve gotten me confused with someone else.”
“That’s right! I’m sorry, I was looking for a fellow name Henry! He was planning on going home at the end of the month. But I think he’ll be just fine.”
“Well, I’m sure he’ll one day call this place home as well!”
The voice laughed a final time, “Hah, Hah! I’m sure he will.”
It had been one month since the deal started.
It had been one minute since he was doomed to stay in the studio forever.
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royalreese · 11 months
This is going to be a scene but not the last part
!!joey voice actor needed!! I really need a Joey voice actor because I’m voice Ig him rn if you want to try out for Joey please message me
I need a voice actor for Angelica my oc she is Susie’s half sister this is what she looks like
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
I think my fav personal theory (sorry if I stole this from someone before me) is that Malice has the voice of Allison’s Alice Angel and a subtle Susie voice being suppressed in her.
If you listen very carefully, Malice’s scream when running at Henry it’s layered, along with her gasps after being stabbed. The voice has an echoey legion like effect at all times and at first I chalked this up to her speaking over the speaker system. But what if because Susie was replaced by Allison, the ink no longer saw Susie’s voice the proper one for Alice? What if it tried to fully replace Susie’s voice for Allison’s and due to Susie’s rejection of it, it warped her and her voice further? Allison Angel’s voice is perfectly normal. If she truly is Allison Pendle, then the ink could’ve seen her as a better fit due to being the last voice for the character. Not to mention, Susie’s normal speaking voice is not the same as Malice’s, not even when she’s upset or cold. The softer voice is, however, like Susie’s.
Credits support this as the voice actors for Tape Susie is Alanna Linayre while Allison and Alice Angle share one with Laureen Synger. Malice and Allison even sound the same, Malice is just colder and more flat with Henry, which could be Susie’s subconscious attempt to sound different than the woman who replace her.
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tirkras · 1 year
I thought it would be interesting to see Alice(Susie) and Sammy are in Alison and Tom's place.
+ bonus is the fact that now the main character is Joey Drew and he is in the "Henry Stein Studio".
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About the design of Susie and Sammy's roleswap:
For Alice, I used her old concept art. At that concept art, she was wearing an apron (probably because of the unfinished apron, Alice had a bow on the back, although the cartoon Alice did not have a bow on the back), so I used it in my design. Also, since Alison was braiding her hair in a ponytail, I also decided to do it with Alice. I found the idea of Alice being able to cover the ugly part of her face with her hair interesting. I also gave her a fanny pack, because Alison has one. But I changed it a little, while Alison carries all sorts of wrenches for Tom's mechanical hand there, Alice spends the night there bandages for Sammy and cartridges for her Tommy gun.
For Sammy's design, I took his design from the comic trailer "Bendy Royale". And also, instead of a Bendy mask, I gave him a Boris mask. As well as a belt-case for an axe.
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Interesting facts of roleswap:
Susie believes that she cannot be called "Alice Angel" because of her facial defect, halo and voice. She has a very strong complex about this, but she has already come to terms with it.
Susie doesn't like being touched or being stared at for a long time.
Susie loves compliments, but because of a strong complex of appearance, she does not take them seriously.
Sammy is silent most of the time, or grumbles something under his breath.
Sammy plays the instrument and Susie likes to sing along to him, but because she is ashamed of her defective voice, she only hums the melody softly.
Susie is naive. And she also loses her temper when her plans are thwarted.
Sammy carries Susie's gun most of the time.
Sammy doesn't like to take off his mask.
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Since Alice is now playing the role of Alison, there should be a renaming moment! So here it is:
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Since instead of Henry, we now have Joey, it seems to me that their meeting will be like this (of course, in jest):
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I'll say right away that I'm not going to develop this AU. I just came up with an interesting idea and I implemented it as a concept or something like that. And also, I'm just too lazy. But I'll probably draw a couple of sketches on this topic.
Also you can draw art based on this AU. I won't mind, on the contrary, I'll probably be glad of it(just mention me as the author of AU.)
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httpsuniverse · 10 months
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PAIRING: mason mount x wolff!reader ; a bit of george russell x wolff!reader
DETAILS & WARNINGS: profanities, mentions cheating/infidelity, mason's anger is totally understandable, y/n's a bit of a bitch(? idk towards the end tho), rushed ending bc i really wanted to end this hahahah, also not proofread and tons of dialogues ahhahah
WC: 4k
A/N: i apologize for uploading this soo late 😭 i had writers block for a long while :< anyway, enjoy reading!
TAGGED: @i83andrew @pleasantducktimetravel
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
now, four months have passed since you’ve broken up with mason (or at least that was what your letter stated). in those months, mason finds himself longing for you. the man often finds himself up most nights, sleeping so late and waking up so early to head to training and other prior schedules he has every day.
mason would not deny it; that if someone were to ask if he had tried contacting you, your dad and even your stepmum. the couple would always say that they don’t know your whereabouts, but deep inside, he knows they know and knowing you, you were probably the one who asked them not to tell him. the first month was the hardest, he tried calling you every night and every chance he got while on his schedule. he was waiting for your voicemail greeting to play just to hear your voice and after that, he’d record what he wanted to say. a mixture of i love you’s, i miss you’s and please come back. 
it wasn’t easy with you as well. you missed mason and you missed the days where it was just the two of you in your own little world. if you could only go back in time, you’d never leave the house during the night of your fight and maybe this never would’ve happened. you missed seeing mason on the other side of the bed; you weren’t a morning person but whenever there’s a chance that you wake up before him, you’d watch him sleep and listen to his gentle snores while you lightly trace his beard with the tip of your finger. you missed snuggling to him during cold mornings, you missed the lazy make-outs because he couldn’t get his hands off of you, you missed him whispering sweet nothings in your ear after you wake up. you missed mornings with mason, too bad you can no longer relive those moments.
though you can’t help that every time you wake up, you have that thought that you could go back to london, you could return his calls, you could return back to mason and restart your relationship. but every time you do think of doing those things, you’re reminded of what you did. all those lies you’ve told him, and those days where you were away and sleeping with another man. 
going back to the man you’ve hurt seems such a foolish thing to do, and you know the people around mason wouldn’t allow such a thing. though you may think that mason would have the same thinking as the others, he sometimes does not. he wanted to risk it all again with you, he wanted to try and fix it with you. all he wanted is you and you alone.
going back to mason is something that you want to do but wouldn’t do. and on the fourth month, 5 day mark, mason had revealed his month long relationship with a model, lia mendes.
honey, why you calling me so late?
it’s kinda hard to talk right now. 
honey, why you crying, is everything okay?
i gotta whisper cause i can’t be too loud.
you stood in your living room filled with moving boxes, susie and toto were outside while jack was napping inside your bedroom. all you could do was sigh. it felt so weird moving into a new apartment–let alone moving to the southeast corner of france. monaco was a lovely place to live in, knowing that your father lives here (though he travels most of the time), the fact that you live nearby brings you some sort of relief, safety and comfort. though, as many people have said, you disappeared off the face of the earth for a few months, you’ve lived your life quietly with your mum for a while as you wait for the situation with mason to die down.
you were in a rush when you left london the night you told mason you were just going to the store. you left without even taking a second look, not even an ounce of thought. sure, it was a wrong move—a dumb decision as well, but you wanted to run away from all the mistakes you’ve made. you wanted to escape. leave everything you have to the place you once loved—now a place you dread the most. it was not the easiest decision either, but it was the only solution that you could think of.
the night you left mason, you didn’t go to the store. instead, you met george. again, a clandestine meeting. you messaged george when you were a few blocks away from his place, which is why you met a furious brit.
“have you lost your mind, kid?” he says, god you hated that nickname. it was the nickname that toto knew george gave you and became the hint that you and the driver are close. “she could’ve caught me! she could’ve seen your bloody message! why did you want to see me—”
“i told him, george. he–he probably saw the letter by now because i left a few hours ago.”
the driver’s eyes widened, definitely not the sentence he was not expecting to hear from you. suddenly, he didn’t know what to do or say. george tried to pull you in his arms, but you were quick to push him away. “this… george! this is exactly why we need to stop what’s between us!” you said, “i can’t believe i’m saying this but i regret everything that happened between us. i regret taking advantage of mason and carmen. i hate how i know that dad will be so disappointed in me. so please, let’s stop this… we can’t keep hurting and breaking the trusts of the people around us.” 
your voice cracks by the end of the last sentence, you could feel george staring at you but you kept your gaze on your feet. no strength to look at his eyes because you know that this man would do anything just to make you stay. 
“but baby—”
from calling you kid to baby—you hated it. you felt disgusted. you needed to end it.
“no, george. no buts.” you cut off, “i have to go. i… i wish you all the best.”
you walk back to your car, locking the doors in case george runs after you. again, without looking back, you drive away. leaving the confused brit in the empty street.
and even though you ended things with george that night, he hadn’t stopped calling and texting you—afraid that you might say anything about your relationship to others, even with friends and family. all he ever cared about was his reputation, he was scared. after all, he was doing great with mercedes the past season and a scandal with his boss’ daughter would put him through hell. 
now, you were left alone in this apartment overlooking the beauty of monaco. you sat on your balcony with a glass of wine sitting on the table, feeling the breeze of the mediterranean sea. oh you missed mason. you haven’t heard anything from him since you two broke up. 
and maybe it was the number of wine in your system that you ended up dialing his number, the one you’ve deleted yet can’t seem to forget as you knew it by heart. no matter how hard you try to forget about it. it kept on ringing and ringing, and you tried to re-dial once it ended due to the exceeding minute. 
on the fifth try, you finally heard his voice. 
you know that feeling when you’ve spoken to your high school crush for the very first time, your heart drops and your stomach is filled with butterflies to the point where you don’t know what to say? that is exactly what you felt when you heard mason’s voice after months.
“hello?” he repeats, “is this a prank call? ‘cause this is the fifth time you called and i might need to block your number–”
you heard sounds of bed rustling followed by a door closing, you assumed that he was already in bed and was fast asleep. after all, it was already midnight. “y/n?” and that’s when the tears started to roll in, god how you missed that voice. “are you crying? is everything alright?” his voice was quiet.
“y-yeah, just…” you sniffed, “just missing you and i think it has something to do with this stupid wine.”
“sorry, i’ve got to whisper. m-my girlfriend’s asleep,”
“oh.” you wiped your tears, you only found out that mason was dating someone now. “i’m sorry, i should’ve known. god, i’ll hang up–”
well, my girl’s in the next room
sometimes i wish she was you
i guess we never really moved on
it’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
it sounds so sweet
“she’s in the other room anyway, we can continue talking.” he continued, “h-how have you been? i’ve seen photos of jack on susie’s instagram, may have had a glimpse of you spending time with them in her stories. have you gone karting with jack recently?”
you chuckle, chugging the remaining wine on your glass before responding. “i-i stayed with them for a month, i stayed with my mum as well, after our… well, you know. i’ve accompanied jack while dad and susie are busy. you know, the season has already started and susie is busy with the f1 academy. i was vacant for a month, but i’ve started working again–i’m talking too much, you should really hang up, mason.”
“you know, it’s really good to hear your voice saying my name, y/n.” mason said, “it-it really sounds so sweet.”
“we should really stop, mason.”
you heard him scoff on the other end of the line, “it’s so funny that you’re the one saying that, i’m not the one who called in the first place, y/n.”
“i know, and i only found out that you were dating someone tonight. y-you should be with her, you shouldn’t be talking to your ex who… who cheated on you tonight. she deserves better.”
“i guess we never really moved on, y/n.” he replied, “i–”
“goodbye, mason. good night.”
coming from the lips of an angel
hearing those words, it makes me weak
and i never wanna say goodbye
but, girl, you make it hard to be faithful
with the lips of an angel
mason couldn’t sleep that night and had trouble waking up, which was the reason why lia, so early in the morning, was mad as her boyfriend was sleeping so deep and no matter how hard she tried to wake him up, she just couldn’t. lia was running late for a schedule that mason had promised to come with her as their break for the season had begun. 
“masey, i’m running super late. my manager is about to burst, can’t you please move much faster?” she said, in a mixture of annoyed and calm voice. “didn’t we go to bed at the same time last night? why do you look like you haven’t at all?”
“because i haven’t slept,” he answered directly.
“just… nothing. let’s go.”
the couple exited mason’s house, lia practically sprinted to mason’s car and sat on the front seat. masey, that was the nickname most people call him but now, he only wanted to hear your voice call him that and nobody else. when you say his name, it sounded like it came from the lips of an angel. it made him weak most of the time. 
lia had arrived a half an hour late, her manager was already glaring at mason and immediately separated the couple. while lia was doing her photoshoot, leaving mason alone, he realised that he never wanted to break up with you, even if you admitted what had happened between you and george, or maybe he was just thinking about it as you’ve spoken last night. maybe he just missed you. he did miss you. 
what’s fucked up is that he thought he finally moved on from you, that he was ready to commit to a new relationship. he knew that when he and lia were testing the waters, a month before they officially dated. he has told himself several times that he was over you, yet here he is. reminiscing all the memories you’ve shared the past years you two were together after that phone call. you were making it hard for him to be faithful.
as he was waiting, mason was on his phone when he received a notification of an invite to attend another f1 race with red bull. this time, it was in barcelona. he remembered the last time you and he went to monaco, a weekend to remember indeed. 
“we’re going to be separated for almost the whole day, baby” you laugh, putting on your dress as mason shoves his phone into his pocket. “it’s going to be so weird because you’ll be at the red bull garage, and i’ll be at mercedes!”
“hey, i can still go there, you know? plus we’ll see each other around the paddock.” he replied, walking behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “besides, your dad loooves me. i’m sure he’ll understand that this is for work and publicity.”
you smiled, zipping your dress up and turned to face him. mason pursed his lips, signifying that he was asking for a kiss. you giggled, and eventually leaned in to connect your lips together. when you pulled away, you put your hand on his face and ran the pads of your thumb on his beard–the one you loved doing after you two kissed every time.
“you, sir… look so handsome with your outfit.” you compliment, he was wearing his chequered rhude shirt over some white shirt. you leaned in again for another kiss, deepening it–only pulling away when you heard your phone ring. “okay, before things escalate, i have to go. dad’s calling.”
“your dad’s such a cockblocker.” he teased, earning a slap on the arm from you. “i’m just kidding! i’ll see you when i see you at the paddock.”
mason remembered how he stole a kiss every time you crossed paths at the paddock or at the pit lane during his walk. a lot of people saw and took pictures and videos of it, posting it on social media. that video was trending in the world of f1 and football for a few days before dying down. he remembered seeing tweets and posts on instagram, saying they were jealous of your relationship. he remembered the two of you having dinner at toto and susie’s place, how he was teased by you and jack (toto eventually joined) throughout dinner as he went as red bull’s guest and not mercedes. he remembered lying with you on the deck of a rented yacht, under the sun, enjoying the monte-carlo air.
on the other side of europe, you are woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. you were taking your afternoon siesta before returning back to your home office to continue working, and whoever was calling you in the middle of your nap, may they stub their toe on some furniture. tired, you reached out for your phone and answered the call without looking at the screen.
“hello?” you groggily said, “whoever you are, you’ve interrupted my siesta and i may hate you for that.”
“well, hello to you, my daughter.” your father’s voice rang through your ears. “and i’m sorry if i interrupted your nap, but would you be so kind and open your front door please?”
“open the door, i’ve been out here for almost fifteen minutes.”
and off you went to your front door, toto was greeted by a grumpy daughter whose eyebrows were furrowed. you looked at your father, “what are you doing here, dad?”
“no ‘hallo, vater’? no ‘how are you doing, dad?’. none?” he joked, entering your place as you made way for him and closed the door. “okay, i will be quick. come with us to barcelona this weekend.”
your eyes widened, “what? i have work, i can’t just leave.”
“your brother told me that you have a flexible work schedule, that you’re allowed to bring your work everywhere you go.” your dad replied.
“theodore wolff, that little bitch.” you cursed under your breath, you couldn’t help but facepalm with what your brother just did. “dad–”
“i know that tone, y/n wolff.” toto stopped you from continuing your sentence, “come on, it’ll be just like the old days! except your brother isn’t here because his finals week aligned with the weekend in barcelona.”
you bit your lip, making a decision as your father can be impatient. if you go to the race, the possibility of running to george is high–no matter how much effort you exert on avoiding the man, you simply can’t as he is, of course, a driver for mercedes. but, it’ll be good for you as well! you haven’t gone to spain for years, a change of environment and working outside of your home office may be good for you as well. you work only on weekdays, and you’ll be free for the rest of the weekend so you wouldn’t think of work that much in case.
“okay fine, i’ll go with you. when’s the flight?” 
“TONIGHT?! dad, a little heads up would’ve been nice!”
“i’m sorry, pack your bags and we’ll pick you up by 8.” toto said, planting a kiss on your head. “i’ll go now, we’ll see you later!”
on saturday morning, arriving at the paddock with your father, a lot of people approached you by the entrance. some asked for pictures, some for autographs (which you didn’t quite understand), and some were nice enough to greet you. to say that you’re nervous is an understatement. you were returning to the paddock, you’re about to see george, his fiancée–the people you've been avoiding for months were in barcelona with you. you opted to stay in your hotel since your arrival in spain, finishing all the work you have left before proceeding with your weekend. as you walk to the paddock with toto, you could feel your palm sweat and your stomach turn the more you get closer to mercedes’ garage. 
“word is, footballers are in red bull’s garage.” you overheard one of the mechanics upon entering the garage. the word football made you even more nervous than you already were.
“oh come on, mate. i think i’ve seen a few yesterday! that’s old news!”
“i haven’t seen any yesterday but so far, i’ve seen james, felix, chilwell–” please don’t tell me mason is here. “–and mount. just last year they were in monaco, weren’t they?”
the other mechanic nodded his head. mason is here. breathing the same air as you, probably a few metres away from you even. i knew this was a bad idea. you thought to yourself.
“you look like you saw a ghost.” said your father after speaking to the engineers.
you shook your head, “well, i think i’m about to see one today.” you joked, “i-uh, i’ll go out to find something to drink.”
toto raised an eyebrow, a bit unsure of your change of behaviour but you gave him a smile and reassured that you’ll be back. “alright, just…be back before quali, alright?”
you nodded your head and exited the garage. walking around the paddock like you were a normal guest, someone who just wants to enjoy the weekend. but it’s hard when people recognize you as toto wolff’s daughter, and as much as you try to stay away from the crowd, people still approached you. little did you know, someone has spotted you.
“oi, mason!” ben called his teammate, walking towards the man who’re talking with the other players. “guess who i saw walking around the paddock?”
ben took a step closer to the younger, whispering your name. mason felt his heart skip a beat, realising the same thing you’ve thought about just a few minutes ago: you were here, breathing the same air as him.
it's funny that you're calling me tonight
and, yes, i've dreamt of you too
and does he know you're talking to me?
will it start a fight?
no, i don't think she has a clue.
needless to say, you were good at hiding. mason had presented the pirelli pole position award to max, he wanted to know if you were there to see him next to the driver. but as he scanned the sea of crowd, you were nowhere to be found. after the qualifying, you returned back to your hotel–reasoning that you were exhausted and had a headache. as soon as you were back, you changed clothes and plopped yourself on the bed. but it wasn’t so soon when your phone started ringing, a number you once called.
“a little birdie told me that you were in the paddock today.”
you sighed, closing your eyes but held the phone close to your earshot. “was it ben?”
“you know it. he’s always liked you–in a platonic way, i mean.”
silence followed right after he had mentioned ben, you were exhausted to even reply. 
“it’s so funny that you’re calling me tonight, mason.” you said, “i assumed the night i called you, you would’ve blocked my number.”
“you know i would never do that. we’ve been together for a long time, y/n.”
“i must be living in your head, mason.”
mason scoffed on the other end of the line, “well, i wasn’t thinking of you until the night you called.” he replied, “and yes, i’ve dreamt of you too.”
you jolted up from the bed when you heard a knock on the door, with the phone on the other hand you made your way to the door. you didn’t even bother looking through the peephole to see who was knocking on your door late in the night, you just assumed it was your dad. promptly, you opened the door–lo and behold, mason mount was standing in front of you. unable to speak, you still held your phone by your ear and stared at him, him and his stupid smile. mason was the one who ended the call and shoved his phone into his pocket.
“hi,” he said, “it’s been a few months, y/n.”
“how did you–what are you–i’m so confused right now.” you expressed, about to shut the door but mason was quick enough to stop you. “what do you want, mason?”
“does he know you’re talking to me? will it start a fight?” he asked, completely ignoring your question and welcomed himself inside your room, shutting the door close. “george. does george know?”
“i called it off with him the night i left a letter for you, mason. i went to his place and i ended things with you both at the same time.”
mason scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “wow,” he exclaimed, “george had the in-person “break-up” and all i got is a stupid fucking letter?”
“that is bullshit, y/n. pure bullshit.” mason barked, “all this time, george got the closure that i should’ve had. me–y/n, i was the one you dated for a long time and all i fucking got is a lousy letter about the truth of your affair with george?”
“i was supposed to, mason!” you yell back, “i was supposed to tell you, but the timing just wasn’t right.”
“and you thought lying straight to my face when i asked you about it, was okay?” you were about to answer, but mason was already rushing to the door. when he was about to exit, he said: “i went here thinking i could finally get the closure i needed, but fuck, was i wrong about this.”
you scoff, “that’s on you, then. you come running to the girl who cheated on you.” you said, “does lia know that you’re still hung up on your past? because i don’t think she has a clue.”
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liked by susie_wolff, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and others
ynwolff so many familiar faces here in spain 🇪🇸 here’s a little dump of my weekend here 🤓
view all 739 comments
yourbffsig oh i know who those familiar faces were 😉
ynwolff 😂 stop
yourbffsig we’re going to a party tonight after what happened, we need to get wasted!!
ynwolff as long as i make it back home on time and alive, let’s gooo
mercedesamgf1 glad to have you back in the garage, y/n! 🐺
ynwolff glad to see the team secure a double podium, thank you for having me! 🖤
mercedesamgf1 a great weekend indeed!
yourmomsig missing you so much, sweetheart! hope you enjoyed x
ynwolff miss you too mum ❤️
theowolff what about me 😓
ynwolff miss you too dumbass 🙄 you’re the reason why i went so you should’ve been with me, i could’ve avoided an unexpected circumstance hahahah
theowolff if only school let me 💀 but hey, at least you ‘enjoyed’
ynwolff i’m blocking you!!
user2 stop with these assumptions I BEG YALL
user3 people should learn how to stfu im being fr rn
user4 that’s toto’s reaction when he read your comment
user2 also the cryptic messages HELLO ?? i dont think they saw each other or if they did, it probably didn’t go so well
user3 you’re onto something babes 👀
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liked by declanrice, benchilwell, redbullracing and others
masonmount thank you redbullracing and jodieporter8 for everything!
view all 2,495 comments
liamendes meu belo homem 😩🫶 i love you!
— ❤️ by masonmount
redbullracing THANK YOU!! 🫶
user5 when i tell yall this man is so FINE 🤌🏻
user6 this man is scrump-DILLY-tious
user7 yall CALM DOWN
user8 mason did something happen between u and y/n bc her posts have some sort of cryptic hints and i kinda wanna know whats going on tnx (jk hahaha love u both)
user9 HELPPP me too 😓 like what does her bff mean when she said “whag happened” and y/n saying “unexpected circumstance” LIKE GIVE ME SOMETHING??? A TEA PERHAPS???
user10 currently dying to know what the fucj happened in barcelona
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brainyrot · 30 days
Haha batim au >:)
Okay so- you won't be able to see much of our beloved bendy, Alice or Boris or any other fun cartoon characters, but rather the coworkers.
"a new dawn"
The cycle restarted again, but this time it's just a normal day, a normal Monday at joey drew studio, no ink demon, no weird worshipping, no angel trying to steal your organs, just a normal studio.
just a studio that was normal.
once you get inside, you get stuck. The door won't budge, why's that? Do they have to break it in order to get out? Just how bad is this place, damn joey..
But why is there so much ink? Why does it look like there has been a few delinquents vandalizing the whole place? Things written on the walls, ink everywhere, pipes barely holding on, posters ripped off
..and three people you know.
The poor kid, buddy we call him, who's just trying to get away from our former Alice angel voice actor and our musician Sammy Lawrence.
Just what the hell happened this weekend?
what happened to buddy? Why is he full of bandages? What happened to Susie? Why is half of her face ripped off, somehow still working. Kind of.
And why is Sammy Lawrence talking about some damn sacrifice?
Just what the hell is going on?
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Concept for Darling being turned into a cartoon character because of the ink (like Susie and Alice Angel) and Bendy's reaction to her in that state, please? Either beast Bendy or cartoon Bendy, I'm not picky
Sure! This takes place in BATIM not BATDR. I'm going to use my form of Bendy where he swaps between cartoon and beast/ink Bendy. (I also did not finish BATDR yet). I love him, lol.
Yandere! Bendy with Living Cartoon! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Isolation, Manipulation, Murder, Sadism, Fear of abandonment, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship, Stalking.
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You most likely worked at the studio before being subjected to your current fate.
Like Susie, Allison, Sammy, Tom and many others... you became a creature of the Ink.
A living cartoon that was trapped here forever.
A bitter eternity.
You expect your future to be lived in loneliness.
Until you meet the the darling devil, Bendy.
Bendy knew you because you worked on his show.
When this form was being created, he heard your voice.
Occasionally, he'd see your face.
You were always good with your work.
He had no idea you had become a creature like him.
When the studio closed, he thought he was alone.
The cartoon devil was forced to roam these halls forever in dusty memories....
Then he saw you, hearing you talk to yourself.
You don't look like you... but that voice is familiar.
Filled with mischief and excitement, Bendy stalks you from the ink.
The small cartoon hides behind decaying wood and shadows to watch you.
Sometimes you'd hear noises, like a can falling over.
But the place is rotting, that's all.
Bendy does not show himself until he's comfortable.
He wants a new friend.
One that's like him.
When you formally meet him, he's so small.
A big grin is on his face when he finally gets to introduce himself.
To prevent you from being scared, he tries to stay in his cartoon form.
He also enjoys it when you treat him with such care in this form.
Relating to the demon, you put a great deal of trust in him.
You pat his head and hold him close, sitting in the corners of the studio.
He becomes your only comfort.
The horrors of the studio don't touch you when he's there.
How could you not trust the adorable cartoon laying on your lap?
In reality, Bendy is still a demon.
You're naïve to his true nature.
When you're not around, the cute cartoon becomes a large beast.
Tearing into creatures to satiate his own cruel desires....
His desire for bloodlust slowly becomes weaker than his desire for you, however.
Once his carnage is complete, he reverts to that sweet devil and scampers to you.
He wants you to hold him... he wants to be your comfort.
Being around him marks you as his.
The studio will know you've been claimed....
Everything from your personality to the ink that stains your skin is his.
You belong here...
With him.
When you express distaste at your situation, his ink bristles.
He fears you'll leave him.
Yet, due to your new form, he knows you can't.
Wherever you go in this studio, he'll find you.
In his cartoon form, he pries at your emotions.
Why are you unhappy?
You have him!
He'll dance for you!
He'll sing with you!
Hell, he would wear the tutu to get you to laugh.
Bendy wants you happy, from one cartoon to another.
Although, if you insist on testing your luck...
Hoping to escape and feel the sun on your skin again...
Bendy will drag you back.
No more cute cartoon....
You'll be met with a beast of ink, resembling Bendy barely.
Claws dig into your ink soaked body, dragging you into the depths.
Back to the puddles, back to the ink.
A place he'd use to mold you again.
Don't be scared, don't be so afraid of him...
He'll make you perfect.
Then you'll never want to leave.
He knows meeting you was the best thing that's ever happened to him.
Even if it was your personal hell.
Bendy won't let you free, you're drowning with him in the gunk filled puddles...
Where you're meant to be.
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deep-sea-gigantinism · 5 months
so i’m playing batdr for the first time in over a year (it destroyed my old computer LOL) and i was listening to joey’s second studio tour audio and was excited to hear him say “you might even catch a glimpse of my song writing duo, sammy lawrence and jack fain” until he said something like “or our very own angel, sent from above, voice by ALLISON PENDLE” because he clearly taped over susie’s name in this warbled monotone voice
there must have been an entire department dedicated to removing susie campbell’s name from that company. my girl did not deserve any of that.
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ohandcounting · 6 months
Oblivion Theory / Pile of Snow Theory by WandyDoodles / @wandydoodles
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Oblivion Theory link
It's a good read! Go read it! It's way faster than 190 pages looks like because the font is big and plenty of pictures too. Almost like reading a comic book level of difficulty to focus, I like it a lot. My specific thoughts below the read more
I think this is potentially dead on for at least the symbolism that's going on, though it's still probable to me that there is also an "in-universe" angel. I'm also not sure if I agree with the assumption that the red soul we pilot is special beyond it being a human soul either? Like, there's no reason (YET) to believe that a different human couldn't also seal fountains just from their soul being able to float around in dark worlds like ours does. (like the Susie jail escape, Ferris wheel, literally every battle, etc.) Like, they could just be a magician like those dudes who did a big magic barrier in Deltarune.
On the ending thoughts: I was going to add that Sans' could be talking about Flowey, but...No. Flowey hasn't revealed himself to anyone except us in this timeline. How the hell would he know our type if not from something that happens in DR?! I never noticed it before! Flowey does explain other dialog, like "our reports showing timelines jumping around" and what not even if you did Geno first run/on a true reset. It's why I never thought about it before.
The proposal for The Vessel being The Knight seems very, hard to believe at first. I'm still not settled on it myself, but: The Vessel could be mistaken for Kris if they throw on a hood maybe? "There's that creepy Kris going to the library. We're used to our 1 human in town!" With a lot of characters showing a knowledge on what's going to happen (like Jevil) they might just know when to go do things already without raising suspicion. Only appearing when Kris wouldn't, and/or slipping by without people seeing. It's interesting to me that they never bothered addressing that tbh. I wonder if it's just something they couldn't explain well so rather than bringing it up, they're just hoping we explain it ourselves/wait for new chapter dialog to confirm this.
I am 100% sold on the knight not wanting to end the world though, I've been calling it the "Conspiracy Theory Theory" where the Bad Guy™ is not the Bad Guy™ but rather someone trying to make us Stronger so we can help fight The Really Bad Guy™ (like Kill La Kill kind of[the 10th anniversary was recent, so it's just the only example I can think of atm.]) It gets that ridiculous name because I believe MANY characters are in on it, including Kris themselves, Ralsei, The Red Soul, The Knight, Goner Maker Sequence Voices 1 & 2, Mystery Man, Geoff, Gaster, etc. Pretty much everyone who could be except Susie.
The save file analysis is wrong I feel? When Flowey takes over the save file, that is a veteran with literal near-godlike powers who knows how to manipulate saves. He hasn't had control for 9999:99 yet, despite what the timer shows. That info could be missing for Kris because we weren't there when it was made, what we use to see save file information shows what's missing because it literally doesn't know how long Kris has had that save nor where it was made. We get to see the name because we're in their body though. Like we see empty save files, and they're just empty. After a true reset? It's just empty, just like erasing a file in Deltarune. Kris having ANY information means something more than "just to establish you as a separate entity even harder than Undertale." Especially if the cut intro of Susie trying to wake us up is still hinting towards something like a timeloop being canon. (instead of being cut because it's not longer true)
Save file part 2 break in paragraph for easier reading: It might also be because Kris doesn't have the soul they made that save with anymore, if you're a Kris Is Toy Knife Kid Equivalent Truther like me.
It also falls for the trap of thinking what Chara says at the end of genocide is strictly a metanarrative statement, not something Chara believes will be possible. In a game where characters consistently say things that apply both in and out of universe, which I've never liked. Like Flowey after restarting the game after in TPE talking to both: 1.) us in the meta, but believes he is giving his parting words to 2.) Chara IN universe.
But like everything with depth, people are gonna make mistakes. Especially mistakes they don't think are mistakes and are much simpler answers without constant "catches" and clarifications. It's kind of like explaining King Crimson to people, where I'm the only person to do it right. (not a serious statement)
They also point to Mettaton's nebulous "Ratings" when mentioning the amount of monsters in the underground, instead of the echo flower where it's stated there's literally thousands of monsters??? This is something I see people do all the time?
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venolfy · 1 year
„Dancing with you is like black heaven”
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I'll be honest. I like this ship and I will create many arts with them (I can't be lazy, please). I don't care if someone thinks they are sisters, the same person or that Allison can't be shipped with Alice or anyone because she's married to Tom or even that she killed her :)
I've read a lot of comments on pinterest and reddit, but most people on reddit don't agree with what I probably think, so I'd rather not argue with them when I see them because I know it would be pointless and just a waste of my time ^^
"Our face". Through these words, everyone can interpret their relationship differently. Other actresses, personalities, voices. Created from Joey's mind in completely different way, with differences.
Even if their cartoon character is an angel and they're adapted to her together, I don't consider them sisters or clones, just different people, enemies who could get along somehow instead of fighting.
Some people might see something wrong with shipping them, but I also have a lot of ships that don't suit a lot of people that I really love and they need more attention.
I really don't care because no one can change my mind on this. I like this ship, and I also like to ship Susie with Allison in the real world, just like their ink versions.
I wanted to write my opinion as short as possible, but as you can see, I can't write short, I always end up writing too much! >.<
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ollietreetime · 1 year
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Finally going to throw my lovely BATIM Fusion out into the open air :D This is Dorothy "Doozy" Chrystel! She's a Susie/Dot fusion in her late 20s, and is the voice actress of Alice Angel.
Doozy is perhaps the chattiest person in the studio that she works in, and is more than happy to chat with anyone willing to listen to any gossip she picks up. Her coworkers call her "Doozy" because she's "a doozy when you start talking to her." She takes this nickname in stride, and even adds on that she's nicknamed like this 'cause she's a knockout.
Doozy is really passionate about Alice Angel. In fact, she's so passionate, that she keeps a notebook with all of her Alice Angel headcanons (which she believes are fully canon, and she will fight people about it).
She is not only a great gossip, but also a rampant conspiracy theorist and sleuth. She was likely thrown into the machine after getting too nosy,... but who can know for sure?
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blood-choke · 6 months
Since u r an artist as well as a writer I'm reslly curious as to what ur process for designing the ROs was like for this game. I would love knowing more about ur character design process.
oh this is fun! prepare for a long obnoxious answer for some questions you didn't even ask!
blood choke has been through a Lot in terms of the brainstorming process. Valentina was probably the first character i finalized, though originally she did not have a history with the mc, she was not a main character in the sense that she is now, and she was actually "the villain." the game was very different tone-wise, though it was roughly the same concept with an mc who wakes up with no memory, though originally they were a newborn vampire.
then i changed gears, decided i didn't want to make the game this way, and tried something else with a set mc & a single set love interest (this is Valerie & Angel, my ocs i post about sometimes on my personal blog.) but then i didn't like that either and i scrapped trying to make it an IF and just wrote a novel instead LOL
Valentina stayed around, she is very similar to Leda, who is an antagonist in that novel. but once i finished that i came back to still wanting to write a vampire IF.
there were a lot of ideas i didn't get to expand on in my novel, that i'm revisiting in blood choke. it's why i chose to genderlock all of the characters and make the mc a lesbian.
i knew i wanted the ROs to be very clockable as lesbians; i wanted there to be a femme and a butch and a stud.
i rewrote the foundation of the story; the mc would not be a newborn but they would have no memory of what they were or what happened to them. and Valentina became more ambiguous and less of a real "villain", i expanded on some previous ideas, and when i made up my mind on setting the mc as butch i decided to include a lot of that early butch/femme history in her backstory & their relationship. i wanted her to be a bit goth in appearance as well because i wanted her femininity to be subversive; she likes to wear corsets and leather and veils and likes how people perceive her as "weird." she's still feminine but in her own way.
and while Valentina is femme, i read a lot of Kitty Tsui's writing for Valerie (who is a Chinese butch) and that influenced my decision, along with the time period that i planned for, to make her Chinese.
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“In the spring of 1988, Jill Posner approached me. She said, “By the way, I’m the photo editor for On Our Backs, and we’d really love for you to pose for us.” And I said, “Frankly, I don’t read the magazine, and I’m not really interested in taking off my clothes.” I’d later thought about it and realized that the stereotypes of Asian women are either that we’re very passive, docile, servile, nonsexual entities, or that we’re the very, the Susie Wong prostitute, fiery dragon woman. I decided that I wanted to pose for the magazine to show that not only are Asian women beautiful and strong, but that we are whole women. I realized that I had a butch side, I had a very butch side, and I also had a femme side, and that I could be all of those things. And I had an androgynous side.”
you can find more about Kitty Tsui here.
Hana came next, and again she was a part of the original story, and worked for Valentina when she was the "villain." i wanted her to have that sporty/jock laid-back kind of vibe, compared to Valentina's high-strung dramatics. i think Hana came out way more friendly and personable than i originally intended; i wanted her to be kind of stand-offish, hiding in her hood a lot, but she had other plans i guess. in the end i think she balances everyone out and i like her contrast with Valentina, and i like how much more weight her voice carries when she does get serious.
i knew from the start i wanted Hana to be Black and from america, because i really wanted that perspective included in the narrative i had planned. again, with the time period, i chose to make her Korean & African American. i looked at a lot of models when i first drew/designed her, mainly jenny park, who is Korean-Nigerian. i went for a more jock/streetwear look because i wanted her to be visible as a stud, which is a specific Black lesbian identity.
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screenshot from The Same Difference.
then came Clear. i knew i wanted a human RO, and i wanted her to be big and butch cus i like subverting expectations lol. i actually based some of her design on corky from bound, mainly her hair and tattoos:
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if you haven't seen bound, go watch it. one of my favorite movies.
overall i designed three characters that i knew i as a reader would want to read about, and i as a writer would want to write about. that sounds very obvious hahaha but a lot of this story is just me writing very specific things that i want to see as a lesbian author. butches & studs are one of the most underrepresented groups, even in queer media, and butch/femme is largely considered "historical" or "problematic." so i wanted my characters & this story to be very in your face & unapologetic about it.
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dot-cant-write · 1 year
A Different Chord - Sammy Lawrence x Reader (Part 6)
You horse around with one Wally Franks on your lunch break.
A/N: i have not played batdr in it’s entirety yet so please no spoilers but i pray that mr lawrence is in the game
You and Wally were on lunch break. And by break, you meant that Wally was leaning against your desk in the art department while you tried to finish a sketch for the next Bendy cartoon. Oh, and Wally was definitely eating the sandwich you’d packed. Damn. There goes your peanut butter and jelly.
Wally peered at your drawing, spilling crumbs on the paper. “Whatcha drawin’?” He asked with his mouth full.
You brushed the crumbs away. “Boris the Wolf. And if you get one more crumb on this paper I’m gonna make you regret taking my sandwich, Wally.”
He laughed. You would never hurt a fly, and you both knew it.
“So anyways… What’s up with you and Sammy Lawrence?” Wally grinned mischievously.
“You have peanut butter in your teeth, Wally,” You ignored his question. If you could just get Boris’ stupid nose right…
“Oh come on! Half the studio knows something’s up by now. You’re from the Art Department, he’s from the Music Department- heck, you’re practically Romeo and Juliet!” The janitor teased.
“Nothing is going on, dumbass. Don’t spread rumors. You wouldn’t want me saying stuff about you and Allison, would you?”
“Now see, me n’ Allison are just friends, but Allison and that Tom Connor—“
“My point exactly. Quit spreading rumors,” you interrupted. You put down your pen. Drawing could wait for later.
But the truth was, after your strange encounter with Sammy Lawrence, you weren’t entirely sure how to behave around him. You still weren’t entirely sure if what Norman said was true, either. Wally picking on you certainly didn’t help.
Wally piped up again, making you lose your train of thought. “Listen, all I’m sayin’ is that I’ve never seen Sammy Lawrence look as happy as he is with you.”
Isn’t that what Norman said, too?
“And I think there’s somethin’ up with that kooky composer. He keeps askin’ me about the art department’s ink supply. He’s a strange one, (Y/N). But I support it if you’re into him.”
“Wally! For the last time, I’m not into Sammy! Besides, aren’t him and that Susie girl a thing or something?” You reddened from Wally’s teasing.
“Nah, Susie Campbell? She sure likes him, but I don’t think he sees a darn thing in her. Nothin’ but the voice of Alice Angel. And uh, you’re blushing,” Wally added with a shit-eating grin.
“That’s it you little rascal-“ You suddenly jumped from your desk and chased Wally down the hall.
“Oh shi-“ Wally turned on his heel, sprinting.
Meanwhile, Henry, who overheard the whole conversation, chuckled. “Kids.”
Wally had no idea you could run so fast. He must’ve really pushed some buttons, huh? But he had no time to laugh at you while you were hot on his trail. The janitor weaved his way through employees, nearly bumping smack into Shawn Flynn, a toymaker.
“C’mon Wally, this one’s got a crooked smile now!” Shawn complained as you ran by.
Wally chanced turning around, only to yelp in surprise. You were like, right behind him! He tried to speed up, running downstairs.
“Oh no you don’t!” You raced after him.
Joey Drew Studios was a maze. You don’t even know how you ended up down by the Music Department.
Joey Drew Studios was a maze. You don’t even know how you ended up down by the music department.
You barely heard the sound of the band playing over the sound of your thumping heartbeat. You were so close to catching that son of a gun-
Bursting through the doors to the recording room, you tackled Wally- wait, why was Wally laughing at you from behind a violinist? Oh no-
You had tackled one Sammy Lawrence instead. Pushing up and off of him, you apologized profusely.
“Oh gosh, Sammy, I’m sorry-“
You glanced at Wally, who blew as raspberry in your direction. Idiot, you mouthed at him. Then you turned back to Sammy, you had stood up off the ground and was brushing off his trousers. He looked at you and shook his head.
It felt like the whole room was holding its breath. Was (Y/N) going to get chewed out? they wondered. Sammy Lawrence shocked them all.
He started laughing.
Goosebumps rose on your skin. Why does what would usually be a wonderful sound, sound so strained?
“I cannot believe your horsing around interrupted us. We have a cartoon due tonight, y’know. Not everyone has time to screw off and run through the halls.” He wheezed, seeming more than a little crazed. “Due tonight! And two more songs I need to write. How the hell does Joey expect this to fucking work?” It seemed more like the composer was talking to himself now. It scared you.
You hesitated for a moment. Should you respond? You supposed it would be best so you and Wally could get out of there. “Yes, of course, it won’t happen again, right Wally?”
“Course not! No horsin’ around from me, no sir!” Wally agreed eagerly.
And with the, the two of you hurried out the way you came.
“That was scary as anything I’ve ever seen!” Wally sighed, exasperated. You nodded nervously.
“I’ve never seen him like that… I wonder if he’s just really stressed?” You wondered aloud.
“Listen, I think you should keep an eye on that Sammy Lawrence. There’s something going on, I just know it. Bet it’s gotta do with all that ink he takes. Think he injects it or somethin’? Wouldn’t that be crazy!” Wally theorized.
“Oh Wally, you always think there’s something going on. He just takes extra ink for writing sheet music, I’m sure. And he’s gotta be stressed from Mr. Drew’s deadlines.”
Wally just shook his head. Little did you know, Wally Franks knew a lot more than he let on. It probably saved his life. He wasn’t sure if he could save yours, though.
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The Gentlemen : Quotes
"- Your inheritance has made you a very wealthy man, but that doesn't mean to say that you're rich. You're asset rich, cash poor. There has been a slightly unconventional approach from a lawyer based in London. His client has expressed an interest in purchasing Halstead Manor. (The lawyer) - When someone dies, the vultures start circling." (Eddie - Episode 1)
"- Yes, and the sooner you get rid of them, the better." (Lady Sabrina - Episode 4) - I just need to figure out a way of making them more money with a little less fuss. (Eddie - Episode 4) - Now, come one. Nothing like a good funeral to put things in perspective." (Lady Sabrina - Episode 4)
"- Behind the air of pomposity, there's a man you don't wanna fuck with. (Eddie) - Speak for yourself, Eddie." (Freddy - Episode 4)
"- He's rather lovely. He's your classic struggling artist. Just a little too desperate to be discovered." (Freddy - Episode 4)
"- Would you introduce me? (Eddie) - You're up to something, Eddie. (Freddy) - Never." (Eddie - Episode 4)
"- Oh, Freddy has many talents, but sticking isn't one of them." (Eddie - Episode 4)
"- It's the kind of risk-reward relationship I could get on board with. Free market, fucking great. Lack of regulation, check. No taxation? Yeah, baby. Smidge of illegality? Yeah, well, no business plan's perfect." (Max (?)- Episode 4)
"- Only thing he likes more than wine and fine dining is the sound of his own voice." (Susie - Episode 5)
"- Are you trying to blackmail us? (Susie) - Ah, well, that depends on your definition of blackmail. (JP) - Perhaps you could help us clarify your definition." (Eddie - Episode 5) "- We've all just gotta figure out what we're good at and fuck the consequences in the arse. (Freddy) - The consequences might fuck you in the arse if you do 14 years in prison." (Eddie) - Yeah, we're all in cages, brother." (Freddy - Episode 5)
"- That's the thing about running an international crime syndicate. We can get to anyone." (Susie - Episode 5)
"- You continue to deliver on your end of the bargain and see how they respond. Don't let 'em know what you're thinking. And meanwhile, prepare for all eventualities." (Geoff - Episode 6)
"- Well, you don't fuck about, do you? (Eddie) - Like you said, impulse, instinct, survival." (Henry - Episode 6)
"- I thought you burnt that bridge. You know what creative types are like. Passion runs high, but it's quickly forgotten." (Episode 6)
"- That's a very wild accusation. - Why don't you deny it, then, hmm?" (Episode 6)
"- There is nothing that I won't do to protect my family. (Eddie) - Careful there, soldier. I can be nice, and I can be not so nice. You've only seen me on one setting." (Susie - Episode 6)
"- Looking supremely fucking confident. As well you should." (Episode 6)
"- You may have a small army, but I am the state. I am the house. I am the establishment. And you are ill-equipped physically, martially, and intellectually for the fight you've mistakenly chosen to pick." (Susie - Episode 6)
"- What have you got to be sorry for? Didn't do anything, did you?" (Susie - Episode 7)
"- You're not thinking with your business brain. You're thinking with your emotional feelings. You're my angel of life, not my angel of death" (Bobby - Episode 7)
"- Violence and trickery has no place in our way of business." (Episode 7)
"- How do you intend to use their names? Mr. Johnston believes the key to a good deal is to give everyone something they want." (The secretary - Episode 7)
"- Now blood's been spilled, he's not gonna stop until he's got it. There's nothing he won't do." (Episode 7)
"- Problem is, I'm currently on the precipice of a difficult decision about which side offers the best chance of an exit... with the least possible fuss." (Eddie - Episode 7)
"- If you're gonna do it, just fucking do it. (Henry) - Oh, no. After you made my brother suffer, I think I'm entitled to take my fucking time. Make an example of you. Make sure no one ever tries to steal my business again." (Susie - Episode 7)
"- Because this is the one time I can do something selfless. The one chance I have to reclaim a shred of human dignity. The moral of the story is, you need to take the blows, accept the blame, all for the sake of the bigger picture." (Bobby - Episode 8)
"- And why me exactly? (Eddie) - It ain't gone unnoticed that you two have become a right double act working together." (Bobby - Episode 8)
"- I was under the impression it was verified. (Stanley Johnston - Episode 8) - No. You've been the victim of a deception, Mr. Johnston. (Eddie - Episode 8)
"-You see, until you've had the living shit beaten out of you, you don't know anything. But when you realize the only thing that matters is power, the whole world opens up. 'Cause it's literally there for the taking." (Jack - Episode 8)
"- However, if you want the benefit from my vast years of experience, I'd say that you're much more likely to regret the things that you didn't do rather than the things that you did." (Lady Sabrina - Episode 8)
"- It got me thinking. Nothing in life worth having comes without a little... danger." (Eddie - Episode 8)
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andydrysdalerogers · 7 months
Sliding Into Home ~ On The Hunt For Mike Weiss
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Since When Is Ice Cream Evil?
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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Mary Eileen Adler has only ever known two parents: Frank and Abby.  They were her dad and mom for all intents and purposes, regardless of the time Abby left.  She understood that her real mother was Frank’s sister, but she wasn’t her mom.  
And she understood that she had a father but that he never acknowledged her so really, he wasn’t anything to her.  
So why did Uncle Mike say he was her dad? 
As her grandparents drove them to their Boston house, Mary sat quietly, not sure how to ask the questions in her head. Uncle Mike was nice but not nice to Frank or Abby.  She remembered the bruises she saw on Abby and when she asked, she was told she was in an accident.  But she knew it wasn’t the truth.  
“Nugget, are you hungry?” 
Mary snapped her head up to Frank, who looked concerned. “A little,” she whispered.  
“Do you want...” 
“I want Abuela’s food. Because it's at home.  And I want to go home.”  
The sadness in her voice nearly tears Frank in half.  His little girl is scared and hurting. “Ok Nugget.  We’ll go home.  We have a flight to Los Angeles tomorrow.”  
Mary nodded. “You won’t leave me, right?” 
Frank almost lost it right there.  He lifted the girl out of her seat and into his lap, adjusting the seatbelt so she could sit the rest of the way home there. “I’m always going to be here for you.  And I’ll make sure nothing happens to you again, ok?  I love you Mary, so much. Abby and I are go so happy you are ok and that you are back home with us.” He kissed her temple and she snuggled into him. “You’re ours Nugget and we’ll fight every day to make sure of that.”  
May fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.  They made it to Abby’s parents' house and Frank took her right to the guest room.  Tucking her in, he moved to leave the room, but a tiny hand fisted his shirt.  “Please stay with me,” she whispered.  
Frank smiled, scooting her to the middle of the bed, took off his shoes and climbed in. Mary rested her head on his chest and went back to sleep, taking Frank with her. 
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 Frank sat with a coffee, watching Mary a few hours later as she played in the back yard with Johnny, Susie, Marco and Scott, Dodger chasing her around.  He sighed as he took in the sight.  “Frankie?” He looked over to his wife, who placed some sweet bread on the table next to him.  “Are you ok baby?” 
“Yeah, Cricket, I’m ok.  I’m just wondering how I’m going to break this news to Mary.  We have to give her something and she’s too smart not to just start googling everything.”  He rubbed his forehead.  “I was hoping we could have this conversation when she was older, but I guess not.”  
“I know Frankie but its better it comes from us.” Abby kissed his head. “Our baby needs to know the truth.” She looked at the group and an idea came to mind.  “How about we do this with everyone here? If it becomes too much, she can lean on Scott or Johnny or Marco or us, whatever makes her happy. She’ll know that she is loved by everyone here.”  
“Are you ok with everyone knowing our past?” 
“I am not ashamed of how everything got out of sync, Frankie. We were manipulated and that the truth.  Is that something I wanted Mary to know? No, of course not because I never wanted her to be afraid of anything but if it makes her safer, then I will do what I need to do to protect our girl.”  She cupped his cheek and he leaned into her warmth.  
“We’ll do it when you parents come back,” he said. “I want her to have all of the support she can have.” Frank leaned into Abby for a kiss. “You said our baby. Did you mean that?” 
“Mary is ours, Frankie. Of course I meant that.” 
“No I mean, will we have a baby?” 
Abby sucked in a breath. “You think you’re ready for that?” 
Frank looked at her eyes. “Maybe we wait until this all blows over but yeah, Cricket, I want a baby with you.” 
“That good. Because if you wanted a baby with someone else, I’ll murder you.”  
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After a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, the family gathered around the living room, Mary sat between Frank and Abby, chatting with Johnny.  “Mary, we wanted to talk to you about what’s been happening.”  
She fell silent as her family quieted.  She looked around and swallowed.  “Okay.”  
Abby sighed. “You know how we’ve told you that your birth mom is Frank’s sister?” Mary nodded. “Well, we also told you that we didn’t know who your biological father is, right?” She nodded again. “The last couple of months have been enlightening to us all.”  
“What does that mean?” 
Frank swallowed. “You remember that Abby was in the hospital?” 
“You said she was in accident.”  
“She was, Nugget, but not the way you were thinking.  Uncle Mike,” he swallowed, “he...uh... he...” 
“Did he hurt Abby?” 
“No.” He said firmly. “No, he didn’t touch her, but he knew where your mother was and invited her into Abby’s old house. And she hurt Abby.”  
“Why?” Mary’s eyes filled with tears.  “Why would she do that? 
“We are not really sure Mary,” Abby said softly. “But Uncle... just Mike, sweetheart, Mike and Diane have their reasons for everything.  All we know is that the police are looking for them and they and we have a lot of questions. Do you have any questions?” 
Mary looked at all of the people in her life, her family. “Are they going to take me away?” she asked just above a whisper. “Will they...” tears trickled down her face, “will they take you and Dodger away?” She looked between Abby and Frank. “You’re my mom and dad, not them.”  She began to sob.  
Frank immediately got out of his seat in front of her. “Listen to me, Mary.” He locked eyes with her. “No one is going to take you anywhere.  You are coming home with me and Abby and Scott and Dodger.  Johnny and Susie are going to hang out with us. Your abuelos are going to visit and we ae going to visit in the off season but this right here,” he looked around the room, “this is your family. You are my girl,” he wiped around her face to remove the tears. “I won’t let anyone, or anything change that.”  
Mary threw herself into his arms as everyone calmed their own soft cries. Mary understood. Her home was with Frank and Abby.  
The two people who would do anything for her.  
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The morning of their flight home, Abby and Frank sat down with the lead detective on Mary’s kidnaping case, Paul Diskant.  “I’m sorry I haven’t met with you sooner,” he said, after introducing himself. “I’ve been following up with some leads coming in.”  
“Any news on finding Weiss?” Frank asked with a hard edge. 
Detective Diskant frowned. “No, it looks like he rented a car when he arrived in Boston a week ago and turned it in, but we don’t know if he’s left town or has someone else helping him.  We found the house, just as Mary described. There were no signs that he was going to hurt her in any way. We did find some photographs, surveillance of your family. It was taken by a professional, so I am assuming Mr. Weiss hired a private investigator.” 
“Fuck,” Frank mumbled. “What is the next step? We’re flying back to Los Angeles this afternoon.”  
“Yeah, after what happened to Abby, I didn’t want to risk a commercial flight.” 
“I would like to send some officers to escort your family to the airport, just as a precaution.” Detective Diskant sighed. “I’m going to contact LAPD and advise the detectives on your case, Dr. Adler, what’s happened.  I’m sure, with the coverage it received in the press, they are aware of something but not everything and I want to keep them in the loop.”  
“Alright, what do you suggest for personal security?” Frank asked.  
“Frankie,” Abby started.  
“No, Abigail, we are not discussing this again. I will not allow something to happen to you or Mary or Scott for that matter.”  
“Mr. Adler, Dr. Adler, let me make this clear. My recommendation is that your family take every precaution available.  It is clear that your sister and Mr. Weiss are not of sound mind.  He is desperate to get to you Dr. Adler.  Your husband is right.”  
Abby stared at the detective for a minute before looking at her husband. “You really think he might try again?”  
“Cricket, if it wasn’t for the fact that your entire family is with our girl right now, she would be here with us. I refuse to leave any of you vulnerable again.”  
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Departing from the airport, Abby’s parents hugged their daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law hard. “Call us when you get home,” Ana said, cupping her daughter’s cheek.  
“It’ll be late, Mama.”  
“I don’t care.”  She turned to Scott and Johnny. “You boys behave. “ 
“We will Mrs. Hernandez,” Johnny said before picking up Mary and carrying her into the plane.  
Abby looked around.  “Where is Susie?” 
“I think she left her bag in the car,” Scott said.  “C’mon Dodger, let’s get on.”  
Abby walked back to the SUV and stopped. She smiled as she spied on Susie and Marco, holding hands and whispering to each other, heads bent closer.  Abby quietly moved away as Marco bent down to place a soft kiss on Susie’s lips.  
Frank waited for Abby as Susie came around the side of the car.  “You girls are always late,” he mumbled. He grunted as Abby elbowed him. “What?” 
“Leave Susie out of this. She just needed a moment,” she whispered. She pulled out her phone.  
Abby: You could always find work out in California  Marco: Why would I do that  Abby: Because a certain blonde may love it  Marco: I don’t know what you are talking about  Abby: Ok fine. Just know, Frank is looking for someone to run security for the family. This could be the opportunity you’re looking for  Marco: Really?  Abby: Call him.   Marco: I’ll do it tomorrow.  Thanks sis. 
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Returning to the team and relative normalcy helped the Adlers get back into normal. Frank thought it was a brilliant idea to have Marco be the head of security for the family. He moved Marco into the guest house on his property and Marco took over interviewing and hiring security to protect the family.  
Frank had a good couple of weeks, the Dodgers on a run at the moment.  Mary was thriving with camp, Abby found time to work at USC and attend to her duties with the Dodgers and Scott had found a job that allowed him to take care of Mary and work from home.  He and Abby shared an office, which Abby loved as Scott was rapidly becoming her best friend.  
Yes, everything was going great.  
Unknown: enjoy it while it last  Frank: Who is this?  Unknown: a nightmare 
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