#{Daily Cleaning Time: Rp Meme}
dcmoniism · 6 months
♛ - do me plz 🥺
to : ooc.
my opinion on; @brightestwiitch , @safestpsychoticbiitch
character in general: i must admit that due to previous bad experiences with lily's, they became a character that i didn't particulaly like. although, i do like and respect their role in the universe, harry's life, etc. i CANNOT say the same about katherine. i absolutely love, respect and simp for her. shamelessly. how they play them: i love your portrayal of both muses. lily is both strict and playful when she needs to be, a perfect balance - and i like how close to canon you portray her in our current threads, especially with severus. do not worry, i will give you the jily feels with that cute meme you sent in soon enough! katherine... what can i say about katherine. you bring out the human side of katherine that is buried deep, deep down most of the times, and that is remarkable. i am eager to see her more... savage, villainous side in the threads we have coming up / planned. the mun: the mun needs to stop texting me when they're at work DEMANDING things, when they cannot reply back because then my muses go extremely sassy and i cannot control them. honestly though, they're amazing and i am very glad that i get to ship with them, scream with them, talk to them on a daily basis.
do i;
follow them: i totally do! i might not follow on all their sideblogs, but i follow their main and the two tagged above for sure. rp with them: most definitely, and i love it. want to rp with them: of course, hello?? ship their character with mine: ... do i ship their characters with mine... ask them, see what they say, lmao.
what is my;
overall opinion: i gotta admit that initially the concept of multiple sideblogs that stem from a main blog was confusing to me (maybe because i have just returned to tumblr recently and i love everything simple). the hardest part was seeing the blogs pop up, reading through and seeing the same alias and being like 'hold on... is it them again?' besides, now that i understand the concept, i absolutely love the organisation - every single blog is clean, easy to navigate, information is easy to find and the muses are all neat, tidy in their own corner. teach me your ways? your portrayals, as far as i have seen / written with are amazing, nothing to be insecure about and totally muses to throw my way a lot more » waves my tvd and hp muses at you.
**Note: mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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((I suppose I can lift my hiatus, but it is going to take me some time to get back into the groove with the rpc again.
I also intend on keeping my dash clean and small, which is better for my mental state. I also prefer to keep my dash focused on people who want to interact with my muse than following 100+ blogs of people posting daily but not interacting. This was one reason I had to take a break.
For now, please read my rules and about info, and if you ever see a meme or open post (even a one liner), please interact!
Also: I tend to gravitate towards a lot of crack and silly rp because it's easiest for me and helps me to deal with irl stressors. I can and will do para rp, but those will take longer! (Fatigue is a bitch).
I also run other blogs and won't always be here, and Hoyoverse owns my wallet.))
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ccaptain · 2 years
Pet peeves?
love cleaning up my askbox and then stopping at oldass memes. i had to dig so much for this -- Anonymous
breaking my comfort zone is already hard enough as it is: i have EXTREMELY HIGH anxiety so usually i just... kind of dont. i stay glued to my usual rp partner/s legs like a little kid being introduced to family friends and THEN if i'm able to i break off slowly
absolutely ANY shift of behaviors towards me without having notified me that we have a problem we gotta discuss or other stuff about that makes me go right back to square one :\ i don't do passive-aggressive and it has saved my ass many times where i broke off with people who can't/won't voice that and it led to a big realization that i won't let them bully me into submission. so that was fun
if you hold your ability to communicate hostage and wait for me to come to you crawling, not only im gonna take my distance like fucking speedy gonzales but i'm also significantly reducing my interactions with you, no matter if we're shipping/communicating on a daily basis or just mutuals etc. not to mention that i'll clam up and it'll take me plenty of time to be comfortable again around you and it'll be a pain for both of us. i like to think that seeing how much passive-aggressive communication harms and distances a person has taught people lessons and made them better at communicating, but i'm not hopeful.
tl;dr i don't do passive-aggressive power trips under ANY circumstances, i'm a scaredy cat and forcing me to try and ''submit'' to your whims will put a severe dent in our friendship/relationship/partnership.
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 years
Quarantine Tag
Tagged by: @leel-lol
Are you staying home from school/work?
I currently don’t have either, but yes!
If you are staying home, who is with you?
My family!
Who would be your ideal quarantine mate?
Oh geez, I don’t know. I guess the soulmate I have cooked up in my head? Someone who would take care of me and wouldn’t mind doing the things I want to do during this time: cleaning, baking, doing puzzles, making art.
Are you a homebody?
I don’t want to say ‘yes’, I never have been... but due to my anxiety and my unfortunate job-history I’m gonna have to say yes.
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Touring the college I applied too! As well as doing a workshop there, getting my driver’s license, getting a summer job.
What movies have you recently watched?
The last one that actually comes to mind is either The Rise Of Skywalker or--and I can’t remember the title right now--some Christmas carol story that involved the ‘girlfriends of future past’ or something with Matthew McCona(idk how to spell his last name) and it was not a great movie.
What shows are you watching?
Mixed-ish, Riverdale, Black-ish, and The Masked Singer.
What music are you listening to?
My ‘Lovey-Dovey’ playlist which is basically a lot of love songs I enjoy: Pim Stones, Ellie Goulding, Jaymes Young.
What are you reading?
The rps I’ve been doing with my friends? Tbh I haven’t read an actual book since my trip to Kentucky in February.
What are you doing for self care?
Going on daily walks, baking, puzzles, animal crossing, rp’ing, looking at memes on insta.
Tagging: @itsaconquestofimagination , @callmehopeless , @kylo-renne , @kylosupremeimagines , @awkward-radar-tech , @babbushka
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wiceschnee · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Riley
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I can say the alphabet in a language that I don’t know the name of. I honestly have no idea where the language is spoken, by whom, or what the language is. But I can say the alphabet in it.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: peas
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  meme songs and writing my own OCs
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: nothing
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Never had a fling, couldn’t tell you.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: I can’t remember the last time I read a book...
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  ConKu but nobody knows what that is, BrigCree, Skyshipping, Marth and Caeda, uh..... ConKuo
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT: Gasoline but I fuckin hate that it’s my favourite because I know it’s horrible
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Amy Lee and Gerard Way
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: If it’s a startle, yes. If it’s not a startle, no.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:  Uh... android. I guess?
23. DREAM JOB: Video game design.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I have a fuckin list pal. One that comes to mind quick is Prince Uldren. Or Jacques Schnee.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Hetalia don’t fuckin remind me ever again
Tagged by: @pyrhass​ what a meme
Tagging: everyone if you see this fuckin do it and ping me steal it bitch you won’t
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exspiravited-a · 5 years
ive honestly been feeling really negative about being here lately again and i think i might go on semi-hiatus/hiatus?
it just feels weird coming online anymore since a lot of the people i talked with a lot/used to be close friends with are all just. kinda gone. i really only have one person i talk to daily anymore. i just feel like the rest of everyone are just sort of acquaintances, like ill never really fit into one group or another no matter what. which is fine! ive had my run being in a fun group of friends a long long time ago and it was fun while it lasted. 
i also just feel like..... i dunno kgmfdh like i try to post opens and send memes every chance i get and they never go anywhere. i feel like i have to beg people to rp with me and i dont want that to happen! i do appreciate all the people who thread with me whether it’s one-liners or full on multipara because it’s super fun and i LOVE IT.... but at the same time it just feels like.... i try really hard and put out so much effort that’s just overlooked. ive been here for so long, and i really just. dont know how people do it. like post an open or a silly thing and have a bunch of people jump on. what is your secret....... maybe it’s just because i dont have any friends or im just.... not good at writing but. yeah.
AND.... this one probably sounds dumb but like. it kinda sucks when u make a cool hc post that u rly tried hard to think of and it feels like no one sees it or whatever. it’s OKAY to like my hcs!!!!! it shows me that people see!! and it validates me!!!!! 
maybe some of this is. my fault?? maybe it’s because i kinda suck at talking to people or i dont respond to messages all the time or.... i dont know.... maybe people just dont. like me? ive never really been super popular here, like not enough to get random asks or any of that. but i dunno. this has been really hurting me for a while. this isnt really directed towards anyone or anything. ive just been feeling kinda down about this blog and my place in the rpc as a whole. after my friend group fizzled out years ago, it feels like ive never really belonged anywhere here, and im worried people are just tolerating me instead of actually liking me. 
im. kinda rambling nonsensically at this point, but i wanted to get this off my chest because it’s affecting my mood a lot. i think it’s just best to step back for a bit, maybe limit my time here and try to focus on other things. this is a late night spur of the moment post though, and it could be because im tired and sore still from cleaning yesterday, but ill see how i feel in the morning. i just. kinda needed to vent for the time being
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
     [ Hey guys! So, I’m not really online (hence not reblogging my online post), but just wanted to give you a little heads up about changes right around the corner for the blog!
The new blog is like 98% done - mostly I just need to change the url over, and finish linking things! I need to redo icons but that’ll be something I do gradually / as I need them rather than trying to overhaul them all at once.
ALL (yes, ALL) of my RP sideblogs - @hyuuchiha, @whitefangwanderer, @thefriendlyflicker, and @foxesnflowers - are going to be archived, and will NOT be moved over. I’ve decided to, for now, not blog juggle anymore. I have plans for two new main blogs, but not for quite some time.
OTHER sideblogs, like the drabble blogs, meme blog, etc. are all being kept as they are, so no worries! I know the meme blog has been dead but I just haven’t had time to sit and refill the queue - it takes a LOT of time to get a decent amount done, and I wanna wait until I have more time.
Once the new blog is done and this one archived, I’ll be refollowing all my mutuals from this blog, and making a PSA post tagging everybody so they can be aware of the move if they miss any other posts! So hopefully I’ll see you over there! I’m still figuring out how many drafts I want to move - some I want to keep, but I also want to have a mostly-clean slate and new start, so expect a post about that later.
Otherwise, I’m putting this / all blogs on HIATUS until Monday, January 6th. This is mostly just for a break, but also to finish up blog work, get things organized, and try to chip at the rest of what I owe for my daily drabbles. I really want to get that done so it’s no longer hanging over me. But once Monday rolls around, I want to get the new blog up and running!
     I know I’ve been super absent and flaky for...a while, and I understand if any of you are frustrated with me and don’t refollow. That’s totally fine! But to anyone willing to stick through all the mess life has made of this blog, I appreciate it, and I’ll see you guys Monday! <3 ]
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
hello!! i go by bubbles and i’ve decided to try getting back into roleplaying because i’ve missed it a ton lately… just so i don’t waste your time with a whole wall of text until you realize we may not be compatible, i’ll list a few key things that i think would be dealbreakers for most:
-i’m 22 so i’d like my partners to be 18+ for comfort reasons (and if we decide to include smut in the rp ofc)!
-i only roleplay originals and do NOT roleplay het!! i love m// and f// and nonbinary characters, but het is not my thing tbh.
-i love talking and being friends with my partner, so if you’re looking for strictly roleplay with none of the ooc chatter, i’m not the one for you, unfortunately.
-i most probably won’t be able to shoot out posts daily, so if you’re looking for someone who replies to the rp more than, like, twice a week i am not she (though i truly wish i were…)
-if smut is included i like switches. please do not come to me with characters who always bottom or whatever. i WILL cry
now that that’s out of the way, hi again!! let’s talk about styles and genres and stuff.
style: i’m a long-term kinda gal! i usually write in past tense, multipara. no real minimum word count, i just write what i think is suitable for whatever’s currently happening in the rp! never one-liners, though. i don’t expect any minimums from you either (besides no one-liners), so it’s all chill! also, just to note, i do like to write out what my character(s) is/are thinking/feeling in the moment alongside dialogue and actions. i know that bothers some people so i just thought i’d mention it, but don’t worry, i always try to make sure there’s something my partner can reply to! (also yes i do use punctuation and all that jazz for the actual rp; this is just my ooc style!)
doubling: having more than one main character is not a must for me at all, but if you like doing that, i’m more than happy to oblige! if you wanna keep it simple, that’s also great! there will most likely be side characters popping in and out at the very least, though. (also this doesn’t really fit in doubling but i wanted to say it somewhere: i hope you don’t mind me linking to memes/songs/etc related to our characters because i’m probably going to do that… a lot)
genres: so i’d like to think i’m really flexible with this part. basically, i super-duper love the supernatural genre (especially angels and demons hello???) but i’m also very into slice of life, horror, sci-fi, urban fantasy, and like a bunch of other genres i can’t really think of right now. long story short i’m up for almost anything when it comes to genres! mixing and matching is really cool too, like a slice of life genre with futuristic or supernatural themes, etc. i also LOVE romance but it is not a requirement!!
faceclaims: i don’t usually use faceclaims and i can’t draw for shit, so i usually just describe what my characters look like or sometimes use those cute avatar creators! if you’re a faceclaim user and want me to oblige, i’d be fine with that!
smut: another thing i’m flexible with. whether there’s smut in the roleplay or not, it is very much up to you and what you’re comfortable with! i love me some characters getting down n dirty but keeping it clean is also neat! :^) other nsfw themes like alcohol and drugs and whatever are fine with me too, just like, no excessive gore pls.
limits: speaking of no excessive gore! some other yikes for me are: minor/adult romances, incest, bestiality, toilet stuff, rape as fetish, and…… fisting. let me know what yours are if you’ve got any!
this is the part where i’d list plot ideas, but all the ones i’ve got are pretty vague because i like fleshing them out with my partner, so i’ll just list them as general ideas/pairings (i use the word pairings but they don’t have to be romantic!!!!)
-angels & demons/demons & humans/angels & humans -mafia rivals/mafia pro & newbie -hackers & androids/hackers & hackers (virtual reality mayhaps?) -werewolves & vampires -witches -pirates (regular or space!!!) -royalty & royalty/royalty & knight/royalty & peasant -superheroes and/or villains (or people with superpowers in general) -any cool fairytale/monstrous characters!!
if you’ve got ideas/plots of your own, please do share because i’d love to hear ‘em!
i feel like i’m missing a thousand things but you can just ask me if you wanna know anything else! i usually use discord for ooc chatter and email for the actual roleplaying, but if you prefer using something else, just let me know and i’ll happily oblige! :^) i like to be contacted by email first though, so here it is: [email protected]
happy hunting!
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fractempyreal · 5 years
Do you have a rules page/bio page? I keep trying to load your site but it keeps crashing almost seconds after I do on desktop? Sorry, didn't want to bother you but I was just curious. Thank you
I do! It’s on my theme and it’s the star that’s hovering above the little info box to the right, but I’ll put them here under a readmore if you can’t get to them. Note that some of these do need to be edited, and the bio is limited for the most part until I kick myself to finish it, but this is the gist of it.
RIFP mobile users. Here we go:
This is an independent RP blog for the character Vergil from Devil May Cry. This blog is in no way affiliated with the games, & all content on the blog belongs to their rightful owners. Content on this blog will be NSFW in terms of BLOOD, GORE, DARK THEMES, POTENTIAL BLASPHEMY, & SEXUAL CONTENT. Vergil will be a mix of game & book canon along with my own headcanons, potentially with a slight canon divergence in terms of the post-events of DMC3/Nelo Angelo, at least until there is more known about Devil May Cry 5.
Vergil is not a kind person, nor is he weak. If you challenge him, he will respond. I do not hold back my muse & I ask that you not try to be cheeky & test this unless you are willing to accept that Vergil will indeed wail on your muse to put them in their place. Respect my muse, I respect yours.
Most interactions will take place Post-Nelo Angelo incident unless requested otherwise.
Triggers will be tagged _______ tw, & if there happens to be something specific that you need tagged, please let me know! I have no triggers of my own, but I do ask that the DADDY KINK BE TAGGED.
On the subject of Nero being Vergil’s son, this is not something I’ll consider as canon UNLESS IT’S ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED WITH THE MUN.
I do not send in passwords. I make it a habit to go onto a person’s blog & read their rules, so I hope that I’m given the same courtesy in return.
I don’t do M!A’s.
I am a HIGHLY PRIVATE & SELECTIVE BLOG. I run multiple other blogs on top of this one, so I will not have time to RP with everyone & for this, I apologize. There are, of course, other fantastic Vergil blogs to follow & interact with in the DMC RPC!
I will follow where I see a possible interaction. I am MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, meaning that I will only interact with people who I am in a mutual follow with. Some things that tend to have me turn away from following a blog aside from incompatible muses is too much OOC content, inactivity, missing about/rules page ( this applies to both canon & OC blogs ), or simply not a lot of effort placed into replies, since I do tend to read people’s replies.
I typically unfollow a blog after an inactivity period of 4 months without hiatus notification unless they’re a friend. If this happens to be a category that you fall into, & you return to a blog that’s been inactive & I have unfollowed, simply hit me up or like some of my posts so that I realize you’re still around for me to follow back.
I don’t press for exclusivity. Usually, a person’s muse will naturally become a main muse for me, but that does not necessarily mean that I won’t interact with a duplicate. Please do understand that, being a private RP blog, those who I have known for a long time will be prioritized, but I will get to other threads in a ( hopefully ) timely manner.
On the note of exclusivity, I don’t really practice it outside of shipping. Otherwise, I am open to interacting with other duplicates of Vergil as long as the other mun is comfortable. DMC muses, I won’t be practicing exclusivity with simply because I wouldn’t want to tie someone down when I can’t promise high activity.
I sometimes don’t notice the moment that someone’s followed me. I typically follow back after 3-4 days. If I have not followed you back in that time, then know that I have made my decision & ask that you respect that. Trying to harass me into following you will not work in your favor & will result in a hard block.
Asks & questions about my muse are open to anyone, but interactions/memes are limited to mutual. Personals are free to follow my blog as long as they are aware of RP etiquette & don’t reblog threads or spam like/reblog my posts as it ruins my notifs bar, & will result in a hard block. You are more than welcome to reblog images that I reblog.
THIS BLOG WILL MORE THAN LIKELY NOT CONSIDER SHIPPING WITH ANYONE UNLESS WE ARE ALREADY CLOSE FRIENDS. Considering how difficult it would be to ship with Vergil, not to mention that I’ve had enough issues in the past concerning ships & I would rather avoid it. I ask that this wish be respected.
If by any chance I decide to smut with someone, the post will be properly tagged with a simple NSFW so that it’s easily caught by blacklist. Depending on my partner, I can either place the post under a cut or not.
I do not tolerate anon hate, theft or constant vague blogging/drama from anyone. Callouts are fine when they have fundamental reason to be spread & I will tend to reblog a couple depending on the level of seriousness, such as theft, abuse, racism, etc.
AGAIN, DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF YOU SUPPORT WRITING INCEST, RAPE, PEDOPHILIA, UNWANTED SEXUAL ADVANCES ,OR THINGS OF SUCH NATURE. There is no debate, no ifs or buts, just turn around & leave. I have been in the fandom long enough that I’ve seen the ships that dominate the community & I want to see absolutely NO PART OF IT on my blogs.
My name’s Whitney! I’m a 22+ year old nerd that’s been stuck in DMC hell ever since I was 8. Save me.
I am a busy person, working two jobs & attending University. With that being said, things will be slow on this blog. While I don’t mind being reminded about a certain thread, I would appreciate not being harassed over replies. I’m just here to have fun.
NAME: Vergil
AGE: Old af, appearance to be in his early 40’s in events of DMC5
GENDER: Cis Male, he/him pronouns used
SPECIES: Half-Devil, Half-Human
ALIASES: Dark Slayer, Son of Sparda, Nelo Angelo, The Alpha and the Omega
LANGUAGES: English, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Dimoori Sheol
HAIR: A snowy white with a bluish sheen to it, it’s appearance is rather sleek. Pushing it back away from his face more often than not, it can at times look rater spiky despite the reality that it’s extremely soft & silky to the touch. With his hair down, the relationship between him & his twin is irrefutable, thus the act of pushing his hair back is to keep himself from looking anything like his brother.
EYES: Powder blue, like that of ice. They’re piercing—– haunting—– they’re the eyes of a man that has seen much as well as lost. There is seemingly no warmth to them, & accentuate that there indeed is a difference between he & his brother.
DISPOSITION: Usually a cold & aloof man, he is one of few words. He is not warm nor friendly towards strangers, disregarding them from the get-go unless he finds use of them. Most put him off as cold & unfeeling, which in most cases is correct as long as it’s someone that he doesn’t know. It can be unsettling to make an attempt to interact with him if you have no reason to. He doesn’t like having his time wasted.
BODY TYPE: Aside from being imposing in stature, his physical makeup is also rather intimidating. Broad & extremely muscular, he maintains the appearance of an individual that puts himself through vigorous daily training. HE IS EXTRAORDINARILY POWERFUL, & HIS STATURE DOES LITTLE TO HINDER HIS SPEED.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: A picture of elegance & class, he dresses himself in only the finest materials. He is always clean shaven & his wardrobe is well-maintained. Usually dressing in dark colors, they accentuate his sharp features as well as bring out the piercing, pale iciness of his gaze.
SPEED     ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ AGILITY     ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ STRENGTH     ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ DEFENSE     ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ STAMINA     ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ STRATEGY     ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿
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cochetsharpshooter · 5 years
excessive hc meme: 2, 13, 19, 23, 34, 42
☛ GET INSIDE YOUR CHARACTER’S HEAD! aka The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme || Accepting
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2. Do they have any daily rituals?
He tries not to have a set routine that occurs everyday, since those routines can get a person killed.  He wakes up at the same time each day, no matter how little sleep he got.  Writing down in his journal any thoughts or memories is a good daily ritual for him.  It helps Bucky feel grounded along with piecing together his mind to hopefully figure everything out in the end.  Cleaning his guns and weapons, or at least checking to make sure no one has found him, is something he does on a daily basis.  Right now, his daily routines more so revolve around staying alive and learning about the current era.
13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
I rp Bucky as bisexual.  He prefers the opposite sex but is also attracted to the same sex.  He is a bit overwhelmed with the amount of different sexual orientations in the current era, but he isn’t going to judge someone for their orientation.  He is willing to listen and learn before he passes judgement, but the issue seems to small in comparison to the world around him.  
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
This one depends on what happened that day.  Most of the time, he is trying to remember and piece together things he has forgotten.  Other times he can be bombarded by memories that may have been triggered due to an event that happened or a mission he went on.  Usually he sends up a prayer that he can have a peaceful sleep free of nightmares.  
23.How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
I wouldn’t say he was ever super messy, but he developed the cliche army organization.  He will always put items back in the same place when he is done using them and doesn’t have too much clutter.  Since he still hasn’t found a true home, he doesn’t see the reason in putting down roots with “filler” items that might personalize his temporary living arrangements.  This organization manifests in how he goes about his life.  Anything he purchases or does usually is for self reliance or improvement.  He hasn’t gotten to the point of enjoying life yet in a relaxed manner.  He still feels out of place and not certain where he belongs.
34.Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
He can be a bit outspoken and boisterous, especially when he was younger, but he is a private person.  Especially after everything that happened to him.  He does bury a lot and keep things to himself.  He might cover it up with tmi remarks to kind of divert a conversation, but he is a gentleman and still has his old upbringing.  Everyone has a right to a private life and they shouldn’t be pressured to share things they don’t want to.  There is a time and place for everything.  He isn’t going to judge someone for being too TMI unless it gets out of hand and the person needs to learn to keep their mouth shut.
42.How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
I rp Bucky as having a high school education.  He never got the chance to go to college due to enlisting, but he isn’t stupid.  He excels at his studies and would have done very well in college.  Bucky was pretty much the kid that didn’t have to work hard at certain subjects like math and science, which many others struggled with.  Not saying he didn’t struggle with other studies, but he got above average grades and could have easily received scholarships for both his studies and sports.
His views are mixed.  When he was younger, in his era, a lot of teens didn’t exactly go past high school due to various reasons.  Even Bucky would have already had a job to help his family our financially while in high school along with being a big brother.  I don’t have much knowledge of his era but I know it was a different time.  Nowadays, I think he would still feel that formal education is better than self-education because you develop more skills from being in a formal education system.  You might be intellectually better off in a self education, but nothing beats good old fashion schooling to help you develop a better sense of yourself.
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occasionallygrovyle · 7 years
Blog organization: A guide
Mama bird here, gonna give ya a rundown on how to make ur bloggos 👍👍 so y’all can gain more traffic and love for all ya lovely blogs and mons.
Been doing this pokemon blogging business for 4 years, been here and back, so lemme give ya the 411 on how to make them blogs sparkle n shine
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Pokeask/daily blogs should be focused on exactly that: interactions and the such. OOC should be limited to munday memes and the such. I know some folks prefer to keep ooc meme prompts to weekends and munday, I’m more neutral on that. Do what you like, just tag it accordingly so people can blacklist if they don’t want to see meme content. Use a meme tag. I myself have a personal tumblr where I reblog all sorts of stuff, cuz tbh when I look at a blog I want to see stuff relating to the theme of the blog, not random ooc reblogs (been seeing a blog reblogging animals relating to their muse under a specific tag, I’d say that’s perf fine since it’s related, and there’s a tag that can be blacklisted if folks don’t wanna see it!).
But Yonder I want to talk to other people and jab about the stuff I like! How do I talk to others if I’m gonna clog up daily/ask content here? Fam I feel you. I talk bout myself all the time lmao. On my twitter, and in discord chats! Got twitter a year ago, It’s a perfect platform to get to know others better, and you can do memes there too! Nowadays when people talk to me via IM I redirect them to my twitter cuz it’s just easier for me. The formatting of twitter just makes it easier to start convos b/c everyone’s pretty much constantly making new convo starters you can respond to whenever. This is more of a personal note but I don’t really show my personality much here on my blogs so by looking through my twitter peeps’ll be able to better judge if we’ll get along!
Speaking of tagging: Abuse the tagging system! Got an ooc post? Tag it ooc! Got an art post? Use an art tag (you don’t have to, that’s getting fairly specific, but I do)! For example: I use the tag #out of park for my ooc posts. And specific mons are tagged as is too! So if someone wants to dig up a specific response they can via a species tag like #pangoro or w/e.
As a side note when people search up tags on tumblr, only the first 5 tags of any given post are put into those tumblr searches. If you want people to find your art tagged under #pkmnart or w/e, be sure it’s one of the first 5 tags in your post! This’ll make sure your content will be seen by more people who otherwise wouldn’t have seen it.
Have all info on a muse easily accessible (aka, a ref)! If I can’t find it within 5 clicks or so (this is relating to user interfaces in general on the web), I’m probably not gonna bother to dig around for it. Got other things to do fam, job, college, commissions, adult life n all that jazz. And we all know social media gives us terribly short attention spans lmao.
Clean up outdated material. Done with that meme you did a few days ago? Delete the prompt so it’s not cluttering your content. If you really wanna save those meme responses, make them into a private post, or compile them all in a draft and delete the original posts. It breaks my heart when I see a lovely blog, but I gotta dig through 10 meme prompts to see any actual content. I usually don’t follow a blog back if I see that.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine but Trim Ya Posts!! See this?
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I’ll instantly unfollow if I see this. If you’re going to reblog something like this please, I implore you to 1) use ya personal blog homie, this really shouldn’t be on an ask/daily blog. 2) tag as #long post so that blacklist extension can do it’s magic. This extends to untrimmed rps. Xkit has extensions that allow for deleting the older replies in threads, so when you reblog something your followers aren’t seeing the same starter post for the 20th time.
What if I can’t get Xkit? Well, usually in that case the best alternative is to draw/make the reply and put a [previous post] link either above or below your reply! Trust me, your followers will thank you for it.
Some other tips:
Don’t use super bright colors for blog headers and themes. If them colors make my eyes hurt I’m avoiding it like the plague.  https://coolors.co/ is a great color palette generating site! How we perceive color varies from person to person but generally super saturated colors should be avoided for blog headers.
Don’t reblog 4 memes at once. It’s a bit much, at least to me;;
If someone’s taking requests and is asking for a reblogged ref, reply to the original post instead of making a giant thread of ref pics
People might be tearing into each other for w/e reason on your dash but honestly even if the people involved made it public don’t get mixed into it if it doesn’t involve you. Be mature and know when to mind your own business. 
Adding to this: talk about issues privately. Not everyone needs to know your beef with so-and-so unless they’re a threat to minors or they’re doing something undeniably nasty, ect.
Don’t gossip. Dude. You may not think so but we can tell who you’re vauging about. Just. Stop. Vent to a friend in private or something. 
Dumb anon bugging you? Just. Block em hun. Take a breather, they have no power over you. Just reply with  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and move on. 
Communicate. If something someone does bugs you, talk to them privately. Vauging and gossiping does nothing to solve the problem except make it incredibly hard to discern what’s truth and what’s not in a situation.
Don’t force a friendship by saying “can we be friends?” It makes things incredibly awkward. You don’t become a friend with someone via request. The best friends I’ve made on here? I don’t even remember when or how we started talking, it just happened naturally.
Generally, peeps have an internet alias that isn’t their muse’s name. For example, my name is not Grovyle. My name is Yonder, and I don’t wish to be addressed as Grovyle as she is one of many fictional fabrications I have. She’s not my identity, not by a long-shot. I’ll only resort to using the muse/url I know them by to address someone if I literally have no other way to distinguish them in a chat.
Oneliners and incoherent sentence structure (not on part of the muse’s personalty but rather the person’s writing) on a regular basis in a response tend to make it very hard for people to reply or maintain interest. Though generally this applies more to text-based blogs where text is what people are coming to the blog for.
Ur all wonderful n I know many of you are new to this and I want you all to enjoy blogging and avoid the mistakes I made when I was a wee blogger back in 2013. Feel free to ask for clarification, I write this in an attempt to help things be more streamlined and easier for everyone in this community! And of course, I’m sure plenty of this is subjective on my part. 
Love y’all!
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misunderstoodkings · 7 years
((I think at long last, I can get started again...
After I do some cleaning on all my blogs, I’ll keep an eye out for memes and shiz
If we have an rp you want to continue, just ask~
It’ll be back to my usual daily bursts, instead of a steady trickle.
I work 50-60 hours a week now, so I won’t have enough free time for regular stuff
I know a lot of my old partners have poofed, so I’ll also be keeping an eye on the ones that are still around to find new ones))
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wildwindtrail · 7 years
send the meme, even if we are not mutual and never interacted send it. Even if it is a kissy one, I love getting Nedra in different situations.
you can send as many as you like, I don’t guarantee a reply to all instantly. But to most and if I didn’t reply, you can send it again.
also i am sometimes busy , then replying to asks is more quick and fun that threads that require bit more time and thought.
memes don’t go old, if you find one you want to do, even if i didn’t reblog it. I am accepting. 
Following and being mutual 
I don’t follow everyone back to keep the dash clean, you can IM me if I follow you, if not you can always send an ask. All private ooc asks are replied private, I won’t publish them, unless they are ask the mun meme replies. 
I will rp with you even if we are not mutuals :) 
I totally understand that life can happen, things happen, muses get picky and everything. You might not have the muse, the time, the thought for the thread we have and I understand that. You come first then replies, and I expect you to understand the same. This is a hobby , not work, the point is to have fun . 
You can send asks and stuff even if we have a thread. i won’t mind i am not chronologically locked, we can skip time, go back, start in the middle, the options are limitless. I am not against replaying and writing a thread  or rewriting an answer if we suddenly decide to change the plot. 
i am more a meme type and I just wing it with my muse, but i am not against of bit of plotting, like where we want to go. 
I love shipping, i love relationships, all kind of them romantic, hateships, friendships. And you just make your muse say it or send me message or and ask, or reply to ship with me memes. Anything... I probably ship that already . 
this blog is multiship
Smut and other nsfw 
yes since Nedra loves sex, there will be smut. I enjoy to write and I also post a lot of things that relate to Nedra’s that side. Smut is not under cut if not required by my partner, but it is tagged. Under cut I put more nsfw, sex type gifs if i post them. 
there will be more violent things i try to tag them, but i sometimes forget
About the mun 
i am at age and so is Nedra. I would recommend you would be also 18+ since there is sometimes lot of nsfw and I do nothing nsfw sorts with minors.
I have multiple blogs and sometimes I might be online other where in tumblr, but I check everything daily  
I also have full time job and adult responsibilities and so, so time is limited sometimes. 
my timezone is GMT+3 so I am not here probably when you are if you are not living on Europe. But i check on your blogs when i am online :)
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inoxbliable-blog · 8 years
『Ninja Law』
First off, NO art on this blog is mine. Art credit goes to their respectful owners. & if by any chance that you see your art that you wish to be taken down, please do tell me and I will take it down ASAP. Specific icons on this blogs also go to their respective owners, given permission to use & cropped to my liking. 
Also, the scriptist’s face claim is Hinata Shouyou from the anime/ Manga Haikyuu!!!
Selectivity & Privacy: 
For the most part, I am mutuals only. There is a chance that I will be selective with who I rp with, but don’t feel discouraged to shoot me a message or toss a meme at me. If you do, then there’s a chance that I will answer back immediately. I’m not completely private but semi private, I like to have my dash safe friendly and a warm welcoming place. I don’t bite I promise.
About OCs, I love them. I have multiple OCs of my own but I do have some criteria that I follow when looking at them: 1 They have to have a bio. 2. A proper rules page. And 3. A verse page. I understand if your blog isn’t done and still in the process of being finish, I will wait a few days before checking back in etc.
Following, pretty basic, I will follow blogs that catch my interest. But I won’t be offended if you’re not interested in rping with me. I will unfollow within a course of 3 days or or
Crossovers, I am crossover friendly. I’m willing to rp across the fandoms but If there’s a possibility that I am not familiar with, I will come and cat with you personally to figure out more about your fandom. ( which is: Naruto, Bleach, Overwatch, Haikyuu!!!, Tokyo Ghoul and Legend of Korra, etc.)
Multi-muse, Like OCs I look for bios, rules, and verse pages. I will, however, be a bit pickier about them as well. However, don’t expect me to accept you right away or at all.
Shipping for this blog is NOT a priority but if chemistry is right, then I’ll think about it. I’m here to make friends and enjoy myself so I have the right to say no if I don’t feel like shipping. I ship chemistry above all, nothing more nothing less. I ship chemistry over everything else. FYI mun is a shipping hoe so don’t be afraid to ask for ship ya know.
Smut, smut is also NOT a priority as well. Granted if it happens, it will be with ships and kept under read more and tagged properly. Bother mun and mun are over 18 ( I, the mun, is 20 years old ) and I have no interest with writing smut with anyone under 18. However, is smut happens, it happens. 
I do not have any triggers but I do kindly ask for you to tag the following for me: Drama, negativity ( of any sort), clowns, and anything related to politics. I do not wish to see this on my dash, I do not want to either. Now if you have any triggers, please let me know. I generally tag my triggers as tw//____. ( E.g: tw// Death )
Basic rping rules~
No god-modding/ power play. Don’t reblog threads that aren’t yours. Do not reblog head canons that you’re not tagged in. Please cut your posts, I like to have a clean dash. When continuing asks, I ask you to continue them in a new post and tag me in it. I format my threads/ posts with small text and ions if needed, if your having troubles reading it let me know and I’ll adjust them accordingly to our thread.
Sometimes I forget but if I ever forget our thread or something, please let me know. I have more than one active blogs so my activity will more than likely will be spotty… I own two other rp blogs plus a personal so activity with vary among the blog. ( Other blogs: { Haikyuu OC: @qxixotiic }, { Naruto: @exnoiia }, [ Personal is @minatiae ] ).
Regarding hate, I will not tolerate any kind of hate, I have dealt with enough of that with my other OCs. If you dare send it, I will not accept and or answer to you. It will be deleted and presently ignored.
Interactions, do not expect me to interact with you right away, I am shy so it will take me a bit to warm up to your writing style and muse. My activity varies whether or not I’m in the mood or not.
Criticism, I am open to criticism. I ask of you to give me input of how I am or how to better my muse further in the fandom. This is not my first rodeo, but I have my moments of insecurities and curiosities.
Threads, I love having multiple threads at once but I’m capping the amount per muse at 4 threads. It’s easier to track them that way and they are generally rotated daily.
Skype, I do have a Skype and other social medias that are given to mutuals by request. I do have to ask for you to let me know who you are upon adding me there.
Open starters, I often post these at least three times a day, there is a tab dedicated to all my open starters for anyone to answer. I’d love it if you check it out if you’re not sure how to approach my muse.
If you could be kindly enough poke the heart button in the lower right hand corner to symbolize that you read my pages, that’d be great!! :)
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bkalicat · 7 years
RP Meme
Bold what applies to your muse!
I’m loud.
I’m sarcastic.
I cry easily.
I have a bad temper.
I’m easy to get along with.
I have more enemies than friends.
I’ve smoked
I drink coffee.
I clean my room daily.
My appearance:
I wear make-up.
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
I wear contacts.
I wear glasses.
I have braces.
I change my hair color often.
I have piercings.
I have small feet.
I’m in a relationship now.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’ve missed an ex before.
I’m always scared of being hurt.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve been in love more than two times.
I believe in love at first sight.
I have a best friend.
I have at least ten REAL friends.
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
I’ve beaten up a friend.
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve taken a taxi.
I’ve taken a city bus.
I’ve taken a school bus.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
Family Life:
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together.
I have at least one sister.
I’ve been kicked out of the house.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve made my parents cry.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
I’ve had streaks.
I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
I’ve been blonde.
I’ve had black
I’ve been red.
I use conditioner.  
I’ve curled my hair.
I’ve straightened my hair.  
Tagged By: @keioseth
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sovietarchive-blog · 8 years
NAME:  allison (or al, if you prefer)
PRONOUNS:  she/her
SEXUALITY:  deeply demisexual
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  taken and quite simply the luckiest woman on the planet  (hold out for what you deserve, folks, and then nurture it, be it romantic or platonic or simply finding a new love for yourself.  you’ll thank yourself.)
90% of the bathroom products in my shower, which I share with like three other people, are mine, because I am deeply obsessive about cleanliness and, most of all, my personal hygiene.  when it comes to makeup and appearance on a daily basis, I usually go pretty simplistic, but I have a very specific regimen when it comes to keeping myself clean, from a nail-clipping and very specific haircut/color schedule to shaving and waxing rituals to about ten different face washes to intense tooth care.  it’s super excessive but makes me very much feel like I have control in my life.
irl my sense of humor is so dry that a lot of people have a really hard time deciphering if I’m serious and I can always tell how well I’m going to get along with someone by how often they tell me to “lighten up” or try to intonate that they weren’t serious, because I am almost never fucking serious.  (long story short, I get along best with people who understand my shit and give it right back to me in a playful way.)
I swore I’d never rely on caffeine, but studying abroad in germany ruined that and now I drink an utterly insane amount of coffee, which is a habit I desperately need to break, I say as I continue drinking the last cup of the entire pot I’ve consumed this morning/afternoon.
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  this is disgusting, but altogether about seventeen years.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  proboards and neopets in the early days, more boards later on until I switched entirely to tumblr and instant messenger.
BEST EXPERIENCE:  weirdly, I’ve had most of my best memories on this crazy hellsite.
FEMALE OR MALE:  both, although I tend to play more male muses somehow.
MULTI OR SINGLE:  technically I have a multi that I’ve been working on for a while, but I prefer having single muse blogs because the organization of a single muse blog is tough enough as it is, tbh.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  all of them.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  usually long replies, although either can be quite good and it takes me even longer to reply to long threads.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  almost never.
Tagged by:  nobody but I stole it from @lacalavera who is my love
Tagging:  anyone who wants to!
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