#{OOC: Out Of Work}
malcontentonline · 4 months
New animatic I thought y’all who’ve followed me recently may enjoy obviously inspired by @ludwigplayingthetrombone and they’re galaxy brain connections and wonderful animatics
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camenxi · 4 months
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Batman & Cass :3
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"Can I kiss you?" Steve asks, eyes glued to the side of Eddie's face.
Eddie is sitting on his couch and Steve is hanging out across from him, lounging on Wayne's recliner.
He gets to use it whenever Wayne's at work, with his explicit permission and now priority, since Eddie was jealous enough to start a mock argument and Wayne took Steve's side just to tease his nephew.
So now Eddie has to give that place up whenever Steve's over. Which, he almost always is, these days.
They're watching some horror movie Steve's not paying attention to because Eddie keeps laughing delightedly and the sound is starting to feel like coming home for Steve.
Not to mention, Eddie's wearing a crop-top again today, and the hair on his stomach renders Steve absolutely useless and unable to pay attention to anything else around them.
Not that his attention is too far from Eddie most days, at most times.
Eddie was saying the movie's killer was an idiot for getting the girl before he wasted her asshole boyfriend and Steve laughed at that, and suddenly, noticing how content he was here made him brave enough to ask for more.
"What?" Eddie asks in response, his eyes wide as he turns to look at Steve
"I asked if I can kiss you" Steve repeats, not one to back down, not when he's caught Eddie staring at him all starry-eyed before, not when Eddie goes out of his way all the time to make Steve's days so much better.
Eddie blinks "No, I heard you, I just- I just meant-" he splutters "um, I'm not really sure what I meant"
Steve watches the red spread across Eddie's cheek and smiles.
"So. Can I?" Steve presses
"I mean-" Eddie says, out of breath "yeah. Yeah, you sure can." he says.
Steve feels butterflies flutter in his chest. He gets up from Wayne's chair and goes to sit beside Eddie on the couch.
Eddie watches him like a deer in headlights, all the way through.
When he sits, Steve presses a kiss against Eddie's cheek. The warmth of his blush feels like early morning sunshine on Steve's lips.
"Oh," Eddie murmurs, almost sounding disappointed,
"No, I meant on your lips," Steve confirms, "but you look a little stunned"
That startles a soft laugh from Eddie.
"I guess I wasn't prepared to-"
"You don't have to do anything, I can take care of it" Steve interrupts jokingly, making Eddie laugh again, louder this time, joyous, the kind Steve keeps hoping for and never gets tired of.
"Smartass," Eddie accuses, softly pushing Steve's face away with his hand,
Steve laughs, enjoying the contact. Once their laughter dies down he says, honestly,
"You just have to want it too"
Eddie moves his hand to cradle Steve's face and bring him closer again, "Of course I want it." he says, his eyes trailing down Steve's face and focusing on his lips "I want it so much. Can we just stop talking about it and can you just-?"
Before Eddie can finish asking, Steve nods, says "Okay," and leans in to join their lips.
Eddie's lips are soft and he melts against Steve, his hands finding Steve's waist and resting there, sending a comforting warmth spreading up Steve's sides.
Steve buries his hands in Eddie's hair like he's wanted to do for months now, drawing him impossibly closer and holding him there with as much care as he can muster when they draw apart.
He can't resist going back in to gently kiss Eddie once, twice. Three, four times.
Eddie giggles, moves to lock Steve inside his hold, his arms crossing behind Steve's back and drawing him into his lap.
Steve goes easily, with a smile on his face and his heart hammering in his chest.
"I love this t-shirt" Steve confesses, running his hands down the soft material, until he gets to the cut off point, just on Eddie's ribs, and traces his fingers on bare skin.
Eddie presses a loud kiss to the joint of Steve's jaw,
" 've you been ogling me, Harrington?" Eddie teases him. Steve giggles, giddy with their closeness and how easy this is.
"Maybe," Steve says, finally getting to touch that happy trail, softly running his fingers over it. He watches as he does it too, feeling hypnotized.
He doesn't know how much time passes before he looks up again and finds Eddie looking at him like that again, like Steve hung the moon or something.
"You're beautiful" Eddie tells him, sounding out of breath.
Steve gasps dramatically, "Have you been ogling me, Munson?" he asks in his best gossipy tone,
It startles a loud laugh out of Eddie, one that shows his dimples, crinkles his eyes and throws his head back. Steve can't wipe the grin off his face, watching him.
"Oh!" Eddie gasps between laughs "ALL the time," he answers "just. 24/7. nonstop"
Steve giggles again. He adores this boy.
He cradles Eddie's face and traces the wrinkles around his eyes with his thumbs. Presses them to Eddie's dimples, traces the smile on his lips. Such a pretty smile, Steve tells him so.
Eddie draws up to place a kiss to the side of Steve's nose, right where Steve knows he has one of two marks from wearing his reading glasses earlier.
It's weird, surprising and oddly sweet, so much sweeter because Steve adores that Eddie surprises him all the time.
Steve chases after Eddie to kiss him again, trails his hands down Eddie's face and neck, one hand gently toying with Eddie's necklace and the other placed on top of the soft material of his t-shirt.
Eddie gives him so many kisses, long kisses and short ones, big and small ones, desperate and unhurried ones, so many sweet ones.
Steve gets lost in it, smiles against them and categorizes them as best he can, sighs against them and as the movie finishes unwatched and Eddie trails his fingers under Steve's shirt, Steve promises himself he'll collect as many kisses from Eddie Munson as he possibly can.
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kyurochurro · 8 months
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GOOD AFTERNOON!! TODAYS UNI SKETCH IS : a redraw/study/doodle/whateva you wanna call it of this very dapper image of Picard and Data!! first time drawing Picard so I struggled a lil but otherwise I had so much fun drawing Data! :Pc og pic under the cut!
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picard you smoke too tough... your swag too different ...
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spirit-lanterns · 18 days
Bringing back the Omegaverse AU for this thirst:
Omega! Reader who would rather deal with her heats alone than bother her Alpha who is busy at work and oblivious to what is happening at home. Once your Alpha comes home and realizes you’ve been dealing with your heat all day however…oh, they are pissed.
Not at you, but at the idea that you would much rather suffer in silence than call your Alpha to come home early so they could satisfy your needs. They make it very abundantly clear that you can call them whenever you need them, and that work meant nothing to them when it came to anything regarding their beloved mate. So don’t be hesitant next time when you’re feeling ill from your heats, as they’re just a phone call away from speeding home to help you.
They then proceed to fuck the shit out of you to make up for all the hours of suffering you endured on your own. That heat of yours is pretty much gone by the next day from how good they screwed you all night. You don’t feel anything afterwards 🤭
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wyrtig · 29 days
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asryas, post canon. cw smoking.
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psymachine · 10 months
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hear me out: you, me, dennis, and god all know he looks good in lingerie, but maybe he's a little bit unsure what mac "the problem is you're into all that early 80s glam rock femme shit; definitely had masc4masc in his grindr profile" mcdonald will think of it
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ahollowgrave · 2 months
hey come here
reblog your own work. reblog it as much as you want. the dashboard is chronological (mostly) so you gotta put it back out there!! ok bye
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minty364 · 6 months
DPXDC Prompt #108 Part 2
The thought sounded ridiculous and yet Damian found himself unable to completely scoff at the idea. He himself had seen some strange things in his lifetime and it wouldn’t be fair to completely dismiss the idea outright. 
“I’m unsure what your point is but I guess I suppose they exist.” Damian eventually said.
Danny chuckled at this, “I guess you're not from Amity Park huh?” he joked.
Damian scoffed, “I’ve never even heard of that place but I gather that’s where I am at the moment?” He mentally filed the name to search later. 
“Yeah, born and raised. Anyways, we’re the most haunted city in America. Ghost’s are real, you’ll probably meet one at some point. They’re uh… kind of attracted to me? Kind of like… “ He trailed off for a moment, likely lost in thought trying to come up with an example. Damian was going to call him out for spacing, they were probably running out of time before one of his siblings or Pennyworth came to check on him. Luckily Danny continued, “Hey, what city am I in right now, maybe there’s a comparison I can use?” Danny asked.
“Tt, did you not even think to use GPS to find your location before calling me?” Damian scoffed, his supposed ‘soulmate’ was incompetent, “You're in Gotham.”
“Gotham? Well I guess you could compare them to Batman’s rogues then, however they tend to play a little rough. It’s kind of how ghost’s bond.” Danny’s explanation made it sound like he was the one roughhousing with these ghosts. He wasn’t quite sure where this was going but he let him continue, “so well… this next part’s kind of hard to explain especially without proof but well… I’m what the other ghost’s call a halfa. I’m half ghost half human.”
Damian opened his mouth to retort, the notion that you could be half dead was ridiculous really. But as soon as he opened his mouth a cold blue wisp wafted out of his mouth shocking him. An unfamiliar feeling washes over him and he looked down in terror as he started sinking into the bed.
“Explain your power’s now, I appear to be sinking into your bed.” Damian demanded. The feeling was odd, it was almost as if the bed didn’t exist. 
“Uh, right, Okay… so, it’s kind of emotion based? Take a few deep breaths and you’ll be able to ease yourself back out.” 
Damian did just as Danny instructed and took a few deep breaths. Soon he was able to solidify and sit back up on the bed. Suddenly, a knocking sound was heard through the phone. 
Shit, just like he thought, they took too long and one of his siblings came to check on him. He thought it was sweet that they cared, but he’d never voice this thought out loud to anyone. 
“Danny, I need you to listen very carefully. I need you to open the door and hand the phone over to them. Don’t say anything, understand?” 
“Uh Okay?” Damian could tell Danny was raising an eyebrow at this but he did as Damian told him anyway.
“Uh, Hello?” The voice on the phone said, Damian recognized it as Tim Drake-Waynes. 
“Drake, Please step into the room and listen to my instructions,” Damian waited a moment as he heard the door shut. “Alright, meet my soulmate Danny, apparently his parents study soulmates and they did something and now we’re in each other’s bodies.”
He heard Danny sigh, “It was only supposed to strengthen the soulmate pull. It’s not my fault they don’t know about my weird biology.” 
“Weird Biology?” Drake parroted, “do they not know you're a meta?”
There was a pause before Danny spoke, “No, I’m not a meta… but for the simplicity of things, and this conversation, sure, you can call me a meta.” There was a tiredness to his voice, as if he had this conversation with someone else before.
“The name’s Tim,” he told Danny, then Drake suddenly said in an excited voice, “hey, let’s let him in on the family secret and prank Bruce. Let’s tell everyone else about it and see how long it takes him to figure out it isn’t you… we’ll have to train Danny of course. If he really is your soulmate he’s going to find out eventually and it might be good to prepare him ahead of time” The idea sounded ridiculous to Damian but at the same time, he was recently having some doubts about his Father’s attention on him. Drake had a point, if Danny really was his soulmate, he’d find out eventually. 
Danny wasn’t sure what was going on, after he handed the phone off to Tim, they talked about some family secret. Soon Tim hung up the phone and turned to Danny, “Damian say’s Sam and Tucker are there and they’ll call back when he’s back up to speed which means that we need to get up to speed ourselves,” he glared at Danny. Danny, who was still wearing Pajamas stood there as Tim approached him. Once they were a yard apart Tim spoke again, “Listen, the secret I’m about to tell you must not be told to anyone outside of this house, got it?” He fixed a hard glare at Danny.
Danny shrunk back for a moment before a thought occurred to him, “why don’t I tell you my secret as well? Damian is already learning by now and since you're his brother you’ll probably be able to help out.” Secrets for secrets, that way they would both be afforded some leverage in the situation. 
Tim seemed to think for a moment with a hand on his chin, he nodded for a moment before looking up at Danny, “Alright, but tell me yours first.” 
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johncon · 2 months
The Gig
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After getting ready, Constantine heads to the venue, greeting his bandmates backstage and pulling out the stash of bottles @circus-champion left. He gifts two bottles away to the two musicians he plays with, and leaves three more for the set-up and tear-down crew to share. The remaining five are sent to his flat, placed upon one of his bar's shelves. The trio begin to riff together, just warming up backstage while ticketholders are let into the main part of the venue. @morningstarscratch @kyle-the-artistic-one @crimsonknightly
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thankstothe · 6 months
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gorgonfuckerdotnet · 1 month
Do you have any suggestions for a "normal" Gorgon build?, AKA they murder anything that dares hurt their babies
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// You poor, poor bitch // Stay a while and listen.
// You do not know the horror you have just wrought. // RA have mercy on you.
// To start, make sure you have a Gorgon // I'm telling you what you should have by LL12 // Oh and keep in mind: // I haven't tested this, // This is the Gorgon I'm currently building. // FYI: This is assuming that you'll be running the same LCPs as me.
// Licenses:
Gorgon L. 3 Hydra L. 2 Tortuga L. 2 Nelson L. 2 Raleigh L. 2 Drake L. 1
// You'll call me a hypocrite for getting so many IPS-N licenses // But I don't care. // Mech Skills:
Hull: 6 Agility: 0 Systems: 6 Engineering: 2
// You wanna prioritize being an absolute tank // Because you'll be taking damage // so your babies won't have to.
// Core bonuses:
Fomorian Frame (Size 2 to 3, no pushed around) Reinforced Frame (+5 HP) Universal Compatibility (Bonus to Core Power system) The Lesson of Held Image (Or whatever you want, dump slot)
// Talents:
House Guard L.3 Drone Commander L.3 Orator L.2 Spotter L.2 Legionnaire L.2 Skirmisher L.1 Exemplar L.1 Tactician L.1
// Equipment:
Flex Mount 1: Missile Rack Flex Mount 2: Missile Rack: Main Mount 1: Catalytic Hammer w/ Thermal Charge Mod Main Mount 2: Vorpal Gun (Obviously)
// The gist is that you use the missiles at range // The hammer when they're up close // And the Vorpal Gun when your babies are hurt
// Systems: 15 Total
2 on Thermal Charge 1 on Personalizations 2 on //Scorpion V70.1 3 on "Roland" Chamber 2 on Tempest Drone 2 on Argonaut Shield 3 on SCYLLA-Class NHP
// Your whole goal is to use the Tempest Drone for area denial // While keeping your babies close to you so that your hammer can smack whatever gets close enough to hurt them, using Rolands and Thermal Charges to get as much damage as possible on every hit // While using the Vorpal to target anything that hits your babies from a distance // It relies that you stay at a medium distance // But you have the health to tank a lot of attacks
// REMEMBER: Structure is a resource! You don't have 37 HP, you have 148!
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ohgreat-moretapes · 15 days
Tim I noticed a lot of indigenous patches on your jacket, are you Native?
Idk what my dad was 'cause I never knew him, but yeah my mom is (or... Was.. I guess..) Muscogee, the tribe native to the part of Alabama I'm in.
If I remember correctly she came to Alabama from Oklahoma (where a lot of Natives were displaced to in the 1800s) to "get back to her roots."
But yknow, I was separated from her in childhood (which tbh is upsettingly common for Native families) and I was raised in a very white very Catholic asylum so I'm not as connected to the culture as I'd like to be.
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rust-berrie · 7 months
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HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! shout out to all the shaniacs thinking about this man today
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oh my god take it already he looks like he’s about to shit himself
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farshootergotme · 22 days
The idea of Bruce having a crush on someone in the League and others realizing it is so amusing to me. Everyone just looks at Batman after he accidentally does something stupidly obvious that makes his crush evident to the rest and they're like "Oh my god, you have a crush." And they never stop teasing him about it at any chance they get.
It's just so great that the infamous Dark Knight has a crush. Like, they know he's dated. But there's a difference between knowing and seeing how Batman acts when he likes someone.
(Spoilers: he's more of a loser than they expected)
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54prowl · 6 months
I'll draw him once the results are out!
!!!reblog for more votes!!!
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