#{ i'm the night. june's the bright side of me. }; photos
someone-always-cares · 4 months
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chapter 5, page 79
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[image description: an sac webcomic page. "hold on, stay still for a second". rami says, as he puts his hand close to lewis, the angle making him almost look like he's cupping lewis's face, as lewis stares back at him with very wide shining eyes. he then rips off the duct tape off, lewis jolting and making a weird face, the panel borders shaking from the shock, before lewis makes a different face like a grimace or like a cat would make after smelling something foul right before slapping the shit out of it. "sorry. you alright?" rami asks, holding a swiss army knife down near lewis's bound arm, the knife already out. "i- what- i will be? not important. what the fuck are you doing here??". lewis replies. "saving you, apparently. and your friend- sorry i'll get to you in a minute" "no really, why the fuck are you here? how did you find us? why did you come?" lewis says. this last panel is entirely black, aside from the speech bubbles. "you're the one that sent me the location. Is your friend concussed? They're not responding to me. Or you. And are either of you injured in general?" rami responds. "What? I don't think either of us are. And no, she can't hear you, just wave or something. Uh, not with the knife, like a friendly not about to kill you wave, like-" lewis's rambling is interrupted. "It's pitch black in here? Waving won't help?" end id]
edit: a bit late but forgot to mention: next con i have is on june 1st, at animangapop cardiff! feel free to say hi if you're going!
i've always gone back and forth internally if rami's supervision gave him better night vision or not but i'm going to go with yes, it does. lewis also has better night vision on account of his eyes being cat-like. jade has normal human vision unfortunatly. on the bright side (pun not intended), she can make her fingernails glow.
also, thought on book cover? tried a few ideas and this is what i came up with
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[id: concept a book cover. mostly sketched, styalised like a corkboard with various photos, pins, ect. the front side (right) has a piece of torn paper with the title and a couple stickers, one star and the other rami's logo. below is a drawing of rami surrounded by eyes. the spine has a strip of washi tape, blue with star patterns, with the title and a "1" at the bottom. the back (right) has a few photos of various panels from chapter 1 and two, a top corner of a missing poster, a business card for iris's ice cream shop, pins of mindforce's eye, and pride pins of the asexual and transgender flags, and lastly a scrap of notebook paper with eye doodles (like iris's eyes), rami's logo, titled "blah blah blah" and placeholder text of the bee movie script opening. red string is scattered around. end id]
note: the panels featured will be redrawn (for the cover. the actual pages will not be) and the one on the front is just a placeholder. not sure what i'll change it to, but something with both rami and lewis.
so, this is fashioned similar to the back of the flyer i use to advertise my comic at conventions, it allows me to show off multiple things, allows me to put in easter eggs and similar, and it feels right, yknow? it looks like the same board i use for story planning, concept art, to do lists, and trinkets for conventions, ect.
i look up and i see my corkboard covered in all that, so it feels like me. like i'm already pouring everything i have into my comic, why not this? also, red string murder board. thematically appropriate, and similar to the one omen has. expecially fitting since they appear end of chapter two bonus pages, which is where issue 1 of the physical book ends (not including bonus pages)
anyway would love to hear your thoughts!
more rambling under the cut
keep jumping from task to task. eg started planning the cover. jumped from irl task to task and then got back but then needed to figure out 100% how big the book is page-wise, because spine width
so i go do the bonus pages first but despite me collecting all the stuff for that before i keep finding more. because i have been making pages for 7 years and worked on it for longer with just having them as ocs roatating in my mind
and, yknow, i am not an organised person at the best of times. and over the past 10 years, not much has been the best of times. so you can imagine the chaos i've gone looking through. most of it isn't too recent, because turns out i had a lot more time working to draw when i was still in school. and also right after school. also 2020.and most of it is bad due to me improving my skill over time! which is good but still. going to have to carefully pick out what to use
also unrelated but i want to make one of the exclusive kickstarter print rewards foiled because i just love how they look. specifically i want to do one of tsunami and the foil (silver or holo) being the sparkles his water does because it'd look cool!
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
haven't done one of these in months, so i thought it was the perfect time to bring this back
here’s some of colby’s tweets from 2021.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
added bonus: if they have a * next to them, that means it’s been deleted
April 1 - just wanna make things right
April 4 - happy easter i’m hungover goodnight ?
@/mannymua733: 30 flirty and thriving
happy birthday!!! @/mannymua733: thank you my love!
fan: all manny wants from colby is this (video of colby grinding)
@mannymua733: that’s all i’m asking for colby if this is your b day wish i gotchu
hey if any of you guys have a semi truck could you please run me over with it thanks
@/deefizzy: Can i join the more the merrier !
April 7 - watch the time go by
there’s an angry squirrel in our backyard that tries to kill me every night
April 9 - i can admit that i have big commitment issues when it comes to relationships
April 11 - to the two girls i just met at chipotle … you made my day thank you for lifting my spirits i’m so grateful
April 13 - sometimes life just feels like a big dream to me it’s so hard to explain.
April 15 - who’s your comfort person?
April 19 - it’s hard to find things that excite me as much as they use to and i find that kinda sad. i miss being stoked about every little thing. wanna get that back
learning to let go
no matter what changes in the future .. just know i’ll remember the past
April 20 - i know you don’t believe it but i’d do anything for ya
April 27 - @/ohkailno: when im vaccinated im coming for u @/ColbyBrock
May 2 - i got a PCR test yesterday that literally felt like they were trying to tickle the back of my Cranium
May 11 - fan: So you just gonna leave us hanging like that @/ColbyBrock (photo of him with the caption "it's time")
May 13 - @/katstuartmusic: should i make colby bald
May 17 - i hope you’re happy today i love you
May 23 - someone broke into our rental car in San Fransisco and they stole everything. but i’m most upset about my journal i’ve been writing in daily for the past 6 months… all my emotions, memories, details of life just gone. my 2021 story i can’t get back .. i’m heartbroken
@/lukewaale: duuude what :( that's messed up man, i'm sorry it’s all good man 💔 thanks for sayin something. gotta look at the bright side .. everything’s replaceable
May 28 - you can’t miss what you forget
(it's so clear to me now that this man was clearly going thru so much. this is when things really changed for him and how he interacted with us. it's sad to look back on this now)
June 19 - feels good to be back.
the one where they have a staring contest ! hahahah
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gillyweedgrl · 11 months
Current Tag Game
Asking me things is dangerous, you almost always get more than you bargained for, but here goes nothing...
Tagged by @thegalwhorants, sorry this is so late, I apparently had my notifications turned off 🤦‍♀️
Current Time: 12:51am and I should definitely be in bed.
Current Activity: Watching Ossan's Love HK and procrastinating going to bed.
Currently (Avoiding) Thinking About: The final episode of Venus in the Sky that I both desperately want to watch and don't want to end and the upcoming finale of Kiseki on Tuesday that I'm also dreading. I don't like endings, okay. I also have a lot of thoughts about Only Friends but there's too much of a pissing contest going on between the lovers/haters of each character/pairing (and the show overall) right now that I'm picking my battles.
Current Favourite Song: I've had Counting Stars by Gawin Caskey stuck in my head all week, I've listened to it on repeat several times. In general my current music fixation is on foreign stuff, mostly Thai and K-Pop and I have go-to playlists for both that I listen to pretty much every day at work.
Currently Watching: Venus in the Sky - Is it fantastic? No. Do I love it anyway? You bet. Am I ready for it to end? Never, I HATE endings! My Universe - Watching this bi-weekly so that I can watch each 2-episode story arc all together. The standouts for me so far have been You Are My So(ul) Mate and Lucky Love. *I'll be watching The Camp Fire tomorrow night later tonight. IFYLITA - I have so many feelings about this masterpiece and no comments. They nailed it. Even the ending, which I mustered up the courage to watch, it was beautiful and sad and hopeful, and I want season 2 right now. I'm sure others have better articulated thoughts about some of it's best points such as Bright and Nonkul's impressive performances, the beautiful cinematography and of course, the HANDS! Kiseki: Dear to Me - I came for the mafia and stayed for the cameos, I LIVE for the cameos! Both couples are great but damn are Chen Yi and Ai Di giving me major side couple syndrome. You Are Mine - Quirky and crazy and cute, loving it. I'm also watching Ossan's Love, the Hong Kong version, and am halfway through ep 7. I can't help comparing it to the original (which I just finished last week) but I'm loving it so far and have twice as many eps to look forward to.
Current Favourite Character: Right now I'm loving Siu Muk from Ossan's Love HK, he's such a sweetheart and he's pining so hard for Tin it hurts my heart. I want him to get his happy ending. My all time fave though is King from Bed Friend, hands down. That man went through the wringer for Uea and the heart eyes he makes whenever he looks at Uea make the hopeless romantic in me weak at the knees.
Current WIP: I'm shotcutting some scenes from Cutie Pie/Naughty Babe and Kixx x Kiss x Kiss, I've got a folder full of photo edits to do from an event back in June (that no one but me needs me to edit therefore I have zero motivation to do so) and I have some 30+ drafts right here I could finish and post but my brain, and the lack of seretonin at the thought of doing that, says no.
Tagging these awesome peeps, but only if you're up for it: @taikanyohou, @forcebookish, @burnsuncomet, @lutawolf
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sillyromance · 1 year
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Good day everyone!
As I promised, here is an uncovering of my OC's personality. Please, meet Sara Branton (pronounce: she/her)!
She is a character for my "Transformers: Prime" AU. Sara ia a middle-aged woman, a widow (her first husband died during the war they both took part in) and a retired field medic who works as a surgeon in Jasper. She is a half-German; her mother Gretchen married an American and moved to New-York many years ago, although the old lady still owns a great house in Europe. Sara has an adult daughter Alexa - they are very close, although the girl wasn't able to live with her mother during the childhood because of Sara's first job and post-war recovering period (Sara's PTSD is still too deep; often nightmares don't let her sleep). Friends and ex-comrades sometimes call the woman Bagheera (like a panther from Kipling's "Jungle book") - it was her code-name on the buttle field; she doesn't mind that. Sara is very good at medicine, chemistry and mechanics. Moreover, she is an eager learner who is always ready to study something new.
As for my AU, one night Sara was driving home after an exhausting surgery in a neighbour town when she got into a car crush - unconscious and bleeding, she was found by Bumblebee and delivered to the Autobot base where Ratchet took good care of her. Two doctors who had a lot in common got attached to each other sincerely and made strong friendship which later grew into love. Of course, Sara met other Team Prime's members as well; as soon as she recovered, the woman started helping new alien friends in their war, combining her rich experience with knowledges she could get, digging into unusual nature of strange metal creatures she was bound to co-work with. Although, she had never chosen a side; after everything Sara had seen in her life and everything she had discovered about the new battle she participated in, the woman only wanted peace and, while fighting with bots against 'cons, she did her best to fix the conflict. At last, she managed to return Starscream (he became her confidant) and Megatron on a bright side what ment the dissolution of his army - unfortunately, it led Sara to the end of her existence...
Ratchet was in pain; he didn't want to believe it was over for his human "wife". In order to that, he created a new metal body for Sara and succeeded to translate her personality in the electronic mind. The woman turned into a transformer; nevertheless she had never forgotten where she belonged and continued introducing herself as a human.
Some facts:
Favorite songs: "Black Velvet" Alannah Myles, "Ironic" Alanis Morissette
Favorite color: Brown
Languages: English, German
Hobbies: Singing, playing the guitar, cooking
Favorite clothes(when she was biologically a human): jeans + shirts/blouses/sweatshirts. (She loves earrings).
Alt-mode: Jet/Big Bot (Optimus Prime's size)/ Small Bot (human size)
Best friends: June Darby, Optimus Prime, Starscream.
Enemies: the American officer who is guilty for her first husband's death.
1) "It seems the old panther is in charge again!"
2) "If a life of a one human is enough to finish an entire war - I'm ready to give mine..."
3) (To Starscream) - "Thank you for teaching me to fly..."
Vore position: Always prey
P.S: On the second photo there is an Autobot symbol on Sara's shoulder; unfortunately, it was added by me long before I built the story completely, and such detail is inherently wrong. How I said, the character doesn't belong to any fraction - she is just a diplomat who tries to bring harmony to this world.
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syazanalog · 9 months
Goodbye Twenty Twenty-Three
It is now less than four hours before midnight. 2023 feels so short to me. So many things happened throughout the year, and it's kinda overwhelming for me to recap everything in this post. My brain kinda sucks in remembering things too, I forgot what happened not even in Jan but Nov? Let me go through my Gcal hoping to find some clue on what happened throughout this year. Ok, I can't get any clue. LOL.
I'll just write down what happened based on my photo gallery, though I don't take many pictures this year. New goals - take a lot of pictures in 2024! and videos, too!
Here goes:
January 2023
Started my year reading Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf (I must say 2023 was the year I read a lot, hope to bring this habit into 2024)
Went to Pokok KL - I think for the first time - with my brother & sister
Bought a lot of Oreo Matcha cookies from The Skinny Bakers
Strolled around KL area with my parents & brosis - went to Pasar Seni, Petaling Street, took LRT to SOGO.
February 2023
Signed up for Bondee because it was soooo cute. I think I only used it for one week tho lol
Tried D'Homecooked for the first time & I fall in love immediately <3 Their nasi kandar is sooo good but Taman Melawati is soooo far away
Made my first step to jog around MK area - end up it was the first and the last.
Went to Van Gogh exhibition in Pavilion Bukit Jalil with Eri and her friends. I was sooo fun!
March 2023
Went to The Powderuum color consultation - probably the highlight of my year. I love the sesh so so so much I wish I can relive the session haha it was that fun figuring out my own colors <3 Turned out I'm a bright/warm spring gurl
Went to Jaja's wedding
Went back home to celebrate Abah's birthday
Went to MATTA fair for the first time
Went to Watsons K-Festival at Sentul Depot
Had my first Ramadan in KL, again. Tried going to masjid (alone) for the first two nights of Ramadan but I don't think it's for me. I had the best Ramadan this year, I pray my 2024 Ramadan will be better. Can't wait for it!
April 2023
Not so much happened, but a lot happened - lol dunno how to explain this. I didn't do a lot of worldly things, I solely focused on spiritual things this Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, managed to wake up for tahajjud on most nights and Alhamdulillah managed to improve my tajweed too.
Celebrated Raya in Pasir Mas. Little did I know this was my last raya with my grandfather on my mum's side :( and we were there only for one day. But, Alhamdulillah we took a lot of pictures with arwah.
May 2023
Went back to KL.
Visited Islamic Art Museum with my sister
Fell in love with Emma's cats!!!!
Had a reunion with my KE girls!
Celebrated Raya with my colleagues
June 2023
Started June by going to Shaikha Haifa Younis' talk!
Celebrated Raya with my AAPlus sisters in Bukit Jelutong. I met so many beautiful souls!
Had my birthday brunch at Mukha, and later on had some dessert from Kenny Hills.
Mom and dad came to KL to pick up my sister for her sem break. We went around UM and took some photos.
Drove back with my sister to Perak, at night! Bcs her flight was late.
July 2023
Sent my sis back to Sarawak from Penang Airport
Visited Pantain Esen with my bro on the way back from Penang Airport
Had a brunch with Leeqs and Dils at YBR, Damansara.
Finally went back to office after so long - we had a meeting in Sbucks (I'm boycotting it now)
Had my first training (yes, I'm one of the trainers)
August 2023
Went to Al-Attas book's launch. Loveeee the event! Loveeee his talks. I wish I were more interested in his works earlier tho.
Had brunch at Ikea with mommy and went to shopping in Kedah for her retirement tudung.
Had a second training session, in Penang, to a large group of people! Couldn't make it to my mom's retirement because they changed the date same to my training date :(
Started looking for a new apartment because my sister was going to live with me.
Went to embroidery workshop for the first time!
Jogged in Taiping for the first time after so long! I miss the times when I lived with my parents.
September 2023
Traveled to Sabah with my whole department. We stayed in Rasa Ria Shang-Ri La! Alhamdulillah saw Sabah's sunset & Aki Nabalu <3
Move out from AMK to IMK - this new apartment is more expensive but comfier and feels safer to live. Moving out was so tiring, and it's more tiring when your bank account is crying blood. Had to buy everything myself - fridge, washing machine, dinner table, bed, everything. Felt so burnt out from everything - work, life, financial.
Went to Al-Attas' talk for the second time. This time in UM. Previously in PWTC.
Started working with external client and I had to commute at least 2 hrs a day. I hate hate hate hate this arrangement so much. Sometimes I had to leave the client's office so late I only reach home at almost 10pm :( I truly hate this kind of arrangement.
Downloaded TikTok because I want to watch Emma's cats go on live lol
November 2023
Working on on-site arrangements continues. I hate it so much but I can't afford to quit now because I had so many commitments.
Met Jua before her wedding
Tried Moom Health <3
My grandfather passed away on 18 November. Went back to Kelantan with my sister.
Started to feel tired of everything.
December 2023
Had company's annual dinner, not fun. The feeling of burning out got intensified. I hated everything.
Mom and dad came to KL. We celebrated my mom's birthday at Chef Wan's. I felt better.
Went to Turkiye with my parents. Alhamdulillah I enjoyed the trip. Saw so many beautiful places in Turkiye. I felt better though my body is no longer as adventurous as I once was lol.
Went to Jua's wedding. Met Syasya after so looong!
Had covid for the first time
Went to Whimsigirl's puzzle session. I fall in love in puzzle again but they are SO expensive!
Went to KLCG before they closed.
Went to Oriental Kopi today.
Now that I look back at my year, there are so many first times that I did this year. Alhamdulillah for the ups, Alhamdulillah for the downs. Alhamdulillah for the healthy days, Alhamdulillah for the sick days. Alhamdulillah for the laughs and smiles, Alhamdulillah for the cries and sadnesses. Alhamdulillah for the love, Alhamdulillah for the heartbreaks. Alhamdulillah for the adventures, Alhamdulillah for the stillnesses. Alhamdulillah for every memory, for every breathe, for every heartbeat. Alhamdulillah for the lessons. Alhamdulillah for everything that happened. Alhamdulillah for everything that did not happen. Alhamdulillah.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 4
Summary- You've got a secret to hide and it's going to cause complete and utter devastation. It's only so long until your lies are going to catch up to you.
Pairing- Chris Hems x Reader x Liam Hems
Word count- 2,211
Warnings- Smut, swearing, angst, cheating
18+ Only!!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 29th June 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @mostly-marvel-musings @longlostinanotherworld
>The Destructive Secret Masterlist<
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"No not married but you do know her. You know her really well actually." Chris says while avoiding your gaze purposefully...
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, silence so acute you could hear a pin drop. Liam waiting for an answer, Chris looking at his feet and you looking visibly anxious. Chris had drank way too much and now he was about to let all of your secrets loose. This isn't the way you want Liam to find out, surely Chris wouldn't be so cruel.
"I suppose you're not gonna tell me who it is?" 
"Not just yet, see how we go." He looked at you, if he so much as even looked slightly smug you would have slapped him right across his face. Instead you could see the hurt in his eyes, tears welling in the corners. You're both faced with an impossible dilemma, Chris wants you all to himself but doesn't want to lose his brother in the process and you want it all over and done with but don't want to hurt Liam. The latter of both is inevitable but you would take all the blame just so Chris didn't have to lose his brother, given the choice you would lose them both just so that didn't happen.
"Well on that note, I need to go to bed. I've gotta be up early in the morning." You avoid Chris' gaze, you're angry with him but you don't want to cause him more pain. 
"Yeah me too. I better get going. Thank you for dinner Y/N, it was lovely."
You risk a short glance at him, you're eyes softening when they meet. The moment broken when Liam speaks, reminding you where you are and who you're with right at this moment in time.
"Are you for real? You're really going to drop a bombshell like that and then leave? Fuck man." Liam runs his hand through his hair, letting air out of his cheeks exasperatedly.
"Sorry bro, I'll save the excitement for another night. I've said too much already." Chris apologises with his eyes as he passes you, his hands twitching by his side's with the need to touch you.
The next morning when you wake, your heart sinks knowing all the turmoil you're going to have to go through just to make it to the hotel without being spotted. All the messing about and hiding you have to do, checking in under a false name at different times. Making sure nobody follows you to the hotel and especially no one follows Chris. Getting caught checking into the same hotel would be dreadful, it wouldn't take a genius for the press to put two and two together, they wouldn't even care if it was true or not as long as they sold copies.
"Right babe, I'm ready to go." You pull your suitcase towards the door, stopping to wrap your arms around Liam.
"Have a good time, I'll see you soon." Wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and lifting your feet from the ground in a squeezy hug. "I'll miss you." 
"I'll miss you too, bye babe." 
"Bye. Love you. Let me know when you get checked in." He kisses you goodbye before watching you leave.
"Will do, Love you." You say over your shoulder, climbing into your silver, Audi convertible.
This is the part you hate the most, the part that made you question whether it was all worth it. It was, of course or you wouldn't be doing it, you wouldn't put yourself through having to pretend to be somebody else and praying your not caught by anyone. It only takes one person to notice you and Chris in the same hotel and it's over. You imagine having an affair is hard work whatever your circumstances but when your boyfriend and your lover are as famous as they are it becomes impossible. It's terrifying. 
You spent the car journey constantly checking your mirrors and making sure you weren't being followed. A huge sunhat and even bigger sunglasses covering your face as your heart beated faster than you thought was possible. A couple of laps around the hotel, making doubly sure you weren't being followed before you finally pulled into the carpark.
You had to constantly think, you couldn't let your guard drop for even a moment and it was exhausting. You were ready for it to be over and done with now, this just isn't fun anymore. Maybe you could run away together and start a new life somewhere else. Which one would you pick though? Who are you ready to give up? Would there even be an option to choose? Would Liam even be willing to forgive you if he knew you were sleeping with his brother? In love with his brother.
Your heart beating out of your chest, your fight or flight well and truly kicking in now as you walk up to the front desk. If there's any recognition in the receptionists eyes you're ready to turn right around and leave. The girl behind the desk, with long blonde hair has her eyes on the computer In front of her, thankfully not paying you much attention as you stand and wait for her to finish.
"Hi I'd like to book a room for two nights please." You stutter nervously, subconsciously checking over your shoulder while you spoke.
"Of course, is it just for yourself?" 
"Yes please, I'm just here for a work conference. I'd like a double bed if possible though, I haven't been able to sleep in a single since I was young." You giggle nervously, embarrassed that you'd told her information she isn't even slightly interested in.
"No problem, I'll see what I have for you." Her eyes barely left her computer as she spoke, she definitely didn't recognise you. The tension in your muscles relaxed a little as your eyes scanned the lobby.
"What name is it please?" She asked, one of the moments you'd been dreading. You hate lying but luckily you'd already come up with the fake name you were using, one you'd already used many times before in the exact same situation. It never gets any easier.
"Jessica Crawley." The names tumbled from your lips, names that had absolutely no meaning to you. 
"Room 101, floor 5. Is there anything else I can help you with?" 
"No thank you, that's great." The overwhelming feeling of relief at completing step one without any problems, rushes over you. Adrenaline spiking, making your legs feel like jelly.
"You're welcome, enjoy your stay. Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions." The girl says, smiling sweetly at you before going back to her work.
The elevator seemed to take forever to make its way down to you, your feet shuffling as you watched the numbers above the door, counting down. The overwhelming need to get to privacy and away from the many prying eyes of the people in the lobby was severe. Most were business men and women, that were so consumed in themselves they weren't paying special attention to anyone around them. There were also young couples, making their way through the lobby, probably on their way for lunch but the people that worried you the most were the random loners sat in the armchairs scattered around the lobby. They'd chosen the perfect place to watch, some pretending to read newspapers while their eyes discreetly scanned over the top.
They were much more inquisitive, much like yourself they paid more attention to the people around them. People watchers you liked to call them, these are the sorts of people that make you nervous. They see everything, noticing any minor details, you'd spent a lifetime perfecting 'people watching' which is how you knew to be wary. You could pretty much judge a person's personality just by watching them for a couple of minutes. If anyone was to spot you it would be one of these people. You felt thankful you weren't Chris, there is absolutely no way he was going to make it to the elevator without being seen at least once.
Chris didn't feel quite as nervous as you, this was a every day occurance in his life, avoiding paparazzi was near impossible for him. As long as you weren't seen going in to the hotel then it wouldn't matter about him being seen. Still, he'd worn his baseball cap and sunglasses to at least try and hide his identity. He wasn't nervous about being seen but more about having to face you after his fuck up last night. Now that thought was way more intimidating to him.
Casually strolling into the hotel, he tried to ignore the whispers of the people around him. People questioning if it was really him, young girls barely out of high school giggling at the sight of him. Chris quietly prayed that he would make it up to the room without anyone asking for a photo, not that he usually minded but today all he wanted was to spend every possible minute with you as he could.
The receptionist tried to make a fuss when his identity was confirmed during check in. The pale skin of the same blonde girl who'd checked you in, had turned a rather bright shade of red when she heard Chris' sexy Australian accent. You wouldn't blame her, it still makes you swoon whenever you heard him speak.
"I'm fine honestly, I don't want any special treatment. Actually if I could get away with going completely unnoticed during my stay, I will speak to your boss myself and tell them how accomodating you'd been." 
"Oh wow, really? Thank you so much Mr Hemsworth. I will make sure nobody bothers you and if you need anything at all just give me a call, I'll make sure you won't have to leave your room for anything." Chris smiled, pretending not to notice how she seemed to be flirting with him, badly. Tossing her hair over shoulder as she insinuated not so subtly for him to let her know if he wanted any 'special' treatment. Again, you don't blame the girl, infact you would've commended her confidence.
She handed over the keys to the penthouse, watching bright eyed as he walked to the elevator, pulling out his phone as he stepped straight in. 
"Hi babe, I've booked the penthouse suite, meet me up there?" Smiling a tight lipped smile at the girl behind the desk, who was still watching him intently as the elevator doors closed.
"Ok, it isn't very inconspicuous staying in the penthouse is it?" You shouldn't be surprised, he does it everytime. You remember the first time you ever saw a penthouse and how amazed you were that it was actually bigger than your own home at the time. That was a memory you shared with Liam, all of your first times had been with Liam, the thought made your heart sink.
"I mean they knew who I was as soon as I walked in, I think it would look more suspicious if I didn't stay in a suite." Chris answered, pulling you from your thoughts.
"I suppose that's true, I'll be up soon." You could hear the sadness in your voice, something you had to snap out of before meeting Chris.
"Good because I can't wait to get my hands on you." 
Sinking back onto the spongey mattress of your bed, tiredness washing over you already. The mental exhaustion of constantly having to play games and be on your guard at all times, catching up to you as you're finally alone.
Maybe that's what you need afterall, a chance to be alone to gather your thoughts, to workout your own needs and wants without spreading your attention between the two brothers.
You make a mental list of the pros and cons of both of them knowing deep down if Liam were the one for you, you'd have never have looked twice at Chris. They were so similar in a lot of ways but completely different in others.
Liam was the sweetest man you knew, so gentle and caring, attentive to your every whim and being so young when you first got together he was everything you were looking for.
Now being a woman that has gone through so much trauma in her life that had tainted your soul, darkened it with a lust for more.
Then Chris came along, he was still sweet and caring but less attentive to your needs unless it was in the bedroom. He was cheeky and funny, drop dead gorgeous and oozing manliness effortlessly. He was fire and passion. He was more. 
If you let yourself admit it, you wanted excitement, which is how you ended up here in the first place. You didn't want perfect anymore, you wanted a man who could do wrong and then make up for it in the most fulfilling way he knew how. Just thinking about it made your pulse race, Chris had put you through hell last night and now it was time for payback. You imagined Chris only a couple of floors above you, worried about the way you were going to act when you saw him and lord knows how much you're going to make him sweat.                    
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
wait hold on so your follower count has increased by a hundred since I got here? 🥺 this is awesome, Chris, congrats! 🥳 and I think everything can be a milestone if it's one for you 🤗 and if u want to do something special to celebrate, go for it! :D as long as you do it for yourself and not because you feel like you have to, do you hear me? <.< about "Something Special"...it's just 🥺 really something special lmao funfact, when DK started singing "ice cream, you scream" and so on, I was immediately reminded on "Ice Cream" by TXT as the lyrics go "i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream". Idk if you know them but they had their comeback on monday and this is one of the b-side tracks. I actually had to check if the lyrics are the same but I think you published the fic on the same day they released the album so that would be almost impossible anyway 😅 now, the banner for "the zest of life" is sooooooooo cute 🥺 and everything you post about it just makes me more and more excited skajdjlkwjeadswa literally can't wait until you post it <3 also HAPPY JUNE TO YOU TOO <333 I'm also highkey excited for your other wips, especially your series and the sequels :D the gif of the dog looking out the window is soooooo relatable why are you so cute 🥺 you're right, I discovered your blog through class president and I couldn't be happier about it 🥰 ngl, enemies to lovers (+ fake dating) is one of my favourite genres and then there's friends to lovers and I'm all soft and cuddly 🥺 nooooo, don't make yourself cry D; tho I definitely get your pain 💔 being a perfectionist doesn't make your life easy but it leads to great results when it comes to your fics :D and I'm very happy to hear that you're slowly getting over it and feel better about your writing <3 definitely gonna note that website down since I'm currently trying to write myself lmao failing greatly at it because I never manage to actually finish a wip. which brings me to the fanfic writer ask game :D 🍄 how do you get yourself in the mood to write? I'm really curious about this because sometimes I just can't get myself to write though I actually would love to 🙁 ahhh the good old times in middle school everyone regrets when they get older :'D when I'm on a holiday with my family or literally just anywhere outside I'm taking photos with my phone of everything that crosses my way and looks in the slightest way worth capturing my storage space is hysterically laughing in the distance :') would love to see some photos taken by you some day ngl well, I haven't continued watching Vincenzo yet, I keep watching Friends atm though thanks for the heads up <3 and I love Chayoung, she's iconic but after I learned who she works for I was lowkey disappointed :( trying not to spoiler anything rn for anyone else akjdnwaölkejd srsly, I don't think any of my friends has a healthy sleep schedule though we all have to get up early but I hope you slept well last night and have a great day <3 wait, I wanted to ask you in which time zone you live? Because it was 7pm here when you said it's 11am for you, so I was wondering 😅 sending love and good vibes ❤️✨
yes omg you’ve been here basically since the beginning 😭 i know i say this a lot, but your support means the world to me and i’m thankful you’re here with me on this journey💕 i might just wait until i hit 200 to do a celebration! i want to try to get through these reqs from the first milestone and then we shall see how i’m feeling. but eternally grateful for all the support and growth anyways :’)
hehe ‘something special’ is part of a whole long series i’ve been writing for my friend and i (for our eyes only) but it’s one of my favorite scenes and him dropping the ice cream just felt very on brand 😭 he’s so silly and i love him and his bright energy. also funny story abt txt, i literally decided to stan them for reals w this comeback! so i know exactly what you’re talking abt!!! and actually i just did a smol uke cover of anti-romantic heh it’s been on repeat for the last few days and i love the whole album. every song is so good, esp 0X1=lovesong and dear sputnik, in addition to anti-romantic and ice cream ofc! well actually they’re all good sjdfkjadlf but yeah i think i’m officially a moa now :D
ahhhh thank you i love the banner!! i was soooo excited for it bc i finally figured out how to edit gifs on photoshop which is a GAME CHANGER (had to stop myself from making gifs for all my fics bc my computer actually can’t handle the processing so now i need to update the hardware skdjaldks but that’s another story) anyways ahhh i’m happy to hear that you’re excited for it! i hope it meets your expectations <3
man, my wips, i wish i could i just crank them all out bc i wanna know what happens askdlal i’ve been saying this a lot lately, but i’m like, WHAT HAPPENS and i have to respond to myself like IDK U TELL ME and my internal monologue is just that back and forth 💀 but i think that’s a great lead in to your ask game question:
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write? honestly, it usually just kind of hits me at random times. some days, i have so many ideas and so i’ll plot everything out but i won’t actually write, so i’ll leave it for a while and then maybe come back to it when i get too impatient with myself. other days, if i feel stuck, what i’ll do is just kind of word vomit my thoughts and go back and edit everything later, or feel out the vibes. but i feel you, writing is honestly very hard, especially if the motivation just isn’t there :’( but i think my best advice is to just get ideas out of your head and onto theoretical paper!! then just start typing even if it’s just your thoughts like “uh idk what to write but maybe if kdjflsfjlkas”
omg no i feel that, before i upgraded my phone, my camera roll was just full of photos (and also pics of sf9 and svt LOL). but i just made a thread on my twt abt my fave photos and i’d be happy to share them :)) (see below)
mmm i won’t say anything abt vincenzo until you start it back up again ;) but friends!! that reminds me, i need to watch the reunion ep!!??! not ready to cry tho :’)
i hAD a sleep schedule at some point in my life, but now... it’s messed up again LOL but i’m in the mountain time zone in the states ! so 1 hour ahead of PST if that’s any help kdljasf but i hope you’re getting rest and sleep!! i’m a big advocate for sleep and rest so !!!!!!!!!!
anyways, sending my love as always <3
EDIT 2: okay here we go
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jetblackpayne · 5 years
Dazed & confused
✧・: *✧・゚: *  *:・✧*:・゚✧
summary: In which Arden Keaton (OC, half!witch, time traveller!from present) travels to 1984 to fix the timeline for the sake of her future. She’s left Dazed and Confused. BASED OFF RUELS SONG
warning(s): part of another series (aka i’m too lazy to write and wanna write this first), language, sexual situations.
a/n: this was rushed lol. lmk if i should change it to make it less choppy/spelling corrections. AND OR IF IT MAKES NO SENSE ILL CHAT YOU IN THE COMMENTS AND MAKE IT CLEAR!⚡️⚡️😁
key: italics = flashback
bold = arden’s thoughts
bold italics = others thoughts
✧・: *✧・゚:*:・✧*:・゚✧✧・: *✧・゚:* :・✧*:・✧・゚:*✧
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Arden Keaton woke up with a sudden urge to vomit. Her head was spinning as her eyes began to well up with tears. What just happened? Why do I feel different? She woke up in Murder House as she normally would but something to her seemed off. What was once her bedroom coated in lilac walls and light carpeting against cherry wood floors was now white cracked paint and nails sticking out of the floorboards. More hazard, dangerous, and unkept then she remembered. What happened to this place? For some unknown reason, her mind kept trailing. She couldn’t call out for help or question to her family or to the ghosts why her room looked the way it did. She felt as though she didn’t belong. She couldn’t feel half of the souls trapped in this house as she did before. Her friends Tate not Violet we’re present. A pounding sound suddenly filled her ears from the thin walls echoing through the narrow halls. Her head snapped up in surprise as she walked out of her room. She walked along side the doors, attempting to feel some type of energy from the rooms. Her tracks stopped beneath of a room she had yet to explore, the attic. Her gaze travelled up the suspended ladder as her hands and feet hooked onto the ledge one at a time. When atop, her heart stopped when she found Nikki and Sam Argento, the two loudest ghosts in Murder House screwing each other like some sort of kinky ritual. The woman’s wrists tied to the bedpost in the attic as a knife trailed down her collarbone to cut the strap of her bra off.
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Arden gasped. Her hands feeling weak at the sight. Arden felt her body draw from the only thing keeping her stable as she landed on the ground with a thud echoing throughout the house. The sound of meaning and pounding against the wall was silenced. The two stopped in thier moment with wide eyes, “Who’s there?” She heard Nikki yell from the top. Arden scrambled up and ran to the staircase trying to keep her footsteps quiet as possiable. Where is my family? She took out her phone to see her worst nightmare, ‘No Service.’ What is going on?
Arden deceased down the main staircase as quietly as she could. She didn’t know what was going on. She walked into what her family called the ‘family room’ and walked over to the television. Her head lowered as she started intensely at the picture box; goring almost with a palm stuck out. The TV began to flicker as the static became clear. Arden cocked an eyebrow in confusion, the signal usually was great; static was unusual for her to see. The televisions signal slightly cleared up with a grainy effect. *“James Keaton, a young man, age of 19, the youngest ever to graduate from MIT was at his weekly press conference last night. He had some shocking yet releaving information to share with the world.”* The women on the news channel spoke. Arden’s heart pace quickened hearing her fathers name being mentioned. This had to be some sort of prank. The bottom right corner of the screen made her heart drop; there was no way. June 13, 1984. She didn’t know what to think let alone say in this moment. Either I’ve seen the light, or i’m loosing my mind.. The channel finally cut to a new scene. It was her father when he was younger. Arden could distinctly remember the photos framed on the wall above the fireplace in thier old home and the ones mounted on the counters. She could have sworn she’d seen a picture of him in that exact moment. *He looked as if hewere glowing yet looked around at the press with a nervous glance. “I am the Iron man.” He spoke as the crowd went crazy. He then proceeded to sit down in his seat behind the podium. The scene cut to the woman again as she smiled, “Los Angeles has their very own superhero; and it’s James Keaton, genius, soon to be billionaire, also known as Iron Man. Clever name for a clever guy!* The television suddenly went black. Arden’s eyes glued on the void lingering in the still-air.
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“What the hell are you doing in our house?!” Nikkis voice shouted from the top of the stairs. Arden’s heart dropped into her stomach as her mouth ran dry. The woman had on a silky bubblegum pink robe untied revealing her lingerie set to the teenager. Behind her was Sam. His arms crossed over his chest as he stood in confusion.
“I’m sorry.” Arden spoke, “I’m not supposed to be here for another 35 years.” Arden stepped over to the staircase placing a nervous hand on the railing. Even the words that came out of her mouth cane as a shock. How was she so calm? “You see it might sound crazy but I fell asleep in 2019 and woke up here in 84. I don’t know what to do.” Arden didn’t feel guilty telling them. They were ghosts in her present house and she was sure they would remember her. “I didn’t mean any harm but I don’t know what to do. My parents are my age.” The couple exchanged glances. Arden read into their minds only to be thinking the same thing, What the hell? “I know what you’re thinking literally it might sound crazy—”
“The amount of shit we’ve seen going on in this house, nothing seems crazy anymore.” Nikki cut her off offering her a small smile. She returned the gesture with a slight pink tint to her cheeks. The couple were still in thier underwear behind the masks. “You don’t look too harmful to me.” she smirked walking down the stairs, “What’s your name?”
“Arden Keaton.”
“As in James Keaton?” Nikki stood stunned.
“In like 18 years time.”
“Bitchin” Sam spoke now beside his partner kissing her temple, “That’s your old man.”
Arden cringed at the term. She gave them a fake smile and snickered playing along, “Yep.”
“Well Arden,” Sam spoke looking down at her small frame, “If you’re gonna be here anyways, you can stay with us obviously.” Arden’s body shifted in slight discomfort. She knew what this couple was known for and being in the midst of that would be disturbing to say the least. “Don’t worry, we won’t keep you up all night with our noises.” He smirked at his significant other as she nibbled on the exposed skin on his neck. He sucked in a hitched breath as his eyes rolled back with pleasure.
Arden’s nose scrunched up, “I guess.”
“It’s settled then!” Nikki smiled again her.
Something to Arden didn’t make sense. Sure considering it is her house in 35 years, she should stay but in thier present time, it’s not. Why would they let her stay like it’s normal? “I’m sorry,” Arden spoke catching them in mid makeout session, “Why are you being so nice to me? I mean I woke up here, told you I was from the future, yet you treat me like i’m not crazy?”
“Like we mentioned, we live in the Murder House, nothing seems too crazy for us anymore.” Nikki wrapped a lazy arm around Sam. They smiled at the girl.
“Well.. t-thank you.” She stuttered a bit shaken up from what she found out.
“You seem tense.” Nikki pondered looking at Arden’s figure. Her shoulders were broadened, eyes diverted to the ground, and hands folded in front of her. “You need to let loose and I know just the thing.” Nikki ran over to the small closet near the front door. Rummaging through the racks she picked out two very bright workout outfits. She slung the two pieces over her shoulders and popped one hip out. To Arden, the outfits looked like a cry for attention; a good or bad cry was still being debated. “Were going to the aerobics studio!”
Arden tossed the woman a small smile. Maybe this would be good for me..
Sam stayed behind while Arden and Nikki were off to the studio. When they arrived, they went thier separate ways planning to meeting up later. Arden was currently stood in front of a full length mirror. On her body was one of the outfits Nikki gave her. The top was a hot pink bandeau under blue striped spandex suspenders. A buckle above her hips strapping over her belly button. "What the hell am I wearing?" Arden asked herself looking at herself. Her back arched as she looked at the leotard basically up her butt. She twirled amd reached her hands over her head in a semi-seductive way, admiring her look slightly, but she’d never admit it.
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"A sexy aeroba-fit that will make all the guys pop a boner." A voice remarked behind her. Her gaze followed it to find a girl in her 20s if not Arden’s age, smirking in her direction. Her hair looked like she dyed and fried it too much. Her was face caked in makeup. She had on a leopard print leotard on; underneath were black leggings paired with platform boots. Interesting. “Don't worry, i'm not a les," The blonde spoke as she smacked her gum against her teeth smirking, "Just friendly." She beamed, "I'm Montana Duke by the way."
“You got a last name, Arden?” Montana challenged narrowing her brown eyes to the girl who stood a good few inches taller than her. Arden would have found her intimidating if she were weaker than her. She knew that wanst the case. She admired Montana Duke for her assertiveness and confidence. There was no way Arden introduce herself to anyone here without feeling awkward of it.
“Ke-” She thought for a moment noting a look of curiosity from the stranger across her. She couldn’t tell the girl her name. After all her father was famous for his now exposed identity for being a superhero and whatnot. The only reason why she told the overstimulated couple was because they once lives in her house; she would know them once she got back to present time as who was once living. Thier souls embodied in the wall of Murder House. She had no idea who this chick was. She couldn’t possibly trust her even if she held a knife to her throat. “Kline.” She firmly spoke.
“As in Calvin?”
“Far descent but yes.”
“Can’t possibly be that far if you have the same last name babe.” Montana smiled as she grabbed hold of the girls hand. Arden tensed up and Montana felt it, “Now let’s go Miss. Kline. Don’t wanna be late for your class.”
“I don’t have a class set up!”
“You do now. I’m sure X would let you join if you’re with me. I can tell we’re gonna be very good friends.” And they were off to class. Arden was a little anxious but she didn’t know why. She wouldn’t remember these people in the long run so why should she care what they think of? The two girls stepped into the bright room. Montana let go of Arden’s hand and practically ran to A hunky blonde Ken-doll. His features, to her, mirrored an angel. His perfectly gelled blonde hair was held up with a lilac headband. His clothes were light as well. White tank top and lilac shorts. The matierial hugged his body well. Arden couldn’t help but bite her lip unintentionally. Montana conversated with him as his gaze suddenly turned to Arden’s, winking in her direction. His tongue ran over this pearly white teeth. He gave her a sly wave. Arden felt her stomach drop as he left cheeks flourished. Her hand went up slightly to give him a shy wave. He laughed a bit looking at her again, he admired her shyness. If only he knew she wasn’t THAT shy.
Pretty soon class started and a few more people to Montana’s taste strolled in earning a wave. Arden stayed close to the back with a brunette girl who introduced herself as Brooke Thompson. They made quick conversation being thier first time in the studio, except Brooke wanted to come. Arden came with Nikki’s suggestion; she had no idea where the woman was. That was far beyond her concern. The sound of Frank Stallones, ‘Far from home’ began to fill the small room. X walked up to the front and began to stretch. His arm crossed his collarbone hugging it with the other. Once again, winking in the girls direction. She smiled at him and looked to the ground. This was gonna be a long day.
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Arden began to hum/quietly sing the tune to Hanson's, 'Mmmbop' as she exited the women's locker room. The Montana and Brooke, whom she met prior, trailing behind her. Arden walked up to the counter and ordered a mango smoothie when she saw three guys converting. She recognised them from the slimmercise class she took. One being the the instructor and the one Montana mentioned, X. The one who couldnt keep his eyes off of her. X stopped what he was saying to look at her. He stared at her body licking his lips as his friends began to check her out. Arden sighed as she saw the hungry eyes melt into the back of her head. She began to read the filthy thoughts they had of her and shuttered. "You know it's not polite to stare." Arden turned around flipping her hair over the shoulders in the process. Batting her eyes, she took a sip of her smoothie. Where did this confidence come from? The boys stood there speechless at the sudden accusation; which happened to be true.
"I'm sorry sweetheart." X spoke as he stepped in ground of her. His perfectly structured jawline sharpened as he smiled at the girl. She couldn't help but blush at his gesture. He stuck his hand out to her, "I'm Xavier." He spoke as she looked at his hand. She finally knew what the letter stood for. "This is Chet and Ray." He motioned to the two other muscular guys behind him. Arden looked down at his empty hand and reached out for it. She brushed her hand against his smooth one to give him a gentle touch. Without warning, her mind clouded as her vision became blurry. She saw Xavier in a park with a needle in his arm. His pants soaked with his own urine. His eyes puffy from crying. Why did he let himself get like this? Just then a man came up to him and talked to him about the film industries he's worked in, "I could make you a star. With a pretty face like that, you could reach big places. And i'm gonna help you get there." He placed a hand on his inner thigh; groping is ever so slightly. "Trust Daddy." The man smirked at the broken man in front of him. Xavier nodded as he helped him up. Arden gasped as she stumbled into his arms. His smirk faltered to a scared expression. He snaked his arms under hers in a deadlift as her weight shifted onto him. He lifted her body over to the couch and looked around to see if anyone had seen the incident unfold. Nothing. The people in the lobby passed by doing anything but looking in thier direction. Chet, Ray, Brooke, and Montana rushed over to the couch as a drop of blood seeped it’s way down her drained face. None of them knew what to think.
“Good going man,” Ray said placing a hand on her shoulder wiping the dropping blood down her nose with a napkin from the counter, “You broke her!”
“Piss off!” Xavier exclaimed to his friends accusations, “I didn’t do anything. She grabbed my hand and went down. Then again most girls do.” Xavier and Chet shared a smirk.
Brooke rolled her eyes at thier childish behaviour. A girl just passed out in front of them and thier connecting it to thier hookups?
“That doesn’t explain why her nose is bleeding.” Montana spoke catching thier attention. They shook her off focusing on the limp girls body on the couch. What were they to do?
“Did you squeeze the poor girl too hard?” Chet asked.
“No fuck-face.” Xavier looked down at the girl. Her eyelids twitched slightly as her mouth parted. She sucked in a shaky breath as she opened her eyes slowly. The light from the ceiling blinding her. She hissed as she sat up and held her throbbing head. Xavier quickly sat next to her, taking her small hand into his large one, "Are you alright? Can I do anything?”
Her cheeks tinted as his simple gesture made her heart flutter. “Sorry about that.” She replies sheepishly
“Never has anyone in my class faint before.” He smirked at the thought. He leaned his body on the pillow her head was once on; elbow propped up holding his head in place looking up at her, “Guess you could say you ‘fell for me.’”
“Ugh,” Montana groaned and rolled her head back in annoyance, “Give me a break.”
Arden laughed at her remark. Xavier looked at her a winked at her making her flourished cheeks heat up more.
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taglist: *based on reblogs/votes on this mini series*
@arkhamren @lourdlangdon
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