raeathnos · 1 year
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matoroblogs · 11 months
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Building: Bionicle
It’s getting tougher to find the “LEGO®” aisle in toy stores these days. Traditional LEGO construc- tion sets are more often than not hidden behind strangely shaped canisters featuring robotic-looking creatures. Shoppers are more likely to stumble upon this “Bionicle” aisle before ever seeing another LEGO set, for the simple reason that LEGO Bionicle has been the company’s biggest selling product line for the last several years.
But what IS this Bionicle invasion, anyway?
To parents, it tends to be a complete mystery. Robotic warriors from a tropi- cal island or ancient city of legends. A lexicon so complex it has its own diction- ary. A layered story involving collectible disks and masks: Toa and Turaga, Makuta and Rahkshi, Vahki and Matoran. Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal. Video games, shoes, backpacks, and party favors. Even Halloween costumes.
To kids (typically 6-12 year old boys, for whom Bionicle is squarely aimed), Bionicle is a richly populated universe with cool LEGO sets, movies, books, an ever-updating storyline, Bionicle comics shipped with their LEGO Club magazine subscriptions (http://club.LEGO.com), its own official website (http://www.bionicle.com), and popular online resources such as BZPower (http://www.bzpower.com) and Bionicle Sector 01 (http://www.bioniclesector01.com).
Bionicle begins as a story set on the island of Mata Nui (recently expanded to the ancient city-island of Metru Nui) that pits several good guy Toa against bad guy Makuta and his minions. The Toa protect the other inhabit- ants of the islands, the Matoran, from the vicious Rahkshi and Visorak, among other nasties. Each is available as a set.
New and updated construction sets have been released at least twice each year since 2001, when Bionicle was widely introduced. The first six color-coded Toa of Mata Nui -- lava red Tahu, icy white Kopaka, sea blue Gali, stone brown Pohatu, deep black Onua, and forest green Lewa -- were an instant hit, winning awards and shattering sales records. Follow-up releases have also been strong, with updated Toa -- Toa Nuva, Toa Metru, and the latest, Toa
Hordika -- continuing the ongoing story. Of course, the Toa need something to protect, so there have been several rounds of Matoran sets released, the first in 2001 McDon- ald kids meals. Those poor Matoran often need help, from wild Rahi (animals) or Makuta’s Rahkshi “sons” to their own Vahki protector machines run amok.
Driving the story (and not coincidentally, LEGO set sales figures) are sev- eral media, primarily the Bionicle comics from DC and a popular series of books from Scholastic, most authored by Greg Farshtey (who also writes the comic). There have also been two well-received com puter-animated films released directly to video/DVD (“Bionicle:
Mask of Light” and “Bionicle: Legends of Metru Nui”), and a third is in the works. The official Bionicle website likewise provides storyline updates using text and animation, and has also included two immensely popular online games.
When you get into Bionicle, you’re not just buying a construction/action set... you’re entering a universe full of dramatic good-vs-evil action. There’s a lot behind those little canisters on the shelf, just waiting to be discovered.
To see many more amazing Bionicle-based creations, visit this creative forum on BZPower: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=175513.
Kelly McKiernan is co-owner and administrator of BZPower.com, the largest and busiest Bionicle fan site on the web.
52 BrickJournal • Issue 1, Volume 1 • Summer 2005
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downtofragglerock · 7 months
Okay I don't want to stay with mammals for much longer so I'm gonna go through the rest of them here
There are 22 distinct groups of mammals, I've already covered three of them (Carnivora and the even and odd-toed ungulates).
Going through the remaining 19:
There are four groups of marsupials, but that doesn't matter because Rahi-wise there is only one species, the Fusa, a kangaroo. The Kikanalo might also count, but see my ungulate post for that ramble.
There are two groups of Xenarthra (armadillos, sloths, and anteaters) but there are no rahi equivalents at all.
Monotremes (echidnas and platypuses) have no representation either.
Same with Sirenia (manatees and dugongs), Lagomorphs (rabbits), Scandentia (tree shrews), Macroscelidea (elephant shrews), Erinaceidae (hedgehogs), and Afrosoricida (tenrecs and some other miscellaneous small African mammals).
Soricomorpha (shrews and moles) has one representative, the Archives Mole.
Pachyderms likewise also only have one rep, the Hapaka.
Cetaceans only have two reps, the Razor Whale and the Stinger Whale. There is a unique whale rahi in the 2003 console game, but much like with the unique fox rahi, I don't know if I can consider it canon given the nature of the game and how drastically different many canon rahi appear in it.
Chiroptera has three reps, the Cliff Screecher, the Ice Bat, and the unnamed bat rahi from the cancelled pc game and various other 01 promo renders.
There are three primates, the Brakas, a monkey, and two apes, the Lava ape and the Spiny Stone Ape. Much like with the Kavinika, I have some questions regarding if the Spiny Stone Ape is actually an ape, given that it has a tail and frankly, kind of looks like a dinosaur, but that's a discussion for another day.
Lastly, the rodents, of which there are quite a lot. There's the Gafna, the Ice Vermin, the Kinloka, the Kuma-Nui, the Lava Rat, the Stone Rat, and the Wolf Rat from the cancelled pc game. The Kuma-Nui and Wolf Rat are especially interesting considering that the former is really fucking huge, and the later engages in some interesting specevo, being a species of one group filling in the role of a species belonging to a different group.
There, that's every mammalian analogue rahi charted
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lesbioniclepod · 5 months
Episode 7: The Mata Nui Online Game but the AI is Self-Aware
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(episode recorded in May 2023, as the incredibly topical British monarchy jokes will show)
Breakroom 95 Theses
Charles’ Coronation
Regular Hessian vs. Canadian Revolutionary
Taipu and Nausicaä Experience the Beauty of Le-Koro
Blue Mask Gender Thesis
it is with heavy heart that I must announce: we did not do an “of course you have a blue mask and pronouns” joke, but we should’ve.
Kongu Backstory
Gukko Piloting
Dinotopia Reminisces
the skybax rider game has later been confirmed to be a dream
Lewa’s Calm Me Down From Possession Kink
Taipu’s Transgender Allegory
Spraying Kids With The Podcast Hose
Tren Krom Mind Break
The Toa Mata Hold An Intervention
Nac Mac Feegle Gender vs. Matoran Gender/Tiffany Aching’s Bionicles
Nokama’s Vtuber Gimmick
Makuta and the Franklin Expedition
we have now both since watched the terror
Do Bionicles Cook?
The Ultimate Question
Bionicle Amaat
We Learn About the Great Spirit
Incredible Crab Violence
Maryland v. Maritimes
Canceled For Crab Crimes
Kinnie Nui
Moushley and Stuart Little
Tantalizing Glimpses of Bionicle Cuisine
The Jeb Bush of Mata Nui
Crab-Based Horrors Within Our Comprehension
Trans-Supportive Whenua
Kapura Autism Powers
The Chronicler’s (Autistic) Company
Disquisition on Bionicle Yuri v. Yaoi
Every Matoran And Also Nausicaä Is Gay For Gali
Live Reporting From The MNOG Trenches, 1:51:00 to 2:01:30
Thigh Gaps, But Not In The Way You Think
Bionicle Philosophy
Makuta Is Medium-Aware
We Both Get Really Emotional About The End Of MNOG
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toaarcan · 2 years
There’s two inherent issues with the idea of doing Bionicle again and both of them have to do with what Faber called “the Story Engine.”
1) You can’t make Mata Nui the underlying mystery arc again, because we already know the answer to that question. God is a big fuckin’ robot and everybody lives inside him and makes his organs work. It doesn’t matter how well-realised that is, they’re never going to be able to recapture the feeling we got back in 2008, when we cracked open the final comic or logged onto the website to see the Mata Nui Rising animation. And they won’t be able to do it solely for the newcomers either, because it’s functionally impossible to get into Bionicle without being told that Mata Nui is a big robot. That’s kind of a problem because the big fuckin’ robot is literally the entire point of the story.
2) Everyone wants to do 01 again (and 02-03 to a lesser extent), but in the grand scheme of things, the plot for the “golden years” barely matters. 01-03 is basically a string of introductions to incredibly important characters who don’t start actually doing anything of note until at least 04. The Toa Nuva, arguably the main protagonists of the story, don’t actually start achieving things until their story serial in 2007. Before then, they manage a few stop-gaps against a villain that literally wanted them to win, and get their asses beat by rapping fish-orcs so the 01-03 Matoran could take the mantle of heroes.
01-03 is important story-wise because it introduces all of the series’ most pivotal protagonists (The Metru, Nuva, Mahri, and Takanuva) and its main villain, but in terms of the actual plot, very little of it actually matters. Those pivotal characters are mostly standing around and waiting for Teridax to open the door back to the place where all the plot actually happens.
Mata Nui is the driving force of the plot, but 01-03 takes place outside of Mata Nui’s body, where the only references to him are vague and/or bare more resemblance to a creation myth than the reality of the plot.
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cooking-with-niki · 8 months
Cooking log: 01/14/24-01/20/24
Here I am! On my new blog!!! I am not really sure how to start off something like this but I will just say that I am a cooking enthusiast and also an Ensemble Stars enthusiast. I love collecting anime merch and since I have my Niki nui, I thought it would be fun to take pictures of him helping me cook!
Basically, I cook the majority of my meals at home myself and I really enjoy trying new ones, but I just wanted to talk about them and also share how I feel about them! And of course with including Niki and some of my other Enstars merch, especially Wataru 💖 I have to admit I am not the best at photography, but I tried my best to at least capture the full image of the dishes hahaha.
This blog is really just meant to be a log for myself so I can remember all the food that I have cooked week by week and hopefully share it with other people along the way. Since I am usually the only one who ends up eating them, I thought sharing them through something like a diary would make it fun for me! If you are reading this, then hello and I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings about food!
So! Here we go!
01/14/24 Meal 1: Natto and Rice
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For the first meal I am cataloguing here, this is very fitting. I eat natto pretty regularly on the weekends. I actually love natto a lot... I learned about it maybe in like 2019? And then I found a Japanese grocery store near me that sells it, so I initially bought it just out of curiosity but ended up absolutely loving it so I buy it and keep it in my freezer basically at all times. Natto on rice is the most typical way that I would eat it, but this particular time was very no frills. I usually like to add a poached egg and green onion at the minimum, but I did not have either of these at home, so stripped down natto with just soy sauce on rice it was. And clementines are something I also buy pretty regularly. I love them a lot and go through a bag of them in a week. All in all, a very tasty meal but not anything too fancy!
01/14/24 Meal 2: Instant Pot Lentil Soup
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THE SOUP! I would say that I like to make soups and stews on Sunday nights for my first meal of the week because it is easy to make a lot and prep it for the rest of the week! I chose this recipe because I had a tiny bit of lentils left over from something I had made last year and it was pretty easy to put together with the things I already had. I followed the recipe I found here on a Couple of Cooks website, but with a few modifications. They called for brown or green lentils, but they did not have any at the store I shopped at, plus the lentils I already had at home were red, so I just got more red. Additionally, they called for fresh spinach, but again they were sold out at the store so I used 2 blocks of frozen spinach. I just added it in at the end on top of the rest of the ingredients before I set it to pressure cook. I also have had a few frozen veggies in my freezer left over from last year that I blanched and froze before I left for Christmas, so I am trying to use all those up too, which is why you see the bags of frozen carrots and onions in the picture. EITHER WAY. This ended up making a lot more soup than I had initially planned for, but that was fine with me! It just meant I was running out of bowls to store it in!!!
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As for the flavor, I would say it was pretty good. There aren't really a lot spices so the ingredients speak for themselves. I don't use fennel a lot in my cooking but it really did a lot of the legwork here! And of course the paprika is a nice as well. I also really like the flavor of the Better Than Bouillon broth. It was a pretty hearty soup and I enjoyed it all through the week for lunch!
01/15/24 Meal 3: Tuna Casserole
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Tuna casserole is a pretty simple recipe that reminds me a lot of being a kid... I tend to like trying new things that I never had before, but every now and then it's nice to fall back on a classic when I can't think of anything. I also had half a bag of egg noodles and half a bag of frozen peas I needed to clear out of my pantry, so this was the first thing that came to mind. The recipe I followed is from here at Five Heart Home, which I have made before so I knew I would like it. It's a bit different than the one I grew up with, but I like it because making the sauce from scratch is very satisfying to me. The recipe says to make the sauce in a skillet, but I prefer to make it in the same pot that I boiled the noodles in because I hate making more dishes if I don't have to. For my strainer for the noodles, I actually use this rice washing bowl since I can just set it on the side of my sink and let the water drain out of there.
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Oh, I was also going to mention, when I went shopping for this week, I looked at the cans of tuna and for some reason the tuna in oil was significantly cheaper than the tuna in water. I don't know that that is an anomaly, but I tended to grow up eating the tuna in the water, so I never really had the tuna in oil. I think because it is mixed in with the sauce it doesn't really make a difference, so I was fine to use in this case, though I don't think original recipe specified anyway.
Either way, I think this recipe is a banger. The garlic powder makes it quite addictive... I had a second bowl on the night I made it, so I ended up only having 2 more portions left for the rest of week... I also think that this is one of those recipes that gets even better as leftovers, since the sauce has time to firm up in the fridge. I would definitely recommend giving it a try!
01/18/24 Meal 4: Peasant Skillet Dish
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So if you haven't noticed, I tend to just meal plan based around things I already have at home and just want to clear out the stuff I already have and not buy too much new ingredients. This was something that came up because I was actually looking for a recipe that used bacon! I bought ingredients for a dish I did not end up making this week because the soup stretched further than I thought it would and I had plans to go out on Saturday night, so the majority of the bacon I bought will be used next week instead 😊 BUT. When I was meal planning, I found this recipe here on Taste of Home, and I already had the majority of the other ingredients--but only in half of the amount. I had about 2 potatoes, 1 carrot (the rest of the bag I used to make the soup), etc. so I scaled it to make only about 2 servings' worth. I DID use 5 strips of bacon, but I just ate one of them before crumbling the rest!
I made this one in a dutch oven instead of a skillet because... my only pan is pretty small, about 7in, so I was worried that everything would fall out when stirring, so I thought the pot would be a better option. I also cut my potatoes into cubes rather than thinly sliced because I have one of those vegetable choppers that makes it so simple to chop things into bite size pieces. Plus, with the mix of baby potatoes and a regular potato, I thought it would be easier to make them more uniform if I diced them instead. I also used frozen broccoli but just steamed it in the microwave and only used half of it for this recipe and reserved the rest for another dish.
Overall, this recipe is supposed to be something to put together from things you have at home and is very rustic. It was fine and I enjoyed it for the two servings I made from it, but is not something I am super excited to make again. Definitely not bad, but not so phenomenal that I would get a craving for it. The bacon grease for cooking is pretty good, but it makes everything very one note and that note is BACON. My house also smelled like bacon for like 2 days after making this despite me having the window open while I was cooking and the over the stove fan running the whole time! Alas, I think that is just the fate of making bacon...
01/20/24 Meal 5: Natto Omelette
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You see? Natto is something I eat like ALL the time!!! This is the other most common way I have natto, which is very not traditional. I think I watched a youtube video of a person making a natto omelette a while ago when I was trying to learn more things to do with it, and ever since this has been my other favorite way to enjoy it. This is really simple, just egg, natto, and cheese, but I did also have 2 strips of bacon to get the grease for the pan. Plus, even though the smell had just finally left my house, I still wanted to eat it 😂
I had wanted to actually use up the rest of the bag of cheese I used for the tuna casserole, but there is still probably a half of a cup left, but that's fine because I have plans for it for next week. For the bacon, you can see that I have it wrapped in plastic wrap--this is how I tend to store bacon when I buy a package. It is so hard for me to use up the whole amount in a reasonable time, so I will remove all the strips from the package and store them in groups of 2 strips wrapped in plastic wrap so they don't touch, and I stick those packets in a big freezer bag laying flat. I just put the individual packets of 2 strips in the fridge the night before i plan to use them and let them defrost overnight. I think it's really convenient to be able to freeze stuff for later and have it at your disposal pretty much for enough time to be able to actually use it! Yes, I will talk about the miracle of freezers infinitely!!!
Anyway, this is of course a very tasty way to enjoy natto, but unfortunately cooking bacon always makes my fire alarm go off so I am happy that I will be rid of the rest of it soon.
1/20/24 BONUS! Pistachio Chocolate Chip Cookies
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That's right A BONUS! One of my dear friends was celebrating his birthday on Saturday and I asked what he wanted for his birthday and he said "pistachios" so I ended up baking these cookies for him. Now, something I will say is that I actually do not like pistachios, so this was indeed a labor of love for me. I waffled thinking on following recipes that used pistachio pudding mix and made very vibrantly green cookies, but I ended up following this recipe here on The Recipe Critic because I thought just a variation on chocolate chip cookies would be pretty good even for someone who doesn't like pistachios like me!
So this recipe uses 1 1/2 cups of pistachios which ended up being about 3/4 of a one pound bag of shell-on pistachios... That's right, I bought shell-on pistachios and shelled them all by hand. A LABOR OF LOVE!!! It took me about an hour to shell all those pistachios, but I did it in advance of actually baking the cookies so that I could have them ready to go and not be overwhelmed by all the steps. I would recommend buying shelled pistachios though if you want to use them in large quantities!
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For me, this was also the first time I had the chance to try the stand mixer that my parents got for me for Christmas! It is not a KitchenAid but something a bit smaller so that it can fit better in my kitchen. Although, I am still working out where I am going to store it because I have no room on my counters for anything else at the moment... ANYWAY. The stand mixer worked pretty well, although the gap between the bowl and the mixing arm made it difficult to pour in ingredients while mixing, so I had to keep turning it off and on to lift the bowl out of the base and add the ingredients back in. I think it will work pretty good otherwise but I am still not throwing out my trusty vintage egg beaters just yet!
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So, this is where the drama comes in... Because of all that shuffling back and forth to add ingredients in, it seems that I mentally swapped some of the numbers when I was measuring out my ingredients and added 2 cups of flour rather than the 1 cup called for in the recipe... My dough ended up a bit firm and I had to mix it with my hands rather than a spoon when it came time to add in the roughly chopped pistachios and chocolate chips. It was like kneading bread dough I'm afraid... I didn't question it because I had never made the recipe before and just assumed it was a thicker dough than normal! It was only after I put in the first batch into the oven that I reread the recipe and realized my mistake! So coming out of the oven...
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The cookies didn't really flatten out at all, staying very round! For the second batch, I added maybe a teaspoon of milk and flattened out the dough before putting them in the oven so that they would be more cookie-shaped.
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I thought they turned out okay, but quite dry. Definitely would be better with coffee. Either way, I gave them to my friend and explained the story, but he was very gracious and really liked them, eating 2 in front of me because he loved them so much! I am happy that it all worked out even despite my mistake. I also gave him a whole bag of pistachios with the rest of the bag that I used to make the cookies added to it so that he could enjoy even more pistachios for his birthday.
And there you have it! The catalogue of all the meals that I cooked and ate this week. I hope you enjoyed reading and hearing the ups and downs of my cooking adventures. I am looking forward to the meals I will be cooking next week~
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
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Welcome to the Estate! Where purple creatures lives.
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"YURO YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU DESTROY NUI'S NEW BODY!?" a loud voice of a Child could be heard In the estate, almost all the present residents could hear the voice of CC
[ number #20 of the Purple creatures:(creation) Homunculus. ]
while he run; stamping like a child in the hallways and some items could be heard being thrown to the direction of the inkling Yuro [ number #19 of the purple creature; ( Creation) Inkling]
The inkling dodge the incoming objects as he turn into ink puddle and then disappear into one of the rooms that's locked from inside.
"YOU COWARD! COME OUT AND FACE ME!" Ignoring the fuming and angry CC who want to knock some sense to that annoying creature!
Yet there's no reply from the room or from yuro. The fellow is not going to respond to any of the complains. Nor does he care.
"JUST YOU WAIT! JUST YOU WAIT! ILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR REAL!" the child can only turn around and leave to fix his creation body, he walk pass the aquarium and felt gaze on him. He quickly runaway before the scary fish from the fishtank gets him and eat him.
"geez... Why is that fish so scary...." He mumble as he rub his two hands feeling it sweating from being gaze by that fish/siren
[ Xeuren: #22 (alter) abyss Mermaid/siren]
"ah why would little cc be so scared of a water creature. There's more dangerous creature than him after all..." CC jumps back and away from the sudden appearance of Phantom.
[ phantom: #2 (alter) The demon king ]
Who smile at him while he float in midair looking in wonder at little CC who narrowed his eyes at the new presence. He refuse to admit he was surprised and wanted to scream out just now cause it's embarrassing!
"huh?! Well... W-well it's none of your business!" he pouts not able to say anything to phantom since he can't do anything rude to this guy cause it's only going to reflect and get him back double the karma for even trying to harm his feelings.
"hmm... Is that so~ fufu... Then I most tell you, Kiseki would want to play with you when your free~" the demon king chuckle as he remembers why he wanted to talk to the homunculus. It's for his child.
"fine..." It's not like he have other playmate that will play with him those days...' CC thought as he watch phantom disappear with purple sparkles.
He look at the window and saw beautiful sky yet some of the purple creature in the estate all depress since the disappearance of that person.
Well...it's not his business! Time to fix nui!
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Character profile #01 and #02
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Purple Creature #20: Cherish Cutie "CC"
Third Creation of DR, based on the existing AU of MDD. his made to look like a cute harmless child who enjoy cute things and dolls. He acted like one too. ( Looks like his a 8-7 years old) 2.5 feet child
Powers: he can make living dolls
- Nui
Purple creatures #08: Nui
A DD/ living doll creation of CC. He loves his creator and wish the best for him. He doesn't speak and just chat using emoji. Often gets his body destroyed cause of "accident ' of not being seen from how smoll he is.
Powers: change his body to a new one. "Nothing worth mentioning"
The number of the purple creature is connected to the HoneyTrap simulator.
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gatutor · 4 months
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Noreen Corcoran (Quincy, Massachusetts, 20/10/1943-Van Nuys, California, 15/01/2016).
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Think I have the loose beginnings of a proper Bionicle G3 concept.
Similar vibes as my "Mata Nui Prime" idea, (which was sort of an expanded version of the early years, same island but more villages and some G2 characters) but hewing less closely to G1's established lore overall while trying to be a coalescense of all the different arcs' vibes, rather than just retreading 01-03 specifically.
The Toa Mata play a more indirect role as figures of myth, revered but not believed to be real, while Jaller, Hahli, etc. are the main protagonist team, just recently made Toa, after some threat emerges that the [Protectors] and Turaga aren't powerful enough to deal with.
They must work to defend their island home from the many threats in the surrounding archipelogo, deal with fallout from the complex politics of other island-states and factions, and get to the bottom of a brewing mystery at home as part of a greater overall arc.
Eventually, they learn the original Toa in the legends may actually be real, and undertake a quest to find and reawaken them, and work together with them to save the day.
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nuis-world · 7 months
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01. Bienvenidos al mundo de K-Nuis (Grupal) 02. Amistad peluchera (Trio Homra, Anna y Reisi) 03. Cumple del Rey León (Grupal) 04. Reunión de Navidad (Grupal) 05. Háblame universo (Shiro/Kuro) 06. Se alquila (Mikoto) 07. Ventaja de estar soltero (Zenjo) 08. ¿Dónde está mi dinero? (Totsuka) 09. Media naranja (Izumo/Andy/Totsuka) 10. Si quieres flores... (Kusanagi) 11.  Shampoo VS Lavaplatos (Rikio) 12. Beneficios del agua (MikoRei) 13. Una cepillada (Seri/Izumo) 14. Alarma molesta (Shiro/Kuro) 15. La maquinita Chu-Chu (Mikoto/Reisi/Totsuka) 16. Respóndeme ya (SaruMi) 17. Necesito un aumento (Saru/Seri/Reisi) 18. Vendo (Andy) 19. Siempre hermoso (Yukari) 20. ¿Tienes hambre? (Yata/Rikio) 21. Rumores (Mikoto) 22. Nivel de stress (MikoRei/Zenjo) 23. Alegría de la vida (Totsuka/Izumo) 24. ¿Con qué trabajo? (Saru/Reisi/Seri) 25. Imposible hacer dieta (Rikio) 26. Busco acompañante (Yata/Rikio) 27. Etiquétame (Totsuka) 28. La herencia (Iwa/Sukuna) 29. El mejor guerrero (Izumo/Seri) 30. Tomando agua (Zenjo) 31. Cásate con... (Shiro/Kuro) 32. Es hambre (Rikio/Totsuka) 33. Cenicienta (Kuro) 34. Escucha atentamente (Yukari/Shiro/Kuro) 35. Ser de luz (Reisi/Totsuka/Mikoto) 36. Promoción (Shiro/Kuro) 37. Dos esposas (Totsuka/MikoRei) 38. Chisme (Mikoto/Totsuka/Reisi) 39. Quemando calorías (MikoRei) 40. Catador de princesas (Izumo/Seri) 41. Oración del borracho (Iwa/Grupal) 42. Sabias que... (Izumo/Seri) 43. Pesadilla (Iwa/Izumo) 44. Dos menos cinco (Izumo/Seri) 45. Burrito cervecero (Iwa/Grupal) 46. ¿Qué edad tienes? (Iwa/Totsuka) 47. Se busca (Totsuka/Mikoto/Iwa) 48. Sugar Baby (Totsuka/Iwa) 49. Tafirol (Andy) 50. Molestando (MikoRei) 51. El mujeriego (Izumo/Seri) 52. Promoción engañosa (Rikio) 53. Una nube (Mikoto) 54. No está en mi menú (Rikio/Yata) 55. ¿Quién eres? (Reisi) 56. ¿Para dónde vamos? (Izumo/Seri) 57. Recibo de luz (Trio Homra) 58. Todos contentos (MikoRei) 59. El chisme es vida (Izumo) 60. ¿Cómo conseguir pareja? (Yata) 61. Con estilo (Totsuka/Anna) 62. Estilo coquete (Totsuka) 63. Divorcio (Izumo) 64. De mugre nadie muere (Totsuka) 65. ¿Qué haces? (Totsuka/Mikoto) 66. Tres cosas en la vida (Trio Homra/Reisi) 67. Inmortal (MikoRei) 68. Mi corazón (Izumo/Seri) 69. Peso interior (MikoRei) 70. Es injusto (Seri) 71. Golpeado (Trio Homra) 72. Tenemos un problema (Izumo/Seri) 73. Inyección (MikoRei) 74. Engaño (MikoRei/Grupal) 75. Buen gusto (Yukari) 76. Tres fans (MikoRei) 77. Oiga, Doctor (Izumo/Seri) 78. Abrazos (Totsuka) 79. ¿Qué somos? (Rikio/Grupal) 80. Soledad (Reisi) 81. Maldita panza (Rikio) 82. Valora a quien cocina bien (Shiro/Kuro) 83. Querido Dios (SaruMi) 84. Conciencia tranquila (Izumo) 85. Papacito (Izumo/Seri) 86. Nadie te obliga (Izumo/Seri) 87. Mate con calor (Seri/Totsuka) 88. Migajas (Kuro/Neko) 89. Mosquito (MikoRei) 90. ¡Oh, no! (MikoRei) 91. Adicto a Netflix (Totsuka) 92. Calor insoportable (Grupal) 93. Amarre (Shiro/Neko) 94. Nuevo amor (Seri/Izumo/Zenjo) 95. Cómetelo (Seri/Izumo) 96. Comiendo lo ajeno (Seri/Izumo/Zenjo) 97. Quédate conmigo (Zenjo/Seri) 98. Dale la razón (Izumo/Seri) 99. Mi vida (Izumo/Seri) 100. Bluetooth (MikoRei/Totsuka)
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radioshackraider · 1 year
Sets I need to rebuild
Full Sets Ackar Stronius Kiina Gelu Malum Zesk Tarduk Raanu Mazeka Takanuva 08 Toa Mata Nui Axonn Vezon (Kardas Dragon) Lewa Phantoka Kopaka Phantoka Pohatu Phantoka Antroz Vamprah Chiroz Krikka Gorast Onua Mistika Tahu Mistika Axalara T9 Jetrax T6 Boxor Tahu G2 1 Onua G2 1 Fire Protector Water Protector Earth Protector Stone Protector Ice Protector Jungle Protector Vultraz Gavla Kirop Radiak Hewkii Inika Kalmah Pridak Garan Balta Delu Kazi Norrik Rahaga Iruni Rahaga Pouks Rahaga Vezon and Fenrahk
Incomplete Sets Berix Skrall Tarix Vorox Onua Mata Pohatu Mata Kopaka Mata Gali Mata Lewa Mata Tahu Nuva Jaller Inika Hahli Inika Thok Zaktan Reidak Avak Nokama Hordika Takadox Carapar Roodaka Sidorak Umbra Takua and Pewku Missing Sets All Matoran pre 2004 All Turaga (Not Dume) All 01 Rahi Exo Toa Tahnok Gahlok Bohrok Queens Tahnok Kal (May have parts) Nuhvok Kal (May have parts) Jaller and Guuko Lhikan and Kikanalo Matau Hordika Kongu Inika All Toa Mahri Ehlek Nocturn Lesovik Karzahni Hydraxon Gadunka Maxilos and Spinax Dekar Icarax Mutran Toa Ignika Rockoh T3 Bitil Gresh Vastus Strakk Tuma Fero and Skirmax Skrall Agori Metus Rahkshi Stars Takanuva Stars Gresh Stars Piraka Stars Skrall Stars Built Sets: Tahu Mata Gali Nuva Onua Nuva Pohatu Nuva Lewa Nuva Kopaka Nuva Lehvak Pahrak Kohrak Nuhvok Lehvak Kal Pahrak Kal Kohrak Kal Gahlok Kal All 6 Rahski Makuta Teridax Takanuva All 6 Toa Metru All 6 Vahki Le Matoran Ko Matoran Nivawk and Dume Krekka Nidihki All 6 Visorak Vakama Hordika Whenua Hordika Nuju Hordik Onewa Hordika Keetongu Bomonga Rahaga Gaaki Rahaga Kualus Rahaga Norrik Hagah Iruni Hagah Velika Piruk Matoro Inika Nuparu Inika Vezok Haakan Brutaka Kardas Dragon Mantax Defilak Tanma Photok Solek Gali Mistika Mata Nui (Glatorian) I might be missing sets on any given list, and haven't included any duplicates I haven't got built/won't build
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froksck · 2 years
Academy fight songのドラマー。自身の弾き語りなどでも活躍中。2023よりミワサチコトリオに加わり、「summer demo(at mmt/studio)」ではドラム、「summer record」では、カリンバとタンクドラムを演奏している。
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10/04 福岡utero(トリオ)
10/11 防府BAR印度洋(オノハラ君とのduo)
10/27 中州REDHOUSE(トリオまたはduo)
11/02 門司港カモメ市(トリオ)
11/03 熊本大学(トリオまたはduo)
11/10 芦屋
11/24 福岡 CRAFTMAN FES(トリオ)
12/01 福岡utero(かばちゃんとのduo)
12/21 福岡テトラ
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downtofragglerock · 1 year
I have now begun forming a head canon that all the main Rahi Makuta uses in 01 were made by brotherhood members we have seen
So far I've got
Manas (Teridax)
Nui Rama (Bitil)
and Tarakava (Kojol)
Now I just have to figure out the other three...
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toapohatu · 6 months
Muse info:
Title and species:
Toa Nuva of Stone
??? Several hundreds of thousands of years?
he/him, but they/them is okay too.
Other info;
According to the BioSector 01 wiki:
“Pohatu is the cheerful and brave Toa Mata of Stone and part of the team tasked with awakening the Great Spirit Mata Nui. After being exposed to Energized Protodermis, he was transformed into the Toa Nuva of Stone.
Abilities and Traits
Pohatu is amiable, the friendliest in the team. He has good relations with all the Toa, and treats his villagers like equals, not subordinates. He usually jokes in times of danger and peace, boosting the morale of others around him. He always has a happy demeanor and is brave and dependable. During high tension between his brothers, he attempts to bring quarreling Toa together, though often to no avail. He never takes rude remarks too seriously and easily forgives his friends if they make a mistake. Like many Toa of Stone, Pohatu had a fear of water, as he was able to swim as well as a stone. This fear was such that Turahk was able to paralyze him with fear just by making Pohatu hallucinate that he was drowning.
As a Toa of Stone, Pohatu has the ability to create and manipulate stone, able to make massive rocks explode or roll towards an opponent. His powers were enhanced when he became a Toa Nuva. As a Toa Nuva, he has the ability to set a timed attack of stone, which he did to crumble the Dark Hunter fortress on Odina.
Mask and Tools
As a Toa Mata, Pohatu wore the Kanohi Kakama, the Great Mask of Speed. This mask more than compensated for his lack of natural speed by boosting his speed dramatically. After Pohatu collected five other masks on the island of Mata Nui, he exchanged his Kakama and these five at the Kini-Nui for a Golden Kanohi with the powers of all six. Toa Mata Pohatu's sole Toa Tools were his Feet Additions.
When Pohatu transformed into a Toa Nuva, he was given a pair of Climbing Claws, and his Feet Additions became stronger. Extra sets of Climbing Claws were later made by carvers from Po-Koro, replicating the original design. He could use his Climbing Claws for melee combat or as throwing weapons. He could also combine them into the Kodan Ball, which he could kick as a projectile. His Golden Kanohi was replaced with a Kakama Nuva, the Kanohi Nuva of Speed, which let him share his speed powers with others. To make up for losing the powers of his five secondary Kanohi, Pohatu Nuva collected the five corresponding Kanohi Nuva, which still rest on his Suva.
Upon receiving his Adaptive Armor, Pohatu gained Twin Propeller-drills and an adaptive weapon, which took the form of a Midak Skyblaster for combat with the Brotherhood of Makuta in Karda Nui. Both the adaptive weapon and the Twin Propellers were stowed away by the Adaptive Armor when Pohatu piloted Rockoh T3. Karda Nui's shields blocked Pohatu's access to the secondary masks on his Suva, so he was forced to rely only on his new adaptive Kakama Nuva and any masks his fellow Toa Nuva choose to share.
After Teridax was killed and Spherus Magna was reformed and During efforts to help the Matoran Universe inhabitants adapt to Bara Magna, he encountered Kopaka, and the two worked together to create a shelter for those still working. They were soon approached by Toa Lesovikk, who was enraged that the tyrant Karzahni had escaped, and eventually left to search for him. Pohatu and Kopaka set out the next day to find Lesovikk. Pohatu used his Kakama Nuva to search the area and discovered the corpse of Karzahni, as well as Lesovikk's weapon, leading the Toa to suspect that Lesovikk had violated the Toa Code. They noticed the onset of a cyclone, which Kopaka attempted to stop solely with his Ice powers. Ignoring his brother's adamant nature, Pohatu used his Kakama Nuva to create a reverse flow of the cyclone, dissipating it. Kopaka revealed that the cyclone was natural, not an attack, due to its single direction. They collected Karzahni's body, and returned to their camp, where they spoke with the recently returned Tahu and Gali, who had seen Lesovikk during their search for a New Atero.
Pohatu and Kopaka set out again the next day, following Tahu's directions. Along the way, they talked about Lesovikk's motives, and Pohatu expressed an understanding of Lesovikk's actions, though Kopaka still condemned them. Kopaka later discussed alternate theories to the crime, and the two Toa were suddenly struck by an agonizing mental scream, which revealed the death of Tren Krom. The two quickly discovered Tren Krom's remains, scattered about a forest. They soon encountered a mutated Matoran, Gaardus, who informed them that Tren Krom's killer had escaped after attacking him. Gaardus related his history of being altered by the Nynrah Ghosts, and also mentioned the Red Star. Revealing an ability to get up to the star, Gaardus took Kopaka and a wary Pohatu up to the Red Star, where they encountered a group of hostile Kestora. The Kestora were disarmed by Pohatu when they tried to attack and suggested that the Toa be sent to the island of Mata Nui, to which they revealed the Great Spirit Robot was in ruins. Gaardus disappeared as Kopaka promptly froze the bickering Kestora, and the Toa began to search for an escape route off the Red Star. The two were driven into a trap by surrounding inhabitants, but were lead to a safer area by a onu matoran named Mavrah.”
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nanaseruw · 6 months
〘熱海市攻略戦 Days29X ぬい探 Days26 RAG 421〙
#散歩 #熱海 #冒険 #一人旅 #登山
〘Atami City Strategy Days29X Nui Exploration Days26 RAG 421〙
 My smartphone vibrated and the person who came out was Chirin, the Animite from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.
 Gokudou: “It’s been a long time since I last saw you! It’s too late, 4th generation!”
 Niu: “Why are you just showing up!😡”
 Google, an assassin from Google, appears next to stop his rampage.
 Only with their cooperation can the walker's journey continue...
 Will it really help in finding stuffed animals?
#Atami #Climbing #Walking #Adventure #TravelingAlone #Japan
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