#{ This little idiot really took on the role of Adrien/Chat Noir. }
chronosbled · 2 years
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{ My brain still can’t believe that I created a Miraculous Ladybug!AU for Dickson out of all the muses that I have... I still blame Serin for pointing out how similar Dickson and Crystal are to Chat Noir and Ladybug. }
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Rating: T
Summary: Ladybug shows up to return his lucky charm. Adrien should've put on something other than a towel. (Ladrien identity reveal fic)
Word Count: 2600
“When you walk away, you don’t hear me say, pleeeeeease, oh baaaaaaaaaby, don’t go!”  he sang over the spray of the shower.  The acoustics in his bathroom made his voice bearable.  He knew his singing wasn’t the greatest, but there was nothing like being able to let lose and caterwaul in the comfort of a warm bubblebath.
“Simple and clean is the waaaaay that you’re making me feeeeeeeeel tonight, it’s hard to let it go—” 
“Hey, kid—don’t scream, it’s just me—”
Adrien swallowed his shout as he dove under the bathwater.  Soap went up his nose, and he coughed it back out.
“Plagg!  What did I tell you about barging in while I’m in the shower?”  He hugged his knees and scowled.
The kwami lounged on top of a bubble, his paws crossed behind his head.
“Relax, I’m thousands of years old.  I’ve seen plenty of naked Chat Noirs before.  And keep your voice down.”
“What?  Is there an akuma?  Plagg, claws—!”
Plagg flew up to his face, pressing a tiny paw to his lips.  “Shhh!  You’d be better off with her seeing you naked than suited up!”
Wait.  Her?
“Why didn’t you tell me someone was here?”  he hissed.
Plagg rolled his eyes.  “I was trying to.  Someone was too busy screaming and hiding in a pile of bubbles to listen.”
“Who is it?”
“Oh, no one important.  Just your little lovebug.”  He grinned.
Oops.  He probably shouldn’t have shouted that.
“Oh, uh—I’m sorry!”  Her unmistakable voice filtered through the door.  “I can come back later if this is a bad time!”
“N-no!  It’s never a bad time to see you!”  Even if he did want to just sink into the bathwater and drown at the thought of her hearing his wailing earlier.  “Just give me a second!”
Plagg cackled as Adrien turned off the shower and hastily wrapped a black towel around his waist.
“Oh no,” he groaned, scanning the empty counter.  “I didn’t bring my pajamas in.”  From now on he’d always keep a change of clothes on him, just in case Ladybug ever decided to drop in.  
“Eh, it’s not like she’ll complain at seeing you in a towel.”  Plagg shrugged.
Adrien flushed from head to toe.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t like he had much of a choice.  If Ladybug was here, it had to be for something important.
Making sure his towel was tied securely, he cracked open the door.
“A-Adrien!”  She leaped back from his bed.  Had she been… sniffing his pillow?  Ugh, Plagg must have left his Camembert to ferment under there again.  She probably thought he was a disgusting slob.  He could only hope she’d catch a whiff of his freshly-showered scent and change her mind.
“Do you mind passing me my clothes?”  he asked with a nervous grin.
“Oh, er—yes, of course!  Clothes!  That’s what people wear after showering…”
Was she okay?  He couldn’t remember ever seeing her so flustered.
Before he could tell her where his pajamas were, she was rummaging in his dresser...  and then she was pulling out his red-and-black-spotted underwear. 
Was drowning in the bathtub still an option?
“Nevermind!”  He stepped out from behind the door.  “I’ll just, uh, wear this towel.  It’s more comfortable anyway.”
She dropped his underwear back in the drawer.  “Er, if you insist!”  She grinned widely.
For a moment they just stood there, staring at each other, while Adrien slowly died inside.  Then he noticed her eyes flicker to something on his shoulder.
“Huh?”  He tried to turn his neck at angle to see whatever it was.  He’d just showered; what could be stuck to him?
“Let me,” Ladybug said, rushing forward to brush off his shoulder.  A red rose petal drifted to the ground.
“Oh, haha, where did that come from?”  He ruffled his wet hair.  There was no way he’d admit that he enjoyed bathing in rosewater.  She’d think he was just a snobby rich boy for sure.
(Even if at least half the reason was so that he could smell nice for her.)
He cleared his throat loudly.  “So, um, what can I do for you?”
“Right!”  She smacked her face, and then she flipped open her yo-yo. “I just noticed that you left this behind at your photoshoot when the akuma attacked today…”
She pulled out a red string of pink, blue, and green beads.
“My lucky charm!”  He nearly dropped his towel in his rush to take the charm.  “Thank you so much, my—Ladybug.  I don’t know how I lost it.  This charm is so special to me.”
He cradled it to his chest in relief.  Though at least part of it was probably silly superstition, he always felt better with the charm on him.  
“R-really?”  Her face reddened.  “Why’s that?”
“A really good friend of mine gave it to me.  I always take it to my photoshoots for a bit of extra luck.”  He rubbed the beads between his fingers.  He didn’t have any pockets to put the charm in, so he tied it around his wrist.  “But… how did you know it was mine?”
“Oh!  I must have… ah… seen it fall out of your pocket?”  She ruffled the back of her hair, disheveling her pigtails.
He leaned in closer.  Why did her nervous face look familiar?  His Lady usually seemed so composed.
“Are you lying?”  He grinned, a bit of his Chat slipping out.  
“What?  Psh, no.  It’s not like I know you in real life or anything—that would be crazy!  I’m just—I’m a fan of fashion, so I might have been watching your totoshoot glosely before that akuma attacked—”
“Totoshoot?”  His brow furrowed.
“Exactly, the grotoshoot.  So—you’re charming, I mean—you’ve got your charm back, so I should put a shirt on—I mean—YOU should put a shirt on, and pants, and underwater—underwear!  Which I’m not going to touch again, so.  So I’ll—BYE!”
Adrien should’ve cut off her ramble sooner.  But each garbled word out of her mouth felt so familiar. He couldn’t help trying to place it.
“Wait, Marinette!”  He grabbed her wrist before she could unhook her yo-yo.
“What?  Is something else wrong?  Or did I just sound like such an idiot you don’t trust me to protect Paris anymore—”
His heart sped up as he enfolded her spazzing hands in his.  Marinette.  That’s who her frantic stammering had reminded him of.  And she’d responded to his slip without missing a beat.
“Of course not, my—Marinette.  I’ll always trust you.”
Her eyes blew wide beneath her mask.
“Wha… what did you just call me…?” 
“Marinette,” he repeated, the name sweet in his mouth.  “You’re Marinette.”
“N-no, of course I’m not!  Marinette’s waaaay too clumsy to be a superhero, psh.”
“You gave her the mouse miraculous.  You obviously didn’t think so.”  He smirked and crossed his arms.  The beads on his charm clinked together in her stunned silence.
“You—what—nobody knows about that!  Nobody except—Chat?”
Oh.  Crap.
“Hehe.  Oops?”
She smacked her forehead again.
“Careful, bugaboo, I wouldn’t want you to hurt your mewtiful face.”  He grinned against the rising panic.  Why did he say that?  Why was his gut instinct to pun in times of emotional crisis?  Ladybug knew his identity!  And from the blue-screening look on her face, she wasn’t thrilled about it.
“Oh yeah, you’re Chat Noir alright.”  She groaned and pressed the heels of her palms to her forehead.  “I can’t believe I’ve been staring at Chat Noir’s chest!”
“You—you were?”  He giggled hysterically.  “Like, staring because it’s a nice chest?  Or because it’s just kind of there and I should really put a shirt on because this is weird, isn’t it—?”
“Adrien, your chest is more than nice.  But it might be a good idea for you to put on a shirt before I drool all over your floor.”
They both locked eyes, equally shocked that she’d said that.
“I—you wouldn’t happen to have a bathtub I could drown in, would you?”  she croaked out.
He laughed.  “Not a chance, bugaboo.”   
“Maybe he could kill you with his singing instead,” Plagg said from where he was hovering by the bathroom door.
Adrien and Ladybug both jumped.  Of course Plagg had overheard all of that.  Adrien found himself turning the same color as his Lady’s suit.
“Excuse you, Adrien has a wonderful singing voice,” she said with a pout.
“I—I do?”  He blinked.  “You’re sure you actually heard me?” 
Chloé had always made fun of his voice.  His father wouldn’t let him audition for voice acting positions with singing roles.  Even Plagg, who had an… interesting voice himself, could hardly stand Adrien’s singing.
“Of course I did!  I mean, um… what’s the answer that makes me sound the least weird?”
He laughed, shaking so hard the towel almost fell off.  Again.  He tucked the corner of it more securely against his waist.  He should really go ahead and get dressed, but he was afraid Ladybug—Marinette!—would disappear the second he took his eyes off of her.
“I’m the one standing here in a towel, and you think you’re weird?”
At that, she laughed back.  “I’m the one who didn’t let you get dressed!”
“I’m the one who didn’t let you get my clothes because I was too embarrassed about you seeing my Ladybug underwear!”
She collapsed back in his computer chair cackling.  Both of them were redder than her suit by that point.
“Yeah, yeah, you guys are both disgustingly in love.  Unless you’re going to smooch my kid while he’s practically naked, you should let him get dressed.”
“In—love?”  Adrien squeaked out.  “Ladybug?  In love—me?”
“Can dish it but can’t take it, huh?”  She stood and smirked while leaning into his space. 
He licked his dry lips.  If Marinette wanted to play that game, he wasn’t going to back down now.
“I can take it,” he said quietly, his lips centimeters from hers.  “As long as it’s you doing the dishing.”
“The only dish I want is a nice dish of camembert,” Plagg complained.  But for now, Adrien ignored him.
“Hmm.  Let’s see about that.”  Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, leaving tingling trails where her suit brushed bare skin.  He was going to pay for procrastinating getting dressed.  If he was unraveling already, there was no way he could handle whatever else she planned to throw at him.
Her lips brushed his.  It was just the faintest touch, but it set his heart pounding.
“Is this okay?”  She asked quietly, her voice suddenly turning shy.  “I know we always joke together, but if this is too weird, or—”
“Marinette.”  It came out as a rasp.  “If you don’t kiss me right now, I might actually die.”
Her laugh fanned out across his collarbone.  “Well, we can’t have that.”
She kissed him.  Really kissed him, her lips interlocking with his, hands roaming down his bare back, and oh man he was wrong.  He might have died if she didn’t kiss him, but he was definitely going to die now that she did.
He held her tighter, tilting his head to allow her better access.
To think that just minutes ago, he hadn’t known his Lady was Marinette, or that she was in love with him.  And now this.
He finally pulled back, needing to breathe before he melted into a vaguely Adrien-colored puddle.  Another jolt of ecstasy shot through him when Marinette continued to chase his lips.  She pouted when he laughed.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who might die without kisses,” he teased.
“If you’re trying to embarrass me, you’re going to have to work a lot harder than that,” she said even though her face was still bright red.  “You already heard me say totoshoot.  And you saw me sniff your pillow!”
“That’s just today.  Don’t forget the time you kissed me while I was pretending to be a statue.”
Her eyes widened, and she pushed him back.  His chest felt cold where she was no longer pressed to him.
“Too soon?”  He asked, though he couldn’t help grinning.  He should’ve known she was in love with him.  Why else would she have acted like that?
“It will always be too soon.  I vote we pretend that never happened.”
“But Marinette, don’t you want to be molded together in the plaster of destiny?”  He batted his eyes innocently.
She dropped her head into her hands, hiding the adorable blush there.  “That’s it.  I’m leaving.”
“But I thought we were going to be entwined for eternity!”
She looked torn between laughing and punching him.  He would’ve welcomed either.
“It sounds like someone doesn’t want any more kisses.”  She crossed her arms instead, turning her back to him.
“Nooooo, Marinette!  Anything but that!”  He draped himself over her back, arms dangling over her shoulders.  “I hope I didn’t upset you.  I just think hindsight made it hilarious, but I’ll shut up if you really want me to.”
“I don’t think you could shut up if you tried.  But that’s okay.  I love you just the way you are.”  She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Warmth spread through him from head to toe.  “Really?”
“Yes, really.  You think I’d make out with just any shirtless guy?”
“Hmmm.  I guess you have a point.”  His hands played with the string of her yo-yo around her waist.  “But I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to prove it again.”
She took hold of one of his hands, spinning him so they were face to face again.  “Go put on some clothes so I don’t have to worry about knocking your towel off, and then we’ll see.”
He blushed again.  He’d better get used to that though.  If he got any more kisses from Marinette, the color of her suit would rub off on him permanently.
“I can live with that.”
He dug out his pajamas—including his Ladybug underwear—and darted into the bathroom.  
“Are you happy now?”  Plagg asked.  It took a second for Adrien to spot him, snuggled up in one of Adrien’s black hand towels next to the sink. “I sure heard a lot of gross smooching noises back there.  You think I can use this to plug my ears?”
The kwami held up a q-tip and snapped it in half.
Adrien cast a glance back at the door, where he heard Marinette giggling on the other side.
“Could you keep your voice down?”  He hissed.  “And no, don’t do that.  You’ll hurt yourself.”  He took the broken q-tip and tossed it in the trash.
“You better get me some real earplugs if you’re gonna keep this up, then.”
“Done,” Adrien said while pulling his shirt on over his head.  “I’ll do that and get you that special sprucewood cheese if you leave us alone for the next hour.”
“Deal!  Good luck, loverboy!”  Plagg waved.  “I think you’re forgetting something, though.”
“Huh?”  Adrien’s hand was already on the doorknob, but he turned around and saw his pants still lying on the counter.  That would’ve been awkward.  “Thanks, Plagg.  I’m kind of surprised you didn’t let me just embarrass myself though.”
“Nah.  You can do that plenty well on your own.”  The kwami grinned.  “I still think she’s lying about your singing voice.  You could scare off akumas with that.”
Adrien stuck out his tongue.  It didn’t matter what Plagg thought.
On the other side of the door, Marinette was waiting.  And no matter how embarrassing he was, she still loved him.
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beautyinflight · 4 years
That Little rascal. -the reveal.
(Ft, Manon ages 4, 8 and 15, and her Dolls)
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Manon looked up from her work to smile at the dolls she kept on her desk. Nearing 16 you might’ve thought it childish for her to enjoy the sight of them so much. Such irony in the handmade figures of Paris’ favourite super heros.
Made by the skillful Marinette when she was still just an amateur 14 year old seamstress, making her own clothes and dolls and hats from the comfort of her bedroom. How far she’d come. The Nette fashion label had come to best even that of Gabriel.
The irony went deeper still as that same girl was behind the heroine’s mask. Manon had accidentally discovered her secret when she detransformed infront of her (she didn’t care to admit it but her first reaction was to scream). It wasn’t her fault her babysitter was the coolest person to ever live in Paris!
She’d loved Ladybug and Chat Noir since they first appeared and had cherished the dolls Marinette gifted to her ever since she was 5. When she found out she was amongst the very few to know Ladybug’s identity she was over the moon, though it was very difficult she managed to keep it to herself. Well, for the most part..
You see she’d found herself to be quite the detective and being so young she got away with asking peculiar questions. Chat Noir didn’t know! Ladybug’s right hand, her partner and soulmate. And even though he claimed to have a girlfriend Manon firmly felt he belonged with Ladybug. So she set herself the challenge to finally set them up aged just 11.
She was given many good roles. For a few years she was incharge of giving out miraculous. But hawkmoth caught on and Alya was pissed. Manon knew Marinette was Ladybug before her bestfriend. A few others knew, the ice cream man, the mime, oh and that boy, what was his name again... Luka. Marinette dated him for a while but the model she had posted on her wall still plagued her mind.
Being at an age where she wasn’t in need of a babysitter much anymore (and Marinette dealing with a lot more than just school) Manon got creative and used the dolls as an excuse. They needed mending a lot. How convenient for our little detective. ;)
She’d also befriended Chat Noir being somewhat of an unofficial sidekick. It was when she first met Adrien again that she realised it. He’d instinctively reached to ruffle her hair. All that time he’d been on Marinette’s wall! Manon had seen just about every picture, poster, advert and angle. Yet it was this moment when it finally clicked and Manon’s jaw dropped and Adrien definitely noticed. His nervous laugh gave it away. So it was true. He was Chat Noir. Under her nose the whole time.
Her plan was to confront him and ask him to stop being beautiful so Marinette would be free to love her soulmate Chat Noir. ( She laughed at that everytime she remembered it) But here he was, both people! Clearly they were meant to be. Manon ran home right away to devise a plan, for which she would need the help of some allies.
With the help of André, Alya and a Miraculous holder or two she set up a blind date for Adrien and Marinette. She lured them in. Adrien with the threat of sharing his secret, Marinette by telling her she was finally going to tell Chat Noir her secret...
It was those circumstance that provided all that was needed for those two idiots to finally see it. Manon ran off and left them to it not really knowing the ins and outs and complicated parts.
It took two more years and a lot of falling out. Manon got a lot of backlash and even got herself akumatised. Now in the dark of what the heros were up to she only hoped it was all worth it.
All she knew from there on out was that after a time of chaos came the moment they’d all been waiting for. It was raining and just outside her window she saw him chase after her. They’d been with their friends but soon they were left alone. Their bestfriend’s knew and they did too. Manon had full view. Thunder clapped and they both got soaked, it made the kiss super romantic. Manon sighed in awe and closed her curtains with a smile. She’d gotten her wish.
Now as she was sat completing her application to intern at Alya’s publication, a flash of red flew past her window followed closely by a black blurr, her heros were off to save the day again.
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Worth Chapter Two
(Mostly some introductions, integral exposition. The next chapter will be far more interesting).
Marinette walked onto the plane, the day was a much better day. She had a whole breakfast, and was so excited that she never even thought of disappointing anybody. That is until she got onto the bus, Lila started talking about how the city was crime ridden and she couldn’t believe Marinette would let them go. Marinette’s heart sank, she was right. Gotham was dangerous, if something happened she’d never forgive herself. She’d be a failure just like Chat always knew.
Luckily for her, Lila’s story had to be centered around the liar herself so she quickly changed the subject and regaled the bus with her “true stories” of how she and Batman had teamed up, he even wanted to make her a superhero, but of course Lila was too busy. She also told the bus about how her and Damian Somethingorother (marinette couldn’t remember the name because her BS detector was going off too loudly) were in an on again off again relationship. Marinette sat down in a back seat in the bus, she knew that Alya wouldn’t join her, she was too invested in Lila’s story, but to her delight Kay joined her.
Kay Khan was Marinette’s other best friend. Gigantic theatre nerd, couldn’t go a day without talking or singing but Marinette wouldn’t have it any other way. The rest of the class thought she was a little odd, but she was a genius. Like freaky smart, so they all tried to work with her when they could. Unfortunately for Kay, Marinette was really her only friend because she was...overly blunt. Kay didn’t have a filter and Lila took her down pretty quickly.
On Kay’s first day she came into the class and expressed her adoration of theatre when Miss. Bustier asked her what her hobbies were. Kay told the class that her favorite musical was Newsies because Jeremy Jordan was the original Jack Kelley. So of course Lila said that she personally knew him, on that day Marinette was not happy. Chat had been a handful the night before and she expected the new girl to fall for Lila’s lies, instead Kay asked, “Wasn’t he just amazing in Dairy Boys?” Lila nodded and exclaimed, “I saw him in that. A true work of art.” Kay smirked and sat down, but not before saying, “That’s funny because Jeremy Jordan was never in Dairy Boys, oh, and Dairy Boys doesn’t exist.”
Marinette knew Kay and her would be great friends, but that meant Lila had Kay targeted. Not only for humiliating her (which she quickly covered with another idiotic lie), but also because she vowed she’d take Marinette’s friends away. That included the weird new girl. It didn’t help that Adrien also seemed to hate Kay, mostly because she had called out Lila. If it had been a year ago Marinette would’ve never talked to Kay just because Adrien didn’t seem to like her, but after Chat Noir had demeaned her as Ladybug she felt like she didn’t deserve somebody like Adrien. Marinette gradually fell out of love with Adrien until there were no feelings left. She hadn’t felt romantic love in a really long time, she didn’t deserve it.
The class already wasn’t fond of Kay, especially since she missed classes a lot. Her mother was a director who was directing a movie Kay starred in in Paris. Her first television debut. The class was naturally insanely jealous, but it didn’t matter to Kay because she was barely in school to hear the awful things they said.
The only reason she was going on the trip was because she had family in Gotham and her mother decided to give her a little break. Kay accepted when she knew Marinette had planned the trip, she wanted to keep an eye on her best friend. She wasn’t the best with expressing emotions or giving advice but she could tell Mari was spiraling sometimes. Kay knew all about spiraling…
Kay sat down next to Marinette, starting to giggle. Mari smiled, Kay’s laugh was ridiculous and normally she laughed at funny musical memes nobody got but her, it brought Marinette lots of entertainment to hear Kay say every time she looked at a meme and Marinette asked about it, “YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF [INSERT SHOW TITLE HERE]?!?!” Marinette was about to ask what Kay was laughing at before somebody beat her to it, only this somebody wasn’t going about it the way Mari would’ve.
“Spaz, why are you laughing at Lila?!” Ivan asked pointing rudely at Kay. “Yeah! You have no right to laugh at her!” Mylené said coming to her boyfriend’s defense.
“I wasn’t laughing at her, I was laughing at something she said.” Kay stated plainly before slapping her headphones on. Marinette internally facepalmed, Kay was far too blunt. Lila started her crocodile tears but Miss Bustier stood up on the plane for a head count before it escalated too far. While she took role the class still shot daggers with their glares at Kay, but only Marinette seemed to notice, Kay was lost in the world of her headphones.
Alya was still entranced in Lila’s story but she wasn’t too harsh on Kay, her and Nino were pretty indifferent about her. Alya at first wasn’t too fond of her because despite Marinette being friends with her Lila claimed she was a bully, but Alya warmed up to her when she and Kay bonded over superheroes they liked. Kay had watched a lot of superhero movies because her mom had directed them but Alya still knew more. Kay and Alya had a mutual respect for each other, Nino was basically Alya’s extension so he felt the same, so they didn’t really talk and Alya didn’t gang up on her like the others.
Marinette knew Kay didn’t like to be disturbed when she had her headphones on. It was headphones on, world off. Marinette did text her though, so she could talk to her friend before they took off and eventually fell asleep.
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: Wait so what were you laughing at that Lie-la said?
Kay Khan: lol the guy she was talking about was one of my friends when I lived in Gotham!
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: cool! Do you’ll think you’ll see him? I’d like to meet any friends of yours!
Kay Khan: It’s possible, anything’s possible (Suessical). Ummm mayb. He’s kinda moody tho so he might be somewhat rude just warnin ya.
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: Really? I can’t imagine you being friends with somebody like that. You’re literally sunshine.
Kay Khan: Awwww thankies! But Damian is super cool once he warms up to you, he’ll like you I bet. OMG I BET HE’LL LIKE YOU!!! ;)
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: as...exciting as it is you shipping me with another guy I haven’t even met, the airplane dude just said turn off devices headphone girl.
Kay Khan: Dang! (Dang diggity dang a dang) I only got like 5 minutes into Jesus of Suburbia. Oh welllll
Kay took off her headphones and turned off her cell phone. She smiled at Marinette before the plane took off. Marinette took out her sketchbook as Kay quickly fell asleep. Marinette envied her, she could literally fall asleep anywhere anytime. Marinette looked out her window as she sketched for inspiration, and before she knew it she found inspiration within a sparkling city they were landing in.
“Psst, Kay. We’re here.” Marinette said in a hushed whisper as she poked at Kay. Kay sat up straight and rubbed her eyes.
“Dope! Let’s get this par-tay started!” She cheered quietly. Marinette giggled, “It’s 3am in Eastern time, I’m pretty sure even the Gotham people aren’t partying.”
“You never know.” Kay shrugged. Marinette giggled a little softer, trying not to wake the sleeping passengers on the plane until they landed in the airport completely. The French class started buzzing quietly from excitement but everyone was mostly too tired to be too excited so it was a relief to everyone when they were passed out in their rooms in the Wayne Hotel.
Kay and Marinette were elated for the days to come. Kay was going to make sure Marinette enjoyed her trip, no matter what.
Tag list (lemme know if you wanna be added/ I forgot you/ spelled your name wrong):
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lovebugluck · 4 years
Sorry But I Fell in Love Tonight
She promised herself she wouldn't do this.  She swore she wouldn't notice every time he smiled, or run his fingers through his hair. She swore she wouldn't find herself giddy over patrol, eager to see him and be greeted with a "Hello M'lady".  She swore that she wouldn't hold back a blush or the butterflies in her stomach every time he addressed her with one of her many nicknames.
Above all, she promised herself she wouldn't fall in love with him. But, the thing was, she had been falling in love with him long before she had realized. Sometimes, certain promises were made to be broken, she supposed.
Sitting on their rooftop, one that had become the designated place for late night talks and rounds of would you rather. Ladybug sat, and she thought.  Everything seemed to be changing so quickly. Ladybug had always prided herself for her ability to understand things, and how she was feeling. What her next move would be. More and more, she had no idea what was happening. And it terrified her.  She had been trying to get over Adrien. She always would care about him, more than anything, but she also valued his friendship. At least then, she could form full sentences and could spend time with him without fumbling over her every move.
She had, however, been spending more time with Chat. The more time they spent together, the more they spoke, Ladybug couldn't seem to get enough of being around him.
She couldn't.
The words stayed firm in the back of her mind. If Hawkmoth noticed how close the two were, then he wouldn't hesitate to use it against them. He already had tried. She had to keep their relationship strictly professional. It was too risky otherwise.
Ladybug let out an audible sign, remembering the note she had been tightly clutching in her hand. She had thought for weeks about it. While Ladybug was content with herself on her quick thinking and position as a good student, she felt as though this quite possibly was the most stupid and rash thing she had ever done.
Ever since taking on the role of the guardian, Tikki made sure she was well aware the rules of identities were now in her hands. She was hesitant to make any next moves. Marinette knew it would make her life so much easier knowing who Chat truly was, especially if they knew each other personally. It was also safer, in case one of them was unable to cover each other. Once they knew both sides of each other, they would become even closer, as Tikki insisted. After many weeks of deliberating, her thoughts came to a close. With her stomach in knots, and her mind far from ease, she began writing a letter to Chat. She figured instead of starting a casual conversation with, "Oh hey Chat, I'm in love with you by the way! Also my real name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. How are you doing?" she could write her feelings and then share them.
The Things I've Always Wanted to Say, But Never Knew How
From Ladybug
Hi. So, I'm not entirely sure how to say all of this, but I needed to. I guess I'll just jump right in. This is a list of things I've been dying to tell you, and I've finally decided it was time.
1. You are the best partner I've ever had. Now, it's not like I've ever had another pun-loving cat superhero as a best friend before, but you're definitely the best I could have gotten.
2. I like the puns. Really. Timing? Not so much. But they make me laugh, and without you, this job would be so dreadful and boring and repetitive that I wouldn't be able to handle it.
3. I appreciate all of your hard work, and even the little things never go unnoticed in my book. The way I know I can count on you, and that you'll always have my back is something that makes me able to be Ladybug. Without you, I'd probably be no where.
4. You're so much more worthy than you think. I know some days, you seem to feel like you don't bring anything to the table. Let me tell you how wrong you are. You are truly special, Chat. I'm serious.
5. You have a good sense of humor. That's all I'll say. I don't want you getting full of yourself now. :)
6. You have really pretty eyes. Tikki's giggling as I write this, but hey, I said I wouldn't hold back.
7. I'm in love with you. Surprise? In all honesty, I've been so scared to tell you in fear of what may come. The only thing I've got to lose is you, and I'm going to take the risk. I love you, Chat. I love your bravery, your humor, your kindness, your personality, every single little thing about you from the face you make when I laugh at your pun of the day, to your wild spirit.
8. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I know I've always said we had to keep our identities a secret, but now that I'm the guardian of the Miracle Box, it's up to me. I would love to know who you are too, whenever you're ready.
I know that this is probably a lot to take in. I didn't know how to come out and say all of it, so I figured this would be the next best thing.
Taking in her surroundings, she scanned the skyline, but could make out her leather-clad partner. She noticed, however, that she was shaking slightly.
She shouldn't have been scared. She faced monsters of all sorts each and every day. She also spent each and every one of those same days with her partner, who she knew would never hurt her intentionally. She was extremely nervous though. With an akuma, it was a strategy game that could be easily won with a bit of thinking. This situation was completely different. These were her true emotions, ones that she tried her very best to mask as Ladybug. After a few more moments of contemplating forgetting the whole thing and going home, she heard him land behind her. It was now or never.
"Hey bugaboo, how are you doing on this fine- wait, what's wrong?" He stopped abruptly, noticing her tense state.
"Good, er, I mean, hi... um. This is for you." She jerked the note towards him as a feeling of nauseousness washed over her. He gave her a quizzical look, and took the letter from her.
The next few moments were absolutely agonizing. She watched as he read through, eyes shining as he displayed a small smile. His eyes finally reached the bottom of the note - she held her breathe - and watched as his eyes widened and brimmed slightly with tears.
She wouldn't meet his eyes. She felt so vulnerable, so open, in a way she had never felt before. While this was Chat, her Chaton, this was all so new to her.
He skimmed through the note again, almost as to make sure it was really there, before tucking it at his side and bolting towards the edge of the rooftop.
"Where.. where are you going?" Ladybug called. He was already making his way off the building.
"To get something! I'll.. I'll be right back!" With that, he was gone.
Ladybug stood very, very still. She was numb. She was also an idiot. Chat probably freaked out and bolted because she came off too strong. Or he didn't want to tell her he didn't love her anymore, he had moved on. Or he secretly knew her in his personal life and despised her, and he never wanted to see her again. Or-
He thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his second landing, and he rushed towards her. Shoving a note himself towards her, he breathlessly said, "I never thought I'd give you this... but I guess now's the time."
She carefully unfolded the note. While reading through it, she felt the tears rushing down her cheek. She couldn't believe it. When she finally reached the end and was greeted by an incredibly familiar name, she let out a sob.
Chat hesitated, then pulled her into his arms. "I hope you aren't disappointed.. I just, I don't know." He stuttered, unsure what to say. Ladybug threw her arms around him. "How am I this lucky?" She muttered.
She pulled away, finally meeting his eye. "Chat... oh my god. You were the other person I was in love with. God I'm so stupid.. so so stupid. I fell for the same person twice. I rejected you... for yourself! Oh god.." She trailed off.
He let out a slight laugh. "I guess we're both idiots then."
"Is it really you?"
"In the flesh." He answered.
They found their way into each other's arms, dropping their transformations. After a few moments, Adrien spoke. "Would it be okay if I kissed you? I don't want to rush anything, I don't really know what to think right now, all I know is you're amazing and-"
Marinette closed the space in between them, and they melted into one another. While they were unsure of the future, they both knew one thing.
Ladybug and Chat Noir had found each other. So had Marinette and Adrien.
It was perfect.
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pixigirl · 4 years
Who will Marinette choose? Luka or Adrien and will Chloe save the day?
Context: Luka and Marinette are dating but she still has feeling for Adrien and Luka knows it.
A miraculous ladybug one-shot (which may have a continuation of some kind??). This is a typed version of an amazing role play I was part of in the Tumblr chat called Miraculous Ladybug. Owner: @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj
Participants: @viperionx, @pixigirl, @ravenabby, @purrpewl and  @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj
A: Adrien
B: Chloe’s butler - Jean
HM: Hawkmoth
  (At Andre’s ice-cream stall)
*gets ice cream and gives it to Marinette* Here you go!
*takes ice cream* mmm thanks Luka
Anything for you *smiles and sits down on the bench with Marinette*
*starts eating ice cream beside him* delicious
A: Oh, hey guys
Hey Adrien
H-hey Adrien
A: Enjoying the ice cream?
Y-yeah it’s delicious. You should get some.
*thinks: she still likes him, doesn’t she*
*coo coo (pigeon)*
Hey Chloe. You’re here too. You should also get some ice cream
Chloe? As in the mayor’s daughter?
A:Yeah she is our classmate.
Ugh! Like I have time for that high calorie stuff!
Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
Your loss not mine
A: Come on Chloe be nice.
If you want some quality you can get only the classiest gelato at our new hotel restaurant.
Just saying.
What? You said be nice!
I prefer Andre’s ice cream over expensive gelato *laughs*
A: *laughs*
You can join us if you like
A: He has the best love heart ice cream
Y-yeah *looking at Adrien*
*raises eyebrow* heart ice cream?
*looks at Marinette and signs*
Yeah Chloe whoever eats Andre’s ice cream will stay in love forever
Really??? *surprised*
*nods* that’s what he told all of Paris
*looks at Adrien*
You just have to believe
A: believe!
W-well I personally don’t believe in baby fairy tales like that but if Adrikins insists!
Let’s go get some more ice cream I’ve finished mine
I’ll just wait here
Ok its your treat
Ok *goes to get ice cream*
*smiles and sighs*
*eyes Luka*
*looks at Chloe and Adrien* Soooooo are you two like together?
Like since kindergarten!
Wait what-?
You’ve been dating since kindergarten?!
A: I um – no?
Dating? I thought you were asking how long we have been friends
*shakes head* no I meant dating, sorry
A: Um... no? we are like long time besties
  What about you? I’ve seen you around school. Don’t you hang with Juleka?
She’s my sister. I have to pick her up from school every day, I go to College Francoise Dupont.
YOU’RE JULEKA’S BROTHER?! Wait… *squints hard and leans close into Luka* Actually I can kind of see it.
*Adrien leaves to go get ice cream so he can bring some back for Chloe*
You have the same eyebrows! *she says with triumphant*
Huh we do? I never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out miss bourgeois.
Omg you do!
*he notices that Chloe is still very close to his face* are we having a staring contest or do you just like looking at my face?
Hmmm… that’s a pretty unique eye colour you have. Are they contacts?
*shakes head* no they are 100% real
*finally pulls back* Get out! No way!
*laughs* I promise they’re real
*awkward silence*
*Luka looks over to Marinette in distance* So… you and Dupain-Cheng… what is your guys’ deal?
*looks at Chloe* we’ve been dating for three months. Its our uh three month anniversary today…
*blunty* cute
Yeah. I guess *shrugs*
*marinette still getting ice cream*
*takes a seat on the bench crossing one leg over the* sooooo…... Anniversary huh?
*comes back with ice cream* I see you two are getting to know each other better.
Oh yeah… I feel enlightened *blunt sarcasm*
He’s a reaaalll talker isn’t he
Mmhmm *hands them both ice creams* here you go
Thank you ma-ma-Marinette *takes it*
I am glad you are getting along okay
I communicate better with music *scratches behind his neck*
*slaps Luka’s arm* Why are you still teasing me about it
OW! *pretending to be hurt*
Because it’s cute
No its not
Yes it is
*Chloe rollers her eyes as she internally gags*
*glares at him*
Don’t look at me like that or ill keep going.
Not if I have anything to say about it *pretending to be mad*
*laughs* still as cute as when we first met
And you’ve been teasing me about it since we first met
*Chloe thinks: oh now I’m definitely gonna hurl…* Oh, Adrikiiiins!!!!
Oh here we go again
Are you gonna come back anytime soon? *hmm he must be too far away to hear me*
Well I’m gonna keep doing it for as long as we are together
Hahaha (sarcastically)*glares but lets it go because she doesn’t want her icecream to melt*
*chloe abruptly stands* RIIIIIIIIIGHT… im gonna just…. *walks over to Adrien*
*raises an eye brow at chloe’s strange behaviour*
*rolls his eyes playfully and starts to eat his icecream as he leans on marinettes shoulder*
Is Chloe acting weird?
She probably just isn’t used to proper relationships
Yeah I guess *still suspicious*
She’ll get used to it soon
I hope so. She can be great if she wants to
*Chloe hugs Adrien joyfully after he giver her an icecream*
*Marinette is trying not the be jealous but can’t help it*
*she accidentally breaks her cone and notices that her hand is now very wet and groans loudly*
*looks over* Oh no. What happene- *sees why* oh right.
I think I was just holding the cone too tight
Do you need help getting it off
*starts to wipe her hands with a tissue from her purse* No it’s okay I got it. Thanks.
But you could get me another ice cream 😊
Don’t worry you can just have mine, I haven’t eaten much
You sure? What about you?
I’m not hungry anymore…
Oh ok thanks
*fake smile*
Can I ask you something?
Sure *she says as she stares at Adrien*
*looks at her* Do you actually like me? *shes not paying much attention* well then I guess there’s my answer
What?.. What do you mean?
You’re still in love with Adrien, aren’t you?
We are dating that means I like you.
*sighs* when are you going to stop lying to yourself and me?
I am not lying. Adrien is just a nice guy is all.
*rolls eyes* a ‘nice guy’ that’s all he is to you?
He’s also a great friend?
I see the way you look at him Marinette.. you’ve never looked at me that way. If you love him so much then why did you decide to date me?
I look at him the way at look at anyone else.
Oh, come on, Mari! I’m not stupid!
What does he have that I don’t? Money? Fame? Good looks?
I never liked him for those reasons! Is that what you think I want?
I don’t like Adrien that way anyway
I’m sure you don’t
*crushes her cone again because she is mad*
I never stood a chance against him. He is perfect, I’m sorry I couldn’t be
Nonsense. I never said he was perfect he has his flaws, every person does.
*tears fill his eyes* did you ever love me?
*sighs* I don’t think I did
Ok well, did you ever like me at least?
*hesitates* Y-no, no I didn’t.
*tears fall down his face*
I am so sorry Luka. I am such an idiot.
*scoffs* I can’t do this anymore.
Neither can i. *woefully*
You should’ve told me the truth from the start. I’m done. It’s over *gets up and runs away still crying*
I’m sorr- *sighs and sits down*
*Chloe and Adrien have witnessed this event from afar and start to come down*
*Luka is sitting on the waters edge as he cries into his hands*
*Chloe could see Luka and is for some reason compelled to go see if he is okay*
Adrikins I need to go.. do stuff. Talk later *waves as she runs in Lukas direction*
-flash forward to Hawkmoth’s lair as the sky light opens-
HM: Such bitter sorrow of a broken heart who was so utterly betrayed by the one he loved… Fly away my little akuma and evilize that broken heart
-back to the river side-
*Luka is still sitting with his head hanging between his knees. He looks at the bracelet that Marinette gave him for their anniversary*
*footsteps approach from behind him* Hey… can I sit here?
*with tear-soaked eyes he looks at her and nods slowly*
*inahles deeply as she sits down*
*they sit in silence for a few minutes until chloe starts looking around awkwardly*
I’m not in the mood please *as he puts his hands on his face once more and sniffles*
Uh.. There? There?
Thank you but you don’t have to stay
*sighs* Ok look, I’m trying this new thing where I’m supposed to care about other people’s problems so if you a problem I’m willing to-- *but before she continues she sees a familiar black butterfly out of the corner of her eye coming towards them. She grabs his wrist*RUN!
Wait wha-
Shut up and run pretty boy! *successfully pulls Luka away from the bridge*
*he thinks: what? Pretty boy*
*he sees an alleyway and pulls them both into it*
*breathing heavily* Did it follow us?
*shrugs* wow this alley way is tight *as she shuffles around*
*Chloe puts her hand on his face* You HAVE to think happy thoughts okay. Or it will find you again, quick!
i-i can’t..
Yes! you can! Come on. You like music right? Sing something then
Chloe I- *Akuma enters bracelet undetected*
*Chloe’s eyes widen as he pushes her away out of the alleyway and a familiar purple outline appears on his face*
*Luka is shaking as he tries to resist*
HM: Heart Rocker… The girl you were deeply in love with took your feelings forgranted and crushed them. Not I give you the power to return the favour.
*groans* No… I-I don’t wan-want to hurt a-anyone!
Luka fight it. You have to
*he falls to his knees as he holds his head shaking*
*his groans get louder and tears start streaming down his face*
HM: But she will only hurt you more. I’ll give you the power to play with her heartstrings and destroy the one that stands in your way. All I ask for in return are ladybug’s and Chat noir’s miraculous!
N-no! I can’t i- *cries out in pain* STOP!
*Chloe runs to him*
I’m s-so sorry…
Don’t give up now pretty boy, you can do this! Fight him! You know he is trying to trick you.
It-it hurts too much… I have no choice.
I know it hurts. I know YOU’RE hurt! But you can’t let him win now. You are stronger Luka! *hugs him tightly*
HM: don’t listen to that selfish little brat. I can give you POWER! I can get you revenge!
Get out of his head!!!!
I-i can’t do it-
No! *she starts yanking at his bracelet* GET OUT!
*shouts in pain*
*black bubbles start to form around him so Chloe tries even harder*
I’m t-to tired. I can-t fi-fight any long-er
You are NOT going to get HIM HAWKMOTH! YO HEAR ME! YOU STUPID, OLD, TACKY FART! *she rips the bracelet free*
*the Akuma is forced to leave the bracelet and tries to fly away as the bubbles around Luka fade*
Oh nooooo you don’t! *as she grabs an old broom from the garbage and starts to hit it against a wall, crushing it*
*Luka falls to the ground barely awake*
HM: I will get him next time *screams in anger as the light shade closes*
*once Chloe is sure the akums is dead she drops to the broom, get Luka’s bracelet and realises* OMG Luka!
*she moves his head to her lap and pats his head* Come on pretty boy… wake up *she starts to tear up* come  pretty bo.. you’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay….
*everything fades to black*
*Luka’s eyes flutter open* w-where am I?
B: Ah young sir. You’ve woken.
Who are you!? *looks around frantically* is this the Mayor’s hotel?
B:You may call me Jean.
w-wait.. the mayor, so chloe? Where is she? Is she ok? I didn’t hurt her did i? *he tries to get up but falls back down in pain*
B: The young miss is fine. She was quite frantic when she called me to pick you up. She demanded we place you in this suite to recuperate.
Sh-she did? Where is she now?
B: The hotel physician has already given you a look. You should be okay.
I sent Miss Bougeous to her room to calm her nerves. Like I said, she was quite frantic.  
I Understand thank you jean. Could you please let Chlode know I say thankyou? For everything
B: I was quite surprised when she called though, I haven’t seen her this upset about someone else since…
Since when…?
B:*shakes head* please pay my words no heed.
*chloe bursts through door*  FRANCOIS OR WHATEVER! ANY NEWS?! *spots Luka* You’re OKAY!!!!! *runs and and hungs him*
*he smiles* I owe you all my thanks. *he groans slightly because of the tight hug*
B: I will take my leave.
Yeah, yeah whatever claude
Thank you, jean.
*Butler nods and he leaves and shuts the door*
But really? How are you?
The doctor said you were ok but… It takes a lot to force hawkmoth out of your head.
*sighs* but you did it Chloe you got him to leave. You’re really strong.
*her eyes widen and she tries to hide her blushing with a blasé hair toss* Hmph! Its only natural. I AM the Great and Powerful Queen Bee after all
*chuckles* that it true but trust me, you’re amazing. I can’t thank you enough.
*stands and puffs chest with pride trying to hide her embarrassment* naturally!
Well…It would be utterly ridiculous if you stop!
*smiles and pulls her into another hug*
*her face is red* Ok…Ok.. You can let go now *weakly nudges him away*
But do you want me to?
*she is even redder and pushes away* Sh-Shut up Peasant!
So I’m not pretty boy anymore *pouts*
Oh shut it! *but she remembers something and she takes it out of her pocket* Oh here I picked this up for you.
Oooo a gift?
*she gives him a broken bracelet held together barely by rubber bands and staples*
*he tries not to laugh* I ug love it. Thank you
SHUT UP! Arts and crafts isn’t my strong suit ok! You caught me I’m not perfect!
Anyway. Your welcome to stay here for a couple of days if you want. You can bring your family too! I already had daddy deal with the expenses okay!
So! Just forget about that loser Dupain-Cheng and Adrien for now ok?! They aren’t worth your time.
Good-bye! *storms out completely flustered*
*Luka smiles and chuckles, shaking his head as he looks out the window. His heart still aches at the though of Marineette but at this moent… He thinks he is gonna be ok..*
--the end--
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I have SO MANY FEELINGS (Good feelings!)
DJWifi continues to be one of the most sweetest things I’ve ever seen❤
I LOVED finally seeing the Musée Grévin animated! The interiors were just so pretty and aesthetically pleasing to look at and enjoy💖. Even the character design for Veronic (the women who works there, guiding the group) was just so cute and perfectly fit the aesthetic🥰
Manon is adorable
That little moment where Alya reflected on her past akumatization added a lot of realism and emotional depth to both her character and the show in general, and Nino reminding her that version of herself was saved by Ladybug and Chat Noir really touched me. It reminded how this show saved me from a worst version of myself.❤ I can’t wait for more somber moments like this.
Awww, Adrien just wants to be a good friend to Marinette. He was genuinely concerned that he wasn't being the best with her and that she wasn’t too fond of him (WELL HE SURE WAS PROVED WRONG)
PLAGG AND ADRIEN HAVE DEVELOPED SUCH AN AFFECTIONATE RELATIONSHIP! Having fun playing the piano together, fun little jokes, head-pats and little scratches! My heart is full❤❤
I was laughing so hard, I didn’t care about the second embarrassment! I was too busy losing my shit 🤣
Loved the fighting scenes of Puppeteer 2
“The girl I love” Marinette’s depressed again (my poor bby, I legit feel really bad now)
“It would have been a lousy first kiss” BUDDY THAT WASN’T YOUR FIRST
Overall, I really enjoyed today's episode! A lot of feel good moments, laughs, depressing moments, wholesome moments, then depressing with a hint of hope at the end, yeah basically a roller coaster of different feelings.
With that said I want to talk about THAT scene.
A lot of people have pretty mixed feelings and that’s alright! I understand why some couldn’t have taken the situation as lighthearted as I did at first but...I feel some people are taking the whole thing a bit TOO seriously. I’ve seen people put a lot of blame on Adrien and are seriously pissed at the writers for having Marinette go through that kind of embarrassment, so here’s my take on the whole thing:
Adrien never had any bit of ill intent. He was worried that Marinette was angry towards him (thanks to Nino’s panicking) and thought he wasn’t being a good friend towards her.
That shows how much he cares about being good to her. He wanted ease the tension between them by playing a lame little joke. He got that idea because of the friendship between him and Plagg. They play safe, lame little jokes to cheer up each other and laugh.
THAT was his intent. To help cheer Marinette up. He just wanted to play a little joke to make her laugh and feel more comfortable around him. Nino, Alya, and Manon were even playing this kind of game themselves and having fun so why not?
LOGICALLY Adrien was thinking; “Marinette knows there’s no way that my statue could have been finished THAT quickly. Especially just to have it be placed in some hallway, without any employee supervising it, right outside the restrooms, where she conveniently is and just a minute ago before she entered, there was no statue that looked like me.” MEANING, Adrien thought, FOR SURE, Marinette would be able to tell that he was playing a joke.
Let’s be real, even if it WAS just a statue of Adrien,
You could tell Adrien was beyond confused by her actions, he just figured “Oh, is...this her way of joking back?? Um..alright, everyone has different reactions...I guess?”  She was being really silly and comfortable, smiling and all, so he figured that she was just playing too and his plan was working.
It wasn’t until Marinette kissed him, Adrien reacted with “WHOA OKAY, THIS JOKE IS GETTING A BIT TOO FAR, ABORT ABORT.”
It wasn’t until Adrien saw how genuinely hurt Marinette got he realized that he made a BIG mistake and thought “Oh no, this isn’t what I wanted! Did she really not know that it was actually me? Did...Did she actually mean all that then?” 
He felt so guilty about unintentionally hurting her and his immediate response was to apologize and explain his actions.
Before ANYONE says “But he should have pulled back sooner! Why did he think that a joke like that would be alright?” How ON EARTH was Adrien suppose to know all of THAT was going to happen? He’s talked with Marinette before, joked with her before, laughed with her before, he thought she just needed a little laugh to loosen up a bit. He really thought she was joking around too until he saw how embarrassed she got! Not to mention, (why does this need a constant reminder) Adrien is HEAVILY undersocialized so there are certain social cues he has yet to understand. That’s NOT to say he didn’t make a mistake. He DID and he UNDERSTANDS that! 
Adrien never even meant for this whole thing to go south, he TRULY thought that Marinette would quickly catch on that he was pretending to be a statue and was just playing a lame joke. The whole situation in his head went like this: “Marinette will walk out the bathroom, see me pretending to be a statue, laugh and tease me, and she will be more comfortable around me!” 
He felt HORRIBLE for making Marinette feel embarrassed and never tried to make up excuses for his actions. He took full blame and wanted to fix the damage in any way he could. 
Even when Marinette said “Oh no, I knew it was a prank, I was just in the role playing someone who was in love!”, Adrien didn’t say “Oh great, then it’s all good!”. No. He knew Marinette was still clearly hurt by his action and wanted to properly fix things. He thought about her feelings, took full responsibility, apologized, and respected her by promising not to play a joke like that again. 
That’s what’s important in the end. They both were mature in the end and talked about situation, apologized for their actions and improved their communication with each other. They set boundaries and made sure to assure each other that they both deeply care and respect their feelings (That’s why in Party Crasher you see them interact so well). I think this whole theme around this episode is about communication. How a lack of communication can lead to hurting someone despite what intentions you had. And an important message that you need to be mature and talk about how feel directly if you want to have a healthy relationship with someone. Something really important for little kids to learn, that even lighthearted jokes can really harm a person you truly care about. It’s all about learning what you did wrong and improve.
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miraculousmumma · 6 years
Green Eyed Cat-Monster  Chat-pter Cinq
Characters:  Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Mlle Bustier, Ms Medeleiev, Chloé Bourgeois, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng
Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, Chat Noir/Marinette, Marinette/Luka
Warnings: A little angst, a little fluff, a little swearing, a little kissing
Word Count: 10,150
Summary:  When Marinette accidentally sees Chat Noir drop his transformation so many things suddenly make sense, but matters are quickly confused again when she bumps into Luka Couffaine, literally.  With both he and a certain cat-boy suddenly vying for her affection, what is she supposed to do?
Tumblr media
Marinette chose to sleep on the couch in the living room that night, simply so Chat couldn’t disturb her if he decided to try and see her.  She slept badly, not just because of the unfamiliar surface but because of what had happened.  Her parents were surprised not only to find her on the couch but wide awake when they got up to open the patisserie.  She was ready for school in plenty of time and typed up her assignment she had neglected the night before.  Tikki tried to talk to her but she didn’t want to discuss it.  It was bad enough she was going to have to face him as Adrien without going over it again and again.
She left for school early but only because she hoped to get there without running the risk of bumping into Adrien for anything other than classes.  Sure enough she arrived before him and went and waited in the girls bathroom for the first bell to ring.  While she sat she toyed with her phone, hoping for a distraction, she received a message from Luka.
L - How do you feel about attending an open mic night and supper after?
Marinette stared at the text.  In all her anger at Chatdrien she had forgotten they had plans, the plans that really had caused a large part of the problem.
M - An open mic night?  Do I have to sing?
L - Not if you don’t want to.
M - Then that sounds great.
L - Eight o’clock tomorrow then?
M - It is literally a date.
L -;)
She didn’t know if this date was the right thing to be doing or not.  She held so many feelings where Adrien was concerned it was hard to see past them, but Luka, he was sweet and kind, and she truly liked him.  He deserved a chance and, if it came to it, an explanation.
The bell rang and she slipped her phone into her pocket, checking the coast was clear she ran to the classroom and peered through the door.  Alya waved at her from her seat, Nino was already there, but Adrien’s seat still stood empty.  That was fine, it meant she didn’t have to walk past him.  She could sit down and scowl at the back of his head.  She wasn’t even sure if he would reveal himself…
She squealed at the voice from right behind her, jumping into the room and spinning on him with a glare.  At least that explained if he would or not.  ‘No.’  She said firmly, adjusting her hold on her bag and marching to her seat.
‘Mari, come on, talk to me, please?’  He followed her to her desk where she took her seat.
‘No.’  She repeated, not looking at him while Alya and Nino shared a confused glance.
‘I’m sorry, what can I say?’
‘You can stop saying anything and sit down.’
‘Good morning, class.’  Mademoiselle Bustier’s arrival put paid to any more conversation and Adrien sighed before taking his seat.  He had to find some way to get her to talk to him.
‘Dude,’ Nino whispered, ‘what did you do to get Marinette so pissed?’
‘Girl, what happened?’  Alya hissed, shuffling closer to her best friend as she unpacked her bag.
‘Luka asked me on a date.’
Alya blinked twice as this information sank in.  ‘Whoa, what?  Wait, if Luka asked you, why is Adrien sorry?’
‘Because he’s a dramatic little shit.’  Marinette growled as role call started.
‘Since when does Adrien have a claim to you?  And why are you mad about it?  Isn’t this what you wanted?’
‘Alya.’  Mlle Bustier said firmly.
‘Sorry, Mademoiselle.’  She smiled apologetically before flipping open her notepad and scribbling something before sliding it towards Marinette.
A - What happened?!?
M - I’ll tell you later.
A - No!  Now!
Marinette sighed.
M - Adrien saw Luka and I together and got jealous.
A - I need more deets!
M - Later!
A - Recess?
M - Maybe
Lesson got underway and quickly distracted them but Adrien couldn’t help but to keep trying to steal glances of Marinette, his lady, seated behind him all this time.  Damn that explained the fire in her, her passion, her talent, why there had always been a certain je ne sais quoi about her.  She had always been there yet just out of reach.  He had hardly slept, going over everything he could think of, every akuma, every time they had fought together, laughed together, both in and out of costume, and he had missed it.  It was so obvious!  Had she known who he was before he called her princess this morning?  If she had, had it been long?  He had so many questions, but none of them would do him any good if she wouldn’t talk to him.
He had to do something.  He scribbled out a note, asking her to meet him for lunch.  He folded it in half an passed it to Nino.
‘Could you ask Alya to give this to Marinette?’  He whispered.
‘Sure, but you have to tell me what you did.’  He replied quietly.
‘I was an idiot.’  Adrien muttered.
‘I figured that.’  Nino replied, waiting for Mlle Bustier to turn around before slipping the note up to Alya and tilting his head briefly towards Marinette.  Alya already knew who the note was for, she had watched the boys whispering and Adrien handing it over, and she wasn’t the only one.
Alya slid the note towards Marinette who, without looking, picked it, screwed it up in a ball, and threw it at the back of Adrien’s head.  He turned around and looked at her pleadingly as the paper bounced to the floor, the glare she gave him fierce enough to make him mouth he was sorry.
‘What is going on?’  Mlle Bustier asked as Chloe picked up the crumpled piece of paper and straightened it out.
‘Marinette is throwing notes.’  She shot the dark haired girl a look.  ‘Apparently that’s the only way she can get a boy to show her any attention.’
‘I didn’t write that.’  Marinette snapped.
‘Of course not, this is far too legible to be your handwriting.’  Chloe scoffed.
‘Enough, thank you, Chloe.’  Mlle Bustier took the note and glanced at it before looking back at Marinette.  ‘Did you throw this, Marinette?’
‘Yes, Mademoiselle.’  She sighed.
‘I would expect better from our class representative.  No more disruptions, please.’
‘Sorry.’  She slid down in her seat as Mlle Bustier returned to the board, Chloe shooting her one last sneer.
Lesson remained uninterrupted until the bell for recess rung and, to Marinette’s surprise, Adrien was the first out of the door.  She had expected him to try and talk to her again, anything, but he was gone.  Part of her was relieved, she didn’t know what to say to him, or how she felt, but another part of her was disappointed.  Had he actually given up?
‘Okay, girl, as sunshine boy has disappeared you can tell us both what happened.’  Alya looked down at Marinette as she took her time packing her bag, wanting to go as slowly as she could so there was less time to interrogate her.
Adrien ran up the stairs to the top floor, checking around him before letting himself onto the roof, pulling his bag open as he did so.
‘You’re going to do something stupid in the name of love, aren’t you?’  The kwami groaned.
‘Absolutely.  Claws out!’
Plagg’s sigh was elongated as he was sucked into the miraculous on Adrien’s finger and as Chat Noir he ran towards the front of the building where he dropped into a crouch to wait.
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Coffee and Stew
GabeNath Week day 3: Role Swap.
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Read the whole week on AO3
Gabriel ignored Nathalie's tears. He had to focus on his goal. Emilie was out there somewhere, and he would find her. This woman and her feelings were just a roadblock along the way. He would overcome that roadblock just like he had so many others. Nothing could stop him.
The crying ended quickly enough and they worked quietly until five pm came around.
"Show me how to access the lair," Nathalie said, powering down her computer.
"We usually keep working until-"
"I don't care," Nathalie said. "When your Nathalie is back she can make up the time we lose fixing your mistake. I'm sure she'd be glad to."
"You don't even know her," Gabriel said. Nathalie had been loyal to him for ages, who was this impostor to criticize one of the people on whom he most relied?
"She's working for a supervillain terrorist. I fight supervillain terrorists. Sounds like she's exactly the type of person I know."
"She's loyal," Gabriel said. "She's helpful and skilled. You are a single-minded, pushy woman who only seems to see things in black and white."
"I see shades of grey," she said. "However, supervillain terrorists fighting children clearly fall into the 'black' category."
"I never said they were children," he said.
"A four second search online filled in that bit of information you left out." She gestured for him to hurry up. "Lair. Now."
Gabriel sighed and showed her how to use the painting to access the secret tunnel. She called him dramatic again.
Nathalie found herself walking in a small residential area. Half the houses seemed abandoned and the sidewalks and streets were in disrepair. She didn't get far before it dawned on her that she was living in the world she had seen in those videos of battles. If Ladybug was on the dark side, then there was no Lucky Charm to fix everything. She didn't see a single other person outside, no cars drove down the road. Nothing but a few houses with lights on gave any indication that there was life around her. It was eerie and soon enough she found herself turning back.
"I have nowhere else to go," she said when Adrien and Penny looked up as she entered the living room.
“I followed you,” Adrien blurted as she sat in the chair he had previously occupied. “It’s not exactly safe outside, and you’re new to things, and while most people around here like Nathalie and know she can take care of herself, I don’t know if you can take care of yourself, so… So I followed you until you turned back.”
“I’m sorry you had to go to the trouble,” Nathalie said. “I apologize for my… unnecessary display of emotion.”
“Wow,” Penny said shaking her head. “That time you sounded just like her.”
“Yeah,” Adrien said, shifting in his seat and staring at his knees.
“You saw her as your mother?” Nathalie asked. She shouldn’t have spoken, she knew that, but she had always had a weakness for Adrien. It wasn’t hard to picture being a parent to him instead of a vague occasional guardian figure, but to picture him seeing her that way? It didn’t compute.
(Because if it did, she might want it, and never stop wanting it.)
“See. Present tense,” he said. She nodded for him to continue. “She took care of everyone when Mama got sick, and after she died. I actually started calling her Mom before Dad even realized he was falling in love with her. Usually, I’m the last one to realize things.”
“My Adrien can be a bit oblivious as well. He still hasn’t caught on that my world’s Marinette likes him.” She allowed herself a small shake of her head at some of the obvious signs Adrien had missed.
Penny laughed. “This Adrien didn’t realize either for quite a while. But having to work together to fight for our lives and our people makes it harder to hide things like that.” She placed her hands on either side of her pregnant belly. “My little family is another example of that.”
“And Nathalie and Gabriel?” The words felt so wrong.
“They started dating a few months before the first attack.”
She nodded. “I don’t really know what to do now. I don’t plan to wait around for rescue, but I’m fairly sure I don’t know enough magic to even replicate what happened today, and I’m not the wartime strategist of which it sounds like you’re now in need. I’m used to following orders, not giving them.”
“What was your Gabriel working on?” Penny asked. She stood and beckoned the other two to follow her to the kitchen. “We have to start dinner, the crowd will arrive soon, and we’ll have to fill them in.”
“Magical power enhancement,” she said. She relaxed when she saw the well organized kitchen with charts on the cupboard doors outlining what meals were planned and what ingredients needed for each meal. She busied herself with preparing the stew while Adrien worked on the salad and Penny put a couple loaves of bread in the oven.
“We considered that, but it was too much risk,” Adrien said. He froze, knife poised above a tomato. “I didn’t mean… I’m sure you weren’t-”
“It was obviously too much risk, seeing as I am here and your mother is not. The Gabriel in my world is a fool, but I’ve been by his side a very long time.”
“So, what’s your superhero team like?” Penny asked. “You were surprised Ladybug and Chat Noir weren’t heroes, so I assume those two, plus Gabriel’s Hawkmoth. Do you have one?”
“One?” Nathalie asked. Her mind was racing through multiple pipelines of processing, but warning lights were already going off. These people thought she was on the side of the heroes. These people were fighting their world’s version of Hawkmoth. She was Hawkmoth’s (evil Hawkmoth’s) right-hand man, confidant, and coffee-fetcher. She couldn’t let them know. She had just said that she had nowhere else to go.
“A miraculous.”
“Me?” Nathalie asked, almost slicing her finger instead of the chicken she was adding to the stew. “No. Absolutely not.”
Adrien and Penny shared a look. She was getting the feeling there were secrets on both sides.
There was a knock at the door.
"Well, are you ready to introduce yourself to a lot of people that are going to be very confused?" Penny asked, setting down the last place setting on the large dining room table in the next room.
"I suppose it's necessary. My double seems to have led a much higher profile life than I."
"Everyone will be nice and want to help you," Adrien said.
That's exactly the problem, Nathalie thought. /*****/
"What do you mean 'there are no lab notes'?"
"What could that possibly mean other than the obvious?" Gabriel asked, resisting the urge to bang his head on the lab table in front of him.
"Fine, you didn't take lab notes. Don't tell me the secretary didn't."
"Don't call her that."
"Why not? With the way you try to scare me into submission, she can't be anything but a helpful robot to you."
"Nathalie Sancoeur is the most loyal, steadfast woman I have met in my life."
"Then where are her notes?"
Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose, nudging his glasses out of the way. "Were I to guess, either in this room or in a locked folder on her tablet or phone."
"I haven't found her phone since I've been here so I have to assume that went with her," Nathalie said, pulling the tablet from the bag she had set against the wall. "Let's hope it's here."
"Her personal tablet," Gabriel said. "She would never use a company owned device for this."
Nathalie searched the bag again and found a second tablet. She was signed in and found the secret folder in a matter of seconds.
"You seem so dissimilar," Gabriel said. "And then you can access her tablet, protected by multiple passwords with no issues."
"I'm just lucky she didn't protect it with a finger scan." After a bit of searching, Nathalie sighed. "You idiot," she said, not even looking up. "This translation isn't complete. I can spot three mistranslations immediately. I need a fresh copy of the original text." She held out her hand like she expected him to place the original spell there immediately.
"Then go make a photocopy," Gabriel said.
She looked up at him finally. "Was I not clear? You caused this. I am doing you a favor by being your assistant during the day. The absolute least you can do to help clean up your own mess is to assist me in piecing back together what you did wrong. Now go get me a fresh copy, some coffee, and order us dinner."
Gabriel spluttered. Nathalie set the tablet down parallel to the edge of the workbench and stood. She grabbed Gabriel by the back of his collar and wrenched him backwards off his stool. She yanked hard enough to cut off his breathing for a moment.
"I'll put it another way," she said in his ear as he struggled to get his feet under him. "Assist me and I let you keep your miraculous."
She released him with a shove forward and he staggered, catching himself on the workbench.
Gabriel turned to face her and saw... nothing. No expression on her face. He opened his mouth, not sure what he was about to say and she raised her hand.
"Don't speak. Just go."
Gabriel left, fuming.
Nathalie had found the lab notes of the steps her doppelganger and Evil Gabriel had taken earlier that day. She sent them to the printer, planning to highlight and annotate them once she had a proper translation. She started taking notes and looking up references for translation. Finally, her multiple language degrees were getting use. She loved being the head strategist of the rebellion, but it had been a while since she'd had a puzzle like this to crack. She hated that she was away from the war, her people, her son, her family. She hated that she was staring in her husband's face and seeing just another Ladybug or Chat Noir. She hated so much about this situation, but a puzzle like this? It was the hunt for the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses all over again. The part where they had to dig and research and hunt down answers, anyway.
Gabriel returned with two mugs of coffee and muttered something about dinner being on the way. He had also brought the papers she had printed, so she elected to keep quiet instead of verbally berating him again.
"This is awful," she said of her sip of coffee. "How does your Nathalie take her coffee?"
"Oh, I brought cream and sugar if you wanted it," he said, pulling a few packets out of his pocket.
"You don't know how she takes her coffee?" she asked, dumping in creamer.
"I need to check on some things in the office," Gabriel said. "And dinner is probably only a minute or two away."
"That's a 'no'," she muttered, but absorbed herself in her work again.
In the office, Gabriel wondered if he should know the coffee order of the woman who spent sixty to a hundred hours a week with him.
Some of the people who arrived for dinner figured out she wasn't Nathalie before dinner, some didn't notice anything amiss until she stood to introduce herself. She gave a summary of what had happened, letting them come to the conclusion that she and Gabriel were fighting for good as well.
"Will you stay here?" Sabine Cheng asked. "If not, we have a few places."
"Please stay," Adrien said, barely above a whisper.
"I'll stay then," she said.
"You're not a strategist, you said that," Mr. Kubdel said. "Will you wield the peacock, or will we need two replacements now?"
Nathalie turned to Adrien and Penny, who were cringing.
"We hadn't told her that part yet," Penny said.
"She was Paon," Nathalie said out loud as she realized it. She couldn't react, there were too many people. The thought of wielding a miraculous... it felt wrong. Besides, they would need an experienced fighter to participate in the battles she had seen.
"That's fine," Mr. Kubdel said. "It might actually be easier for me to find a pair together than to find someone compatible with you and the butterfly miraculous at once."
The dinner fell into a more normal meal after that, with pockets of conversation around the table. Nathalie appreciated that she wasn't required to say much for the rest of the night because she got to observe Adrien. It was a tight fit for so many people around one table, but Adrien stayed in physical contact with Marinette the whole meal. He smiled and laughed and talked to everyone and checked on Nathalie every few minutes.
This is the boy he was meant to be.
She decided to excuse herself from the rest of dinner.
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hari-writes · 6 years
Little Louis Dupain-Cheng - Chapter 16
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Pairings: Adrien/Marinette Summary: In the seven years since Hawk Moth’s defeat, much has changed. Adrien Agreste PhD returns to Paris and is reunited with his friends. Marinette has a degree in Fashion Design, a thriving boutique and a son, six-year-old Louis. Louis is like his mother in many ways, except for green eyes and a familiar smile… Will Adrien do the maths?
Read on A03 ★★★ Buy me a coffee?
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15
My love can only grow
Alya was leaning against the wall outside Adrien’s apartment when he reached the street.
“You’re not Kim,” Adrien said.
He wanted to run, to burn off some energy and stop thinking about things for a while. He thought some exercise might blow some cobwebs away and help him think clearly. If nothing else, it would wear him out and let him get some sleep.
“And I thought you were Captain Oblivious.” Alya laughed dryly. “He had something to do first so he sent me.”
“Are you here to give me a dressing down too?”
He knew that nobody had actually criticised him, but they weren’t letting him wallow in misery either. He wanted someone to tell him he was right and neither of his closest friends would.
“Look, between you, me and the pavement, I wouldn’t have handled things the way Marinette did. I wanted her to tell you.” Alya said. “Remember, though, that she was eighteen and scared, neither of which lead to good choices. She was traumatised by everything that happened with Hawk Moth and trying to keep it together for the sake of everyone else. She was worried about how you were doing in Cambridge, missing you like crazy and stressed about how a baby might affect you.”
Adrien shrugged. Alya made some good points, but he still couldn’t help feel resentful for being kept in the dark.
“I understood why you guys didn’t tell me about Louis when I was just some guy, but as his father, it was unforgivable,” Adrien argued, even though he knew Alya was in agreement.
“I know. Honestly, I thought you should have been told regardless.” Alya admitted “But, now that I’ve been on the receiving end of pregnancy hormones, I’ve got to say, Marinette was not in her right mind. I’d hate to have to contend with these bad boys on top of PTSD and the panic that I might be ruining the life of my baby-daddy.”
Adrien felt a pang of guilt. “I thought you were on my side?”
“I am. Nino and I have fallen out about this more than once over the past few years.” She confessed. “I’m just saying, Marinette has some mitigation for her crappy decisions.”
Adrien sat on the apartment steps and put his hand in his hands. It helped to know that someone else agreed with him. He should have been told about Louis. He also knew Alya was right, Marinette meant well even if he didn't like her decision. Nino, too, was spot on; Marinette was never selfish and must have agonised over the right thing to do. There was just one thing still nagging at him.
“I let him down, Al. I wasn’t there for him.”
“Really?” Alya’s eyebrow arched higher than ever before. “I hate to kick you while you’re down, but that’s not actually your call, is it?”
“Only one person can say for sure if you let Louis down. Louis.” Alya nodded her head to the end of the road. Adrien turned and saw Kim walking toward them. Next to him, emphasising Kim’s stature in an almost comedic way was the small, wiry, wild-haired figure of Louis.
His son.
In all of his anger at Marinette and disappointment in himself, he’d managed to forget about that bright, funny little boy… his child. His stomach knotted and he scolded himself for the omission. If he wanted to be a father to Louis, he had to start thinking about people other than himself.
Kim and Louis disappeared into a cafe further up the street, waving to him and Alya before they did.
“That’s our cue, Sunshine.” Alya took his arm. “Let’s go meet your son.”
When he sat at the little table, next to Louis, Adrien was nervous. It was crazy, he’d spent plenty of time with him before now, but knowing that this was his child in front of him..? He was suddenly anxious to impress him.
“I’m going to get some drinks, what do you want?” Alya pointed to both of them.
“Um…” Louis was reticent.
“Hot chocolate?” Alya asked. “Your mama’s not here and I won’t tell her if you don’t.”
Louis’ eyes twinkled with familiar mischief as he nodded and grinned at Alya. She winked back at him.
“Sunshine?” She looked at him.
“Espresso, please,” Adrien said.
“So four hot chocolates, coming up. Kim? Will you help me carry them?” Alya and Kim left Adrien and Louis alone.
Adrien racked his brain, desperately trying to think of something to say that didn’t sound forced and awkward. Why was this so difficult?
“How’s your mum?” Was the best he could come up with.
Louis smiled thinly, “She’s sad. And mad at herself. She’s getting on with things, though. She’s always had to.”
“I’m sorry. I know I’ve contributed to that.” Louis shrugged so Adrien continued. “So, how did you feel when she told you that I’m your father?”
“Oh, she didn’t tell me. I figured it out for myself.” Louis said, completely seriously.
If he wasn’t in a public place, Adrien would have banged his head repeatedly against the table in frustration. An image of Chloe rolling her eyes at him swam into his mind. Was he really so clueless that a six-year-old worked it out before he did?!
“When?!” He couldn’t help but sound incredulous.
“Well, after the stuff in the tower with Hawk Moth, I figured it out, but there were lots of clues.” Louis explained earnestly, “When you went away, it was eight months before I was born. Mummies are pregnant for nine months. And, mama calls me ‘chatounet’ so I always thought Chat Noir might be my papa. Plus, we have the same eyes.”
“Well. When you put it like that, I suppose it was obvious.” Adrien felt like an idiot.
He was glad when Alya and Kim returned with hot chocolates for everyone. Although it wasn’t his first choice, the warm, milky sweetness was exactly the comfort he needed right now. Chocolat chaud was the cure for a battered ego, it seemed.
Louis took a long drink of his, then wiped his hot chocolate moustache away with the back of his hand. Alya cleared her throat and handed him a napkin. He smiled sheepishly and cleaned his hands and mouth with it. Looking at Adrien, his expression grew solemn.
“So, now you know, how do feel about being my father?” He asked.
“Honestly, Louis, I’m terrified,” Adrien admitted. “My own father wasn’t exactly a dream parent and I’m worried I won’t be any good at this. I mean, I didn’t have the best role model.”
Kim leaned forward, “Adrien, that fact that you recognise that already makes you a million times the father that Gabriel was. My dad wasn’t around either. Although, he was actually distant, not just emotionally, and I think I’ve been a pretty good role model to young Louis.”
Louis nodded enthusiastically at Kim. He looked at Alya who grinned encouragingly back.
“Do you want to be my dad?” Louis asked.
“More than anything, Louis,” Adrien said.
“Then that’s all we need to get started… Papa.” Louis smiled shyly and Adrien felt his heart melt.
If he hadn’t already burned his bridges, he was ready to face Marinette and apologise for his anger. He wanted nothing more than to be a family with her and Louis. He was ready to be a papa to his amazing son.
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