oksanushka93 · 2 years
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oppipopi · 3 months
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chosen will not go on vacation with them anywhere else
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russianfolklore · 22 days
Hello! you have an lovely blog and I enjoyed looking through it a lot! I hope you are still active. I was wondering if you had any resources for 15th century russian things, could be illustrations or folklore.
Hi. Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you like my blog 💕 I'm not very active right now, as I'm studying and this is my last year at university. After graduation I will be more active (at least I plan to be).
As for your question, if you can elaborate on what specific 15th century things you are interested in, I can probably look them up. There is a lot of information, photos and illustrations, it's just that it's mostly in Russian.
For example, there is literature written in the 15th century:
Dove Book (Голубиная Книга) - is a medieval Russian spiritual verse written ca. 1500.
Nikolas Roerich painting "The kings of the Earth reading the Book of the Dove":
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A Journey Beyond the Three Seas (Хождение за три моря) - is a Russian travelogue in the form of travel notes, made by Afanasy Nikitin, a merchant from Tver, during his journey to the Indian subcontinent in 1466–1472.
There is also a Indo-Russian movie based on the travelogues Pardesi (1957):
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burntbymoonlight · 12 days
Под конец августа сильно заболела, ловко выпала из реальности на 2 недели, только вчера выписали, но из за неплохого самочувствия ездила в среду и в четверг в колледж. Примерно в это же время вернулись подруги с юга и привезли разных ништячков. Милого осменожку с двумя эмоциями, черепашку, ароматное мыло, разных значков, брелков, магнитиков и интересную подвеску с жемчужиной. Сегодня решила открыть ракушку и попалась белая жемчужина. Сувенирчики зашли.
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buttercup-barf · 7 months
Even once the strike is over, do not stop talking about Palestine.
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Do your daily clicks, donate directly to Gaza, see what you can do as a citizen, check in with masterposts, help people stay in contact, and remember - keep talking, keep letting others know.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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in-lv-with-lv · 7 months
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Мені не подобається як ця робота вийшла, тому йду переробляти її з нуля🫠
Це АВ(альтернативний всесвіт) з русалами/ками який скромніше за все буде зватися Шум моря|Song of the Sea
Я навіть створила відповідний гештег
Don't like how this turned out, so I'm going to redo it from scratch🫠
It’s an merpeople!au on which I only started to work which be called Шум моря|Song of the Sea
If you interested I even created a hashtag for this
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alicedrawslesmis · 6 months
can’t put the link in the anonymous ask but the full video name is
Труженики моря. Экранизация романа Виктора Гюго (1986)
And if im correct it’s in french because it’s like a collaboration between soviet and french studios! :D enjoy ^^
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crazy-meringue · 1 year
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It's interesting to look at him in this scene when he doesn't look like a gnawed sea bass. BUT I LOVE HIM ALIVE, DEAD AND CURSED
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rihanabzakh · 4 months
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akazallya · 1 year
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panoramaaa · 1 year
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Люди как моря. Не судите их глубины, когда вам видны только их берега."….❤️
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pharaohgargamel · 7 months
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Подборка кораблей призраков✨⚓
Готическая эстетика, темная эстетика, морская эстетика.
(сделано с помощью ИИ)
Ghost Ship Compilation✨⚓
Gothic aesthetics, dark aesthetics, marine aesthetics.
(made with AI)
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buttercup-barf · 7 months
There's been more eyes on this blog lately, so I hope this message reaches at least one person.
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Your voice matters. Your refusal to support hate groups matters. Your prayers, your compassion, everything you do for the kind, intelligent, innovative, courageous, creative, united and truly good people of Palestine matters.
Every cent counts, every one more person that is more informed counts, everything you can do helps these people survive one more day, and keep up the hope that they'll be able to live instead of just survive someday.
One click per day can help. Donating whatever you can spare can help. Striking, boycotting, educating yourself can help. Letting families keep in touch can help.
Isra-Hell wants you to think it's hopeless, it's all lost, you are helpless, and alone, and it's best to lay down and cry, let it all happen, and forget, but it's not. Keep talking, keep donating, keep helping in any way you can.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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in-lv-with-lv · 6 months
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alicedrawslesmis · 6 months
ya ever. ya ever feel so sad but you can't express emotions so you ring the church bell so loud you can yell and no one can hear u . or are you normal
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crazy-meringue · 1 year
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Barbossa would be an ideal demanding and rude lover who makes you obey yourself as much as possible
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