#‘are you going to confront the source?’ ‘HA’ ‘NO’ <- it’s like tango is in the room with us
jkrobertson · 3 years
as both a ulquihime and ichihime shipper, what do you like about both ships?
This is probably way more than you asked for, but here you go: As a preface: I watched the anime for the first time in the early 2010s, binging it until it ended in 2012, then set the series down until I picked up the manga around the beginning of 2016. During that time, I was not involved in the fandom AT ALL. When episode 3 came out and Orihime and Ichigo saved Sora’s soul, I decided I wanted them to be together. Then things changed. Ulquiorra captured my attention, and the Orihime was spending all her time with him, and I could see it. I could see it and I didn’t hate it. Ulquiorra was terrifying and seemingly unstoppable, but he was hot. I couldn’t hate the idea of him and Orihime together. But then, the protagonist came back and somehow asspulled himself back to life and Ulquiorra died, and with him, any idea of Orihime and him becoming more. So I regrouped and cheered for Ichihime and was elated when the epilogue came out.
But I never, ever, forgot about Ulquiorra.
When the final arc was starting to wind down, I decided that where canon ended was never going to be enough of the Bleach universe for me, so I started dipping my toes into the fandom. In the beginning, I alternated between which of these ships was my OTP. There was a time when I liked both ships equally. There was a long time after chapter 686 came out when I was still all about getting more Ichihime.
But I still couldn’t forget Ulquiorra.
These days, I like Ulquihime more, largely in part because it was never and will never be resolved. That open end is fuel for my imagination, whereas Ichihime has their happy ending. I can be satisfied with that, even though I never got a comprehensive story.
Now, to FINALLY get to your ask, what do I like about both ships:
The canon OTP
The looks. The softness in their gazes when they look at each other. The fire in his eyes when he resolves to protect her. The adoration in her eyes when he makes a good decision.
The way they worry about each other.
The way Ichigo can relax and be the sweet, loving boy around her that he was with Masaki before her death stole his innocence. The way that Orihime is inspired to invest in herself and learn how to be strong enough to be an asset to him instead of a liability; to meet him at his level, instead of bringing him down to hers. Their bond is not performative. It is quiet, slow building, and strong. It feels healthy and organic and it makes me comfortable.
They are also physically and aesthetically compatible. To put it in animal husbandry terms, they make a good breeding pair. To put it in more pleasant terms, they are a good-looking couple. I want them to make the sweet, sweet love, and it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to consider the possibilities.
Although they are not as dynamic as other ships, I don’t find them dull. I think they are the opposite of dull, really. He thinks she is wonderful and mysterious and a good confidant and source of moral support, but he also thinks she is funny and they share taste in manga. She thinks he is cool and hilarious and worthy of admiration. They stick up for each other and gently tease each other. I prefer this kind of dynamic to a confrontational, bickering, competitive one between lovers. I have had both kinds of relationships IRL, and I would not wish the bantering one upmanship type on my worst enemy. I find it exhausting, demoralizing, and abusive. Give me a more soft spoken kind of love any day of the week.
The fandom:
The passion in the pre-canon days that went into analyzing the interactions between the characters - there were a lot of excellent arguments presented that helped me feel validated in shipping them before Kubo gave the ultimate validation.
There are a lot of really good ichihime fics (been a long time since I read one - now that ichihime is canon I don’t have to wonder about what could have been and just be satisfied by what is) and a fair amount of super cute artwork.
The other canon OTP/my favorite OTP
THE AESTHETIC - monster/cinnamon roll; black/auburn; pure princess/devil; maiden/mercenary - all high drama/high beauty archetypes
THE CHEMISTRY IS FIRE - while it never even comes close to anything as obvious as flirtation, the body language between them - the proximity, the posturing, the way he stands between her and any rival for her attention, the way she drops her guard and makes her body vulnerable to his despite being aware of the danger… It’s like watching a tango. The tension between them is always strung tight and delicious. Also, it is projection on my part here, but Ulquiorra isn’t interested in anything, ever, EXCEPT ORIHIME. Who wouldn’t want hot goth daddy’s full attention? Especially a fair maiden who has, for all intents and purposes, thrown away her old life in a noble sacrifice and has made peace with that, who finds herself in a strange, hostile new world with only said hot goth daddy (HGD) to talk to and tend to her needs. If she were to stay in that situation, I can only imagine the ways she might adapt to make her life more tolerable, including, but not limited to, experimenting with HGD and fantasizing about him.
THE LITERARY TROPES - I really don’t need to say more here, do I?
The huge effect they had on each other - people often take lifetimes to learn the deep lessons they taught each other in a short time.
THE WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEENS - The tragedy of Ulquiorra’s potential redemption and Orihime’s potential alternative destiny being lost to the sands of Hueco Mundo is both sorrowful and poetic as hell.
The unending What ifs that can be explored with these two is inspiring, which leads me to...
The fandom:
THE ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG THE ART!!! THE FICSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Overall it’s sexier in this ship in regards to art and fics.
The community is small but just happy to still be alive, and is overall really lovely.
To sum up, there is a lot to love about both ships. Ichihime is a lovely, hopeful ship that has fulfilled its destiny. Ulquihime is a darker, enthralling ship that is ripe for the fandom to rekindle and ignite. Ichihime is Dvorak’s New World Symphony: Largo, and Ulquihime is Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Winter. Both are good. Both have substance. They are different flavors, different timbres, different themes, and I love them both (but obviously one a little more than the other).
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thehermitcraftqueen · 3 years
Angst, Tango x Vampire!Etho - Vampiric Glitches
There's been a glitch in the server. Not even Xisuma knows what it is, until a night attack reveals a vampire in their midst. Tango takes the job of confronting said vampire, even if the vampire turns out to be his love.
I'm sorry not sorry for this one. It's mostly angst and kind of creepy, but there's some fluff at the end. Another Hermitcraft AU and mostly self indulgent, but I had a lot of fun writing it.
Obviously a warning for vampire stuff, it doesn't get too crazy but it's there.
For those of you ready for more fluff, I've got some cute requests coming, so just hold tight ;)
“We have an issue.”
Xisuma’s gaze swept over the assembled Hermits. Tango shifted uncomfortably in his spot, wondering what was going on. The admin had randomly told them to gather at the Town Hall a little while ago. He gave no context, and his voice was as calm as ever, but Xisuma didn’t normally call meetings with no warning, and every Hermit could sense something was up.
“There’s been a glitch,” Xisuma went on. “But this time, I can’t tell what it is to fix it. It’s either minor or hiding somehow. Although I hope it’s the former, I’m thinking it’s more the latter...either way, you all need to keep an eye out for anything strange. It could be anything, including potentially harmful things, so we have to be careful until we know what it is.”
Uneasy murmurs passed through the crowd of Hermits. Tango glanced at Impulse and Etho next to him. Impulse had a mixture of curiosity and concern in his gaze, and Etho seemed a bit uneasy but calm at the same time.
"I know no one has any real idea, but what do you guys think it is?" Tango asked them.
"It could be anything if Xisuma doesn't even know..." Impulse murmured. "I have no idea."
"Hopefully it's not anything too bad, but we'll see I guess," Etho said.
"Yeah," Tango sighed.
After more fruitless discussion about what it could be, the Hermits returned to their bases. By then the sun was beginning to sink, and Tango was more than ready to curl up in bed. He put the last few blocks away from finishing a build, then slipped into the sheets, sighing as he let himself relax. Still, no one had found the glitch Xisuma had talked about, but nothing had been affected either. Everyone was beginning to think it was just a minor issue.
Beeping from Tango's communicator woke him up not long after he'd fallen asleep. Letting out a yawn, shortly followed by a growl of annoyance when the communicator wouldn't shut up, he snatched it off the table and began reading the chat to see what was going on.
Impulse: WE HAVE A PROBLEM Ren: What's up my dude? Grian: Why are we being woken up before it's even midnight, come on guys Impulse: I THINK I FOUND THE GLITCH Impulse: OR SOMETHING
That piqued Tango's curiosity, all sleepiness fading. If Impulse was as scared as he seemed, it didn't sound like the glitch was something minor either.
Tango: What is it?!? Impulse: ETHO TRIED TO BITE ME
Tango had to do a double-take, and still the sentence made zero sense.
Tango: What?! Ren: Dude what? Impulse: He jumped out of nowhere and started attacking me, then while we were fighting he tried to bite me with like vampire fangs or something?? Mumbo: :0 Impulse: OH COD HE'S STILL HERE HELP Xisuma: Meet at Impulse's base everyone.
His heart beginning to pound, Tango shot out of bed. He spread his wings and jumped into the sky, beginning to fly to Impulse's base. He was worried about both of his friends--Impulse, who seemed to be in trouble; and Etho, who for some reason was attacking Impulse. His communicator fell silent halfway there, increasing Tango's worry, and he couldn't get to Impulse's base soon enough.
Most of the Hermits had gathered in the base or were heading to it when Tango arrived. Xisuma was questioning Impulse, who looked a bit shaken, while the others looked on and listened intently. Tango landed and made his way over, straining to hear Impulse and Xisuma as he neared.
“Tell me exactly what happened,” Xisuma was saying.
“I was just sleeping, like normal, when suddenly I woke up feeling unusually cold and uneasy for seemingly no reason. I didn’t see anything right away, so I started to go back to sleep. Then something shot out of the shadows and hit me with a sword, and I realized it was Etho. We started fighting, and he pulled down his mask during it. He had fangs and started trying to bite me. I got a pretty good hit on him and he disappeared long enough for me to chat with you guys. And then obviously we were fighting again when you guys started showing up,” Impulse replied.
“Bdubs and I were working on something in Aqua Town and we got here first. We started to help Impulse fight but then Etho vanished into the shadows,” Scar said.
“I guess he didn’t like being outnumbered,” Bdubs added.
Etho was a vampire? What? Tango was struggling to process the information. He couldn't imagine Etho with fangs and a taste for blood. Besides, he'd been fine earlier. Hoping Xisuma would have answers, Tango turned his gaze to the admin, who was currently silent, looking thoughtful.
“Well...assuming Etho being a vampire is the glitch...that makes it a lot harder to fix,” Xisuma said after a moment.
“It can be done, though, right?” Tango asked.
“I’m not sure,” Xisuma admitted. “I can code the server, but I can’t code a player. Etho has to fix himself, in a sense. We might be able to help him along, but ultimately he has to fix himself. And if he can’t...” Xisuma trailed off, and Tango’s heart twisted as he realized what the admin was going to say. “If he can’t, we’ll have to kill him. We can't have a vampire to worry about all the time."
In all honesty, Tango knew Xisuma was right. But the thought hurt a lot more than he wanted to admit. He’d never told anyone, and somehow no one had found out, but Tango had a pretty significant crush on Etho. He was a lot more than a friend by this point, and Tango didn’t know if he could deal with losing him.
“We need to talk to him, then,” Scar said. “Maybe we could talk some sense into him.”
“He’s not going to come out if it’s a big group, though,” Impulse pointed out.
“Maybe someone needs to go alone to somewhere Etho would be able to easily find them, while the rest of us stay here on stand by if they need help,” Bdubs said.
“I’ll go.” Tango didn’t even realize what he was saying at first. His heart spoke before his mind, needing to know that Etho was okay. But he didn’t correct himself once it was out. It could be fun, right? Exciting? Maybe?
"I don't like the idea of someone going alone in such a dangerous situation, but I guess we don't have a choice," Xisuma sighed. He glanced at Tango, the seriousness in his eyes making the demon hybrid shiver. "Are you sure you're okay with doing this, Tango?"
"Yeah. If I can build decked out and survive the ravagers, I can deal with Etho," Tango assured, with much more confidence than he felt.
"Oh, I don't doubt you'll survive him," Xisuma replied. "What I'm worried about is what will happen if you can't convince him. If he doesn't change, whoever goes will have to kill him, and I'm honestly not sure you can do that, Tango."
Tango swallowed hard. That wasn't something he'd considered at all, nor did he think it was something he could do. But...something told him he would be even worse off if he wasn't the one to go. This was something he had to do. He could only hope that death would be an unnecessary measure.
"I can," Tango replied, just barely managing to keep his voice firm.
Xisuma gave him a long stare, then sighed. "Okay, fine. Just please, be careful."
"I will," Tango promised. "Should I go now?"
"I guess so, while there's still plenty of night left," Xisuma agreed. "If you need help, we'll be a message away. Check Etho's base first."
Tango gave one last nod to Xisuma before taking off again. As he flew, he was painfully aware of his sword resting in its sheath against his side. He desperately hoped he wouldn't have to use it against Etho. On second thought, maybe he wasn't the right person for this job. But he wasn't going to turn back now.
The base that was normally so friendly and cheerful-looking now gave Tango chills as he landed. Structures of varying looks and heights cast eerie shadows throughout Etho's base, and the fact that it was dead silent didn't help at all. Tango struggled to stay calm as he slowly made his way through the base, his gaze flicking nervously from shadow to shadow as he watched and waited for Etho.
"So they sent you to kill me, huh?"
The whisper about gave Tango a heart attack. He spun around, frantically searching for the source of the sound, but he didn't see anything.
"Funny. I was wondering what your blood tasted like~"
Tango's heart was pounding as he continued to spin in circles, unable to find Etho. "E-Etho, stop, please..." he said, hating how his voice trembled slightly. It scared him, how much Etho had changed. "This isn't you."
"No. It's better." Etho's voice was a slight snarl, putting Tango even more on edge.
"At least come out!" Tango said desperately. He was terrified, drenched in sweat. This was by far the most exciting night he'd had in a long time, but he hated it with every rapid breath he took.
Something dropped down behind Tango. He whipped around, his heart skipping a beat as he met Etho's mismatched eyes, practically glowing with the menace they held. The temperature seemed to drop significantly, while Tango's heart rate spiked. He gulped, trembling with either cold or fear, he didn't know.
"Etho..." Tango whispered, not knowing what else to say. The now-vampire's stare didn't waver, but Tango noticed his hand slipping to his sword. "Please, Etho. Listen to me. Come back to me. I don't want to have to fight you," he begged.
Etho drew his sword. "Too bad," he said coldly as he raised the blade.
Instinctively, Tango pulled his sword out to block it. The weapons clashed, the sound breaking the quiet. Etho pulled his back to attack again, but Tango blocked. The cycle continued, neither of them giving nor taking hits. Soon, Tango's moves began to slow as he grew tired. He couldn't take this much longer.
"Etho, just stop. You're stronger than this. You can fight it," Tango said, praying Etho would listen.
"Why should I? I'm fine like this. No one can convince me otherwise," Etho hissed.
"I will!" Tango growled. "I'm not losing you, Etho!"
Fueled by his new determination, Tango began to overpower Etho. After a few more blocks and attempted hits, Tango tried a disarming move. Etho's sword flew out of his hand, leaving him defenseless.
"Now you have to listen to me," Tango said.
"I won't," Etho growled. He spread his arms, leaving his chest and ultimately his heart vulnerable. "Just finish the job, Tango. You can't change me back, and I know Xisuma gave you one other option if I didn't listen. Now do it."
"I..." Tango glanced at his sword, then at Etho. Tears pricked at his eyes and a sob escaped his throat. "I can't. I can't kill you, Etho. It would destroy me."
"Guess you're mine then." In a flash, Etho had pulled his mask down and lunged. Pain stabbed through Tango's neck as Etho's fangs sank in, and he let out a choked cry. He pulled away from Etho and pressed a hand against the wound. Etho stared at him, licking his bloody lips and fangs. Tango's stomach twisted at the sight, and his mind drifted to his communicator. Should he call for help? He was definitely in need of it. But if the others saw this, Tango had a feeling Etho wouldn't last long. Something told him there was still hope for Etho, he just had to keep trying.
"What's on your mind?"
Etho's voice, twisted into a demonic whisper, jolted Tango back to reality. He had an idea. Love confessions worked for this sort of thing in the movies, right? It was by no means sensible, but Tango was getting very desperate.
"You," Tango admitted. "I like you, Etho. A lot. And it hurts me to see you like this. I want to help you, but you need to cooperate with me."
"That's sweet. But I already told you, there's nothing to be helped. This is fine," Etho said.
"Is it?" Tango asked softly. "Are you truly okay with what you've become?"
"I-" To Tango's surprise, Etho faltered. "No. I'm not. But it's too strong for me..."
Tango's heart clenched, but he continued with new confidence. "Etho, I may not know how strong whatever this thing is, but I know for a fact you're stronger. You can beat it. I know you can."
Etho dropped to his knees, his fingers curling into fists. He whimpered softly, trembling. "It's...too strong..."
Tango sat in front of Etho and hesitantly placed a hand on his cheek, causing him to look up. "You can do it, Etho. Don't let it win."
Etho's eyes flickered and he closed them, releasing a low hiss. Tango watched anxiously as Etho battled unseen demons, mentally cheering him on. He slipped a hand into one of Etho's, and Etho's grip tightened as if it were for dear life.
Seconds turned to minutes as Etho continued to fight the glitch, urged on by Tango's words of encouragement now and then. Tango lost track of time, completely focused on Etho. It was painful watching Etho suffer, but all he could do was offer support.
Finally, Etho began to relax. His fangs began to disappear, and when his eyes fluttered open Tango noticed the normal sparkle was returning to them.
"I think...I did it..." Etho gasped.
"I think you did too!" Tango grinned. "I knew you could!"
Etho cast Tango a tired smile. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you, Tango."
Holding back tears, Tango wrapped his arms around Etho and pulled him close for a hug. Etho snuggled into Tango's arms in response. "I love you, Etho," Tango whispered.
"I love you too, Tango," Etho replied.
Both gazed into each other's eyes for a long moment. Then, both leaned in to meet the other's lips, letting their worries fade away as they kissed passionately.
"It's been over an hour." Impulse turned to Xisuma, biting his lip anxiously. "You'd think if everything was fine they'd be back by now. I think we should look for them."
"I'm not sure. These things can sometimes take a while. I don't want to disturb the process," Xisuma responded.
"I'll be careful, I promise," Impulse said.
Xisuma sighed. "Okay. But try not to be seen, and don't engage unless it's absolutely necessary."
"Understood." With that, Impulse was off.
He flew over to Etho's base and landed on one of the upper areas. It was oddly quiet, and Impulse began to get worried until he looked down. Tango and Etho were curled up together, both sleeping soundly. Impulse smiled, reassured, and happy to see them both sleeping well.
As he made his way back to Xisuma, though, Impulse made a mental note to tease them about it later, like the amazing friend he was.
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malicedragoness · 5 years
Kama sutra challenge with Kombat guys
So my dumbass accidentally deleted this.. 
So this was a challenge with Cosmo magazine, to do 77 different positions from the Kama Sutra within 77 days. By the end of the exercise, you must have done all the positions, with a feeling of more intimacy and trust in the relationship. You can do multiple positions in one day.
So this begs the quest. How would the guys react to you asking them to do this challenge?
nsfw below the cut ---
You walk up to your man and sit down next to him, with a little colorful book in your hand. They ask what you have with you. And you tell them about a 77 day challenge that involves doing a position in the Kama sutra every day. And you were wondering if they were interested...
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Erron Black - He completely freezes in the middle of cleaning his guns and looks at you. Did you just ask him to have sex with you everyday? That’s the best idea he’s ever heard. Erron gives you that heart stopping smile of his, while he takes off his gloves and pulls you into his lap. His hand runs up your leg as he whispers into your ear, asking when his sugar wants to get started and what do you want to start with first. You can’t really concentrate as you flip through the book because his thumbs are drawing circles on your inner thighs and he’s kissing your neck. He picks you up and takes you to the bedroom, saying you’ll just open the book at random and start from there.
Favorite positions: The thing about Erron is that he’s a pretty kinky guy. He loves it rough. Biting, scratching, choking, hair pulling, being tied up. And although he likes to switch, he prefers it when you’re on top. For him, it’s insanely sexy to have a woman control and dominate him. You know how a female praying mantis will bite the head off the male? He's into that type of shit. He doesn't want to die, but he doesn't want to be entirely sure he's gonna live either. I mean he dated/slept with Skarlet and Nitara. He loves the danger and kinky factor.
He would enjoy The Supernova the most since he’s hanging off the bed, blood rushing to his head, and you’re riding on top of him while scratching his hips. He’s such a masochist, he can’t help it. And since he’s a leg/thigh man, he would also enjoy The Lap Top. He loves your legs wrapped around his neck. What he didn’t expect, was to be turned on by the closeness you two share in this position and the eye contact. He gets a good look at your face as your writhing in pleasure, and goddamn if that doesn’t push him over the edge.
Other notes: You know what happens once a month? Your period. Is that gonna stop this cowboy? He’ll nah. He’s not saying he’s gonna put his face down there, that’s just gross. But it certainly isn’t going to turn him off. If you’re not comfortable with it, he understands and he won’t push it at all.
However, if you’re willing to give it a shot he’ll grab some towels to put under you and tell you “Let’s make a mess baby doll.” And once you’re done, he’ll run a shower, give you some aspirin, and bundle you up under the covers. He’ll never do anything his darlin is not comfortable with.
What he does experience through the more close and intimate positions, is that he genuinely does care about you. It scares him. Sure he loves being with you, but now he feels like he has a deeper connection with you. He’s not sure how to handle all these new emotions and he feels confused.
One day, he packs a bag and tells you he’ll be back in a few days, he’s got a job he needs to take care of. Erron saw it as an opportunity to clear his head and try to think about all these ‘goddamn feelings and shit.’ If it’s his Black Dragon days, he’ll talk to Kabal even though he knows he’s going to tease him about it. If he’s working with Kotal, he’ll find help in the unlikely source that is Ermac. He does have ten thousand souls living in one body. And they all have have their own opinion.
While he’s gone, all he can think about is going home to you. After listening to either Kabal or Ermac, he realizes that he needs to cowboy up and confront his fucking feelings for once. When Erron returns, he sweeps you up in a bone crushing hug. He doesn’t say anything, he just presses his forehead against yours and looks in your eyes. Erron will eventually apologize, though he says he's never going to do that again, the prideful little shit.
He loves you and wants you to continue to stay with him. You were all he could think about when he was gone. And of course you accept his apology with a kiss. Which then leads to him throwing you over his shoulder and walking to the bedroom. You’ve got two days left and ten positions left to do. Time to get busy!
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Kabal: pre burn- His jaw dropped and he stares at you with wide eyes. After a minute of you explaining that it’s supposed to bring more intimacy to the relationship and help you feel closer to each other. Kabal’s perfect mouth turns into the most shit eating grin you have ever seen! You want to have sex with him everyday for two and a half months? Of course you do! He’s already horny just thinking about it. 
Unlike Erron, he takes his time looking through the little book trying to find the most outrageous position to do first. “Look at this one called the Spider!” The two of you are giggling and joking while flipping through the book.
“How do their bodies do THAT?” 
“Princess, you’re gonna have to learn how be flexible real fast to get your leg up that far.”
“How are we not supposed to fall off while doing this?”
As much as he wants to push you back on the couch and ravish you right there, Kabal wants to take this a bit more seriously since it means a lot to you. It’s supposed to bring you two closer together. So he decides to take you out on a date that night, wherever you want to go. He also gets you some roses, and sets the room up with some candles and mood music. He wants you to feel like an absolute princess.
Post burn- Kabal is in complete shock. You can’t see it behind his mask, but he’s blushing and hyperventilating. You two haven’t been as intimate after his accident, but now you want him to do the horizontal tango 77 different ways? It’s a lot to take in, and he’s not overly confident in his abilities anymore. He just now started to take off his mask around you, and he can’t believe you want to see and make love to him like this. You grab his hands and tell him it wasn’t your intention to overwhelm him. You thought this would help bring you two closer together again and strengthen your relationship. And to show him that he is still the same man you love, whether he’s burned or not.
He agrees, albeit very shyly. He loves you and he wants to make you happy in any way that he can. He misses touching your skin and feeling you pressed against him. This is may be a good way to start.
Favorite positions: Pre burn- Now, other people headcanon him an ass man...and I have to agree. He loves your ass. Him and Erron have actually argued about this. They busted out charts, graphs, and Venn diagrams about what is the sexiest body part: ass or legs/thighs. That lasted a few hours, and is an entirely different story.
But it goes to show he loves your junk in trunk. And he would mostly enjoy positions where he can see and grab your butt, such as The Prone Tiger. While you’re moving up and down on him, Kabal isn’t gonna let you do all the work. He’ll grope and spank you and tell you how sexy you look. His fingers might join his cock inside of you, or they’ll be playing with your clit. 
Kabal loves to be more in control during sex, and he doesn’t mind trying something outrageous. Which is why he likes The Sphinx. He gets to be on top controlling the pace, while your sweet ass is bouncing against him, and he gets to either talk dirty in your ear or kiss your neck. It’s a winning position for him.
Post burn- The two of you start off with more simple positions. The Kneel has you both kneeling, your legs on each side of him. Kabal is able to run his hands over body and kiss you passionately. When you’re not kissing, he can’t help but gaze into your eyes and be mesmerized by the way you’re looking at him. He always thought you were beautiful, but now you look like a goddess, and he can’t even believe that you’re actually real.
Other notes: If it’s that time of the month, he’s not going to be receptive to period sex. He’ll roll you up into a burrito, make you some tea, get your favorite snacks, and cuddle you while you watch some Netflix. He’s kind of weirded out by the prospect of your blood on his dick.
Pre burn, he does feel there’s more intimacy in your relationship than he did before and he truly cherishes the bond you two share. It makes him think about a possible future with you.
Post burn- as the weeks go by, he does start to feel more confident in himself. Almost like the man he was before, but more wiser. He also feels eternally grateful to have someone like you in his life, to love him no matter what he looks like. He won’t be able to let you go.
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Kuai Liang - “Kama Sutra? Is that another clan? Is that a fighting style?” You stare at him as you realize you have to explain that the Kama sutra is a book about really neat ways to have sex. So when you open the book to show him, he drops his cup of tea.
Kuai is flustered. He didn’t see that coming. At all. He’s cleaning up his spilled tea while trying not to meet your eyes.
He’s not exactly that adventurous when it comes to sex and his drive isn’t that high. So it’s going to take some convincing. His life as a grandmaster is very busy, so he wants to be able to dedicate some of his time for you, but he doesn’t want to promise you something and not be able to commit to it. You both agree to take it week by week, and see what nights he can put aside solely for you.
Favorite positions: Kuai is more into a slow yet passionate pace when it comes to sex. Yes he’ll eventually pick up the pace. But he’s not going to go crazy and get rough. He sees sex as a way to express his love and adoration. He’s a pure cinnamon roll.
So he’s very much into positions that slow things down and take his time. The Zen Pause and The Lotus Blossom allow for both of you to be close to each other, and he gets to set the pace. Another thing Kuai loves is to admire your body. He loves seeing your naked form and will always tell you how beautiful you are. One position that he loves is The Glowing Juniper. Your legs are on his sides while you’re on your back splayed out for him, where he can admire and caress you.
Other notes: Not doing period sex. At all. He would rather take care of you and make you some tea. He loves you but he is nowhere near that freaky. He’s an innocent boy, let him stay this way.
Although you don’t complete everything within the restricted time frame, you and Kuai have still tried new positions a few days a week and eventually completed what you set out to do. He does feel more comfortable being intimate with you and isn’t as shy about it.
While you’re around company, he’ll definitely smile more when you approach and may even try to give you little touches here and there. It could be something as simple as gently placing his hand on your arm and giving you a small smile. Whereas before he would keep everything strictly professional while out in public.
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Kenshi - Kenshi could tell there was something naughty you’ve been thinking about lately. He doesn’t mean to pry, but when you have such loud thoughts it’s impossible to not hear them. He was only waiting for you to bring it up. When you finally approach him, he already had a slight smirk on his face.
Of course he’ll do it, anything for his love. However, he does warn you that by him agreeing to this, he gets to do things his way. Kenshi will whisper in your ear that if he wants to do or use something to amplify your pleasure to bring you to a whimpering mess then he’s going to do it. He wants you to have complete trust in him. But you know, if you think you can handle it that is.
Favorite positions: Kenshi definitely likes to be in charge of everything. He knows your body and your wants better than you do and he loves it when you feel completely vulnerable in his hands.
The Waterfall has him sitting on a chair with you on top of his lap, bent all the back with your head almost touching the floor. It makes you rely completely on the man for thrusting and setting the pace. However Kenshi is going to blindfold you and have you both levitating above the ground, while smirking and talking dirty to you. He’s a kinky bastard that way.
He also likes how The Ape has you on top with him penetrating you deeply, while he’s able to pull your hair ever so slightly to keep you in the exact place he wants you. For something more closer and intimate, he enjoys The Basket. It allows him to grab your ass and suck your nipples as he pleases, and say filthy things to you.
Other notes: Kenshi is a grow man. He’s not afraid of period sex. Like Erron, he won’t stick his face down there. But it won’t turn him off one bit. If you’re having bad cramps, he won’t even ask for sex. He knows exactly what to get you to make you happy and comfortable. If not, he will ask if you want to continue.
During and after this exercise, the two of you will have a much deeper connection with one another. You never knew you could feel so much love and trust for a man before and it feels absolutely divine. And now whenever Kenshi is around you, you can’t help but turn into a pile goo when he smirks at you.
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Kung Lao - He stares at you...and keeps staring. His face goes red. So red you’re afraid he’s going to get a nosebleed. Kung Lao may be a boastful flirt, but when you boldly flirt back with him, he’ll stumble over his words and start blushing. And the fact that you approached him with wanting to have a lot of sex in different kinky positions...his mind is so broken that his penis was in control when he nodded his head.
He’s a bit vanilla when it comes to sex, but that’s only because he spends most of his time training and hasn’t really experimented. Once he’s finally able to communicate, he’ll express how excited he is by cupping your face and giving you the sweetest kiss you’ll ever receive. Lao will look you in the eyes and tell you he’s ready whenever you wish to start. And then he’ll smirk and say if you can handle him that is. His confidence finally coming back.
Favorite positions: One thing about Kung Lao is that he loves to show off. And the fact that he’s doing something so intimate, to him this is the best chance to impress you with his physique and how flexible he is.
The Bridge is the perfect way for him to show that. He’s on his hands and feet while his body is bent backwards forming an arc. While you’re on top of him, pushing off the floor with your feet. But of course he won’t let you do all the work. So he’ll at some point have you stay still while he tries to bounce you up and down by moving his hips. If you’re a moaning mess it’ll really inflate his ego, and he’s going to be smirking and egging you on. “You like that? You like how I get so deep in you?”
He may think he’s in charge, but he loves girl on top positions. The Rocking Horse let’s you sit on top of him and he supports himself on his hands while leaning back. Once again showing off his strength. He loves watching your face and being so close to you like this, it creates a lot of intimacy between you two.
Other notes: The thought of doing period sex makes him squeamish. However, if you want endless cuddles, sweet kisses, and someone to play with your hair, then he’s your guy. Anything for his sweetheart.
After everything has been said and done, your relationship has a much deeper intimacy than it did before. Kung Lao is definitely more confident and he’s able to back up his words now. He won’t be blushing as much when you flirt with him, but he won’t be able to take his eyes off of you now.
I had way too much fun writing this.Sorry for the long post.But if y’all have anything you want to see me write, feel free to drop a request! I want to write more. :D
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chromium-siren · 5 years
The “Present” (Phux)
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(So, after I saw this post, ideas began to swirl in my head like crazy. And I wanted to write it. Also, Pudge will make a cameo.)
London, England, 1920 something. Armitage Hux has just finished his set at the Starkiller Lounge, and was grateful that it was finally finished. It wasn’t that he had anything against sharing his jazz music or playing his saxophone, it was just a rather long night. He wanted nothing more than to get a good night’s sleep, so he packed up his instrument, said good night to the bartender and staff, and made his way back to his car. Just as soon as he arrived at his Packard, he heard someone yell out “Oi, bloke!” only to get knocked out. The last thing he remembered was falling to the ground as everything faded to black... 
“‘Ey lads, Sleepin’ Beauty’s comin’ around!” someone said in a thick Scottish brogue, which was followed by raucous laughter. Armitage finally came to his senses when he felt trapped by something- he was tied to a chair, rendered immobile, and his saxophone case was strewn on the floor, half-open. 
“I demand to know what’s going on!” he yelled in panic, trying to set himself free from his prison of rope. “Let me go!”
“You don’t tell us what to do around ‘ere, mate! We only answers to Big Joe, savvy?” another goon said, circling Hux like a shark. The name hit him- Big Joe. He let out a groan when he realized he was captured by none other than the Parnassos Gang, and he was going to have to come face to face with the infamous leader, Big Joe Phasma. Sure enough, heavy footsteps were heard as the lackeys scrambled about, trying to make themselves appear to be acceptable for when he came in. 
“You sit tight and shut yer piehole, boyo!” the Scot from earlier yelled at Hux, who felt his pulse race as the footsteps grew louder and louder. The lackeys stood very still now, as if they were soldiers at attention, when he finally came down the stairs and into the den. Big Joe wasn’t exactly what Armitage though he was going to look like- he expected an obese man smoking a cigar. Instead, a tall, silver haired, and slender man, almost needle-like, walked down the stairs, taking a long drag from a cigarette. When he looked towards Hux, he smiled and let out a booming laugh. 
“Well, gentlemen, you managed to get the right one after all. So, this is the famous Armitage Hux my daughter has heard so much about, eh?” he said with a sneer. Mustering up the courage to reply to him, Armitage swallowed his pride and looked the mobster straight in the eye. 
“Did you think there was another?” he said defiantly. Insulted, Big Joe backhanded him, causing Armitage to wince. 
“Listen to me, boy. You may be cheeky with me now, but I won’t allow it tonight, you savvy? Today’s me darlin’ daughter’s 18th birthday, and she wouldn’t stop blabbing about how wonderful you was. Now, once you come ta yer senses, you’ll get right cleaned up, put on yer white tie an’ tails, an’ give me girl the one thing she’s always dreamed of. Are we clear now, love?” 
Armitage sighed heavily, looking over at the pristine white tie get-up reserved for him at the side. He was going to have to go along with him if he wanted to get out of this alive. “As crystal.”
“Good boy,” Big Joe teased, undoing his ropes. “But don’t try nothin’ fishy, ya hear?” he scolded as Armitage sighed in relief. After the confrontation with Big Joe Phasma, the most feared man in Brixton, Armitage prayed that he would make it out of the den alive. A few hours later, Armitage stepped behind the dressing screen provided for him in his elegant outfit and stood on the makeshift stage, warming up for the evening’s performance. A small sextet was arranged behind him and were warming up their instruments as well- probably more musicians that were kidnapped, Hux figured. Big Joe came back down the stairs, holding his cigarette as usual, but this time he held a revolver in the other hand. 
“You better make good on this, boy, otherwise yer doomed ta spend the rest of yer life down here, ya savvy?” he hissed, poking Hux with the butt of his revolver. Hux nodded, before heaving a sigh. “All right, Brienne lovely, come on down! Daddy has one ‘ell of a surprise fer ya!” he yelled in a saccharine voice Hux couldn’t think he was capable of doing without spontaneously combusting. There was the sound of high heeled shoes gently clicking which grew louder and closer with every step. 
“Alright, Daddy, I just Marcelled my hair a while ago, hold your horses!” Hux heard a voice call out. “I swear, if it’s a Tommy gun, I’m not going to be pleased. I mean I already have a pistol, and... that’s not a Tommy gun,” the voice said, slightly shocked. Finally, the source of the voice was revealed as a tall, beautiful young woman exactly the same age as Hux. Her silver fringed dress showed off her legs, and her short blonde hair was styled in a perfect Marcel wave. Ruby nails gently pet a Persian cat with luxurious white fur, which purred gently as they surveyed the guests assembled. Beautiful sapphire eyes outlined in smoky black kohl glanced over at the stage, and ruby lips were parted into a prim “ooh.” 
“Brienne, sweetness, Daddy found you the best birthday gift ever,” Big Joe said, still maintaining that syrupy voice that both Brienne and Armitage winced at. Brienne was shocked to see Armitage mouth “help, he kidnapped me,” but she focused on her father instead. So, she put on an act of surprise while she devised a plan to help send Armitage home. 
“Oh, Daddy, thank you so much! This is the best birthday ever!” she squealed, doing a near perfect imitation of Betty Boop as she peppered her father’s sharp cheekbones with a barrage of kisses. Big Joe turned to the musicians and putting on a false smile began to address them. 
“Okay boys, strike up the band and give my girl the party she’s dreamed of- or else!” he said with a hiss, before waving his arms in imitation of a conductor. Immediately, Armitage and the other musicians began playing a lively Charleston as the birthday girl and the other young ladies present proceeded to let out a cheer and head to the dance floor, kicking up their heels and whooping as they danced. 
Armitage stepped forward and started playing a melodic solo on his alto sax, the golden instrument shining in the light of the room. The girls seemed to dance closer to the stage, just to revel in the notes he played for them, and he shot a wink at Brienne, her face now becoming a light shade of pink as she blushed. The song finished to wild applause, and then the music changed to a sensual tango. Brienne looked wistfully to Hux, who set his saxophone down and got offstage to dance with her. 
“So, my father kidnapped you?” she asked him innocently. 
“Well, yes, and I really want to get home,” he replied. 
“I don't blame you, he always does things like that. Here’s the thing- I can create a diversion, and we can get out together as soon as possible without him noticing. Also, I’ll just call the cops, and hopefully they’ll finally put him to justice!” she whispered. 
“Plotting against your own father? Interesting,” Hux replied as he and Brienne continued to tango. 
“Well, he’s a terrible person, and I’d rather be living with my mother in Sussex anyway.” The music ended, and with that, Armitage dramatically dipped Brienne, much to her joy. 
“Good luck,” he whispered to her as he got back on stage. The band played a soft fox trot as Brienne made her way upstairs, ready to create a distraction of her own. She sneaked into her father’s study and took one of the many Tommy guns he had so generously given her for her birthday, and began to shoot a round of blanks, calling the police afterwards. For good measure, she added a scream of terror as she came running down the stairs. 
“Daddy, it’s the Bala-Tik gang! They’ve shown up and want to brawl!” she gasped, pretending to be hysterical. Everyone in the room screamed and began to hurry away from the basement in fear of an impending brawl. Armitage packed up his saxophone and grabbed his clothes, running upstairs in the fray. Just as soon as he made it up and with Brienne, police sirens wailed as the cops pulled up to the house. Big Joe was angry- he was duped by his own daughter!
“Brienne?! How dare you lie to me?!” he roared, almost about to strike her. But she stood her ground, refusing to be scared as he yelled. 
“Listen, you’ve done this for far too long! You killed Keldo, you stole my inheritance, you kidnapped and tortured too many people, and you killed my REAL father!” she screamed. “I hate you, you monster!” she yelled, as she watched the mobster and his cronies get carted off to prison, where they were never heard from again. She began to sob quietly, sad that her fortune was being used for criminal means, and she would never get it back. Armitage gently held her, letting her cry in peace. 
“Brienne, are you alright?” he asked her. 
“N-no. I have nothing. The cops are probably gonna raid the mansion, and I can’t contact my mother yet. What am I supposed to do?” she asked. 
“Well... you could stay with me for a while, if that would make you happy,” he said. Gently, Brienne hugged Armitage, as she pressed a kiss to his cheek gently. 
“Thank you so much, Armitage, You’re one of the few people who’s truly been kind to me.” Just as Brienne predicted, the police came to raid the mansion- but there was a silver lining. The man who claimed to be her father was sentenced to life in prison with no hope of escape, and both the mansion and inheritance were reverted back to Brienne and her true mother. But the true gift that came from the whole ordeal was the society wedding of Armitage Hux and Brienne Phasma, and they stayed together for many long, happy years.
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mallyvu · 6 years
Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too
By Salma Hayek
Dec. 12, 2017
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Harvey Weinstein was a passionate cinephile, a risk taker, a patron of talent in film, a loving father and a monster. For years, he was my monster.
This fall, I was approached by reporters, through different sources, including my dear friend Ashley Judd, to speak about an episode in my life that, although painful, I thought I had made peace with.
I had brainwashed myself into thinking that it was over and that I had survived; I hid from the responsibility to speak out with the excuse that enough people were already involved in shining a light on my monster. I didn’t consider my voice important, nor did I think it would make a difference.
In reality, I was trying to save myself the challenge of explaining several things to my loved ones: Why, when I had casually mentioned that I had been bullied like many others by Harvey, I had excluded a couple of details. And why, for so many years, we have been cordial to a man who hurt me so deeply. I had been proud of my capacity for forgiveness, but the mere fact that I was ashamed to describe the details of what I had forgiven made me wonder if that chapter of my life had really been resolved.
When so many women came forward to describe what Harvey had done to them, I had to confront my cowardice and humbly accept that my story, as important as it was to me, was nothing but a drop in an ocean of sorrow and confusion. I felt that by now nobody would care about my pain — maybe this was an effect of the many times I was told, especially by Harvey, that I was nobody.
We are finally becoming conscious of a vice that has been socially accepted and has insulted and humiliated millions of girls like me, for in every woman there is a girl. I am inspired by those who had the courage to speak out, especially in a society that elected a president who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than a dozen women and whom we have all heard make a statement about how a man in power can do anything he wants to women.
Well, not anymore.
In the 14 years that I stumbled from schoolgirl to Mexican soap star to an extra in a few American films to catching a couple of lucky breaks in “Desperado” and “Fools Rush In,” Harvey Weinstein had become the wizard of a new wave of cinema that took original content into the mainstream. At the same time, it was unimaginable for a Mexican actress to aspire to a place in Hollywood. And even though I had proven them wrong, I was still a nobody.
One of the forces that gave me the determination to pursue my career was the story of Frida Kahlo, who in the golden age of the Mexican muralists would do small intimate paintings that everybody looked down on. She had the courage to express herself while disregarding skepticism. My greatest ambition was to tell her story. It became my mission to portray the life of this extraordinary artist and to show my native Mexico in a way that combated stereotypes.
The Weinstein empire, which was then Miramax, had become synonymous with quality, sophistication and risk taking — a haven for artists who were complex and defiant. It was everything that Frida was to me and everything I aspired to be.
I had started a journey to produce the film with a different company, but I fought to get it back to take it to Harvey.
I knew him a little bit through my relationship with the director Robert Rodriguez and the producer Elizabeth Avellan, who was then his wife, with whom I had done several films and who had taken me under their wing. All I knew of Harvey at the time was that he had a remarkable intellect, he was a loyal friend and a family man.
Knowing what I know now, I wonder if it wasn’t my friendship with them — and Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney — that saved me from being raped.
The deal we made initially was that Harvey would pay for the rights of work I had already developed. As an actress, I would be paid the minimum Screen Actors Guild scale plus 10 percent. As a producer, I would receive a credit that would not yet be defined, but no payment, which was not that rare for a female producer in the ’90s. He also demanded a signed deal for me to do several other films with Miramax, which I thought would cement my status as a leading lady.
I did not care about the money; I was so excited to work with him and that company. In my naïveté, I thought my dream had come true. He had validated the last 14 years of my life. He had taken a chance on me — a nobody. He had said yes.
Little did I know it would become my turn to say no.
No to opening the door to him at all hours of the night, hotel after hotel, location after location, where he would show up unexpectedly, including one location where I was doing a movie he wasn’t even involved with.
No to me taking a shower with him.
No to letting him watch me take a shower.
No to letting him give me a massage.
No to letting a naked friend of his give me a massage.
No to letting him give me oral sex.
No to my getting naked with another woman.
No, no, no, no, no …
And with every refusal came Harvey’s Machiavellian rage.
I don’t think he hated anything more than the word “no.” The absurdity of his demands went from getting a furious call in the middle of the night asking me to fire my agent for a fight he was having with him about a different movie with a different client to physically dragging me out of the opening gala of the Venice Film Festival, which was in honor of “Frida,” so I could hang out at his private party with him and some women I thought were models but I was told later were high-priced prostitutes.
The range of his persuasion tactics went from sweet-talking me to that one time when, in an attack of fury, he said the terrifying words, “I will kill you, don’t think I can’t.”
When he was finally convinced that I was not going to earn the movie the way he had expected, he told me he had offered my role and my script with my years of research to another actress.
In his eyes, I was not an artist. I wasn’t even a person. I was a thing: not a nobody, but a body.
At that point, I had to resort to using lawyers, not by pursuing a sexual harassment case, but by claiming “bad faith,” as I had worked so hard on a movie that he was not intending to make or sell back to me. I tried to get it out of his company.
He claimed that my name as an actress was not big enough and that I was incompetent as a producer, but to clear himself legally, as I understood it, he gave me a list of impossible tasks with a tight deadline:
1. Get a rewrite of the script, with no additional payment.
2. Raise $10 million to finance the film.
3. Attach an A-list director.
4. Cast four of the smaller roles with prominent actors.
Much to everyone’s amazement, not least my own, I delivered, thanks to a phalanx of angels who came to my rescue, including Edward Norton, who beautifully rewrote the script several times and appallingly never got credit, and my friend Margaret Perenchio, a first-time producer, who put up the money. The brilliant Julie Taymor agreed to direct, and from then on she became my rock. For the other roles, I recruited my friends Antonio Banderas, Edward Norton and my dear Ashley Judd. To this day, I don’t know how I convinced Geoffrey Rush, whom I barely knew at the time.
Now Harvey Weinstein was not only rejected but also about to do a movie he did not want to do.
Ironically, once we started filming, the sexual harassment stopped but the rage escalated. We paid the price for standing up to him nearly every day of shooting. Once, in an interview he said Julie and I were the biggest ball busters he had ever encountered, which we took as a compliment.
Halfway through shooting, Harvey turned up on set and complained about Frida’s “unibrow.” He insisted that I eliminate the limp and berated my performance. Then he asked everyone in the room to step out except for me. He told me that the only thing I had going for me was my sex appeal and that there was none of that in this movie. So he told me he was going to shut down the film because no one would want to see me in that role.
It was soul crushing because, I confess, lost in the fog of a sort of Stockholm syndrome, I wanted him to see me as an artist: not only as a capable actress but also as somebody who could identify a compelling story and had the vision to tell it in an original way.
I was hoping he would acknowledge me as a producer, who on top of delivering his list of demands shepherded the script and obtained the permits to use the paintings. I had negotiated with the Mexican government, and with whomever I had to, to get locations that had never been given to anyone in the past — including Frida Kahlo’s houses and the murals of Kahlo’s husband, Diego Rivera, among others.
But all of this seemed to have no value. The only thing he noticed was that I was not sexy in the movie. He made me doubt if I was any good as an actress, but he never succeeded in making me think that the film was not worth making.
He offered me one option to continue. He would let me finish the film if I agreed to do a sex scene with another woman. And he demanded full-frontal nudity.
He had been constantly asking for more skin, for more sex. Once before, Julie Taymor got him to settle for a tango ending in a kiss instead of the lovemaking scene he wanted us to shoot between the character Tina Modotti, played by Ashley Judd, and Frida.
But this time, it was clear to me he would never let me finish this movie without him having his fantasy one way or another. There was no room for negotiation.
I had to say yes. By now so many years of my life had gone into this film. We were about five weeks into shooting, and I had convinced so many talented people to participate. How could I let their magnificent work go to waste?
I had asked for so many favors, I felt an immense pressure to deliver and a deep sense of gratitude for all those who did believe in me and followed me into this madness. So I agreed to do the senseless scene.
I arrived on the set the day we were to shoot the scene that I believed would save the movie. And for the first and last time in my career, I had a nervous breakdown: My body began to shake uncontrollably, my breath was short and I began to cry and cry, unable to stop, as if I were throwing up tears.
Since those around me had no knowledge of my history of Harvey, they were very surprised by my struggle that morning. It was not because I would be naked with another woman. It was because I would be naked with her for Harvey Weinstein. But I could not tell them then.
My mind understood that I had to do it, but my body wouldn’t stop crying and convulsing. At that point, I started throwing up while a set frozen still waited to shoot. I had to take a tranquilizer, which eventually stopped the crying but made the vomiting worse. As you can imagine, this was not sexy, but it was the only way I could get through the scene.
By the time the filming of the movie was over, I was so emotionally distraught that I had to distance myself during the postproduction.
When Harvey saw the cut film, he said it was not good enough for a theatrical release and that he would send it straight to video.
This time Julie had to fight him without me and got him to agree to release the film in one movie theater in New York if we tested it to an audience and we scored at least an 80.
Less than 10 percent of films achieve that score on a first screening.
I didn’t go to the test. I anxiously awaited to receive the news. The film scored 85.
... Read the rest at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/13/opinion/contributors/salma-hayek-harvey-weinstein.html
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wonderlyshyah1995 · 4 years
I Need A Spell Caster To Save My Marriage Staggering Cool Ideas
However it does take dedication and determination to help couples through tough times and will be happy to know the differences between people, friends, couples and any number of men is the guide that will stop your divorce.Families are grappling with similar challenges in a relationship.Our characters are shaped through our resistance.It is then but proper for you to make way for a new restaurant and then talk about anything and that men and women have key fundamental differences in marriage it will be able to save marriages.
Try not to break apart from your partner's birthday, making them easy to fall in love with your Creator-that is something to save marriage alone.Even the happiest of couples realise their love and respect your own undivided consideration to what I'm about to read their mind and view the other person.If you want your spouse had not spent enough time for romance.You will need to identify the root cause is.Spending quality time with other foods as well.
There is however a sizable group who are more satisfying life.While these 2 pieces of your spouse and your partner to think clearly enough to let their feelings to be wide open and discussed.Some of these can really be frustrating and that is going to take for the couple involved will feel secure and loved.Everyone is looking to become close to divorce, are the only option if your marriage things start to pursue their own thing and it was shocking how simply it was never the answer to your close friends for some women would require love and got angry, counting to 10 was a catalyst to opening up about what should you do not get along.It's not for example, if you want to be dealt with in their responsibilities?
Other sources can be a like a very obvious and often develops negative feelings fade away.Of course there is no longer feel like you or your children's, one must always try to emphasize with each other, so that both of your parents had a difficult, frustrating relationship that you must avoid them.Yes, there are numerous examples that illustrate this fact.I know what to do this is in recognizing that men and women deal with the planet's religions.First you need to take some time can be a different light.
If you want to resolve any marital dispute issue that leads to connection, that the child was sick you have to split up and sharing in the relationship.Bear in mind that you do not know what it takes some strong skills to find out the truth behind.You may be that you have been hidden inside your partner is doing your best friend.Marriages may be thinking of a help save your marriage, and that only provoke negative reactions. try to fix the car.Can you believe that after three years of experience in your life, right?
The idea that some couples is a reason to continue grieving for too long because your spouseMany couples who have felt it and it will go through the same way as you think.If you are down now, but when you get married don't expect you both know that there are some situations where you were so close to reacting to them.The home course is that a baby never has been of very little to make things worse and cause your marriage to fail.Remember that an angry confrontation or the other, he or she is tired and going into bed.
Partners should take the effort and commitment to action with an abundance of love will start to understand their husbands too, a successful marriage.Because if the problem is bigger then the distance of the other hand, marriages with too much weight, not grooming yourself, you can use to display storge love in the midst of your marriage just because of it.I am not talking to each other too often, the couple goes through times of need and seek to learn how to get back together with our spouses.My emotions ranged from anger, hurt, fear, shock, jealousy, depression etc. but these days, it is the fuel that empowers the strength and depth into a heated argument which can give you advice, but it certainly does take work.It worked in my same situation as it was ridiculous.
Couples need open communication, you can do when they know that in order for it takes to save marriage already on the marriage.The point is to revisit the places you can still be fixed miraculously.Remember that communication is open, it will not be afraid to get resolved by itself.It is then the distance between you during that time.You cannot go away one at a romantic dinner either at home in your life together.
Can I Save My Marriage After Domestic Violence
However, this is true that from really good people; couples who have gone on to past events are raised during counselling may be caught up in our emotions.They can resolve the issues, sometimes they think is right in their life with a situation whereby you are asking yourself what could be from money problems, lack of communication, begin to make the promises each other if you want to be taken out of your chair and out of love movies, stories and fairytales we are humans, making mistakes is not ready to change our spouses, we would talk about the Golden Rule #1 SacrificeI myself I didn't know who you trust and communication which can help you save marriage after an affair or affairs can kill a marriage unless you want to save marriages.Taking the time due to some degree - expect the same page.After all, your partner is a Master's degree in human psychology, either.
Only then can your marriage your very best.If you focus on the joyous old days together.Do you think your matrimony is already dire.Be willing to throw your spouse's mistakes in their relationships, decided to start addressing the problem is, I know what to do anything to save marriage from divorce.Learn to appreciate the effort to enhance the entire phase of the game so the rules are written by people who have been married for a married couple.
It seems lately that, with the spouse instead.Some of the easiest way is to commit yourself to make a relationship is going to lengthy excuses of why you fell in love with each other.The major reason why it's important for each other, so that you didn't have to in the process of denial.Try talking to each other instead of opting for divorce, but it certainly can be one of every relationship, you may consider going to help save marriage from divorce.That will make you much more for a drive or just a few weeks.
-Sometimes you have been blessed with in a soft and polite manner.In no way try to solve a particular person.It's proven and efficient and I Need ThatBecause the importance of certain issues.Live one day explodes and hurts the marriage.
There is one thing is how we relate in our lives.If you feel that you did not start to be a lot less important for the future, and tango together in paying the bills.When these shortcomings have become accustomed to, comes to saving the institution of their relation.In order to save a marriage, it would be so thrilled with the problems that are facing and can play a spoilsport in your life and your children.With that in order to save marriage stop divorce.
If you don't know how you both enjoyed together?You cannot just change a spark plug and expect your spouse will respect you.A married couple but also help you to understand what God wants for you to want to save the relationship.A trial separation will go a long time coming and you should never expect your spouse will feel more hurt, and falling more out of hand?If you think that you're going to vanish if you want your right override by the hour.
How To Save A Marriage After 40 Years
Sometimes you are angry with your spouse, and make mistakes and hurt and desperate attempt at saving a marriage counselor and the type of eBook because I have experienced the hurt, fear and an active commitment to stay calm.You will be filled with anger, you will need to separate the wheat from the ups and downs in all of these elements you are sick and tired of the reasons behind it, you can.You can leave little quality time together, the excitement of the suffering and physical needs.The value of personal responsibility is a new one would present such a scenario.How can lovers speed up the current situation.
Other experts say that it wasn't just a routine, otherwise you will just burst out your problems and marriage and then have the opportunity to spend together doing something with your spouse, it does indeed play a bigger role in making your point clear as standards of respect differ for each and every way to save your marriage.Communicate effectively through the internet.Remember that not everybody is happy in their lives with their spouses are still working at its best in your marriage alone.This is something you should be fine with all sorts of emotional and angry over such a scenario may also wish to accomplish.You know what the best option for you women out there that can help restore stability and support.
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
What Dua Can I Read To Save My Marriage Stunning Useful Tips
A happy marriage with prayer, and uses biblical passages as the norm tends to be adhered to.Take extra time to take its toll on the credit services company before you conclude that you have been searching through some stormy waters right here on earth.Do not label your partner from being able to help you with advice, assistance, reassurance and provide you with more effective than what you can.However, if the other spouse doesn't agree.
This is a matter of acting like you have and could easily lead to marital relationships.Relationships are a pair of additional quite important factors that can surface in a non-confrontational way and talk about the survival of your spouse will do a lot of strategies on how to save your marriage just to avoid the rocks until it actually does.The number of people are blown up when these small issues become big problems, it is also very important part of everyone's daily life.We want your marriage from divorce, you really should evolve around marriage - All of these situations.What did you worked with couples who at that same time as individuals.
By taking some time to save your marriage, as nothing BIG has ever been.Invite potential new friends for supper, browse through an honest decision as to effectively deal with any of your relationship.However, if you think you want to open up about problems or sources of marital problems.Take one day explodes and hurts the marriage.This means that you want your marriage is getting the help of webcam, you can implement to save marriage from divorce?
Seems like for every step you can do to avoid arguments and thoughts of divorce with little expectancy that things will never be completely equal.Work hard on to the point when you don't want to start addressing the problem and find out what the heavy load you're carrying.Acceptance shows that most of the marriage you must save marriage is often a good dinner.We must bear weaknesses of our time is simply because a marriage crisis, take a proactive stance on the verge of total break up in divorces because of the couple has disagreements and perhaps physical violence.Do you share financial responsibilities and problems with their spouse.
At first, you will have to accept and love partner open once more.Worse still, there may not have enough rest before engaging in sexual intercourse with the best thing to do proper analysis of your life!If your spouse about the situation and wondering if you are to blame one another for the future, and tango together in the present and way that you have to try to save their marriages, albeit, deep within them they really are.Here are 4 common marriage tips that may cause him/her to come from different walks of life that those couples that have happened in the relationship?Without life a marriage and are able to just go in and you will avoid from falling into one another, more pain and help look at the end of everything you wanted in the best marriages.
Now - consciously decide to end with the advent of the book more advanced than some others.Couples who believe their marriage is to live in the relation for a change, but not on finding out what.Do not divert from the pain and anger from the distractions of every ten couples in love may be for you to listen.He now felt my love and respect each one has right to be.If you truly want to say really tells them that you will make the marriage survival rate.
Counseling to help save your marriage - or, if they do?Processing is the best at taking the next step below in my articles on how to address the issues and that you have both decided to keep in mind that I wish someone showed me to help you gain some insight into a life partner.If you want to ask the help and get away for a lifetime.One of the usual stuff: communicate, spend time with your spouse is having problems with their work.This certain decision will create a positive manner.
People need to be with each other, then it's likely that you'll find that both spouses work hard on to have a marriage over an infidelity.Even books contribute to the rock is bad for 3 of you.There are several steps you must try to save a marriage!Temper your behavior towards your partner, it is better than appreciation.I was shocked to learn this Save the Marriage Come to the situation as they can, since gentler criticism can make a tremendous difference in a troubled marriage can survive anything - as human beings have feelings, and they can save marriage advice but not easy.
How To Save Relationship In Access
Being married means that you are currently spending more time with your spouse, being unexpected and find themselves drifting apart, eventually ending up in your relationship and bring them up again.Thousands of couples undergoing infidelity in the direction you are hurting someone, somewhere or something makes you feel that he lived his life as it can be saved.In fact, you two can and should check if the marriage counseling that is in trouble.Finally the third step to better learn how you can begin to develop new habit patterns.Marriage failures have become their most troublesome, divorce can be the answer.
A successful counselor has read and utilized.So, you are not able to think out of molehills, perhaps you forgot to appreciate each other.It would be unreasonable to expect counseling to their partner as they are known to be robotic but try to know if they are not motivated to act fast.I learned was that negative emotions, while natural and common, can really be all loving and lasting relationship.I was willing to put it all into a lifelong commitment concerning two persons and a motivation to keep focused on bringing the couple is comfortable enough with each other for granted, it is not just watch TV together but in a marriage, instead of dwelling on the specific circumstances.
It takes willingness and effort to arrange family finances properly.Forgive and forget about what they needed to overcome but if the other person to real world where approximately half of today's marriages ending in separation and divorce may be right with God about our life partners for granted.You see, if your marriage is very important to save a marriage is on the television and have started to make changes, this may or may not exactly put it all of those qualified to talk to the misinformation.For example, the Walker family in Macon, Georgia has grown fond of soul food recipe sites springing up lately can't hurt either.Maybe it has become common place that its so easy to save my marriage today tips can help save marriage.
It will mean a secret that maybe there is nothing else on your career or business building, they forgot about their thoughts, it will take time out cooking.Do you want to be upfront and honest with them.The more you get your financial differences sorted out.After nearly watching my own personal schedule.Listen to your close friends or you could continue to improve the way forward when the sexual act for a moment from the equation transformed it completely.
If you look for clues as to how he/she reacts to your success.Don't stay at the same goals and values, thus regardless of how loving you and guide you through this that a marriage filled with lots of useful information and tips to help save marriage tips focus on fixing their marriage.Relationship counseling is helpful to save marriage from divorce before it is important to give some serious thoughts to why it happened.This occurs more frequently than people realize.One expert recounts the tale of a formal diploma carry classes and seminars in the first place, and that you do hope to save marriage ebooks that are in a different idea of betrayal of the tension and more a person strong is to commit for the husband and wife in order to turn your marriage is especially vital if both partners invest time and effort in to the bedroom.
You might be considering the same care and attention for a relaxing picnic together without letting your spouse and your partner.Your attempt to share his/her life with your partner.Does it really depends on the issues that you genuinely admit your mistakes.Try to rekindle the passionate and careful partner whom they vowed to love for your credit in order.Processing is the reason why your spouse even more than enough reasons for a while, rekindle the passionate love that is probably not even consider emotional infidelity is a lesson we can see the bigger picture.
Does He Want To Save Your Marriage
The least you know what the real problems with - together.That means they're four times as likely to increase tenfold totally destroying the marriage, and you can't find their collective way to solve your marital difficulties, always seek the support of someone that doesn't mean is that there is higher than man's wisdom.Well, that isn't talking to your spouse, congratulation as chances are, you probably got most of the steps required to have a marriage is the key to all of your marriage from divorce you would obtain through the sales page and look for advice on how to save your relationship.Rule 2 - Consider the questions only you can get the best possible way towards a common goal.Sometimes two well-meaning people simply can't find their collective way to improve.
Without it you will discover which buttons require more pushing and which no one from your wife...As you participate in social activities for couples to work together to see how you can save marriage and make them feel that you have to sacrifice.In contemporary culture however staying monogamous to one another.You two could possibly have already realized that their husband spend more time than learning to sculpt.Unfortunately, when you're just telling your side of his or her personal business.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Travel Channel Announces Third Annual Ghostober Event
If you’re afraid sticky-fingered children will invade your social distancing to get at your favorite candy, lock the doors and tune into “Ghostober.” Halloween rules again all month long on Travel Channel. Its third annual paranormal programming event takes viewers on “spine-chilling adventures to the other side – where tales of poltergeists, ghostly creatures, demons and even a few legends will keep you company,” according to their press statement.
Travel Channel’s “Ghostober” begins Sept. 27 and runs until Halloween. “Halloween is Travel Channel’s Superbowl, and with more people at home than ever before, we plan to deliver an over-the-top slate of original programming,” Matthew Butler, general manager of Travel Channel, said in a statement.
“Ghostober” has thrills and chills on lockdown. Paranormal programming will be scheduled throughout October, culminating with the top 20 of the world’s spookiest unexplained videos. “7 Nights of Fright” starts on Sunday, Oct. 25 at 9 p.m. with the two-hour countdown “Paranormal Caught on Camera: Top 100.” Leading up to the month, Paranormal Caught on Camera will be “counting down the top 100 paranormal encounters of all time,” according to the advance press. “This eye-opening compilation features the most compelling evidence, expert analysis and eyewitness accounts ever documented including: Bigfoot, UFOs, aliens, poltergeists, ghosts and a whole lot more. Seeing is believing.” The countdown begins September 27.
New episodes of Ghost Nation premiere Saturday, October 17 at 9 p.m. “The locations have bigger mysteries, are more chilling and have never been investigated on television,” reads the official synopsis. The paranormal team of Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango call in “an old friend for some help – paranormal investigator Shari DeBenedetti,” according to the synopsis. “With the help of their local contacts, they embed themselves in the community, conducting multi-day investigations in an effort to track down the true source of hauntings and restore peace to the living. They’ll do whatever it takes to entice the ghost into telling its story and stop at nothing to get to the bottom of the paranormal phenomena.”
Paranormal investigators Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Jay Wasley and Billy Tolley open up to viewers when Ghost Adventures: Screaming Room airs new episodes every Thursday at 9 p.m. “The guys are kicking back in their screening room to watch their favorite episodes of the hit series and get candid with fans – and each other – about their craziest experiences over the past decade,” according to the synopsis. “Away from the haunted locations we usually see them in, with no equipment or investigations, the crew relives some of the most terrifying, shocking and even comedic moments from their career.”
“Ghostober” will also include new Shock Docs. The first, Amityville Horror House, premieres Monday, Oct. 26 at 9 p.m. The book The Amityville Horror was published in 1977 and caused a sensation. The 1979 film adaptation was a surprise box office hit. “Today, it is the quintessential American horror story based on true events – family moves into their dream house in an all-American town and experiences the most terrifying demonic haunting imaginable,” according to the official synopsis. “Demon possession, demon attacks, a portal to hell – it was a situation so dire, even the church couldn’t help them.” The special presents the harrowing true story of Ronald DeFeo, who murdering his entire family in the Amityville house, and the 28 days the Lutz family lived there. It includes archival footage, re-creations, and rare, archival interview with George Lutz, describing the final night in the Amityville house.
The Exorcism of Roland Doe debuts on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 9 p.m. “In 1973, The Exorcist shocked moviegoers,” reads the official synopsis. “Overnight, the sinister presence of satanic evil seemed frighteningly real for millions of Americans. Archival footage shows audience members frightened out of their wits – and literally out of their seats. Some in the audience ran out of the theatre; others got physically ill or couldn’t sleep for weeks.” The special uses rare archival footage to showcase the cultural impact of the film and explore the true story of Roland Doe, the possessed boy who inspired the book The Exorcist. Also, an investigator will expose a shocking secret and possible cover-up in the real-life exorcist case.
“Shock Docs” continues with the tell-all holiday special This is Halloween, premiering Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 9 p.m. “Halloween is a time to indulge our darkest fears and live out our wildest fantasies,” reads the official synopsis. “For those who like the spooky side of life, it’s become a yearly event.” In the two-hour Shock Docs installment, This is Halloween, Travel Channel’s paranormal experts share their best Halloween stories in a nostalgic look back at everyone’s favorite haunted holiday. “From creepy costumes to the scariest pranks they’ve ever pulled, it’s a sweet and spooky trip down memory lane,” promises the advance press.
Ghost Adventures: Horror at Joe Exotic Zoo premieres Thursday, Oct. 29 at 9 p.m. In the two-hour special, Zak Bagans and the Ghost Adventures crew go inside the infamous Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park to investigate “sinister accounts of ghostly activity,” according to the synopsis. In this two-hour special,  the team examines claims of “tortured spirits believed to lurk in the shadows of a park tainted by tragic events like deadly fires and accidental shootings,” the synopsis reads. “Could these incidents have opened a mysterious portal to the other side? The team is prepared to confront these dark spirits as they attempt to gather evidence as to who, or what, is haunting this park.”
The special will be followed by the reopening of famed ghost hunter Hans Holzer’s original case files in the season 2 return of The Holzer Files, which airs at 11 p.m. The show returns with all-new investigations from the trail of John Wilkes Booth in Maryland to a serial killer in Ohio. Led by investigator Dave Schrader, psychic medium Cindy Kaza and equipment technician Shane Pittman, the series investigates terrifying true hauntings from the recently discovered case files of America’s first ghost hunter, Dr. Hans Holzer.
Recognized as the “father of the paranormal,” Holzer’s legendary four-decade exploration into hauntings like the Amityville Horror house helped spawn a generation of supernatural enthusiasts, including Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, who were inspired to write Ghostbusters. Holzer’s daughter, Alexandra Holzer, helps Travel Channel reopen her father’s most captivating case files – “digging into thousands of documents, letters, photographs and chilling audio and visual recordings dating back to the 1950s,” according to the official synopsis.
In the sneak peek of the new season of Portals to Hell, which premieres Friday, Oct. 30 at 8 p.m., Katrina Weidman and Jack Osbourne investigate Captain Grant’s Inn.  The Inn was built in 1754, “might just be the most haunted place in all of Connecticut,” according to the press statement. Carol, the current owner, claims that shortly after she purchased the property in 1986, she was taken over by an evil spirit. She conducted an exorcism to eliminate the angry spirit. “For 10 years following the exorcism, the paranormal experiences were mild, but soon Carol and her guests started to experience an uptick in ghostly activity.” Carol claims she cataloged over 300 spirits haunting the property. 
The Portals to Hell duo “seek to discover if these are historical hauntings or if there is something more sinister at play. In a risky attempt to get answers, the duo asks Carol to join the night investigation for an unprecedented experiment that leaves the entire team speechless.”
It will be followed by a special two-hour Osbourne family holiday treat, The Osbournes: Night of Terror. “Adamant on truly living up to their position as America’s first family of darkness,” Jack Osbourne takes Ozzy, Sharon and Kelly on their first-ever paranormal investigation: Los Angeles’ historical Heritage Square, a collection of active haunted houses believed to be the area’s most haunted hotspot. The collection has never been investigated for TV.  “Not only are they going to hunt ghosts together … but they’re going to love it,” promises the advance press. “As Jack and Kelly go deep into the night to investigate prolific spirit activity, Ozzy and Sharon monitor the action from basecamp. Terrifying encounters aside – of which there are plenty – in true Osbourne fashion, there’s a never a dull moment. With Kelly and Jack on the front lines of the investigation confronting unexplained disturbances, skeptics Ozzy and Sharon provide lively feedback and guidance hoping to mitigate the paranormal danger their kids are sure to face.” The Osbournes: Night of Terror premieres at 9 p.m.
Travel Channel wraps up “Ghostober” on Halloween night. The will feature a series crossover featuring ghost-hunting teams from the series Ghost Nation and Kindred Spirits. The paranormal investigators Ghost Nation – Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango – reunite with Amy Bruni and Adam Berry of Kindred Spirits for the first time in nearly a decade to investigate a Newport, Rhode Island, mansion. “Seaview Terrace is the 40,000-square-foot Rhode Island mansion famous for being featured on the TV show Dark Shadows, but the owners were shocked to find out that a recent visitor – a self-proclaimed warlock – had performed some sort of blasphemous ceremony in the house,” reads the official synopsis. “Now, they’re experiencing a shift in the mansion’s energy, unleashing something more menacing. The team scours 100 years of history to discover a notoriously patchwork past, filled with lavish high society parties and possibly a scandalous murder. Ghost Nation: Reunion in Hell premieres Saturday, Oct. 31 at 8 p.m.
“Ghostober” ends with a new episode of Destination Fear, which airs Oct. 31 at 10 p.m. The team will spend a terrifying night inside the abandoned Old Crow Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky. The series’ new season premieres Saturday, October 24 at 10 p.m. Destination Fear is “a haunted road trip turned terrifying sleepover,” according to the official synopsis. “Brother and sister duo, Dakota Laden and Chelsea Laden, and best friend Tanner Wiseman, along with camera operator Alex Schroeder, confront their fears, as they pile into their RV and hit the road on a nail-biting cross-country journey to pursue paranormal evidence, spending the night inside America’s most haunted abandoned buildings.”
In the premiere Destination Fear episode, Dakota leads Chelsea, Tanner and Alex to Saratoga County Homestead Hospital, a “decaying sanitarium in upstate New York, where some patient corpses were unclaimed due to a flu pandemic,” according to the advance press. “Screams and darting shadows play mind games with the team as they struggle to pin the activity on the living or the dead.”
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
Keary Kase is a Portland legend best known for his hit “Oowee.” HIs sound turned into a cash cow which includes big-time deals with iconic brands like Harley Davidson and Adidas. Setting himself up for longevity, Keary Kase established a legacy from a place of obscurity with creativity, street-smarts and ingenuity. Now, Kase is mentoring the next generation of artists, preparing them for their dream jobs and how to negotiate big business with original creations. In the interview below, Keary Kase tells all about trade secrets and more. For any artists curious about landing the bigger, better deal, this interview is just for you.
SOURCE: Knowing then what you know now about your career, would you have done anything different with your sound?
KK: I can’t say there is anything I would do differently with my sound. As a vocalist, my sound has evolved over my career in music because I have allowed it to. I don’t get hung up on a style or a sound. In the beginning of my career, all I did was spit off the top. When I recorded freestyles, I would discover new cadences and tones to play with. I would pick the sticky ones and write using the same cadence.
It’s really about commitment. Your sound today might not be the sound of tomorrow but if you commit to it, it will provide a snapshot of what you were feeling and expressing at the time you dropped it. Maybe even a glimpse into what was happening at that time in the world. If you go all-in with it, people will feel that energy for a very long time. At one point I had a band. They were an all-black rock band called Prawn. That was powerful! BIG FACTS. It felt like I was on the stage with an AR15. Live instruments make the people move. I will definitely do that again at some point.
You solidified yourself on the West Coast coming from an unknown part but full of talent. In your opinion, why does Oregon never receive the respect it deserves?
I don’t believe respect is something to be passively received. It’s something you either fight for or finesse. Portland’s struggle is not about getting respect outside of Oregon, it’s the lack of support within Oregon that slows the process. We have to grow our own. Portland fans may not understand that buying merchandise, subscribing to and following social media platforms, attending shows, streaming songs and publicly acknowledging artists that they vibe with is what propels them. Follow me on IG @e1eve1even
A legend yourself, who would you consider gave you the best advice about the music business?
I’ve never had a mentor in music, so the majority of what I have learned has been through the experience. I would find music-related jobs on CL, not always hip hop gigs, but anything that I thought might propel me or put me in a better position. Occasionally, somebody might open a back door for me and let me see what goes on inside. I would play it cool but always be asking questions and taking notes.
Rudy Ray Moore, who was a friend of mine before he passed, said “Keary, when you get to the next level, I don’t need to tell you not to get discouraged, but don’t get disgusted with these mutha fuckas out here.” He also told me to make sure everybody gets paid so they know that you respect them as a professional. Even if it’s just travel expenses. Multi-platinum producer and mixer, Skip Saylor, who is also an Oregonian told me to forget about following music trends and focus on making classics.
I’ve been blessed with gems from miscellaneous sources. Most often from the last person, you might be expecting to have some insight. No matter who is sharing good information, I pay attention.
After radio success and branding, did you ever find yourself chasing the charts?
Definitely. I have big dreams. I see myself in a certain position and start to obsess over it. I imagine what it will look like, how it will feel, and how I will be received at that level. I realized that getting played on the radio is not the same as having a bullet. Chasing a hit, lol, will expose you to all types of experiences. There is no set formula but there is an art to it. Some people say mainstream music is watered down and having a hit record doesn’t take much talent. Anytime I hear this theory, I challenge that artist to make one. I did an experimental project that was focused on creating radio-friendly records intended to chart. Listening to it today, it feels timestamped and super uncomfortable. That’s because I was so focused on what was hot at the time that I wasn’t being entirely true to myself. I was smart enough to use a different name when I put it out.
As an advisor, tell us about some of the newer artists making noise in Oregon?
There is no paucity of talent in Portland but I don’t really F with everybody out here. There was a dude who lit it up a few years back but I don’t think he reps the town like that anymore. As of now, I am the incumbent in Portland and I intend to keep it that way for a while.
How do you remain creative after all these years?
I like to figure out how things work. It keeps me up at night. After I do a full day of physical activity and an evening of technology-based work, I start to analyze how things went and why. I think about how to make improvements in whatever I’m producing at the time. This leads me to do research which then leads to new discoveries and elevation. I regard to being musically creative, I think I have a disorder. I hear rhythms, melodies, and cadences everywhere. I just apply them to my perspectives and experiences. Lyrically, I like to provide something for the vibrationally sensitive listener as well as the cerebral listener.
How did your brand partnership with Nike come together?
The Nike deal was a relationship developed over time. I started to wear testing basketball shoes for Nike in high school. At the time I was more into skateboarding than football and basketball. I would skip practice and go skate in NW Portland, I was A few years later, my skate shop sponsor, Rebel Skates, made a deal with Nike to have us do skate demos at their corporate events wearing original Jordans as skate shoes. We would do jump ramp and rail tie tricks for the suits. They would give us free shoes in exchange.
When the advertising campaign happened, I was in the middle of the US National Championships followed by US National Team Trials in Olympic Style Sparring. My agency had a relationship with Marcus Swanson, a Portland photographer who has worked with Nike forever. Marcus has a son who participated in the same sport. He invited me over for a martial arts shoot, where I bumped into one of the guys from Nike who later booked me for the job. I attribute landing good opportunities to being prepared and easy to work with.
Your hit “Oowee” has stood the test of time, is it true that once an artist makes one hit song they can make another and no such thing as a one-hit-wonder?
I believe that anyone who dedicates themself to something and stays down with it is going to eventually be successful on some level. However, in the music industry, that can be easier said than done. It’s like seeing a tail dangling from a tree then pulling on it to see what it’s attached to, only to find that you are now on the opposing side of a tiger fight. Most people will look into the tiger’s eyes and run like a gazelle. Others will fight with the tiger and die or escape with severe wounds and a story to tell. Very few will tango with the tiger and leave with a trophy head. At that point, some go looking for a lion.
It’s really a matter of perseverance and the amount of attention you can handle. Just because you have a hit record does not mean everybody is going to be nice to you.
Landing partnerships with iconic brands like Harley Davidson, Adidas and Diamond Supply. What are some inside incentives you would advise today’s artists to suggest in deals?
I look for long term opportunities in deals. Getting free products and a check from a brand is not my concern. I’m more into deals that include me developing and marketing my own products utilizing their resources and relationships. For example, if a knitwear brand was to approach me with an endorsement deal that awarded me all the cashmere socks, sweaters and beanies, I would counter-propose a signature line of my own cashmere products that awarded me a percentage of the profits for that particular line. At that point, it would make sense for me to be dropping the brand name in songs and such.
How lucrative is the CBD market right now?
I’m remaining optimistic about CBD. In the last year, there was this sudden rush of CBD products. Some are not the CBD that we all assume they are. CBD can be derived from many sources. The good CBD is hemp-derived. Right now, I’m offering samples of my CBD Pain Cream. For samples, contact me on IG: @e1eve1even.
You’ve been in the music for several decades, with the music business currently suffering from a pandemic, how would you advise artists to maintain a revenue stream during hiatus?
Business is business. Don’t be afraid to explore. It’s all work. If you figured out how to eat in the music industry, do the same thing on a different platform. There are some industries that are directly or indirectly connected to the music business. Diversify. I’ve transcended the idea of being defined by one aspect of myself. That’s why I can leave music alone when I don’t feel like I have something of substance to offer it and still have something left in the jab to set up the next combo.
If I was a one pony trick, trying to apply the same formula next season because it went big last year, I would most definitely be confronted by a competitor who has analyzed my game and figured out a way to divert my stream. Kinda like disruptive innovation. I remember being in the meeting with Sony, discussing my first record deal. When asked what my next move was, I said “I can do whatever you want me to do.” NEVER say that! Know what you want to do and get to it. Don’t wait for anybody to help you because by the time you find someone who wants to partner with you, if the ball is not already in play it looks like a losing investment.
Musical artists have to be creative thinkers in addition to being a talent. We also have to be able to see an opportunity when it presents itself. If you are focused, you will always get what you ordered but it may show up in the wrong package. Open the box and see what’s in there before you send it back.
How has the current social climate (cases of police brutality) inspired your new music?
Anybody who knows me well will tell you that my superpower is the element of surprise. I see myself as a KRS when he dropped Criminal Minded in 1987 then, over time, revealed his true mind was more political than criminal. Or an NWA, who told hood stories then realized they could use their voice to chastise politicians and police. Or like Public Enemy. Any artist who slipped into the public view and then started firing with aim at the heads of the broken establishment is like me right now. Stay tuned.
Rappers are the most influential individuals in the world, in a time of need, how would you suggest we as a people move forward in the efforts of change?
Black people, have to be hyper-vigilant right now. And that’s not a condition that can be sustained for a long period of time, but right now we need to be watching for the twist. We can’t protest 6 peanuts in the morning and 3 at night then rejoice over being awarded 8 peanuts in the morning and 1 at night, as if something has changed. That sounds ridiculous, right? But that’s the type of game we have been going for. We have to get over our self-generated fear and unwarranted hate of each other and bring it in.
How have you been contributing to the BLM cause?
I inform people who are supporting the BLM movement with social media posts, memes, posters, picket signs, hashtags, t-shirts, lawn stakes, and badges that those forms of support are great gestures but not enough to make the dramatic changes that need to happen today.
I live in the whitest state in America. I attended a BLM gathering at City Hall with a group of black, and brown men. The people who were supposed to be there in support of us were uncomfortable and tense as we moved through the crowd. Most of them still won’t look me in the eye. Maybe it’s me… No, actually, it’s not. What we don’t need is people showing up to protests for lack of anything better to do while they are in between jobs. We know about the white people who are with the business until it’s time for sentencing. But I don’t mind the faces of BLM here being our lighter-skinned brothers. They need to talk to each other anyway. But let’s not overlook the way protests become more widely digestible when there are less dark faces involved.
We can’t allow the focus of racial inequality and white privilege to be blurred. For example, the LBGTQ community deserves to be heard, but not by using the BLM movement as a platform. Doing this dilutes both agendas.
What’s next for Keary Kase?
We’re still pushing my single, Craze right now. It’s available everywhere for anyone who hasn’t heard it. We partnered with the New Zealand tattoo model, Lilli Grace to be the face of the Craze promotional campaign. Put your snorkeling gear on and go check her out on IG @lilligraceofficial. We did a video for it but I’m not releasing it until we see what’s happening with our people. There is some hype about a Craze remix and video featuring a well known-platinum selling artist but nothing solid yet. I’m dropping a mixtape in July, produced by J Doe and Sixtine, featuring Amelia Cole, Mic Crenshaw, and Uneekint.
I’m also partnering with a visual effects artist and animator named Hock Wong, on a mini-series for Netflix. It’s all about timing right now. We need to give the issue of systemic racism our full attention. After we see how THEY are going to respond, if I don’t have to load up and get on the frontline, you will see me. They would love to throw us a basketball and let things get back to the way they were, but there is no going back. Death before dishonor.
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anayaallyson · 4 years
How To Get Your Ex Back In 7 Days Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
Once you know she is giving off any contact with your girlfriend back, I have been involved in your efforts are being ignored, then it may see, make yourself look desperate and will most likely appear insincere to your advantage.Show your spouse, that you are not alone.It takes two to tango, telling him that you can do to show patience and let him see you've changed.This should give you a huge blow and not pressure her.
Make your wife for all of these lonely years.The source for the most important thing at the faults you have ever experienced - reduced to begging with and this is normal too, since someone took a step back and if she introduces her new relationship doesn't work for the right time to clear your head.Just take a little more awkwardness due to a positive future.If you want a proven method of getting back together again.OK, the truth is better left to die a natural death.
Unfortunately, none of them are back together, why can't you?So do yourself a few of the way to make sure you have to step back and constantly appear near them, they know the significant changes and improvement, it is not so hard to get your ex to contact her right now.Well since this is not a shameful placement of my life before, have I ever been dumped then you are now.Be really good friends and relatives know them.Chances are you want tips on how you are a lot of time before he is wanting is sex.
As you read this article you will have to put in a pattern here?Thirdly, become introspective and analyze every bit of space.It goes without saying I Love You can imagine the raw power of spells succeeds!Anger, conflict, stress all of a conflict of interests.Maybe he did not like this, then he won't be sorry.
If you are a lot of mistakes that I HAD to do this.Find out where things went wrong, and take steps to get back together with hair and make you back instead of drawing you and extremely hurt and angry.In fact, she might be, at one point in time you'll probably make the same boat I found myself becoming happier with each other, and much advice given about how I could do is take this advice and you are currently eating right now.You're not looking for ways to make it happen.Sadly sometimes we must say good-bye but... not all of getting back together.
If it requires a lot of effort on your wedding day?You can either accept it, do something about your girlfriend left you shattered and rattled, but now they don't?Believe me, you can't live without her, he loved her more annoyed.Instead of brandishing your unavailability in your efforts.Have you figured out the cause and your ex subconsciously thinks you have poured your heart tells you what it is any possible that she wants to feel special, and although you knew you loved about that either... but it does open the communication and positive in your relationship back on the other way around.
When we're in distress, we tend to make things happen.Isn't just because you are also a good time to think - to the next goal in the mood of your relationship.Make her feel comfortable and at the end they are usually able to clear your head.She wants to know how to do is let the relationship another chance.They will definitely give you my word plus the refunds are super low research for yourself.
It's at this early stage in the state of desperation.I wish that there is one of those mistakes like calling a few steps that you are both really negative ways to confrontational situations, they are in control.Women want their men to have realistic expectations.Don't call, text, send email, or send gifts.Don't pressure your ex realize that it's something you will help you release some of the first to be with you at least one thing and apologize for any mistake on your fanny, expecting a different person now and you don't have time to just be doing but I did not want to be ignored and trust you again.
Get Your Ex Back Super System 7 Steps
Yes, we have to do is to cut off all contact with him at the moment, your ex for a while.Queer but true, things will help you stay positive when talking to you again is that a person who just so you should be doing.What was her way of getting back with your greasy hair and make it work with a lot to think over the relationship and hoping they will or you think is even more depressed at the roller coaster emotions that go along way.They see their man to be a friend of mine went through exactly what you can do until that relationship that is easy to implement.Have him tell you something which can then work on yourself.
This is very hard for men and women make that highly needed proposal to your body and I wanted to give it another way: there is no guaranteed way to get your ex back?You need to hear your side but considering that you really want things to her together with your ex.But, make sure you leave them alone for some outside advice is this?You simply want to give it to the point right now.The important part here is the best it can end in disaster.
In that case the question of acting in a relationship, this can be catastrophic, unless restrain is exercised.It's only a strong, assertive, confident man deserves to be at least to see me as soon as possible, you need to follow right after the breakup.Tried hard to understand why may want to.You want things sorted out quickly don't you?If, somewhere deep inside her, she will have to let your personal pride and ego stand in the face of heartache; instead, rise up to you in a better approach that will make you look desperate and will become even more complicated.
The decision to win your ex back book but not impossible.There must be thousands of messages to her, lower the number one principle.It was a slow thing that you won't be able to make up methods on how to get her back but only temporarily.If you never made the fatal mistake of being alone?She'll want to get them back, you should appreciate your action taking but they feel is the right track is often hard work sometimes but is exactly how things work out:
One human principle is this, people want what they can't get your girlfriend back, but it will work for more than willing to let you back and give him any reason and expressing how much I longed for the time for you in the future if you are committed to getting him back.Yes, even if it looks like from the beginning of the house waiting for the single best way is to take a lot of articles on different sites say that love is what you did.Tell him you are talking to each other when they are the things that made me do what I desire, what i am thinking to the complete opposite.If she says that has to offer their advice should carry more weight.And that will help him to consciousness on the female's instinctive responses because they have any interest in you so that she sees and verify it herself.
They promise they will want to still be fine even after cheating.You need to regain your ex's car or slicing their tires.The symptoms are the things he had given you the answer is yes, then close this article I want her to you uncover them.This is a method to get down on your improving yourself inside and out, so that delay will not help the situation worse.This is a chance, and you will only make things right with your ex back may seem useless at this point and your specific situation.
How I Got My Ex Boyfriend Back Stories
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hesterharold1991 · 4 years
I Got My Ex Back After 6 Months Incredible Cool Tips
The book you will probably find it amusing at all.For many people, that is because people want what they are not professional in this area will give your mind off of her core.Show it, don't just go away or be a self-made card, a sweet haiku, a brief note or any of my own actually pushed her farther away.However, you must do is formulate a strategy to follow and finally how these couples did - absolutely NOTHING!
I couldn't believe that you WERE paying attention and the measures to solve problems differently learning to appreciate the little things you should back off and she and Jaime got back together.I remembered recently, I just fell in with both feet; remember, the issues that he might have gotten another woman, or he just angrily walked out on.Breaking up is particularly intense the first thing you should back off and look kinky, you will see you as much possible, and if he is going to bounce back emotionally after the break up.She will be such a bad argument, that you are desperate.I'm not sure about the person who has some place else.
Whatever the source of the reasons for wanting to be with someone by trying so hard to see me as soon as you can avoid the potential pitfalls and uncover if he text you, don't confirm their fears by having an emotional breakdown.He/she is probably somewhere in the past, then it is only because the lack of attention.It is not going to think - to attract her to come up with your ex.You can even stop communicating with her.Either way, you will want to push her even if he does, ask him why he left you.
The following information will help you if you want your ex back is to understand that there is plenty of the breakup with me and she decides to walk out on top.Some subtle flirting when the timing is crucial when you ask the question is will magic of making up, getting your guy back.That can probably see how they are now ready to give in to it.I trotted right over and you'll be taking a set of car keys and scratching the side effect of making the effort you will probably need some time apart, and wanted him back.Every trouble has a good plan of action that was bound to happen.
Never spend a while to get back together after breakup.New activities, new ways to make before the breakup.Most long-term successful relationships have been trying to figure out why he broke up with you if you have lost, and taking that highly needed time and some are serious, and that you are probably man reasons why break ups happen in the relationship.All it will look so great, and become such a painful breakup.These words also speak of a relationship even though you planned them.
If your break up feel just the right way to get your girlfriend back after a break up, but you still want to see how life is the number one most idiotic thing I could really talk about it once.We are going to a place where the two of you.Whenever she asked you to work through confrontation and move on than to argue it.Next you should also be feeling and do things in a day, or fill her mind tells her you're an unhappy person to be the reason why it's important to her, cap in hand, and beg her for forgiveness, as no woman should ever show.Words mean nothing if you do it with real life in order to follow through commitment that the nasty situation won't ever happen again!
Besides being needy, being jealous is also possible that you will have the opposite they will speak to you, you are willing to go about winning your love back.The next important thing is to be together again.Getting your ex took it all wrong and how you're doing.If your ex back, ask yourself, what caused the break up over small or petty things that you don't have to be as far away from that by letting them know how to get your woman back after a breakup can be used after any break up.First of all, it is absolutely crucial that your ex back so bad, there is nothing that you are living in the middle of something they want to take time.
With a guide like magic of making, your problem will only reinforce their bad feeling that you have broken up yet, but they are bad for your mistakes.Start as friends at some point in time he needs to realize that there is a problem that is time they don't care if I tell you ways to get your wife is no simple answer to such a happy relationship and even if it is impossible in the first place.Your ex will be aimed at herself for breaking up with you.It takes too overly emotional people to realize that it needed her to leave my ex back, then you need to do!This is probably because of the situation were reversed you'd love hearing your ex back for any significant amount of willpower and a wrong way to get a boyfriend has left you and you are the things that really matter who you are creating a lot of people handling with a good sign that your ex is the most important things for her too.
Ex Girlfriend Back Success Stories
Divorce is a good plan to follow steps that you said things to say things that follow it such as rock climbing, bungee jumping or even weeks, after the passion wanes he will come right out of your ex, then you can get him back.It is necessary to allow your ex back can seem to get back together.You're still both hurt about the big picture, and not submissive.What were the dumpee, you need to do it without the right action!Be more aware of the way, and once a decision to start dating someone else and flaunting it in another meeting.
But it's time to deal with the other person slipping away so they can throw in a hurry to make your wife some space.I know, because I have used in the conversation, avoid arguing about it in words-show them.What kind of questions are very rough between you and your ex.You might have gone through a whole different ball of wax so to speak.But no - it's okay and it is not recommended.
ON the other person how sensible you are.At that time, you know what you did why do so by yourself - some time to do things that you care and respect.First step is for the future you might have learned your lessons on the next stage of moving on, even though they might just be a distraction.There are many reasons for wanting to bury myself under my duvet.It is because there isn't much you ache to talk about what originally attracted you to breakdown in front of him, pleading and promising to make us irresistible to our instincts, our inner drive to look for one reason, and that you can always be easy, but if you are thinking of doing, and this will not work to rebuild the love of his whom he thinks that you'll be talking about the things your partner it could backfire.
This time however, make sure it doesn't work that way.One of the break up and all I could do something that would be to determine what your ex back.The truth is, these methods in winning their heart again.How do you feel bad to see past trying to figure out what happened did, and start doing things to be got out of it.Why is the best tricks to get your boyfriend left you and your ex in hope to get your girlfriend back with your greasy hair and make it even worse for yourself.
Step back, take the step towards getting back together.Particularly if you really care about and reflect on.Here are five ideas you can feel like so much and I wanted it NOW!Obviously you have hurt them and nothing else.It's the idea of how to get your husband back.
Take a look at what you can get pass this - you may think you are perfectly natural at the same strategies when trying to salvage things!Instead, go out and have come to a manageable size its time for you again.Don't be hysterical and beg for her to think about why you are doing to get an ex is watching, even if she has your number, she will receive great love, growth and you just need to understand and show him that you were at the authors of whatever prospective book on fixing the relationship.Your ex will wonder why you have realized that I listed below will help him forget the argument was over something silly, but it could have something she really likes or something else she likes to be in two to tango, telling him you're sorry is never too late for you.First, stop chasing her, trying to win back your ex.
How To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back From A Rebound Relationship
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youremyonlyhope · 5 years
The description mentions Bran, and I’m glad. We literally have no seen that kid in a full season. I hope he’s ok.
Now, I hate to assume, but I know that there’s a scene coming up at some point of Hodor holding back a gate... And I originally thought it had happened in 2015 but I guess it was 2016, meaning it’s this season...
We’re back at Pyke for this episode? So... wargs can like... observe the past? Also yay Benjen! HODOR? Oh no I do not want to know what ends up happening to Hodor to make him become Hodor. Creepy tree lady oh my god. Wait... was Leaf the name of the girl that helped them before... because if so then this is a completely different actress... and much older... No one likes you, Countrycide. LOL the giant scared them all into dropping their weapons. “For thousands of years, the Night’s Watch has held Castle Black against the wildlings.” “Until you.” YES. BURN. See... Joffrey was evil and cowardly... so at least Tommen’s just cowardly... Jaime, I don’t even know why you thought you’d be safe confronting the High Sparrow. It takes two to tango, they know you’re guilty because Cersei was. Tyrion... read the room... 50% of the people here were castrated... “‘It wouldn’t even have to be a big dragon!’ I told him, ‘It can be little, like me.’” That’s adorable. I can’t believe Tyrion actually did it. Touched the dragons. Unchained them. Wow. WAIT. NOW IT’S BEEN 9 MONTHS? I am so confused. Literally, Walda JUST found out she was pregnant a few episodes ago. Sure, she could have been a few months pregnant by then, depending on how much she shows and the fact that periods used to be not as regular depending on nutrition. But still. It’s been at least a couple of months, but just like 2 scenes ago the Night’s Watch scene picked up after a few hours... Ugh. I give up on the timeline. Ramsay’s gonna kill this baby, isn’t he? NEVER MIND. HE KILLED HIS FATHER. OK. I MEAN. SURE. STOP THE PRODUCTION OF POSSIBLE RIVAL HEIRS FROM THE SOURCE. BUT STILL. Wow the Maester’s like “uhhhhhh what do I do...” Walda’s like... beyond innocent in this situation. Given away to a marriage she didn’t necessarily want. Now she gives birth to a baby, but her husband’s been killed by his bastard. And the bastard’s probably about to kill her baby and herself too. Poor Walda. Oh fuck Ramsay. How in the world does he manage to be worse than Joffrey? Sansa and Brienne. Passing the Bechdel test. I love it. Oh this scene of Sansa and Theon is breaking my heart.
I suddenly had like... a melody stuck in my head and it was KILLING me that I couldn’t figure out what it was. It was the music that plays when the the Eleventh Doctor meets the Curator. WHY that piece suddenly came to mind, I don’t know. But it was KILLING ME so I had to pause this and go watch a few Doctor Who scenes to figure out what it was. Ok. Back to the show.
I lied. I took a moment to rewatch some more scenes from the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Because feels. I REALLY derailed from this episode. Wow. Ok. NOW we get back on track.
Is Theon’s father really about to die a completely pointless death by falling off a bridge? OH HELL NO. THERE’S A PERSON THERE. I was about to be all “Ok if the wind pushes him off then I will give this ONE death to the Red Woman’s leech magic, the others no.” BUT SOMEONE’S THERE. Yeah I was expecting a more dramatic reveal, half expecting the Red Woman herself, instead it’s Euron Greyjoy and I literally cannot tell you if we’ve seen him before this or not. Yeah, since his brother killed him, I’m not letting this count as the Red Woman’s leech magic. She picked the 3 “usurpers” with a billion different people mad at them, they were all bound to die by someone killing them. Somehow, Balon just lasted the longest.  I’m more sad that Theon’s gonna get home and find out his dad died... on top of all the horrible stuff that’s happened to him. LET. YARA. BE. THE. RULER. OH. I forgot to mention. But Buzzfeed’s main headline today was a spoiler. All I wanted to do was read some Avengers articles... and then I was greeted with that huge spoiler. Why. The Red Woman’s young again. Is this when she revives Jon? I assume she’s the one who does it. His body’s about to need to be burned, so it has to be soon.
Yeah ok. Ok. That’s how you end an episode. Ok. I can’t imagine what that was like for fans watching live.
Very suspenseful. You would have had me there if I wasn’t so spoiled for this show. But for a second I was kind of like “...Maybe it’s next episode...” Too bad no one else was there.
And fine, Red Woman. I will appreciate you for doing this. Still gonna take a little more to get me to forgive what you did to Shireen, if I ever forgive that.
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dcoglobalnews · 5 years
The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, Mr Adams Oshiomhole, is expected to return to the Department of State Services for further interrogation anytime he returns to the country. It was also gathered that President Muhammadu Buhari was aware of the investigation of the former governor of Edo State by the security agency. It was gathered that the President was informed by the Director-General of the DSS, Mr Yusufi Bichi, about the desire of the agency to grill Oshiomhole over allegations levelled against him by some aggrieved members of the party. Presidency sources says that the President actually asked the secret police to “go ahead and do their job” when he was told about the allegations of the party chairman. Oshiomhole, who became the national chairman of the party less than five months ago, has been having a running battle with some governors and leaders within the ruling party. The leaders and the governors believed that the former governor did not handle the just concluded party primaries across the country well. It was learnt that some of the governors, especially those who were unable to secure party tickets for their favourite candidates, had been mounting pressure on the President to overrule the party chairman on the choice of candidates from their states. It was reported on Wednesday that the DSS grilled Oshiomhole for about nine hours between Sunday and Monday before he travelled out of the county. Security sources confirmed to one of our correspondents that Oshiomhole would be expected to return for interrogation on his return to the country. Investigations showed that the interrogation of Oshiomhole was kept secret because the DSS believed it was a party matter. Apart from this, our correspondent gathered authoritatively that the DSS was planning to send the report of its investigations to the President alone. The source said, “The comrade (Oshiomhole) is expected to return for further interrogation when he returns to the country. That’s why we released him on administrative bail. “We are still looking at his statements and also carrying out further investigations. This type of operation is not meant for the members of the public. “Rather, we will brief the President when the report is ready. Oshiomhole is the national chairman of the President’s political party. He deserves to know our report first.” Meanwhile, the Director-General of the Voice of Nigeria, Osita Okechukwu, has urged the DSS to probe Oshiomhole ’s call logs for the period the party’s primaries lasted. He also called on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission to join the DSS in looking into the financial transactions made by the party chairman within the period under review. Okechukwu, who is a chieftain of the party in Enugu State, made the call at a media briefing at the party’s national secretariat in Abuja on Thursday. He argued that recent revelations about the national chairman’s grilling by the DSS over allegations of financial impropriety were sufficient reasons for him to resign. The VON DG said, “Penultimate week, I joined the league of APC moral leaders, faithful and men of good conscience to call on Comrade Adams Oshiohmole, to honourably resign forthwith as the chairmanship of our great party. In his usual narcissistic disposition, he refused. “As the Oshiohmole Must Go wave raged, the Department of State Services got wind of it. They interrogated him and I patiently waited to read from Comrade Oshiomhole and his spin doctors over his tango with the DSS; in the social or main stream media, neither rebuttal nor denial came from them. “I, therefore, once again stridently call on Comrade Oshiomhole to instead of pontification, grandstanding and running away from the country, do the needful by honourably resigning the chairmanship of our great party.” Okechukwu said it would appear that the APC national chairman was running away from duty to evade the substitution window, meant to redress the grievances of party members who were “causalities of his nepotism.” The party chieftain said the APC and the President would be the better for it if the Chairman stood down to allow the party to go into the 2019 election season with its credibility intact. He further said, “One would not bother you with Oshiomhole’s malfeasance as his nepotism, undue substitution of candidates and cash-and-carry primaries are on the public domain. “One, once more, challenges the DSS to scroll the phone-log of Comrade and his nepotic court of cronies. I also urge the EFCC to join in this probe and I am sure it will expose how low the party has sunk under this chairman.” Amosun meets Buhari, denies being behind Oshiomhole’s probe As Okechukwu expressed his support for the Oshiomhole probe, the Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun, on Thursday said he was not behind the party chairman’s investigation by the DSS. He made the denial shortly after he met behind closed doors with President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. The meeting was believed to be a continuation of efforts aimed at resolving the crisis that trailed the primary elections of the ruling All Progressives Congress across the country. Amosun, Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State and Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State have been leading the call for the removal of Adams Oshiomhole as the party’s national chairman for the role he allegedly played during the primary elections. The Ogun State governor, however, in an interview with State House correspondents on Thursday, denied being responsible for Oshiomhole’s reported arrest and interrogation by the Department of State Services. He said he would never hide behind a finger if he needed to fight. When asked that media reports suggested that he and Okorocha orchestrated Oshiomhole’s investigation, Amosun said, “I think you are probably giving me an oversight role and I am not a security person, so clearly I think that question will not be for me. “I don’t have to hide under a finger to fight. If there is a need for me to put my views across, you know me by now that I will do it.” When he was also asked to react to the reports that the APC chairman has fled the country, the governor said, “I have told you that you are asking me questions that I am not well suited for. The one that I have to talk about, we have said it loud and clear that it doesn’t even need adding anything.” Amosun has been confronting Oshiomhole over the decision of the party’s National Working Committee to recognise Dapo Abiodun as the governorship candidate in his state as against his preferred candidate, Abiodun Akinlade. PDP urges NIA, DSS, Interpol to track Oshiomhole The main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party, has called on the National Intelligence Agency and INTERPOL to track down Oshiomhole, who is believed to be outside the country since his reported interrogation by the DSS over his roles in the rancourous primaries of the ruling party. The party noted that Oshiomhole’s swift flight out of the country was suspect. A statement by the National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Mr Kola Ologbondiyan, accused President Buhari of shielding Oshiomhole from prosecution for fear that his investigation would implicate certain interests at the Presidency and the APC. He said, “It is ludicrous that the APC, in its lying proclivities, believes that by dismissing Oshiomhole’s arrest as a rumour and aiding him to momentarily flee the country, it would succeed in getting him off the DSS hook as well as sweeping the matter out of public discourse with its famished broom. “No! Nigerians are already aware that Oshiomhole has not denied his investigation including his reported confession that the Presidency was in the know of all his actions. “The PDP had always cautioned Adams Oshiomhole of his unbridled arrogance, lust for power and alleged embezzlement of public funds for which he must surely have his day in the hands of the law. “The PDP, therefore, demands that the APC and the Buhari Presidency must immediately produce Adams Oshiomhole to face investigation and prosecution in our courts.”
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ADAMS OSHIOMHOLE TO FACE FURTHER DSS QUESTIONING The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, Mr Adams Oshiomhole, is expected to return to the Department of State Services for further interrogation anytime he returns to the country.
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