#{thank you so much asdfghjk}
c00kietin · 6 months
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not sure if this will ease the pain but i think its still something
i know how bad period cramps can be its like someone it repeadetly stabbing you down there and you just want to die...
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averlym · 1 year
Sydney did a livestream last night and says two very silly Parrlyn things "Everyone else is so good at makeup, Zan shows up every day looking like a super model" and "I believe Cathy is queer coded so when I mention Thomas I'm like 'mm okay girl' "
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TOT omg this is what i get for not following the casts i guess. thank you for the update, anon! especially the quotes :OOOO
have a parr doodle <33
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pqnnier · 11 months
top 5 favorite albums! :)
heehee <333 THANK YOU KYLIE
The Dreaming by Kate Bush
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^^ i literally made this 💀
2. Folie à Deux by Fall Out Boy
this album got me through middle AND high school AND IT IS STILL GETTING ME THROUGH IT
3. Barbie The Album by Various Artists
hit after hit after hit !!
4. Cyrano (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Various Artists
is it flawed; yes !! do i care; no ma’am <3
5. Burning Bridges by Naked Eyes
an indie 80s album should always make the list 💪😤
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fabdante · 1 year
7, 12, and 42 for fic asks
Thank you for the ask!! 💖 (questions from this ask meme here)
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
This is a really good one because I like...love worldbuilding. I love expanding on a world in a fan fic. So there's a lot of worldbuilding I've done I'm really happy with! However a lot of it I haven't written about in published fics. And I don't want to ramble about specific headcanons too long, because I can and I will ramble about specific headcanons too long sdfghjk.
In general I'm really happy with the way I've chosen to characterize the world of the DmC reboot. I like Limbo City as this former industrial capital that's on a downslide where it feels like you could meet a burnt out angel on the failing subway. I feel like half of my motivation in wanting to start sharing reboot fic has been because I've just really come to love the world and how the characters interact with it. I also really liked playing around with how the demon realm works with each ring and it's respective ruler, since its implied there are other rings and other kings down there.
I also really love playing with Zelda's world in general. I like how a lot of the time the fandom treats the games as a mythos, because it allows for a lot of fun world building. But I've posted even less about any of that so I won't ramble too much. In general, though, I love a fantasy world that I can play around with.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I've thought about this one for a long time but I can't think of any honestly.
I feel like the closest answer I might have is slow burn? Because I feel like when I was a younger writer I found slow burns annoying? But also I feel like I always liked slow burns in other works and now I don't even know how to classify the burn temperature of a lot of what I like to read and write so maybe slow burn. I definitely love a slow burn.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
I had someone on Detours refer to the vibe it had as similar to a sleep over and I loved that. And on Pinky Promise, I had a lovely fandom friend refer to Vergil and Kat as 'the statue that admires the painting' and I'm obsessed with that. (Also literally anyone who has ever said anything about Crossroads of Catharsis and Contemplation, really the fact anyone at all looked at that fic means a lot to me so anyone saying anything about it stood out to me and made my day)
Also one time one of my beloved friends told me something akin to 'I can feel I'm going to need floor time after this one', it was very kind of them sdfghj
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stcrforged · 1 year
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@runsonchaos asked TO ⇻ S I N D R I ↳ ﹙ TIMEFRAME: after Atreus returns from Asgard and before he collects the last mask piece. ﹚
GUILT , it was prominent in blue eyes as he examined the dwarf and the bandage wrapped around his head ; he hadn’t meant to – the bear controlled him , so intertwined with his emotions it consumed him , making recollections of his actions impossible. Still , it wasn’t an excuse. Not for the harm he caused , especially to the one person who had done so much for him.
Who had been supporting and helping him from the beginning. 
“ Can I help with anything? ”
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the gaze which so often was filled with kindness (and disgust) was changed. DIFFERENT. it now rested upon the anvil. gloved hands stopped, laying the heavy hammer down. all of the movements stopped. as if time itself had been frozen. fear, shame and DISAPPOINTMENT. all of these were inside those brown orbs. a coming storm of emotions. the dwarf didn't dare to meet atreus' eyes. he had been a fool, thinking it would have been possible to calm the boy when he had turned into a bear. they were friends, they were FAMILY. sindri had even shared his deepest secret with the young one. but he had been wrong. so wrong. attacked and hurt, both physically and emotionally. he wanted to forgive, to move on, but there was a nagging feeling inside. DOUBT.
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a heavy sigh escaped as hands were thrown up. a gesture of defeat. he couldn't be upset forever. not with atreus. " could you find something that will help brok? he has been complaining about his pounding head all day. i think freya have some... " it took strength to not gag at the mention of the dried plants. all the nasty little beasties. DISGUSTING. " herbs over there. "
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masquenoire · 2 years
I'm at work so thinking of this on the fly and will inevitably word vomit more things later BUT I think mary and roman have picked up each other's little tells just from having known each other so long despire them both being skilled manipulators and LiarsTM to their core. like watching the other give some speech or spiel and just hiding their smirk from the sidelines bc 'i KNOW you only [insert little motion] like that when you are LYING YOUR ASS OFF'
Send a headcanon you have about our muses’ relationship and I’ll tell you if I approve of it or not.
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*smacks down stamp of approval*
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! This is such a perfect headcanon and makes so much sense, especially for the reasons you mention in them having known each other for a long ass time and both being skilled liars and manipulators? It’s probably always been a thing right from the start (mostly because of their parents being such horrible people) and persisted long after Mary became an actress while Roman became a criminal drug lord so yeah, it’s hella entertaining to think that even they’ve both grown up, they’re still able to pick up on these tiny tells and just KNOW when the other’s full of shit. Probably something really obscure that even Batman struggles picking up on. Bruce wasn’t allowed to join the club. While we’re on this topic, I’d like to go back to something you mentioned earlier, specifically about the sibling-like hadcanon I sent to you with them having this really quick back-and-forth with no bullshit about each other? They can’t get anything past each other for the reasons you mentioned as they both know when the other’s lying their ass off so are brutally honest with one another, because you know, friends!
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
When I feel down I enter your profile and look on Leshy and his mortal arts, it makes me feel not dead
(Live ur style so much 😍😍😍)
asdfghjk thank you!!
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biohazard-4ever · 27 days
You think Leon is the type of oblivious to not know he is good looking or does he know that very well? Thanks 😊
OHHH He knows! He knows because I'm sure he has been told before about his good look countless times.
In RE:Vendetta Novel, Leon is described as a pretty man who could have easily pass as a blockbuster movie main actor. Even if he was "messy" because of his beard and facial hair that were just growing however they felt like it.
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"He was a pretty man who could easily take on leading roles in Hollywood blockbusters. However, he currently sported a scruffy beard, exudes a weary atmosphere, and radiated fatigue and discontent"
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Leon is CANONICALLY a very handsome man. As in... Someone that would make others turn their head at him to watch him walk in a place.
The (commonly) lack of a longer beard, the nice branding jackets, the ALWAYS NEAT HAIR! Leon knows he is good looking. You don't pick such haircut -, hard to keep and demanding so much attention just becuase you want to "be different". He knows how to dress well, he has expensive clothings...
Leon knows. He knows. How much he cares about it? Not much to be honest.
You won't see him throwing his good-look into people's face. Rubbing it as if it is a big deal.
Leon just... He knows he has a nice face, he knows he has a nice body. But he is not a jerk about any of it.
If you say: "Hey, you're handsome!"
He would politely say 'thank you' instead of blushing and getting all "ASDFGHJK---NO, I'M NOOOT~" about it.
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a lovely anon sent this to my main blog but because i'm rlly annoying i'm answering it over here again asdfghjhgfd >:) here's a lil run down of some of my favourite bedframe cc (not exhaustive bc as we all know, i have a LOT of cc favourites so we'd be here all day asdfghjk)
sleeping lessons by @sforzcc
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so, i actually really like the beds that came with HSY, but of course, i want options. there's nothing more frustrating than wanting to use one duvet cover but it comes with a bed frame you don't like/is in the wrong colour....well, never fear, because once again, sforzinda is SAVING! OUR! GAMES!
this pack not only separates the mattresses from the bedframes - so you can mix and match to your hearts' content - but also provides very nice mesh edits AND toddler versions!!!! literally a must have set in my mods folder, i could not function with out. chefs kiss in the extreme!
metal bedframe by @pictureamoebae
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alright, i'm a SUCKER for this bedframe (AND the mattresses). by now we all know that i adore the copious amounts of colour options available with pictureamoebae's cc, and these mattresses are no exception, but the FRAME!!!!! ugh idk what it is about it but i just love it. it strikes that perfect balance between simple and stylish, and can fit in pretty much any decor aesthetic. the swatch options are SOOOOOO nice too, it's such a versatile bedframe and i go HAM over these cool metal frames.
Boho Living Beds by @awingedllama
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OOOOOF okay so in general? this pack is GORGEOUS. like, really fckn knocked it out of the park and beyond gorgeous. the sheer vibes of it all!!! i could go on for ages asdfghjhgfdsa BUT the beds in particular really stand out to me. The swatches are lovely, and the neutral tones make them soooo versatile, but I utterly love the detailing on the frames. The daybed is especially my favourite; i ALWAYS wanted a bed like that as a kid, and though i never got one, at least i can treat my sims to it asdfghjkjhgf. and omg the PLATFORM BED!!!!! perfection!
Literally Every Bedroom Set Ever by @myshunosun
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am i cheating by just pointing you in myshunosun's general direction instead of specifying a set in particular? probably. do i feel bad about it? NO because I CANNOT CHOOSE and if you take a peek at their content you will understand! gorgeous quality, beautiful swatches that are SUPER versatile not only with all of the myshunosun sets but EA assets too, and really creative and aesthetic designs! Again, i honestly think there is a set for every kind of decor aesthetic, from your more simple ones to boho to darn right fancy, every sim will be catered for. AND of course the fact that there's entire SETS with matching furniture and decor items is a huge, HUUUUGE bonus. seriously, go check everything out STAT!!!!
i hope this helped! and sorry it took me a while to answer asdfghjhgfdsdfghjjhg but i did rlly have fun doing this one!! also thank you SO much for your kind words, you are honestly way too nice and i really appreciate it! hope you have an awesome day!
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taddylonglegs · 2 months
Hiya! Just wanna say that I really adore your COTT fanarts, keep up the great work! (Currently rewatching the series, and surprisedly, made me tear up 😭)
(if I had money rn, I won't hesitate to commission you, but I don't 😭)
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Aaaaa thank you so much!! It means a lot to hear you say that!!
Class of the Titans is a very dear series to me as I adored the show back when I was in high school. It's incredibly nostalgic and feel good!
I'm glad you're gaining so much joy from a rewatch! It's a lot of fun keeping the fandom alive with silly little fanart and equally silly oc's.
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I actually recently redesigned my oc for the series and forgot to post their new look asdfghjk I'm going to use your ask as an excuse to do that, if that's okay.
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I hope they get hit by a bus
Have a great day and enjoy your stay in the fandom!! Dwb the commission thing: we're all struggling to get by these days lol.
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sparrrorow-art · 1 year
What's your shading process like? The way you do it is so beautiful aaaaaaaaa i love it
asdfghjk thank You so much! sorry it took a little longer, but i struggle to explain things and i wanted to answer this well-
i am still figuring out how i want my art to look like, so the process changes a lot, but i tried to break down how i do it atm (with a creeper inspired by Zinkenite mobs):
the lineart - hatching, blackouts and line weight
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2. i put down flat colors and then i paint them
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now, for this creeper that could be enough for me, cause it's rather simple, but for more complex illustrations to tie it more together/add atmosphere: 3. big gradient shading
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whenever the scene doesn't dictate the colors of the light and shadow i go with purple shading cause i love purple and with golden light cause most of the time the shadow will be cold while the light is warm
4. bonus - when i don't wanna do the background or struggle to choose a flat color, white void can be just very bright light:
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i hope that explains it, sorry for my handwritting. and thank You again!
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wombywoo · 4 days
I need to know more about Quinncent 🫶🏻so I would like to request some much needed answers for 15/25/39 aaaand 50 please ☺️
Thanks for creating them!
thank you for asking <33
15. What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
asdfghjk I think Quinn would have a really dry, crude sense of humor. Like, he's very blunt about it, just blurting out something crass in his yorkshire accent. Vincent is a bit more refined in his comedy, carefully timing a joke, having a quick response to something in the moment. They'll both laugh at the other making a fool of themselves (tripping, getting mildly hurt, saying something dumb) It's Vince's secret goal to get Quinn to laugh more often, so he doesn't mind being the butt of a joke 😭
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
Quinn, not so much. He tends to lay in bed for a while at night, flipping through the tv or on his phone. Teeth get brushed, a shower is had, but he doesn't really coordinate things as a routine. In the morning , he lies there for quite a while, until he desperately has to pee and then he forces himself to go through the motions. This is all when he's on leave--when he's on duty, he's rather disciplined, but his behavior is more...robotic. Just as a side-note--Quinn actually sleeps on a pullout couch in his flat; he has a bedroom, but he's developed a habit of preferring the sofa bed (which means Fig gets the queen size for herself 💅) so part of his morning routine is to fold up the crappy mattress back into the couch
Vincent's nights vary. Sometimes, he feigns normalcy and goes about a typical nighttime routine (wash up, put on pajamas, read) before laying down in bed and ~meditating~ (he still can't sleep normally) Other times, he's busy with research or other work all night and doesn't notice the time passing. In the morning, he usually has his serving of blood 🩸 He likes it warm, so he'll often dilute it with some hot water and sip it from a teacup (class 👌) If he's spent the night with Quinn, he'll begin preparing him breakfast and regular tea~
39. Would they ever crash a wedding?
Quinn--probably no. He wouldn't see the point in intruding on the occasion, and it's not really a scene he'd prefer to be involved in. Vincent might be inclined, only if he's feeling bold and they've got a decent playlist, lol.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
Hoenstly...I just like that they're my boys, hehe. I mean..I think the most compelling part of them is that I get to make up all this stuff on my own. I like how they're interesting as separates; I wanted to give them each enough characteristics and backstory to make them stand out as individuals, but as a duo, I think they complement each other really well ✨To actually answer the question:
My favorite thing about Quinn is how utterly tragic he is, but deep down--he's soft, he's scared, he wants to be loved 🥺
My favorite thing about Vincent is that despite possessing enhanced abilities and power, he's still vulnerable. He's caring and considerate and he doesn't want to be a monster :'D
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ginevrapng · 7 months
Do you have any favourite fanfictions you've written?
yes i do!<3
there are so many i included asdfghjk i'm so sorry! it was hard to pick, i'm proud of everything i write - ( edit: i completely forgot to mention but these are my favourite fics i've written for harry potter and the marauders not including my anime tumblr )
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my favourite fluff works of mine-
— james pining over chubby reader
he'd carry you with one hand all the way up a mountain if it would impress you and get you to notice him. i just love this man so much!! every single time i reread this i smile like crazy.
— "did i ever tell you how beautiful you are?" george x slytherin reader
"so you're in love with me," he remarked. you can hear his grin. the cogs turn in your brain as you remember what you told him. friends to lovers with george weasley??? aaahhh!! i love the pining!
— james overhears people being mean about his chubby girlfriend
"JUST LETTING THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW I HAVE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER," he spins you around again and purposely makes sure those girls can see as he bombards your face with kisses. james loves his chubby girlfriend so much and ugh he just thinks the world of her!! he's the best!!
— best friend! james jealous over peter
when james spotted you sitting far to close to peter his eyes hardened and he gritted his teeth because you shouldn't be sitting close to peter, it's peter of all people. he's your best friend so what are you doing all close to peter like that for. best friend james is the best and i really like the readers relationship with the rest of the marauders, especially peter, and i love how james reacts to those relationships
— "did sirius black just wink at you?" sirius x chubby reader
you pretend to think his jokes are immature and his hair is ridiculous and everyone believes you, apart from the man himself. sirius has the reader all figured out and i love it!! he pays so much attention to her and notices how she really feels, it makes my heart go sryehsjtezserazx i love them
my favourite smut works of mine-
— thigh riding with boyfriend!neville
the whole time neville will be trying to help you with your exam next week you'll be wanting to snog him and find a quiet and dark place in the library to suck his dick. god boyfriend neville means so much to me!! neville is so boyfriend material and i love the whole soft dom vibe
— james with a mummy kink
a smirk appears on your face as you see your boyfriend with tears in his eyes desperately trying to do what he's told. "you want mummy to help you jamie. do y'wanna cum baby?" sub james makes me feel things and i am on my hands and knees thanking however sent in this kinktober concept because it's really hot
— poly!marauders with a somno kink/waking you up by eating you out
"you finally awake sweetheart?" he mumbles against you. combining two things i love more than anything, somno and poly marauders?? i have died and gone to heaven
— "i've missed you" fwb!james x chubby reader
you want more and james can tell by the way you grab hold tightly on his arm and at the same time his hair. you've always stayed away from touching his unruly hair, the main reason being that up close it looks so soft and you worry touching it would cross a boundary. they're both so smitten with each other and want more and i'm losing my mind when i think about it
my full masterlist
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chiscribbs · 7 months
You talked a bit about your Disconnected AU earlier and I did some digging and fell in LOVE with the concept. Just a question, will you ever decide to continue it and maybe post about Mikey and Leo??
Asdfghjk aw, that means so much to hear - thank you! ;v;
As for continuing it - it's basically complete! I'm just working out details at this point, because I plan to post it in comic format (parts of it, at the very least.) But the story has been pretty much finished for awhile, I just haven't been posting scenes or anything yet because I don't want to lessen the impact for when I do eventually publish it.
But, yes - the Mikey and Leo post is in the works! It's been on the backburner for awhile, mostly while I figure out the story, but I haven't forgotten about it. I've been chipping away at it slowly in-between projects, haha. Here's a sneak preview!
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fabdante · 2 years
74) Monster by dodie
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(send me a number 1-100 and i will give you the corresponding song from my top 100 playlist!)
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mortal-kombat-1 · 11 days
Hey hey! Apologies in advance if you already answered this before ≽^╥⩊╥^≼ do you happen to have any tips for new modders when it comes to modding color changes? With Kenshi's Order Of Darkness skin being released, I wanted to try and mod in a pink version to match Johnny's Order Of Darkness skin! Im just completely new to this stuff and have no idea where to even begin with that process- thank you so much in advance!! Your mods are lovely, and I check ur page every day to see if you released new ones, they're just amazing!! You always put so much work and creativity in, you really are the best modder I follow!! <3 Keep up the good work btw!
asdfghjk thank you!!! <3<3<3
Under the cut because ofc, I can't shut up and make it short, lol.
Everything you will need to get started can be found on the forums.
As for getting the palettes so you can match them, you have to extract the one's you're wanting to edit:
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Nearly all skins released have an UI pic, those that don't just double click on the mesh file to see the model so you'll know what skin you're dealing with. If I'm going for one certain color scheme, I make sure all the palettes in the skin file are the same color(s) so that way when I release a mod, nobody can scream at me that they haven't unlocked this or that palette, lol.
Once you're done editing the palette in whatever editing program of your choice, bring it into the custom Unreal Editor (will find it in the forums) and have the layout exactly the way it is in the game:
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Texture folder if you decide to edit the textures, otherwise, you don't need it.
Make sure the palette(s) are selected (highlighted): right click, Asset Actions, Assign to Chunk, enter a number greater than 100 (I go with 111 bc idk why honestly I just do, lol), hit ok. Then up top: File, Package Project, Windows 64, a box will pop up asking where to save it -- keep it in the default location by clicking select folder, and it should start packaging your mod. Once done, it'll tell you. Go to the folder it saved it to and you'll find your mod but you have to rename it.
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Rename those 3, just be sure to have A_ and _P for the beginning and end of your mod. Like so:
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And just place it in your mods folder and see it in game :)
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