#‘get FaWKed little one c;< ’
pb-loves-owls · 9 months
I predict that if when the finally get together, Blitz will love every instance where Stolas cusses outside of bed. it’s the funniest shit.. he legit thinks Stolas is the funniest fucker in all of Hell without even trying. The posh voice, the way he’s just a giant nerd, how he’s a kinky slut but also a big soft romantic guy. the juxtaposition of that nerdy little pencil thin owl prince saying “get fucked” will never not be fucking hilarious
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demonstars · 9 months
would you consider c!dnf to be star-crossed lovers?
yes. Hi this is why i took so long anon.
the definition of star crossed  in wikipedia is “"thwarted by a malign star" or that the stars are working against the relationship” . And obviously peak quote right there from shakespeare’s play (tho i think i read somewhere it Has a precedent? but as many things the one writing gets all the credit probably): A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life. LIKE YOU KNOW IT YOU KNOW THE THEMES YOU ASKED ABOUT IT sorry i just like defining stuff ok but um yeah Literally that there’s something above them that prevents their relationship from occurring or continuing. in this case it is the fact that the one thing that the dsmp is trying to amend is the fact that dnf can’t be together, so they play together. this is a very important factor because the reason as to why the dsmp as a narrative exists, is because everyone was just generally inside their houses, looking for connection. i am so passionate about this, so please bear with me. 
SO at first glace it is mostly due to their actions that they fall apart. specifically a lot of people but the weight of their separation on cdream’s well entire Thing. yknow control the fawking disks and general uncaring behaviour towards cgeorge. or well no i dont actually know those were a takes in 2020. Of course this is cDream Is A Complex Character, Actually house so we’re Not going to allow such a lack of nuance in our interpretation, but the weight still falls on him a little, no? well no but yes. you see, in a way, i do think cdnf were preemptively doomed just from the core conflict that emerges the first time they fight against an actual force (lmanberg) I think i wrote this in the doc?? but To Me the actual reason as to the conflict between cdnf, ignoring the boiling point that’s obviously dethronement, is just how much stakes they have in the game aka how much they care about the other/the world. cdream cares. cdream cares so fucking much about everything. he Feels responsible for everything, when conflict happens he tries his best to act upfront about it and fix it: he wants to help everyone and he cares too much about everything, in a way that almost makes him a control freak. if he can fix everything, everyone can live happily – but that requires everyone’s trust in him to make the right decision, and well sometimes people just wont listen to you and it doesnt matter whether or not youre right. and you can think like. a little fucked up but here’s da other thing. cgeorge just doesnt give a single fuck. cdream says its okay? eh, it must be true. he has Full Trust In All His Decisions. and that doesnt necessarily means he’s unable to make his own, or that he doenst. he goes against cdreams decisions a lot of times actually but just in Silly Mode: is just that he prefers it to when they are together, the same side. and this is what makes them work so well! cdream likes and treasures that trust. cgeorge loves that cdream cares for him and his wellbeing. It was neverrrrrrrr them Themselves who would’ve made it not work out. 
i think that there’s like the knowledge that it can’t work out in that world what makes it fall apart. the world becomes hostile against them, and as their relationships weakens due to a Variety of Reasons, it justcouldve never worked out. It’s less their decisions (cdream was going to come back for cgeorge, cgeorge would’ve received him with a little snark but open arms) BUTTHEY JUST DONT /GET TO HAVE THAT RESOLUTION/. THEY KEEP /MISSING EACH OTHER/. its like seeing two stars in the same sky in vertical knowing they will NEVER reach each other. they dont get a define conclusion and we (and them) are just left to what ifs and what couldve happen-eds. their happy ending is outside of their hands because ccdnf are atp spending more time calling each other and talking to e/o to log onto minecraft to do silly tasks. its just not enough anymore for them. it was never going to work out 
okYeah sorry for essaying my bad 
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dystopyx-blog · 1 month
Beasts of Prey
more yandere nonsense. enjoy your harem (MC’s last name is Hare)
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best friend 
She loves taking her darling to the bar so she can beat up people who flirt with her.
She knows bars and clubs make her darling so uncomfortable, but she will make her feel so *so* safe. 
Isolating her from her friends and gaslighting is her thing! 
Absolutely takes advantage her close relationship with her and blurs the line of “platonic” and “romantic”
Will kiss her and if she gets mad? 
“I’m just showing how much I love ya, bestie!”
And it’s true.
M/C just doesn’t realize how true it is. 
“Y’know I’d never lie to you, babes!”
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male (ftm)
This big softie! 
The only person M/C trusts as much as they trust Kat; maybe even more!
He’s a huge teddy bear, and M/C will call him as much.
He’s her teddy bear, and she’s his little bear -
But this big bear refuses to let ANYTHING happen to his little bear.
He also is an isolator
He will do whatever he can to convince his darling to just stay in their apartment with him.
His job doesn’t require him to leave the house much, so he’s happy to take care of her and the home.
Constantly trying to convince her to quit her job and just let him care for her.
”I don’t like it when you leave…what if you get hurt?”
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This man
This man -
MC referred to him as Gray, until they got closer and she started calling him Wolfy.
Obviously she’s the only one who can get away with that.
Actually, he really likes it - likes that she gave him a “personalized” nickname -
So in return he calls her “Bunny” (MC’s last name is Hare) 
Tbh he’s actually probably the chillest out of all of them? 
Monopolizing is his favorite, but he doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to do so.
Any excuse he can get to be with his darling, he’ll take! He’d go to the ends of the earth for her…
He dreams of the day he can take her far far away from everything and keep her to himself…
And he views that day as inevitable. 
She will be his. 
”Hey, I don’t like it when you leave, so stop leaving, okay?”
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Oh -
Oh, this man -
this man -
Delusional man in power! 
Genuinely thinks he’s living out some sort of              “ “ “forbidden romance” ” ” with his darling 
Believes that his precious darling does love him! She’s just so scared of the consequences of dating her boss…
He’d never fire her, but he dreams of the day she’ll quit so he can finally marry her and keep her in his nice house and settle down.
She often forgets or loses her lunch, and when it happens he’ll insist she share with him.
The only way she can get out of it is if she sneaks off with Wolfgang for lunch first. 
Thankfully too delusional to use his status to get what he wants, because in his eyes, he already has it anyway. 
“You don’t need a job, my dear! I can provide for you! But since you aren’t quite ready to settle down, I will wait. Just remember my patience is not infinite.”
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“Met” MC at a gay bar Kat had dragged her to.
Has been obsessed ever since. 
They’re the stalker!
They’re the one with the shrine!
They’re the one who will take small “mementos” from her house! 
They also will steal locks of hair and knit with it.
One day they’ll whisk their darling away for good (they’ve already got a room ready), but for now they’re content to watch them from a distance. 
Favorite activity is watching her sleep :heart:
They also love seeing how close they can get and what they can get away with during that time she’s asleep…
”Aw, just look at my precious darling! The way she’s posed for me—it’s as if she knows I’m here! I’m definitely adding these pictures to her shrine!~”
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troidatoi · 9 months
Day 7 - 9/21/2023
I think I've literally cried every day this month. I always get so emotional when September comes and I don't know if it's cause of the transition to Fall and I already know my seasonal depression is going to skyrocket. My health anxiety is through the roof that I can't stop thinking about it and crying about it. Every little thing just triggers me and I start crying and and it's just tears on tears on tears. I just want to feel better so bad. I went to the gastro doctor again to test for SIBO and I don't have it. It's a relief that I don't but I still don't know what's going on with my body and the uncertainty makes me to k*ll myself. Sometimes I think I have the C word. (I know I don't.) It also feels like there's a lot of pressure in my head like there's something wrong with my brain. I just want to stop thinking like this but I can't. I so badly want something good to happen to me and I know it will. I want to be able to eat without fear, I want to not bloat anymore and not feel inflamed. I want to fit into my clothes again. I want to be able to enjoy life. (I'm trying my best.) Food still isn't digesting properly and I know it will heal sometime soon. I just feel like I'm doing everything I can but nothing is working. This is all started when I did my tummy tuck (which I don't regret at all) but if I knew my digesting system was going to be like this after then I don't know if I made the right move. I just wanted to look and feel fit and skinny for the first time in my life and I felt like I ruined it. :( I know I'll go back to my ideal weight soon and I'm doing the best I can but I am spending so much money on doctors and supplements and medication. I just wish I could get tested for everything and not have to worry about the money. My gastro doctor doesn't want me to do more testing because he doesn't want to expose me to radiation and I just laughed but I really want him to do it! Test me! I need to figure this out! I wish I took care of my body better. I keep apologizing to my body but also telling her that I love her and thank her for how strong she is. I don't want my body to keep going through this and I know I won't feel this way forever but I just want to heal so bad and it just feels never ending. This whole month has been ass so far. LOL. Like I'm trying to be positive but sometimes I just want to fucking scream and yell and throw something and punch something because of everything that's happened so far this month. Like you know where everything is going wrong and you feel like you can't watch a break and you just want to breathe but life decided to throw hands?! Yeah, this was all this fucking month.
The job search has also been making me extremely depressed like these companies are pissing me the fawk off with how we need to apply for the job and taking forever to get back to us. I had an interview with a certain company in June. Still haven't heard anything back. I even emailed the recruiter last month and he said they haven't heard anything yet. I thought the interview went well but it shouldn't take this long to get back to someone. I rather have them tell me I didn't get it then just get ghosted like this. (I am hoping I'm not getting ghosted. LOL) Don't even talk to me about salary because these companies want you to do the work of 2-3 people for a low ass salary like be fucking for real. I applied to two jobs yesterday and it was just so tedious although I'm hoping to get a call back from one of them just because I think it'd be cool to work there. :) Also, I applied to MGM and they got back to me the next day and set up an interview and everything. The manager texts me and she said servers are down and I was like okay, cool shit happens. I just thought the power shut off but nope. I found out later that week that they got hacked so everything got leaked and I was like HAHAHAHAHA, maybe the Universe doesn't want me to work there? I don't know man, I don't know whether to laugh or cry when it comes shit like this. Like I'm just asking to make money so I can pay back my parents and pay off my debt. I don't even want to be rich. Just financially stable enough to afford my wants and needs and even move out!! This whole month has just been so terrible. I want to believe that something good will happen you know? I'm claiming it though even if I need to be delusional about it.
I for some reason think about death a lot like it consumes me to the point where I just start crying out of nowhere. I remember even when I was a kid I asked my mom why do we die and she couldn't give me a straight answer. I don't know why I was little and asking questions about death. I remember crying in class when I was in 4th grade thinking about death for some reason. Like the thought just washed over me when I thought about it. I always thought (I still do) that death is so fucking tragic and living an old age is a privilege. Aging is a beautiful thing. (I don't know why the fuck society makes it seem so bad.) I like the idea of celebrating your life (which is probably why I love birthdays so much). Because it means that you're still here and shouldn't we celebrate the fact that you're still here? You made it this far. I thought about my death today like fucking a lot which is why I was crying a lot. Like would I be okay dying right now? I even thought what I would write to my family and friends if I ended up dying like right now. LMAO. Why am I like this? I would say I'd live a good life so far, a lot of ups and downs of course. A lot of regrets but not a lot of regrets. I've always done things that made me happy, my social life is amazing, and I have family and friends who love me.
My favorite artist right now La Roux knows who I am!!! The only thing that is keeping me going right now is that I need to meet her and see her in concert. LOL. It's funny cause she sent me encouraging messages and I didn't even think she would reply back to me. She told me to stay strong and I was like yeah okay!!! Let's do it not only for me but for her too. lmaooo. I don't know why her message affected me so much when my family and friends told me the same fucking thing but I was still fucking sad and mad about everything. I really do love her and her music so much. The way I gush over her is crazy. LOL. I don't want to sound obsessed but she's just so effortlessly cool. I really want to be her when I grow up. She's such a nice person and I know I shouldn't idolize celebrities blah blah blah but I have loved every song and every project she's done that I bought both her albums and vinyls and hung them on my wall which I took a picture of and showed her and she said she loved it like yeah I hope she knows how much I love her. I'm telling myself I can't die without meeting her and seeing her live which is one of the things that's keeping me going. She gives it her all every performance. I know I'm going to meet her. LOL. If I met Kobe, then I'm definitely going to meet her one way or another. I'm manifesting that shit right now and I'm going to make it happen. I just love her so much like the first time she messaged me back, I cried. lmfaooo. I cry so much, someone should do a study on me. A conversation and hug from her would heal me in so many ways and we were even born in the same month!! And she speaks so intelligently and articulates so well. I think she's so fucking smart. She says it like it is and she's not scared to disagree with people and things. LOL. I remember everyone telling me that I was going to meet Kobe in high school and I kept having dreams where I met Kobe and tried to get a picture with him but my phone wouldn't work and I would always think like fuck, if I met him and this shit happened, I would cry. Lo and behold, a few years later I met him at his book signing at The Grove and it was worth it. The worker who took my picture did an amazing job taking my pictures with him and you can see how star struck I was to meet him. He was so nice and asked me if I wanted a hug and I was like yes!! I miss him everyday and I hope him and Gigi are well. And I hope when I meet La Roux, she doesn't think I'm weird or annoying as I know she has anxiety. Like I said I'd love a hug, a convo and picture (mirror selfie would be so amazing, lmao) with her. <3 It's going to happen! I just need to take care of myself first (which I'm fucking doing even if I have to fucking scream and bitch and moan about it until I get to a place where I feel better and my health is in a better place!)
Okay there was like a lot of negativity in this post because sometimes a bitch needs to fucking vent and let some shit off her chest (besides talking about my love for Kobe and La Roux) but I know they would want me to keep going despite of it all. The two celebrities who really did change my life for the better and I hope they know how much of a positive impact they've had on me. I just have to believe that my body is going to heal while also putting in the work to help it heal. I also have to believe that someone is going to hire me at the end of the month and that I'm going to pay off my debt. I need to give myself more credit for surviving all of this. I know something great is coming my way and money is going to flow towards me. I'm going to have good health and eat what I want again without pain. I am also going to Life is Beautiful tomorrow which should be nice!! I'm going with John and it's probably something I need. Probably have a heart to heart with John and cry over everything with him. I love concerts so much. I love music so much! I think it'd be nice to just get out of the house and not stare at my screen and wallow in my thoughts. lmfao. I'm just trying to appreciate and be happy with where I am now and hopefully good things follow me for it. I need to have faith even if it feels hopeless right now. Stay strong, Jane. You didn't come this far to come this far. You are protected, guided, and loved. Everything always works out for you! Believe it! Manifest it! Claim it! Please remember this on the days where you feel like everything is going wrong. I love you so much.
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kacchanbiased · 11 months
It’s funny watching people argue over whether they think izuocha is going to be endgame or not b/c it’s quite literally set up to be to the point where Uraraka like admits to falling for Deku in one of the more recent chapters but even then i cant bring myself to gaf about izuocha.
It has to be the most boring endgame ship ever and im not saying that Just bc it’s “het”. I ship so many het ships if they’re good I’ll bite! But it’s insane how hard he fumbled their relationship especially when he set it up so fawking early in the story 😭 by the time you get to this point in the conflict youre left feeling like they dont even have that deep of a friendship w each other because how hard he sidelines Uraraka (cuz he cant write female characters). Then to play catch up he has them talk to each other about virtually nothing on a pretty backdrop but it’s too little too late for me.
ATP kirimina and kamijiro are much more interesting endgame “het ships” but I doubt theyre going to be explicitly canonized the way izuocha is meant to be, and theyre ships involving supporting characters. Ya know ppl who the story arent super focused on in the first place.
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babybluebex · 3 years
baron zemo nsfw alphabet
surprise surprise, have a zemo nsfw alphabet hehe
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A = Aftercare
Zemo is totally into aftercare, and he’s such a good caretaker. Like, he’s got you in a warm bubble bath and is gently cleaning you off with a washcloth, and he’ll bundle you in one of his sweaters or an old t-shirt to cuddle up in and sleep in, and he’s giving you endless kisses and praising you.
B = Body Part
He likes your thighs. He’s always trying to find a way to use them as a pillow— you’ll be on your phone and he will settle his head between your thighs as he reads his book. Zemo also loves to kiss them and bite them while he’s eating you out; he likes to see the hickies on them later.
C = Cum
Zemo definitely wants to cum inside you, but he’s a little scared of getting you pregnant. If he’s wearing a condom, he’ll cum inside you, no problem, but if he’s not, he’ll pull out and cum on your stomach/back, depending on what position you’re in.
D = Dirty Secret
Zemo loves being praised. In pretty much every situation, he’ll blush a little if you praise him, even if it's non-sexual. He adores being praised in bed, though. “Fuck, Zemo, you look so pretty down there, between my legs, eating my pussy so well” type stuff really gets his motor running.
E = Experience
In my mind, Zemo was a little teenage heartthrob in Sokovia in the 90s, always in magazines and had “fan clubs” and things like that. He certainly had a lot of girlfriends in his late teens/early 20s before he went to the military and before Heike. And this man is a dilf!! Zemo fucks!!
F = Favorite Positions
I’m just gonna say it: Zemo loves doggy-style. He likes getting a fistful of your hair and tugging on it as he fucks you, or anchoring his strong hands on your hips and giving it his all. He would also like vanilla missionary, but it’s greatly improved if he can have your legs over his shoulders.
G = Goofy
Nah, not really. Of course, there are the moments where you can’t help but laugh, if his turtleneck gets caught on his nose or your hip pops really loudly, but he doesn’t actively seek out moments like that. If you gotta laugh, then you gotta laugh. To him, having intimacy and being comfortable enough to laugh while doing it is the sign of a good relationship.
H = Hair
He’s well-groomed, for sure. Not too long or wild. He’s got his hair situation figured out. Also, I choose to believe that he’s got one of the hairier chests of the Danny Bunch, and I can’t explain my thought process there, but he just Does. His necklace is nestled in a dark crop of chest hair every day. It drives me wild.
I = Intimacy
Honestly, I don’t think Zemo is an intimate man. He values it, but he just isn’t. He’s terrified of getting close to someone, so he tries to push people away. You’re the one person that he allows to get close to him, and, even then, he’s intimidated by his adoration for you. He’s worried that somebody will see you’re his weakness and target you. The most intimate that Zemo will allow himself to be is holding you at night and kissing you softly for what seems like no reason.
J = Jack Off
Not often, but it does happen. Usually, you’re asleep and he doesn’t want to bother you, even though he knows you’d say yes. If he’s away from you for any reason (on a mission or, God forbid, in prison), he’s fucking his fist and biting his tongue because he can only think about you.
K = Kink
He likes to be hit. Like, he has no idea that it turns him on until he encounters you sparring with Bucky one day, and you coerce him into going one round with you, and you land a solid hit to his cheek and he has to step back like “what the fawk”, because it didn’t hurt but he’s suddenly Very Erect. Once y’all figure this out, you’ll hit his cheek a lot. Like, he’s eating you out and is getting really greedy with it, and you’ll slap his cheek “Slow down, baby, you’re gonna hurt yourself”
L = Location
Okay, if we’re saying that Zemo is Daniel’s age, give or take a few years, then he’s roughly 45 during TFATWS. He’s not a spring chicken and he’s not as nimble as he used to be (he still is Very Capable, or did you NOT watch him hurdle himself off of a shipping container and snipe a bitch), but he can’t afford to be physically incapacitated, especially during a mission. All this to say, 9 times out of 10, he’s doing you on the bed. It’s easy on both of y’all and most comfortable. His second choice is against the wall, because he can just turn you around and take you from the back. Third choice is against the wall but holding you up. It’s not his favorite because his arms will get tired, but it’s better than nothing.
M = Motivation
Anything. He loves you, he’s frustrated, he missed you. You believe the best times, though, are when he’s jealous. His jealousy will push him to extreme lengths. If Bucky or Sam comments that you look nice or they like your sweater, he’s stewing over it all day until he gets you alone, and he’s grabbing you tightly and leaving marks that he hopes Bucky or Sam or whoever it was that complimented you will see.
N = No
I’m not gonna spend a lot of time on this one, but he does not like to share. He does not like it and won’t do it, unless not sharing would put you, him, or the mission at hand at risk. That, and being called Daddy. Brings up too many emotions, not to mention he thinks that’s fucking weird. If you’re calling him something other than his name, it’s Baron or Colonel (I’ll expand on THAT in a second).
O = Oral
Oh, he loves it, and he’s good at it. We’ve already established that he likes your thighs, and laying with his head on your thighs, like, always evolves into him eating you out. He’ll hold your legs open and soothe his thumb down your thighs if your legs start shaking, and he doesn’t mind if your legs snap closed around his head. He might click his tongue and mumble something “So naughty, draga, so naughty”, but he truly likes it. He likes the way you taste, no matter what, because any taste of yours is you.
P = Pace
Again, he’s older, so he’s not gonna, like, break you in two, but he’s got some strength and stamina from his time in the military. Even if it was a while ago and he’s been in prison for a while, he kept up a good workout routine because he didn’t want his physical self to go to waste along with his mental self. He’s got a slow pace, but every thrust in makes you gasp, and he’s gonna be holding you and kissing you the whole time, so who’s the real loser here?
Q = Quickie
He usually doesn’t care for them, but if it’s on a mission, and there’s like a 10 minute window where nobody else will be in the house, he’s gonna take it. He’ll throw you up onto the counter and go fucking bananas, and then, if there’s time left, he’ll clean while you lay down and recover from what the fuck Zemo just did to you.
R = Risk
Zemo likes some risk sometimes. Like, late at night at a safehouse, he might rub your clit and finger you and swallow down your moans so nobody will hear you, but like… If Bucky is asleep in his bed and hears a stolen little whimper, he’s not gonna mind all that much. It ties in with his I don’t like to share thing; if you’re his, why should anyone else see it?
S = Stamina
See above: he has stamina. Not for like, multiple rounds, but the one round you have, he’s giving it his all, and he’s gonna be exhausted by the end of it, but he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy. With foreplay and aftercare and everything in between, it might take an hour or so, and he’s keeping up the energy the whole time.
T = Toy
He doesn’t like them, but he also doesn’t not like them. He’d rather be the one to pleasure you, but, in his absence, he’ll let a toy do his job. He strikes me as the type to get a toy made in his likeness (if you get my drift) so that you can’t ever forget the way his cock stretches you.
U = Unfair
Zemo has a complicated relationship with himself, and he’ll often forget himself during sex. He’s so focused on you that he neglects his own needs until he’s reminded (like, a lot of the tme, his orgasm sneaks up on him because he’s so focused on making you cum). Sex usually skews towards your pleasure and not his, but you try your best to balance it out. He doesn’t like when things are solely focused on him; blowjobs and handjobs are out of the question unless you absolutely beg him.
V = Volume
He’s vocal, but not loud. He’ll mumble about how good you feel and how pretty you are, and he’ll moan and grunt and make his little Man Noises, but it’s not loud. Even before you, he was never too loud. It’s just not in his nature.
W = Wild Card
Here it is: He. LOVES. Being called by his title. Either of them are fine, but he gets a fun little chill down his back when you call him Colonel. He’s just not used to people calling him that and he was convinced that nobody even remembered he was a colonel, and then you said it one night and he’s like cumming immediately. Even in everyday life, he’ll shiver when you call him Colonel. You’re teasing the guys all night like “alright, Sergeant Barnes” or “whatever you say, Captain Wilson”, and if you DARE to tease Zemo “hey, Colonel Zemo”, he’s gonna short-circuit and do the little head tilt but the confused head tilt (gif cred to @xcaptain-winghead)
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X = X-Ray
He’s true to life. Of course, the reference I have for Daniel’s dick (that sounds creepy) is from 2001, but we can assume that it’s relatively the same. He’s thick and about average length soft, and, when Zemo is hard, he’s gonna grow a little bit thicker and a little bit longer. I can also see his dick skin itself being very soft , and his hair isn’t, like, too wiry. It’s a Very Good Dick.
Y = Yearning
Zemo yearns a lot. If it’s not for you, then it’s for Heike. I can see, the first time y’all sleep together, he would accidentally call you Heike, and explain that he hasn’t had sex with anyone since her and that his mind sorta autofilled the name. You know that he’s constantly thinking about Heike and Carl, but you don’t mind. After all, they were his most beloved family. Zemo is the type to still write their birthdays down, and you’ll sit with him and let him tell you stories about them.
Z = ZZZ…
One more time, Zemo is middle-aged, and his stamina has limits. Like I said above, he’ll be pretty exhausted by the time y’all are finished, and he’ll take care of you until you’re asleep, but his blinking is a little sticky while he’s helping you clean off. He’ll get you back in bed and, as you’re cuddling into his warmth, he’s relishing in yours all the same, and he’s off to Snoozeville very quickly. He always dreams of you.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
What Instruments would the Companions play?
Fallout 4 -- 
Cait: Uilleann Pipes (or Elbow Bagpipes) 
     - Okay, it's not just because it’s an Irish instrument (I mean, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of it), but also it's the way the unique pipes are played. The player is seated with the instrument strapped to their waist and dominant hand, using their opposite elbow to control the flow of air in the bag (rather than blowing into it like with normal bagpipes). It's a complicated instrument that requires an immense amount of physical control and discipline to play, which meshes well with Cait's physicality and athleticism. She's had the instrument as long as she can remember, finding it lying around in her childhood home. She managed to grab it before her parents sold her, and though it does sometimes remind her of them, all of the hours she spent learning to play it practically forces her to hold onto the instrument. She is wildly adept at playing it, and will sometimes do so in front of Sole, as long as they keep quiet about this ability of hers.  
Curie: Violin
     - A delicate instrument that requires dexterity and control, Curie would love the challenges that playing the violin would present. She found the string instrument in the depths of the vault before she became a synth, but held onto it thinking one day she would find someone who could make it sound beautiful. When she made the change to her synth body, she was incredibly excited to finally be able to play it, and though it took a while, she managed to become quite skilled. As a medical professional, she already has incredible coordination, so not only does the violin provide a creative outlet for Curie, but also it allows her to practice her control, since she still is getting used to just having the two hands, and all of her fingers. Once well-practiced, she loves to play softly to recovering patients in her ward. 
Danse: Baritone
     - When he first found the large horn, he didn’t really know what to think of it, he certainly didn’t consider playing it. However, once Sole explained it to him and told him how the instrument is played, he decided to pick it up one day when he was alone. He might have a hard time at first, since learning to play a new instrument can be especially frustrating for someone as hard on themselves as Danse is, but once he gets the hang of it, he's a big fan of the rich, loud sound it creates. He still rarely plays in front of anyone else (Sole and Haylen being the only exceptions), but he likes to practice in the little amount of downtime that he does have. Plus he enjoys caring for it by constantly cleaning and polishing the different pieces of the larger brass instrument. 
Deacon: Kazoo 
     - It started out as a joke, he found a little metal kazoo, discovered the manner in which to play it, and decided to have a field day with Carrington back at HQ. Later though, after practicing a number of the most obnoxious songs he could find, he found he was quite good at it and quickly he grew fond of the plucky little instrument. Now he carries it around with him almost everywhere, telling everyone that he plays it ironically, but deep down he knows that he truly enjoys it. 
Hancock: Saxophone 
     - Hancock has quite the reputation of being good with his lips and hands, and his adept ability to play the saxophone would only support this. He's had a lot of time to perfect his playing and will sometimes go up on stage with Magnolia to the delight of nearly everyone in Goodneighbor. He loves the instrument's smooth, jazzy sound and always revels in showing off his skills with a good solo.
MacCready: Harmonica 
     - An easy instrument to carry with you on the road, MacCready picked it up in his travels and messed with it whenever he knew the sound wouldn't endanger him. After a couple years, he became quite skilled with the wind instrument and would play it both for Lucy and Duncan as often as he could. He always keeps it with him, almost as a crutch at this point, even if he can't find the right place to play it, just having it with him reminds him of his travels with his son and his late wife. 
Nick: Piano 
     - Always the classic gentleman type, it's no surprise that the old detective knows how to manipulate piano keys in such a way that he seems to transport you back in time to a dark and hazy pre-war bar. The old Nick is where the original skill came from, but the synth's fingers are much more nimble than the human Nick's were. He enjoys playing whenever he can find a piano; however, be warned, if it isn't tuned, you can bet your ass he'll do his best to rectify that, which could take a couple hours at best, and a few days at worst.
Piper: Tambourine 
     - The percussion instrument was a gift from her father, so she's held onto it since she was young and always takes extra care in looking after her tambourine (she considers it the most important item she owns, after her printing press of course.) Besides the fact it was a gift from a loved one, she likes the instrument because of its simplicity and the way she can easily come up with and control her own rhythm. She fondly remembers many an evening prattling away at the tambourine while her and Nat danced the night away in a rare moment of true childish fun. Sometimes Nat will pick up the instrument while Piper is busy at the typewriter and try to create a beat to her sister's typing. 
Preston: Banjo
     - Does this one need an explanation? Preston just gives me mad banjo vibes. Imagine the joy he feels sitting around a campfire, striking up a tune that everyone knows, encouraging all the people around him to join in on the song. He tells himself that he does it for the benefit of those around him, to distract them from their troubles and the cruelty of the wasteland, but the truth is, he does it just as much to distract himself. It makes him happy to see others happy around him, and if the banjo provides a way to do that, then Preston will do his best to stay practiced in as many feel-good songs as he can.
X6-88: Upright/Double Bass 
     - This instrument is an absolute beast, coming in at about 6 feet tall and weighing about 45 lbs, but X6 would welcome the challenge of playing such an instrument; his own height and the large size of his hands providing a distinct advantage in learning how to play the bass properly. Not being of the faint of heart, X6 practices until his playing ability is nearly flawless, reveling in the deep, rich sound that emanates from his intimidating instrument. He prefers to read music and follow chord structure rather than improvise when he is playing, and he works to try and perfect every technique that he can, ranging from using a bow (arco), to striking with his fingers (pizzicato), to slapping the strings against the fingerboard. 
Fallout 3 -- 
Butch: Clarinet 
     - The poor 14 year-old was horrified when he was handed the old reed instrument when inducted into the vault 101 school band. But as Butch grew older, and his playing abilities increased, he realized he could make some pretty cool sounds with this thing. Jazz was always one of his favourite genres of music, and the clarinet allowed him to play along to many of his favourite songs. He doesn't bring the instrument with him while traveling, but he will play it when at home and sometimes will be bold enough to play for audiences at bars. 
Charon: Bass Guitar
     - He had never touched a bass before coming across one while traveling with Lone, but as soon as he picked it up, he found he had an affinity for it. Charon was patient with himself as he learned how to play, his scarred fingers both a blessing and a curse. Though it was sometimes difficult to get the chords right, he didn't have to worry about bloody fingers from long hours practicing plucking the rough strings. He comes up with a few bass lines on his own, then tries replicating songs that he hears. Charon actually really enjoys the creative outlet, and it's the perfect activity to focus on when Lone is gone. 
Clover: Flute
     - Clover treasures her flute, as the instrument was a gift from Eulogy that only reinforces the idea that she's his favourite. After all, he never gave Crimson a flute, or any other instrument for that matter. She finds it difficult at first, as she works to master her finger position and airflow, and occasionally she gets frustrated to the point of being completely unable to play; but once she gets the basics down, Clover uses the little woodwind instrument as a way to distract herself from her jealousy and tends to play it as aggressively as one can play a flute when Eulogy insists on spending time alone with Crimson. Otherwise, she will sometimes play it with Eulogy as her only audience member, but her favourite is when she can sit on her own and play the flute for herself, it makes her happy and it let's her see how far she's come since she was first gifted the instrument. When she begins traveling with Lone, she holds onto the flute and continues to play it for her own benefit, and of course, she wouldn’t be opposed to playing for Lone, if they were to ask...
Cross: Trumpet
     - She discovered the small brass instrument in her travels to pre-war military locations, and was interested in the history of the horn in regards to the old U.S. military. When she first picked it up, she wasn't a huge fan of the brash noise that comes from it, but as she grew more adept at playing it, she found she liked the sound. Cross takes inspiration from the bugle music that was played before the war, and replicates it for the members of the brotherhood of steel. 
Fawkes: Bongos 
     - He's been a fan of percussion ever since he was locked in isolation in the vault. Throughout his time there, he would often find different surfaces to drum his hands on to pass the time. Lone began noticing this little habit of his, and when they surprised him with a pair of bongo drums, Fawkes was elated. He plays them as often as he can, but usually waits until they are at home, after all, he couldn't risk losing or damaging them out in the wastes. But it's his favorite way to relax and unwind after Lone and him return from the hostile wasteland to the security of their home. He did once bring them to Underworld to play for the residents there, but he was anxious about harming the instrument the whole way there and the whole way home. 
Jericho: Maracas
     - Jericho wouldn't have the patience to sit down and learn a complex musical instrument, so maracas are a good fit for him. He found a single one when he and Lone were traveling and didn't think much of it, but thought it was interesting enough to hold onto. Once Lone explained what they believed it was, Jericho began to experiment with the instrument when he was alone (he couldn't risk Lone seeing him acting like such an idiot, with this glorified baby rattle.) But once he discovered another one, he decided he liked the sound of them together. Even though the maracas are all mismatched, he keeps any that he can find and tries them all paired with one another. He still tries to keep it on the down low, but every once in a while he'll know that Lone is listening in, he'll utter some rude comment, but continue playing as though Lone weren't there. 
Fallout New Vegas -- 
Arcade: Ukulele 
     - Arcade doesn't know how it happened, how he found the little guitar-like instrument, honestly, it was left in his tent at the fort, and he doesn't know where it came from. For the longest time, he just left it where it sat near his bed, unsure what to do with it, but after a couple weeks passed, he felt like he had to do something with it. So he started to pluck at the nylon strings, and he couldn't keep from uttering a small yelp of surprise at the sweet sound of the instrument. He doesn't play often, and he still needs to practice, but when he's alone, Arcade loves to strum the strings and come up with little tunes that end up getting way too stuck in his head. 
Boone: Cajón
     - The little, wooden, box-shaped drum is a practical instrument that isn't complicated to play and is easy to transport, making it a nice fit for the 1st recon sniper. Boone has had restless hands for as long as he can remember, and the problem has only gotten worse since the incident at bitter springs, so originally, when he found the cajón and brought it back to his room at the NCR barracks, he would tap at the different sides just as a little habit. However, when he discovered the way each side differed in pitch, he found he could manipulate the tapping of his hands in such a way to create some interesting beats. He brought it with him when he left the NCR and keeps it at his place in Novac to play with whenever he's there. Now it's not only an entertaining pastime, but it's ended up being very therapeutic for him. 
Cass: Acoustic Guitar
     - As a caravaner, you tend to pick up some of the habits of other caravan members that you meet in your travels. Originally, Cass found the guitar and made the decision to sell it, but that was before the guard of another caravan sat himself down by the fire one night, grabbing the instrument from beside Cass's pack, and began to play. When he first picked up the guitar, Cass was ready to deck him for touching one of her wares, but after hearing him play it, she couldn't help but ask him to teach her. She tends to bring the instrument with her when she can, but usually she'll keep it in a safe place so she can practice in her down time. 
Raul: Flamenco/Spanish Guitar 
     - Raul's nimble fingers are good for more than just making repairs, despite their ghoulified appearance, they still possess the muscle memory of when he learned to play the Flamenco guitar before the bombs fell. His family down in Mexico really appreciated the importance of music, and Raul still believes that it helped him get through some of the toughest times after the bombs fell. He makes it a priority to find guitar strings for when his end up breaking, and he tries to keep his original guitar in pristine condition. He doesn't play too often, but when he does, Six can hardly believe the skill in which he plucks the strings of the pre-war instrument.
Veronica: Drums
     - Every time Veronica was sent out on recon, she would keep her eyes peeled for another drum or symbol to add to the developing set she had hidden away at Helios One. It started with a simple snare, then a symbol she had found, and when she discovered a bass drum, she hid it outside the building before she was assigned guard duty, and she snuck the large drum down to her set. She loves the outlet that playing the drums provides, and though she sometimes worries someone will hear her, the risk is worth the thrill of going all out when she takes a seat in front of her drum set. After the events at Helios One that eventually led to her leaving the brotherhood facility, she makes plans to one day return to retrieve the instrument she left hidden away.
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hnychn · 4 years
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SUMMARY — finding out you're pregnant is supposed to be the happiest occasion in your life, but finding out while you're still a student? not the most ideal situation. . .
WARNINGS — teen pregnancy, fem reader, mentions of abortion, generally fluff <3 and a little cringe ong
AN — this is the second "young love" hc since tumblr has a stupid limit on text blocks. i have still tamaki's left to write and i'll link the other two below !! also, if you guys want to see this with other characters (teachers, villains, and civilians included, see my master list for a full list of characters) then please lmk in the comments! part 2 to "spit fire" is still in the works !! 🤍 -honey
navigation | shoto
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our baby class rep <3
he's responsible as f U C K
so when your relationship with him started getting more serious and sexual,
he was ON TOP of safety
condoms? he's got a lifetime supply :’)
you want to start birth control? he's got you baby don't worry about the price <3
side note: why tf is birth control so fucking expensive ㅠ
but one day
iida decided to ditch the condoms all together
since you're on birth control
and the coochie was too good to pass up
i'm so sorry ㅠ
so you start getting sick and light headed
blah blah we get it
so you withdraw some cash from your bank
since it's untraceable
and go to your nearest convenience store
and buy like ten pregnancy tests
the cashier, who was also a young girl, maybe younger than you
slipped in a free bag of chips
and told you to take care
bless her soul
you damn near cried
so you get back to the dorms and guess who's there?
and before he can even say hi to you,
you book it to your room, dragging mina with you
because queen is your bestie
and you barricade your door with your dresser
all the while mina is just like, "gurl wtf are you doinggg?"
and you had dropped the bag to move the dresser, so she looks in it
and this-
like mina, baby, queen,
not helping
so the two of you are in your bathroom,
sitting on the floor,
sharing the bag of chips
with all ten of the tests lined up on the counter
and the timer on your phone going
mina is just throwing questions at you left and right
"what if it's positive?"
"are you gonna keep it?"
"how will you tell iida?"
it's starting to hit you, so you just lay your head on her shoulder and cry a little, "i don't know..."
and the you full on start sobbing
and mina comforts you
she understands
she'd be panicking if she was pregnant too
because damn
y'all are 17
still in highschool
the only bright side to this was that you weren't in the hero course, you were a support student
so you didn't have to worry about training or any of that, but your classes were equally as stressful
you both jump when your phone timer goes off
and you're clutching mina's hand so tight
"do you want me to look at them for you?" she asks as she rubs the back of your hand
you nod
so she gathers them all and flips them over one by one
". . .they're all positive. . "
you're not too surprised
you kind of already knew,
but your heart still dropped to your toes
so you just lay your head on mina's shoulder again and start to cry again
she comforts you and manages to guide you to your bed
". . . you have to tell iida. . ."
you don't respond
but you know you do, and you're trying to figure out how to when there's a knock on your door
"y/n? my love?"
... fawk
guess who it issss <33
your boyfriend (✿◠‿◠)
and you and mina just
( ;∀;) huh?
and he knocks again
"my love? are you all right?"
tripping over clothes
you stub your toe
mina slips on your bra
the two of you knock foreaheads
all while trying to hide the tests and trying to make it look like you weren't crying
mina moves the dresser while you hide he last test under your pillow
you panicked ok
mina opens the door and-
"he-heyyy, iida. . . how ya doin. . .nothing sus going on here. . . (✿◠‿◠)"
god bless her she's doing her best </3
you roll your eyes at her in a loving way and tell her you'll take her later
"ok besite" she gives you one last glance before leaving your dorm
iida is still standing at the door
he heard all the commotion from outside, and heard the harsh whispers you two threw at each other
not there !
why not??
that's too obvious mina !!
oh, like under the pillow isn't cliche either ??
shut up and open the door
but you didn't know that (✿◠‿◠)
so you let him in, "what's up, babe?"
iida looks around your room, his eyes linger on the pillows on your bed, "nothing, my love. you just seemed upset when you came in, i was wondering if something happened?"
he sits next to you on your bed
he noticed how you where shielding one of the pillows with your entire body
"you're not. . .hiding anything from me are you?"
he looked at you
with those E Y E S
so full of trust
and honesty
and love
you can't lie to him
it's like kicking a puppy
you just
c a n t
your eyes begin to water and your hands start to tremble
he panicks
because wtf why so suddenly??
"what's wrong my love??"
this only makes you sob harder
and he comes closer to rub your back and pet your hair
you lean into him while sobbing
iida is focused on comforting you, but his mind can't help but wonder what's under your pillow. . .
he does what any person would do
and he lifts it up
and oh, would you look at that
it's a pregnancy test
oh that's not too-
he picks it up and is just. . . .oh
you don't know he's seen it and he's still comforting you but now he knows W H Y
"it's okay, my love. we'll figure this out together."
that's when you knew he saw it
and you can't help but feel so helpless
so you're practically in his lap by now, your fave burried into his neck and his arms keeping you in a strong hug
"you're not going to leave me are you?"
your voice is so soft and quiet and vulnerable, it almost makes him cry
and boom!!
that's how tenya iida managed to steal your heart <3
so you finally calm down, and you two talk
he's asking you what you want to do and making sure to not input his own opinion because he doesn't want to influence your decision
after h o u r s of talking, you come to a decision
"as long as you're ready and support this, i want to keep it."
iida nods, "if that's what you want to do, my love, then i'll be the best father i can be to our child."
and so you you two go through the process of telling his parents
(i won't include yours because idk how they would react, you can add that in however you want)
they're a bit disappointed because you're both so young, but they're proud you're owning up and pledge their full support
iida tells his teachers
you tell yours
they allow you to keep coming to school untill you're around six-seven months
the teachers set you up with an online program so you can do your work from your dorm
iida is a bit stressed with all the hero classes and pressure to be both an amazing hero and father
but whenever he comes to your dorm and sees your round belly and feels kicks against his hand,
all the stress is worth it (✿◠‿◠)
during this time, all of class 1-a has been stopping by regularly after they found out
honestly they were so surprised their most responsible and rule-following classmate is now a teen dad
but they admire him for taking responsibility and owning up
they even throw you a baby shower
everyone is invited and brings gifts
except mineta, he's not invited
you all have so much fun
playing games the girls planned out
OH AND MINA PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING i forgot to mention that
you eat lots of food
open gifts
shoto got you this really comfortable and high quality rocking chair
you could have married him
anyways, you and iida decided to keep the baby's gender a secret untill you gave birth
so you guys decided to come up with a name at the baby shower
there would be a bucket for girl names and another for boys
lots of the names were really cute and unique
but two names that stuck out to you were
"kaori" for a girl and "yuto" for a boy
so let's skip to when you give birth
you're in the middle of your class, chilling at your desk in your dorm
iida is in his class too
you're wrapped up in a blanket koda had knitted for you for your baby shower
when you suddenly get cramps
you don't think much of it, having gone through Braxton Hicks a few week prior and sending everyone into panick
so that's what you think it is, test contractions
untill they start to get worse and more frequent
that's when you realise, this is real
you know that if you get to the hospital early, you'll just have to wait for hours untill you have to start pushing or get your epidural
because fuck doing it natural
so you just get dressed and make your way to campus
the contractons hurt, but not enough to put you out of walking, so you just take a nice stroll through UA
you get to 1-a's class and knock on the door
you hear aizawa's monotone voice telling you to come in, so you shyly open the door and leak your head in
iida is surprised to see you and nearly breaks his chair standing up
the rest of the class is surprised too, shouldn't you be in your dorm relaxing?
iida is asking you all these questions because he knows you wouldn't come all this way for nothing
"iida, calm down," aizawa calls out, "what did you come here for, l/n?"
"oh well i think the baby is coming."
". . ."
"W H A T ??"
this sends everyone into a panic
iida is throwing even more questions at you
mina, kaminari, and sero are screaming about becoming aunts/uncles
izuku is mumbling about everything he read about birth and the possibilities
ochako and tsu are looking for your go back they had made for you (but you left it in the dorm oops)
yaoyorozu is offering to make everything
you say no but she does anyways
can you guess who that was? <33
kidding it was bakugo
he slaps the back of iida's head, "get yourself together and take your girlfriend to the fucking hospital, four eyes."
and you're off (✿◠‿◠)
aizawa calls a taxi and excuses iida from class
he also talks to your teacher and let's them know
i'm not going to write about the birthing process because this has already gotten so long
but you give birth T W E L V E HOURS LATER
fucking kid didn't want to come out ㅠㅠ
and it's a healthy baby boy <33
the others come over and coo over the baby
mina hoggs him, claiming she has more rights as godmother
and when she first comes in her first words are
"took you long enough bitch, i told you you needed to do more coochie work outs."
it's a bit stressful balancing school and a CHD full time but the two of you manage
you stay on online school for a few more months to take care of the baby
and iida is given a few of his classes online as well so he can spend time with the child
and you live happily ever after the end <3
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nct-lian · 3 years
johnny’s communication center (jcc) ep. 26 [ LIAN CUT ]
italics are to represent english
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the first thing lian did was say, “soneul matdae soneul matdae soneul matdae soneul matdae now make a wish” but okay
lian secret make a wish unit member ummmmm anyways
xiaojun or jaehyun definitely saw that and cried but it’s okay because this ain’t about them (ಥ_ʖಥ)
“lian is here with us today, lian why did you decide to join us?”
“uhhhh this is the nail salon i’ve been going to for a while, and i needed to fix my nails :D also yuta-oppa said he wanted me to help him choose what to get”
you could hear yuta shout YES from the other side of the camera before he actually introduced himself
the boys went on to choose what kind of nails they’d like to get while lian did the same, just off camera
lian hadn’t actually appeared too much in the video because according to her she’s, “not looking her best today”
stop FAWKING lying lian you look your best everyday ༼ •̀ ₒ •́ ༽
“oppa try this one” she pointed a well decorated finger nail and he ended up asking for it be done
so it was done as he should
she sat down in one of the chairs that were off camera and she could be hearing talking to the stylist that does her nails regularly :((
“unnie~ i’m glad to see you again!” hehe she took her mic off after that so she could talk to the stylist freely without any words being included into the video
lian decided to get plain white nails and let the boys draw random things with the markers after they were done drying (´Д⊂
throughout the video she didn’t have much screen time, merely because she didn’t want to be on camera
she would only cut in to laugh at what they were saying and how they thought it was “so relaxing”
johnny and yuta kept turning away from the stylists to show her their new nails!
“ooh pretty!!!!!”
everytime it cut to yuta’s camera that placed on the table, we would get a glimpse of lian on her phone or talking to the stylist!
she looks so pretty bare faced ( ཀ͝ ∧ ཀ͝ )
when johnny and yuta finished getting their nails professionally done, johnny walked over to her table and made her show the camera her fresh nails
“oHhHhhHhHh yUta lOoK aT hOw pReTty tHeY aRe”
“oH mY gOD sO aMaZinG”
lian LAUGHED we were blessed with her ADORABLE GIGGLE
“wah- did you get acrylics? your nails are so long what!”
“yeah they make me feel cool ヾ(・ω・*)”
lian is a cool girl confirmed
johnny proceeded to confirm the fact that she was letting them colour her nails and she said that they both got five fingers each, which means they were assigned a hand LMAO
the icon of her at the beginning is of her laughing because johnny said he feels like he’s about to mess up her nails ₍₍ ᕕ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )ᕗ⁾⁾
“please don’t” HBHCJSJCJ
oh btw isn’t her outfit the cutest thing ?? LIAN LOOKS SO GOOD IN GREEN
she passed johnny’s fashion evaluation
yuta decorated the finger nails on her left hand with like a bunch of japanese characters and really messy but yet super beautiful squiggly lines
whereas johnny kept drawing little flowers and he even drew a sunflower on her right thumb so they could
please i’m so soft for joann
by the time her nails were done being decorated and dried properly, she was really sleepy ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ
she told the camera that she was going to go sit on the couch and wait for them to be done doing each other’s nails
and that we’d see her again at the end of the video~
and we did! hehe she joined them for the outro and told czennies to look forward to future activities :)
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lexi-evans · 4 years
𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 | 𝙲𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌 𝚍����𝚐𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚡 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚍! 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛;𝙵𝚝.𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢
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Pairing: Cedric diggory x fem! Mermaid reader and Harry x Draco and professor's Remus Lupin x professor Sirius Black!
Didn't really plan on making it this long but—
CEDRIC LIVES! (I CAN'T BELIEVE I WROTE A FIC THIS LONG!! WHAAAT? —also please like and reblog🥺 I worked really hard on this fic) ❤💛💙💚
“But—professor if you already knew about then why call me, now? Why not before?” You asked, patting the fawkes on his head, gently. As it sat on your lap. Professor Dumbledore peered at you with his half moon glasses.
“Because we need you're help—now” You were surprised when he said, why in the world anyone would need you're help? “I'm sorry—professor, I don't quite understand, what you're saying”
Professor McGonagall entered the room and sat by the nearest couch.“No one knows the black lake better than you do, Y/N. That's why we need you're help” Professor McGonagall said.
“what is this about professor?” you asked, curiously. None of this make sense at all. “The second task, Y/N. It's in the Blake lake. We're going to take who is more important to our champion's and put them under the Blake lake, with a very powerful incantation. And the champions has to rescue them before 1 hour passes” professor McGonagall explained, you carefully listened to everyword she spoke.
“Wait—what? Er,you mean the task is in the black lake!?” she nodded her head, you shook you're head violently. “No—professor! This is a bad idea! If anything happens—then everything will go wrong, I can't—I'm so sorry, professor”
“Y/N, I believe you made a few friends in the black lake?” you nodded, “only a few—you have no idea what kind creatures lies in those water, professor. You're risking lives!!!” you said, you're patience wearing thin.
“I know—I know, you know the underworld better and this is where we need you're help, alright. You're job is to look after the champions, just making sure they don't get any injured—you're not allowed to help them but only make sure they make it out, alive”
“Make it out, Alive?” you sighed, heavily. You don't want anyone to get hurt, Not Harry, Not cedric, No one! “Alright, I'll do it—it's not like I don't want them to get hurt—I'll do everything in will, to protect them” with a heavy heart you agreed, at least for the sake of Harry.
Ever since his name came out of the goblet, he isn't himself. His boyfriend, Draco is doing his best to cheer him up. You felt the urge to protect the kid, from anything. He, of course is like a little brother to you.
“well, that's settled then” clapped professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall stood up from her seat, gesturing you to come along with her. “professor, you do realize what you're doing is not okay, right?” You asked, as both of you exited dumbledore's room.
“I know, Y/N. It's not in my hands to stop, now isn't it?—don't give it a much thought,alright? You'll be fine, don't worry”she said, giving you one last hug before leaving you alone.
Sighing you skipped down the Hallway, when you heard familiar laughs coming from the classroom. You turned around and decided to go in. “No—Sirius! Stop!! I can't brea—Ah, Y/N.” remus said, Sirius stopped tickling him.
“Hi, Y/N.Out for a walk, eh?” Sirius asked, settling down on the chair next to remus. “No, professor—I just talked with professor McGonagall and professor Dumbledore” they looked at each other, before looking at you with a confused face. “About the second task” their faces turned serious when you mentioned the task. You took a seat on one of the benches, Sirius looked at you intently. “Did Harry figured out about the egg, professor?”
“No, Y/N. He still didn't, says it makes a horrible noise whenever he opens it” Remus said. “The Blake lake” you glanced at both of them. “The second task”.sirius looked frightened, scared for his godson. Remus had a horrified look on his face. “That's what they said—I was planning on telling, Harry but since he hasn't figured out about the egg. I'm not going to—”
“It's okay, Y/N. There's nothing we can do, can we?” Said, Sirius. You shook you're head in pity. “what were they even thinking, Remus? They're going to kill these children with these kind of dangerous tasks”
“but—what does have anything to do with you, Y/N”
“You'll see professor, it's not for me to tell you—but you'll see. Please not worry, I'll do everything—anything to protect him. I give you my word” you were not kidding, when you said that. In fact, you meant every word in that.
You stood up, wanting time for you're own thoughts, “I'll take my leave, professor's and please don't tell anyone about this” they nodded slowly. You went outside.
Straight to the Blake lake, you stared at the water, intensely. Slowly loosening the tie around you're neck, you took of you're robes and jumped in the lake. In blink of eye, you're tail appeared with a huge splash, you dove in.
“Moony, I'm so scared—what if? What if something happens to him in the lake? It's too dangerous, Remus”
“I know, Love. But we can't do anything— remember what Y/N said, this has to do something with her. Trust me, she's an amazing witch I've seen—she gave us her word, I can see she meant it” Remus spoke softly, taking in sirius hand slowly rubbing it gently on his tender skin. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I just hope you're right, moony”
“But—I'm always right!?”
The following week went by, swiftly. You became close with the members. Especially Cedric. At first you just thought he was a show off because of his fanclub but he was genuinely nice.
Fleur... Well, she's great. Such a sweet person. Sometimes you get confused when she speak but she's cool.
Krum.. Well, you only managed to speak with him few times and... Yeah, he's not much of a talker.
Harry, you adore this kid. You knew him since first year, he's you're friend and obviously Draco too. They're such a cute couple, you absolutely love of those kids.
“Hey, Harry! Draco” You sat next to them, Harry smiled at you gracefully. “Hey, Y/N, morning” said, Draco. Despite, the fact that he's a Slytherin. Ever since Harry and him started dating, Draco spent most of the time with you guys.
“so, Harry. Did you figured out about the egg, yet?” He nodded.
“I did, Cedric gave me a clue though —wouldn't have done it without him” Harry spoke quietly. You remembered the night, the little adventure you guys did, or so it seemed like, in the prefects bathroom.
“Come on, Ced!” You giggled, dragging cedric with you towards the prefects bathroom. You're footsteps echoed through the wide hall. “Y/N!! Slow down!” He laughed at you're excitement. “Oh, My snail walks faster than you” the moon was shining, bright. You felt wide awake just as the moon itself.
You said as you both came across the statue of Boris the Bewildered. You stood by the door and whispered the password “pine fresh”
The door creak sound echoed, meaning the door opened. Pushing the door, you ushered cedric to move along.
It was softly lit by a splendid candle-filled chandelier, and everything was made of white marble, including what looked like an empty, rectangular swimming pool sunk into the middle of the floor.
About a hundred golden taps stood all around the pool’s edges, each with a differ- ently colored jewel set into its handle. There was also a diving board. Long white linen curtains hung at the windows.
A large pile of fluffy white towels sat in a corner, and there was a single golden framed painting on the wall. It featured a blonde mermaid who was fast asleep on a rock, her long hair over her face. It fluttered every time she snored.
“Y/N, what are we doing here? I'm a prefect, myself. You know I can report you, right?” he said, teasingly. You rolled you're eyes, playfully. “Not if I told you, I know how to figure out the egg, right? ” his eyes widened.
“go ahead, ced—report me” you grinned, devilishly. “no, you don't!” you looked at him, dead in the eye and said “Try me” before walking towards the pool and slowly took off the shirt, exposing the skin underneath.
“Y/N—you do realize I'm right here, right?” Cedric blushing madly. You stood there, in your bra and shorts on. Giving him a 'really?' Look. “I'm aware” you said, bending slightly pulling your shorts down slowly.
Cedric stood there awkwardly, looking at everywhere but you. You turned around placing your hands on you're hips. “You're not really planning on taking a bath with clothes on or, Are you?”
He shook his head, with his cheeks dusted with crimson colour. Without any further a do, you jumped into then pool and splashed water on him. “Hey!” He scowled lightly. “hEy” you said in mocking tone.
“Haha—very funny, Y/N” he said, you're getting impatient “don't just stand there,you daft–bimbo! Get in” he rolled his eyes before started taking of clothes his own. You swam around, making sure you didn't make such a mess.
You're hair slowly, turning into (F/C) color. As you're tail slowly, came into the view, “if you do—Y/N!! You—what?” you giggled softly, turning around to face him. You're skin,looked little paler than before.
You batted you're eyelashes playfully at him, looking at his shocked face with you're (F/C) eyes. “Like what you see, cedric?” you said, teasingly smiling at him sheepishly. The whole school is going to see you in you're mermaid form when the task day comes.
His gaze still lingered on you're lower body. You stretched out your hand, asking him to take it. When he touched it, you pulled him into the water. Laughing hysterically. “Gotcha”
He got up, and glared at you. Whistle you were still laughing at his face. “You better stop laughing, L/N” he said, watching you laugh at him. “Or what you gonna do?” you asked moving a little bit closer than you guys were already there.
“You might not it, L/N” He only called you, L/N when he's being serious. You, however find it very hot. He was only a few inches away from you. His few drops were dripping from his hair, “Oh, I think I might”
His eyes flickered down to you're lips and then your eyes. with any warning, he smashed his lips against yours, you immediately kissed him back, wrapping you're arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.
You are absolutely smitten for this boy, it's been only few days but you felt like you know him from years. You're relationship with him.. Is magical.
“didn't think that would happen” He spoke breaking the kiss, as both of you ran out if breath. “did you?” you grinned, kissing him,again. After you're make out session.
“you were born with this?” He asked, you nodded shrugging. “A half—mermaid” You laughed a little playing with the bubbles. “I was born this way, I can change my appearance, at will”
“Kind of, messed up, isn't it?” You asked, blowing the bubbles. He shook his head, “I think you're pretty amazing and you're beautiful no matter what you are—human or—mermaid”
You faced him “Really?” Looked at him shocked. All you're life, you thought you were just—
“yes, you shouldn't talk about yourself like that Y/N—” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, you rested on him. “It isn't always our choices, for everything we got. I love you and you also should love yourself” he placed a kiss on your temples.
You never felt so safe and this secured before. Does he truly care about you?
“So, how does this work?” He asked, holding the egg in his hands. “put it under the water” He did what you said, luckily this time it didn't scream. “Now wh—” you pushed his head under the water, along with you.
“Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you’re searching ponder this:
We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss,
An hour long you’ll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect’s black,
Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back.”
You laughed as cedric took deep breaths. Then he turned to you “what does that supposed to mean?”
“Am I going crazy or —is Diggory seriously staring at our Y/N?” Draco asked, narrowing his eyes over the Hufflepuff.
Hermione who also noticed the famous Hufflepuff staring at you, laughed. Ron just rolled his eyes, went back to eating his food. You were too busy talking with Harry, you didn't notice.
Draco knows what you guys were talking about so he didn't bother asking, he trusts you. Were like his big sister, for both of them. These two were also very overprotective for you. Says they don't want to get you, heartbroken.
“Y/N!! I keep telling Draco—I don't dance and he says He'll teach me!” said, Harry Irritatedly. You laughed. “I will teach you!!!”
“No!!!” Harry dramatically whines. You glanced at hermione who's biting her lip to control her laughter, once you're eyes met both of you burst into laughter. “come on, Harry—I mean how bad could you be at dancing,hm?”
“You have no idea, Y/N. Last night , we practiced the dance together because he wants to impress our little ferret here. In conclusion, he suck at dancing” Ron exclaimed, following with a heavy sigh.
Draco pouted looking at Harry, omg he's so cute. “For me? Pretty please?”
“Stop! No not those eyes—draco!! Fine” Harry reluctantly, agreed. Who can say no this little cutie here, eh? The lot of you, continued eating, talking and lots of giggles from you, Hermione and Draco, though.
“Okay, alright—Let's talk about Y/N, here” Draco hushed them all, you laughed a little“what about me, dray?” you asked, confused. “Any reason, why diggory can't take his eyes of you?”
“what are you talking about, Draco—I don't, I don't understand?” you said, dryly.
“professor—you don't understand! If cedric really cares about me, then—I—how am I supposed watch over the others?” You panicked, looking at professor McGonagall. “I shall talk to professor Dumbledore about this situation, Y/N—don't worry”
“what about cho? She's close to him. She's his best friend!”
The yule ball came, quickly. Cedric asked you to the ball which you gladly said yes, for. The night took it's toll. Professor McGonagall and professor sprout were standing behind you as you stood in front of the mirror. Looking at you're reflection.
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“professor i—don't think I can do this!” you said, nervously. “Nonsense dear, you look amazing” professor sprout said, professor Lupin came into the room. “Professor McGonagall they—need you in the great hall”
Professor McGonagall nodded before leaving, you were standing in her room for Merlin's sake.she always looked after, as if you're her own but you never understood why? Nevertheless you were glad to have her. You were grown, alone. Having her always made you feel,happier. Professor sirius I mean black—peeked into the room. “Oh my—Y/N you look splendid!”
“Yes, Y/N—”
“professor McGonagall chose this dress, for me”
“Minnie, did a great job then!” Remus smacked sirius head, you giggled at you're professor's. You were always close to almost every teacher, except snape. You never understood why he's always so cold?
“The real talk is about you professor's!” you said, grinning. “You two look wonderful, rather very charming” You said, teasingly. Remus let out a laugh. Sirius flipped his hair “You can say it, Y/N—you're astronomy teacher looks better than DADA teacher”
“Enough! With the chitchat! Time for the ball, Let's go” said, professor sprout. “chop chop” The entrance hall was packed with students too, all milling around waiting for eight o’clock, when the doors to the Great Hall would be thrown open.
Those people who were meeting partners from different Houses were edging through the crowd trying to find one another. You slowly made you're way towards the stairs. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.
“well, don't you look—magnificent” you heard a familiar voice behind you, smiling you turned around. “Thank you, Freddie” he smiled along with his twin. “Seriously, Y/N. You look amazing—now I regret not asking you to the ball” said, George.
You giggled, “You alright?” Fred asked you, you looked at him, nodding. “Just..... Nervous” They smiled, softly. “There's no need to be—Diggory's got the most amazing girl” Fred kissed you're forehead.
“come on, we'll escort you to you're date” George offered his hand. You neatly tucked in you're arms linking with both of them, Fred to your right and George to you're left.
At the entrance of the hall, you found cedric standing nervously. Beside of Draco and Harry who couldn't wipe the grins of their faces. You have to admit it—they're such a cute couple.
Harry nudged the older's side, cedric finally lifted his head up. And his eyes met yours. His jaw almost dropped at how beautiful—gorgeous you looked. Harry and Draco smiled greatly at their friend. You we're striking down with the twins elegantly,arms linked with yours. He swore he never seen someone so breath-taking.
Carefully, step by step the twins helped you walk down because it's a little bit hard walking with such a pretty dress and heels. And they led you to Cedric “Hi” You said, anxiously. “Hey... —you look angelic”
“And you better take good care of this Angel, mate” Fred slowly pulled away his arm. Angelina came towards Fred smiling happily. “Don't want any broken bones now, do we?” George winked, as they head off.
“Mischievous one's, aren't they” He laughed, you turned to Harry who was smiling at something Draco said. “Harry!” You hugged him,“Hey Y/N” He hugged you back. “My little prince Charming is looking good in his suite” you ruffled his hair.
“I'm here too, you know” Draco rolled his eyes, it's clear he's jealous. “Aww, c'mere” You hugged him, softly pecked his cheek. “you're so cute, when you're jealous did you know that? No wonder Harry likes you so much” you pinched his cheeks. “Are you boys, ready? I wanna see my favorite couple rocking the floor” you said, feeling more confident than you did before you got here.
Cedric laughed, as if you said something silly. “well we d—” Professor McGonagall’s voice called, “Champions over here, please!” “I'm so not ready—let's do this” said, Draco. You giggled softly.
Professor McGonagall, who was wearing dress robes of red tartan and had arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat, told you guys to wait on one side of the doors while everyone else went inside.
they were to enter the Great Hall in procession when the rest of the students had sat down. The doors were closed. “Ced—Cedric stop! Stop staring at me like that” you said, blushing. He smiled, like he's achieved something great. But he was genuinely liked you for real.
“You look marvelous, did you know that?”
“Oh my god” you covered you're crimson face, with your hands. “do I have to dance?” whined, Harry. Draco rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. “come on, Harry! You'll be fine! Just look at me, only!”
Once everyone else was settled in the Hall, Professor McGonagall told the all of you to get in line in pairs and to follow her. You've done what you've been told and everyone in the Great Hall applauded as all of you entered and started walking up toward a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges were sitting.
The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling.
The House tables had vanished; instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.
The light music echoed, alarming it's time for dance. Cedric gently placed his hand on your small waist, taking your hand in his. In the corner of your eye, you saw Harry and Draco who were grinning like idiots.
“I like this” you said, staring into his eyes. “I like being with you” you said, making it a little bit clearer. His face soften at you're words. “Thank you”
“For what?”
“For making me feel this way” you said, placing your head on his chest, listening his heart beat as you guys continued dancing slowly. “it's too early, I know—but I love you” said, Cedric as his grip tightened. You lifted you're head looking at him, shooked. More people joined the dance.
“you mean that?” He nodded, “I know it might seem like a joke—but I'm being serious” He said, sincerely. You waited for him to say ‘I'm kidding’ or ‘sike’ but nothing came.
You pulled away you're arms, quickly wrapped them around him, pulling him into a tight hug as if you're life depends on it. “don't leave me”
“I'm not planning on it, darling”
Both of you continued dancing for the next few minutes, till you saw professor Lupin and Professor black sitting on one of the chairs. “I'll be back” you said, hurrying over to the couple.
“Hello, Y/N—having fun?” Remus asked, generously. You nodded “Clearly, you're not! Come on professor” You extended you're hand. “professor black!” you gestured towards the dance floor. Sirius took you're right hand, and stood up.
“Don't be a part pooper,Remus! Get up” said, sirius. You laughed “Don't want to keep you're boyfriend hanging professor, come on—look even Harry's dancing!” Remus finally gave in and stood up.
You led both of them, next to Harry and Draco. “You better not step on my toes, black” threatened, Remus. Sirius chuckled. “Since when did I ever step on you're toes, moony”
Remus rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, playfully. “I see what you did here” Cedric whispered in you're ear, you shrieked. Slapped on his chest, lightly.
“C'mon, Love!” He dragged you away from the couple so they could have some privacy. On you're way you saw Dean and seamus. Dean looked so done with his Boyfriend.
Seamus caught your eye and waved, Dean then followed his eye and quickly waved when he saw you, you waved back smiling. “Having fun?”
“Not much fun but since I'm with him, you know I can say a little bit fun” said, Dean boringly.
You leaned forward and so only they could hear“I overheard professor Dumbledore talking about the weird sister's performance here, now. Get ready, shit's about get wild”
Seamus cheered loudly but dean shushed him off. You winked at them, walked away with Cedric. “we'll sit down for a bit! I know you want to dance for weird sisters music”
You grinned, he's just caring for you. The two of you talked for a while until Dumbledore stood up
and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables zoomed back along the walls leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right wall. A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.
The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn. They picked up their instruments.
“C'mon ced! Let's go!! It's the weird sister's!!” you clearly forgot you're wearing heels and decided it was the great idea to run and almost fell, Cedric was quick enough to catch you just in time. “Easy there, love”
The crowd danced wildly, you laughed loudly as you're hair dances behind you. Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime.
He was so dwarfed by her that the top of his pointed hat barely tickled her chin; however, she moved very gracefully for a woman so large. Mad-Eye Moody was doing an extremely ungainly two-step with Professor Sinistra, who was nervously avoiding his wooden leg.
“HEY Y/N!!!” Harry yelled, getting a glimpse of you dancing in the crowd with Cedric by you're side. “ALRIGHT THERE, 'ARRY?”
The Weird Sisters stopped playing, applause filled the hall once More. And another song, started playing but this time it's faster. You came across Fred and Angelina, who were dancing so exhuberantly that people around them were backing away in fear of injury.
You pulled Cedric by his tie so he can leaned down “like I said Shit's gone wild” You yelled in his ear, causing him to grin. “Of course”
By the time songs ended, you were exhausted. Cedric noticed this and slowly led you out of the crowd so you can have some breath. You're face turned red and sweaty from all the dancing. “well, that was fun” Said, Draco from behind.
You noticed the couple walking towards the chairs beside you. “I wish this night was longer” you breathed, Cedric looked at you confused “why?”
Before you know it, the day finally came. The second task is today. The entrance hall contained a few last-minute stragglers, all Leaving the Great Hall after breakfast and heading through the double oak doors to watch the second task.
All the students made their way to the Blake lake, as awaits the boats to take them to the stands. Almost everyone left, You walked with Harry by your side. “Alright there, Harry?” he nodded. “You?” you shook you're head. Sirius had his arm on Harry's shoulder and Remus was walking along side with him.
“All my life I only hid my secret... Away from this world. And now—I just. Don't know” He nodded understanding. The night on the yule ball day you told Harry and Draco about what's going to happen.
“I hope Draco is alright, can't find mione either” Harry says, disappointed. “They were held as hostages, Harry. Last night I went in there, to look—took permission from professor Dumbledore”You said, kicking the small pebble. Remus and Sirius looked at you with widened eyes.
The four of you reached the dock, Harry, Remus and Sirius got inside. Remus extend his hand for you to take and get in. You shook you're head, while laughing.
“She doesn't need a boat, Remus” said, Harry smiling. You winked at him. “You guys go ahead” They nodded, paddling the boat. You watched them go a little bit furthermore.
Sighing you took off you're clothes and started sprinting down the dock, then jumped into the cold water.
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“Miss Y/L/N? Miss Y/L/N? Are you here?” professor Dumbledore called out, no one responded. The students looked quite confused why professor Dumbledore is looking for you. Cedric eyes searched around, but couldn't find you.
Suddenly, you're head popped up from the water. Professor Dumbledore let out a relief sigh. As students gasped. “can't get rid of me that easily, professor” He laughed. To others you looked like a complete different person but with same face.
Lugo bagman stood up pointed his wand at his throat as he had done at the World Cup, said, “Sonorus!” and his voice boomed out across the dark water toward the stands.
“Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One . . . two . . three!”
The whistle echoed shrilly in the cold, still air; the stands erupted with cheers and applause; without looking to see what the other champions were doing, Harry pulled off his shoes and socks, pulled the handful of gillyweed out of his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and waded out into the lake.
You waited patiently for professor dumbledore to give the signal. You were used to this cold temperature but you don't know long they can be in their. “Miss Y/L/N, here is going to look after our beloved champion's since she knows the underworld better and has known for year's—I must warn you, better not make any remarks about Miss Y/L/N or—we'll be have to make sure, none of you does it, again”
“Wicked” said, the twins at the same time. “GO! Y/N!” Cheered Ron, loudly among the students. You waved at him. He grinned
“Miss Y/L/N—it's time”
“wait! —” said professor black. Sirius walked over to the edge of the stand and leaned forward you swam a little bit further so he could speak with you.
“Please, look after my godson Y/N. I'm counting on you” he said desperately. “Please not worry, professor. I'll protect him no matter what—I promise”
You turned around and dove in, making you're tail splash huge mount of water.
You swam as fast as you could—there's no sign of anyone. You came across forests of rippling, tangled black weed, wide plains of mud littered with dull, glimmering stones.
You swam deeper, hoping you could find any of the champions. Then you caught a glimpse of Harry, He got his wand out of pocket and used a spell on the grindylow.
You sighed in relief but immediately panicked when you saw more grindylow's surrounding Harry. You swam, faster and then you hit few of them with you're tail. Then used you're hands to make bubble boost making knocking them unconscious.
“Harry!” you hugged him, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” you're eyes scanned him for injuries. He has few scratches on his legs, “Y/N! Please I'm fine” He said, swimming away. You watched him leave, well at least he must've known what he's doing.
You turned around and swam further searching for other champions, your hair flowing behind you. The deeper you went the more eerily the surroundings got. Some things wrong, you can feel it.
You were about to turn around until you heard something coming from the deep, dark green weeds. You know it's dangerous, even for you. But you went in. What if someone got stuck?
You're eyes widened, it's fleur she's got struck in between the weeds and few grindylow's were attacking her. You kicked away few of them but many more are coming. You have to get her out of here. You used bubble blast, again but there's too many of them.
You managed to get them off Fleur, she's crying in pain you can tell. The problem in being water is—no one can understand you're pain, you can't feel the tears. You made a huge wave, and sending it straight towards them.
Knocking them off, “Fleur? Fleur!” you called out but she doesn't seem alright. You held her tightly and swam towards the stands very fastly. It hurts a little bit, putting too much pressure but you didn't care.
All you cared is about saving her. The crowd waited anxiously for someone to arrive, You're head hit the surface.You swam toward the deck “Professor!!!” you called out for help. Professor McGonagall who is closer to the deck, came in to give a hand. Madam maxime gasped “Fleur!” she looked horrified.
“She's unconscious! Help her—I have to go back” You quickly spoke to Professor Dumbledore, beside stood professor Lupin and professor black worriedly.
You know the exact location where the hostages were held, you're sure the champions must've found them by now.
When you got there, Harry was surrounded by the merpeople, a spike was held near neck as he was floating near Hermione. You angrily swam, towards them. “Get back!!!”
Of course they know you, you came in here more than twice, every week. You went in front of Harry, protectively helding him back.
“You take your own hostage,” one of them said to him. “Leave the others . . .”
“No way!” said Harry furiously — but only two large bubbles came out.
“Your task is to retrieve your own friend . . . leave the others . . .”
Harry shook his head, furiously. “Harry! Take Draco and leave—she's krums hostage” you said, calmly. “please”
He sighed in defeat. You turned around when you saw Cedric swimming towards you. He pointed towards the watch, the time is almost finished. He cut cho free.
“Is krum coming?” you asked, he nodded. “Go” He swam away, with cho in his arms. Even though you know she's his friend you can't help but feel jealous a little bit but you trust him.
a human body in swimming trunks with the head of a shark. . . . It was Krum. He appeared to have transfigured himself — but badly.
The shark-man swam straight to Hermione and began snapping and biting at her ropes; the trouble was that Krum’s new teeth were positioned very awkwardly for biting anything smaller than a dolphin, and Harry was quite sure that if Krum wasn’t careful, he was going to rip Hermione in half.
Darting forward, Harry hit Krum hard on the shoulder and held up the jagged stone. Krum seized it and began to cut Hermione free. Within seconds, he had done it; he grabbed Hermione around the waist, and without a backward glance, began to rise rapidly with her toward the surface.
You smiled proudly at Harry's actions. He could've just taken Draco and leave but he wanted to make sure his friends were alright.
He turned to you. “Fleur didn't make it, Harry” you said, worriedly. Her sister... If Fleur didn't rescue her and then—she's gone?
His eyes widened, Harry tried to speak but only bubbles came out his mouth. “if we don't rescue her now and then she's lost to us”
He looked around, the merpeople isn't anywhere near you two. “I'll take care of them, you go” he nodded in agreement. Harry darted forward and began to hack at the ropes binding the small girl to the statue, and at last she was free.
He seized the little girl around the waist, grabbed the neck of draco's robes, and kicked off from the bottom.
You were too busy, dealing with the merpeople you didn't notice some of them slipping past and went towards Harry. “Argh!” you winced when the spear peered you're skin on lightly.
Over the surface;on the stands Cedric was facing back and forth. The time is almost over and Both Harry and you didn't return. He knows something gone wrong. “I'm going in” said, Cedric removing the towel that was wrapped around his muscled body.
“Mr.Diggory—it's against the rules, you're not allowed to go in” Cedric let out a frustrated growl.
No matter how many you fought, it seems they keep coming. Finally, you looked at Harry. His flippers were gone, he was struggling to swim with Draco and Fleur's sister.
Harry no longer can breathe oxygen, with all the strength left he pushed Draco and Fleur's sister towards the surface. The merpeople surrounded him. “Harry!!” You kicked away, the merman and swam towards him quickly. You glanced at the surface, Draco and Fleur's sister are safe. Draco helped Gabrielle swim towards the stands.
You caught him, but suddenly, a grindylow came out of nowhere and gripped on you're tail. You yelped. Using the strength left in you're hands, you blasted away the grindylow. You guys were few feet away from the surface.
You pushed Harry towards the surface and then sent a wave with you're tail causing him to break into the surface. You felt enormously relieved.
Harry breathed heavily as he reached the surface. He swam towards the stands. And was immediately wrapped up in towel. “Oh, Harry! Finally!” Draco kissed his head, hugging him tightly.
Cedric made his way to Harry. “Ha—Harry where's Y/N?” He asked, worriedly. “she's—still inside, i—” He was cut off when Sirius walked over and hugged him tightly. “she saved me” he finished taking in deep breathes. Everyone looked at the water worriedly.
You got away and popped up into the surface, right in front of the docks. Professor Lupin helped you get up on the stands, you were still in you're mermaid form. You breathed heavily, you laid on the deck. Cedric walked over to you, taking you in his arms protectively. He wrapped his towel around you.
You're eyes shot up, “Harry!” you searched around, he over to you with Draco by his side. “I'm here, Y/N” He smiled, “thank god” you breathed out. “No, thanks to you” said, Draco gracefully.
You laughed, leaning back onto Cedric's chest. He placed a kiss on your temple. “You got me so worried, Y/N” you smiled. “I couldn't be more thankful to you Y/N, for what you did! I owe you” Draco hugged you.
You stretched out you're left arm, motioning Harry to hug you. He smiled, and joined you three. “Thank you, Y/N” Draco said, again. You just saved his life (his and his life? Harry is his life so his life, I say).
He pecked you're cheek, just like you do for him. You didn't stand up, because of you're tail. And you don't want to shift back because.... You're clothes?
Harry pecked your other cheek, causing you to giggle. The others seemed to be in aww at you're interactions with the boys. Fleur walked over to you guys. “You saved me, thank you, Y/N. Harry thank you for saving my sister even though she's not yours”
“well, I have loads of help” he said turning to you. You giggled hugging him, Draco smiled widely. “And you—you helped her” she said turning to Draco, he might have helped her sister swim “Ah, yes a little bit” she kissed his forehead “thank you” she left went back to her sister.
Draco turned to you guys with a weird expression“didn't expect that”.
“I could never thank you enough for what you did today, Y/N. No matter how many times I say it, it wouldn't be enough” said, Sirius seriously.
“thank you for keeping you're promise, Y/N” said Remus sincerely. Harry looked shocked “You promised them? To keep me, safe?” you nodded. “I didn't save you just because I promised them, Harry. I saved you because you're my friend—a brother—a family—I love all of you” you said looking at Cedric, Harry, Draco, Hermione, and ron who stood by her side then Sirius and Remus. You smiled widely.
“A hug?” you asked, sheepishly knowing you'll be crushed the next second. Every one hugged you. You felt tears glistening in your eyes. You may not have grown up with love and affection in you're life before you got into hogwarts.
But you never felt so loved before. “come on, Y/N. Let's get you dressed” said, Cedric and tried to pick you up, but you slipped out, “Nah-huh I'll meet you at the land” you said, jumping in the water purposely splashing water on everyone.
“IT'S SO COLD!! HARRY I'M SO COLD”you heard draco's voice, saying dramatically. “I only think you're hot, draco” “THIS IS NOT TIME FOR FLIRTING!”
Few years later;
“I can't believe this is happening” you said, trying so hard not to cry. It's you're graduation and now you know it's time to say goodbye to the place you called home for years.
“Yeah,I'm gonna miss this place” Said, Cedric looking at the fountain in the courtyard. “I'm gonna miss everyone” you said, as a tear fell from your eyes. “me too—gonna miss the adventures that and competition's which nearly killed us” He wrapped his arm around you.
“Remember how we met? I was assigned to watch over you guys” you said, recalling the memory. “I do”
“and I'll never forget it”
“So, now what do we do?”
“I'll be in training to become an Auror”
“I know” “I love you” “I love you too”
“Y/N!! Y/N!!!” you looked up and saw Harry and Draco running towards you. You smiled at them, over the years they've grown up so much.
You still remember the greesy haired Draco and messy raven Harry like it was yesterday. “Hey boys” you said, blinking off the tears. “we know it's you're last day at hogwarts” said Harry hiding something behind him.
“So—we got you a present” beamed Draco. “Aww, you know you guys don't have to” you smiled at the younger. “don't be so nice, Y/N—you're gonna love it”
He showed you the present—“is that a pygmy puff?” you gasped, “oh my god, it's so cute” you squealed. “yep, got one from the joke shop—Fred and george gave us this for free” said Harry
“when we said it was a gift for you, of course” Draco laughed. You took the small pink fluff ball into you're hands, you almost melted at how soft it was.
You handed the pygmy puff to Cedric, he gently held it in his palms, it looked so small in his hands🥺 You hugged Harry and Draco tightly.
You'll miss these boys, the most. “I'll miss you two, so much” you said, through tears. “us too, Y/N—don't worry! We'll graduate before you know it and then visit you whenever we want” beamed Harry.
You laughed, “Of course! Anytime you want, doesn't matter” Draco bought up his sleeve and wiped off you're tears.
“We'll see you soon, Y/N”
“WHat is going on?” you heard familiar voices, turning around stood there Fred, george and Your husband, Cedric in their suits. You let out a frustrated sigh. “They're arguing over who's last name they're going to use”
“Are you kidding? The wedding's in 5 minutes” said, Cedric checking his watch.
“Now they're arguing??” Asked, Fred who looked so done with the engaged couple.
Hermione groaned loudly, “Come on guys, let's go it's time”
You laughed at them, none of them really changed. Same kids from school, it's a good thing though.
❃.✮:▹ The end ◃:✮.❃
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I was watching the IT movie,again the other day. It's horror film written by Stephen King and it couldn't help but— (I saw this one in Pinterest and I don't know what—but)
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Anygays, I hope you guys enjoyed this fic and also thank you guys so much for 200+ likes for my “𝚈𝚞𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚘𝚢 𝚡 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛” Fic and like I promised here, Cedric's fic.
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plutonct · 4 years
remember remember- n.jm
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summary; bestfriend au- celebrating bonfire night on the cold november evening leads to warming up with your ~best friend~ in his car
warnings; car sex, unprotected sex, grossed out 00 line
an; REMEMBER REMEMBER THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER GUNPOWDER TREASON AND PLOT i think this is a british thing so like welcome to my culture where we make replicas of a man and set him on fire 😌 wow the uk is savage. for context, in the uk the 5th of november is celebrated as bonfire night or guy fawkes night and basically celebrates the death of guy fawkes who was famously hung, drawn and quartered after plotting to kill the king with gunpowder.
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the vibrant colours of the fireworks lit up the sky as you cuddled in closer to your best friend’s chest. in the cold evening hours of november, your body shivered slightly as the chills of the wind overpowered the small amount of heat radiating from the fire in front of you. the stuffed and clothed fabric that had been set on fire was doing little to warm you up due to the ‘safe distance’ rules.
"y/n? are you okay? you look freezing." jeno, one of jaemin’s friends spoke up distracting you from how the blonde next to you was tracing circles onto the smooth skin of your arm.
"it’s a bit cold, nothing i can’t handle though." you laughed a little as you spoke, trying not to let the chatter in your teeth give you away. jaemin obviously didn’t believe you, turning to look into your eyes.
his face was illuminated by the warm radiance of the fire, his skin quite literally glowing. the crackling of the fireworks was still going on, kids laughing and gasping to their parents at the pretty explosions of colour. unlike the others there, clearly you hadn’t got the memo of dressing appropriately after shoving one of jaemins hoodies on (with no top underneath) and a pair of thin leggings.
"guys i’m feeling quite chilly, i’ll take y/n back to the car." jaemin spoke up to the others in your little circle, earning small murmurs of acknowledgement before they returned back to their conversations about spooky stories and whether or not ghosts were real. though his eyes left yours for a second, they were immediately back gazing into your own as if you were the only thing that mattered to him. and you were.
jaemin wasn’t so sure how long he had been harbouring feelings for you, having to constantly push himself back into line as ‘the boy best friend’. what he did know however, was that you looked ethereal in that moment. the same glow from the fire reflecting onto your own skin, your eyes glossy from what he assumed was also the low temperature.
he patted your side as a signal he was standing up and you immediately shrunk your arms into the large hoodie draped over your frame, letting the ends of the sleeves hand over your fingertips to your hands up. jaemin on the other hand had different ideas, lacing his fingers with yours and shoving the cluster of appendage into his coat pocket.
the walk to his car was in comfortable silence, basking in the somehow peaceful moment despite the loud cheers, chatter and bangs in the background.
"you know you don’t have to lie, right? if you’re cold you can just tell me." jaemin spoke up, nudging his elbow into your side as the two of you approached his black car.
"i know. i just didn’t want to take you away from the others just because i was cold." you stopped for a moment and turned to look up at him, only to find he had already been looking at you. this happened a lot, he would always seem to stare at you with such fondness and adoration, it stirred up butterflies in your tummy. your best friend let out a breathless chuckle, unclasping his hand from yours and bringing it up to rest against your cheek.
for a moment your breath hitched, attention now drawn to the warm hand rubbing soothing strokes onto the plush skin of your cheek.
"y/n i would drop everything for you. i hope you know that." jaemin’s eyes flitted from your kissable lips back to your eyes, this not going unnoticed by you. heat pooled in your stomach at his gestured and words. you raised your own hand and placed it on his cheek, just like he had.
"then i hope you know i would do the same for you."
that was all the confirmation jaemin needed, with the clear affirmation that his feelings were reciprocated, he brought his face closer to yours. you could feel his minty breath fanning over your lips before taking the initiative and closing the distance yourself.
your lips molded together perfectly, his chapped ones moving immediately against your own desperately. he had waited so, so long for this moment. he had dreamt about it in his sleep, fantasized about it in his classes— but you weren’t any different.
as the kiss started getting heated, jaemin reached for his carkeys in his pocket with the hand that once rested on your waist, hurriedly pressing the button to unlock the vehicle. the moment he did so, you reached to open the cardoor, clambering into the back seats.
"you have no idea how— long i waited— for this." jaemin spoke in between kisses, climbing in after you and slamming the door shut, hovering over you whilst using his forearms to hold him up. the space in the car was limited, but he did his best to work with what he got.
"same," you breathed out before jaemin hungrily reattached his lips to yours, "same."
the male shrugged off his thick coat, letting it drop onto the backseat floors in a heap before pulling off his shirt to join it, leaving him in his black adidas trackies that he always seemed to wear. his bare toned torso was now on full display under the dim lighting from the car, broad shoulders and defined muscles enticing you even further to rake your fingers along his body. and you did so, his muscles going rigid for a moment as they tensed up before relaxing again, jaemin just letting you feel him up.
"as much as you seem to like my body, princess, we have more important things to be getting to." the smug smirk on jaemin’s face almost made you whimper but you clamped your lips tight, just looking up at him. he cursed lightly at the desperate shine in your eyes, glossed over making them sparkle.
seeing as jaemin was preoccupied with staring at your face, you took it upon yourself to pull down your leggings and shimmy your legs out of them, revealing your bare legs and underwear-less heat. you hated wearing pants with your leggings seeing as they always gave you a visible panty line.
jaemins eyes widened when he looked down, the erection enclosed in his trackies growing, trousers tightening.
"holy shit princess, were you expecting this?"
you weren’t, but that made it all the better. this time you let out the whimper, clamping your legs shut for some sort of desperate friction.
"p-please jaem-ahh" before you could even finish your words, he had tugged his own trackies down just enough for him to release his throbbing cock. you moaned at the sight whereas the cold air hit the hot skin of his member, coaxing a hiss from his mouth.
"shit— i’m on the pill just please!" you grabbed at his biceps, pleading with him as your pressed your thighs together even harder. with this newly attained knowledge, jaemin grabbed himself at the base of his cock, beginning to line himself up with your dripping core. he didn’t even have to touch you to know, your folds glistened with arousal.
he ran his head against your slick slit, arm holding him up nearly faltering at the first inch of pleasure. your arms immediately went to wrap around his torso, legs hooking around his hips to pull him even closer. jaemin pushed the rest of himself in slowly, releasing low groans that mixed with your higher pitches whimpers.
"h-how are you so—fuckkkk— tight?" he gritted his teeth and removed his hand from his shaft, moving it to help himself keep steady. at his words you subconsciously clenched around him, causing him to moan louder.
he started his thrusts slow and deep, taking his time to explore you and savour the moment. but this didn’t last long, your want and need overpowering your other senses.
"j-jaemin, ahhh-go faster!" you demanded, starting to buck your hips against his. a devilish grin appeared on his face, moving one of his hands back down to your hip to hold it down.
"as you wish, princess."
his hips snapped rapidly into yours, the change in pace making the growing feeling in your lower stomach grow faster, your moans becoming more frequent and louder. the small space in the car was slightly uncomfortable, the windows were even fogged up but in this moment neither of you cared. his pace was relentless, never letting down as he slammed into you over and over, reaching depths no one else before him had managed to reach.
you started seeing stars, body barely sliding along the seats of the car at the sheer force of jaemin’s thrusts. your eyes starting rolling into the back of your head, fluttering shut as your fingertips dug into jaemin’s back, trailing down and leaving fresh red scratches in their wake.
"jaem, i’m gonna c-um," you managed to get out, the boy smiling at your pliable state. he was also very, very close, beads of sweat rolling down his face at the now hot temperature inside the car and as a result of the effort he was putting into fucking you.
after one sharp thrust, the angle perfect, your orgasm washed over you. your legs twitched slightly and your back arched, vision momentarily clouded. your wet walls clenched around jaemin’s cock, triggering his own release just after yours.
"fuck, y/n." he groaned quietly, his cum coating your pussy walls in short bursts as he relaxed on top of you, panting.
the two of you stayed there in the comfortable almost silence, chests raising and falling heavily as you both regained composure.
"so... what does this mean for us?" you asked quietly, jaemins head resting on your hoodie clad chest. he turned up to look at you in disbelief, chin resting on your ribs.
"you’re my girlfriend. i think. i mean you dont have to be but-" you cut off his rambling by grabbing his jaw and pulling him up for a sweet kiss.
"i’m your girlfriend."
the two of you sat and waited in the front seats, enjoying eachothers presence in the newly found relationship. the car doors opened and jeno, renjun and donghyuck slid in, sitting in the back seats. you froze up momentarily, looking at them through the rear view mirror.
renjun, as the smallest, was sat in the middle. his face contorted into one of disgust, eyebrows furrowing as he immediately unclasped his seatbelt, leaping over to sit on jeno’s lap instead. he would rather that then stay sat on whatever the fuck he was just sitting on- and god he hoped it wasn’t what he thought.
"what’s wrong?" jaemin turned to renjun with a playful glint in his eyes, knowing why he had that reaction.
"why the fuck is your middle seat wet?"
jeno and donghyuck then looked at the wet patch on the seat before cringing and gagging.
"renjun give me my $10 please."
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alotsgonnachange · 3 years
Mystic Messenger Saeran’s AE Thoughts (.......And Prayers..) #Spoilerz
Hello, I just finished Saeran’s after ending and I have a lot of things to say and I am going to write it down while I'm still all keyed up about it.
First of all… Please DO NOT ask me how much money I spent to finish this as fast as I did…. I’m grown but my bank account is certainly going to have a good ole fashioned CHUCKLE at this….. It’s been a long quarantine I deserve a lil happiness as a treat methinks!
I have been playing this absolutely insane game since I think 2016? When I first started playing the deep routes had JUST come out I think? And I was just finishing up high school and am now a college grad...lmao
I’ve played all routes at least once except Jaehee but i’ve seen walkthroughs of her route (I’ve heard it makes you hate Jumin and he’s my favorite so um. hehe). V’s and Saeran’s routes I found to be so emotionally intense and just….a lot and I've been waiting a long ass god damn time for this after ending okay…. I would theorize and make up an ending in my head but i’m no writer so it was hard to figure out lol. I’m a Jumin stan mostly but I love everybody and yeah I should probably play that jumin dlc too but I need like a DAY to recover from Saeran’s AE. Enough about me HERE are my thoughts on it overall
Major Saeran AE Spoilers under da cut!
Can we please discuss V showing up to the C+R conference room with basically chloroform and made everybody Pass Out like??? I was alone in my room at like midnight just SCREAMING at my phone???? And the creepy ass CG ???? It’s like that gif of sarah paulson from ahs being like “I put arsenic in the wine….and the pasta”
Anyway I screamed at V a lot during this process!!
Loved RFA being sweet and kind to saeran (before V fucking drugged them…)
This is such common V behavior “I have to do it all myself...there’s no other way..” GIRL SHUT UPPP You do this every route....
SO many CG’s and I enjoy them a lot
Saeran’s sprite looks a little TOO crisp compared to everyone else but maybe its a glitch??? V next to him is in 480p while saeran is like 1080p
Hearing both Saeran and Saeyoung missing the other brother the whole time??? PAIN. All my homies know is PAIN
BOSS and his V for Vendetta ass guy fawkes mask??? I literally yelled “this game is TERRIBLE!!” several times at my phone
Their dad is so>??????? When he was sitting on the couch with saeyoung in that one CG while simultaneously telling him to kill himself?????????? Maybe chairman han is actually the best dad in this game somehow
When V and Rika were like we’re back together teehee teehee okay pack it up bonnie and clyde ..
When chairman han calls u and says hes jealous of u and saeran…..HUH????? I’m calling HR
When they go to the apartment and see boss and vanderwood and poor saeyoung is sitting there seeing his brother for the first time in years i wanted to D word sooooo bad like PAIN...PAIN….
Can we HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT JUMIN HAN BEING THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME AND HE LOST EVERYTHING IN THIS AE……. he just took the blame and moved on jumin what the hell….. I love him so much r we serious? He watched his 2 closest friends betray him in the worst way and found out abt how Rika abused Saeyoung and Saeran???? I felt just AWFUL. Terrible ...Terrible….
Rika’s change in demeanor from Saeran's actual route is certainly a Choice. I find her much more bearable this time around and unfortunately i think I was too nice to her and ended up with a bad end LMFAO
I was happy to see Saeran stand up for himself and become stronger and confident. You go king!
The CG of Yoosung laying in Zen’s lap is everything to me…
HOWEVER YUP I sure did get a bad ending and I was so mad fdsafdskfdhsf ! (I would be happy to clarify how I got the good one the second time.) MAKE SURE To SAVE EARLY in days 2 and 3 bc the branches on day 4 is where the bad end will show up. For me it was the first day 4 chat and then a story mode titled “SAVIOR”.... If you see that RUN FOR THE HILLS!!
I was so mad! But I had saved in day 2 and replayed and MANAGED to get good end
I’m obsessed with everyone calling V and Rika “that psychotic couple” like…..its true its true…
No those two are so toxic… V’s route was torture watching them go on and on about the sun like yo can yall just call each other babe like normal people.
I respect straight people but not V and RIka that shit was just wrong… Straight marriage was a mistake
Oh lord i also FULLY Forgot Rika killed the twins’ mother…. Yeah that scene was um Certainly a lot but it needed to happen eventually
Like it’s good they know but damn that storyline is just so bleak
I think it was satisfying TO A DEGREE….To see Rika understand where she was wrong, why she was wrong, fess up and even APOLOGIZE! I was very surprised.
Saeran and Saeyoung are Certainly twins with the amount that those two self sacrifice in every route MY GOD…..
The scene with Jumin talking to his father and the other scene of him praying oh my god I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him begin to understand and address his own feelings in a route that was not his own. My main problem with Jumin’s route has always been the trapping MC in his penthouse aspect.. This way Jumin understands love and emotions without being overly possessive !!! YAY also loved seeing him be on good terms with his dad who was surprisingly profound
That last Story mode was Really a Lot…. and Strange things occurred which I will get into in just a minute
Jumin becoming a politician is so funny but ngl … i see it.
Yoosung going to france to study pastries ok king I see u! (it made more sense to me than the vet thing anyway)
Lastly Zen FURRY ERA
MY BEEF With the AE
I was happy with how they handled it for the most part. I think Cheritz heard our feedback about V’s after ending and was like okay….let’s try something different
Saeran…. Sweet kind saeran… IS SO AFFECTIONATE HAHA….
He must have said I love you like 300 times…..very mushy gushy flowery language...and maybe that’s just his personality but for me it was like eating cake with buttercream cake. It means well, but god damn is it sugary and going to cause a stomach ache later.
He was just… SO MUCH! SO forward and ON all the time in his affections. I honestly felt kind of smothered and by day 3 and 4 I was sooooo over all the compliments… King you’ve come a very long way, but ur still putting MC on a pedestal and probably need to see a therapist.
Nextly….Rika and V….. Naw that knock out gas really ...that hurt lol. Coming from “I would do anything to protect RFA” V? Idk like…. EYE felt betrayed reading that. It was just hurtful. I can’t even imagine how the members would have felt as they were passing out. It was just so cruel. I suppose I understand why but like?? Just TERRIBLE
Them being in cahoots with the agency and the prime minister..HUH??? Also too much
V just felt so irresponsible like I do understand that he ended up in a weird web of secrets that’s hard to untangle but he’s so fucking stubborn he’s SO stubborn it makes me insane. Like sir… It seems like in other routes he wanted to try to protect Rika and the RFA.. But in this AE it seems more to me that he was like yeah i’m protecting Rika and That’s It… so fucking hurtful to me. Both of y’all apologize ESPECIALLY to the twins and Jumin..
The forgiveness thing…… Okay so I think some people will not like that Saeran decided to “forgive” the people who hurt him (Rika, V, Saejoong, his mother). I would point out that I actually think this was approached somewhat well. He says at one point that he doesn’t think they’re good or bad, just people. I think he sounded mature and like this was the way for him personally to accomplish his healing process. Would I have loved for Saeran to flip V and Rika off and kick Saejoong off a cliff? Yea I really would. But like…. If that’s what HE needs to do to heal then who am I to judge?
HOWEVER…. Everything Eye just said goes out the window when the scenes at the end with Saejoong come up… I was PERPLEXED. Like why did he HUG his deranged father who just kicked the shit out of him??? Also all the chat options that MC has with him r like blah blah you’re like this because no one loves you were so corny to me LMFAOOOO?
AND WHEN HE WAS IN THE ROOM LATER WITH SAERAN… i’m sorry but if that were me I would have called a nurse to deck his ass. Cool he turned himself in YOU SUCK SOOOO BAD AND I NEVER WANT YOU TO COME NEAR SAEYOUNG AND SAERAN AGAIN THANKS.
*scratches ass* I wish I got to see saeyoung and saeran finally sit down and have that first conversation after a long time and hug CG but the ending was fine I GUESS….. I dont care about ROMANCE I want those boys to be happy brothers together
Anyway that was really emotionally exhausting but I fr think I got it out of my system after literal years… And I can rest in peace knowing the choi twins are happy. THATS ALL I WANTED TO KNOW!!!!
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Hi could you write to Draco?  The Malfoys signed a marriage contract with another thoroughbred family, time passed and the girl who would marry Draco was selected for the hufflepuff so she thought the contract would be canceled, but when the war was over Lucius thought it would be a good idea to do  Draco marries someone other than Slytherin to clean up the family image a bit, of course keeping the tradition purebred.I could have anguish I like, but the ending is very happy?  Please!
I’ve got you homie! 
Warnings: Self harm, swearing, slight NSFW stuff.
The battle of Hogwarts haunted everyone’s memory. It was slightly infuriating to be a muggleborn child in that time because it was impossible to come home and tell family what happened. Wizards would deal with their demons in the invisible walls of the world only you all knew. You could only imagine what wizards who were forced to abandoned their families unwillingly. Hermione only talked to you about that pain. How she had to remove herself from the memories of her own parents. You got lucky. You were a pureblooded wizard, your parents being ones of a high income family. Your parents loved you, they fought with you during that battle. They didn’t hesitate to run to their bleeding daughter when you took a hit for Fred Weasley, ultimately saving the boy’s life. They didn’t hesitate to stay by your side when you recovered due to Fawkes taking a liking to you. They didn’t hesitate to protect you when you ran back out into battle. You understood they loved you. 
What you never understood though was the arranged marriage. When you were eleven, you were set to be in a arranged marriage to Draco Malfoy. He was nothing but an ass to you though, part of you questioned whether or not he even knew about the arrangement. Well he did. And quite often threw it back at you when you were in his presence. When describing this boy, you wouldn’t exactly use the word “hate”. No you didn’t hate him. You had a STRONG disliking to the boy. He often was rude over your house, saying you must’ve been weak to be put in Hufflepuff. You swore one day you’d prove him wrong and actually did when the battle of Hogwarts came. You saved his life, pulling him back and shouting a defense charm telling him to be more careful before running off. Draco was surprised to see you fight for him in such a way. He nearly expected you to leave him for dead but you didn’t. So he stealthily watched you through out the battle, allowing you to narrowly escape death a few times. When you did nearly die he was actually present. You weren’t aware of him being in the makeshift medical unit, watching you silently. Your parents were very aware though. They recognized his presence and the fact that he had been anonymously keeping you alive throughout the entire battle. When sides had to be chosen it was gut wrenching to look at you. You were good friends with Harry and his ragtag group of friends. When you saw Harry dead in Hagrid’s arms you just fell to your knees staring at the boy with shock and tears. Hermione and Ron both were by your side as your eyes just locked onto him. Voldemort seemed to take great joy in seeing you in pain. Draco’s parents were visible, standing with the dark lord with great pride as to say “We won and you can’t fight us anymore”. Lucius extended a hand to Draco but you stopped him, grabbing his hand with this pained expression. “Don’t go.” You whispered. Draco looked at you and then his father. Would he really stay for someone who he seemingly hated? Would he stay because you asked him to? The answer seemed to be obvious. But it surprised everyone when he stepped back into his place with Hogwarts
It seemed you two buried the hatchet after the battle was over, especially when Harry turned out to be alive and Draco grabbed his wand from his father, giving it to Harry. It was the only time you heard Draco say “Potter!” With no disgust in his voice. You were the one that kept him safe though. You grabbed Draco’s hand and ran to the order. “We need to move.” Remus said. “Where, the battle is literally going on everywhere!?” Fred asked. “We need to not be stopping, that’s for sure, I’ve already almost died once here, I don’t plan on doing it again!” You said. You all ran to the second floor, finding a vacant hall so you could finally rest. “I am too old for this!” George whined. “You’re joking right? Tonks, tell me the boy is joking.” Remus said making you let out a breathy laugh. Draco had this confused look on his face. “Why did you help me?” Draco asked. “I--” You were cut off by the crackling noise of Harry’s magic against Voldemort. Your eyes couldn’t even handle looking at it, it was so bright. But then almost as quickly as the battle picked up... It stopped. You were terrified that Harry might’ve lost but when you could finally see you saw Harry still standing. “He did it!” You gasped. Tonks looked out the window and let out a relieved sigh. “It’s over.” You said. “Draco its-- Draco?” You noticed his absence and that was the last you saw of him
Until today. You opened the door to your parents’ home and there he was, that same stern expression he usually kept plastered on his face. “Draco?” Your father asked. Draco let out a long sigh and you rose a brow. “The contract was never terminated.” Draco said. Contract? What was he-- WAIT WHAT!? “I see.” Your father said. “My father cannot terminate it because of his... situation so it appears we’re stuck in this.” Draco said to you. “...Shit.” you muttered. Your father didn’t even bother to scold you for that one. “Well... Welcome to your new home for the time being I suppose.” Your father said. “Thank you sir.” Draco said, blank expression as he stepped in. “May I speak with you? Alone?” You asked him. “If you must.” Draco said. You dragged him into the empty dining room. “Are you alright?” You asked. “Excuse me?” Draco asked. “You disappeared after the battle and I got worried something had happened... Fred tried writing to you.” You said. “I see... You’re concerned with me? Genuinely?” Draco asked. “Yes!” You said. “Why?” He asked. “Because... Someone has to be.” You said. “What?” He asked. “You deserve to have someone care about you.” You said point blank. “Plus you apparently saved my life. Multiple times.” you added. Draco blushed slightly, putting a hand on the back of his neck and looking away. “So you did?” You asked. “I... May have kept you alive longer?” he said. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked. “Because I didn’t want you acting strange about it!” He said aggravated. You couldn’t help but smile. “You don’t hate me do you?” You asked. “I never said I did!” Draco said. Your smile grew bigger “This is exactly why I didn’t say anything!” Draco groaned making you laugh. He liked hearing that laugh... Something about it was so... Pleasant. “So do you actually want to get married or are you sticking with ‘it’s my duty, nothing more’?” you asked. “I mean no offense, but why would I want to actually get married to you?” Draco said. “Offense definitely taken.” you nodded. “Look, you can understand how I am not exactly thrilled to be bound to marry a girl I barely know by a fucking contract.” He griped. “It’s no cakewalk for me either asshat.” You said, roughing up his hair. He frowned and swatted your hand away. “But you’re right. We barely know each other. so we should start getting friendly now.” You said, pulling a seat out at the table. “Christ don’t--” “Sit.” You said sternly as your father walked through. “Little tip for your marriage, son: The women actually run the household.” He said before leaving. Draco sighed and sat down, you sitting across from him. “Sooo. Where did you go after the battle?” You asked. “...I really don’t want to answer that.” He muttered. “Can you at least tell me that you’re okay?” you said, showing legitimate concern, taking one of his hands into yours. He looked into your e/c eyes and swallowed. “Yes... Y/n I’m fine.” He nodded. “Okay... So Harry might be coming in five minutes.” You said. “What!?” Draco asked. “Hey, we didn’t realize you’d be here today! They’ve been coming over for dinner since the war.” You said. “Oh Christ, all of them are coming!?” Draco asked. “Yes and they’ve been worried about you too!” You said as he stood up. He turned back around. “Why?” He asked. “Because you were a leading cause of winning the war dumbass, your name is everywhere.” you said. Draco sighed. “Plus your parents--” “Don’t.” Draco muttered. You nodded. “Sorry... But Molly feels responsible for all children... She cares about you and she doesn’t want you to feel alone. And neither do I.” You said. He ran a hand over his face and the front door opened, a house elf walking into the dining room. “The Weasley family.” She said. “Thank you Francis.” you said, the house elf nodding and leaving. Molly walked in and halted. “Draco showed up earlier and--” Molly hugged Draco making him freeze before slowly looking to you. “hug back” you mouthed. Draco slowly hugged her back and she pulled away. 
“We’ve been so worried about you dear!” Molly said. Fred walked in and he hugged Draco on sight. “Told you they were worried.” You said. “Was there any doubt that we weren’t!?” Fred asked. “I’m not exactly liked Fred, please let go.” Draco said. He did and George hugged him afterwards making Draco groan. Tonks, Ron, Hermione, Remus, Harry and Teddy all joined you soon after. You soon all sat down for dinner, Draco being silent for most of it. “So you’re safe. What made you leave?” Fred asked. “I was checking on my...” He swallowed and shook his head. “I was checking on my family... Before they...” he muttered. Remus nodded. “We’re grateful you’re safe son.” Remus said as you wiped Teddy’s mouth. Draco noticed you with him, keeping him on your knee while you ate. “He almost said your name the other day.” Tonks said to you. You smiled. “Did you now?” you asked Teddy rhetorically, hugging him. He let out a giggle and Harry smiled. “He clearly favors you.” Harry said. “Hmm, you give me a run for money though.” You chuckled. Remus smiled. The house elf from earlier emerged. “Yes Francis dear?” Your mother asked. “A package for Miss Y/n has arrived.” the house elf said. “Oh.” You got up, passing Teddy to Draco. “Y/n I don’t--” “Harry, help the poor guy.” You said as Draco seemed to struggle with Teddy. You walked out and Draco sat Teddy on his knee, mimicking the same way he saw him with you. “See you’ve got it.” Harry nodded. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” He admitted. “Oh, you’re doing just fine son.” Remus assured as you walked in. “What was the package?” your father asked. “A new set of stationary.” You replied sitting down. Teddy made grabby hands and cooed as if to ask to be back with you. You took Teddy and smiled, kissing his cheek. “You’re so becoming our babysitter. He never stays this calm.” Tonks chuckled. “Y/n has always had a way with children.” Your mother said. “She gets that from you.” Your father told her. “I don’t know.. Teddy do I have a way with children?” You asked with a smile. Teddy giggled and grabbed your finger making you chuckle. Draco smiled at the sight and Fred noticed. “So what exactly brought you here?” George asked. “Uh... I’ve been in a arranged marriage with Y/n since the first year of school.” Draco admitted. “Wait what!?” Hermione gaped. “Since father is in... Azkaban no one can revoke the marriage so... We’re both stuck with this.” Draco said. “Yikes.” Tonks winced. “When is the wedding?” you asked. “Looking forward to the marriage or something?” Fred teased. “I just figure there’s no loophole or anything. We may as well just accept what’s happening. Glass half full approach.” You shrugged. “Y/n, your Hufflepuff is showing.” Tonks coughed out making Remus smile. You chuckled and Draco sighed. “I understand where your coming from. I suppose she’s right.” Draco nodded. “Did you just... Agree with her?” Harry asked. “And?” Draco asked. “You two argue over almost everything.” Ron pointed out. “We do not.” Draco sighed. “We spent three hours in an argument over potions before.” you reminded. “.... I’m just trying something new.” Draco admitted. “...Being more agreeable?” Ginny asked. “Being nicer... From what I understand I’ve... Been kind of a pain.” Draco said. “Kind of?” George asked, Fred kicking him from under the table as a response. “I’m trying to make up for what I’ve done.” Draco admitted. You smiled.
The rest of the night was mostly spent with the family. But Draco stayed up once everyone went to bed, sitting in the library by the fire. Well... Almost everyone. “Couldn’t sleep?” You asked, making him turn. “No.” He said, turning back to the fireplace. He seemed to be thinking about something as you sat down. “Something wrong?” You asked. Draco swallowed. “I went looking for the ministry...” Draco admitted. “Hmm?” You asked. “Why you never saw me... I went looking for the ministry.” Draco said. “...Any reason why?” You asked. “To find my parents... If I was going down they were going down with me.” Draco said. “Wait, why would--” “Because I had a dark mark. I chose to bare this. I chose this.” Draco said, clearly saying it to himself rather than you. He started scratching at his wrist and you stopped him, hugging him close. “You don’t have to bare these demons alone Draco.” you said in his ear. He clung to you as if you were the most precious thing to him, sobbing into your shoulder. “I’m sorry.” Was the only thing he could seem to get out. When he finally calmed down you left, coming back with hot cocoa. “Here... I’ve learned from Remus that chocolate fixes everything.” You said. He let out a small chuckle and took the mug. “You’re always so kind... I honestly feel like shit when I think of how I’ve treated you in the past.” Draco said. “Can I admit something crazy to you?” You asked. He nodded. “I had a massive crush on you in third year. to like our sixth year.” You admitted, making the boy nearly choke on his drink. “...That is crazy.” Draco said. “I know.” you chuckled. “I had a crush on you in our second year.” He said. You rose a brow. “You treated me like shit our second year.” You laughed. “I did not handle those feelings well, as you can see.” he said making you laugh. “What, pray tell brought on those feelings?” You asked. “Quidditch.” He admitted. “What?” You asked. “There was a quidditch game where it was Slytherin vs Hufflepuff and you ended up nearly falling off your broom for the snitch. I watched you leap off your broom, fall and then get right back up, covered in grass and dirt. And apparently twelve year old me thought that you were amazing.” Draco chuckled. You smiled and seemed to hide in your hair to cover the blush forming on your face. Draco however brushed back your strands and smiled looking at you. “Your eyes are very bright...” he commented, his voice low and soft. Your lips parted, looking at him. “When did you stop?” You asked softly. “hmm?” He asked. “When did you stop liking me?” You asked. His breath hitched. “I never did.” He admitted. You looked at him surprised, blinking a few times. “Sorry... I-I didn’t mean to--” “N-no it’s fine, it’s just I.. I didn’t expect to hear that.” You said. “Why?” He asked. “I always assumed you disliked me so I dropped it.” You admitted. 
Draco sucked in a breath and chuckled. “So Potter actually kept it a secret.” He said. “Kept what a secret?” You asked. “The Amortentia lesson. You were sick with a cold and you couldn’t come to class.” Draco began. “I had to work with Pansy Parkinson and we were making the potion... I didn’t realize what the scent of the potion was until I made a comment.... ‘Jesus Y/n did you bathe in your perfume this morning, this place stinks of it’.” Draco recalled. “Amortentia smells like--” “Whoever you have feelings for... Which is you. And Potter was there and I practically begged the guy not to tell you... I’m surprised he kept it to himself.” Draco admitted. “Course I was the dolt that decided to say that bit out loud--” you cut him off with a kiss, him cupping you cheeks as he realized what was happening. You pulled away from air and he smiled. “What brought that on?” He asked. “You became bearable.” you chuckled. Draco kissed you again, you pulling away before getting up and straddling his lap. He kissed you passionately, running his fingers through your hair.  “I feel like we shouldn’t do this here.” You breathed. “If you don’t want to I understand.” He breathed. “My god you are the perfect man.” You whispered, making him chuckle. He kissed your nose and you smiled. “Suddenly this arranged marriage thing isn’t so bad.” He said. You curled up in his arms and he chuckled. “Tired?” He asked. “I can only take so much human interaction... Wait till Arthur isn’t working a nightshift... He will not stop talking. Love the man to death, honest... But if he asks Harry for the function of a cellphone I’m going to impale myself on a fucking fork.” You whined. Draco looked over at your chair and saw a blanket. “Accio Blanket.” He said before he pulled it over you. “We don’t have to actually--” “I’m comfortable, it appears your comfortable... Why not sleep here?” He asked. “... Wanna get married?” You teased making him kiss your head. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
Your parents found you two the next morning, you curled up in his lap his arms holding you close. “Ahem... Dear?” Your mother called. You sucked in a breath, leaning up and blinking a few times. Draco shifted and turned around. “Mr. and Mrs. L/n!” Draco said getting up and you hitting the floor. “Oh my god Y/n are you okay!?” Draco asked, helping you up. “We fell asleep.” You said to your parents. They started laughing and you both rose a brow. “You’re both adults. And engaged. We just wanted to know why you weren’t at breakfast this morning and it seems we have an answer.” Your father said. “Aha... righhhtttt.” You nodded, blushing a bit. You two sat at the breakfast table and your parents went off to work. “So...” You cleared your throat. “Hmm?” Draco asked, sipping on a coffee. “Last night was fun.” You said, making him almost cough it up. You chuckled and handed him a napkin. He chuckled and sighed. “I suppose it was.” He agreed. You smiled and Francis brought you the paper, you reading one half while Draco read the other. Your hand rested on the table as you read and you felt Draco grip it and you smiled. “Your hand feels nice.” You said. “Mmm, does it?” He chuckled. “Surprisingly soft... Okay, you’ve got to tell me what moisturizer you use--” Draco began laughing silently as you spoke. “Oh God.” You said after a while of rambling. “What?” Draco asked, clearing his throat. You showed him the article. “Battle Hero Draco Malfoy is engaged to Y/n L/n. An article by... Rita Skeeter.” He read aloud. “How the hell am I considered a battle hero!? You saved more lives than I did!” He gaped. “Probably that wand incident that landed you the title.” You shrugged. “I don’t want it.” He grumbled. “Besides she’s completely writing you off. You nearly died for Fred, you saved Remus and Nymphadora, you literally a war hero but she’s--” “Draco, you’re squeezing my hand too tight.” you winced. He eased up and kissed your knuckles almost as an apology. You chuckled. “Draco, this is Rita Skeeter. All of her stuff is bullshit.” You snorted. “True. I still remember that ridiculous article she wrote on Potter.” Draco nodded. You snorted “ ‘eyes glistening with the ghosts of his past.’” You recalled. “God it was so terrible.” He laughed. You smiled. “You have a nice laugh.” You pointed out. He smiled. “So is this our new thing? We’re... together?” you asked. “Well considering the marriage... We were technically already together. But yes, I presume this does mean we’re... Friendlier?” He said making you snort. “If a make out session with you is friendly, what happens if I sleep with you?” You teased. He chuckled and leaned to your ear. “Wonderful things.” He said making you nearly knock over your cup of coffee. He chuckled and you grumbled in your seat, annoyed he could make you flustered. “You pout like a child.” He said. “Fuck off.” You griped making him chuckle and shake his head. 
You and Draco spent most of the day actually wedding planning. Your parents came home to a heated argument. “Are you blind!? You have to be to think that is a good color scheme!” Draco said. What the hell was he talking about? “We are not making it green and black Draco that is depressing for a wedding!” You said. “Alright, compromise. Silver and Yellow.” He suggested. “Yellow? Ehhhhh” “Oh come on!” He sighed. “Blue!” You said. “Blue?” “Blue! Blue and silver are pretty.” You said. “...Blue and silver actually sound nice.” He nodded. “What are you two doing?” Your mother asked. “Wedding planning.” “Roses?” Draco asked. “Are you out of your mind? With blue and silver?” You asked. “True. Lilies?” “Not bad.” You nodded. Your parents nodded, watching you two bounce ideas off of each other. Draco smiled and pulled you into his lap, kissing your cheek as you wrote. “Then there’s the cake.” You said. “hmmm. Chocolate?” He suggested. “Somewhere Remus just screamed. Absolutely.” You nodded. Your parents smiled. 
Maybe this whole thing wasn’t so bad after all.
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local80smotel · 4 years
All knowing love
pairing; V x Trans Man! Reader
summary; being under V's loving and watchful eye.
requested; Anonymous
rating; T
warnings; transphobia, parental abuse (physical), hints of suicide (but never outright said)
word count; 2185
A/N; this isn't wasn't the fluffiest thing I could write but once talking to my trans boyfriend I couldn't help but feel having a bit of angst was acceptable.
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When Y/N was still just a child, he knew something was off about him. Not something "bad" or "wrong" that people would call this feeling when he'd tell them. "It's just a phase" was a comment that was thrown at them mostly by their parents when they were still in their teens, just before high Chancellor Sutler was ever in the eye of politics. Oh, how those days would seem like a humid southern summer walk compared to when Sutler came into the picture. The transphobia he had experienced grew like how weeds grow in futile soil.
The comments like "You're confused" slowly started to warp into something more demeaning to the boy as the Chancellor candidate's toxic grip on the people of England started to squeeze any "unwanted" life out of it. "Undesirable" life as he would call it. When hair was cut after Sutler was elected, there weren't small arguments anymore that would be fixed when he'd be asked if he were hungry and wanted to eat supper with them. It became violent and unlike the people who had raised him for the last 15 years. Having handfuls of freshly cut hair be ripped out because his mother was holding him by his scalp just to yell in his face how much of a monster he was broke his heart.
Was it fear that caused this? Were they scared of losing their only child as many other families had? Was their bundle of joy in their life really an undesirable and the cause of this virus outbreak? Just why? He'd ask himself that as he was packing his bags in preparation to leave the family home for good.
Three long years had passed and at the ripe age of 18, he moved out into the busy streets of London. A small pit in his stomach began to form as the sickening feeling came back. The cause of it was from one simple but yet complex question; could he survive in this fascist regime? Sadness also fueled this emotional fire, sadness from knowing he'd have to use so many things he knew was wrong and didn't describe him truthfully just so he could get a place to come to when curfew hit; The name that was long dead to him the second it was given to him and female pronouns. He'd be signing his own death certificate if he put Y/N instead of his deadname on his application to rent.
They'd look it up and find no Y/N L/N in England and call the police on him in a split second. Shivers ran down his spine as he imagined what would happen to him if that became a reality. No one knew what happened when you were deemed "undesired" but everyone after having Sulter for three years knew that they would go missing and would be never seen of or heard from again. You were just wiped off the face of the Earth.
Y/N lucky had enough money saved from working in retail for the past 2 years to get a small apartment. When he was finally given the keys to the place he couldn't help but sigh in relief. At least in this tiny space, he could be his true self without shaking in fear as he had in his past while being stuck in his parents' home. The next three years were some of the worse when it came to dysphoria. Being forced to go to work almost every day and be called ma'am or miss and be deadnamed constantly damaged his mental health to the point it felt easier just to be open with his identity.
Anything would be better than being forced to hide in this shell of terror. Nights of panic attacks and sobbing that sounded like a wounded animal as he laid on the rotten wooden floor became a routine. On the morning of his 21st birthday, he woke up in the late afternoon. There was no panic in him when he realized he was late for work, how could someone care when this would be their last day on Earth?
With scissors in his hand, he grabbed his hair and began to chop it off sloppily but that didn't matter to him as long as it was finally short like it was when he was a child, and that was enough for him. The thought that when the police would see him, that'd see a man instead of what society had deemed him brought a smile to the young adult. The feeling of freedom pumped through his veins as he went on with his day. It felt odd but refreshing to feel the cold air from his AC on his neck as he fixed himself some bacon and eggs. It wasn't the fanciest thing someone could eat on this day, but it was enough for him.
Around ten AM he left his flat, walking with newfound confidence due to his hair and now his wrapped chest. He had heard from the grapevine that wrapping one's chest in medical bandages could cause serious damage like nerve loss but one this final day he decided to risk it so he could pass in normal daily life. Being called sir by ticket seller at the movies brought him so much joy as he grabbed his "Count of Monte Cristo" tickets and wished them a good day as he went deeper into the movie theater to find theater four to watch the movie. Y/N was somewhat surprised to see only one other person in the audience. Sure, he was 10 minutes late but this was a classic film that was finally being let out of the vault to be watched again! Nevertheless, the man sat down a few rows in front of the figure, settling down into the uncomfortable chair.
“I didn't expect you to come.”
He could tell from how the figure's words were muffled that they were wearing a mask. Y/N turned to them with a confused look on their face.
“Excused me?” Y/N asked but their confusion just deepened as he saw that the figure was wearing.
A Guy Fawkes mask with a matching hat while wearing pitch-black clothing. The man under the mask chuckled as they stood up, Y/N couldn't help but be slightly intimidated by the height of this masked figure.
“I should have done this first so you wouldn't be so perplexed, ” he cleared his throat as began monologing, using many words that start with the letter V in his speech which in turn slightly impressed the 21-year-old.
“But you can simply call me V.”
"V" said while taking a bow
Y/N couldn't help but snicker at this display of some kind of knightship which in turn had V cocked his head in slight confusion on what could be so funny
“Well, Mr. V, might I ask why you're here alone?”
“I could ask you the same thing, but as I am apparently on a tight schedule I won't elaborate”
“Tight sch-” the man interrupted them by placing his leather glove covered finger on top of their lips
“Yes, very much tight schedule as I only have 2 hours till your self made demise am I correct?”
He was blown away at the fact this random stranger knew of his most shameful plan, but the feeling of shock was soon replaced with anger. This creep was stalking me! He thought as he slapped away the masked man, getting up from his chair as he did so.
“You have some right talking to me like that!” he yelled as he started to march away from them.
V reached out and grabbed their hair in a somewhat gentle way
“Y/N wait please, ” he sighed as Y/N stopped who's face was twisted in bitterness “I understand how you feel Y/N, I truly do. I was labeled an undesirable so please don't think that I've been keeping an eye on you in for any other reason than just to keep you safe.”
When he said this Y/N rage seemed to melt away slowly. How was he able to survive being an undesirable? So many questions filled the male's head but the only word he could speak was
V let go of his hair as he straightened his posture “If you come with me I'll tell you.”
The more sensible side of the man told him to run away from this masked freak and enjoy what little time you had left in peace but something stopped him. After a moment of silence, he nodded to V's pleasure. He took the 21-year old by the hand and lead them to the back exit. The two walked down the alley and what drew Y/N's eye other than the 6'3 black mass was the posters. Every single one they pasted seemed to have a V cut into them.
He broke the long silence with another question “Did you mark those posters?”
“Does a raven speak?”
“But why?”
V didn't stop walking but he could feel his eyes on him. For being an undesirable he sure seems fine being out after curfew Y/N thought as they waited for the answer.
“The people deserve a symbol. Something to get them through this.”
He opened his mouth to ask what he meant by that but quickly shut it once the meanings of the words came to mind. Maybe he wasn't this creep, more like this country's guardian angel that would save them all from high Chancellor Sutler. It didn't take long for him to reach what Y/N guessed as V's home which turned out to be an abandoned Victoria station. Y/N looked over at him with an eyebrow raised as V opened the hatch that kept the station locked to the public who had originally thought it was abandoned. V turned back to the man and gave him his hand simply saying "follow me, sir Y/N".
Once V was given the curious man's hand he rubbed his thumb over their knuckles before tenderly pulling them inside. He held the hand as they walked in the pitch black, guiding them until they found a giant door which to Y/N's touch felt like it had complex carvings in them. When the masked man opened the door Y/N couldn't help but wince as golden light hit his E/C eyes that had just gotten used to the dark. He had expected V to let go of his hand once they reached his "lair" but he didn't. Oh, what a perplexing and mysterious man he was.
Y/N would be lying if he said his face wasn't blushing at this moment in time. V led them deeper into his beautiful home until both of them to were behind his couch which was black leather. In front of the said couch was a glass coffee table with a box on it. Y/N's hand was finally let go of as V sat on the couch.
“Come sit, I have something to give you.”
“But you said-”
He sighed as he complied, arms folded as he sat next to him. V opened the box and to Y/N's surprise, there was a biner in it. Once again, all he could ask was "How?" as all production and selling of items that could help trans folk was banned just as the Koran was. The masked man took the folded bundle into his giant hands and gave it to them once again shocked male.
“Life has been tough enough on you even if we don't add our government into it. Thank you for holding on. For surviving this long and not letting them take away your love for life and your fighting spirit.”
Without any hesitation, Y/N pulled V into a tight embrace with tears threatening to fall. No one had ever put their life in danger to give them this piece of happiness like this stranger had. All he could do was whimper out a "thank you" as a sob shook his chest deeply.
“Since I showed you my lair, you're going to have to stay till the next November the fifth, is that okay?”
Y/N couldn't help but nod immediately. He could finally be somewhere he was truly accepted for who he really was; a man who was just simply given the wrong body at birth.
V placed his hands on top of the weeping H/C man, stroking the uneven hair and placed his head onto the others.
“I'm cooking ham, is that okay?”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
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kniferottt · 4 years
Hello! May I request something of Junkrat getting a crush on the reader and not knowing how to deal with it, so he gets all nervous and stuttery every time theyre around? Thank you! :3
Im super late with this one im so sorry, hopefully you still enjoy this.. It kinda sucks im so sorry- -w-;
Jamison fawkes otherwise known as junkrat whom is a wanted criminal, mentally unstable, and unpredictable.
Where to even begin with him.. to say junkrat is a little unstable is an understatement. He's a pyromaniac certainly and his only companion has been roadhog.
When you come around he is floored and it would appear to be love at first sight.
When first meeting you he tried to be intimidating but almost tripped over himself when you didn't even budge and in turn to intimidate him instead.
"What a woman/man.."
From then on there it would not be unusual to see the junker around you trying to catch your attention.
At times he tries boasting to others on how close the two of you are.. And then others proceed to laugh when you come by and reduce the poor male to a blushing mess and he can barely get a word out.
It wouldn't be unusual to see d.va or lucio whisper after you've walked away. "Whipped~"
While some find this endearing others wonder if he had a death wish.
He finally realized what others meant when they said he was insane pinning after you.
One day while looking for you he'd find you conversing with the one and only reaper.
To say he became jealous was an understatement, but regardless of course he wanted to go say hi.
...he was met with a shotgun to the face once in reaper's line of view.
"What do you want rat..." "Oi! Oi! I just w-wanted to say hello to t-to sheila!" "Papa stop." "Yeah pa!-.. Wait what?"
You were actually an ex talon memeber.. Just like your father gabriel reyes aka reaper.
Junkrat genuinely became more catious with how he was around you with this incident which only caused him to freak out far more than usual
You confronted him about it..
Junkrat let out a yelp when a hand is slammed beside the wall in front of him looking forward he sees you.
"Well H-hello sheila!" "Save it Jamison... You've been giving me the cold shoulder ever since you found out about reaper."
Now that statement was strange to him, he could feel his face heating up as he spoke. "c-cold shoulder? N-no I h-ha-" he cuts himself off.
Where could you have gotten that idea all he did was flinch when you came by.. And ran off when he was speaking of you towards someone and you'd come into view.. and he would always stutter and become embarrassed speaking to you in general which he'd quickly make an escape and- oh....OH he sees now.
"n-no wait sheila! T-thats not what i-ive been doing!" He panics when he sees a hurt expression upon your face for a second
He could barely get a sentence out before babbling nonsense and without thinking he grabs your face and kisses you and then pulls away
Oh he can feel his heart drop into his stomach "M-my bad-"
He's cut off by your laughter which of course makes his heart skip a beat in both fear and adoration.
Were you going to reject him and laugh in his face-
"Oh jamie I like you too~"
Well that's wonderful news. Junkrat jumps for joy beyond ecstatic to which he pulls you into another kiss which you gladly reciprocate.
...until you both hear the click to which junkrat immediately deatches himself from you and drops you as he'd slowly turn his head to be met with a very familiar shotgun he lets out a laugh. "Say dinner at 8 doll?" He looks down at you.
"Sure." You say getting up dusting off your clothes.
Reaper growls. "Not on my watch."
Junkrat laughs louder as he quickly takes off down the hall reaper hot on his heels.
You stand there giggling to yourself and go to walk off.. Until you hear the sound of one of junkrats mines go off.
You take off after them immediately after. All you can is hope the two can get along at some point.
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emile-hides · 4 years
Out of Australia, into the fire
Based on an in game RP with @aripan12 and @syalin-deerfox (Original prompt from Two Junkers and a D.Va which can be read here)
Edit: Both Ari and Zayne wrote their own versions of this promt as well.
If you want heavy Roadrat, read Zayne’s version HERE
If you want an almost exact one-to-one of the actual roleplay + Bloopers read Ari’s version HERE
Now, on to my take:
In which Roadhog impulsively cares for a war child
Mako “Roadhog” Rutledge huffed as he looked over his empty fridge shelves for the third time in the last hour. No matter how many glances he spared, the ice box remained empty.
The large man gave another huff as he closed the fridge door, lifting himself up straight before heading out of the large barn he called a home. 
“Rat.” He spoke in the general direction of a small, one room trailer.
Jamison “Junkrat” Fawkes poked his head out of one of the three holes in the small buildings walls, two of which he swore were made for better lighting. The third of which was an accident.
“Hoggie! Just in time I was about to test-”
“We’re out of food. I’m heading into Junker town. Stay here.” Roadhog cut his boss off, already starting the slow walk to the scrap city.
“Whot??? Wait, mate, lemme come too! I need some shit and-” Both the junker’s momentum from leaping out of his work shed and sentence were cut off by a large hand easily catching him by the tire on his back.
“Stay.” Mako said flatly, setting the smaller back down in his work station.
Junkrat whined and swayed like a blade of grass in the wind, “But Roooooooadie”
His complaints weren’t met with a response as the older Junker again began to walk away, leaving Junkrat unsupervised.
______ ______ ______ ______
The large door of Junkertown was just as locked as it was the last time Mako approached. He’d always hated how hard the queen tried to make the pile of scrap seem like a real city. It wasn’t. It never would be.
“Let me in already!” A squeaky voice thick with an accent not native to the island screeched along side the banging of metal, “Please!! I just need to get home!”
Mako paused for a moment at the small girl standing at Junkertown’s door, banging away and begging for entry. Her clothes were bright pink, a color Mako hadn’t seen in a long time, and seemed almost completely clean. Her hair was long and shiny, almost freshly washed. She was small, thin, but healthy. As if all of this wasn’t enough, the sound of her voice made it absolutely, positively clear she was not a native to the savage wastelands of Australia.
Still. She was in the way.
Roadhog threw his hook, safely wrapping it around the girls waste to pull her away from the door. She yelped, and stumbled by his side before fear ran cold across her face. Mako spared her a glance before knocking at the Junkertown door three times with his hook.
“Rutledge?” The guard of the door spat from his lookout point, “You sure are brave to be showin’ your masked face around here again mate. Better now be armed, we got orders to shoot you on sight.”
These threats meant nothing to Roadhog. He simply waited for the gate to open silently before he strolled in, latching his hook to his belt.
“W...Wait!” The girl from before shouted once she finally snapped from her fear induced daze, quickly chasing after the lumbering man.
Mako, again, barely spared the girl a glance, though slowed down slightly to allow her to walk along side him, hoping to block her bright outfit from the onlooking eye of the local thugs.
“M-My name is Hana Song. I was kidnapped from Busan, South Korea, and dropped here. I-I’m not sure where here... is... D-Do you have a phone I could barrow? Please?” She asked, gripping the bottom of her shirt in desperation.
Roadhog glanced at the local shops before walking into an old convenient store, now with nothing more than rusted canned items and whatever animal was found in rummaging in the trash that morning.
“N...No?” Hana half whimpered, continuing to follow him. She watched his movements was they wandered the mostly empty lanes before starting again, “I-I can pay for the distance call! I-I c-can pay reward money! S-Something for your trouble, please! M-My team- M-My country needs me! I-I can pay-”
Mako handed the girl a can of corn. She stared at it, then glanced up at him, clearly confused as she took it.
Luckily, the confusion was enough to shut her up on the money nonsense as the finished shopping. It wasn’t a lot, but it’d be enough for a last meal on this irradiated rock.
On the way out of Junker town, Hana piped up again, “Does... th-this mean you’re going to help me...?” She asked meekly.
A large hand gently pat at Hana’s hair as they stepped out of the scrap city of Junkertown. Hana flinched for a moment at the contact, only realizing at the third pat it was meant to be comforting.
She smiled, “Thankyou.” slipped from her mouth barely above a whisper as they walked away from Junkertown.
______ ______ ______ ______
“Roadie! You’re finally back, what’d ya get I’m STARVIN’!” Junkrat came bounding from his shed as soon as Roadhog came into view.
The larger Junker didn’t acknowledge the smaller as he simply continued to the barn. Junkrat did the same to Hana, who followed the two closely.
“So! While you were gone I was thinkin’ of ways to get back at the queen and I’ve finally got the perfect plan! Wanna hear it?? Of course you do! So-” 
“This is Hana.” Mako spoke up, cutting the smaller off as he drew his attention to Hana Song, “We’re taking her to South Korea.”
Junkrat blinked down at the bring pink stick before him. He stared, unblinking, for almost a solid two minutes.
“South Kor-ee-a?” He repeated, incredibly incorrect of course, “Where in the bloody blue blazes is that?”
“Far.” Mako spoke bluntly, putting his assorts groceries on his make-shift table for now, “Pack what you need. We’re leaving tonight.”
“T-Tonight? Mate what- Don’t you walk away from me!” Junkrat snapped as Roadhog began to leave the barn.
Mako glanced back at Hana, standing awkwardly in the center of the room, “Stay.” He spoke, then continued out, Junkrat shouting behind him.
______ ______ ______ ______
“What about our plans to get back at the queen?! What about our 50/50 split treasure? You wanna just lug that with us?!” Junkrat huffed and hollered all the way back to Junkertown.
Mako continued to ignore him, making sure the smaller was behind him when they approached the gate, easly hiding Junkrat behind his larger form.
“Twice in one day, Rutledge? Ya forget somethin’?” The guardsman laughed as the gate opened.
“I’ve never even heard of no South Kor-ee-a! What makes ya so sure it’s even a real place and that shiela ain’t just one of the queen’s goons sent to whack us, huh?! Ya even left her alone in our place!”
“Mako? Well this is a surprise?” Junkrat’s complaints cut off with the introduction of a new voice, raspy and weary with age. He’d been ranting so long, Junkrat hadn’t even noticed he and Mako walked into one of Junkertown’s many scrap shops.
“Here for the usual?” A short, chubby man with a scruffy white beard asked, taking a large cigar from his mouth.
“I need a boat. With a moter, and enough oil to get it to Asia.” Mako spoke.
“A boat?” The short scrapper asked, scratching his chin, “That’s a tall order. The Queen ain’t very fond of boats she don’t own.”
Junkrat sized up the man before them, rationalizing if he was going to give Roadhog a hard time, and if he’d have to step in to get whatever Roadie was after.
“The moter’s the easy part, I’ve been working on one myself...” The man gave a gentle kick to a scrapped together engine he’d been working on when they walked in, “The fuel I’ve almost got too, but the actual boat...”
“Please, Bruce.” The word was so foreign, Mako certainly hadn’t used it in over 20 years, and he’d doubt the younger generation in this country even knew what the word means.
Bruce paused, giving another scratch to his chin... A deep sigh left his mouth, “Alright. I’ll get something together and have it at Lagoon Pier by 3am tonight.”
Roadhog gruffed a thankyou, placed a hand on Junkrat’s head, and lead him from the shop, back to Junkertown’s gate.
“...We’re really leavin’?” Junkrat asked as they left the scrapped together city he one called home, “Are we... gonna come back?”
Roadhog didn’t speak. He stared ahead blankly at the wasteland he created, a hand resting on Junkrat’s head.
They walked home in silence.
______ ______ ______ ______
The short, hastily put together plan was explained to Hana by Junkrat over a scrapped together final meal. They then packed up anything essential into Roadhog’s bike, and headed out across the country.
Hana had long sense passed out in the side car, tightly hugging Mako’s pachimari doll as she rested. Junkrat has also, supposedly, passed out behind Roadhog on the bike.
As the two slept, Mako took a moment to park along side a cliff and stare out at the desert.
He thought about how 20 or so years ago, this place was just like the world Hana had described to them. How he’d spend his days playing video games on his phone just like her, or how he could spend hours weaving brightly colored flowers into crowns.
20 years ago they were just like every other place in the world.
What... happened?
Mako’s grip on his handle bars tightened.
ALF happened.
HE happened.
For a moment, Mako considered turning around. Driving back to his scrapped old barn on his wasted little farm with the small grave marked only with a dusty little bolder and a few dead flowers.
It wouldn’t be fair for him to leave. He broke the world, he deserves to rot in it. He deserves to sit on this little irradiated rock and slowly die of whatever the world wants to throw at him.
“Roadie..?” A yawn broke Roadhog of his thoughts as Junkrat lifted himself up some, hanging over the larger man’s shoulder, “Why’d we stop? Ya gotta piss?” The younger Junker rubbed at his eye, nuzzling into Mako’s neck from grogginess.
Roadhog released his grip on his handle bars. For a moment his mind wondered where Jamie could be had the Omnium not exploded.
Would he be a child soldier, like Hana? Willing to give his life for a county so quick to throw away it’s citizens? Fighting a war at such a young age...
“Roadie?” Junkrat asked, a bit more awake, “Ya alright? Ya got that sad look on yer face...”
Roadhog glanced to Junkrat. The smaller look concerned.
Mako squished Jamie’s cheeks in his hand, “Sit down. I can’t drive with you standin’ up like that.” He scolded. Jamison whined in his hold, patting weakly at Mako’s shoulders until he was released, allowing him to fall back onto his seat.
Roadhog chuckled before starting the bike again. There’s no point in turning back.
He hadn’t destroyed the world.
At least
Not yet.
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