#|| Like I said after Hashirama's transition to Tobirama everything is considered to be “Konoha” not just “Senju” per the expansion of the
hatredcurse · 1 year
i'd love if you write an in depth clan alliance!
It is not too terribly in-depth.
Here's like the most precise way I can list it without droning on for 500000+ paragraphs:
Uzumaki - Relative clan via marriage.
Sarutobi - First Ally
Shimura - First Ally
Hyuuga; Kept - First Ally
Fuma; Kept - First Ally
Hagoromo; Given up
Hozuki; Given Up
Taketori; partially given up (does not exist within Konoha borders) but exist through extension of the Hyuuga clan.
Those are all the named clans that persisted from the Warring State Periods into Founders Era. I can argue that since the Uchiha never took control of the country/it is """""""""technically"""""""" democratic (hard quotations as it seems to be rather nepotism-coded despite Tobirama's literal one command for popular sovereignty— to fault of the writer), all later allied clans are under Senju allegiance. It sort of hard stops here because everything after Hashirama's incumbency is at namesake of Konoha; not to any one clan.
The later noble clans (Aburame, Akimichi) and whoever else (Hatake, Yamanaka, etc) joined under Konoha, not the Senju specifically. Even if the existing Senju members, at the time, still want to claim ownership over their allegiance due to dominant control of the land.
I've had some unnamed/made-up clans as place holders for either clan during WSP, but presumably were retired/disbanded/did not pledge to Konoha.
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sazzafraz · 3 years
i’m probably truly never get back to crashing tide 
Taijutsu sucks. I want to die. Everything can eat my ass.
Moving from the Land of Song’s Sun Crane Style into the far more frenetic Moon-Walking Water one favoured by Lightning proved that I was a goddamn hack who should have kept up her yoga classes. Yes, the sharingan had made learning it easy but fuck if it wasn’t hard on the joints. The recall and fluidity of the motions was only as good as my personal understanding and flexibility. I was about 50-50 on both and positively dying. 
Not that the kid cared. “When can I learn those?”
“Thirteen.” I dropped low to stretch out my hip and then returned to practicing forcing chakra the opposite direction of my movements. It was sticky and sluggish but there was no way to get better other than to just keep going. “You can learn the lighter forms the hard way but until you start puberty the muscle mass necessary won’t be there.”
“I thought you didn’t fight.”
I did fight. Very close range or very long. I was a sitting duck otherwise. Dropping into a slightly messy Pigeon Pose I waved him forward. “You’re never going to have as much muscle mass as the Inuzuka or the Hyuuga. It may not seem like it but they build ‘em big. Just be glad you won’t have to fist fight a Senju.” Oh wait. He might have to fist fight a Senju. “And if you do, play dirty because they’re all muscle.”
“The Senju are dead.”
“The Senju have taken a long sabbatical from being decent contributing members of society. Follow me.” I stretched. Welcomed the sun. Threw in some warriors. Then went into the opening moves of Fire Over Air. In the manga learning the Great Fireball technique conveyed adulthood. In this splinter reality I learned that the Uchiha had spent six centuries or so developing specific fighting styles to fight every alignment. Mastering the opening sequences of those made you an adult. It made sense given what out bloodline could do and if it was complete it would go some way to explaining Itachi’s complete OP-ness. Fire Over Air I did every day because it forced me to use an element I was great at to control one I was abysmal with. 
Sasuke followed my physical position to a t. Legs in Warrior pose, hands switching between Bird and Tiger. The trick was to feel the moment where one nature became another and to force the power down smothering the emerging chakra. This was stop one of oh, about a thousand. 
I could feel the switch-dampen-switch happen between my hands. The tiny release of it was easy to control and not uncomfortable. Sasuke followed. I could almost feel his frustration with it. 
“Fire Over Air is one of the harder forms. We’ll try Fire Over Water in a second.”
“Fire Over what?”
“This form. It’s one of the Four Pillars of Suppression. Fire Over Air. Fire Over Water. Fire Over Earth. Fire Over Lightning. You start here with the basic release signs so you can learn how fire affects every release and over time you add steps. At the end you’re supposed to be like Uchiha Masaru, able to stop any technique with his will and a hand.” It also made using acquired jutsu easier. 
“Why are we standing like this.”
“Stand up straight and try again.”
He did. The second he went from Bird to Tiger a gust of air spun up and blasted his hands apart. “Why?”
“Grounding.” I changed my feet and dropped weight into them. “This position is used a lot in Earth and Air techniques -the really old school kind that’s more like dancing than brawling. The part of you that is Earth aligned automatically grounds the rest of you and disperses volatile energy.”
He frowned at his stinging hands. “I don’t have an Earth alignment.”
“Yeah you do.” I peacefully moved to Half Moon to do the fourth sequence of Fire Over Lightning. “Chakra exists as the physical manifestation of our spirit in space. It doesn’t follow logic very well. Hashirama, unhelpful genius that he sometimes was, invented a universal hand sign language that we use in Konoha. It gets rid of a lot of the hassle in remembering foot positions.” Move to Fire Over Earth in Crescent pose. “Before that there were variations in how each Clan and people performed any given jutsu. Our ancestors probably started this style to try and understand it.” Fire Over Water was a pain to transition to. All of it’s lower body movements were fierce and space consuming. I flowed down into one of it’s ending poses, a simple cross legged seat. 
“I don’t know any of this.”
He wouldn’t. “I got stationed with older kin a lot during the war. We traded secrets.” My mother taught me Fire over Lightning but it was the only one she ever learnt all the way through. I had the basic sets of all of them but like her I only learnt Fire Over Water all the way to the end.     
“So you’re going to teach me.”
“The basics. Most everyone only learnt the one.”
“I need to know all of them.”
I backtracked over the conversation, found the flaw and chastised myself. “It isn’t exactly like Great Uncle Masaru’s technique. For one he had Fuu Dog summons and god knows that scroll has been lost for awhile. It’s not a one shot.”
“Teach me.” He screwed up his little hand. “I need to know.”
Well. This is on me, then. “Fine. I can teach you the first five sequences of all of them and twenty four of Fire Over Lightning. I know all forty four of Fire Over Water but I will not show you more than the twenty ninth without the sharingan.”  
He blanched.
“Kid,” I said laughing. “We’ve had six hundred years to obsess. Cousin Sho needed about twenty days to let his thing for a Akimichi girl get all of us banned for life.”
A slash of white. A small grin. “That was funny.”
That was last year, I recalled. “Yeah. It was. If you’re betting on your brother knowing it, yeah, he probably does. It’s useful and we’re obsessive. If you think-”
“I just wanna know.” He replied in a much shyer, smaller voice.
I replayed the conversation again. 
“Okay.” Considering it through the prism of six hundred unbroken years of family. “Okay. But if I decide not to show you something it’s a medical decision. We’ve defanged a lot of these but they’re primarily analysis positions for fully trained shinobi with the sharingan. They’re combative, like you saw with the first move. You only work with higher levels of less stable energy as we go.”
Not that he’d ever know it but one of the main reasons, after the police and the eye stealing and the whole blood feud, that the Uchiha hated Tobirama was that he’d rendered large parts of the Pillar style obsolete by just mashing together new techniques faster than we could account for them. And then there was the Uzumaki clan throwing in some seals to just really fuck it all up. Certain strains of the sharingan -Madara’s, Itachi’s, Sasuke’s- had a hard on for sealing jutsu. Other’s -me, everyone else- got a horrible sense of vertigo if we tried to copy Uzumaki seals.
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