#‘I realised the reason why Adrien never understood my confessions was not because
sizzleissues · 8 months
Idk thinking about it maybe Adrien is not just totally blind to other peoples feelings for him but it’s again a product of the low self-esteem wherein he doesn’t think anyone would ever love him sincerely. His fans ‘love him’ but they love the image crafted by his father. His mother loved him but she was taken away from him. His father probably loves him but he definitely likes to give and take it away at a whim. So surely that ‘I love you’ was platonic, I am nothing to love and she definitely meant that in a friend way, because who even am I?
I think he’d easily twist every confession into something that fits the narrative he tells himself, and that he’d never want to make someone uncomfortable by misreading their intentions so he just doesn’t read them at all. Like marinette acts weird around me a lot, she does stuff I’ve seen people with crushes do but surely thats just the way marinette is and it isn’t my business to push myself on her in case she’s just awkward because I’m a drag of a person blah blah blah.
Idk if I articulated that well but do you get the idea?? Even if you want someone to love you that way, if you do not know/like yourself you will reject the possibility someone does like you that way.
And Ladybug is delightfully unattainable so he can place her as the person whom he can imagine loving him because there’s no way LB would actually love him. Sure she’s his partner, their love is totally platonic and so he’s safe to love that way. The other side of his low-self esteem, the side that craves validation is shown here. As a civilian he cannot believe love can be given to him without price or cost and it’s probably something else, he’s mistaken. But the moment the love square reverses, he can’t see her attempts at wooing him as sincere. They’re a test or a joke, or an affect of the miraculous. Nope, she definitely doesn’t mean it. And adrienette only happens because he gathers a little self-esteem and he knows marinette likes him, it all comes to together for him finally, there’s too much evidence now and he likes himself enough to take a shot.
Anyway I think that is interesting
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emsylcatac · 4 years
A very happy birthday to my amazingly sweet friend @rosekasa​ ♪♥ I hope you’ll have a wonderful day!
Have a dummies fic as a wee gift ♥
Kiss shy
Marinette was on a mission. Three weeks into an impromptu reveal, the same three weeks into a relationship with her partner. And yet, they still hadn’t kissed. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
So tonight, she would kiss him. Right on the mouth.
Read it on AO3
* * * * *
Marinette was on a mission. She was going to kiss Adrien today. Right on the mouth.
Three weeks into an impromptu reveal, the same three weeks into a relationship with her partner. She knew he loved her, she knew she loved him, everything was fine and good and the birds were still singing louder in her heart than outside of the school’s windows.
“So,” Alya whispered from her seat next to her, “have you two finally kissed?”
Marinette’s head slumped on the table with a groan. Because for all of Adrien’s—of Chat Noir’s— grand claim of wanting a kiss from her, no, they had not kissed yet. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
Alya giggled next to her. Marinette threw her a dark look. Oh, she could giggle all she wanted—she wouldn’t laugh so much at the end of the day. When Marinette would have kissed Adrien. She’ll have to congratulate her instead.
“I’m so sorry, Marinette,” she choked out between giggles—she wasn’t sorry at all, Marinette decided, “I know how long you’ve been dreaming of doing it. Maybe he’s kiss shy?”
Kiss shy? Kiss shy?! Chat Noir?! Ha! As if. That was a good joke if any. No, Marinette thought, thinking of all the times he had kissed her hand, of all the times he had jokingly leaned in and asked for a kiss, and all the times he had looked longingly at her lips when he thought she couldn’t see, no, Adrien was definitely not kiss shy.
“I mean,” Alya continued, “you should see his face every time you take his hand; it’s like he can’t believe it’s happening and doesn’t know what to do with himself.”
Marinette frowned. It was true that he seemed a little unresponsive, now that she thought about it.
“The only person I’ve seen redder in the face than him when it happens is you.”
Marinette gasped loudly, hit by a sudden realisation. “Alya… What if...what if the reason is because he doesn’t want to have too much attention on him? He is famous after all.” She turned to her best friend and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her a little. “What if his father doesn’t want Adrien to date anyone and Adrien doesn’t know how to tell me and he’s been trying to avoid kissing me because of it, so no one would know and oh my God I’ve been screaming about us for all my friends to know that we’re together and—”
“Wow wow WOW,” Alya cut her, “wow, girl, calm down. No. No, I don’t think that’s it, you’re reaching too far! Don’t you think that he would have told you something if that were the case?”
“Don’t you think he would have warned you when you got together?”, Alya insisted. “How did you two agree to date again?”
Marinette frowned, trying to remember the events. It was a little bit blurry because she had felt so many emotions that day at the same time that her brain had troubles to puzzle what had happened exactly and in which order. Accidental reveal, freak out following, them hugging each other, she had cried a lot too—
“I don’t think he warned me of anything,” Marinette said, still trying to replay all the events following their reveal. “And I think it just all happened...naturally.”
“See? Then there’s nothing to worry about. Just talk to him about it, I’m sure you can both figure it out!” Alya reassured. “And maybe, you’ll realise that I was right and that he’s just kiss shy.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “He is not kiss shy.”
Maybe she should kiss Adrien tonight during patrol instead, so nobody from school might accidentally witness them. She also quite liked the idea of sharing her first kiss with him in private. In a secluded area, where no one would surprise them, where they could have a beautiful view on the city and it would be so romantic and—
Yes, she thought, tonight. Tonight, she would kiss Adrien full on the lips and render the both of them completely silly.
* * * * *
Adrien was going to die. Killed, murdered in cold blood by Marinette. She was going to be the end of him. He had no idea how much more he could take, really, before he would finally snap.
He had been so thrilled to see that Marinette was Ladybug. She was already his dear friend so it was the best possible outcome—except that he had also quickly understood that he was even more screwed than before.
We’re just friends, he kept repeating himself, nothing more. She’s in love with someone else.
Only friends, he mentally repeated again, when she would take his hand in hers out of the blue, the best of friends and partners.
Nothing more, as she would rub circles on his palm with her thumbs and caress each of his fingers with hers.
She’s in love with someone else, as she would take a strand of his hair and put it back behind his ear repeatedly, brushing his cheek with her hand in the process. And looking at him with the softest expression he’d ever seen on her.
Sometimes she would even take his arm when they walked side by side, and hug it close to her, humming and giggling happily. Adrien had to force himself to look straight ahead of him and hope his feet would cooperate until they’d reach their destination.
He didn’t know why she was doing all of this and why she was so affectionate, even more than she used to be with Chat Noir before their reveal. Not that he was complaining—well. He could complain about how unfair it all was. She knew he was still in love with her, right?
He had to talk to her about it. Oh, how much he was dreading the conversation. How he was dreading the sure-to-come confirmation of her feelings for someone else more than before, because now, now they knew their identities and it would feel even more real. Not that he was planning on confessing—but he had to tell her to stop for now, no matter how much he wished she wouldn’t. Before his heart would explode and he would just grab her face and kiss her silly.
That would be bad. Really, really bad.
Adrien entered the classroom and looked at Marinette, who was unusually early and watching him with eyes filled with soft determination. Whatever that look meant.
“So early and we can already feel the sparks between you and your girlfriend, dude,” Nino whispered to him as he slid into his seat.
Right. If Marinette’s adorably sweet attitude with him wasn’t already bad enough for his sanity, the teasing habit his friends had happened to adopt—referring to her as “his girlfriend”—shortly after the reveal was making it so, so much worse.
“Ha ha,” he grumbled, “very funny.” He had long since given up on trying to correct Nino.
Tonight, Adrien thought, just as he felt a hand coming from behind to gently pet his hair and massage his head. Tonight, he would talk to Marinette, and ask her to stop unknowingly torturing his poor heart until he was finally ready to let her go.
* * * * *
She was late. She was so, so so late. Stupid.
She had probably debated too long on which lip balm to wear. Cassis? Strawberry? But what if he hated it? She had almost put on her passionfruit one, the one she had bought in case of an… emergency... and carried in her purse with her at all times, before deciding against it. Maybe the taste would be too artificial; maybe he wouldn’t like it.
And maybe he would never want to kiss her again, her brain had supplied. Which would be absolutely terrible.
She had brushed her teeth at least three times to be sure that everything would be perfect.
….Aaaand she brushed them a fourth time right before leaving, because she wasn’t sure anymore if she had really brushed her teeth or if she had imagined doing it. She had a wild imagination, after all, she could have just imagined brushing her teeth three times without having actually done it.
She almost forgot on her way out to grab the red rose she had been gardening on her balcony for a special occasion—special occasion being a date with Adrien, which was exactly what was going to happen, whether he knew it or not.
He was already there when she arrived. She practically bumped into him when she landed, but managed to catch herself at the last second.
“I’m so so sorry I took too much time to get ready! Thanks for waiting for me and not leaving!”
He turned around surprised, as if he hadn’t heard her before.
“Why wouldn’t I wait for you?”
She blinked. “I don’t know.”
He smiled. “You know that I’d wait for you for—” He sighed. “...Nevermind”.
“Forever?” she supplied, smiling softly, and pulling out the rose she had attached securely behind her back. The red rose she had taken from her own bush, that she had tended to and watched bloom for the last few weeks, the rose she had decided would be reserved just for him.
He looked at it with wide green eyes, and she could tell that he had clearly not been expecting it, and stared. And stared. Until slowly, very slowly, he put both his hands around it, and delicately took it between his fingers, his eyes still transfixed by it. He blushed, his cheeks turning redder and redder every second, a change that Marinette thought really suited him.
His eyes closed as he carefully brought the rose to his nose and inhaled the sweet scent, entirely missing Marinette’s fond expression as she watched him.
“It’s...beautiful,” he finally said, his voice barely a murmur. “And it smells wonderful, but…”
“Here,” she gently took the rose back from his hands and raised on her tiptoes to sink the stem in his messy hair. She adjusted it until she was sure it wouldn’t fall. “Pretty.”
His eyes widened once again and his mouth parted. Marinette didn’t know when was the right time to kiss someone, but with him looking at her like that, mesmerised by her actions, she decided that now was as good a time as any.
So she brought her face closer to his, placed a hand on each of his cheeks, and finally, finally kissed his lips.
His beautiful, soft, very unmoving lips.
Marinette pulled back less than two seconds later. If he had been red-faced  before, it was nothing compared to how he was now. His breathing seemed to have stopped, and she would have been more worried  about him if her own lungs hadn’t ceased to work as well.
...Maybe he was indeed kiss shy. Very, very kiss shy. Or maybe she kissed very badly. She should probably have worn the passionfruit lips balm! Why hadn’t she listened to her instinct again?
Adrien slowly brought a hand to his lips, staring at her with incredulous eyes.
“I’m so sorry!” she cried before he could have  a chance to talk and to tell her how awful kissing her felt. “I should have asked you before, or…or….” her eyes widened and she snapped her head back at him. “Maybe you don’t want us to be together anymore?”
“To-together…?” He stammered.
“That’s it, isn’t it? Oh no, you want to break up with me and you realised that being with me is actually not what you wanted and you didn’t know how to tell me—
“—and it might be because you discovered my weird habit of eating raw pasta when I’m stressed—”
“My Lad—”
“—and I mean, yes, it is a little weird, but I promise you that it’s not so much of a big deal and I could stop if you asked and...and…” She grabbed him by both arms and looked at him with pleading eyes. She could already feel tears prickling at their corners. “Please tell me you don’t want to break up with me, Adrie—”
Her freakout was interrupted  by warm lips on hers.
And just like that, every thought she’d had left her body and Marinette allowed herself to simply melt into the kiss. She could feel him tremble beneath her lips, and she was sure she was, too.
Adrien slowly pulled back and she was about to come back for another kiss but he interrupted her before she could.
“So...What’s that about us being together?” he asked, sounding distant.
“I mean, not that I mind but...when did we decide on that?”
Marinette blinked. “So you don’t want to break up with me?”
He laughed nervously. “It’s...it’s hard to break up with someone you’re not in a relationship with? I think?”
“What do you mean by that? We’re not together?” Marinette could feel her panic rising again in her throat, her hands shaking and her tears coming back full force.
“I...don’t know?”
“Didn’t we get together after we revealed ourselves?” she searched his eyes.
He shook his head frantically, and looked more and more stunned the more the conversation went on.
“But I thought...I thought I told you that...that I…” Marinette replayed the events following the reveal. Freak out, tears, hug, some babbling she couldn’t quite remember what it was about exactly... “Oh my god,” she whispered. “I never told you I loved you, did I?”
“I...I think I would have remembered something like that, my Lady,” he said distantly again, a note of hysteria in his tone.
“You didn’t know we were together…” She suddenly snapped her head back at him with a gasp. “Are you...are you still in love with me?! Oh no, you’ve moved on, haven’t you? I’m too late? Oh no, no, no, no…” she clasped her head and could feel her tears flowing on her cheeks. She was so stupid! Of course he would have moved on with how much she had rejected him! And he hadn’t even noticed that she loved him...
Two hands grabbed hers and pulled them back from her head, before landing on her shoulders.
“Hey, hey, now. Do I look like I’m not in love with you?” Adrien asked, looking at her right in the eyes.
It was true that he did kiss her after all. He wouldn’t have done so if he didn’t mean it, right? “Yes? I mean, no? I mean, hello I’m in love with you would you like to go out with me and kiss me?” she blurted out.
Marinette had seen a lot of different expressions on both Adrien and Chat Noir’s face. She had also seen a lot of various soft and kind looks, but none of them, none of them could compare to how soft and happy and in love the one he was currently giving her was. His eyes were shining now, probably with tears, and the rose she had put in his hair was only making him all the more mesmerising. God, she loved him so much.
“I would love to,” he said breathless.
Marinette couldn’t help the giddy laugh escaping her. Soon, he joined her, and they were both giggling, pointing at each other as if the other was the idiot one in this misunderstanding.
“I told everyone I was dating you,” Marinette choked on her laugh.
“Oh, so that’s why Nino was calling you my girlfriend and I had no idea how to tell him to stop,” Adrien chuckled.
“Alya told me that you were probably kiss shy!”
He gasped indignantly. “Kiss shy? Me?”
“I know, right? I told her there was no way it was the case!” she said just as affronted.
They slowly calmed down and went back to gazing at each other.
“I love you…” Adrien whispered.
Marinette approached him, and once she was close enough, she brought a hand to caress his cheek with her thumb. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to kiss you, ever since we’ve been...well, ever since I thought that we were together.”
“Oh? Do show me, then, my Lady,” his murmured, his face coming closer to hers.
She smiled. “I’ve wanted to kiss you here,” and she kissed his cheek. “And here,” his forehead. “Here, too,” his other cheek. She bopped his nose, “here,” she kissed it; it made him giggle a little—she really liked that sound. She bit her lip, hesitating; “and...,” she kissed the crook of his neck, “here.” That stirred up a louder giggle out of him—she really, really liked that sound—and he retracted his neck.
“What was that?” she teased.
“Nothing!” he was quick to answer.
She wiggled her fingers. “Are you ticklish?”
She grinned widely and started to tickle his neck while he whined and tried to get away from her. He was giggling so much now, and it made her laugh, too.
“Stop bullying me!”
“Fine. I’ll stop, I promise!” and she would. For now. He was way too cute for her to completely give up on this interesting discovery. And also... “I still wanted to kiss you somewhere else.”
He was looking at her a bit warily, before deciding to come back into her arms. “Oh. Where?”
His eyes were searching hers, and she brought a finger to his lips to caress them, wetting hers at the same time. “Here,” she murmured, and then she was kissing him and he was responding with enthusiasm.
She didn’t know how long they stayed there, in the Parisian night, feeling the cool wind in their hair and on their skin, in each other’s arms. Kissing. Discovering each other’s lips and mouth. Figuring out how it all worked; giggling when they missed or clash teeth. And most of all, loving each other.
Marinette had achieved her mission. It didn’t go exactly as planned, and it had been full of unexpected obstacles; but tonight, she had finally kissed Adrien. Right on the mouth. And it was everything that she had dreamed of—and more.
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Aromantic Marinette
Okay but hear me out. We all know she’s crushing massively on Adrien. It’s a large part of what drives the plot. And I’m not insisting that she is aro or demanding that people accept it but it just occurred to me and I had to explain my train of thought before I lost it. And I’d like for it to give people a little insight into what it’s like to be aro.
One of the reasons she could be so anxious and high-strung around Adrien is this unconscious fear of getting herself into a romantic situation, even if she’s consciously sure she wants it. I’ve daydreamed so much about dating and kissing and all that romantic jazz, only to chicken out twice with two different people for no apparent reason. And if Marinette’s aro, that could be heightening her anxiety around Adrien and making her completely glitch out around him. And she definitely gets plenty of reinforcement from her friends and their encouragements to take the plunge and ask him out, just like I was encouraged and fussed over by the girls in my year at school when I said I had a crush on a guy.
Like, I love to fantasise about romance. I love to imagine my dream partner. But when it actually comes down to it? I’ll turn tail and run. And that’s not to say that all aros are terrified of romance, but rather that it’s a common experience of feeling that jsdhfskjfhsd panic of getting yourself into something you unconsciously might not want even if you’re certain you do want it (in this case, getting herself into a romantic relationship that could completely change the relationship between her and Adrien).
And it also explains why some people believe that she “puts Adrien on a pedestal”. It’s not Adrien she’s romanticising and looking at through rose-tinted glasses; it’s the idea of being with him romantically. And that’s not to say that she doesn’t genuinely love Adrien! She does! She really cares for him as a dear friend! But romantic love isn’t the only kind of love, and as a 14 year old surrounded by people reinforcing the idea that she’s got to get together with her true love, I very highly doubt she’d even consider the idea of being aro even if she knew what aromanticism was. If I, a 22-year-old, didn’t figure all of this out about myself until literally this year, there’s no way a teenager like Marinette would have herself sorted out.
It could just me being aro all over the place, but I’ve never understood love at first sight. What I do understand, however, is someone doing one (1) nice thing for me and me being like “okay, guess I gotta fall for them now”. So like, after realising that she’s misjudged this boy and he’s actually really sweet, her feelings go skjfksdhfskjfhksd. But it’s also possible to add an aro flavour to this scene because like, if you don’t know that it’s possible to not feel romantic attraction, you’re going to interpret your sudden strong rush of feelings as romantic attraction. Especially since he’s a guy and she’s a girl and probably still sees herself as totally straight. It’s entirely possible that the rush of feelings she got is purely platonic - or, if something more, then something that’s stronger but still not necessarily romantic - and she doesn’t have the tools to differentiate.
It also explains for me why she’s just...not into Luka. Like, speaking as an aro, that’s not romantic love I see. The ‘Silencer’ confession seems to be largely forgotten afterwards and she always gravitates to Adrien over Luka. But if you’re trying to make yourself like someone? Yeah, I resonate strongly with Marinette with that interpretation. She truly values Luka and his support but...it just doesn’t feel romantic on her end. And I get that pressure to like someone because they showed just one tiny mote of kindness so therefore it must be true love. I convinced myself that I was in love with a guy for sharing his fondant icing with me in Food Tech and that “crush” vanished pretty damn quickly when I wanted it to after I was “crushing” on him for two years. It’s called amatonormativity - this insistence that you have to find your one true soulmate, settle down together, get married, have kids and a white picket fence, aka the True Love Experience - and considering how much of a mess she gets around Adrien at that point, it’s entirely feasible for her to also cling to Luka and then be like wtf??? do I?? do???
At the end of the day, I don’t think Marinette is canonically aromantic. The most we’ve ever gotten is, like...breadcrumbs that she could maybe be bi. But boy do I see a lot of my own experience in her and even though I’m hopeless romantic trash and ship Marinette with everyone, it’s something I might explore in the future because now I can’t stop thinking about it.
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bookdragonlibrary · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug New York
The voices sound normal in French but seem so wrong in English and I don’t know what gives me this impression :/
There are a lot of things I loved in this episode/film:
First I’m glad the comic seems to not be canon anymore since it is Ladybug and Chat noir’s first trip to New York and they never met the US heroes before.
Cosmo Bug and Astrochat! I hope we will have a closer look and a longer utilisation in season 4 because this transformation looks so cool but was too short!
Miss Bustier being pregnant! So was she calling Miss because she is young and not because she is not married yet?
Marinette being to short to unlock the automatic door. 
Marinette in denial with Adrien is just a friend, meaning Adrien was also in denial of his feelings for Marinette this whole time :D 
A Black woman for the President of USA, the creators literally saying fuck the current timeline.
A black and a Native american girls as main US heroes (I mean they have most of the screen time of US heroes + about our heroes age) and a multiracial homoparental family. When Majestia says “it’s time to be our true selves” she isn’t only talking about Knight owl being a woman, but also about the both of them being a couple right? Maybe the Americans know Knight Owl and Majestia are going out but since they don’t know Knight Owl is a woman…
Adrien, aware or not, trying to be close to Marinette and knowing she did everything for him: making him come to NY, making the banderole when he left, etc. What if he changed target from Ladybug to Marinette?
Ladybug smiling fondly at Chat noir’s explanations at the beginning and accepting the flower. 
Aeon stepping in front of Ladybug to save her from the Cataclysm. Imagine how Chat noir would have been devasted if he killed his lady D: 
The Miraculous of the Eagle is the Miraculous of Freedom. Its power is to unlock whatever is holding back someone to reach their true potential, like fear, morality, etc. It’s like a big power up of what you would look like at 100%. Imagine Marinette if she is touched by this! :o no more clumsiness, only her confidence all the time! 
I’m glad the Americans Miraculi are based on American Native culture. Meaning the Miraculous spread across the world are the sources of the local myths, legends and symboles. Ladybug’s box is from Asia. So maybe we will have a European guardian, a Greek one with Miraculous based on the Zodiac signs, as they are based on Greek mythology and constellations’ names. But also boxes based on Celtic and Viking myths! We will have a Shanghai special soon, so maybe the third World Special will be with the European box. I mean with Miraculous World could be film length special about other boxes just like New York and Shanghai are. Maybe they will make more like those, maybe one per continent (the crew talked about Brazil so a South America episode, so we would have an episode in Africa and Oceania! :D)
Adrien transforms in Chat noir just to protect Marinette. He makes his presence known in NY, with the possibility of Ladybug knowing of this, to protect Marinette.
Sabrina finding a life outside Chloé and maybe having a crush in USA :) Plus, it’s an interracial couple :)
Barbara x Olympia, the Supermoms of the ML universe :) So Jesse and Eon are sisters? Since they both called Barbara and Olympia moms? And that they seem together?
The little kitty to make Ladybug know if there’s a problem in Paris. I hope Marinette will make a ladybug version just so Chat noir can know if something is wrong in Paris so he could transform. You know, since they can communicate only if they are both transformed…
Did you notice the irony of Marinette makes Adrien coming in NY and then being mad at Chat noir for being in NY >< The reveal when they’ll realise all the quiproquos from the start xD
Other things I think wasn’t understood by most of the fandom and my opinion:
Mayura making an sentimonster looking like Robustus in Paris to make it seems Hawkmoth was still in Paris. But I don’t understand Hawkmoth’s plan to give a Miraculous to the villain. He never made a stupid move like than, excepting when he made a Miraculous the akumatised object for Queen Wasp.
Yellow roses symbolising friendship is a new symbole, but they do symbolise jealousy in the past. On the Internet, it explains it was to sell more of these roses they changed to meaning. So Ladybug and Chat noir were both right about it. Chat noir is trying to show platonic affection and support to Ladybug
Marinette going back to her antics like in season 1. Well, it’s not easy to move on from someone and Marinette never had closure to help her doing it. By that I mean a clear no from Adrien because she never succeeded to tell him what she felt so of course, she still have a little hope. About her antics, she tried so much to flirt with Adrien or to confess to him since 3 seasons/a year, she doesn’t know how to act as a friend with him, so she panics and here we go. Marinette has anxiety easily. So she has to plan every scenario/the worst scenario to reassure her. But being friend with Adrien is new territory. So Marinette becomes error 404 ^^ I mean, before she would have be thrilled to spend time with Adrien, especially sitting next to him on the plane like she was where they were on the train. But now that’s too overwhelmed for her. 
Adrien wanted to tell Ladybug he’s going away too right away, but Plagg told him not to, because he wants his friend to have free and good time too because Adrien deserves it. Maybe they would have find a solution like the Horse Miraculous or going back to Paris thanks to the astrosuit. 
I think Ladybug say she can’t trust Chat noir anymore out of anger and doesn’t really mean it. We know she cares about Chat noir 
About Chat quitting. It’s not because he came to NY without telling Ladybug, I think the main reason he wanted to quit because he could have actually kill someone. We’re talking about Adrien the cinnamon roll. Do you think about how traumatic it would be to kill someone? By accident, yes, but the consequence is still here and the person would have been an innocent. He would have kill Ladybug if Aeon didn’t intervene and if she wasn’t a gynoid, she would have die for real. Maybe she knew she’ll be fine thanks to the Miracle cure or she just wanted to save a human life. So it’s the combo of nearly kill someone + Ladybug won’t trust him anymore that makes him think he’s not worthy of being a hero anymore.
I read people complained about Ladybug being perfect and awesome. Just wanna remind it’s from Adrien’s point of view, just like Adrien is perfect from Marinette’s one. Not that they’re perfect as people, but the other see them at such for them. When you’re in love you don’t see the person as perfect as a person, but as your partner because they are what you’re looking for in a partner. Adrien likes strong girls, with confidence, who want to fight for others and help them. Marinette likes boys who are gentle, sweet, generous, romantic, calm and relax to counterbalance her ball of energy. That’s why they see Ladybug and Adrien are perfect according to their standards. 
I’m not sure where Adrigami and Lukanette are… The second one seems to be in standby, Luka giving Marinette time to move on from Adrien and I stand that. Maybe the first one is processing thing, Kagami also giving time to Adrien to clear his heart. We didn’t hear Adrien’s clear answer since the finale. Or are they secretly dating because of their strict parents? The kiss seems to be on the cheek (pretty close from the lips from our point of view, but still not on the lips) so I don’t think they are dating yet, so the Adrinette was cheating? I don’t even think Nino and Alya know about them or Adrien knows he’s in love with Marinette or that his behavior makes it appears like such. He wants to spend time with her, to be with her, he’s thankful of her, wants to protect her, but still processing his feelings. Kagami and Adrien never had friends before, least of all a girl/boyfriend. I’m not sure they know what dating supposes to look like. Maybe Kagami confused feeling closed to Adrien because they live the same situation and being in love with him? I love Kagami and Luka but I know Adrigami and Lukanette won’t be endgame anyway so I try to not bring myself to much in those ships… But I hope they will end up with each other! 
Adrien isn’t a cheater. First, we don’t know yet if Adrigami is dating or not. Plus we see Adrinette interactions are romantic because we know they’re endgame and we know Marinette is in love with Adrien. (I’m not even sure Adrien is conscious that his behaviour could be interpreted as romantic.) So it’s just our perception that makes those moments romantic. Otherwise, Adrien did nothing wrong! What did he do? He was happy to be sitted next to a friend so he won’t spend a 12 hours flight alone (not like he can talk to his bodyguard or Mendeleiev...), thanked Marinette for made him come to NY, hugged her, helped her with automatic doors, hided with her because they were sneaking out, share a hot dog and they have been locked in a room. Yes, they danced but it was Alya who asked Jess to turn it into a slow. And dancing with someone else isn’t cheating anyway.
About Alya and Nino… Alya knows Marinette is in denial of her feelings and she might be frustrated because to her point of view, Marinette is giving up without a clear answer from Adrien. She didn’t know Adrien told her he’s in love with a girl (Ladybug, in Pupeteer 2) and from Marinette’s POV it’s Kagami who is also in love of Adrien. That’s why she stepped back in the S3 finale without knowing Adrien might have giving up on Ladybug (because she told him a clear no) and is trying to be closer to her. Alya doesn’t understand why Marinette is giving up on her feelings and from her and Nino’s POV Adrien is also crushing on her but isn’t aware of it and/or doesn’t know it’s reciprocal. From their POV, it’s like Marinette’s one on Adrien and Kagami: they both think Marinette and Adrien are in love wih each other but not aware of it. Alya isn’t giving up on Marinette because she think she is so close to hapiness and reciprocal feelings to give up just now.
New York being romantic… Well maybe it’s Hollywood’s fault and since a lot of French never went to USA, their only views of this country are films and series so their opinion might be biased? (Just like people think Paris is romantic when… it’s maybe not true anymore… It’s not the City of lights from before…) Same for USA being the country of freedom. It’s just become US save the world in every of their movies, against terrorists or aliens or whatever.
About Nino calling Adrien a baby chick, a little cultural explanation is needed here :) Chicks have not the same meaning in French than in English. While in English it refers to girls in a sexual/flirting way, in French it’s a cute pet name you call your child or a cheesy one for your boy/girlfriend. So Nino refers to Adrien as being innocent, like in a naive and oblivious way. 
Too many heroes in NY. It seems Hot Dog Dan and the firelights heroes are recurent NY heroes. But the other ones could live elsewhere and just come to NY because there were a big threat wih Techno Pirate. Since United Heroez are based on Justice League and the Avengers (or other groups of heroes, but I would say mostly the JL), they could have way to communicate and to travel fast across the USA right?
Where are the power of the US superheroes come from? From the bracelets?
Why Jesse and Eon have to supervise the Miraclass? Does Olympia and Barbara know Marinette and Adrien are Ladybug and Chat noir? Nope, they were surprised they are in NY. So why? To be sure they’ll be safe since they are a lot of supervillains in USA? (Since you know, they’re not a one-time villain because of an akuma here)
Was it Aeon’s fault if the door didn’t open for Marinette and Adrien? Or it’s really because Marinette has the size of a child? xD By the way, do the US door retract when they meet an “obstacle” or it was just for the comedy?
Am I the only one who think Aeon look like an Egyptian goddess in her hero form?
Tsurugi-san (forgot Kagami’s mom’s name) should know Gabriel is Hawkmoth, or at least he’s in NY because he is driving in a autopilot car from Tsurugi’s label. There is something going on between her, Gabriel and Audrey (see the end of the episode Feast).
We see Adrien protecting Marinette a lot during attacks. Is this a building or a foreshadowing of him realising he’s in love with Marinette (I mean being conscious of his feelings) because he will see her hurt during a attack? (Marinette could be fine, transforming in Ladybug just before being really hurt or killed by something but Adrien won’t know Ladybug next to him is also Marinette so… angst and tear?) could be Adrinette or Marichat but this scenario could also be a reverse with Ladynoir. Marinette seems to be more and more fond of Chat noir with time passed.
With the special, I think the love square would be changed in S4. Chat noir still cares about Ladybug but he’s not pursuing her anymore. So still banter but not flirting for ladynoir? But Ladybug makes heart eyes when Chat noir gabble about flowers and their symbolism :3 I don’t know if Ladybug will see Chat noir romantically but they may have an even stronger bond after all they have been through! So reverse Adrinette like in the special? So maybe... more Marichat? :D
Well that’s all I thought at the moment. Maybe I’ll add new things when I rewatch it for the x times. If you have language or cultural questions, don’t hesitate! I will add the answer to this post! ;D
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A Different Approach
In which Marinette first approaches Lila very differently, and gets a positive result.
+ Bonus Content, basically an added twist which may or may not explain Marinette’s hatred of lying. Trigger warning for stabbing, because children with pointy objects can hurt themselves. It’s pretty mild. Also, trigger warning for blood mention, although the blood is actually unrelated to the stabbing.
Lastly, trigger warning accidental self-harm. All of these warnings apply to the bonus content only.
     • After the first incident where Marinette blew up on Lila, which later caused Volpina, she realised she was going to have to tackle this problem differently. Lila doesn’t seem like the type who likes confrontation, either publicly or privately. But clearly, she does like praise. 
     • There’s also the fact that Lila must be lying for a reason. What that reason is, Marinette doesn’t know, but Lila does it so often, so chronically, that it’s almost like she needs to. Lila treats it like it’s all she knows.
     • When Marinette confronts Lila, it starts off very similarly to the bathroom scene in Chameleon. Lila’s under the impression that Marinette is going to be an enemy, an obstacle. On some level, that true, but Marinette pulls something she truly does not expect.
     • Marinette: Lila, if you like telling people what they want to hear so much, then why don’t you try out for theatre?
     • It takes Lila a solid moment to realise Marinette wasn’t just messing with her and is being entirely sincere.
     • Lila: I— what?
       Marinette: I’m not saying I approve of you lying to my friends, but I do acknowledge that you’re really good at acting and telling other people stories. I’m kind of surprised that you haven’t already tried out for it, to be honest? You’d do really well, you have a talent for it.
       Lila: I don’t— What— what’s your angle, here?
       Marinette: Lila, I’m only trying to give you other options. Lying isn’t always going to get you through life. More often than not, it won’t, actually. But making a career out of something you’re genuinely good at and seem to enjoy? You’ll go far with that. If you want to try out, they’re holding auditions for an upcoming play this coming Friday. It’s an edited version of Sleeping Beauty. If you need any help, you can come visit me and recite some lines. I live above Tom and Sabine’s bakery, they’re my parents. Anyways... That’s all I wanted to say. See you around.
     • Lila is left baffled. In all her past schools, she’s been able to organise her classmates into two separate categories. Those who believe and follow her like sheep, and those who see through her lies and oppose her, either verbally or physically. But Marinette was neither of those. She didn’t try to stop Lila, despite knowing that she’s lying and not approving of it— instead, she gave Lila an outlet. Someplace where she can act and play pretend as much as she wants without anyone judging her for it.
     • Part of Lila wants to be mad. She’s so used to the feeling, it’s so much easier just to be mad and not think too hard about other people. But there’s just something about Marinette she can’t ignore. Unlike Adrien, Marinette didn’t just sit back or make some passive comments in private about how things are going to end up bad if Lila kept lying. Marinette understood that Lila needed this, and gave her a way to do it without running into a tight spot in the future. 
     • Lila wants to be mad. Lila wants to hate Marinette. But she can’t. 
Influencing One Another
     • Lila ends up walking into Tom and Sabine’s bakery the next day. She has the script for the audition in her hands. She’s nervous for some reason, jittery in a way she doesn’t think she’s been in a very long time. Tom and Sabine are kind and smile at her and give her a plate of treats before ushering her upstairs towards Marinette’s bedroom. It’s very warm and friendly.
     • Lila wants to hate them almost immediately. She reserves judgement, just this once. Only because Marinette proved herself to be something different. 
     • Marinette doesn’t do anything to seem smug or knowing when Lila comes up through the trap door. Marinette simply looks away from her sewing project, gives Lila a slightly surprised but happy smile, and tells her to sit on the chaise for moment while she finishes up the next few stitches.
     • That day, Lila spends a lot of the time practicing the lines over and over, with Marinette encouraging her and telling her when things sound a little off or shaky. It was... pleasant. Lila comes home that day and for once, doesn’t lie to her mother. She tells her that she’s auditioning for a play, and she was at someone’s house getting help reciting her lines.
     • Lila’s hesitant to call Marinette a friend. Friends are a concept she’s particularly cynical about. Marinette’s own supposed best friend was a sheep, after all. A self-proclaimed reporter who didn’t even fact-check, who would have dumped Marinette in favor of the new girl rather quickly. 
     • She’s surprised to find that she’s very irritated about that. That Marinette’s surrounded by sheep, when the girl herself is not. She’s starting to see Marinette in her own category. A category similar to the one Lila placed herself in, yet also very different. Marinette, like Lila, is not a sheep. Marinette is in control of her own life, everyone adores her on some level, and she is not dumb by any means. She doesn’t follow the crowd. The crowd follows her. Unlike Lila, however, she’s sometimes blind to the nasty parts of the people surrounding her. And that makes it so, so easy for her to get hurt.
     • The next few days leading up to Friday, Lila spends more and more time with Marinette. She’s noticing things. Marinette has a crush on Adrien, and it’s not for superficial reasons. Adrien is willfully blind to it. There’s no possible way the boy doesn’t know about it, honestly, he’s clearly just ignoring the knowledge or not even acknowledging the fact as a fact at all. And the fact that he asked Marinette to set him up with another girl— that’s low. Lila doesn’t even want a boy like that as a trophy boyfriend. She doesn’t understand Marinette’s infatuation with that doormat. Sure, the kindness would hook you in at first, but after all the heartbreak, the mixed signals, the willful ignorance, the passive attitude— how is the girl not tired of it?
     • There’s other things she noticed. Marinette’s friends treat her blunders and awkwardness like a joke. Sometimes they act like they respect the girl, then other times they’re poking fun at her, rolling their eyes at her, doubting her confidence. It’s almost like she’s treated as the comic relief sometimes. Alya goes back and fourth from encouraging Marinette to confess to Adrien, to rolling her eyes when Marinette finally seems to muster up the confidence to do it. Marinette’s constantly in a perpetual state of nervousness because of it.
     • So, Lila decides to repay an act of kindness. Just this once.
     • The next time Alya tries to push Marinette to confess, putting the girl in a nerve-wracking situation, Lila comes in close and tells Marinette not to. She tells Marinette that this isn’t a ride or die situation. She tells Marinette that she should be taking this slow, get to know Adrien better, let him get to know her. Marinette calms down and manages to speak to Adrien normally. She’s not freaked out or under pressure of having to straight up confess her feelings.
     • Marinette and Lila are changing each other, and for the better. Lila aced the audition and got a part in the play. Marinette is taking Lila’s advice and has managed to calm down somewhat, no longer as anxious as she normally is. 
     • Lila’s beginning to understand the concept of having a friend. She’s still not entirely happy using that word, but it’s the only one that works. Marinette is a friend. That’s her category. Marinette is someone she can trust. Marinette knows when she needs to do something and gives her options on how to do it without backlash or compromising her personal wellbeing. Lila begins to feel like she’s flourishing. 
     • Marinette is beginning to pick up on some of the things Lila usually sees every day. Alya is too pushy, sometimes. She never knew it made her uncomfortable so often until Lila pointed out that she didn’t need to confess. And Adrien has no spine. Adrien’s passive, excuses bullies without even understanding the harm they’ve caused just because he wants to believe in the best in people, and lets people use him. Adrien’s also... confusing, and she often feels like she’s being strung along by him.
The Change
     • Lila’s become popular. People are absolutely enamored with her acting, her expressions, and her twist to stories. She’s great at improv and is observant of her audience, making it easier for her to spin the perfect dialogue, tone of voice, and expression that she knows would capture their hearts. She often goes off script but always hits the important parts, and never strays from the general story and setting. The writers can sometimes get frustrated with her, but they also have an easier time writing her lines because as long as she has the important lines and the general idea of where the conversation will go, she’ll always nail it. She’s also really great at playing off mistakes and mishaps onstage as things that were supposed to happen.
     • Marinette’s become more outspoken about things that bother her. She tells Alya to stop trying to wingman. Alya is offended at first, but Marinette explains that all the pushing only makes her much too anxious, and she’s not incapable of working through her crush on her own. (Marinette is a little offended that Alya thinks that of her. That she’s such a mess on her own that she needs help.)
     • Lila’s stopped lying. She doesn’t really want the attention of her classmates anymore. She has Marinette, and a whole host of fans who adore her acting. Her mother has always managed to get a seat in the first row at each first showing of Lila’s performances. Marinette has tried to be at almost all of her performances, although sometimes she’s not able to make it, or she’s pulled aside from the audience to help fix a wardrobe malfunction. 
     • Marinette’s optimism is challenged by Lila’s cynicism, and vice versa. In another world, this would have made them enemies. In this world, it makes them a force to be reckoned with. Lila picks up on the faults and behaviors of people quickly, and Marinette is accepting of faults and can find solutions to help people who need it. They’re only young teenagers now, but given some years, they’d perfect their methods and be virtually unstoppable. 
     • Marinette has let Lila get away with some of the lies she said in the past, mostly because Lila has changed now, and if she went along admitting to some of her lies, it could quite possibly ruin her life. For example, if the principal were to find out Lila was simply skipping school for those months, that would be a major black mark on her record. She could be expelled. Her mother would be called, wouldn’t want to listen to a word Lila would have to say, and their relationship would be strained for possibly years to come. Lila’s already changing for the better. Lila’s already correcting her faults. 
     • Lila does go about admitting to some of her lies, though, and apologising. While she may not see the rest of the classmates in a particularly positive light, she sees why Marinette still hangs out with them. While they’re easily fooled and go along with the masses, people are still complicated and not one-dimensional beings. She shouldn’t have organised them into so few categories. Each person is unique in their own way and similar in other aspects, and it was wrong of her to see them all as other. She had a Me vs. The World mentality, but now she sees her fault in that. 
     • Her classmates are understandably cold and upset, but Marinette is there to settle them down. She reminds them that Lila admitting to her lies was something to be proud of, that Lila was changing and trying correct her wrongs, and they shouldn’t attack her in her attempt to do better. They can be upset that she lied, there’s nothing wrong in being upset that someone lied to you, but don’t brush off her current attempts. Let Lila try. Give her a chance now that’s she’s trying. 
     • The class keeps their distance for some time, wary of Lila and her seemingly totally new personality. Lila’s not faking anymore. She’s clearly cynical, and although she’s apologised, she’s made no attempt at befriending anyone. Gradually, though, when it’s clear she’s not going to go antagonise anyone or start anything, they begin to relax around her. Some people even ask her advice for things, approach her, because they’ve seen how she’s like with Marinette. 
     • Lila begins to see just how complicated individuals are. She’s beginning to accept it. Rose is even more optimistic than Marinette, ridiculously trusting and forgiving, and while Lila would see that as being vulnerable, Rose makes her think that maybe it’s more about enjoying life however you can. Lila can accept and appreciate that. Max is complicated in that he’s intelligent to the point of being called a genius, but is not as smart socially as he is academically, which is why he tends to follows others in that area. Which makes sense. She can understand why he’d try to learn that way. 
     • Before, Lila’s used her observational skills for picking out what people would accept easily. Now, she’s using them to dig deeper and to push herself and others to greater heights. Before, Marinette was anxious and took however her friends treated her regardless if it made her uncomfortable or not. Now, she sees that her friends have faults, accepts them, and voices her opinions and advice. 
     • It’s not long before Lila and Marinette become the class’ go-to people when they think they’ve done something wrong and need an outside perspective on what they did and how they need to improve. Lila observes, and Marinette offers advice.
+ Bonus Content
I reiterate, tw stabbing, tw accidental self-harm, tw blood mention
     • Lila begins to realise that, while Marinette had taken a breather and was able to help Lila with her situation, Marinette does have a deep-seeded hatred for lies. Which makes it more baffling as to why Marinette wanted to help her, and how Marinette somehow knew that Lila needed to be able to tell her stories. 
     • When she asks Marinette about this, she’s pretty surprised by her answer.
     • Marinette: I used to be a pathological liar, when I was a kid.
     • Lila’s left to wonder how Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl who hates lies with a passion, could possibly have been a pathological liar. She struggles with the idea. She’s left to wonder what had changed. Talking with other classmates brought a clearer image in her head.
     • Kim: Marinette used to lie about a lot of things. I don’t really blame her, she always had a lot of trouble making friends. Sometimes they were big lies, other times they were smaller ones. Like, one time she told everyone she was a secret agent, I think? Then other times she’d say things like she cooked breakfast for her parents, or she made the macarons she brought to class.
       Lila: What changed?
       Kim: One of her lies I think got way too out of hand, heh. She said she couldn’t feel any pain in her left hand, and did really well in following through with that one. I pinched her on the top of her hand so hard it started bleeding, and she didn’t even flinch. She really wanted to prove it for some reason. It kind of escalated, and I wasn’t there for the rest of it, but something bad enough happened that she ended up going to the hospital. 
       Nino: Oh, I was sorta there. Yeah, Marinette got her hands on a pair of scissors the teacher had in her desk, I don’t know how, and really hurt herself. Somehow missed her hand and ended up stabbing herself, I guess. Didn’t come back to school for weeks.
     • The image is getting clearer, but not by much. Maybe when Marinette’s parents caught her lying tendencies, something happened? Not wanting to dig too much, she went back to Marinette and asked directly instead.
     • Marinette: I didn’t miss my hand. I wasn’t actively trying to prove my hand was pain-resistant, I just... stabbed myself in the leg.
       Lila: You what?!
       Marinette: I wasn’t really thinking. I didn’t actually enjoy lying. It made me feel guilty, and I got so angry at myself I just did it without even realising, and got super freaked out when I saw what I did. I was a seven year old who lied so often just to make friends, and no matter how many friends I got, it felt like nothing I said was enough. I was constantly terrified that if they knew, they wouldn’t like me anymore. I was really desperate for people to pay attention to me, but I also didn’t like the attention I got. I went to therapy for a while, but my therapist wasn’t exactly the best. I mostly ended up figuring out my problems on my own as time went on.
       Lila: And... what did you figure out?
       Marinette: Lying was a learned behavior. I got it from my mom, actually. She sometimes told me to lie to some of her friends, like when she didn’t want to go out, or didn’t want to tell them the real reason why she’s busy. So if her friends asked, I would tell them my mom was busy working on a big order, or she was in the bath, or she’s having a date night with papa. She just wanted alone time. My mom would sometimes get upset if I said the wrong thing, and she was never mean about it, didn’t scold me or anything, but I didn’t like that I disappointed her. So I decided to just... get better.
       Lila: Oh. 
       Marinette: Yeah. Eventually it wasn’t about my mom anymore. I didn’t have any friends, so I was lonely pretty often, but then when I started lying about small things to start a conversation, something that would catch their interest, I started getting attention. People started liking me when I started being fake. And I may have been pretty young, but I understood on some level. Other kids didn’t like me when I’m Marinette. They liked me when I told them I was someone else. I wanted to be Marinette, but I also wanted to have friends. It was getting overwhelming.
       Lila: How did you get from the hand lie to accidentally hurting yourself?
       Marinette: I didn’t grab the scissors for my hand, but my parents and my therapist didn’t really believe that when I told them. Around that time I was already interested in fashion design, and I wanted the scissors because I think I had this idea in my head that... uh, that involved the classroom curtains? But I ended up thinking. There was blood on my hand that only got there because I decided to tell another stupid lie, and I was probably going to have to lie about it when I got home, and I was going to lie about what happened to the curtains, and I just kept thinking about all the lies I was going to have to tell, and I started crying, I flailed my hands, and then suddenly there was a pair of scissors stuck in my leg. 
        Lila: Ouch.
        Marinette: Yeah... I was a kid who didn’t really know what to do. I started taking my frustration out by creating more than usual, just kept designing more and more clothing. Didn’t stop. I went back to being pretty anti-social, and I was generally left alone for a while. I still really wanted friends though, so I tried other methods, but generally... While I got on friendly terms with everyone, nobody was really my friend, you know? Until Alya showed up. Things have gone a lot more smoothly since then. I’ve been more confident, more responsible, and I have actual accomplishments to my name. 
       Lila: So, you hate lying because...?
       Marinette: Because it reminds me of how I used to be, and how harmful it is to yourself and the people around you. I really hate how past me was like.
       Lila: You were only a kid. 
       Marinette: I’m still a kid. And it’s really hard not to remember parts of your childhood that was just really bad. I know I have a lot of good memories, but when I think about myself at age seven, all I can think about it how constantly guilty and afraid I was. No matter how hard I try, any good memory from back then is totally overshadowed by the lying. 
       Lila: Why are you clinging to it so much? You’re better than that, now. You don’t lie for attention, and you don’t need to. 
       Marinette: I still lie sometimes, though. 
       Lila: So what? People lie every day, lies don’t automatically make you a horrible person. Listen, have you ever lied since then just for the heck of it? Have you lied for any malicious reasons? Have you lied to trick people into doing bad things?
       Marinette: No!
       Lila: Then what are you getting so hung up about?
       Marinette: I...
       Lila: Sometimes people lie because they have to, or because they want a little kid to behave, or because they’re scared, or lonely, or whatever. Doesn’t mean they’re horrible. Even people who lie for bad reasons can have good in them. I lied for praise and attention from people I didn’t even like, but you gave me a chance to be better and I took it, didn’t I? I mean, my problems aren’t gone. Liking and trusting people is going to be difficult for me. I’m going to be judgmental, moody, and maybe harsh sometimes. But I’m not a horrible human being. Things aren’t as black and white as that. And you know that, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have given me a chance.
       Marinette:.... Thanks, Lila. 
       Lila: Don’t thank me for pulling your head out of your ass, I’m just doing my job.
       Marinette: Hey!
       Lila: You hated a seven year old so much that you took it out on the very concept of lying! I don’t care if that seven year old was you!
Aaaand that’s the end. *wipes brow* Whew, that was long and drawn out. 
I don’t find this perfect but I did the best I could. I’m probably gonna be iffy on this no matter how I wrote it, though, so whatever. At least it’s done. 
You guys can do whatever you wish with this, add your own hcs, stories, etc, doesn’t matter. My blog is meant for everyone to take creative inspiration from. 
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arolla-pine · 6 years
True Love Kiss - p.18
LadyNoir July – Day 28 – Stay
“There you are…” Cat Noir said, jumping to his feet.
He had been sitting on the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral for about half an hour, and he wondered if he had understood Ladybug correctly. She’d said: “Like on Wednesday." Like on Valentine's Day. He fed Plagg with a double portion of cheese and immediately ran to the spot. He sat down in the same place where he’d found Ladybug almost a week ago and waited.
He realised that he’d lived like in a dream for the last few days. These meetings with Ladybug, those kisses that he stole from her and which she started giving him back… How had this happened? He couldn’t believe that he owed everything to one kiss – then, on Valentine's Day, right here…
“Yes, here I am.” Ladybug nodded. “I keep my promises.”
“Promises?” he asked surprised.
She approached to him slowly with a half-smile. She stopped right in front of him and knocked his cat’s bell. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Do you remember now?” she asked.
Cat Noir was completely shocked. Was Ladybug… flirting with him?
She laughed at his expression.
“You’re so sweet!” She whispered.
And then she climbed on her toes and kissed him. Cat Noir didn’t understand completely, what had caused this change in Ladybug’s behaviour, but he had no reason to complain, he focused on the present moment. He put his arms around her, and she plunged her hands into his hair. Suddenly, he… purred. His heart stopped for a moment, and Ladybug broke away from him in astonishment and looked at him with wide eyes.
“What was that?” she asked.
“I… I have no idea…” he stammered and flushed terribly.
She laughed and ruffled his hair.
“You know how to win a girl, Cat!” she said.
“Win?” He repeated in astonishment.
“Well, yeah… Win…” She nodded and hugged him.
And he put his arms around her and closed his eyes. He sighed happily. Ladybug laughed again. It occurred to her that she had been sighing in her civilian form so often recently.
“What's up?” he whispered into her hair.
“No, nothing… You’ve just sighed.”
“Because… I'm happy.” he confessed suddenly.
“Just be careful that you don’t get in trouble.” she murmured.
“Why would I get into trouble?” He laughed.
“Er… I don’t know…” she replied, suddenly embarrassed.
Cat Noir looked at her intently. To avoid his eyes, she hugged him tightly. Instinctively he put his arms around her, but he felt a strange anxiety. It was as if her words rang the bell, but he couldn’t name it. Why did she get embarrassed? And why the fact that he was happy would make him get into trouble?
“I have to go…” she whispered suddenly and freed herself from his embrace.
“Stay…” he asked.
“I’ve told you that I go to school, remember?” She winked at him. “I have homework to do. You probably too.”
“Homework will be there in one hour as well.”
“Cat…” she sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Stay, please. At least for the sunset, Bugaboo. It's a pity not to use such a spot.”
She laughed again.
“OK. But only the sunset.” She agreed.
They sat side by side on the roof and stared into the horizon. Cat Noir hugged Ladybug, and she put her head on his shoulder. And they continued sitting in a complete silence, staring at the sun approaching to the horizon.
“I miss you.” Cat Noir whispered suddenly.
She raised her head and looked at him in surprise.
“I'm here.” she said.
“We see each other only on the occasion of the attack of the akuma.” he explained. “And I’d like to…” he stopped suddenly embarrassed.
“What would you like?” she asked, when he didn’t continue.
“To see you more often.” he finished. “Because of all these rules, I can’t normally call you or walk you home. I miss you terribly, when I don’t see you for a few days.”
“We can meet here at the agreed time.” Ladybug suggested.
“Tomorrow?” He asked hopefully.
“I can’t.” she replied quickly, reminding herself that she had arranged with Adrien to finish the poster. It was even before Professor Mendeleiev had cancelled Thursday's chemistry lesson.
“On Wednesday?”
“It can be on Wednesday.” she smiled. “We can meet to watch another sunset.”
“If there’s no rain.”
“Take an umbrella just in case.” she advised and stood up. “I really have to go.”
“OK.” he also stood up.
“So, see you on Wednesday, Kitty.”
“Unless Hawkmoth takes care of our earlier meeting…” he joked.
She laughed. She climbed on her toes and kissed him good-bye.
When she jumped down, he felt an urge to follow her. But he knew that she would never forgive him if he followed her on the way home. At all costs, they had to keep their identities secret.
True Love Kiss p.17  <-  Previous part  |  Next part  ->  True Love Kiss p.19 
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arolla-pine · 7 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction: Luka p.34
The waitress came back with their order. She placed cups, plates and napkins on the tiny table. There was no room for their hands anymore, so they had to let them go. Adrien looked at Marinette with a smile, and she smiled back at him. Both took their cups of hot chocolate.
“Mhmmm…” Marinette murmured, taking a sip. “Delicious. I love chocolate!”
“I’m still learning something new about you.” Adrien smiled.
“Like what?”
“That you like plain chocolate.”
“Because it’s the best! Pure perfection. Why should I ruin that?”
“My cinnamon chocolate is much better.” He shook his head.
“I don’t think so.”
“So, try it!” he gave her his cup. “And admit that you were wrong.”
She took a sip and gave him back his cup with a smile.
“Well, I can admit that…” she began, observing a grin appearing on Adrien’s face. “…that my chocolate is way much better.”
“I have to try it!” he reached for her cup. He took a sip and looked at her in amazement. “Wow, you still surprise me, Bugaboo…” he confessed.
“Come on, say it, Cat.”
“I was wrong. Your chocolate is better, My Lady.” He admitted solemnly. “You were absolutely right. You should never spoil the perfection.”
“It is said: leave well alone.” She smiled. “And I prefer simple things.”
“From today on I’m going to start learning that from you.” He promised.
They looked at each other amused. They had already forgotten about the awkwardness from a few minutes ago. Now they had a really good time, treating each other to their desserts and drinking Marinette’s chocolate.
“When we’re sitting here I feel like I didn’t want to leave.” Adrien confessed.
“We’ll have to leave soon.” She whispered. “Tomorrow we have to go to school, remember?”
“Oh, right… School…” he sighed. “I wish we could play truant tomorrow.”
“Adrien, we have already had a lot of backlog because of our alternative duties.” Marinette replied reasonably, as always. “My parents grounded me once already.”
“Oh…” Adrien stammered.
“I’ve just realised that usually we both are busy during the akuma attack.”
“Yep.” She nodded. “And not usually, but always…”
“Until now nobody has figured out that we disappear at the same time. But now, everyone will be watching us.”
“Why would they watch us?” Marinette exclaimed.
“Well… Don’t you think that they will be interested that we’re a couple?”
“Oh, God… You’re right!” she moaned embarrassed. “Oh dear, ooooh… What have I done?!” she began to panic.
“Hey, Marinette!” Adrien tried to call her to order. “Remember that you’re not alone with it. I’m always by your side.”
“God…” she didn’t listen to him. “They will stare at us all day. They will make fun of us. They will be pointing at us…”
“Marinette…” he sighed, waiting for the end of her panic attack. “Are you ashamed of me?” he asked with a smile, reminding her yesterday excuses.
“No! Not at all!” she denied and added quickly: “Wait, we’ve already had this conversation…”
“I know.” He grinned.
“I still have a lot to learn…” she shook her head. “And get used to it… What was I thinking when I fell in love with the most popular boy in the city!”
“Well, I don’t complain. I’m happy that you fell in love with him. I mean: me!”
They stared at each other again. And again, the moment was ruined by the waitress who approached with annoying “Do you want anything else?”
“Can I have a bill?” Adrien asked.
Marinette became sad. She didn’t want their date to be over so soon.
“Hey, Princess?” Adrien immediately felt that her mood had changed.
“Don’t be so sad. I’m not going to walk you home directly.” He answered the question that hadn’t been asked. She didn’t have to. That was amazing how well they understood each other.
“Well, you’ll have to soon.”
“We have time till midnight, remember?” he reminded what her father had told them about the hour of coming back home.
Luka p.33 <- Previous part  |  Next part -> Luka p.35 
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