#/ Elrond: do i troll or do i troll
rivendell-poet · 29 days
Hello! If it’s not too much to ask, can I request platonic headcanons for the Fellowship with a female reader that’s a human teenager? She’s not as good as fighting as them, and at first glance she seems approachable and easygoing, but she’s clever and can oftentimes outwit her opponents with creative combat moves. She’s also sort of a little sister to them, albeit a quite reckless and charming one.
I just love platonic LOTR because I feel like they would all be such great friends in their own way :’) Please take your time with this request, and I wish you a lovely day/night ❤️
Hey anon, so sorry it took me this long to answer but I hope you enjoy! I'm absolutely a sucker for platonic Lord of the Rings fiction, all of the characters are so sibling-coded! You have a lovely day/night too, and thanks so much for requesting!
*・༓˚✧❝𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « headcanons »
○ Aragorn ○ Legolas ○ Gimli ○ Boromir ○ Pippin ○ Merry ○ Frodo ○ Sam ○
GN!Reader | No TWs | Wordcount : 2.1k
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✧ Years of putting up with being the younger brother of the twins has finally paid off.
✧ Never truly got the appeal of younger siblings until you came around.
✧ (Understands better than most that family is not just blood, but is based on who you choose and who you want to be around. Genuinely hopes he falls under that for you.)
✧ Worries about you but tries not to make it obvious, checking up on you in a more casual way like slowing his walking speed so he can be in time with you then ask about your day.
✧ Understands that your skills mean you should be in this fellowship - but did you have to give him a heart-attack after almost not parrying the cave troll? Poor man is already trying to keep up with the hobbits, and now you.
✧ Does admire the creativity you use in your attacks and is quick to praise it, occasionally shares anecdotes of his less-than-ordinary ‘weapons’ and how he used them.
✧ Subtly tries to get you to pick up more combat skills by offering to spar with you when Boromir spars with the hobbits.
✧ Is a very patient teacher, willing to go over things multiple times and demonstrates what to do very well.
✧ Does not appreciate the recklessness either; you have made him realise just how much he needs to apologise to Elrond and the twins for his youth. Tries to stop you from doing it under the guise that you’re ‘encouraging the hobbits’.
✧ You realise this is a ruse when he tells you it at Helm’s Deep, with precisely no hobbits to be found. Aragorn does not apologise for this.
✧ Notices you actively being charming and takes you under his wing in that regard, teaching you about diplomacy.
✧ Legolas doesn’t understand just how young you are until the topic of the Fellowship’s ages comes up and you’re the youngest by a decade. Doesn’t think this is a big deal until he sees Boromir do a slight double-take.
✧ Talks with you after and realises the age, you try and reassure him with the ‘I’m mature for my age’ and he doesn’t accept it.
✧ Firmly next to you for the first few days after it, although he doesn’t baby you - he’s just overprotective.
✧ Feels bad about not realising previously.
✧ Is a single child, to a single father, so doesn’t really realise how closely he regards you as family until he starts teaching you elvish words and family comes up. How the first words he thinks of, that he believes you should know, are ‘brother’ and ‘little sibling’.
✧ Does one of his odd elven stares at you with this realisation. You ask him and he blinks before apologising, stating it’s an elf thing.
✧ You don’t believe it and ask Aragorn. The ranger looks from you to Legolas, sees the worry in Legolas’ eyes, and decides on mercy by backing it up.
✧ Insists on teaching you archery. Isn’t sure whether to be impressed or offended when you stab an orc with an arrow instead of shooting it. It works… he supposes.
✧ Never slips up until he’s introducing you to his father in Elvish, and accidentally calls you his younger sibling instead of his friend.
✧ You know just enough elvish to realise what he’s said (combined with the look on Thranduil’s face) and smile. Then ask him later if he could have given you that realisation anywhere except in front of his father.
✧ Immediately loves you for your charm, and the fact you engage in deep conversation with him instead of assuming all dwarves only speak basically and are incapable of eloquence.
✧ Certainly teaches you a lot when it comes to charm and wit, and by the end of your journey your speaking with a few too many dwarf idioms for a human teenager.
✧ Would totally be willing to teach you Khuzdul if you wanted to. Refuses to tell you what the terms of endearment he calls you are (‘little treasure’, ‘spark’, and sometimes ‘younger sibling’)
✧ Is very grateful none of the rest of the Fellowship know enough about dwarven culture to call him out on the little things he does for you, like making sure your weapons are polished to an immaculate degree or keeping your food warm for you using rocks.
✧ Offers to braid your hair for you before Helm’s Deep, both grateful you don’t understand dwarf customs and not.
✧ (He’d be much too embarrassed to offer you his familial braid if you knew what it meant).
✧ When you ask to braid his hair he helps you create a unique braid, with dwarvish meaning. That’s how you figure out what the braid he gave you means.
✧ As long as you’re winning your fights he doesn’t care how you’re using a weapon - he still admires good tactics.
✧ Complains that teenagers are too busy growing awkwardly to use the proper dwarven techniques of fighting.
✧ Laughs a bit too much when he tries to teach you his style and you fall over while trying to swing his hammer in a circle.
✧ Literally an older sibling. Adopts Merry and Pippin in all but law, and will do exactly the same to you as well. You have little choice in this manner.
✧ Shows his affection to you mainly by spending time with you and listening to you because that’s what he’s always done with Faramir. However he’s fairly observant, and if he can tell you’d rather be doing something else (like whittling or scouting) he’ll happily do that.
✧ Cares more about the fact he’s spending time with you than what he’s doing with that time.
✧ Also has a minor heart attack when he realises how old you are. Knows he’s had recruits the same age as you, but this is different. He’s not actively trying to lead those recruits with him to Mordor.
✧ Very good combat teacher, as it was his job for a while. Best with a sword and shield but will adapt to your weapon of choice, he can use pretty much all of them.
✧ After he witnesses you mess up a sword-thrust and almost gets impaled he gives you his shield. You protest, and he says you can give it back to him once you’ll be able to protect yourself without him.
✧ Highly complimentary of your wit in battle, is aware of how often people overlook wisdom in combat compared to brute force (*cough, cough* Denethor) and makes sure you’re praised enough for your actions.
✧ Often speaks about introducing you to Faramir and how he hopes you’ll like each often, shares a lot of anecdotes from when the two were younger. (Has very occasionally called you his brother’s name by accident.)
✧ Tries to make sure you spend time on your journey exploring the world, like Rivendell, so that you can keep your sense of wonder. Hopes you’ll retain it even after everything.
✧ Closest in age to you, which he very much appreciates. Hobbits generally aren’t considered adults until their thirty (and he’s only twenty-nine) so jokes about the two of you being so much better than all the old corpses over here.
✧ Tries to convince you to make fun of Boromir and Aragorn’s age with him. One of his ways to cheer you up is to point at the ranger and simply say ‘old’.
✧ Did that once to Gandalf, and then never again to Gandalf. (Also tries to get you to help him with Gandalf.)
✧ In an odd way, you not being especially skilled in combat is quite comforting to him - it’s nice to know there are folk outside the Shire who sometimes struggle with this as well.
✧ Complains in a joking manner when he sees you use skill to fend off goblins and that you lied to him.
✧ “You told me you weren’t that good at combat, not that you’re a tactical genius!”
✧ Wants to offer you pipeweed but isn’t sure if you should be able to have it. Boromir and Aragorn disagree. Goes with whatever you decide (although also would never pressure you into smoking if you don’t want to).
✧ Is genuinely disappointed when he doesn’t become taller than you after the ent draft. Insists life is unfair, and that you should be down on his level.
✧ Asks if you’ll help him and Merry finally bring down Boromir honourably. (Fails to see that you coming up behind the warrior would not be considered honourable.)
✧ Treats you a lot like he does Pippin, in that he’s very open with you, one of his main goals is to make you laugh, and he constantly looks out for you.
✧ Also nicknames, tries so many nicknames. Even if your name can’t be shortened he still gives you one, it’s just more nonsensical. Will see you’ve got slightly more radish in your soup than everyone else and call you ‘rad’ for the next day. Sees nothing wrong with what he is doing.
✧ Very excited to discover the Shire love for mischief and pranks is present in humans as well - or at least in you.
✧ Pippin tries to persuade you to play pranks on Merry with him, but you always side with the latter.
✧ Will not allow you to criticise your combat skills - even if it’s constructive and not self-deprecating. (“No, the orc literally almost took my arm off Merry.” “Well, with that attitude it certainly almost did!”)
✧ Tries to initiate sparring matches between you and Boromir by seeing you standing next to each other and shouting ‘fight’.
✧ This fails to work because two hobbits shouting at you isn’t intimidating, and there aren’t enough of them to circle you. He did once manage to convince Legolas to join in the chanting, however.
✧ Spends a lot of time climbing the scenery to get elevation so he can hug you without you bending down.
✧ Tells Éowyn everything about you, and is very complimentary.
✧ Takes care of you in much the same way he takes care of Frodo. Gandalf may not have made him swear to protect you, but he’s certainly going to anyway.
✧ Often asking if he can mend any clothing that’s gotten torn, and when you get it back you’ll find a small piece of embroidery next to where he’s repaired the garment for you.
✧ It’s generally whatever you’ve been talking about and has made you smile the most in your conversations.
✧ Sometimes feels a little awkward trying to protect you, seeing how he’s only a hobbit and you’re a big folk - but he does his best.
✧ Tries to get you and Frodo to stay together so he can protect both of his friends at the same time.
✧ When he sees you fall behind in combat, he’ll sometimes offer to spar. He knows it’s not much but it puts a smile on your face and that’s what matters.
✧ Cheers you on if you spar with Boromir.
✧ Always makes sure you and Frodo have the best bits of the food. Vehemently denies this if confronted by either of you.
✧ Worries about you being on the journey, seeing how young you are, but if Frodo has put his faith in him then Sam will certainly put his faith in you.
✧ Also very complimentary of your creative thinking in combat, you can sometimes hear him talking to the other hobbits about it (absolutely with a tone of reverence/awe).
✧ Probably the most grateful that you’ve come of anyone, and the second most understanding family doesn’t have to be blood.
✧ Even though Bilbo is technically just his uncle he knows they behave much closer. And when he meets you he realises that family truly isn’t about blood at all.
✧ Most used to you being human, he’s spent time with Gandalf, so he knows how to talk to you and is the quickest of the hobbits to warm up to you.
✧ He’s also the first to acknowledge he sees you as a sibling, while talking about you visiting the Shire.
✧ Instantly stops and pauses to see if you’re alright with what he just said before continuing, slightly more embarrassed but still enthusiastic.
✧ After discovering Sting he’s very willing to try sparring you, and the two of you try and learn together.
✧ He’s similar in that he tries to rely on smarter moves to beat the goblins, but often talks about yours with good-natured envy.
✧ The two of you share tricks after each battle, or at least tricks that are applicable.
✧ Often likes to sit with you and Sam when the ring is particularly bad, because you help centre him. Help remind him what he’s fighting for.
A/N : Thanks for reading, and thanks again for the request! I do love platonic lotr, so feel free to keep requesting that! Also, I now have a taglist - so that's fun. If you wish to join, feel free - and no pressure if not. Really like the idea of a reader who struggles with sword-work but is creative, so honestly might expand on that as well.
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thank you for reading *・༓˚✧ wish to be tagged?
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thescrapwitch · 3 months
Bilbo is sitting on a bench in the afternoon sunshine, enjoying the quiet peace of Elrond’s garden, when he sees her: a tall, dark skinned woman with curly black hair and a warm smile. The fact that someone who looks neither elf nor Maiar is in Valinor startles him. Makes him sit up straighter, drop the book he was reading to the ground. All in black, wearing a dress not unlike a Gondorian noble with a peculiar pendant dangling from her neck, she makes for a strange sight. But her smile is so kind, so gentle, and it makes him smile back.
Bilbo debates, briefly, about getting up to shake her hand, but his legs have been very weak the past few days. He does not want to rise only to crash face-first into the dirt by her feet. That would be rude. So he stays sitting on the bench and gives her a friendly nod.
“Good afternoon,” he says.
“Good afternoon, Bilbo Baggins,” she says. Bilbo is not surprised that she knows his name. As he is one of the three hobbits in the blessed lands, it would be more strange if she didn’t. But she says it with such familiarity that it makes him frown.
“Forgive me, my dear,” he says, “but have we met before?” He knows her. Bilbo knows he knows her, but he can’t quite put his finger on it. Like he sent her an invitation long ago and, now that she’s come as promised, completely forgot about their plans. “Were you a guest at one of my birthday parties?”
She laughs. “No. I don’t normally get invited to those. But I heard your eleventy-first one was quite the event! ”
A shame. She seems like she would have been a wonderful guest. “Could you tell me where we met, then? I know we must have met somewhere, but my brain is not as nimble as it once was, and the memory is escaping me.”
“It was less a formal meeting,” she says, “and more like having crossed paths many times.” Her eyes, which do not carry light the same way an elf’s would, are very, very dark. “I watched as you avoided becoming troll food, as you stumbled in the dark and traded riddles with Gollum, as you crept into Smog’s lair and fumbled as the Battle of the Five Armies tore at each other. But you escaped all of that unharmed, and so we never had a chance to be properly introduced. Until now.”
The answer hits him then, the knowledge rising up from his heart. Oh. Of course he knows her. He’s always known her. It was just easy to forget these past years in Valinor. “Death.”
“Is it time then?” Bilbo feels, suddenly, very self-conscious. He’s wearing his second-best waistcoat today and wishes he’d worn his first-best one instead. He would have, certainly, if he knew such an important guest was coming to visit him. “I am dying?”
“You are dead,” she says, taking a seat on the bench beside him. Death does not appear to be in any hurry, no grabbing or pulling him along to wherever mortal souls go. Instead, she tips her head back to bask in the sunshine. “Mind if I rest my feet? I don’t normally have to travel this far for work, you know. Still, a change of scenery is always nice. Have they been good to you, these immortals?”
“Yes,” he says, because they have. Elrond and dear Gandalf and all the other friends he’s made in this land. He will miss them all, and hopes they will not be too upset to find him gone. He hopes that they will take care of Frodo and Sam, and that they will not waste a long time grieving. Then, because he cannot help but be curious, even at the end, he says, “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Not at all,” she says. “Take your time. The dying part is already over with. You don’t have to go on until you’re ready.”
She really is so very polite. A shame Bilbo never had the chance to invite her over for tea. He is certain that Death would have had lovely stories to share and impeccable manners. “From what the elves have told me, the Vala Mandos is in charge of death. How is it that you are here for me and not him?”
“Mandos manages death for the elves,” she corrects, not at all upset with the question, “and Aulë the dwarves. But mortals, humans and hobbits, you come with me to receive my gift.”
“You’re a much different god than him.”
“Oh, don’t call me a god.” Death gives him a grin, a flash of bright humor. “That’s too fancy a title. I’m less a divine being and more…more someone with an endless task to do. That’s all.”
“My nephew, Frodo, and his Sam, will you come for them too?”
“Someday,” she promises. “But not yet.”
“Good.” Not that he wants Frodo or Sam to die, but all mortal things must, and he’d rather they had a friendly face for such a journey. Let this one be much kinder to them than the road to Mordor was.
They sit in silence for a moment longer. Bilbo takes one last look at the garden, at the bluebells and primroses that Celebrian planted, at the robins searching for worms, at the book which has fallen from his hands and landed half-open on the ground.
It was a good life, he thinks, and a long one. But all stories have to come to an end eventually, and this will be as best an ending as I could ever have hoped to earn. He stands up, straightens his waistcoat, and looks Death in the eye. “All right. I’m ready.”
Death stands up as well. There is a softness in the way she looks at him that erases any fear or dread Bilbo expected to have when his time was up. It feels more as though he is going on a long walk with a dear friend.
“What is it like, this place of endings beyond the circles of the world? Is it…nice?”
“You will see when you get there,” she says, and holds out her hand. “Think of it as one last adventure.”
“Oh, I do like the sound of that,” says Bilbo. He takes Death’s hand. “Well then, lead the way.”
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
Hiiiiii omg your head canons for the fellowship are so cuttteeee I love it. Do you think you could write how the members of the fellowship would be around a character who has a dragon companion? I’m sorry I know that is soooo weird but I literally love dragons so much and Lotr so y’know. Preferably a f reader or just Gn. Sorry if that’s weird and no pressure!!!!🫶🫶
What a fun prompt! I’ve literally thought about this before. I’m picturing you show up at Rivendell just casually with your dragon. Totally breathes fire because that’s cool as shit.
How the Fellowship reacts to a dragon companion
-Has to do a double take
-He’s a chill dude, but this feels unhinged
-He will introduce himself with you only once you’re not with your fire friend
-Once you introduce the two he’s back to his chill self and act like this is totally normal
-Fascinated, and immediately introduces himself to you and your dragon
-Elves have a way with nature and animals so I don’t think he would be scared
-Wary, maybe, but he just wants to pet it
-He sees is as a big puppy
-Will tell you a billion dragon facts
-Listen, dwarves have a bad record with dragons
-Doesn’t trust you, and certainly can’t believe the “beast” could be friendly
-Keeps his distance and is definitely a bit cold to you like he is to Legolas, at first
-He eventually warms up to you but still doesn’t like your companion
-The dragon wouldn’t hurt him, but he doesn’t know that, and the dragon totally takes advantage of that and will scare him
-“I don’t like the way it looks at me”
-Big “it don’t bite, yes it do!” energy
-I just feel like he would not care
-He would be casual about it like the cave troll
-Totally sees the advantage of having a literal fucking dragon on their team
-Talks to it like a person
-You thought his eyes were big before? Well guess what? They are literal saucers
-Mostly knows only of Smaug so he doesn’t have a particularly positive view on the species
-But he’s also nothing if not curious
-Asks you so many questions
-This I think applies to all the hobbits except maybe Sam, but it would be so cute if they cuddled up with the dragon at night to keep warm
-Big nope
-He’s heard Bilbo’s stories
-His main priority is keeping Frodo safe
-Probably wouldn’t warm up until he saw Frodo petting it with a big smile
-Would ask if it wants a bowl of stew when you all settle for the night
-Worried it might eat him if he doesn’t keep it fed
-Guess what?! You now have a new biggest fan! Congrats!
-No fear in this hobbit
-Maybe that’s not a good thing, but he’s a confident boy
-“Hypothetically how would one go about acquiring such a creature?” “You can’t have a dragon Merry” “…I was asking for a friend”
-Will brag about knowing you and that he’s friends with a dragon when they eventually get back to the shire
-So confused
-He must have smoked too much and is now hallucinating
-Once he gets over that shock, he’s probably the type to watch from afar, but weary to ask to pet it
-“Do you think we could roast marshmallows with its breath?”
-It’s a genuine question. And yes, the answer is yes
-That is if you like your marshmallows burnt and basically disintegrated
-He probably invited you to the council
-Wary because he knows what dragons are capable of, but trusts you so therefore he trusts your judgment
-He’s got his eagles, you’ve got your dragon, unstoppable duo
*Bonus Elrond:
-“Um…whatcha got there?” “A smoothie”
-Wouldn’t let you in until Gandalf convinced him
-Then he just decides he’s seen so much shit that he shouldn’t even be surprised anymore by anything
I definitely don’t love all of these answers, some feel ooc, so as always I may edit when I get a different idea. It’s like how my mind will be blank when doing an assignment but the second I submit it I have so many better answers
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Hey its me who asked for your The Unexpected Guest, and it was brilliant! I love the idea of part 2 it makes more sense!
I loved your idea of once they get to Rivendell Thorins and readers feelings are explored and some spicy stuff happens
Thank you, and love your work!☺️x
(I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I'm really sorry for the wait for part 2 - uni work, work work and writer's block are not a great combo and I didn't want to rush this (this part also got WAY longer than I thought it would), plus I've made some minor edits to part 1 since I wasn't totally happy with it - been a hot minute since I wrote smut so I hope this is ok :D thank you all for being so patient and I hope you enjoy!!)
(link for part 1 - warning for NSFW content below, oral (m receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it))
ghivashel - treasure of all treasures, amralime - my love
An Unexpected Guest pt.2 (Thorin x AFAB!fem!human!reader)
The journey to Rivendell was taxing on all of you, though you couldn't help but feel most sorry for Bilbo. The hobbit was so new to adventuring - you doubted he had ever been out of the Shire before now - and you had decided to support him wherever you could as a helping hand. Just helping him set up camp, saddling his pony in the morning, offering him water, little gestures seemed to make a difference in his demeanor.
Spending time with the hobbit to keep his morale up, especially after the troll attack, did mean that it was getting harder to find a spare moment with Thorin. The two of you had spoken much more frequently since his confession, and you wished for more time, but the whole group was in poor spirits as it was. While they were all happy for you, public displays of affection were just likely to irritate everyone further. And Thorin's burden of leadership would likely not be eased while you were still on the road. For the moment, all you could do was keep moving and offer comfort to whoever needed it.
Needless to say, arriving at Rivendell was a weight off your shoulders. Even if the dwarves tried to pick a fight with Elrond.
You had all taken your time to settle in and relax, having taken full advantage of the elves' hospitality (and you were forever grateful for being able to feel clean after the long journey). When the group of you were provided with dinner and the inevitable food fight broke out, you were happy to see how everyone's spirits had been lifted. However, you couldn't help but notice your One stood to the side. There was a content smile on his face, but you could easily see the tension that still bristled through him.
You soon found him after everybody had retreated to their rooms for the night. It was hard not to hear him - the pacing in his room seemed to echo through the hallway, if only slightly. Raising your hand, you softly knocked at the door, hoping that he wouldn't be too stubborn to talk to you.
"Come in."
Even his tone of voice betrayed his stress. He visibly relaxed when you entered the room though, shutting the door behind you, and you felt glad to at least be some comfort.
You smiled in greeting, and spoke softly. "Will you tell me what's going on with you?"
"I assure you, I am fine. Do not trouble yourself."
You closed the distance between you hesitantly, giving him the chance to back away, and took his hands. "Please, Thorin. I can see something is troubling you."
"I am just... concerned. About the future of this quest, about everyone's safety." You saw a struggle in his mind of not wanting to be vulnerable, but he seemed to give in, and sighed in defeat. "I fear that people are going to be hurt because of me."
"Oh, my love..." you breathed, pressing your forehead to his. "You are the best leader any of us could ask for, and I promise you that you will not be the cause of any hurt."
He gently pulled back and looked into your eyes. "You truly believe that?"
"Of course I do. Those in this company are strong and intelligent. Perhaps with the exception of your nephews," you chuckled, and Thorin couldn't help but smile. "They are all capable of making their own decisions. They knew the risks of coming along, but they have all chosen to join anyway because they saw a courageous dwarf that they wanted to follow."
"I only want to do right by my people."
"And you will. We all have faith in you."
He pressed his forehead to yours again. "You're far too good to me, ghivashel," he murmured.
"All I want is for you to be happy, my love."
And with that, you tilted your head up and kissed him, your fingers tracing his cheekbones as you pulled him closer. It wasn't rushed and clumsy, as it was when Thorin first confessed, but slow and loving, every movement of your lips against his a confession of love in itself. His hands found their way to your waist and pulled you flush against him, trying to feel as much of you as possible.
When you separated to take a breath, meeting his lust-filled gaze was all the encouragement you needed.
"I wonder if there's any way I could relieve some of your stress..." Your tone was playful as you slid your hands achingly slowly down Thorin's chest, and you heard him inhale as you stopped just at his hips.
"Amralime, are you sure? If we start I will not want to hold back."
"I trust you, Thorin." You smiled and nodded towards the double bed. "And we may as well take advantage of the luxury while we have it."
He smirked. "I'm beginning to think you came here just to bed me."
"Hey, I would never-"
Your sarcastic reply was cut off by him kissing you again, with a desperation you hadn't seen from him before. Maybe you had awakened something long kept under control, but any coherent thought of that was soon lost when he shrugged the furs off his shoulders and his fingers found the hem of your shirt.
Soon becoming restless feeling him trace the curves of your waist, you broke away from the kiss just long enough to tug your shirt off. Thorin did the same, and after some hurried fumbling between more stolen kisses, you were both undressed. His hands never left your body as he backed you up towards the bed.
"You are so beautiful, ghivashel..." he murmured, lips trailing along your jawline and down your neck. It was so easy to get lost in the sensation, but when he tried to sit you down on the bed, you stopped him.
"Tonight is about you, my love." You turned the two of you around and gently pushed him back to sit down, taking the time to admire his toned body as you knelt in front of him.
Thorin's eyes were wide with surprise and he almost looked as if he wanted to protest, but the twitch of his already hard cock gave him away.
"You... you don't have to-"
"I want to." His breath hitched when your lips traced his thigh, and you smiled. "Relax, my king..."
Any further protest was soon lost when you leaned forward and licked a long stripe up his length, wrenching a gasp from his lips. Your movements were slow, mapping out every inch of him with kitten licks until he was writhing impatiently before you, until you were done teasing and sucked his tip into your mouth.
The room was filled with the sounds of breathy groans and muttered Khuzdul that you could barely focus on as you continued. Thorin twisted his fingers into your hair when you began taking him inch by inch into your mouth - his grip was firm, but never controlling - and when you started bobbing your head he was certain that he must've been dreaming.
Looking up at him and pressing your thighs together to suppress your own arousal, you watched his head tilt back in ecstasy every time you pressed your tongue flat against his tip when you rose. The sounds he made were so beautiful that it was becoming more and more difficult to control yourself. Fortunately, it seemed you wouldn't need to for much longer. You felt the tension in his body increase with every bob of your head, every swipe of your tongue, and as your movements grew faster you wrapped your hand around the base to stroke what you couldn't fit in your mouth. Yet, when you next looked up at him, he gently pushed you away, denying himself climax.
"Is everything alright, my love?"
He leant down for a brief kiss, still breathing heavily, and nodded. "That was... incredible." He took your hands and guided you to stand, then pulled you closer to straddle his lap.
"Then-" You inhaled sharply feeling his lips and teeth over your throat. "Then why didn't you let me finish?"
Thorin didn't answer for a moment, too busy creating a cluster of pink marks along your neck. When he was satisfied with his work, he tugged your hips down to press his hard length against you.
"Because I want to finish inside you, amralime."
You simply nodded, feeling too flustered and on edge to offer any sort of response beyond a whispered, "Please..."
Thorin stood up holding you, his lips continuing their assault on your neck, and carefully laid you down in the center of the bed. He slotted himself between your legs and wasted no time in moving to prepare you. Pausing to receive a nod of consent, he slid one thick finger into you, and you gasped at the sudden feeling. He soon added a second when you began rocking your hips against his hand impatiently, begging for more.
"Patience," he chuckled. "I do not want to hurt you."
"I don't care." You moaned breathlessly with every curl of his fingers. It felt like so much already, but still not enough. "I need you now, Thorin."
"Who would I be to deny my queen?"
He withdrew his fingers and you immediately pulled him forward to kiss you, a soft gasp being pulled from you when he ground his hips against you, ever so lightly pressing against your clit. Holding himself up over you with one hand, he used the other to guide his tip to your entrance and, swallowing your cries in the kiss, he slowly pushed into you.
His hand found yours and your fingers intertwined while he waited for any signs of your discomfort to fade. It was an uncomfortable stretch to fit his thick cock, but it soon became a welcome sensation, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to urge him on.
He moved carefully at first, until your cries of pain became cries of pleasure, and soon his hips snapped back against you much more firmly. Each thrust hit so deep inside of you, filling you up so perfectly, and his fingers gripped your hips almost tight enough to bruise. You clutched onto him tightly, trying to stay grounded amongst the sensations. One hand was buried in his hair, keeping his forehead pressed against yours, the other was digging into his back, leaving scratches that you were sure would last a few days at least. Though it didn't seem to bother him - every time you dug your nails into his back, it seemed to be encouragement, and he relentlessly kept up his pace. It was firm and deep, but never rough, though part of you wondered how hard he would go if you asked.
With each thrust, you bucked your hips to meet him, trying to get more friction to ignite the coil of heat growing in your core. Thorin's moans soon grew louder, despite him trying to remain as quiet as he could, and when his rhythm grew unsteady his fingers slipped down to circle your clit as his teeth latched onto your neck again.
"Ghivashel..." he murmured, his voice strained. "I'm so close..."
Your mind was spinning with pleasure, and you felt yourself reaching your peak as well. "I am too..." you panted.
His hips shifted just enough to hit a spot inside you to make you see stars, and along with the attention on your clit and your neck, it was enough to push you over the edge. Your grip on him tightened as the coil snapped and heat spread through your body, and you buried your face into the crook of his neck to muffle your cry of pleasure.
It seemed to last forever, and in your pleasure-filled haziness you registered Thorin also growing tense, and you heard his deep groan as he reached his climax and came inside of you. He felt so perfect, and you both stayed clinging onto each other, lost for breath, until you both came to.
Still catching his breath, he kissed your forehead and pulled out to lie next to you, and you couldn't help but whimper at the sudden emptiness.
He lay on his side, facing you, and brought your hand up to his lips. "You are so wonderful, amralime."
You smiled softly and shuffled closer, putting an arm over his waist and tucking your head under his. "So are you, my king."
You glanced back at the door to the room and chuckled.
"What is it?"
"Maybe we should lock the door next time."
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Folks are still spamming with that Elrond + Galadriel trainwreck kiss, you clearly didn’t get the memo: the leaks are fake.
Episode 6 literally proved this “leaker” was a troll. Yeah, the person who claimed to have watched the whole season and provided leaks for Episode 7 and 8? A troll. Not legit. The other leaks about this so-called kiss were copycats from this one, and guess what? Still fake.
There are no real leaks, folks. Amazon is careful to the point of paranoia. I bet some people on the cast & crew don’t even know what will go down in the entire season. And do you really believe any journalist would risk their career to post leaks online? When something leaks, it’s usually because the production wants it to leak to hype up the viewers. Remember Game of Thrones? Those motherf*ckers would leak entire episodes back in the day!
So, *the* romantic kiss of the season was actually that harfoot/stoor peck. Or if any character is to actually kiss Galadriel it will be Sauron/Halbrand at the finale.
So you can stop the clownery, now. That boat has sailed.
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sweetbutpsychobutsweet · 11 months
Owe You One
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Chapter 6
Thorin Oakenshield x AFAB!Reader
Summary: A new discovery about the nature of orcs leads to a drastic decision on your part. And Thorin surprises you by behaving in a very un-Thorin-like manner
Warnings: angst, no use of y/n, implied eating disorder/starvation to avoid menstruation
author's note: Hope y'all enjoyed the events of last chapter😉 I'm working on creating a master list for my page so it's easier to navigate through my fics in the future!
Also, without giving away too much of what happens in this chapter, I added in the warnings that there are mentions of the reader starving herself to delay getting her period. Because it doesn't come from a place of body dysmorphia I didn't want to mislabel it as anorexia, but if this is a potentially triggering topic for you please be aware that you might want to skip the next few chapters.
If you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder you can call the helpline at ♥888-375-7767♥
Word count: 1622
You allow yourself a few minutes to just sit on the bed in your towel. It takes some time to form a coherent thought, and even longer to regain feeling in your legs. 
Once you do finally gather enough energy to stand you make your way over to the armoire to dress for dinner. Your stomach is already starting to rumble in anticipation of the feast you know will be waiting for you just down the hall so you decide to dress quickly. 
You choose a dress you know you can slip into easily, not wanting to fuss with pulling on trousers at the moment. You pull on a clean chemise to go underneath, then choose one of your favorite evening dresses to pull on. It’s a dark, forest green color, made of a shimmery fabric that catches in the light with your every movement. The sleeves flow down your arms before splitting open at the elbow to drape loosely down the rest of your arms. The laces cross in the front of the bodice instead of the back so you can tie them easily yourself.
Not wanting to wrangle with your wet mess of hair you simply pile it on top of your head and pin it in place. You step into a pair of matching silk slippers and head out the door, following the mouthwatering smell of Elven cuisine.  
You force yourself to walk slowly down to the dining hall, worried the others might be suspicious if you arrive too soon after Thorin does. 
You pass through elegant archways to find your company poking at the vegetables before them with great displeasure. But not quite as much displeasure as you feel when you realize the only seat left is right next to Thorin.
You had hoped to avoid him for a while in a vain attempt to put off the inevitable discussion that will need to be had. About what happened between the two of you, and what exactly it means moving forward.
“These swords were made for the goblin wars of the first age,” Lord Elrond is explaining when you take your seat between him and Thorin. “How did you come by these?” he asks curiously.
“We found them in a troll hoard on the great east road shortly before we were ambushed by orcs.” Gandalf replies with excitement.
Lord Elrond looks at you with suspicion. “And what were you doing on the great east road?”
“Weren’t you listening?” you ask as you start to pile food onto your plate, “we were being ambushed by orcs.”
Your Elven friend simply laughs, knowing better than to try and get an answer out of you. 
“We’re incredibly lucky you arrived when you did,” you tell him, “we’d probably all have our heads mounted on spikes by now if it hadn’t been for you.”
“We were doing just fine,” Thorin grumbles from beside you but you elect to ignore him. 
“They are vicious creatures,” Lord Elrond agrees with you. “While you’re here I’ll have to show you some literature I recently found on some of their hunting strategies. Some scholars seem to believe that orcs are able to smell blood from several miles away. If their intended target loses so much as a drop of blood they’re as good as dead with an orc pack on their trail.”
You freeze with your fork midway to your mouth. 
Blood? You think to yourself in panic as you start to do the math in your head. 
You drop your fork onto your plate in alarm and everyone turns to look at you in concern. You smile sheepishly and reach for your water goblet with a trembling hand. Everyone turns back to their conversations.
Everyone except Thorin. Whose gaze you can feel burning a hole in your head.
You refuse to meet his eyes, too afraid that if he sees the panic on your face he’ll be able to realize the exact same thing you just did.
Orcs can smell blood, and your menstrual cycle is due to start in five days. 
If its true that even a single drop can attract orcs from miles away, then the pack currently hunting you will certainly notice if you suddenly start to lose a large amount of blood.
If Thorin and the others find out that the only female member of the company is about to pose a great risk to everyone’s lives then the only logical solution would be for them to leave you behind. 
For Thorin to leave you behind. Again. 
You’ll be left bleeding and alone while they go off to continue reclaiming Erebor without you.
You know it isn’t fair to blame them. It’s not their fault you have this monthly inconvenience any more than it's yours. It is for the good of the company that you stay behind for a little while if you’re about to start bleeding.
Unless you don’t start bleeding, you realize.
You look down at your plate as an idea starts to form in your head.
The stress of the journey will likely cause your cycle to come late anyway. But if you were to stop eating for just a few days, that would definitely prevent your cycle from coming. At least long enough to put more distance between you and the orcs. 
You push your plate away from you, your decision made. Certainly, you can manage to go a few more days without eating, if it means saving the company from any further risk. Your stomach grumbles at you in protest and you can tell Thorin is still looking at you with suspicion. But that will be a problem for later. 
“Our business is no concern of elves,” Thorin’s voice echos off the walls of the dark study you have all gathered in.
“Here we go,” you mutter to yourself.
“For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map!” the wizard cries with mounting frustration at the leader of your company.
“It is the legacy of my people, it is mine to protect as are its secrets,” Thorin replies stubbornly. 
“Thorin,” your voice is gentle but assertive and for the first time since dinner his eyes finally meet yours.
“You can trust Lord Elrond, I promise.” he remains silent as his eyes search your face. You can still see the dark cloud of his inner turmoil as he struggles to hold his ground against you and Gandalf. His resolve may be starting to crack, as he realizes this is in the best interest of the quest. But knowing Thorin he would rather die than admit defeat. 
“Save me from the stubbornness of dwarves!” Gandalf cries, “Your pride will be your downfall.  You stand here in the presence of one of the few in middle earth who can read that map, show it to Lord Elrond!”
Thorin gives no indication that he heard a word Gandalf said. His gaze has not left yours. 
“If you won’t trust Lord Elrond, will you at least trust that Gandalf has our best interests at heart?” you ask him with a sigh. “Will you trust me, Thorin?”
He remains silent, clenching his fists at his side, and your irritation grows as you steel yourself for him to refuse yet again.
But he doesn’t.
He reaches into his tunic and pulls out the map.
“Thorin, no!" Balin protests but Thorin simply shrugs him off and hands the map over.
Lord Elrond begins to carefully unfold the map as you repeatedly open and close your mouth in shock, not knowing what to say. 
Thorin averts his eyes from you as Lord Elrond and Gandalf begin discussing amongst themselves. Their voices fade around you in a blur and your attention drifts away as it can only seem to focus on one thing: why would Thorin do that? 
He never backs down, not even when he realizes he’s in the wrong. Even before there was this tension between the two of you, convincing Thorin to set aside his pride when he feels so strongly about something is next to impossible. 
What could have possibly caused him to change his mind this time?
“Cirth Ithil,” you hear Lord Elrond say and your attention immediately snaps back to the present moment.
“Moon runes!”  you translate with breathless excitement. 
“Of course!” Gandalf cries, “An easy thing to miss.”
“Well in this case that is true,” continues Lord Elrond, “moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written.”
“Can you read them?” comes the important question.
Lord Elrond leads the others off to a moonlit space where the runes will be illuminated. But before Thorin can follow the others you reach out to grab his arm, pulling him back from the group.
He turns over his shoulder to look back at you but avoids meeting your eyes.
“Why did you do that?” you ask him, “What made you change your mind?”
He gently removes your hand from his arm and turns to face you fully. Your breath catches in your throat as he takes a step closer to you and memories of what happened in that pool earlier that same evening come rushing back. 
You hadn’t noticed until now that a strand of hair had fallen loose from the others, and hung by your cheek. Thorin reaches up gently to tuck it behind your ear. His warm palm lingered against your cheek.
“It’s like you said,” he mumbles as your eyelids flicker in anticipation, “I owe you one.” his hand falls away from your face and you can’t help but feel more than a little disappointed as he turns to follow the others outside.
Next Chapter
@mrsdurin @thetaekwondofeline
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tanoraqui · 2 years
key elements of Crownless (the Young Aragorn show that lives in my head and heart) season 1:
(Note that I will play a little fast and loose with timelines and for the sake of a better story. And/or take ruthless advantage of canonical slow Dúnedain aging to spread the timeline out over several decades)
First episode(s) is Aragorn (age 21, functionally late teens) leaving Rivendell to start wandering the wilds with the Rangers. I would do Elrond & his people dirty and say that Aragorn has been kinda sheltered growing up, a little because Elves tend to baby Men, especially young Men, and mostly because everyone wanted to be sure Isildur’s heir was safe as darkness grew in the world, especially after his father was killed when he was 2.
So Aragorn starts with significant book smarts, homely peace smarts—historical knowledge, animal friendship, herblore, diplomacy skills, technical sword/knife/bow skills…but he doesn’t know the dirty fighting tricks that win a fight. His tracking, hunting, forest stealth, etc. skills…suck at first. He’s prone to freeze in urgent healing (or combat) situations, because he’s never done this on his own before—though he has a natural talent for the ‘calling people back from death’ thing we see in LotR.
(This gives Aragorn obvious skills to pick up that demonstrate his character growth as a leader, while also establishing from the start that his real talent in kingship is, always was, diplomacy, strength of character & connection with his people, literal and metaphorical healing. Also, weirdass plans, often based on things he read, with success resting on luck/prayer/hope more than any reasonable thing…including a willingness to trust strange new and/or sketchy people…and they work.)
Maybe eps 1-2 is a double-length episode: opens with newly widowed Gilraen arriving in distress with a toddler 18 years ago, then first half is mostly restless late teen!Estel in Rivendell, ending with Elrond revealing his true name, broken sword, time to go forth… Smash cut to Aragorn tripping in the forest and falling in a stream while 2 other baby Rangers laugh at him and whoever’s stuck training these new recruits sighs heavily. There’s a lot of “this is the new Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Isildur’s heir?”
Format: 22ep 44min monster of the week (like GOD INTENDED) focused on the newest young Rangers: Aragorn, Halbarad, Dúnawen (OC: “maiden of the west”, don’t @ me for naming), as they range throughout Eriador learning how to be badasses guarding the boundaries of civilization. Monsters include orcs, wargs, mortal bandits, trolls, giant spiders, a small ice wyvern that made its way to northern Dale, barrow-wrights, unhoused fëa, rival clans of Men or maybe Dwarves who are about to go to blood feud war…
…and a slowly mounting season plot of the trouble of 3 Nazgúl reoccupying Dol Goldur, after the White Council forced the “Necromancer” out 15ish years ago. (Riling up ghosts throughout the countryside? Something something themes of moving on from the past. Also, can’t go wrong with an episode in which heroes must confront their literal personal ghosts.)
Repeat cameos from Elrohir & Elladan, cousins of all Mannish Dúnedain (and kind of older brothers to Aragorn in particular.) Are they helping him? Are they harder on him than on the other new recruits? Are they good cop/bad cop-ing it?
Arwen! Meet briefly ep1 and/or she’s a key feature of midseason finale; return in season finale to be badass. “Tinúviel! Tinúviel!” scene in Lothlórien casts a hiccup in a fledgling romance between Aragorn and Dúnawen
All combinations of Aragorn/Halbarad/Dunawen ARE welcome, nay, encouraged. They’re functionally in college and they’re all hot, and constantly in near-death situations. I advise the writers to have fun. Bisexuality is free.
Gandalf introduction early, ep2? Probably also in finale (something of a large team-up).
Late season bottle episode, maybe just before a 2-parter finale, in which due to a thunderstorm/mudslide/cave-in incident, Aragorn, Halbarad and Dunawen are trapped in a cave/small series of caves with a random assortment of other travelers on the road west of Bree: a pair of Dwarvish merchants, a few men, 1 elf (journeying to the Havens to Sail?), and 1 hobbit, Mr. Drogo Baggins of Hobbiton, who was making a perilous journey to Bree and back in order to fetch his beloved, very pregnant wife a particular kind of cheese she was craving. No loss of air threat, but they’re stuck. Obviously getting Drogo home is of utmost importance (and everyone else needs to get home safe, too). Tempers run high! Only once the Junior Rangers sort out their late-season interpersonal drama can Aragorn rise to the occasion and organize/mediate this microcosm of Middle Earth’s populace to dig their way out of this cave.
Aragorn is exceptionally good at facing down Nazgúl and their weaponized despair because he has—indeed, he is, by name!—hope. This show is about hope first and teamwork second, and looking badass in a beautiful landscape while Howard Shore music swells third.
[s2 in notes]
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Season 2 Ep 6 liveblog reaction notes (spoilers behind the cut)
Run, Arondir, run!
He is just that cool.
Doing okay there, Celebrimbor?
Mirdania: Early-onset dementia is a really bad sign for an immortal, boss.
Annatar trying to talk about having the creative Flow State but evil lmao
"As you wish." Oh yeah the fandom will love that.
Lol the Sauron theme quietly playing after he agrees to see about the mithril.
"Pray that he finishes this work before it finishes him." Oh I hate you.
Annatar is such a creeeeep. Stop touching herrrrr.
Awkward Dinner Party time!
At least none of the food appears to be made of Man...?
Sam as Adar has such a good screen presence. They chose well for the recast.
Ooh Dutch angles have made a return?
Galadriel loves getting offered armies, it is true.
Interesting to offer Adar children. Can we go back to the FA and hear that convo?
Ooh stabby crown!
I was there, Gandalf. I mean, Galadriel.
Her hair is half in the light, half in the dark here. Interesting.
Adar, stop spoiling the plot of Season 1! /s
Ughhhhhhhhhh leave Elendil aloooooone.
Yeah I'm angrily sewing today. Fuck all of these people.
Sure would be nice if Anárion showed up.
More rhyming.
My poor Harfoot wives ship! Ah well. This one is cute, too.
Lmao the predicted kiss was from the ship pretty much no one expected it from. Take that, trolls.
Not Tom Bombadil basically parroting what was said by the Guru in S2 of AtLA lol.
Nice gold you have there. Sure would be a shame if anything happened to it.
Prince Durin wants to call him a bitch sooooo baaad.
Stop using "precious"! I have a visceral response to it ;_;
Yay, we are gonna get a reference to the mithril armor from LotR!
Lady Macbeth viiiibes
lol wut they summon the monster a la Dune?
Bit too late for that, Eärien.
Not my sad tragic shiiiiip :(
More emphasis on faith this season!
My shiiip ;;_;;
"The sea is always right" coming back to haunt us all again.
Disa: Surprise bitch. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.
Ok but you both could use Elrond. Pls. I beg. Where is Elrond?
At least Elendil has plot armor for now?
Míriel noooooo :'(
Haaate this, haaaate this
Soft touching but I'm sad about it :((((
Ossë be nice pls
I have regrets about a quote I made earlier this week. Sorry in advance whenever the queue spits it out :/
Get rekt Pharazôn.
So this is how they force the first cousin marriage? Hmmmm.
Pharazôn, you'd live longer if you stopped doomscrolling 4chan. Just saying.
The Galadriel x Adar shippers are gonna love this episode.
Yah ok, sorry Adar girlies but I think he just sealed his fate with that.
Sauron: In my divorce era. Skin clear, crops withering, rings growing.
Sauron: Pushing me is gonna get you turned into a banner, buddy.
Ohhh. He's dream sequencing him. Lovely.
Charlie loves that he can be the one to title drop so much this season. Also. Annatar. Stop saying "precious". I'm seriously twitchy about that word aughhhh.
Feänor must be rolling in his grave rn that Sauron touched his hammer.
Quite a way to end the episode lol.
Battle two-parter starts next week, wahoo!
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Out of curiosity, and boredom, which LOTR characters do you think would be good Jedi's?
Oooh, juicy one. Hm...
Aragorn, as a mostly wandering Master with no Padawan. Kinda like Tu-Anh. He's got what it takes: the ability to let go out of love (because duh. Anakin wouldn't have waited 67 years for Padmé), the nobility of spirit, the willingness to serve the people first and foremost... He's even got the special sword and the long hooded cloak. He's selfless and dedicated and unwaveringly good, plus I'd argue his introduction to the story and his relationship with the Hobbits perfectly fits the Jedi - he shows up as a mysterious ally and people don't trust him at first, but after a while he becomes an indispensable advisor/bodyguard type who unfortunately can't fight all your battles for you (and has his own capital sidequest fighting ultimate evil).
Elrond, obviously, as a Council Master. He's "as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves and as kind as summer." That's what Jedi are baby. Kind warrior-wizard-monks. He's missing the monk part, but not the ability to let go. Plus he's a robe-wearing loremaster. And the guy the whole of Middle Earth comes to whenever they have a problem, fully expecting him to be able to do something about it.
Gandalf and the other Istari, as Masters, for the same reasons. Radagast has Animal Friendship, Gandalf is the Mentor Archetype (like Ben and Yoda), and Saruman and Dooku are essentially the same character so yeah.
I wouldn't want the Hobbits to be Jedi because their role in the Quest shouldn't be for life. They're closer to the Rebels. They have to fight so they can live in peace as civilians afterward. They're little people, they're us.
Boromir and Faramir, I'm on the fence about. There's some juicy possibilities. Same for Gimli - I'm mostly leaning towards no, but as a pair with Legolas, it could def work. Galadriel would obvs be an extremely powerful Force-user, but idk about a Jedi. Maybe. She's kind of in a class of her own, power-wise. Eowyn would be pretty cool as a young, reckless Knight who needs to learn about slowing down.
Finally, Legolas, would make an absolutely stellar Jedi - not because he's as perfect as Aragorn or Elrond, but because he's an absolute troll and he's infuriating and reckless and relentlessly optimistic and an incorrigible show-off and I love his stupid face so much. Jedi would run on snow while everybody is sinking and go 'I'm off to find the sun :))))' and Jedi do compare kills (droids, in their case) and talk about how they feel the earth's ✨ancient vibes✨ and the song of the trees and everything. He's a Jedi, no questions about it.
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shiinata-library · 2 years
Imagine: Being too focused
Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo's reactions when they understand you're just very focused on your job.
[ 📚 Main Imagines Masterlist 📚 ]
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You joined Thorin's company in Bree when they stayed at The Prancing Pony. Gandalf recommended you as a guide throughout Middle earth because he knew he won't always be with them. After a long, complicated discussion between him and Thorin, he finally accepted you, but not as a company member, rather as an optional person like Gandalf. So no contract, no part of treasure, and no responsibility for him. 
As you just owed a big favour to Gandalf, you were okay with that. As a Ranger of the North, you know Middle earth by heart, so leading them to Erebor will be easy, right?
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From the start, you ride on a horse, always before everyone, alone staring at the horizon to be sure of the way. 
As you're alone, you never talk to anyone. Gandalf is the only one to talk to you sometimes during the day. 
Focused on your task to guide them, you don't realise the dwarves are suspicious about you, and you don't try to talk to you either. 
You used to eat with Gandalf and Bilbo.
Thorin is the only dwarf who talks to you when he needs it. Only to be sure you took the right way, to tell the truth. 
It's hard to believe it but Thorin finds your quiet, cold attitude a little intimidating. Just a little bit. 
The first time he sees you laugh is in Rivendell, with Lord Elrond and his two sons after the dinner. Something inside him makes him angry, but he prefers focusing on the map of his father rather than thinking of you. 
The second time he sees your serious face broken is when he hugs the hobbit, on the Carrock. But a second later, he is looking at Erebor. He has no time to waste on a woman. He has to stay focused on the quest.
In Laketown, you should be on your guard when the Master of the town offers you to stay freely in an inn for the last night before going to Erebor, but Bilbo makes you taste a glass of wine, then another, then another… 
How much wine did you drink? 🤷 What did you do after? Dancing with Bofur? Laughing with Fíli and Kíli? An arm-wrestling match with Dwalin? 🤷 The only thing you know was that you need to cool your head, so you take your coat and get out.
“We’re starting to think you left,” Thorin says as he walks toward you after closing the inn’s door. “Well, now you all are here, you don’t need me anymore. But, no. I just needed to cool my head.” 
Thorin stops next to you, so close that you feel his warmth. His coat looks much warmer than yours, but you should stop fixing it. The both of you chat for a while until you realise it’s the first time you really chat with him, and it’s quite pleasant. Plus, he seems as relaxed as you, maybe because of the wine.
Even if you friendly chat with him, you don’t realise you keep your serious face while he smiles at you. He is the future King under the mountain, you can’t laugh with him like any friend, right? At some point, the winter wind makes you shiver, but you’re not cold for long. With the thick coat of Thorin on your shoulders, you are very warm. “Oh, hm, thanks, but you should keep it,” you say, very embarrassed but truly glad to be warm. Even if you smile, you try to hide your embarrassment by tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
This gesture and your embarrassing face changes something in Thorin’s heart. He never saw you embarrassed and he can’t help but find you very cute and attractive. If you were closer, he would try to do more things to see your shyness tonight. Maybe later, in Erebor, once he will have his mountain back.
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He and his brothers try to make you laugh more than once with jokes or tricks, but they never succeed.
Yet, Fíli is often quiet and more observant than you think. He sees you smile sometimes, but mostly at the moments he doesn’t expect it.
The first time he sees you beam is just after the trolls. You find a good, light elvish sword and try it alone. A very good sword! 
You don’t realise it either, but you smile every day when you eat, sitting before a pretty landscape. Some old ruins coloured by the sunset, for example. 
But the moment he sees your most radiant smile is in a small town, in the middle of nowhere. Thorin had decided to stay in a town, leaving everyone else to disperse for their own purchase. A man joins you and hugs you for a long time. Too long to his liking, to tell the truth. You’re also smiling too much for a man who isn’t him.
The night you stay in the town, in the same inn as everyone. In a town, they don’t need you to guide them, so you can rest. You eat your dinner at the inn with the man you met in the afternoon, a friend you haven't seen for a long time.
After finishing your dinner together, your friend leaves on an overnight mission to the region. No sooner has he left than Fíli joins you at your table as you drink your wine. 
“Are you bored with us, or do you dislike us?” he asks as he sits on a chair next to you. “I mean, is it boring to join a company of dwarfs?”
You frown. It’s not the first time you talk to him, but it’s the first time you’re alone with him, and you’re surprised by his question. “No, absolutely not. Why do you think that?”
“You never smile or join us in the evening over the fire,” he says as he looks you in the eye, waiting for your answer.
“Oh, I’m sorry. During the day I’m focused on the road and in the evening, I plan the way for the next day according to the stars, and it takes time. I would feel bad if I took the wrong way and delayed your journey,” you reply with a smile before sipping your wine.
Surprised by your smile, he accidentally spills his ale on your trousers and his. He immediately stands up, apologising endlessly. 
You burst out laughing, telling him it’s alright, you have another one clean in your bag. His clumsiness is so out of character that you laugh for a while.
After this night, he knows the sound of you laughing is the most melodious sound he has ever heard, and he knows he wants to hear it every day for the rest of his life.
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From the start, you ride on a horse always before everyone, alone staring at the horizon to be sure of the way. 
As you're alone, you never talk to anyone, except maybe Gandalf. He is the only one to talk to you sometimes during the day, or Bilbo because he is never far from Gandalf. 
The two young brothers are always trying to make you laugh or get your attention, but it doesn’t work. You don't even do it on purpose. You’re too focused on your job to notice them.
One afternoon, you open your map to be sure to go through the right place but a small rock goes through your map and makes a hole in it. First, you’re surprised, then when you’re about to look around you, you hear, “Kíli! What have you done again? Can’t you behave for one day?” Thorin shouts to his nephew as you look back to your map. Luckily, the rock made a hole in the sea and the rest of the paper wasn't damaged.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t want to pierce the map! Is it damaged? I’m sorry!” he says, riding closer in the front, with you and Thorin. “It was just a joke!” You sigh and turn back to do your job without a word while Thorin continues to reprimand him like a child.
After some ups and downs, you arrive in Rivendell. If the first time he sees you smile isn’t with two elves, Kíli would be happy to see it, but when Elladan and Elrohir find you, they welcome you so warmly that you forget almost everything you've been through. Arwen joins you too and you spend more time with them than the dwarves. He sees you smiling during the whole stay in Rivendell, and from the moment you all flee in the Misty mountains, you put on your serious face again, focused on the road.
One very cold night, Thorin decided to stop in a cave, with a small fire just to make dinner. It’s really because you owe a debt to Gandalf that you’re still with them. He is not even coming with you in the Misty Mountains’ snow! You’re within a hair's breadth of return to Rivendell, but when you see the Hobbit is still here, you can make an effort. Are you a ranger or not?
Focused on blowing on your hands to keep your warm, you startle when Kíli kneels before you and hands you a bowl of soup. “Here, it’ll warm you a little,” he says with a light smile. You’re surprised it’s not Bilbo who gives your meal as usual, even more when Kíli sits next to you with his own bowl, but you don't pay attention. A warm soup is just what you need to think about right now.
When Kíli sees you smile as you eat your bowl, he loses his words. It’s the first time you smile for him. Well, technically not for him, but thanks to him, right? Then, he realises the soup is not the only thing that warms him up. 
Once you finish your soup, your hands are quickly cold and you restart blowing on it. When Kíli sees that, he removes his coat and slips it on your back. It’s too big for you and so warm. For some seconds, you beam and close the coat on you, until you notice Kíli is now in a tunic. “Are you crazy? You will catch a cold like that! Take it back!” you exclaim, losing your smile. “It takes more than that for a dwarf to get sick,” he laughs as he takes his blanket from his bed. “And I have a blanket!”
His smile and attention make you blush, so you close his coat even more on you to hide your face. But it doesn’t escape Kíli's notice. If giving you soup makes you smile and giving you a coat makes you blush, he already starts to think about all the things he could give you to see all your expressions.
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Bilbo is a curious hobbit, so when Gandalf talks to you, he often joins him. On the road, at dinners, at breaks, …
Always riding at the front of the company, you intrigue him from the beginning. You’re very quiet compared to the dwarves. You never complain and speak only to indicate the way.
When Fíli and Kíli come to the front to talk to you, you answer vaguely, even when they make jokes.
One evening you all rest in an inn in a small town, you join Gandalf and Bilbo for dinner. A waitress finds you and serves you the meal you ordered. Bilbo notices your smile at the view of the warm dinner while they are also waiting for theirs. Something in his heart warms him up, but he doesn’t know if it’s because of the view of the meal or your smile. He tries to forget it when his meal comes.
During that very dinner, you couldn’t decide on the meal to order, so you ask Bilbo if you can taste his meal. He looks surprised by your request but lets you do it. Oh, his meat pie is as good as your roast pork!
As Bilbo prefers staying with you in each town the company passes or rests, you often share a meal with him, and your love for good food makes you want to try as many dishes as possible. One day, you meet a friend in a new town. A childhood ranger friend. Everyone is surprised when you call him. He runs to you and hugs you with all the strength he has. Your laugh echoes for so long that the dwarves go back to their business. 
But not Bilbo. He stays with you and you introduce him to your friend. The three of you end up dinner together in the town’s inn. After they bring your meals, you taste yours, then the one of Bilbo like you used to. Your friend ordered the same as you.
“Y/n?” he asks you, wincing. “It’s me,” you reply, your head still leaning on your plate. “Tell me you know what it means to share a meal like this with a hobbit.”
You shrug, continuing to eat. You don’t see Bilbo blushing and finishing his meal quickly. The silence makes you raise your head. Your friend is smiling, and Bilbo seems trying to say something but he stammers, “I. Well. You. Well.”
“Wait, it means something?” you finally ask, putting your fork and knife on the table. Your friend sighs. You’ve never been interested in Hobbits before, but you know your friend used to watch their lands for years. “It’s a courting thing, or for married ones,” he eventually laughs.
“What? But nobody told me! Either Gandalf, or even Bilbo! Hey Bilbo, why didn't you ever tell me?” you ask as he stammers some words about some things he has to do, and leaves you.
Oh. So, your friend is right.
Bilbo avoids you since then, and you’re too focused to do your job to speak with him. Well, in truth, you try to stay focused but when you notice you made a mistake, turning at the wrong path, you’re so embarrassed that you spend your day apologising to Thorin. “Don’t worry, lass, mistakes happen,” Balin tells you the night of the incident with a comforting smile.
You feel so stupid that you isolate yourself behind a rock to avoid Thorin’s look. At some point, you hear steps toward you and eventually see Bilbo. He stops in front of you with a bowl of Bombur’s stew.
“Can I sit next to you?” he asks. It’s the first time he has spoken to you since he ran away. You nod and take the bowl. You finally talk both of you like you used to until you search in your bag and get out a cookie.
“Will you share it with me?” you ask as you cut the cookie in half. “Y-you’re sure?” he asks as he is about to take half of the cookie you hand him. “I’m sure,” you say with the first smile of your day. Then Bilbo realises he missed your smile more than he thought. But when you eat your piece of cookie, he understands how much more he missed your smile when you were eating. Luckily for him, he has some food in his bag waiting to share with you. 
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Bilbo hadn’t really understood why the dwarves had hated the elf so much, but of course, Bofur had quietly told him of why they were so distrustful of her, but it wasn’t entirely personal, they’d distrusted all elves, even the ones in Rivendell. He’d become rather fond of her, but only because she was much more mannered and polite. She favored two daggers over the typical elven choice of a sword and bow, which Bilbo found odd, as he’d always heard stories about elves and their almost perfect skill with bows and swords. Even Lord Elrond of Rivendell carried a sword, which he had no doubt that the elven lord was lethal with it.
But while Bilbo had come to recognize that the dwarves were offensive fighters, she was defensive, and it’d taken quite a while for him to understand that any time there was danger, she was always next to him, keeping close so that nothing could hurt him. But he’d also seen her when she was sneaking behind enemies, watching as she’d taken down more than the dwarves who were in the thick of it.
The night had called, and Bilbo found himself unable to sleep, tossing and turning over the hard ground while the others snored around him. He lie there for as long as he could before he sat up with a quiet sigh, discontent flooding him as he threw the blanket off before rising from the bedroll. He assumed a short stroll might tire him out, not too far of course—the last thing he wanted was to end up like he’d been with the trolls.
As he neared the edge of the camp, his keen eyes saw a flash of silver in the low branches of a tree and he blinked, squinting at the figure sitting up there. It was their resident elf, still as the dead, watching over the camp and around them. It was a rather flustering amount of time before Bilbo realized she was staring right at him, and he felt his cheeks redden as embarrassment flooded his body. Still though, he walked over to stand somewhat beneath her, enough that he could crane his neck and look up at her.
“What are you doing up there?” he asked quietly, though he’d already known the answer.
“The better question is what are you doing awake?” she countered, and he shifted on his feet.
“I couldn’t sleep. I miss my bed,” he added, unable to hide his homesickness.
She nodded, turning to look out towards the land shadowed by the night. “Understandable. The ground is rather hard. Good for your back though, believe it or not.”
“I think I shall agree to disagree. I like my soft bed and fluffy pillows.”
She chuckled lowly and with a bit of grace, shifted and rolled off the branch, landing in front of him without so much as a noise. “You should try to sleep though, Bilbo. Our journey will only become much more difficult if you are exhausted.”
He felt shame creep up his neck, and he looked at his feet. “I…I’m sorry I’m not much help.” He was in fact not a help at all, always getting in the way, not even able to fight, not able to—
“Bilbo,” she calmed, kneeling down, and placing a hand on his shoulder; she looked at him with kind eyes. “I didn’t mean you would make the entire journey difficult. I meant your own experience would be uncomfortable because of your exhaustion.”
“Oh…” he said, feeling a bit foolish.
“While some of the others might think you a burden, rest assured that I do not, Bilbo, and I think you are wonderful company on this adventure.” She gestured for them to sit down against a rock, far enough from the dwarves that their talking wouldn’t disturb them, but close enough that she could see over them.
“Bilbo,” she started, gently wrapping an arm around him, pulling him close. “No one is expecting you to become some great warrior.”
He shifted around in her grip until he was as comfortable as he could be. “I know, but sometimes I feel like I am weighing us all down.”
“As you will, you’ve no prior experience in battle or on any type of business where it is this dangerous. But you’re learning, and that’s the most important thing. If you weren’t, then we would be considering shoving you in a barrel and floating you back up a stream to the Shire.”
He blinked, a smile on his lips as he laid his head against her side. “Where do you come from?”
She fell silent for a long while before she murmured, “I originally hail from Mirkwood.”
“The kingdom that Thorin’s family dealt with?”
“That would be the kingdom.”
“How did you end up here?” he asked, and she let out a long breath. The question was more than obvious. How did one of Erebor’s greatest enemies end up on the adventure to take back Erebor?
“I’m old, Bilbo. Very old. I’ve been on this earth longer than many of the elves around, save Elrond and Lady Galadriel.” She turned into him closer. “I was King Thranduil’s guard captain when Erebor was at its height of power. When Erebor fell to Smaug, we had marched to the carnage. Thranduil refused to help the dwarves.” She frowned. “Even in his grief, anger, and greed, we are still called to watch over Middle Earth. His refusal to assist innocents in their greatest peril went against my very purpose. I wasn’t going to stand for it.”
Bilbo listened to her, and asked softly, “What happened?”
“I abandoned my post. I refused to follow a king who wouldn’t put aside his pride in favor of helping a group of refuges who’d just lost literally everything they had. There is no honor in letting people die. Especially the innocent dwarves who had nothing to do with the issue between Thranduil and Thorin’s grandfather.”
“I can’t assume you left without a fight?”
“Oh, I didn’t,” she deadpanned. “For an entire week, I fled through the land from Erebor, chased by the very guards I trained. At every turn, I engaged in battle with my men and women. I was wounded beyond belief.”
He looked up at her. “Obviously you survived, but how? If you were so injured…?”
“I made it to Rivendell.” She met his gaze with a grin. “I am not even kidding, I was on the bridge at Rivendell, fighting for my life.”
“And?” Bilbo was practically on the edge of his seat.
“I made the mistake of going high when my enemy went low. The blow knocked me back into the staircase where I lay, ready to be beheaded, when Rivendell guards swarmed around me, raising weapons against the elves of Mirkwood.”
“Really?” he asked in disbelief.
“Really. Lord Elrond appeared, a sword in his own hand and commanded they leave at once, or any further aggression would be considered an attack on Rivendell and his guards would respond with force.” She smiled. “I passed out, but when I came to, I was in a bed in Rivendell, Lord Elrond watching over me.”
“He seems a very wise elf.”
“Oh, he is. Very esteemed by us all, respected among everyone, even men, dwarf, and hobbit alike.” She breathed deeply. “He allowed me to recuperate and stay for some time before I left.”
“How long did you stay?”
“Fifty years.” She answered. “I fell into quite a depression over my lack of helping during Erebor’s fall. I felt at fault for not even trying to assist the dwarves.”
Bilbo started to blink slowly, eyelids beginning to droop. “Where did you go after?”
“Anywhere and everywhere away from Mirkwood. I became a bounty hunter. Honed my techniques and abilities.”
“Hmm…does…” he breathed deeply, trying to stay awake. “Does Thorin know?”
She looked down in shock. “What?”
“Thorin…does he know?”
“No, I do not believe so.”
Bilbo hummed again, curling up into her side. “Should tell him…may…forgive you.”
She simply watched as he fell asleep before picking him up, carrying him back towards his bedroll; as she put him down, she pulled his blanket up just under his chin and smiled sadly down at him—if only it was that simple.
As she carefully stepped between the sleeping dwarves, heading back towards the tree she’d been in, she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched. She paused, looking around at their sleeping faces, and when she shrugged, going back towards the tree, Thorin opened his eyes once more, gazing at her back as she did, imagining the weight of the world upon her shoulders just as his was then all those years ago, and now.
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wordbunch · 1 year
The Hobbit re-read: favorites, thoughts and honorable mentions
thank u to my tumblr besties for encouraging me to rant abt this book for a little while, and brace yourselves for a LOOONG post; aka We're Going On An Adventure!
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this quote abt Gandalf: "tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion" like. THIS exactly is Gandalf to me ✨✨✨
the whole good-morninged sequence (as if he was selling buttons at the door! can you imagine! By belladonna tooks SON of all people!!!) 😱
"a cake or 2 would do him good after this fright" me too bilbo
"he had a horrible thought that the cakes might run short" me too bilbo 🍰
Gandalf constantly selling Bilbo's skills to the company and just hyping him up and believing in him all the time!!!! most excellent and audacious hobbit!!! 😎
"this was thorin's style... if he had been allowed he would probably have gone like this until he was out of breath" aka he is Dramatic and Important
"bilbo was getting excited and interested again so that he forgot to keep his mouth shut" how many times will i write ME TOO BILBO in this post
gandalf: i found him in the dungeons of the necromancer; thorin: girl what were YOU doing at the necromancer's??? 🧐🧐🧐 gandalf: finding things out as usual O M G like what else would he be doing there 😚
bilbo constantly wishing he was back home as soon as he left
"off bilbo had to go before he could explain that he could not hoot even once like any kind of owl" yall this book has so many funny moments but like in a very chill humor way
the fact that one of the TROLLS is called WILLIAM 😂😂😂
"i am a good cook myself, and cook better than i cook" okay bilbo rizz 😏🔥
"they had not at all enjoyed lying there listening to the trolls making plans for roasting them" you don't say. i love this deadpan humor SO MUCH jrrt snapped
that whole beautiful iconic description of kind as summer elrond
"their clothes were mended as well as their bruises, their tempers, and their hopes" WHEN will i go to rivendell 😩
"there is nothing like looking if you want to find something" thorin life coach realness 👏🏼👏🏼
thoring gesturing at a miserable desolate land: these tRuLy hOspiTabLe moUnTaiNs 😍
then gandalf lit up his wand. oF coUrSe it wAs gaNdaLf, but they were too busy to ask how he got there. 4ever mood
he thought of himself frying bacon and eggs in his own kitchen ME TOO BIL- 🍳
"Gollum brought up memories of ages and ages and ages before, when he lived with his grandmother in a hole by a bank by a river" this kind of made me cry. it brings unexpected humanity to such an appalling character; kinda makes you want bilbo to spare him eventually
and the fact itself that bilbo felt so bad for him he decided to just leave him be
"you would have laughed (from a safe distance)" LOVE how JRRT puts random little comments addressed to the reader
gandalf just being like ok i gotta go do other things now. good luck besties. ✌🏼😚
beorn: what are you, a traveling circus? and he is actually right 🤪
"you have got to look after all these dwarves for me, gandalf laughed" and i cried
bilbo being like hmm how will i get down from this tree (except by falling)
bilbo's song while killing gigantic spiders "not very good...but you must remember he had to make it up himself in a very awkward moment"
the dwarves starting to respect him and bowing down until they FALL OVER is such a comical image to me
the whole alluring magic of the elvish feast in the forest which disappears when they get closer!! a whole fairytale mr tolkien!!! 😍
thranduil is a greedy b <3 and especially VERY fond of wine 🍷🍷🍷
"i will lock you all in again and you can sit there comfortably and think of a better plan" bilbo badass mode and we love to see it 💋
tolkien being like WELL u can laugh but you wouldn't have done any better if u were him. real.
when they're in dale i love the numerous references to "songs and stories of old" and all of them basically being a living legend and turning their stay in dale into a public holiday and spectacle
thorin is cocky af
/freeze frame/ "you are familiar with thorin's style on important occasions so i will not give you any more of it" its ok jrrt, let him be a drama queen 👑
bilbo when he takes some gold from smaug being like "this will show them!!!1!1" 😠😠
sassy bilbo strikes again with "did you expect me to trot back with the whole hoard of thror on my back? if there's any grumbling to be done i think i might have a say" GO OFF KING 👏🏼
i just rly love him okay, he stole my heart in this book like a real legitimate professional burglar that he is
"i am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly" etc. basically this whole exchange btw bilbo and smaug is pure gold (pun not intended) 🤫
talking birds that eavesdrop. enough said.
the descriptions of the arkenstone which make you actually want to have it too. genius. there could be no two such gems, even in so marvellous a hoard, even in all the world." 💎💎💎
the harps (untouched by the dragon who had a small interest in music).. WHY is this so funny to me
bilbo putting on some elvish DRIP and being like ✨✨ i feel magnificent ✨✨ (but probably look dumb 😩)
"this is the great chamber of thror" ok thorin the tour guide king
BARD MY KING i love one (1) man 🎯
bilbo being absolutely against any wars or battles and just wanting to go home BUT also being a sneaky lil shit who takes the arkenstone to bard and thranduil BUT also still not wanting to leave his dwarf buddies
when he gives them the gem "not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing" AHHH i want it!
ambiguous gandalf returning. always love to see it
"if you don't like my burglar, please don't damage him" 🙄 ffs thorin chill
"you are not making a very splendid figure as king" yes gandalf call him out
defeat seems "very uncomfortable, not to say distressing" to bilbo. we love.
the fact that he was just knocked out cold during the battle so thur we know very little abt what really happened?? jrrt genius writing hack. might use this one 🤔
fili and kili deserved a better sendoff than just mentioning that they died. come on.
thorin's last words and reconciliation w bilbo... PLEASE I WILL CRY until i throw up. "it has been more than any baggins deserves." "no! there is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west. some courage and some wisdom blended in measure. if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
i might still be crying
"tea is at 4 but any of you are welcome at any time" my heart... ❤️😭 Guess he's no longer scared of running out of cake
bilbo gifting thrandy a necklace as an apology for eating and drinking his stuff secretly, king shit 😉
bilbo having the absolute NERVE to say to ELVES "your lullaby would wake a drunken goblin". wig wig
he deadass borrowed a handkercheif from freaking ELROND 😳
bilbo arriving home to being presumed dead and his stuff literally being auctioned off
"it was a long time before he was in fact admitted to being alive again…" and sackville-bagginses having sm beef with that HAHAHA
he lost his reputation but he lived his best life so who's the winner here 😌😌😌
the closing lines "you are a very fine person, mr baggins, and i am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all" "thank goodness! said bilbo laughing."
like. THIS. literally embodies everything. he is just a little guy. just some smol person. BUT STILL had a say in how BIG things happened. BUT he remains happy to be just a smol simple person.
overall an incredibly fun read and it was way more genuinely FUNNY than i anticipated. bilbo is a whole mood. thorin is a diva. gandalf is there to start shit and hype up bilbo. jrrt with random author's notes throughout the book gives me life.
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raointean · 4 months
RoP Teaser Trailer Breakdown!
First of all, I would like to say, I'm SO PSYCHED for this season! (Especially since we're going to get to see Elrond in action 🫠)
So, it starts off with a shot of saurbrand with Durin voicing over saying, "An evil, ancient and powerful, has returned!" Obviously, the shot is referencing Sauron and how he’s ancient, powerful, and evil, but I think that that's not what Durin is actually talking about in-universe. I think he’s actually referencing the balrog!
Honestly, given the scenes of panic and destruction in Khazad-Dûm we see later in the trailer, I think there's a good chance the season finale will deal with the fall of Khazad-Dûm at the hands of the balrog.
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The next shot is this roiling mass of... things that take on a spider-like form. Obviously, that's going to be Shelob.
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Next is a clip with Galadriel and Elrond, along with three elven warriors in a defensive circle. I'll be honest, I have no idea where they are or who/what they're fighting, but I am LIVING for Galadriel's braid crown. Gorgeous, practical, 10/10.
Also, we finally get to see Elrond fight! He toted that sword around all last season and didn't pull it out once! And, I love his new hair! Robert Aramayo, bless his heart, has a VERY angular face and the slicked back style was doing him no favors. It could just be messy hair in this one scene, but it's beautiful.
Next is a shot of the hands of one of the Rhûnic witches we saw last season with blood on her hands. Maybe some kind of blood sacrifice?
After that is a similarly lit shot of a temple (?) with a swarm of moths. I... have no idea what that's about, but I'm excited to find out!
Then there's a brief voice-over of either the Stranger (whom I maintain is definitely Gandalf) or maybe one of the southlanders? saying, "He worms his way inside your mind." As the scene cuts to the golden tree in Lindon as worm-like roots come out of the ground and begin to spread.
I think it looks a little like the mass that made up Shelob, but I don't really know what significance that could have? I can't imagine her crossing Middle Earth to bite the tree like Ungoliant did, but who knows. I also don't know the significance of who's speaking, but that's mostly because I can't tell who's speaking.
Then there's a quick cut to orcs and trolls on the move, presumably in Mordor.
After that, we're back in Ost-in-Edhil as Celebrimbor is watching a bright, orange light with a dark shape in the middle, like someone's coming through. It almost looks like... an eye 🤔
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It's GOT to be the coming of Annatar. There's literally nothing else it could be!
Someone else, either Galadriel or Míriel, says "I think he has been here... I think he has been here all along!" Obviously, they're talking about Sauron and how he's been spying on them, making me think it's Galadriel speaking.
Then a shot of Ost-in-Edhil in confusion as Annatar stalks through the town square, a smirk on his face. This could be the beginning of the end of Ost-in-Edhil (and Celebrimbor) but I really don't think they'd do that so soon. Maybe he just got done with the Dwarf rings?
Next, there's a shot of Númenor's coastline along with the release date (August 29th!) then a shot of Galadriel and Elrond on horseback going... somewhere. There's mountains and my first thought was Númenor, but that wouldn't really fit. Maybe this is the discovery of the hidden valley?
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What do we think?
Then, it's Míriel in the ocean with a giant sea-monster, possibly the one that attacked the southlanders' raft. I think she's having some sort of vision. Like a "this is the final fate of your people" sort of thing. That or Ar-Pharazon made her walk the plank lol.
Then there's shots of Disa, King Durin III, and a boulder breaking a bridge in Khazad-Dûm as someone says, "Every soul in middle earth is in danger," reinforcing my idea that we're going to see Khazad-Dûm become Moria. Also, Disa seems angry, and Durin III seems to be stuck in a cave? Coupled with the LITERAL BROKEN BRIDGE, it almost makes me think that Disa's gone full Lady MacBeth and is trying to get her husband into power.
Then a shot of Elendil in a crowd being pushed back by soldiers. Maybe something to do with the Faithful? Maybe Míriel's being executed? I have no idea.
The next shot is of Galadriel screaming which, while beautiful to hear, had no context, so I have no clue what it is. It's immediately followed by an orc licking his knife.
Next is a shot of a city (I think it's Lindon, but it could be Ost-in-Edhil or Armenelos) with the words "Darkness will bind them" immediately followed by a shot of the three elven rings on people's fingers. One is definitely Galadriel, another Gil-Galad, and I THINK the other is Celebrimbor.
Then the leaves of the great tree in Lindon turning from green to gold very quickly (I have no idea what that is. Could just be them showing off the tone?)
Durin III picks up a ring of power. I could really see this being a major point of conflict in the coming season. We already know that political tension is rising in Khazad-Dûm: Durin IV has been disinherited by his father, Disa wants Durin IV to be king, Durin III is against mining mithril while Durin IV and Disa are all for it, and presumably there's a brother in there somewhere who would very much like a chance at the throne. A ring of power in that situation would be like throwing a torch into a tinderbox!
Next, we see Arondir flipping and shooting an orc with Isildur in the background, which means we're going to see Arondir and Isildur team up! Not as cool as Elrond and Isildur would be, but there's still plenty of time for that. I think Arondir is probably trying to help him get home to Númenor.
After that is a shot of Númenor with a GIANT eagle coming in for a landing and then it switches to a shot of Ar-Pharazon drawing his sword in front of the eagle.
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Y'all, this is INTERESTING! Giant eagles are signs/emissaries/agents of Manwë, the head dude of the valar! In book canon, Númenor is destroyed and Ar-Pharazon dies because he challenged the valar in his pursuit of immortality. Here, it looks like he's swearing to fight FOR the valar, like he has the backing of the gods. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THIS SCENE OR IT'S GOING TO EAT ME!!!
Next is a shot of Theo crying, probably at his mom's funeral. (Bronwyn is dead, folks. Super dead. I don't know how it happened yet, but it will probably be offscreen as I heard the actress has decided to take a break from acting. We need to be respectful of that though, even if it leads to weird narrative choices, because real world problems trump fantasy 😔)
Then, there's a short shot of Isildur looking up (🤷‍♂️) and, more importantly, a shot of flaming catapults firing on Ost-in-Edhil.
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There's one of two things this could be. Either, it's Sauron's army trying to conquer the city to get to the rings, or more likely, it's elvish forces (led by Elrond?) trying to free Ost-in-Edhil from Sauron's hold and rescue Celebrimbor. If THAT’S the case, it makes more sense that the Galadriel and Elrond riding horses shot was them finding the hidden valley, AND that means we might also get to see Celebrimbanner 😈.
Next is a shot of the new Adar, who doesn't look half bad, followed Gandalf the stranger in Rhûn hitting his staff on the ground and I think creating a wind. I think we're really going to see him come into his power this season!
Then, we see Galadriel pulling back a FLAMING arrow and blowing up a regiment of orcs. Then Elrond leading a cavalry charge. I'm guessing this is all during the attack to break the siege of Ost-in-Edhil.
After that, a very disheveled looking Celebrimbor drops seven (SEVEN!!! ALMOST DEFINITELY THE DWARF RINGS) into the forge fire. If I had to guess, I would say this shot is some time during his captivity and maybe he's escaped and is trying to destroy the rings of power he knows Annatar/Sauron had a hand in.
Next, we cut to a shot of Annatar in the debris of the forge (possibly destroyed when Celebrimbor tried to destroy the rings?) surrounded by sword wielding elves. Interestingly, they do NOT look like Elrond’s forces. Instead, they look more like Celebrimbor's own workmen. We can also see Celebrimbor in this shot WITH A MISSING HAND!!! (Seriously, what is with the Tolkien stories and losing a hand? First Maedhros, then Beren (as well as someone else I can't remember right now) and now poor Celebrimbor!?)
Galadriel gasps, "He is Sauron" and Annatar turns his hands and explodes the guards away, which immediately cuts to an explosion in a mountain valley. The smoke clears to reveal what I think is going to be the foundations of Barad-Dûr.
All in all, I think we're in for a TREAT this season with lots of Elrond, lots of dwarves, and LOTS of Celebrimbor whump. Honestly, I think we may even have a shot at seeing Celebrimbanner during the season finale! I doubt we're getting the fall of Númenor yet, the the fall of Khazad-Dûm is DEFINITELY on the table. SO EXCITED!!!
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watercolorofthemoon · 2 years
i forced my roommate to watch both LOTR and The Hobbit with me. Here are some highlights
Roomie: I like this gandalf dude Me: Oh yeah me too. he's a bit questionable sometimes but we love him
30 seconds later, gandalf fighting saruman: Roomie: NO MY SKRUNKLY
Roomie: awe sam is a precious boy Me, internally: oh you dont even know the half of it
merry and pippin stealing crops: Roomie: ARE THEY THE BASTARD LITTLE BROTHERS?? me: I mean i gues- Roomie: FOUND FAMILY LETS FUCKING GO
Elrond being disappointed and having strong eyebrows: Roomie: i feel like i've let down my dad and i dont even have a dad
Roomie: i don't really like boromir that much- me, pausing the movie to explain why boromir is extremely valid: I WILL HAVE NO BOROMIR SLANDER Roomie: is this bc he's a himbo
Roomie: this thorin guy sounds pretty gay if he's given bilbo this thing thats worth more than the shire me, internally: YOU HAVE NO IDEA MOTHERFUCKER
gandalf dying: roomie: NO MY BOY
roomie: please tell me gimli and legolas are gay, because everyone else seems extremely straight me: they arguably one of the gayest duos, yes. roomie: oh good. i thought they straight-washed sam for no reason me: i mean. there are a lot of frodo and sam moments that have no heterosexual explanation viggo breaking his toes: me, practically bursting at the seams: roomie: oh god what is it me: DID YOU KNOW-
gandalf is alive: roomie: FUCK YEAH MY BOY
me, explaining the uruk-hai: roomie: fucked up of a yas character to do that tbh (referring to saruman's manicure)
theoden being stubborn at helm's deep: roomie: okay i like him BUT COME ONNN MAN
eowyn picking up merry before they ride to gondor: roomie: I KNOW I WANTED TO KISS HER FOr A REASON MWAH MWAH EOWYN me:...she gets a bf roomie: NOT ANYMORE
aragorn: for frodo roomie, bursting into tears: me: whoa whoa u good roomie: ITS HIS DAD. ITS FRODO'S DAD.
sam literally carrying frodo up a mountain: roomie:...thats a bit gay mount doom blowing up: roomie: thats unecessary and homophobic
frodo sailing to the undying lands: roomie: TAKE YOUR BOYFRIEND WITH YOU YOU COWARD
The Hobbit:
the scene with baby bilbo: roomie: NAUR I LOVE HIM
bilbo and gandalf interacting as adults: roomie: this feels like it could go very wrong thorin finally showing up: roomie: listen im gay but i'd consider it me: he's probably also gay roomie: mlm and wlw solidarity okay we're bffs now
bilbo running out of the door: roomie: again. this feels like this could go very wrong. me, internally: oh fuck how do they KNOW already
thorin throwing down his weapon bc bilbo got caught by trolls: roomie:....thats....sus. me:...if this is sus...oh boy...
thorin's obvious dislike of elves @ rivendell: roomie: okay so. explain to me why thorin doesn't like elves again- me: did you not watch the entire introduction to thorin? roomie: NO WAIT I REMEMBER THE BLOND BITCH
saruman showing up: roomie: ew.
galadriel showing up: roomie: HELLO SAILOR AWOOGA AWOOGA
bilbo and thorin nearly falling off at the mountain pass: thorin: he's been lost ever since he stepped out his front door roomie: WDYM YOU'RE ALL FUCKED UP- thorin stop being mean to your husband
the entirety of the goblin tunnels and gollum: roomie: this does not bode well. at all. the ring showing up: roomie: I WAS RIGHT
azog versus thorin scene: roomie: dumb bitch...OH NO DOES HE DIE- bilbo to the rescue: oh no its chill, just gay
the iconic carrock scene: roomie:....this is incredibly gay bestie me: i'm aware.
the entirety of the beorn's house arc: roomie: ...i like beorn. he's feral and skrunkly. so is radaghast.
legolas showing up: roomie: *surprised pikachu face*
tauriel and kili's interactions: roomie: damn i was hoping she would be gay me: i mean with the right headcanons she can totally be a lesbian roomie: UR SO RIGHT OMG
kili getting shot with arrow: roomie: NO THE GAYS-
the laketown master existing: roomie: EAT THE RICH.
bilbo and thorin on the boat together: roomie: oh they definitely fucked in laketown-
tauriel healing kili and them holding hands: roomie: oh no don't make me feel sad for straight ppl me: again. they don't have to be straight. roomie: I KNOW BUT ITS THE PRINCIPLE OF IT
bilbo waking up smaug: roomie: oh bilbo...oh you sweet summer child...you stupid bitch.
thorin threatening bilbo initially: roomie: oh fuck. it got worse. me, internally: oh honey. oh no.
thorin's gold sickness and then nearly killing bilbo at the ramparts: roomie: NO THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GAY AND HAPPY HOW COULD YOU
*doesn't say anything almost the entire battle until the kili and fili die* roomie: noooo the skrunklies NOOOOOOO
thorin, fucking dies in bilbo's arms: roomie: *turns to look at me with the most murderous look on her face* me: *nervous laughter* so about it getting worse- roomie: IM GOING TO KILL YOU.
end for now, if we end up watching trop together ill let yall know <3
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ozimiri · 3 months
Glamdring and Orcrist in the Hobbit Trilogy
Rewatching the Hobbit movies again, and I noticed something fascinating about Orcrist & Glamdring, the swords that Gandalf & the company find in the troll hoard.
Elrond identifies the sword Gandalf carries as Glamdring, the sword of the King of Gondolin, Turgon son of Nolofinwe. Turgon is Elrond's grandfather: Turgon's daughter Idril Celebrindal is mother to Eärendil, Elrond's father.
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And after that, he hands it back. He and Gandalf don't say anything to each other about how it technically belonged to Elrond's grandfather. Elrond has a hefty claim on that sword through family inheritance alone, yet he says nothing about it.
Meanwhile this little shit:
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Legolas. Honey. You are actually the only elvish prince in all of Middle-Earth who has zero claim to that sword.
Gondolin was a Noldor city, and Turgon was a Noldor king of the line of Finwe. Legolas and Thranduil are Grey-elves, and as far as we know, they have no family connections to the Noldor. In fact the line of Thranduil is notable for being one of the only lines of elven royalty still in power who were never majority or partially Noldor. (Unless Legolas's dead mother was Noldo--but even so, it seems weird that she would be and this would have zero impact on Legolas, until the moment he sees a shiny and suddenly it's essential to his identity.)
And it's not as though Legolas doesn't know what it is. He identifies it on sight as being from Gondolin, and of Noldor make: "Echannen i·vegil hen vi·nGondolin - magannen nan·Gelydh."
I know that it's an elven sword being carried around by a bunch of dwarves. Legolas does have more ties to it than Thorin. But not that much more, and not anything close to Elrond.
It speaks to the themes of greed, worthiness, and legacy that are wrapped up in these films. As soon as Legolas sees that sword, it lights something in him that makes him suspicious of Thorin and the company--he desires it. Meanwhile Elrond has an actual claim on it, yet he doesn't voice that. He doesn't need it - for his own identity, or for his own use. It shows how much growing Legolas has to do, and how much Elrond has been through.
(P.S. - it also fascinates me that Glamdring is the famous sword that's shown, because Turgon wasn't exactly known for his fighting during the first age. He literally took all of his people and hid in Gondolin. He fought in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, but he wasn't involved in the harrying of Morgoth and his forces to any serious extent before that or after. So why this sword? Why it, and not Maedhros or Fingon or Finrod's swords?)
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
A Herbal Soup || Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader
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Summary: the talent you possess in the kitchen gets complimented by Thorin during a stopover in Rivendell.
Warnings: none
Word count: 575
Author: Rouge
A/N: today’s prompt: Dinner Cooking
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The journey to the Lonely Mountain was far from easy - you had to face trolls, orcs, spiders, and other foul creatures you never knew existed.
During the quest, you questioned your motives and the fact you agreed to help Gandalf - you were only a human and could add only the skill of wielding a sword; you even hacked heads of a few orcs.
The company was fortunate to have made it to Rivendell where you all could have rested upright for the first time since several days ago. On the night when Gandalf sought Elrond's assistance, you joined the Dwarves at their small campfire while Elrond was translating the Moon-letters on Thrór's Map.
“Have you seen Thorin?” You asked Kíli after taking place by his side.
He nodded while biting into food he held in his hand. "Yes. In fact, he went with Elrond and Gandalf."
Nodding, you immersed yourself in one of Balin's tales. After feeling a little hungry, and since the food the Dwarves had acquired a taste for was not something you longed for, you got up and went to ask the Elves for a cauldron and some herbs. The Elves agreed to let you use their kitchen after hearing your request; it was a blessing and you felt honored. You chopped carrots, celery, and some parsley and its leaves, and added a few potatoes, herbs, and spices to a pot over the fire. You smiled at yourself as you inhaled the herbal smell of the soup you were making.
A sudden question asked in a deep tone echoed from the walls of the kitchen, "What are you doing, Y/N?"
Looking over your shoulder, you smiled at Thorin as he entered the chamber. "I'm cooking soup. Would you like to try it?"
As Thorin got closer, he simply nodded.
A spoon was passed to him and you shifted aside so he could get closer to the pot.
He gathered some liquid on the spoon, then he blew at it a few times and slipped the spoon past his lips. Seconds later, he smiled, "It's really tasty, Y/N. I never thought soup without meat could taste so good. Perhaps I'd add something spicy to it."
"Can you peel a big onion and a few peppers for me?" You asked. "Is everything okay?"
Thorin nodded, doing what you've asked him to. “In some way, yes. Elrond read the Moon-letters, which said: ‘Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole’, so we are running out of time since Durin's Day is just around the corner,” Thorin said as he passed you the onion and started to chop the peppers.
Over the fire, you fried the onion until it turned golden, then added it to the soup, followed by the peppers. “I’m sure we’ll get to the right place on time, Thorin. Be of good cheer.”
Thorin only listened to you, his expression remained unchanged as he grabbed some peppercorns and threw them into the pot.
Thorin helped you clean the kitchen and threw away the peeling while remaining quiet.
As soon as the soup was ready, you let him try it.
Thorin looked at you after tasting the broth. "It's very tasty, and I take it as a huge compliment from a carnivore," he said. "Who would have thought humans are capable of cooking so well?"
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