#{pluto answers}
g0nta-g0kuhara · 21 hours
I don’t know why they keep making new nagito figures they already peaked with fingers in his ass figure (released a Komaeda figure with a background to the photo that looked very suspiciously like the judgement hall)
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In goodsmile's defense this figure wasn't made by them but also, you're right. PACK IT UP BOYS. WE DONT NEED ANY MORE NAGITO FIGURES.
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plutowrites · 8 months
i am currently in my nanamin brain rot era so anything about him would be greatly appreciated heh
you def came to the right place <333333 big big fan of his
KINGGGG of pet names. it can be hard for me to hc which specific pet names different characters use for their s/o but i just know kento uses them all. honey, darling, sweetie, love, you name it! and they all come out so tender and gentle from his lips :(
calls you on his lunch break at work every time without fail. it won't be a super long conversation (unless you have lots of things to tell him). he just wants to know how you're doing and what you're up to.
chronic sigher. nothing would even happen and he's taking a deep breath in and out. it's like brother what's going on. he does it to "recalibrate" he says.
gives really good practical advice. he's a good listener too but if you're looking to rant to someone and get sound suggestions on what to do after, he is your guy!
the best at putting furniture together. you'll watch him put together a whole ikea dresser in half the time it said it would take on the box and he'll just shrug and say "once you build one, you've built them all" ...yeah i need him.
nanami could eat the same simple breakfast every single morning
he's able to pick up rules to new board games/card games very quickly, making him a joy to bring to game night.
doesn't really like tiktok because he doesn't understand that he has to use the app more to get content tailored to his interests on his fyp. "so i have to work even harder to enjoy myself?"
also i just wanna say something.... i would pay an embarrassing amount of money to watch nanami's morning routine. him doing his hair in the bathroom mirror? i need to be there.
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justastarholder · 11 months
What are all of the gods favorite foods and drinks?
"I've always been partial to breakfast," Eclipse mused, "but I'm not sure I have a favorite drink. Perhaps coffee, considering how often I drink it."
"It may seem a bit childish but cake," Sun hummed, "and tea."
"Papa used to make big pots of chicken and dumplings when it got cold out," Pluto smiled, "that's always been my favorite. Drink? Mmm maybe tea?"
"I'm partial to stews. They're versatile. Also, my favorite drink is a nice red wine." Moon shrugged.
"Limes." Lunar grinned. "And lemon juice."
"My favorite thing to eat..." The aberration whispers into your mind. "I once at a planet. It was the closest I ever came to being full. Perhaps I'll do so again someday."
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bare1ythere · 5 months
you know what, tell us about detective conan body horror, im curious
Thank you for indulging me Wither
It started when I tried to consider the logistics of how Conan's de-aging worked. He repeatedly describes the feeling as "his bones melting," which is disturbing enough on its own, but that got me thinking about his teeth. What happened to his adult teeth? Did he lose them all and have baby teeth again? Or does he just have way too many, too large teeth in his mouth for the age he appears to be? What about his 12 year molars??
And then there's the wrench of that one episode where he re-ages and de-ages a couple of times in quick succession. How terrified and powerless must he have felt. There is a murderer actively loose in the mansion he's stuck in with Ran but he can barely move from the fever and pain. And then it happens, he gets what he wants and is back in his former body, but everything hurts and he still feels terrible and he can FEEL that it isn't going to last. and it doesn't, and he's trapped again.
There's also the social isolation of Shinichi having to conceal his identity. He can't go to any of his previous high school classes, he's lucky he still gets to interact with his friend Ran on a daily basis. He constantly has to pretend to be a kid. No one takes him seriously anymore either, and adult criminals are so much of a bigger threat against him. Before Haibara shows up, he's completely isolated in his situation and not even his friends at his New School can really be there for him in any meaningful way.
There's also the dysmorphia of suddenly being much smaller than you once were. Expecting to be able to reach things, muscle memory not quite matching up to reality, tripping over things he'd normally have no issue stepping over. In an episode I watched recently, Haibara looks at herself with Conan in the mirror and asks Conan how he doesn't hate what he sees, to which he has no answer. It really gets to me
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chuuyas-nakahara · 1 month
the scene in beast where ango tells chuuya he can take his life
if you mean the one in dead apple then YES that's exactly what got me thinking about ango being suicidal too. ok excuse me while i yap for a moment cause its all ive been thinking about and i need to break it down
like when chuuya gets to the division office and is taking his anger out on ango for the government bringing shibusawa to yokohama - it's revealed later that chuuya knew not only that ango was in too low of a position at the time to have any say in whether or not shibusawa got involved, but that ango had opposed the idea. its implied ango was unaware chuuya knew this, so WHY didn't he try to defend himself while chuuya was destroying the division office and throwing him around like a rag doll??? WHY did ango not even make an attempt to argue that he hadn't wanted shibusawa to come to yokohama and didn't have a say in the matter??????? because imo a part of ango really, really didn't mind if chuuya took him out then and there
in fact ango's the one that brings it up in the first place!! for all we know chuuya could have just been going to the division office to leave a few bruises on him and call it a day, but ango makes a point to ask chuuya if he's going to kill him, and doesn't even give him a chance to respond before telling him to "go ahead," that he's been ready for chuuya to kill him ever since he asked for his help. he's almost taunting chuuya to take his life and just seems way too eager about it to not raise at least a few warning bells
and later when chuuya's on the plane, ango pleads with him over radio to not use corruption because if he does, he won't be able to kill ango anymore. wow yes ango not suspicious at all that the bargaining chip doesn't stop at "don't use corruption chuuya, you'll die" but rather "don't use corruption chuuya, you'll die and won't be able to put me six feet under"
and for an honorable mention, let's not forget how in dark era when dazai exposes ango's betrayal and threatens to not let him leave bar lupin alive, ango's response is literally "do to me as you will. i won't resist"
tl; dr this man is drowning in guilt with a serious lack of regard for his own life and while he doesn't actively try to commit like dazai, if anyone sets out to kill him he will not put up a fight whatsoever
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ssspace-cadet · 7 days
hiiii how r u? m abt to sleep but u asked 4 asks so i wanted to send somethin :3
hiiiiii!!!!! i is okay, taking a break from homework now! have a good sleep 💗💗💗 wishing you cold pillows and comfy blankies 💕
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craqueluring · 2 years
hi i LOVE ur acc and i was wondering if u had any ideas on this cause i cant seem to like. figure it out? in mizumono hannibal's like "do you think you could change me? the way ive changed you," and wills like "i already did." and i was like WOAHSJDGF. but like also how? i get the general feeling that he changed to view himself capable of love and realized he did actually want understanding and acceptance?? but i feel like theres a shift in his mindset based on his actions im not getting?? or rather how will changed him? like what of wills actions led to it? if that makes sense?
OMG hi!! i think this is the first ask ive gotten of someone asking me about what i think of a specific scene in hannibal and i am SO excited about it, so thank you!!!!! and also for saying you love my account, it means so much <3 thank u thank u thank u
okay but YES i have many ideas about this, I'm gonna go back to a couple lines before this, though, and go line by line and explain how i personally interpret this scene and topic!! sorry this is so long i got excited <3
warning: i make a lot of assumptions about hannibal's past which i am not 100% sure about, because the show makes his past very very vague. i am mainly going off just what the show implies and tells us, not the books.
also, there is a TLDR at the end of this!
hannibal says, almost exasperatedly, "my freedom, then. you would take that from me. confine me to a prison cell" and then looks at abigail. she looks down, almost guiltily, and i feel like in this moment everyone is remembering how hannibal took /will's/ freedom from him and confined /him/ to a prison cell (using abigail's fake death). and he is acting like it is somehow unfair that will would do the same to him.
but hannibal /is/ right in that he and will took or were going to take each other's freedoms for entirely different reasons. hannibal confined will to a prison cell because he was trying to change will for what he genuinely thought was the better. this is evident by hannibal saying "i have always had huge faith in you, will" and "i think you are more in control now than you have ever been" and the rebirth themed episode directly after will gets out of prison. will's imprisonment was to change him. this change was not only will being more "in control," but more in tune and intimate with his "urges," and generally more intimate and less afraid of the parts of his mind he had been trying to suppress.
after hannibal says "...confine me to a prison cell," and looks back at will, he looks thoughful for a moment. that is when he says "do you believe you could change me, the way i have changed you?" because he is asking will if he believes that he could change hannibal by imprisoning him (which was his "plan" with jack for most of s2b), just as hannibal changed will by imprisoning him. 
will replies with "i already did," the script says after that, "hannibal studies will a moment, realizing he's right." will did not need to imprison hannibal in order to change him. by just making hannibal feel this kind of love, devotion, and trust, he had already changed hannibal drastically. i dont believe hannibal had felt what he felt for will since mischa 30-40 years ago. to really put it in perspective, hannibal had gone through his entire life probably completely alone, letting nobody close to him like he let will be close to him. he never let himself be seen, and never let himself trust enough to experience anything like this (presumably).
will's changing hannibal is also shown physically by the entire scene in mizumono happening at that moment. hannibal massacred everybody in his own house. this is not the way he kills. his kills are not impulsively reactionary or born of emotions as intense and volatile as he was feeling in response to will's betrayal. will himself says hannibal's kills are like "pests he's swatted," born of annoyance at best. this killing and violence resulting from a situation of genuine, deep hurt is entirely new for hannibal. like i said, hannibal had not let himself truly be seen by anyone other than will in a very long time, and he trusted will in a way he didnt even trust bedelia in season 3. when hannibal found out will's betrayal of him, he was heartbroken. heartbreak is not something hannibal is supposed to open himself up to. he is supposed to be in complete control of his emotions and actions. but he wasn't, and he did open himself up to this heartbreak. so, this cocktail of emotions is completely and entirely foreign to hannibal (other than mischa), and he unleashes it all in the mizumono massacre. what hannibal does for will makes him act in ways he does not and has not acted before, generally.
semi-TLDR: so, will changed hannibal because he was the first person hannibal loved and trusted in this very vulnerable way since mischa. because of this, he was the first person capable of betraying hannibal in such a deep-cutting way. will caused hannibal to let himself experience love and trust again. and also heartbreak and betrayal. these volatile emotions are all behind hannibal's mizumono massacre, which is absolutely uncharacteristic of him (at least, up until this point). in this way, will changed hannibal.
as for the consequences of this change in hannibal: hannibal is grappling with this realization/coming to terms/figuring out how to deal with his love of will (and will's betrayal) during mizumono and post-mizumono. he doesn't know what to do with this change in himself. s3a is literally just hannibal trying to figure out how to deal with his uncontrollable obsession with/love of will and what to do with it. and also how to deal with will's consistent rejection of him (mizumono betrayal, the knife in the uffizi gallery, and the digestivo rejection). secondo is where he concludes that the only way he can forgive will for making him feel this way (and for his influence of hannibal to betryal himself) is to eat him, as he did the same to his sister. when they're back at will's house after the brain eating is interrupted, and after the consequent muskrat farm massacre, hannibal is regretting something (either the brain eating, killing abigail, or opening himself up to wills "influence" at all. or all three.), and starts writing theoretical formulas to turn back time in a notebook. after will's final rejection in digestivo, hannibal turns himself in. hannibal is All Over The Place after he starts loving will and lets himself be heartbroken by will: he kills abigail, runs off to europe, tries to kill will and eat his brain, then regrets it and tries to convince will to let it go, and then puts himself in prison after will rejects him. i'm not going to go into the reason for the prison thing because this is already getting too long, lol.
hannibal is known for being able to control his emotions and calculate his actions very carefully. hannibal literally says "you cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love." and bedelia says "what your sister [and now will] made you feel was beyond your conscious ability to control or predict." hannibal is used to being able to control and predict his emotions. the appearance of his uncontrollable and unpredictable love and forgiveness of will is in direct conflict with what hannibal is used to, and this is the change in hannibal that will caused.
full-TLDR: will changed hannibal because he was the first person hannibal felt love and trust for in this very vulnerable way since mischa. because of this, will was also the first person capable of betraying hannibal in such a deep-cutting way. will caused hannibal to let himself experience love and trust again. and also heartbreak and betrayal. these volatile emotions are all behind hannibal's mizumono massacre, which is absolutely uncharacteristic of him (at least, up until this point). after hannibal runs off to europe, he doesn't know what to do with this change in himself. the entirety of s3a is largely hannibal trying to figure this out, and he concludes by putting himself in prison.
of course there are many different ways to interpret this very complex scene & topic, so those are just my thoughts (which are admittedly a little shakey still, lol) i hope that kinda answered your question, or you at least got something out of this! :]
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colorfulpaintspills · 3 months
meowdy heres some asks
-whats your favorite crystal or gemstone and why
-favorite aquatic animal (very important knowledge :])
-if you had to live your life through a song (like a theme song) which song would it be?
-c (hi)
OH hell ya!!!! And hi!/pos
Rose Quartz! Not just because of the show Steven Universe but also because it means love and healing!
Tbh I would say...shark! And idk if they exist but the basic blue or pink fish you see in cartoons, calling em blub blubs, they're sill :3
And uh... Maybe Heaven Knows That I'm Miserable Now? (safe!/srs)
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plutoswarrior · 2 years
lets go dinmaul <3 love ur art, i was curious on your thoughts about giving maul orange lightsabers in that one piece?
Thank you so much!!! I’m glad you like my content, it feels so nice to hear you enjoy it!
And in the story in my brain rn is that, when Maul actually meets with Din and Grogu, he’s already been trying to detach himself from the Sith, and a lot of his preexisting anger has kind of subsided, at least about his major enemies. The ghost of savage has been basically coaching him for the past few years since the empire crashed, trying to help him I guess “recover” from his past self.
Anyway it’s orange because it’s supposed to be his red lightsabers fading in color, because all that hatred that he poured into them isn’t really there anymore. I know that’s not really how lightsabers work but it’s what I wanted to do. I figured by the end of the story they would be yellow, because that’s a lightsaber color I usually associate with people who are more neutral in the force ie not Jedi or Sith. I know the temple guardians use them, and that type of devotion to protecting the force seems like a nice fit.
Also it looks pretty :)
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agentplutonium · 5 months
Would you take comfy caelum ship prompts or is that outside of your comfort zone?
Either way, i hope youre having fun and getting good practice with the prompts :) have a good day 🩷
I would be cool doing like Caelum & ____ type prompts! (aka platonic relationships, I don't know why I just didn't say that) I do draw a heavy line of anything further than that when it comes to him though. I rarely write ab him honestly, but yeah ^^ I also fully don't know what comfy caelum refers to ngl lol
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plutoleg00fysimp · 8 months
Which three species would you like to go extinct?
Flying spiders, pugs [respectfully their existence is agony], and any arachnid from Australia. Don't get me STARTED on those mfs.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 month
why do you feel that kaede was fridged? i'm genuinely curious, as i personally would cite her as an example of how to perfectly AVOID fridging! /nm
Anon your opinion is the EXACT kind of opinion I want to hear!! Im afraid that I'm not seeing the whole picture here, leading to me thinking this way... please let me know your thoughts!!
I think Kaede is a REALLY cool character, please don't get me wrong. She has a strong personality and leaves a remarkably lasting impression given how little time she's actually in the game. I think from a character perspective, it might be harder to see her as fridged because she is genuinely fantastic and exists so much outside of shuichi's affection for her.
But from the perspective of overall relevance to the game's themes... I'm finding it hard to see Kaede beyond what she means to Shuichi and to his character. The protagonist switch serves to establish Shuichi as different from other DR protags- He's a side character pushed into that position and never able to fully fulfill that role as expected. After and even During her death, she adds to Shuichi's baggage with revealing the truth and motivates him to at least try to keep going. And then in ch6, the reveal that Tsumugi used Kaede as a scapegoat for her own murder further motivates Shuichi to challenge Monokuma one last time, and then to push back against the idea of Real Fiction.
Please forgive me if this is shortsighted or something, I'm really not good at this... but past chapter 1 it seems to me that Kaede is almost only brought up through Shuichi's pain and grief for her. While the ch6 retrial complicates this from a character perspective, from a thematic stand point I'm really struggling to see a role Kaede fulfilled beyond setting the stage for Shuichi. If there are any Kaede experts out there who can weigh in on her and Truth(reality) vs Lies(fiction), I would genuinely, really love to hear it. I don't want to be misreading her because of my own lack of understanding.
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plutowrites · 10 months
I love ur eren works sm 🥺 esp now that it’s soo hard to find fluff fics for him! 😭
aww thank you sweetie! means a lot to me <3
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justastarholder · 7 months
What is the reaction of the gods to praise? Like "Good job", "You did a good job", "I'm proud of you" and so on?
gets all flustered
says thank you
"Oh yeah, I know."
Acts all confident, puffs his chest out
that tail is WAGGIN tho
"Oh. Thank you?"
He buys you a book or something
Probably talks to you more afterward
"Oh... Thank you...!" :')
He's in tears bruh
Guy is so happy and barely keeping it together at the same time.
"Aww, thank you!"
Big hugs
Pluto seems a lot more affectionate around you
Probably makes you treats
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bare1ythere · 6 months
your blog title ‼️‼️‼️ finally someone who gets it. i am asking you about it
THANK YOU it’s something that’s really stuck with me in the ~100 episodes of dc that I’ve seen so far.
The first thing that really disturbed me was thinking about his teeth situation. I’m assuming Conan is physically around 8? So he would have a good portion of his baby teeth left, and his 12 year molars would have yet to erupt. Supposedly. Or does Conan still have a full set of adult teeth, too big for his mouth? Or did de-aging give him back his baby teeth? Did he spit out all his adult teeth when he deaged? Did they un-erupt back into his jaws? What about when he sometimes reages? What about losing his baby teeth as he grows up again?
And while teeth is like. The most viscerally upsetting lasting change he experiences, there’s also just the brutality of the process of deaging. Conan/Shinichi describes it as it feeling like his “bones are melting” which is. Alarming to say the least. And this happens to him multiple times as he ages and deages. Does it scare him? As much as he wants to be 17 year old Shinichi Kudo again, does he fear the pain that comes with it? The loss of control?
A good portion of it is also the body dysmorphia of once being the size of a 17 year old, now the size of an eight year old. Misjudging jumps and strength due to muscle memory, out of body feelings of floating above himself because he should really be much taller, the feeling of wrongness and discomfort as he hears his own too-high voice when he speaks- and that’s only a few examples.
Plus, socially, I imagine it’s so frustrating that nobody takes you as seriously as they once did aside from the few who know his secret. One thing that’s really stood out to me as a running theme of dc is the powerlessness of childhood. Nobody listens to or respects what you have to say. You’re physically so much smaller than everyone else. Those episodes where Conan and the Junior Detective League go out on their own to solve a crime are the most stressful ones for me, because they’re all just a bunch of little kids trying to stop real crimes. The criminals are physically so much larger than them. Adults don’t consider what they have to say with the same level of severity as other adults. It must be so dehumanizing and terrifying.
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chuuyas-nakahara · 4 months
who are Your top 10 genshin characters I'm intrigued now heh
OUGH this is tough but here’s my ranking (which i totally do not keep in my iphone notes on the off chance someone will ask me this)
1. alhaitham
2. furina
3. kaveh
4. nahida
5. yae miko
6. navia
7. beidou
8. ningguang
9. childe
10. cyno
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