#‘go play kids mommy has to fight for the right to mate’
frostfall24 · 10 months
I think everyone who has OC’s of Morg’s children should get together and make the morglings have a playdate fr.
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i-love-ninjago-kai · 3 years
Yes, hello, if you don't mind, do you have any non-popular Kai head-cannons to share please?
Hey! Sure, why not!
Let's see... It's hard to think of stuff that is particularly un-popular off the top of my head, but let's see what I can come up with.
Okay here's some rapid fire bullet point ones to play with
Kai is a pretty good cook? Zane is still the kind of the kitchen, but Kai, out of necessity, has some pretty well-practiced skills of his own.
Going off of that, Kai and Skylor frequently have dinner dates where they cook together.
Kai is the most skilled fighter, (Not the strongest, but the best in terms of hand-to-hand, weapons wise, it's pretty even. Also, that's not a good thing, mans is paranoid about his strength and trains a dangerous amount.)
Actually enjoys reading and learning, when he realizes that he actually has time to now that he's not the sole breadwinner.
His crazy hair is NATURAL!!!!! I have RECIEPTS OKAY! He is literally the picture of angsty anime protag with uncontrollable hair like you could do SO MUCH with that--
Very spacy handwriting. not necessarily bad handwriting, but you can tell he doesn't write for fun. (In case you are wondering, Nya's is terrible.)
Spends WAYYY less time on his phone after s6. He doesn't remember any of it, but he just feels something wrong, and decides he doesn't actually like that much attention.... Also I will die on the "Kai is an old man who HATES technology" hill.
MOMMY AND DADDY ISSUES BABY! (This will be fully explored in my fic that may come out one day)
I'm sorry but that angry bitter kid got into hella fights as a kid. He may have to take care of his littler sister and make all the money, but he's got a TON of bottled up aggression, and hoho those schoolboys who bully Nya are the perfect target!
Kais hair is surprisingly soft and fluffy
Here's a few ones that I decided to go into more detail on, read if you like!
Obvious one is that Kai is actually quite intelligent. I've talked about this countless times, so I won't repeat stuff like a broken record.
But, we do see countless times that Kai is one of the smartest characters in the show. Generally, I write it more in the instincts corner of intelligence, since that's the most we see in canon, but I don't think Kai is nearly as academically stunted as people often hc.
Like, yes, the kid had to raise his sister, so rationally that leaves very little room for his own personal education. But, we do also see in canon that Kai is an extremely fast learner (Literally learns to be a ninja in like a week).
It would be in Kai's best interest to at least make a small effort to keep up with his studies, to the best of his ability. Gotta know how to do math to pay the bills every month, yeah?
Kai also has a profound respect for history and tradition, which he has to have READ SOMEWHERE!
Anyway, tangent. Just because Kai is selfless and reckless doesn't equal dumb blah blah you've all heard this before.
More under the cut for the safety of mobile readers (praying emoji I'm on my desktop)
Hmmmm..... Another one would probably be that Kai is Lloyd's right-hand man. Yeah, I know, it's canon that Kai is the group's "Over-protective Big Brother" but I'm talking about like, Kai is Lloyd's first mate if they were pirates.
I will fully admit that Lloyd and Nya have a very similar bond, but, at least in my personal interpretation, their bond has a lot to do with the fact that they are the two youngest members of the team, so they can relate to each other.
But Kai and Lloyd directly parallel each other in a lot of ways that fit that partner dynamic a lot better. Kai is consistently the one who tells Lloyd when he is being stupid. Ah, not stupid exactly, but Kai tells him the hard truth, when most of his friends water it down.
Lloyd sees the best in people, even when they don't deserve it. Kai is the opposite. Kai isn't the motivational, awe-inspiring leader that Lloyd is, but he is the objective one.
He is what he has always been, the one who is there, the one who steps up when he needs to.
Kai has multiple quotes (and actions to back them up) along the lines of "Well I'm not going to wait for someone to call for help." He's not slow to act, or even the type to wait on a plan like Lloyd. He's the "The world is in grave danger, and we need to act now."
He balances Lloyd out in his utter urgency.
Idk, I could talk about it more but I don't want to babble so lets move on.
Hope this is what you were wanting!
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
hi! hope you're doing well :) do you have any domestic!cherik fics? or established relationship ones?
Hi anon, thanks for the ask. I'm doing very well, been super busy because I'm currently moving but it's all good. I have plenty of great domestic/established relationship cherik fics for you. I hope you enjoy!!
Domestic/Established Relationship cherik
Daycare ‘Verse’ – orphan_account, pocky_slash
Summary: A modern AU in which Charles runs a mutant daycare and Erik is his long-suffering engineer boyfriend.
Runs in the Family – Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Summary: Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Gift of the Magi, But Screw it Up – librata
Summary: He doesn't know if he's buying too much, too little, or even the right things at all, because he's never entertained a guest as important as Edie Lehnsherr.
Making perfect – aesc
Summary: As is the case with most trials in Erik's life, this one starts with Charles gazing beseechingly at him and asking him for a favor. Not that their going-on-three years relationship is a trial, even though it started with Charles giving Erik the full benefit of sad blue eyes and asking him if he wouldn't mind opening his car door since he'd locked his keys inside, but still.
Continue firm and constant – aesc
Summary: Moira hasn't seen her old partner in saving the world from threats human and intergalactic, Erik Lehnsherr, for a few years. When she finally does see him again, she finds a man different from the one who's been with her down in the dark and the dirt and the blood... or maybe he isn't so different after all.
After School Special – listerinezero
Summary: Charles was barely seventeen and Erik was his social studies teacher. But after almost fifteen years together, does it really matter how they met?
Terrifying Domesticity – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is the most dangerous and notorious mafia boss around for miles, and yet the strangest things terrify him.
For example: his children, and his very pregnant mate.
Trying is Half the Battle – Pookaseraph
Summary: Post-Cuba, no divorce, Charles and Erik are in an established relationship and when Charles gets sick with a random flu bug, they discover that Charles can get pregnant. They then try to get pregnant, and try, and try.
We’ll all be gone for the summer – pocky_slash
Summary: Charles and Erik's usual family beach vacation gets a little bigger when they agree to watch Erik's teenaged twins for the summer. Charles is looking forward to a chance to bond with his step-children. Erik is terrified of screwing them up even more.
A Summer Day So Late in Coming – helens78
Summary: Fifty years after they fell in love, Erik comes to Charles with a proposal that rocks Charles's world.
Still Going Strong – JackyJango
Summary: Speaking of forty-eight, Erik hates it. Hates it even more that others are aware of it. While he’s pragmatic enough to know and accept that aging is inexorable, the increase in number gives the people around him the freedom to pounce at him with questions, opinions and advice he'd fought to keep at bay all year.
Besides, Erik believes that youth is a state of mind, not a phase in one’s life.
You have a child’s mind in a man’s body, Charles constantly tells him.
But despite his age, Erik is healthy. He works out daily. His muscles are steel and he can dead-lift four hundred pounds. He can break bones without breaking a sweat. Most importantly, he can still carry Charles to the bedroom and fuck him senseless. And as long as Erik can do that, he’s perfectly happy.
Before You Attempt Me (Fair Warning) – kianspo
Summary: Charles helps Raven get ready for the prom. Surprisingly, that part goes well. The prom itself not so much. Erik cooks a lot of unhealthy comfort foods and is incredibly patient. Charles mostly frets about everything, until Erik does something neither he, nor Raven see coming.
And now you will not be alone any more – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik gives driving, sewing, and cooking lessons, soothes nightmares, bolsters self-esteem, and still can't figure out why Charles keeps smiling at him like that.
Some sense of touch and a melody – pocky_slash
Summary: On a day when Charles, for once, finds himself saying the right thing to everyone he sees, he allows himself to be talked into a field trip to a local orchard.
It’s kind of our whole thing – pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: After two years of best friendship, Charles and Erik thought they knew everything there was to know about each other. They're surprised, then, when their first summer as a couple reveals that they have a lot to learn about each other and themselves.
Indulgence – grim_lupine
Summary: “The children are still asleep,” Charles murmurs groggily, flinging an arm out as if searching for Erik beside him. “The house is still standing, this is a ghastly hour, and more importantly, I’m still here. Why do you insist on doing this every morning?”
Your Father’s Daughter – ConsultingWriter
Summary: Wanda proves just how much she takes after Erik.
Pietro reeled back before leaning back in "They didn't tell you what happened? Wanda got in a fist fight and totally wailed on this guy, I mean, on one hand I feel kinda embarrassed for him, but it was so epic."
Erik's eyebrows shot to his hairline. Wanda got in a fight? That was....surprising, to say the least. Wanda tended to take after Charles in temperament and preferred talking to violence.
This Crazy Game Called Life – chiasmus
Summary: Raven declares game night in the mansion. Sean finds an elephant, Erik inherits one hundred unwanted cats, and Charles scars Hank for life with misdirected dirty thinking. This is five thousand-something words of crack with a dose of schmoop. I'm not sorry. Written for this kink meme prompt: Raven is tired of the boys going off to play chess (if they're even playing chess!) and pulls out a load of board games from one of the closets in the mansion. Madness ensues.
To my roomba with love – sareyen
Summary: There are a lot of things that Erik loves about Charles. He loves all of the obvious things; Charles’s kindness, his intelligence, his laughter, his eyes. He also loves the little private things; the way Charles sneaks Erik his unwanted tomatoes, his warbled opera singing in the shower, that sensitive spot on his hip.
And he loves the silly things about Charles, especially the way the man has a habit of talking to inanimate objects when he thinks no one is looking. Charles has conversations with the kettle, the washing machine, and their roomba – and every time Erik eavesdrops on him, he falls in love with the man a little bit more.
Everything About it is a Love Song – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik's spent fifty years being a figurehead and he's ready to leave that behind. Luckily, so is Charles.
(aka Old Retired Dudes in Love)
A Very Xavier-Lehnsherr Christmas – zamwessell
Summary: Erik is discovering new things about Charles Xavier all the time. Charles sometimes talks in his sleep. Often about food. Occasionally in Latin. Charles has a scar on his left thigh from attempting to demonstrate relativity to a girl by sitting on a hot stove. Charles doesn’t mean to be so loud when they make love, but sometimes Charles can’t help himself.
Charles is a voracious reader. Charles has an unspeakably filthy imagination. Charles will try anything in bed twice to make sure he wasn’t wrong the first time.
Charles is unexpectedly fond of Christmas. Perhaps that is not the phrase. “Unhealthily obsessed” might be better.
The fluffiest holiday fluff you ever read in your dang life.
Of Crabs and Castles – flightinflame 
Summary: Charles and Erik take their children to the beach. Wanda builds a sandcastle, Nina makes some friends, and Pietro gets some exercise. Some family fun in the sunshine.
Bring Your Daughter To Work Day – listerinezero
Summary: Charles brings three year old Lorna to class with him.
Glasses – grim_lupine
Summary: Charles blinks at him bemusedly, but Erik barely notices because Charles is wearing glasses— wire-rimmed, and Erik can feel the metal humming, traces without touch the way they follow the curve of Charles’s nose and rest behind his ears.
Genetics Isn’t Sexy – pocky_slash
Summary: Charles lectures. The kids aren't very responsive. Erik, on the other hand....
Peanut Butter and Honey (The Fairytale Remix) – pocky_slash
Summary: Once upon a time there was a Princess named Anya who lived in a house with her Daddy and her wicked stepmother Charles. (A wicked stepmother is the person who comes and lives with princesses and their daddies after their mommies go away.) She had a best friend named Leroy, and one day he was lost.
The Bystander (The Consultant (aka A Westchester Telepath in the Avengers Tower) Remix) – Nanimok
Summary: When it comes to Professor Charles Xavier, telepath, SHIELD consultant and compulsive flirt, no one is safe.
Not even the Big Three.
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flowerflamestars · 4 years
Main Issues with Feysand's leadership: it mostly consists on rather inmature, underdeveloped strategy that would in no way get a world leader very far in the real world (see: 'i schooled my face into a look of boredom'), seem content in making enemies left to right as long as they never have to step down from the pedestal that they've built, and see Illyria as a necessary evil, like wtf. In conclusion, Rhysand is a governor for Velaris, but is not fit to be the ruler of the Night Court.
Rounding caveat, because I know I’m going to get shouty: the dividing line between ToG and ACOTAR is that tog is a fantasy series with romance, and acotar is a romance series in a fantasy world. They’re not the same. I’d be totally fine with how the world building in acotar is v handywavy, because it’s still accomplishing what the books set out to do (tell a love story, hello acomaf) but- BUT, it’s not consistent. And that inconsistency wildly undermines the characters.
And god, if Rhysand as a ruler isn’t the heart of ???? spirit.
We’re not going to talk about how the plot of acotar only makes sense backwards (Hey, Rhys, why did you want to kidnap every month a powerless mortal girl???), we’re just going to talk about reputation.
So Rhys is a villain who we learn isn’t actually evil. A classic. He was made to do terrible things by Amarantha! He sacrificed himself to save his friends! Of course the High Lords hate him, they think he sided with the enemy.
That could have been the whole thing- the layers pulled back, Rhysand also a victim, a reason for the world to hate him but for Feyre to see otherwise.
OKAY BUT- then we learn? that Rhysand has been playing Evil Scary Jackass in all political situations? for his entire reign? that’s just what he does?
Round two: Rhys had to be Amarantha’s because he had to “shield the knowledge” of his friends and his capitol? city. 
BUT- other people Under the Mountain, also accessible to Amarantha, know the IC??? have been acquainted with them for years? They’re not a secret. Mor was almost married out, Az and Cas are legendary, Amren is a story people tell. 
And all those people are probably incentivized by the fact that, you know, they think Rhysand is an evil traitor.
Furthermore: guess who willing cooperated with Amarantha? The Court of Nightmares. Recall who, surprise in acowar, knows all about Velaris: Keir.
Round three: Sexy Evil Cosplay, wherein we learn that not only instead of just keeping it together in politics Rhys has adopted an entire secondary persona, we learn he also...uses this persona...to scare all the other highborn faeries into submission....so he? never has to talk to them?
BUT ALSO: this whole thing is undermined by, once more, Keir. 
The whole game on the throne is to instill fear/ control of Keir. The whole Second Face. But Keir knows about Velaris? Keir knows exactly what Rhys stands for because Rhys and Cassian tried to rescue Morrigan from the Court of Nightmares when they were teens. Hell, Keir probably knew Rhys when Rhys was a kid.
It’s almost like eventually the person you pretend to be becomes who you are.
I think the Political Rhys vs Real Rhys started out as a plot point, but in character became this: not someone separate at all, but actually, Rhysand’s coping mechanism for making shitty choices.
See: if everyone in the Court of Nightmares bows, I’m ruling them. It doesn’t matter that women are being sold, that there’s servants and presumably totally normal people trapped in a mountain they can’t leave with people I think are monsters.
Let’s jump to Illyria. 
How much easier is it, for Rhysand, half-Illyrian himself, to align wholly with the High Fae and say: no, it’s Illyria’s fault. They’re savages, they’re barbarians. 
Easy as being a dick to other powerful men because it’s fun when they can’t fight back.
If the blame isn’t his, he keeps his army. He doesn’t have to fight a civil war that might swallow him whole, considering Illyria is the army he controls vs the High Fae soldiers left entirely under Keir’s rule. 
If it’s Illyria’s fault he can successfully reimagine the past as he clearly needs to (someday, I’ll make a whole ass post about Rhysand’s mommy issues and how they creepily bleed into Feyre’s characterization, but one thing at a time).
If it’s Illyria’s fault, he can’t be mad about his Mother, daughter of a warrior race, offering him up for brutal, dangerous training. It’s the fault of Illyria. He doesn’t have to imagine he was learning those things, fighting in the mud, because it was the only way his mother could pass the legacy, could say, look, this is where I come from and someday you will have the power to make it better for your sister, for everyone.
He LOVED his mother. He wears the sacred tattoos, manifests wings, has Illyrian “brothers”.
But- It’s Illyria’s fault, so Rhys didn’t fail, Rhys is doing his duty by keeping them in line. 
Which brings us to the war.
I’m unclear on why only the Night Court knew Hybern was coming, but let’s just accept that. 
But it’s all about the Public Face, moving in the shadows, the two Rhysands. So for the months Feyre is wasting away with Tamlin, planning her wedding Rhys...doesn’t warn anyone. Doesn’t whisper to the other High Lords to shore up defenses.
He makes a plan contingent on 1)that creepy deal with Feyre that he can now both justify and doesn’t want to enforce knowing she’s his mate, and 2) long lost magical objects no one knows the location of, and that don’t belong to him.
Rhys got SO used to the All-Knowing Dickbag face, it’s like he started believing he was all knowing. He’s one of seven Lords, but he doesn’t talk to any of them, on the off chance they don’t do exactly as he says. He steals from Tarquin, a young High Lord kind enough to take a chance on him. He tricks Mor. He lies to...everyone?
And then it’s a big deal, a failure on their part, when at the FINAL HOUR AND LAST MOMENT BEFORE ALL OUT WAR, AFTER THE SECOND INVASION HAS ALREADY COMMENCED, when the High Lords don’t jump to trust Rhys.
A step back, a Feyre tangent: Feyre, younger, also deeply traumatized, falls into this hard. Rhys tells her he’s the underdog, and she believes it. He’s SO SO SO powerful he can take the voice of another High Lord, Feyre herself thinks he’s so magical the gap between him and his contemporaries is like that between humans and high fae-
But hey wait, they don’t trust him because he’s been a dick for five hundred years. 
But hey wait, they came as their true selves, they don’t trust him while he’s WEARING ILLYRIAN WINGS- IT’S BECAUSE HE’S DIFFERENT-
No, it is not, but Feyre’s POV sort of wants us to think so.
And that’s where everything sort of falls apart.
The act of power has stopped being an act- it’s just their actions now. And they do not know how to stop.
Because they are in control, and they have to go on for the war. They have to keep making decisions, even if they’ve lost the thread, because they want to survive.
But they do survive.
And it turns out, even after that, they can’t put down the masks fused to their faces, because the act is the only thing keeping them together.
So the balls to the wall, We Must have the High Ground Even at Our Own Dinner Parties, The Center MUST Hold shit just keeps going: tearing down Lucien because he chose something that wasn’t their Court. Letting Illyria crumble because they don’t need the army right now. Banishing Nesta because she’ll never bow to authority.
All the weird, incestuous feeling inter IC drama.
But they’re the underdogs! the Heroes! It’s not their fault! 
So they spend their time in Velaris, charmingly hanging out like they’re normal people, thinking they’re better because power is wielded on an unimaginable personal scale.
Rhys loves his people! Rhys sacrificed!
Rhys...careened from one war/disaster to the next, and then settled down to play house?
The narrative cannot decide: is Rhys really an underdog, devoted to his people? How about he helps every other city that Amarantha destroyed?
Is Rhys a Normal Guy who just wants to walk on pretty cobblestone and have a cute, happy family? Maybe, there should be a government so he isn’t solely responsible for everything?
Is Rhys the Lord of Darkness Redeemed by LOVE?  Cool, let’s have him maybe he honest with Feyre exactly once, OR, at least talk about how him dying made her go off the rails and try to fix that with a bandage that isn’t baby shaped before Feyre’s 22nd birthday. 
Canonically, becoming High Lord is a mystical, magical endowment. That then, for the most part, functions as some kind of mashup Monarchy/ Feudal Lordship.
If that’s what it is, why can’t we lean into that? Rhys who does want a normal happy life with Feyre, trapped by the weight of immovable magic destiny.
King Rhys, duty bound to his bloodline and his people, torn between different ways to rule. 
Hell, Rhysand who really is a monster, because maybe Faeries are monstrous by human standards, who shows Feyre the beauty that lies beneath the brutality in a magic, surreal world where everyone is terrifying, but even monsters love.
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 28
By the time we got back to the Stilinski house, Nicholas was awake. Uncle Noah had been sitting with him at the kitchen table for breakfast when we walked in. When he saw us, Nicholas scrambled down from his chair and onto Uncle Noah’s lap, hiding his face in his shoulder. I looked back at Derek, seeing that he looked disappointed.
“It’s okay. I’ll talk to him.” I said softly. He nodded, smiling sadly. I walked over to the two, taking Nicholas upstairs into my room and sitting with him on the bed. 
 “Mommy,” Nicholas looked up at me with his large green eyes, “Why is the bad man here?” 
“Well, sweetie, he’s not a bad man. He just did a bad thing yesterday by scaring you. He came to apologize.” I wanted to give Derek the opportunity to explain himself. Hopefully in a way that Nicholas would understand. 
He still didn’t look convinced, hugging his little wolf plush tight. 
“Nico...” I kissed his forehead, “Mommy is going to be right there besides you the entire time. I promise you that he isn’t going to hurt anyone. He’s not going to hurt grandpa or Uncle Stiles or Uncle Scott.” I intentionally left Michael out. I wasn’t too convinced that he wouldn’t hurt Michael. “I have known him for a very, very long time. Longer than Uncle Stiles.” 
“Really?” He asked.
I nodded, “Really.” I paused, “He used to have a big, big family. But they all got taken away. So, he has a lot of anger built up and sometimes that comes out in bad ways, but he doesn’t mean to and he didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“Who took his family?”
“A really bad lady.” I stood up, setting him down on his feet, “He apologized to me and he wants to apologize to you. Is that okay?” 
Nicholas blew air out through his nose and hummed as he thought about it. He hugged Puppy dog tight to his chest and looked up at me, “Okay, mommy.” 
“Thank you.” I held out my hand to him, “You ready?” 
He took my hand, “I can do it. I’m brave.” I grinned brightly at him, walking with him down the stairs and into the living room where we found Derek sitting on the couch.
To say that Derek was nervous would be an understatement. He was a wreck. He had gone over in his head multiple times how he would talk to his son. A few of those situations involved him flying to Scotland and stealing both of them away from the Lunar Circle. Well, less them and more Michael. He hated that Michael was living with them, playing family when he knew that Derek couldn’t be there. 
After (Y/N) went upstairs with Nicholas, Scott and the Stilinski’s had gone outside to give them some privacy. Michael stood in the corner of the living room, arms crossed over his chest and staring him down. 
Derek sat on the couch, cracking his knuckles, bouncing his leg at an unmeasurable rate. He hadn’t felt this vulnerable in a long time, not because of the ass-hate in the corner of the room. If that little boy, his little boy, didn’t like him? Well, what was he going to do? His dream for (Y/N) and himself was to have a family, he had known this since he saw her again. 
After finding Laura, he knew there was a new alpha in the area. His first thoughts went to revenge. New alphas were just as weak as a beta like him... or omega now. The deer that had brought both of them back to Beacon Hills had been found in the woods outside near the apartments at the edge of town. He had been waiting there since the early morning, hoping to find something. He had searched the woods and found nothing. Now, he was standing in the parking lot of the building, thinking over and over again about finding Laura. He should have come with her, she shouldn’t have come alone. He should have insisted. But she told him she would be fine. Nothing was fine.
The worst part of this situation was that he could still smell the smoke coming from the (Y/L/N) house. He had driven by on his way to the woods and it made his stomach lurch. Kate got what she wanted, all of the werewolves out of Beacon Hills. He hated (Y/D/N), he hated him from taking his best friend away. And because of Kate, he lost his whole world. He didn’t even get a chance to see (Y/N) again. He’d never see her again except for a picture in the obituary. 
He shoved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and leaned against the passenger door of the Camaro. 
“HELP! HELP ME!” He heard the shout coming from behind him, accompanied by two sets of hurried footsteps. He turned quickly and his heart almost stopped. He tried to keep expression neutral but his heart was beating rapidly. 
It was (Y/N). She was alive. Behind her was Michael, chasing her with a knife. 
“Help!” She shouted as she crashed into his body. She looked up at him with those beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes. There seemed to be a spark of recognition, but nothing like before. She still couldn’t remember. 
“Please help me.” (Y/N) gripped tightly onto the lapel of his jacket, “Please.” 
In that moment he had a vision of what the future could be. Both of them together. Smiling and laughing like they used to. Holding hands. Kissing. Starting a family. The last image was her smiling face, triskeles in her eyes. 
Derek didn’t know what his future with (Y/N) would look like, he wanted to be with her, he loved her too much. But at this moment, Nicholas was the only one he had on his mind. Today was going to be life changing. He was either going to be a father or his son could reject him.
Derek stood up quickly when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He hoped that he could somehow word what he needed to say in a way the four year old would understand. 
Then in walked the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Nicholas was walking hand in hand with (Y/N) into the living room. He looked... like Derek. His knees gave out, taking him to the floor to be at eye level with his son. 
“He’s so beautiful.” Derek whispered. (Y/N) grinned, stopping a few feet in front of him and coming around to kneel beside him. Derek could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He was... Perfect. From his dark hair to his nose and little toes.
“If you get nervous, just look at me.” (Y/N) said softly, “I’m right here.” Nicholas nodded and looked straight into Derek’s eyes, right into his soul.
(Y/N) put a hand on his shoulder, breaking him away from his trance. He sniffled and wiped his eyes quickly. 
“Introduce yourself.” She nudged him with her elbow. 
“Uh, yeah.” He smiled, “Hi Nicholas.” He swallowed thickly, “My name’s Derek. Derek Hale.” He held his hand out. 
His son glanced at his mother before reaching out and taking Derek’s outstretched hand and shaking it, “I’m Nicholas Hale.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Derek hesitantly pulled his hand away and motioned to the wolf plush in Nicholas’ hand. The little wolf plush that he had sent all the years ago, he still had it, “Ya know, I sent that to your mama to give you.” 
“You did?” His eyes widened. Derek had just now noticed that he had a little accent, probably from his upbringing across the pond.
“I did. What’s their name?” 
Nicholas held up the toy for Derek to look at, “His name is Puppy dog. He’s a Lunar Circle wolf with Lachlan and Mikey. He eats bad guys.” 
“Oh wow. Little tough guy, like you.” 
Nicholas looked down towards the floor, shifting on his feet, “He almost ate you last night.” 
“I...” Derek sighed, shaking his head at his behavior from yesterday, “You’re right. I was being a bad guy last night. I shouldn’t have been fighting your mama. It’s just that...” How was he going to explain this?
Thankfully, (Y/N) spoke up, “What he’s trying to say, sweetie, is that Derek wanted to see you so badly that no one could get in his way. And that got to his head too much.” She reached out, running her fingers through Derek’s hair. 
"Well, Nicholas, because... Because I'm your father." It was out. He looked a little confused honestly. 
“Derek and I are mates, like you learned about in daycare.” He nodded along to his mother’s words, “And we loved each other so much that we wanted to have the perfect little boy.” She poked his stomach causing him to giggle. 
“How come I never got to see you?” He asked, “All I had were mama’s pictures.” 
“That’s because I was here, taking care of all the bad monsters so that it would be safe for you to come home.” Derek glanced at Michael, “And whenever I tried to call, there was no connection.” 
“Oh...” Nicholas looked between, “What should I call you?” 
“You...” Derek cleared his throat, “You can call me anything you like.” 
Nicholas grinned, “Sour Wolf!” He giggled. Derek’s jaw tightened. From outside he heard Stiles laughing. He’ll get him later. He could hear (Y/N) snort, but keeping a straight face.
"Maybe a different name." Derek said, giving his son a soft smile.
"Uh..." He hugged the wolf tighter, "Daddy."
 "Yeah," His voice cracked, "That sounds good."
Nicholas smiled, strapping forward and wrapping his arms around Derek's neck, hugging him tight. He felt like the air had been taken from his lungs. He slowly wrapped his arms around the little boy, swaying back and forth. He glanced at (Y/N), seeing tears making paths down her cheeks to reach her smile.
Derek reached out, adding her into their first hug as a family. His family.
For the most part, Nicholas took it very easily. It was a smooth transition for him. Probably because he's just a little kid. But the hardest thing for me to comprehend was what Derek was asking me at the moment. 
"So would that be okay?" He asked.
I shook my head, "Let me get this straight. You want to take Nicholas to meet Cora and Scott and whoever else is in the new pack who I certainly haven't met in person. Skyping is a poor sense of character."
"And Peter."
"And whom?" I asked as if I didn't know who his psycho uncle was. 
“I want him to meet him and Malia." 
"Why? Why would I want my-our," I corrected myself when he got the grumpy look on his face, "Our child to be exposed to the same man who tried to Jafar me."
His eyes narrowed, "What's a Jafar?" 
"Remind me to make you watch Disney movies with your child. Gonna have to get used to it. A lot of Disney movies out there, he’s seen almost all of them." I walked out of the laundry room where I had been folding laundry before I was interrupted by Derek asking me to take Nicholas on a day trip. Yesterday had been about father-son bonding, taking him to the park, getting ice cream, playing games. Today he wanted to introduce the whole family.
"And it's not like he doesn't know who they are.” I added, “He knows Uncle Scott and Aunt Cora and Aunt Malia and Uncle and Aunt whoever else." 
"Are you telling me that he's met his family before he met me?" He somehow managed to get in front of me. He's really pushing the boundaries and the alpha instincts were telling me to beat his ass. But I didn't, that was rude. 
"They answered the Skype calls, Derek. You weren’t able to." I walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for Nicholas. He was probably still sleeping after staying up passed his bedtime with Derek. I would have usually been pissed but seeing them together was enough to make me melt. I got the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and watched him lean on the threshold of the kitchen and shove his hands in his pockets out of the corner of my eye.
“They never tried to defend me?" He asked. I put down food and walked over to him, cupping his scruffy cheek in my hand. 
“They did, Der-Bear. I just didn’t believe them." I patted his cheek and turned back to the food. He scoffed and walked up behind me, turning me quickly and picking me up and setting me down on the counter next to the stove.  
“Excuse you, sir.” I poked his nose, then, just like always, I got lost in his eyes. Derek always had this way about him that if he just looked at me, I would be memorized for who knows how long. And he knew it too. He was smiling softly, like all the years of heartache and pain were over and he was back to the boy I remembered. Kind, shy, soft. 
“Been a while since you called me Der-Bear." 
"Been a while since I was twelve, Der-Bear." He grinned, his eyes sparkling. He slowly slid his hand behind my neck and pulled my head forward for our forehead touched ever so slightly. 
"This brings me back..." I whispered softly, sliding my hands behind his neck and lacing my fingers in his hair. 
"Yeah, it does." He hummed and leaned forward. 
"Mommy. Daddy." We both jolted a part and looked for the little voice. We found it at about three and a half feet tall and wearing dinosaur footie pajamas." 
“Well hello, sleepy head." Derek bent down and took the boy into his arms, "Mama and I were making you breakfast."
He looked at us both skeptically, "It looks like-" 
"A really intense staring contest, sugar." I combed his hair out of his eyes, "And mama won."
Derek rolled his eyes, then he smirked, "Hey Nico, after breakfast, you wanna go see the Pack?" Nicholas gasped, his eyes sparkling. He had been intrigued by a pack since he was told what it was. He talked about how excited he was to run with his own pack someday, even if he hadn’t turned yet. 
“Yes! Can we go, Momma? Pwease!?" He laced his little hands together, begging. Derek knew I couldn't say no to him, not when it came to pwease. 
"Fine. But I'm going to." Nicholas raised his arms in the air and cheered.
"Thank you!" He grinned with his little baby teeth. 
"Yeah, thank you mama." Derek said, setting the boy down on his feet, "Now go wash your face and hands before breakfast." He said, utterly surprising me with how he just parented. I... I had imagined him with our kids before but... I don't know, it was weird seeing him this gentle. 
“I think I like parent Derek.” 
Derek smirked as he took the bacon and got a pan out from the cupboard, starting to cook the bacon. In that moment, I realized that seeing him like this did make me love him again, just as much as I loved him when I saw him alive on that hilltop all those years ago. Domestic father Derek was the Derek I never expected, but couldn’t live without. But this was just regular Derek. He wasn't afraid right now, he wasn't being hunted. He was just at home making breakfast for his family. He had a family and that's all he's ever wanted.
"You alright?" He asked, seeing that I was just staring at him with two eggs in my hands.
“Yeah, I just love you a lot.” 
Derek leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek, “I love you.”
"Breakfast!" Derek's loud booming voice called through the house. And down the stairs came Nicholas with his wolf toy in hand, Michael, Uncle Noah, and Stiles. Derek and I had set the table like a cute couple does and were starting to serve out food to the family. Then of course, everything had to be ruined. 
I sat down in a chair next to Nicholas, whose face was clean and so were his hands, with an empty chair next to me that Derek took. Michael looked like there should have been smoke coming out of his ears. 
"Hey, Derek, why don't you trade with me?" He said calmly from across the table. Uncle Noah just started eating his food, trying to ignore the tension as best as he could with eggs.
Derek, being Derek, grinned and took his silverware in both hands, "I'm alright."
"I really think you should move, Mutt." He spat the word. That's when I stepped in, I knew Derek was being a little shit right now, but there was no need for that kind of language, especially in front of a four year old. 
“There will be no use of that word at this table and if you would like to sleep here tonight, I suggest that you stop talking." The rest of breakfast went without incident, until Uncle Noah and Stiles had left the table. Uncle Noah headed off to work and Stiles went outside to avoid the situation.
"Why do you keep sticking up for him?" Michael asked. I sighed and looked at Nicholas, he was putting his last forkful of scrambled eggs in his mouth. 
"Hey honey?” He looked up at me, chewing, “Why don't you ask Uncle Stiles to play soccer with you?" 
"What's soccer?" He tilted his head to the side.
"Football, honey.” Forgetting briefly that he had been raised in Europe, “The American football is like rugby, they call football soccer here." 
"Oh, okay, mama." He hopped down from his little chair and out the front door.
 Once he was gone, Michael spoke again, "You keep standing up for him and I won't have it. We've talked about this so many times, darlin. How am I supposed to just sit by with him nudging his way into our lives? Lives where we were perfectly fine without this mangy mutt and his family." He stood up and glared down at us both. Derek stood and was prepared to say anything and maybe do anything, but I stopped him by putting a hand on his forearm.
"Sit." I ordered. Derek sat. I took his place standing and inhaled, ready to give a harsh blow. 
"You can't control who I chose to side with. Frankly, I’m not choosing a side at all. You also can't control who my family is, because it's mine and mine alone. Derek is my mate and he is the father of my child and you need to learn how to respect that. Do not ever get so self righteous with me. We aren't together, Michael, we haven't been since high school and I refuse to be treated like some little housewife. I am not a housewife, I am an alpha werewolf and I will be treated with such respect." I refused to look in his eyes, instead looking at the bridge of his nose which had started to scrunch up in anger. 
“What about, Nicholas, huh? What about him? What's he gonna say when he sees his mother and this new person acting closer than us?" 
"He's a smart boy, he’ll understand. And if he doesn't then he can talk to me, his mother. Because it seems like the other mature adult in his life is having a temper tantrum over a girl." 
"You're not just some girl, (Y/N). You're min-"
"I belong to no one!" I barked, "I am no one's girl or wife or thing. I am my own person, I belong to me." I stood up and looked at Derek, "Come on, let's bring our son to meet his family." I grabbed Derek's hand and practically dragged him outside. Stiles was in the front yard, passing a soccer ball to Nicholas.
“Nico, honey, let's go." Nicholas, whose little cheeks were so red from running around in the cold weather, nodded and grinned. 
“Crap, I forgot," I whispered, remembering that I forgot his coat inside, not really wanting to go back in to get it.
"Don't worry, dad's got it." Derek walked past me with Puppy dog and jacket in hand. Nicholas ran up to him and held his arms out as Derek helped him put on his jacket, he insisted that he do the zipper by himself. 
"Is Mikey comin'?" He asked, looking back at me, hugging Puppy dog tightly to his chest. 
"No, he's busy doing Lunar Circle stuff." I lied. Derek smiled at me, knowing that he was winning between him and Michael, took Nicholas into his arms. 
“Hey, buddy, let's get in the Camaro." They both cheered and walked towards Derek's car. 
Stiles walked up next to me, hands on his hips, "Is everything alright?" 
"Probably not." I said before giving him a weak smile, then I looked towards the boys, "There better be a booster seat in that car, Derek Hale!" 
"Hello, thank you for calling Praetor McLeod’s office, how can I direct you?" The receptionist’s chipper voice crackled over the line. Michael gripped onto his phone, grinding his teeth together. 
"Hello?" She asked.
"Put him on, Shawna." From the tone in his phone, she let out a small yelp and switched the lines. 
"McLeod speaking." Lachlan’s voice boomed over the phone. 
"I got him." He growled. 
"Michael, is that you?"
"I got Derek Hale. He's living at the Stilinski house." 
“Michael, he isn’t a person of interest. Hale hasn't caused any trouble in the last five years." He said calmly, but Michael wouldn't be deterred. And he didn't mind lying either. 
“He kidnapped (Y/N) and Nicholas. He took them, he's claiming that Nicholas is his son and he took (Y/N) hostage." 
"So you're saying a beta took an alpha and her son hostage?" He sounded bored. 
“Lachlan! I'm not screwing around, he's crazy!" He tried to put his point across, "He's a bloodthirsty monster and he took my son!"
"Listen, you're not thinking clearly. I know what this is about, you’re jealous that Nicholas is with his father after you’ve had that role. And from (Y/N)’s report, Derek has been fine, it's you who’s been acting differently. Now you better start acting like a man and get your act together before I have to do something drastic." He said sternly and hung up. Michael slowly took the phone from his ear and gripped it hard. The glass shattered, digging into his hand.
Well, if the Praetor won't do anything... And (Y/N) won't do anything. Then it looks like he was going to have to take matters into his own hands. 
Read part 29 here!
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Half Baked Idea a Little More Baked
Right, so the other day I posted Half Baked Idea even though I wasn’t happy with how underdeveloped it was. But yesterday, due to mind numbing boredom at work, the idea went back in the oven and has come out a little more baked, so see how you like this!
Aliens invaded Earth years ago to try and repopulate as the two are compatible, but they usually need multiple mates, except for Thomas Wayne; he denied his soulmate when he fell in love with Martha Kane. Thomas’ mission was to take control of Gotham but when he met Martha, he hoped for a more peaceful co-habitation. Problems arise when Martha gets pregnant.
Knowing his child would be the mate of those who would conquer Gotham, Thomas told everyone, even his old friend and war buddy Alfred that the child was male and stillborn while giving the baby to a human he trusted; Patrick Gordon, who had a son the same night. The same night Bruce Wayne is declared stillborn, Patrick and Maria Gordon have twin babies, James and Bryce.
Now, even among the Aliens, there are Omegas and there are Alphas, and everyone gets a Soul Identifying Mark at 13 so as to begin courtship. The person’s own mark appears as a large tattoo across the shoulders for Alphas and across the lower back for Omegas and the Soul Mate Mark is a bit smaller.
Years pass and Oswald is trying to figure out how the Resistance keeps fighting against them, even with his top Lieutenants; the Legion of Horribles who are all mated to each other. Jerome and Jeremiah are the leaders, with Jerome’s mark being the trademark smile from the show. Jeremiah’s is a maze that the other’s enjoy trying to figure out in bed. The Chemist of the group is Jonathan Crane, who is treated as the baby of the group being the youngest, and his Soul Mark is a crow. Next is the Enforcer of the group, Bridgit whose Soul Mark rather inspired her weapon of choice; a bonfire, and the group is rather protective of her due to her brothers abuse. Then there are the husband and wife Interrogators who double as the Mommy and Daddy of the group; Nora and her beloved and devoted husband, Victor, who actually have the same Soul Mark of entwined snowflakes. Then there’s the Adviser to the group, Jervis Tetch, who can play with your mind and lock you in a horrible nightmare if you are uncooperative during negotiations, and heaven help you if you insult his March Hare or the White Queen (Nora). His Soul Mark inspired his trademark top hat. Finally, there’s Thomas’ old friend, Alfred Pennyworth who, after falling out with Thomas, joined the Legion of Horribles as their behind the scenes Strategist, his mark is that of a Union Jack. Oswald’s mate, Ed, reasons that it’s because the Legion is incomplete as there is one more mark on each of the Horribles; a bat. Alfred reasons that the mark belonged to Thomas’ son, Bruce Wayne as, even though he never cared for Martha, he often felt drawn to the child growing in her belly. Ed finds it strange that the others are even alive as their species isn’t meant to survive fractured; if one mate dies, the others inevitably follow.
One day, Nora and Jonathan are delivering some supplies to Lee’s clinic, which they Patron so she takes care of their wounds and in return, they help provide some funds to fix up the Narrows. But as Jonathan is dropping off some medicine (and Nora is making sure he didn’t slip any of his tricks in) he sees Lee with someone who’s getting a physical. Normally, Jonathan wouldn’t care one way or the other except this person has a large bat tattoo on their lower back. They leaves before Jonathan or Nora can confront them and, no matter what they offer Lee, they know she’ll never give up her patients.
They rush back to the others to reveal what they found but Victor points out there are thousands of Caucasian brunettes in the city; how can they possibly narrow it down to one person? Especially when the body shape suggested female rather than male? Ed then has a brainstorm; Thomas, around the time his wife was pregnant was showing signs of being sympathetic to the human, and would have noticed Alfred being attached to the unborn child. Is it such a stretch that Thomas would give false information regarding the child, including its sex and claiming it was stillborn?
Ed does some digging and can't help finding it interesting the Gordon's had twins the same night Thomas' son died so they go to investigate the twins. Jim is a Detective who's on the fast track to becoming Captain, possibly even Commissioner, but completely human. Bryce Gordon however, is called the golden girl by everyone; with the Wayne's having no children, when Thomas and Martha died, they left their shares of Wayne Enterprises to the Gordon's, who gave them to Bryce as she was the only one with any business sense. Too bad the board wanted nothing to do with a human female and insisted on buying her out. So what did she do?
Bryce takes the money she got from her shares and opened Gordon Industries and in only a matter of 2 years, she is the main competition of Wayne Enterprises thanks to her innovative ideas. She is a black belt and has awards in Karate, Judo, Kickboxing, Kendo, has degrees in engineering, chemistry, biology, computer sciences, can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Hindi, French, German, Italian, is a renowned chess champion and skilled pilot; whatever she puts her hand to, she's brilliant. There were rumours she was feeling depressed so she started adopting kids (last count was 4, but she's always on the lookout for more apparently). No one knows how she does it, but Jim loves his baby sister and is super protective of her and his nieces and nephews (Jason, Tim, Helena, and Cassandra). The others are curious about this 'Girl Wonder' as the papers dubbed her so they send Victor and Jonathan to investigate. Why those 2? Because no one knows what the Scarecrow looks like and Victor has a neat little trick where he can shed his snow white hair and chemical blue eyes for plain brown hair and eyes, completely different from his normal appearance. They talk and Victor is convinced this playgirl, genius, stepmother billionaire is the missing Bryce Wayne and their mate. Nora is thrilled because Bryce already has 4 kids she can mother while being the Mommy of the group.
The reason Bryce doesn't realizes she's actually half alien is because she's been 'treated' for 'ADHD' since she turned 13. In truth, Papa Gordon arranged with a doctor allied with the Resistance to have her supplied with suppressants; hence the hyperactivity and the desperate need for kids, without the connections she could actually die from loneliness as her species just aren't meant to be loners. They know they have to get rid of those suppressants if Bryce is to feel their connection and live, so they send Alfred as a PA since she’s been through three secretaries this month alone, and this last one she’s only hanging onto because she has a trip to Venice coming up and working for Bryce Gordon ensures major spending money. Problem is, once Alfred manages to replace the suppressants with placebos, Bryce starts feeling over 12 years of depression and loneliness hit her like a freight train. Alfred and the Horribles may have to push up their timeline if they want Bryce to survive.
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angelsswirl · 4 years
The One With Shit and The Fan
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A.N. Yall are about to be very mad at me, but it must be read.
Oh and I know
And you know that we've been here before
I think I know how it should end
We got an audience calling us crazy
You feel like a white suburban mom.
The ones that hoot and howl over every little thing in preparation for company.
You feel like that, because that's exactly what you're doing right now.
Hooting and howling over every little thing in preparation for company.
"If you move a pillow to sit on the couch, what do you do with the pillow when you're done sitting on the couch? YOU PUT THE PILLOW BACK! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS?!"
You had finally managed to convince Jisoo to agree to a civilized dinner with Taylor's parents. It involved a lot of placating and a lot of sex.
So naturally, you had to make sure the house was spic and span, because you wouldn't be caught dead in a filthy home.
Luckily, your children had pulled their own weight and helped, you were now just doing the finishing touches, like putting throw pillows in their proper place and screwing the cap on the milk jug tighter.
You also made sure to keep an eye on Jisoo just in case she decided to booby trap the place. At this point you wouldnt put it pass her.
Ryland came bouncing into the kitchen excitedly, "What did you make for dinner tonight, mommy? You got my text about the Bae-Park's dietary restrictions right?"
Despite being the second oldest, Ryland still called you 'mommy' occasionally. Especially, when she was excited or wanted something.
"Yes. Suzy and Jackson are allergic to peanuts and Taylor won't eat anything with a face. We'll see how long that lasts because you're a carnivore like your mom. And I passed it along to Lia because she cooked." You fussed around the kitchen. Dusting and swatting at imaginary dust.
"But what if mama convinced Lia to poison Chaeyoung?!"
You rolled your eyes. Did your daughter really think her mother would do something like that? Or better question. Did she really think you would let her mother do something like that?
"Jisoo has been here all day and I have her phone. I talked with Lia about everyone's needs and she made something suitable for everyone. Everything is going to be okay. Calm down, baby."
Ryland pouted, "How do you know if Chaeyoung has any restrictions? I didn't text you about her."
"We dated, remember?"
"No. I wasn't there."
"...Everything is going to be okay. Now, get out of my kitchen and set the dining room table. You might have to bring some more chairs in from the garage."
Ryland nodded.
Jisoo stared at her wife with a partially unreadable expression on her face.
She had been tricked into this. Bribed, if you will. Maybe even conned.
Sure, she was more or less fine with Taylor dating her daughter, but she wasn't really fine with spending more than an hour in a room with one of the only other people on the planet who knows what her wife looks like naked.
Her wife looks great naked. And Park Chaeyoung knew that.
She was doing her best to hide her blatant jealousy and anger but Jisoo wasn't an oscar winning actress for a reason.
"Are you getting all primped up for me or for her?" It sort of just slipped out. You had been putting on makeup for the past hour and Jisoo couldn't help but wonder.
You had never rolled your eyes harder in your life, "I'm not about to start this with you."
"You're avoiding the question."
"Because you should know the answer by now."
"For me?"
You put the finishing touches on your dark tinted red lip. Smacking them dramatically, then placing the tube of lipstick back onto the vanity.
You turned toward Jisoo with a smirk, "Oh no. For me."
Jisoo could only watch you walk out the door and into the main living area of the house.
Jisoo would try to keep the snarkiness to a minimum. If only because she's sure if she doesn't she'll never get to see your great nakedness again.
Dinner, to everyone's surprise, isn't that awkward. Probably due to the fact that Taylor easily dominated the conversation, you're a bit preoccupied with fussing over Kaleb, and Jisoo has had a full glass of red wine.
"Tay tay! How did your parents react to you telling them Ryland was your mate? Did they throw a tantrum like mama did?" Peyton asked, her mischievous smile poorly hidden behind her glass of lemonade.
Sometimes, you think Peyton forgets she still lives with you unlike her older siblings and can most definitely still be grounded. You had to resort to your signature glare, but it did the trick as Peyton slumped into her chair, thoroughly frightened.
Taylor looked confused at the question. Peyton knew the answer. They're literally best friends. She was the first one she told.
"No. Mom just mumbled that it probably made sense and then I went to go play soccer."
Ryland smiled lovingly across the table at Taylor. Lia made a gagging sound.
You thanked whatever being was listening that Peyton's chaos energy hadn't prevailed. If you thought, Ryland was your demon child while you were pregnant with her, you surely hadn't seen anything yet.
"Okay, why don't all of you kids, go do whatever it is you do in the livingroom. Mom doesn't need you to see her scarf down an entire bottle of merlot in one gulp." You mumbled that last part under your breath.
Everyone but Lia left the table, happy to be excused.
You stared at her blankly.
"I'm 22."
You're not exactly sure why but your patience is wearing thin quickly.
"Did I ask how old you were?"
"No, ma'am. Excuse me." She bowed her head dramatically before grabbing Kaleb and scurrying from the table.
"Kids. So....interesting." Chaeyoung said in an attempt to break the silence.
"Yeah. I keep telling myself that my reward for not killing them are future grandchildren. Well, actually. I'm already terrified of whatever Peyton procreates."
Both Chaeyoung and Suzy laugh at your joke.
"So, how'd you two meet?" Jisoo asked inbetween sips of her wine. She wasn't even looking in Chaeyoung and Suzy's direction, if only because it was sort of hard to peer around you in their positions.
You tried to listen for answers, you really did, but your reasoning for the irritability comes to light. You're sweating and almost slumped over into Jisoo, but you somehow managed to keep yourself upright.
Jisoo and Chaeyoung's eyes snapped to you at the same time. And the last time you felt this much dread, was when you found out that Jisoo and Chaeyoung found out about each other.
It's almost like you see Chaeyoung's mouth move in slow motion. You will her not to say anything, just let you silently excuse yourself from the table and take your suppressants, but no. Things were never easy when it came to Chaeyoung and Jisoo.
Chaeyoung offhandedly mumbled "That's familiar." She doesn't really mean anything by it. You knew that, hell even Suzy knew that.
But you can see the glass in Jisoo's hand start to shake.
"What did you just say?"
"Huh? Oh nothing. I didn't mean anything by it, Jisoo. I swear."
"Chu...let it go." You do your best to calm her down with a light touch to her thigh.
"It's no big deal. It was stupid I shouldn't have said it."
"You fucking my wife isn't a big deal?"
"Jisoo! What the hell?" You stared at your alpha who seemed to be looking right through you to Chaeyoung. The pent up anger in her eyes was quite astonishing.
"What's your problem, Jisoo? It's been years and the only one who still fucking cares is you." Chaeyoung said with a shake of her head.
"My problem is you."
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, "I'm married with two beautiful kids. I don't want y/n and she doesn't want me. Grow up."
Chaeyoung gathered her belongings and gestured for her wife to follow her. Suzy did so reluctantly, she shot a glance of sympathy toward you but otherwise didn't say anything.
The family left, two confused children in tow.
You swallowed harshly, it was surprisingly easy to fight off your heat instincts considering you wanted very little to do with the person that's supposed to help you through that.
"Well. Congratulations."
Jisoo's brows furrowed, not in the least bit surprised when you dont elaborate.
You got up from the table without a word. You headed to the livingroom and poked your head in, "Peyton, do you mind cleaning up the table. You don't have to do the dishes, just put them in the sink. Thank you." Abigail and Ryland stared after you.
Peyton set about doing the task without any fan fare.
You then hurried into your bedroom. Wiping at your eyes and your makeup.
You knew Jisoo had followed you. Probably wanting an explanation about what you said.
"Why can't you just let it go? It's been twenty years. You said you were over it, but every time you're even slightly reminded you blow up. You know how sorry I am but it feels like I'm still being punished."
"You slept with her. You're mine and you slept with her." Jisoo looked at you like she didn't understand how you didn't get that.
"I'm yours now. I wasn't back then. Even if you imprinted on me I wasn't your mate. I wasn't even your girlfriend. I didn't cheat on you. Why does everything I did have to be some slight against you?"
Jisoo huffed, "You knew I loved you. You led me on you made me think that it was only me. That you were only going to choose me."
"What did I ever say to make you think that? Was marrying you not enough? Is being your mate not enough? Those three beautiful babies not enough?"
"We have four kids."
"Oh, hop off it. You know that's not what I meant."
Jisoo doesn't say anything further. She only stares at some point passed your head.
"Am I not enough for you, Jisoo? Because I don't know what else I can give you. I gave you my life, my love, my womb. But it's still not enough for you. What else do you want from me?!" You tried not to raise your voice too much, but it was sort of a hard feat to accomplish around your tears.
"To go back in time and not sleep with her. To say she never meant anything to you."
"Oh. You want the impossible." You nodded slowly, not agreeing in the slightest. But you got it now.
"Say it."
"You know I can't."
"Say it, y/n."
"We told each other that we would never lie to each other, and I'll be damned if I start now."
"...Then tell me to leave."
"I need to go, but I can't do it unless you tell me to."
You choked on a sob, "Fine. Go. Just know, if you walk out of that front door everything that I have said tonight, will be proven right."
That got Jisoo to hesitate. To rethink breifly. But the alpha is telling her to go before she does something she really regrets. So, she leaves. And the pain that encompasses her heart is nothing like she had ever felt in her life.
You heard the door slam shut and with it, Peyton walked into the room. You pretend that you dont see the tears in each other's eyes, "Mommy?" Her omega is calling out to yours, probably more than she realized.
She's technically a pup and she needs comfort, so even though you felt like curling up into a ball and dying you give it to her.
She practically falls into your lap and she sniffled. Your and Jisoo's bond isn't broken by any means, but even the children can tell there's something not quite right.
"I didn't mean for you to hear that, baby girl."
"Are you two going to be okay? I've never seen mama that mad before."
And that question coming from her daughter seemed to hurt the most, "I hope so, Pey. I hope so."
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Oops I totally forgot about answering what I think (maybe hope bc Bucky deserves a happy ending 😭) is gonna happen to Bucky. So idc what anyone thinks but Bucky is such a strong and loving person. I love how his personage has his own full story without interrupting the main story (if that makes sense?). So I think there will be a clash between Steve's pack and Brock's (+ Bucky, Wanda etc). Steve and Bucky will fight because Brock is a coward but also knows that Bucky can possibly take Steve down. Also since you said you're considering writing buck's own story & I read about Bucky as an uncle (perfection! 😭) I want and need that story haha no pressure hahaha so Bucky has to survive 😅 I started reading the pack because I love the idea of the story and the story itself but then I fell in love with Bucky's character in this story and the way you write him and I just can't get enough of him hahaha sorry for this way to long message about my love for the pack Bucky 😂
Bucky really did take off in Steve’s story, didn’t he. Lol. That wasn’t the intent when I first started, but Bucky just became a life all his own. I kinda felt guilty for taking away some of the focus on Steve. But IF (and I want to) I continue with Bucky, Steve and the Little One will be in his to. They are like brothers after all. 
Brock is a coward, and wants nothing more then to destroy his old pack and Steve in particular for taking it over. Its very much a possibility, send your loved ones to destroy you. 
Bucky as an Uncle. He will love that kid as his own. Right along with Sara, Sam, and Natasha. It takes a pack to raise them. They are family. 
I love hearing your love for Bucky! He is hands down one of my favorite characters of all time, even outside of The Pack, so its really an honor to get to write him in such a way that others love him as well. 
Early Morning Pancakes
Bucky sat on the steps of his home, his head tipped back to let the morning sun wake him up. Deep inhales calmed him, the sense of being back on pack lands after traveling along No Mans Land to talk to other Alphas was tiring on him and the White Wolf. Right now he could feel brushes of the beast, starting to resettle now that they were home. 
As much as he was able to. Bucky always walked a fine line between wandering Lone Wolf and Packmate. Steve never cared though, not like other Alphas would have. The White Wolf yawned, thumping his tail in content, and Bucky felt the content radiate through him, making him smile a bit. Another inhale brushed his senses, one that he was expecting. Soft footfalls as she tried to sneak up on him. 
Bucky played like he didnt know Cassidy was sneaking up on him, the girl launching at her Uncle, and landed in his lap, her arms around his neck. “Gotcha Buck Buck!” She giggled and his eyes sprung open with a fake yelp, wrapping his arms around her while she snuggled in. 
“Cassidy Chickadee! You got me girl.” He nuzzled back and hugged the laughing child close, hugging him back just as much. 
“Daddy told me you came home last night, but I was already in bed. So I came as soon as I got up.” She said all proud and Bucky arched a brow. 
“Does your mom and dad know your here ‘Dee?” he questioned and she shook her head. 
“No, they were still in bed sleeping.” She shrugged and Bucky, moved her to stand, taking her hand in his own. 
“We should probably go tell them so they dont worry. Plus we can make some pancakes?” They started walking down the drive and crossing the woods to get back to Cassidy’s home. She kept a firm hold on Buckys hand while skipping and hopping along, kicking at rocks in the path. 
“Short stack for me, and a big stack for you and Daddy?” 
Bucky hummed, lifting his hand to help her jump even higher before bringing her back safetly to the ground. “Sure, what about Mom?” 
“Oh Mommy she just wants to steal yours and dad, and have ALL the coffee.” 
Bucky snorted, it did sound like Steve’s Mate. 
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 54
Warning: angst
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @ocfairygodmother​
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The hours go by way too fast.
He’s tried to spend every possible moment with them. Devoting his attention, yet his very limited time, from the second he opened eyes and found four little -and still sleeping- bodies crowded around him. Two pressed against his sides, one laying across his shin and effectively pinning him down, the fourth right on top of him with their face nestled in the spot between his neck and shoulder. Some time in the middle of the night they must have snuck in -or their mother had carried them in- and he’d been none the wiser. A rare, deep, comfortable sleep somehow finding him on quite possibly the most stressful night of his life.  Never waking once due to nightmares of pain, or even when four of his five children either crept into bed with him or were placed there. And for an hour he hadn’t dared to disturb them; content with just watching them sleep and gently running his fingers through their hair and kissing the cheeks and foreheads of those he could reach. Listening to their soft, rhythmic breathing and feeling their bodies gently rising and falling against him. Marvelling at not only how beautiful and perfect they are, but the fact that someone like him -with all his past mistakes and bad decisions and inner demons- could ever be given, or entrusted with, such amazing little human beings.
He let them eat leftover birthday care and ice cream for breakfast. Managing borderline genuine laughs and smiles as he listened to them gush about it being ‘the best Sunday morning EVER’ and their excited, vividly detailed recap of yesterday’s events and the week they’d had at school. Heart crumbling with each passing second, wanting nothing more than to either stop the clock, or simply wake up and discover that all of it -Mahajan, the threats against his family, the mission in Mumbai- had been nothing more than a horrible, fucked up dream.  When they weren’t paying attention, he turned on the recorder on his phone; taking in every giggle and their little voices. There’s no greater, more beautiful sound than your own kids’ laughter; second to only how it sounds when they call him daddy. It will be awhile before he hears it again in person. If he even gets the chance at all.
That’s the bitter, heartbreaking realization. He may never get these moments again; it could be the last lazy Sunday they have together. Their last breakfast on the back patio. The last time he gets to ask them how their week at school went. It all seems so simple. So mundane. Things that he’s often guilty of taking for granted that he’ll miss so much if he never gets to experience them again; whether it be through their demise or his own. If it’s going to happen, he prays it’s the latter. That they’ll get the opportunity to grow up and live long, great lives. That their mother won’t have to endure a single second, never mind a lifetime, without any of them. She’d survive his passing. She’d grieve. Long and hard. But one day she’d likely move on; find someone that loves her and the kids and will do anything to make them happy. But she’d never get over losing one of her babies, never mind all of them. It would break her. Right down to her very soul. And she’d recover from it.
He took them swimming and surfing. Two hours in the water followed by a walk along the beach looking for shells and rocks and pieces of beach glass.  Each filling their small plastic buckets with whatever treasures they happened to find. He’d been in no rush; taking as many videos and pictures as possible and trying to commit every little moment to memory. They went for a hike in the woods. Playing ‘spot the wildlife’;   listening to the kookaburras in the trees and seeing kangaroos hop through the brush and the koalas clinging to trunks and branches.  Awed by how bright eyed and curious they are. Fearless. Smart. Everything that’s good and beautiful that exists in both their parents fully alive and flourishing inside of them.  They went out for lunch and to the park near their school. Leaving the car parked downtown and simply enjoying the walk with them. A tiny hand curled around each of his, another clutching the side pocket of her cargo shorts, Declan holding on tight as he perched upon his father’s shoulders. And he’d entertained every request for pushes on the swings; never denying their demands to go higher and higher. Smiling at the sounds of their laughter and their squeals and the grins on their faces. When they’d returned home they’d all taken a nap together. Somehow managing to  all cram together on the living room couch.
He’d spent his last hour with Addie. Just her and him in the old, creaky rocking chair in the nursery. Feeding her a bottle and holding that impossibly tiny body as close as he possibly could.  Eyes closed as he breathed in the soft scent that clung to her sleeper; feeling that silky hair against his skin and the way those small first tightly grasped the front of his t-shirt.
He doesn’t remember a time when four in the afternoon has come this quickly. And while Esme waits in the car -knowing that she won’t be able to hold it together during the goodbyes and how badly her children need to see her calm and composed- he stalls for as long as he possibly can. Double checking the contents of the backpack serving as a carry on and moving at a snail’s pace as he laced his boots; trembling hands making the simple task needlessly complicated. His chest aches; a pain like nothing he’s ever experienced before. A mix between tightness and profound emptiness that he can’t even begin to describe. Emotion sits heavily in his throat, threatening to choke him. And he sees the sympathetic smile that Kyle -with Addie along his arm- gives him. His brother in law is unusually emotional; they never quite seen eye to eye and Kyle has also held a lot of animosity and spite towards him. Truly believe that he’d ‘stolen’ Esme from the family and then proceeded to drag her into a less than appealing life.  But Kyle understands the enormity of the situation; how serious and dangerous it will be. And he knows full well that despite not even realizing it the kids could very well be hugging and kissing their father goodbye for the last time.
“Come here guys…” Tyler says, as he drops down to one knee in the middle of the front foyer. “...I gotta go.”
The twins are the first to him, and he gathers one in the crook of each arm and pulls them tightly into him. Two sets of little arms immediately curling tightly around his neck. His eyes shut tight as he holds them; a valiant attempt at fighting back the flood of threatening tears. And he places a hand on the back of their heads and presses kisses to their brows.
“You guys be good, yeah? Be good for your mom. Do what she says. Clean your room. Eat all your dinner. No mouthing off. Got it?”
They both nod.
“I don’t want to hear any different when I call to check on things, hear me?”
“You’ll come and visit, right?” Tanner’s voice cracks with emotion, tears brim in his eyes. “When we get there? You’ll come and see us?”
“You guys will have a good time with your mom. It’s a really nice place you’re staying at. Its got an indoor AND outdoor pool and its own theatre for watching movies and one of those massive wooden playgrounds you’re always after me to get. And animals. Crazy ones too. Like monkeys and tigers and a sloth and shit like that.”
“But you’ll come see us, right?” Tanner presses. “You’ll come and visit?”
“As soon as I can. I promise.”
“How soon?”
“I’m not sure, mate. There’s some things I need to do first. I’ll come as soon as they’re done, okay? Second I’m finished, I’ll be there. Alright?”
Tanner nods.
“I love you guys.” He presses another kiss to one forehead, followed by the other. “So much.”
“I love you, daddy,” TJ pecks Tyler’s cheek and then tightens his hold on his neck. “I’ll miss you too.”
“I’ll see you soon, mate. I promise.”
“I don’t want you to go,” Tanner laments. “Why can’t we go together? Why are you going before us?”
“We talked about this.” Tyler brushes his son’s hair away from his forehead and out of his eyes. “I gotta do some work stuff. Important stuff. Very important.”
“More important than us?”
“Nothing is more important than you, mate. And I’ll see you as soon as I can. It won’t be too long, I promise.”
“Okay,” Tanner sniffles. “I love you, daddy. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too. You guys be good. No fighting. Especially with your sister. You know both she can kick your butts. Go on. Go and see what that crazy puppy is doing. Make sure he’s not chewing shit up.”
Millie moves in once he brothers run off. Perching herself upon his thigh and wrapping her arms around his neck; burying her face in the spot between his neck and shoulder.
“You be good too,” Tyler says, and drops a kiss on the top of her head. “No picking on anyone. And no beating anyone’s ass, got it?”
“Got it.”
“Be nice to your mom. Love on her a lot, okay? She needs a lot of love and she needs you and your brothers to give her that. I’m counting on you guys.”
“Okay, daddy. I’m sad you’re leaving without us, but I’m excited too. About going to visit where Ovi was born. Mommy says there’s lots of new stuff for us to try. Like food and stuff.  And a lot of fun stuff to see and do. I’ve never been on a trip before. I’m super stoked about it.”
He can’t help but smile. Relieved that she -with her shockingly keen instincts and her ability to ‘read’ situations- hasn’t picked up on any of the worry and the stress. “Mommy gets really nervous when she flies. So you sit beside her and hold her hand. I’m not there to do it, so you have to. Alright?”
Millie nods.
“I’ll miss you. But I’ll see you as soon as I can. I love you. So much.”
“I love you too, daddy. I made you something.”
“You did? What did you make me?”
She hops down off his thigh, then reaches into the pocket of her shorts. “It’s a bracelet. Like your other ones.  Mommy helped me a bit; got me the right rope so you could just pull it tight and it won’t fall off. See…” she holds the item in question in her hand. “...Mommy made sure it was big enough to fit you. ‘Cause you have big hands and wrists. I picked as many boy colors as I could, but I put some pink and purple in there, too. ‘Cause they’re my favorite colors. Do you like it?”
“I love it.” Tyler feels the trick of tears in his eyes and he lays a hand on the back of her head and presses a kiss to her. “It’s beautiful. Thank you. I’m gonna wear it right now."
Her entire face lights up. “Yeah? Really?”
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s just as nice as my other ones. Even nicer, actually. ‘Cause you made it.”
“I put my favorite colors in there for a  reason,” she says, as he allows her to slip the bracelet onto his right wrist; using the fingers of one hand and her teeth to pull it tight against his skin. “So that when you look at it, you’ll think of me and I won’t feel so far away.”
“Thank you. It’s perfect. Just like you.”
“Why are you gonna cry?” Millie asks, as she takes his face in her hands. “It makes me sad when you cry.”
“I’m just going to miss you guys, that’s all.” He pulls her into a tight hug, eyes closing to once more hold back the tears. “Why don’t you go and help your brothers with Saju. Keep all three of them out of trouble.”
“Okay,” she says, and brushes the tip of her nose against his. “You thought I forgot about that part, didn’t you.”
He grins. “I was starting to wonder.”
“That’s my favorite part. That’s our special thing. Since I was really little. Like Declan. That’s a long time ago.”
“Sure seems like a long time ago.”
“I love you, daddy. You be safe. Kick the bad guys’ butts.”
“I will. Just for you.”
She gives a brilliant smile and then kisses his cheek before rushing off, hollering after her brothers and the puppy. He winces as he stands; both knee and back stiff and aching. Not a good way to start a mission, that’s for sure. And he scoops Declan up and showers him  with kisses and spoils him with hugs and tickles until the toddler is giggling hysterically. He moves on to Addie, taking her from Kyle’s arms and holding her tight to his chest; a hand on the back of her head, eyes closing as he swallows around the knot of emotion lodged in his throat. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, cheek, and temple before handing her back to his brother in law.
“You be careful, hear me?” Kyle says. “Because these kids need you. My sister needs you.”
“I appreciate you going to Mumbai with them. She’ll need someone with her. Especially if…” he shrugs. “...you know.”
“I’ll be there for her. IF it happens. And just in case it does, thank you. For loving her the way you do. For being so good to her. And those kids. You're the best thing that’s ever happened to her; hands down. I hope you know that. And I hope you know that. That you don’t ever question it.”
“I don’t,” he says. “And I never have.”
“Take care of yourself, Tyler. Get shit down. Take no prisoners. Make those fuckers pay.”
“I will,” he promises. “No matter how I have to do it.”
The drive to the airport is spent in silence. He had turned down the   transportation that Anil had arranged; opting to send the others ahead so he could have those last minutes with his wife. They don’t need to speak; content with the quiet and finding even the smallest shred of comfort in one another’s presence. The things that had needed to be said have long been laid out on the table. Worst fears, lingering regrets and guilt,  apologies for any and all perceived wrong doings and harsh, hurtful words said during arguments; things that SHOULD have been said a long time ago. It’s been the struggle a of a lifetime trying to keep his emotions in check; wanting desperately to be what she needs at this moment. The strong, stoic one who always finds a way to keep shit together when it’s falling apart around them.
She knows how he feels; the fierce loyalty and unwavering faithfulness. Since their six month separation three and a half years ago, he’d been working diligently at being the man she needs. The one she deserves. Stepping out of his comfort zone and regularly attending therapy -both alone and as a couple- and legitimately putting his effort into being the kind of husband and father HE wants to be. Hands on. Devoted. Putting his family first and foremost instead of falling back into old habits and indulging in old vices. And the hard work has paid off. He’s become more attentive. Loving. No longer afraid to show emotion or affection or professing his feelings. He’d spent nearly his entire childhood and teenage years being told that all of that is simply unacceptable; it made him weak, pathetic. That he’d somehow grown into ‘less of a man’ and an ‘embarrassment’.
He’d never realized the extent of the damage it had caused. Years in the military and then as a merc had hardened his exterior and saw him bottling things up; pushing people away and shutting them out, convincing himself that his father’s words were true. He WOULD be viewed as a lesser man if he opened up; if formed  valuable connections with people and allowed himself to feel.  It had helped destroy his first marriage; one of the many nails in the coffin. And it had taken him until he was thirty five to to cross paths with someone even stronger and more determined -and stubborn- than him. Who didn’t view him as weak and damaged and never gave up on him even during even the darkest and most trying of days. Pushing back when he tried to push away. Holding on even tighter when he tried to force her out; believed that he needed to protect her from HIM. Someone so little but so mighty. With so much love and trust and tenacity inside that tiny body.
The last six month have been incredible. A change of pace and scenery doing both of them a world of good. A chance to devote themselves to their marriage and raising a family. And now this. Had it just been a return to the job and starting a business, it would be easy to cope with. They’d once again get used to the instability and unpredictability and he’d find that balance being the job and being a family man. But THIS. Mahajan and his threats and the known that awaits in Mumbai. There’s no way to ever truly prepare yourself for something like that. When the possibility of never seeing your family again is higher than it’s ever been.
Tyler knows she’s been struggling. Mostly in silence. Aware of the times she’s hidden herself away from both him and the kids in order to have an emotional meltdown. She hasn’t just been keeping the enormous effects of the situation away from the little ones, but from him as well. Not wanting to admit the full weight that’s been placed upon her; not wanting him to see the tears or how the stress makes her physically ill because she’s worried about adding more to his already overflowing plate. She’s always been like that; selfless to a fault. And he wants to tell her that. That it’s okay to just let it out instead of letting it eat her alive and cause more damage. Ironic, considering she’s usually one saying things like that to HIM.   But he’s at a loss on how to comfort her when his own emotions have been stripped down to their core; raw and painful. It had taken all her had to keep it together in front of the kids. And he doesn’t know if he has any strength left to keep it up.
“Millie gave you the bracelet.” Her eyes never leave the road as she speaks, hands gripping the steering wheel so tight, her knuckles and the tips of her fingers turn white.
“Yeah,” he nods, and glances down at the item in question nestled perfectly against the older, weathered ones on his wrist. Two of them have been around since Dhaka. Esme had painstakingly cleaned dirt, grime, and blood off of each bead and every bit of braided rope after she’d found them in the bag of personal effects the emergency room doctor had given her. And Millie was right; the purple and pink DO remind him of her. And it helps to alleviate some of the heartache.
“She’s all heart that kid,” Esme says.  “Especially when it comes to you. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for you. No one she loves the way she loves you. If something DOES happen to you, she’s the one I worry about the most.”
“Nothing’s going to happen to me. Maybe some bumps and bruises. A few stitches. I’ve had worse.”
There’s a glimmer of confidence inside  of him. Last night after they’d made love -twice- and she’d fallen into a deep and satisfied sleep beside him, everything that had  been nagging at him regarding specifics of the job had fallen into place. As if a light had been switched on inside of him; illuminating the troublesome spots and making them easier to see. All the  hours of analyzing blue prints and photographs suddenly coming together and his brain assembling the very detailed and efficient pieces of the puzzle. It isn’t the answer to everything -he’ll have to come up with new methods once the first couple of kills are complete- but it’s a start.
“You definitely have,” she agrees. “And if those things are all that happens to you, I’ll take it. Gladly. Because the thought of something worse happening...something Dhaka level…”
“It won't get to that,” Tyler assures her. “Look at all the guys going in. It’s not just me trying to get shit done this time. And we can always get more people if we need them. This is nothing like Dhaka.”
“In some ways it’s worse.”
“In some,” he admits. “In other ways it’s better. Not just me and Saju going up against a fucking army. Once we get shit ironed out, this will go good. Nice and smooth. As simple as checking a name off and going onto the next one.”
“You’re awful confident all of a sudden,” Esme remarks.
“Hopeful is more like it.”
A small smile tugs  at the corners of her mouth. “Sometimes hope is the only thing that does get you through shit like this. And I’m not worried about you going after the people in the list. I know you can handle that. I worry about when Mahajan catches on and figures out it’s you.   When he makes that bounty even bigger. How are you going to get around Mumbai with every gun pointed at you?”
“There’s always ways. I’ll figure it out when...and if...that happens. Let me worry about all that, okay? No sense you dwelling on it. You got an even bigger job ahead of you. Even more important.”
“I just hope I can do it. Keep it together for them. Because I already feel like I’m falling apart and the job hasn’t even started yet. What if I lose it? What if…?”
“You won’t.” He reaches out and runs a hand over her hair, then settles it at the back of her neck, lightly squeezing. “You’re a good mom. You’re an amazing mom. Everything you do is for those kids. MY kids. You got this. I know you do.”
Her smile widens but the tears shimmering in her eyes increase. “It’s so much harder this time. Saying goodbye to you. It’s never been this hard with any of the other jobs you’ve taken. “
“Well it’s not like any other job, is it. And don’t use the word. We NEVER use that word. Don’t start using it now. Goodbye isn’t an option; we decided on that a long time ago. That we’d never say that.”
“I’m just so worried. About holding it together for the kids, about you, about Ovi. It’s all just too much to deal with. Knowing what you’re out there doing and having to pretend like it’s not happening and like my heart isn’t out there walking around outside of my body. How am I supposed to be happy for them when all I can think about is something about to you? You’re half of those kids. And if we lose you…”
“You won’t. It’s not going to happen. I’ll be careful. You know I will.”
“That’s a lot of money, Tyler. That he has on your head. You KNOW what people will do for that kind of money. Look what we’ve done. Both of us have crossed people. Betrayed them. For money.”
“People who deserved it,” he reminds her. “Not one of them didn’t deserve it.”
“But look at the lengths WE’VE gone to. How far do you think someone who really needs the money will go to get to you? Those are the people I’m most worried about. The truly desperate ones who have nothing to lose. They're the most dangerous and we both know what they’re capable of. I mean, look how far that Farhad kid was willing to go for Amir Asif. How many Farhads are in Mumbai wanting to impress Mahajan?”
“I think you need to let me worry about things like that. I’m not a rookie; I know what I’m doing. Just have me in faith, okay? That’s all I’m asking. That you have faith in me.”
“I do. I always have. Bit that doesn’t I’m not going to worry. And don’t even try and tell me not to. You know I’m incapable of turning that part of me off. You always talk about how protective you are of me. Well I’m just as protective when it comes to  you. You don’t think I’d do anything remotely possible to keep you safe.”
“I know you would. And the next time a Care Bear comes at me, I’ll let you have the first shot at it.”
Despite the tears in her eyes and deep furrows in her brow, she still manages a laugh. “You are such an ass sometimes.”
“Sometimes,” he admits, and then grins. “But you love me.”
She smiles. “Only on days that end in Y.”
At the airport she parks on the tarmac; Anil having chartered two separate planes, one strictly being used to transport all of the weapons, ammo, gear, and various supplies.  Long gone are the days of travelling by crowded Cessna or helicopter; both methods replaced by sleek, high end, fuel efficient jets. She sits behind the wheel with the engine idling, watching as Tyler heads across the tarmac, where Anil waits at the bottom of one of the jet’s stairs. And she tries to ignore how pronounced his limp is and the grimace on his face.  Bridging them up will get her nowhere. He’s stubborn to fault and will only get defensive or brush off her concerns. And the last thing she wants is already fragile emotions making a big deal out of nothing and one of them   -or both- walking away with hurt feelings or hostility. Because she’d never forgive herself if that happened; if the last words she even spoke to him were out of misplaced anger.
Instead she wages a valiant yet slowly weakening battle against profound worry and a heartache she’s never experienced before. It’s impossible to prepare for. The moment the person you love -more than you ever thought you could ever possibly love- walks away and you have to relegate yourself to the very real possibility that you may never see them again. That one day even your memories of them will fade; the sound of their voice, their smell, the touch of their hand, their face. The act of grieving a person that is still very much alive.
She watches as Anil greets him with a pleasant smile and a handshake. The two engaging in a brief conversation before Anil turns to address the three person flight crew and all five begin heading towards the truck. And she slides out from behind the wheel as they begin unloading the last three crates of supplies and gear and Tyler’s  two meager bags; an old army rucksack and a backpack that’s usually reserved for day trips with the kids. He’s always been a light traveller; two or three changes of clothes and hygiene products. Always shrugging his shoulders and saying he’ll buy more things if he really needs to every time she brings it up that he’s not nearly taking enough with him. And he always returns with the same amount of things as when he’d left; nothing new among the old. He lives simply. A hard habit to break when you’ve spent years not really giving a shit about your personal appearance. He’s happy just owning a couple pairs of jeans, old sweats and  taking the same three pairs of cargo pants with him on every job. Perfectly content in board shorts and tattered t-shirts he’s owned for god knows how long.
Anil steps to the driver’s side of the truck, greeting her with a warm smile and a kiss to each cheek before clasping one of her hands in both of his. He’s very much like his brother; a gentle soul stuck in the body of a man capable of so much vengeance and rage. She’d see it in Saju’s eyes.  There on the Sultana Kamal Bridge. A kindness and compassion underneath all those cuts and bruises and broken bones. He’d been weary; a former soldier turned family man, caught in a nightmare brought on by his own employer. Having to revert back to his ways of old in order to save the ones he loved.
“You look so much like your brother.” Esme gestures towards Anil’s apparel. “All black. It’s what Saju was wearing. That day on the bridge. It really is uncanny; how much you look like him. Almost like seeing a ghost.”
“You were the last one to see him. Alive. You were with him in those final minutes?”
“I was with Ovi. He’d told us to hide. Not to come out until he told us it was safe to. Neither of us were with him. But we saw it; what happened to him. How he died.”
“When it’s a better time, I’d like to speak with you. About Saju. About my brother. About his time on the bridge. What it was like for him.”
“It felt like hours. I was probably thirty minutes, forty five at the most. But it felt like it lasted a lifetime. Like it was never going to end and we were never going to get out of there.”
“We will talk. When things have settled down.   There’s things I’d like to ask you. About Saju. His state of mind. Things he may have said.”
“I don’t think we said more than a few words to each other. I don’t know what I could possibly tell you. We didn’t even know one another. I was just some girl he was supposed to kill. That’s it.”
“It would just be nice to hear about his last minutes. How he was. How he seemed. There’s no one else who can tell me these things. I want to hear them. I NEED to hear them.”
Esme nods in understanding.
“Schedule permitting, I will be at the house when you and the children arrive. I would prefer to welcome you myself; give a tour of my home and my property. But I apologize in advance if that can not be. It’s hard to say where the next couple of days will lead us all. Soon we will speak. But for now…” he takes her hand once more. “...I bid farewell. I’ve taken up too much of your time when there’s someone else more deserving of it.”
“Stay safe,” she says. “You have a lot of good people working with you.”
He gives a  soft smile of appreciation and then clasps Tyler on the shoulder as he approaches. “Take your time. There’s no rush. The pilot waits for us, not the other way around.”
“Must be nice to have that kind of pull,” Tyler remarks, watching as Anil crosses the tarmac. “That kind of cash. A private jet just to carry weapons and ammo and all that other shit? Talk about having money to burn.”
“This coming from a man who has millions of dollars in the bank, yet only owns three pairs of underwear,” she teases.
“Only need three if you don’t wear any ninety seven percent of the time.”
“Now you’re a math whiz too? You really ARE a study in a contradiction. You got everything?”
He nods. Eyes refusing to meet hers, top teeth dragging across his bottom lip. “You know what to do, right? If something does happen? You take the money and go. Leave and don’t look back. Change your last name. The kids’ too. There can’t be any trace of me; nothing that can lead guys like Mahajan back to you. Just go and don’t look back. Promise me.”
“I promise. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.” She lays her hands on his hips. “That all we have to do is talk about it. That all this will be over sooner rather than later and you’ll come and get us and we can go home. All of us.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen,” he vows.
“I know you will. I have no doubt in mind that it’ll happen. This isn’t the last time we’re going to see each other.”
He heaves a shaky sigh. “I really fucking hope it isn’t.”
Placing her forehead against his chest, she wraps her arms around his torso, hand rubbing his back. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I know you don’t,” he lays one hand on the back of her head, the other on the small of her back. “I wish there was some other way.”
“This is harder than I thought it would be. We’ve been through a lot of these moments. You think we’d be used to them by now. But this one hurts. Way more than any of those ever did.”
He nods, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. I’ll miss your cold feet and your snoring.” She’s grinning as she tilts her head back to look up at him. “And the way you never complain when I steal all the blankets.”
“I MIGHT miss the way you talk in your sleep,” Tyler chides. “But I’ll definitely miss the way you wake me up some mornings.”
“You won’t get THAT kind of wake up call at the hotel.”
He gives a small chuckle. “I’ll come and see you guys as soon as I can. Soon as they tell me it’s safe enough. I’ll even wear the vest. Just for you.”
“You better,” she says, and both his hands move to the sides of her face; calloused palms gently cradling it as he kisses her. Long and soft and sweet. So tender it both takes her breath away and breaks her heart. The tears responding accordingly; hot and stinging as they find her cheeks.
“I love you, Esme. So much. I’ll always love you. Remember that, okay? Just in case.”
“I love you. More than you could ever know. And I’m so proud of you, Tyler. For how far you’ve come since Dhaka. For who you’ve become. No one can take that from you. How hard you had to fight. No one can take that.”
He manages to hold back his own tears, swallowing noisily before drawing her into a hug; as tight as that little body allows him to hold it. Eyes closed and his brow resting against the top of her head, her hands clutching at the back of his shirt. “I gotta go,” he says. “I’ll call you when I get there. So you know I arrived safe and sound.”
“Be safe, okay? And be smart. Think with your head, not your heart.”
“I will.” He kisses her once more, then presses his lips to her forehead. “I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Yeah,” she smiles, reluctantly releasing her hold on him. “You will.”
She watches as he goes. Those broad shoulders slumped, hands shoved in his pockets, barely balancing up when Koen speaks to him as he passes. He won’t look back. He never does. Always saying that that’s when he’s at his weakest; while walking away. And that if he glances even briefly over his shoulder, he’ll change his mind and stay. Even when the best thing to do is leave.
Koen gives a sympathetic smile and lays a hand on her shoulder. “How you holding up?”
“I’m not,” Esme admits, and the tears come in earnest. A tsunami of emotions that comes flowing through her body; wracked by heavy sobs that shake her from head to toe.
“Easy now...easy…” Koen coos, as he draws her into his arms. “...it’s all going to be alright. HE’S going to be alright. You know he is.  He’s a tough shit. And stubborn. Stubborn as all hell. No way he’s going to let this Mahajan and those drongos of his get the better of him.”
“All I can think about is what if that’s the last time I ever got to kiss him? That I’m ever going to feel those arms around me? Hear his voice? Smell him? What if…”
“Don’t you do that. Don’t you talk like that. That’s not what you need right now. That’s what HE needs. He needs you to be strong. For yourself, for those rugrats, for him. He’s always going on and on about how strong you are; how it’s one of the things that made him fall so quick for you.  Well now you’ve got to live up to that. Prove him right. You’re better than this; stronger than this. Don’t let him down.”
“It’s just hard. To pretend that everything is fine when it feels like everything is going to shit. Promise me you’ll keep an eye on him? Because he puts on a really good front, but what’s going inside is a whole other thing. And don’t tell him I told you to do it. That’ll only piss him off.”
“I know how to handle that shit head. Been putting up with him for quite a while.”
“And keep him away from booze. He needs to be sober to get this done. The last thing he needs is falling back into old habits. Especially with this job.”
“So I think that taking him to the strippers is out of the question?” Koen teases.
“I’m serious,” she sniffles. “He’s big and he’s strong and he’s intimidating as all hell. But he needs someone to watch out for him. To care about him. Make sure he eats. And sleeps. It’s important to me. That you look after him. I trust you with this. With him.”
“I’ve got you,” Koen vows. “I’ve got this. He’s in good hands.”
“And you take care of yourself, too. Be safe. And when it comes to the job itself, listen to what Tyler says. He knows what he’s talking about and he knows what he’s doing. No one is as good as he is at this. No one. He got me and Ovi out of Dhaka. If you want to stay alive in Mumbai, you have to listen to him. You have to trust him.”
“Gonna be weird taking orders from that little piss ant. I remember when I was in charge of him back in the SASR. Now he’s MY boss?”
“If you want to survive, you’ll do whatever Tyler says. No questions asked. I trust him...only him...with my life. Trust him with yours too.”
“I will,” Koen promises, then presses a kiss to her cheek. “Hang in there kiddo. Those littles need their momma.”
“They need their dad too,” Esme reminds him as he walks away. “Is it too much to ask that you bring my husband home alive?”
“Wouldn’t think of bringing him back any other way,” he says, then gives a wink in farewell, footsteps heavy on the tarmac as he heads for the plane.
The inside of the jet is both spacious and luxurious; black leather seats and couches, glass and chrome tables, a handful of flat screen televisions mounted on wood panelled walls, and a fully stocked bar. Nathan and Ovi are already taking advantage of Anil’s generosity and hospitality; a bottle of expensive cognac already cracked open, their laughter and boisterous conversation filling the cabin.  It’s a far cry from what any of them are used to. Not even Ovi, who’d experienced the comforts of wealth and had spent his time being chauffeured around in sleek town cars driving by armed bodyguards, had ever been in this particular lap of luxury.  And while it shouldn’t bother Tyler that they're indulging and in particularly high spirits given the enormity of the situation, it does. They're nauseatingly obnoxious and he wants nothing more than to beat the ever living shit out of them.
It’s just his mood; on edge, irritable, heartbroken. Drowning in the reality that he may never see his family again. That even though he refuses to acknowledge the word ‘goodbye, those hugs and those kisses from his wife and children could very well have been just that. The others don’t have that much to lose; single, no one to worry about outside of themselves. There’s no way they could ever begin to imagine what he’s going through; the profound worry and sadness that comes with having that much to lose.  And he doesn’t acknowledge their presence; ignoring their requests for him to join them and the offers of drinks and the murmurs of ‘what the hell is wrong with him?’.  He’d expected more from Ovi. But he’s young and impressionable and is affected by his surroundings and easily succumbs to peer pressure. And holds an almost unhealthy idolization of Nathan. Who’s young and single as well and easily attracts the attention of the ladies.
He sinks into a seat near the front of the plane; next to the window with his back towards the others. Bag at his feet and his legs stretched out in front of him; head tilted back and his eyes closed, hands clasped and resting on his stomach. And hears Koen’s arrival on the jet; those heavy, clunky footsteps and his thick accent and loud voice. There’s nothing discreet about the man. Part of his charm, Tyler supposes. A fiercely loyal friend that will rip you to shreds with his teasing one minute, but fight to the death to protect you the next. And he hears a loud smack and then grins when Nathan protests the slap that had been delivered -Tyler guesses- to the back of his head.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Koen growls. “Don’t shit talk the man. Can’t you see he’s going through something? Shut your damn mouth or I’ll shut it for you.”
Within seconds he feels Koen’s presence by his side, then hears  a groan as   his friend drops into the seat across from him.  Only opening his eyes and acknowledging his friend when he feels the press of cool, smooth glass against his knee.
“Something to take the edge off?” Koen inquires, offering the bottle of cognac he’d snagged from the others.
Tyler shakes his head.
“Top shelf. None of that pig piss we’ve been drinking all these years. A couple of swallows won’t hurt ya.”
“Don’t want any,” he says, and closes his eyes once more.
“That was a test, anyway. Just to see how you fucked you might be. Good sign, I reckon. You turning it down.”
“I guess.”
“You gonna stay clean through this?” Koen inquires. “No stupid shit?”
“That’s the plan.”
“I’ll be on your ass to make sure you do.  You got too much riding on this to let the booze fuck it all up.”
Tyler scowls. “You don’t think I realize that?”
“I think your heart’s torn to fucking pieces and you might cave and try to find something to take a bit of the sting away.”
He scoffs. “What the fuck do you know?”
“I know you’re not the same bloke you were seven years ago. The one that made the jump off that cliff. I know you’re a guy that loves his wife and his kids with every fibre of his miserable fucking being. Who doesn’t think he deserves the life he has; someone that loves him, kids that adore him. And I also know you’re a guy that would die for them. No hesitation. And you’re thinking that’s likely what it’s going to come down to.”
Tyler smirks. “You’re a fucking shrink now?”
“Nope. Just an old, crotchety fuck that happens to care a whole lot about your sorry ass. And if you think you’re dying on my watch, you have another thing coming. And if you think I’m just going to sit back and watch you do something that’s going to fuck your life up, you’re wrong about that too. Because one screw up and I will beat your tail into the next century, drag you back to this one, and beat your tail all over again. Hear me?”
A grin plays at the corners of Tyler’s mouth. “Sweet talker.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not my type. Besides, I try anything, your little missus will kick my ass. And I bet she packs a bigger punch than you do. You don’t scare me. She does. Always the small ones. They’re sketchy. Cagey. No wonder you tow the line. Probably knock your ass into the middle of next week if you step out of place.”
Koen takes a swallow of cognac. “You gonna be alright?”
Tyler nods.
“Because it’s okay if you’re not. You don’t gotta hold it together, you know. Anyone would understand if you fell apart just a bit.”
“I’m fine.”
“There’s no shame in it. There’s…”
“I said I’m fine,” Tyler irritably interjects. “Enough.”
“You know as well as I do that you’re not.”
He sighs.
“But  I ain’t gonna push ya. Nothing good ever comes of that. But I’m here for you. Just sayin’.”
“I appreciate that. But I’m fine. Drop it.”
“But I do draw the line at hand jobs or blow jobs.” Koen says. “Just so you know. I don’t care how big your muscles are or how pretty your eyes are.”
Tyler snickers. “You’d be the last I’d ask, so…”
“Now THAT’S hurtful. Always thought maybe you had a crush on me.”
“You’re delusional.”
“So does that mean you DON’T want me sneaking in your room tonight and spoonin’ with ya?”
Tyler laughs. “Fuck off.”
Koen chuckles, then leans over in his seat to tussle Tyler’s hair. “You’re gonna be alright, mate.”
Tyler nods, then sighs heavily and leans his head back against his seat once more.
They don’t speak for the rest of the flight.
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lunermagick-sims4 · 4 years
Huntress & Hunter Part 8
  It has been rocky between huntress and hunter, figuring each other out was hard but the hardest was putting trust into each other. Will The huntress be able to trust the hunter?
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Blair’s POV
  Blair was experimenting with a brew in her caldron when she got a call from Ragnar,  she was not going to answer but something told her she should.  Hello?” The sound coming from the back ground were screams. “There so many zombies, I really need your help.” Blair stop stirring. “I will be right there” she replied. She went to change before going as she did not want to ruin her nice dress.  She rushed to Ragnar side to help. When she got there, there was so many zombies. “Ragnar where did they all come from?” Ragnar stabbed one in the face. “I don’t know!” Blair got her flame thrower from her summoning place and started to burn some of them. Between the two of them working together they finally gots handle of getting rid of them all. Just now a little zombie kid came out of no where and started toward them. “Oh my god!” Blair was shocked to see a young child. “Ragnar.” Blair just got him name out and he started toward the child. “Ragnar don’t-“ she trailed off expecting him to kill the little boy. He had a cure so he decided to inject the needle into the boy.
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The boy fell to the ground and started to convoluting. “Ragnar is he dying?” Blair had never seen how the serum reacted on a zombie, this was all new to her. She was in aw with Ragnar for wanting to saving the child. The child started to settle down and his skin started to show some colour. “Blair, he starting to come around.” Blair went over closer. The little boy started to open his eye.  The first words he said. “Where is my mommy?” Blair choked on a sob. “I do not know.” Ragnar said. “Oh!” the little boy said. Another zombie showed up so Blair went after it to burn it up with her flame thrower.   The little boy screamed and ran off. “Shit!” Ragnar said.  He did not see in what direction the boy took off, because the zombie caught him off guard. Ragnar and Blair looked and looked but there was no sign of him anywhere.  “I can not believe I let him escape.  Damn it!” Ragnar was letting this eat away at him. They went into the bar to get out of the cold. “Ragnar!” Blair turned to him. “You were so brave to get close to that kid zombie to do what you did to save him. He could of bit you but you decided to save him anyway.”  Ragnar still seem to be down. They have been fighting so much lately, and he could not get his house back so they have been still living together. I have not been showing him much trust in our time together and he took the whole week looking for my journal and he finally found it in the bookshelf. I forgot I put it there before we left for the cabin. I still have not taken back what I had said to him, Blair sighed. “Ragnar I am sorry for how I have been treating you!”  Ragnar gave her a grim smile. “You are amazing! You do a lot for me which I do not thank you for.” Ragnar mood seem to be lighting up. “That little boy will eventually figure things out. He is probably already on his way home.  He will be fine now because of you wanting to cure him and he may find his mommy or daddy again.” Blair pushed away all her insecurities “Ragnar I love you!” Ragnar grabbed Blair and brought her into a kiss. Blair soaked in everything about him.  He everything she ever wanted and more! She was never going to let herself lose him because of her insecurities. Ragnar looked he and asked, “Blair, will you marry me!” Blair looked at him sincerely “Yes! Ragnar I want to marry you!”
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Ragnar POV
They were on their way home when Ragnar came up with a great idea. “Blair let stop over at the waterfalls.” Blair looked at him kinda oddly but went with him. They get to the waterfalls and Ragnar turns back into a sim, Blair gets off her broom. “So? What are we doing here?” Ragnar smiled “Lets shower here to take off the blood before we head home.  It better then messing up the showers at your place.” Blair smiled at him. “No Ragnar. You mean our place.” Ragnar smiled and kissed Blair. They broke apart and started into the water.  It was warm and refreshing to get all the blood off.
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They decided while they were at the falls to take some photos for their wall in the living room.  Blair got the idea she wanted to start a family wall.  Ragnar was happy Blair has finally figured out what she wanted and was going to give their relationship a chance.  He had hoped that she had worked through the trust issues to come to know that he loved her with his whole heart and soul!  He  had been intrigued by her the first time he heard her name spoken. He felt she was his soul mate. It is weird but just hearing people talk about her, he felt a connection to her right away. Just watching her taking her photo, her laughing and being happy is all he ever wants for her. “Are you happy with the photos you taken?” Blair took a few more. “I am now.” Ragnar smiled at her. “Good let get home so we can get them printed up and hung on the wall,  maybe later we can game together.
“I think that sounds perfect.” They started for home. They got the photos printed and looked around to find the perfect frames finally with a lot of work they got the pictures the way they wanted. They went into the kitchen to tidy up and Blair said “I am going to get in my pjs.” Ragnar grabbed and brought her closer to him. He began to kiss Blair at the counter. Blair returned his kiss passionately and started kissed his neck. “Ragnar” she looked at him with her pale brown eyes. “You are my soulmate.” Ragnar smiled and leaned back in for a kiss. Things started to get heated from the kissing and clothes started to fly off. Ragnar picked Blair up and placed her on the counter. Things started to progress to which he made passionate love to her on the counter! They seemed to have click back into sync with each other.
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Blair’s POV
The weather has been crappy for days but finally the rain has stopped and it a beautiful day to get married. Blair was upstairs in the bathroom getting ready for her special day. Ragnar was downstairs trying to get ready. Blair had butterflies fluttering around in her tummy, maybe some nerves but mostly excitement. She was marrying her mate the sim she is meant to be with for entirety. Blair worked on getting her make up on. She looked at herself in the mirror once she was finished to admire her work, she was happy with how it turned out. She went to her room to put on her beautiful black wedding dress. She done her hair up on a fish tail braid. She took a final look in the mirror in I make sure everything came together. She was happy with what she saw.
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She came down the stairs to find Ragnar had already left. He was making sure he did not see her before the wedding. The puppies came to greet her, she gave them a pat on their head and put food in each other their bowls. “Love you guys” the puppies looked at her for a second and trotted off to the food bowls. “Such cute little butterballs. Can not wait to see what you guys will be like when you grow a little more and become stronger.” She said goodbye to the puppies and she figured it was good time to head to the falls where they picked to get married. We are eloping no one would of came anyway since most sims despise us.
She got to the fall to find that Ragnar had not arrived yet. Stood looking at the falls waiting for his arrival. Ragnar flew in as a bat, changed into a human in front of her. He was so sexy in his suit, his hair was down and he looked rather dashing. “Hi.” She says. “Hello my soon to be bride.” Blair smiled at him. Ragnar kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful my dear.”
“You look handsome as ever.” The music started to play, they said their vows and Blair put Ragnar ring on as he said I do. Ragnar put Blair ring on as she said I do and he kisses her hand. The two made the sealing kiss and confetti fell. “Ragnar this was beautiful. I love you!” Ragnar held her close and said “I love you too!” Heading off to get photos done.
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Ragnar POV
They were on their way back home when they heard them, zombies. “On our wedding day.” Ragnar was a bit sad he had to wait to make love to his new wife but it would not be there wedding without zombies. “Oh Ragnar you know it was meant to be.” Ragnar chuckled. “Yes, it just makes our wedding complete for us.” There was not a lot them so they started with the axes and they killed some of them off. Behind where they got married they heard him the big guy, nenemis.  Blair ran toward nenemis. “Be careful” as he finished off the zombie.  When he close he had his gun in his hand ready to fire if he need to but Blair was shooting away and hitting nenemis. The bullets was not doing the trick. Ragnar let her have this one she looked to be enjoying herself she looked clear and happy and Ragnar was happy to see her happy. She laid the final blow a axe to the head and he went down. “Good job dear!” Blair was smiling then the bats showed up. “Great it Grim.” It happened so fast that Ragnar could do nothing. Grim used some kind of power on him that he could not move. Grim started to beat on his wife, he threw her into the air with a punch and the last final punch brought blood gushing. “Blair! Blair!” He fought with everything he had to get to her, but he could not move.  “Grim Reaper I will kill you for this!” Once Grim was done beating on Blair he was able to go to her. “Blair are you okay?” Her face was bloody and her nose was bleeding bad but she seem to be alive.
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Ragnar turned to Grim. “How could you?” Grim stood there then replied, “I have warned you both to stop killing. I hope you know now I have had enough.” Ragnar helped Blair up, they started toward home. “Blair I am sorry, I wish I could of stopped him.” Blair kept walking for a bit holding her side. “Ragnar it The Grim Reaper we have bi control over him. I stayed strong may look awful but I am not alive!” Ragnar smiled at her for putting on a brave act, but he knew she must be quite sore from the ordeal. Ragnar got her into the bedroom and cops stormed in. Ragnar been wait all evening to have some special time with his wife. Blair made the first move and kissed him. “I am not letting this tradition fade away from us. I know I look awful but.” Ragnar cut her off. “You look beautiful no matter. Even with your big puffy swollen face. I love you Blair!” The kisses got heated.  the cops seem to fade away no arrest were made and he made love to his wife on their wedding day as planned. She seem like nothing hurt anymore. And they just enjoyed each other all night long.
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The Huntress is now a Queen to her Hunter the King. They now will rule the sims lands together. Keeping zombies at bay, now they will live killingly ever after together!
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Creators list
Art work on walls by @pinkycustomworld18
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
A day at Disneyland; Chris Hemsworth x reader
*Author’s note*
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Hello and good afternoon everybody! So this is a request that I have had done for the past couple of days but I’ve been on a deadline with another request that I’m trying to get done before their bday tomorrow (I’m about half way done with it) but this one is probably my first ever Hemsworth story I had ever done (So I’ve done half of the Chris quartet). Now my knowledge of Disneyland is minimal to none cause I’ve never been to Cally so the only Disney experience I’ve had is Disneyworld down in Florida, but I hope I still did some justice for this fic.
I was packing up the car getting ready to prepare for the 2 and a half hour drive to downtown LA so that the kids and I could go to Disneyland.  My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I’ve been a single mom for three years.  My ex-husband and I were having some problems, constantly fighting until finally one stupid mistake on his part landed him in the LA prison.
Furious and disappointed, I filed for divorce because I didn’t want his bad influence to affect our children and it was hard on us, especially my eldest son Dean.  He and his daddy were close ever since he was born, but when I was forced to tell him that his daddy wasn’t ever gonna get out of prison, it was hard for him to cope.
It was tough raising not only 2 growing boys but a newborn baby girl at the same time.  My little girl, Leia will never get to know her father because of his stupidity and I don’t want to expose her to him. At first I thought I’d never get to have the father figure my kids needed because it was just me and my sister and my mom who was helping me raise my kids, my dad sadly passed away due to a stroke shortly after my second son Henry was born.
That was until by sheer luck of fate as I was coming home from the store when I accidentally dropped all my well-paid food, that a handsome blonde stranger came into my life.
I had no idea at the time who he was until Dean (whose obsessed with all things superheroes both Marvel and DC) that when we saw the second Avengers movie Age of Ultron, it was shocked to see that it was him.  Chris Hemsworth.
We kept in contact and whenever he wasn’t too busy, he’d come over for a visit and we’d have a couple of dinners.  Soon couple dinners turned into months’ worth of dinners, then starting a relationship until just recently about a year ago he moved in with me and the kids.  Right now he was busy filming “Avengers: End Game” down in his homeland of Australia.
One night as we were all facetiming with each other, Chris had given us a surprise.  He said that he and the entire cast would be in Disneyland to help promote the film and not only that, he got all four of us tickets to go throughout the park and spend an entire day at Disneyland.  The kids were so excited that they were finally gonna go to Disneyland, especially my little girl since she’s finally big enough to ride some of the rides.
Which leads us to here.  As I was putting the bags into the car I said.
“Dean, don’t forget to bring your chargers okay?”
“Yeah mom.”
“Leia, do you got your Simba plushie with you?”
“Right here mommy.” She exclaimed as she held out her stuffed Simba plushie that Chris had given her last Christmas.
“Henry you’ve got your lightsaber right?”
“Yeah, do you think I could really fly the Millennium Falcon?” he asked me.
“We’ll see. Okay Got the bags, toys, gaming consuls, DVD is all set up. Everyone got everything?” My kids all cheered out in choir unison. “So whose ready to go to Disneyland?” they all cheered and raised their hands and I continued, “Alright. Tickets are in my purse and off we go!” I started the car and started up the installed DVD player which played Leia’s and Henry’s favorite movie “Hercules”.
Thankfully with the help of a movie and Dean busy playing on his Nintendo, there wasn’t much complaining from the kids (which was perfect for me).  Finally after the long drive, we finally reached the archway of the entrance into Disneyland.
“We’re here! We’re here! Look over there I can see Woody!” All my kids were in pure awe as we drove under the archway, I could just feel from the front seat the energy these kids were about to unleash.  I was now waiting in line to pay for parking and when I had gotten up I greeted the worker and handed her my license and money.
But when she saw my picture she handed me not only my license but the cash back as well and she told me.
“No payment necessary ma’am, we’ve actually been told of a special reserve spot for you to go to.” At first I was confused but then it dawned on me.
“That Aussie I tell you what.”
“One of our workers will escort you to your special reserved spot.” It was then another worker came up and he asked if he could hop into the car so he could be my navigator. I allowed him in the passenger seat and he told me exactly where to go.
We drove around for about 5 minutes till we reached the reserved front corner entrance where standing there with sunglasses on was Chris.  He grinned and waved to us and the kids waved back to him.  I parked in the parking spot and as soon as I turned off the engine, all the kids raced out and glomped him.
 “There are my favorite three little munchkins!” Chris proclaimed as he wrapped his arms around all three of my kids at the same time and even lifted them up and spun them around, making them laugh and cheer.
“And what about me? Am I just the cabbie driver? Or just some old maid here to serve your favorite three munchkins?” I teased.  Chris set my kids down and he said.
“On the contrary, you my lady are the beautiful good witch who protects and nurtures them. A witch that has put even a god like me under her spell.” He wrapped his arms around me, swaying me gently from side to side grinning down at me.  I grinned up at his sweet talk before our lips joined together only to be disrupted when a choir of voices cried out.
“EWWW!!!!” We separated to see all three of my kids with a look of disgust on their faces.
“Ahh no it’s not gross. Be patient soon enough all of you will be doing this.” Said Chris.
“Over my dead body.” I mocked.  “I want my babies to stay this young forever! Especially my little man.” I said as I walked up to my kids before hugging my eldest son close.  I swarmed his face with kisses and ruffled his ‘lion mane’ like hair that he inherited from his father.
“Mom! Mom, you’re messing with my mane!” Dean cried out as he tried to get out of my embrace. When I finally released him he backed away and tried to readjust his hair to that sweep-over hair that looked like it belonged back in the 1980’s.
“I need to plan an appointment to get your haircut mister.”
“No!” he then raced over to Chris and hid behind him.
“No worries mate, I won’t let any barber cut this hair of yours.” Chris said as he stroked my son’s hair.
“Coming from the very man whose worn the same long blonde wig for years.”
“Hey the last few movies I didn’t have to wear one. But this meeting isn’t about haircuts, now whose ready for a full fun day at Disneyland?!” The kids all raised their hands crying out ‘me! Me! Me! Me!’ “Awesome, already got our tickets, so let’s go out there and have a full day of family fun!” We all cheered before racing onward into the park.
There were so many rides that it was almost impossible to pick just one.  However my daughter who has always favored the merry-go-round no matter whether it was a state fair, amusement park or whatever, anytime she saw a Merry go round she wanted to go on it.
So as a nice little warmup, we all got in line for the merry-go-round.  We waited for I don’t know 5-10minutes in line before they let the next several people to go aboard.  My sons went straight for the two twin black horses while my baby girl went for a white stallion with a pink saddle on it.  As I was about to get on my horse, Chris came up and he said.
“Allow me my lady.”
“Why thank you good sir knight.” I mocked in probably the worst British accent I could muster. I felt his hands go to my waist and he gently hoisted me up and I ended up rising side-saddle but then what I didn’t expect was for Chris to get right behind me.  “Uhh Chris, I don’t think we’re allowed to do this.”
“Relax love, it’ll be okay.” He assured me.  The bell soon sounded off and soon an accordion version of ‘A dream is a wish’ started plaything through the speakers and the ride began.  
All around us, kids were cheering and waving to their parents who were standing along the railings watching their kids ride all by themselves, young couples riding side by side holding hands or riding in the sleighs nonchalantly kissing each other.
I felt Chris take my hands in his and I felt his head gently lean against mine and a kiss at my temple.  I smiled and nuzzled against him as the ride continued to go on.
After the ride we continued to walk around the park riding more rides like the Mad Hatter’s teacup ride, and Toy Story Mania that was until we finally reached the famous Splash Mountain.
“Ohh mom look! Splash Mountain!” Henry proclaimed as he was now riding on top of Chris’ shoulders.  
“I see it Henry.”
“Can we go on that next, please?”
“I guess we can, but I’m not sure if everyone’s tall enough to ride it.” I teased as I looked down at my daughter who was holding my hand.
“Yes I am mama! We measured me last month! I’m big enough.” She said as she pulled on my hand.
“Ohh that’s right, well let’s get a second opinion from the official park height measurements.” We all headed over to the line entrance of Splash Mountain and Leia immediately went up to the height chart.  “Okay, now stand still baby girl.” She hummed happily as she could barely contain her excitement. “No cheating now.” I told her in my mom voice and that made her stand still.
In the end, she was eligible to ride Splash Mountain.
“Okay, everyone stick together now.” Leia cheered happily and her brothers high-fived or fist-bumped her and even Chris did a double fist bump with her as he cheered and picked her up.
“Alright that’s my girl! I told you were growing like a weed!”
“Okay everyone let’s get into the line before it gets too long.” We all got in line and we waited. After what felt like forever and the kids complaining about when the line would move faster, hanging off both mine and Chris’ hands and arms, we finally got closer to the ride.  Since there were five of us we decided to divide up the group, I took Henry and Leia while Chris and Dean rode together, being the big boys that they were.
I got in the log first with the help of the ride attendant and I told Leia to get in first so that way she would be in the middle and Henry could ride up front.  Once we were buckled in and the guy gave us the all clear and the worker at the controls gave a thumbs up and soon we were off.
We went along the trail before going up the first hill.  Hearing the ticking of the controls as it took us up higher and higher before finally dropping us downward on the small uphill.  We were all cheering and laughing as we allowed the current to push us faster than we did when we first went out.
We were now shrouded in darkness as we were now inside the mountain before we would go off the big hill that would take our picture.
“Is this the big drop yet?” asked Leia.
“Yeah Leia, and watch this, this time I’m gonna have both my hands up in the air!” proclaimed Henry.
“Just make sure you don’t unbuckle yourself Henry.” We soon saw the light at the end of the tunnel and I said as I hugged my daughter’s waist. “Here we go.” As soon as we went off the drop-off we all screamed before finally splashing down at the bottom, getting soaked with water.  Both my kids were laughing and clapping. “So Leia, was it everything you thought it would be?”
“It was better mama! We went up and up and up till we went SHOOSH!!” I smiled down at her and I saw Henry was about to get out as soon as we saw the exit point.
“Hold on Henry, wait till we come to a complete stop.” Another worker soon placed their foot on our log and she said.
“Please watch your step as you exit the log, and we hope you have a good rest of your day at Disneyland. And don’t forget about our fireworks show tonight at 8pm in front of Cinderella’s castle.”  She helped my kids out and I got out on my own with a bit of help from her.  As we collected our stuff, we waited at the bottom of the exit point for Chris and Dean.
A few minutes later we saw them coming down (well Dean was more like racing down while Chris was the one walking).
“Did you boys have fun?”
“You bet we did, and how about you Princess? Was it exciting?” Chris asked as he scooped up my daughter and she laughed giddily.
“It was soo much fun, can we go on it again?”
“Maybe later, for now let’s go see our pictures.” He answered.  We walked further down the trail till we reached the giftshop and went up to the picture booth and waited and that’s when I pointed out for Henry and Leia.
“Look there we are.” All three of our faces filled with screams or joy.  Henry as promised had both of his hands in the air and his eyes were wide.  Meanwhile I turned and saw Chris and Dean’s pictures.  Chris had covered Dean’s eyes with his hands while his blue eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his sockets, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Shall we get a copy?” he asked.
“I don’t know…..”
“C’mon this is my treat.”
“Baby I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of your well-earned—”
“You’re not. This is me treating my lovely girl and her children on a day of fun.” He pecked my cheek before turning to the kids giving them the signal to back him up.
“Please mama, please!” They all ganged up against me giving me the puppy dog eyes, Chris included as he had all my kids in his arms looking right up at me.
“Ohh…..alright.” The kids cheered and then turned to Chris telling him what they wanted.  In the end Dean got a keychain, Henry got a small picture frame and Leia got a small locket, and Chris got him and I a copy of a picture frame of our picture.
After a few more rides, we all began to get hungry so we found ourselves a nice little food court restaurant called “Mickey’s Italian shop”.  As we ordered out food, like you would see on Youtube of the characters coming up to the guests just to hang out with the customers.
So we ended up having Mickey and Pluto coming over to our table.  Pluto being my daughter’s favorite Disney dog was thrilled and gave him a big hug and of course Pluto hugged her back before using that tongue that always hangs out to give her a ‘doggy kiss’.  It was so adorable that I just had to get a picture of them together, I also got some pictures of my boys with Mickey and Chris took one with me, Pluto and Mickey.
The day continued to press on and soon it was nightfall and everyone gathered at Cinderella’s castle to grab the best spot for the fireworks show that was about to happen in the next 7 minutes.  Even with the crowd of people that were already sitting down, we still managed to get good enough seats to still see the castle’s full stature.
After waiting a few more minutes the lights went off and we all cheered as the castle first lite up a lightshow for us.  Showing images and clips from various Disney films as ‘Circle of Life’ blared from the speakers.  Chris and I looked at each other before leaning against one another watching the light show and seeing the kids stare in awe.  Then the big event happened.
A giant red firework shot up and exploded into the sky.  Everyone oohed and ahhed as more fireworks began to fly into the sky before exploding into various colors and sizes.
“Did you have a good time love?”
“This was the most wonderful time I’ve ever had at Disneyland. Even when I was a kid, it didn’t compare to this.”
“I think this might get a little more interesting.” He said.  I was about to ask him what he meant by it but he pressed a finger to my lips and turned my chin back toward the sky.  We continued to watch the fireworks but then something happened I had never seen happen at a Disney firework show.
One firework that went off created an image of Mjolnir, Thor’s famed hammer before three fireworks fired off immediately spelling out.
“YOU AR WORTHY TO ME.” My jaw slowly dropped and I felt my heart stop.  Soon another phrase spelled across the sky, “WILL YOU LET ME BE WORTHY OF YOU?” I turned to Chris who now stood on one knee holding out a small ring.  A spotlight came down onto us and I could hear everyone gasp and cry out around us.
“(Y/n), these past few years have been the best years of my life. I didn’t think I would be happy, until you came into my life. Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?” he opened the box revealing the ring sparkling under the spotlight’s bright light.  I was in tears as I was covering my face with my hands.
Everyone around me, including my kids telling me to say yes.  I nodded rapidly and kissed him with as much passion as I could muster while all around us, everyone was applauding and my kids cam around us and hugged us.
“Ladies and gentlemen we’d like to have the honor of introducing Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth and his new fiancée!” I cupped his cheeks and he kissed my forehead, down my cheek before reclaiming my lips with his.
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chimtaesty · 5 years
BH8 | episode one
pairing: bts ot7 x reader | 3.5k words
warnings: none
plot: You're big hits first ever artist and only solo artist. And since bts are your only label mates (we are not including txt yet pls) bighit decided to built up a reality show called “BH8”
The happenings will be written normally but the commentary and the editing on the episodes will be written in cursive
A/N: hi there bbys! I've been so busy even though I have thousand requests and unfinished work. I hope you can wait for me. This thing will be a series I can update whenever I want to just spear me the consistent uploading. I hope you like it!
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(a collab song between Y/N and BTS plays for the intro while the artists laugh and have fun)
BigHit’s 7+1 makes BH8 slides across the screen as you sit there with the MC’s and the boys next to you.
A show combining the most successful artists of this century. A legendary solo artist who debut 12 years ago and the superstars bts combined in one show. Does that make you as happy as it does us?
You smile slightly as the clip of you fighting with them in front of the pool where they tried to push you into the water is played. The first to start is your day. Your alarm goes off and a groan is able to be heard. Uh? Who has to get up this early? the camera focuses on your bed and in the same moment you kick the blanket off to reveal you and your cats. You are dressed in some shorter, not hot pants-short, pants and a hoodie. “Mh, mocca. We have to get up” You shake your cat softly and your other two cats are quick to save themselves under your blanket.
You sit yourself up and stretch your limbs. Within a second Jangmi is in your lab just to rub his head against your tummy. “So you have three cats Y/N?” Jo Kwon asks you with a kind smile and you nod. “Yes, I originally had two last year but since I won a grammy last year I got Jaehee as a present. She’s the youngest” Jo Kwon nods and you all concentrate on the show again.
You take your cat and start to kiss Jangmi enthusiastically on her face. She dislikes it and starts to try pushing you away with her paws Eomma, stop. I don’t want kisses this early hovers over Jangmi’s head in a pink bubble. You laugh and put her down. The slippers find your feet fast and you take your leave to the kitchen where you open the blinds mechanically Everything works on its own in this home. You open the fridge and take out some leftover pizza from yesterday. Huh? Pizza for breakfast? What kind of life are you living Y/N? You smile at the pizza and grab the remote for your stereo system. Immediately BTS’s Fake Love fills the room. At least she has taste in music. Then you start to dance with the pizza in your hand. On the side you’re making yourself a cup of coffee. Suddenly Jaehee jumps up onto the kitchen isle and snatches a piece of pizza. You stop dancing and shout loudly. “Jaehee! No! Come back, that’s my pizza!” she jumps off and runs as fast as she is able to.
Then a different frame is shown, a frame where Jangmi runs across the hall Look, i stole my mom's pizza. You stand in kitchen sighing with fake love in the background
The boys laugh loudly as Jangmi snatches the pizza and you yell cutely. How your face frowns looking after your cat like she just ripped a piece of your life out of your hands. The MCs laughing as well, Jaesuk almost falls down on the floor. “Jesus, you eat pizza this early?” You giggle and nod. “Since i don't really have a sleep rhythm anymore i eat anything at any time” Namjoon leans against your shoulder trying to contain his laughter.
Let’s see how Y/N's labelmates morning is going The camera focuses on the kitchen isle where Jin and Taehyung are placed. “Hyung, we have to get going” Jin smiles and agrees. They leave to the hallway over to the rooms of each member. “Namjoon-ah! Wake up” he knocks on the door and within minutes a sleep-crushed Namjoon stands in the hallway. You have to laugh as you see his slightly closed eyes. Suddenly the phone rings and a loud crash is able to be heard. The door to Jungkook's room swings open and he sprints down the hallway to the kitchen “I want to answer! Y/N-noona promised to call by breakfast-time.” Jin laughs and you as well. You can’t hold it in and reach over to Jungkook and pet his shoulder.
A second of waiting and he’s on it to answer the house-phone. “Jeon Jungkook, who’s there?” you giggle and he smiles “Noona!” The others gather around him, partly still asleep. A frame of you two on the phone takes place on the tv “I just wanted to ask if breakfast in an hour is alright” he nods, not taking in that you can’t see it “Of course, where should we meet?” you smile as well. “You wanna come over? We can leave to the company together then” he nods and you smile “Yes, we’ll be over in an hour” you turn around and leave to the bathroom. Then it changes to the boys again. The boys leave to their rooms in a hassle to dress themselves and get themselves presentable.
Then you are shown again as you brush your teeth and your hair. Then you continue with your make-up and that’s something everyone comments on normally. You put on your eye make-up first, a nice pink eyeshadow and a big eyeliner with some lashes. Your base comes as the last step and then you straighten your hair. Mocca peaks her head into the bathroom. Mh, what is mommy doing in the bathroom? She jumps up onto the sink and rubs her head on your tummy while you put your hair into a high ponytail. You smile “Mocca! You want cuddles?” she purrs and you take her into your arms as soon as your are finished.
With the cat in your arms you leave to your dressing room to put on some clothes you can leave the apartment with. Jangmi and Jaehee follow you Why is mommy walking so fast? you open the door and let mocca hop down on the floor.
A high waisted jeans, a crop top and a jeans jacket should be it. A pair of black sunglasses and white sneakers finish the look off and you leave to the door to get something to eat. Jangmi meows loudly as you approach the door Mommy! Don’t leave us alone you smile and give her a kiss on the head before you leave the apartment with a small goodbye.
Your apartment complex normally doesn’t get mobbed so you leave the apartment without security. The sunglasses sit on your nose as the sun kisses it gently and the fresh spring wind brushes through your tied up hair. Cars and buses are able to be heard, people talking and the silent wind in the trees and bushes make you smile. You gotta appreciate the small things.
The cameraman follows you silently and you just bow at him politely. Even here Y/N is showing her best side, where is she going? you take a left turn to the main street and immediately three girls wave at you and you smile. Not to be recognised is nice, yes, but a cameraman following you isn’t the most inconspicuous thing. The bakery is to your right and you open the door as far as for the camera man to step inside first Such a polite move, take notes kids!
The girl behind the counter smiles brightly as you take off your sunglasses. “Good morning, Y/N-Unnie” her sweet smile makes you smile as well and you tell her what you would like to have. She packs it up for you and you pay. “Do you want anything?” you ask the camera man and he rejects nicely. You nod and you leave again. On your way back you stop at the closest bookshop because Namjoon has made you a list with books that are good in his opinion and since you're already outside you will go out of your way and buy them. “Namjoon made me a list with good books so I am going to look if they are available right now” you smile into the camera.
As you take a look at Namjoon he actually looks kinda proud. “Do you often take advices from your juniors?” you nod. “Of course, especially Namjoon. He knows a lot and he helps me willingly with everything.” “We Like helping each other out, Y/N-noona is very good with producing and singing so she spends a lot of time with Yoongi and Jungkook in the studios but she's very very good at dancing as well so she sometimes helps us choreograph our songs” Namjoon praises you. You smile and thank him.
As you step into the bookshop you hold the door for your cameraman open again. The book shop actually isn't as crowded as you expected it to be so you take your sunglasses off. With steady eyes you search for the books Look how concentrated Y/N is! You already have almost all books as a big crash is able to be heard and the camera loses you from the frame and the cameraman falls to the floor.
Huh? Where did we go? You immediately whip around. Suddenly you're in the frame again as you hover over the camera man to help him up. The knight in shining armor Next to the cameraman are three girls with album's in their hands. “Are you okay?” you ask the poor man and he nods “Girls, you have to be more careful.” You softly scold them. “Y/N, OH MY GOD. Could you please sign my album?” you smile slightly and nod after you helped the camera man stand up and flee behind you.
You sign their stuff and take some pictures before you pay your books and leave.
On your way back you stop by a automat and buy a coffee. You stop and hand it to the camera man “I hope you're okay” you smile and he thankfully takes the coffee.
“Wow that was something, you even gifted him a coffee?” Jo Kwon asks in a way of wanting to know the reason. “I felt so bad for him. He ran into the girls who waited for me to finish looking for the books and he fell quite harshly. So I thought a coffee would make it a little bit better” you explain yourself.
The next frame is the boys. “Jungkook! Where is the perfume Y/N bought me last week?” Namjoon shouts through the apartment and you can't contain yourself so you laugh slightly. “I don't know Hyung. Look in the bathroom” he shouts back. Then Taehyung is being shown. He holds a blue jeans jacket with a tiger on the back. “Y/N-noona gifted this to me when we won our first daesung” he smiles into the camera and it warms your heart. He puts it on and grabs a pair of gucci sunglasses. Jimin still stands in front of his big closest not being able to decide what to wear. “I want Y/N-noona to compliment me today” he whispers more to himself than to the camera. He grabs a big colorful sweater and and pair of darker blue jeans.
“Are you all ready? We have half an hour left!” Yoongi shouts from the kitchen just to get some Ois back.
“Did Y/N gift you a lot of things?” Jae Suk asks and they nod unitary. You laugh loudly. “Y/N-noona spoils us whenever she is able to” Hoseok smiles brightly. “But it's not always pricey gifts, she often takes us on vacations or we just spend time together” Jin ads with a big smile.
The next thing is you opening the door to your apartment. Your cameraman stays outside ready to film your leave with the boys. Mocca meows loudly at your arrival Mommy! Welcome back flies across the screen. You're quick to pick her up and kiss her head as you leave to your dressing room. You sit her down on the couch placed inside the room before you take your jacket off and put a big black hoodie on. Then you leave to the kitchen and place plates and cutlery on the big dining table. Then you place some mugs and glasses on the table and the bought food. After that you take out your books. You place them on the kitchen isle as the doorbell rings.
With fast steps you open the door to seven smiling men “Y/N-noona!” Jungkook cheers as he embraces you in a bone crushing hug. “Jungkook-ah!” you smile as you hug him back. You give them some space as you take mocca into your arms. “Jungkook! Would you please go to the table, make sure that Jaehee doesn't snatch something off it?” he nods and leaves immediately. You help the rest after you hand Jimin Mocca with the jackets and stuff. "Jimin-ah, you look handsome today!" you smile and he thanks you with a shy thank you
Then you leave to the kitchen with them. “Coffee?” Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook shoot their hands up. “Really Jungkook? I have some banana milk left” you say smirking as you pour the coffee into the mugs. He smiles sheepishly “Really?” you nod and pour the banana milk into his mug. As you take your seat Namjoon pours you some juice and Hoseok gives you a roll. “Did you hear that we are practicing together today?” Namjoon asks and you nod “We are practicing the mama award performance today. I already spoke with the company and we are going to link our performances together to make it as iconic as possible” you smile. “With a dance break and stuff?” you nod “I thought about singing each others song, a epic dance break and some next level combined show” They smile happily.
“So do you plan the shows yourself now?” Jo Kwon asks curiously. “No not on my own but I put my ideas in a lot. It took very long for my mind to pass their will!” he nods and the show continues.
“Let's get going” They agree and you all get going. Mocca protests with continuous meowing “Mocca, baby. Stop” you hug her tightly as you give her pecks. Don't leave me mommy hovers over her head. Jungkook holds you while you put your shoes on because, what's balance. Jaehee jumps onto your back but Taehyung snatches her off and puts her onto the floor after petting her. “Let's gogo” you smile.
You leave to the parking lot. There you have three cars you regularly use, the others are at your parents place. “Chose” you smile. Jungkook is fast to chose the pretty BMW bus you use to take big things such as dresses and stuff to events but taking friends with you is easier in this one too. You smile and jump into the car. You start the car and drive out of the parking spot without a problem. Before you started the car you linked the car with your spotify. “Play Playlist number 2” you speak to your car and Jungkook looks surprised next to you. She talks with the car! “Playlist number 2 will be played” the car responds and suddenly your favourite bts song magic shop plays. Namjoon groans almost. “Oh come on Joonie it's a great song” you laugh.
You hit the high notes effortlessly as you drive the car elegantly. A real life princess stays written underneath your face as there hovers a animated crown above your head.
You drive into the parking lot of the company. There you park your car and leave with the boys to the practice room. “Good Morning Y/N. Can we start with you today?” Lucas, the choreographer asks and you nod with a smile. “Sure” you put your stuff down as the boys place themselves on the further part of the room to watch. Lucas gives you a mic and you get ready with some stretching. Your limbs crack and you're ready to start. Your character switches and your gaze changes completely. Within seconds you're dancing and singing. Then you're managing the dance break on your own, without backup dancers and the boys are stunned.
“That was great Y/N” you smile A true performer The boys take over with stunned looks. They perform their part with you cheering like a crazy fan. The choreographer shows you some things you would be able to do together.
“For the dance break I thought about some acrobatic elements. Jimin could start off with some Ballet like dance joined by Y/N” you nod with Jimin happily throwing an arm over your shoulder.
Jo Kwon looks at you with wide eyes “You can do Ballet?” you laugh as you nod “I learned it as a kid but I've never perfected it like I did with my current dance style” Jo Kwon nods “I'm so excited!” Jaesuk smiles brightly “I've always liked your dancing”
Lucas takes you and Jimin to the front of the room and shows you what he was thinking of. “So, Y/N, you're going to come up here and Jimin, you from there. When the music starts I want you two to jump at each other and intertwine your arms. Y/N you'll stay on Jimin like this” He shows you the figure he means. You try your best to not hurt Jimin in the process. He looks at you concentrated as you try your best to stay on your foot which is still connected to the floor to take your weight off of Jimin. “You can lean on me” he whispers, without the mics it wouldn't have been able to be heard.
You smile and do as he says. “That's it” Lucas cheers and you clap. “That looks so pretty” Jae Suk smiles and you pat his shoulder smiling.
Two pretty people doing pretty stuff.
“Let's go get lunch!” a staff-unnie announces and you're fast to run off to the door but you don't see the bag laying right in your way so you fall to the floor with a loud thumb. “Y/N!” Lucas rushes to your small form. “Are you okay, noona?” Taehyung asks as he tries to help you up. “I hit my knee” you whisper as Lucas picks you up. And suddenly tears emerge from your eyes. The dam breaks A habit you were never able to get rid off. You cry like..always. Any inconvenience or bit of pain gets you to cry.
You cry in Lucas arms as he carries you to the couch located in the room. “Ah, Y/N. It's fine, you're not hurt badly” Lucas tries his best to calm you. Jungkook makes his way to you, kneeling in front of you. “Noona, look!” he catches your attention and the painful feeling in your chest stills for a moment. drawing the attentions helps! There on his phone is a dog. Just a plain picture of a dog and you love it.
It breaks the crying and you're able to think straight again.
“God, Y/N. You cry so easily” Jae Suk says making you nod mildly embarrassed. “I don't know why, but I cry really easily. When someone yells at me it doesn't even take me a minute to break into tears.” You sigh but Namjoon is fast to wrap his arms around you. “Everybody reacts differently in certain situations. Jimin cries really easily as well, as for Yoongi, he cries rarely. That's diversity” He defends you. You give him a small smile and pat his arm.
The show continues with a small laugh from you. “Feel better yet?” Kook smiles and you nod. Jimin pats your head and you lean into him “Let's get lunch” you nod and get up after Jin hands you a tissue. A staff member offers you a glass of water and you take it with a small thank you. With slow steps you and the boys leave to the cafeteria. Food for the hurt baby sounds good followed by a pacifier edited to your mouth.
“Does it still hurt?” asks the cameraman and you shake your head laughing. “I'm okay, thank you for asking”
As you arrive at the cafeteria, you take a seat next to Jimin and Jin. “What do you want, Y/N-noona?” Jungkook asks waiting for the orders of everyone. “Chicken and a glass of orange juice, please” you answer him and he nods. “So, everything's okay again?” Namjoon asks, sitting across of you. You nod smiling a little “Everything's okay”
“It's so embarrassing to be honest. ugh” you almost laugh. Jae Suk smiles understanding.
“It's not such a big deal, we understand you” Jo Kwon laughs.
Jungkook comes back with the plate and nods at you encouraging you to eat. With a stuffy nose you take a bite of a nugget and the others start talking. You phone vibrates and you take a look trying to sip from your drink at the same time.
Your manager-unnie texted you just now Grab the boys, the try ons for the mama stage outfits is ready up in the second dance practice room!
“We need to go to check our stage outfits” you announce and catch their attention. You grab two more chicken nuggets and leave with them.
Let's have a fashion show started.
And suddenly the end of the episode emerges. Check out bts & y/n trying on their stage outfits and new stuff surrounding their lives. Until then Army & Y/F/N!
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thenamesseven · 5 years
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Warnings: A tiny bit of angst, guess you’re already used to it xD
A/N: Hiya guys! We finally reached the end of the story! I just wamted to thank everybody that's been reading this since the beggining, your support was what made me able to finish it. Thank you so much!
Hope you enjoy it and all your questions are answered!
Feeling somebody elbowing him made Yugyeom snap out of his daydreaming. With his head against the window and Jaebum's track Sunrise as background sound, getting lost in his thoughts had been extremely easy for him. This had been his common behaviour since last time he talked with you, it wasn't like Yugyeom was depressed because you had decided to forgive Jinyoung but he was truly concerned and no matter how many times you tell him you were doing okay, he wouldn't believe it.
He was your bestfriend and knew you better than anybody else after all.
Yugyeom had wanted to talk with you again but his plans were interrupted when the twins decided it was time to finally get out of the comfort of your belly and meet the world, today would be your third day in the hospital after giving birth and the guys couldn't wait to meet the kids. He was excited too but due to his mind being somewhere else, he didn't seem as agitated as the rest of his band mates.
“You okay?”
Jaebum had been paying attention to Yugyeom's quiet and thoughtful attitude since last time the both of you talked. The leader knew the maknae was just worried, that he cared about you as if you were his sister but Jaebum wanted Yugyeom to focus on something else and let Jinyoung and you solve your problems by yourselves. This wasn't Yugyeom’s battle to fight and he needed to understand that.
“Mhm?” Yugyeom glanced at Jaebum, when their eyes met the younger just shrugged “Just thinking” He muttered running his fingers through his hair.
Jaebum rested his head back against the seat, letting out a soft sigh “You've been doing that a lot recently” He said
There was a short silence after Jaebum's words almost as if Yugyeom was faking to be asleep like the rest of the guys so he wouldn't have to face Jaebum once again. However, he could feel the other's eyes on him and decided Jaebum was not letting this go until he got some answers. Yugyeom glanced around the car, everybody else was asleep and he was kind of glad that Jaebum was still keeping this type of conversations between them.
“I just don't get it Jaebum” Yugyeom frowned scoffing, finally letting out the frustration that was hidden in him. “I really expected this to go in two different ways, me being the one telling (Y/N) about Sun Hee or Jinyoung telling her but both ways ended up with a break up” He explained, looking at the leader as if he had all the answers
“That was your mistake” Jaebum said, looking at him calmly
“What mistake? She is the one making a mistake Jaebum, not me” Yugyeom insisted, trying to convince him
“Why?” Jaebum asked seriously “Did anyone force her to forgive Jinyoung? She had and still has the opportunity to dump him whenever she wants, right?” Yugyeom nodded “Then if she is choosing to stay with him, why is it a mistake?”
“Because he cheated!” Yugyeom's voice rose a little, it wouldn't be a surprise if he woke up somebody
“You have to accept that (Y/N) decided to forgive him, Yugyeom, she is old and mature enough to know what she is doing” Jaebum explained “Just because it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it is the same for her”
“She doesn’t look happy and you can’t deny that because I know you’ve seen it too” Yugyeom scoffed again, his frustration was starting to put him in a really bad mood “You’ve seen the way her smile becomes forced when he’s around, the way her eyes stop brighting whenever his phone makes a sound...She doesn’t trust him and I totally understand why” Jaebum nodded, he agreed with Yugyeom “But I think she deserves way better than a cheater, honestly? Jinyoung doesn’t deserve her”
“Well that was her decision to make Yugs” Jaebum sighed, resting his head back against the seat “And the sooner you accept it and start supporting her, the better”
“I support her, I always will no matter what”
Jinyoung was a person that liked some background noise, silence had always been something that unsettled him, silence was a sign that always meant something bad was about to happen but after that night when he confessed the biggest mistake of his life, silence had became something that followed him everywhere. Whenever he met his friends there was always a lingering silence, a hidden awkwardness that made the atmosphere a little uncomfortable. You, who had always been laughing or humming turned into a quiet person that sometimes gifted him with a smile, probably in the rare moments you managed to forget what he did to you.
It wasn’t like people were mad at him, everyone had accepted your decision to give him one last chance and Jinyoung was working his ass off to not waste it but things weren’t back to normal, in fact, he was starting to think they never will and no matter how much he had expected this to happen, he couldn’t have prepared himself for this feeling.
Jinyoung sometimes felt empty, specially now that he wasn’t the cause of your happiness but of your silence. He felt lonely now that the guys, specially Yugyeom, didn’t trust him as much as they used to. Jinyoung couldn’t blame them though, he had to suck it up and deal with the consequences of what he did but that didn’t mean he was doing alright. He was not going to give up though, those rare yet beautiful moments he managed to steal a chuckle or a smile from you gave him enough strength to keep pushing through the storm, everyone just needed time to get over what happened and Jinyoung needed to show everybody he was worth the risk and that he would never betray you ever again.
He was dragged out of his thoughts when a whimper broke the silence in the room. Jinyoung quickly stood up and walked over the crib at the speed of light, the both of you hadn’t got too much rest the previous nights thanks to the twins and Jinyoung was determined to take care of both of them without waking you up this time. The small smile that crawled up his lips when his eyes landed on their small bodies, curled up under the soft white blanket was so genuine and adorable that if you had been awake to see it, you would have fallen in love all over again with him. Noticing it was his little girl, Miyoung, who was about to wake everybody up Jinyoung proceeded to carefully pick her up.
“Shh, you’re going to wake mommy and Yugyeom up” He whispered, gently bouncing his arms as Miyoung’s head found his chest. He felt the baby’s body relaxing, a quiet yet tired sigh leaving her small lips as her eyes closed once again ready to fall back asleep.
For once in a long time the atmosphere was peaceful, Jinyoung was back at sitting on his chest next to your bed as he kept Minyoung in his arms, he wanted you to sleep more but the babies were probably getting hungry and they would start crying soon. He looked down at his daughter, his eyes lingering on her pretty small yet delicate figure when guilt overwhelmed him. What if she married somebody like him? The thought of his daughter being cheated on was incredibly awful for him, why didn’t he feel this way every time he met with Sun Hee? It might sound hypocritical coming from him but he would make sure Minyoung found the right guy for her and he would teach Yugyeom to always be faithful no matter what, he wouldn’t let his past mistakes ruin their lives.
“Uncle Jackson is here!!”
Everyone in the room jumped at the sudden appearance of GOT7’s loudest member, he just barged in the room expecting everybody to be awake but when Jackson noticed Jinyoung’s frustrated expression, your surprised eyes as you sat up in bed and how the babies were pouting after being extremely scared thanks to his loud voice, Jackson couldn’t help but feel extremely bad. The situation got worse when the twins started crying at the top of their little lungs, surprising the members as each of them walked into the room muttering quiet apologies.
“I just thought they would be awake playing or something” Jackson groaned when everybody kept insulting him
“It’s okay Jackson” You smiled at him still half asleep, running your hand through your hair so it would look less messy, you glanced at the clock hanging in the wall and shrugged “They were going to start crying soon anyways since it’s lunch time for them”
“Oh my god she is so cute!” Bambam squealed, peeking over Jinyoung’s shoulder to look at Minyoung “Look at those little hands and her nose, she looks so much like you Jinyoung!”
Youngjae nodded his head stepping closer to your bed to look at Yugyeom who had started moving in the crib “Look at him” He said with a sweet smile on his face “Ah, he looks like you (Y/N)”
“Oh my god he looks exactly like you” Mark said chuckling, Jaebum was already taking pictures of both babies and sending it to their group chat so everybody could have a picture of your babies
“What are their names? Did you decide yet?" Yugyeom asked curiously, sitting on the edge of your bed when you moved to the side to leave some space for some of the guys to sit there
“Mhm, Minyoung and Yugyeom” You said smiling brightly, your eyes on Yugyeom’s expression, watching him attentively.
Yugyeom was such an important person for you that when you found out you were having one girl and one boy you immediately decided you wanted your son to have the same name as your best friend, as that brother you never had. Yugyeom had been by your side since the day you met, he had seen you at your lowest and had helped you to get up whenever you were too tired or depressed to stand up by yourself. He helped you get through that awful night when Jinyoung confessed what he did and now, even when he didn’t understand the decisions you were making, he was still there supporting you in every way he could. Naming your son like him was your way of saying thanks, of showing him how much he meant to you and secretly, you were also hoping that by naming the baby Yugyeom, he would automatically grow up to be as good as your best friend because he was the kind of role model you wanted for your son.
“Yugyeom?” Yugyeom asked looking at you, confused but incredibly happy
“Mhm” You replied nonchalantly, shrugging as you leaned back against your bed “It’s a cool name isn’t it?”
Yugyeom chuckled, nodding at your statement “It definitely is”
“No way, you should have named him Jackson” Jackson interrupted, sitting besides Yugyeom as he chuckled “He would be more awesome with a name like mine”
“You know? Jackson is kind of a lame name?” Jaebum muttered smiling, still taking pictures of your baby girl “Jaebum would have been so much better”
“Don’t listen to them” Youngjae giggled, sitting down on the chair that had previously been occupied by Jinyoung
“You’re just not talking because your name is incredibly awful” Bambam teased, sitting besides him
“Says the guy who is not capable of pronouncing his own name” Mark muttered making you chuckled softly.
The laughing was interrupted when Yugyeom started crying in the crib, claiming attention and cuddles. Out of the two of them, he was the one that always wanted to be in somebody’s arms against their warm body, he disliked the feeling of the cold mattress and sheets if he wasn’t being held by somebody. “Can one of you pick him up and give him to me? It’s feeding time” The guys all looked down at the baby, the so small figure scaring the shit out of the six members, the kid looked so fragile and delicate that everybody was incredibly scared of picking him up. “Yugs?” You asked nudging him.
“Uh” He glanced at you hesitating “Are you sure?”
“Well, I can’t really stand up because I’m still a bit sore and if Jinyoung puts Minyoung down she will start crying too” You explained, grinning as he slowly stood up.
“Just don’t drop him” Bambam instructed, earning a glare from the maknae.
Jinyoung approached Yugyeom as he stood next to the crib “Careful with his neck and head” He said calmly, the two of them were still a bit tense around each other but Yugyeom was definitely not punching Jinyoung anymore and the latter took every change he got to interact with him “Slide an arm under his head first and when you are holding his head pick him up gently”
Yugyeom nodded at his instruction, doing everything the older male told him. At first, he was a bit scared and didn’t even know what to do with the small baby in his big arms but when little Yugyeom nuzzled into his chest and sighed at the warmth and comfort his body was providing him, the male couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Look at him, he’s as lazy as his mom” He joked turning to look at you with the baby in his arms
“Shut up, stop cuddling my baby and give him to me”
“You’re such a big baby” Yugyeom laughed, carefully placing the baby on your arms.
“How does it feel to be a father of three?” Mark asked jokingly, willing to tease Jinyoung
“Freaking amazing” Jinyoung replied happily, looking into your eyes before he glanced back down at Minyoung. You gave him a small smile in return, not as big as his but it was still a smile and that made your husband beam with happiness.
“Okay, let’s feed this guys them”
Thirteen minutes later, you were almost done feeding Minyoung and the guys still hadn’t come back. When they found out you had to take off your clothes to -as Bambam referred- shove your nipple into the babies’ mouth all of them ran out of the room with the excuse of giving you some privacy and them needing a coffee. Jaebum had stayed though, at first he had been kind of awkward, avoiding to look at you as the three of you made small talk but now he had got used to it and found no problem in letting his eyes wander to your direction from time to time. When Minyoung finished eating, you got dressed once again and leaned back on your bed with her in your arms, Yugyeom was asleep in the crib letting you spoil his sister with some attention.
“I had a talk with JYP” Jaebum broke the silence in the room, he had crossed his legs and seemed to be a little fidgety about the whole situation “He wanted to talk about you two” You nodded at his words, feeling Jinyoung’s eyes on your figure as if he waited for you to start crying or something. However, Jaebum took your nodding as a sign to keep talking “He fired Sun Hee, she will no longer work of us or on anything that is related with us” He explained, you nodded again looking down at your little girl to keep your mind away from the image of her, of one of the people that dared to damage your family “He also wanted to thank you (Y/N), for handling the situation calmly and discreetly without making a scene”
“Of course” You quickly said “You guys weren’t guilty for what happened, there was no way I would ruined your careers” Jinyoung bit his lip as he looked down when you referred to them but didn’t include him, he wondered if he hadn’t been in a group if you would had tried to ruin him after what he did “And I also didn’t want Jinyoung getting a bunch of hate, everybody makes mistakes” You didn’t look at him but Jinyoung’s head snapped up so fast that he almost broke his neck. He was too happy hearing that to notice the robotic sound in your reply, the way it sounded so forced and practiced wasn't ignored by Jaebum though.
“If you ever need something, he will provide it” Jaebum said still saying the message JYP told him to share “He wants to apologize for the inconveniences” With a sigh, Jaebum’s eyes landed on Jinyoung “He would really have fired you if we weren’t a group so don’t make incredibly stupid mistakes again” You kept your eyes on your daughter, gently caressing her cheeks as Jaebum scolded Jinyoung “JYP wants you to take your time and stay at home with (Y/N) as much as she needs to accommodate herself to your new life style”
“I’ll call him later to thank him” Jinyoung muttered nodding
Jaebum finished his speech and stood up, he knew he had brought the mood down but it had been necessary to talk about it, he avoided doing it infront of the rest of the members to avoid things getting extremely awkward or getting Yugyeom all violent again. “Well, I’ll go and look for them...I’ll tell Jackson to not barge in the room like before since the kids are sleeping” He smiled at you and nodded at Jinyoung before exiting the room.
Once he did silence was back to haunt the both you. The twins were peacefully sleeping in their crib so you didn't have anything to distract yourself from the overwhelming silence and Jinyoung’s intense gaze. You knew he wanted to say something, probably apologize like he had been doing every single day since that night but for some reason, whenever the room the two of you were in was absolutely quiet your husband turned mute.
“You shouldn't forget about calling your boss”
“I won’t” Jinyoung shook his head softly, glancing up to look at you. When your eyes met, you saw the pain in his gaze, how strongly he missed what you two used to have and when he opened his lips to probably apologized again you simply shook your head.
“It’s alright, I told you I forgive you”
“Yeah, I know” Jinyoung stood up from his chair and decided to sit down by your side, on the edge of the bed. He placed one of his arms on your shoulders, bringing you closer to his side before he turned his head enough to plant some kisses on top of your head “Still can’t believe it”
“Welcome to the club” You said a bit more ironically than intended
“Do you…” Jinyoung cleared his throat softly, turning his entire body to face you, his expression serious as he started talking again “Do you think that at some point we’ll go back to being how we used to be?”
You sighed looking down at your hands, fidgeting with the sheets “I think we both know the answer to that Jinyoung, that doesn’t mean we should stop trying though”
“Yeah” He said quietly, sadness dripping from his tone “We’ll get through this”
The guys came back almost five minutes later, all of them carrying colorful balloons and flowers that they had bought to decorate your room, claiming that the decorations in the room were too dull. Jinyoung was sitting with them, letting the members hold the babies in turns so they could get pictures, most of them had been really good at it except Bambam who almost started crying in panic when Minyoung whined in his arms and Jackson who kept screaming nervously whenever Yugyeom attempted to move. It was a funny scene to watch though and if it hadn’t been for the soft pain you still felt thanks to the stitches you would be crying in laughter at the moment.
At some point Yugyeom had returned to his place on your bed willing to start a conversation with you “How are you? We all asked about the babies but nobody asked about the mom” He said with a sweet smile
“I’m okay, a little sore and tired since those little monster keep getting hungry at night” You joked making him laugh
“They’re too cute to be monsters, you’re the monster” He joked poking your arm, a quiet chuckle leaving your lips. If your whole attention hadn’t been on Yugyeom you would have noticed at Jinyoung looking at you two longingly, missing being the only reason of your smiles and laugh
“Shut up or I’ll change my son’s name” You threatened, Yugyeom faked being offended
“You wouldn’t”
“I so would”
The both of you laughed quietly but your smile soon faded when you saw Yugyeom fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, it was a sign that he was about to bring up something that made the both of you uncomfortable.
“How...Are things?” He asked quietly, his eyes meeting yours for some brief seconds
“Well? We’re still getting over it” You answered truthfully not wanting to lie to him. Yugyeom nodded at your reply, frowning a little “I’m okay though, it was my decision to let him stay after all Yugs”
“But” He sighed softly, looking down before he met your eyes again “Are you happy (Y/N)? You’re really sure this is the best for you and the kids?”
“We’ll be okay, time will make everything better” You smiled at him sadly and Yugyeom failed to return the smile because he still thought you could do so much better.
“Trust is a pretty difficult thing to fix”
Right when he said those words you heard the tone Jinyoung had in his phone for notifications, your head snapped up and your eyes automatically landed on his, watching carefully how he read the messages somebody had sent. Your stomach twisted in a knot when a smiled came up to his lips and insecurity overwhelmed you, who was texting him? Why was he smiling? Did he managed to get Sun Hee’s number again?
Yugyeom followed your eyes, landing on the smiling Jinyoung who seemed too happy as he stared down at his phone screen.
Feeling two pairs of eyes, Jinyoung looked up from his phone to find you and Yugyeom staring at him. “I-It’s my mom” He explained quietly, turning the phone so the both of you could see the conversation. Even if he wouldn't admitted it his heart broke a little when a sigh full of relief left your lips “She wants to come and see the kids”
You nodded and leaned back against the bed.
He sighed, truly believing for once that things would never go back to how they used to be.
Your wound may heal but the scar would always be there to remind you of what happened.
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
Hello! Just came here to say I really love your writing and request a sequel to the Belial x Pregnancy S/O where she gives birth to the child (whether it be a boy or a girl, maybe twins??)
A/n: hhhhhhh I’m love??? Thank you so much!!! Hhhhhh this one is a lot more emotional and has uhhhh some angst???
Belial is really calm during the delivery. You’re screaming at him that you’ll absolutely murder him because he’s making you go through this, and he is smiling back and patting your head and doing his best to help. 
And he was overjoyed to see his precious little twins! One was a boy, the other a girl, and he was just having a heart attack at seeing their tiny bodies all swaddled up. 
While you’re asleep and his children are by your bedside, he can’t help but just look at you guys and smile. This is...this is an entirely new feeling for him. He held back for so long, thinking that he shouldn’t have been able to get happiness, and here he was, a family, his very own family. 
The kids are his absolute pride and joy. He’s basically a soccer mom in black jeans and purple feathers. He insists he must help his children with fashion because his KIDS CANNOT AND WILL NOT WALK AROUND LOOKING LIKE SOME BASIC SKYDWELLER. NU-UH CHIRREN, FLAUNT YOUR STUFF BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING. 
Matching sunglasses for all of the family? More likely than you think. 
Once his children start getting older and developing more personality, he tends to notice where they got them from. 
For instance, his son is definitely you. A lot more calm and nice, a precious little bean who seems to always be smiling. 
His daughter is definitely him. She’s a little diva, always loud and energetic. And he gets so proud when she threatens to beat people up for making fun of her brother. 
While he loves both his children, his daughter is someone he relates to a lot more, so he knows all her little tricks. 
“Ah, ah, ah, what did Mommy say about no dessert before dinner?” 
“B-but! How’d you even find out? I cleaned up the mess!” 
“Listen little munchkin, you can’t out smart me of all people.” 
Let the mind games begin. 
Belial lets her try his scythe and she instantly loves it. Your son however prefers a good ol’ harp. 
Raising a family sure as hell ain’t easy, so sometimes he sends off the kids to Aunt Lyria or Uncle Sandalphon. 
Belial’s got the biggest shit eating grin as he hands them over, because the two love the children and you, but they despise Belial with every fiber of their being (even after you’ve gotten married and everything). 
Your daughter loves to screw with Sandalphon, and he has night terrors of when she switched out his sugar with salt, or replaced his coffee with soy sauce. 
Just so you know, she’d never do that with Auntie Lyria because she gives her sweets!!!!
Your son is very polite and loves to learn more about the two, and Sandalphon likes having him over to just feel...not alone. 
Belial never really thinks of how this could all go wrong now. He’s finally obtained happiness and love, and this high feels like it’ll never end. 
until the day his son comes home crying about how when he was pushing a friend on a swing, they flew off and nearly broke their wrist. 
His sister came home a week later and explained that the reason she had bloody knuckles was because she punched a kid who was trying to bully another classmate, and they landed on a desk and doubled over in pain (she was quite proud of it, and internally, so was Belial, but because you were nearby he scolded her lightly). 
He never told his kids about their heritage, and had assumed that maybe they just didn’t get any significant powers because they seemed so...normal. When these things keep piling up, he can’t keep ignoring them or brushing them off as coincidences, so he immediately goes to you and rants about how awful he feels. 
The reality of their situation only settles in more when his kids start to notice that they look a lot younger than most despite growing up. His son is the first to bring up how Belial looks the same as he did when you and him got married, yet you seem to have gotten older. 
He of course laughed it off and said he had good genes. 
Oh god, and his kids had them too. 
He really did not know what this would mean for them. Would they be immortal? Or would they just live longer than most? What kind of powers would they have. 
And the thought that plagues him the most- would they end up like how he was? 
His anxiety hits a breaking point when his kids talk about how they had to do a project about the day the sky was about to fall. They didn’t believe it happened, but you two try to give a cleaner version of went down, so as to avoid the other parts about how their father was...a demon on some parts. 
They picked up you two were hiding something, so they went to Sandalphon. He also would not reveal what happened, albeit he looked a lot more guilty and annoyed they asked, so they knew something bad happened. 
The next went to Lyria. Your son remembered she kept a journal during her travels with you, and he asked for it, saying it was for a school project. Lyria, who was none the wiser to their schemes, handed it over and told them to have fun with it. 
The following things they read made their heads spin. Lyria wrote a lot about that day. 
“Sandalphon...he’s a primarch? And so is dad?” 
“Look what she wrote for dad...’basically the worst’...” 
“Brother...what’s going on?” 
When they return home, your daughter immediately goes on the offensive and demands to know why you guys hid what they truly were. 
“All this time! You lied to us! Here I was thinking something was really wrong with me- and it turns out you were just a bad guy!” 
Her brother tries to calm her down but she gets even angrier and screams insults at Belial. 
Belial feels anxious because he knew this day would come. The happiness he had worked so hard to obtain would come crumbling. Because of him. 
In a desperate attempt to ease her anger and fear, Belial tries to step forward and place his hands on her shoulders, but she slaps them away and calls him a monster. 
“Don’t touch me! You damn demon! You’re a monster! You’re a liar!” 
“Don’t say that to him, sis! Breathe for a moment, please!” 
Your daughter is incredibly affected by the news of what she is and who her father once was. She always loved Belial, and thought highly of him because he was similar to her, they could play pranks with each other and still be happy, because they were just two tricksters having fun. 
But her stark sense of justice was an even bigger driving force in her life. The fact her father was someone evil made her insides churn. What if she became as bad as him one day? 
Your son on the other hand, is a lot more calm and level-headed about the situation and understands how hard it must’ve been. He tries to sort out his feelings with you, since he always felt more comfortable with you, and asks what made you fall in love with Belial. After you tell your son about all your emotions, he goes and apologizes to Belial. He easily trusts him again, but does warn him that if he dare try to do anything remotely bad, he won’t hesitate to hurt him. 
Belial nearly cries out of relief and pride. His son was finally becoming a man. 
“I’ll hold it you, kid. I promise your old man won’t do anything bad.” 
Fixing his relationship with his daughter took a lot of time. She wouldn’t even look at him and would coldly brush him off. 
This was perhaps one of the most painful moments in his life, right up there at the time when you nearly killed him and Lucilius was murdered. 
Eventually, she broke down and clung to him, apologizing profusely over how she treated him. She admitted her fears about becoming a bad person, and he wipes her tears and lets her know that she will never become a demon. 
“You’re my little angel, you could never upset me, nor will you ever be a bad person.” 
After the entire fiasco settles and Belial explains more of the situation to them, he instantly embraces you. 
“Thank you...” He whispers as he hugs you tightly. 
“For what? I’ve done nothing.” 
“You stayed with me. You loved me even after those awful things I’ve done. Sometimes...sometimes I get scared of what will happen to us one day. What if I hurt you, or the kids?” 
“Belial. Look at me, love. I know you. You’d never hurt us. I trust you with my life, even if the world turns its back on you. You have us. You have our love and support.” 
It’s all he needs to hear before he breaks down and sobs into your arms. 
Belial is actually pretty lax about his kids dating. 
His daughter is pretty outgoing so she usually talks about her crush or will quickly tell him as she’s walking out of the house she’s going on a date. She’s been going steady with her boyfriend for three years now and she’s going on about getting married. 
“Not until you graduate and I’m dead, young lady.”
His son is pretty reserved and he literally begs him to go out. 
When his son admits he has a crush on his classmate Belial is screaming and congratulating him. 
Belial really tries to spend as much time with his family as possible. You’re unfortunately growing older, and so are the kids. As they’ve grown more proficient with their weapons and fighting, you decide to go back on the Grandcypher and adventure again. 
Some of your crew mates have passed, while others have grown into adulthood splendidly, and it brings you joy to reunite with them. 
Belial is surprisingly a good father. A lot of people were doubtful he’d ever change his ways and become a worthy man in society, but to him, he doesn’t care. He has you and his two kids. There’s practically nothing else he needs in the world except you three. 
Sometimes Belial likes to just stare at you when you’re sleeping and just reminisce. He really wants to know what he did to become lucky enough to get married to you and start a family. 
He sighs in contentment and pulls you closer to him, finally letting his tired body rest. There’s plenty of places to explore tomorrow, and he wants to celebrate and experience all of them with his family. 
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused on this here day? Start from the WAAAY beginning!
Chapter 1: It is Wednesday My Dudes.
Howdy! I guess I should introduce myself? Oof UMMMMMM, the names Lili Perla Iida! I’m 15 years old, about to turn 16, and I’m the oldest of 4 kids. Being big sis feels as natural as the wind in my hair as I pirouette. Speaking of dancing, it’s a Saturday morning, that means I have to get my ass in 5th gear for my private dance lessons. My favorite days are the ones where I get to dance and cause havoc with my siblings! I guess I should head downstairs for breakfast before that robo doggy yips at me for still being in my room.
“Buenos dias mija!” thats my mom, she’s the one bitch I respect the most.
“Good mornin” I greet everyone at the breakfast nook “what’s for breakfast?”
“Spam and eggs with toast” that’s my dad at the stove, I love him but he’s putting too much pressure on me to follow his footsteps. “Here’s your coffee.”
“Oh FUCK yea!” I holler as I jump into my spot at the nook. There’s nothing more I love than some egg and toast with my iced coffee.
“I’m hungies! Please just gimme one toast!” thats my younger brother Iwata, but I call him Iwee or Iwa, don’t tell the other two but he’s my favorite sibling. He’s the one that schemes and I say if that’s doable or not.
“DADDY! Tensei is teleporting my forkfuls into his mouth!”
“MOMMY! Hanaka set my toast on fire!” those two brats are my twin siblings, Hanaka and Tensei but I call them by their middle names, Rosa and Oro. Rosa is half-way decent to be around, so I share a room with her. Oro is a punk ass bitch in the making but I can’t hate him too much, he’s an intellectual.
“Can’t we go one breakfast without something catching on fire?” I rolled my eyes as I got served “thanks dad.”
“Nope, fuck you” Rosa stuck her tongue out “TENSEI STOP!”
“Hanaka! What did we say about tongues?” scolded dad “your family isn’t fire proof!” he turned to Oro “and what did we say about pestering your sister?”
“I shouldn’t play with fire unless I wish to get burned” the boy pouted and crossed his arms “but Iwa and I are hungies!”
“Here’s your plates” dad slid the food in front of the two boys “no more yelling or I’m taking away toast privileges!”
“NOOO THAT’S NOT FAIR!” we whined, you can take away our freedom but us Iida kids will be DAMNED if the sanctity of toast in the morning gets taken away.
“Oh shit, listen to your father” mom jeered as dad sat next to her “oh Lili, don’t forget about applications for entrance exams.”
“I still don’t know where to consider” I sigh as I butter my toast “like, I get that theres privates that have scouted me to go to their’s but I just wanna go to a dance school.”
“Sweet heart, you know we can’t just send you off overseas so young!” mom spoke with a hint of worry “besides, you still have private lessons at the institute until you turn 18! I won’t let you go off without the things you love to do.”
“You can always apply to UA” dad spoke up as he cut his spam “with the recommendations we can give, you don’t have to take the entrance exam.”
“Ugh, I can’t dance if I’m going to a hero school” I huffed “I don’t wanna go to your pompous alma mater dad. No offense mom.”
“None taken, not even I wanted to be there” mom responded so casually.
Dad gave her a side glance “May I remind you on who you met in said pompous school that helped build this family?”
“May I remind you on who was too much of a little bitch to tell me they liked me at said pompous school even though we saw each other basically everyday” she sipped her coffee loudly, marking her win.
“Oof I felt that roast in my DNA” Iwa hit the whoa “that shit hurted, F in the chat for Dad’s pride.
“F” chanted everyone but dad.
After breakfast, I grab my duffle bag and make my way to town.
“Good morning Lili!” thats my aunty Mimi, her and my mom are besties “say good morning Nikita.”
“Guden Morgen Lili!” that’s Nikita, Mimi’s daughter. She’s just a year younger than my twin siblings and today they have a little playdate as my mom and Mimi go to work.
“Mornin’! See y’all later!” I wave them off.
“Oh Lili! Good Morning!” that’s my uncle Jin, he lives next door to us and is besties with my mom and Mimi. For someone that doesn’t have kids, he sure does know how to care for them.
“Mornin’! Are you driving today?”
“Yep, can’t let the media know your mom’s car needs detailing!” he joked as he waved me off.
The dance institute I attend is in the same town we live in and just a 20 min walk from the gated community we live in. Well, 20 minutes for me because I walk kinda fast because of the engines on my feet. Dumb location for the quirk but it does help me when I dance.
“Ah Lili! There you are!” cried out my dance teacher as I walked in “can you lend me a hand in costuming? We need re-adjustments for a few costumes for the level 3s.”
“Of course I’ll help, be right there in a jiffy!” I rush into the costuming room, my second home at times! The lord has blessed me with a second quirk, Master Thread, and I like it more than my other one. It’s not dumb and super useful! I heard that there was once a pro-hero that had the same quirk and my parents knew him before his retirement. My mom says that she interned under his agency and he favored her for her Copy quirk. How cool is it that?! But hero stuff ain’t for me, I just wanna look pretty and dance for the masses. Maybe one day make elaborate ballet costumes, I already make my own at home to practice my quirk. How lucky am I to have such supportive parents?! After I finish the adjustments, I quickly put on my pointe shoes to do a practice run of our summer showcase. As much as I work well with the others in my class, I’m not friends with any of them and I don’t blame them. The instructors show me too much favoritism and even I’d hate me for hogging the attention.
“Lili! Marvelous work!” one of the instructors praised “how about we make you a solo act for this season finale?!”
“Me?! On such short notice?!”
“Yea! I thought I was going to do a solo act?!” huffed one of the girls on stage.
“Yes, you and Lili are going to be solos” they responded “we need to fill out time for our show and I know Lili can give quite a show.”
I looked around to my dance-mates and they all rolled their eyes “I mean, sure but I don’t know how good I can make a solo act in a month and a half!”
“Great!” they clapped “okay, from the top! We need to work on those jumps!”
As usual, nobody bids me good bye at the end of class. I’ve known most of them since I started there at age 5 and they don’t give me the decency to say hello or good bye! It sucks but I didn’t join to make friends. I walk through the streets to get to the fabric store I frequent, you’ll often catch me here after school or practice.
“Lili! Hey!” that’s Maru, he’s son of the number 1 hero, Deku. Our parents are friends and his dad owes his life to my mom because of her quick thinking that saved him back during the UA days. So I guess Maru is my friend?
“Oh sup Maru” I stopped walking as he ran toward me “what brings you around these here parts?”
“I was just looking at some of those shops” he points down the street “theres always cool stuff around here.”
“Yea there is, anyways, wanna join me?” I get giddy “I heading into the fabric store and I need some opinions.”
“I’m your guy!” he joins me as I fully geek out over the new satins.
“Okay so which one? The candy blue” I hover the bolt over my chest “the pearlescent one OR this blush pink?”
“I’m torn between the pearl and pink one” he mutters to himself “what are you trying to make?”
“Another costume, I got a solo act but I have yet to come up with something.”
“Oh that’s not fair! Isn’t the showcase in a few weeks?”
“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” I groaned “I need so much help Maru! Plus I have to get started on applications and it’s all just a mess.”
“Well, if you ask me” he gets up and walks up to Lili “I think you should get both these satins and I know you’ll come up with something amazing! You’re really good at being graceful” he does a shakey spin “see? And why don’t you apply to UA? So that way we could go to school together!”
“Thank you for your kind words but I’m not going to hero school” I turned to put the blue satin back in the rack “I wanna wear pretty dresses and dance, not kick villain ass!”
“But think about it!” He picked up the two bolts of satin “how cool we’d be as a duo! I’d kick villain ass and you wrap them up to detain them!” he walked up to her “I’d be much braver with you by my side.”
“Be serious!” I laughed as I playfully pushed him “it’s not playtime, it’s hero work! Plus you gotta make your parents proud.”
“But I am serious” he retorted “I want to fight along side you, I want to do lots of things along side you. We’ve been friends since you were born!”
“And? That doesn’t mean you can’t live without me!” I look through the decals section “But you’re already doing great over there.”
I make my purchase and Maru walks me to the front gate before parting ways. What to do? The days just whoosh on by and I don’t have much to go off on. I submit applications to some private high schools that have dance programs but dad keeps insisting that I apply to UA. He had the audacity to give me a physical copy of the application! Apparently hero school apps are due much later than the other schools, for UA it’s October and it’s end of June right now. More time passes and I got a piece together for the showcase along with costume. At this point, I’m just counting the days until I get a response from those other schools I applied to.
-Night of the Summer Showcase-
What a night to be alive and pretty! My costume got the eyes of many that they didn’t notice my tiny fumbles. Another success in my books! My family came out to see me and so did Maru. After, I met up with my parents and Maru also came up to us.
“Amazing show Lili” he hands me a large bouquet of flowers “these are for you!”
“Oh you didn’t have to get me flowers” I was astounded by the mass of pink roses and lilies “but I’m glad you enjoyed the show!”
“I loved your floating spins and the thing at the end when you revealed the satin costume!” he imitated some of my moves “oh um, is it cool if we go for a little walk?”
“Oh sure let me just give these to my mom” I turn to my mom “I’m going for a walk, catch up with yall later.”
“Don’t wander too far! It’s dark out” dad chopped as I turned.
We walk to the garden area to the side of the performance hall “it’s a nice summer night.” commented Maru “the sky is clear too.”
“It is” I smile as I look up “I hardly get the time to look at the sky anymore, I loved star-gazing as a child.”
“Lets star-gaze over there!” Maru pointed to an open patch of grass. We lay on our backs and point at our made up constellations. “You know, I really enjoy your company Lili. You make things so much fun.”
“Thanks I guess?” I really didn’t know how to take that compliment.
“It’s a good thing” he laughed and turned his body on his side, toward me “I’ve been thinking about what you said about just wanting to look pretty and dance. Well, what if I figured out something?”
“What did you figure out?” I was genuinely confused because I don’t remember there being a problem with me wanting that.
“I figured out how you can dance and be pretty with always being by my side” he smiled “we just, get married.”
A record scratched in my head, did this foo just say get married? “Um, what?”
“I know that was a bold thing to say but I was giving it some thought” he explained himself “I like you a lot Lili, I want to be someone you can depend on and I can be someone that supports you in everything you want to do. I’ll be the breadwinner and you can do your thing and not have to work as hard.”
“But I don’t JUST want to be pretty and dance” I butted in “I want to work too! Professional Dancer is a legit career plus I want to go to college” I was starting to think I’m missing the point here “why are you suddenly talking about this?”
“I’m saying that I like you, more than a friend” he meekly spoke “and I want to be a man you can be proud of. You make me feel like I could do anything! Won’t you be my girlfriend?”
My mind was racing but going dumber, how do I tell him that he’s making a mistake without saying it word for word? “Maru, I didn’t know you felt that way!” I scrunched my face “I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay, take your time!” he leaned in closer to my face, softening his voice “maybe I should show you how serious I am.” This bitch fully kissed me on the lips, my first kiss and I didn’t feel the sparks or flutters in my tummy. I felt...nothing.
“Huh” I said after he broke the kiss “well uhhhhhh oof um” I stood up “I’ll be talking to ya later” I do finger guns and bolt to the parking lot.
“Wait Lili!” he tried to catch up to me.
“TEXT ME WHEN YOU GET HOME!” I yell before locating my parents “MOM! por favor start the car!” I get in and everyone picked up that I was not okay and something happened but needed some time to sort out my thoughts. Once we got home, I took a shower and slumped in my fuzzy chair in the dark.
There was a knock at my door “Hey, you wanna eat some hot chips with me?” it was Iwa.
“Sure” I open the door to let him in.
“What’s the deal with you? Everything was cool until you started running” he popped open a party size bag of hot cheetos con limon.
“Ugh it’s Maru” I grab a few cheetos “he out of nowhere just confessed and kissed me.”
“Oh shit!”
“Right?! And I feel a little fucked up” I crunched on a cheeto “because I feel like he could do better and when he kissed me, I felt nothing. And that was my first kiss, from my childhood friend!” I put my handful of cheetos in my mouth “I wanted to feel those good feelings but I didn’t. Does that make me a bad person?”
“Dang Lili, from how I see it” he licked the cheeto dust from his thumb “it’s a sign that he’s wrong and you aren’t the one for him” he gestured to the ceiling “the universe isn’t telling you to kiss every boy but just that it’s okay not to reciprocate feelings to somebody else. Your feelings are valid and you’re the baddest bitch here.”
I started to feel a lot better after talking to Iwa. I eventually told my mom and she said basically the same thing. I am confident to say that I am not in love with my friend and I don’t need their validation. Of course I didn’t get a chance to tell Maru since it’s summer and he’s busy with school. In some weird twist of fate, I got rejected by all these schools I applied to. I wasn’t upset, just questioning if this is the universe trying to tell me something.
“You okay sis?” carefully asked Rosa “you don’t look too hot.”
“I don’t know what to do” I spoke up from my desk “nothing but rejection letters and I’m not worried about school or where I go, but what’s wrong with having me as a student?”
“Hmmm, well I know daddy wants you to go to that school” she points at the blank UA application on my desk “and you want to go to a dance academy...por que no los dos? You can go to dance academy for college and go to hero school BUT only to spite dad.”
“Rosa, you’re a genius!” I praised her “who says you have bad ideas?!”
“I know I’m right” Rosa gives a power stance “I’m the powerhouse of the cell!”
And I did just that, I applied and got an invite almost immediately to take the entrance exam in early November. That gave me almost 2 months to train, plenty of time! I tried to hide this from my dad but the word slipped and he was too happy to take me to the exam and help me train. Don’t even get me started on that whole side of the family, uncle Tensei started crying, grandma and grandpa wouldn’t shut up on how the family is going to be full of heroes. All the while, I was trying to break the news that I wasn’t going to be returning for the advanced level courses of dance. All the instructors were sad to the point of begging, everyone else was happy that I was leaving. 
-Day of exam-
“You have everything you need?” Dad asked me for the 5th time since we got in the car “we still have time to-”
“YES DAD! FUCK!” he was stressing me out “I’m ready to take this test, stop worrying.”
He sighed “You remind me so much of your mother when we were at UA” he smiled at the thought “she’d snap at me too when I was being overbearing, but I did it because I loved her and wanted her to succeed.”
“Well, what’s one thing she couldn’t leave without?”
“She didn’t feel right unless she hugged me goodbye” he chuckled “even something so simple made my heart race.” He pulls up to the front of the massive front gate of UA “we’re here, do your best! I believe in you.”
“Thanks dad” I take a deep breath “I’ll call you later.”
I walk in the place and I don’t see anyone familiar, just a bunch of students from public schools and other privates. I took a written exam, then came the infamous physical portion. My dad and his hero friends were telling me that it’s one of the toughest entrance exams in the nation, but I wasn’t afraid, just oddly excited! I do my stretches, just minding my business, when I get some crude comments.
“Excuse me but the dance auditions are that way” said some boy condescendingly “why don’t you take your little pink shoes and get out of here before the big scary robots crush you?”
I squinted at them as the group of boys behind them laughed “Excuse me but aren’t the weak little bitches auditions that way?” I stood up to show that I tower him in height “I’m in the right place little man.”
“Lets get to the gates dude, she’s scary”
Everyone was summoned to the start gate and I had a feeling that somebody was watching me. Not like a camera watching me but like somebody near me was looking at me. I looked around but didn’t see anybody familiar or staring at me, it didn’t matter once the siren wailed to start the exam. I was kicking mecha ass with some fancy moves thrown in and when I thought I was going to end the exam on a good note, I hear somebody cry out for help. I rushed over and saw someone had their arm and leg trapped under a mecha, with the added panic of the 0 point big boy mecha dangerously close. I wasn’t going to leave them there, so I gave my all to lift the mecha off them. I couldn’t even lift the thing an inch off them! I had to get creative and used my 2nd quirk to lift the mecha off. I did it and pulled them out to make a run for the safety line.
“It’s no use, just leave me here” said the trapped person “I can’t walk.”
“I’m not giving up on you! I don’t care if I fail this exam” I unraveled my sports jacket, shirt and the ribbons in my hair to fasten them to me “hold on tight! We’re going airborne!”
I use the last of my energy to blast us into the air in a wide arch to barely avoid the mecha crushing us. Of course I didn’t have a back up plan and we crash landed in the safety zone, on top of other students.
“Owchies” I groaned “is everyone okay? Sorry about that! I didn’t have a landing plan.”
The nurse runs over “WAH! Miss Iida?! You caused this mess?!”
“Heh ummm yea” I shamefully admitted “sorry Miss Eri, I couldn’t let this student get crushed by the big boy mecha.”
“Lets get you two in the stretcher, come on” she sighed in disbelief “and I’ll be telling your parents young lady!”
“Aww wack!” I pouted as robot helpers put me in the stretcher. I looked over to see the other person in the stretcher next to me “are you alright?”
“I’ll be okay know” they smiled at me “thank you so much for not giving up on me.”
“No problem! I’m Lili by the way.”
Before they could tell me their name, they were hauled away for intensive care. It was fair, they did get injured far worse than me, I walked away with just some gnarly bruises and a scraped shoulder. I didn’t see them after and I really wanted to know their name because they looked oddly familiar. My parents were worried about my injuries as I tend to heal slower. It was winter vacation, usually I’d be excited to be in the holiday mood but I was just waiting in anxiety for my letter. Come the last day of December, I got my acceptance letter! The amount of relief I got from it all was amazing, according to the letter, I scored the most rescue points. Making me at the top of the scoreboard along with some others, so I’m in Hero class A, just like dad and mom. My dad fussed over me the most in the weeks leading to the first day of school.
-Morning of the first day-
“Wake up Wake up Wake up!” yipped the robo dog as they bust into my room “it’s the first day of classes Lili and Hanaka! Please get dressed and hurry down for breakfast.”
“Hnnn it’s 7 in the god foresaken morning!” I groaned as I rubbed my eyes “welp, come on Rosa or the boys are going to beat us to the sinks.”
“Hn! 5 more minutes” she tossed in her bed “Tensei is gonna teleport us to school, you have to ride with daddy.”
“Don’t remind me you brat!” I threw my pillow at her “whatever, just don’t melt the shampoo bottles.”
“Fuck you!”
I quickly take my shower and got dressed in my new uniform to greet my parents. They fawn over how much I look like them when they went to UA, mom told me the story of how she got confused for a boy on the 1st day because her ass was too big for the skirts that they had to be tailor made! I got a good laugh out of that and it made me feel better about starting my school day. I kiss them goodbye and got in the car with dad.
“Excited Lili?”
“Yea, I mostly want to see if that person I rescued made it in” I could hardly sit still in the passenger side “the rush I got from them thanking me had me feeling alive.”
“I hope they did! Sounds like you made a friend if they did.”
“I also wonder who’s the homeroom teacher!” I said as we slowed at the last stoplight before school “since it’s not Eraserhead anymore, I hope it’s one of your friends or some other notable alumni.”
“That’s a good question” Dad pondered “you have to let me and your mother know when you get home” he stops at the same place as last time “here’s your stop, have fun and make friends!”
“Okay dad” I took in a calming breath “I’ll see you later!”
To think my parents walked through the same doors, not knowing that they were going to end up like this? Now their daughter... I hope I’ll find my soulmate here too. I have a soft spot for the love my parents have for each other, you can just tell that they’ve been working on their love since before they actually started dating. I often catch them making out, give loving embraces after a hard day and care for each other in different ways. I want to be loved as hard as my dad loves my mom.
“Lili? Is that you?!” Maru’s voice broke my train of thought.
“Huh? Oh, Maru! Hi!”
“Hey! You made it in!” he gave me a tight hug and twirled “welcome to UA! If you want, I have time to walk you to class.”
“Oh sure” he puts me down “do you know where room 1-A is?”
“Sure do! It’s down over here” he leads me to the hero wing “wow A class huh? I thought the hero stuff wasn’t for you?”
“I thought so too” I shrugged “guess I just had to try and see for myself.”
“If you’re not busy at lunch, we can eat together too.”
“Don’t you have friends here Maru?” I snickered at him.
“You have to call me Midoriya-senpai around the others” he said trying to silence me “and I have to call you Iida-chan.”
“Eww fuck no” I gagged “sounds like you’re calling my dad chan! I’m going to call you Maru, and you have to call me Lili MAYBE Perla if I’m acting up.”
“Fine but I’m saying that I’m respected around here for being one the top students” he bragged as he put his hand on my head “and you’re just a little bitty baby still!”
“Ah! Get yo hand off my hair” I tickle his side to retract his hand “looks like this is my class, see ya later!”
“You don’t play fair Lili” he waved me off “have fun.”
 I walk in and see a few people already there, I looked around for my seat and mine is number 4. I set my bag down and get approached by someone.
“Um hi, you probably don’t recognize me but I’m the person you rescued at the exam” shakily spoke the person “I didn’t get a chance to say, but my name is Hoshi Togata.”
I looked at them and something was oddly familiar about them, like I knew them before the exam “Oh you made it in! I was worried if you placed and if you recovered well.”
“You were worried about me?” they blushed “well, I recovered just fine. My arm was broken but Nurse Eri healed me before I was supposed to go home.”
The bell rang and we all sat in our seats, Hoshi sat behind me.
“Good Morning class! And welcome to UA, my name is-”
“BAHAHA NO WAY!” I bursted into laughter “Yo we got Diaper Boy as homeroom teacher?!” 
“My name isn’t Diaper Boy!”
“Oh I’m sorry, Diaper Man!”
Our teacher rubbed his temples “Anyways, my name is Grape Juice but you can call me Mineta sensei.” He gave me a stern look “Miss Iida, I trust you’ll behave like your father.”
“Don’t compare me to that Turbo Rectangle!”
“It’s like listening to your mother in your father’s body” he muttered.
Once we went through a whole day of classes, Hoshi and I walk around.
“You know Togata, you look oddly familiar and it’s bothering me a bit.”
“How?” they sweat a bit “I’m just one of the boys!”
“Hmmm, I feel like we met before the exam” I rubbed my chin “but I can’t quite remember, we were probably children when it happened.”
“Well, actually” he put some thought into it “I was thinking the same thing sort of, would it help if I told you my dad is Lemillion?”
“Oh shit! It’s coming back to me!” I was wide eyed as we head to the parking lot “yea! They have 2 boys and a girl my age. OH THAT’S WHO! I was thinking about your sister, how is she by the way?”
“Oh ummm I don’t have a sister” the smile on his face disappeared as he said that.
“Huh? Maybe I was-” I hear a car honk, it was mom “oop, gotta go! See you tomorrow!”
I hop in the car and waved bye. I told my family of my school day and my mom couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that their school-mate Mineta was the homeroom teacher. But as I was getting ready for bed, one thing was bothering me... where did I see Hoshi before?
-Chapter 1, End-
1 note · View note
brianc521 · 6 years
We Made That
Werewolf!Shawn // Dad!Shawn
“Sophia Grace you stop chasing Austin from down the block around! You’re scaring the poor boy.” You call after her, hands on your hips as Shawn mows the lawn.
“What’s happening?” He asks stopping the mower and looking at your distraught face.
“She’s chasing Austin again, he’s scared of her. She’ll growl at him.”
Shawn smirks, looking over at his daughter that’s in the neighbors yard, playing with the kids around the block.
“She’s just playing Babe,”
“I know but she gets a little aggressive with them.”
He watches her, she’s laughing with a few girls while Austin runs off crying to his Mom.
“She’s just being herself, she can’t help it.”
“She just needs to learn that growling at her friends isn’t nice.” You huff.
“Babe, she’s new to the whole Werewolf thing. It’s gonna take some time but she’ll get there.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Or you’re too proud to teach her how to control it.”
He smiles, biting his lip, cheeks going pink at your statement because it’s the truth. He is quite proud of his baby.
“We’ll get there.” He shrugs, smiling up at you.
You’re giving him the look to let him know he’s in trouble, but he grins, leaning up for a kiss.
“Kiss please.”
You glare at him, eyes squinting, leaning away as he leans closer, lips puckered out, eyes sparkling in humor.
He pecks your lips quickly, smiling as you scoff, walking back inside, bin of toys in your arms. He watches you leave the door open, disappearing in the house, before he’s looking back over at the neighbors yard across the street.
Don and Jane sit in their lawn chairs, sipping on what looks to be lemonade as Travis and Kate, their two kids play with Sophia. Austin seems to be coming back, and Shawn strains his ears when Sophia apologizes for scaring him.
“What’s happening now?” You ask, sitting on the step of the porch, squinting to see her.
“She’s apologizing for scaring him.” Shawn murmurs, listening to her voice, but also now that your close your heart beats floods his ears.
“She’s apologizing?” You stand up, hands on your hips.
“Shh!” He says waving you off.
“Don’t wave me off,” You sass.
“Y/n! I’m trying to listen.” He whines, his alpha nature seeping through when you don’t do as told.
He can sense your annoyance with him, and he sighs. Now that Sophia’s running off with the other kids, giggling, he turns back to you.
“Come here.” He mumbles, stepping closer.
“No, you’re trying to ‘listen’,” You mock him, rolling your eyes.
“You’re quiet sassy today,” He grins, gripping your hips and pulling you into him. “I’m sorry,” He kisses your forehead. Feeling you relax in his hold. “I didn’t mean to snap at you, was just trying to hear her and when I can feel you around my senses want to pick up on you before anything else.”
You grin, blushing as you rest your head on his chest while he holds you in the front yard. His chin is rested on top of your head and he breathes deep taking in your cucumber mint smell.
“Can you believe we’re parents?” You whisper, looking up at him.
He chuckles, shaking his head. “No, we made that feisty little pup over there, that’s insane.” He hums looking back over to the yard.
“She is getting quiet feisty, growled at me last night when I tried to get her to brush her teeth.”
His eyes blaze for a second and his jaw clenches. “I’ll talk to her about her growling.”
“It’s okay, not the first time I’ve been growled at.” You smirk, patting his back where your hands are rested.
He furrows his eyebrows, frowning at you.
“Shh,” You say, resting back against him. Knowing he knows what you were talking about and how guilty he felt about it. “It’s okay,”
“It’s not,” He murmurs into your hair, holding you closer. “I’m sorry for when I growled at you, you should never be growled at.”  He inhales again, shuddering when you plant a small kiss to his chest.
His ears perk up when he hears his daughters footsteps get closer. His head snaps to find her at the sidewalk, waving goodbye to her friends.
“She’s coming.” He whispers to you, squeezing you one last time before he tenses, feeling her getting ready to cross the street.
He growls lowly, knowing she can hear him, making her stop quickly. She looks up at him, eyes wide.
“Did you look?” He says to her.
She shakes her head no and then proceeds to look left, right, then left again. Just like Mommy taught her. She slowly starts to make her way across the street, both of you watching her intently. She starts running once she’s halfway across, stopping in front of her parents.
“I growled at Austin,” She mumbles, looking at Shawn.
“I know Baby, it’s okay. You apologized, and I’m so proud of you for doing that.” Shawn says, tapping her nose, making her giggle.
“Go get cleaned up Baby, we’re going to dinner with the boys.” You say ushering her into the house.
You and Shawn watch her scamper into the house, smiling to each other when she’s down the hall to her room.
“We made that,” He mumbles, kissing you quickly before letting you go to get ready as well.
Shawn, his girls, and his pack sit at in the dining room at the pack house. Dinner has been served and the group is eating up the spaghetti, laughter and talk of what’s new with everyone fill the room.
Sophia sits between her parents, not paying attention to any of the conversation as her 5 year old ears don’t understand most of it.
But when she feels her Dad tense and something wash over him she perks up, looking around. She notices how her Uncle Brian laughs loudly, and the rest of her Uncle’s beside him quietly laugh along. Her Mom is smiling softly, cheeks pink, eyes flashing with something that she thinks resembles hurt. Her Dad is humming, eyes hard, jaw clenched, swallowing thickly, and she can feel his protective side rolling off him in waves.
Shawn’s not so appreciative of Brian’s joke. It was a subtle dig at his wife, and while no one else quite understood the full story Brian was referring too in his joke, Shawn did and he didn’t like the way Brian was treating his mate. But he was holding his anger in, knowing he’d be having a talk with Brian later that night.
Both yours and Shawn’s head turn quickly when you both hear the mean growl come from Sophia.
The table stops, eyes landing on the young pup as her eyes blaze red, little fangs popping out as she growls. The table then follows her gaze, landing on Brian as he looks around and then back at his niece who is not happy with him.
Shawn grins behind the hand he’s brought up to ‘wipe his mouth’.
“You leave my Mama alone!” Sophia snaps, pointing at her Uncle.
Brian points to himself, eyes flicking up to Shawn’s and noticing how Shawn’s proudly watching his daughter step up and protect her Mama.
“Yes you Uncle Brian! You leave my Mama alone, got it?” Her eyebrows are furrowed, lips pursed out that low growl leaving her mouth.
“Yes Ma’am.” Brian nods, gulping from the gaze he’s under.
Shawn waits a beat to see if she’ll calm herself down, but when she continues to growl Shawn clears his throat, getting her attention.
“Put the teeth away,” He says sternly, and quickly her fangs retract, eyes still blazing red. “Stop growling.”
“But Dad!”
“No, he heard you. Feel it,” Shawn says shifting to face her. “Close your eyes and feel that he’s listening.”
She does as her father says and calms down enough to feel that Brian listened, and meant it when he said yes.
Her eyes open, back to their honey hue and she looks over at you.
“Are you okay Mama?” She asks softly, resting her hand on your arm.
“Uh, yeah Baby I’m okay.” You chuckle, looking over her head at Shawn who shrugs and digs back into his food.
The rest of the pack staring at Sophia in awe.
“Has she shifted yet?” Geoff asks.
Shawn looks up, swallowing his bite of food before answering. “No, but it’s getting closer. She develops a bit more each day. We’re working on controlling it.”
The pack nods, holding back on all of their questions. But Shawn can hear them so her answers them anyway.
“Her Baby fangs just came in, no nails yet. Her growl is slowly getting louder, and her eyes are now changing colors. When she calms down she can sense what you’re feelings. And she’s working on her consequences to some actions. Like today,” Shawn smiles, looking over at her. “She apologized for scaring the poor kid from next door.”
“I didn’t mean to, but he was touching my toys without asking.”
“But she knew she scared him, because she felt it and apologized when he came back. They are still friends, if you’re wondering.” He grins, the pack nodding. “Also, she’ll be joining a few pack training's soon. She’s not quite ready, but when she is she’ll be there with us.”
Your eyes widen at that, looking down at your Baby. Worry setting in, thinking of your Baby fighting alongside Shawn and the pack. What if she got hurt? Or couldn’t protect herself?
Shawn looks at you, reaching over her chair, resting his hand on your cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb. “With proper training, that the pack can provide, she’ll be the strongest one of us. Because she’s got her Mama’s sass and feisty nature.”
You blush, rolling your eyes at him.
“And I can bite really hard!” She pipes up.
Causing the whole table to erupt in laughter again, slowly everyone jumping back in conversation as you and Shawn stay staring at each other.
“We made that,” Shawn smiles at you, looking at his daughter.
She’s finishing off her dinner, munching on her cut up meatball, back to her normal self. He smiles proudly at his pup, the one that felt his feelings and jumped in when she noticed he wasn’t. She didn’t think twice about standing up for her Mother, and she wasn’t afraid to set her pack member straight, proving she’s the Alpha’s daughter.
Yeah, he made that.
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