#| is this one of the reasons she and G'raha connected so quickly
archaeotechnic · 1 year
Nev really is a terrible liar. Put her on the spot and she'll just stare at you as if you're supposed to be feeding her lines. If not for how genuinely distressed she was when it came to speaking about her past, I don't think it would have taken long for someone to peel back the facade of her false identity.
She changed her name from Ireneve Guillaumont to "juSt NEv, plEase".
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godsgamefreak · 1 year
FFXIVWrite2023 - #11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy
OC's: Logan Holden, Cherise Holden NPC's: Alisaie Leveilleur, Alphinaud Leveilleur, Y'shtola Rhul, G'raha Tia
Spoilers for 5.3
Read on Ao3
A Prank War is let loose on the Rising Stones. Who fights? Who flees? Who crumbles?
The door creaked softly as it swung open, and Logan had to bite down on his lips to stay silent. As soon as he saw red, he leapt forward.
The next thing he saw was a fist before his face exploded in pain.
“Logan! What in the hells is wrong with you? What are you doing back there!?”
The voice was far too accented to be his sister, so once he managed to open his eyes against the pain, he saw Alisaie standing there with her fists on her hips and a deep scowl. “Surry, Uh fught yuh wur muh fifter.”
The young Elezen wrinkled her face in confusion at his muffled words, his hands still trying to hold his face together, until realization struck. “Oh. You should be glad it wasn’t your sister, you’d probably have a broken nose and two black eyes at best.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “I didn’t-,” he checked his nose for blood but found none and finally lifted his hands away from his face. “I didn’t think about that.”
“Clearly. Why are you hiding behind the door to scare her anyway? Is this because of the scare she gave you by accident the other day?”
There was an attempt to hide his quickly flushing cheeks but Logan could tell it wasn’t working. “N… Yes.”
At the sound of his defeated voice, Alisaie shook her head and sighed, giving his arm a consoling pat. “Well in that case you’ve scared the right person. I’ve got a better idea.”
“Are you sure this is a better idea? I’m not even sure it’s a good idea,” Logan asked as he stood back admiring Alisaie’s handiwork.
“Perfectly. It’ll give you a chance to get away at least and not get punched.”
“That’s reassuring…”
Logan was anything but reassured, but he’d already agreed. When questioned why she’d even help him in the first place, Alisaie simply stated she thought it would be fun. Good enough reason he supposed, though he would have guessed she would be working against him, not with him. Maybe he was just lucky, he certainly hadn’t had any better ideas.
The plan was simple. Alisaie held a rope connected to a bucket filled with water held over the door. They could clearly see who was walking in, and the rope had been looped around the opening hallway of the Rising Stones to keep it mostly out of view. This gave them time to identify their prey, while not looking overly suspicious in case someone with more authority walked through the door. At least in theory.
They sat at one of the tables, perfectly innocent, and waited. A few other Scions came and went, none noticed - or commented - on the rope or bucket. Logan had almost forgotten about it, simply enjoying his time talking to Alisaie, when the door opened again. They both turned to look, and there she was. Cherise framed the doorway, walking in as if in slow motion, as Logan met Alisaie’s eyes. It was time.
Alisaie let go of the rope. It flew away from the table, up towards the ceiling, and from there the wall. It whipped around the corner, and the bucket lowered, its bottom hitting the door and tilting. Water poured from the bucket, splashing all over Cherise… and Alphinaud who was right behind her.
“WHAT IN ALL SEVEN HELLS!?” Cherise screamed, wiping water out of her eyes.
Instantly she locked onto Logan and Alisaie both laughing, who didn’t notice her begin to charge aether. Logan finally noticed when she charged at him, and his laughter turned to shouting as he sprinted away from his sister. Alphinaud slowly walked towards his own twin, squeezing water from his sleeves.
“I thought you had grown past these pranks sister, but I see you have decided to reopen warfare. Please ready yourself appropriately,” he said simply, watching as Logan came back around and ran out the open door, nearly tripping on the bucket still left on the floor, with Cherise hot on his tail.
Alisaie nodded. “I’m glad you were able to find Cherise and bring her back, and I assumed little else, trust me brother, I am already well prepared.”
The next few days began a fair bit of chaos among the Rising Stones. The next day, Logan nearly blew open a new wall when Alphinaud and Cherise set up a projected shadow of Bahamut. Logan got back at Cherise with a specially designed lightning crystal hidden in his sleeve that popped out and gave her a nasty shock as he took her hand after sparring, which ended with the sparring area being cordoned off for repairs. Alphinaud countered with luring the pair into a storeroom where they had planted a Giant Toad, which instantly swallowed Logan whole and took the better part of half an hour for Alisaie to help free him and remove the creature - neither of them were slime free by the end of it.
This went on for some time, to the point where Logan stopped Y’shtola from opening the door to the Rising Stones. She didn’t question it, but raised an eyebrow as he tucked his hand into his sleeve to open it, pushing it open quickly while stepping away from the door.
She finally sighed and stepped through when nothing happened. “Are you honestly that worried about another-”
Cherise and Alphinaud jumped out from around the corners, devices in hand, and only barely saw Y’shtola in time. They aimed the devices away at the last second, a foamy substance shooting out against the walls instead of all over Y’shtola.
It didn’t take long for Y’shtola to have the four of them seated at a table to which they were subjected to a long lecture about the ridiculousness and disruption of the Prank Wars. “So make sure this all gets cleaned up, and then you are ceasing this behaviour immediately, is that understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” all four echoed.
“Excellent. Now, I believe breakfast was supposed to be made by now.”
Indeed, G’raha himself carried a set of plates for all and placed them on the table, each containing an egg, sliced potatoes, and a red sauce.
“Please, enjoy! I spent all morning on it!” He beamed, stepping back alongside Y’shtola to await a response from his fellow Scions.
Everyone took a bite of something different, and each one screwed up their face in confusion.
“This isn’t a potato, it’s… apple?”
“Mine is a pear? And this isn’t sauce, it's jam!”
“This egg isn’t runny, it’s yogurt!”
“The egg isn’t even an egg, it’s a peach!”
Y’shtola simply smiled. “We win, then, don’t you agree Raha?”
G’raha burst out laughing. “Couldn’t agree more!”
All four at the table groaned, but at least couldn’t argue they still had a delicious breakfast. So ended the Prank War of the Rising Stones. Much to the relief of the other occupants.
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cinnabun-faerie · 3 years
FFXIV Platonic Headcannons
A/N: Here it is! I struggled with this (especially with Alphinaud's)
General FFXIV Masterlist ↳ here
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Y'all are partners in crime
You swear to never tell another soul for as long as you live about what you tell each other
You never sell each other out when the other gets caught for doing something that they weren't supposed to
No but she's your ride-or-die
She's your soulmate (platonically ofc, cause a soulmate doesn't have to be romantic)
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(Honestly the game is a better at showing/explaining your platonic relationship)
Inseparable best friends
Alphinaud is like that brother you've never had
Seriously you two rely heavily on each other
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Silence between y'all is comforting
You can just do your own thing
The banter, y'all really act like you hate each other
No but you're the type of best friends to pretend you don't know each other
Makes other people go "???"
You two are just trying to contain your laughter in the corner
You're besties, don't even lie
But come on, pretending to be rivals (and not friends) is kinda amusing
"Why always in each other's company if not friends?"
Eye rolling seems to be your thing
No but Aymeric would invite you both to everything for some bonding time because he is convinced you two aren't friends
Imagine the shock when he finds out
"Better be careful Y/N, you don't want Thancred to hear about this, do you?"
"As much as you want Ser Aymeric to hear about what you've been doing? If you keep quiet, so will I."
Always testing each other's patience
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You and G'raha naturally have an instant connection
That's your best friend right there
It physically hurt you to see him lock himself away in the tower
But when you find out he's the exarch, you squeeze him so tightly
You're just relieved
And now that you know who he really is, he's happy to see you again, old friend
No but you punch him (in the arm) for making you sad like that
And every other time he decides to be reckless you give him a piece of your mind
And don't be surprised when he lectures you for getting hurt
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#1 Parental figure
Don't matter how old you are. You could be close to his age but he's going to claim you as his child
Honestly having him as your parent-friend is nice
Except when he lectures you
He's your mentor as well
You will go on lots of missions together
He mostly shows off during missions
"This is how you do this, Y/N."
Mad when you show him up but gets over it quickly cause he's proud as heck
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#2 Parental figure
Lets you borrow whatever book you want (just be very careful)
He will protect you no matter what cause he considers you to be like a child/sibling
He'll have lots of advice for you if ever need it
Lecturing you for your injuries & carelessness
You getting angry with him for being so secretive
You know it's his thing, but it just makes you upset. You feel like you know so little about him
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Your best friend
Playful banter
Some people honestly think you get mad at each other with the way you banter sometime
Major sibling energy here
She's gonna be the one getting you out of any trouble
Thancred wants to know where you've been, Shtola's gonna cover for you
Honestly you two just sneaking out to be rebellious is kinda funny to me
"Should we go back?"
"I said I'd bring you back at a reasonable hour, Y/N. And 3am is reasonable if you're sleeping in tomorrow."
But if you do anything that she doesn't approve of/think is good for you/dangerous for you, she will get angry
Honestly you'll cover for her too
But honestly you two can get petty with each other
Cause that's what siblings do
"I love you 'Shtola, but I hate you for telling Thancred about your injury."
"I love you too. I too love and hate you. You didn't forget what happened last did you? This is only my revenge."
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wtf-amiru · 2 years
What did they think of Hydaelyn in the beginning? Did they change their mind about her since then?
oh boy, this is one I don't think about often lol let's figure this out
A'miru's not religious, she's not against it, she's just not found anything there in the past so I think the disembodied voice was a bit of a "I'm fully losing my mind, aren't I" in the beginning, not some higher calling, until Thancred introduced her to Minfilia. Then it was a lot of...I hesitate to say trepidation, she wasn't afraid for anything, but she was hesitant to put a lot of stock into it, it seemed to be a truthful situation but it was a lot of her hard work that went into it too and that's kind of where things sat for a long time in a state of 'I can neither prove or disprove this thing but things seem to be working out for the better with it'. A'miru's a very here and now kind of person, so lets just throw her back in time for a minute. Her connection with Venat was instant, it fully gave me an explanation for her to have taken the dancer class (mechanically she took it because it's a class I like to play, but it's a very not A'miru class at all) and she was kind of an instant momly figure for her; the vibes were entirely right right from the instant she dropped in while Hyth was rambling about sharks, like two peas in a pod, instant family. One of the things A'miru has the most issues with is losing people, in any manner; she does not handle it well ever. When she got back from Elpis, after a good long cry and snuggle with her bf and a nap, she was ready to break Fourchenault's entire face just to get down there and see her again bc omg that voice has been Venat all along and holy shit she felt bad for ever doubting it and then, well, she had to say goodbye to her again and again, did not handle it well at all. Luckily she had a lot on her plate to distract her at the time. After Ultima and knowing everyone's back down in the sea hanging out she's dealing a bit better than normal. It's more important to A'miru who Hydaelyn was before she was Hydaelyn and why she became Hydaelyn, than what Hydaelyn stood for in her time to A'miru now. She's gonna get G'raha to write a book one day.
Arannis, my little fate child, is a different, more simple salad lol. He was brought up in such a flurry of cultures he kind of very quickly learned to nod along and put his faith in "whoever was listening and able to respond" for a long time so holy shit was he surprised when she started actually responding. He wasn't in a position to be picky, she was gentle and seemed kind and to harbor no ill intent so he was on board pretty quickly. He got mildly worried when she got really quiet during Stormblood, but the anomaly had been her contact with him in the first place, so her getting quiet felt like how it'd been before, which didn't bother him too much; who was he to demand time with cosmic deities anyway, she probably had a good reason. I think the revelations during Shadowbringers was just a touch beyond Arannis' comprehension tbh, I don't think he fully understood the implications until he went to Elpis and saw it himself, very much a visual learner that one, you gotta draw it out for him, not explain with words- probably why he didn't mind the echo visions tbh. When he was in Elpis Venat felt like a sibling, something Arannis never really had but kind of always wanted bc everyone around him had siblings and he was the only only child. Arannis wasn't as eager to get down and see Hydaelyn, he deals with loss a lot better and he doesn't have the anxiety driven over protectiveness that A'miru struggles with. He wasn't upset he had to fight her and see her leave. This was it, this was the culmination of her work and it was her way of finally going back to the star, he fully got that and knew she'd be fine, almost felt honored to be a part of it even. But then he knew that if she'd done it, that they'd have to do it; they'd have to succeed and boy that pressure did something to him for a minute. I think Arannis cares a bit more about what Hydaelyn was in his time to people than A'miru does, I think he thinks about the people who are or were like him growing up and just praying to someone who bears no ill intent and will listen and how important that can be to a person.
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years
Final Fantasy XIV Chapter: One Big Change...
… Hope takes one last glance at the now sleeping Tius and Kaoru. The “now a lalafell'' girl wrapped in the Miquote boy’s arms as they both sleep peacefully. Hope can’t help but smile. But there was still a bit of sadness and uncertainty that lingered in her chest. One her beloved could sense as he stopped in the doorway of the Dawn’s Respite. He reaches towards her and slips his hand into hers. She turns quickly, surprised at the sudden touch. They both leave the room. “Could I steal a moment of your time, love?” Alphinaud asks.
Moments later. Alphinaud and Hope are standing in the Solar. Alphinaud pulls the chair of Minfilia’s desk upright and slides it back into its spot. He’s silent a moment before he walks away from it. He sits down on the couch. “There were a few things I wanted to discuss with you.” Hope nods and sits down next to him. “The transformation that Kaoru went through… The magicks involved. Tis no arcana I am familiar with.”
Hope sighs now. “I noticed it felt way darker than I’m used to. Like the aether was distorted.” Hope scowls. “Nil and Krile said it was a ‘curse’. How would that be any different than a regular spell?” Alphinaud puts a hand of reasoning out.
“Spells are more common and easily used. They draw from the caster’s aether.” Alphinaud scowls now. “Curses, however, are more… darker in nature. They draw from the caster’s darkest emotions and despair. Instead of using their own, curses draw from the ambient aether of the caster’s surroundings. They’re highly dangerous and should never be attempted by anyone who does not have the knowledge or authority of their use.” Alphinaud closes his eyes, an elucidating finger pointed upward to prove his point. “Curses are more of a poison than a spell if one were to look at its properties. Given that they are formed of natural means and are preternatural when compared to normal spellcraft. Only ancient and malevolent curses exist on the same level as the one we just bore witness to. However-.” He stops, his eyes opening and his lips parting slightly. Hope smiles, and bursts into laughter now.
“Please, continue, Professor Leveilleur.” Hope says between high pitched laughs. Alphinaud’s cheeks glow red and he clears his throat.
“My apologies.” Alphinaud begins. He gives a small embarrassed smile. “All of the talk recently of Sharlayan and days in the Studium and of aetherial matters…” He gives a small sigh. “Tis all very familiar and nostalgic. And a part of me cannot help but feel a small tinge of homesickness.” Hope nods.
“I get that.” Hope tells him. “A lot has happened since we met a few years ago.” Hope closes her eyes now, smiling a beautiful smile Alphinaud swears was angelic. “We’ve all grown. In small ways and big. We laughed and cried. We braved overwhelming odds...” Hope’s voice trails off as the smile fades from her face. Alphinaud frowns now, concern now sweeping over his face. “Overwhelming… odds…” She grows quiet, looking down at the floor. The bangs of her hair drop down over her face, shadowing her eyes.
“Hope?” Alphinaud asks.
He places a hand on her shoulder. “We… all barely made it out alive in the fight against Emet-Selch.” Hope begins, her voice shaking. “Tius, Kaoru, and I almost became sin eaters. You and the other Scions almost lost your lives. And had it not been for that Ancient during the fight with Elidibus, us ‘Warriors of Light’ would have perished in the Void.” Hope grips the side of her robe that’s cascading down her legs. “And then at the Gardens… When Fandaniel appeared and…” She shakes her head. “We couldn’t do anything to stop him. Tius and I both. We were useless…”
Alphinaud swallows hard and scowls. “You weren’t! You were just taken unawares.” Alphinaud says, in a feeble attempt to help her calm down.
Hope shakes her head again. “We were. In that moment, on the ground, unable to do anything to help or protect you all, or to defend even myself. In that instance… I… I-I...” A tear drops from her chin and Alphinaud feels his breath catch in his throat. She looks up at him finally, revealing teary eyes and a pained look on her face. But there was something else there too. Something he knew only too well. It was… “I was scared, Alphinaud.” She tells him. His lips part and he purses his eyebrows. She sniffles, wiping some tears off of her cheek with her wrist. “I was so scared of what would happen. Of what might happen to you all. But even more selfishly…” Hope grimaces, closing her eyes and letting the tears flow. “I was scared I’d die…”
Alphinaud grabs her and pulls her head into his shoulder, holding her tightly. He closes his eyes, his face relaxing. Hope sits there a moment, just letting him hold her. Something about it was helping her. His warmth, his gentleness, even his scent. Every moment smelling his earthy musky cologne helped her relax. Alphinaud knew he didn’t need to say anything. She understood that he was there for her. That he was always there with her. But he had to say it, nevertheless. “I understand how you feel.” He tells her. He takes her hands into his. “There were so many times when you’d leave to go face some unimaginable danger and I’d be left behind hoping, praying, that you’d return to me safely.” He opens his eyes, looking forward. “And even when I’ve done all I could do to hone my skills and push my potential, I still was unable to do much to aid in your efforts against Emet-Selch and Elidibus. I always find myself a few steps behind you and the other Warriors of Light. And I, too, have found myself expecting death to take me.” Alphinaud pauses, gauging what to say next. “But…” He releases Hope's hands and she sits up straight to look at him. He gives a warm smile and sighs. “I keep faith in my hero. My love. The one who lights my world. My inspiration.” He removes a white handkerchief from his pocket on the inside of his jacket. “When the world is in darkness and all the odds have been stacked against me, I remember that I still have you and that I would do anything… anything… to see that smile on your face once more.” He gently dabs at the tears on her cheeks. “And that one day I could walk next to you not just as your partner.” He lifts her chin up slightly. “But as your equal.”
Nil sighs removing the leather band at the bottom of his braid. The twisted braid uncoils itself. He stares at the mirror in distaste at the small pearl of a third eye on his forehead. He’d hated it… Hated his upbringing. His existence in the Empire’s hands. Not Garlean, but also not Eorzean either. Alisaie walks past the washroom, but takes a step back as she sees Nil glaring at his reflection. She steps towards him. Nil hears this and hurriedly covers his forehead with his bangs again. “Ah, Miss Alisaie.” He says, clearly trying to hide his embarrassment. “Was there something you needed?” He asks, his voice a little more shaky than he’d wanted.
Alisaie gives him a small laugh. “Why cover it now that we know it’s there?” She asks. She leans against the doorway now. “And drop the ‘Miss’. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” Nil nods slowly, a smile on his face. Alisaie walks over and pushes his bangs to the side, making him flinch slightly. She nods towards the mirror. “See? Much better if you ask me.” Nil looks at his reflection and gives a small blush. "How about I pin it back with a braid?" He nods now, notably pleased that she was taking an interest in this.
She begins braiding his hair over when he clears his throat. "I needed to tell you thanks for understanding and accepting me." He tells her. She stops a second before continuing.
"Had I been the uneducated sheltered and spoiled child I was when I first came to Eorzea with Alphinaud, I probably would have rejected you the moment I had any suspicion." Alisaie replies. "But having experienced the things I have, and done the things I've done, thinking of you as simply 'another Imperial' would be an insult to everything we've accomplished and the people I've connected with." Alisaie tells him, pulling some if his hair over the braid and continuing to braid into his ponytail. "And I admire the bravery you've shown us thus far. Fighting your fate, challenging norms, taking your life into your own hands." She scoffs. "If that's not heroic, then I don't know what is." Nil is taken by surprise at the storm of compliments from her. And he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was genuine. She finishes braiding around his ponytail and let's the spare braid fall loosely onto his shoulder. "There…" She says, a bit nervous at the outcome. "W-What do you think?"
Nil smiles and admires his reflection now. He places the silver jewel over top of his third eye and nods. "Yes, I think I like this look." He tells her. Nil puts a hand up. Alisaie gives him a small high five and crosses her arms with a proud expression on her. "Mayhap you'd like to come help me find a new attire?"
Alisaie nods. "Mayhap I would."
Tius opens his eyes to see Kaoru, lovingly looking up at him. He had to take a second to recall her very VERY different appearance. Her eyes reminded him of a cute puppy's and he had to stop himself from commenting how cute she looked, knowing it would just upset her right now. Instead, he smiles a little smile at her. "Are you watching me sleep?" He murmurs.
She gives a quiet laugh. "Mayhap I was.." She says, snuggling her head into his chest again. "Not for long. I've only just woken up." Kaoru replies. She sighs once before sitting up. Tius sits up too, giving a little stretch. They're both taken by surprise as they spot a napping G'raha, hunched over the bed from his seat at Kaoru's side. A book openly placed in his left hand, and quiet breaths are heard as his shoulders rise and fall. Kaoru blinks in a bit of confusion and Tius's eyes narrow a bit in annoyance. "I wonder how long he's been asleep…"
Tius leans against the wall behind the backboard of the cot. "We should wake him. I'm sure there's still plenty of stuff that needs to be done right now."
Kaoru nods before turning towards the other sleeping Miquote. She places a hand on his shoulder, and gives a gentle shake. "Raha…" She says. His eyes open a bit as he inhales sharply, waking up. "Raha, you should sleep someplace proper if you're tired." G'raha notices who's waking him up, and instantly blushes. He jolts upward, his face flushed red.
"Ah." He stammers. "F-Forgive me. I had wanted to talk to you both when you had woken up. But in waiting, I fear my recent tribulations have caught up to me." Tius scoffs, crossing his arms.
"You better start taking care of yourself. Wouldn't want us to report you back to the Captain Lyna, now, would you, Exarch?" Tius teases. Kaoru gives a small giggle and even G'raha can't help but laugh at the comment.
"Nay." He answers, an embarrassed smile on his face. "I would not want to worry her more than she already is." After a moment, G'raha looks up at them. His smile is replaced with a serious look. "Now then… At the risk of souring the mood, there is something I would like to discuss with you both." Kaoru readjusts herself so she can sit upright properly. G'raha is silent a moment before he looks at Kaoru. "You realize that this is a curse that has been placed upon you, yes?" Kaoru nods. G'raha then sighs, closing his eyes a second before looking up at Tius. "Unfortunately, the means by which we are able to change her back are still unknown." G'raha purses his eyebrows. "And while I won't tell you to get used to your new form, I will say we are fortunate he only transformed you into a Lalafell rather than a toad, or some object without any sentience." But he shakes his head. "It will be rather difficult to identify this curse, much less finding out how to remedy it."
Kaoru looks down at the blankets in what Tius hoped wasn't defeat. Tius scowls. "But there could be one, right?" He asks. "A way to turn her back."
G'raha's ears droop downward. "I'm afraid there's more to it than that. The curse wasn't just to transform her into a Lalafell." He puts a hand out, gesturing to Kaoru. "I'm sure you already feel it, or am I mistaken?" Kaoru shakes her head numbly. G'raha looks at Tius again. "The fix Alphinaud and Krile placed upon her will not hold. Ere long, her aether will become unstable again and threaten to bring her body into shock."
Tius chokes. "What?!"
G'raha drops his hands to his knees and looks down at his boots. "Think of it as a damn that's slowly about to be overtaken by a rising river." Tius looks at Kaoru now. "Left like this, she will surely die." He can see Kaoru trying her hardest to look unaffected by the news. But he knew despite the cold and calculated look on her face, and the composure. Tius knew she was scared.
Tius grabs onto her and holds her in his arms. He inhales sharply. Kaoru and G'raha both have wide eyed surprised expressions. The sudden embrace was unexpected. But even more so, Tius lets tears fall from his eyes as he holds her head. "I refuse to give up." He says. Kaoru chokes a bit, trying her best not to lose the little bit of composure she had. "I won't lose you, too." With that, Kaoru buries her face into his shoulder, and sobs. Her body shakes as she weeps into his shirt and muffled cries fill the room. And even G'raha had to try to hide the tears streaming down his cheeks.
Hope Gallant played by @louderthanthedj
The final Part will be coming soon...
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laeorinel · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 - Day 17
Prompt: Novel
Characters: Thancred Waters.
Nothing but shameless Thancred x Wol fluff here. Vague Endwalker spoilers.
Thancred breathed a sigh of relief as Sharlayan came into view. The nation of scholars had been his home for many years, but his true home was currently within the city. While he was not exactly thrilled at the idea of dealing with Sharlayan politics again, the person waiting for him made it worth the effort. 
Usually, he could go weeks or even months without contact with friends or allies, but being separated from her was different, leaving him with a longing he had never really felt before. He had lost count of the number of nights he had lingered awake, debating whether to use his linkpearl to speak with her, like some lovestruck teen. Something Urianger had very quickly picked up on and teased him mercilessly for. 
She had truly ruined him. 
When word reached him that Samara's visit to the city would coincide with his own, he did something novel for him. Sure, during his womaniser days, he had taken many a lady to a tavern or restaurant to woo them over fine wine and food, but there was always an ulterior motive. One was a mark who had information; another was connected to a noble who was up to no good, or he just wanted to have some fun between the sheets later. The reasons were endless. He had never really had the chance, nor desire, to just be content in another's company until now. So he had started making plans for a somewhat simple date night of sorts. Nothing overly elaborate. Just the two of them, some good food, and the chance to just be a couple for once doing everyday coupley things. 
After dealing with his more official reasons for being in the city, he had a checklist he needed to get through. His travels in the East had given him a few ideas, namely, giving her some tastes of home. He knew that most things connected to her people were a bit of a sore spot, but he was also well aware that there were parts of her culture she missed. While Xaela cuisine was still a bit of a mystery, some of their dishes had been adopted by the Domans. The recipes he had found looked easy enough to make, but he wanted things to be as right as possible, not to mention there was her penchant for sweet treats. Finding decent sweet treats or candies in Sharlayan was akin to getting blood from a stone without paying Dickon a handsome sum of gil, so calling in a few favours at the Last Stand would be needed.
After the food, getting something decent to drink was the next task. A slightly easier endeavour. Samara had never been keen on wine and was even less since the bloody banquet, but she had a taste for other alcoholic drinks, mainly anything spiced. Spiced cider had been her drink of choice while they lingered in Ishgard, and she had said Lassi had reminded her of a drink from her homeland. Some of the Scion's allies still lingered around Old Sharlayan, and to keep them comfortable, the city had started importing various goods from other lands now that trade routes were re-established. Acquiring a few bottles of either would likely not be too difficult. 
Only three more tasks were left on the list, but they would likely prove to be the most challenging. 
First of all, a location. Where could the two of them go where they would not be disturbed? His first thought was her private room at the Annex, but he could not help but wonder how much peace they would be afforded there. G'raha Tia, Krile and Urianger would all make themselves scarce during that time, but the other students and staff? And it was not the most romantic of places either...
His thoughts then turned to one of the hills overlooking the bay. He knew from experience the view was spectacular, and they would have an unobstructed view of the stars. The weather was less than desirable, but few people ventured out that far later in the evening.  
He had options, at least. The following two tasks would be a bit trickier, mainly keeping both his presence in Sharlayan and his plans a secret. He still had his flair for the dramatic and love for bardic tales. What better love story was there than two lost souls reunited under mysterious circumstances?
Regardless, making all of this come together without alerting Samara would be difficult; she had a keener eye than most believed, so he would need help. G'raha Tia and Krile had offered their support in this, saying they could distract her without arousing suspicion. There was one small problem, however. The former Exarch struggled with deceiving Samara after all that had happened on the First. Were she to pointedly ask him if something was amiss, his body language would give him away in seconds. It was a similar situation with Urianger, though he could at least keep control over his expressions.
He wondered if he could get some of his old colleagues lingering in the shadows to help, but he would never live it down. They would think he had gone soft. They were still teasing him for his misadventures in Dravania and his, in their opinion at least, terrible poetry and storytelling. Still, perhaps that wound to his pride was a price worth paying to see her face when this scheme came together. 
It was not often Samara was surprised with something good. Typically it was something bad. Another report of something being either figuratively or literally on fire, and they needed the Warrior of Light to help.
The first time he saw her face light up in glee was when she was surprised by Ryne in the First. Someone had taught Ryne how to make coffee biscuits. He suspected Urianger. Once the young girl had found out about Samara's sweet tooth, she had baked an entire batch just for her. 
He still remembered the look of confusion on her face at first when she was offered the biscuits, that little head tilt she does when trying to figure out the why of what is going on. That small gentle smile when she realised what the gift was for. He lived for those moments where the mask slipped a bit and showed the woman he knew and loved underneath. He could only hope his surprise would be equally well received. 
As the boat docked at the port in Sharlayan, Thancred tried to keep his expression neutral, even if inside, he was a bundle of nerves and excitement. He reached into one of his pockets, taking out the small ring box he had acquired a while ago, thumbing over the now worn fabric covering it for probably the hundredth time. He wondered if he would finally have the nerve to do something with it tonight...
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kisutothestars · 2 years
Name: Lam Voutemps (supposedly)
Rava Viera, he/they, Dragoon
Hobbies: Reading, Experiments, Exploring
Lam is a mysterious Viera with extraordinary smarts and a disdain for bureaucracy and petty rules. Many things about him are fabricated for his own benefit. He enjoys getting under people's skin to figure out what makes them tick, and many find it difficult to break past his carefree façade. Unless he finds them deserving of his attention, he will not remember people's faces or names.
Lam claims he is around 300 years old, and that he's lived to know many people's ancestors in an attempt to spread fake “advice” he claims are Real things Your great grandparents did back in the day. His lies are carefully researched, but he purposefully slips in inaccuracies around history nerds like G'raha Tia just to mess with them more. He is currently still much younger though, although no one can tell. For some reason he is adamant about obscuring his true origins. 
He loves to bend rules, modifying uniforms or committing identity fraud. Although he claims to break any rules he finds troublesome he never seems to break rules that would put others in danger. Most commonly, he breaks rules restricting library access to outsiders because he thinks they are deserving of knowledge as much as a Sharlayan native.
(Backstory etc. under the cut) 
Lam was abandoned as a child and raised by a witch who found the young Viera hiding in the rubble of an empty village. She had a strict and traditional mindset but she collected many books and musty tomes and Lam spent much of his childhood immersed in them. He developed a fondness for conducting experiments and making observational studies in and around his home.
He picked up fighting skills to protect himself and his caretaker in the woods, in particular favoring the lance. Lacking an Ishgardian background though, he doesn't fight like a traditional dragoon, so Lancer would be a more appropriate term for him.
The witch who raised him took note of his quick wits and ability to absorb information like a sponge, and recommended that he attempt to enter Sharlayan to further his studies. When he arrived in Sharlayan, he decided to take on the name Lam Voutemps, a fake Ishgardian-sounding name despite having never been to Ishgard.
When young Lam arrived in Sharlayan he was still somewhat bright eyed and eager, quickly gaining favor with his fellow Sharlayans for his diligent studies and groundbreaking experiments. He was excited to become an Archon for the additional privileges within Sharlayan. After a while he became disillusioned with Sharlayan society, their priority of hoarding knowledge instead of sharing it and their refusal to interact with the outside world where more accurate data could be recorded. 
He works on various projects within Sharlayan, adapting fairly easily to numerous fields. Despite the trouble he causes within Old Sharlayan, his intelligence makes him a worthy asset, and to everyone's dismay he is not exiled.
Lam's Deepest Secrets EXPOSED:
Deep down Lam wishes he had friends, but he is hesitant to form relationships with others because he believes that the more he accomplishes the more his friends will feel inadequate around him and eventually they will fall apart. He also does not want relationships with others to get in the way of his ambition and curiosity. His bad behavior and terrible reputation are to drive people away so they don't try to suck up to him, especially because he has connections with a lot of influential members of Sharlayan society.
Despite his behavior, Lam has a soft spot for people, falling in love hard and fast and easily convinced to do things for others. He desperately wants to be left alone but then constantly seeks attention from the people he likes.
His “true name” that he named himself at the young age of 13 is incredibly embarrassing and cringe. Being 13 and not knowing your cultural background/family history can do that to you. 😔
Lam is sort of a wild card for me as an OC so he’s designed to be either WoL or non-WoL support character depending on what I feel like. ides his backstory and personality, none of his canon is set in stone and I just ship him with whoever without committing too much to one pairing. He’s taller than max height M Viera sorry for breaking canon. 
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kaoru-takaida · 3 years
FFXIV Fanfiction Chapter: No Simple Solution...
*contains Shadowbringers spoilers and patch 5.5 spoilers*
Tius watches in despair as Alphinaud and G'raha both heal Kaoru. Kaoru, who is shaking and struggling for breath on the floor of the Solar. They had been talking about recent events, and about strategy. When the now turned Lalafell had suddenly collapsed on the floor, unable to move or breathe. Moments later, she was in Dawn's Respite, sleeping to regain her strength. Hope, Y'Shtola, and G'raha enter the hallway where they see Tius peeking in through the cracked door where Alphinaud is keeping a temporary watch on Kaoru.
Given his recent struggles with the Arenvald incident, Tius had decided Alphinaud would be her caretaker for now. Maybe to help harden his resolve, since it was obvious to all the Scions he was slowly regressing and his confidence was wavering. Hope steps forward, breaking the silence. "Tius?" Tius turns to look at them. He takes one last glance into the room and then walks forward, meeting them. "We've all been racking our brains and researching as hard as we can to break Kaoru from her curse."
Tius nods. Y'Shtola puts a hand to her head, supported by her other arm tucked underneath. "There had been somewhat of a breakthrough. A theory, in other words." Tius's ears rise slightly. Y'Shtola puts a hand of reasoning out. "You recall the skill I've employed twice now, a forbidden arte dubbed 'Flow'." Tius nods.
"You used it when you all were attacked during the Bloody Banquet in Ul'dah. And then once more on the First to avoid dying when you fell down a chasm." Tius explains. Y'Shtola nods.
"The spell is a way to slip oneself into the Lifestream and traverse the Aetherial Sea." She begins. "Traversing it is dangerous, but the effects on the body and soul are even more hazardous." Y'Shtola scowls. "However, it requires the flesh be temporarily broken down to be carried, and then reconstructed upon resurfacing." Tius gasps slightly.
"We think it possible for her body to reconstruct itself and be purified by the Lifestream, thus returning her to her natural form." G'raha concludes. He puts up a finger. "Tis all speculation, mind you. But we'd have all the help we can get with Master Matoya, ourselves, and the Seedseer, Kan-E-Senna present were anything to go awry."
"Urianger is convincing her as we speak." Hope tells Tius. "If we're gonna attempt this, we'll have to do it as soon as possible." Tius clenches his fists though.
"But wait a second…" Tius begins. "Y'Shtola came out of it blind. What kind of thing could happen to Kaoru if we stick her into the Lifestream?" Tius asks. "And how are we even gonna keep her from getting lost? We had to jump through hoops and luck out looking for Y'Shtola. What if we lose her too?"
Y'Shtola gestures to Tius. "That's where you come in." Tius cocks an eyebrow. "We think that you can serve as her tether. Her emotional and spiritual attachment to the world."
"Will that be enough?"
G'raha is the one that sighs now. "I wish there was more we could tell you, but the simple fact of the matter is that we just don't know. And that we're running out of time." Tius scowls. G'raha puts a hand on his shoulder. "Would you like me to tell her? Or would you rather?" Tius looks down at the floor. But unexpectedly, he looks up at G'raha and nods. G'raha blinks, looking slightly surprised, ears flinching upward. He then swallows hard, and nods now, looking determined.
Hope and Tius watch through the cracked door as G'raha gives Kaoru and Alphinaud the news. However, Kaoru nods and says she'll do it, without hesitation. A fiery determination in her eyes. Alphinaud is the one to ask her if she was sure, looking worried. But it's clear her mind is made up. Hope looks at Tius. "Why didn't you tell her yourself?"
Tius steps away from the doorway, looking down at his boots. "It's… becoming clearer and clearer to me recently that… I'm not able to be what Kaoru needs." Hope's jaw drops. She looks back into the room, where her own partner is clenching his fists in disdain of himself. "I'm not able to do anything for her. For anyone. And if G'raha can be that for a while, at least I know she'll have the support she needs. But…" Hope looks back at Tius. "I will become what she needs. Because I love her, and she deserves it."
Hope can't help but smile. But it's short lived, because this makes her look back at Alphinaud. Being… what someone needs, huh?
Alphinaud sets a tome down on the table, looking perplexed. He puts a hand to his chin, deep in thought. But drops his hands to his sides. His fists begin to shake slightly and he scowls now. He scoffs before swiping along the top of the table, sliding the scrolls and tomes all onto the floor. One of the scrolls roll an extra bit and stops, tapping against someone's boot.
Alphinaud looks up to see Hope, standing there. A concerned expression on her face. He gasps a bit, before looking down at the floor, clearly embarrassed and regretful. Hope reaches down and starts picking up scrolls, sitting daintily on the floor, her legs tucked under her. Alphinaud, a sour look on his face, kneels down and begins to help. "Kaoru and Tius went with G'raha to see Kan-E-Senna and E-Sumi-Yan." Hope tells him. He doesn't say anything. He reaches for another scroll, but Hope puts a hand on his, making him stop. "Alphinaud…" He remains silent still. Hope set the Tomes and scrolls aside and took his hand now. "Are you gonna talk to me?"
Alphinaud sighs slightly. He closes his eyes. "I… I just…" He begins. Alphinaud relaxes his shoulders before opening his eyes to look at Hope, his eyebrows pursed. It was a look that broke Hope's heart. But Hope remembers Tius's words. She closes her eyes before leaning forward and reaching up to Alphinaud.
She then gently pulls his head to her shoulder, taking him by surprise. "I'm here." She tells him. She places her hand on his head and begins stroking his hair. His breath catches in his throat. "Whatever you need to do. Wherever you need to go. Whatever you need. I am here to be that." Tears well in Alphinaud's eyes. "I'm here for you."
He drops the scrolls and tomes in his arms, and suddenly clings to Hope, burying his face into her right shoulder. He sobs once. "I just want to be as strong as you. Strong enough to help everybody and anybody. And fend for myself." He says betweens sobs. "But… when Arenvald…" He sniffles. "A-And what Fordola said…"
Hope opens her eyes. "What Fordola said may be true. But it doesn't make it right." Alphinaud pulls away slightly, their faces ilms from each other. Hope scowls. "Yes. We can't save everyone." Alphinaud looks down at the floor. "Yes, bad things happen and without any reason. Yes, sometimes we lose." Hope takes Alphinaud's face by the chin, making him face her. His expression softens. "But, Alphinaud, we have to try. Because you're right. All life is precious. All life is worth protecting." Hope pushes a few strands of his bangs away from his eyes. “And what happened to Arenvald?” Hope shakes her head. “There was nothing any of us could do.” Alphinaud closes his eyes, resting his cheek against her hand. “Arenvald made the decision. And he’d make it again if he had a chance. You know this, too, right?” Alphinaud nods, and then looks at her again. The sound of the door opening interrupts them. The two look over at the door as an unsuspecting Estinien walks into the room. “Estinien…” Hope and Alphinaud look at one another. They take a second to remember their position, and both of them instantly blushes.
Alphinaud pulls away from Hope, blushing and wiping his eyes. Hope grimaces, fussing with her hair, face red. “Dare I ask,” Alphinaud begins, clearing his throat,” was there aught you needed from us?”
Estinien nods. "It's time."
Alphinaud and Hope look at each other, exchanging worried looks.
Tius is silent, sitting on the ground next to G'raha. Kaoru, wearing a hempen camisole and slacks, walks over to the two Miquote males. She has a smile on her face. One that almost makes Tius forget the crazy thing they're about to attempt. "Don't look so worried you guys." Kaoru tells them. She sits on the grass. She looks at Tius. "I trust your will, Tius." She turns to G'raha. "And your knowledge, Raha."
Tius sighs, forcing a smile on his face. He looks at G'raha. "Let's do our best!" He says, a little louder than he'd intended. But it worked, making G'raha smile and nod too.
Half a bell later, Kaoru was laying on the grass, her head propped up on Tius's lap as she began to nod off. "I love you, Tius." She tells him with a smile. He gives her a determined scowl.
"We've got ya. So just try and focus on getting back." She gives one last smile before her eyes close and she gently falls asleep.
The sleep potion she'd drank a head of time would lull her to slumber, making it so she could focus on her soul rather than her body. It would be like a lucid dream to her. Whist that happens, the others would plunge her into the Lifestream, as it broke down her flesh and purify it. As soon as they were able, they will quickly pull her from the Lifestream and hopefully her true form would return
But with all the moving parts, everyone would need to concentrate their hardest and try their best. Here at one of the oldest trees in the Twelveswood, the Lifestream was heavy here. Tius's connection would be a tether to keep her here and it would be ideal to pull her out. Y'Shtola looks at Kan-E-Senna and E-Sumi-Yan.
E-Sumi-Yan nods now. "Let us begin." He says. Y'Shtola begins to power her aether, muttering sacred words. E-Sumi-Yan and Kan-E-Senna remove their canes, readying themselves. Tius grips Kaoru's hand in anticipation. G'raha grimaces, tensed at the suspense.
A glowing orb of magic forms in Y'Shtola's hands, drafty winds spiraling from the area. "Ready." She says. Tius sets Kaoru's head down on the grass and takes a step back. Y'Shtola kneels down next to her, and places the orb of magic over Kaoru. It sat there for but a moment before it sucked Kaoru in and vanished with a flowing surge of wind.
Tius folds his hands, focusing on his connection to Kaoru. His love. The oddest feeling was he could feel her. Her warmth, her kindness, her selflessness. E-Sumi-Yan and Kan-E-Senna look around at the glowing lights now forming around them. Bouts of Aether made visible by the magicks being used. "Which one is she?" E-Sumi-Yan wonders aloud.
Tius glances at G'raha. Who's closed his eyes and is praying. But this was a mistake… because glancing over gave Tius a tinge of jealousy… and doubt. And within that one moment between seconds, without realizing, Kaoru's connection slipped from Tius and faded. Tius gasps suddenly. The lights of aether fade quickly. Everyone present gasp in shock. "I lost her!"
G'raha's eyes snap open. "What?!"
Everyone looks around quickly for a flicker of visible aether. But when no one finds one, E-Sumi-Yan scoffs. "We must yank her out! Kan-E-Senna I'll need your help!"
Kaoru is sitting in the darkness. Swirling lights spiral around her. She can hear her heartbeat. It was faint, and weak. Too weak it would seem… She thinks to herself. The light is right there. She knew the others were looking for her. But she didn't have the strength to walk forward. She sighs. "I… tire of this charade…"
Footsteps ring behind her. "So… you've decided to give up on that particular fantasy, have you?" A voice asks her.
Kaoru smiles to herself. "Not exactly." She stands up slowly, her back facing the darkness and the voice within it. She frowns. "The last time I faced you with this same predicament, I countered thinking in my soul that the Light was just, and the only good in life. But after treating with the people on the First… and now finding out more about Hydaelyn…" She scowls. "But now I know that that mindset would only bring ruin to those around me." She turns and looks at the owner of the voice. Their jaw is dropped, and they look confused, taken aback. "I've… made quite a mess of things. And because of my stubbornness and mistakes, I put others at risk and worried many people." She scoffs. "You included."
The voice hisses a second, feigning disgust. "What is this sentimental rabble?" They demand. "Spill it already! Why did you summon me?" Kaoru gives them a sad smile.
"I'm not strong enough to go back. Not right now." She begins. "So… I would ask you a favor…"
Alphinaud and Alisaie rush through the Inn hall. They spot E-Sumi-Yan. He notices them and holds up a hand, stopping them. "Brother E-Sumi-Yan…" Alisaie begins.
"Tell us, were they successful?" Alphinaud asks for the birth of them. E-Sumi-Yan scowls slightly, his young face looking serious.
"Yes, and no." He says. "It worked to a degree. But there were a few… complications." The twins exchange worried glances. He puts his hand down at his side. "Pray… do not expect much." He tells them, a disappointed look on his face.
The twins step past E-Sumi-Yan where they look into the Inn room. Everyone but G'raha and Tius turn to look at them. Hope speaks first. "Hi, you two." She begins. They both look at Kan-E-Senna to her left. She nods and they walk forward again. Kaoru is seated in bed, in a hempen tunic and under the covers. Only… something didn't seem right. Her features were slightly different, brighter eyes with no Limbal Rings, darker highlights. Which was no surprise if her body had really been "reset" as they had thought it would be. Kaoru did not have the Limbal Rings when they were children but gained them as their preteen years came. However, something did not seem right…
"Kaoru?" Alisaie asks. Kaoru looks over to them.
She cocks an eyebrow. "Not… exactly…" She tells them. Even the tone of her voice, the way she said those two words, was different… The twins both automatically knew without any further explanation: This was not their childhood friend, but someone else entirely.
So the question was: What happened to Kaoru?
Hope Gallant played by @louderthanthedj
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