#{When Everything Goes Wrong: Discord's Mischiefs}
alexandraxsuoh · 25 days
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"That's totally cheating.. That's not fair!"
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gentlexheart · 2 years
Tag drop. My blogs are included too. Most of them are the same as Aexther.
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aexther · 2 years
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♦ This is hell again.. We’re back to nonsense again. 
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I win in the end XD Normally it’s Aether and Xiao xD
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Okay okay, I had this in my notes for a while waiting for MLP to be open for requests again so: concept of Twilight with a Draconequus Darling? I can't remember if there was a specific line of thought when I wrote this down tho, maybe the Darling is just as chaotic as Discord
Oh, sure! I'll do some ideas I have for this.
Yandere! Twilight Sparkle with Draconequus! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Attachment issues, Delusional behavior, Clingy behavior, Bad mental health, Manipulation, Forced companionship.
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There has been only one of your kind known in Equestria.
You, on the other hand, have not been caught.
Mostly because you prefer to stay in another dimension.
Your behavior could be like other Draconequus, chaotic creatures hellbent on mischief.
That or you could be one of the kinder ones of your culture.
You'd most likely be chaotic, such a craving for chaos set in full swing by the time you decide to investigate Ponyville.
You've heard of Discord in Ponyville, curiosity got the best of you to check it out.
This is when Twilight meets you.
She herself was not expecting more of Discord's kind.
In fact, she feels she dreads it once she sees you pull the same things Discord did.
Chaotic pranks, pestering ponies, altering the fabric of reality....
By this point, Discord is reformed, so Twilight tries to get him to help reign you in.
It takes a long while, but encouragement by your own kind calms your desires.
This whole "friendship" thing must be pretty powerful if it caused Discord to reform.
Fluttershy most likely can't handle two Draconequus, which means Twilight is stuck with you.
This begins your little companionship that soon grows into you being all Twilight can think about.
Twilight has her castle at this point, which leaves space for you.
Spike certainly hates the idea of you moving in.
Twilight is determined to change you, however.
It takes time but the young princess introduces you to Ponyville culture.
You even consider reading books with her.
Twilight slowly grows attached to you, taming your chaotic personality.
Similar to Fluttershy and Discord, you two are really close.
Twilight never thought she'd become so attached to you, her affections on the edge between best friends and something more....
The castle is sometimes even decorated by you, by Twilight's suggestions to prevent anything... too chaotic.
Twilight goes from stressed about your presence to calmed and happy.
The other Mane Six are surprised just how close you are.
Discord is even impressed the princess likes you so much.
You didn't torment her too much, did you?
Twilight would treat you similarly to her basic yandere behavior.
She does research on your culture and tries to understand her feelings towards you.
You are special to her, she wants to know why.
If you're as affectionate as Discord, Twilight would be weak in the knees.
You're clingy... and she likes it.
Spike would be the first to notice Twilight's behavior towards you.
The research, the affection, the obsessive behavior.
She isn't right in the head.
You may also encourage it accidentally, finding her behavior either cute or interesting.
You have no idea about her worsening mental health.
Seeing the alicorn so clingy... you thought that was just a pony thing.
You're not usually around them this often-
You leaving Ponyville now is out of the question for her
Twilight would panic if she simply saw you not in the castle.
She may treat you more like a beast she's taming due to her feelings.
She wants to keep you behaved and at her side.
Even if using magic and manipulation to do it is wrong....
Due to your powers, you could leave.
Yet Twilight's mental health will deteriorate and she may not act rationally.
She may just track you down with a spell or Discord.
Now that you've entered her life, reformed due to her help... she doesn't want you to leave.
Not after everything you've both been through.
Overall, Twilight would probably fall for you while reforming you.
Then she'd do everything she can to keep you happy in Ponyville, beside her.
Even if it meant figuring out how to seal you in stone like Discord.
"With me, you'll never want to leave Ponyville! ... or me-"
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or: you know, like the kind you have with tea!
gn!reader, no content warnings, literal actual crack. now look what you’ve done! happy birthday to our wonderful zo - please direct all damages claims to our recently-opened ‘how dare you’ division at @zozo-01 . hope you’re having a gorgeous day - have a slice of colin on me! for those who may not know, i am actually english, so make of that what you will. love to rae for dialect consultation and hotline tag assistance, for the proof if proof were needed that neither the atlantic nor pacific can stand in the way of discord mischief - because we've now tried them both! darlin having an absolute mare in 1600 words or less.
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God, you’ve got to stop going to bed so late. What time is it?
“You up yet?”
Sam’s voice. Mmm. But he’s not here next to you - he sounds like he’s over by the door. Eyes still closed, you wave one arm vaguely in his direction in a feeble attempt to persuade him back into bed with you. “No.”
He laughs, walking over to take your hand, but unfortunately standing his ground when you try to pull him down. Stupid vampire strength.
“Nice try, darling,” he says, and it sounds… weird, somehow. “But we said we’d be round at Milo’s at half eleven, and we’re not about to be late again.”
The more he speaks, the stranger he sounds. What’s wrong with him? There’s definitely something funny about it, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.
“Did you-” Blearily, you crack one eye open to look at him - he looks just the same as ever, handsome even in the darkness of the blackout curtains. “Wait, what did you say?”
Sam rolls his eyes good-naturedly, and the sight is so beautifully familiar that it’s almost enough to make you wonder if you really just didn’t hear him right. Then he opens his mouth, and nope, you were right. There’s something wrong.
“I said, they’re expecting us at Milo’s at half eleven, and it’s almost quarter past ten.” What sort of fucked-up fever dream is this? “Now, are you getting up, or am I carrying you?”
The words don’t come, staring up at him in abject confusion, your mouth just hanging open as you try desperately to make sense of what he’s saying. Why does he sound so - so-
-so English?
After a few seconds of bewildered eye contact, he seems to gather that you’re currently incapable of human speech, and lets go of your hand.
“Right then,” he says, and it’s starting to make your head hurt a bit. “I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready, then.”
“Yeah.” You nod, plastering on a cheery smile and hurriedly starting to sit up. “Yeah, I’ll, uh - I’ll just be a minute…”
He disappears out the door and you listen as he goes down the stairs and into the kitchen, before reluctantly dragging yourself out of bed and walking over to the wardrobe. What the hell is he doing?
Your first impulse is to say that it’s a prank, that he’s putting on an accent for fun, to try and mess with your head or something. But that can’t be it - Ash and Milo have dragged him into enough of their truth-or-dare games for you to know firsthand how awful he is at accents, and he’d never be able to keep it up for more than a sentence or two, least of all with a straight face. There’s no magic you’ve ever heard of that could make this happen, and people don’t just wake up talking like a completely different person, do they? So is it on purpose? Does he know what he’s doing?
Unsettled, you finish getting dressed and head into the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Maybe that will make things a bit more ordinary, right? You’ve just… woken up on the wrong side of bed. You must just be hearing things. Hopefully, when you go downstairs, everything will be back to normal.
“There you are, darling. All alright?”
You’re in the kitchen. Everything is not back to normal.
It doesn’t smell like coffee. Hazily, you let Sam nudge you into a chair at the dining table, numbly accepting the offered glass of water and bowl of - is that Weetabix? God, you haven’t had this stuff in ages. It’s still as cardboard-y as ever, but you’re not really paying attention. Someone’s feeling unusually chatty this morning, it seems, and it’s starting to seriously throw you off now.
“-and he was going on about something Vincent said - have to admit, half of it was in French so I only got the gist, but-”
A pause, while he takes a sip of his Earl Grey. Your head is going to explode.
“But anyway, apparently it all went a bit pear-shaped - he said he’d had to leg it downstairs ‘cause Alexis had caught him nicking gum off her desk, but there’d been a delivery downstairs, right, and-”
“Are you okay?”
He stops, taken slightly aback, and you realise that you’ve said it out loud.
“You just - you-” Hastily, you try to clarify, hands waving awkwardly in front of you as you speak like it’ll help. “Your voice…”
He has the gall to look confused. “What about it?”
“Oh, you know!” you say through a mouthful of Weetabix. “The accent?”
“Yeah, I… I know,” he replies, like you’ve just told him the sky is blue. “I have one.”
“Not that one!”
Sam takes another sip of tea, utterly bemused. “What other one would I have?”
“But you’re not - you’re American!” Frustrated, your spoon clatters against the empty bowl as you dump it in the sink to wash up later, and you cross your arms as you turn to face him across the kitchen. “You’re literally from Mont Blanc!”
“...Yeah?” He seems to be taking the impromptu interrogation in stride now, raising an eyebrow in what he probably thinks is a playful challenge, but to you it’s reading more as wilful ignorance. “What about it?”
You take a deep, calming breath. It… well, it sort of works.
Hopefully, the smile you’re putting on looks a lot easier than it feels, like you’re playing along with the joke. “You can stop doing the voice now, I get it.”
He blinks. “The… voice.”
“Yeah.” Your head is starting to ache, ever so slightly. “The whole British thing.”
“British? But I’m not…?” He finishes his tea, setting the mug down on the countertop behind him, head tipping to one side as he looks at you. “What do you mean?”
“You’re American.”
“Yes,” he says, “Which really shouldn’t be news at this point, darling-”
“And you’ve never lived in the UK.” To be honest, you’re mostly just thinking out loud at this point, but he replies all the same.
“And you’ve never even been to England before.”
“Well, unless you count a stopover in London on the way to France - must have been… ooh, five, six years ago? Oh, it was wonderful, William wanted us to visit some of his old m-”
“So why are you talking like that!” you wail, thoroughly confused and head aching even worse than before. “It’s not - you - you don’t - aarghh!”
Fuck this, fuck this whole stupid game, fuck this trip to Milo’s house for whatever birthday party bullshit he said he’d do - you’re going back to bed. Now. Sam tries to catch your arm as you pass him, stomping back out of the kitchen and clutching your head in your hands, but he catches sight of your too-sharp teeth and clearly thinks better of it. Good. You’d never actually bite him like this, but it’s just what happens with wolves.
He calls out after you, but you don’t hear it - everything’s just a blur of sound that washes over you in a strange, dizzy wave. In the end, you don’t even make it upstairs, throwing yourself down on the loveseat and grumpily hiding under the blanket draped over the back.
It’s pleasantly warm under here, and everything makes sense. It’s all normal. Nobody says weird things, or talks in some weird voice that they’re not supposed to have. It’s quiet, and it’s dark, and everything is back to how it should be.
Absentmindedly, you realise that you’ve shifted through your pyjamas. Never mind. It’s nice like this, curled up on the soft cushion, nose tucked neatly under your tail. Comforting. Safe.
No sound except your quiet breathing, no light except what little bleeds through the softness of the blanket. Nobody here but you.
There’s nothing to worry about.
There’s nothing going on.
It’s all going to be absolutely f-
“Darlin’, you - woah!”
It takes your eyes barely half a second to adjust to the light, clawing the blanket aside with a low snarl at whoever dares to come and annoy you, but-
“Easy, there!” Wait, this isn’t right - you were downstairs a minute ago. How are you back in bed again? And you’re human again - but you didn’t shift back, did you? “Jesus, you damn near took my head off…”
So caught up in your confusion, you barely even realise what's different now.
“Anyhow, now you’re up, you’d best be gettin’ dressed,” Sam says over his shoulder, turning to leave. “Milo wants us round in an hour, and unless we want another dressing down from Marie, we probably ought to be there on time for once.”
Before he can get too far, you reach out and grab his hand. You don’t really know why. It just feels right.
He looks down at you with a smile, pleased, if a little confused. “You okay?”
“Hmm?” Shaking your head slightly, you’re just happy to hear him. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“You were pretty noisy, from what I heard,” he laughs, thumb stroking slowly over the backs of your fingers. “Didn’t know you were a sleeptalker. Havin’ a strange dream or somethin’?”
“I, uh…”
A deep, calming breath. It smells like coffee.
“Yeah, well. Something like that.”
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
Chocolates & Heating Pads
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A/N: 100% a self-indulgent fic written as I lay dying from cramps.
Ron had noticed the change in Jade’s demeanor throughout the last two days. He could tell she was forcing a smile when the other Lieutenants came to her for opinions on how to improve their flying. He could tell she was trying to get out of meeting with the Admirals to go over mission parameters.
A couple of nights before she had been out to dinner with friends but came back in a mood. She quickly headed to shower and went straight to bed.
As he’s watching her sitting with Dragon and Venom during their lunch, he knows what’s wrong the moment he sees her standing up slowly and placing a hand on her abdomen.
Slider goes to check his calendar and sure enough it was time for her menstrual cycle to begin. Everything from the last 48 hours clicked into place and made sense. The three showers in one day. The forced smiles. The taking pain medications every 4 to 6 hours. This was a bad period.
Normally she would be fine and experience minimal cramps. Slider knew Whiskey had a high tolerance for pain. He also knew she wouldn’t complain of pain, unless she felt really really horrible. However, it still didn’t mean it was easy to see her like this.
So what does he do for his girl? He leaves the base early and heads to the store before heading to their new apartment.
When Whiskey arrives home a few hours later, she’s already crying in pain and ready to just sleep and not see anyone for days. To her surprise, Slider is already home and waiting for her.
“Sli… I’m no-.”
“Shhh. It’s okay honey. I know. I’m not here for that. I’m here to take care of you. Go to the bathroom. Take a long shower. Then go to bed. I put pain relievers and water on your bedside table,” he says before kissing her tenderly.
Whiskey just cries some more of how much this tiny gesture touched her.
He pulls her in for a hug and rubs her back. “Go. I’ll have chocolates and a heating pad waiting for you.”
Whiskey obeys and goes to shower and once she’s in his sweats and a hoodie, she takes the pain relievers and sits up on the bed.
Slider returns to the bedroom with a tray and the chocolates laid out on their fancy serving plates, along with a cup of chamomile tea. “I added a shot of that lavender syrup Dragon made.”
“I love you Sli,” Whiskey says.
“I love you too, my beautiful lover.”
He makes sure she’s comfortable before going back to the kitchen to bring another platter. “This time I brought pizza and chips and cookies and wings… We can get back to working out next week. Today and tomorrow we let you rest and give in to your cravings.”
Whiskey’s eyes again tear up. “Why are you this amazing and perfect?”
“Because I learned from you,” he says, kissing her once more before turning on the tv.
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Discord 🏷 List: @callsign-dragonbaron @cycbaby @callsignscupcake @mtnofgrace @bayisdying @askmarinaandothers @cosmicshrine @breadsquash @callsignthirsty @mischief-siriusly-managed @persephonesportal
Forever 🏷 List: @callmemana
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msucal · 4 years
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howdy hey! i’m clem and i’m the mun of kangmin cal lee! 1/2 of the junior prefects in geumseong and your president of the transfiguration club!! i’m super glad to be here with my baby and i can’t wait to plot with you all!! i’ll leave some facts about him as well as plots under the cut!!! if you want to ever hit me up, my twitter is @hclywould and my discord is iloveyeonjun#2510!! otherwise, like this post and i’ll hit you up to plot!!!
born in jeju-do and lived there until he turned around 8 to 9 years old to two muggles / no-majs. 
moved to california (haha) do to more family opportunities there. not only that, but they wanted to see how he would do in a new country!!! he goes by the name calvin. 
funny enough, not too long after they got him into school, he discovered his magic and started getting weird looks from other kids in his school because of it! pretty soon, they all started rumors about him and he felt very alone there
after they got him out of that school in hopes of trying to figure out what was wrong with their song, a wizard from the school of ilvermorny stops by their houses and helps give his famiy information on who cal is and about the school. wanting the best for him, they enrolled him into the school. 
wonderful! he’s in an environment surrounded by other people like himself! surely that means that he’ll be in a better mental state, right? not quite. thanks to the fact he revealed that his parents who are no-majs, a group of kids at ilvermorny started picking on him because of that. so much so that they pranked him and essentially humiliated him in front of the entire year if not the entire school. the leader essentially traumatized him enough that it becomes his boggart. 
desperate to move back home, cal goes to his headmaster and asks if there’s possibly a school of magic he can transfer to in south korea. they find one in the city of seoul, talk to his parents about it, and moved back there!!! and there, he worked his damned hardest to excel in magic (except in herbiology teehee) to prove that he was more than just a muggleborn wizard and that his magic is his own. 
around this time, he also decided to go by the nickname cal, half of his english name so that he could remember all the pain he went through and use it as motivation to work hard. trying to make something better out of it!!!
enrolled into mokseong (house geumseong haha house pride) with outstanding grades with a transfiguration major and a minor in muggle history.
has been trying to succeed more and more ever since. that’s why he’s a prefect and the president of the transfiguration club!!!
personality wise? easygoing and charming!!! will try to find a way into your heart, platonically or not! will tease you just to get closer and make u laugh (or be pissed w him he is not afraid) 
very intelligent and analytical. he wants to learn a LOT and in some situations, it’ll just be him being nosy bc he wants to know more about a person. 
though he’s always trying to be a good role model, if u mess with him, he will prank u!!!!
outside of campus, you’ll usually find him at madame menageries, asking madam about what she knows about each class and information about students ... sometimes at joyful jokes because prankster 
with depth 
you are his rival! you essentially cannot stand him because of the fact that he’s gotten more achievements than you. no matter who you are and what your family is, you try to find a reason to doubt whether his achievements were earned for him. and a part of you is still trying to find something to be better at than him. (0/1) 
cal is secretive when it comes to talking about his past, but he seems to be open about investigating others and wondering about theirs. it’s almost to the point where you want to do the same to him, not only because it’s bothering you how he does it carefree to others, but because you are genuinely so curious about his reasons. he finds it charming that you wish to know more about him, but he finds it annoying how insistent you are. (0/1) 
cal should’ve been more aware of who he was throwing pranks on because the moment he threw that he threw a dungbomb at you and he saw the way you react, he knew it was over for him. and though he tries to act all buddy-buddy with you about everything, you still want to get back at him for such a childish act!!! (0/1) 
in contrast to the last four plots, this plot is more adoring of cal. you admire him and his resilience as well as how hardworking he is. you do recognize that sometimes he can be a bit much, but you can’t help but feel as if he’s someone to look up to!! you don’t even have to be close to him to know that he’s wonderful!!! (underclassman to junior, 0/1) 
while cal dares not to play the sport, he has a fascination over quidditch. specifically, how the players act with it. though not a player, he is a fan and he is willing to give advice to people who are new to the game or are now taking an interest in it. dare he say it, he’ll be face paint kid and even give you a test to see how well you know it. (0/1) 
transfiguration is your weakness and you wish to improve on it. why not go to the help of the transfiguration president? he’s always willing to help those who struggle at what he’s best at. (0/1) 
having muggle parents and essentially “lived” as a muggle for part of his childhood, you wish to know more about his experience as living in that environment. whether you wish to share similar experiences or learn more about it for an assignment, you go to the young geumseong student for help. (0/1) 
though cal is essentially easygoing and carefree, he is still a prefect and will hold that responsibility. so if you’re a troublemaker geumseong student, even if he’ll sometimes tag along with your mischief, know that you will be given a warning from him. (0/1) 
you want to dye your hair a new color and you go to him, a colovaria master, to ask him for advice on which color you should try and if he can put that color on you!! just to be safe!!! (0/1) 
though he’s very vocal about how he is proud of being in geumseong (esp bc of professor aurora song saying she’d be in that house), he does like hanging out with hwaseong students. specifically you because you’re his partner in crime when it comes to pranks! yes you both frequent joyful jokes together. (0/1) 
EX PLOTS!! it’s very clear that cal is the charming type and he’s even charmed his way into some people’s hearts~ but of course, love isn’t primarily his main focus now. so naturally, he’s gotten with a few people and you could’ve gone for a few months, but one’s thing for sure is that there’s reasons as to why you are split, heavy or not. (1/2) 
freshmen he can call freshies, but in an endearing way... even if you are annoyed or honored. 
fellow quidditch fans!!!!
prefects!!! esp upperclassmen who like doting on him (or teasing him... he’ll take either) 
in contrast to that ^ upperclassmen who don’t really like him that much 
fellow members of his extracurriculars!!! transfiguration (haha flex), duelling, ancient ruins, magical creatures, and defense against the dark arts!!!
if you are in magical creatures, please pull him away from the niffler bc he’d probably try to baby it even though IT’S A CREATURE!!! THAT CAN STEAL HIS MONEY!!!
ilvermorny alumni!! even though he attended one year!! maybe y’all can bond about your houses
he’ll also bond with hogwarts alumni, but he’ll make fun of your accents. 
bilingual, so go to him if you need help speaking either korean or english!!! or even if you want to speak konglish to him. 
bubble tea friend!! or really, people who just like madam. he loves madam. 2nd mom. 
more to come when i get a brain to think fo more!!! 
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raymondshields · 7 years
1, 6, 12, 14, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 49, 55, 78, 84, 86, 94?
Gonna stick it under a readmore because Long.
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
Soundcloud if I must, otherwise Youtube and ListenonRepeat all the way. Plus an audio downloader because I am currently one of very few people who have a Teto/Miku duet cover of Hirari, Hirari- because I was smart enough to download it before it got taken off Youtube. It’s an amazing cover. If I knew who made it, I’d reupload it and credit them. If you want it for listening-only purposes, let me know and I’ll pass over a link.
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
Murder, motorcycles, and mischief.
12. what size bed do you have?
I think mine’s a twin. It’s just large enough for two small people to cuddle.
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
Ehh, maybe a bit more downtown from where I currently am. Well, we’re not currently a dumpster fire of a country, my second cousin’s the prime minister, I know where I am and I generally enjoy my home region, and despite having one of the highest living costs in the world (we’re top three, maybe in first or second?), it’s a pretty great place.
But let’s be honest here. I’d live anywhere if you were with me.
25. what color socks are you wearing?
Currently, I am not wearing any socks, because I just showered and have yet to put on pajamas, thus I am wearing only a bathrobe for the warmth. But I was wearing white socks. I don’t actually own socks of any other color.
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
I have three up on my bed, but two are just filled with cotton balls and are not much more substance than a very thin, folded blanket. I would love about eight, so I can adjust them as required and roll over as much as I want.
30. whats your favorite candle scent?
I would usually say strawberry, but grape is apparently the smell of Chaos, so we’re going with that. I had no idea until my parents bought me a grape candle. I am never letting go of it.
31. 3 favorite boy names
Kiril, Ashley, Iban. Yours is a given, but the other two are just masculine names I very much enjoy. Ashley just sounds pretty good for a guy, and Iban is still very close to my heart and deserves the respect.
32. 3 favorite girl names
Delilah, Kiera, Seren. Delilah is just pretty, though like everyone else I learned of its existence from the Plain White Ts. Kiera is the name of the protagonist of a fic that actually got me into writing (alongside Dawn, which although being a romance, is very good and is actually the reason I started writing in the first place, so shoutout to @khayr for writing it even though she’s done it three whole times now and never finished it once. :p ) Seren is both the name of the crystalline goddess from RuneScape, and Drakath’s (and Exos’, and the Avatar’s) daughter, who is probably still living with Travon for her own safety.
I decided to exclude the names of Mil and the Princess, because those are obviously favourites.
49. what was the last compliment you received?
Your goodnight message, which when viewed alone, is very sappy. I would’ve just posted a screenshot but idk if you’re chill with that, but you know what I’m talking about and thinking about it outside of context is just Jeez, That’s Sappy. Which is fine by me, I like sappy.
55. what is your dream job?
Ideally? I worldbuild shit for a fantasy game. I want to do anything but plot. Let me worldbuild and help design characters and all that cool stuff. I’d also like some input on gameplay if some things don’t make sense. But mostly worldbuilding, because worldbuilding plotholes are effing awful.
Realistically? Probably a therapist or software engineering manager. Something that I can be productive about. The latter would be pretty nice in the gaming industry, but let’s be honest here, it’s probably not going to happen.
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed. Curtains also closed. All lights must be off, or blocked off by an object. If I can tell the difference visually between closed eyes and opened eyes, it’s not dark enough. 
Unless I’m really tired, in which case catch me on the floor without having turned off my lamp or computer and probably not anything else.
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
Rainbow, since I only ever get sprinkles on donuts and Timmy’s doesn’t have chocolate sprinkles. Regardless, I’d take rainbow.
86. what is your phone background?
Just a picture of a side street + stone staircase in what looks to be rural Japan. Wooden houses, right beside the woods, cobblestone street with shops on either end. I’ll probably change it sometime soon, I just like pretty things.
94. favorite lyrics right now?
“I can see a rainbowIn your tears as they fall on downI can see your soul growThrough the pain as they hit the groundI can see a rainbowIn your tears as the sun comes outAs the sun comes out”
-Rainbow, by SIA. From the new MLP movie, which I refuse to watch in anything but in segments on Letupita725HD*’s channel, because wow was Twilight out of character and was the plot kind of awful.
I literally don’t understand why the other princesses are always so useless, and Twilight’s the last person (er, pony) to steal shit. She knows friendship. Fuck, she learned from fucking Discord of all people that friendship is shit you don’t give up on. One thing goes wrong - the very same damn thing that happened with Tirek and Discord and Nightmare Moon and Sombra and Crysalis (twice) - and suddenly she forgets everything she’s learned since season 1 episode 2. Like??? Stealing the pearl??? What the fuck?? I get it from a writing perspective- makes Tempest foil Twilight, shows Twilight what she’ll be if she continues being a little bitch. But it’s also a complete disgrace to her character.
That and you know, they did the rest of the main recurring characters a definite disgrace. Tempest was literally the only decent character. Pinkie was decently done, but took up way too much of the spotlight. Rarity, well- haven’t seen most of Capper since I know he’s a little bitch and the secondhand embarrassment’s a lot- but she does stuff. Rainbow does the thing with the pirates. But Applejack and Fluttershy are virtually useless the entire movie, which is upsetting.
Not gonna go too much into the new characters, since I haven’t seen most of the pirate stuff and Capper. Queen Novo’s kind of rude but I guess it makes sense? She comes around. Skystar’s uhhhh. Yeah I dunno why she kept talking to shells when there’s an entire queendom. Right there.
Anyway the movie was just an hour long finale and I was hugely disappointed with it, but the songs were awesome and I really like SIA’s song.
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alexandraxsuoh · 5 months
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If the rest are going wild, he's always calm while Alex is already loosing patience.
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bt2018bt2018 · 7 years
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Wise Words from The Book of Proverbs http://ift.tt/2E7uZae
Carelessness Kills, Love Knowledge, Complacency kills, Pay attention. Be understanding. Be insightful, Embrace Wisdom, clear thinking n common sense, Never walk away from someone who deserves your help. Don't tell your neighbour some other time or try me tomorrow when the money right there in my pocket. Don't figure out ways to take advantage of your neighbour when he's sitting there trusting n unsuspecting. Don't go around looking for a fight. Don't shoulder your way through life. Why be a bully? Be respectful. Sell everything n buy wisdom. Forage for understanding. Don't forget one word. Don't deviate an inch. Never walk away from wisdom. Evil people r restless unless they r making trouble. Evil people cant get a good night sleep unless they had made life miserable for someone. Perversity is their food n drink, violence their drug of choice. Concentrate. Learn it by heart. Don't talk out both sides of my mouth, avoid careless banter, white lies n gossip. Ignore all sideshow distractions. U can buy a whore for a loaf of bread but a temptress will cheat u out of all your wealth and bring you down to hell. Why allow strangers to take advantage of u? Why be exploited by those who care nothing for u? Why reject a disciplined life? Why didn't I listen to my mentor? Why didn't I take my teachers seriously? Do not pass your spring water among strangers. Enjoy your one n only wife. An ant stores up food all summer, at harvest, stockpiles provisions; y laze around doing nothing? Lazing around = poverty. Rascals talk out of both sides of their mouths, wink at each other and shuffle their feet, cross fingers behind their backs, perverse minds r always cooking up something nasty n stirring up trouble. God hates arrogant eyes, the mouth that lies under oath, evil heart, feet that run down a wicked track, lying tongue, murderous hands, the troublemaker in the family. Remember your parents teaching, sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, moral discipline is a life path. Don't lustfully fantasize about her beauty nor be taken in by her bedroom eyes. Hunger is no excuse for a thief to steal. When he is caught, he has to pay it back. Adultery gets u beaten up and ruined the reputation. If u reason with an arrogant cynic, u get slapped in the face, confront bad behaviour n get a kick in the shins, don't waste time on a scoffer; all u get for you are pains is abuse, But if u correct those who care about life, that's different - they'll love u for it. Save your breath for the wise- they'll be wiser for it. Tell good people what u know- they'll profit from it. Wise son, glad father. Stupid son, sad mother. Ill-gotten gains get u nowhere. God won't starve an honest soul but he frustrates the appetites of the wicked. Sloth makes u poor. Diligence brings wealth. Make hay while the sun shines - that's smart. Go fishing during harvest - that's stupid. A wise heart takes orders, an empty head will come unglued. Honesty lives confident n carefree but shifty is sure to be exposed. An evasive eye is a sign of trouble ahead but an open face to face meeting results in peace. The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse. Hatred starts fights, but love pulls a quilt over the bickering. You'll find wisdom on the lips of a person with insights. but the shortsighted needs a slap in the face. The wise accumulate knowledge. Know it all talks too much. Liars secretly hoard hatred, fools openly spread slander. The more talk, the less truth; the wise measure their words. The speech of a good person is worth waiting for, the blabber of the wicked is worthless. The talk of a good person is rich fare for many but chatterboxes dies of an empty heart. An empty head thinks mischief is fun, but a mindful person relished wisdom. Bad work gets paid with a bad check, good work gets solid pay. God cant stand deceivers but relishes integrity. Like a gold ring in the pig's snout is a beautiful face on an empty head. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed, those who help others are helped. Curses on those who drive a hard bargain, blessings on all who play fair n square. The one who seeks good finds delight, the student of evil becomes evil. A life devoted to things is a dead life. Exploit or abuse your family n end up with a fistful of air. Common sense tells u that it's a stupid way to live. A violent life destroys souls. If u love learning, u love the discipline that goes with it, how shortsighted to refuse correction! A good person wants nothing to do with devious schemers. A hearty wife invigorates her husband, but a frigid woman is cancer in the bones. The thinking of principled people makes for justice, the plots of degenerates corrupt. The words of the wicked kill, the speech of the upright saves. A person who talks sense is honoured, airheads are held in contempt. Better to be ordinary n work for a living than act important n starve in the process. Good people r good to their animals, the 'good-hearted' bad people kick n abuse them. The one who stays on the job has food on the table, the witless chase whims n fancies. The gossip of bad people gets them in trouble, the conversation of good people keeps them out of it. Well spoken words bring satisfaction, well-done work has its own reward. Fools r headstrong n do what they like, wise people take advice. Fools have short fuses n explode all too quickly, the prudent quietly shrug off insults. Truthful witness by a good person clears the air; liars lay down a smoke screen of deceit. Rash language cuts n maim; there is healing in the words of the wise. Truth lasts; lies r here today n gone tomorrow. Evil scheming distorts the schemer; peace planning brings joy to the planner. No evil can overwhelm a good person; the wicked have their hands full of it. God cant stomach liars; he loves the company of those who keep their word. Prudent people don't flaunt their knowledge; talkative fools broadcast their silliness. The diligent find freedom in their work; the lazy r oppressed by work. Worry weighs us down; a cheerful word picks us up. A good person survives misfortune, but a wicked life invites disaster. A lazy life is an empty life; but 'early to rise' gets the job done. Sin's detours take u straight to hell. Intelligent children listen to their parents; foolish children do their own thing. The good acquires a taste for helpful conversation; billies push n shove their way through life. Careful words make for a careful life; careless talk may ruin everything. Indolence wants it all n gets nothing; the energetic have something to show for their lives. A good person hates false talk; a bad person wallows in gibberish. A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain n simple life is a full life. The rich can be sued for everything they have; the poor r free of such threats. Arrogant know it alls stir up discord; the wise people listen to each other's counsel. Easy come; easy go. Steady diligence pays off. Unrelenting disappointment leaves u heartsick; a sudden good break can turn the life around. Irresponsible talk makes a real mess of things but a reliable reporter is a healing presence. Refuse discipline n end up homeless. Embrace correction n live an honoured life. Souls who follow their hearts thrive; fools bent on evil despise matters of the soul. Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools n watch your life fall to pieces. A good life gets passed to the grandchildren. Banks foreclose on the farms of the poor or the poor lose everything remaining to crooked lawyers. A refusal to correct is a refusal to love; love your children by disciplining them. An appetite for good brings much satisfaction, but the belly of the wicked always wants more. An honest life shows respect for God. Frivolous talk provokes a derisive smile. Wise speech evokes nothing but respect. A true witness never lies. A false witness makes a business out of it. Cynics look high & low for wisdom but never find it. The open-minded find it right on their doorstep. Escape quickly from the company of fools. They're a waste of your time; a waste of your words. The wisdom of the wise keeps life on track, the foolishness of fools lands them in the ditch. The stupid ridicule right n wrong, but a moral life is a favoured life. The person who shuns the bitter moments of friends will be an outsider at their celebrations. A mean person gets paid back in meanness; a gracious person in grace. A gullible person believe anything they're told; the prudent sift n weigh every word. The wise watch their steps n avoid evil; fools r headstrong n reckless. The hot headed do thing they'll later regret; the cold hearted get the cold shoulder. Foolish dreamers live in a world of illusion; wise realists plant their feet on the ground. Its criminal to ignore a neighbour in need but compassion for the poor is a blessing. The conspirators lose out while thoughtful win love n trust? Hard work pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table. The wise accumulate wisdom; fools get stupider by the day. Souls r saved by truthful witness n betrayed by the spread of lies. The mark of a good leader are loyal followers. Leadership is nothing without a following. Slownness to anger makes for deep understanding; a quick tempered person stockpiles stupidity. A sound mind makes for a robust body; runaway emotions corrode the bones. You insult your maker when u exploit the powerless. When you are kind to the poor, u honor God. The evil of bad people leaves them in the cold, the integrity of good people creates a safe place for living. God devotion makes a country strong; god avoidance leaves people weak. Diligent workk gets a warm commendation; shiftless work earns an angry rebuke. A gentle response defuuse anger. Sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire. Knowledge flows like spring water from the wwise. Fools r leaky faucets - dripping nonsense. Kind words heal n help; cutting words wound & maim. Moral dropouts wont listen to their elders; welcoming correction is a mark of good sense. Perceptive words spread knowledge; fools r hollow - theres nothing to them. God cant stand pious poses but he delights in genuine prayers. Know it alls dont like being told what to do; they avoid the company of wise men n women. A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day. An intelligent person is always eager to take in more truth; fools feed on fast food fads n fancies. A miserable heart means a miserable life, a cheerful heart fills the day with song. Better a bread crust shared in love than a slab of prime rib served in hate. Hot Tempers start fights; a calm, cool spirit keeps the peace. The path of lazy people is overgrown with briers; the diligent walk down a smooth road. Intelligent children make their parents proud; lazy students embarass their parents. The empty headed treat life as a plaything; the perceptive grasp its meaning n make a go of it. Refuse good advice n watch your plans fail; take good counsel n watch them succeed. Congenial conversation; right word at the right time is beautiful. Be thoughtful. Humans r satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good. God cant stomach arrogance or pretense n will put those upstarts in their place. Guilt is banished through love n truth. Far better to be right n poor than to be wrong n rich. A good leader motivates; doesn't mislead; doesn't exploit. God cares about honesty in the workplace. Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds; sound leadership has a moral foundation. Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors whho tell them the truth. An intemperate leader wreaks havoc in lives; you're smart to stay clear oof someone like that. Good tempered leaders invigorate lives. Get wisdom- it's worth more thann money; choos insight over income every time. Watch your step n save your life. First pridee ,, then the crash; the bigger the ego, the harder the fall. It's better to live humbly among the poor than to live it up among the rich n famous. It pays to take life seriously; things work out wwhen you trust in God. A wise person gets known for insight; gracious words add to one's repuutation, True intelligence is a spring of fresh water, while fools sweat it out the hard way. Wise folks make sense when they speak. Gracious speech is like honey - good taste to the soul,, quick energy for the body. Appetite is an incentive to work; hunger makes you work all the hharder. Mean people spread mean gossip; their words smart and burn. Troublemakers start fighhts; gossips break up friendships. CAlloused climbers betray their very own friends; stab their own grandmothers in the back. A shifty eye betrays an evil intention; a clenched jaw sigals trouble ahead. Gray hair is a mark of distinction. Moderation is better than muscle, self control bbetter than political power. A meal of bread n water in contented peace is better than a banquet spiced with quarrels. A wise servant takes charge of an unruly child n is honoured as onne of the family. Evil people relish malicious conversation; the ears of liars itch for dirty gossip.. Whoever mocks poor people insults their creator; gloating over misfortune is a punishabble ccrime. Old people r distinguished by grandchildren; children take pride in their parrents. We dont expect eloquence from fools nor do we expect lies from our leaders. Overloook an offense n bond a friendship; fasten on to a slight n good bye friend. A quiet rebukee to a person of good sense does more than a whack on teh head of a fool! Criminals out looking for nothing but trouble wont have to wait long. Better to meet a grizzly robbed of her ccubs than a fool hellbent on folly. Those who return evil for good will meet their own evil returniing. The start of a quarrel is like a leak in a dam, so stop it before it bursts. Avoid whitewaashing bbad people n throwing mud on good people. Fools wont recognise what is wisddom even if it is right in front of them. Friends love through all kinds of weather; families stick together in all kinds of trouble. Its stupid to get something for nothing or run up huge bills you can never pay. The person who courts sin marries trouble; build a wall, invite a burglar. A bad motive cant achieve a good end; double talk brings you double trouble. Having a fool for a child is misery; its no fun being the parent of a dolt. A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom n doom leave you bone-tired. The wicked take bribes under the table; they show nothing but contempt for justice. The perceptive find wisdom in their own front yard; fools look for it everywhere but right here. A surly, stupid child is sheer pain to a father; a bitter pill for a mother to swallow. Its wrong to penalise good behavior or make good citizens pay for the crimes of others. Those who knows much says little; an understanding person remains calm. Even dunces who keep quiet are thought to be wise; as long as they keep their mouth shut; they're smart. Loners who care only for themselves spit on the common good. Fools care nothing for thoughtful discourse; all they do is run off at the mouth. When wickedness arrives, shame's not far behind; contempt for life is contemptible. Its not right to go easy on the guilty, or come down hard on the innocent. The words of a fool start fights; do him a favor and gag him. Fools are undone by their big mouths; their souls are crushed by their words. Listening to gossip is like eating cheap candy; do you really want junk like that in your bbelly? Slack habits and sloppy work are as bad as vandalism. Pride first, then the crash, but humility is precursor to honor. Answering before listening is both stupid n rude. A healthy spirit conquers adversity; but what can you do when the spirit is crushed? Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights. A gift gets attention; it buys the attention of eminent people. The first speech in a court case is always convincing - until the cross examination starts. Do a favor and win a friend forever. Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach; good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest. Words kill; Words give life - you choose. Find a good spouse and u will find a good life. The poor speak in soft supplications; the rich bark out answers. Friends come n friends go; but a true friend sticks by you like family. Better to be poor n honest, than a rich person no one can trust. Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste. People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why God always get blamed. Wealth attracts friends as honey draws flies, but poor people are avoided like a plague. Perjury wont go unpunished; would you let a liar go free. Lots of people flock around a generous person; everyone'a a friend to the philanthropist. When you're down on your luck, even your family avoids you - your best friends wish you'd get lost. If they see you coming, they look the other way - out of sight - out of mind. Grow a wise heart n u will do yourself a favour; keep a clear head - you'll find a good life. The person who tells lies gets caught; the person who spreads rumours is ruined. Blockheads shouldnt live on easy street any more than workers should give orders to their boss. Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget. Mean tempered leaders are like mad dogs; the good natured are like fresh morning dew. A parent is worn to a frazzle by a stupid child; a nagging spouse is a leaky faucet. Life collapses on loafers; lazybones go hungry. Keep the rules n keep your life; careless living kills.MMercy to the needy. Discipline your child while you still have the chance. Indulging them destrooys them. Let angry people endure the backlash of their own anger. If u try to make it better, u'll only make it worse. Take good counsel and accept correction. Its only human to makee a buck, but its better to be poor than a liar. Some people dig a fork into the pie but are tooo lazy to raise it to their mouth. Punish the insolent - make an example of them, who knows? ssomebody might learn a good lesson. Kids who lash out against their parents r an embarassment n disgrace. If u quit listening n strike off on your own, you'll soon be out of your ddepth. An unprincipled witness desecrates justice, the mouth of the wicked spew malice. The irrreverant have to learn reverance the hard way, only a slap in the face brings fools to attention. WWine makes u mean, beer makes u quarrelsome. a staggering drink is not much fun. Quick temmpered leaders r like mad dogs- cross them n they bite your head off. Its mark of good chracter to avert quarrels, but fools love to pick fights. A farmer too lazy to plant in the spring hass nothing to harvest in the fall. Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart - the wisee person draws water from within. Lots of people claim to be loyal n loving - but where can uu find one? Parents leading honest lives make it easier for their children. Leaders who know theeir business and care, keep a sharp eye out for the shoddy n cheap. For who among us can bbe trusted to be always diligent and honest?Switching price tags n padding the expense accouunt are two things GOD hates. Young people eventually reveal by their actions if their motives are up n up. Ears that hear n eyes that see r the gifts from GOD. Fondness of sleep = ennding up in the poorhouse. Wake up n get up n there will be food on the table. The shopper says thats junk and take it off your hands n goes boasting about his/her bargain. Drinking from thhe beautiful chalice o knowledge is better than adorning oneself of gold and gems. Hold tight tto collateral on any loan to a stranger; beware of accepting what a transient has pawned. Stolenn bread tastes sweet but soon your mouth is full of gravel. Form your purpose by asking ccounsel, then carry it out by using all the help you can get. Gossips cant keep secret-never connfide in blabbermouths. Anyone who curses father n mother extinguished light n exists benighted. A bonanza at the beginning is no guarantee of blessing at the end. Dont say "I'll get uu for that." We justify our actions by appearances - GOD examines our motives. Clean living beefore GOD n justice with our neighbors mean far more to GOD than religious performance. Arrrogance n pride r distinguish marks in the wicked. Careful planning puts u ahead in the long run. Hurry n scurry puts u further behind. Make it to the top by lying n cheating; get paid with smmoke n a promotion to death. The wicked gets buried alive by their loot because they refuse to use it to help others. Mixed motives leaves u in tangles. Better to live alone in a tumbledown sshack than share a mansion with a nagging spouse. Wicked souls love to make trouble; they feeel nothing for friends and neighbors. Simpletons learn the hard way while the wise learn by lisstening. A GOD loyal person will see through the wicked n undo the evil they've planned. If u sstop yyour ears to the cries of the poor, your cries will go unheard, unanswered. A quietly giveen ggift soothes an irritable person; a heartfelt present cools a hot temper. Good people celebrate when justice triumphs, but for the workers of evil its a bad day. Whoever wanders off the straight and narrow ends up in a congregation of ghosts. The pursuit of pleasure and thrills aare eendless. What a bad person plots against the good; boomerangs. Better to live in a tent inn the wild than with a cross and petulant spouse. Valuables are safe in a wise person's home, ffools put it out for yard sales. Whoever goes hunting for what is right n kind finds life itself. Watcch yyour words n hold your tongue, you'll save yourself a lot of grief. Eliminate BRASH, IMPPUDENT, BLASPHEMER, INTEMPERATE HOTHEADS. Lazy people die of hunger because they wont get up and go to work. Sinners are always wanting what they dont have; the GOD loyaal aare always giving what they do have. Religious performance by the wicked stinks, its evven wworse when they use it to get ahead. A lying witness is unconvincing, a person who speeaks truth is respected. Unscrupulous people fake it a lot, honest people are sure of their steps. Nothing clever, nothing conceived, nothing contrived can get the better of GOD. Do your bbest , prepare for the worst then trust GOD to bring victory. A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich, a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank. The rich and poor shake hands as equals. A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks - a simpleton walks in blindly and iss clobbered. The payoff for meekness and fear of GOD is plenty n honor n a satisfying life. Thee perverse travel a dangerous road, potholed and mud slick - if you know what's good for you, stay clear of it. Point your kids in the right direction - when they're old, they wont be lost. Thhe poor are always ruled over by the rich, so dont borrow n put yourself under their power. WWhoever soows sin reaps weeds and bullying anger sputters into nothing. Generous hands aare blessed hands because they give bread to the poor. Kick out the troublemakers n things willl quiet down; u need a break from bickering and griping. GOD loves the pure hearted n well sppoken; good leaders delight in their friendship. GOD guards knowledge wih a passion but hee'll have nothing to do with deception. Young people r prone to foolishness n fads, the cure ccomes tthrough tough mided discipline. Exploit the poor or glad hand the rich - you'll end up ppoorer for it. Dont walk on the poor just because they're poor, and don't use your position to ccrush the weak. Dont hang out with angry people. Dont keep company with hotheads. Bad temper is contagious - dont get infected. Dont gamble on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbbow. Hocking your house against a lucky chance. The time will come when you have to paay up, you'll be left with nothing but the shirt on your back. Observe people who are good at their work - skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they dont take a back seat to annyone. When you go out to dinner with an influential person; mind your manners; dont gobble your food, dont talk with your mouth full. And dont stuff yourself; bridle your appetite. DDobnt wwear yourself out trying to get rich; restrain yourself. Riches disappear in the blink of an eye; wealth sprouts wings and flies off into the wild blue yonder. Dont accept a meal from a ttightwad; dont expect anything special. He'll be aas stingy with you as he is with himself. He'll say "Eat! Drink!" but wont mean a word of it. His miserly serving will turn your stomach when youu realise the meal's a sham. Dont bother talking sense to fools; they'll only poke fun at yourr words. Dont stealthily move back the boundary lines or cheat orphans out of their property; for they have a powerful advocate who will go to bat for them. Give yourself to disciplined instruction; open your ears to tested knowledge. Don't be afraid to correct your yongg ones; a spanking wont kill them. A good spanking, in fact might save them from somethinng worse than death. Don't envy careless rebels. Dont drink too much wine n get drunk, dont eat too much n get fat, drunks n gluttons will end up on skid row, in a stupor n dressed in rags. Listen with respect to the father who raised you, n when you are mother grows old, don't neglect her. Buy truth - dont sell it for love or money. Buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight. PParents rejoice when their children turn out well. Wise children makes proud parents. So make your father proud! Make your mother happy! A whore is a bottomless pit, a loose woman can get you in deep trouble fast, She'll take you for all you've got. She's worse than a pack of theives. Who r the people who are always crying the blues? Who do you know who reeks of self-pity? Who keeps getting beat up for no reason at all? Whose eyes are bleary n bloodshot? Its those who spend the night with a bottle, for whom drinking is serious business. Dont judge wine by its label, or its bouquet or its full bodied flavor- jjudge it rather by the hangover it leaves u with - the splitting headachhe, the queasy stomach. Do u prefer to see double, with your speech all slurredd. Reeling n seasick, drunk as a sailor? They hit me! you'll say, "but it didnt hurt;; they beat me, but i didn't feel a thing." When i'm sober enough to manage it, bring me another drink!" Don't envy bad people; don't even want to be around them. All they think about is causing a disturbance; all they talk about is making trouble. It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; it takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies. Its better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel. Wise conversation is way over the head of fools; in a serious discussion they haven't a clue. The person who's always cooking up some evil soon gets a reputation as prince of rogues. Fools incubate sin; cynics desecrate beauty. If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn't much to you in the first place. Rescue the perishing, dont hesitate to step in and help. If you say, "Hey, thats none of my business." will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching u closely, you know- someone not impressed with weak excuses. Dont interfere with good people's lives; dont try to get the best of them. No matter how any times u trip them up, God-Loyal people dont stay down long; soon they're up on their feet while the wicked end up flat on their faces. Dont laugh when your enemy falls; dont crow over his collapse. Dont bother your head with braggarts or wish you could succeed like the wicked. Respect your leaders; dont be defiant or mutinous. Without warning, your life can turn upside-down, and who knows how or when it might happen? Its wrong to go along with injustice. Whoever whitewashes the wicked gets a bblack mark in the history books. Whoever exposes the wicked will be thanked n rewarded. An honest answer is like a warm hug. First plant your fields; then build your bbarn. Dont talk about your neighbors behind their backs. No slander or gossip pleasee. Dont say to anyone, i'll get back at you for what you did to me. I'll make you pay for what you did! God delights in concealing things; scientist delight in discovering things. The understanding of a good leader is broad and deep, Remove the wicked from leadership and authority will be credible and God honouring. Dont work yourself into the spotlight; dont push your way into the place of prominence. Its better to be promoted to a place of honor than face humiliation by being demoted. Dont jump to conclusions - there may be perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. In the heat of an argument, dont betray confidences. Word is sure to get around, and no one will trust you. The right word at the right time is like custom made piece of jewelry. A wise friend's timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger. Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat - refreshing! like billowing clouds that bring no rain is the person who talks big but never produces. Patient persistence pierces through indifference; gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses. When you are given a box of candy; dont gulp it all down. Eat too much chocolate and u'll make yourself sick. When u find a friend; dont outwear your welcome; show up at all hours and he'll soon get fed up. Anyone who tells lies against the neighbours in court or on the street is a loose cannon. Trusting a double crosser when you're in trouble is like biting down on an abscessed tooth. Singing light songs to the heavy-hearted is like pouring salt in their wounds. If you see your enemy hungry, go buy him lunch; If hes tthirsty, bring him a drink...................Your generosity will surprise him with ggoodness, and GOD will look after you. A gossipy tongue will bring stormy looks. Like a cool drink of water when you're worn out n weary is a letter from a long lost friend. A good person who gives in to a bad person is a muddled spring, a polluted well. Its not smart to stuff yourself with sweets nor is glory piled on glory good for you. A person without self control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out. We no more give honors to fools than pray for snow in summer or rain during harvest. You have little to fear from an undeserved curse as the swoop of a swallow. A whip for the racehorse akin to a stick for the back of fools. Dont respond to the stupidity of a fool; you'll only look foolish yourself. Answer a fool in simple terms so he doesn't get a swelled head. You're only asking for trouble when you send a message by a fool. A proverb quoted by fools is limp as a wet noodle. Putting a fool in a place of honor is like setting a mud brick on marble column. To ask a moron to quote a proverb is like putting a scalpel in the hands of a drunk. Hire a fool or a drunk and u shoot yourself in the feet. As a dog eats its own vomit, so fools recycle silliness. See that man who thinks he's so smart? You can expect far more from a fool than from him. Dreamers fantasize their self importance; they think they are smarter than a whole college faculty. You grab a mad dog by its ears when you butt into a quarrel that's none of your business. People who shrug off deliberate deceptions saying "I didn't mean it. I was only joking." are worse than careless campers who walk away from smoldering campfires. When the gossip ends, the quarrel dies down. A quarrelsome person in a dispute is like kerosene thrown on a fire. Listening to gossip is like eating cheap candy; ddo you want junk like that in your belly? Smooth talk from an evil heart is like glaze on cracked pottery. Your enemy shakes hands and greets you like an old friend, all the while conniving against you. When he speaks warmly to you, dont believe him for a minute. He's just waiting for the chance to rip you off. No matter how cunningly he conceals his malice, eventually his evil will be exposed to public. Malice backfires; spite boomerangs. Liars hate their victims; flatterers sabotage trust. Don't brashly announce what yoyu're going to do tomorrow; you don't know the first thing about tomorrow. Don't call attention to yourself; let others do that for you. Carrying a log across your shoulders while you're hefting a boulder with your arms is nothing compared to the burden of putting up with a fool. We're blasted by anger and swamped by rage, but who can survive jealousy? A spoken reprimand is better than approval that's never expressed. The wounds from a lover are worth it; kisses from an enemy do u in. When you've stuffed yourself; u refuse dessert; When you're starved, you could eat a horse. People who won't settle down, wandering hiter and yon, are like restless birds, flitting to and fro. Just as fragrances give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Don't leave your friends or your parents' friends and run home to your family when things get rough. Better a nearby friend than a distant family. If you wake up a friend in the morning by shouting "Rise n shine!" It will sound to him more like a curse than a blessing. You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. If you honor your boss, you'll be honoured. Your face mirrors your heart. The purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame. Pound on a fool all you like - you can't pound out foolishness. Justice makes no sense to the evil minded. Its better to be poor n direct than rich n crooked. Practice GOD's law - get a reputation for wisdom, hang out with a loose crowd - embarass your family. GEt as rich as you want through cheating n extortion, but eventually some friend of the poor is going to give it all back to them. GOD has no use for the prayers for those who don't listen to him. Lead good people down a wrong path and you'll come to a bad end; do good and you'll be rewarded for it. The rich think they know it all, but the poor can see right through them. When the good people are promoted, everything is great. When the bad are in charge, watch out!You can't whitewash your sins n get by with it, you find mercy by admitting n leaving them. A tenderhearted person lives a blessed life; a hard hearted person lives a hard life. Lion roars n bears charge - the wicked lord over the poor. Among leaders who lack insight, abuse abounds, but for one who hates corruption, the future is bright. A murderer haunted by guilt is doomed - there is no helping him. A devious life is a doomed life. Work your garden n u end up with plenty of food - play n party - you'll end up with an empty plate. Committed n persistent work pays off - get rich quick schemes are ripoffs. Playing favourites is always a bad thing, you can do great harm in seemingly harmless ways. A miser in a hurry to get rich - doesn't know that he'll end up broke. Serious reprimand is appreciated far more than bootlicking flattery. Anyone who robs father n mother and says "So, what's wrong with that?" is worse than a pirate. A grasping person stirs up trouble but trust in GOD brings a sense of well-being. If you think you know it all, you're a fool for sure; real survivors learn wisdom from others. Be generous to the poor - you'll never go hungry, shut your eyes to their needs n run a gauntlet of curses. When corruption takes over, good people go underground, but when crooks are thrown out, it's safe to come out. For people who hate discipline and only get more stubborn, there'll come a day when life tumbles in and they break but by then it'll be too late to help them. When good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the rule is bad, everyone groans. If you love wisdom, you'll delight your parents, but you'll destroy their trust if you run with whores. A leader of good judgment gives stability; an exploiting leader leaves a trail of waste. A flattering neighbor is up to no good; he's probably planning to take advantage of you. The good-hearted understand what it's like to be poor; the hard hearted haven't the faintest idea. A gang of cynics can upset a whole city; a group of sages can calm everyone down. A sage trying to work things out with a fool gets only scorn and sarcasm for his trouble. Murderers hate honest people, moral folks encourage them. A fool lets it all hang out; a sage quietly mulls it over. When the leader listens to malicious gossip, all the workers get infected with evil. The poor and their abusers have their sight to see in common. Leadership gains authority n respect when the voiceless poor are treated fairly. Wise discipline imparts wisdom; spoiled adolescents embarass their parents. When degenerates take charge, crime runs wild, but the righteous will eventually observe their collapse. Discipline your children, you'll be glad you did - they'll turn out delightful to live with. It takes more than talk to keep workers in line; mere words go in one ear n out the other. Observe people who always talk before they think - even simpletons are better off than they are. If u let people treat u like a doormat, you'll be quite forgotten in the end. Angry people stir up a lot of discord; the intemperate stirs up trouble. Pride lands you flat on your face, humility prepares you for honors. Befriend an outlaw and become an enemy to yourself. When the victims cry out, you'll be included in their curses if you're a coward to their cause in court. Good people can't stand the sight of deliberate evil; the wicked can't stand the sight of well-chosen goodness. Banish lies from my lips, and liars from my presence. Give me enough food to live on, neither too much nor too little, if i'm too full, i might get indepenendent, saying GOD? Who needs him?" If i'm poor, i might steal and dishonour the name of my GOD." Don't blow the whistle on your fellow workers behind their backs; they'll accuse you of being underhanded, and then you'll be the guilty one! Don't curse your father or fail to bless your mother. Don't imagine yourself to be quite presentable when you haven't had a bath in weeks. Don't be a stuck up n think that you are better than everyone else. Don't be greedy, merciless n cruel as wolves. Tearing into the poor n feasting on them, shredding the needy to pieces only to discard them. A leech has twin daughters: named "Gimme" and "Gimme more." An eye that disdains a father and despises a mother - that eye will be plucked out by wild vultures n consumed by young eagles. Here's how a prostitute operates: She has sex with her client, takes a bath then asks, "Who's next?" Four things share the Earth's foundations - the janitor becomes the boss, when a fool gets rich, when a whore is voted "Woman of the year," when a "girlfriend" replaces a faithful wife. There are four small creatures, wisest of the wise they are - ants - frail as they are, get plenty of food in for the winter; marmots - vulnerable as they are, manage to arrange for rock - solid homes, locusts - leaderless insects, yet they strip the field like an army regiment; Lizards - easy enough to catch, but they sneak past vigilant palace guards. If you're dumb enough to call attenntion to yourself by offending people n making rude gestures, don't be surpised if ssomeone bloodies your nose. Riled emotions turn into fist fights. Don't dissipate your virility on fortune - hunting women, promiscuous women who shipwreck leaders. Leaders can't afford to make fools of themselves, gulping wine n swilling beer, lest, hung over, they don't know right from wrong, n the people who depend on them are hurt. Use wine and beer only as sedatives, to kill the pain n dull the ache of the terminally ill, for whom life is a living death. Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and outers. Speask out for justice! Stand up for the poor n destitute! A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Her husband trusts her without reserve and never has reason to regret it. Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long. She faces tomorrow with a smile, when she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, n keeps them all busy n productive. Her children respect n bless her. Charm can mislead n beauty soon fades
Learning, Learning - Religion, Learning - Religion - Christianity February 08, 2018 at 11:18PM
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alexandraxsuoh · 2 months
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"Next time we decide to go overseas, let's make sure that Leo doesn't get drunk." The said ginger groaning in the background.
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alexandraxsuoh · 11 months
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"I'm stuck with idiots.."
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alexandraxsuoh · 1 year
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She's too busy laughing at her brother confusion than helping him.
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alexandraxsuoh · 1 year
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"My brothers are so pretty handsome, we can't deny it."
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alexandraxsuoh · 2 years
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“I’m seriously not paid enough to drag her out of troubles.” 
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alexandraxsuoh · 2 years
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♠ I’m in the disaster side of discord as bullying someone who started it. ~ 
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