#åse lore
acesandocs · 2 days
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Happy Fathers Day!
color ver under cut
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also Ace's dad reveal
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msscres · 4 years
(   .   ◞    ‧   ♔   ) .     WELCOME TO MSSCRES .   an indie blog for zelda rahl ,   a fandomless ,  serial killer character based on original lore .  this blog will contain extremely triggering and heavy topics .  if extreme themes can be upsetting to you ,  i suggest not following this particular blog .  
about  &  rules
interaction  call
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ic  threads
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𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 .   ace .   twenty five .   est .   they / she .   queer . 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 .   an infernal furby circle jerk#1570
X  MEN’S JEAN GREY : phoenixfate​
PRINCESS ZELDA : hyrulesfate
EARTH-65 GWEN STACY : ghstspidr
MERLIN / MOIRA AMBROSIUS : oblackbrd​  ( hiatus )
ZELDA RAHL : msscres ( hiatus )
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ofaesr · 4 years
(   .   ◞    ‧   ♔   ) .     WELCOME TO OFAESR .    this is an indie blog for åse " ace " brigisdóttir ,   an immortal viking character from the ‘ the old guard ’ and assassin’s creed .   based on the netflix movie ,   personal headcanons ,    ubisoft’s assassin’s creed games ,    old germanic and scandonavian myths and lore ,    and interactions within the blog .  
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ask  memes  
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𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 .   ace .   twenty six .   est .   they / she .   queer . 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 .   an infernal furby circle jerk#1570 
X  MEN’S JEAN GREY : phoenixfate​  ( hiatus )
PRINCESS ZELDA : hyrulesfate  ( hiatus )
EARTH-65 GWEN STACY : ghstspidr
MERLIN / MOIRA AMBROSIUS : oblackbrd​ ( hiatus )
ZELDA RAHL : msscres  ( hiatus )
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acesandocs · 1 month
Despite zzanimazz being deactivated i will still answer the questions they sent me. I hope they can see this wherever they are🫡
CW: physical and emotional abuse mention below
Desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Ace isn't really ware of what he wants, he doesn't really think about it long enough to come to a clear conclusion. In reality he just wants to be accepted and understood by someone, anyone really. But he doesn't think thats ever going to happen. She has a bit of a defeatist streak going on that she pushes down by living his life without regrets or shame. Part of that is also subconsciously acting weird and pushing people away. Because the pain of being rejected by someone he actually cared about hurts more than just telling himself that hes never going to have the kind of conection he craves. Most of the way she deals is either by denying or not thinking about it.
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Ace has made a few major mistakes though she is a bit to stubborn to openly recognize them as mistakes. One is running away from home. He subconsciously regrets it but if he admitted that, to himself it would be like admitting defeat. One she can however clearly see was a mistake was starting to work under her first boss. He was emotionally and sometime physically abusive. And was taking advantage of the fact that she had no life experience and that she was homeless. As to how she fixed it…
CW: visual depictions of choking and implications of murder via stabbing under the cut
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Trying out something a bit different with this one. More dramatic lighting and pose. If anyone has any suggestion on improvement feel free to share! The line art is intentionally very sketchy and unfinished to add to the disorientation of the moment. Also avoided adding her eyebrows for similar reasons.
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acesandocs · 2 months
Before I post the short story I've been working on, I wanted to introduce some of Ace’s family, since they're going to be featured. I tried to edit it down to the important stuff but if anyone wants to know more just ask.
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Solveig Liv Årud/Sylvia Hall, Ace's Mother
Ace's mom Solveig was born in Kapp along with her two brothers, One of her neighbors was a music teacher and taught her to play the Hardanger fiddle. When she was seventeen she became pregnant by one of her neighbor's students but was urged by her neighbor to never tell him or anyone else of the child's parentage. Having had Ace outside of wedlock Solveig faced a lot of social ostracisation. Her sister in law, who was deeply religious and judged Solveig for having a child without marrying. A rumor amongst the townspeople was that Ace's father was actually a fossegrim, that Solveig agreed to have a child with in exchange for teaching her to play the fiddle so well. (there is actually a lot to say on how this affected Ace and his view of himself but we don't have time to get into it rn). After a flood made her and her family homeless they emigrated to America in 1920 at the advice of some friends.
Once they arrived in New York Ace became very ill and bedridden causing them to be left behind as the rest of their family continued further up to Minnesota. While Ace was sick Solveig met and later fell in love with a Swedish immigrant named Eric Hall. She married Eric after knowing him for half a year. Solveig had kept Ace close all her life and not really letting her grow up or stand on her own. So he reacted badly to Solveig marrying. Being jealous and being unable to deal with not being her mothers center of attention, making him lash out. After an argument where Solveig slapped Ace for being disrespectful to her stepfather Ace ran away from home. Ace and Solveig have been estranged ever since, both being too stubborn to try to reconcile. After Solveig married Eric she tried very hard to adapt to American culture, Americanizing her name to Sylvia and trying her best to learn English and not speak with an accent. She currently has two children with Eric. Neither them nor Ace know of each other's existence.
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Torbjørn Olaug Årud and Lena Årud, Ace's Grandparents
Lena was born in Kapp and Torbjørn was born in the Lofoten area. He traveled down to Toten to live with a family friend after he became orphaned. He later met Lena and they eventually married. They later had 2 sons, the youngest of them dying as a child, five years later they had a daughter and three years after that another daughter they named Solveig. When Solveig became pregnant at seventeen they decided to support her and help her take care of their granddaughter. In the years immediately after Ace was born she and Solveig lived with them before moving into a smaller house on their property. By this time their oldest had married and taken over the main house on the farm and Torbjørn and Lena moved into another small house on the property.
They emigrated to America with the rest of their family in 1920 and went with the rest to Minnesota leaving Solveig and Ace behind. Lena later died in 1922 after becoming sick. Ace does not know this happened.
Info on the art:
Ace is supposed to be a tortoiseshell cat, witch is something that can be seen in her mother and grandmother as well. this is a reference to the fact that tortoiseshells are mostly female. (source)
Her grandfather is supposed to be a Norwegian forest cat.
The implement Solveig is holding is called a Lyster and it is used to fish. Lyster fishing was usually done when it was dark out, using the Lyster to stab the fish. it was banned in the 1860 but was most likely still practiced afterwards. Today it has become completely illegal. The fish in the bucket are trout, a fish that was commonly caught with a Lyster. (source) Here is a painting depicting it.
I apologize for any spelling mistakes or weird wording, i try my best to read though these before i post them but some mistakes often slip through.
Edit: fixed up a bunch of spelling mistakes and weird sentences. I promise im good at English😭
i think i should look into getting a dyslexia diagnosis
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acesandocs · 2 months
Answering another question from @rudnitskaia
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He really enjoys sewing. His main specialties are probably mending and embroidering but he can put together almost anything if he has a pattern. His mom taught him, their primary source of income growing up was sewing, mending and washing clothes for other people. It was also one of the few things she could get him to sit still while doing. He and his mom are estranged so it's something he likes to do if he’s feeling particularly homesick. He misses sitting by the dinner table and working on their own individual projects and getting help from her if he was struggling with something. His mom probably has a dozen kitchen towels made by small steady hands in a box somewhere with the rest of her old life.
He also likes collecting postcards.
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Nothing particular to say about the art. Its Ace in his one room apartment working on Mau's birthday gift. He has most of his sewing gear in the tin box on the table. The flower pin is the pin seen in his bio and the flag pin is a decoration you might see on a Kransekake witch is a type of cake. Probably something he kept after a party.
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acesandocs · 2 days
Can you tell us more about Ace's father? Is he married? Does he have any children after Ace? Would he have been a good father to Ace if he found out about the pregnancy? What's his name?
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Ive intentionally kept Aces dad kinda vague. I mentioned in tags that he wont re-enter their life, so he isn't important to the story outside of being Aces bio dad. I haven't thought of a name for him. For now his nickname is just Grim (witch comes from some rumors surrounding Aces birth).
What I can say for sure is that hes a famous musician, at-least withing Norway. He comes from a wealthy family that has a lot of expectations of him so hes probably married.
He is 40 years old by now so he also probably had kids or at least expected to be.
Again because of the intentional vagueness I’m hesitant to give him a cannon reaction to finding out Ace is his kid. Ive never imagined him as actively malicious or as a particularly bad person but he also has said wealth and expectations to think of which might steer how he’d deal with such a revelation. As a teenager he was pretty carefree. Despite initially being there to learn; living in Kapp was kind of like a vacation in the countryside for him. He probably looks back on the memory fondly.
One thing I’m sure about tho is that he is kind of ashamed of his heterochromia. He has always worn sunglasses to hide it, at least when hes outside. I didn't draw him with sunglasses previously because it was a quick joke drawing and I wanted to make it clear how similar he and Aces eyes are. Its the only thing that makes Ace look like his child. Its probably incredibly unlikely that a person with heterochromia would have a kid with heterochromia as well let alone with such similar colors lol. Dw its for the narrative.
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heres some music I listen to when drawing him (1) (2)
Also heres a photo I used for reference in myt last drawing
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acesandocs · 28 days
So what is Ace doing by the time of the comic?
Thank you for the question @fresh-cup-of-antimatter!
After Ace escaped prison, He grabbed a backpack and hit the road. Traveling east stopping a few places but never staying long, until he ended up in st Louis. To make money he had been participating in back alley fighting matches to make money and at one of these ‘’events’’ a guy who worked at the Lackadisy asked if he’d want a job. This was around half a year before Atlas died. He got into contact with Atlas and he offered her that he'd keep her hidden from the law and out of prison if she started working for him. She said yes, hoping having a stable job and protection was a good change of pace and started working at the Lackdaisy as extra muscle.
Why she stayed after he died is complicated. She doesn't have any education and has so far spent all of her adult life in the criminal underworld. He doesn't really feel like he has many other options. Other that picking up her stuff and hitting the road again and returning to her old line of work, but in a way she she feels like it wouldn't feel much different. He’d still be fighting for money. At least at the lackadaisy he has some kind of stability, however small it is.
Another reason is Rocky. Ive already mentioned in a previous post that they are on similar wavelengths and would get along great. They'd both probably be surprised that their individual mannerisms didn't put the other off. Rocky probably would be giddy at the prospect of making a real genuine friend, but Ace would have more mixed feelings. She’s so used to pushing most people away intentionality before they can hurt her, and the few times shes let people close its ended not so great. She'd be perturbed at first, maybe avoiding him for a short while while she collected her thoughts. But eventually the high she’d get form getting the one thing she desired (understanding and acceptance) would be to sweet not to savor, and she’d start seeking him out in turn. Him and rocky have become pretty close over the course of working at Lackadaisy.
When Atlas died Ace major jobs became security and rum running. Out of her and Rocky she’s only marginally more suited though. She’s strong enough to carry the merchandise and handle most violent situations but her decision making skills are on par with Rocky’s.
Heres an extra overview of her relationshjip with the rest of the gang.
Atlas: Like most of the crew its complicated. Outside of offering Ace the job they've barely interacted. Ace has a lot of emotions he does not know how to deal with especially when it comes to authority figures. He’s instinctively wants to be as agreeable and as useful as possible as to avoid ever getting fired. But his relationship with his last boss ended abruptly and violently so theres a lot of unsaid stuff there. And she also does not want to think about it so she project those feeling of fear and anger onto Atlas, especially after he dies just as abruptly. Its all in all very parasocial.
Mitzy: Similarly to Atlas they never interacted much, so most of what she knows about her comes from her coworkers occasionally talking about her. Other than Rocky who would probably mention her pretty often. In current day they talk more often though its usually only about work. Ace thinks she acts nice but he always has this underlying feeling like shes not as genuine or putting on some sort of act. Hes never mentioned this to anyone, maybe hes just paranoid.
Viktor: Viktor has a similar opinion of her as he has Rocky though its more about the fact that they both talk to much than that he thinks she’s inherently dangerous. Though thats more because Ace is better at hiding her bad decision that lead to bodily harm. Or at least not drag them back to the Lackadaisy. Ace is also similarly overly friendly witch is a result of Viktor kind of reminding her of her grandpa and that just naturally makes her more at ease around him.
Mordecai: Mordecai might have an intimidating air about him but Ace has seen him freak out at three to many spiders to able to take him completely seriously. Thinks it was shitty of him to shoot Victor ands probably resents him a bit for that.
Wick: Another person he doesn't know well enough to have much of a solid opinion of but is a hater in solidarity with Rocky. Also thinks anyone who’s hat is that tall has to have some dark secrets hidden in there. (the secrets are duck ghosts)
Ivy: Ace and Ivy get along well. Both are very energetic and with Ace’s skills with a sewing machine she will get Ace to fix her clothes for her, Ivy pays him in dance lessons. She also likes having a girl close to her age at the speakeasy. I think she sometimes forgets Aces gender identity a little bit. Though not maliciously, more because she hasn't met many openly queer people and isnt as used to using multiple pronouns for someone. She’ll get it eventually.
Rocky: See above
Freckle: Freckle is equally as exhausted by her as he is rocky. The day he met her he felt his heart sink as the phrase ‘oh no, theres two of them’ echoed in his mind. Ace likes him more when hes in a blood rage.
Zib: respects his chill but thinks hes a bit boring to hang out with. Is really interested in what he has to say about music though. Zib thinks he can be a bit much but is happy that with him around Rocky has someone else to talk to that is not Zib.
Horatio: despite Horatio being more relaxed compared to him he likes hanging out with the more timid cat. Ace sneaks him old bread and cookies to give to the rats. Ace likes rats, better that those filthy crows at least. And since Ace sometimes works security they hang out by the door and have had many interesting conversations. Horatio is too polite to react negatively to the weird shit Ace says, Ace know this and has made a game out of finding out where his breaking point is.
combining ocs with cannon is something I have some internalized shame about, thanks brony fandom. But I’ve been steadily working on that since I first posted about Ace. Just generally trying to unlearn cringe culture. Also im feeling like im about to get burn out so im gonna try not making myself draw something for every ask unless i feel like it.
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acesandocs · 2 months
Another question answered. thank you again for asking @rudnitskaia!
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Most of Ace's best memories are from his young childhood when he and his mom lived with his grandparents. Fairy tales and folk stories have been a big part of his upbringing, but usually only one person had enough time to sit down with him and tell stories. But there was this one evening in summer...
Here is a post that gives some background info on Aces family for those interested.
Answer under the cut
Åse fought against mom’s constrictive grasp as she cleaned the jam and breadcrumbs off her face with a wet rag. The water was uncomfortable and almost stung, since Åse didn't like having water on her face. When she’d  go swimming she’d always make sure to keep her head above the surface, in the summer when the water was warmer it didn't bother her as much though. Her cousin would often push her head below the water. He knew she hated it, which is why she’d started swimming by herself. She shook her head to get the icky feeling off. 
“I don't understand why she gets like that,’’ Mom said as she sat down with grandpa at the kitchen table. 
Grandma grabbed a cup from the cupboard as she said, “When they're her age they tend to be fussy, she'll grow out of it.’’ 
Åse didn’t like it when adults spoke like she wasn't in the room. Grandma took a can of sweetened condensed milk from the window sill and poured it into a cup. She was already standing with her hands out, waiting impatiently. It was her favorite. Grandpa and uncle Vetle would sometimes bring some from the factory¹ .Åse thought it must be fun working there if you got to make something that tasted so great. She asked mom once if she could work there when she grew up but got a very discouraging answer. 
Mom looked out the window and saw that the sun was still above the horizon but steadily declining. “Åse dear, when you finish we need to get ready for bed.’’ 
Åse sat down on the kitchen floor defiantly. Mom sighed, knowing bedtime was going to be a struggle again, she didn't know why but she had been avoiding sleeping lately, making a fuss when it got dark.² Grandpa thought for a moment and sat up. He knelt down to his granddaughter and whispered something in her ear. She grumbled but after a nudge she finished her milk in one hasty  gulp. The pitter patter of bare feet could be heard stumbling up the stairs to the bedroom. She came down with a blue book in one hand and a small doll the size of her palm in the other. Gnomes in red hats were drawn on the cover along with the title ‘’fairytale book for children.’’ She sat down on the floor in front of grandpa as they flipped through the book looking for a story, angling her dolls head so she could read as well. 
Mom leaned over their shoulders. ‘’It can't be a long one.’’ 
Grandpa grunted absentmindedly. He stopped at a page and smiled. ‘’Once upon a time there was a man with only one son, and this boy was weak-’’³
‘’No! NOT that one.’’ Mom said sternly as grandma snickered behind her.
Åse peaked up from behind the top of the book. ‘’I like this one…’’ she mumbled. 
Crossing her arms, mom sighed and eventually relented sitting down with them, motioning for grandpa to continue. 
‘’His name was Frikk, and he was small as well.’’ 
Grandma joined the rest on the floor leaning on grandpa's shoulder
‘’And so it was that his father took him and they traveled to find him work. No one would take him until he came to the sheriff.’’ Mom tried her best to relax despite herself ‘’When the boy had worked for three years he decided to leave, and the sheriff paid his salary for the three years. He was given three shillings for his three years of work.’’ 
grandma piped up. ‘’You have been given more than you ought to.’’ 
grandpa responded ‘’Won’t I get anything for clothing then?’’. 
They kept going like so, both seeming quite dedicated to their roles. ‘’When he came up to the highest point of the mountain, he sat down to count his shillings. But before he knew it a poorman had come up to him. And he was so large and long that the boy began to scream when he truly saw how tall the beggar was.’’ 
The group paused for a bit and looked at mom. She was sitting next to the fireplace tending it. She looked at her family exasperated. Mom motioned to the doll sitting on Åse's lap. She hesitated for a moment but gingerly handed the little felt kitten to her mom. Mom sat the doll up close to the wall so that the shadow was clearly visible. She angled her hands so that it  seemed a big hunched figure was standing opposite the doll's shadow. 
‘’Do not be not afraid boy, I will do you no harm’’ Åse descended into fits of giggles at mom's attempt at a low gruff voice. 
A weight seems to have been lifted at mom’s participation and the story played out with shadow puppets and silly voices. Åse joined in puppeteering her doll to react to mom’s shadow figures. 
There was only one slight hiccup. ‘’And so I wish for a fiddle, one that makes it  so that every living thing will dance when I play it. Said Frikk’’ 
mom slumped at the mention of the fiddle. Åse knew mom had a fiddle case in the shed but she'd never heard her play. She once heard uncle Vetle say she'd stopped after she had Åse. Whenever she’d think about it too long she'd get this feeling in her throat like something was stuck in it and poking around. She got the same feeling anytime aunt Marie looked at her. Like she wanted to scold her but Åse never knew what she could have done wrong.
Mom shook her head trying her best to get back into the story. ‘’You shall have your fiddle but it is a poor wish.’’ 
Åse liked Frikk. He was small and weak but he did many cool things and he escaped getting hanged by making everyone dance till they died. She liked him more than the other boy who seemed to be in every fairy tale. The one who played around in  the fireplace. She never really paid attention to those so she couldn't remember. She wished there were more stories about Frikk. 
When the story was well and done, only then did Solveig realize how dark it had gotten. ‘’Damn its way past Åse's bedtime!’’ 
Åse was almost nodding off in grandpa's lap. He bundled her up in his arms and handed her over before she headed up to their bedroom. The door creaked as she opened it with her shoulder. She looked down to see her daughter stirring slightly but quickly settling again.
Solveig tucked the four year old into their bed⁴, resting her hand on the little one's cheek. smiling as she nuzzled her hand back. Anyone who saw them next to each other could see that she was her mothers daughter except for her eyes. What were the chances she'd get eyes like his… Solveig looked out the window willing herself not to think about him. She wanted to protect her daughter from the world, from men like him. She silently promised her that as long as she kept Åse close no one would hurt her. 
Solveig lent down and kissed her daughter's forehead and slowly left the room making sure not to let the door creak again. That night Åse slept better than she had in months.
¹The Kapp milk factory operated from 1891 to 1928. Its main product was a condensed milk brand called ‘Viking Melk’. It is still Åse’s favorite comfort food. The brand was bought by nestle in 1892 and i believe they distributed it in America so it something she still is able to enjoy today. The factory is today used as a cultural center (i think that's how you use that word). (source)
²Åse’s sleep paralysis started manifesting when she was around 4 years old because of stress and anxiety about how people outside of her mom and grandparents started to treat as she grew older. Especially her aunt and cousin.
³The story being told is ‘Veslefrikk med fela’ (English translation: 'Little Freddy With his Fiddle') I wrote it very abridged and the translation is probably not perfect but the point was to get the gist of the story across effectively. (original fairytale and i got a little help from this to figure out some words)
⁴Åse slept in her moms bed during her early childhood, it was normal for families to share beds during the time period starting with kids sleeping in their parents or grandparents bed and later sharing with their siblings. When they moved into their own place she would sleep in the attic in a small room during summer but she would go back to sharing during winter. The bed in the attic was pretty small so she'd have to curl up in it which got increasingly difficult as she got taller. (my primary source for this is: my teacher told me and its something i passively picked up on while visiting a folk museum, so i wont claim this is 100% accurate)
finally done and posted. It was fun being able to expand on the Ace lore. I used exclusively female pronouns for ace in this because its was way before he realized she was gender fluid. it only something she started noticing when he became a teenager. Other that that i hope it was an enjoyable read and thank you again Heldig for the Question❤️‍🩹😸
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acesandocs · 9 hours
After Ace moved to America he’d see one jc Leyendecker illustrated ad for socks and have the most intense gender envy of his life.
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She'd see this and just go: God, i wish that were me.
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