#{ ovdm : ask me stupid questions i'll give you a friend for life : asks and answers }
oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
"G-Guess it was my turn to fall of the rooftops, h-huh?"
She frowned softly lifting him up… This was different They weren’t close to home, her eyes had gone fully blind over the last few months from a bad infection and her hearing wasn’t in top shape after the last sonic wave from their previous fight… She hadn’t let anyone know her sight had gone yet, she’d relied on echolocation… She didn’t want to be left at home… She didn’t want to be a burden, but with her head throbbing and her ears ringing she wasn’t going to be able to use it much… She let out tears in soft chokes and whimpers “Raph! I…I can’t see…I…I haven’t been able to for a month now…I… I can barely hear myself! I…I’m lost…I ..I don’t know where we are or how to get home!” She softly gasped between sobs…. “Please you… You can’t leave me…” She could feel him bleeding… She sat down and ripped her scarf tying it tightly around his torso to stop the bleeding… The wave had destroyed their T-Phones and they could only wait… It was the dead of winter, far to cold for turtles…. She held him close and sniffled softly singing soft songs to him as she held him doing her best to keep him warm… That night it Snowed again…. Leo finally found them in the morning, but when he got there all he saw was a frost and snow powdered Venus holding a shaking Raph…. Leo could of swore he heard Tang Shen…. But the words would forever haunt him… “I’m so sorry…‘
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
"Venus... Venus, please, you can't do this, come on.. you know me!"
They had just gotten Venus back after Splinter was brutally killed in front of them… She finally left Shredder and had just begun a normal life when she met….him….Falco had seen her and immediately grew infatuated with possibilities with a strong giant murder machine on his hands… Her already damaged mind was what he bragged, EASY to warp… Her first order from the man was to kill Raph in front of his brothers as an example. They had been fighting eachother tooth and nail to survive, they were both covered head to toe in gashes and wounds… Then she ripped the sais from his hands by their blades, they had cut deeply into her hands and she likely would have been handless if Raph hadn’t let go… She backed him into a corner and raised them as he finally spoke…….Venus softly growled “Say hello to Splinter and Donnie!” She slung the weapons down at his torso and blood splattered on his plastron…. Except it wasn’t his….
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
"You might be a Foot member but.. you're still my sister."
Venus’s scowl deepened her nose twitched and her lip quivered as her face scrunched up “You abandoned me! Why would you care now!” She screamed tears rolling down her face her legs shook, she was weak and feverish… Infection had long set in from the missing bottom half of her shell. It was a wonder she was still standing, with every jerky move maggots fell from her, she was starving while being eaten alive… Her heart was resilient however… “You never cared! Yoshi never ca-” she was cut off by her legs giving way beneath her, collapsing… Her body trembling as she slowly looked up and tears poured down her eyes… “I waited for you long enough…” She said before her body gave out and she blacked out…
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
The Next Mutation Series isn’t that bad….I mean it has awkward camera angles and the production team of The Power Rangers but if you can get past the suits and the angles…. It’s a decent show.
And Venus is Adorable
She actually has little knowledge of American Customs…Here are some of her lines in the show….
“Take me to your toilet….” (The Sewers)“OH Kiss my Shell!” (She learnt this from Raph)“Ughhh” (In response to every time anyone flirts with her lmao)
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
"I don't know what he sees in you.... you're NOTHING."
Venus slowly looked up at him shaking softly as she trembled in the snow… Her attempts were futile, her face sparkling with frost and her eyes nearly frozen to her eyelids “Funny that’s just what I told him brother mine….” She weakly muttered as Raph dragged herby her broken ankle , whether it was to Falco or to her death she didn’t know… But really was there a difference? She smiled softly as her cold body slowly fell asleep for possibly its last time…
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