#åse info
acesandocs · 24 days
Would Åse act in a specific way if she would see someone smaller that is following her?
Considering the line of work Ace is in, anyone mysterious following her would have him on edge. If it was just a small or short person he’d try to loose them/outrun them. If it was like a child he’d tentatively ask where their folks are.
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toothbrushfingers · 2 years
hi hello there: so i, like many people i’m sure, have a httyd oc. Her name is Åse. and she of course is a dragon rider. but i decided to create a new species for her, something a bit more traditional dragon looking, just for giggles.
This is Goldwing: (just a sketch, to get the idea of the design down)
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he is a Golden Star Swimmer: aka a Star Swimmer or Lavender Dragon. I wanted to share a bit about the species.
first their name: the official name of the species is Star Swimmer, Golden Star Swimmer for males due to their golden markings. (females have no gold on them) Their name comes from the fact that they are semi-aquatic tidal class dragons, able to fly some of the highest altitudes of any dragon. literal star swimmers.
They’re also called lavender dragons, this is because they need to eat lavender to survive. it’s not the only thing they eat, similar to how gronkles don’t just eat rocks. in fact, they have quite the large pallet and will eat pretty much anything edible you set in front of them, whether it be meat, fish, herbs, etc.
they can live in fresh water, salt water, or out of water. they’ve also evolved to be immune to most water parasites. however, because they’re only semi-aquatic, they still need air to survive. luckily for them, they can hold their breath for up to 2 weeks if they absolutely have to.
they’re a generally very shy and reclusive species, and tend to be non-confrontational. they’re usually very wary of other dragons, but even more-so of humans. this is because they were nearly hunted to extinction for their hydes.
their hyde is worth a lot, but because they’re so reclusive and tend to stay in the water, they’re considered rare. the reason their hyde is in such high demand is because of how soft yet strong it is. it has very soft with almost rubbery feeling scales that you can actually squish, as opposed to the hard scales of most other dragons. their scales are water proof, and extremely durable and difficult to pierce, because of how thick and squishy they are. this means it makes for great armor, though it’s not completely impenetrable. they can also be woven into a rope, creating a sort of bungee cord. Golden Star Swimmers are in even higher demand, because of their unique gold markings.
star swimmers are quick and swift, with speeds close to, but not quite as fast as a nadder. they’re very sneaky, and have special padding on their feet that make their footsteps nearly completely silent.
they don’t roar, but have more a a squeaking, clicking, and sing-songy vocal pattern. that way, they can communicate to eachother both on land and underwater. their voices also carry very well and can be heard from miles away if they wanted.
their blast is much like a welder’s torch.
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like these:
extremely hot, usually purple or blue in color, great for welding, can be shot underwater, and is shot as one continual stream of fire. this stream of fire can last up to about 8 seconds long, and they have a shot limit of 5.
ironically, one of their main weaknesses is extreme heat.
others include non-willingness to fight out of fear, staying out of water for more than 2 days and becoming dehydrated, blue oleander and dragon root of course, and strangely enough, blueberries are extremely toxic to star swimmers.
that’s all the info i have on them now, i’m still working on it and i plan on redrawing Goldwing in more of a httyd art style.
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anxious-ace · 10 months
Trauma house: Heaven's wasteland info:
"The Judge/Headmaster"/Agasha Talanova- headmaster at Ravenwood (and previously Grand Ridge). Watching her explain the rules of the training and handling any, silly little outbursts from the subjects reminded me of why she was elected to lead us. It's a shame she'll have to deal with the survivors and their antics (especially the investigators) but she can handle it, I know she can. D.O.B. is still said to be July 2nd and her place of origin is somewhere in Russia (still not sure where).
Marje Paters- stenographer at Ravenwood (and previously Grand Ridge). I mentioned her skills 4 years ago and boy did she deliver, not a single word was missed the entire time. It's a shame she got stuck with Ghost’s “friend” but hey, he did what he was told to eventually (although he was a pain in the ass to deal with personally). Anyway, D.O.B. is August 5th and her place of origin is Breda, The Netherlands.
Åse Eliassen- I forgot to mention Ravenwood's (and previously Grand Ridge's) very own bailiff/school security guard, how silly of me. Just like with Marje, I wish she didn't have to deal with Ghost’s “friend”, but we did eventually get him to do his job so I can't be too disappointed with the situation. It is her job to take care of threats after all. D.O.B. is May 18th, and her place of origin is said to be Oslo, Norway.
Norman Hart- math professor at Ravenwood College. His math skills aren't really important in the game, but he can console the participating students after the fact with his experience as a teacher and dad. D.O.B. is September 13 and the place of origin is Seattle, Washington.
Agnes "Ivy" Murray- a detective in the EIPD (Ego Island Police Department), she sure as hell knows how to take control of a situation. Her investigative experience would have proved helpful to the participants if only the judge hadn't blocked them away from the rest of the campus. D.O.B.. is January 22nd and the place of origin is Sydney, Australia.
Blake Walsh- an English professor at Ravenwood. Like Norman, his literature skills aren't important for the game, but unlike Norman, he has a harder time consoling people as he is childless, but his experience with older kids makes up for it. D.O.B. is April 28th and the place of origin is Austin, Texas.
Jamie Mack- 18-year-old student with remarkable translating skills. If anyone needs help in any foreign language class, they're your person. These language skills are also useful in translating any multilingual plans written in an attempt to be discreet about them. D.O.B is February 15th and the place of origin is Chicago Illinois.
Elias Zenea- 19-year-old student and prophet. Although the idea of an actual prophet seems far-fetched, this student seems to be at least on the right track 50-60% of the time. This foresight can prove helpful as they can see the crime before it even happens and can predict any other attacks that may occur. D.O.B is September 6th and the place of origin is Patras, Greece.
Amina del Nero- 19-year-old student and florist. Even though the ability to grow flowers might be helpful, growing food sure is and her knowledge of what is edible or not is also very helpful in either making sure someone survives or getting rid of them herself. D.O.B is July 20th and the place of origin is Milan, Italy.
Rémy Poulin- 18-year-old student and abstract artist. His art skills can be useful if he wants to trick someone with a fake tunnel or corridor, he can paint it very convincingly. He can also paint things to take his mind off of the situation but I digress. D.O.B is September 2nd and the place of origin is Lyon, France.
Yvonne Poulin- 18-year-old student and animator. Unlike her brother, I don't think her animation skills would help as much, although if they work together and make a moving distraction then I see it. She does understand how the human body moves, just like that poor dollmaker back in Grand Ridge. Anyways, D.O.B is September 2nd and the place of origin is Lyon, France.
Lorena Menédez- 20-year-old student and inspector/investigator. One of the only ones with any sort of investigative prose, she is very helpful in determining the who, how, and why of any case, if only finding out who did it meant they see punishment (as this is more of a survival of the fittest situation rather than trial situation), she’s still helpful in discussions but it might not get anywhere. DOB is December 3rd and the place of origin is Cali, Columbia.
Esther Camarero- 21-year-old student and musician. Not really useful in itself, but she does carry around some heavy instruments, you need a strong arm and decent coordination. She can distract the group from the situation and help pass the time but that's about it really. DOB is October 12th and the place of origin is Barcelona, Spain.
Jurrijn Fixe- 20-year-old student and matchmaker. I don't really know how playing Cupid can be useful, maybe he's giving people alibis without realizing it, yeah that can be it. Anyway, the way he works is he gets a read on someone and finds someone that matches what they need, like the bookworm from Grand Ridge, but with people instead of books (yeah it's weird now that I put it like that). D.O.B is May 19th and the place of origin is Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Katenka Kashuba- 19-year-old student, fighter/soldier in training, and Grand Ridge massacre survivor. Not only did she survive the massacre (like I said she would), but she also seemed to have brought her younger sister into this (unknowingly of course). Given her connection to the other survivors, I won't be surprised if everyone survives this game like they did the last one. I also said she could get rid of evidence easily and boy, she did not disappoint. D.O.B. is July 4th and the place of origin is Moscow, Russia.
Veronika Kashuba- 18-year-old student and software architect. Like her sister, she too has a history of fighting for her life, unlike her sister that's not her only known trait. As a software architect, she helped a fellow student revive Mach’s programming (as his body got destroyed at some point at Grand Ridge four years prior), but instead of putting in a new body they just put him in his inventor’s computer. D.O.B is July 12th and the place of origin is Kazan, Russia.
Tobias Oien- 19-year-old student and medic. As a medic, they can patch anything up (within limitation) using what's available, thus keeping his peers alive just a bit longer. Though they may seem to be focusing on only his peers, he can also patch himself up (as expected) so he can better help their peers. D.O.B. is August 21st and the place of origin is Calgary, Canada.
Karly Emily Kamad Borres- 20-year-old student and guide. As a guide, she knows the school like the back of her hand and can use that knowledge to her advantage (leading people where they can't be found, hiding from any attacks, etc.). The downside to this of course is if she says anything about a place that only she knows, she's immediately suspect number 1. D.O.B. is August 21 and the place of origin is Manila, Philippines.
Asuka Kudo- 19-year-old student and mechanic. Given that she's a mechanic, I'm surprised Mach’s inventor didn't ask her to help him rebuild the body, I mean she is capable of achieving such a feat, just look at Ravenwood’s robotics club, but to each their own I guess. Preferences aside, she is very understanding and has decided to help fix the program for his computer with Veronika and Otto instead. D.O.B is March 18th and the place of origin is Kyoto, Japan.
Otto Weigle- 18-year-old student and programmer. Speaking of helping with Mach’s programming, he did the bulk of the work for their little project (alongside the inventor obviously). He is also responsible for programming the school's computer and security systems, little does he know that work will bite him in the ass eventually. D.O.B is January 21st and the place of origin is Munich Germany.
Camron Alejo- 21-year-old student and psychologist. Considering the situation at hand, having a psychologist by your side isn't a bad idea, especially one as sympathetic as her. Some would say her sympathy makes her weak, but you know what I see, I see someone that even the most closed off of people can trust with whatever they are going through. D.O.B is October 24 and the place of origin is Valencia, Spain.
Mirai Hamadate- 20-year-old student and filmmaker. Like the writers at Grand Ridge, although his filmmaking skills might not be useful, he'd have one hell of a movie on his hands if he survives. Wait, as a filmmaker, he could spot whether or not any footage shown is real or edited so he is useful, for that at least. DOB is June 28th and the place of origin is Sapporo, Japan.
Gavin Toast/Allencourt- 21-year-old student, gambler/identity thief, and another Grand Ridge massacre survivor. His talents he was so highly praised (or shunned) for, worked in his favor the last time, let's see where they get him now that his brother and their friend are “undercover” as former classmates of theirs. D.O.B. is August 8th and the place of origin is Glasgow, Britain.
“Edgar Kingsley”/Johnny Toast- 21-year-old student, writing prodigy and survivor. He is currently undercover as his deceased cousin, he might get away with it if the other survivors (who know the difference between the 2 writers) weren't here. Seeing how long this lasts does sound fun though. And I believe the judge, like last time, hasn't waved any exceptions for them so we hope to see a lot of shenanigans between everyone. Anyways, D.O.B. is August 8th and the place of origin is Glasgow, Britain.
“Joan Zanhuesa”/Johnny Ghost- 19-year-old student, inventor, and last survivor in our roster (Robin might be off somewhere else or maybe she'll be here later, who knows). As I mentioned before, as the inventor of Mach and the head of the restoration project, I thought he would have tried to fix the old body or make a new one but no. He opted to put him into his computer via a hard drive he picked up after he was destroyed. Moving on, like his partner in crime, he is also undercover as his deceased cousin (for some goddamn reason, guilt maybe?). I also thought his status as a gateway was going to have a bigger impact, (maybe his “friend" will show up at some point like he did last time). Anyways, D.O.B. is August 28th and the place of origin is Savannah, Georgia.
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thoregil · 7 years
Klubb Kanin feiret 20 år som undergrunns konsertserie for støymusikk, performance,  fri impro, ambient, elektro-akustisk, electronika,  teater og surrealistisk happenings, med en todagers festival på Avant Garden. Rundt 25 forestillinger innenfor alle de nevnte sjangre – og vel så det. Klubb Kanin starta i Trondheim i ’97 som en del av Origami Republika – som igjen går enda lengre tilbake til Oslo en gang på 80-tallet. Mer info om fenomenet finnes her – origami.teks.no
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Torstein Wjiik vs M.A.S.
Den mystiske fridanseren
Pål Bøyesen
Super Naculum
Napalm Jugend
Hanna Fauske
Hold (James Welburn)
Animal Machine
Lei av Auto
Linn Halvorsrød
RIP Jester Man feat. Anders Børup
A Melodyc Shivering Form
Origami Antarktika
Hornorkesteret – Torbjørn Benjaminsen og Jonas Qvale
Hellner Ursin Fariello
Legion of Swine
Origami Ballistika
MBD – Marhaug Bøe Duch
Kapotte Muziek
Origami Arktika
2017-03-31/04-01 KKXX: Klubb Kanin 20 år – Avant Garden Klubb Kanin feiret 20 år som undergrunns konsertserie for støymusikk, performance,  fri impro, ambient, elektro-akustisk, electronika,  teater og surrealistisk happenings, med en todagers festival på Avant Garden.
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acesandocs · 29 days
How would Åse react if someone would hug her for no reason?
If someone hugged her for no reason he’d be a bit surprised but not against it. He loves physical affection and would welcome it openly. One of the only instance he’d react badly would be if you came up behind her when she was already really tense and hugged him. In that case he’d probably punch you.
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acesandocs · 4 months
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*slides this over the table to you and runs*
art thoughts below
Ive talked about these goobers before so some of ya’ll might already know I ship my oc Ace with Jack from Under The Devils Moon by @libras-interactives. Ace is generally a very physically affectation person. It comes very naturally to him, so anyone in a relationship with him should expect a lot of random hugs.I dont know if Jack can read but if he cant just imagine he's looking at the comics.
Based on this illustration by Al Parker
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acesandocs · 2 months
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Did some oc charts for funsies. Fun fact: Aces eyes dilate when hes lovestruck.
og templates here and here
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acesandocs · 19 days
What would Åse like as a present? Except dancing
In terms traditional gift items, he has a soft spot for anything home made. As long as its not something extremely expensive. In that case you might make him a bit uncomfortable. (she does not think she deserves something like that) Other than that Quality time is good too. Maybe a walk in the woods or an evening boxing match. Also you cant go wrong with food. Ace’s favorite kind of cake/pastry is Pavlova so just get her a slice and you've made her day. He’ll probably want to share it with you though.
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acesandocs · 4 months
Wound and future for Ace for the ask game please!
Thanks for the ask dude!
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
He already isn't living his best life so he cant really imagine things getting that much worse. Right now the idea of loosing the few connection hes gotten at the Lackadisy is probably something he has nightmares about. A common theme for the nightmares is somehow killing one of them.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
He has a higher than normal pain tolerance and any bad emotions he pushes down to far to feel it clearly. So he just kinda shrugs it off or deflects anything bad. To really hurt him you have to aim deep, just tell him something along the lines of ‘’Your mom doesn't love you’’ and it’ll ruin his week. He will break your teeth, in turn so be prepared for the consequences of your actions. The worst wound hes had is probably getting shot in the ribs. Second place goes to that one time he and some neighborhood kids were playing The Knife Game and he got stabbed in the heel. He also doesn't like accepting help when it comes to getting hurt, at least unless he’s really close to someone.
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acesandocs · 2 months
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Finally a fic that includes a cannon character. In this case Viktor, its an exploration of what Viktor thinks of Ace and is written from his perspective. It also discusses his reaction to Ace's gender identity which he has a somewhat reductive view of. I wrote what i think would be the most likely reaction from him considering his age and the environment he grew up in. The story takes place after Ace started working for Atlas but before Atlas died. Ace presented exclusively masculine at this point.
Also thanks so much to @ahhhh-118 for beta reading for me and helping me come up with some ideas for the title card!
Content Warning: mentions of gun violence, serious injury, blood and drugs (medical painkillers)
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What the hell was he thinking! Just running in like that, stupid kid. Viktor spared quick glances over to Ace in the passenger seat. He’d slumped to the side and was leaning on the car door window now. Don’t worry just drive. Why was he worried in the first place. He was just some idiot kid he’d been saddled with for the night. It was initially just supposed to be him and Mordecai, but the tuxedo cat had gotten caught up in some other business he had to finish. So the kid had been sent with him as a replacement. He just needed some extra muscle anyway so this would be easy, but apparently not. They'd been ambushed on the side of the road. He’d just let the him out of his sight for a second but suddenly he was right in the middle of all the gunfire. The kid was lucky one bullet was the worst he got. He even tried to wave it off like it wasn't a big deal
‘’Jus’ drop me off at the cafe, I’ll be fine’’ Is what he said.
It was almost tempting. This isn't how Viktor wanted to spend the rest of his afternoon. But if he couldn't trust the kid not to run into open gunfire he knew he probably wouldn't be able to get medical help on his own. Viktor pulled up to what he thought was Ace’s apartment building.
‘’Which is- ‘’
Viktor said as he looked over just to see Ace fiddling with the door handle. He managed to grab the back of his shirt before he could face plant out the door. Once the Slovak managed to get the boy safely back in his seat, he grabbed a coat from the back and got out muttering a foreign curse ot two while quickly making his way to the other side of the car.
‘’Apartment number’’ he said sporting one of his infamous glares.
‘’…407‘’ Ace coughed out.
Viktor offered him a shoulder to lean on but he refused. Why was he so stubborn about this. Ace was usually overly familiar him. He sighed and handed Ace the coat. The kid wrapped it around himself, making sure to cover any signs of his injury. It was almost comical how big it looked on him. Hopefully his neighbors would just think he was drunk, the way he stumbled up to the elevator. With the push of some buttons and a metallic whine they were on their way up. By now Viktor could see the kid was struggling to stand up. As the doors opened he hooked his arm under the smaller cats shoulder.
‘’I said I can-‘’
‘’Now is not time for whining.‘’
The kid grumbled but relented. They made it into the apartment without much trouble. Viktor let Ace down the nearest chair.
‘’Keep pressure on it. I will go call doktor.’’
Ace only nodded. Viktor supposed he was to tired to refuse the help at this point.
A quick call and half an hour later Ace was being seen to by one of Atlas’ on-call medics. They tended to work odd hours usually having to be available to tend to his personnel at any time. Viktor stayed in the kitchen as the older woman worked. It were three rooms in total a bedroom a bathroom and the main entrance room that was also a kitchen. The apartment was competently furnished albeit almost everything was miss-matched. Just the plates sitting in the sink were different colors and materials. The only unusual piece of furniture in the apartment was a almost pristine sewing machine and table. A few shelves hung on the wall in front of it with a robust selection of threads, ribbons and other textile accessories Viktor couldn't name. And a bigger box of fabrics sat underneath the table next to a small stool, that was presumably pulled out when the machine was in use.
Viktors ears twitch as he heard the doctors footsteps exit the bedroom ‘’I removed the bullet, dressed up the wound and gave her some pain killers. I’m about 83% sure the bullet didn't hit anything vital but if she starts spitting blood call me back up.’’ She said with a huff wiping the sweat from her brow with her sleeve.
‘’Yeah you know, in there‘’ gesturing to the room behind them with her thumb.
Viktor blinked a few times brown furrowing in confusion, he opened his mouth about to counter her but the doctor interrupted him seeming to be in a hurry.
‘’She’s stable for now but you should still monitor her. I have a few more stops to make tonight but if she gets worse ill probably be able to make time to come back… probably’’ And with that she was out the door
Viktor stood in the kitchen for a moment contemplating the medic's words. He peaked into the bedroom and he saw Ace lying on the bed near the window wearing a pair of pajamas while his old bloody clothes slung over a the back of a chair, along with what looked some old bandages. It was much clearer to see now that the medic had not been lying.
He retreated back to the kitchen slumping down on by the table as he furrowed his brows. He had always thought there was something off about the kid. He looked remarkably young for a man of 20 and his voice was light and raspy. He could have just been lying about his age. Viktor had raised the the thought to Atlas once but was assured he didn't need to worry about it. He tried not to think about it, he wouldn't be the only teenager in this line of work thats for sure and besides he or she? Had always done their job well for the most part. And it wasn't really any of his business. He had enough to worry about. But he couldn't stop wondering why. why was she here, doing this job. why was she pretending to be a man. Didn't she have a family or something.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a loud thump. Like someone had dropped a sack of potatoes on the ground. Peeking back into the bed room there he was sprawled out on the floor the tip of his tail swishing quickly back and forth in frustration. H-she was trying to push herself up from the ground but couldn't quite manage before it became to painful. Lying on her side holding her ribs, her eyes looked bleary as she noticed Vikor reaching down for her. Viktor gently lifted her up and placed her on her bed. He was about to stand up and leave when a weak hand gripped his forearm.
‘’Jeg vil ikke være alene… jeg er redd’’
He gently tried to shake her off but she was persistent
‘’Nei … morfar…’’
She was completely out of it. Slurring her words and sniffling? He’d never seen her cry. He’d never really seen her show any other strong emotion than erratic glee.
‘’Kan du lukke vinduet?’’
She limply gestured towards the open window to the left. He looked back at her and she seemed almost scared of it. He slowly made his way over and closed it, it seemed to make her more at ease. Victor slowly made his way to the door but was interrupted again
‘’Ikke dra fra meg!’’
She was openly crying now and reaching for him. He sighed and pulled up a chair and sat beside her. She relaxed back into bed.
‘’Kan du synge noe?’’
He thinks she was asking a question by the tone.
‘’Sleep naov, ask later.’’
She looked at him for moment but eventually responded
‘’Det går fint. Så lenge du ikke drar.’’
She closed her eyes and rested her hands between the pillow and her head. She almost looked like a child. Sighing as he looked out the window he though he’d keep an eye on her for a few hours before leaving, and maybe he could confront her about I tomorrow. Then again he didn't wasn't to deal with whatever drama that might cause. He should probably just act like it didn't happen. Maybe he could push her to quit, she had to just have run away from home right. He’d just have to get her to run back. But what if hse didnt have anywhere to run back to, he tried not to dwell on it. This wasn't a place fro her. Åse grunted as she shifted on the bed, her wound clearly bothering her. She looked pitiful.
‘’No place…’’ he muttered softly
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A translation of Ace's dialoug at the end:
‘’Jeg vil ikke være alene… jeg er redd’’ - ''I don't want to be alone… I'm scared.''
‘’Nei … morfar…’’ - ''No… Grandpa…''
‘’Kan du lukke vinduet?’’ - ''Can you close the window?''
‘’Ikke dra fra meg!’’ - ''Don't leave me!''
‘’Kan du synge noe?’’ - ''Can you sing something?''
‘’Det går fint. Så lenge du ikke drar.’’ - ''It's fine. As long as you don't leave.''
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Authors note: Ive mentioned before that Viktor reminds Ace of his grandpa. They have the have the same body type and bright red fur. And while being very sweet to his family, Ace's grandpa could be similarly grumpy and quiet to other people. In Ace's pain killer addled mind he probably remembered some time in his childhood when his grandpa took care of him when he was sick and confused Viktor for him. Aces grandpa was also liked to sing, which is why Ace makes that request.
I imagine Aces grandpa sounding like Alf Prøysen who is a Norwegian musician among other things. He is probably best remeberd today for the children's music and books he wrote. There are some reference's to his songs and stories in the title card.
I hope i managed to catch all the spelling mistakes and fix up any weird wording lol.
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acesandocs · 3 months
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Thanks for the question @libras-interactives, this was a fun one to think about. 🤔
Ace prefers being as unrestricted as possible when swimming, he’d definitely rock a modern day bikini. But to (begrudgingly) appease the literal decency police she’d be OK with just a one piece swim suit and a sun hat. He thinks the mens one piece Is cooler but swim suits similar to those don’t become popular for women to wear until the late 20s. Maybe shes ahead of the times on that one. He'd refuse to sit still while out but because Norwegian summers are very different from American ones so he’d struggle with the sun a fair bit. She tries to swim and diving to the bottom to hopefully avoid getting sunburnt. Also no shoes, she needs to feel the sand underneath her paws.
As for if he likes swimming: He’s lived his childhood with Norway’s biggest lake literately right outside his door. Being in water is just natural to him. As long as its inland. One of his uncles died during ww1 when a trading ship he was working on hit a British naval mine and exploded. I'll explore it a bit more in a drabble I’m writing (well see how long it gets) But basically Ace has been afraid of the ocean ever since, or at least what might be hiding within. He’d have to be persuaded to come into the water and even then he’d only go so far as his feet can touch the bottom.
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acesandocs · 4 months
Despite zzanimazz being deactivated i will still answer the questions they sent me. I hope they can see this wherever they are🫡
CW: physical and emotional abuse mention below
Desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Ace isn't really aware of what he wants, he doesn't really think about it long enough to come to a clear conclusion. In reality he just wants to be accepted and understood by someone, anyone really. But he doesn't think thats ever going to happen. She has a bit of a defeatist streak going on that she pushes down by living his life without regrets or shame. Part of that is also intentionally acting weird and pushing people away. Because the pain of being rejected by someone he actually cared about hurts more than just telling himself that he's never going to have the kind of conection he craves. Most of the way she deals is either by denying or not thinking about it.
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Ace has made a few major mistakes though she is a bit to stubborn to openly recognize them as mistakes. One is running away from home. He subconsciously regrets it but if he admitted that, to himself it would be like admitting defeat. One she can however clearly see was a mistake was starting to work under her first boss. He was emotionally and sometime physically abusive. And was taking advantage of the fact that she had no life experience and that she was homeless. As to how she fixed it…
CW: visual depictions of strangling and implications of murder via stabbing under the cut
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Though that one might mostly be out of spite, if he has already decided it was a mistake he doesn't have to feel bad about how the whole situation ended up.(of course he doesn't have gult ridden nightmares, what are you talking about)
Trying out something a bit different with this one. More dramatic lighting and pose. If anyone has any suggestion on improvement feel free to share! The line art is intentionally very sketchy and unfinished to add to the disorientation of the moment. Also avoided adding her eyebrows for similar reasons.
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acesandocs · 19 days
Would Åse accept clothing as a present?
Of course
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I haven't decided on an exact date, but I’m thinking early summer 1925
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Probably, if he had the time. He works at night so he's usually sleeping during the day which porbably doesen't give him much time to sit someone down and go over things in detail. Maybe he’d teach someone a few words while eating lunch or something.
I decided to answer all your questions in one post, hope thats ok. Thanks you forsending them!
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acesandocs · 5 months
And with that @rudnitskaia your last question is answered!
🎯 -What do they do best?
As mentioned earlier he's pretty good at tailoring. But other than that he throws an excellent punch. She has a lot of energy so she sometimes channels it into fighting, she loves boxing and if she had the money for tickets she would go to boxing matches often. He himself is more experienced with bare knuckle boxing, he's gotten involved in  a few back alley matches to make a quick buck. He doesn't necessarily enjoy hurting people as much as he appreciates a good fight. Though the difference is often hard to decipher. When she’d fight for cash shed have to present more masculine as he would not be allowed to compete other wise.
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I honestly hated this drawing at first, but i came back to it and now i think its fine. This is also the first time I've drawn Ace with short hair so it might change. Sometimes if you don't like a drawing the best remedy is just to come back to it later. That goes for most artistic pursuits.
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acesandocs · 5 days
Hi! What's Ace favorite food?
Also what does he thinks of vultures?
Have a lovely day and night!
His mom's recipe for pork meatballs and potatoes with chanterelle mushrooms on the side. And as mentioned previously his comfort food is condensed milk.
Ace likes vultures, he thinks they're cool as hell. Really wants to know how they can straight up eat rotten meat and not get sick. Someone get her in touch with a birdologist or something she needs to know.
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Every criminal worth their salt should have a hidden room to hide contraband in. Thats something written in the crime handbook, right? For Åse its mostly for booze, guns and abandoned sewing projects she’s to ashamed to look at but cant bring himself to throw away or recycle because they're so close to done.
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@mivanti03 and @thinkhero017 thank yall for the questions, I hope its cool I answered your questions together.
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acesandocs · 5 months
Answering another question from @rudnitskaia
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He really enjoys sewing. His main specialties are probably mending and embroidering but he can put together almost anything if he has a pattern. His mom taught him, their primary source of income growing up was sewing, mending and washing clothes for other people. It was also one of the few things she could get him to sit still while doing. He and his mom are estranged so it's something he likes to do if he’s feeling particularly homesick. He misses sitting by the dinner table and working on their own individual projects and getting help from her if he was struggling with something. His mom probably has a dozen kitchen towels made by small steady hands in a box somewhere with the rest of her old life.
He also likes collecting postcards.
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Nothing particular to say about the art. Its Ace in his apartment working on Mau's birthday gift. He has most of his sewing gear in the tin box on the table. The flower pin is the pin seen in his bio and the flag pin is a decoration you might see on a Kransekake witch is a type of cake. Probably something he kept after a party.
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