#{ aodhan: long live the king? }
bardic-tales · 2 years
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Heart of the Horseman ● Gothic Romance ● Third Person Limited
Summary: The Proto-Celtic god of death, Donn, tasks his best Dullahan to capture a woman he wishes to wed. This woman is the goddess The Morrigu. What Donn doesn't know is that she is bound to the Dullahan who pursues her.
NaNo Page ● Pinterest ● Spotify Playlist
Setting: 18th century Ireland.
Aesthetics: Red wine. Graveyards. Ravens. Bones. Dead roses. night time. gardens. Samhain
Elements: Life and Death. Good vs. Evil. Love. The Distressed Heroine. The Byronic Hero. Intense Emotions. Supernatural Elements. Power and constraint. Dark atmosphere. Dark fantasy. Romance. Banshees. Mermaids. The Fair Folk. The Undead. Death and the Maiden.
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Protagonist(s). Antagonist.
Celeste Jolie Delphine de Lebelle: The reincarnated Morrigan. Disgraced French noble. Lost her father and brother during the Women's March and her mother and sister as they escapged France. Beautiful and terrible.
Donn: God of Death. He coveted The Morrigan before she wed the Dadga. Wishes to rule the Fairy Host and knows that with the Phantom Queen's prophecies he can usurp the Fairy King and Queen.
Kian Patrick Culligan: One of Four Dullahan. He represents the horseman Death. during 1736 BC, he and the Morrigu kill each other and, through death, become anam cara. He was murdered in the Colonies and raised by Donn, becoming Donn's best Dullahan.
Supporting Characters
Aodhan: Celeste's Irish draught. Celeste purchased Aodhan with the last of her family's fortune, making her live off the land as a peasant. Aodhan is both a reminder of what she overcame and a bitter memory of her family's wealth.
Aithne: After Kian died and was brought back to life, Aithne loved him as a lover, but she is one of Donn's favorite merrows. She is depicted as having jet black hair and a black finned tail.
Ciaran Llwewllynw: He is a Protestant landowner's son. Ciaran is smitten with Celeste. He is a painful reminder of her lavish lifestyle in France.
Claud: Celeste's loyal hound. He is an Irish Wolfhound and her constant companion.
Cuirealan: Kian's steed. He is really a pooka who advises Kian and antagonizes Celeste when she is captured.
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Magic does exist in Heart of the Horseman. It is not like Harry Potter where it is said by spells or learned.
Only the Fairy Host and the Tuatha Dé Danann have access to any magic. It is defined as mystical, paranormal, or even supernatural in nature.
In Heart of the Horseman, there is an unseen world where creatures such as the Faery host dwell. Prophecy is well documented in Heart of the Horseman. The Lebelle family had visions that a goddess would be born into their family.
Actual magic is rarely seen in the “modern” world. The “fair folk” and the fairy host are able to conjure fire, create light to dispel darkness, read “minds and memory”, able to communicate telepathically, and command nature.
All fair folk are immortal. They can die, but they are reincarnate with their memories intact. The high-born have the ability to see the fairy host and are considered to be more powerful than the lowborn. The Morrigan is one of the most powerful high-born.
Some fair folk and members of the Fairy Host have anthropomorphism. The Morrigan is able to transform into several animals: including a heifer and a black wolf.
If everyone in the world were able to use magic, there would be no witch trials or belief that a woman would exchange her soul for Satan’s assistance and to employ demons to accomplish magical deeds.
If Celeste was able to use magic from the start, she would have had a better chance of escaping the Dullahan. It would change the plot from Kian trying to pursue her.
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❗ Limits
Magic cannot burn snow or other unnatural effects. It can burn natural things.
It is extremely difficult to communicate over long distance. Once Celeste realizes who she is, she will tell Kain through telepathy that it could even be impossible without the scrying pools that the Fair Ones created.
The effects of magic can always be felt by those sensitive to it. These people who are sensitive have been called many things: mediums, psychics, and mystics.
Shapeshifting was extremely rare. Even the most powerful Fair Folks still have difficulties in changing their physical shape. The Morrigan is one of the only ones who are known to have mastered it. Donn is another.
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jestershq · 1 year
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queen vaella welcomes our newest jesters , AODHAN GRAFTON-ARRYN , the ruling lord of gulltown , RYON DAYNE , the lord of starfall , BHLAISE BLACKWOOD , the ruling lord of raventree hall , GYSELLA GOODBROTHER , the lady regent of hammerhorn , MELIARA WESTERLING , the lady of the crag , ELAENA MORMONT , the ruling lady of bear island , MATEO LANNISTER , the lord of lannisport , ROSLYN MORMONT , the lady of bear island , and ALTON CELTIGAR , the lord of claw isle , to king's landing ! the faceclaims of andrew koji , sean teale , ruairi o'connor , tao okamoto , alicia agneson , katie mcgrath , michiel huisman , adelaide kane , and lee do hyun are now taken . please be sure to follow the steps on our checklist to get settled .
✧ 。––– [ andrew koji , thirty-six , cis male , he/him ] welcome AODHAN GRAFTON-ARRYN, the RULING LORD OF GULLTOWN , to king's landing ! the ravens have carried word of their - SECRETIVE and - BOASTFUL nature , but we have high hopes that their + CHARISMATIC and + RESOURCEFUL qualities will shine through . when you think of them , ideas of THE SOUNDS OF DOORS SLAMMING IN A CASTLE TOO BIG, MEETINGS UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS, BITING DOWN ON YOUR TONGUE UNTIL BLOOD FALLS AND TRACING HISTORY BOOKS IMAGINING YOUR OWN NAME ETCHED INTO THE PAGES come to mind . they are arriving to the red keep NEUTRAL TO house velaryon . we do hope that whatever happens , they play the game wisely . ––– M
º ✧ 。–––  [  sean  teale  ,  twenty - seven  ,  cis  man  ,  he/him  ]  welcome  RYON  DAYNE ,  the  LORD  OF  STARFALL  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - ROGUISH  and  - INTEMPERATE  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  + RATIONAL  and  + ENTERPRISING  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  RADIANT  GRINS  &  FACILE  CHARMS ,  FUMBLING  BLIND  IN  A  PENUMBRA  CAST  BY  A  FATHER'S  INCANDESCENCE ,  SKIES  OVER  WATER  FADING  LAVENDER ,  PAIN  MANIFESTING  AS  RESENTMENT  /  AS  ANGER  /  AS  SOMETHING  BITTER  ON  A  TONGUE  come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  NEUTRAL  TO  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  –––   AMANDA
º ✧ 。–––  [  ruairi o’connor  ,  30  ,  cis male  ,  he/him  ]  welcome  BHLAISE BLACKWOOD ,  the  RULING LORD OF RAVENTREE HALL  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - TUMULTUOUS  and  - CALCULATING  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  + PLAYFUL  and  + GENEROUS  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  GOLDEN RINGS -- OF RUBY, OF OBSIDIAN -- GLEAMING UPON FISTED FINGERS; BRILLIANT AMETHYST EYES GLITTERING NOW WITH LAUGHTER, NOW WITH FURY; THE LAST SOUTHRON HART TREE, ITS IVORY WOOD TURNED TO COLD ALABASTER, WEEPING BLOOD RED TEARS IN MEMORY OF LEAVES LONG LOST AND THE LIVES GONE WITH THEM  come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  SUPPORTING  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  –––   VAL
º ✧ 。–––  [  tao  okamoto  ,  thirty  two  ,  demi  woman  ,  they  or  she  ]  welcome  GYSELLA  GOODBROTHER  ,  the  LADY  REGENT  OF  HAMMERHORN  ,  to  king’s  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  -  RECLUSIVE  and  -  MENACING  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  +  RESOURCE  and  +  AUDACIOUS  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  elfin  features  stretched  frighteningly  across  a  pale  canvas  ,  teeth  stained  red  with  blood  as  they  are  dragged  out  of  the  belly  of  the  leviathan  /  when  caleb  lovelace  said  ,  ❝  this  is  what  happens  when  they  tell  you  to  hold  your  tongue  ─  you  get  used  to  how  it  feels  to  have  a  blade  in  your  mouth  ❞  /  holding  the  depth  of  the  sea  in  her  bottomless  eyes  come  to  mind  .  they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  IN  OPPOSITION  OF  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  –––    ANNIE  .
º ✧ 。–––  [  alicia agneson  ,  twenty-six  ,  cis female  ,  she/her  ]  welcome  MELIARA  WESTERLING ,  the  LADY  OF  THE CRAG  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - DISINGENUOUS  and  - BEGUILING  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  + AMIABLE  and  + COMPLIANT  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  SILVER HAIR PLAITED DOWN A TEASING NECKLINE : A BEACON FOR WANDERING EYES ,  CHILDLIKE GIGGLES EXCHANGED LIKE PRAYER BETWEEN SIBLINGS NOW GROWN, THE TART SMELL OF LEMON AND SEA-BREEZE, COQUETTISH SMILES & A REASSURING SQUEEZE FROM INTERLACED FINGERTIPS, BOTH BRAVING THE STORM AND MANAGING TO STAY AFLOAT   —   come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  SUPPORTING  OF  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  –––   SARAH < 3  .
º ✧ 。–––  [  katie  mcgrath  ,  35  ,  demi  woman  ,  she/they  ]  welcome  ELAENA  MORMONT ,  the  RULING  LADY  OF  BEAR  ISLAND  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - EGOTISTICAL  and  - ALOOF  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  + PRAGMATIC  and  + DAUNTLESS  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  LOUD  LAUGHTER  FOLLOWED  BY  A  QUICK  JAB  TO  THE  OPPONENT  ,  FEELING  THE  WEIGHT  OF  A  LEGACY  YOU  MUST  PROTECT  ,  A  GROWING  ANGER  THAT  BURNS  LIKE  A  ROARING  FIRE  come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  IN  OPPOSITION  OF  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  –––   ELLE
º ✧ 。––– [ michiel huisman , 46 , cis male , he/him ] welcome MATEO LANNISTER , the LORD OF LANNISPORT , to king's landing ! the ravens have carried word of their - COLD and - STUBBORN nature , but we have high hopes that their + CALCULATING and + INTELLIGENT qualities will shine through . when you think of them , ideas of A MISTY MORNING, A LONE FIGURE IN THE DISTANCE, A SUMMER STORM and DRYING INK ON THOUGHTFUL LETTERS come to mind . they are arriving to the red keep , NEUTRAL TO house velaryon . we do hope that whatever happens , they play the game wisely . ––– FINN
º ✧ 。–––  [  adelaide  kane  ,  26  ,  cis woman  ,  she / her ]  welcome  ROSLYN  MORMONT  ,  the  LADY  of  BEAR  ISLAND  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  -  MERCURIAL  and  -  OBSTINATE  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  +  ELOQUENT  and  +  FERVENT  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  PORCELAIN  COMPLEXION  TARNISHED  RED  FROM  THE  BITTER  WINDS  OF  THE  NORTH  ,  A  BEAUTY  ;  PETITE  IN  SIZE  BUT  MIGHTY  IN  STATURE  ,  AND  RAVEN  LOCKS  ADORNED  WITH  INTRICATE  BRAIDS  AND  WINTER  JASMINE  come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  IN  OPPOSITION  OF  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  --- katie
º ✧ 。–––  [  lee do hyun  ,  twenty seven  ,  male  ,  he/him  ]  welcome  ALTON CELTIGAR ,  the LORD OF CLAW ISLE  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - TIMID and  - BLUNT  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  + RELIABLE  and  + REALISTIC  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  a sword washed up on a stony beach, candle close to burning out barely lighting a small table in a corner, quiet footsteps echoing through marbled floors,   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  SUPPORTING   house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .  –––   KAI 
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coghive · 2 years
Benjamin Hastings Drops Pre-Release Track “Eden (Isn’t It Just Like You?)” & Announces Date For Full-Length Debut
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Singer, songwriter, and worship leader Benjamin William Hastings joins Capitol Christian Music Group and will release his self-titled solo debut on November 4th. Hastings’ debut full-length album is an artistic 25-track journey of honest self-expression featuring dynamic songwriting. Today he releases a brand new song, “Eden (Isn’t Just Like You?),” from the forthcoming album. The lyric video is available below and you can click here to pre-save Benjamin William Hastings. “Ben is an exceptional artist and songwriter with a unique ability to communicate vulnerable, personal truths that resonate with a global audience,” share Brad O’Donnell (CCMG, Co-President) and Hudson Plachy (CCMG, Co-President). “He explores his faith through his music with honesty and authenticity. We are so excited to be partnering with him on his debut album release.” Listeners have come to know and love Hastings’ lyrics and voice as he co-wrote and is featured on UNITED’s RIAA Certified Gold song, “So Will I (100 Billion X),” Hillsong Worship’s widely acclaimed “Seasons,” and has co-written fan favorites such as Cory Asbury’s No. 1 single “The Father’s House” and Brandon Lake’s “Gratitude.” The songs he has written have been streamed globally more than 600 million times. Hastings has also toured this year on the Chris Tomlin x UNITED tour along with Jesus Culture’s Bryan & Katie Torwalt.
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Leading up to his debut, Hastings has released additional songs that will live on this project: “Homeward” “A Father’s Blessing,” “Anyway,” and “The Jesus I Know.” The Benjamin William Hastings album includes songs co-written by Joel Houston, Aodhan King, Blessing Offor, David Leonard, Hank Bentley, Jeremy Lutito, and Josh Grimmett. “The story of Eden has always been an incredibly fascinating story to me, perhaps my favorite biblical narrative,” shares Benjamin William Hastings about the new song. “The more I look the more I see, especially as I study it and the historical backdrop. There’s so much happening that I couldn’t even begin to unpack in a song. However, I did attempt (with a great deal of amazing co-writers) to show one thread of the meta-narrative and that is this song. The story of a God who takes even the worst and redeems it till it’s better than before. A tale of three trees, two Adams, and a whole new Eden in the end.” Hastings continues, “I’ve been really quite fortunate that in the various things I’m connected to that I’ve always had the ability to write freely and be myself, say the things I’ve needed to say and say it in a way that sounded like me. Things with my accent, my lilt, and between that and occasionally writing songs for friends, I have felt really quite content with my life and contribution to the world. However, a number of years ago now, songs started coming out of me that didn’t feel like they belonged anywhere but they didn’t feel like they should die either. I felt like there were things that needed to be said and I felt like I needed to be the one to say them. They were too personal to me to just put through any other voice and I’m so so grateful for everyone who embarked on this very long journey with me, and I’m so proud of where it landed. If I could summarise what you should expect from this album in a sentence or two it would be precisely this lyric from the first track ‘Hold onto your hats, hold onto your hearts. We’re gonna lie in the dirt but we’ll stare at the stars.’” https://youtu.be/fWnTTESXUYI https://coghive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Benjamin-William-Hastings-Eden-Isnt-It-Just-Like-You-1-1.mp3 Read the full article
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Intro is coming soon! Working on it now :) In the meantime, if anyone wants to plot with my son Aodhan, feel free to message me!
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deadlymaelstrom · 5 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet template”
original post here
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Aedan Sarim Cousland Reason or meaning of name: The name Aedan was a 6th-century king of Scotland; the Ancient Irish equivalent is Aodhan, a form of Aodh, which means "fire". Character’s nickname: The Conciliator Reason for nickname: It demonstrates Aedan being politically astute, a master of court politics and intrigue Birth date: 7th day of Wintermarch (January 7th)
Physical appearance
Age: (at the time of Inquisition) 36 How old does he/she appear: 24 Weight: 210 lbs. (95 kg) Height: 6' 3" (191 cm) Body build: Muscular, slim Shape of face: Diamond Eye color: Blue Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone: Fair, slightly pale Distinguishing marks: A vertical scar running over his left eye and a few on his upper body Predominant features: Strong physical resemblance to Teyrn Bryce Cousland Hair color: Black Type of hair: Straight Hairstyle: Groomed Voice: Speaks with a Fereldan accent, yet tone is quiet and cool (almost intimidatingly) Overall attractiveness: Before the Blight, I’d give him a 8/10 Physical disabilities: None Usual fashion of dress: Upper-class noble attire, Grey Warden armor Favorite outfit: Navy blue vest, long-sleeved white shirt with golden embroidery and dark violet pants Jewelry or accessories: His father’s signet ring and a pendant with the green laurel sigil of House Cousland in it
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Good personality traits: Mature, intelligent, dutiful Bad personality traits: Stern, strict, aloof Mood character is most often in: Hardened, emotionally withdrawn Sense of humor: Not as much as he used to have Character’s greatest joy in life: His wife and son Character’s greatest fear: Feeling helpless and/or powerless Why?: Aedan lost almost his entire family to the Highever massacre and couldn’t save any of them What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The Fifth Blight Character is most at ease when: Either at court or in the company of his friends Most ill at ease when: Whenever his hand is forced into action Enraged when: His friends or loved ones are threatened Depressed or sad when: Mostly depressed Priorities: Protecting the people he cares about, preventing the darkspawn from becoming too great a threat Life philosophy: Don’t be too hard on yourself, acknowledge your limitations and let go of the pain in your heart If granted one wish, it would be: To have his father, mother, sister-in-law and nephew back in his life Why? He misses them Character’s soft spot: Selflessness Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes Greatest strength: Patience Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Uncertainty Biggest regret: Not being able to save his family Minor regret: Almost allowing the desire for revenge to consume him Biggest accomplishment: Killing the Archdemon Urthemiel in combat and lived to tell the tale, ended the Fifth Blight and Fereldan Civil War simultaneously Minor accomplishment: Avenging his family Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Poor cooking skills Why? He once tried to bake a cake for his mother on her birthday when he was eight but it didn’t end well; the kitchens were a mess and he was covered from head-to-toe in pastry ingredients Character’s darkest secret: He can speak fluent Orlesian Does anyone else know? All but one
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Drives and motivations: Break the cycle Immediate goals: Protecting his new family, finding a cure for the Calling Long term goals: Giving his son a chance at having a better life How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By any means necessary How other characters will be affected: Aedan leaves everyone he ever cared about behind--including Leliana--without saying a word and ventures off into the uncharted lands west of Thedas alone
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Hometown: Highever Type of childhood: His family is one of the wealthiest and the second most powerful noble house in Ferelden Pets: His mabari warhound Hohaku First memory: Nan telling a story The Hound That Bit to him Most important childhood memory: It slowly grows more faded as the years go by but he somewhat remembers playing around in the courtyard with his brother when they were both children, learning how to use a sword, and reading books in his grandfather’s private library Why: It molded his mind into becoming one of his greatest assets Childhood hero: His father Dream job: To serve as a seneschal in his father’s court Education: Tutored by Aldous and Mother Mallol, later he was sponsored into and graduated from the University of Orlais Religion: Andrastian Finances: Very wealthy
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Current location: No one knows, but perhaps it’s for the best that no one knows exactly where he is Currently living with: His wife and their son Pets: Hohaku and a few nugs Religion: Andrastian, but his faith was badly shaken Occupation: Arl of Amaranthine, Warden-Commander of Ferelden Finances: Wealthy
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Mother: Teyrna Eleanor Cousland (née Mac Eanraig) Relationship with her: Very close Father: Teyrn Bryce Cousland Relationship with him: Close Siblings: Fergus Cousland Relationship with them: On good terms with each other, though they do have somewhat of a friendly sibling rivalry Spouse: Leliana Relationship with him/her: Both Aedan and Leliana met and traveled together during the Fifth Blight; they grew to be close friends before they had developed romantic feelings for one another and soon became lovers Children: Adrien Relationship with them: Very close; despite the fact that his duties to the Grey Wardens make it difficult for him to be a family man as he wanted Aedan always tried to make time for them Other important family members: The only other relatives he has left is his older brother Fergus and possibly aunts/uncles from House Mac Eanraig
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Color: Blue Least favorite color: Yellow Music: Relaxing, comfort to the soul Food: Spice Literature: Any Form of entertainment: Music Expressions: "Never forget.” Mode of transportation: Walking, horseback riding Most prized possession: His family’s ancestral longsword
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Hobbies: Reading and taking walks Plays a musical instrument? Violin Plays a sport? No How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside Spending habits: Not necessarily a big spender unless it requires procuring supplies and armaments for the Fereldan Grey Wardens Smokes: No Drinks: Occasionally Other drugs: None What does he/she do too much of? Working What does he/she do too little of? Socializing Extremely skilled at: Political intrigue Extremely unskilled at: Cooking Nervous tics: Tapping his fingers on a table or brushing his hair back Usual body posture: Standing straight Mannerisms: Formal Peculiarities: Folding both his arms together across his chest
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Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Definitely logical Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Very methodical and neat Prefers working or relaxing? Working unless told to relax Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident in himself and his abilities Animal lover? Yes
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How he/she feels about himself/herself: Despite everything that’s happened to him, Aedan’s main drive does still appear to be carrying on the Cousland legacy and honoring the sacrifice of his parents by staying alive and doing what is right even if it means trying to let go of his hatred and desire for vengeance One word the character would use to describe self: Broken One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “I’m doing my best, I really am. Sometimes it’s enough, other times I just need to try harder.” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Cunning What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Vengeful What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Cheekbones What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His scars How does the character think others perceive him/her: Like they’d turn to stone if they meet his gaze provided they didn’t spontaneously combust first What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He wishes that he could’ve exercised a far greater deal of restraint and control when confronting his inner demons
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Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: People are generally good, even if you have to dig deep to uncover their humanity. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? He tries, though only two or three could see right through him Person character most hates: Arl Rendon Howe Best friend(s): Alistair, Ser Roland Gilmore Love interest(s): He’s had short-lived relations with one or two elven maids in his youth before he ultimately settled down with Leliana Person character goes to for advice: Wynne Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Leliana, Hohaku, his son Adrien Person character feels shy or awkward around: Leliana Person character openly admires: Wynne Person character secretly admires: Sten Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His mother After story starts: It’s still his brother Fergus, his wife Leliana and their son for most of it
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coghive · 2 years
[Download] Eagle's Wings (Live at Team Night) - Hillsong Worship
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GRAMMY Award-winning and multi-platinum-selling Hillsong Worship release Eagle's Wings (Live at Team Night) off latest album “TEAM NIGHT (LIVE).”  After two years apart due to global border closures, the worship collective had the opportunity to finally reunite in Orange County, Calif. at the start of 2022 and gather together to do what they’ve always done – worship. The culmination of that gathering produced the 10-track compilation that features a special collection live recorded songs including versions of well-loved tracks from the Hillsong Worship catalog such as “That’s The Power,” “Waiting Here For You,” and “Hope of the Ages,” among others. Tapping recognizable names like Brooke Ligertwood, TAYA, Aodhan King, and more for song features, the project launches alongside video components for each song. Download “TEAM NIGHT” Here Watch "Eagle's Wings (Live at Team Night)" Below https://youtu.be/CnB0dxQTmk8 https://coghive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Eagles-Wings.mp3 Verse 1: Here I am waiting Abide in me I pray Here I am longing for You Hide me in Your love Bring me to my knees May I know Jesus more and more Chorus: Come live in me all my life Take over Come breathe in me I will rise on eagle's wings Come live in me all my life Take over Come breathe in me I will rise on eagle's wings Bridge: I will rise on eagle's wings I will rise on eagle's wings Read the full article
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coghive · 5 years
Download Mp3 : I Will Praise You - Hillsong Worship
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Grammy Award winning Worship Band Hillsong Worship, finally release her first studio album “Awake” in almost two decades, With her 36 years of vibran and a tradition of live worship records. Featuring the vocals of Brooke Ligertwood, Joel Houston, Taya, and Aodhan King, “Awake” is comprised of 12 newly penned tracks. It includes three bonus live/digital versions of “See the Light,” “No One But You,” and the group’s first single “King of Kings,” which continues to climb the charts with 4 million plus global audio streams and over 2 million YouTube views (live performance video). Here is the track I Will Praise You off the 15-Track Project Watch, Download & Share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vXd_cSEPN4 I Will Praise You - Lyrics Your love came first Before I knew the cross You carried Now free at last I’ll freely give as I’ve been given For everything You’ve done And everything to come I will praise You Live to glorify Your name Forever anthem Your acclaim Lord I will sing Your praise Should words fall short May they fall in honest worship Till all I am Breaks in reverence at Your feet For everything You’ve done And everything to come I will praise You Live to glorify Your name Forever anthem Your acclaim Lord I will sing Your praise I will praise You In the promise and the pain For as long as life remains Still I will sing Your praise The first and last The Alpha and Omega God the great I Am Who was and is and is to come Almighty One Blessed Father Son and Spirit God Emmanuel is with us Here and now and then forevermore You rule in love You reign in peace You set me free You owned the cross You broke through death Took back the keys Your kingdom come All the earth will shout with heaven For You’ve always held the glory And You always will Forever I will praise You Live to glorify Your name Forever anthem Your acclaim Lord I will sing Your praise I will praise You In the promise and the pain For as long as life remains Still I will sing Your praise Yeah I will sing Your praise Read the full article
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