#николай ставрогин
creantzy · 1 month
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Back with a redraw of these losers
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egisha · 3 months
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You too...
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mohich · 7 months
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my favourite moment of petya who had to walk in the mud
Pyotr Stepanovitch, dodging round him with obsequious alacrity, at one moment trying to walk beside his companion on the narrow brick pavement and at the next running right into the mud of the road; for Stavrogin walked in the middle of the pavement without observing that he left no room for anyone else.
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evrythingnice · 8 months
budget: 5 rubles
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3deadbody3 · 3 months
💅 Girls 💅
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Today's problematic ship is Pyotr Verkhovensky and Nikolai Stavrogin from Demons (2014)
Power imbalance
Requested by anonymous
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zelyonka7152 · 5 months
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Я стала зависать на фандоме руслита... Вот мой дизайн мультяшных Верховенского и Ставрогина из Бесов (Ф. М. Достоевский)
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stupidnymph · 8 days
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Our dandies gazed at him with envy, and were completely eclipsed by him. His face, too, impressed me. His hair was of a peculiarly intense black, his light-coloured eyes were peculiarly light and calm, his complexion was peculiarly soft and white, the red in his cheeks was too bright and clear, his teeth were like pearls, and his lips like coral—one would have thought that he must be a paragon of beauty, yet at the same time there seemed something repellent about him. It was said that his face suggested a mask; so much was said though, among other things they talked of his extraordinary physical strength. He was rather tall.
Apparently he was exactly the same as he had been four years before. He was as elegant, as dignified, he moved with the same air of consequence as before, indeed he looked almost as young. His faint smile had just the same official graciousness and complacency. His eyes had the same stern, thoughtful and, as it were, preoccupied look. In fact, it seemed as though we had only parted the day before. But one thing struck me. In old days, though he had been considered handsome, his face was “like a mask,” as some of our sharp-tongued ladies had expressed it. Now—now, I don’t know why he impressed me at once as absolutely, incontestably beautiful, so that no one could have said that his face was like a mask. Wasn’t it perhaps that he was a little paler and seemed rather thinner than before? Or was there, perhaps, the light of some new idea in his eyes?
Part I. Chapter V. THE SUBTLE SERPENT — V.
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blood-ofmyblood · 1 year
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Nature, such mystery.
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okropny-arystrokrata · 9 months
Przejazdy pociągiem są dobre do odkrywania nieco zapomnianej przeze mnie muzyki. Tym razem jest to piosenka (uderzam w niszowy fandom tutaj), która tak bardzo kojarzy mi się ze Stawroginem. Może on nie pragnął, by relacja była tym, co wyrwie go z marazmu, ale jednak...
Gdybym miał kogoś kto by mi zapełnił
Te chwile puste jak morza bezkresy
Kto by tę jasność nieskończoną ściemnił
Którą mi w duszę jadem wszczepił przesyt
Kto by mnie ściągnął w życie z zapomnienia
Kto by mnie z ziemią związał byle więzem
Szczęścia czy smutku rozkoszy cierpienia
Gdybym miał kogoś Potęgą bym stężał
Zerwałbym gwiazdy spod niebios kopuły
Złoty krąg słońca zawróciłbym z drogi
I blaski jego co mi życie struły
Rzuciłbym w triumfie pod nogi pod nogi
Pieśni bym wyśpiewał Ech pieśni nad pieśniami
Temu co nie wie co nie czuje zwleka
Hymn bałwochwalczy temu co mą duszę
Bogom wyrwawszy znów wcielił w człowieka
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“ He was just one of those characters, and would have killed the man, knowing very well what he was doing, and without losing his self-control. I fancy, indeed, that he never was liable to those fits of blind rage which deprive a man of all power of reflection. Even when overcome with intense anger, as he sometimes was, he was always able to retain complete self-control... ”
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creantzy · 3 months
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Pyotr’s so pathetic 😭
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egisha · 27 days
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mohich · 8 months
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sorry i couldnt help myself
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prosvia · 3 years
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Из недавнего. Коля, коля…
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3deadbody3 · 2 months
This mf
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