#ɪɴꜰᴇᴄᴛɪᴏᴜsɴᴇss ᴏꜰ ᴄʀɪᴍᴇ -meme-
maitretmaitresse · 6 years
a wild Pierre has appeared! what do you do?
Kiss Cheek
Kneel Down
a wild Beatrice has appeared! what do you do?
Take Picture
tagged by: @intoxicatiing noooope but here’s me doing the thing
tagging: @miss-loonylove @corsicangeneral @rosewrists and whomstever would like to do this 
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
I write like … CHARLES DICKENS - 
Charles John Huffam Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic who is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period and the creator of some of the world's most memorable fictional characters. During his lifetime Dickens' works enjoyed unprecedented popularity and fame, but it was in the twentieth century that his literary genius was fully recognized by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to enjoy an enduring popularity among the general reading public.Dickens rocketed to fame with the 1836 serial publication of The Pickwick Papers. Within a few years he had become an international literary celebrity, celebrated for his humour, satire, and keen observation of character and society. His novels, most published in monthly or weekly instalments, pioneered the serial publication of narrative fiction, which became the dominant Victorian mode for novel publication. The instalment format allowed Dickens to evaluate his audience's reaction, and he often modified his plot and character development based on such feedback.Dickens was regarded as the 'literary colossus' of his age. His 1843 novella, A Christmas Carol, is one of the most influential works ever written, and it remains popular and continues to inspire adaptations in every artistic genre. His creative genius has been praised by fellow writers—from Leo Tolstoy to G. K. Chesterton and George Orwell—for its realism, comedy, prose style, unique characterisations, and social criticism. On the other hand Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Virginia Woolf complained of a lack of psychological depth, loose writing, and a vein of saccharine sentimentalism.
tagged by:  Stolen from the dash! tagging:  @intoxicatiing @slumberingscarlet @pontificalandwarlike @bonhcmme and whoever the fuck
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
Went Down In History
send a muse + an ending - Accepting
WENT DOWN IN HISTORY- Your muse’s story is passed down through the ages, sometimes being stretched or exaggerated in places until it becomes a legend told in storybooks and campfires as poems, tall tales, etc.
            “… Andwhen St. Peter met’er outside the Pearly gates, she said                      ‘I’m off t’ave somefun now, tell the Lord ‘E’ll ‘ave ta wait!”                   Now Elsie ‘aunts oldParis-town’nd she takes great delight,                      Exposin’ herself atséances t’give the folk a fright                   Coz in the ‘ole’veChristendom there is no scarier sight                       ‘An Elsie’sghostly lady parts’a glowin’ in the night!”
        Raucouslaughter filled the air of the tavern, the men dispersing back to the bar fromtheir previous positions on or around a table. A refill was in order allaround, particularly for the young lad who’d just gotten off his shift at thedocks. He reached for a cheaply studded mug on the dirty, paneled wall only tobe yelled at by the bartender.
                     “Hey boy! Wot’d’you think yer doin’! ‘At’s not for use, ya know, ‘at wosol’ Thenardier’s when ‘e wos still wif us!”
        The lad starteda bit and jumped back, looking between his reprimander and the rest at the bar,who had just nodded solemnly and crossed themselves.
                                   “Sorry sir,didn’t know… But, if y’don’t mind my askin’, who’re you talkin’ about?”
        It was as thougha gunshot had rung for all the silence surrounding them. All eyes were trainedon the boy before a hushed murmur began. One of them nodded to the empty stoolbeside him as they tried to decide where to start.
                            “How’s ‘e not know? It’s only been, wot, twenty years?”
               “Ah,how’d you know? You were only five. Only one who knew’im proper’s old ‘Nasse, ‘nd‘e may’s well be dead.”
        The tallestof the bunch, a man of forty years who wore a flat cap and a waistcoat ratherthan the jacket favored by the rest, yelled over the din.
                      “I’ll start it.” He swallowed dramatically and raised his eyesheavenwards – as if that’s where their hero could have ended up.
                       “Back durin’ the first empire, there wos a bloke called Pierre Thenard,bless ‘is soul.” He allowed himself a grin, despite the reverent tone. “Theysay ‘e wos the youngest’ve five, ‘nd his oldest three sisters all died durin’the Bastille. ‘E learned stealin’ from ‘is older brother, but the old bastardwos so good by the time ‘e joined up, e’d robbed the church near ‘is townblind.”
                  “Then‘e joined up with Napoleon – ‘e killed nearly ‘alf the Spanish army durin’ thecampaign. I ‘eard the real reason they lost Waterloo wos cause ‘is ‘orse diedalongway so ‘e wos too late t’save it!”
                        “I ‘eard ‘is wife ran into battle for ‘im – dodged three bleedin’ cannonballswith ‘is daughter on ‘er breast – just coz ‘e forgot ‘is lunch!”
              “Course,by then the war wos lost, so ‘e moved back t’the south’ve the city –Montfermeil, I think – ‘nd ‘e started an inn-“
                                   ‘nd lemmetell ya, boy, ‘e robbed every godforsaken bloke ‘oo came in there! None’ve ‘emsuspected ‘im at all!”
               “’Edidn’t think it wos enough’ve a challenge though, so they hauled back up t’Paris.‘E started the ‘ardest damn gang the city ever saw – practically ‘ad the policeeatin’ out’ve their hands. ‘E wos sittin’ on a devil’s hoard’ve gold by thispoint, ‘course, ‘e and ‘is wife when their poor lil’ girl died in thebarricade-“
                       “So they gave it away t’the men ‘oo did ‘em good.”
          A solemnnod by those that had been touched by that particular donation as children.
                            “Nearly put me through school it did.”
              “Boughtme a new pair’ve shoes.”
                        “When death came for ‘im, ‘ewos 80 – I think death wos too scared t’carry off the general t’be honest-“
                       “’e wos sittin’ right in that chair.”
           The boy,entranced by the stories, blanched a bit as he glanced down – causing anotherroar of cackling.
                      “Be ‘onored, boy. Ol’ Thenardier watches’ver us, those ‘oo gotta work too‘ard, or steal for their supper. Up in ‘Eaven, down in ‘Ell, don’t matter to usdoes it?”
                 Afew noises of agreement, followed by clanging of metal mugs on splintery, cheapwood.
                         “Next round’s on me, boys. Courtesy’ve old Pierre!”
          Many toastswere made that night – and should the man have been able to hear, he would havebeen more than pleased.
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
📕 + Charlotte's Web
give my muse a real life book! - accepting
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                 “Who the hell wrote this? Never been on a farm obviously. Pigs’re right bastards, ‘nd if they could talk all they’d say’s ‘Feed me’.”
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
“I can’t walk.” ( from CHRISTOPHE ; you had to KNOW I WOULD SEND ONE OF THESE )
Injury starters - not accepting
       Letting out ahuff of extremely irritated breath, the master grunted in agreement. “Wellya could if ya tried, but yer not gonna do it without whinging are ya?”Cruel as he was, the snap was clean enough that no amount of repeating thephrase “it’s just a sprain, walk it off” was going to help.
       Like aworkhorse, the lad was worth more to them healthyenough to work than he was laid up or ill, but taking one’s partially adoptedson behind the woodshed and putting him out of his misery was generally frowned upon, even in whatever twisted morals guided the Thénardiers,so several bandages and a splint were in order.
             “Just be glad yer young yet.” Muttered the man, wrapping upChristophe’s calf roughly, but shockingly correctly. “It’ll heal up b'forea month’s over.”
       He gave theboy one more firm squeeze around the leg to make certain it was set properly -one which no doubt hurt like hellfire, but one meant to aid nonetheless - andstood back up to his full height.
             “Don’t think yer gettin’ out’ve work just coz you can’t walk, gotit. You’ll still do everythin’ the mistress tells you, understood?”
       Turning toleave, Pierre called one last warningover his shoulder.
             “And no more’ve this clumsiness!People’ll think we don’t take care’ve you!”
       One wouldthink irony beyond the old lieutenant, but if one ever had doubts, now wouldhave been the time to voice them.
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
💐 @ask-darling-Eponine
        Please forgive me everyone who happens to read this - Accepting
            “Y’know…Never really thought I’d be standin’ here, givin’ this speech, but here we are.”
            “Sincethe day she wos born I knew little ‘Ponine would be trouble, just like ‘ermother. Always mussin’ up her shoes, gettin’ crushes on whichever lad wosboardin’ with us, ‘nd stealin’ Bea’s romance novels when she wasn’t lookin’.”
     A smirk at thewife who was somehow more smashed than he was.
             “But I’lltell yeh, I couldn’t ‘ve asked for a better daughter, or character witness incourt, ‘nd even if I’m glad not t’deal with ‘er bills, the sentimental bit’a me’ssad t’see her go.”
     Another drainedmug clattered against the table.
               “S’justknow, if I hear one goddamned word ‘bout the groom not treatin’ ‘er right,there’ll be ruddy hell to pay!”
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
" These are heavy books. " ( from CHRISTOPHE )
The book that haunted my freshman year of high school starters - not accepting
        “Wouldn’t be so heavy if you weren’t such'a nancy boy.”
    Pierrestraightened his own jacket, one arm laden with a few more of the notebooks,though the young man carried the majority of the burden. The air was cold,crisp, and promised a frigid winter.Which was just as well, for the Thenardiers’ luck. Bankrupt in July after a few creative changes to taxcode along with legal fees after some bastard wasn’t quite as drunk as theyexpected, the only option left to them was living with Beatrice’sbrother-in-law in Paris.
    All they had leftto their names were the clothes on their back, Pierre’s extensive list of theirfinances, Beatrice’s sewing kit, and the children.
    Whether that lastnote was an asset or a billing expense depended on who you asked.
         "I’d’vethought all that work’d at least’ve worked your muscles up. When I was your age I wos already in the corps. D'you think they would’ve putup with your whining?“ The eternal argumentand unachievable example set for both teensin their care - Pierre’s rank in the army and subsequent false titling.
    With a grunt, theelder shoved open the door to thepitifully small apartment they’d be hiding in for the next several months. Apanting Beatrice was leaning against the wall, having just hidden their cash box beneath one of the many loose floorboards.Her hands on hips, she forcedherself to straighten back up and nodded towards the one unfilled corner.
         "Overthere, it’s farthest from the stove.”
    She was the onlynative Parisian present, and though she still knew the streets as when she wasyoung, she was fifteen years out of use regarding stairs. The fourth floor of aflophouse was a difficult order for a woman entering her middle age, even if she was kicking and screaming against it.
         "‘Ndthen go fetch some water, Paulforgot t'do it this mornin’.“
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
❛ Very deep. You should send that in to the Reader’s Digest. They’ve got a page for people like you. ❜ (ferocioushonesty, for either though it seems more fitting for monsieur)
❛ the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy ❜ sentence starters - Accepting
             "Always thought’ve myself’s somethingof a poet in my spare time.“ Came the equally dry retort, legs kicked backunceremoniously on the officer’s long-suffering table. "But informing paysthe bills better.”
    The manila foldercurrently serving as a headrest for the petty criminal held everything fromaliases to the business expenses of one of the largest drug rings in Paris.
    This Thenardierwas repulsive - made of fewer morals than most of the rats which ran rampant inthe sewers and with worse hygiene. But he was reliable in his information, andthough most officers held suspicions of his holding out on them, the notes hekept were doubtlessly more valuable than the potential drop in crime if theytook him in.
             "Which brings us t’t'days business,if I’m not mistaken.“
    His boots fell tothe ground as he switched positions, instead leaning over the table andsweeping aside the dust and rocks he’d introduced to the environment.
              "Last month brought in what,fifteen? Twenty men?”
    A crude, nearlyunnerving smirk.
             "I could double it with just thislittle bundle. I’d say that’s worth’t least 500 euros, eh?“
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maitretmaitresse · 6 years
I was tagged by @lalalyds2 the cuddlebug <3
Rules: List the 10 songs that you currently cannot stop listening to and then tag 10 people
Lola - The Kinks
Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen
Supply and Demand - The Men that will Not be Blamed for Nothing
When I was a Lad - The Gala Ensemble
Go Back Home - Felix Hagan and the Family
My Name is John Wellington Wells - The Magician
NGGHHHHHH - Undertale Soundtrack
Peter Street - The Fables
One Tin Soldier - Coven
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser - Cats
Tagging: whomstever!
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maitretmaitresse · 6 years
repost, do not reblog.
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seeing something they want.
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when their berserk button is pushed.
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seeing someone they dislike.
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tagged by: @intoxicatiing
tagging: @corsicangeneral @themadandthebroken and whoever wants to do the thing
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maitretmaitresse · 6 years
I was tagged by: @corsicangeneral
Rules: Answer eleven questions, make eleven questions and tag eleven people.
Tagging: @intoxicatiing @miss-loonylove @themadandthebroken @ferocioushonesty @rosewrists @choosehero and whoever wants to do the thing
I was asked:
1. If you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?
                Paris, France. I’ve wanted to go for years, and I really want to know if I know enough French to hold my own
2. If you could be any mythical creature or being, what and why?
                  Probably a witch. I’m a big fan of shortcuts, and I’d like to still be amongst humans in some aspect
3. What is one thing you cannot live without?
                   Teaaaaaa I have so much loose leaf pretentious ass tea, you have no idea you guys 
4. Favorite type of food on a rainy day?
                   See above - also chocolate chip scones
5. What is your favorite memory that you have?
                    A couple years ago at my favorite steampunk festival, I went to a ball aboard a steamship and ended up dancing with a lovely young man all night. At the end of the night, we shared one chaste little kiss and it was adorable and I KNOW IT SOUNDS LIKE I’M MAKING THIS UP BUT I HAVE PICTURES AND A WITNESS DAMNIT
6. Which mystery of the world would you want to know the answer to?
                    I really need to know exact translations for Egyptian Hieroglyphics and their pronunciations. We’re pretty close but that’s the problem - there’s still guess work and it drives me insane
7. What is your favorite flavor of cake?
                     Red velvet!
8. What pairing goes together best in your opinion?
                     Gin and anything Shrimp
9. Which superpower would you want if you could only have one?
                     Time Travel! Obviously
10. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
                     Overall? Vernon Dursley, closely followed by Pip from Great Expectations
11.  What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
                    Oh this is a great one sTORY TIME CHILDREN! I was in a play called Our Country’s Good in college (best show I was ever in, I have so many stories from it) and long story short, I ended up getting whipped for real. Our budget was 3 dollars and a couple broken rubber bands, so the whip we needed ended up being donated by one professor who had at one point kept horses, read - a real fucking whip. There was a scene where my character, Mr Sideway, was getting whipped - there were actually two scenes, but the first time the stage is almost entirely dark so we just had the actor whip the stage next to me with no danger of being whipped. The second one was in broad stagelight though, so what was supposed to happen was I take off my shirt to reveal my flayed back from the earlier scene and the actor would “slap” my back with the rolled up whip. However, we were really getting into it that night cause we had an understudy instead of the main actor playing a role (the understudy was so much better and more into it) and the actor didn’t have as good a grasp on the whip as she should have. About 8 inches of it unraveled and you could hear the CRACK on my back - we’re pretty sure if I hadn’t been wearing a ftm binder for the role that I would have been bleeding all over the stage. Still have a cool scar too!
Questions I’ll Ask:
1. What’s your favorite animal?
2. What’s your Ideal vacation?
3.What’s your Perfect career?
4. What brought you to roleplay?
5. Do you Cosplay? If so, what? If not, would you consider it?
6. What’s something you always wanted to learn?
7. What was your favorite subject in school?
8. What’s your favorite dessert?
9. What’s a novel that changed your life?
10. What was the first movie you watched that you distinctly remember?
11. What’s a guilty pleasure of yours?
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
STOLEN FROM: @bonhcmme jesus I’m bored I’m so sorry RULES: tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better! TAGGING: whoever thinks they can match my incredibly useless unproductive boredom
name: pierre thenardier  /  nickname: puce, le loup  /  zodiac sign : leo  /  gender: cismale  /  favourite color: gold  / average hours of sleep: five.  /  last thing you googled: why is the english monetary system so fucked up /  height :  6′3″
name: beatrice robert thenardier  /  nickname: tamia, la thenardiesse  /  zodiac sign : aquarius  /  gender: cisfemale  /  favourite color: burgandy  / average hours of sleep: six.  /  last thing you googled: where to buy wholesale condoms /  height :  5′2″
name/alias: marie  /  nickname:  munrie, rieriesparklepuff  /  zodiac sign: leo  /  favorite color: red  /  average hours of sleep: six or ten depending on if i’m working  /  last thing you googled :  1780s britches sewing pattern  /  height :  5′7″
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
“I didn’t even do anything wrong. I just did what I thought was right.”
prison au starter sentences - accepting
          “Maman saysthat doesn’t matter no more.” Came the response from the small bundle of ragsin the corner. “She says ya need t'keep your head down now, do what'chacan for yourself, ‘nd maybe then look to others.”
     A young girlstood and brushed herself off, shaking out a head of blonde curls which werealready turning a dull shade of brown. Her dress was sewn from seven or eightmaterials, all different colors and patterns and suffering from differentstates of repair. She wore no shoes, but her feet seemed hardened enough towithstand the cool stone beneath them. Sizing up her cellmate, she stood withhands on her hips.
         “Why’re you here anyhow? You say something 'bout the queen byaccident too?”
     Paris was an ugly place to live in now - it hadbeen for a fair few years - but it seemed to get worse by the day. Anaccidental “monsieur” or “madame” to the wrong person waspractically a death sentence over a certain age. And clearly children weren’texempt from the new Republic’s new laws.
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maitretmaitresse · 7 years
Black crown for horrific meme
horrific headcanons  - accepting
♚ Do they consider themselves to be evil?
                 {Truthfully no. Pierre doesn’t believe in the concept of good and evil except in that what is good for him is good and what does him ill is evil, and Beatrice believes in situational good and evil. It’s something that the upper classes need to worry about to set their conciousnesses at ease, but when one struggles to make ends meet, then there oughtn’t be anything to stand in the way.}
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