#‘it’s n-n-not like i appreciate your work you b-b-baka!’
chilled-ice-cubes · 2 years
dream is literally just the goth boy version of a tsundere anime girl...and i love that
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Bleach Fanfiction- Chapter 6
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"What did I tell you about eating my candy!!" you fired. You were at it again. Shinji always came by your room just to steal your stuff. 
"I dnft know whaf you mean." he said with a mouthful of sweets. The pulse on your head grew. 
"You stuffed your face and you're acting like you didn't do it!!" 
You pulled out your zampaktou with a dark chuckle. He started to sweat nervously. He swallowed. 
"N-Now now, you wouldn't raise your blade against your captain." You smirked and he flash stepped away. You sighed glaring at the door.
"Things have been really slow." 
You were strolling through the Rukongai with Kensei. The both of you were on patrol, just to make sure nothing unusual was going on. Since your confession, things had actually been better than ever. Your feelings had been a weight you were carrying around all those years. 
Now that he knew you felt lighter. Of course at the beginning it was awkward. Kensei would refrain from touching you and patting your head at the beginning because he thought you didn't want the contact. You assured him that it was fine and now you talked to Kensei about everything. You were glad you never had to risk his friendship. In the back of your mind you were sort of relieved.
"I'm going to fall asleep if something doesn't happen soon." He said boredly.
"Is that so reaper?" 
You flinched, turning at the voice behind you. Neither of you had a chance to react. A tentacle came out at you, striking you in the shoulder. You gasped when the appendage went right through. It pulled back and you stumbled forward. (Y/N)!!" Kensei's eyes blazed. You were shocked when his reiatsu released in a burst. He pulled his mask on and the hollow look just as surprised. 
"H-How do you possess a mask!You're a reaper!" 
It sounded panicked. Kensei raised his blade, slicing the hollow directly down its center. It let out a shrill cry disappearing. When it was gone Kensei turned to you, his mask vanishing. He picked you up into his arms. You winced slightly. Your shoulder was bleeding badly. 
"U-Usually I could sense them better.." you said apologetically. He grunted. 
"Stop talking I'm getting you help." he took off with you in tow.
Hanataro was tending to a patient when Kensei appeared out of nowhere. The blue haired boy stumbled back. "M-Muguruma-taicho!!" Kensei didn't waste time. He placed you on an empty bed. "She needs help!" Hanataro moved forward watching the huge hole in your shoulder. 
You had fallen unconscious on the way. "Please wait outside." Hanataro instructed. Kensei was about to object, but Unohana walked in. 
"He can't work efficiently if you hover around. So please wait outside. " 
She said it in a polite voice but the look in her eyes assured him that it wasn't a request. Kensei sweat dropped. "H-Hai.." he stepped out of the room as Hanataro got to work.
"Where is she!!" you jumped when you heard the door slam open. Shinji looked frantic. He stormed in the Fourth Squad barracks. You turned to Shinji with a blush. He stopped short when he saw your attire. Your shoulder was covered with gauze and you had your black bottoms on, trying to pull the top part back over your body. 
You were holding your uncovered chest. You didn't think anyone would come in so you didn't think twice about changing. Now you realize that was a wrong move. You spun around dropping to your knees with a scream and Shinji finally reacted. He ran out of the room hurriedly. Shinji's cheeks were visibly red.
"I-I had no idea she was so.."
Hanataro appeared, hearing the scream. "Is she hurt!!" he panicked, rushing in the room.
"H-Hey wait!!" Hanataro had already entered.
"K-KYAH!!!" Hanataro came running out almost immediately with flushed cheeks. He stumbled back hitting the wall. The door was wide open now. Shinji ducked when he saw a lamp come hurtling out the room. It hit Hanataro square in the face.
"P-PERVERTS!!!" you shouted embarrassed.
"S-Sorry Hanataro..." the male was on a bed being attended to. He laughed. "I-It's fine I should have knocked." You were now fully clothed. You directed a glare at you captain.
"I w-was worried." he defended. You sighed. You bowed to Hanataro, thanking him for his help as you left him to rest. "Next time knock why don't you." He looked away.
"Sorry, the last time you got injured you didn't even say anything. When Kensei came and told me what happened it sounded bad. Then again I just took off so maybe it wasn't as bad as I assumed." you looked at him. "He must have been really worried.." you smiled up at him.
"I'm fine taicho." you assured him. He glanced at you. His eyes seemed focused on your shoulder. He could see the bandages peeking out from the side of your neck. "Kensei was worried too." he commented. You nodded. "Yeah, I should probably let him know that I'm okay. "
"You should be more careful, you underestimate hollows sometimes." You raised your head with a huff, walking off in the front angrily. 
"I know, I'm not a kid. You don't have to keep lecturing m-" you paused when you felt his arms wrap around you from the behind. His buried his face into your shoulder. His hair tickled your neck and your breath hitched. 
"I just want you to be safe (Y/N).."
You didn't reply verbally, just nodded your head. Lately it felt like things were changing between you and Shinji. He was a lot more...affectionate. 
"I'll b-be careful." you stuttered out. 
"Good girl.." 
He whispered against your ear. A pleasant shiver ran up your spine and you clenched your fist to keep yourself from making a sound. Why was his words affecting you? He always made comments like that before. Albeit always in a teasing fashion but still. Why did it feel different now?
Shinji watched you when he raised his head. Studying how much his words seem to be affecting you. He grinned. "So adorable. " he loved your innocent reactions. Teasing you always made his day. He liked that he was the one making your breath hitch. He was responsible for the redness that seemed to grace your cheeks now. He pulled away, turning you around slowly. Your eyes were trying to look at anything but his face.
His palm came down, lifting your chin. Your eyes darted up almost immediately, trembling. He could see the emotion behind them. He loved the way you were looking at him now.
"That's right, don't look at anyone that way but me."
Shinji had seen all those years you were pining over Kensei. There was always a longing in your eyes. He had to admit it made him jealous. But the look in your eyes now. The raw emotion, it gave him hope. It gave him life.
 "Shinji..." even the way you said his name. It made him want to ravish you. 
"How have I been able to resist you all these years?" 
He really had no idea. Sheer luck maybe. You were nibbling your lower lip nervously. Your eyes searching his.
"Is..this real?" 
You weren't sure anymore. Maybe you were hallucinating. That hollow must have put a number on you. At this point you didn't care. You just wanted him closer. Shinji leaned forward, and you were apparently doing the same. Your eyelids lowered with every passing second that he got close.
"SHINJI!!!" you jumped back when something green crossed your vision, tackling Shinji to the ground. You stared owlishly for a few seconds.
When you looked over Mashiro was clutching unto Shinji. She was pointing at the side.
"Kensei is being a bully again!!" she wailed. As if hearing his name he appeared. He looked pissed. His eyes softened when he saw you. 
"Hey, you're out already. I thought Hanataro said you needed to rest." you waved him off. "I'm fine with just a few scratches. Shinji stood with a grouchy look. "I'd appreciate it if your girlfriend didn't tackle me." He picked her up like a football, tossing her and you sweat dropped. She squealed when Kensei caught her with ease. 
"Don't worry I'll take care of her." he said with a sinister look. She paled.
"Save me (Y/N)-chan!!" You laughed awkwardly as he disappeared with her. You turned back to Shinji who still had a look of annoyance on his face. He caught your stare and you looked down quickly. 
"W-We should get back." you said hurriedly. You were already walking off and he followed behind. You knew he was staring at you, you could feel his eyes drilling holes in your back. You flushed.
Things were changing alright.
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myherowritings · 5 years
Take You Out
Request: Could you do a Bakugou x Reader fic where the reader asks Bakugou out on a date to the park but he misunderstands and thinks they’re challenging him to a fight? So they show up dressed up really nice and put together, but he’s ready to throw down? Thx!!!
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Word Count: 1,928
Author’s Note: This is a repost because the original got deleted, ugh. IDK if I did it on accident or if it was Tumblr, but regardless it’s very disheartening to see all the notes gone and agh I’m just frustrated and sad. :( But it’s okay! I’m grateful I had it saved. Any reblogs would be appreciated! xx
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“Tomorrow at five, then?”
“Tch. That’s fine by me.”
His brows were furrowed with a glare and his arms were crossed defensively as he looked at you, but you were so happy that Bakugou didn’t just reject you, you hardly noticed.
“R-Really?” you asked, staring up at him as a bright smile threatened to take over your face. “We can meet at the park by the pond! I have the perfect set up.”
Earlier that day, Ashido had helped you plan out the perfect picnic date with Bakugou. You went out to buy a gingham blanket, a vintage picnic basket, and an assortment of meats and cheeses for the sandwiches.
It was going to be perfect.
“You have a whole set up for this?” Katsuki’s face was the mixture of confusion and anger you had grown to love.
“Of course! I’ve been planning this for a while,” you admitted shyly, toying with the hem of your shirt. “I honestly can’t wait to take you out.”
His eye twitched. “What?”
You peered at him through your lashes. “Huh?”
“What did you just say?”
“I said that I can’t wait to take you out.” You tilted your head slightly to the side as Bakugou furrowed his nose up. Scratching the back of your head, you laughed nervously, “Sorry-- Was that too forward?”
“Take me out?” he repeated, voice growing louder as his expression became more and more incredulous. “Listen here, pipsqueak. I don’t know where you got that idea, but I’m going to be the one taking you out!”
You blinked.
Katsuki glowered.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said slowly. You heard a series of sparks coming from his hands, but you simply giggled. “I’m the one who asked you. And the one who set this whole thing up. Plus, I’ve been planning this for a while now! It’s definitely me who is taking you out, Bakugou.”
“Why, you little--!”
“But it’s okay,” you quickly amended, giving his cheek a small pat as his whole face turned a bright red. “If you really want to so badly, I’ll let you take me out the following time.”
“Let me?”
You nodded.
Gradually, Bakugou’s growl transformed into a challenging smile as he bared his teeth. His eyes were filled with something that looked like a combination of begrudging respect and outright annoyance.
“Tch. You have some nerve, Y/L/N,” he barked with a rough laugh. Katsuki shook his head. “Fine, I’ll humor you. Tomorrow at five, right? Don’t be late.”
You beamed, happy your biggest crush actually agreed to go on a date with you.
“I can’t wait!”
- - - - -
“Is my outfit okay?” you asked Mina, biting your bottom lip in worry as you smoothed out your shirt for the umpteenth time.
“Yes, you look hot, Y/N! Stop being so nervous,” she said, giving you a once over with a quick thumbs up. “It’s still only Bakugou after all.”
You huffed. “Easy for you to say! He might be ‘only Bakugou’ to you. But to me, he’s a long time crush I never thought I’d have an actual chance with.”
There was a little less than an hour before your first date with Katsuki and you couldn’t stop pacing around your room. You ran through your picnic checklist so many times, you were certain you could now recite it by heart.
“I just hope he likes me back,” you said, tugging at the dainty chain of your necklace.
“He’d be foolish not to.” Ashido propped herself up by her arms as she laid on your bed, staring thoughtfully at the wall behind you. “Plus, he did agree to go on this date with you, right? So he must like you at least a little bit.”
You felt yourself relax at her words, but still couldn’t stop yourself from wandering about.
“I guess you’re right,” you sighed. “Thanks, Mina.”
“I am right!” she agreed, jumping up from your bed and handing you the picnic basket. “Now, go leave already! You know how Bakugou always shows up early to everything. You don’t want him there before you.”
You checked the time and swore under your breath. Giving your outfit another glance in the mirror for the last time, you waved a nervous goodbye to Mina and headed out the door.
Dashing over to the nearby park with a picnic basket around your arm, you prayed to the stars above you wouldn’t screw anything up.
By the time you arrived there, it was a half hour before five. If you were lucky, you would have a good ten minutes to set up before Bakugou arrived. You quickly got to work, laying out the gingham blanket and preparing the sparkling cider and appetizers.
As you finished laying out the picnic, you smiled to yourself at the job well done.
Katsuki will love this! you hoped.
On cue, you spotted the angry-looking blond sauntering over to your spot next to the pond.
“Bakugou! Hi,” you called with a wave, smiling brightly despite the bundle of nerves in your stomach.
As he drew nearer, you noticed his casual attire. He had on gym shorts and a muscle tee. It was a stark contrast from your flowy, floral outfit, but Katsuki looked good in anything so you didn’t mind.
“Are you ready for this, pipsqueak?” he asked gruffly before giving you a once over. As he took in your dressed up attire, he narrowed his eyes. “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Your cheeks heated in embarrassment. So much for Ashido’s advice. “Is… Is it too much? I knew I should’ve gone with a less flowery outfit, but Mina said this one looked better. B-But maybe I did go a little overboard, especially considering how casual you look… I didn’t realize--”
As you voiced your dilemma, Katsuki’s face grew more and more confused. He looked around at the scenery of the park, then down to the food laid across the red woven blanket.
“The hell are you going off about?” he interrupted, the harshness of his voice not quite matching the uncertainty in his eyes, but still biting nevertheless. “What is all of this?”
You blinked, taken aback by his rudeness. Bakugou wasn’t exactly what you would call a polite person, but you knew he was capable of manners at the very least.
And, yes, perhaps a small part of you thought he would be a little more speechless when he saw you dressed up like this. That maybe he would want to show you a softer, sweeter side of him no one else got to see.
But that didn’t seem to be the case.
Instead, he was cold and angry and looked like he couldn’t believe the sight around him.
You sniffed, throat feeling tight as you folded your arms defiantly and looked him straight in the eye despite the tremble in your lower lip.
“This was supposed to be a nice picnic with your favorite foods, you jerk!”
Katsuki turned to face you sharply, bewilderment evident as he furrowed his brows. “What?”
“If you didn’t want to come, you could’ve just said no, Bakugou,” you said, fighting back hurt tears. “You could’ve saved me from all this effort if you were just going to come and act like you’d rather be anywhere else.”
His eyes widened when he noticed the glassy sheen in yours. “I don’t--”
“I was so excited, you know? And not even because the mentaiko tastes amazing! I just wanted to get to know you a little more.” You dug the point of your shoe into the gravel beneath you. “But instead you show up looking like you’re ready for a fight and--”
You stopped yourself in your tracks, wiping away a stray tear as you eyed the gym bag by his feet.
“And… Why do you look like you’re ready to fight someone?”
He blinked at your stunned silence.
“What do you mean why!? You said you were going to take me out, baka,” Katsuki grumbled, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “I’m here to prove I’m the one who will take you out. But now you’re talking about your feelings and a picnic as if this was supposed to be a date or something--”
Realization dawned on his face as he abruptly cut himself off. Bakugou briefly shut his eyes, muttering a quiet swear.
“Fuck.” He shook his head. “Was this-- Is this supposed to be a date?”
A flush of heat crept up your cheeks as your brain registered the hopeless misunderstanding. You cleared your throat, ignoring the complete humiliation you felt.
“What else did you think I meant when I said I want to take you out?” you cried in disbelief. “That I wanted to meet in you in the park at night for a fist fight?”
When you said it aloud, it sounded even more ridiculous. He thought you meant take him out-- With your fists?
You weren’t sure whether you wanted to laugh at the audacity or cry at the embarrassment.
“What the fuck, Bakugou?” you barked, unable to hold in your laughter.
His face turned a bright red as he folded his arms at your chuckles. “How was I supposed to know when you never used the actual fucking word even once!?”
“I was nervous, you jerk!”
You both stared at each other stock-still before you burst out into giggles. Even Bakugou couldn’t stop the smirk on his face as he scoffed.
“Baka.” He rolled his eyes.
After your amusement died down, you turned to face him, fingers toying with the pendant on your necklace.
“Well, now that you know this was supposed to be a date… You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” you said nervously. “You probably wouldn’t have said yes if not for the confusion--” You bite your lower lip as you faltered at his intense gaze. “I won’t be offended, or anything! I’ll just pack this up.”
There was a deafening silence as you reached to place the container of fruit back in the woven basket. When you grabbed it, you felt a large hand covering yours to stop you from moving.
You almost jolted at the spark.
“Don’t be an idiot,” Bakugou mumbled, pulling his hand away so quickly that if it weren’t for the lingering heat, you would never have known it was there in the first place. “You prepared all this food. It’d be stupid to let it go to waste.”
Katsuki avoided your gaze as he took a seat on the picnic blanket.
You watched him, speechless.
“Well?” he said gruffly, offering you a bundle of grapes.
Almost cautiously, you took a seat next to him, taking a grape and plopping it into your mouth.
“You… You’re staying? Even if it’s a date?”
He grunted.
A small smile broke out on your face. “Thank you,” you said softly.
“Tch. Why are you saying thank you, baka? This is only because I don’t want to waste the food,” he lied through his teeth, cheeks pinkening as he looked away.
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything else.”
“Maybe after the food, I can show you how even dressed in this, I’ll still be the one to take you out.”
Katsuki glanced up at you in surprise, lips quirking into a challenging grin as his fiery eyes met the intense gaze in yours.
He barked out a laugh before shaking his head. “Fine. But don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because we’re on a date.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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