#|| consensus || ooc
muchmossymess · 7 months
Why is everyone here so obsessed with sex and romance why can't you appreciate the comedic genius of "rivals who fight about parenting to rile the other up to begrudging coparents who bicker like a divorced couple to actually maybe tolerating the other and the insults are now less spiteful and biting to hells first qpr (queerplatonic rivalry) to hells first qpr (queerplatonic relationship)"
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mxtxfanatic · 3 months
I don’t think anyone will understand how visceral of a negative reaction I get to seeing a bingqiu fic tagged with rape/noncon.
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
Orion arc soundop (one sided) hatesex
Soundwave wants to live with the knowledge that he got to tap that ass and he got to make a mess of orion
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visual-calc · 9 months
Say, does quantum physics correlate with time traveling journey? Time traveling machine quite tempting to be made..
VISUAL CALCULUS [Heroic: Success] — Quantum physics actually has very little to do with our understanding of time, or the possibility of time travel. Most of the relevant theory falls under the theory of relativity, with a little bit of thermodynamics sprinkled in.
At its most basic level, relativity states that our reality exists in four dimensions: the three spatial dimensions we usually think of, and time, which is why we sometimes refer to it as "spacetime". Time is connected to the other three dimensions in a special way: the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. Similarly, the closer you are to very massive object, such as a black hole or Elysium's core, the slower time passes for you.
This means that it is almost trivially easy to travel forward in time— just steal an aerostatic and fly very, very fast, or take a vacation at the bottom of the ocean. Either of these will cause you to experience less time than a friend who stays stationary or at sea level, so upon your return you will have effectively traveled to the future— by a few billionths of a second. A difference in elevation of a few thousand feet is not enough to create a significant difference in time, nor are there any means of transportation able to reach the necessary speeds to make this a practical means of time travel. But traveling forward is at least theoretically possible.
However, based on your prior interaction with Savoir Faire and Interfacing, I suspect that you are interested in traveling backwards, and I am afraid I need to be the bearer of bad news: it is simply impossible. The arrow of time only points forward. This is a law higher than you, or me, or Authority, or any of us. There is nothing we can do to reverse it, in any normal reality.
Physically, this is intrinsically linked to the idea of entropy, a measure of disorder. Entropy can never decrease— any process that is possible can only increase disorder, never decrease it. Reversing the flow of time and traveling backwards through it would allow you to increase order. For example, if you broke a glass, then traveled back to a time where the glass was whole again, you would be returning it to its ordered state, making backwards time travel impossible just from a physics standpoint. That doesn't even scratch the surface of the possible paradoxes of causality such travel would cause.
However. Not all of Elysium is part of our normal sense of reality. Entropy and entroponetic share the same root, after all— the Pale is entropy incarnate, disorder made manifest. Deep enough in the Pale, this disorder is great enough that our usual notions of time and space have no meaning. Reality ceases to have dimensions at all and the laws of physics break down.
The only way we can travel through the Pale at all is using Pale latitude compressors— devices that allow us to force the Pale into having dimensions again, taking on the shape of our familiar four-dimensional spacetime. No one has ever tried forcing the pale into being anything else. It's easy to see why— for transport of human beings, you want to make sure that they stay cocooned in a reality they can safely exist in. But, I do confess to having wondered whether it might be possible to use a Pale latitude compressor to impose a different type of reality on the Pale. If we're imposing dimensions anyway, perhaps it's possible to pick how they relate to each other such that traveling backwards in time is possible?
Please do note that I do not recommend that you try this, Turtle. Harry's brief encounter with the latitude compressor in Martinaise has more than convinced me that they are not to be trifled with. Additionally, there's no telling whether a set of dimensions that would allow time travel would also allow you to exist, or whether such a set would even exist at all. Most of us have come to like you quite a lot— I would hate to see you perish as a result of an entroponetic accident because you tried to time travel.
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deadn30n · 10 months
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thoughts and onions on this new divider? big bc my poor eyes
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nachtsoklein · 13 days
if no one's got me gail's got me
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aclrenaline · 13 days
what do we think everyone's role on the team was btw. like javi was the engineer and kate was the head of the whole thing but like. what were jeb and praveen and addy doing we think
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draconicfool · 14 days
you guys are bullying jy but I'm currently writing a drabble for mew about him slamming his hot wife so who's really winning here /j
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godstrayed · 1 year
would it be a bother if i just used regular sized text rather than small... although it takes up more space & such which is the only real reason i've been using small.. so i use less dash space when i get a lil too wordy (all the time) lmao but my logic is if really long replies bothered y'all and my spamming dash with words y'all would have unfollowed already ... my eyes are just increasingly bad these days and i find stuff difficult to read when it's small & heavily prettified.
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ashedrose · 1 month
i'm just sayin margaery has a whole ass hotd verse casually covered in dust if y'all wanna do some sunday cleaning
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la-vie-en-romano · 4 months
It'd help to know if I'm not the only one that experiences this-
If you feel comfortable saying, just how... rowdy(?) do your fans get? - @/ace-of-hearts-sats
a lot of the times, it is just a matter of kids not knowing any better and not meaning anything bad by it. you know, every male musician has his following of teenage girls. and that doesn't bother me too much, it's to be expected nowadays.
but what bothers me the most is when people who most certainly should know better (i.e, grown adults), don't. and when they try to use my way of presenting myself as an excuse.
for my solo work, i definitely lean towards a softer and more emotional, and borderline romantic light. but i still notice the nasty few who'll just be like "oh, he's basically asking for it" when i'm not. i present myself in this way because i feel it suits me. i don't intentionally do it for anyone else, people just happen to enjoy it. some people just enjoy it too much.
but the worst part is that if i'm done with a concert and trying to say hi to people, there's often just a group of people that follow me around like moths, or something. and what really breaks my heart is seeing other people (who genuinely do respect and appreciate me) be discouraged and maybe even scared away by these people.
but, like i said, it really only gets to me when its adults who should know better. and they are just a minority of my following. you'll find that most of my fans are absolutely lovely <3 (/p)
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rawr-mortgage · 2 months
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i just let out the longest sigh of my life.
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
michael is pretty but in the feral sleep deprived kind of way. he's pretty like a man who is essentially a sopping wet cat in the rain. and yes i DO think that should be acknowledged.
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un-pearable · 11 months
illadvisedly been reading LU fic again and boy has the fic scene only gotten weirder about the leader thing
#the core conceit is that these are all singularly competent and accomplished heroes#awkwardly forced to work together and collaborate#the whole idea that time is ~ obviously the leader ~ is such boring nonsense#like Yeah i can see why it would shake out that way in the comic but in these fics people straight up take it as far as time outright orderi#ordering people around and being honestly mean. and it’s written off as ‘well obviously they’d all listen to him’#and like. okay for 1) with the exclusion of four all of these guys did their adventures independently. ft. fun sidekicks sure but they are#incredibly skilled individual fighters and experienced travelers#2) uh. nothing about time other than him arbitrarily being the oldest (bc jojo thought it would be more interesting - he never appears at#this age in canon) would make him an inherently better leader. he isn’t even the most experienced out of any of them#NOTORIOUSLY the hero of time is one of the youngest and wrapped up his heroism by the age of 12#if anything either warriors or four would be the best to formally lead (literal military captain and Guy Who’s Whole Adventure Was About#Teamwork). and 3) i don’t even really care about any of 2 i just think they don’t NEED a single leader like this much less that they would#pick one. they’re all stubborn little shits. they’ve got there little cliches and generally all like each other but fundamentally links are#just. not the type to fall in line in a hierarchy.#the best take on the leader problem in fic is usually ‘yeah whoever’s world this is is in charge to get us somewhere safe 👍’ and like#group consensus. i Get the level of respect time gets as ‘leader’ in the comic but fic wayyyyy over extends it (as a result of the scope#being bonkers bigger) but sincerely i think it’s incredibly stupid and ooc to write them as falling in line behind a Single Guy regardless#of which guy it is. and let’s be real it’s only time bc ocarina of time is the single most influential zelda game#idk. jay’s LUposting while halfway through an assignment again 👍#text✨#admittedly yes you do need someone to make Final Decisions on things. that is not the way most fics write time though#(to his and EVERYONE ELSE’S detriment. stop making people boring. let them fight about what they’re going to do more. time would be waymore)#interesting if people actually address the whole ‘he’s the oldest so he’s in charge’ thing as it really is: everyone mistaking him for Super#Skilled And Talented when he’s spent the 30 years since he killed ganon farming in the middle of nowhere. and he’s just like haha yeah sure!#i definitely know how to coordinate 9 fighters with distinct fighting styles ! i can do that! <- guy who sends his wife on market trips bc#he grew up in a forest of like 5 total children and still thinks normal human adults are weird
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54prowl · 11 months
best howl pendragon jenkins look?
asking for a friend (me)
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monstriiss · 1 year
happy pride drath swallows dick and eats pussy just about as good as she is at eating people alive like the pan/demi man eating queen she is 💅
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