emmafallsinlove · 6 days
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You would break your back to make me break a smile [@jewvian]
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miraculousglitter · 2 years
שמחה רבה שמחה רבה אביב הגיעה פסח בא 🌸✨️
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septembergold · 6 months
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Jena, Germany
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anaelllllla · 6 months
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charonrose · 8 months
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when my world falls apart, I still choose to believe in the hope of spring
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jewvian · 2 days
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נועה ושמרית | 2x07 • נועה ואביב | 3x06
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casavanse · 2 months
Been at a graffiti tour, and I saw some that I think are worth sharing.
Note: most of these images will be October 7 related.
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There is a 10 image-per-post limit in tumblr so I'll reblog it with more.
📍Tel-Aviv, Israel
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ace-hell · 2 months
When we were attacked on actober 7th israel went and demolished gaza for murdering our people
Now the north has been bombed for 9 months, burnt, abandoned, and now 12 druze were murdered and dozen injured by the strike and the government is so fucking silent it makes me want to go to the cabinet and choke them myself
Wtf makes them think its reasonable??? Is the north not part of us? Are the people aren't our brothers and sisters? Our families and friends? Are druze just soldiers tovplqy wars with???
They were kids playing football on a saturday and now their guts are all over the village fences
I am DONE with how the world view us, they are all ass sucking terrorist bootlickers idiots anyway
We can't just abandon our people like that! What do we even fight for? Just gaza that's it? Its only bad when tel aviv is bombed?? Its only bad when 1000+ people are slaughtered? That's what they are waiting for????
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lihiyot-israeli-ze · 2 months
להיות ישראלי זה להתחרפן מתחבורה ציבורית.
למה האוטובוס מאחר ב20 דקות? למה הנהג הבן זונה לא עצר לי למרות שיצרתי איתו קשר עין? למה הרכבות החדשות לא פותחות את הקרונות האחרונים שלהן למרות שאפשר לרדת משם? למה הנהג לא מדליק מזגן אם זה שיא הקיץ? למה אנשים יושבים במושב שרחוק מהחלון ולא נותנים לשבת לידם? הילדים הערסים יכולים להפסיק לעשן ולצרוח ב8 בלילה באמצע האוטובוס פליז? למה עוברים בתחנה שלי 3 אוטובוסים עם אותו המספר לכיוונים שונים??? הרכבת של השעה 12:26 לרחובות תאחר ב17 דקות :) פשוט תרביצו לי בביצים וזהו.
ולמה, למה, למה למקום שבו שבנסיעה רגילה לוקח 5 דקות להגיע אני צריכה לעבור 40 דקות של אוטובוס?? ולמה כל תחנה מרכזית זה מקום שעושה לי נזק בלתי הפיך לריאות? ואם אתם רוצים לשים לעצמכם מוזיקה תקנו אוזניות! ולמה צריך רכבת ארוכה כל כך אם כל התחנות רכבת לא מספיק ארוכות בשביל זה?? ואם יש אתרי בנייה שאי אפשר לעבור בהם בבקשה תעדכנו את זה באפליקציה!!
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yz · 28 days
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Tel Aviv in better times. March 2023.
Fujifilm X-T20 with XF 23mm f/2.0.
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emmafallsinlove · 2 days
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This is the golden age of something good and right and real.
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ani-lo-daredevil · 8 months
why is tel aviv trending? it's not even summer yet, the toursists are not here yet
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moran-with-a-g · 5 months
שכחתי כמה אני אוהבת שירי כוורת. אין לי עדיין פלייליסט נורמלי בעברית בספוטיפיי והוא מכיל כרגע בעיקר שירים של כוורת, אז לא יוצא לי לפתוח אותו כמעט. אמאל'ה כמה זמן לא שמעתי את שיר המכולת.
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krembovanil · 11 months
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jewvian · 10 days
דעתך על אביב מהמפקדת?
היא הדבר הכי טהור שאי פעם דרך בבט"ר המסריח הזה ואם מישהו יפגע בה אני אקח את החוק לידיים!!!
בעיקר נועה. וואי. נועה דיר באלק!!!!
כאילו יש חוט מקשר ביניהן, יש הרבה הקבלות, הרבה נקודות דמיון. נועה גם אשכרה הקשיבה לאביב בפרק 3 כשהיא התבאסה בשבילה על זה שהמחלקה לא נלחמה עליה (למרות שבהתחלה נועה לא ייחסה לזה חשיבות כי חוקים וצבא ומערכת גדולה יותר) וזה הזכיר לי את שמרית מעונה 1 פרק 10 עם "כולה כפיות" ואיך נועה הקשיבה לה אז.
נועה מקשיבה אך ורק לקראשים שלה זה קאנון!!!
אני עדיין לא יודעת לאן הסיפור עם אביב ילך. יש תחושה שנועה התאכזבה ממנה קצת, אבל היא כן לקחה את הדברים שהיא אמרה ללב והתעמתה עם מייקי לגבי חוסר היכולת/רצון של המחלקה להחזיר אותה (למרות שנרמז לנו שטולי ניסתה לעשות משהו... מעניין אם יגעו בזה שוב) אז כאילו.... נועה עדיין מנסה לגשש, זה ברור. היא מחשיבה את אביב כמישהי שאפשר לסמוך עליה רק מעצם העובדה שהיא הקשיבה לה.
השאלה אם אביב בעניין? אולי אביב כל כך בודדה שנועה קורצת לה מבחינה חברית נטו? אני כן חושבת שהן צריכות אחת את השנייה, אביב בקטע של בניית ביטחון עצמי ונועה בקטע של אינטראקציה אנושית חחח אז זה כן יהיה מעניין לראות לאן הכל יתפתח.
נועה 1000% מעוניינת בה, זה ברור, ואני מאוד מקווה שתתפתח פה מערכת יחסית שבה שני הצדדים יהיו בעניין ושהכל יהיה בריא וחמוד ומקסים ובלי שברון לב!!! אבל זאת עדיין המפקדת חחח צריך לקחת הכל פה בעירבון מוגבל.
והשחקנית של אביב, נעמי, היא אחותה של אביגיל הררי (ליבי בסדרה האי) וזה גומר לי את הבריאות כמה שהן דומות!!!! אז זה עוד בונוס חחח
בקיצור!! אני אוהבת את אביב כל כך ואני אגן עליה לנצח!!!!
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connisk · 16 days
preview: exchange fic.
הפתיחה. יש כל כך הרבה מעבר לזה, אבל זה הדבר היחיד שערוך עד עכשיו. אני מקווה. שההצצה הזאת מספיקה.
Sometimes, quiet places were some of the most dangerous areas one could be in. It was something that Thalia Grace, an active hunter, daughter of Zeus and lady Artemis lieutenant knew well. The birds did not sing in that territory, the wild animals were keeping to themselves, and no sentient or at least partly smart animal wished to be outside at those moments.
The reason for the unnatural quite made itself known fairly quickly. From inside the trees, a huge dark silhouette appeared, covering the leaves with its shadows and making tiny stones roll when it shook the ground beneath it. 
The loblolly pine trees around them were tall and full with leaves that hid the girls well from the monster’s poor eyesight. It was drawn to their place by their scent. It's great sense of smell replacing the monster's poor eyesight. They knew it was searching for them, following their smell from miles away. 
One of the duties they had as the hunters of Artemis was to capture and eliminate wild forces that were threatening the balance of nature.
Hungry power beasts that destroyed everything in their path included.
And currently, there were few creatures in the continent that had attracted the lady’s attention.
So they parted.
It was pretty simple. The lady had assigned every group their respective role. There was no point in hunting together all the wild monsters. Artemis led one group. Reyna was selected for the second. And Thalia was selected for the third. 
Despite searching them with its nose, the beast still hadn't noticed them in their hiding position.  
And as it searched the ground, a number of few very deadly, very poisoned and very sharp arrows were pointed at the beast. 
“Stay quiet.” Thalia said to the hunter that hid  in the leaves of the tree next to her. She held the bow strongly in her hands, One of her eyes was closed and she looked straight at the roaming boar who was now terrorizing the poor coat they had left on the ground as a trap.
“stay still… not yet…” Thalia held her hand firmly above her, letting the rest know that they have eyes on the target.
“Any moment… shoot!”
The single arrow that tore the air was almost invisible to the naked eye, as it shot in a curved line down. It hit the boar straight at the flash on his back like a bullet would pass through a rag and came out from the other side without harming the boar at all. What it did do was to catch the attention of the now disturbed boar who rose up from the coat it was trying to eat to look up at the hunters. 
They both looked at each other for a long moment, neither processing what had happened. Thalia came quickly to her senses and pulled down her hand with all the force she could master.
The hunters got the message and at the next moment dozens of arrows were shot at the wild animal from behind the trees who looked pretty undisturbed as if they were hitting him with feathers and not with deadly arrows. It all passed right through him without leaving any damage. Tiny holes appeared and closed mere seconds later on its skin.
The boar huffed for a moment in annoyance, lifted his head and Thalia barely had time to yell for retreat before it charged right at them. And it wasn’t a small harmless boar- no, it was a huge, almost Citroen Ami like in size beast, and it crashed loudly in one of the trees, making it shake. The poor hunter who was on that tree barely had time to retreat and to leap onto the next one before her original cracked.
The boar looked up and strongly oinked. It's face was smeared with blood and whatever was left from the poor body of the man it had killed. 
They were stuck. 
The beast went back to sniffing the ground and the few blood drops that were licked to the ground from the poor hunter that in her hurry to leave the tree got a cut on her arm from a stray branch. It wouldn’t distract it long though as the mammal quickly began to realize that the treat on the trees was looking much more appetizing. 
Thalia locked eyes with one of the older huntress who had joined her team and a mutual understanding passed between them as they climbed down the tree stopping at six fit above the boar. The older hunter took out a slick silver stiletto from under her coat. Thalia took out a black mace canister, and held it strong. 
“In there,” Thalia said and the old former princess, Iphgenia, raised her the handle in anticipation. They both prepared for the jump.
“Two,” Thalia closely followed the beast movements. Her mace canister extended and turned into a shiny bronze spear.
“One,” electric static popped out and wrapped around her spear. 
“Now!”  they jumped right at the beast, the wind hitting their face as they hit its sides with both of their weapons. It cut through its skin and Thalia retreated back along with Iphgenia in fear of the beast thrashing, carefully minding the boar and waiting for it to react.
But once again, nothing happened. The cuts were slowly closing, not leaving a single mark. But it did make it angry. And he did notice the girls now. The electric wave did not hurt it, but he did squealed like it tickled him. And at this point, the hunters on the ground were practically free for all food. So it roamed. Thalia jumped to the side, the beast just barely missing her as it continued running and collided with another tree that moved violently from the force, making the hunter on top of it hold for dear life. 
“What is wrong with this thing?!” Thalia wasn't sure if she referred to her spear or the boar. But there wasn’t much time for her to think as it turned around again and charged at her. She dodged once again to the side and as it passed her (it’s teeth getting too close for comfort to her arm) she raised her spear once again and tried to stab it’s skin in no avail. 
“Come on!” one of the huntresses on the ground called out for her. A few arrows were still shot towards the beast from the trees, but most of the other huntresses had already begun to move, jumping from the tops of one tree into others.
In its attempt to catch someone, the boar changed its direction and now it headed straight to Iphgenia, catching her off guard and sending her flying backwards and collapsing with the tree. She wheezed as it knocked the breath out of her lungs and fell, loose strands of dark hair falling on her face. 
Another hunter helped her be back on her feet and escaped as the boar crashed into the tree in full force. The tree’s more weak nature couldn’t stand it and fell from the force. 
“I’ll distract it! Run!” Thalia screamed for the others. She didn’t need to repeat herself twice, they were all down by this point running for escape. Some halted in a wish to help Thalia, but she reassured them with a nod that it was fine. 
She faced the boar once again and pulled out her hunting knive with a wild look in her eyes. It irked her so much. 
She jumped out of the monster’s way once again when it tried to knock her out like it had done to Iphgenia. With a quick slash, she tried to cut the skin as the boar passed her but once again, it barely had done anything. It repeated this way a few times. Eventually , she thought, she would start to slow down because humans, unlike monsters, indeed were weakened by stupid mortal stuff like tiredness.
Being immortal didn't change that. 
So she tried a new tactic. Aside from a few trees, most of their trunks weren't that strong. A risky plan formed in her head. It wasn't the smartest thing but it might as well work.
She jumped on the nearest tree and climbed as fast as she could, the thorns in her boots propelling her up faster, her hunting knives cutting into the tree's trunk, securing her from falling. 
The crash arrived mere seconds after she was out of reach. The boar crashed into the tree with all his mighty force and the tree squished for a minute before it began toppling down.
She jumped off the tree and rolled down, letting the boar catch out to her and then rolled out from the tree way, letting it crash on the boar. 
It wasn't much but it gave her the precious seconds she needed to escape. She ran without stopping, kicking sticks and shrubs and after a few minutes she saw the end of the forest and jumped out from a small cliff, landing on top of a yellow car. 
Aside from scaring one middle aged lady in their run, no one was there as they went far from the forest.
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