#{kiara || dash}
houseofwisteria · 6 months
" did you know that hermit crabs pee from a pore in their face? Isn't that wild ? "
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sxs-a2 · 1 year
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@oceanwhispers // @goreburdened // @multiverseofmisfits
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
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She may or may not be watching from afar. After all, those of the convent don’t wish for conflict.
Unless, you rather seek her for guidance or wish to speak your confession. Let her take your suffering away.
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lightyourpyre · 2 years
Katsuya with his former Service dog. 
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realtasuantrai · 2 days
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".......Make 'em laugh yerself...."
0 notes
gensokyogarden · 2 years
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"Being called a Fate character when you're from In The Garden of Sin, or some shit, totes cringe."
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rafesapologist · 6 months
could you write a JJ x reader
Where sarah wants to include her best friend (reader) on the gold. Reader and jj absolutely hate eachother. reader is sleeping with rafe but soon catches feelings for jj. jj realises he didn’t hate reader but was in love with her the whole time👀 sorry if this is all over the place😂
we can't be friends ─ jj maybank
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summary: jj maybank hates sarah cameron's best friend, at least, he thought he did
warnings: mature themes, swearing, jj being a dick
author's note: thank you for sending in this request! love the idea. i also wrote this with writer's block so forgive me for the delay, if you'd like a part 2 pls let me know
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The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the secluded stretch of beach where the Chateau stood, its weathered walls a testament to its history. Inside, JJ and Sarah were deep in conversation, their voices muffled but urgent. You approached cautiously, sensing the tension in the air.
As you neared, JJ's eyes flicked to you, his expression guarded. There was a certain coldness in his gaze, a barrier you couldn't quite penetrate. Sarah turned to him, a pleading look in her eyes.
"Come on, JJ," she urged, her voice soft but determined. "She could be a real help. We need all the hands we can get if we're going to find the gold."
But JJ's response was immediate, his tone clipped. "No way," he stated flatly, shaking his head. "I'm not bringing her along."
Sarah's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why not? She's willing to help. And you know she's capable."
But JJ remained unmoved, his gaze unwavering. "I don't trust her," he admitted, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "And I'm not about to risk the mission just to accommodate her."
You felt a surge of anger rising within you at JJ's words, a flush of embarrassment burning in your cheeks. You had hoped to prove yourself, to show that you were capable of more than he believed. But it seemed that no matter what you did, JJ would always see you as an outsider, as someone unworthy of his trust.
As Sarah continued to plead your case, you couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation wash over you. It seemed that no amount of convincing would change JJ's mind. And as John B joined the conversation, his expression thoughtful but ultimately in agreement with JJ, you knew that your hopes of joining them on their adventure had been dashed.
The tension in the air was palpable as the conversation seemed to reach a standstill. Just when it seemed like JJ's decision was final, Kiara stepped forward, her voice cutting through the silence like a whip cracking.
"Seriously, JJ, get over yourself," Kiara chimed in, her tone laced with exasperation. "We could use more women in the group anyways. It's not like she's asking for a free ride."
Her words hung in the air, echoing in the room as everyone turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden interjection. Even JJ seemed taken aback by Kiara's boldness, his expression shifting from defiance to mild annoyance.
But Kiara wasn't finished. She crossed her arms over her chest, fixing JJ with a pointed stare. "She's got skills, whether you want to admit it or not," she continued, her voice unwavering. "And we need all the help we can get if we're going to pull this off."
Sarah nodded in agreement, her eyes pleading with JJ to reconsider. "She's right, JJ," she added, her voice gentle but firm. "We can't afford to be picky about who joins us. We need all the help we can get."
For a moment, JJ seemed to waver, his gaze flickering between Kiara and Sarah. But then, with a resigned sigh, he relented, his shoulders slumping slightly in defeat.
"Fine," he muttered, his voice begrudging. "But if anything happens, it's on you."
You couldn't help but feel a surge of relief at JJ's reluctant agreement, grateful for Kiara's intervention. As the tension in the room began to dissipate, you realized that despite JJ's initial resistance, you were finally going to be a part of the adventure. And as the group began to make plans for the journey ahead, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within you.
The girls exchanged excited glances, their faces lighting up with anticipation at the prospect of you joining their adventure. Sarah grinned encouragingly, while Kiara gave you a supportive nod. Even though JJ's begrudging acceptance hung in the air, their enthusiasm was infectious.
But as you basked in their excitement, JJ couldn't resist interjecting with a snarky comment, his eyes rolling in exasperation.
"Well, isn't this just great," he muttered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "We're letting Rafe's girlfriend tag along now."
His words stung, a bitter reminder of the animosity between him and Rafe, a rivalry that seemed to overshadow everything else. You could feel a flush of indignation rising within you at JJ's remark, but before you could respond, Sarah shot him a warning glance.
"First of all, Rafe is not my boyfriend," you retorted, your voice firm and assertive. "And even if he were, it wouldn't define me or my capabilities."
JJ rolled his eyes at your retort, his skepticism evident despite his attempt to brush it off. There was still a lingering doubt in his expression, a hint of disbelief that lingered like a stubborn shadow.
"Sure, sure," he muttered, his tone still tinged with skepticism. "Whatever you say."
You could sense that JJ wasn't entirely convinced by your words, but you didn't let it deter you. Instead, you focused on the task at hand, determined to prove yourself through actions rather than words.
As the conversation shifted back to the logistics of the journey, you pushed aside JJ's lingering doubts and threw yourself into the planning process with renewed determination. With each contribution you made, you aimed to show JJ and the rest of the group that you were a valuable asset, regardless of any misconceptions they might have had.
And as the discussions continued late into the evening, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you had stood up for yourself, even in the face of skepticism. With each step closer to the adventure ahead, you were determined to earn JJ's respect and prove that you belonged among them, no matter what doubts he may harbor.
Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you pushed JJ's lingering doubt to the back of your mind, focusing instead on the task at hand. With a determined nod, you joined in on the group discussion about their plans for the gold.
As Sarah and Kiara outlined their ideas, you listened intently, eager to contribute and make your mark on the conversation. Drawing from your own knowledge and experiences, you offered suggestions and insights, each one met with nods of approval from the group.
Despite JJ's initial skepticism, you refused to let it dampen your spirits. With each passing moment, you felt a growing sense of confidence, knowing that you were making valuable contributions to the discussion.
As the conversation stretched on into the night, the group's excitement and determination only seemed to grow. Together, you hashed out the finer details of your plan, ironing out potential challenges and devising strategies to overcome them.
By the time the discussion drew to a close, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what you had accomplished. Despite JJ's doubts, you had proven yourself as a valuable member of the team, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.
As the discussion wound down, you rose from your seat, feeling a sense of finality settle over you. With a determined expression, you turned to your friends, minus JJ, and announced your goodbye.
"Alright, I'm heading out," you said, your voice steady and resolute. "Sarah, I'll meet you back at your house tonight to go over the final details."
Sarah smiled warmly, nodding in agreement. "Sounds good," she replied. "We'll see you then."
But as you turned to leave, JJ couldn't resist interjecting with a scoff, his disbelief still evident in his expression. The sound earned him a sharp death glare from Sarah, who didn't hesitate to voice her displeasure.
"Cut it out, JJ," she admonished, her tone stern. "She's part of the team, whether you like it or not."
Feeling a spark of mischief, you couldn't resist the opportunity to deliver a sly comeback to JJ's scoffing. With a smirk playing at the corners of your lips, you turned to face him, meeting his skeptical gaze head-on.
"Well, JJ," you said, your tone dripping with playful sarcasm, "don't worry, I'll be sure to bring back some gold for you to scoff at too."
The corner of JJ's mouth twitched in response, a hint of begrudging amusement flickering in his eyes despite his best efforts to maintain his facade. Sarah stifled a chuckle, shooting you a knowing look, while Kiara grinned approvingly.
With a satisfied smirk, you turned and made your exit, leaving JJ to ponder your words as you headed out into the night, determined to prove him wrong and show that you were more than capable of holding your own in the adventure to come.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Back at Tanny Hill, nestled in Rafe's bedroom, you found yourself perched on the edge of the bed, Rafe's head resting comfortably in your lap. The dim glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm ambiance around the room as you launched into a rant about your frustrations with JJ.
"I swear, Rafe," you began, your voice tinged with irritation, "JJ can be such an insufferable know-it-all. He acts like he's the king of the world, and everyone else is just along for the ride."
Rafe listened attentively, nodding in understanding as you vented your frustrations. His hand absentmindedly traced patterns on your leg as you spoke, a comforting gesture that helped to soothe your frayed nerves.
"I get it," Rafe replied sympathetically, his gaze meeting yours with empathy. "He can be a real pain sometimes, but you know how he is."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair in frustration. "I know, I know," you muttered, "but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Sometimes I just want to shake some sense into him."
Rafe chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Believe me, I've been there," he said, his tone laced with affection. "But hey, at least you have me to vent to, right?"
You couldn't help but smile at Rafe's words, grateful for his unwavering support. Leaning down, you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over you in his presence.
"Yeah," you replied softly, "at least I have you."
As the two of you settled into a comfortable silence, the weight of your frustrations lifted slightly. And as you wrapped your arms around Rafe, feeling the steady rhythm of his breathing against your chest, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his presence in your life, even in the midst of chaos.
Rafe shifted slightly in your lap, his brow furrowed with curiosity as he gazed up at you.
"So, I gotta ask," he began, his tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of annoyance, "what's with you loving to hang out with Sarah and her Pogue friends so much?"
His question caught you off guard for a moment, but you composed yourself before responding, understanding his frustration regarding his sister.
"Well, Rafe," you replied, meeting his gaze evenly, "there's something special about the bond they share. They're like a family, always there for each other no matter what. It's refreshing to be a part of that."
Rafe's expression softened slightly as he listened to your explanation, but there was still a hint of skepticism lingering in his eyes.
"But why them?" he pressed, his curiosity unabated. "You could hang out with anyone in the Outer Banks. Why them specifically?"
You took a moment to consider your words before answering, wanting to convey the depth of your connection with Sarah and her friends.
"It's not just about hanging out," you explained, your voice earnest. "They make me feel like I belong, like I'm a part of something bigger than myself. And that's something I haven't found anywhere else. I mean, except for JJ."
Rafe nodded slowly, seemingly mulling over your response. There was a flicker of understanding in his eyes, a recognition of the importance of finding a sense of belonging.
Rafe's chuckle turned into a full-fledged laugh, his amusement mirroring your sentiments about JJ. There was a glint of camaraderie in his eyes as he nodded emphatically.
"Oh, trust me, I know," Rafe replied, his laughter subsiding into a smirk. "JJ can be a real pain in the ass sometimes."
You couldn't help but grin at Rafe's candid agreement, feeling a sense of validation in knowing that you weren't alone in your frustrations with JJ.
"Tell me about it," you replied, shaking your head in mock exasperation. "It's like he goes out of his way to be difficult."
Rafe nodded in emphatic agreement, a playful glint in his eye. "Yeah, well, don't worry," he reassured you, "you just gotta keep him in check."
With a shared understanding, you and Rafe settled into a comfortable silence, the tension from earlier dissipating in the wake of your shared laughter. With Rafe by your side, you felt confident that you could handle whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant dealing with JJ's antics.
As Rafe nestled into you, his breathing steady and even as he drifted off to sleep, you remained awake, your mind buzzing with thoughts of how to prove yourself and prove JJ wrong. With your head against the headboard, you let out a soft sigh, the weight of determination settling over you like a heavy blanket.
You replayed the events of the day in your mind, reflecting on JJ's skepticism and the challenges you faced in gaining his trust. But instead of feeling discouraged, you felt a surge of determination coursing through your veins. You were determined to show JJ and everyone else that you were more than capable of handling whatever challenges came your way.
With each passing moment, you formulated plans and strategies, mapping out the steps you would take to prove yourself. Whether it was through your actions, your skills, or your unwavering determination, you were determined to make JJ look stupid for doubting you and show him that you belonged among them.
You tossed and turned restlessly, the memory of JJ's dismissive demeanor replaying over and over in your mind like a broken record. Each time you closed your eyes, his snide remarks echoed in your head, fueling a growing anger that refused to be quelled.
Cursing him silently in your thoughts, you berated JJ for his narrow-mindedness and his unwillingness to see beyond his own biases. You couldn't understand why he insisted on treating you as an outsider, refusing to acknowledge your potential and the contributions you could make to their group.
With each passing moment, your frustration only grew, simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt. You longed to confront JJ, to demand an explanation for his behavior and to prove him wrong once and for all.
But as the night wore on and the darkness pressed in around you, you realized that confronting JJ wouldn't solve anything. Instead, you resolved to channel your anger into determination, using it as fuel to drive you forward and prove him wrong through your actions.
And as the first light of dawn began to filter through the window, you finally drifted off into a restless sleep, the weight of your annoyance with JJ still heavy on your mind but tempered by a newfound resolve to prove him wrong.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, you stirred from your restless sleep, your mind still buzzing with determination from the events of the previous night. Glancing down, you noticed Rafe still sound asleep, his breathing steady and peaceful.
Not wanting to disturb him, you quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. With a sense of urgency gnawing at you, you hastily gathered your belongings, grabbing your backpack from the floor and slinging it over your shoulder.
As you made your way downstairs, you moved quickly but quietly, mindful of the early hour. The house was still and quiet, the only sound the soft creaking of the floorboards beneath your feet.
With each step, your determination grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that you were meant to meet up with your friends early that morning. You couldn't afford to be late, not when so much was at stake.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you paused for a moment, glancing back up at the bedroom door where Rafe slept peacefully. With a pang of guilt tugging at your heart, you silently wished him a peaceful rest before turning and slipping out the front door.
As you stepped out into the crisp morning air, a surge of anticipation coursed through you. With each passing moment, you drew closer to meeting up with your friends and embarking on the adventure that lay ahead. And as you set off down the deserted street, the weight of determination heavy on your shoulders, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within you. Today was the day you would prove yourself and show JJ just what you were capable of.
As you pedaled your bike towards the Chateau, the cool morning air whipped against your skin, sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. Your mind raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety, the events of the previous night still fresh in your memory.
You couldn't shake the frustration and annoyance JJ's doubts had stirred within you. It irked you how much he was getting under your skin, his skepticism serving as a constant reminder of the uphill battle you faced in proving yourself.
But as you rode, you made a conscious effort to push aside those negative thoughts, focusing instead on the task at hand. You knew you couldn't afford to let JJ's doubts derail you, not when so much was riding on the success of your mission.
With each turn of the pedal, you forced yourself to stay focused, channeling your energy into the anticipation of what lay ahead. The Chateau loomed in the distance, a silent beacon calling you forward with promises of adventure and opportunity.
As you neared your destination, a sense of determination settled over you like a comforting blanket. You knew that despite JJ's doubts, you had the skills and the determination to come out successful. Today would be the day you silenced his skepticism once and for all. With renewed resolve, you pedaled harder, pushing yourself to reach the Chateau and meet up with your friends. As you arrived at your destination, the rush of anticipation and determination fueled your every step, driving you forward towards the adventure that awaited.
You parked your bike and hopped off, the excitement of the moment urging you forward. But as you made your way towards the front porch of the Chateau, a familiar, nagging voice pierced the air from behind, causing you to freeze in your tracks.
"Well, well, well, look who actually showed up."
You turned around slowly, your heart sinking as you spotted JJ leaning against his bike, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. His tone was taunting, dripping with sarcasm and disbelief.
You felt a surge of frustration rise within you at JJ's mocking words, but you refused to let it show. Squaring your shoulders, you met his gaze head-on, your expression determined despite the doubt gnawing at your confidence.
Ignoring the urge to snap back at him, you simply offered a tight-lipped smile, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you rattled.
"Yep, here I am," you replied evenly, your voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling inside you. "Ready to get down to business."
"Surprised you're capable of not being up your boyfriend's ass for a day," JJ's remark cut through the air like a knife, his sarcasm dripping with disdain. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as his words struck a nerve, but you refused to let him see how much they affected you.
With a tight-lipped smile, you turned to face JJ once again, your voice steady despite the anger simmering beneath the surface.
"Surprise, surprise," you retorted, your tone laced with sarcasm of your own. "plus, I knew you'd need my help at some point. And like I told you before, he's not my boyfriend, you dick." You could see the flicker of annoyance in JJ's eyes as he absorbed your words, his facade slipping for just a moment before he regained his composure.
"Whatever," he muttered dismissively, rolling his eyes in a display of feigned indifference.
Refusing to engage any further, you turned away from JJ and continued towards the front porch, determined to focus on the task at hand. You knew that proving yourself to JJ would be an uphill battle, but you were more determined than ever to show him just what you were capable of.
As you entered the Chateau, a wave of relief washed over you, replacing the tension of your encounter with JJ with a sense of warmth and familiarity. Your friends greeted you with smiles and expressions of joy, their enthusiasm contagious.
"Hey!" John B exclaimed, his voice filled with both concern and excitement as he approached you. "Are you ready for this?"
You returned his smile, feeling a surge of determination welling up inside you. Despite the lingering doubts and skepticism from certain members of the group, you knew deep down that you were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.
"Absolutely," you replied, your voice steady and resolute. "I'm ready to give it everything I've got."
John B nodded approvingly, his expression filled with confidence. "That's what I like to hear," he said, clapping you on the shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie. "We're all in this together."
Sarah's voice rang out with unwavering confidence, cutting through the chatter of excitement like a beacon of support.
"I knew she wouldn't let us down," she declared, her tone filled with certainty and pride.
Her words ignited a spark within you, filling you with a sense of determination and purpose. With Sarah's faith in your abilities, you felt a surge of confidence welling up inside you, driving away any lingering doubts or uncertainties.
"Thanks, Sarah," you replied, a genuine smile spreading across your face. "I wouldn't ever."
Her smile mirrored your own as she nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with unwavering belief in your capabilities. With Sarah's support bolstering your resolve, you felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in your ability to rise to the occasion. As the group gathered around to finalize their plans, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Sarah's unwavering confidence in you. With her belief in your abilities and the support of your friends by your side, you knew that together, you were capable of achieving anything.
The moment of joy was abruptly shattered as JJ's voice echoed through the living room, cutting through the camaraderie with his usual snarky demeanor.
"Well, let's hope she's as good as you all seem to think she is," he remarked, his tone dripping with skepticism.
His words hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the room and dampening the spirits of the group. You could feel the weight of JJ's doubt pressing down on you, threatening to undermine the confidence you had worked so hard to build.
Rolling your eyes at JJ's predictable cynicism, you turned to face him, a defiant glint in your eye as you prepared to counter his snarky remark.
"Wow, JJ, didn't realize you were the designated pessimist of the group," you quipped, your tone laced with sarcasm. "But hey, if you're looking for someone to bring down the mood, I guess you're doing a great job."
A ripple of laughter spread through the room at your comeback, breaking the tension that had settled over the group in JJ's wake. Even Sarah shot you a supportive grin, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
JJ's expression darkened momentarily, his jaw tightening with irritation, but you held his gaze steadily, refusing to back down. Despite his best efforts to undermine you, you remained steadfast in your resolve to prove him wrong. With a dismissive wave of your hand, you turned away from JJ, returning your focus to the task at hand. Today was not about letting his negativity get to you – it was about showing everyone, including JJ, what you were truly capable of.
Taking a deep breath to steel yourself, you turned to face the group, your expression resolute as you awaited their instructions.
John B, the natural leader of the group, stepped forward, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering confidence. "We need you to keep an eye out," he said, his voice steady and sure. "We'll need someone watching our backs while we're inside."
Kiara nodded in agreement, her eyes flashing with determination. "Yeah, and we'll need someone quick and agile," she added. "In case things get hairy."
Pope chimed in next, his tone thoughtful. "Maybe you could scout ahead," he suggested. "See if there are any potential obstacles or threats we need to be aware of."
Sarah, ever the strategist, nodded approvingly. "That sounds like a plan," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "We'll need someone reliable in that role, and I know we can count on you."
As each of your friends offered their suggestions and assigned tasks, you listened intently, absorbing every detail and mentally preparing yourself for the role ahead. With a nod of determination, you accepted your role in the plan, ready to do whatever it took to ensure the success of the mission.
With his arms crossed and a dry tone, JJ interjected, "So, are we all set to go?"
His question was laced with skepticism, his doubt hanging heavy in the air. Despite the excitement and determination of the group, JJ's cynicism threatened to cast a shadow over the impending adventure.
But instead of letting his negativity dampen the mood, Sarah shot JJ a pointed look, her eyes flashing with determination. "Yes, JJ," she replied firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. "We're ready."
There was a collective nod of agreement from the rest of the group, each member echoing Sarah's sentiment with unwavering confidence. Even though JJ's negativity lingered, the group remained resolute in their determination to press forward.
With a resigned sigh, JJ uncrossed his arms and nodded, a hint of begrudging acceptance in his expression. "Fine," he muttered, his tone begrudging but resigned. "Let's get this show on the road."
As you and the Pogues packed up your gear for the mission, the tension between you and JJ hung heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of the skepticism and doubt that still lingered between you.
With John B at the wheel and Sarah in the passenger seat as usual, the rest of you piled into the back of the van. You, Kiara, Pope, and JJ found yourselves seated in close quarters, the space feeling smaller and more confined with the weight of the unspoken tension.
Despite the excitement of the impending adventure, the atmosphere in the van was thick with unease, the silence punctuated only by the low hum of the engine as the van rolled along the road.
You tried to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside the lingering animosity between you and JJ, but the tension refused to dissipate. Every movement, every shift in posture felt like a silent battle for dominance, the unspoken conflict simmering just beneath the surface.
Pope's voice broke the heavy silence like a ray of sunlight piercing through storm clouds. "So guys," he began, his voice clear but cautious, "maybe we should go over the plan one more time."
His suggestion hung in the air, a lifeline in the midst of the tense atmosphere. You could feel the tension easing slightly as Pope's words redirected the group's focus from the underlying friction between you and JJ.
"Yeah, Pope?" Kiara responded, her voice echoing with gratitude for the opportunity to shift the conversation away from the lingering tension.
With a nod of agreement, you added, "That sounds like a good idea. A quick refresher won't hurt."
Pope's shoulders relaxed visibly as he cleared his throat once more, diving into the details of the plan with renewed determination. As he spoke, his voice steady and sure, the tension in the van gradually began to dissipate, replaced by a shared sense of purpose and focus.
With each word, Pope's explanation served as a reminder of the mission ahead and the importance of working together as a team. Despite the underlying tension, you knew that you and the Pogues were united in your determination to succeed.
JJ's dry laughter reverberated through the van, his head tilted back against the wall as he made his snarky remark. "Good idea, Pope," he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "We all know Y/N needs it explained to her a few times."
His words stung like a slap to the face, the underlying implication clear: JJ didn't believe in your abilities, and he wasn't afraid to make that known. You could feel the tension in the van ratcheting up another notch as his comment hung in the air, the weight of his comments pressing down on you like a lead weight. You could feel the eyes of the rest of the group on you, waiting to see how you would react to JJ's barb.
JJ's look pierced through the air like a dagger, his expression a mixture of disdain and mockery. With a sneer, he couldn't resist making another cutting remark aimed at you.
"Well, what do you expect?" he quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "We all know Y/N's just a dumb kook."
His words hit you like a blow to the gut, the venom in his tone cutting deep. You could feel the eyes of the others in the van flickering between you and JJ, the tension thickening with each passing moment.
But you refused to let JJ's insults get the best of you. Steeling yourself against the hurt and frustration bubbling within, you met his gaze with a defiant stare, refusing to let him see how much his words affected you.
"Real mature, JJ," you shot back, your voice laced with equal parts anger and determination. "But I'd rather be a 'dumb kook' than an asshole." Your retort hung in the air, a challenge to JJ's arrogance and superiority.
Kiara's intervention was a welcome relief from the escalating tension in the van. "Guys, seriously," she interjected, her voice firm but calm. "Nothing is gonna get done if you two keep arguing all the time."
Her words served as a sobering reminder of the task at hand, grounding the group in the reality of the situation. You felt a pang of guilt for allowing JJ's taunts to escalate the conflict, but you knew that Kiara was right. This wasn't the time for petty squabbles.
Before you could respond, JJ's voice cut in, his tone surprisingly subdued. "I'm just telling the truth," he muttered quietly, his words tinged with a hint of defensiveness.
Turning to JJ, frustration seeping into your voice, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of exasperation. "Do you even know how to shut up?" you asked, your tone laced with irritation.
The words slipped out before you could stop them, borne out of the frustration of JJ's constant need to belittle and undermine you. You could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on you, waiting to see how JJ would respond.
For a moment, there was silence in the van, the tension palpable as JJ considered his response. Finally, he met your gaze with a cool, collected expression, his tone even as he replied, "Do you?"
His retort hit you like a slap in the face, the sting of it leaving you momentarily speechless. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, the frustration boiling beneath the surface.
But before you could respond, Kiara jumped in, her voice cutting through the tension. "Alright, enough," she declared, her tone firm but calm. "We've got bigger things to worry about right now."
Her words served as a much-needed reminder, grounding the group in the reality of the situation. With a resigned sigh, you forced yourself to let go of the argument, turning your attention back to the task at hand.
Just as the tension in the van threatened to reach its boiling point, John B's voice cut through the air like a lifeline, breaking the cycle of conflict. "Hey, everyone," he called out, his tone firm but reassuring. "We're here."
His words were a welcome interruption, drawing everyone's attention away from the argument and back to the task at hand. With a sense of relief, you turned to look out the window, realizing that the van had come to a halt at your destination.
As the group began to stir, gathering their gear and preparing to disembark, the lingering tension in the van began to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of focus and determination. Despite the disagreements and arguments that had threatened to derail your mission, you knew that you were all united in your shared goal.
As the group flooded out of the van, you couldn't help but notice the way the boys linked up, falling into their familiar roles with ease. But your attention was drawn to JJ, who seemed to move with a purpose that made your stomach churn with unease.
Your eyes widened as you watched him discreetly slip a handgun into his pocket, hiding it under his shirt as if it were just another accessory. The sight sent a shiver down your spine, a lump forming in your throat as you struggled to comprehend the implications of what you had just witnessed.
A sense of unease settled over you like a heavy blanket as you followed the group, the weight of JJ's actions lingering in the air. Despite the adrenaline pumping through your veins, you couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over you, a nagging voice in the back of your mind warning you of the danger that lay ahead.
Kiara's sudden touch on your shoulders startled you, pulling you out of your uneasy thoughts. You turned to face her, meeting her determined gaze with a sense of gratitude for her grounding presence.
"Y/N, do you know exactly what you're supposed to do?" she asked, her voice firm but reassuring.
Her question cut through the fog of your unease, forcing you to focus on the task at hand. With a nod, you replied, "Yes, Kiara. I'm clear on my role."
Her hands remained on your shoulders, her grip steady as she held your gaze. "Good," she said, a hint of pride in her voice. "We're counting on you." With Kiara's support bolstering your confidence, you squared your shoulders and took a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
As the group dispersed into the house, each member moving with purpose towards their assigned tasks, you felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins. With a sense of determination, you sprang into action, wasting no time in fulfilling the role that had been assigned to you.
Outside the house, you took up your position, scanning the surroundings with keen eyes. The cool breeze tousled your hair as you stood watch, your senses on high alert for any signs of trouble.
With practiced ease, you moved silently, keeping to the shadows as you patrolled the perimeter. Every rustle of leaves, every creak of a branch, sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins, but you remained calm and composed, your focus unwavering.
As you surveyed the area, your mind raced with possibilities, every scenario playing out in your head as you prepared for any eventuality. Despite the tension that hung in the air, you refused to let it cloud your judgment, trusting in your instincts to guide you through the darkness.
With each passing moment, you felt a sense of purpose growing within you, fueled by the knowledge that you were playing a crucial role in the mission. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, you were determined to see it through to the end, whatever it took. And as you stood watch, the weight of responsibility settling on your shoulders, you knew that you were ready.
As the moments passed, the stillness of the night enveloped you, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze. Despite the apparent calm, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of your consciousness, a nagging feeling that something was amiss.
You shifted restlessly on your feet, the weight of anticipation settling heavily on your shoulders. Every passing second felt like an eternity, each heartbeat echoing loudly in your ears as you waited for the inevitable. Deep down, you knew that this mission wouldn't be easy. The stakes were high, and the competition fierce. Everyone's goal was the same: to find the gold, no matter the cost.
As you stood watch, the tension in the air thickened, a palpable reminder of the dangers that lurked in the darkness. Every shadow seemed to hold a hidden threat, every rustle in the bushes a potential danger.
Every rustle of the bushes or trees sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins, your senses on high alert for any sign of danger. Each sound, no matter how innocent, seemed to magnify in the darkness, setting your heart racing with alarm.
You paced back and forth outside the house, the rhythm of your steps matching the frantic beat of your heart. Despite your best efforts to remain calm, the tension in the air was palpable, a constant reminder of the risks that lay ahead.
With each passing moment, you found yourself growing increasingly restless, the weight of anticipation pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket. Every second felt like an eternity as you searched for ways to pass the time until your friends emerged from the house.
You tried to focus your thoughts on anything other than the looming mission, but the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on your mind. The stakes were high, and the thought of what could go wrong filled you with a sense of dread.
But despite the rising tide of anxiety threatening to overwhelm you, you refused to let it consume you. With a determined effort, you pushed aside your fears and focused on the task at hand, determined to remain vigilant until your friends returned.
The sound of a car pulling up outside snapped you out of your reverie, your attention immediately drawn to the source of the noise. Your senses went on high alert as you strained to listen, the murmur of voices in the distance sending a shiver down your spine.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you realized that it could only mean one thing: the men who were looking for your friends had arrived. Panic surged through you like a tidal wave as you processed the gravity of the situation.
"Shit, shit, shit," you whispered to yourself, the words escaping your lips in a breathless rush. Your mind raced with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last. The safety of your friends hung in the balance, and you knew that you had to act fast.
As the male voices drew nearer, your heart pounded in your chest, adrenaline surging through your veins as you frantically scanned your surroundings for a place to hide. With every passing moment, the sense of urgency grew more pressing, driving you to act quickly before it was too late.
Spotting a corner of the house nearby, you made a split-second decision and darted towards it, your footsteps quick and silent as you sought refuge from the approaching danger. With a racing mind and trembling hands, you pressed yourself against the rough exterior of the building, willing yourself to blend into the shadows and remain unseen.
The voices grew louder as the group approached, their conversation a distant murmur that sent shivers down your spine. You held your breath, your heart hammering in your chest as you listened intently, straining to make out any discernible words.
As the men drew closer, your muscles tensed with anticipation, every nerve on edge as you braced yourself for the inevitable confrontation. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as you waited, the seconds stretching out into an eternity as you prepared to face whatever came your way.
In the brightness of day, your heart pounded in your chest as you peeked around the corner, spotting the men on the front porch with the sunlight casting long shadows around them. Their presence sent a chill down your spine, knowing they posed a threat to your friends inside the house.
Your mind raced, desperate for a plan to thwart their entry. With each passing second, the urgency of the situation intensified, driving you to act swiftly.
In a surge of impulse, your eyes landed on a large log nearby. Without a second thought, you seized it, your fingers wrapping around the rough bark as you steadied your grip.
With determination fueling your movements, you approached the men from behind, their backs turned to you as they lingered on the porch. The weight of the log in your hands was a tangible reminder of the stakes at hand. As you drew nearer, your heart thundered in your chest, drowning out all other sound. The sun beat down on your back, but you remained focused, your gaze locked on the men ahead.
As the man reached for the door handle, a surge of adrenaline coursed through your veins, propelling you into action. With a swift and decisive motion, you swung the log with all your strength, connecting with a resounding thud as it collided with the man's back, sending him crashing to the ground.
For a moment, silence enveloped the scene, broken only by the dull thud of the man hitting the ground. Your heart raced in your chest as you stood frozen in shock, the weight of what you had just done settling heavily upon you.
But as the rest of the men turned to face you, their expressions a mix of bewilderment and rage, you knew that there was no time to dwell on your actions. With wide eyes and trembling hands, you dropped the makeshift weapon and turned on your heel, sprinting towards the safety of the back of the house.
Adrenaline fueled your every movement as you raced away from the scene, the sound of your footsteps echoing in your ears. Fear gripped you like a vice, but you pushed past it, focusing only on putting as much distance between yourself and the men as possible.
With every stride, you felt the weight of the danger behind you, urging you onward. The adrenaline-fueled rush of escape pulsed through your veins, driving you forward with a single-minded determination.
Panic surged through you as a strong hand closed around your arm, yanking you back with a force that made you wince. With a gasp, you stumbled backward, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled against the firm grip.
Instinctively, you tried to break free, but the hold on your arm was relentless, the pressure enough to send a sharp jolt of pain shooting through you. Fear clenched at your heart as you realized you were trapped, your mind racing with a million possibilities of what could happen next.
Desperation flooded through you as you fought against your captor, your adrenaline-fueled instincts driving you to escape. With every ounce of strength you could muster, you twisted and turned, struggling to break free from their grasp.
But no matter how hard you fought, the grip on your arm remained unyielding, the hold tightening with each passing moment. Your breath came in ragged gasps as you braced yourself for whatever was to come, the sense of helplessness weighing heavily upon you.
As your captor pulled you closer, their intentions unknown, a sense of dread settled over you like a suffocating blanket. With every fiber of your being, you prayed for a way out of this nightmare, knowing that your fate hung in the balance.
"Let go of me!" you screamed, your voice filled with desperation as you flailed your legs, struggling against the iron grip that held you captive. But your pleas fell on deaf ears as the man hoisted you effortlessly over his shoulder, his movements confident and determined.
Panic surged through you as you realized the gravity of your situation. With each step he took, your heart pounded in your chest, the fear of the unknown looming large in your mind.
As he carried you back towards the front yard, your mind raced with a million thoughts, each one more terrifying than the last. With every passing moment, the sense of helplessness threatened to overwhelm you, but you refused to give in to despair.
Summoning every ounce of strength you had left, you continued to struggle against your captor, determined to break free from his grasp. But no matter how hard you fought, his hold remained unyielding, his grip like a vice around your body. As you were carried further and further away from safety, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. With each passing moment, the reality of your predicament became clearer, and you knew that escaping would be no easy feat.
"You thought you were gonna get away from us, you little bitch?" the man's voice sneered, dripping with malice as he continued to carry you towards the front yard.
Your frustration reached its peak, and you let out a cry for your friends, hoping against hope that they might hear you and come to your rescue. But your desperate plea only seemed to further enrage the man.
With a growl of anger, he dropped you unceremoniously from his shoulder, and you crashed to the ground with a painful thud. Before you could gather your bearings, he was upon you, pushing you roughly against the brick siding of the house.
"You think you're tough, huh?" he spat, his face twisted in a mask of fury as he pressed his body against yours, pinning you with an iron grip. "Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart. You're nothing but a helpless little girl, and you're gonna regret ever crossing us." His words cut through you like a knife, each syllable laden with venom and malice. Despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm you, you refused to back down, meeting his gaze with a defiant glare.
Your eyes widened in alarm as the man's hand darted to his belt, pulling out a gleaming knife that glinted ominously in the sunlight. Your heart leaped into your throat as he pressed the blade against your skin, the cold metal sending a shiver down your spine.
With the razor-sharp edge of the knife dangerously close to your throat, a sense of dread washed over you like a tidal wave. Fear clenched at your heart as you realized the gravity of the situation, the realization sinking in that your life hung in the balance.
The man's face twisted into a cruel smirk as he held the knife to your throat, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You wanna try anything else, sweetheart?" he taunted, his voice laced with menace.
Every instinct screamed at you to fight back, to do whatever it took to escape the man's grasp. But as you stared into his eyes, you knew that any wrong move could spell disaster.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you pleaded with the man, your voice trembling with fear and desperation. "Please... just let me go," you begged, your words barely a whisper as you fought to keep your composure.
A single tear slipped from your eye, tracing a path down your cheek as you squeezed your eyes shut, unable to bear the sight of the glinting knife so close to your throat. Every fiber of your being screamed for escape, for release from the terror that gripped you in its icy grasp.
But despite your pleas, the man's grip remained firm, his hold unyielding as he continued to press the blade against your skin. The metallic tang of blood filled your nostrils, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked just inches away.
With every ounce of strength you had left, you forced yourself to remain calm, to suppress the rising tide of panic that threatened to overwhelm you. Though your heart hammered in your chest and your breath came in ragged gasps, you refused to give in to despair.
As the man drew closer, his hot breath ghosting over your ear, he whispered menacingly, "You aren't going anywhere, sweetheart. You're mine now."
Your heart sank as his words sent a shiver down your spine, the grip of fear tightening around you like a vice. But before he could finish his sentence, his voice was abruptly cut off by a sudden impact from behind him.
With a startled cry, he stumbled forward, his hold on you loosening as he struggled to maintain his balance. You watched in astonishment as he crashed to the ground, the knife clattering from his hand as he fell.
Before you could fully comprehend what had happened, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching rapidly from behind. Turning around, you saw a familiar face standing over the fallen assailant, their expression fierce with determination.
"Get away from her!" JJ growled, his voice filled with righteous anger as they glared down at the man who had threatened you.
You watched in astonishment as JJ approached the fallen assailant, his expression steely and resolute. With a determined stride, he knelt down beside the man, his movements deliberate and purposeful.
With a menacing glint in his eyes, JJ pointed his gun directly at the man's face, the cold metal pressing against his skin. His voice was low and dangerous as he spoke, each word dripping with a lethal promise.
"If you ever lay a hand on her again," JJ growled, his tone icy with menace, "you're dead. Do you understand me?"
The man's eyes widened in fear as he stared up at JJ, the full weight of his threat sinking in. With a trembling nod, he muttered a barely audible agreement, his voice trembling with fear. Satisfied that his message had been received, JJ stood up, his grip on the gun unwavering as he turned to face you. There was a fierce protectiveness in his gaze as he met your eyes.
You felt a flicker of surprise at the unfamiliar look of concern etched on JJ's face as he turned to you. His usual demeanor of bravado and aloofness seemed to soften, replaced by a genuine worry that took you off guard.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with a sincerity that you hadn't expected.
The concern in his eyes was unmistakable, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words. It was rare to see JJ drop his tough exterior and show vulnerability, and yet here he was, genuinely worried about your well-being.
You nodded slowly, unable to hide the gratitude in your eyes as you met his gaze. "I'm okay," you reassured him, your voice barely above a whisper. There was a brief moment of silence between you, the weight of everything that had just transpired hanging heavy in the air. But despite the lingering tension, there was also a sense of solidarity, a silent understanding that you were all in this together at the end of the day.
JJ's concern lingered in his gaze for a moment longer before he nodded, his focus shifting to the urgency of the situation at hand.
"C'mon, we need to go," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the tension as he took charge of the situation.
Without waiting for a response, JJ reached out and grabbed your hand, his touch firm and reassuring as he pulled you along with him. With a sense of urgency, he led you in a sprint towards the van, his grip never faltering as he navigated through the chaos.
As you ran beside him, a surge of adrenaline coursed through your veins, driving you forward with a burst of energy. Despite the danger that still lurked nearby, you felt a sense of safety in JJ's presence, knowing that he would do whatever it took to protect you.
With every step, you drew closer to the safety of the van, the sound of your pounding footsteps echoing in your ears. And as you reached the vehicle, you felt a wave of relief wash over you, knowing that you were one step closer to escaping the danger that had threatened you.
With a final burst of speed, you leaped into the van beside JJ, the door slamming shut behind you as the engine roared to life. And as the van peeled away from the scene, leaving the chaos behind, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards JJ for his protection.
"Holy shit," Kiara exclaimed, her voice breathless with adrenaline as she glanced around at the group.
"That was terrifying," Pope added, his voice tinged with shock as he spoke, his wide eyes betraying the fear that still lingered within him.
His words echoed the sentiments of the entire group, each of you grappling with the intensity of the situation you had just faced. The reality of the danger you had narrowly escaped weighed heavily on your minds, leaving you all shaken but grateful to be alive.
As the van continued on its journey, the tension in the air was palpable, the silence broken only by the sound of your racing hearts. Each of you was lost in your own thoughts, trying to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded.
You threw your head back against the wall of the van, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you tried to catch your breath. Despite the rush of adrenaline still coursing through your veins, exhaustion weighed heavily on you as you struggled to process the events of the day.
"I hope you at least found the gold," you muttered breathlessly, the words slipping from your lips before you could stop them.
Sarah turned around in the passenger seat, a triumphant smile gracing her features as she reached into the bag she held beside her. With a gleam in her eyes, she pulled out a shiny object, holding it up for all to see.
The gold.
For a moment, the van fell silent as each of you stared in awe at the treasure Sarah had uncovered. The realization of what you had risked everything for, the culmination of your daring adventure, washed over you like a tidal wave.
A chorus of gasps and exclamations filled the air as you reached out to touch the gleaming metal, the weight of it in your hands a tangible reminder of the journey you had been on. It was a moment of pure triumph, a testament to your resilience and determination in the face of adversity. As you gazed at the gold, a sense of awe and wonder filled your heart. It was more than just a valuable prize; it was a symbol of everything you had overcome, a testament to the strength of your friendship and the power of your collective resolve.
"Well, you fought like hell," JJ chuckled, a rare hint of warmth in his voice as he glanced over at you.
His words were unexpected, and for a moment, you were taken aback by the sincerity in his tone. Despite his usual tough exterior, JJ's words were a genuine acknowledgment of your bravery and resilience in the face of danger.
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you met JJ's gaze, a silent understanding passing between you. In that moment, you knew that despite your differences, you shared a bond forged through adversity, a mutual respect for each other's strengths and weaknesses.
"Thanks, JJ," you replied, the gratitude evident in your voice as you returned his smile. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes, a reminder that there was a heart somewhere in JJ Maybank.
Kiara and Pope exchanged confused glances at each other, their brows furrowing in surprise at the unexpected interaction between you and JJ. After all, they were well aware of the tension that had always existed between the two of you, and seeing such a moment of camaraderie was certainly out of the ordinary.
However, recognizing that there were more pressing matters at hand—like celebrating the successful retrieval of the gold—they quickly brushed off their confusion and joined in the jubilant atmosphere that filled the van. With smiles on their faces and laughter in their voices, Kiara and Pope turned their attention back to the group, eager to bask in the shared sense of victory and accomplishment. After all, there would be plenty of time to ponder the nuances of your and JJ's relationship later.
"I say we celebrate tonight, my friends," JJ smirked, his voice filled with a sense of triumph as he reached for the cooler in the back of the van.
With a confident flourish, he cracked open a cold beer, the sound of the tab popping echoing through the vehicle. The sight of the chilled beverages brought a collective sense of anticipation to the group, the promise of a well-deserved celebration sparking excitement in the air.
As JJ passed around the drinks, a sense of camaraderie and camaraderie filled the van, the tension of the day slowly giving way to a shared sense of joy and relief. With each sip, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a feeling of contentment and satisfaction.
Oddly, you couldn't help but find yourself drawn to JJ as he took a swig of his beer, his laughter and banter with Pope filling the van with a sense of camaraderie and warmth. Despite the tension that had always existed between the two of you, in this moment, all of that seemed to fade away, replaced by a shared sense of victory and celebration.
As you watched JJ, a smile tugged at the corners of your lips, a feeling of warmth spreading through you as you observed the pure joy that seemed to exude from him. There was something infectious about his laughter, something that made you feel lighter and happier just being in his presence.
For a moment, you allowed yourself to simply bask in the glow of the moment, soaking in the shared sense of triumph and camaraderie that filled the van. It was a rare moment of peace and contentment, a fleeting glimpse of the bond that connected you and your friends in a way that nothing else could. And as you watched JJ laugh and joke with Pope, a sense of gratitude washed over you. Despite your differences, despite the challenges you had faced, you knew that in the end, you were all in this together.
Eventually, the van rolled to a stop back at the chateau, and with eager anticipation, you and your friends spilled out onto the driveway, shouting with joy and excitement. The adrenaline from the day's events still coursed through your veins, fueling the jubilant atmosphere that surrounded you all.
Following the group, you made your way to the backyard of the chateau, where a jacuzzi awaited. As you watched, JJ wasted no time in stripping off his shirt and kicking off his shoes, revealing his toned physique as he bounded towards the water, his laughter ringing out into the night.
With a sense of freedom and abandon, he leaped into the jacuzzi, his splash sending droplets of water flying into the air. The other boys followed suit, joining him in the bubbling warmth of the water as they laughed and joked together, the stresses of the day melting away with each passing moment.
Your breath hitched as you watched JJ emerge from underneath the water, his hair slicked back and his toned abs glistening with droplets of water. There was something undeniably captivating about the way the moonlight danced across his damp skin, casting him in a soft, ethereal glow.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you found yourself mesmerized by the sight before you. There was an undeniable magnetism to JJ, a raw intensity that drew you in and left you feeling breathless in his presence.
As he flashed you a playful grin, a shiver ran down your spine, sending a rush of heat coursing through your veins. There was no denying the sudden surge of attraction that pulsed between you, the air thick with unspoken tension as you locked eyes with him.
In that moment, you were acutely aware of the electricity that crackled in the air, the unspoken connection that simmered just beneath the surface. It was a fleeting moment, a silent acknowledgment of something unspoken and yet deeply felt.
Shaking off your intrusive thoughts, you made a conscious decision to join in on the fun. With a sense of determination, you stripped off your shirt, revealing just your bra underneath, and with a playful grin, you hopped into the jacuzzi.
The warm water enveloped you as you submerged yourself, the soothing embrace of the bubbles washing away any lingering tension. As you resurfaced, you were greeted with cheers and applause from the boys, their laughter filling the air as they welcomed you into their midst.
The atmosphere was light and carefree, the worries of the day fading into the background as you laughed and joked with your friends. In this moment, surrounded by laughter and friendship, you felt alive, free to be yourself without reservation.
As you lounged in the jacuzzi, the warmth of the water seeping into your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. It was moments like these, surrounded by the people you cared about most, that made life worth living.
A hint of shyness flushed over your cheeks as you settled against the side of the jacuzzi, allowing the warm water to envelop you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could feel JJ's gaze on you, and despite your best efforts to ignore it, a tingle of anticipation danced along your skin.
As you relaxed into the water, you couldn't help but steal a glance in JJ's direction, finding him watching you with an intensity that sent a flutter of butterflies through your stomach. There was something undeniably magnetic about the way his eyes seemed to linger on you, a silent invitation that left you feeling both exhilarated and apprehensive.
For a moment, you held his gaze, the unspoken tension between you palpable in the air. It was as if the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you locked in a silent exchange of longing and desire.
But just as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed, and JJ turned his attention back to the group, a playful grin on his lips as he joined in on the laughter and conversation. And as you watched him, a sense of both disappointment and relief washed over you, the intensity of the moment leaving you breathless and uncertain.
You shook your head, dismissing the subtle interaction with JJ, downplaying whatever it might've meant. It was easy to get caught up in the moment, to read too much into fleeting glances and shared smiles. But deep down, you knew better than to read too much into it.
With a self-assured nod, you pushed aside any lingering thoughts and focused instead on the present, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the warmth of the jacuzzi and the laughter of your friends. After all, there was no sense in dwelling on something that may or may not have meant anything.
As the night wore on and the hours passed, you couldn't help but notice that it was getting late. However, your friends seemed too caught up in the revelry to pay much attention to the time. Laughter echoed through the air, and the sound of clinking bottles filled the night.
It was then that you felt your phone buzz with a notification. Pulling it out, you saw a text from Rafe, asking what time you were planning to come over. The reminder of your plans with him caused you to sit up straight, suddenly feeling the weight of the hour.
With a sense of urgency, you dried yourself off, the warmth of the jacuzzi lingering on your skin as you hastily threw on your denim shorts and tank top. Standing up, you announced to your friends that you were heading out.
"C'mon, Y/N, just ditch Rafe for one night," JJ spoke up, his gaze locking directly onto yours as he made his plea. The intensity of his stare sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in your stomach. There was something in JJ's eyes, a raw emotion that you couldn't quite place, and it left you feeling unsettled and unsure.
For a moment, you found yourself at a loss for words, the weight of JJ's gaze bearing down on you. You could feel the conflicting emotions swirling inside you, torn between the desire to stay with your friends and the obligation to honor your plans with Rafe.
But as you met JJ's unwavering gaze, a sense of resolve washed over you. With a firm shake of your head, you mustered up the courage to speak.
"I appreciate the offer, JJ, but I made plans with Rafe," you replied, your voice steady despite the nerves that threatened to betray you. "I can't just bail on him."
There was a hint of disappointment in JJ's eyes as he nodded in understanding, his gaze never leaving yours.
"Right, I forgot you were a kook," JJ quipped, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm as he shot you a sideways glance. His words stung, a reminder of the underlying tension that had always existed between you.
Disappointment drew over your face, your eyebrows furrowing as you looked at JJ with a hint of sadness in your eyes. "Really, JJ? Can't you just let it go for once?" you said, your voice tinged with frustration and hurt.
Before he could speak up to apologize, you quickly interjected, saying you were going to grab your things. Without waiting for a response, you turned around and headed inside the chateau, leaving JJ to grapple with the weight of his words.
As you disappeared from view, a sense of regret washed over JJ. He hadn't intended to upset you, and yet his thoughtless comment had clearly struck a chord. With a heavy sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, feeling a pang of guilt gnaw at him.
In that moment, JJ realized the impact his words could have and vowed to be more mindful in the future. He knew he needed to make things right with you, to apologize for his insensitivity and to bridge the divide that had formed between you. With a sense of determination, JJ followed after you, resolved to make amends and to show you that he was capable of being better. It was time to set things right and to repair the bond that had been strained by his thoughtless actions.
You stomped into the living room and swiftly picked up your bag off the couch, frustration boiling beneath the surface. As you turned around, ready to make your exit, you were met face-to-face with JJ, his expression a mixture of regret and concern.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the tension between you thick in the air. You could feel JJ's gaze boring into you, searching for some sign of forgiveness or understanding.
You looked up at JJ, your frown deepening as you met his gaze. "What do you want, JJ?" you asked, your voice tinged with a hint of suspicion.
JJ's expression softened at your question, and he took a step closer, his eyes searching yours. "I just wanted to apologize," he said, his voice earnest. "I didn't mean to upset you back there. It was a dick move." His words caught you off guard, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words. You could see the sincerity in JJ's eyes, the genuine remorse etched on his face, and it gave you pause.
You crossed your arms and tilted your head at him, skepticism evident in your expression. "Is this some kind of joke, JJ? Because you never apologize," you said, your tone edged with disbelief.
JJ's expression faltered for a moment, his usual cocky demeanor replaced by a rare vulnerability. "No, it's not a joke," he replied earnestly, his voice quiet but sincere. "I messed up, and I know it. I just... I don't want things to be weird between us, you know?"
You looked at him, your confusion evident in your expression. "Why do you even care, JJ? What does it matter to you?" you asked, your tone tinged with skepticism.
JJ's gaze faltered for a moment, a sense of vulnerability washing over him as he began to speak. "Look, I know you think that I hate you, but I don't," he admitted, his voice tinged with sincerity. His words caught you off guard, and for a moment, you were speechless. You had always assumed that JJ harbored some level of animosity towards you, given your past interactions and the tension that often simmered between you.
But as you looked into JJ's eyes, you could see a genuine earnestness that took you by surprise. There was something raw and vulnerable in his expression, a sincerity that you hadn't expected.
"Then why do you act like you do?" you asked, your voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and frustration.
JJ sighed heavily, a lump forming in his throat as he looked up at the ceiling, his words weighed down by the weight of his confession. "Because you're a kook, Y/N," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "And that alone makes you unattainable. So, it's easier to act like I hate you than to tell you the truth." His admission hit you like a ton of bricks, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words. You had never expected JJ to be so candid about his feelings, and his honesty took you by surprise.
"What truth, JJ?" you asked, your voice soft but insistent, curiosity lacing your words.
JJ's gaze shifted to meet yours, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "The truth about... about how I feel about you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
His confession caught you off guard, and for a moment, you were speechless. You had never expected JJ to be so forthcoming about his feelings, and his honesty left you feeling both surprised and intrigued.
"The truth about... how you feel about me?" you repeated, trying to process JJ's words.
JJ nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. "Yeah," he replied, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I... I care about you, Y/N. More than I should."
His admission hung in the air between you, the weight of his words sinking in. You could see the sincerity in JJ's eyes, the raw honesty etched on his face, and it left you feeling both touched and unsure of how to respond.
Before you could speak, JJ continued, his words pouring out in a rush. "And I hate how you settle for Rafe," he confessed, his voice tinged with frustration and regret. "You deserve so much better than him, Y/N."
His words caught you off guard, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words. You had never expected JJ to be so candid about his feelings, and his honesty left you feeling both surprised and conflicted.
"I... I don't know what to say, JJ," you admitted, your voice filled with uncertainty.
JJ sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know I shouldn't say this," he continued, his gaze fixed on the ground. "But I can't stand seeing you with him, knowing that you deserve someone who treats you right."
His confession hung in the air between you, the weight of his words sinking in. You could see the sincerity in JJ's eyes, the raw emotion etched on his face, and it left you feeling both touched and conflicted.
You went to speak, "JJ, I—" but he cut you off, his expression a mixture of resignation and understanding. "I understand, Y/N," he said softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "I know it doesn't change anything."
You paused, your heart pounding in your chest, and reached out, gently taking JJ's hand as he began to turn away. Looking up at him with pleading eyes, you searched his gaze for the right words, the words that could convey the depth of your feelings.
"JJ, wait," you said softly, your voice tinged with a mixture of regret and longing. "If I would've known... If I would've known how you felt, I would've done something about it."
Your words hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken emotions. You could feel the weight of the moment, the tension crackling in the air as you waited for JJ's response.
JJ's gaze softened as he looked down at you, his eyes searching yours for a long moment. "Y/N..." he started, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the right words.
But before he could say anything else, you felt a surge of courage wash over you. Leaning in closer, you closed the distance between you and pressed your lips against his, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as JJ's lips met yours, the world falling away around you. And in that moment, you felt a spark of hope flicker to life in your heart, a glimmer of possibility that maybe, just maybe, there was more to your relationship with JJ than you had ever dared to hope.
When you finally pulled away, JJ's expression was a mixture of surprise and confusion, but there was something else there too, something that mirrored the longing in your own heart.
"I... I don't know what to say," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled softly, your hand still intertwined with his. "You don't have to say anything," you replied gently. "Just know that... I care about you, JJ. More than you'll ever know."
With that, you turned and walked away, leaving JJ standing there, his gaze following you as you disappeared from view. And as you made your way out of the chateau, a sense of hope filled your heart, knowing that perhaps there was still a chance for something more between you and JJ.
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enmi-land · 6 months
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𓈒 ◯ 𓏸 ﹒ 🍼 ﹒ ⌣⌣
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──── ꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ mila never thought about having children until she realised how beautiful they could be.
2023 ✶ poly!ot7엔하 x fem!member oc ୨୧ brief mentions of pregnancy
REQ. i know you’re having a hard time with the requests but I just keep having ideas. you know when idols meet babies and take care of them ,I thought about Mila taking care of a a new born baby boy and him taking a liking to her like clinging to her and all and the boys + Kiara’s reaction
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MILA LOVED EVERYTHING CUTE AND CUDDLY, so it was no surprise that, when she spotted a small baby in a brown bear onesie during content shooting, she immediately needed to have it in her arms. Her members had about five seconds to process the blur of blonde hair dashing away from the group before their Mila was suddenly standing in front of the baby’s mother, cooing and squealing over its cuteness.
“Can I hold him?” Mila asked the mother, eyes filled with genuine adoration for the small human.
The mother could only laugh fondly at the idol, recognising the film crew that followed the girl around, indicating no ill intent. The young mother handed the baby over, watching as Mila gently cradled it to her chest with natural ease that bespoke of innate maternal instinct. She raised a finger to caress the baby’s cheek gently, only to gasp in wonder when its tiny hand took a grip of her finger. The baby gurgled happily, and Mila was filled with an unfamiliar sense of warmth seeing the gummy smile peek that crossed their chubby face.
“He likes you.” Mila didn’t even register the presence of Sunoo behind her, her attention transfixed on the tiny being in her arms. The baby shook its little fist, babbling incoherently, the sound like chime-like bells.
“He’s so small,” Mila whispered in amazement. She gently rocked the baby in her arms, watching Sunoo’s hand reach out to gently pinch the ball of chub. Holding it in her arms now, the baby felt like it was barely as big as Gaeul, Sunghoon’s small French poodle — and the thought made a sense of protectiveness fill her, causing her to hold the baby a little closer, as if scared that she might drop it.
Heeseung watched from a distance as Mila handled the baby with ease, and he couldn’t help but think that the sight of a baby in her arms was all too natural. He could briefly picture a slightly older Mila, holding a child with a striking resemblance to Heeseung, only with Mila’s smile and a pair of dimples poking the sides of their cheeks. A gentle smile crossed his face, unnoticed the cameras which were focused on Mila’s interaction with the baby. But Kiara, who stood beside him, was all too quick to see it.
Kiara bumped him teasingly. “What are you so happy about?”
Heeseung hummed, before shaking his head. “Nothing.”
But it clearly wasn’t ’nothing,’ seeing as he was pulling his phone out only a few seconds later, before snapping a quick candid photo of Mila holding the baby. Kiara could only laugh, muttering about how “whipped” the boy was. But she couldn’t blame him — not when she felt the same way about her own boyfriend whenever she saw him interact with children so happily.
“I don’t want to go,” Mila said, pouting at the staff who laughed at her request. Unfortunately, as much as she wanted to play with the baby for longer, they had to get going in order to keep to their schedule, causing her to part reluctantly with the tiny human.
As if the baby understood that Mila had to leave, he suddenly snuggled into Mila’s neck, causing the girl’s heart to melt even further. Her eyes started to water, causing Sunoo to chuckle. “Aigoooo, why are you crying?”
He gently dabbed under Mila’s eyes as she forced herself to hand the baby back to his mother, unable to look him in the eyes when he started to pout and reach his arms out for Mila again. Maybe it was her hormones acting up because of her period, but she couldn’t help but feel the urge to cry when she saw the sad look on the baby’s face. “Look at him!” Mila whined, forcing herself to look away. “He’s so cute… I don’t want to leave him.”
Sunoo laughed. “Okay, okay. I know.” He then pat Mila’s head. “But we have to go now. Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll meet him again. So say goodbye for now and hope he grows up nice and healthy.”
Mila nodded, sniffling. “Okay.” She turned to the baby, smiling as she bent down to his eye level on his mother’s lap, and waving with both her hands. “Bye-bye, baby. I hope you grow up to be a strong and healthy young man. Make sure to stay out of trouble and listen to your mother. Okay?”
The baby suddenly gurgled, as if understanding Mila’s words, before the girl was running back to Heeseung and Kiara. Mila couldn’t help but think about it for the rest of the day. It showed in the way she started to cling onto her boyfriends even more when they returned back to the dorms form their schedules, and when she started cooing over the pictures Kiara had sent her later on.
“What are you smiling at?” Jungwon asked curiously, leaning his head on Mila’s shoulder. He saw the pictures of Mila holding the baby form earlier today, and blinked at her when she zoomed in on the small ball of chub that was the baby’s face. It had a precious smile, its wide eyes glittering with glee. “It kinda looks like you.”
“Really?” Mila turned to Jungwon, her eyes scanning his features. “I’d say it looks like you more. Your cute face…” Mila reached up and cupped his cheeks. “And your dimples.” She then looked at the image again. “But with my eyes…”
“We’d make really cute kids,” Jungwon suddenly said, snuggling into Mila’s side. He would admit that any child born from him and Mila would be an absolute danger to world safety — with Jungwon’s innate cuteness, paired with Mila’s doe eyes, they would be able to get away with anything with just a flutter of their eyelashes.
“What’s this about kids?” Riki asked, inviting himself to their cuddle session.
“Me and Noona were talking about how cute our kids would be on the future,” Jungwon said casually. The maknae of the group hugged his arms around Mila’s waist.
“True…” Riki hummed. “But then, if me and Mila had kids, they’d be really tall, wouldn’t they? And probably really athletic, too.”
He could see it now: a kid with an intense love for soccer and insane amount of competitiveness, matched only by their cheerfulness off the field. And with the added combination of Mila and Riki’s tall genes and their model-like proportions, it was safe to say that any child of theirs would be a physical wonder to behold.
“Not to mention the dance skills,” Jungwon said.
Mila laughed. She didn’t think they realised it, but Jungwon and Riki were really starting to make her consider things she hadn’t thought about before. She always thought that having children was something that, while expected, wasn’t something she really wanted. But maybe it was because she found Riki and Jungwon — and Sunoo, Heeseung, Jaeyun, Jongseong and Sunghoon — that she wanted to see what beautiful things could be born from their love.
It was clear that she was starting to have baby fever. Something that she only ever heard of, but never felt until now. And while the boys had no idea about it, it became clear when she suddenly hugged Jongseong from behind while he was cooking, and saying something that almost caused him to burn the food he was cooking over the stove.
“Oppa, I want a baby.”
From the bench, Jaeyun started to choke on his water, clearly taken off guard by her statement. How did they suddenly go from discussing how they wanted their steak, to her saying she wanted to have a baby?
“All of a sudden?” Jaeyun asked. Jongseong apparently thought the same, because as soon as he decided the steak in the pan was cooked enough, he was turning off the stove and turning to Mila in order to cradle her cheeks in his palms.
“What brought this on, Angel?” Jongseong asked. But he couldn’t deny that something in his heart fluttered at the thought of starting a family with Mila. No doubt, he would be the happiest man alive when the day came where she was carrying his child — but it was something they never brought up until now. Mila never showed any signs of wanting children before, so he was curious as to why that suddenly changed.
“I came across this mum with a baby today, and he was soooooo cute. His hands were so tiny, it could barely wrap around my fingers, and his cheeks were so chubby and pinchable— and his gummy smile! Wahhhh, Oppa, you should have seen it. It was so precious! I thought I was melting.” She sighed and leaned against Jongseong’d firm chest. “I want a baby.”
Jongseong exchanged a glance with Jaeyun over the top of her head, before chuckling and shaking his head. The Australian could only look at the back of Mila’s head with a fond smile, heart warmed from the admission. The two of them had already heard about the interaction from Heeseung, and seen the pictures he took. But other than thinking it was cute, they didn’t think it would have affected their girlfriend this much. And Jaeyun had to admit, he wouldn’t mind having a mini-me running around the place.
“What’s going? The food smells good.” Sunghoon suddenly stepped into the kitchen, drying his hair off with a towel. He stopped when he saw Jongseong patting Mila’s head comfortingly. “Why?” he asked, instantly straightening up as he walked towards the two. “Did something happen? Princess, are you okay?”
Mila looked up at Sunghoon. “I want a baby.”
Sunghoon froze, looking like a robot that received a foreign transmission from outer space. Jaeyun laughed. He stood from his seat at the bench and slapped the boy on the back to snap him out of his shock. The youngest of the hyung line was at a loss for words, unable to say anything to the sudden revelation.
A baby? He hadn’t give much thought about it before. He never really saw himself being a father, other than to Gaeul — but now he was picturing a baby with Mila’s cute nose and round eyes, paired his fangs and face, and how cute they’re would look in a pair of tiny little ice skates…
“Right now?” Sunghoon blurted out.
Mila laughed. “Of course not. I meant like, some time in the future, when we’re all settled down and you know….” It was Mila’s turn to blush when her thoughts started to drift off into uncharted territory. She didn’t want to presume anything, or assume that the boys would even consider marriage to begin with. “But you know! It’s just a thought! Anyway—!”
Before she could say anything, she made a move to run away, only to fail miserably considering the three of them all blocking off every possible route of escape from the kitchen.
“Hey now,” Jaeyun said grabbing Mila’s wrist while laughing. “You can’t just run off after saying that. What were you going to say just now? Something about settling down?”
Mila groaned. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything…
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📄 NOTES. when i got this request, i suddenly felt a burst of inspiration and knew i had to write smth. so here’s a small drabble for everyone who missed mila and the boys during this sad time between me accidentally deleting my account (see announcement for those who don’t know) and trying to find my old works again 🤗
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houseofwisteria · 5 months
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" Since we're adding rooms for people what about ME Daisy? I thought you were MY wife? What am I nothing to you anymore? " She pouts.
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hyunjin-amore · 9 months
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: Kiara get jealous of rafe and Y/N relatioship and fights y/n
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❤️‍🔥 For more than a year, Rafe Cameron and Y/N have been in a passionate and loving relationship. We knew there was something special between us the instant we laid eyes on each other during our undergraduate years. We were inseparable, and our love only got deeper over time. Everyone in our immediate vicinity could notice the unique connection we had, with the exception of Kiara Carrera.
❤️‍🔥 Kiara has always been envious of our union. She had been Rafe's classmate since their first year and had been in love with him. However, Rafe never felt the same way for me and instead developed an affection for me. Because Kiara couldn't take it, she would continually try to get in the way of our relationship by making crude comments and attempting to make out with Rafe whenever she got the chance.
❤️‍🔥 But her acts were not going to influence us. We were adamant about making it work because we were so in love. But one night at a party, Kiara started acting out after drinking too much. This was the tipping point. She tried to minimize me in front of Rafe and our friends by making hurtful remarks about me and our relationship. She persisted despite my attempts to remain composed and ignore her out of concern about starting a commotion.
❤️‍🔥 I had finally had enough. She needs to get over her love for Rafe and quit being so envious, I told her when I confronted her. Rather than back down, though, she surged at me, her fist striking my jaw. She attacked with such startling intensity that I staggered back. But I steadied myself immediately and retaliated.
❤️‍🔥 Rafe, who had been observing from a distance, dashed to intervene in the altercation. But I was resolved to confront Kiara and end her jealousy once and for all. We swung at each other, cursing at each other as we traded blows. I then delivered one last blow that sent Kiara to the ground, tears welling up in her eyes and her nose gushing blood.
❤️‍🔥 I couldn't help but feel satisfied as I triumphantly stood over her. I had defended my connection with Rafe and myself. With a sly smile, I turned to face him and whispered, "Yeah, bitch." I kicked your ass; try that shit again, and you keep getting the same results. Rafe was so proud of my courage and amazed at my courage that he couldn't help but chuckle.
❤️‍🔥 Kiara had never again threatened our relationship as of that day. I realized that our love was more powerful than jealousy or outside influences when she eventually moved on. Because I knew that with Rafe, I could conquer any challenge, our relationship grew stronger and more impenetrable. I also feel proud of myself for sticking up for my values and demonstrating that our love was worthwhile every time I think back on that hectic night.
Taglist: @eleniblue
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blitzosblog · 1 year
Oh Romeo - J.M
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: Today is your and JJ's wedding day.
Warnings: Kissing
You stood at the doors hands straightening out the skirt of your dress as you patiently waited, Kiara came up beside you.
"You look beautiful Y/N" She said smiling at you, you turned to her giving her smile.
"Just nerves ya know" You said slightly chuckling at her.
"You know we could always still run if you wanted" She said, nudging you in the side, you both laughed a bit more as Sarah came up behind the two of you.
"You ready?" She asked, you looked down gripping your bouquet tighter, taking a deep breathe in as you held your head high.
Both Kiara and Sarah looked at one another, taking their places in front of you as the doors to the ceremony hall opened up, the warmth of the room wafting out, light filled your path, the two girl a head moved forward waiting a few second you slowly began your way down the aisle, the soft melody of violins filled your ears.
Your train ran across the floor as you took gentle steps forward looking round to see your friends and family scattered across the benches.
The girls started to step over to the left as they stood beside the alter, you could see John B and Pope stood to the right smiling like crazy and finally you stepped up the small incline in front of you as you faced JJ, he looked at you with such adoration in his eyes, a smile from ear to ear as he played with him hand nervously.
"You look so beautiful" He whispered leaning forwards making eye contact with you, you smiled at him mouthing the words 'You too'. You both turned to the officiant.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Y/N Y/L/N and JJ Maybank, and bear witness to their love and marriage." The officiant began, you would give small glances over to JJ every now and then catching him smiling at you as the officiant kept speaking.
"Now for the vows, who would like to go first?" He asked you and JJ look at each other and you decided you'd go first.
"Here I go... JJ I always dreamed of the day I got married, with my dress and the dances, but nothing could have prepared me for the absolute joy of marrying you, from the first time we met you have been a light in my life, always there to cheer me up and hold me when I needed you and I couldn't imagine my life without you now, I look forward to what the future holds for us and to love you for the rest of my life." You spoke voice slightly shaking as you saw tears build in JJ's eyes.
He took a deep breathe before he spoke.
"Y/N, not a lot of people have given me as many chances as you have if any, but you've always been there for me, through every crazy adventure and reckless thing I did, you were always there to patch me up and show me what the true meaning of love is and I'm blessed to have found someone as amazing as you." He finishes, for a moment both of you just stared at one another, before the officiant spoke again and you tuned to him.
"Now Do you JJ Maybank take Y/n Y/L/N as you wife to have and told hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?" He asked.
JJ looked you in the eyes as he spoke.
"I do"
"And do you Y/N Y/L/N take JJ Maybank as your husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"
"I do" You said smiling at JJ.
"Well then I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." He spoke, JJ turned quickly, sweeping you off your feet as he pulled you in, your lipping connecting now, everyone stood, clapping and cheering, you could hear John B whistling, as JJ put you down, forehead pressed against yours.
The two of you held hands as you ran down the aisle.
The reception was lovely, a small outside venue, covered in little lights and flowers the breeze from the waters dashing across the occupied space.
JJ held you close as the music played, eyes on you, your body's flowing across the floor with one another, the remaining guests surrounding you yet it felt as though it were just the two of you alone in your own world.
"I love you JJ" You whispered looking up at him.
"I love you more" He replied leaning in and kissing you, the two of you were separated by your friends.
"Think the nights coming to end don't you guys?" Pope questioned smiling at JJ, he smiled back, grabbing your hand.
"Lets get our honeymoon started wife" He spoke smirking as he pulled you away from the others into the night.
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lizzybeth1986 · 4 months
Too Little, (But Perhaps Not) Too Late
Book: The Royal Romance
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kiara & Penelope (platonic). Hints of Hana x Kiara.
Word Count: 3, 085 words.
Summary: At King Liam and Duchess Esther's bachelorette party, Penelope has something to say to her best friend Kiara.
A/N: This is supposed to take place during the events of TRR3 Ch 16 (the MC's bachelorette), but with significant changes that will be a part of my series Petals and Thornes. Penelope's surname is Drammir, the bachelorette is not in Vegas but at Côte d'Or in Cordonia, and by this point in the story Kiara and Hana are secretly a couple.
Tagging @kiaratheronappreciationweek for KTAW Day 5: Friendships, @choicesficwriterscreations for FotW, @choicesjunechallenge2024 for Ending/Beginning, @choicescommunityevents for Best Friend Day.
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"Un Soixante Quinze, s'il vous plait."
Kiara has been to Côte d'Or - and this nightclub - enough times that every bartender there knows without even looking at her that her favourite is a slightly tart French 75; Deirdre smiles, her eyes trained on a violet-coloured bottle somewhere.
"I'll do you one better, Lady Kiara. How about some Empress Gin and a dash of lime?"
Kiara's laughter is a silent gurgle in her throat rather than the court-appropriate tinkle or a loud cackle (that for some reason, Hana seems to love so much), the amusement making her eyes light up. "That'll be fun."
Far more fun at least than watching half the court pair up for dancing from the sidelines, knowing she can't do the same. Yet.
She tries to make her sideways glance towards the other side of the bar look casual, but damn if Hana doesn't make it hard. In a black velvet minidress studded with diamanté, like stars in the night sky, she looks good enough to eat. There is a faraway, dreamlike feel to the way she stares, unseeing, at the opposite wall; Kiara shudders. The same dreams haunt her too, night and day.
Olivia seems to be sashaying her way to the spot where Hana stands, and Kiara turns away, swallowing. That woman has a knack for noticing everything and using that skill against everyone around her in the worst ways. Neither she nor Hana need the additional humiliation of being caught by Olivia Nevrakis of all people, before they're truly ready.
She jumps as she hears a jaunty hello right behind her. It's Penelope - practically prancing her way to Kiara from her spot on the dance floor, flushed and ridiculously happy, several tendrils of hair out of place, lips and cheeks rosier than usual. Kiara instinctively searches the crowd for her brother Ezekiel, and finds him talking to a minor noble some distance away, the dishevelment of his hair barely noticeable.
Kiara smiles back at Penelope. Clearly this night isn't going to be just a celebration of King Liam and Queen Esther's very obviously romantic union, but also a chance, for the many couples that have cropped up in the past few months, to be open about their love in the wake of that passionate love story. Cordonia seems to be changing, Kiara thinks, with a brief pang (she tries...really hard this time...not to look over at Hana again), right in front of her very eyes.
Penelope's attention has already shifted to the way Deirdre masterfully mixes Kiara's drink. The gin and the simple syrup had already been mixed and shaken before Penelope made her appearance; Deirdre's now getting to what Kiara knows Penelope would consider the fun part. She squeezes out a wedge of lime, quietly stealing a glance at her audience of two as the drink's hue changes from clear to a rather vibrant shade of purple.
"Ohhhh," Penelope's gasp comes out in a burst of pleasure.
"Empress 1908 Gin," Kiara whispers to her, "they infuse the concoction with butterfly pea blossoms. They change colour if you add anything acidic to it."
Penelope handwaves the information away with the carelessness she gives most pretty things - it only matters that they look pretty; she couldn't care less for the process that gave her that incredible sight.
Much as Kiara doesn't like to admit it...the word "careless" does seem to be the apt word to define how Penelope goes through her life.
Carelessness in court. Carelessness in her everyday life. Carelessness with belongings, with tasks, with people. Even the ones she genuinely believes (and she does. Truly) she loves.
Part of it - Kiara is aware - has to do with how overwhelming court life, on its own, can be for her. Penelope may have exaggerated some of the hardships she seems to face, but this she has never once lied about.
Navigating court is hard enough, even for Kiara herself, but too often Penelope exudes the appearance of a doe entering a den of lions. For every one thing she manages to get right, Penelope has to fear the hundred things she'll do wrong. At some point you just get resigned to the possibility that a good day might be one where you made fifteen mistakes rather than fifty.
But anyone who stays around Penelope long enough knows that there is a inherent lack of urgency about her, a certain reluctance to think things through, a certain comfort with being tended to, getting pampered, being let off out of sympathy even as her choices wreak havoc. A tendency to consider only her comforts and no one else's.
It isn't meant maliciously. These things just don't occur to her.
Kiara meets Penelope's eyes once, then nods and turns to Deirdre with an order for a strawberry daiquiri. Penelope passes her a grateful glance, relieved at having that decision taken out of her hands.
Kiara sighs. There are a great many things you learn to get used to as Penelope Drammir's best friend - her indecision and passivity being one of them. She shakes her head as she absently twirls her stirrer over her drink. The days Kiara allows herself to think of how annoyed she used to feel (way back during the engagement tour) around Penelope are few and far between, and she does feel guilty of doing her friend a disservice whenever she does. Of being ungenerous, judgemental.
Of abandoning empathy. Even if empathy is a gift she hardly expects to get herself from...well, from anyone.
Kiara steals another glance towards the other end of the bar. Hana and Olivia are standing side by side, their backs facing the bar, their eyes never leaving the dancing couples. From time to time Olivia seems to say something (and Kiara almost bites down her cheek to stop herself from going there and rising to Hana's defense, in case it's something nasty). If Hana is affected, you couldn't tell - so nonchalant is her stance against the bar.
Hana's words from a week ago - warm and soothing and smelling of melted chocolate - still ring in Kiara's ears. You deserve to have people you can lean on, Kiara. As much as anyone else. You need to be able to depend on your friends sometimes too.
Her hand barely ghosts over her side, but Kiara doesn't allow it to linger there. She allows the words to wash over her, like balm. Like some sort of elixir that she hopes will heal her, slowly, spreading its warmth and sweetness in small trickles, taking away the hurt and resentment and self-derision bit by bit.
When she's calm enough to turn to Penelope's side again, she catches her friend staring.
Her eyes no longer on her dairiquiri; she stirs it absently, very much the way Kiara just did a few minutes ago. Those very eyes are suddenly a deeper blue, a darker shade, her gaze more intent and more serious than anything she has ever seen from Penelope in all the years they've known each other.
Kiara takes a nervous sip of her drink (sweet. tart. refreshing), her laughter betraying a slight discomfort. "You're staring at me like I've grown an extra head."
Penelope's gaze doesn't shift back to her usual - the unfocused flitting of the eyes from corner to corner. The intensity of it makes Kiara shift a little in her seat. For all her faults, seeing Penelope be her usual thoughtless, fickle-minded self - always distracted by the newest shiny object or the antics of the nearest dog - has always been reassuring.
"I...I haven't been a very good friend to you, Kiki, have I," Penelope says, quietly.
She says it as if it isn't a question but a statement, as if she has thought enough about it that it has become an already-unquestionable fact in her mind - that for a few moments Kiara finds it hard to say anything in response.
"What makes you say that, Nena?" She says, using that old affectionate nickname that Penelope only allows family and close friends to use with her.
Penelope fiddles with the shell bracelet she usually wears with the dress she's wearing, a sumptuous affair in her house colours - completely inappropriate for Esther's bachelorette (they're all supposed to wear dark or muted colours so the bride could shine in her sparkly gold outfit). But because it's Esther - who honestly couldn't care less - Penelope managed to get away with it.
Much like she has managed to get away with a great deal of things, Kiara realises with an unfortunate twist in her gut. A terrible court performance. Being involved in smearing another courtier's name (learning about that last engagement tour, realising Penelope was comfortable expecting friendship from the woman she did that to and never even bothered to let Kiara know almost ended their friendship for good). Wanting Esther and her friends to pamper her within an inch of her life if they wanted her to accompany them for their tour, even though her past conduct demanded - ethically - that she at least offer unconditional support.
(And never, ever once asking about how Kiara was healing after she was released from hospital. But that was something, perhaps, that she couldn't lay blame on Penelope alone for. For the longest time, her injury really seemed to matter that little to most).
And whether or not Penelope seems to realize how good she has had it without making enough effort from her end, yet...she certainly seems to have made a good enough start right now.
Penelope's voice goes a little softer, her eyes suddenly unable to meet Kiara's. "I think it's all the time Zeke and I have been spending together," she says, one fingernail tracing the seam of a fake shell. "He's been feeling a bit guilty himself, you know. He always tells me he's the older one, he's the one who should be taking care of you...but it's you always playing that role instead."
Kiara winces. "Well... he's never asked that of me, has he?"
Has it been like that, really? Has it? All she knows of her relationship with Zeke is how often she loses patience with him when his reluctance to move out of his safe zone creates problems, either for himself or their family. It's the one thing she has always felt a little guilty about - as much as she has felt whenever she got frustrated with Penelope.
"That's the worst part, he says. That he let you adopt that role, and never give you the same level of support. That of course you find him a little hard to understand, but that never stopped you from trying to help. And of course you never ask for any help in return, but there were so many times you should have gotten it from him anyway," Penelope's sigh comes out in a shuddering breath, and Kiara notices a redness creeping up to her cheeks from her neck. "I never realised until he said that, that I've treated you that way too."
When Penelope looks at Kiara this time, her lashes are spiky with tears. Kiara tries to swallow the lump in her own throat, suddenly overwhelmed.
For a while now, these were thoughts Kiara did have. Thoughts she'd tried to quash in the many, many hours she spent struggling to move in that hospital bed without feeling that pain on her side, thoughts she fought off after being reminded - again and again and again - how she got hurt there. Thoughts that terrified her so much she suppressed them, experiencing a mixture of relief and disappointment when no one, not even her close friends, seemed to find what happened to her important enough to remember.
These were thoughts she could only allow herself to have for no more than a few minutes. They would damn near destroy her if she thought about them any longer than that.
These were the thoughts that made her want to kick herself for being so ungenerous and petty and judgemental. To hear those same words, the words she only allowed herself to think in her darkest, most bitter moments, from Penelope's mouth - without blame, without censure - and to know that Zeke has felt it too...there is a burn in Kiara's throat that she knows won't leave for a long, long time.
Oh, no, Nena, a part of Kiara still wants to say, you're a wonderful friend. Those words, constantly at the tip of her tongue whenever Penelope gets into one of her melancholy, self-pitying moods, seem to haunt Kiara again, urging her to keep their friendship the way it is. Unequal. Unbalanced. Practically one-sided. Kiara forever as protector, Penelope forever as protected. It must be better that way.
Hana's words come back to her - a balm to her bruised spirit.
You need to depend on your friends too.
"I may not have been the friend you needed all this time, Kiki," Penelope whispers, "but from today, I promise you I'll really try."
As Kiara does in the rare occasions she finds herself overcome with emotion, she lets out a wavering, watery laugh.
Will Penelope truly change that? She doesn't know yet. But damn does it feel good that she cares enough to try.
All this time, all this guilt and self-blame...for not being the kind of friend most people would insist Penelope needed. All this resentment, because people would certainly think long and hard about what it meant to be literally anyone else's friend and catering to their needs. Olivia's. Penelope's. Even (ugh) Madeleine's.
But not Kiara's. Never Kiara's.
"I don't know how to respond to this yet, Nena. But I need you to know that I appreciate this. Truly."
Putting her daiquiri down, Penelope crushes her in an impulsive hug that almost sends tiny purple droplets of Kiara's drink flying onto her outfit. Neither of them notice.
They part, reluctantly, and spend the rest of their time together drinking in companiable silence as the vibrations from the nightclub's loud music thumps on the floor beneath them. When the tune changes to a slower, more romantic tune, Kiara can't stop herself from taking a peek at the other side of the bar.
Penelope follows her gaze, and smiles when it lands on Hana. "You should go there."
"Hmm?" Kiara murmurs, barely hearing Penelope. Hana and Olivia are still talking, but the vibes feel far more chilly than they seemed to be a few minutes ago. Now Hana is the one slightly smiling, like the cat who got the cream, and Olivia looks surprisingly...pale? Perhaps a little ill?
Definitely not as smug as she seemed when she sauntered her way to Hana's side.
She isn't sure how that came about, but the possibility that Hana may have had something to do with it does fill her with an odd sort of pride. The kind of pride that makes her want to point to Hana in front of a crowd of twenty-plus nobles and announce, as loud as she can, "that's my girlfriend!!"
Penelope giggles so hard she almost snorts her drink out of her nose. "Go get your girl, Kiki."
Kiara stares at Penelope for a minute, then self-consciously runs her palms over her own outfit. "Am I that obvious?"
Penelope is still giggling. "Only right now, and only because I'm literally standing next to you."
Kiara laughs, relieved. This love she shares with Hana will still be her - their - secret. She wants it to stay that way, just a little bit longer.
The strains of the love song currently playing feel a little out of place for this nightclub, but Kiara's feet are almost itching for a slow dance in someone's arms. Head over heels when toe to toe. This is the sound of my soul. By the way Hana is looking at her now - alone at the bar again - Kiara can tell she wants it too.
Penelope places a hand on Kiara's shoulder, taking her leave with a grin and a conspiratorial wink. "Zeke must be looking for me. Have fun, Kiki!" Clearly in a mood for generosity, she kisses Kiara on the cheek before she leaves.
(For a woman who has never slept with, well, anyone before, Hana seems to be quite adept in the art of seduction already. Kiara has to bite the inside of her cheek just to fight the urge to whisk her to her hotel room for the rest of the night)
When she reaches Hana's side, the other woman's gaze moves over her in the most leisurely pace known to man. Slow, sensual, soaked in knowing, promising more than just one dance.
The soles of Kiara's feet tingle just from imagining the possibilities. She knows what they're going to be doing at least an hour (Kiara's being generous - she probably might not even last that long) from now.
"Lady Hana," Kiara says, holding out her hand and inwardly laughing at her own playful formality, "I believe I owe you a dance."
Hana breaks character, laughing delightedly. "A dance would be a good start."
Hana rests her head on Kiara's shoulder, her face nestled close to her collarbone. Her face is nestled close enough to Kiara's collarbone that she could breathe in her perfume if she wanted; she can feel Hana's long, deep inhale reverberate through her own body as she does. As Kiara runs a hand down Hana's back, she begins to sigh in tandem to the music too, drunk on her love for this woman. Ah ah ah haa haa. I know this much is true.
Even with her eyes closed, Kiara can feel the lights - deep purple and sea green - dancing behind her eyelids. The feel of Hana's palm against hers. A whiff of Gucci Bloom that comes and goes - that Kiara registers, instinctively, as the presence of her best friend stealing another dance with her brother. Kiara sighs happily.
Tomorrow might be as hard to live through as yesterday was, as this morning was, as every morning has been since this tour began. But every once in a while, she's gifted with tiny miracles.
This evening - every bit of it - has been a tiny miracle. And if this tour has taught her anything, it's that the tiny miracles are often the most memorable ones.
Almost as if they can both sense a desire to come closer, Hana and Kiara tighten their arms around each other almost imperceptibly.
Kiara smiles, again. Tomorrow may be different. But today...today has been beautiful. Today has been perfect.
This night of miracles does seem to be in any hurry to leave, and she's going to embrace it with both hands.
French 75 - a cocktail made from gin, champagne, lemon juice, and sugar. It is also called a 75 Cocktail, or in French simply a Soixante Quinze.
Learn more about Empress Gin gin French 75 here.
The song Hana and Kiara are dancing to at the end is "True" by Spandau Ballet.
A/N1: I hint at a scene that is not part of canon but that will eventually show up at this point of the story when I write it in Petals and Thornes (basically Hana and Olivia talking. I won't be talking about it here, but it will be a major scene from Hana's PoV at this point in the story).
A/N2: Often, when the fandom speaks about the Kiara and Penelope friendship, there tends to be a lot of sympathy for Penelope and criticism for Kiara. But when you take a closer look at canon, the opposite applies. The narrative tends to center this friendship on Penelope alone, with Kiara needing to constantly worry and protect her, and Penelope rarely ever showing the same regard or concern for Kiara. It's a grossly imbalanced friendship, and I did want some acknowledgement of that.
A big thank you to @thecapturedafrique for suggesting this title 😁😁
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
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She just.
This place is a mess.
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1heartfanfics · 24 days
could you do a obx fic where jj is sick and his little sister (maybe reader or if you need a name you could use tj) passed it to him (by little i mean a few years younger) and either kiara or reader takes care of him and his sister because they're both super sick (it could be a bad virus or bug)
but it's totally up to you
Kiara was sitting on the couch at the chateau when she heard the front door suddenly open. She looked at John B questioningly, were they expecting anyone. He shrugged and got up to see who it was.
"John B?" a voice called from the front room. JJ. They hadn't heard from him hardly all week, he'd been taking care of his little sister Camryn all week since she'd caught the flu or something.
Kiara got up and followed John B to say hi to JJ but stopped short when she saw him. He had Camryn with him, holding her against his chest. But he was pale and shaking, looking like the effort of holding his five year old sister was too much. Not to mention the black eye and the dark purple bruise on his side, peeking through the arm hole of his cutoff tank top.
"Jesus JJ what happened?" John B spoke after a moment of silence.
"Hey Cam, can I take you for a second?" Kiara asked, waiting for the little girl to nod before she grabbed her under the arms and lifted her away from JJ to hold on her own hip. "You feeling better?" she asked, turning and walking back toward the living room. She gave John B a look that said 'start dealing with this' as she walked away. Cam didn't need to see or hear any more than she probably already had.
"JJ?" John B asked again. He hadn't said a word yet and looked on the verge of passing out.
"Think I caught Cam's bug," JJ said finally, after a long moment of silence.
"Yeah, why don't you sit down dude, you're really not looking so good" John B said, nodding.
"Yeah. Not feeling so good either," JJ said, moving stiffly over to the ratty couch on the screened in porch. "I might hurl in a sec JB," he added.
"Jesus okay hang on," John B got up and dashed inside for a trash can before returning and setting it on the floor in front of JJ. For a minute, JJ just sat there, leaning over the bucket and breathing hard, but eventually he pitched forward with a gag and brought up a mouthful of what looked like mostly stomach acid and bile.
"Shit, alright," John B cursed, scooting closer to his friend to put a hand on his back.
When JJ was finished dry heaving, having nothing in his stomach to actually bring up, John B went back inside to get a cup of water for him. After a few hesitant sips, JJ set the cup down, slumping against the arm of the couch. The position allowed his tank top to slip even further off of his body, revealing how far the bruise on his side extended over his stomach and chest.
"You gonna tell me what the hell happened now?" John B asked.
JJ sighed heavily. "Think you can probably guess," he shrugged.
Kie appeared in the doorway then, wincing as she took in the scene in front of her. John B gave her a pleading look, needing her to take over. He had no idea how to handle this situation. He'd never seen JJ like this.
"Why don't you take Cam down to the pier or something? I've got this," she said quietly. She slid onto the couch as John B got up, taking his place next to JJ.
"Thanks Kiara," he gave her a grateful smile, then headed into the other room to grab Cam and get her out of there.
"Hey Jayj," Kiara said softly, rubbing her hand up and down JJ's back.
"Hey Kie," JJ answered quietly from his slumped position.
"How about we get you laying down? That can't be comfortable," she said, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him off of the armrest. To her surprise, JJ was practically limp, letting her maneuver him to lay down, his head in her lap.
"Thanks," he muttered as she draped a blanket from the back of the couch over him, seeing as he was shivering despite the north carolina heat.
"Just try to sleep okay? I've got you," she said, even though his eyes were already slipping closed.
John B managed to keep Cam entertained outside until the sun started to set, and when they returned to the chateau they found JJ and Kiara laying on the cough together. She was awake, laying on her back with JJ pressed up against her, fast asleep on her chest.
Kiara flushed red with embarrassment but didn't move for fear of waking up the sick boy next to her. But John B didn't comment on it. He just gave her a smile as he pulled Cam into the kitchen with him to find them something to eat.
"How's he doing?" John B asked, walking back into the room a few minutes later with a bowl of mac and cheese for Kiara.
"Thank you," she said, managing to sit herself up a little without waking JJ so she could take the bowl from John B. "He's been in and out, but he pretty much throws up every time he wakes up and he's burning up," she added, answering John B's question.
"He tell you what happened?" he asked.
Kiara shook her head, "I haven't asked. Seems like it was bad this time."
"Yeah. You see the one on his stomach?" he asked.
She nodded grimly. This might be one of the worst they'd ever seen.
"Well I'm gonna go try to put Cam to bed and then I'll come back out. You need anything before I got?" John B asked.
"No, this is great, thank you," she said, gesturing to the empty bowl of pasta that she'd inhaled. She had been starving after laying here with JJ all day.
John B nodded, then headed back toward his bedroom, where Cam was playing with the few toys that were still laying around the chateau. He grabbed one of his t-shirts for her to change into and wear as a sort of nightgown, then helped her brush her teeth with her finger, since they hadn't brought anything from home with them.
"Are we staying here because Daddy hurt Jayjie?" she asked as John B tucked him in.
John B winced internally at the question, hoping it wouldn't come up. But of course she knew. She may have been little but she wasn't stupid. Even if she hadn't seen it happen she could sure as hell see her brother's bruised face.
"Yeah, but he's okay though. We're taking care of him," John B answered with as much positivity as he could manage. Truthfully he was worried about his friend, but she didn't need to know that.
"That's good. He always takes care of me," she nodded stoically.
"Well we'll take care of you too, okay?" John B said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"Okay," she said, tears welling in her eyes. They didn't fall though, as she blinked them away. What a tough kid.
Meanwhile, JJ had woken up and managed to walk to the bathroom and back without passing out or throwing up. Kiara had even been able to make him drink a few sips of water.
"JJ..." Kiara started, trying to figure out how to ask him if he was okay even though he clearly wasn't.
"Don't Kie, plese," JJ said quickly.
Kiara sighed, "Why can't you just let someone in for once? I'm here for you JJ. We're here for you," she said in frustration. Why was he always so stubborn.
"Because if I talk about it, I'll start crying. And if I start, I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop," he said, staring straight ahead to avoid Kiara's eyes, full of sadness for him.
"It's okay to cry sometimes JJ," she said.
Her voice was so soft, her gentle touch on his back and his shoulder so comforting that it melted him. Cut right through his wall of bullshit, that was already crumbling due to his illness. Before he could stop himself he let out a choked sob, vision clouding over with tears.
"Oh Jayj... come here," she said, gathering him into her arms as her heart broke for him.
John B stepped out of his room then, hearing the sound of his best friend crying from the other room. He quickly walked out into the front room. JJ was draped over Kiara, who held him in her lap as he sobbed into her shirt.
"Shh, shh, shh, I've got you," she whispered, catching John B's eyes as he stook awkwardly in the doorway. She motioned him with her head to join them. Hesitantly, he moved to sit on JJ's other side. He draped an arm over both Kiara and JJ's shoulders, landing them in a sort of group hug situation. "We've got you," Kiara amended. And they would sit there for as long as JJ needed them.
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apurekindness · 9 months
@eskelwolf gets a Soulmate AU starter from Kiara
Kiara had always been a hopeless romantic, fully assuming that as soon as she met her soulmate, they would be blissfully, effortlessly happy together. Yet, when they finally laid eyes on each other, Eskel's horrified face had seemed to silently scream 'not her, not her, not her'. Not exactly the reaction she had been hoping for; her childhood dreams had been dashed.
He'd been gone for a few days, to 'sort things out' - probably to see the person he'd hoped Kiara would be - but he'd promised he'd return. She wasn't so sure he would.
Rejection from a soulmate was a new kind of pain, and Kiara threw herself into her spell books. She might as well see if she could find a spell to fix a broken heart, or at least numb the pain for a while. Regardless, curling up alone on a blanket in front of the lake with a book in her lap brought her some semblance of peace. At least, until footsteps approached.
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Last Line Tag Game
rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Tagged by @tinytinymenace @djarinmuse @chronically-ghosted @pedroshotwifey
So I think I’ll give three last lines, because it’s what I’ve been working on, first up is Din Djarin smut. I was supposed to be writing fluff, between @alltheglitterandtheroar and @megamindsecretlair it changed for the better and teasing is always fun. ☺️
Both arms pull Din’s head to your chest, the sharp inhale of air before he’s buried in your body has you whining. The intensity of just two of this thick fingers have you close to your second orgasm but he removes them, a pop then a second as he mouth part from your nipple. “Taste yourself, then you’ll come twice for me.”
Second is from “This is the Neighboorhood Din” my modern Din AU:
“Dear Lord in heaven I am not dressed or prepared to talk to that sort of man any day.” She muttered as Ms. Harris made her way down the stairs toward her, she hugged her, and her arms wrapped around her as well, eye still lingering on the man sitting on the porch. His sweatpants did not leave much to the imagination. They weren’t tight by any means; one could just trace the lines. Thick thighs and well… heavy in the middle is the most polite way to say it. The only way she can think to describe it while hugging her aunt.
Third, last line from chapter 5 of “The Lake Between Us” (yes I do have future chapters written I planned! Unheard of in Nerdie-land)
“That I did Moonbeam. You should be cautious of my motives, but I can start at the beginning of my troubles for you if you like.” He placed his hand on hers, running up her arm to her shoulder and drew a small circle around her mole. “Be forewarned, the past is neither rosy nor glamorous. It is fraught with hardship, double-crosses and some death.”
Moonbeam grinned, nodding as he spoke, “Sounds like a thriller Ezra. I’m all ears. Add a dash of romance and some mistaken identity and you have yourself a movie marathon.”
“I’m sure you’d be riveted to hear it.”
“That I would.” Moonbeam crosses her legs and leans forward, touching his chin with a finger, “Speak.”
Lastly, I might be trying finish my Dave York series finally. 👀 Or one of them, though I’m not sure all of them are on Tumblr. I think I write too much stuff and it get’s jumbled. This is a softer Dave:
At her core, Kiara felt safe with him. It hurt to admit though she wasn’t exactly sure why, pride maybe? Maybe she wanted to continue to be independent but she hadn’t been for a few months now.
No. Not when she really thought about it.
Her head was leaning against the steering wheel, the nurse had seen his SUV parked in the driveway. Dave pretty much lived with her now, though she didn’t remember giving him a key. He hadn’t needed a key their first night together either.
I’m also working on “Roc & Doc” and crafting the murder mystery since I killed off Rockford’s partner and introduced his brother. What role will his brother play? We’ll see. Also, if you’re going to be a furry for the night, make sure you can in and out of your suit. 😎
Chapter 5 of “Weddings 101 with Dieter” is under way as well. I want a lot to be in it, might be too much. We’ll see how it turns out, also smut because Dieter’s gotta get Maya’s dress off - he did promise her that. 😘 Half-ass and Bridezilla are in full swing!
It’s a lot like always because it’s Nerdie, what else am I supposed to do? Too many ideas, not enough follow-through. I did four instead of three. 😵
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @morallyinept @rhoorl (for the sweatpants) @linzels-blog for Din @inept-the-magnificent @soft-girl-musings @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @secretelephanttattoo @goodwithcheese @undercoverpena @legendary-pink-dot @for-a-longlongtime @lady-bess @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @gemmahale @laurfilijames @avastrasposts @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @tightjeansjavi @frenchiereading @boliv-jenta @thefrogdalorian @trulybetty @kewwrites @beefrobeefcal @fhatbhabie
And whoever else saw all this and was like, let me do it too! ☺️
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