#‘ goood morning good morning! you slept the whole night through’
ruinedbylanadelrey · 10 months
the morning after debrief: (personal life below cut):
last night i went out with my best friend (let's call her Ken) and our friend. I was sitting in my bed planning out KYH and Lovestruck, being a diligent writer then my friend Star (that's what i'll call her) calls me at 6pm, telling me how she just got dumped by her ugly (now ex) bf. I was like oh hell no, we are going out!! The groupchat is formed. this is whole new group to go out with. so i get ready and start think about how my ex boyfriend hasn't texted me since tuesday. last night was to make our 3 ex boyfriends jealous. I go pick up drinks to pregame and still thinking about my ex (naming him Jay). i get to Star's apartment before Ken got there. me and star update each other since it's been months since we hungout. i tell her about Jay, like everything about our history, updated her how i slept with my friend and i'm kinda in the talking stage with a guy in an open relationship. she tells me everything with he ugly bf, and how she's making her new roster of hoes. Ken gets there and she's really excited to go out. I declare we all need pictures because oh my god we are so hot. I was the first one to go and my pics came out so good. (here they are, shameless insta-promo). i can't shut tf up about Jay and how much i wanted to see him again. everyone telling me to just text him. and i always deny that anyone wants to see me
we get an uber to the first club, it was dead for a friday night, Ken goes home because she had work in the morning. Star and I go to another bar, I am drunk at this point and so is star. we order a round of drinks. then the bartenders start pouring shots into people's mouths, i do the shot. and then they brought out champagne and started pouring it into my mouth, it was actually reallly good. star and i are talking about boys and then show her Jay and our texts. She takes my phone and sends a text for me. Now even a second goes by and he says "just got home you should head over" i look at star and show her the texts. and she's like oh we getting you over there. i start to sober myself up in the bathroom, and drinking a vitamin water. we get an uber back the apartment and star is texting one of her hoes to come over, i freshened up before heading downtown to Jay's.
i show up at his door, knock, the door swings open to him. we both say 'hey', he pulls me through the door and pushes me against the wall as soon as i stepped through the threshold. it was so hungry and oh my goddddd i swore that i was getting drunk again but off of him. he smells soooo goood, and he's a personal trainer ;) so he picks me up and takes me to his room. he sets me on the bed, and just looks at me. I could feel myself blush. "are you instagram posts about me?" jay was smirking, still just raking his eyes over my body. i panic for a sec and quickly lie and say that i'm just hopeless romantic and i just like love. he buys it for now. we have sex, both of us tired and talk until we fall asleep.
he helds me in his arms the whole night, i laid there for about 2 hours and just looked at his face, remembering how he used to look when we were younger. i get hit with feelings that i am trying to suppress, because i'm trying to be causal with him. trying not to scare him away. i fall sleep eventually, listening to him breath and snore just a little. he's pulling me in closer anytime he moves in his sleep.
i wake up to him kissing my neck, and caressing my legs. no words spoken when we both start making out and having a good session of morning sex, we lay in bed for hours just talking, i think my favorite conversation we had was talking about sleeping with friends exes. he was like "techincally that what we are doing," refering to my two exboyfriends that he was friends with, and how he's two of my friends ex's too. then i said "well and we are two exes seeing each other", i tell him how my friends know about him, he was like "you talk about me?" with a smile on his face, and then having sex until we both had to get ready for our days. I had to go home and get ready to see my friends for a debrief. he had to go visit his dad and go workout.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Waking up to you hanging over me would be a great start to the morning. Soft and beautiful start and a couple of morning kisses
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sombreboy · 4 years
Mused obsession (4)
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Written by @sombreboy​​​ as Jungkook & @chimoona​​​​​ as Jimin Banner by @carly-bean-blog​​​​​
[ masterlist ]
⇢Explicit (18+) ⇢Pairing: Jungkook & Jimin ⇢Genre: yandere, smut, mxm ⇢Word count: 9k ⇢Ch.warnings: profanity, jealous jk, tattooing, light descriptions of blood/pain, exhibitionist jk oh boy, graphic desc. of piercing jk's cock (I'm no piercer so don't take this literally it's fiction, infections don't exist in this world pls be sanitary.), more intense sexual tension because why not, jk is a total sadomasochist and this you need to remember forever for every damn chapter. xo
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Industry famous Jeon Jungkook of GJK photography takes an interest in a model and up-and-coming fashion designer, Park Jimin. After an opportunity to study the man behind his trusty lens, he thinks he may have just found his new muse.
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The next morning Jungkook’s alarm went off early, and he groaned out curses. For once, he didn’t want to wake up. The quality of sleep he’d gotten was a rarity in his life, all thanks to the man laying next to him. Jungkook turns the alarm off before clinging to Jimin, pressing soft kisses on the crook of his neck, wishing he could stay in bed forever.
It isn’t the alarm that rouses Jimin but the motion of Jungkook behind him. Gentle kisses tickle his neck and strong arms hold him close—a kind comforting touch he hasn’t felt since his ex. He turns to face the man, pressing his parted mouth to his, still groggy with sleep. “Good morning,” he coos, brushing his plump lips down Jungkook’s flushed neck before resting in the indent of his collar.  He slept well enough, but the unfamiliar setting caused him to wake a couple times throughout the night. Even then, Jungkook’s warmth and protective hold coaxed him back to sleep. “What day is it?” He wonders out loud, not ready to sit up and check for himself. The mixture of liquor from the night before doesn’t help his focus in the slightest, feeling slightly hungover and lethargic. “Have you seen my phone?” He dreads the many messages he probably has from his manager, or even Tae.
Jungkook hums, ignoring every single question being thrown at him. He just wants to hold Jimin forever. But eventually, he reaches over to the nightstand where he’s placed the elder’s phone and hands it over, then cuddles up close to get a look at the screen as well. He’s extremely curious after all—does anybody miss Jimin? How easy would it possibly be to just...keep him?
No, that’s too early. Things take time.
“I don’t know, but there’s breakfast ready whenever you’re hungry...” Jungkook murmurs with a raspy morning voice.
“Mm, sounds good…” Just as Jimin suspected, ten messages and four phone calls. Most are from his manager, a couple from Taehyung apologizing, and one from… interesting. Jimin flicks off the covers from his side of the bed and wriggles out of Jungkook’s arms, regrettably.  “Breakfast sounds great,” he picks his robe from the floor and wraps it around himself in a hurry, “I just need to make a few phone calls.” He leans onto the bed and gives the younger a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll make it quick, promise.”
Before Jungkook has a chance to reply, Jimin steps out onto the attached balcony and closes the door behind him. First thing’s first, he definitely needs to let his manager know he’s not dead in a ditch. However, more importantly, he’s dying to know why his ex messaged him out of the blue after so many months of silence. He’s a vague man. The only thing his text said was “Proud.”
Jungkook’s lip twitches as he watches the blonde close the balcony door in a hurry. What is so important? He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit curious...and frustrated. He doesn’t like secrets, even if Jimin doesn’t owe him anything... technically . Jungkook wants to know, and he will, eventually. The photographer lays low, gets out of bed to puts on a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. He grabs his own phone and sits back down, scrolling through social media... Jimin’s show was a hit, trending, both photos and praise, on the news. Of course, there were the photos of Jungkook, smiling as he was enjoying the show—which also drew a whole lot more attention towards the blonde, as if making Jeon Jungkook smile was an achievement. Jungkook scoffs, but nonetheless happy about the many pictures available of Jimin, saving several to his phone as he continuously glances over at the balcony.
Who is he calling… Kook cranes his neck to try and decipher Jimin’s facial expressions, but can’t quite make it out...
“Yes, yes, I’m fine. No, Jeon didn’t kidnap me and hide me in his basement. No—GOD, what kind of man do you think I am? Yeah…yeah…okay, thanks for covering. It went really well? Trending? Goood…okay, yeah, thanks for calling. Sorry to worry you…bye.” Jimin checks in with his manager. They’re annoying as hell but they mean well. He shoots Tae a quick text, telling him to sleep it off.  Then Jimin flicks through his contact list until his thumb hovers over the one name he didn’t think he’d ever call again—Seung-Ho.  The man started as a lifestyle influencer, wearing Lululemon shorts at Machu Picchu or casually eating the latest novelty hipster food with a bright smile on his face. Now he’s the brand ambassador and face of Jimin’s biggest competitor.
“Jimin, baby…,” he coos over the receiver. “I’m so proud…”
Inside, Jungkook grows restless, bouncing his leg with clasped hands as he stares at Jimin through the glass door. Who is he talking to? Why is it taking so damn long? Why did he hover over the screen for several seconds before pressing the call button? He didn’t want to wait any longer—who is more important than Jungkook? Normally, the younger is extremely patient in every other aspect of his life, but when it comes to Jimin giving somebody else his attention, it runs out quick. He gets up to saunter over to the balcony door, carefully sliding it open to eavesdrop.
“Seung-ie—“ Jimin catches himself, “Seung-Ho.” He rolls his face in his palm. It’s too early in the morning to have this conversation with the ghost of his past. Regardless, he’s very curious to know why he reached out after all this time. “Why did you text me? To say you’re proud?” He can’t help but smile a little when the man on the other line praises his clothing collection. Apparently Seung was in the audience the whole time, absolutely loved Jimin’s little speech, and even took note of how well the model looked on stage under all the glowing lights. He laughs, recalling the last time he took Jimin out on a date—how he spilled slushie all over his pure white button up and they had to make an emergency stop at Neiman Marcus for a spare.
“I miss you, Mochi,” he says lowly from the other side, deep and seductive. “When can I see you again?”
Seung-ie?… Seung-Ho. Why does the name sound familiar?  Jungkook rolls his tongue against the fleshy inside of his cheek, listening for merely a minute before he decides it’s enough. He announces his presence by snaking his arms around Jimin’s waist, placing his chin in the crook of the elders neck, placing soft kisses against it.
Kook leans in to whisper into Jimin’s ear, “I’m hungry…”
It distracts Jimin’s train of thought to have Jungkook kissing his sensitive neck. One ounce of attention from the man and he is absolute putty.
“Who was that?” Jimin hears Seung-Ho chime from the other end.
“I’ve got to go, but thank you for coming to the show,” Jimin replies, wrapping up the call. He presses the end button and turns in Jungkook’s arms to face him. He looks annoyed to say the least, but he doesn’t blame him, he would be too. “Just a stupid ex,” Jimin whispers before melding his lips to the other man’s. “Let’s eat…”
 Jungkook grasps and guides Jimin’s chin between his long, tattooed fingers to face him. “Why’d they call you?” He’s no longer subtle with his concern, the mere mention of an ex causes his eyebrows to furrow. “They bothering you?” He continues, his fingers tightening ever slightly around the blondes chin, his face so close that their lips graze together with every word spoken. His other hand remains wrapped around Jimin’s waist, keeping their bodies tightly pressed together, as if the elder would disappear if he didn’t hold him.
Jimin rolls his eyes and tries to shake off the goosebumps still prickling from Seung-Ho’s compliments. “He’s probably bored,” he covers, still not entirely sure why the man reached out. He said he was proud, but why should Jimin care what he thinks? As Jungkook’s hold tightens, Jimin feels the need to be honest, as if the truth is being squeezed from him. “He liked the show. Wants to see me again, but...,” he squeezes Jungkook back, “I’m far too busy.”
“Too bad for him.” Jungkook mutters, a small smile tugging at his lips as he feels Jimin’s reassuring squeeze. He feels his stomach rumble, looping his fingers between Jimin’s as he pulls the elder with him inside towards the dining hall.  If the blonde isn’t already constantly reminded by the wealth the young photographer possesses, this would be one of many reminders. A large table filled with all kinds of breakfast delicacies greet them, way too much for one, two or even three people. This might as well be a buffet for a party. “I didn’t know what you’d like, so...I got everything.” Kook shrugs, as if this isn’t his everyday life anyway, zeroing his eyes in on the fridge filled with his favorite beverage.
Jimin never has to leave. Every little thing that could possibly accommodate his needs is right here in the photographer’s house. “There’s so much to choose from...” Jimin’s hunger increases the longer he looks. He doesn’t even feed himself most of what’s available, but he almost feels like he’s on vacation, so he grabs a pastry and quickly devours it before the guilt sinks in. The flakey, sugary taste is sweeter than sweet as it hits his lips. “Here…” he lifts the danish to Jungkook’s mouth and coaxes him to take a bite without a second thought. The instinctual domestic nature is less and less jarring the longer he stays.
Jungkook’s eyes widen a tad bit in surprise at the sudden gesture, but quickly grasps Jimin’s wrist to guide the pastry to his mouth, chomping off a large piece. His eyes flutter shut with a quiet hum in content—his adoration for sweets so strong that one would wonder how the hell he has the physique he does. “You’re a man of taste,” he chuckles, bringing the straw of his drink to his lips to wash the pastry down. He could definitely get used to having Jimin here, seeing the elders' reactions to his everyday life, so adorable. Having somebody here is a nice change. Sharing this with him is all Jungkook starts to crave. “Try the fruit. Get me some grapes.”
The grapes grabbed Jimin’s attention right away—so ripe and juicy. He lifts a vine from the table and plucks off a single grape, popping it into his mouth and biting down with a satisfying crunch. A light moan tickles his throat, unable to contain how much he enjoys every bit of this.  “Want one?” He plucks another grape and grasps it between his teeth, bringing it up to Jungkook’s lips to feed him directly.
With a smile, Jungkook leans in to bite the exposed half of the grape and within the same movement, grasps Jimin’s waist to push their hips together. “Want you ,” he shamelessly admits, digging his long fingers into the blonde’s sides, tipping his head forward to press a soft kiss on his plush lips. Jimin is already acting more and more in the manners that Jungkook wants; so sweet and almost domestic, like they’re actually together. He really likes it...and in his own mind, they might as well be. He has no eyes for anybody else since he saw the blonde step into his photo session.
Jimin’s hold tightens, digging to be grounded in reality while his mind floats somewhere else. He doesn’t know what’s come over him, feeling so clingy and lustful since the second Jungkook called him “baby.” “N-need you,” he says quietly. His eyes fall away from the other man as his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He isn’t sure what exactly he needs, but every little facet of his time with the photographer is so overwhelmingly euphoric he can’t imagine being apart.
One of Jungkook’s hands moves up the elders body until he reaches his neck, carefully sliding down the robe on one side to expose his small shoulder. “Yeah?” He nuzzles his nose into Jimin’s neck. Fuck, he smells so nice... A deep inhale follows, unable to resist the urge to brush his lips against Jimin’s soft skin. This man is the human embodiment of a drug.
“Yeah,” Jimin replies, weak in the knees. He pushes his robe down further for Jungkook to feel and breathe in any part he desires. He does the same to the other man, tugging the robe loose until it hangs slack around his back. He kisses his way up his built arm, paying close attention to the tattoos that decorate his skin.  “Didn’t expect you to have so many,” Jimin notes with lips pressed lightly to a dark tattoo engraved in his shoulder. “I’ve always wanted more. Love the way they look.”
“Want a tattoo?” Jungkook muses. The mere thought clashes in his mind. Jimin’s skin is precious , not just any tattoo would be good enough. He sighs at the sensation of the elders lips and knows exactly who he’d choose to fulfill his wishes, if he wanted. There’s nobody he’d ever trust more than his personal tattoo artist, Kim Namjoon. He’d lie if he said he wasn’t anticipating the sounds the blonde would make as soon as the needles graze his tender skin... “What would you get?”
Jimin lifts the hem of his robe, exposing his naked thigh. “It would need to be special. Maybe something small. I’m thinking here...” he motions to the taut muscle, pure and unmarked. Jimin surveys Jungkook’s expression as he rubs a thumb over the flesh, “Wouldn’t it look pretty here, Jeon?” Clearly the younger appreciates body markings. It’s only fair his input is taken into consideration. He is, after all, the one who unknowingly influenced Jimin to finally do it.
Jungkook crouches down in front of him, allowing his slender, inked fingers to smooth down Jimin’s thigh until he reaches the part that’s meant for the tattoo. He takes a short moment to just admire the firm, untouched skin before gazing up at the blonde. “It would look gorgeous...I have the perfect person for the job. Maybe after today’s fitting?” He tilts his head in question, wondering if the model would truly be up for it. If Jimin mentions he wants something, Jungkook can’t get it out of his mind until he has it. Was it a small comment in the heat of the moment?
For Jimin, it’s so easy to just say yes when Jungkook asks a question. His wide bambi eyes sparkle with intrigue, and who is Jimin to strip that joy from him?
“Yes,” he answers, a little hesitant. He was just playing around to get a rise out of the younger man, but the idea of getting permanently marked while Jungkook watches is even more exhilarating. “But after the fitting. I need to be in top shape if I’m going to get down on my knees and measure you properly.”
Jungkook’s expression lights up—a yes is definitely what he wanted to hear. He knows he’ll have to set the plan in motion, because Jimin wants it.
“That I agree with,” Jungkook coyly replies with a crooked eyebrow. The playful spark in his eyes doesn’t go unnoticed as he leans in to kiss the blonde’s thigh. He plants a soft peck before standing up to cup Jimin’s cheeks. “Have you eaten enough? We should get ready.”
Jimin quickly devours another danish before his body tells him not to, living just a little longer in the fantasy world Jungkook created. It really is too good here, and with the other man adoring every facet of his being, it’s very hard to leave. Leaving Jungkook to finish his breakfast, Jimin finds his way to the nearest shower and instantly gravitates to the shampoo Jungkook lathered him with the night before. It’s a comforting smell that is now regrettably faint on his skin from a deep sleep. He hurries to coat himself in it, head to toe, blissing in the cloud of humidified scent blooming under the warm cascade of heat. After a short while, he steps out, feeling like a new man, ready to give Jungkook the suit of his dreams and repay him for everything.
Jungkook doesn’t bother with a shower, but simply gets dressed and waits. He runs his hand through his messy locks. The ruffled look adds to his childish yet not so innocent charm, juxtaposed against his black dress shirt that fits his firm physique, paired with black jeans. It’s a casual look, yet his adorning jewelry showcases that he is anything but ordinary, with many shiny rings and an expensive necklace that rests at the base of his neck.  While waiting for Jimin, Jungkook lays down on his couch and contacts Namjoon to make sure he’s available and ready after the fitting. He’s giddy to surprise Jimin with the news... later .
All the while, Jimin wrapped back into his robe and padded down to Jungkook’s studio in hopes of retrieving his clothes, however, he found them neatly folded on a decorative console table just outside. The studio door was shut and locked tight, which he found slightly odd for a mere photography studio. Regardless, he was sure Jungkook had his reasons. He changed into his clothes from the night before and finessed his hair into a presentable style with a bit of product he found laying around. It’s not best practice in the world of fashion to be seen in public wearing the same thing twice, but he made an exception for the day.
Eventually, Jungkook grew bored and decided to go find the blonde roaming around his house, only to find all ready in yesterday's outfit. Cute.
“Ready to go? Car’s waiting outside for us.” He reaches out with grabby hands for Jimin, waiting for him to get the hint; to run to him. The younger wishes for the domestic feeling to never go away, and he was curious how the blonde would act among other people.
Luckily for Jungkook, Jimin got the hint right away and walked towards him quickly, still taking the time to admire his fit as he approached. Today is going to be difficult— how can he build upon perfection? It’s hard not to implode by how cute Jungkook is, looking the way he does, so effortless and cool; truly a muse fit for the occasion. “Ready,” Jimin nods, smiling widely and snuggling into Jungkook’s arms to enjoy a few last moments in this fantasyland before transitioning back to Park Jimin, the supermodel and fashion aficionado.
Jungkook cups the blonde’s cheek and guides his face to look up at him—a last close up look before their one-on-one dynamic would be broken, momentarily. His butterfly truly has a duality to him that is admirable, however the way the elder can easily crumble for him is incredible.
“Okay, let’s go.” He flashes his signature toothy smile and turns to guide them to the waiting car. His arm tightly grips Jimin’s waist until he has to let go to hold the door open for him.
Preparations were made on Jimin’s part during the ride. It seems his assistant is used to last-minute bookings since he started his Be Your Light collection. Last-minute tailorings for industry events and spontaneous all-nighters when inspiration struck. For this occasion, he requested that all the materials be ready for him to use alone—No assistants. The attention would be purely put on Jungkook. Just like the photographer’s preferred work style, Jimin wanted no distractions.
It was go-time the second they arrived—Jimin’s assistant guided the two men into a secluded wing of his studio where a myriad of patterns, leathers and fabrics were laid out.
“This is perfect, thank you,” Jimin nods his approval and flashes a sparkling smile, then begins to pull together his measuring tools. “Jeon, please, take a look around and tell me if anything catches your eye.”
Jungkook begins to stroll around the different materials to work with, fingers smoothing over the fabrics tentatively.  His eyes keep looking back and forth between the black silk and leather. He always tended to like darker, edgier themes, but the soft and shiny material is so comfortable to touch. Jungkook grasps it in his hand and holds it up for Jimin to see with a lopsided and challenging smirk on his lips.
“Could you make me something with this?”
“There’s a lot I can do with that.”
Jimin strolls up to feel the smooth silk beneath his fingertips. Leather would have been a fine choice for its stability and durability, but he likes a challenge. “Black silk,” he notes, plucking the swatch from Jungkook’s hands to inspect it further, “it can be very complimentary to your skin tone.” He rubs his thumb over the rise and fall of the fabric’s exterior—a faint textured brocade, so unique and fitting for the man—dark, yet subdued. “If I tailor it just right, it can hold your shape or flow loose, if you choose.” His designer mind flicks on and he plots the form internally. “What kind of event do you plan to attend in a silk suit, Jeon?”
“I don’t know yet,” Jungkook shrugs, a smile mixed between sheepish and coy replacing his challenging smirk. His eyes follow Jimin’s delicate fingers as they smoothe over the fabrics, already wishing they were on him instead. Growing impatient, he jumps a bit in his position. “I want the silk, make it fitted…” He muses for a moment. “And a low front?”
“A low front, huh?” Jimin glides a hand down the front of Jungkook’s shirt and tugs a little to reveal his defined collarbones. “A very wise choice,” he smirks, releasing the shirt with a snap, “take this off, I’ll need to get close to your body for the tightest fit.” He takes a couple steps back to give Jungkook space, itching to rid the shirt and everything else. However, this is a big opportunity to make something neoteric and special. The process will be the greatest test of his patience.
“Everything?” Jungkook coyly replies as he pulls his shirt over his head, shamelessly exposing his upper body to Jimin. He kind of likes this side of Jimin. No, scrap that–he really likes it. The photographer is rarely ever told what to do, and the elders' confidence and passion for his work is just adding to the younger's growing infatuation.
Jimin bites his lip at the question. “Eager, aren’t we?” His fingers fall to Jungkook’s waist, gliding across his exposed hips and down to his belt buckle. “No, Jeon, just the shirt for now.” He gives the buckle a light tap and then steps behind the photographer, releasing a soft sigh at the smooth expanse of flesh he’s blessed to dress any way he likes. “We’ll start with the top and work our way down. Now stay nice and relaxed, I want to make sure the measurements are precise.”
Jungkook’s coy pout matches the mischief in his eyes as he glances over his shoulder at the blonde. “Yes, Mr. Park.” He turns his head back to look straight forward, letting his arms dangle loosely on his sides. “Take your time with me.” Jungkook really dragged out the way he said the elders last name, as if they weren’t already past the point of formalities.
Jimin takes his time to touch and measure Jungkook’s torso until he has every inch of muscle definition saved to memory. The younger’s enthusiasm encourages him to work with full concentration as he daydreams about the low neckline and how he’ll form it. However, he’s easily snapped from his thoughts whenever he is referred to as “Mr. Park,” like he’s never been called the name before. When it rolls off of Jungkook’s tongue, it’s no longer a name given at birth but a name given to tease. He drapes the measuring tape around the back of his neck and pauses, taking one last second to admire all of Jungkook’s tattoos, fully exposed just for him. What a predicament he’s gotten himself into. He doesn’t want to rush the process, but once the pants come off, he may need to pick up the pace.
“Now the pants, Jeon,” Jimin instructs with the firmest tone he can muster, “take them off for me.”
Jungkook cocks a playful eyebrow at the elder male, letting his hands work his belt to slowly unbuckle it. “You’re so cute when you’re bossy.” He unzips and peels his pants down, letting them fall and pool by his feet before stepping out of them, standing in nothing but his boxers. It’s new, being the one to follow orders. But, the way Jimin tries so hard to remain professional is the best part. So the photographer plays along, curious as to how long the blonde can hold his mask before it crumbles.
Jimin continues to act like he doesn’t want to take advantage of Jungkook’s vulnerable state, which is even harder than it looks.
“I’m always cute,” he responds just a little too late and winks at the younger man. He doesn’t know what he’s saying at this point. His brain switches to autopilot once Jungkook’s thick thighs become visible. All he can think to do is take a deep breath, bend to his knees and measure.  Measure, measure. He jots down his findings on a small notepad to keep his hands busy. The process is almost complete—just one more measurement and Jungkook can get dressed. Jimin places his palms on Jungkook’s inner thigh to hold the measuring tape in place for the inseam.  “Hold still,” he asks quietly, feeling small and meek under the younger man’s gaze, “I’m almost done.” His hand soothes over the expanse of his exposed flesh, lingering a little longer than professionally advised.
Jungkook firmly places his hands on his hips as he gazes down at the blonde from above. His potent stare along with the confidence practically oozing off of him is sure to make just about anybody nervous. However, it is Jimin that he wants to bring to his knees, and conveniently enough, he already is. Before Jimin could properly measure his inner thigh, Jungkook playfully reaches his hand down to brush the blonde locks away from Jimin’s face, then runs his long fingers through it, giving a light tug before withdrawing.
Jimin shudders from the tug at his roots, causing his muscles to tense from the pleasure and proximity of the man above. He can’t resist the effect Jungkook’s beautiful hands have on him, especially when they’re carded through his soft hair, caressing him any way they please. “Almost done,” he says in a low tone, aching to deflect attention from the growing tent in his pants. “But if you keep distracting me, we’ll be here all day.” He glides his hand higher up the younger man’s inner thigh until it touches the hemline of his briefs. “Would you like that, Jeon?”
“Is that a question or a proposition?” Jungkook’s light smirk doesn’t go unnoticed. His hand doesn’t leave the blonde’s curls as he twirls the light ends between his fingers. God, did he love to tease the model, who’s eyes seem to dilate with lust as they gaze up at him with innocence. But Jungkook knows by now that he is far from the angel he initially presented himself as.
Jimin replies with a smirk of his own, dragging his small fingertips down the younger’s inner thigh to take the last measurement. He purposefully brushes the back of his hand against the bulge in Jungkook’s briefs and teases him through the fabric for just a second, then withdraws completely as if nothing happened. “I’ll pass my notes to my assistant so she can begin the preliminary steps—shouldn’t take long.” He stands to his feet and steps so close to Jungkook that their bodies nearly touch. “You did great, Jeon. You can get dressed now.”
Jungkook scrunches his nose in a small, toothy smile. The blonde really tried to play him at his own game. Well, if that’s what he wants... He nods lightly before turning around to bend over and pick his clothes up, slowly putting the fabrics on one by one without a word. Maybe Jimin expected a different reaction, but Jungkook wanted the blonde pining rather than simply giving him what he wanted.  As he is fully dressed, he turns back to face Jimin and reaches out to caress his cheek with the back of his hand. “I'm thrilled to see what you come up with… Now, are we done for today?”
“That’s a wrap,” Jimin nods, internally cursing himself for encouraging Jungkook to dress so quickly. Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt to show some affection now that the measurements are recorded.  He melts into Jungkook’s caress and curls his arm around the small of his waist to guide him to the door. He peeks up at the taller man beneath his blonde fringe, feeling more relaxed now that he doesn’t have to focus on drafting the suit.
“So, about this tattoo...”
Jungkook’s face lights up at the mention. “Yes! Do you wanna go now?” He is a tad bit over excited about the fact, as he’s made sure that Namjoon was ready to clear his schedule the very second he made the call.  Kook wraps his arm around Jimin’s shoulder to pull him close as they head towards the waiting car. He may have asked, but his mind is already made up—Jimin is getting that tattoo.
“I’m a little nervous,” Jimin confesses, grasping the car door handle and hesitantly tugging it open, “It’s been a while.” He slides into his seat and gets comfortable next to Jungkook. He’s a little out of his element, but he trusts the man, surprisingly enough. He can’t pinpoint why, but he finds solace in his touch—a sense of calm that makes him feel like he could tackle anything. “I don’t even know what I’m going to get,” he laughs, “Shit, Jeon, what did you talk me into?”
“Do you trust me?” Jungkook’s eyes fall on Jimin as he says so, repeating the same words he once said back at their first photoshoot. Without a response, he gives a vague wave of his hand and the chauffeur begins to drive. He places his hand on Jimin’s thigh and let’s it rest there, giving it a light, reassuring squeeze.
It’s not just Jungkook’s words or his touch that pulls Jimin closer—it’s the undivided attention, and his tranquil gaze. Every now and then, Jimin swears he can see the man’s soul in his dark irises. They’re so receptive and kind, but piercing and cool, all at once.
“I trust you,” he speaks above a whisper. Just as he did at their first photo shoot, Jimin places his full and complete trust in Jungkook’s hands. He’s a proven visionary—not only a renowned artist but a man with true vision. If he wants this permanent marking to have the greatest meaning, he’ll leave the final decision up to Jeon Jungkook. That moment in the glass room changed Jimin—seeing his faults fall between the cracks of those mirrored shards, scattered across the floor. He owes this to him. Everything that’s come from that moment has only made Jimin stronger—a better version of himself. “I want you to choose what I get.”
‘‘Really?’‘ Jungkook’s doe eyes widen before they squint in a smile. Small wrinkles appear in the corners of his eyes, adorning his skin. He feels butterflies erupting in his chest at the way Jimin willfully gives his trust. He seems entirely head over heels, and that’s exactly what he wants. Jungkook cranes his neck to close the last bit of distance between their lips in a sweet kiss. He pulls back just enough to stare at how Jimin gazes back in awe, only to lean forward and place another kiss on his plush lips...and another, and another. It’s like a drug. Lips, intoxicating, the way they envelope his with loving care.
Jimin presses back firmly to Jungkook and unbuckles his seatbelt to get closer. There’s far too much pent-up energy and nerves in his body to resist. He moves his hand to the back of the younger man’s neck and guides the kiss. He pulls him deeper, gliding his velvety tongue along Jungkooks, crawling into his lap and straddling him face-to-face.  “Really,” he breathes against his hot lips, “Want you to mark me, sir.”
Jungkook can tell that Jimin’s words have double meaning, which causes him to smile.  The plush of his bottom lip grazes the blonde’s. “It’s a promise, butterfly,” he whispers smoothly as his hands settle in a firm grip on Jimin’s hip bones, squeezing lightly to feel the soft flesh push out between his fingers. Jimin always seemed so fragile when he was like this, yet the innocence in his eyes is nowhere to be seen when he’s slowly becoming corrupted by Jungkook’s various temptations.
Jimin soaks in the feeling of Jungkook’s hands on his hips and allows them to hold him close for the duration of the ride. He wants them to hold him everywhere at once, but unfortunately, Jeon Jungkook isn’t Vishnu with four arms. However, at least in Jimin’s mind, he is god-like. Is it odd for him to think so highly of a man he’s known for less than a week? Life moves quickly in the world of fashion—working partnerships are just another part of it. In the words of Heidi Klum, “one day you’re in, and the next, you’re out.” At this point, he’ll do anything to stay in.
The model cards his fingers through Jungkook’s soft hair as he slides off his lap, giving him a small peck on the lips before settling back into his seat. The car pulls up to the curb of the shop; Jimin instantly feels his tingly heartbeat in the tips of fingers as they wrap around the door handle.  A moment of pause, then... “Lets get it,” he breathes out in a wisp of a laugh.
Jungkook smiles as he leans over Jimin to place his long fingers on top of the blonde’s, unlocking the door with him to push it open. As they head inside, the bell to the shop chimes.
“Jungkookie!” They’re met with a dimpled smile greeting them across the room, pen in-hand, working on a sketch. The man stands up to approach the two and gives Jungkook a hug before doing the same to Jimin.
He surely isn’t shy.  
“Is this Jimin? I’m Namjoon.” He takes a step back to observe the blonde, shooting a quick glance at Jungkook that basically says ‘nice.’
Jimin straightens his posture to give the best impression as it seems this man is not only the one about to stick needles in his flesh, but also a good friend of Jungkook’s. As he’s quickly gathered, it’s a rare occasion to meet anyone Jungkook would call a friend. Jimin can only imagine what he makes of his relationship with the photographer. Namjoon’s dark-lined eyes hold firm on Jimin’s, almost softening to put him at ease. “Park Jimin,” the model smiles, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Namjoon smiles back, his prominent dimples on display. He heads towards his desk to pick up the sketch he was working on, beckoning for the others to come closer, “Check this out.”
Jungkook steps beside Namjoon to take a look. “Perfect,” He coos, doe eyes observing the beautiful flower that Joon had sketched on the paper.
“Great,” Namjoon smiles wider, showing Jimin the sketch. It's a delicate drawing of red petals from the sage flower—the meaning behind it being ‘Forever mine,’ which is sketched in a short note at the foot of the page for reference. Joon already knew this is what Jungkook wanted for this one—always something floral, and always different meanings behind them. This one is the most meaningful one he’s ever done...and not just one more flower to be added to Jungkook’s collection on his arms.
Even on the paper, the red petals seem to burn off the page. It’s as if they’re begging to escape the confines of 2D and become immortalised forever, sunk permanently into Jimin’s flesh. He’s lost for words as he scans every detail even though he’s already set on having it on him for life.
“It really is perfect,” he smiles at the cheery dimpled man. He turns to Jungkook and is pleased to see he’s equally enthralled with the finished product. “You’ve chosen well, Jeon.” He drops his hand down onto his own hip until it lands high on his thigh. “Are we still thinking here, or…somewhere else?”
Jungkook’s eyes rake down Jimin’s body in thought for a long moment until they land on his upper thigh. It seems like the perfect spot, and watching the process will be the most enticing part of it all.
“Right here is perfect,” He agrees, placing his hand on top of Jimin’s to apply light pressure onto the firm muscle.
“Splendid,” Namjoon nods before gesturing towards the large, comfortable chair in the room. “Please remove your pants and have a seat.”
Joon heads over to his chair and rolls it over to his desk to gather necessities while waiting for the blonde to get ready.
Mind over matter—Jimin slides his pants down quickly like he would at any runway show. In a situation like this, modesty flies right out the window. In a matter of minutes he’ll be poked raw while Jungkook watches, and the thought alone makes him hastily take his seat in front of the artist, eager to begin.
“Jungkook?” Jimin asks, looking up at the tall man while he towers over him protectively, “You’ll stay here, right? You won’t leave?” His hand itches to hold his as he hears Namjoon whir the machine a couple times to prep the needles.
“I’ll be here every second,” Jungkook promises with a small nod, reaching to brush away Jimin’s fringe from his forehead before grabbing a chair to take a seat next to him, “I chose the piece after all.”
Namjoon smiles to himself at the sweet exchange, noting just how well Jungkook has Jimin wrapped around his finger. It almost reminds him of how he himself used to feel the same way, once upon a time. “Alright, take deep breaths and don’t move. Let me know if you need to take a break,” Namjoon says as he scoots closer in his chair to place the stencil on Jimin’s upper thigh. He observes the placement before giving Jungkook a questioning look, rather than giving the decision to Jimin. Once Kook confirms with an approving nod, Joon gets to work, whirring the machine as he draws the first line. Both men glance at Jimin between strokes, attentive to see his reaction.
The stinging sensation of pulsing needles on Jimin’s soft flesh is not foreign, yet they feel sharper this time around. Deeper. Joon does not have a light-handed approach, likely as a stylistic choice for bold line work, but it makes the fine hairs at the back of Jimin’s neck stand on end. The artist’s attention to detail reminds him of the perfectionist in himself. He acted similarly when he sketched his clothing designs for the BYL collection, so he respects the process. He grits his teeth and bares through the pain. He can feel Jungkook’s gaze land heavy on his thigh as the needles stitch into his skin and embed vibrant ink. The younger man’s investment in this spontaneous decision is enchanting. The design he chose is brilliant and thoughtful. Jimin wonders if he’s devoted this much of his undivided attention to anyone else besides himself. Surely a man of his prestige has better things to do than this with him .
Nonetheless, Jimin pushes his insecurity aside and places his hand on Jungkook’s thigh for assurance.
Jungkook observes every stroke of Namjoon’s wrist with deep focus to make sure there is not a single mistake done to Jimin’s precious skin. He’s more invested in this moment than he has been with anybody else. Luckily, he knows he can trust Namjoon to do a job that is nothing but absolutely perfect. Watching Jimin’s skin slowly gain lines and colors with a design he chose...it’s a feeling unmatched by any other. ... Well , possibly matched by the way Jimin is obviously struggling to keep a straight face. The light twitches in his plush lips are so endearing. Jungkook grabs Jimin’s small hand and gently strokes his knuckles with his thumb, holding it like that the entire time.
Then, after what feels like forever, the buzzing of the machine finally comes to an end. Namjoon places the needle gun back on the desk before cleaning Jimin’s thigh off, inching forward to inspect the finished result. “Alright, we’re all done. Take a look by the mirror over there if you want a proper view.” Joon directs his words towards Jimin, but his eyes flicker to Jungkook’s.
Standing on his feet is a raw task, but Jimin does it with a brave face, placing weight on the leg until it feels comfortable enough to walk on. The mirror doesn’t do the piece justice—up-close it is perfectly placed on his toned thigh and brilliantly shaded. He ghosts his fingers over the fresh ink, hovering just above, slightly bewildered that it’s a part of him forever.  He turns to Namjoon and nods his approval, then looks to Jungkook, trying to assess his reaction. From what he could tell, then man is just as pleased, maybe even more. It is his design concept, after all, and he should be proud. Jimin rests his hand at his side but can still feel Jungkook’s hand—thumb working in soothing circles. It makes him wonder if perhaps he’s relaxed enough to take the pain as well.
“While we’re here,” Jimin says confidently, feeling the dopamine pulse in his rosy numb flesh, “are you getting one too?”
“I am, actually.” Jungkook's small smirk tugs at his lips as he remains still, eyes still admiring the work on Jimin's thigh. Forever would he be marked with the piece that he had chosen. And now he’s about to get one of his own.  Kook guides Jimin to have the seat next to him as he gets himself ready, extending his arm to expose the ink-free piece of his skin on his lower arm. Meanwhile, Joon prepared another set of needles. He rolls up to the youngest to place his stencil, raising his eyebrows in a silent question of 'Good?'   With an approving nod from Jungkook, the familiar buzzing sound of the machine echoes once more. Joon marks Jungkook with a similar design as the one on Jimin's thigh; however, slightly different. While Jimin's is a work of red petals, Jungkook's is the flower itself, with petals falling off of it. As with every other piece Namjoon had done on the photographer in the past, he marks Jungkook's flower tattoo with a barely visible number. It’s a sly way of tracking each time the man has brought someone in to tattoo themselves for him. Why? Who knows. It is a mystery only known to the man himself.
Jimin notes the small number as Namjoon etches it onto Jungkook, not even sure if it is a number he’s seeing or just another part of the blooming bud. The photographer’s silken skin beads with fresh droplets of blood, obstructing his view of the design. He doesn’t even wince when the hairpin needles pierce his skin over and over, like he’s done it so many times it’s as casual as a monthly haircut.  Jungkook is a seasoned professional in Jimin’s eyes. He admires the painless way he endures Namjoon’s heavy-handed pricking in what he assumes to be a sensitive part of the body to mark. He can’t pretend he isn’t shocked the photographer had the foresight to plan matching tattoos, and was too bold to assume Jimin would want it. But Jeon Jungkook's bold decisions are what attracted Jimin to him in the first place.
“You’re doing well,” Jimin assures, soothing his hand over the wide expanse of Jungkook’s back. “You’re doing really well...”
Just as the tattoo begins to form into a coherent piece of art, Jimin’s pocket vibrates. He pulls his phone free and stares down at the notifications, quickly hiding it at his side once he realizes who messaged him.
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Jungkook smiles at the sweet words coming from the elder, but it fades just as quickly when he notices the slight tilt of Jimin's phone screen to keep it just out of his vision. Kook can't help the curiosity that gradually morphs to swirling annoyance in his gut. He just can't help it—he hates secrets when they’re kept from him. Could it be the same person Jimin was on the phone with earlier? The younger isn't oblivious, and he really wishes this wouldn't cause any trouble. But before he can comment on the split second, the phone is shoved back into Jimin's pocket, and Namjoon chimes that he's finished.
“Alright, we're done here,” Namjoon clicks his tongue and wipes Jungkook's arm clean, observing the masterpiece with his squinted eyes. He rolls his chair out and stretches his back until his spine pops. “Good, Jungkookie?”
“Perfect.” Jungkook approves as he gets up off his chair, looking down at the new piece of art on his skin. A mark just for Jimin. He displays it for the blonde, a crooked eyebrow following with his toothy grin, “Now we match.”
Jimin tries to muffle the sound of incoming text messages as they continue to vibrate in his pocket. If it isn’t Seung-Ho, it’s surely his manager on behalf of Seung-Ho. The man is persistent when he wants Jimin’s attention—but why does it have to be now? Jimin doesn’t have the nerve to check his phone, especially not when Jungkook proudly displays his fresh ink.
“It’s—” Jimin leans closer, grasping the man’s bicep to steady his body. He squints to take in every little detail, down to the faint number etched at the center of the design—but is it a number? It very well could be, but what does it mean? Jungkook doesn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest, so Jimin pushes his curiosity aside and examines the rest of the tattoo. “Not to be biased, but I think It’s the most beautiful flower.” The delicate way the red petals seem to fall down from Jungkook’s arm and onto Jimin’s thigh is wholly picturesque. Jimin would be lying if he said it didn’t excite him, knowing the two of them will share this for the rest of their lives. If anything, let it serve as a reminder of their working partnership and the bond they shared shooting Jimin’s first solo collection. Give it time and perhaps the tattoos will increase in value. It’s not even a day old and it’s already Jimin’s new favorite piece of art. He lightly taps his tender thigh and savors the sting, flicking his eyes between both tattoos until they are melded in his mind as one. “It’s been a long day, Jeon,” he winces, tapping his tender flesh a little too roughly. “Ready to head out?”
Jungkook shakes his head with a mischievous, toothy grin growing on his face. “Not yet, I have one more thing.” He speaks as he stares at Namjoon, who suddenly seems to shrink where he stands despite being the tallest of them all.
“Are you sure? It'll hurt.” Joon asked with his eyebrows raised high, feeling the itch in his fingers. He really wants to do it, but he also wants to make sure this was truly what the younger desires. He does hope for a ‘yes’ though. There is nothing else he wants right now than to feel and see Jungkook, even if it's in a professional setting.
“Yes, I've planned this for a while now.” Jungkook's hands travel to the hem of his pants, tugging at the waistline as his grin grows wolfish, “And I want it right now.”
“O-okay...” Namjoon's voice strains, his heart practically bursting within his rib cage with excitement. He loves tattooing, but if there is anything he loves more, it’s body piercing. There is just something about the adrenaline he feels rushing down his spine when he feels the needles easily penetrate through flesh, to be adorned by a piece of jewelry. Joon would be lying if he said it didn't make his face heat up a bit.
“Alright, take a seat,” Namjoon clears his throat, sitting back down on his rolling chair and patting the client seat.
Jungkook doesn't hesitate to pull his pants down along with his underwear, shameless and confident in his body as he sits down, half laying in the seat, eyes fixed on Jimin's. He notes how the blonde's eyes immediately find exactly what Kook expects.
“Don't stare so intensely, I'll get excited,” Kook teases Jimin, then flickers his gaze down to meet Namjoon's, who is also seemingly swallowing tightly to keep his professional mask on.
This is too much fun.
“A-are you—” Jimin’s voice weakens as Namjoon grasps Jungkook’s flaccid length and lines up a small barbell at the tip, measuring for size. He very clearly is, no doubt about it. If he was confident going into the tattoo, Jungkook is beyond confident going into this. Jimin wants to ask permission to watch, but can tell right away that it’s Jungkook’s full intention that he do so. He really does like to put on a good show, and, well, Jimin is captivated.
Namjoon finds the perfect piece of jewellery and sets it aside to ready the needle. It’s much larger than Jimin would have imagined—it looks hallowed throughout and incredibly sharp. It’s difficult to understand why in this moment, but Jimin feels his skin heat with arousal at the mere thought of seeing Jungkook’s tip gleam with a pretty stud through it. He takes a seat beside him, aching to be as close as possible. He crosses his legs, already feeling his cock stiffen at the sight. Jungkook seems to be affected as well, gradually growing thicker, unabashedly, right in front of his audience of two.
Jimin nips his plushy bottom lip and focuses his curious eyes on Namjoon’s hand as he grasps the hardening cock, ready to pierce. “Be still,” Jimin warns, nearly salivating at the sight. “I want it to be perfect.”
“Namjoon knows what he's doing, it'll be nothing but perfect,” Jungkook sighs out his words when Joon's warm fingers wrap around his length, already half hard from having two sets of eyes immersed in him, and him only. “Right, Joonie?”
“Right…”' Namjoon whispers through his teeth, his eyebrows tightly knit together in focus. It’s not easy to keep himself collected when Jungkook's cock is literally within his grasp. It’s heavy, and the all too familiar feeling of it makes his gut stir. “Just take a deep breath and don't move,” he warns as he brings the needle closer. His other hand keeps a firm grip around Kook's length, twitching once Joon's fingers tighten around it.
“Just do it before I get too hard…” Jungkook groans quietly. In all honesty, the photographer doesn’t care if he’s rock solid while getting pierced, he’s too much of a glutton for pain to mind it. Maybe he'd even prefer it that way. To say this is arousing would be an understatement.
Namjoon doesn't need to say anything else, and finally presses the needle through the flesh. For other professionals, this might've been too slow, but for the two of them, this was just the perfect torture. The needle is so sharp it practically melts through Jungkook's cock, and it has Namjoon foaming at the mouth when he hears Jungkook's audible moan echo in the studio.
“Fuck, hyung!” Jungkook curses through gritted teeth. His hand instinctively reaches out to grab Namjoon by his hair, tugging harshly. “All the way through, keep going.”
Namjoon's lower lip is tightly clamped between his teeth as he holds back the vibrating groan in his chest, finishing what he started as he finally pushes the needle through entirely; the bloody sharp tip of the needle sticking out on the other side. It’s gorgeous.
Jimin’s body feels hot and electric as the pain of his tattoo dissipates and is replaced with pure exhilaration. He watches every movement with wide blown-out pupils. His mouth is impossibly parched, he can’t will himself to swallow out of fear he might blink and miss a millisecond.
Namjoon loops the barbell through the hallowed tip of the needle and threads it through as the needle glides free of Jungkook’s stiffening length. It’s set aside, freeing a small bead of blood to trail down his shaft.
Jimin tears a fresh sheet of paper towel from a neighboring roll and dabs the wound gently. The younger man’s reddened tip swells under his touch and only spurs Jimin on to dab with excess—more than what’s needed, but selfish and satisfying for his own pleasure. He nips his bottom lip roughly until he’s sure he might draw blood of his own, then looks up at Jungkook with nothing but urgent need, silently begging to leave straight away. Jimins needy look doesn't go unnoticed by the younger, giving the blonde a reassuring wink.
“You did well hyung.” Jungkook leans in to press a light kiss on Namjoons forehead before he stands up, observing the little addition on his length. The pain is delicious, stinging and amplifying the throbbing pulse rushing from his heart to his cock.
Yeah, he needs to put it to use...there was no way around it.
Jungkook pulls his underwear and pants on, nonchalantly clasping the button on his jeans before he beckons Jimin to follow him like a puppy. “We will be back when I want some additions to my butterfly.” Jungkook grins at Joon, knowing the man knows exactly what he means, and that he'd have to be prepared. Soon.
The bell chimes loudly as Jungkook holds the door open for Jimin, giving Namjoon one last silent look before he walks out.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
120 notes · View notes
our-springdays · 6 years
april 29: 京都 pt 1
April 29 marks the start of ゴールデンウィーク (Golden Week) in Japan! There is no class for a whole week because there are 4 national holidays during the week (Showa Day, Constitution Memorial Day, Greenery Day, and Children's Day) and many offices tend to be closed as well. That means there are going to be a lot of people traveling during this time period.
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About a week ago, a group of friends and I visited Waseda’s Co-Op Store to purchase Shinkansen tickets to go to Kansai. There is 学割 (Gakuwari) or student discount for these tickets. Since you’re going to be on a Student VISA to Japan, you’re not going to be eligible for JR Pass. You can get the 学割 printed at a machine in Building 14, 25, or 7. Bring those with you to the Co-Op Store; you will need to print 2 copies because one copy is only for one-way. So when you go to the Co-Op Store, you fill out a form with where you want to go and use a timetable book to find times for when you want your tickets for. A really nice lady at the store was assisting us after seeing us struggle for a long time. It would be very helpful if you or a friend knew a little Japanese so you can communicate with the people there. I’m not too sure if they knew much English because we mainly spoke in Japanese. The form that you need to fill out is also in Japanese, so it would help a lot if you knew a little of the language (or Google Translate might help). If not, I am sure the people at the Co-Op Store may know minimal English to help you get by since Waseda has a lot of foreign students. We bought a one-way ticket on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto and then another one-way ticket from Osaka back to Tokyo. The total came out to $233.35 inclusive of base fare, shinkansen fare, and seat reservation fee. (If you are just a tourist, the JR Pass makes your trip a lot cheaper! But take note that you can’t use JR Pass for the fastest trains - Nozomi and Mizuho. You can use it on Hikari, Kodama, & Sakura). Another side note, taking a plane might be cheaper than taking the shinkansen at one point, so you might want to check flights as well before booking!
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Just moments before boarding the shinkansen to Kyoto~ We took the Fukutoshin Line from Nishi-Waseda to Shinjuku San-Chome to transfer to the Marunouchi Line to get to Tokyo Station. I think we just went with the fastest route Google Maps showed us at that time. It might be faster to actually just take the Tozai Line from Waseda Station instead. So take your pick. When you get to Tokyo Station, if I remember correctly, you first put in your base fare ticket. Remember to take the base fare ticket with you. Before you get onto the shinkansen, there’s going to be another ticket gate, & you have to put both your base fare ticket with the Shinkansen Super Express ticket. Remember to take them with you so you can get out of Kyoto Station when you arrive. Also, this is a given but leave early. You’re going to need as much wiggle room as possible in case you get lost in Tokyo Station. Make sure you have ample time to make mistakes because things happen. 
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Finally on the shinkansen!! It was my first time riding the shinkansen! There was plenty of leg room (enough for me to keep my luggage in front of my legs) and the seats are super comfortable too. It runs super smoothly on the tracks that it put me to sleep after I was able to spot Mount Fuji out the window. (I took a video, but it’s hard for me to insert clips because my phone doesn’t like syncing them onto my laptop. Perhaps I’ll figure it out one day!! - Stay Tuned!) At one point, my ears felt like they were being plugged as if we were on an airplane. I think this is due to the fast speed that the train is running at, which causes a change in air pressure.
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Having a bentou on the shinkansen is a classic!! I highly recommend this. Thanks to my dormy Gustavo for letting me take a picture of his food!! :) (and sorry Gustavo that I get the better angle LOL) Honestly, I slept 3 hours the night before so I didn’t have any appetite in the morning. Definitely learned my lesson to not go out the whole day the night before when I haven’t done laundry nor packed for this trip. But that is another story to tell at a different time!
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We arrived at Kyoto Station!! I honestly don’t remember taking this photo, but what’s important is - WE’RE HERE!!! I think it took about 2.5 hours to get from Tokyo to Kyoto via Nozomi. Definitely got some good sleep on this train ride.
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We dropped off our luggage in coin lockers at the station because it was too early for us to check into our Airbnb. In the meantime, we decided to walk around because guess who planned our week trip in this group!!! - NO ONE. We are young and like to live life on the edge. (Just kidding, maybe only slightly.) But pictured above is Kyoto Tower! There’s actually a huge food court at the foot of Kyoto Tower called Kyoto Tower Sando. We decided to check that place out a little later.
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Since no one has planned anything, we thought this map would be super useful for us to pick sightseeing areas. I hope you can get some ideas too from this map if you visit Kyoto! (And hopefully, you plan ahead.) Also, know that there should be a bus ticket discount at the machines somewhere!! Since no one has done research, we only noticed it after using our IC cards around the area; I randomly peeped through a window and saw an unlimited bus pass. According to the quick search I just did, it is a 1-day bus pass that allows you to take unlimited rides on the Kyoto City Bus and Kyoto Bus. It is 600 yen for adults and is beneficial if you take the bus 3 times or more in a day. There is a flat rate for bus rides in Kyoto - 230 yen per ride. You enter through the back of the bus and exit through the front where you will then pay. This is a little different from Tokyo buses because you enter & pay at the front for Tokyo buses (which is similar to New York!)
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We decided to walk to the Museum of Kyoto from Kyoto Station. I think it was over a half hour walk or maybe even longer... And when we got there, some people didn’t want to pay for admission so we didn’t go inside the actual museum part. Instead, we walked around the souvenir stores. There was a very beautiful postcard store in here for I think only 200 yen each. If you like paintings, you’ll really like the postcards. I decided to buy... ice-cream..! from 京あめとにまる, which sources their green tea from 宇治 (Uji). Probably not the best thing to eat as your first meal of the day, but I can’t reject matcha and anko. It was 380 yen for this cone! I’m going to miss cheap matcha cones when I get back to New York. This was so goood! I wish I could eat it now.
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After killing some time at the shops, it was time to go back to Kyoto Station to pick up our luggage and then check into our Airbnb. We got lost trying to find it, but we eventually made it. I honestly wanted to break down onto the floor from dragging my luggage everywhere because it was so exhausting. That’s when I learned, I need to go back to the gym to train so I can become stronger!! There was this mural to our Airbnb room. Definitely cramped for 4 people because we had luggage with us. Also, the air ventilation wasn’t the best. We were able to smell smoke coming from somewhere nearby. It was a self check-in hostel type of Airbnb so there were people living upstairs. Also, to our surprise, the door to this hostel wasn’t lockable. It was lockable for your own personal room, but the door to enter into the hostel was just a sliding door. So basically anyone can come into the living room, kitchen area, and shower rooms. Honestly, that made me feel a little uneasy, but because we were in Japan, it’s a lot safer compared to New York.
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There was a lot of manga (Naruto & One Piece) and very retro games in this Airbnb! The gaming systems went back to as far as the Nintendo 64! It was definitely one of my childhood gaming systems. The guys played Mario Party for a bit, and I decided to plan the itinerary for the rest of this trip. The bad thing is that the Wi-Fi wasn’t working in this Airbnb! I had to hotspot my phone data onto my laptop. After the itinerary was finished, we decided to go eat.
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We passed by 京都勝牛 (Kyoto Katsugyu) the first time we were trying to find our Airbnb, so we knew we had to walk back for dinner! The line for this place was out the door and progressively got longer as we waited. We ordered the katsu set (140g) that came with rice, miso soup, & cabbage. With this set, there are 4 ways to eat your katsu: curry, wasabi soy sauce, Japanese salt, and “Worcester sauce.” Honestly, I’m not too sure about the translations they used on the menu, but they were all really good! I think my favorite one might be the curry. It is a cash only place and this set was 1,382 yen, which isn’t bad at all for wagyu beef! Also, there are unlimited rice refills!! Perfect because I barely ate anything all day. I guess I was too stressed from settling in that I didn’t even realize that I barely ate all day. But it was a really good dinner!! I remember being very sad while taking my last bite of the katsu. I’ll come back here for sure!
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didiletyouknooow · 7 years
62. Long Progression
sorry for letting you wait so long but I had some busy weeks. BUT now I finished the new chapter and I really hope you will like it!!! Thank you for reading! I appreciate all the support and feedback from you :)
I was sitting at my sofa eating breakfast. Meanwhile I was checking “Flightradar24” to check out which flight Josh could take to get back to LA. How stupid. I mean, he told me that he would take an earlier flight today. Why did I even care? We said we stay in touch but what does it mean? Would he call or text me? Should I call or text him? I didn’t know “Vilma, like I already told you, don’t have sex with your ex. It makes everything just even more complicated” I said while taking on my jacket.
Megan was already in the office when I arrived at work. She seemed in a good mood. “Oh hello my dear co worker” she said. “Tell me, how was your blizzard weekend?” “Well” I said and sat down at my desk. “It was quite good” “Tell me! What happened after I left the bar?” she asked curious. Since our boss took a day off because of the blizzard we could talk. “We left the bar” I started. “And when I couldn’t get a cab, Josh brought me home” “How?” Megan was confused. “Well, we took the subway and then we had to take a long walk through the blizzard” “Oh well….this sounds horrible” she laughed. “But also a bit romantic” “But it was actually quite good” “Because you two were so wet and fucked up when you arrived at your apartment that you took off your clothes immediately and ended up in bed?” “Kind of” I grinned. “What the hell” she laughed. “I knew it! I knew it when I saw him that night….the way he looked at you. It told me everything!” “Yes….you were right” “How long did he stay?” “The whole weekend” “No way!” Megan was screaming. She looked even happier than me. “And what did you do? Please tell me you just spent the whole weekend in bed” “Hm…not really. First there was a blackout in my apartment….so we stayed in the dark” “Which can be very romantic and hot, too” “Can be….so and then we kind of behaved like a couple. We watched films, we cooked, he even took a walk with my dog” “Oh this sounds definitely like a couple” Megan was surprised. “I mean, but the rest of the time you stayed in bed, didn’t you?” “Hm…not really” I denied. “Okay…this is weird. I mean, spending the whole weekend together while there is a terrible blizzard outside destroying the city….my rubber box would be empty if there is a hot guy in my bed” “Megan!” I laughed. “Sex is not everything” “It’s not but its great” she grinned and started telling me how her weekend with her new guy Dereck was like. I bet her box was empty now.
“So and what’s next? When will you see each other again?” she asked me. “I don’t know….we didn’t talk about a date or so. I mean, he’s living in LA, I’m here in New York…” ”Oh come on, he has enough money to take a flight to New York! And didn’t you tell me he bought an apartment in Manhattan?” “Yes he did. But I think he has a lot of trouble going on at home….” ”Why? I thought he is single” “He is….but he’s also a single parent now” Megan almost disgorged her coffee when I told her these words. “No way….he’s what?” “Yes, you heard it right. In a way he’s a single father now” “In a way….what does that mean?” “Well, his ex left and he has to take care of her child now” “What the fuck…his ex left him alone with her child?” “He broke up with her before, but after three months she just disappeared and wrote him a letter where she asked him to take care of her daughter” “Wow. I’ve never heard a more selfish story….so he does take care of her child?” “Yes….he and her grandma. He bought a new house in LA where he wanted to move in with his ex and her daughter but since this didn’t happen, he gave the house to the grandma and the daughter. So she’s actually living with her grandma but when her grandma has to go back to Chino for a while, Josh is taking care of the daughter” “No way….this is the saddest but also cutest story I’ve ever heard. Imagining you have to take care of your ex’s daughter….wow, I couldn’t do that” “Well, he does….he’s a nice guy” “I know….I think he’s one of the nicest guys on earth” “Could be….” ”But he can be dirty too I hope” Megan laughed. “So are you calling him?” “I don’t know….” ”Eileen, do it! You want to see him again, don’t you?” I nodded. “See, then you have to take matters in your own hand. I mean, you’ve nothing to lose, right?” “Maybe….I will wait a few days and if he doesn’t call, I will call him” I told her. “Great!” Megan smiled.
The whole day I was checking this stupid app just to make sure that all flights from NYC to LA landed safety. How stupid was I? Why was I so afraid that something could happen to him? Oh well, I hoped it were only the hormones….
Later that day I was having a few drinks with Lara in a bar in Brooklyn. It was her last day in NYC. She would fly back to Berlin with the boys tomorrow. This also meant that Sebastian would leave the city either. Maybe I could get away without talking to him again. I felt so ashamed especially after this weekend with Josh.
“So….how was your weekend?” Lara asked me. “It was….goood” “Goood?” With three “O”? “Maybe” I grinned. It was an insider between Lara and me. Every time we said that something was very good we spelled it with three O. “Why?” she wanted to know. “Because….” I started but then I wasn’t sure if I should really tell her about the last days with Josh. I knew that she was always on Sebastian’s side so….maybe she would get mad? Anyway, she was still my best friend so why should I lie to her. So I told her.
“I can’t believe you did that” Lara said after a few minutes of silence between us.  Okay, I knew it would be awkward and that she wouldn’t react very happy but I didn’t expect her to be so mad. “You’re not better than him” Lara said. “You’re not better than your ex who slept with so many girls that I bet he can barely count them” “What? Lara….are you joking?” “No I’m not. I’m just being sarcastic because that’s the only way to handle this information” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “Eileen, honestly….first you sleep with Sebastian just because you’re drunk and he’s in town. And one week later you hook up with Josh again? Two exes in one week? That’s a proud achievement” “Why are you like that?” I asked her and wanted to proceed but she interrupted me. “The question is, why are YOU like that? When did you become so slutty?” “WHAT? Are you calling me a slut?” “Well, maybe….” she said without any emotions in her voice. “Wow, I can’t believe it. My best friend who is a feminist calls me slut just because I slept with my ex boyfriends? Don’t you remember when you had this phase and slept with your exes all the time?” “Yeah but I was quite younger” “So what? Just because I’m 35 I’m not allowed to have fun anymore?” “Eileen, this is not about fun….this is about emotions and feelings. Do you think it was just fun for Sebastian? It wasn’t. But since you didn’t talk to him after it happened, you couldn’t know it. So I advise you to talk to him before he will leave the city tomorrow” Our voices got louder and louder while we were having this discussion. Not only the waiter, even the guests were looking at us.
“Sebastian and I are just friends. We already talked about it during our road trip” “Oh really? That’s weird because when I talked to him last week he was so happy and told me that he still has hope that you two are getting back together. No matter if you’re living in New York and he’s living in Berlin. He was sure you’ll figure it out” “But….I told him that we’re just friends” “When? After the night you spent together? No….because you left in the morning without saying anything” “Because I had to go to work” “But you never called him or picked up his calls or even answered his texts. I don’t have to tell you that he is very disappointed by you” It hurt me to hear my best friend talking like that. But maybe she was right. Maybe I did a huge mistake with not talking to Sebastian after our night. “Honestly Eileen, this is so stupid. I’ve never seen someone doing such a stupid and immature thing in a long time. And I’m living in Berlin” “I know….I know it wasn’t right to ignore him” “Oh it wasn’t!” “I will talk to him….” ”Do it….” She said. “But what I don’t understand is….why did you hook up with Josh again? Why he?” “It just happened….” “I thought this chapter would be over” “I thought so too but….sometimes you can’t control you’re feelings, you know” “Oh yeah blablabla….and where is Josh now?” “Back in LA” 
Lara started laughing out loud. Again the waiter and guests looked at us. “Seriously Eileen, this is the dumbest story I’ve ever heard. First he scored with his ex and then he left for LA because it’s much warmer there and the girls are hotter” “What are you talking about? You know that Josh isn’t like that. He was here for making music and played a concert with the Dots and he had to go home because he had to fix some things….” “Oh yeah? Do I know? Do you know? Can you prove it?” she asked me and took her phone. “Look….do you still think that Josh had to fix some things?” I was looking at her phone. It showed Josh and his ex Chloe on the streets of Manhattan. “Do you still think that he was just here for work? And do you still think he had to fly back home to fix something? Maybe he had to fly back home to make another girl happy” “Why are you telling me all this? Why are you showing me these stupid pictures of the tabloids? I bet they were only published because Chloe called the press” “Eileen, how stupid are you? You were the one who once told me that Josh had a lot of girls after your break up. Okay, then he found this girl Helen and seemed happy. But now that she left him, he seems to have fun again.” “You don’t even know what really happened between Helen and him” “And I don’t care. Because I don’t want to care about this guy anymore and so should you. Stop caring. You’re just one of his flings he had. From girlfriend to affair. Wow, great improvement. Not” “You don’t even know Josh that well and you don’t even know why he was pictured with Chloe! Maybe he only met her accidentally on the streets” “Yes of course” Lara laughed sarcastically. “Do you really think it was accidentally and the press wasn’t informed because Chloe didn’t call them before meeting him? Eileen, stop being so stupid when it comes to this guy. He might be a nice guy on the outside but deep down he’s an asshole like all the rock starts out there” “Oh yeah and what about Felix? He’s a rock star too. Why are you so sure that he’s faithful to you? He could hook up with a lot of fans on tour and you wouldn’t even know it!” I suddenly said. “I dare you to talk to me like that again” Lara screamed and suddenly left the bar. 
Wow. I never thought I would experience a situation like that. I never thought I would have a fight like that with my best friend. I told her to stop leaving but she didn’t.
There I was. All by myself in a crowded bar with all eyes on me now. Oh hello, I’m the creepy girl whose friend just left her at the bar alone because of a fight. You can now stop caring. It’s nothing special. Just two girls fighting in New York. When the waiter came and asked if everything was okay and if I wanted to have another drink I denied and paid the bill so I could also leave the bar.
Back home I sat down on my sofa. Vilma joined me. I guess she noticed that I was sad. Suddenly I started crying. I cried so long. Why was everything so heavy? Why was growing up so heavy? Why was dating so complicated? Of course I didn’t want to hurt Sebastian but I didn’t know that he was still hoping for a happy end. I mean, I was living in New York and he would go back to Berlin. How should we do this? However. Before I went to bed I promised myself to call Sebastian tomorrow so we could have a talk.
And he answered.
We met in their airbnb. The others were out for lunch so we were on our own.
“Thanks for responding” I said. “Sure” “Look, I don’t want to beat around the bush….” I sighed. “Talk” Sebastian said. “I’m sorry that I didn’t answer but….I thought it was clear that it was just fun. It happened. We were both drunk and that’s it. I don’t see any future for us” I saw that Sebastian was a bit shocked when I told him the ugly truth. “Okay…” “You’re a great man, you were a great boyfriend and I truly loved you. But ,y feelings just went away....I realized that I don’t love you anymore….I moved to New York to start all over again” “And that’s why you hooked up with your exes?” he suddenly asked. What? “How do you know?” Sebastian looked at me. “Did Lara tell you?” He nodded. “Oh I can’t believe it….” I was really disappointed by my friend. “I asked her how your meeting was like and then she told me why you two had a big discussion” “Well, it wasn’t only because of that” I told him. “She said some very ugly words about Josh” “Eileen. Please. I don’t want to talk about Josh. I don’t want to hear his name again. I finally know that you’re not in love with me anymore. But I am. I still love you and I think we could have figured it out….who cares if there’s an ocean between Europe and America? I don’t. But….now that I heard your words….I get it. You’re still in love with Josh and I will accept it” “Well, I’m not in love with him” “Whatever….he was always on your mind” “He wasn’t always on my mind” “But at least after we met him in New  York last February” Sebastian said. It shocked me to hear that even my ex noticed it. “Maybe….maybe you’re right” “I know that he isn’t the reason why you broke up with me but he is part of the reason” “Maybe….” ”And now that I know that you and him met again and spent the whole weekend together….I think now I should finally realize that he was still your number one” “I don’t have a number one” “Believe me Eileen, you have” Sebastian said and he even smiled for a short moment. “Whatever….I don’t want to fight anymore. I’ll have to leave in a few minutes” “I wish we could still stay friends” I suddenly said and noticed tears in my eyes. I didn’t want to cry but I couldn’t stop it. It just happened. The whole situation made me so sad and confused. “We can….but I need time….I will call you, okay?” “Hm…okay” “I mean, there is at least a lot of space between us when I’m back in Berlin” he joked. That’s why I fell in love with this man, I suddenly thought. He was so funny and smart. “So….I think this is goodbye” Sebastian said and hugged me. We squeezed for a few minutes until the others came back to grab their bags to get to the airport. Thankfully Lara wasn’t with them. Felix and Lara already were at the airport I was told. “Goodbye and please, greet Berlin from me” “I will do that” Sebastian smiled. “Thank you” I said. “For what?” “For just being who you are. These three years we shared together were the best three years of my life” Sebastian smiled and kissed my bow before taking his bags. I went downstairs with the group until they got into the cab. “Good luck in New York” Sebastian said and got into the car. “Have a good flight!” I said and waved them.
Back home I was checking Flightradar24 every few minutes just to see that their plane was still in the air.
  It was Friday night and I was all by myself (okay Vilma was with me) in my apartment watching romantic comedies and drinking wine. Actually I loved Friday nights like this but today it felt terrible. The week was a nightmare both at work and in my personal life. After this wonderful weekend with Josh everything just fell to pieces. He didn’t call, I didn’t know if I should call him, I had a big fight with my best friend because of my other ex with whom I finally broke up again – although we weren’t really dating at all. Seriously, I could be my own main character in my own romantic comedy nightmare!
But instead I was just lying on my couch watching “Pretty Woman” for the twentieth time or so. Seriously, Julia Roberts was such a hot woman….well she still is! And Richard Gere….mhm, hot too. Maybe I should do the same. Dating a rich guy, falling in love and….oh. Speaking of this. Josh wasn’t that poor, right? I mean, I never really cared about how much money he had. He is still acting like a normal dude. Okay, maybe he sometimes buys quite expensive shoes or jackets but he only does it once or twice a year. He spends most of his money into music instruments. That’s where all the money is going. Nothing more. Sure, we lived a good life, even if I wouldn’t have had a job we wouldn’t have been poor. Sometimes he invited me to a restaurant or paid our whole vacation trip but that’s it.
I never was interesting in dating rich men. I was taught that money isn’t everything and I will teach my children the same. Because it’s the truth. What is all your money worth if you don’t have a family or friends or if you’re sick? Nothing.
When Julia Roberts and Richard Gere finally got together at the end of the movie, I turned off the TV. I was looking at Vilma. She was lying on top of me, totally asleep. I thought about the fact that Vilma would never really fall in love because she would only live with me and not with other dogs – except if I would buy another dog – how sad was that? She would never experience love and even if she will meet a dog that she likes some day, she couldn’t live with him because I am the person who makes the decisions for her life. How sad was that? Okay, on the other hand she didn’t have to do anything. She didn’t have to go to work, pay the bills, she only had to eat and take some walks with her mistress.
I thought about the past week while Vilma was still sleeping. This week was the worst week of my life. Directly after one of the best weekends of my life. After this discussion with Lara and my talk with Sebastian I had some rough days at work. My boss finally convinced me to publish the article. But not now. He wanted to change some things and wrote a side story to it so he could publish it in January. I still didn’t know what everyone was seeing in this text. It was just a text.
Suddenly Vilma was awake and I decided to go to bed. Because I felt so alone I let her sleep next to me – which I never allowed her to do but tonight I needed someone by my side. But before that I checked my emails again – why did I even do that at 2am? When I opened my email account I couldn’t believe it. There it was. There was the email I was waiting for in the last months. The email was from the UCLA. Although I only worked there a couple of months before going to Berlin for three years I was still their PhD student. But after submitting my dissertation in Berlin I didn’t hear from them in a long time. I even defended my dissertation back in Berlin but….the UCLA let me know that there was a problem and they had to check if my PhD would be accepted here in the USA since I did it in Germany. I know, badly bureaucratic shit. I didn’t talk to anyone about it because I didn’t want to. I was so done with it when I handed this paper in. I just didn’t want to talk about college, university, degrees, classes and books anymore. I hated everything about it and during my journey I realized that teaching and working at university wasn’t what I wanted to do for a living. I wanted to write. I figured it out while writing for my travel blog. So I didn’t care about my PhD anymore. Stupid, hm? I even moved to Berlin to do my PhD and now I didn’t even care about the result. But then, after nine months I finally got a fucking email at 2am in the morning that told me
“Congratulations on your PhD Ms. Puritz! We finally checked everything and it is fully accepted in the United  States, so you are permitted to teach at university.”
Wow. Almost three years of hard work and in the end you only get a fucking email in the middle of the night that is informing you about your grade. Thank you very much. Now I was finally done with school in my life. But I think at the age of 35 it was totally okay. Wow, I was so sarcastic tonight.
“Vilma, can you believe that your mommy can call herself a “doctor” now? I mean, not a real doctor. I don’t know anything about medicine but….I’m a doctor of philosophy. Hello, may I introduce myself. Eileen Puritz, Doctor of Philosophy” I laughed and shook Vilmas paw. She didn’t seem very impressed.
On a scale from 0 to 10, how lonely and desperate was I?  
The next day was a typical Saturday. I did some grocery shopping, did a long walk with Vilma, made some thai curry and finally convinced myself to call Josh. Although I was afraid I did it. But he didn’t pick up the phone. I tried it again after a few minutes but he wasn’t available. So I gave up. Maybe he didn’t want to talk to me. Or did he have a new number? I bet he would have told me if he would have a new number, right? I mean, he was the one who said “We’ll call each other”….
Later I invited Megan to have a few drinks until we would hit the party scene of New York City tonight. I was never really into partying but the funny thing was: since I moved to New York I was out in a club more often than I ever was in Berlin. “Wow, classic wine. Is there any reason you bought such an expensive wine?” Megan asked me while we were glamming up. “Um well, I just like the wine” I told her. “Come one Eileen, I already know you….there must be a reasons. Did you call Josh?” “Yes but he didn’t answer my calls” “Oh you really? Whatever, you should try it again. You have to do it!” “I know….I will do it” “You better do it!” “I will…but first” I said and opened the bottle of wine. “We have to celebrate” “Celebrate what?” Megan asked me. “Well, I have something to celebrate” “I knew it….tell me!” “I’m a doctor” I finally said. “What…how? I mean, what does it mean, you’re a doctor. Did you study medicine?” she joked. “No” I laughed. “But I did study history and in the last years I did my PhD and just yesterday I got the email that it will be accepted here in the US” “Wait…you did your PhD in Berlin?” I nodded. “And now you’re working for an online magazine in NYC?” “Yes” “Seriously Eileen? You could do so much better!” she said. “You could be a teacher or researcher. You could get paid much better! Does our boss know?” “Well he saw my CV so yes he kind of knows but….the truth is, I don’t like teaching. I did it for several years but I’m done with it. And I’m done with researching. Seriously, writing this fucking dissertation was a nightmare. I hated myself, I yelled at everyone, I was pissed of, I became a monster” “Sounds like me having my period” Megan joked. “Imaging having your period for three years” “Urgh, I don’t want that!” “See….and I felt that every day. But I never told anyone” “But Eileen, you moved to Berlin to do it so….you must have wanted it” “I did….when I started I was so motivated and it was fun. I really liked it. I also liked teaching at this university in Berlin but….the last year was horrible. It was so stressful. And you always have to make small talk. Like, everyday. You always have to make sure you don’t tell any stupid joke or dress weird or whatever if you’re meeting other researchers. I was so done with it. I don’t want to go to conferences, meetings and sessions anymore. I don’t want to argument in a panel discussion. I’m just done with it. I want to write, you know. That’s why I looked for a job as a writer and journalist.” “Wait…but you didn’t get a job in LA?” “No….” ”Maybe it was because of your PhD? You were overqualified”
I sighed. Something I never really wanted to speak out loud. “I once thought about this but I never really said it to myself but yes….I think many magazines or newspapers and editors in LA thought ‘Oh my gosh, she has a PhD. That’s too much for us. We don’t hire her’. So I didn’t find a job in LA but suddenly I got this opportunity in New  York and I took it.
“Wow, you wrote a whole dissertation and I only wrote a bachelor thesis with 30 pages.” Megan laughed. “Anyway….I don’t care anymore. I don’t regret these past years in Berlin. It was a great time, I met one of the two loves of my life but….now I want to do something for a living I really like” “Yeah, sounds great. So….wow, I still can’t believe it. Congratulations on both….on your PhD and also on your decision. It’s very brave. I think not everyone would do it that way” she said and I felt a bit emotional. “So, let’s have some wine!” I said. “To all the great and bad days I had during the past three years. Cheers to myself and to us and to this wonderful city….New York City! Cheers!” I said and we clinked.
After an hour of drinking wine and talking about our lives Megan looked at her phone. “Wow, we should leave now if we really want to go to a club tonight” “Oh….do we have to go?” I asked her. “Well, no one says we HAVE to go” Megan laughed. “It’s so comfy on my couch and I don’t know if I really want to leave now” “Neither do I” Megan agreed. So we stayed in my apartment drinking wine. “So look at us….one ex model and one PhD graduate living in New York and writing for a boring online magazine” “You think it’s boring?” I was surprised. “Kind of…I mean, it’s quite cool yes, but I think we could do more. We can interact with our readers, you know. But we prefer another “6 things you have to do in Brooklyn” lists because of clickbaiting” “Hm, you’re right. Carl is totally into clickbating. I mean, that’s why he wants to publish my story” “But it’s a wonderful text Eileen” “Maybe….” she said. “I never wrote anything like that” “Thanks” I took another sip of wine. “You know, sometimes I have the feeling I have to start my own blog to write about all the great things in life I want to write about” “Yeah, me too. About love, experiences, failure, family, education, music, culture….everything. But Instead we have to write what Carl wants us to write” “Carl the big boss” I chuckled. “He doesn’t even know what our readers really like….I mean most of our readers are in their twenties and thirties….Carl is in his fifties and just because he’s banging a 25 year old model doesn’t mean he knows what people at their age like” Megan suddenly spoke louder. “Maybe he knows what she likes in bed….” I laughed. “You know what?” Megan suddenly asked me. “What?” “We should start our own blog! We should write about all the things that matters to us in life. We are in our thirties. We know what people our age want to read and what they care about…we are the perfect writers!”
Wow. I liked her idea. I mean it sounded a bit crazy but….why not? “I mean, professionally.” She said and stood up. “Look, we both know a lot about writing, editorials, SEO, HTML, Photoshop, social media….we are professionals. We can do that!” “We definitely can….at least we can try it” “No….Eileen….we’re not only trying it, we’re doing it!” she said and took my laptop. 
After a few minutes she showed me a program to design websites. Since Megan also worked for our social media and graphic design section in the office she knew a lot about it. “How should we name our blog?” “Well…” “We’ll find a name….so any ideas? Let’s just collect ideas for texts” “It depends what the blog should be about?” “Everything that matters to you….maybe that’s our name?” “Maybe” “However….we should write about serious and funny topics. Just like Hellogiggles….do you know Hellogiggles?” “I’ve heard of it” I said. “It’s a website that started as blog and it was co-founded by Zooey Deschanel” “Oh right, I’ve heard about it. And now a company invested in it, right?” “Yep….so….what do you think?” “You mean we write about lifestyle, about culture, serious topics” “Topics about life…especially about women. Let’s focus on women” “Sounds great” “It does!” Megan was happy. “I have the feeling that this could be the next big thing” “Well, we’re not the only one who start a blog” I laughed. “No but….we know the right people. You know what I mean? I have so many contacts….if we go online web can get bigger and bigger after a while. I know how to do it” “Sounds like a plan” I agreed.
Three hours later we have already collected many ideas – and drank the second bottle of wine. “Wow. What a productive night. Much better than going into a club” I laughed. “It is!” Megan agreed. “This could be great. No….it will be great!” I was sure. 
Downtown, Los Angeles….
“Wow Josh, I can’t believe we’re meeting Lady Gaga!!!!” Emma said. You could tell she was VERY excited. We were at the Staples Center where Lady Gaga played a sold out show tonight. Like I promised last week I accompanied Emma and her friend to the concert. And I even could arrange a meeting with Lady Gaga. “Josh….where do we meet her?” “Well, let’s just wait here okay? She’ll come. I spoke to her manager” I told the girls. We were already at the backstage room of the Staples Center. Lady Gaga’s manager told me she would show up in a few minutes. Funny thing was that I knew someone who was working for her and who arranged this meeting. It only took me two phone calls and everything was done. “Oh my god, there she is!” Emma suddenly screamed.
Lady Gaga walked towards us and greeted the girls in her lovely and nice attitude she has. After that we shook hands. “Oh, you’re from the Chili Peppers, right? I’m a huge fan” she laughed. “Thanks….” But now Emma and her friend Laura started talking to her. Lady Gaga looked at them and answered their questions. They talked about the concert, the new record and Emma could even ask a question about Gaga’s tattoos. I have to admit that she was a very nice and likeable person. Later I took a selfie of the girls and her and Gaga even wanted a selfie with all of us. “Are these your girls?” she asked me. “Noooo” I laughed. “I’m just….I’m taking care of them tonight” “Oh okay….you’re the rock star friend who took them out to a concert” she laughed. “Kind of” After ten minutes she had to say goodbye. She hugged the girls and left the room.
“Woooooow….this was huuuuuge….unbelievable” Emma went wild. “I met Lady Gaga….I really met her!” she said to Laura. “I can’t believe her!” her friend agreed. While the girls were still totally overwhelmed I looked at my phone. No call from Eileen. No text message. Nothing. Maybe I should call her? I would do it when I’m home, I thought. “Girls, we should leave now” I told them. “Noooo, we want to stay. Can we have a coke?” Emma asked. “Well, it’s already 11.20pm…you should go to bed. You have to go to school tomorrow” “I don’t care about school” The girls said simultaneously. “Okay….only one coke okay?”  
“Josh?” Emma asked when she was lying in her bed. “Hm?” “Thank you so much for tonight….It was a night I will never forget. I met Lady Gaga and only you could make it happen. Honestly, I’m so happy to have you in my life” she suddenly said. Wow, I was a bit overwhelmed by her words and didn’t know what to say. “Well, you don’t have to thank me. It’s a natural thing that I’m taking care of you since….well, you know” “Since mommy left us, yeah.” It still hurt me to hear these words coming from Emma’s mouth. “It hurts whenever I think about it but….I’m so glad you’re here….and grandma of course” “And you’re grandma is wonderful. Without her help I wouldn’t have known what to do back in June….” ”I know….she likes you a lot. I think she never liked any boyfriend my mom had. But she really loves you and so do I” “Thanks” I chuckled. Emma’s words made me blush. “You are the coolest stepdad I ever had” she suddenly joked. “Really?” “Yes!” “Well, but I’m not really your dad” “But I see you as a step dad. I know you’re not my dad but since my real dad doesn’t give a shit about me, you’re like a dad to me” “Your words are so sweet….but you should sleep now. It’s midnight” “I know….” She said. “Can you send me the last picture you took with your phone?” “You mean the group selfie?” “Yes” “Okay, wait a minute” I said and looked for my phone in my pocket. But there was no phone. “It’s not here so….I’ll take a look at my jacket” I told her and left the room. But after checking out my jacket there wasn’t any phone either. I even went outside to look if I left it in my car. But still no phone. “Fuck” I said when I came back into the house. “What’s wrong?” Emma asked. She was in the kitchen because she was obviously thirsty. “I think I lost my phone” “THE ONE WITH THE SELFIE?????” Emma was shocked. “Yes….” “Oh no Josh, how could you do that? Now I only have the blurry selfie Laura took” “Sorry….it must have fallen out of my pocket” “Josh….oh nooooo” now Emma’s mood changed. “Sorry Emma….but look” I said and hugged her. “No matter how many pictures or selfies you take….you’ll always keep the real memories as pictures in your heart” “Hopefully” “Believe me….you do” “Do you?” “What do yo mean?” “Do you still have the best moments in your life kept in your heart?” I thought about it for a while and suddenly smiled. “Yes, I have” “Is there a memory of my mommy too?” “Of course there is, Emma” I said. It wasn’t a lie. I was still thinking of Helen sometimes but mostly because I still couldn’t understand that she left her family. But right now Eileen was the one who was on my mind every morning and every night before going to bed. This night we had affected everything in me. I think I was a happier person since then. I hope she was feeling the same. I should definitely call her tomor….oh fuck. Now that I lost my phone I even lost the numbers. And I didn’t want to ask Eric or even Molly. I didn’t want them to know! “I hope so” Emma brought me back to reality.  “Have a good night and sweet dreams Emma. I will drive you to school tomorrow” “Really? So I can sleep a little bit longer” she grinned. “Yes you can” I laughed and turned off the lights before leaving her room.
I sat down in my living room and listened to music. Of course it wasn’t loud because I didn’t want to wake up Emma. She was so sweet. Tonight was such a great night. I think we never really were at a concert together. The only time when she was at a concert was when she and her mother joined me on tour. But now that this wouldn’t happen again and I was in some ways her step dad our lives would never be the same. It was still strange for me to be a step dad for a child I only knew for two years. But Emma was great. She just turned eleven and she was so smart. Sometimes she taught me a lot!
I didn’t tell her what I was doing in New York. I only told her about the concert and that I met a music friend to jam. But that’s it. I didn’t mention Eileen. I still didn’t know how she would react. Even if she was the one who told me to see Eileen again when we were talking about her a few months ago. But I still didn’t want her to think that I didn’t love her mother or that I even forgot her. Yes, in a way I tried to forget Helen because she hurt me. I knew we weren’t in a relationship anymore but we were still living together when she left out of a sudden. She shocked not only Emma but also me and she changed our lives forever. One year ago I felt okay with living together with Emma and her mother but now I had to take care of her daughter. Emma’s grandma was in Chino for a few week so Emma was staying in my house. I brought her to school, picked her up, I cooked for us, I helped her with her homework and later that day I showed her some new riffs on guitar. Emma was now learning to play the drums and guitar. I was very proud of her.
Maybe I was so relaxed because of the weekend I spent together with Eileen. It was wonderful. I was still thinking about it. Spending time with her was the best thing I did in a while. She cheered me up, she let me laugh again. She was just her. And I loved her dog. Vilma. She was so cute. I think Vilma and Bowie would be a great dog couple. I chuckled. I often chuckled when I thought about Eileen. I should definitely write her. But now that I lost my phone….maybe I should write her on Facebook? But how stupid would that be?
But even if I would buy a new phone – which I probably would do tomorrow – I didn’t have her number and to be honest, I didn’t have the guts to ask Eric or even Molly. I didn’t know if Eileen told her friend about our weekend and….well Eric had enough stress because of his father who had a complicated surgery last week. I didn’t want to bother him because of my stupid women problems.But I would figure it out.... Emma and I got along very well together in the next week. I really liked spending time with her. Although she wasn’t my own daughter I kind of started caring about her like she would be my own daughter – if that is even possible. At the weekend we went on a hike in the hills and later we visited the Universal Studios. Although wasn’t into the whole Hollywood thing, I did it because Emma liked it so much. We also visited the Walk of Fame and later enjoyed ice cream at Venice Beach. When the week started and Emma had to go back to school I went into my music room to write new songs. I needed this time for myself. Just me, my guitars and my mind. I had so many things on my mind right now that I had the feeling that I had to write songs about it. No matter if positive or negative songs.
It was the last week before the Holidays and the Dots were rehearsing for the last time until we would take a little break over Christmas. Wow, finally it was Christmas again. How time can fly…
“So, then we’ll see again next week. Let us jam a little bit at boxing day an maybe the next day” Jonathan told us. Since almost all of the guys had their own family they didn’t have much time to meet for a creative music session at Christmas Eve like we used to do a few years ago on a regular basis. Now that almost every one was a father and had a family they had to change the order of priorities. I was the only one who always tried to find time for a short jam session. Even when I was still with Helen and we kind of lived together like a real family and did some family activities at the weekend, I always found time to make music. But the other guys didn’t. Maybe it was because their children were still very young and little so they didn’t want to miss anything about them growing up. Since I wasn’t Emma’s real dad and she was almost a teenager I acted differently.   But whatever. I answered Jonathan and the guys with a “Yeah, sure I always have time for music!” and waved the guys goodbye as I was walking to my car. When I arrived at my car I saw a woman sitting at the stairs in front of a building. It was just next to my car so I couldn’t look away. She looked as if she was huddling. She didn’t look well. But I couldn’t see her face. “Mam, is everything okay?” I asked her. But when she looked at me I saw who it was. A familiar face. Again. “Chloe?” “Hey Josh…” she said. “Um, aren’t you feeling well?” I asked. I mean, although I was still mad at her because of her weird behavior that day in New York a few weeks ago, I’m not a bad person and if someone looks ill I try to help. “Yeah, I’m just feeling a little bit….sick. I have some stomach issues but….it will be okay I think. It’s just a side affect of the pregnancy” “Hm, do you want something to drink?” I said and offered her my bottle of water. “No thanks” “Should I drive you to a doctor?” “Well, I think it’s okay” “Are you alone here?” “Yes…I just visited a friend” I looked around. It was an industrial area so I  was wondering where her friend could have lived but I didn’t know the whole district so maybe…who knows. “I will call a cab and see a doctor” she told me while getting up from the stairs. But suddenly she was faltering so I put my arm around her to help her. She answered my help with a smile. “Thank you Josh” “No problem” I said. “What are you doing here in LA? I thought you’re living in New York now” I asked her. “Well, I’m just visiting my family” “Okay” “And your boyfriend?” “He’s….well, not here obviously” she laughed. I didn’t ask further questions but it made me wonder what she was doing here at the evening in this fucked up area of El Sereno. She would never go to El Sereno if there wouldn’t be a reason. And I couldn’t imagine that she had a friend who was living here, but what did I know?
“Don’t you think you should see a doctor? You’re not looking good” I said. “Well, maybe you’re right. I will call a cab” “No you don’t have to. I can drive you to your doctor” I sighed and we got into my car. We didn’t talk much during the whole drive and thirty minutes later we arrived at Chloe’s doctor. “Thanks Josh….” she said smiling. “You’re welcome” I answered and hoped she would leave my car immediately. It was still a weird feeling. “And sorry for my misbehavior that day in New York…I didn’t want to pitch a fit. I just…I just had a bad day, you know” “It’s okay….now, get well soon” “I will, thank you. Bye” she said while closing the door. I watched her entering the medical office. She looked very fucked up. Maybe she was telling the truth and she really visited a friend in El Sereno. Whatever….
The next day I was meeting with Mike, a good friend of mine. He was working for the Chilis management since last year but I knew him for years and I was very glad that he got the job. It was the first time that I had the feeling I could trust a person who was working for our band. Of course, all the other people who were working for us were great and I got along with them very well but Mike was also a good friend for me so it was easy to talk with him about business because I could totally trust him. “Maaaaan, how long didn’t we see each other, hm?” He welcomed me when we were walking to the entrance of the Staples Center for a Lakers game. “I don’t know. Too long ago” I agreed with him. It was already very crowded so we only got us something to drink and then went to our seats. I got us seats in the front rows. Not in the very front row but it was at least the third row. Before the game started we were talking about our lives and about the last tour leg in South America and Australia next year. Mike was such a great guy. He was mostly in charge for our PR work. He was responsible for our image in the public. Honestly, I wasn’t very interested in PR work because I didn’t like media that much but Mike did a great job. He only booked the interesting interviews for us and was always keeping an eye on all the stuff that was written about us on the internet – no matter if in the media or by the fans or by people who pretended to know us. And yes, the latter happened sometimes, no matter if it were so called “friends” of us or just people we met randomly.
During one of the breaks Mike was checking his phone. Suddenly he started laughing but the next moment he looked quite shocked. “What happened?” I asked. “Maaaaaan, what is going on in your private life?” “What do you mean? I already told you, Emma was living with me in the last week and” I started telling him but he interrupted. “No I mean, what is going on….I mean, after splitting from Helen, did you meet new girls?” “Um, just randomly….one girl and then Eileen…I told you” “Yes you told me about your weekend with her that’s why I’m quite shocked seeing you with this Chloe chick on the streets” “WHAT???” I got louder. “Look what TMZ just posted” Mike said and showed me the article. It was posted two hours ago. There were several paparazzi pictures of us taken at the streets in El Sereno yesterday. It was obvious that it didn’t happen by accident. I mean, no paparazzi ever drives to El Sereno to take pictures!  “What the fuck? Chloe must have called the paparazzis before. But I thought she wasn’t feeling well that’s why I even helped her! I drove her to her doctor!” I told Mike. “Well, looks like she just lied to you to get these pictures of you two” “I can’t believe it” I said and got up from the stairs to go outside. Mike followed me. “I can’t believe she did it again. She did it when we were still dating but that’s seven fucking years ago, you know….” I couldn’t keep quiet. I was almost getting out of control. “She’s an attention whore, you know it” “I know but….I didn’t think she would do that again after our encounter in New York” “Oh she must’ve called the paparazzis in New York as well because there are some more photos of you two at the streets of Manhattan” “I can’t believe it….wow, I’m just speechless” I said. “You know, I even wondered what she was doing in El Sereno and since when she has friends there when her whole family is living in Santa Monica and she owns a house in the Hollywood Hills and is good friends with the whole Hollywood Society….it was strange but I didn’t questioned it because I wanted to help her, you know. She’s a pregnant woman, she looked like she needed help and I’m not an asshole, you know?” “I know buddy but seems like this chick played with you. The article says that her boyfriend broke up with her because he found out that he’s not the father of the unborn baby” “WHAAAAT?” I even started to laugh but at the same time it was very sad. For Chloe and for me who didn’t see it coming. I wanted to read the article so I took Mike’s phone to read it.
Who’s your daddy???
Chloe van den Brook (29) is not only a successful actress and the most famous star from the cast of “The Perks of being a Californian” but also collaborated with some well known Hollywood directors and will be part of a new romantic comedy alongside Jennifer Anniston and Kate Hudson. But while her career seems to go into the right direction, her private life seems to be a little bit complicated.
In an interview from August she revealed her relationship with the investment banker Matthew Carlsson (35) with whom she was linked since December last year. The couple bought a penthouse in Manhattan and even got engaged and a baby was on their way. But while the baby is still on the way it seems that Carlsson is no longer the father of the unborn baby. But what happened?
A secret source now revealed that Mathew Carlsson found out that his fiancé cheated on him and told him in a fight that he’s not the father. But who is the father? Maybe her ex?
Yesterday Chloe was seen together with her ex boyfriend Josh Klinghoffer (41), guitarist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The couple dated for a few months back in 2014 but called it quits in January 2015. It’s not a secret that Chloe was obviously very in love with the musician since she was talking about him in many interviews at that time.. But the couple wasn’t seen again after their break up – until now!
A few weeks ago they were first caught by paparazzis while talking in front of a boutique in Manhattan. Yesterday the two were seen together in El Sereno, the place where Josh Klinghoffer lives. They were even walking along arm in arm to his car. So maybe Chloe van den Brook went back to her ex and makes him the father of her child? Until now she didn’t commented on the rumours but the pictures speak for themselves.
 “Wow, I’m just speechless” was all I could say after reading the article twice. “She’s not only a liar, she’s also a totally stupid attention whore” Mike commented on the article. “Well, she knows how it works….she has to remain interesting for the media and she doesn’t care about anything or anyone else. I mean, look at it. It’s also negative press for her because they’re writing that she cheated on her boyfriend….but she must’ve agreed with the press on this story she now created in her mind about me. She uses all available funds” I told Mike. “And she’s quite successful with it. People are talking about her” “You know, I really thought she was feeling bad so I helped her. This picture that shows us arm in arm….I just covered her neck because I wanted to guide her to my car. That’s it. But they portray it as if we would have walked arm in arm on the streets” “Well, you did….at least it looks like that” Mike laughed. “It’s not funny….I’m not the father of her child. I didn’t even see her in the past months” “So….what should we do now?” Mike asked me. “Can you please force them to write a counter statement. I do not date her, I’m not the father of her unborn child and I didn’t even see her in person until this encounter in New York.” “I will do it. Just wrote an email to our lawyer” “Thanks Mike” I said. “Wow, I can’t believe I have to deal with such a crazy ex girlfriend. I have real problems in my life, okay? I don’t want to be part of Chloe’s stupid media show” I told Mike and suddenly left the Staples Center. I was so sick of Chloe’s behavior. She didn’t change in the last years. All she wanted was fame and now that she had it, she wasn’t satisfied. Now she wanted to be linked to someone famous, as well. I mean, she even dated Bradley Cooper for a while, why didn’t she make such a stupid fake story with him? I was so mad at her. As I got into my car I drove on the highway back to my home. Emma was at my home with her grandma because she wanted to play the drums and since she didn’t have a drum set at her grandma’s home they stayed in my house for the whole day while I was busy.
“Josh, there you are” Emma’s grandma greeted me. “I thought you’re coming home late. Didn’t you want to go to a bar after the game?” “Yes well, my plans changed….” I told her and took off my jacket. “Hm, did the Lakers loose?” Actually they won. But I only heard it on the radio on my way back home. Mike called me several times and later texted me that he already talked to our lawyer and that I shouldn’t be worried. I wasn’t worried about anything. I knew that our crew was doing great work for the band. But I was pissed off that my personal life was suddenly discussed in the public. It wasn’t only the article by TMZ. Many people were discussing the question who the father of Chloe’s baby could be on her social media accounts. How crazy was that? Suddenly I was part of a discussion I wasn’t really part of. I didn’t see Chloe for years and then I bump into her in Manhattan and she creates such a lie. I hated her. But I hated myself even more for believing her stupid stories. That was definitely a psychotic behavior what she was doing!
“They did win, right? I heard it in the news!” grandma Agneta told me. “I know, they did” “Josh, what’s wrong?” “Nothing, I just….I just had a tough day okay? I need some rest” “Of course. Go and get some rest.” She said and gave me a glass of water. “Thanks….” I said and looked at the bottle. “You need something else, don’t you?” she asked me. And then she went to my personal bar in the living room and picked the Whiskey Single Malt. “So, tell me….what’s on your mind? I can see that there is something that is bothering you, so….come on, tell me. We’re a family, aren’t we?” Suddenly I realized that she was right. In a way we were a family although we’re not related to each other and I didn’t marry her daughter. But she was right. We were the ones who were left behind. Since Helen left there were only us. “Okay” I sighed and then I told her the whole story. Like….everything about Chloe’s lies from the start to the end.
“What a disgusting behavior” Agneta said. “It is….” ”She’s just a dumb girl who wants attention” “But she used me again….I don’t even know why. She is successful and famous…she doesn’t need a musician like me who doesn’t want to be in the focus of attention” “I know but….she doesn’t do it to get famous because she is already famous. I think she wants you and when she can’t have you, she tries to creates situations so that people can think she is still dating you” “That’s bullshit. Even the tabloids know that it’s over. It’s seven years ago, Agneta” “I know….but women can get very crazy when it comes to men” “Well….I know….” I sighed. “Josh, stop thinking about this bitch. She’s not worth it” Agneta said and took another sip of her whiskey. Wow, I never heard her saying words like that. “Thanks….” I chuckled. “You’re a great man. And even when I’m still very sad that it didn’t work out with my daughter and I still can’t believe that Helen left us behind….I really hope you do find a woman who can make you happy” she told me. “Thank you….honestly, it’s not normal to hear these words coming from you. I mean, in your position….I broke up with your daughter and now you’re saying these nice and kind words to me. Honestly, I really appreciate it” “No Josh, I appreciate you! What you did in the past months….wow. I can’t find words to describe it…..I don’t know how to thank you. You were there for my grandchild. You didn’t think twice and took care of her. You gave us this beautiful home here in LA…..I never thought that I would move to LA some day” she laughed. “But it’s a great city to live in although I’m still overwhelmed by it sometimes….” Agneta looked me in the eyes. “Josh, what you’re doing for my family isn’t natural. Not every guy would do that. And believe me, I met a lot of guys because Helen dated a lot of idiots. But when she introduced me to you I knew that you’re a good guy. You would take care of her and you did. And now you take care of her child….I mean, you don’t have to, you know” “But Agneta….what would have happened to Emma if I wouldn’t have agreed to take care of her? I mean, maybe she would have moved back to Chino or so….I didn’t want that. She’s happy here in LA and I think we can do this in the future. We’ll do it” “I know, I know….we can” she laughed. “We definitely can” I agreed with her. We both took another sip of our Whiskey which was tasting great, by the way.
“So, tell me” she suddenly said. “Did you meet a new girl in New York?” “What? Why are you asking?” I was a bit shocked. How did she know? “Because you seem so happy since you’re back from New York. I saw it directly in your eyes. They were shining. So, did you?” “Um….well….to be honest….I didn’t meet a new girl” “Oh what a pity….I thought you did” “But I met someone who was once a very important person in my life and with whom I even shared a period of time in my life” “Oh really? Who is it?” she now asked curious. Well I think this was a typical women behavior. My mother and my sister just acted the same way. “Well, she’s my ex. We were dating for three years but then she broke up with me” “Do you know why?” “I do….I think I do” “And do you think there is a future?” “I don’t know….she’s living in New  York and I’m here in LA….I don’t think it can work since we’re both not really into long distance relationships….” “But you two spent some time together in New York?” “We did” I told her but didn’t want to be too precisely. “Oh your smile tells me everything I need to know” she laughed. “Um, okay” I said shyly. “Josh, if you still have feelings for this woman you should go and let her know” “Well, it’s not that easy…” I said. “Who says that life is easy?” Agneta grinned. “But why are you afraid?” “I don’t know….Maybe it was just a one night stand for her. Just a fling. Nothing serious. I mean, she was the one who ended our relationship. There was a reason why she did it, right? So I’m just wondering why this weekend happened” “Oh a whole weekend?????” “Yes…” ”God, Josh, go and tell her!” “Agenta, I don’t know what to say. You should be mad at me because I broke up with your daughter but now you’re supporting me into meeting my ex girlfriend again….that’s weird” “It is weird, I know. But Josh, I already told you. You now belong to our family. Emma loves you, she won’t move back to Chino with me so….you will be always her dad she never had” “I know” I sighed. “And I want her to be happy but I also want you to be happy….and if you’re happy when you’re with this girl then go and get her” Agneta told me laughing. “Go man!” “Well, it’s not that easy” “I know, I know. You’re too much into overthinking, don’t you think? Helen once told me that you’re such a sensible guy who always thinks about certain topics a way too long” “Well I guess she was right” “She also told me about your past where you were messing around with girls….but she didn’t care. She loved you for the man you were when you two were dating and not for the man you were in the past” Wow, I didn’t know how to react to these words.
“And if this girl loves you, she will love you the way you are” “I know….I’m not proud of this chapter in my life, to be honest….I only did it to forget her, you know. I only slept with all these girls to get her out of my mind. But after two years I realized that it didn’t help. The first time I forgot her was when I met Helen.” “And that’s a very cute story. Of course I wished that you and my daughter would still be dating and maybe you two would marry some day and have a family together but….well I guess that won’t happen so….I just try to support you Josh, because I want you to be happy.” “Thank you Agneta, I really appreciate your support and your words.” I repeated myself. “And I thank you for making my granddaughter so happy!” Agneta laughed. “She doesn’t want to leave the drums” “Really? Is she still in my music room?” “Of course she is!” ”Well, then maybe we should go and watch her play” I suggested.
So we went into my music room where Emma was still playing the drums. She was very good! She learned very fast and I showed her new things every week that she was practicing over the week. “Hey Josh!” she greeted me. “Sounds great!” I complimented her. But now she already left the drums and ran to me to hug me. “Wow um Emma, what’s wrong?” I laughed. “You’re the best teacher in the world! I love the drums. I want to practice every free minute” “You can do that” “But first focus on school!” Agneta said. “Yes Granny” Emma rolled her eyes. “Are you hungry?!” I asked Emma. She nodded. “What about some pizza?”  ______ By the way, you can also check out my second tumblr blog here. I write about music, traveling and any other topic that comes to my mind :)   https://order-disorder-blog.tumblr.com/
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the-vaporverse · 7 years
Starless Horizon RP File #24
(Vela’s part in italics.)
Dritz was awake much earlier than before; either his body's response to the threat of further tickling, or their very enjoyable evening (so very enjoyable...) had energised him. He stretched out languidly, relishing the fact that they would not need to be out of bed for a while yet, his eyes bright and not at all sleepy.
"Goood morning," he sang, beaming and running his fingers through his hair, which was wild from it drying messy, but silky from the last night's bath.
As usual, Vela had awoken some hours earlier and begun using the datapad, but instead of researching anything random of interest, she was looking up more information about repairs on large ships. She was absorbing the material quickly, but knew she would prefer to be shown how to do it. Even if she had learned a lot by reading, she didn't want to stop being taught by Dritz unless she knew she could already do it all herself with supervision.
Fortunately for him, Dritz was up much earlier than before, with no tickling needed. Vela thought she wouldn't necessarily use the tactic again so soon, but it was something to keep in mind for the future. She set the datapad down, signing "good morning" before she slid over to him, pressing her body against his and kissing him. Thoughts of last night ran through her head, and how she would like to do the same again already, but they might not have that much time.
[Did you sleep well?] She tilted her head, eyeing his messy hair, then got up and took a brush from the bathroom, wetting it down with water from the faucet before returning to comb his hair out for him so it fell the way it usually did.  [I'm sure we'll have another good day at work. Then... tomorrow night is when you go shopping with Fera, isn't it?] She couldn't stop the little frown that crossed her face then. As much as she tried to forget, it kept coming up.
Dritz grinned, cuddling Vela close to him until she slipped away. "I slept so well. Which... Yeah, definitely your doing," he said slyly, watching her wander away, returning with... A comb?
He relaxed against her gentle hands with a quiet chirp. Something about the act was so tender and intimate, he felt strangely vulnerable, but not in a disconcerting way.
"It is indeed. I'm... Looking forward to iiit?" Dritz's voice continually went up in pitch, exaggerating the question and giving an equally exaggerated shrug. "Heh, I'm sure it'll be nice. It's a start towards us maybe becoming friends. Maybe."
Vela didn't agree it would be nice, or think Fera would want to become friends with Dritz, but she nodded her head to agree with him anyway. She didn't want to bring his optimism down, despite her considerable reservations. They dressed and prepared for their day, spending it in the same way as the previous one, which settled into a comfortable sort of pattern until that particular evening arrived.
Dritz and Vela met with Orion and Fera just outside the main shopping district at the agreed upon time, and there was certainly a bit of discomfort on all sides. Vela could tell that Dritz at least seemed hopeful, though everyone else was wary. Fera, in particular, had a sharp look for her and a disinterested glance at Dritz, making her frown again.
"Hey there. Guess we're swapping for a little while," Orion greeted them and joked lightly, though it earned him a glare from Fera in turn. "I, uh, understand Vela wants to teach me some sign language. So we'll just be doing that for a couple hours, and meet you back here again then. You still alright with that?"
"Promise me Orion will be safe," Fera suddenly cut in, an intense gaze fixed on Dritz. "Or we're not doing this at all."
Confused, Vela looked between them. What would the prince even mean by that? [Maybe I should get the same promise that Dritz will be safe with you,] she signed in a bit of annoyance, making Fera's eyes widen in alarm as he stepped back from her.
Dritz's smile for Orion's little jest quickly fell when Fera implied whatever it was he was implying about Vela. He was determined to make the whole arrangement work, and had made sure to take a change of clothes (a rather fetching set of bright floral trousers and a plain, but acidic green shirt) and have a very quick wash, to ensure it was clear he was making an effort. The prince would surely appreciate that much.
He bit back a smirk as he realised what Vela had said, but he put a gentle hand on her arm and looked at Fera, "Ori's gunna be fine, you have our guarantee. Why that's a concern, I do not know! But if it makes you feel better, I am positive. Vela would like the same reassurance from you, please. Like you, she's just concerned for her beloved partner." He smiled expectantly at the prince of Coronus, showing him the signs and repeating what they meant.
Fera's look was darkening rapidly, so Orion stepped forward to also put his hand on the Coronal's arm in the same way Dritz had placed his on Vela's. "Listen, no one's going to come back damaged in any way, we all know that. Let's just go and have a good time. That's the whole point." He had all but pleaded with Fera earlier to stay rational and calm about the experience, seeing how tense he was, but still wasn't sure it had done any good.
"Fine," Fera snapped at last, moving away from Orion and toward Dritz instead. "I'm not going to do anything to Dritz. Why would I want to?" His gloating smirk made Orion sigh, but he saw that Vela reluctantly moved over to him, seeming to accept it.
"Right... uh... we're agreed then," Orion said awkwardly, waving a hand toward Dritz and Fera. "We'll see you in a couple hours." In a gentlemanly manner, he ushered Vela away from the shopping district, but couldn't help looking back the same as she did. Fera was staring at Dritz as though he expected something, making Orion sigh quietly before he began to focus on and chat to Vela instead. He could only hope everything went well.
"See you later, have fuuun," Dritz sang, putting a gentle but distant arm around Fera and leading him away towards the first shop, one of the slightly less upmarket stores that sold a lot of more feminine-leaning products. The fashion was mostly human, as they were usually the most common species on a station, with the odd alien influence visible in certain styles. The fabrics were cottony and not at all what Dritz would call interesting, but it made a nice start. He smiled at Fera, "Thanks for coming with me. You look lovely, as always. ... So this is gunna be great! I'm looking forward to getting to know you a bit better. I think we'll have fun."
He lowered his voice, glancing around the shop, "Though I'm actually sure this was a bad place to start, right? So boring. All the fabric is kind of the same, and none of the colours are that bright. But I haven't delved too much; you wanna see what we can find here?"
Completely ignoring the first part of what Dritz said, as he was still trying to convince himself that no harm would befall Orion, Fera slowly began listening once the Chrysalan started talking about the shop he had led them into. It only took a brief glance around for him to see it was not the sort of shop he wanted to be in, and definitely not the sort of shop a prince should be seen in.
"It seems you do know something," he said crisply, glancing around in disdain. "What utter garbage." He wasn't making an effort to modulate his voice the way Dritz was, prompting the clerk to look around in confusion and perhaps a bit of annoyance. Apparently they recognized him, or were otherwise intimidated by his beauty, because they didn't approach.
However, there was something which intrigued him in addition to repulsing him when it came to the shop itself. It was impossible to say why anyone might like the clothing it sold, but it surely had some appeal if it wasn't yet out of business. He wandered around a little while, sneering at most of the items, but did stop to pick up a long white scarf which could be wrapped multiple times to create different styles. The concept was good, but the fabric was not as silky as he might like, or perhaps even sheer, that would be lovely...
"Why does anyone frequent a place such as this?" he asked Dritz with a dramatic sigh, tempted to arrange the scarf on himself to see how it might look, but ultimately tossing it back loosely onto the folded pile it had come from. "Because they have no taste, or no money? Or both? What a horrid life some must lead." This was unfair, but he smirked cruelly, not wanting Dritz to think he had sympathy for anyone so unfortunate as to be tasteless and poor.
"Aw, I wouldn't call it garbage exactly, just... Not to our taste, y'know?" he said, completely delighted that Fera had finally engaged him, even if it was a bit... Standoffish, bordering on rude. It was a start.
He spotted the same scarf that Fera had, a nice enough white number that was entirely too plain for his liking, but would probably make a pretty addition to the prince's wardrobe.
"Hey, c'mon, prince, that's not really fair. People work hard for their UCs, and a lot of them don't want to spend a great deal on clothing. Like, if they're parents, or if they want to save their credits for a new place to live. It can be hard to live well on some of the wages in certain sectors," he murmured, keeping his tone as light as possible, knowing it would be a touchy thing to say.
"So, is white your favourite colour?" he asked, quickly and cheerfully, "It looks great on you, but do you ever go for anything darker, or brighter?"
Though he was listening, Fera was still looking around the shop with narrowed eyes as Dritz spoke. Nothing else caught his attention, and he turned toward the exit with an elegant shrug.
"It's not my problem if they want to look cheap and awful," he replied, unconcerned over whether it was truly "fair" or not. "I would think it was their fault for not having the money to spend on everything they might need or want." He was also quick to talk about the new subject before Dritz could complain about what he had said again.
"No, it's not." For a moment he glanced about the area, then started walking in the direction which he remembered as leading toward the more expensive shops. "I don't have one. White is the traditional color of Coronal royalty, I'm not allowed to wear anything else. And it just so happens I don't want to, it would be too far beneath me." He determinedly made his way into the nearest shop, trying not to think of all the times he had been tempted by golden or soft pastel fabrics.
However, there were plenty of those on display in this shop. It was still not the finest quality, but a good step above what they had previously been looking at, richer in fabrics and colors. "What about you?" he asked abruptly, spinning on his heel and examining Dritz closely. "What is your favorite? You are always wearing a different color each day. Do colors mean anything to you? Or nothing?" Without realizing, his sudden intense interest in the answers had made him all but completely drop his typical haughty mannerisms and way of speaking.
Dritz looked curiously at Fera. "But maybe you could make another colour more royal. I mean, Coronal commoners must look to their royalty to set the trends? Maybe? Obviously Chrysala is governed differently, but I feel like I'd look at royals as the leaders in fashion. Wouldn't it be cool to be the one who changed it all?"
He'd been following fairly closely, picking up the odd garment in the new shop. It was much more interesting stuff there, and Dritz had picked up a yellow vest with ruffled shoulders when Fera turned to him.
"Oh..." he smiled with warmth and surprise at the prince's tone. "Heh, I don't think I really have a favourite, but I like yellow and blue a lot. Oh, and pink. Like your hair!" He hesitated, wondering whether to share his thoughts in any depth.
"I dunno if you know that Chrysala's historically been a heavily industrial world, and fashion was not something that was introduced until shortly before my parents' generation. Everything was built for work and practicality... So, for me, colourful things make me happy because they sort of represent change? Like a show of personality we never used to do. Sounds weird now I say it out loud..."
Well, while the prince's guard was down, he could maybe let his own...
Fera actually paused in his inspection of a white skirt set with lace panels to slowly turn toward Dritz as he spoke. "No," he simply said, voice flat. "I'm not changing it. It isn't done. There is no breaking of tradition on Coronus."
For quite a while then he was silent, thoughts in a slight turmoil. Of course it wasn't done, and he really had no desire to wear anything but white. There was no breaking with tradition. Yet he knew the sort of trouble he could land in for being with Orion. That was a break with tradition he couldn't deny himself.
When Dritz began talking about colors, some of Fera's iciness thawed again. "Those are good enough for you, I suppose. Perhaps a darker yellow would suit your skin tone better. How do you feel about orange? That would work well too." He literally cringed at the ruffled shoulders on the vest the Chrysalan had picked up, taking it out of his hands and putting it back before selecting one in darker yellow with a sleeker shape. "You don't need extra fabric sticking out, with your sort of frame," he said, without a hint of malice at all.
The information about colors was more interesting than he would let on. "How could a society last so long with fashion? I honestly don't understand some species. But at least you have it now. So I suppose you are saying you have a loud and disordered sort of personality?" he suggested with a smirk. "Some of your color choices are so random. You could do with choosing more that are complementary."
"You're not on Coronus right now," Dritz said slyly, as though trying to coax a friend into having another drink, or another sweet.
He smiled widely when Fera swapped the shirt he'd been looking at. "Thanks, that's... Well, I'd never really thought of it that way. Orange is good too," he said, examining the replacement. It already looked somehow more pleasing against his skin where he held it, and the fabric was the soft, thin sort that would be both comfortable and flattering. Fera was much, much nicer than he let on, apparently.
"Complimentary? Like... To me? Or each other?" he asked, seeming genuinely confused. He did chuckle as he added, "I like to think of it more as a... Bright and friendly personality. But you could say loud and disordered too, I guess!"
With a quick glance at what Fera was holding, he nodded, "That's nice. Hey, you said about Orion's clothes before... What sort of things would you put him in?"
"Someone might see me," Fera murmured, already halfway convinced he was going to buy a piece of clothing that wasn't white that very day. Someone might see him with Orion as well, and wouldn't that be worse than getting caught wearing a different color?
"That one is much better," he said emphatically. "And I mean to each other. Some of your colors have a tendency to... clash. Do whatever you like, of course, but I'm only giving advice. I suppose if it's meaningful to you then it doesn't really matter."
The question about Orion gave him pause, and distracted him again as he glanced around the shop. "Something better than a horrible greasy jumpsuit," he finally said with a shudder. "Here." He indicated a nice pair of slacks in dark brown and a soft woven sweater in navy blue. "Along these lines. More of a traditional human look. But everything nicely tailored to his exact measurements; he has beautiful legs which..." Seeming to realize what he was saying, a building warmth heated up his face. "Which I'm not telling you about."
On the defense again, Fera made a dramatic dismissive gesture. "Don't ask me for advice on your Vela. She's helpless, with those dark shapeless clothes most of the time. I couldn't even think what to recommend to someone like her."
"I like your advice," the Chrysalan said cheerfully, folding the shirt over one arm (he was definitely getting that) and smiling, "Thanks, Fera, I knew you'd be the man in the know on this subject." He wasn't, however, very sure on what the prince meant by colours clashing. Perhaps he could try limiting the colours on his clothing... Maybe not wearing his heavily patterned stuff with other heavily patterned stuff? Or something?
"Aw, that's really nice, I can see Ori in those!" he said, touching the sleeve of the jumper, "But I like his greasy overalls! They suit him a lot, but I wonder if that's the old Chrysalan way talking,  what with it being work wear..."
He chose not to comment on his friends legs, beautiful as the probably were. Fera wouldn't like it.
"She does look best out of the dark, shapeless clothes, it's true," Dritz mumbled slyly. "And I wasn't gunna ask, she looks perfect no matter what. But answer me this; what's your problem with her? She's a lovely person. You're civil enough with me, and we're having a great time, at least I am, so... Why don't you like her? She and I are similar, in a way."
Fera shrugged off Dritz's thanks and praise alike, though he might usually do a bit of gloating at the very least. He still felt focused on thinking about the clothes on display around him, particularly the ones he had chosen for Orion. Perhaps he might come back later and purchase them... not that it was a romantic gesture or anything. Which was why he couldn't do that in Dritz's presence, obviously.
He narrowed his eyes in suspicion at hearing the Chrysalan's first statement about the Vela, thinking it was certainly something he wouldn't wish to know about. Then he took a step back out of sudden fear; he had forgotten that she was likely controlling Dritz somehow.
"I... have no problem with her. Of course not. But I don't think the two of you are similar at all. She... she..." Out of a terrible and horrified curiosity, he moved closer again to stare hard at Dritz's face. "You're... alright, aren't you? She isn't listening through your ears? Or speaking through your mouth right now? She must have a range; hopefully we are out of it." They had better be, he realized, or else he had likely just sealed his fate.
Dritz's eyes widened in confusion when he was faced with Fera so close to him. What in space was he talking about? His expression was hard to read; a mix of concern, maybe fear, frustration? The prince of Coronus was surely feeling none of those things, but then why would he ask such a thing?
"Fera," he said gently, "Are you alright? That... Wow, I can't even pinpoint just one of the reasons that's a crazy thing to ask. I'm fine. Vela is just my partner, not some sort of... Remote puppeteer??" The idea was so ridiculous that he started snickering, he would definitely have to tell Vela about her somehow controlling his ears and mouth.
"I'm fine," Fera replied faintly, yet warily. "You... are certain you're alright? I didn't mean that... I mean... nothing. I was... jesting. Yes... it was all a joke."
...What if the Vela heard what he had said? Maybe Dritz was only saying that because she had told him to. Or maybe they really were too far apart for her to control him, and he had no memory of it after the fact. A chill ran down the prince's spine, which did not happen often with his usual body temperature. He would have to believe she had not heard, and not say any more for now, just in case.
"Are you buying that?" he asked quickly, referring to the shirt Dritz had placed over his arm. "We need to move on if we want to get to the best stores." He glanced around, but not directly at Dritz, hoping not to be questioned further.
Dritz frowned at Fera for a long moment, but the prince of Coronus would not return his gaze. Really, though, what was going on?!
He would ask Ori later. He'd have to, this would play on his mind.
Once he had lost his desire to see Fera squirm a second longer, he purchased the too that had been recommended for him, and the two would-be companions moved on to the next store. This was a small but packed full jewellery shop selling endless adornments in many different styles, and catering for the more thrifty buyer as well as the extravagant.
"Jewellery still isn't that common on Chrysala," Dritz said, leaning over a case which contained an intricate necklace of precious gems in varying sizes, hanging from a smooth golden choker cuff; a miniature model of a star system. "It's something we're still learning about. Do you like it? We can leave if you're not too bothered about this stuff, I'm just always curious."
Relieved that Dritz wasn't pressing further, Fera managed to pull himself back together by the time they had walked to the next shop, which sold jewelry, of all things. This put the rest of his thoughts of the Vela out of his mind completely.
He knew these shops existed. But he had never yet visited one. He stared in a sort of awe for a moment, able to easily tell what was quality and what was not, and heading directly to the most expensive cases.
"Of course I like it," he replied with just a touch of haughtiness. "It's very fitting to someone of my stature. Especially on Coronus. I'm sorry your planet has no comprehension of it. Traditional Coronal jewelry is quite a sight to behold; also quite heavy. It's worn for important functions, and addressing the public. But I like smaller pieces to wear more often."
The prince hadn't meant to ramble so much, but he was enjoying himself again more than expected. With a careful eye, he studied a pair of earrings which were designed from large red crystals and surrounded with smaller clear ones which seemed to sparkle even without moving. "What would you wear?" he asked in sudden curiosity. "No offense, but it's hard to imagine you in much jewelry. I think you'd look a bit silly." He smirked, unable to hold back a smug sort of feeling at the thought. Not everyone could pull off beauty and fashion the way he could.
"Oh yeah? I'd love to see your royal wear sometime, do you have any pictures?" Dritz asked, seemingly enthusiastic about the idea of elaborate, heavy adornment, even if he was still not too sure about what it was for, apart from looking nice? He supposed the royal stuff that Fera was talking about would represent wealth or status... which, really, was fascinating. Chunks of mostly-clear stone carved into a pattern to refract the light, worn on the body to show someone was supposedly better than someone else? Bizarre.
"Nah, I don't see myself wearing any, to be honest. It'd get in the way of work. I... hm, actually, I do remember once seeing an overseer wearing little rings on her antennae, but she was much more mature, otherwise I think they'd restrict their movement..." he frowned as he recalled that. The thought of something restricting his own antennae made him feel a bit squirmy. "I guess if I were to wear a ring or something, it would be protected under gloves while I work..."
As his eyes roamed over the jewellery, however, he was particularly taken with a choker. The band of it was a plain silvery chain, meaning it would sit at the very base of the neck, and close to it, rather than mid-neck, and suspended in the centre was a simple, round stone. Not clear, like the others, but a rough, opaque one, uncut and dark, roughly the size of the pad of his thumb; rich purple, but more than that, it seemed to be every shade of purple at once, with thin veins of crystals so tiny Dritz could barely register them. The stone looked as though it held an entire galaxy inside it. He immediately perked up and looked at the store clerk, "This, I need this, it's perfect; how much?"
Thankfully, it was a little closer to the cheaper side of the scale, and Dritz immediately bought it, putting the small box in the breast pocket of his jacket and beaming to himself.
"You'll have to look it up on your own," Fera said with a dismissive wave. "I'm sure there's plenty of information on Coronal royalty available in whatever archive you choose to access." He smirked to think of Dritz or any Chrysalan in jewelry, whether he had seen anyone before with something similar or not. "Don't you think these would look perfect on me, though? Not quite as beautiful as myself, but any craftsman would have a hard time achieving that much."
All of his gloating and vain gestures were going unnoticed, however. When Fera turned to see why Dritz wasn't responding, he saw that the Chrysalan was instead studying a short necklace with a purplish stone on it, an item Fera was very sure was very boring and plain. He huffed softly to himself, thinking it was incredibly unfair for Dritz to not be paying attention to him instead.
"You said you wouldn't wear any jewelry," he said in a sarcastic whine, unable to help himself. Dritz was indeed buying the necklace, and the prince sighed. "You don't make any sense at all."
Dritz rolled his eyes, but was smiling good-naturedly. "That's exactly right, I wouldn't wear any. And I especially wouldn't wear this. No, no, this is for Vela. It will look wonderful on her, and it should still be practical while she's working." He was aware of what could almost have been a wave of disapproval from the prince. Maybe he was imagining it, but either way, he was quick to touch Fera's arm and usher him out and to the next store.
This one was tucked away, almost like it was hidden, with an understated exterior of reflective black and silver panels. Inside, however, was an expanse of shiny floor with sleek black and silver décor, and displays of one-of-a-kind clothing pieces. It was almost like a museum in the layout, Dritz thought. It also seemed to cater only to those of a slimmer frame, until Dritz found a notice in flowing Basic script, with multiple translations underneath, explaining that all the clothing was sample sized, and would be tailored to the customer's exact measurements, and to ask the clerk for a consultation.
"Now, how about this place?" Dritz said in a hushed voice. For some reason, the acoustic of the shining shop made him feel the need to whisper.
Upon hearing that the necklace was for the Vela, Fera frowned heavily and started backing away. He wanted to warn Dritz about being manipulated by the strange Aurian woman but knew it would do no good. Beyond that, he was already being led out of the shop and was happy enough to go without thinking about the situation further.
Instead of being in awe the way Dritz seemed to be when entering the next shop, Fera instantly felt at home. He didn't even respond, just elegantly floated over to the nearest display, which just happened to be a low-cut dress in shimmering white fabric that he knew would cling to him beautifully.
"I should get this," he murmured, unable to keep from imagining what Orion's face would look like when he saw his lover in such a garment. He turned to Dritz and smirked just a little. "You must feel out of place. But that's alright, at least you had the sense to bring me to an establishment of true quality before we return."
Indeed, he was now feeling almost benevolent. "What would you purchase here, if you were able? Anything at all. If there is anything." He waited for an answer while still gazing at the shimmery dress with a nearly affectionate expression. If there was one way to truly settle him, it was to surround him with the presence of the highest quality fashion.
Dritz frowned. They'd been getting along so well, and Fera had seemed to be warming, but then for him to turn that slightly condescending smirk back at him... he couldn't help the disappointment. Nevertheless, it was a small blip in what was otherwise already a nice time with the prince, so he chose to ignore it.
"I like that, actually," he said, almost... why did he sound shy, of all things? He wasn't! The garment behind the case was incredibly formal, the likes of which Dritz had never seen, white and structured around the shoulders and high collar, with finely woven epaulettes; small and subtle against the shoulders. The cuffs and collar had minute stitching in silvery fabric that shimmered blue in the right light. It was paired with dark navy trousers and glossy shoes. It looked almost military, which was strange, as Dritz had never really been interested in the military, or anything relating to it. "Dunno why, it's not really my usual style."
He turned to Fera and added, gesturing to the dress he'd been admiring, "Not that you need my approval, but this? Perfect. And even better, you can't wear that just anywhere. Ori will have to take you out to the fanciest place ever!"
"Of course it's perfect," Fera said airily, though he couldn't help but soften for a moment at the suggestion that Orion would need to take him to a suitable location to wear it. He wasn't sure the human could afford to do such a thing, but the prince honestly wouldn't mind having to contribute to the cost.
The outfit Dritz had indicated was... Well. A fancy sort of military style outfit which Fera couldn't imagine him wearing. Although... maybe. Just maybe. "An excellent choice," he said loudly, making a sweeping gesture with one hand as though he was about to bestow a high honor upon the Chrysalan. "I can't help but want to assist you. Clerk, please take this gentleman's measurements, I require these garments to be made to his sizing with all costs charged to myself."
He turned back to Dritz, smirking again in delight at possibly having a chance to embarrass him. "And don't even think about refusing, it's a gift to you, and I won't even ask for any form of repayment this time."
The clerk was already bustling forward eagerly, no doubt pleased to be making a sale, and Fera's smirk only grew wider.
Dritz gawped for a long moment, his antennae perked almost completely up.
"Fera..." he managed, though he wasn't too sure where that sentence would possibly go. Just when he thought he had the prince all figured out. Again. "I... Wow. I'm pretty sure it takes a lot to shut me up, but you've managed it." He touched the prince's arm with a genuine smile, "Much as I wanna refuse, this is too much of a gesture. Thank you. Truly. This is so unexpected."
Soon, though, the clerk was ushering him away fairly insistently, evidently very eager to make a sale; it was obvious Fera could afford it. As he was being led away, Dritz fixed the Coronal with the smirk of a friendly rival, "I'm gunna repay this; count on it. When you least expect iiit~!"
As Dritz was led away, the clerk hissed something into a back room, and another attendant quickly scurried out, smoothing their sharp suit and, as Dritz could hear, was offering Fera some sort of refreshment.
Quite smug upon finally receiving the exact treatment he deserved, Fera sipped at the glass of champagne the other clerk had quickly fetched him when Dritz went to have his measurements taken. He knew, or didn't think, the Chrysalan would be able to repay him. That didn't matter. He had plenty of credits and no real check on his spending. There was no doubt to him that this would smooth over any problems he might have caused with what he said earlier in case the Vela overheard. If she saw how willing he was to pay for expensive items, maybe she would be willing to forget about cursing him.
While Dritz was gone, Fera also casually purchased the dress he had been looking at earlier. The clerk explained it was a popular item and there were many sizes already in stock, one of which did happen to be his own. It was even cut to his particular body shape, proving that apparently at least some other men had something close to his own good taste.
"Did it go well?" he asked Dritz when he finally returned and the champagne glass was drained. "Modern technology is truly a marvelous thing; the garments will be ready in mere minutes. Not as good as on Coronus, but what is?"
True to his word, they had only resumed browsing for about ten minutes before the first clerk reappeared with an elaborately wrapped package containing Dritz's new clothes, assuring him they would fit perfectly and that the two of them should come back anytime at all. Even if the shop was closed for the evening, something could be arranged for such marvelous patrons as they.
Chuckling, Dritz scrunched his nose up, "It was weird. I've never had anyone measure me?" He found himself being handed a small flute of champagne suddenly (but not unwanted). He sipped it delicately, looking around with a grin.
"Hey, so... Tell me about Coronus. You talk about it a lot, so I was wondering if you miss it... What's so different there?" he asked casually. He knew little to nothing about Coronus itself, and while he had Fera in a chattier sort of mind, it seemed like a good idea to ask.
Fera did seem to mention Coronus all the time. But it didn't necessarily mean he wanted to talk too much about it in specific detail.
He twirled the stem of his empty glass between his fingers while waiting for one of the clerks to take it, thinking to himself. "I don't miss it," he said, tone fairly flat. "In terms of technology and artistry, there is no planet that compares with Coronus. We have a great deal of wealth, and a marvelous religious system which I never paid much mind to. It's very hot there, you know. Not to me," he added with a smirk. "But you would burn your skin off just walking on the surface without protective equipment. I wouldn't recommend a visit, anyway."
For a long moment he paused, as though he couldn't think what to say. They had their purchases and their glasses were taken, so he didn't want to spend any more time conversing on the subject than he had to. "I'm sure it's fine for anyone else. But living there for me is very... isolating." He glanced at Dritz a moment, eyelids half lowered. "Let's head back. I want to see Orion and make sure he's... ah... fine."
That's how Fera, this standoffish, often cold and haughty man, described his homeworld. That word alone was enough to cement Dritz's compassion for the prince, even if the way he treated Vela would always rub him the​ wrong way. No one should feel isolated surrounded by their own people, their family...
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I had no idea. But hey, you're not there now! You're not isolated here." He beamed as if to use his own presence to back that up.
"Yeah, we should make sure they're alright. They're both great, but I imagine the language barrier could cause problems. But if it means anything, I've had a lot of fun. I'd love to do this again, but probably somewhere new? Maybe if we ever find ourselves on the same planet?"
While Fera didn't respond to most of what Dritz said, a part of him was strangely touched by the other man's words. They left the shop and began making their way back, the prince lifting one shoulder in an elegant shrug.
"I suppose we could. The problem is finding ourselves on the same planet," he said with a smirk. He wasn't about to tell Dritz how much he had enjoyed their time together. It was likely just a random circumstance that might not happen again.
He also didn't want to say how relieved he was to see Orion, safe and sound even if the Vela was at his side and showing her own relief visibly upon seeing Dritz. It might have seemed funny to anyone else, observing the way they both rushed to their partner's side in obvious concern.
"We had a great time, I think, so thanks for letting us switch things up like this," Orion said with enthusiasm, squeezing Fera's arm. He only showed minimal interest in the packages Fera was carrying, but he wasn't much of one for shopping anyway. "I think I learned a lot." Then, to the prince's horror, he used his hands to gesture in the same way the Vela did. He hadn't previously really thought about what her teaching him might mean, and he took a step away in concern.
What exactly had he allowed to happen?
"I meeean maybe we could go to a planet together! Maybe all four of us," Dritz mused. "Like a... Roadtrip. Sort of. In space."
Even he was surprisingly relieved to see Vela, and scooped her up into his arms as soon as she was near enough, kissing her affectionately. "Hey, flower! You have fun? We had a great time. Fera gave me some helpful tips on my clothes, and I got a couple of things to show you when we get back!"
He seemed even happier when Orion signed to them all, eagerly responding aloud while he responded through Aurian as well, "[Nice work!] You learn quickly. How're you finding the language between you both?"
"Pretty good," Orion replied with satisfaction, having thought he did well, personally. "I think I've got a good grasp of a lot of key phrases; Vela's a good teacher. I just told her what I wanted to say and she repeated the gestures for me until I could make them consistently without forgetting." Why did Fera look so horrified? He sighed quietly, knowing he would have to explain things to the Coronal later. "I just hope it wasn't too much of a burden for her." He wanted to add in his hope that Fera had treated Dritz well, but didn't dare in front of them all.
[He learned quickly,] Vela reassured them both. [It wasn't any trouble for me. I had a good time.] Fera was acting strange, in her mind, holding onto one of Orion's arms protectively as though to stop him from signing further. [I didn't do anything to him,] she added with a hint of disdain, frustrated that he seemed to keep thinking she had.
Soon enough they made their goodbyes and parted ways, much to Vela's satisfaction. She wanted to be alone with Dritz, and she was highly curious about the packages he was carrying. [What are they?] she asked, leaning closer to him as they walked back to their rooms.
Dritz translated Vela for the benefit of the others, beaming when he happily informed them that Orion was a quick learner. He paused when it came to her parting shot, however, instead assuring Fera that they'd had a nice time, and Orion was well.
As they walked, Dritz threw an arm around Vela, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head. He'd had a fun enough time with Fera, but he was hard work. It wasn't a problem, but he thought that he couldn't have managed much longer. He smiled, trying to look, and sound, mysterious, "Oh, you'll see. A sort of... surprise."
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