wpristav · 6 months
«Поражён тот же объект»: Глава Львовской ОВА подтвердил удар российских ракет по газовой инфраструктуре под Стрыем
Пока командующий Воздушными силами ВСУ Олещук рассказывает, как "доблестная" украинская ПВО "сбила" почти все участвовавшие в ночной атаке ракеты и дроны, власти Львовской области сообщают о пяти взрывах, прозвучавших в районе города Стрый. Опять у военных и гражданских цифры не сходятся. Сегодняшняя ночная комбинированная атака снова была направлена на энергетическую инфраструктуру Украины. Как у... Читать дальше »
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demiurgeua · 2 years
Українські держструктури вже розробили алгоритм відновлення своєї роботи на деокупованій території
У Міністерства внутрішніх справ вже готовий алгоритм відновлення своєї роботи на території окремих районів Донецької і Луганської областей та Криму, які були окуповані з 2014 року. Про це заявив міністр внутрішніх справ України Ігор Клименко: “У нас є розрахунки особового складу, персоналу наших служб. І, звичайно, ми працюємо в тісній взаємодії і з Міноборони, і з іншими міністерствами”. Він…
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tivix · 4 months
headcanon №928373939220 Magnus has gambling addiction
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semolinaart · 6 months
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ебака и ленин
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jashonja · 13 days
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youroselion · 3 months
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mejev · 2 months
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Sonia, new character in our campaign
She got stuck in the club full of vampires (at least that's what she thinks🤭)
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higgssupremacy · 7 months
Troy Baker says on Middle East Film & Comic Con In Abu Dhabi:
“Higgs is very much like a Babushka [doll]. There are masks within masks, within masks.”
“I don't even know where [Kojima] pulled his inspiration from. It plays into the narrative, and you understand why he looks the way that he does.”
“He's entrusting Norman [Reedus] and Lea [Seydoux] and myself to bring our best, to do this job.”
Two things here catch my attention:
He talks about masks, meaning of course the Matryoshka toy, which is set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. The meaning of the the matryoshka is to display the hidden, to present surprises where it would seem there are no more layers. We see at least two Higgs masks in the trailer (red fake Amelia and a white one The Crow-like makeup), but how many more is he hiding inside?
and 2. Norman and Lea and myself (fan of Sam/Higgs/Fragile dynamics inside me screams with hope) - so maybe this will be their story, their conflict unresolved in the first part?
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asatanata666 · 6 months
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♫ Artificial Paradise - Vlad Holiday
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doctorriri · 8 months
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shameaw · 7 months
Информатик, пытается объяснить тему: Хорошо, допустим, ты – переменная, ножницы – твоё значение (даёт однокласснику ножницы). Обменяй свою переменную на её переменную. Фломастер. (даёт мне фломастер).
Однокл кладёт ножницы на стол, я протягиваю ему фломастер.
Однокл: (паника)
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demiurgeua · 2 years
Триває відновлення звільненої від рашистів Донеччини
Триває відновлення звільненої від рашистів Донеччини
У звільнені від рашистів міста та села Донеччини поступово повертається життя. Наразі в Донецькій області звільнено 40 населених пунктів у Лиманській і Святогірській територіальних громадах. В них розпочато відновлення інфраструктури, тривають стабілізаційні заходи. На Донеччині ЗСУ звільнили 40 населених пунктів – портал новин LB.ua…
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ilovespec · 20 days
"A frantic heartbeat: An Ode to Obsession"
Yandere FEM! Teacher × FEM! Reader. Part I
Note!!! All the people here are 21 years old, and this is only 1 part ;) But the second part will be released soon
Warnings : beautiful woman . АААААААА ЖЕНЩИНА ?!??!? ААААААААААААААААА ЖЕНЩИНАААААААА !!!!!!!!
Y/N - Your name.
Y/L - Your last name.
Y/NC - Your nickname
F/N - Friend's name.
F/L : Friend's last name
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Y/N Y/L , Y/NC etc... That's what they call you. You are an ordinary college student in your city. And... as strange as it may sound, but your life is ordinary. Like groundhog Day. You wake up, brush your teeth, take a shower , have breakfast, go to school, come back from school, do your homework (if you still do it, of course) and go to bed. And so on.... But . Everything changed a little bit when you got a new teacher...Agnia Gnilova. She taught you psychology. This is a 40-year-old Russian woman. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, brown eyes, a long scar on her nose, tanned skin , she is about 190-200 centimeters tall, and has muscles.. Judging by the way her clothes fit her body, she was a professional athlete..And only because of this did half of your class fall in love with her, damn it. And you thought she was just a beautiful and charming woman. After all, why would an ordinary student fall in love with your teacher , right?
Agnia Gnilova... She was just an angel!!! She didn 't scold you if you and other students missed classes , often arranged tea parties , and even helped and calmed down if someone was upset or had problems ! Soon she became a local "star", because this is a foreign psychology teacher who behaves like an angel, and also calms down? Soon, even the local teachers fell in love with her....
You sigh painfully as you get up from your desk and stretch your cramped limbs. And your friend teased you.
Your bro : Hey Y/N, have you grown quite old, you can't even sit for a long time *fake villainous laughter*
Suddenly a heavy , sinewy hand was laid on his shoulder... It was your teacher, Agnia! She looked at your friend with a barely noticeable fierce gleam in her eyes and a smile on her face.
Agnia Gnilova : F/N F/L . Miss Y/N is very beautiful and young, don't mess with her with your words.
Then she came up to you and lightly patted the top of your head.
Agnia Gnilova: Don't worry Miss Y/N. You always You are beautiful , and you will be.
And then she just walked away. Your friend has already really laughed at this situation.
You just sigh dejectedly, thinking about what kind of jerk you're friends with ...
The next day, when you were walking home from school as usual, you heard rustling and meowing in the bushes... You went into the bushes , and saw , oddly enough, Agnia ! And she was playing with stray kittens... How cute it looked !!!! It's only after a couple of minutes that she turns around and notices you. Her tanned face immediately turns red, and she laughs sheepishly.
Agnia Gnilova: Oh.... Miss Y/N, I didn't expect to see you here... Do you like these kittens? Have a seat next to me.
She lightly patted the spot on the grass next to her and smiled. And you sat down next to her. And you spent the next couple of hours playing with kittens <3
The character description will be tomorrow, today I'm too lazy, it's 3:00. And anyway, I'm tired and I'm leave. (to sleep)
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pinopinko · 1 year
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pino and lily frienship : beginning
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youroselion · 5 months
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DJ's hideout — (♪)
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zaez2020 · 8 months
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