#‘I work the case daddy’ 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
bookdork1 · 8 months
episodes of tv I always always sob through: criminal minds 5x09
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creedslove · 1 year
Which one of Pedro boys is more likely to move out of the bedroom, because your little baby is not letting him sleep properly. and because he has a job, he is like "no, I'm not sleeping in the same room as you and the baby."
I'm just crushed a little, because I heard a conversation ar my work among two men, who done this. I can't stop thinking about it since.
Like. Who would leave a bedroom to go sleep in a living room, until baby start sleeping during the night.
Javier P? He has responsible job. He needs to focus and think clearly.
Joel? Drive a car to work, he needs to focus and be precise.
Frankie? If someone suggested to him this as a solution, would he listen to the advice?
Jack? He is an agent, constant danger require clear and rested mind.
Dave? Would he take a pillow and move in his spare bedroom for few weeks?
Tim?! He is detective. 🍓✨
This makes me so sad, I get so upset when I see/hear about men being so insensitive towards their own son. Taking care of babies is exhausting but everyone should help, the couple, it's unfair to do that and so rude too.
That being said, I'm sure NONE of the Pedro boys would do that, because they are all great dads on their own way 🥺😍
So thinking of a situation like the one you mentioned, I believe that:
Javier Peña: he ain't no stranger to lack of sleep at night, he often suffers from it and struggles to get back to sleep once he wakes up, so instead wanting to move to another room, he picks up the baby and walks around the house with him, he's so soft, saying love words to his beautiful baby trying to calm his precious little child, since he can't sleep, he doesn't see why he would prevent you from resting in order to watch the baby
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Joel Miller: yeah Joel works A LOT and it's hard work, but he also knows you work a lot by taking care of the baby and he's also been a dad, he knows some nights are easy and some are a nightmare. So he does what's correct: he acts like a real man and helps you take care of the baby; no matter how much their little Miller cries, he's there to help you, or he's there to tell you to go back to bed because he's gonna handle it. And I'm sure he plays the guitar to the baby 🤧🥺
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Agent Whiskey: please, we know Jack's favorite hobby is to worship you and treat you like a goddamn queen, especially after you gave him his precious little Daniels baby; you've given him a family and he's given you himself entirely, and he will never let anything or anyone take away his family from him, so he will never leave you alone in the bedroom, that's just not happening at all... The baby's crying? No problem sugar, daddy Daniels is gonna take care of him for you. He checks the baby for a fever, a diaper change, sees if he's hungry and if by then your little cowboy hasn't calmed down, then he just holds the baby. Simple as that, giving him the snuggles until the baby is calmly asleep
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Dave York: Dave would never sleep somewhere else, it doesn't matter if he literally kills for a living, inside his house, he's a family man and he will always make sure his family is around him. He thinks he's already too lucky to have a woman who accepts him for all his faults and sins and the moment he starts a family with you, he can't stay way, he needs to be close, to feel that love and remind himself he's part of it, also, he likes to be close in the case of a possible attack, he can defend you as soon as possible. If your baby simply won't stop crying, Dave will pick her up and pace the house, carrying her in his arms and he will possibly wake up on the couch with a baby slept peacefully against his chest
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jayflrt · 2 months
okay time to do my actual job. this is from part 43. so why does hoon have plans.. no i mean what plans does he have and why is he not concerned ? as in why arent trying his 100% to at least talk to his dad ??? what happened he suddenly acting not even half of what he was before ? i never suspected hoon, i just he was a product asshole + daddy issues. no im so surprised that he didnt act like how i imagined he would, like what happened ? fight back ? you cant lose your girl and the company you have been working for your whole life at the same time !!!!!!! heeseung can shut the fuck up or idk trip and fall i hate him so much. acting all that, do not bring jay? oh you feel inferior to him? or is it actually because hoon dad opinion on ? biggest hoon and heeseung hater here ngl. it is sad to see how rest of them is not that supportive? im not sure if thats the right option but questioning why day care more?? idk if its because rich people thing but i just hoped they were a bit more accepting. i mean yes yn is supposed to inherit pharmacy but still.. the whole tossing the coin is so funny to me. lets go hot jay summer hehehe
theory anon
hoon's been veryy vocal about how he feels about sungjin inheriting park pharmaceuticals so it's definitely unusual for him to be so quiet 🤨 maybe he has something planned?? or he's just giving up entirely 🤧 i guess losing your girl and the company you've been dedicating your whole life toward does that to a mf 🚶
heeseung's an interesting case too 😩 definitely going to share more about him before we close this arc. also yeah jay seems to be the only one who wholeheartedly supports mc's dream :/ it's "underwhelming" compared to what everyone want her to choose
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rozcdust · 2 years
I have a group project for midterms and this one person refuses to put in any effort (like miss girl literally started the day before the deadline and only gave one small paragraph that has nothing to do with the things the lecturer wanted and I am stressed because I refuse to let one person ruin my grades (also bcus I'm a scholarship student and my education literally depends on my GPA)) and I was switching between opening google scholar and tumblr and wattpad and AO3 and some illegal comic website because, again, I am stressed and need to destress ever few minutes (not recommended, don't procrastinate kids), and I reread the kid downstairs and I went 'damn, if only I have 30 yo gangsters living somewhere in my apartment who won't mind being my platonic sugar daddies, pretty sure they'll either kill the one person who won't work, do my essay for me while feeding me candies like I'm 5 (no complaints here), or both, and I fucking live for that imagination.
Anyways, sorry for ranting <3
i am terribly sorry that girl is so shitty, that is HORRIBLE, why the fuck people do that- procrastination is perfectly reasonable in that case, you need to calm down after all!
no bc honesty??? same 😭 wrote ‘the kid downstairs’ to help me destress from living alone and having to ADULT like a LOSER and i too wish i had 6 grown ass men platonically coddling me 🤧
good luck bby! 💖
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tonaken · 3 years
DILF NANAMI | Dilf December collab
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a/n: sooo this is part of the Dilf December collab hosted by @r1nf4iry (thank you for having me💖). It was supposed to be posted on the 24th but things got in the way *ehem* college and so sorry for that...
content: Nanami gives up his sorcery work because he has a little him now to look after. After years of loneliness and failed dating attempts, he meets you and you seem to catch his eye...
warnings: Nanami x fem!reader, spoilers for ch. 120, extensive back story got a bit carried away hehe😅, crack, a bit suggestive (no smut tho), Nanami being a dad and a daddy, unexpected pregnancy, co-parenting (if there is anything I missed do not hesitate to send me a message😊)
w/c: 4.6k+ oops 
this is my first time posting one of my writings on tumblr, i hope you like it✨
Part 2
Soooo let's all pretend that Nanami survived the Shibuya incident (he should've tho😭😭😭)
The near death experience sobers him up and he decides to leave the Jujutsu world and go back to office work and being a normal salaryman (he still keeps in contact with our sweet boi Yuuji💖)
After a particular long week at his new job he's invited to go out for drinks with some coworkers
So there's this coworker right….
She's a baddie (not more than us, no worries💅🏾)
She already had her eyes on Nanami for a looong time purrr cause he do be fine and he do be all min- ok sorry, I'll stop🙄😐
He's also noticed her 😒
One drink calls another and soon after the bottoms are up the clothes are off
Long story short, mr. Nanami ends up getting the girl pregnant (he was a bit more wasted than usual, the condom slipped off and the day after pill didn't work)
Talk about unlucky 😬
She decides to keep the baby and Kento is happy with that
He does ask for a paternity test, just in case, and it comes back positive (Kento YOU ARE the father 🏃🏼‍♂️💨🎥  🧓🏻🤰🏻)
Gojo definitely makes fun of him (he got to know through Yuuji)
He's always a present father from the get go, always doing his best to care for the expecting mother
I'd be lying if I said that Nanami didn't try to make things work out between him and his baby momma
He just wanted a more stable situation for his firstborn child
She didn't want him tho 😔 (now WHY would you refuse a man like NANAMI🤨)
Man's the whole package
But that's better for m- us🙄
Nine months pass, and the child is born.
Nanami is obviously present. He cuts the umbilical cord and signs the birth certificate
It's a little girl and as soon as he holds her in his arms, he's in love.
When he gives her a small kiss on the forehead, she smiles and that is why they call her Emiko (smiling child)
Nanami and Emiko's mom decide to co-parent, and since they both live in the same area in Tokyo, they alternate weeks when taking care of her
The first few years, Nanami focuses completely on his bundle of joy, so his love life is completely non existent for some time
Homeboy hasn't touched a woman since Emiko's mom he probably struggling💀, let's be honest
She is having the time of her life (hot girl everyday typa beat)
Nanami knows what she's up to, since his little girl is one hell of a chatterbox (she be snitching worse than 69, I swear 💀)
She even remembers the guys' names and tells her dad everything she overhears her mom says on the phone
It usually nothing crazy, but once Emiko saw some interesting (🌚) pics on her mom's phone
Lil girl is a tech wizard, on top of being a whole menace (just like uncle Gojo 💠👄💠🕶️🤏🏻)
The way Nanami chastised her mom was something for the books
Gave her a whole lecture and such
He just doesn't want his daughter exposed to certain things, but he is reasonable and realises it was a mistake and that mistakes happen
*Cough* Emiko *cough*🤧
Nahhhh Emiko's everything but a mistake. In her dad's eyes she's everything and more
Emiko's mom is a very good mother tho, and Nanami is very happy about that
She is not deliberately bringing home random dudes, it's just that her little one is a bit too smart
But as much as Nanami cares about his child's mother and is happy for her love life, knowing that she's got someone kinda burns 
He feels a bit lonely, especially as he ages and Emiko starts growing up
He immersed himself so much in work and raising his daughter that he forgot about himself
His parents notice this and match him up with the daughter of a family friend who recently moved to Tokyo
He reluctantly accepts, not really sure of how to gracefully get back into the dating pool
He's seen a few pictures of her, vaguely remembering her at a few dinner parties when he was younger
He decides to show the girl around Tokyo as a first date idea, stopping by some of the most scenic parts of the city
Nanami is such a considerate man, so once he gets her number, he asks if she's ok with the idea
She replies after leaving him on read for three days
Nanami doesn't think too much about it tho, and ends up still going out with her
He reasons that he also isn't the best texter, since he's so busy
Leaving someone on read for 72 hours isn't being busy baby boy🤨, but I shall not speak yet🤐
This is his first date in a long time, so he's all strapped up and prepared
He's got on his best outfit, nicely ironed and clean
His hair is impeccably styled (like it always is)
He got his car washed (even tho it was already spotless because, come on, it’s Nanami)
He even goes the extra mile and shows up with flowers
He just wants to make a good first impression and he's super nervous
But when he gets at her place and she comes out of the door, he's a bit dumbfounded 
She…. doesn't look like in the pictures???
Not in a good way tho😐 (it's rarely in a good way anyways)
He doesn't want to be superficial or rude, so he compliments her regardless
He struggles to find something, but he then settles on her jewelry  (which were objectively the best thing she had on)
He mentions the 'delicate shine' of the studded earrings, trying to sound as warm and as sincere as possible
She doesn't even hear him since she's all up in her phone
Kento tries to not pay too much mind, after all she may have not heard because of all the surrounding honking cars
Just straight disrespectful
Nami baby, she's on a date with you and she's on her PHONE??? 
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Anywho, the date goes on and Nanami is doing his best to keep her entertained, safe and comfortable
He always assures himself that she doesn't get too cold by checking in on her
He always opens doors for her, including car doors
He finds himself cracking a few lame jokes to lighten up the atmosphere
You know he's nervous when the Kento Nanami starts joking
But he's doing all of this cause this bitch is giving nothing
No conversation, no laughing, no questions
Kento is doing everything he can to get something out of her, but she limits to briefly answering the questions that come her way 
Then it's silence
Her attitude kills him inside
He feels like he's doing something wrong
Or that she's just really really really shy
Or that she doesn't like him, because he's too boring Kento nooooo😭😭😭
The last eight years of his life have been dedicated to taking care of Emiko, so he hasn't had much time to himself alone
He's disregarded romance completely, so his flirting game is a bit...rusty I still love u tho bae😘
Plus, now that he's in his mid thirties, he feels like he may have lost a bit of his youthful appeal
He's noticed how time has started catching up with him
The fine lines that cross his forehead have become a bit more pronounced and a bit of grey has started to stain his temples
He's definitely a bit too young for any significant signs of aging, but his fast-paced lifestyle has definitely taken a toll on him physically
Nanami feels discouraged by the end of the date, since his insecurities have started to get the best of him
The date ends very abruptly, with her saying goodbye and him expectantly waiting at her door with a question of the tip of the tongue
He doesn't even get to open his mouth that she shuts the door in his face
No, she probably doesn't want a second date
Nanami stays sulking after the date for a few days. He didn’t expect such a rough ending. No messages, voicemail or calls
The girl just vanished in thin air and never contacted him again
The whole ordeal takes a bigger emotional toll on him than expected, because it’s almost as if all of his insecurities had been confirmed
Even if he did his best, it was still not enough
But he doesn’t speak about his feelings to nobody, since that’s not in his personality
Someone love this man RIGHT NOW
And when his parents ask about the girl, he is always dismissive and beats around the bush on the topic
Mama Nanami understands that it didn’t go too well, so she stops insisting
In time Nanami moves on, reasoning that he has Emiko, all he truly needs
She is growing up, and she’s a true beauty. She’s smart, expressive and, surprisingly, very organized for a ten-year-old (she gets it all from her dad)
She’s just a bit lazy when it comes to brushing her teeth
Both parents try to help her pick up the habit of doing it morning and evening, but mama Emiko is a lot more lenient than Nanami 
Nanami is a lot more hard on her because his family has a history of really bad cavities, and he doesn’t want Emiko to be having multiple filled teeth before the age of 16
So when he notices a few dark spots on his daughter’s teeth, he immediately books an appointment with the dentist
At the dental studio, Emiko feels a bit tense, since she’s never liked the place, even if Kento brings her routinely for 6 month check-ups
Just seeing dr. Sakamoto enter the room gives her chills, but she withstands it all because later dad is going to reward her
Emiko, tell your daddy he can reward me too
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Moving on
Dr. Sakamoto sees the darker areas on Emiko’s teeth and confirms that if not treated, they may become cavities
Nanami shoots a warning glare towards Emiko, while she looks away, clearly embarrassed
“Nanami-kun,” Sakamoto chuckles. His former college roommate was always so stern and serious, even when the situation didn’t require anything of the sort. 
“It’s nothing major, we can solve it with a couple of sealings, and she’ll be good to go”.
Nanami visibly relaxed, and his previously furrowed brows went back to being stiff and sharp on his forehead.
“When can she get them done?” he flatly asks.
“Oh, even right now!”
Nanami glances at Emiko, looking for any signs of discomfort: he knew how much she didn’t like the dentist. Furthermore, she had never had anything done to her teeth besides some professional cleaning. He wondered if his little girl would be ok with the treatment.
“From what I see, she will need four sealings in total,” Sakamoto reasons. 
Nanami notices how Emiko tenses up and his hand instinctively finds a place on her head, gently stroking her hair.
“Will it take long?”
“It’ll take less than half an hour.” The dentist was now straightening Emiko’s chair before getting up from his. 
He mused at Kento’s silent but deep display of affection. Fatherhood had softened him, he noticed. Or it simply made him bring out what he always had in his heart. 
He kept his thoughts to himself, though. Putting Nanami on the spot was not something he really intended to do, even if the temptation was there. Just for the sake of it, the cheeky part of his mind said, just to see the ever-serious Kento a bit flustered, maybe with a light blush on his austere face.
Eventually, the flashing memory of a certain Satoru Gojo that Nanami had mentioned years ago definitely stomped out the desire to tease him.
Soon enough, Dr. Sakamoto realizes that he won’t be able to finish on Emiko and get onto the next appointment
So he calls in his new dental hygienist, Y/n
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Aaaand action🎬
You walk in, a bit nervous, since your superior called you so suddenly
Today’s a special day, because you are not only confronted with your fine ass superior (yes, I imagined dr. Sakamoto as a fiiiine piece of man) but also with a really handsome stranger
Only later do you notice the little girl in the chair looking up at you with big brown eyes
You quickly put two and two together, and you find funny how the girl and the man have the same eyes, but transmit such drastically different feelings
Nanami looks over at you with suspicious curiosity
You look young to be in the medical field, and Sakamoto seems to have to leave, judging from how rushed everything he’s doing seems
Nothing promising, Kento thinks
The dentist explains to you the situation and you catch the drift, offering to help before he asks anything
He beams at you understanding and gets onto explaining everything to Nanami
He doesn't seem really ok with it…
"Excuse me?"
He heard perfectly. He just wanted to make sure. 
The fact that you were the one who was going to be dealing with Emiko didn't sit right with Nanami. A young girl like you? With no professional supervision?
"I said that Y/n-san will be working on Emiko today."
Nanami just couldn't accept it, but was too caught up in worry to notice that he was most definitely overreacting. And where was all this confidentiality between the two of you coming from?
The man's tone was starting to rub you the wrong way. You were aware of your youth, and your measure of inexperience. You were aware that this man's sceptical attitude was driven only by the love he had for his child. You were aware that it was, hopefully, nothing personal. But prejudging your skill definitely got your gears grinding.
Dr. Sakamoto, furrowed his brows in confusion, briefly glancing over at you.
"Yes, Nanami-kun. She's a perfectly able dental hygienist, the best new addition to our studio, if I do say so myself."
You appreciated how the doctor defended your skills, regardless of your age. Sakamoto had always been less of a traditionalist, always looking at anyone before him as an individual and not as an amount of years. An opposite mentality seemed to you the one of Nanami, a man apparently driven mainly by duty, logic and sobriety. 
The blonde man seemed lost in thought, pondering whether he would allow you access to his most precious child or not.
The little girl in question was eying you curiously, face slightly peeking from the side of the backrest. She was so used to Sakamoto's deep blue scrubs, that your light blue ones were a novelty.
Emiko also inspected your surgical cap, so lively and expressive compared to your attire. As she was trying to make out the odd pattern, your eyes met hers for a brief second before she hid completely behind the chair. 
When she reemerged, eyes landing on yours, you slowly waved your hand at her, trying to make her feel more at ease. The little smile you sported was shyly mirrored by her, and soon enough you were crouched next to her, carefully talking to her.
Her bashfulness hadn’t gone unnoticed by you, judging by the way her hands gripped the leather-clad edge of the seat, partially covering her face. Her voice was a garble of hushed tones, but progressively got firmer the more you conversed. Her hands slipped away from the seat, finding a place on her thighs. You silently mused at the little girl slowly showing some personality as she  got more comfortable with you. Her face became more expressive, and her mannerisms a lot less stiff. She was such a ray of sunshine when she laughed, a gap showing in her juvenile smile.
It all came crashing down when your eyes met Emiko’s father’s ones. Instantly tensing, you got back on your feet, mumbling an apology and repetitively bowing. His eyes were on you, stern and cold as ever, even if his thoughts were much less menacing. 
Your eyes quickly flit toward the intimidating man, and you tried to hide in any way possible, first opting for scanning the whole room, aside from him. And his daughter too, because who knew what the man was thinking while you entertained her? 
Turning around, you noticed how Dr. Sakamoto was nowhere to be found. Had he left? Why would he leave? The man hadn't even answe-
“I told him he could leave.”
The way you whipped your head at his voice was one for the books. Paired with the astonishedly scared expression displayed on your face, it made Nanami inwardly smile. 
The silence that followed his voice lingered for an awfully long amount of time before it got broken.
“Oh...ok,” you reply awkwardly softly. You swiftly start preparing the room for the treatment, bringing out any necessities. You could feel him standing there, solid as a tower, with his eyes analyzing any little product you grabbed from the cream drawers. 
Performance anxiety was something new to you at the workplace, since you were very confident in your capabilities, but this man was sending all of that to the grave. You found it impressive how the air sat heavy in the room even though Emiko’s graceful humming could be heard. Speaking of which…
“Emiko-chan, do you know what we are going to do today?”
The ten year-old stared at you for a bit, clearly lost in thought. You could almost see the little wheels tuning in her little head.
“No, I don’t.” She briefly turned to her dad, who was too focused on how you were mixing the resinous sealant to notice. 
“Ok, let me explain to you and dad, ok?” You looked for confirmation in the man’s gaze, but nothing was found. His expression had not changed from before, even if an unfamiliar curious glint sparkled in his eye. 
Was he waiting for you to mess up? This you didn’t know. What you knew was that the next 25 minutes were going to be spent under a microscope, every action and minuscule movement thoroughly dissected and questioned. Whether he decided to ask you these questions upfront or keep them to himself was something only time could tell. Nevertheless, you hoped for the latter possibility.
You explain to Emiko what’s going to happen, trying to include Nanami in the conversation
You look at him while talking, to silently check in on him with what you’re doing
You’ve had a few experiences with parents who were paying attention and then called after the treatment asking what you had done to their child’s teeth
Were you not thereee 🤨🤨🤨
Kento doesn’t seem like that type of parent though, since he is quietly observing you with his hawk eye
He has to admit, he is trying to make sure you don’t do anything to hurt his little girl and he is almost expecting you to fail
You just seem a bit young for this
Tired of his unresponsiveness, you cut him out, focusing on what you have to do
And damn, do you do it well 😜
He notices how you manage to work, guide your assistant and calm Emiko all at once
Emiko is such a good patient, she never complains of anything
He’s very pleased
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When you’re all done she’s sooooo relieved
You can tell by how she stops being tense
My poor baby
She jumps all giddily towards Nanami, hugging his thigh
“Are you ok?” Kento softly asks, looking down at Emiko.
“Yes, my teeth are so smooth!” she exclaims pointing at her mouth.
He glanced at you, your back facing him. You had taken off your gown and you were scribbling something down, probably what had taken place today. 
“Did it hurt,” he found himself asking, eyes lingering on you for a moment before he looked at his daughter.
His smile widened at the almost theatrical way she shook her head and at the proud look in her eye. She felt like a big girl doing big girl things. She had every right to feel that pride.
The scene was definitely heartwarming, even when you found yourself slightly taken back by Nanami smiling. He had a soft spot for his own child. Fair.
“Sorry, Nanami-san. We need your name to fill in the medical records, then I can let you leave,” you interjected, trying to sound as apologetic as possible. You didn’t know what this man thought of you, so sounding respectful was your only option. Especially if you wanted to keep such a well-paying job.
“Kento. Nanami Kento.” His voice was monotone, expressionless, but it had lost that wary edge to it. Everything had gone smoothly, so he was relaxed now, you reasoned.
And that was probably the truth, now that he was opening the first button of his dress shirt. A new sliver of skin was exposed, revealing a longer stripe of creamy pale skin that the assistant herself hadn’t missed. You had noticed how sharp the man looked, with his perfect posture and unmovable styled hair. You had noticed and deep down inside, you appreciated the view.
You invited Emiko and Nanami towards the door, ready to greet them. As much as you liked Emiko and could only wish for patients like her, her father’s presence loomed over you like a dark cloud and getting him out of the way would have only aided the situation.
Stretching your arm towards the door, you smiled at the little girl, eyes falling to her undone laces.
“Hold up, Emiko-chan, let me tie up your shoes”. You crouched down, carefully pulling and tying knots. You noticed how Nanami slowly nudged her with his hand, wordlessly trying to convey something.
“We wouldn’t want to lose your beautiful teeth, would we?” you joked, looking up at her. The friendly grin you had widened at the silent and emphatic headshake she answered you with. She broke eye contact to look over at Nanami, sharp eyes boring into glossy ones, before speaking to you.
As soon as your hands left her shoes, the little girl leaped forward, her little arms encasing your neck and her black hair caressing your cheek. All that reached your ears was a muffled ‘’thank you’ as you patted her back.
“No problem, Emiko,” you chuckled, smiling eyes locked with Nanami's.
His demeanor had changed, all of his gloomy aura being washed away by a vivacious ten-year-old. He seemed almost…embarrassed. It didn’t take long to figure out why, when the daughter of such an uptight man was crushing you, a stranger, in an embrace.
His shoulders stiffened even more, if that was possible, and his lips pressed into a tin line, eyes a bit wider. He couldn’t take it any more, how long was she hugging you for? He took pride in raising his daughter according to Japanese tradition, always polite but distant. But the ten years he had spent in educating her seemed useless, because what was this? He also thought that you wouldn’t like it, forgetting to connect the dots and noticing that you were hugging Emiko back, careless of tradition or cultural barriers, only guided by the short, but deep connection you had with the child in front of you.
“Emiko-chan, it’s enough. The doctor might not like it”.
The older man looked mortified when you looked over at him, leaning a bit down with his outstretched hand on Emiko’s head. The girl went back to her father, who audibly sighed in relief. He was still looking at you closely, now being able to give you his undivided attention. Too bad he wasn’t looking too closely at himself since he had slipped.
Doctor? He seemed to have recognized your level of skill and professionality, and the thought made you smirk at yourself. The big and mighty block of ice known as Nanami Kento was slowly melting, making him seem so innocuous at that moment.
“Do not worry, Nanami-san, your daughter gives wonderful hugs,” you reassure. His face seemed to soften, on the brink of a small smile, when Emiko decided to tug at his pants, gaining his attention.
“She smells nice!” she pouts, trying to justify herself.
You burst into a hearty laugh, Emiko following you in a fit of giggles. Nanami stood there admiri- looking at you. You seemed so in sintony with his daughter that he naturally took a liking to you.
You seemed good with kids, so natural and friendly, but professional and precise at the same time. He had always had a hard time tapping into the softer side of his personality with others, and he still struggled at times even with Emiko. 
Emiko was smarter than her peers, often having difficulty with friends and adults. You seemed to understand her, treating her like a child, without underestimating her, and it made him ask himself a few questions. Did you have smaller siblings? Did you simply like children? Was it something you had to learn?
"Do you have some?" he croaked, instantly regretting it.
The gruff, but shy tone caught you off guard, having you shooting your head up to look at Nanami.
‘Some' what? Your face unconsciously scrunched up in confusion, a brow raised above your questioning eye.
Homeboy is trying not to die
He wants the earth to swallow him up
Can't blame him tho😒
dO yOu hAvE soMe lookin ass
Weed? I don't smoke sir🙅🏾‍♀️
Money? You rich rich boy what do you want from me 🤨
Drugs? You don't seem like the type🧐
Kewchie? Welllll for that…
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I'm on my period and she's in x games mode rn so pls have patience with me
It's lowkey cute to see him flustered
He's blushing y'all
For me US
He quickly corrects himself rephrasing the question
"I meant to say, do you have any children of your own?" 
His austere and rigid personality was back, joined by that aloof lilt in his voice that had gone missing before. You inwardly frowned at the lost progress.
"No, I just really like children, sir." Halfway through the sentence, you went a bit bashful at the realization that he was somewhat interested in you. At least, enough to ask you a personal question. 
He noticed the effect it had on you, mistaking it for embarrassment or even discomfort, and he vowed to himself to not overstep any boundaries. Nor yours or his. You took care of his daughter, you were a good person, you didn’t deserve his lowkey nosy self all up in your business.
"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," he mumbled, diligently bowing at you, and avoiding all sort of eye contact. Now it was your turn to feel horrible.
“No, no, please,” you begin, getting up on your feet. “I wasn’t offended, just taken a bit aback.”
Nanami just nods, feeling a little less guilty. He still chastises himself, though. He hates how he occasionally finds himself acting a bit silly, something that you, in that very moment, found profoundly endearing. He wasn’t some kind of monster, he was human.
You let them go, saying your last greetings and shooting a wink at Emiko. Nanami’s blush hasn’t still subsided when he voices a quiet ‘thank you’, so quiet, you almost miss it.
“See you next time!”
He never thought that you beaming at him would have inclined his heart more towards you, oddly tickling something deep within his chest. Something he had to discover. Hopefully with you.
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© 2021 tonaken
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
Father in law shikaku smut? Like y/n is shikamaru’s wife I think it’s obv who I am🤧 but if it’s not yay
no worries hon, i’ve got no idea who you are. we all thirst for shikaku here 😌 shadow daddy can call me anytime. anyway lol, I hope you enjoy! I went a teensy bit angsty with it. also, this takes place in au where Yoshino dies instead of Shikaku because I can't stand to write two cheating couples 😭
(Shikaku x fem!reader) NSFW // 2.0k words
cws: cheating, daddy kink, unprotected sex
// 18+ minors dni! //
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It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Of course not. No one plans to marry the wrong person, or to fall out of love when your lives are already so intertwined it seems unthinkable to be apart, even when it’s best for everyone. You’d spent a lot of time trying to understand where it had gone wrong, when the two of you had stopped falling or trying or whatever it was that made love work. You married young, maybe that was it. It was just a case of meeting the right person at the wrong time. Shikamaru and you used to be so close, everything was perfect.
Try as you might to convince yourself though, you sighed out loud at your own desperate justifications, all of which fell flat even in your own heart. You’d lost him - for good. there was no use wondering why.
It was hard not to let the insecurities run through your head all day at work with him though, seeing him pretend like everything was fine in front of all your friends only to come home to your loveless house. To ignore you and sneak out after dinner to meet Temari. Your face twisted into a deep scowl at the thought. The name left a sour taste on your tongue and you hadn’t even said it aloud. Refusing to let him get to you you quickened your pace, feet echoing quick taps on the pavement of the empty road as you headed towards your destination.
You’d known about his infidelity since the moment it started, you weren’t a fool. There was a reason Shikamaru had fallen for you all those years ago after all. But despite the heartbreak, and the pain, the way you’d wanted to scream at him and rip out his heart the way it felt like he’d taken yours… you just closed the door. He knew you knew though, the brazenness with which he left the house each night to rendezvous with his lover proved that. And to his credit he didn’t seem to mind when you’d taken up staying out late yourself, tip-toeing in during the wee hours of the night when he’d already returned from his escapades. You had a feeling he might feel different if he knew just who you’d jumped into bed with to fill his absence, but he wasn’t exactly in position to judge. No, not at all, you assured yourself, the image of his lips on her hers flashing through your mind and reigniting the fire in your belly.
A cool breeze blew by, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. You pulled your sweater closer around your shoulders and looked ahead at the homes that were becoming clearer through the darkness of the trees as you neared them with each impatient step. The Nara compound was quiet at this time of night, low voices from open windows carrying through the open air with the dim light of candles. Except for your own house which was pitch dark and silent, indicating that your husband had already gone for the night. When you neared the steps of your marital home you didn’t even hesitate, instead walking past to the house next door to where the result of your retaliation waited.
You knocked quietly, not wanting to alert the neighbours to your late-night visit to your father in law’s. The man inside didn’t seem to mind as much about secrecy, no doubt the result of his ongoing loneliness since Yoshino’s death and he called out from within, his voice gruff.
“Come in.”
You snuck through the door and closed it gingerly behind you, eyes immediately finding their way to where Shikaku was slouched back in his chair smoking a cigarette, his sharp jaw accented by the flickering of candlelight. The tension was already palpable in the air. The way he looked at you like he’d been waiting, and of course he had. You wanted to reach out and run your fingers over the jagged marks that marred his handsome face, to run your lips over them... If not for those scars and the slightly more weathered face you could’ve almost tricked yourself into believing you hadn’t gone to the wrong house and it was Shikamru sitting in front of you.
He took a drag off his smoke and as if sensing your thoughts about his son he broke the silence. “He didn’t even go home tonight, did he.” It wasn’t even a question, the older man knew the answer just as well as you.
“No…” you shook your head, confirming it anyway. “He went straight to her after work.”
The Nara head leaned forward to ash his cigarette and put on a sympathetic face, opening his arms as he cooed, his smoky voice beckoning you in, “C’mere baby, let me make you feel better.”
Your feet moved on their own and a second later you were in his lap, his mouth on yours as he found your hips with his large hands. “Let me fuck you until you forget all about him,” he growled against your neck.
“Yes Shikaku, please,” you begged, voice breathy already from the feeling of his body pressed flush to yours.
He pulled back and in a flash his hand was on your face, gripping your cheeks furiously as his dark eyes flashed. “That’s not what you call me.”
You tried to look away in embarrassment but his hold on your cheeks was too tight. “Sorry.. daddy.” you struggled out the words from pursed lips.
He let out a satisfied groan and attacked your lips with his own once more, his tongue pushing inside your mouth as he pulled up the hem of your skirt. His fingers snaked their way over your thighs and found their way between them to slide a firm swipe over the thin cotton of your underwear. “So wet for me already,” he teased, pulling aside the fabric, “he’s really not taking care of you, is he?”
You could only moan in response, the feeling of his thumb flicking over your sensitive bud rendering you speechless. He let out a low chuckle at your reaction and wasted no time plunging a thick finger into your entrance, quickly following it by a second. A pleasured gasp escaped your lips and instinctively you began to rock against his hand, the pressure of his palm against your clit sending tingles through your body.
“Just like that,” he coaxed you on, “get yourself off on daddy’s hand.”
“Feels s’good,” you moaned, the onset of your orgasm slurring your speech. He crooked his digits inside of you and hit that perfect spot, your bliss rushing through your limbs after just a few more desperate movements. The words left your mouth of their own accord, lost in the euphoria of the release you’d been now craving for nearly a week, “Thank you daddy.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” Shikaku warned over the sound of his belt unbuckling. He pulled you back down onto his lap, his newly released erection pressing up against your slick, wet. “I’m not even close to being done with you, little girl.”
Then, with a grunt he pushed his hips up and thrusted into you, your walls stretching to accommodate his impressive girth. If there was any other difference between the Nara man and his son besides their slightly different appearances it was his cock. The way Shikaku filled you up was like nothing you’d ever experienced. It was intoxicating. He continued to rock into you and you matched his pace, grinding against his lap and tangling your fingers in his dark ponytail as you savoured each slow drag of his length within you.
“Such a bad girl aren’t you,” he crooned, looking directly into your eyes with that penetrating gaze that was all too familiar to you, “sneaking out to fuck your father in law while your husband is out.”
You hid your face in the crook of his neck to hide your shame that was only barely veiled by the inhibitions of your pleasure and this time he let you. But he started bucking into you with a new ferocity, bottoming out within you with each thrust.
“That’s okay baby, daddy knows what you need. You’ll be a good girl for me won’t you?”
“Yes!” you cried, squeezing your eyes tight to stop the tears that had begun to form both from guilt and the overwhelming feeling of Shikaku’s relentless thrusting. Your fingers tightened their already vice level grip on his hair and he groaned, “That’s it, take it. Take this cock.”
You were nearing the edge again but the man underneath you showed no sign of stopping. The sweat gleaned on his forehead and his sharp brows furrowed with the effort of his movements, yet he never slowed his pace. The years of hard missions had done him well, sculpting the strong body that allowed him to keep up such spectacular stamina for his age.
“Ah! ‘M gonna cum,” you stuttered before mashing your lips against his in a futile attempt to muffle your own moans.
“Wait for me,” he demanded, his voice carrying enough authority that you didn’t dare disobey. You captured your bottom lip and your teeth and bit down hard, doing your best to keep your inevitable orgasm at bay. A few more bounces on his hard cock and you were sure you couldn’t wait any longer.
“‘M not gonna make it daddy, s’too much! Please!” you begged.
“I won’t make you wait anymore, desperate girl.” He smirked and placed a calloused thumb over your throbbing nub and traced quick circles around it, the sensation snapping the last string of resistance within your belly and allowing the euphoria of your second release crashing over you with an intensity that far outweighed the first. He twitched inside of you, painting your walls with thick ropes of his cum. The two of you sat that way for a brief moment, chests heaving from the aftereffects of your actions and as the fog of your orgasm cleared the voices at the back of your head began to whisper.
Maybe you should’ve used protection, having another man’s baby was a scandal at the best of times, let alone when that man was your husband’s father. But as sick as it was, a broken part of you wanted it to happen. Maybe if Shikamaru saw you with a child that looked just like him, maybe then he would want you again…
You shook your head to clear the dangerous thought from your mind and placed a hesitant kiss on the scar on Shikaku’s cheek. He flinched, before pulling out with a hiss and looking away, all affection drained from his expression with the waning of his high. Thoroughly embarrassed by the rebuttal you stood up and adjusted your clothes, the crushing guilt that had been warded off previously by the excitement washing over you as examined your feet, shoes still on from the walk over having not even been discarded for the quick encounter.
The older man cleared his throat and lit up another cigarette, catching your gaze awkwardly. “You should take the back door next time. Don’t want the neighbours catching on.”
“Sure,” you answered, not even bothering to protest indignantly that there wouldn’t be a next time because you knew just as well as he did the next the time Shikamaru grabbed his coat and rushed towards the door, looking happier than he’s been with you in years you’d be back at the elder Nara’s door looking for someone to fill the void.
You slipped through the door quietly once more and the man in the chair let you go without any further words. The breeze outside was still cool, the goosebumps from before returning as it blew against your exposed legs. You looked up to see the moon peeking out from behind a series of fluffy clouds that dotted the night sky. You scowled at the cotton puffs and looked back to your feet before trudging towards your empty home, wishing all the while the sky would be clear, blue expanse by the time you woke the next morning.
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floralseokjin · 3 years
Those scenarios are so him 😂 The only things I've imagined so far are Arin and Jin at school for Parents Meeting, watching from afar how OC hugs her current students congratulating them for their work and Arin all innocent asking "Daddy why are they so clingy with OC?" and shocked Jin would be like "Thats not a very nice thing to say, sweetie, they are just expressing their gratitude". And then a DILF actually goes and hugs OC cause *clingy* and Jin would be like 😮 "Sweetie hold my case".
The other scenario I've pictured (these thoughts keep me up at night you may have realized lol) is Jin finally going online on Ig or Fb (I vaguely remember on the first chapters, that he uses social media but not so regularly), and he finds the engagement pics of OC and her ex, plus vacation photos, going out, just doing couple activities. I'm afraid an instance like this would turn out angsty, him imagining how different things were if Oc actually got married and how he would have to abandon his feelings for her as his psych said, but I think it will just lead Jin to think about all what they have gone through, and how it has paid off (and get just jealous in tiny cause he discovers OC did a super cheesy thing for her ex and he is here waiting for her to do something lame but meaningful for him too).
This was supposed to be a short "Thanks for responding my messages!" Kind of text but I couldn't help releasing all what has been playing on my mind about these two. Your writting style is absolutely gorgeous as always and Im so happy you agree on adding some playful jealousy to THE DILF. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us and read our delusional comments too! 😅
Not another dilf 😭 Seokjin enters fight mode. “Sweetie, hold my case” made me laugh out loud 🤣 I LOVE that you think of these scenarios in your free time, I’m so honoured! thank you 🤧 receiving messages about my fics is a constant pick me up, I love talking about my characters with everyone! always 🥰
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evermoredeluxe · 3 years
“i work the case daddy, just like you said” his lil jack is so innocent, why did that make me sob even more🤧 and hotch hitting foyet as he remembered everything he did to him, that broke me
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