#‘people are always saying how do you fix wonder woman i fix her by making her kickass like- i want-
un-pearable · 10 months
release wonder woman from the hands of dudes who can’t get over ‘but why doesnt batman kill :(‘ i’m generally gonna lose it
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capslocked · 7 months
[prompt: roleplay] male reader x kang hyewon 8k words
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“I need you,” Hyewon says in the uneasy dark of a hotel room, with two urgent fistfuls of your shirt, “need you to do to me all the things my husband never will.” “Yeah, I know,” you tell her, “you said that,” and her eyebrows move in all the wrong directions, “I’m just wondering if, you know, maybe we should give him a little more credit.”
Here’s the truth:
Hyewon doesn’t believe in leaving evidence behind and you don't find it particularly productive to doubt her; you’ve been talking in code for years. Parts and pieces of yourselves reduced down and bottled into set phrases that, to anyone else, would be totally incomprehensible.
"i've been thinking," she texts you, which you've come to understand means she's already made up her mind, "maybe we should do that thing we were talking about. tonight."
(You're not always so fast on the uptake.)
You send two back two texts, both of which ask "which thing?" because the hallway from the breakroom to your desk has poor reception and it never lets you send just one.
Then, right after you cross the threshold between signal-drowning-concrete and the glitzy glass-walled arboretum they've built to make you feel like you're not a total cog in their corporate machine, your phone pings the receipt of Hyewon's reply: a picture - her laptop, propped up on your coffee table with its screen angled for perusal, of a booking site that's filtered to show results for their 'king bed & view' room at a midrange hotel a forty-five-minute ride from your apartment.
"not really doing much narrowing down here hyewon."
She replies to you - her text bubble appearing over another couple still images, of herself in the vanity mirror as she curls her hair around her finger and holds this little black slip of a dress over her shoulder, black lacy lingerie in tow, the whole nine - with:
"i'm feeling kinda adventurous."
Five o’clock rolls around but you never really do figure it out. You spend the last three hours at work deciding which kink of hers (oh, does she have a few) this is all in service to.
There's nothing overtly sexual about her pics in the first place - not more than usual anyway, more showing off her curves and cut jaw than showcasing anything for her 'adventurous' intent. So that can't be the tell - you'd seen her in a corset once (you can't unsee it) and the angle of her hips to the mirror makes you think that if she was planning on pulling on a  pair of crotchless panties then she probably would've found her thigh high stockings, too.
You try and think of what the two of you had even talked about when discussing these little scenes - how many times you'd ended up 'in the mood' during or after such a meeting of the minds, how it'd snowballed from there, a whole list of filthy what-ifs that she'd probably put more thought into than you ever have - but you draw a total blank. It could be any of a number of things.
"i left you instructions on the kitchen island," reads a text on your phone which you definitely don’t check while you’re driving -
And then it hits you.
"yeah, 'ah'," she replies.
A quarter past seven at the hotel bar is way too early for any real promiscuous activity, but then again, you're here playing at pretend and half the fun of games like this is in the setup.
Meet me at the bar, your instructions read, introduce yourself, and play it by ear.
There's some couples at the other end, some friends downing shots by the round, people musing over their aperitifs, and a woman sipping alone at the bar - Hyewon, appearing to you from the back first:
The pointed edges of her shoulders narrow out over this tiny cocktail dress that somehow covers less of her than if it weren't there at all, skin tight, accentuating even her softest curves. She has her hair fixed a particular way - teased enough to flip at the ends but still a single sweep down her shoulders, pulled together softly by a ribbon in the back, tied like a fantasy, allowing a wispy strand to fall to her face - glossy and dark and glowing to this rich, deep mahogany where it's cast in the lamplight.
The line of her throat, of her chest. Where her hips meet her waist in a rounding flare. The effort and beauty she's gone to, for you - that she puts in every day just because she knows it gets your attention, can do more than turn a head or two; Hyewon's appearance is almost indifferent of you, only coincidental, but she puts on a damn good act.
(You look a lot more worn in comparison: jacket thrown over dress shirt and khakis, tie loose at the neck. Standard office attire with just a step-outside-regulation. Disheveled.)
A drink, you suppose - approaching the bar to try and catch the bartender's attention to order a single malt.
But if Hyewon's been waiting long, she doesn't complain when you pull into the stool beside her and sit for a long moment.
"Do you mind if I join you?" you say over a pair of politely folded hands - and that's generally where her 'instructions' end.
The look she fixes you with is just this unashamed smoldering, her body language this contradictory kind of lazy - cool, like her night was going exactly the way she planned but she still had places to be.
"It depends," she replies, one slender finger curled around the stem of her martini glass - which historically, is a drink she hates. "Who's asking?"
"Just me," you offer, letting the gesture and your tone leave it up to her. And then slowly, perhaps awkwardly: "ostensibly a complete and utter stranger who knows a gorgeous woman when he sees one - and who could never pass up a chance to see how the rest of her is."
"I guess it is, considering you didn't immediately run for the exit."
Hyewon nearly snorts.
"Hard not to." She tilts her head back at you, assessing. Her cheeks are rosy pink. "A handsome thing like you doesn't usually buy themself a girl's time with flattery -"
"Buy your time or your drinks?" you tease, and you can tell she wants to roll her eyes - but she keeps them carefully lowered. Eyelashes dipping down like blackened fans.
Hyewon shifts slightly, resting her chin onto the heel of her wrist like she's leaning against an imaginary windowpane and tipping her face a little sideways. It makes you smile. "One gets the other, if you catch my meaning."
Maybe it takes you a little too long to lift your gaze off her lips to find her eyes, or off the sweeping curve of the hemline sitting high across her long legs, but she watches you for just a breath. It's a more telling moment that she pretends she doesn't know you.
"You can look at me if you like," and then without further preamble, she introduces herself with a slight tilt of the head and an expectant expression: "call me Hyewon."
You figure that if you've gotta say one word to get the ball rolling you want to say her name, and as a little revenge for forcing you to think on this scene and think on what to say, what your character would say, how exactly she wanted you to go about 'meeting' her in a hotel bar, how her fucking scenario's been building up in her head for god-knows-how-long (even though, in the scheme of the two of you and your relationship, it’s nowhere close to being the most demanding sex you've had), you reply simply with:
It's satisfying, how she hesitates - pausing a little longer on your face to gauge exactly what you meant. Studying. But the next beat of your heart - or hers - is effortless, easy.
"I know. That's what my husband calls me."
"Husband?" You keep yourself from raising an eyebrow. "And I don't suppose I'm also... married?"
"Different day, different you."
"Meaning I have a wife or a mistress of my own," and you flick your wrist at the barkeep for a top-up of what's in front of Hyewon. "You're telling me I'm the kind of man who'd only settle for two."
It doesn't sound quite right, though Hyewon picks up on it. Doesn't let on. "Aren't men like you always? Charming to a fault, but always voracious - insatiable, especially with women like me."
"Women like you."
"Married women. Unavailable," she simpers, and in a practiced little motion, draws her hand out to where you can see it properly, this sparkle on her fourth finger that catches the lowlight of the bar. The diamond looks real - not that you'd actually know - and your stomach flexes up mid-somersault thinking about the financial impropriety for what amounts to a gag. A practical joke. Hyewon the comedian.
Still, you go with it and take her hand in yours, admiring. "What a pity." The glint off its faceted surface - Hyewon's watchful as she allows it.
"Isn't it," she agrees.
The more unnerving thing - besides how composed Hyewon can make herself be - is how the narrative quickly becomes a whole hell of a lot clearer with the context of marriage in play. She's mentioned it before: the infidelity thing, the way it leads to the raunchiest, filthiest bits she'll dare to explore. In some ways, her desire for the untouchable makes a lot more sense -
And maybe that's what had been nagging at your mind since she brought up the idea of playing the part: you always end up kissing in that stupid 'caught up' sort of way. With an intensity that's hard to beat. Even though you wouldn't ever cheat on her. Not in a million years. You'd watch her leave before doing anything like that.
But it's thrilling, almost, and even more thrilling that this isn't entirely improvisation: how well the two of you might actually play this off, as two total strangers to this illusory little roleplay that you'd normally say was your very last interest.
"But you know there's something I've come to appreciate about married men," Hyewon continues, her voice in this conspiratorial sort of hushed.
You blink, drawing her out.
"They know how to tie a knot."
There's the flirty wink, an upward flick of the chin that draws your eye to the span of her chest. To her body in that skin-hugging dress and your fingers entangled in hers - the gentle bump and shift of the bodies behind her, moving between the tables - Hyewon a queen of circumstance, playing to the moment as it bends; as her lips part in a pleased smile, red and smooth, almost innocent, and you can't help but imagine tasting her on your tongue, the force that'd take for her to yield when you finally got your hands in her hair.
(What a character, honestly.)
"Tell me something," you say, "why would a married woman, this pretty little thing like you, be all alone in a place like this - without her charming husband."
Hyewon's smile curls at the edges like smoke. "I never said he was charming."
You raise an eyebrow. "Good-looking, then."
"Never said as much either."
“Why are you with someone you find neither attractive nor charming?”
Hyewon makes a face, slightly pitied. “If that Isn’t what I’m asking myself everyday.”
"Hm." You narrow your eyes into something more quizzical than suggestive. It works on her anyway. "That doesn't feel too much like it's in character, Hyewon."
She shrugs, but it's that coy kind of shrug. She thinks you'll let her off easy - you usually do. All considered, she's the type who thrives off the chase and, as of today, so do you.
"But he is cute." Her expression is just this side of sweet, as she takes a dainty sip of her drink. Like the taste doesn’t bother her, like she isn't pretending she doesn't hate it with every fiber of her being. Like this is easy. "And maybe -" she quirks an eyebrow at you, withholding a smirk. "-you're right. Maybe, I was looking for someone cuter to fill the bill. And luck would have it, here he is."
So - apparently - her character doesn’t mind a little light infidelity.
Hyewon takes in the vague sense that the message wasn’t as clear as she might have liked, her forehead scrunching as she tries to convey - in a way that would communicate even to an airhead - some realization to play your part.
"Maybe it's the wrong question,” you start over, taking it from somewhere near the top, “what are you doing here, with me?"
That's when Hyewon graces you with one of the soft, slow kind of smiles: the kind that manages both an air of 'you dimwit' and 'good question'. Her fingertips barely graze yours but it's noticeably electric. Just enough to feel your pulse fluttering.
(You don't care that none of it’s real - Hyewon looks to you through thick eyelashes like a goddess of temptation and sin - and it makes something wicked coil up warm at the pit of your gut. A curious thrill and a recklessness that you have to admit feels a little nice - being the man trying to talk this woman into bed. The challenge and the buildup, the want to work for it. It's new. It's fresh. Lo-and-behold, it's kinda hot.)
When you catch her stare, she fidgets. So slightly, so briefly, your chest is on fire and you're barely into the pages of her plans, of this night ahead.
"Wish fulfillment, let's say," and that is no less true. "See it’s my husband."
"He respects me too much to do the things I'm going to ask you to do."
"Like?" you continue to prod.
Hyewon lets out the tiniest shiver of a sigh, like a trickle of cold water down the length of her spine. "Take a good guess."
You finish the rest of Hyewon's martini, slow. Savoring the warmth and bitterness sliding down the back of your throat. The night's young, sure - and if you're supposed to be spending it all wrapped around Hyewon's finger. This means you can take your time.
"Show me your room?" you propose, gesturing to the empty glass.
"I thought you'd never ask."
At your offering, she stands up and throws on her coat - long, double-breasted, chic - but only really just off her shoulders to have the hem hit her legs mid-thigh. One of her many personal quirks. Hyewon knows how to move like there aren't two eyes staring at her wherever she goes: not the awkward side-to-side of a girl who wasn't made to wear heels - a loping gait - nor the assured click, click of the taller kind that totter like it's all they've got going for them.
Something totally different: a little careless and a little haughty and an assurance of the highest confidence.
She winds an arm round yours like they do in movies, this parody of a leading lady - Hyewon not a seductress as much as she is someone who'll look the part just to convince you otherwise. There is a pretty big discrepancy, you find, between her bravado and her smile, her figure and her artistry - you couldn't act if you wanted to; meanwhile, she does whatever she damn well pleases. And somehow that doesn't even begin to cover the things that turn her on.
The two of you make for the stairs, winding up floor after floor until it's perfectly quiet, perfectly out of sight - hidden away from prying eyes and ears.
The silence of an empty hotel stairwell is thick - Hyewon's hand comes off the railing, as she takes to the wall and turns to face you. It's a gentle tug at the tie loose around your neck, barely any give before you're already there, holding her by the hips.
"Might've gotten us lost there," you whisper, as her finger plays at your chest and finds its way round the collar of your shirt. Your top button is already undone by the time you notice she's not fond of it. "The elevators would've gotten us where we're headed faster."
"Don't worry." She hums, leaning in close - like a magnet, like gravity. "You're getting the scenic route."
"Anything to stall the inevitable," you tease, but it isn't a thread she seems interested in developing.
"Something like that."
Hyewon shifts her weight back onto her right foot, her skirt riding up just barely. The dip between her inner thighs and the smooth curve of her leg is open and bare to your sight, her dark stockings like an unspoken challenge: the panties, lacy, loose, no crotch.
And it gets... indecent, the way your lips connect, how you realize half-way into that kiss, she's still smiling. It isn't any one way that does it; maybe it's the clever use of her tongue, or that particular position you've coaxed her up against the stairwell wall that makes it seem like Hyewon can't be any more in danger - it's too much to handle and your mouth goes slack on the reflex of an apology; her hand has a hold on you by the jaw and it won't budge.
"My husband," she murmurs into you, the trace of the words ghosting into the breath between the both of you. "Never lets me."
"What," you rasp, barely recognizing your own voice, your hand heavy on her side - the very real fear that you might tip over a banister because Hyewon's got her heel half-way into the back of your calf and any less bracing would bring you down. Your thoughts are a fog, with her cheek in one hand and your knee already up between her thighs.
"His wife," she almost swallows down, kisses turning chaste because maybe it's just easier to gently peck out her intentions, how she looks to you with dark eyes, heavy-lidded and wanting, a thumb trailing down the plane of your cheek. It'd feel like pity if you weren't thinking exactly the same.
You try to finish it for her:
"She likes it rough."
"No." Her nose traces yours before she connects you again - gentle and slow, and a shudder rolls all down the expanse of her shoulders; you think you have it about right. Until she makes the slightest adjustment and her grip in your hair turns agonizing, perfect and burning on the edge of too tight - too much. You are straining against the wall of a hotel hallway and she's saying, "not rough."
She kisses you. Hard. Until you gasp for the stolen air in her lungs.
"Filthy," she manages against the heat and sting at the side of her cheek.
Your voice has gone and lodged itself firmly somewhere between her lungs - but there's something that says she knows. That you've got it in you, the brimming potential that might just say everything you ever wanted but couldn't figure the right way to put it.
It's the tone of her voice or the spark in her eyes, but one moment into the next - you're caught in this pull - like gravity's increasing tenfold at her will; her heartbeat's so strong you swear you feel it against your ribs as she's demanding:
"Messy. Dirty. A little uninhibited," and the obvious thrill of that must flare up like lightning under her skin - the way it makes her moan, soft and breathless: "fuck me like my husband doesn't."
She’s not even waiting for the comfort of the room yet, which in hindsight is probably checking more of Hyewon's many boxes - it's the sex in public thing, the fear of discovery thing, the desire to have you ravish her out where anyone can come upon you sort of thing - the thought of which has your jaw go a little slack too. Her leg up is coiled up around your hip, your fingers tangled in her hair and sliding up the length of her thigh, until you're fucking kneading up her ass and drawing out that desperate whine in her.
"Fuck," she exhales into your shoulder - a hand on the metal bannister to brace against those little circles you start to rub inside her, pushing - slowly - one, two, three knuckles deep, testing - before drawing back, and plunging forward again. This ache, slow and purposeful, pressing just enough into her until there's a wet sort of friction that has your hand slick all down your wrist.
It never takes long, with your fingers on her clit, fingers inside her, a palm covering the moans out of her mouth -
She cums just like that.
Whining and broken and bent under you, and with an elbow hard against her ribcage to make the breaths come shallow.
"Stay quiet for me, sweetheart," you find yourself murmuring, as your teeth graze the shell of her ear - the short burst of hair and silky strands across the back of her neck; you're undoing the neat ribbon tied round the length of her hair and letting her waves settle on her shoulder in time for you to swallow down the sound of her sighs, the tension in her lips, and the frantic jolt when your fingers push through the wet, heat of her pussy again, merciless and quick. You have to be careful; she nearly bites your fucking tongue out.
"Can't." Her jaw's tight on it, the slight staccato to her breathing, murmuring and slightly dazed: "if we get caught, someone will see. Someone will notice."
Her next exhale is more shaky. "Anyone could see us like this," with just her toes curling and her stomach tensing on every second beat. Your grip leaves a bruise. "Please-"
"We're not supposed to be doing this at all, are we? If you've got a husband waiting somewhere?"
You hear yourself, and it sounds sorta degenerate, though in all the right ways, you figure, like something straight out of one of Hyewon's romance novels, the dirty, smutty ones that she swears up and down she simply reads for the plot, but the dazed, hazy kind of mood they get her worked up into suggest otherwise.
You trace the rough pad of your thumb over her pussy, this delicate, ghost of a touch. One you'd have to strain to even tell if it was there or not until she whines - eyes screwed shut like she doesn't mean to, just does. The sound of it bouncing around the stairwell.
And then, all this wet: her skirt's ridden all the way up to her stomach, damp and near-transparent with slick, and you can just imagine the puffy pink between her legs - between her stockings in the afterglow of an orgasm, spent and sensitive and sore and wanting for more. Your eyes linger a little too long -
"I shouldn't let you," she manages, half a moan on it - one of her heels comes up the stair you're standing on and the way Hyewon clings onto you for balance says enough, but still, she demands, with all the strength her throat allows: "make it fast. You're lucky I let you see me like this at all -"
And she cuts off abruptly, looking at you.
(She'll play coy for a while longer. Which, Hyewon being Hyewon, will look like as much an effort as her sprawl out on the bed for you is.)
"The room," you say to her, harshly, "where is it."
"Four more floors."
Room 1014 as it turns out is like every other room you've ever been in, each one perhaps a little more identical than the last - except this one has Hyewon sitting in your lap while you get comfortable on the bed, and there's also the way she looks in the mirror above the headboard, the desperation in her stare, right back into the reflection.
"What all," she says, "do you want to do to me?"
This time - no explicit instructions - just an implication. You have to figure it out.
See, the image of her is like every fantasy rolled into one, wearing this thin black bra that has her breasts just about spilling over. They're amazing - the color and shape of her skin. Soft. Cradled between the cups like a godsend, and maybe that's why it drives her a little crazy how good you look biting down the ridge of her breast and flicking your eyes back up to catch her expression.
It has you feeling, if nothing else, a little ‘adventurous,’ too.
Her belly tenses on a heavy sigh and it's one hell of a thing to have Hyewon staring you down, like you're an animal or an idiot, with her eyes flashing and a thinly veiled anger in the purse of her lips. There's a thousand things she'd like to do to you - for you to do to her - but it's about the predicament: the silk necktie she'd pulled off you as you both stumbled through the door has ended up around her wrists, pinning her arms behind her back in a way that suggests a loss of control. Just the mere suggestion of a little playacting, but she's almost keening.
You feel the touch of her right calf keep rising - curving down your waist, hooked behind the small of your back - her thighs smooth, and a hot line along your sides.
"I should fuck that pretty mouth of yours," you say against the shell of her ear, because you know better than anyone, the very concept gets her wet. Uncomfortably so.
And she leans her head against your temple like she'd love it. You could be imagining the little whimper as she clenches up round nothing - until a growl escapes the back of her throat and she's saying -
"Is that how you're going to cum? With me on my knees and nothing else? Cover my pretty face? How you’ll completely ruin me?. You’re more creative than that."
“I don’t know that I am.”
Her hips move to find some friction where there isn't any until you give her some, pulling your cock out through your pants and feeling it brush, once, twice against the seam of her. Hot, and hard. Ready. And if she only tried a little, the angle was made perfectly to slot your head in, but neither of you move. She doesn't yield.
"Let me fuck myself on you," she suggests, strained, almost pleading. "Then perhaps I will."
You could take her like she is. Any which way. But this is about getting a particular reaction - one that'll leave her spent and trembling - and nothing like that will happen without a little bit of preparation and prelude. You want to watch her writhe for hours. Until she forgets she's playing a character at all, until she's panting your name and whimpering for release, her cheeks burning.
But at least it gets her writhing on you, the heat and press of her body as she leans in close, your eyes locking:
"Get your cock inside me-" the urgency in her voice. "-fuck me right now, this second-"
"Say it again."
"Fill me with your perfect cock." The words land right on your lips, frayed at the edges as the tether to her control slips another notch. "Push my thighs apart until you break me," Hyewon tells you - and then with her legs twisted up in the comforter, the creaking mattress and the sweat on the sheets: she rolls her hips like they're pleading for it.
"Gentle's got no appeal for us."
"Apparently not," you reply - but then it's suddenly a lot easier, to slide one hand in Hyewon's hair, and grip at the knotted silk wrapped tight 'round her wrists to hold her. There's no hiding the subtle arching of her spine, how the pressure off her arms pulls her chest in or makes it all the more comfortable, she doesn't let on, she'll probably keep pretending she doesn't like this, that she hasn't always wanted -
You run your tongue over her collarbone and thrust up inside her, once - a warning that you're not giving in to her quite yet.
The smile that runs her lips is brittle. Like her patience isn't what it used to be - she makes a quiet little noise, pained. A flash of discomfort. But there's a moan and a curse out of her:
"Like that. Harder."
"What does harder mean?" you ask, with a deliberate repetition in motion, thrusting upward, forcing her hips to shift a few degrees further back - her knees clenching around the sheets as you're met with no give - Hyewon's resistance through a dark smile, and her grip slackened in her hands, despite you keeping a fist wound tight in the hair on the back of her head, tightening the other around her restraint.
Her throat flinches: this shudder.
She takes a couple heaving, open-mouthed breaths, before she has it in her to glare at you again.
"Harder-" The way her mouth shapes around the word gets the better of you - cute little cupid's bow in pink, full and swollen and pursed up as if in pain. Or desire. Or both, the way her head is tipped back, hair half undone - an idea is already coiling at the back of your mind. "-until I can't stand."
"Or talk?"
And when your hand loosens on her wrists, her posture slumps like it's relief, that you're finally going to move along in a direction she's getting some satisfaction from -
Hyewon shakes her head in a moment that's almost blissed.
"You," her voice breaks on the tail end, "fucking wish you could shut me up that easily -"
In a motion almost gentle, you twist the length of hair down around her, from her scalp to her jaw, and wrap it around a hand. "Let's see if you'll change your mind, shall we."
There's a sharp draw of air in past her lips, just one sound, not a word. No proper rebuttal. She bites down, teeth clicking.
So you pull.
And this isn't some revelation, that Hyewon's cunt is heaven. Slick and tight, the fit around your cock and the gasp escaping the base of her throat - that isn't new. You've been here countless times, fucked her past her breaking point, beyond what should reasonably satisfy her or satisfy you, but that still doesn't take away from this incredible, heady rush that pulses through your entire body. It never stops getting better, not inch-after-fucking-inch the way you're bottoming out inside Hyewon's body and feel how hard the rest of her muscles tense up in the contact, how her pussy tightens and quivers, and grips around the entirety of your cock, the briefest taste of pleasure and release before it's pulled back just out of her reach - overstimulated, until Hyewon cries out.
You expect, predict the fight, the whimpers that spill out of her mouth with every slap of your skin and the breathless way she begs, pleads, like she'd rather her pride take it from her than have your fingers tug her hair up, right out of her scalp, with your arm locked around her lower waist. With your cock pumping faster, faster and a pressure, hot and inescapable, right there - the friction building - the slippery-wet heat sliding along your shaft with every stroke until you bottom out and her next exhale is a sob.
A goddamn fucking sob and the warm gush of liquid down her thighs - all on you. You fingers are pressed into her ass, pulling onto you, steading her bounce - and Hyewon finds her breathing uneven, as you smear wet across the curve of her backside, rubbing circles into her lower back as you catch up on the rhythm she'd lost.
"This tight little cunt, huh," you tease, and she nods so desperately it seems like she might snap. Like she might cry again and this time for real, a drop of her eye color past the blush, streaking down her cheek. You have the wherewithal to remember your character, your blocking, your lines: "this is what your husband won't do? Won't fuck you on every piece of furniture until you're a ruined fucked-out mess? Doesn't have the decency to work over his little slutty-wife until she's passed out, dripping with cum?"
Hyewon's fingers curl up into two balls of white knuckles and she chokes on her reply. "He won't."
"Tell him. He has a hot and dirty little piece of ass right under his own roof-"
"You think," and the string of words trails off when you manage to grind in, at this angle that has her reeling, trembling at every shift and jerk in momentum. Your knuckles drag against her soft and giving curves, almost gripping at her in the attempt to hold her down on you. "-my husband isn't enough."
"Well you wanted me to fuck the domestic housewife out of you," you murmur, taking two greedy handfuls of the ass bouncing in your lap, rubbing your palms along her hips, up and around the shape of her abdomen and her ribcage like you'd map it, memorize it. She wants this, you know this: your palms come around and over and brush your thumbs against her rising gooseflesh - she's putty in your hands. "No strings attached, remember, a one night kind of thing-"
"My husband loves me."
"Then it seems-"
"He makes me cum with his hands alone."
Your jaw works tight - Hyewon's cunt feels as good wrapped around you as she says your cock feels making a mess of it.
"Tells me he'd die happy hearing me moan his name."
"Oh, because no matter where he goes," you say, fingers wrapping under and around the back of her neck, forcing her to look you in the eye, "no matter what, your sweet cunt's the only one his mouth is ever watering for, isn't that right-"
A blink, lashes thick and feathering down and over the pools of her pupils as you have a hold of her tight. 
You're having a hard time with this, and you want to give it to her, the toe-curling-crescendo that would see her cumming at your will, or worse, losing the plot completely and your entire setup falling away from the charade of characters you'd both conjured. But she looks at you like she's never loved anyone like she loves you, the naked, barefaced devotion, the tenderness - a quick breath, a second - and the game is suddenly something far more personal, a truth. It isn't exactly fair: how your heart stutters. How much her heartbeat makes your pulse flutter, the electrifying rush you get when you fuck roughly up into her tight, wet cunt and make her bite down on nothing in the throes another orgasm.
You barely have a second to think of something coherent, let alone an out before she kisses you. If that isn’t totally disarming. So you move her into the next, flipping her onto her stomach, and she does nothing to fight back: Hyewon just lies there - the side of her face plastered to the comforter - exhausted, and gives a willing, malleable moan at the contact where your hand digs into the shape of her upper thighs, spreading them out as her elbows struggle behind her back.
"Here, baby," you say, finally unwinding the silk knot between her wrists, "I'll have you like the little desperate fucktoy you really are."
There's the bite to her bottom lip, the whole five seconds it takes for her hands to spread out and twist her fingers tight in the bedspread, before she whines - full-throated - and rocks back onto her toes to arch her back.
(See, the thing: Hyewon likes being fucked within an inch of her life. On all fours and pleading for more.)
With your free hand, you reach around her to run over her inner thighs.
Hyewon brings her grip to the bottom of the bed frame, for purchase, or leverage, you don't know, and in one simple motion, you slip your cock back deep inside her pussy.
You curse under your breath.
Hyewon fucking collapses.
It's a dangerous combination, having her begging and you nearly fully clothed while she's wearing barely more than this thin strip of black silk around her waist and a stocking on one leg, but you can't help it - she looks good this way.
"Fuck," she spits out, voice lost when your hips find hers in this wet, sloppy crash of skin that gets louder, faster and more punishing on each beat. "Like that, oh my God-"
Her whimpering only gets worse - when you start only pulling out halfway, until she's gasping like she can't breathe. You think there isn't a more wonderful, more obscene, more gorgeous thing than Hyewon spread out in front of you - the curve of her spine defining each and every one of the lines, dips, and rises of her body - and you would thank God or some higher deity right about now.
It’s fuck and please and every other little pliant utterance of “fuck my brains out, use me, make me beg, I'm so turned on right now I'll let you fuck me anyway you want - harder, faster, I can do whatever, just show me how, make me, push and fuck me hard until I'm raw and aching - god - like this, let me cum, please, let me - keep fucking going, oh my god, please, like this, fuck, just like this-"
You do thank God, actually - there's mirrors everywhere in this room, and you can catch the circular swing of her tits every time you force a curse and a sigh out of her: the bared teeth and the effort to push herself back on her arms, bracing for every thrust, fighting and fumbling to keep her balance and to make sure you have to pound her into the mattress until her cries reach a pitch.
Then, the thing you'd learned she'd never ask for but oh-so-dearly-wanted - you open your palm and bring it down hard on her backside. The impact of your flesh to hers, a crack, a moan and her whole body flexes - and it's then you do it again: matching the hit to the visible red outline of your handprint. The third time, she hisses, biting into the bed sheets so as not to cry out.
"Right? This is what you want? To be fucked and used?"
She doesn't reply with words, because she may in fact be biting her teeth into the cotton threadcount at the end of the bed, but she lifts her ass higher, angles her hips like she's waiting for more. Her brow is creased in a smile, even though a frustrated groan escapes her lips - so you give her that again, and again, until the back of her thighs are turning red and she's clawing one hand back along the length of your legs - pushing and pulling.
"You want me to fuck you senseless, sweetheart?"
And then, so needy and desperate she's just saying the first word that come to mind:
"-when I've been railing into you so hard and your husband probably knows already, has to have seen, maybe he's listening at the door- oh," and your whole train of thought comes to a sudden halt upon seeing Hyewon's hand land on the perfect round of her ass, fingers pulling her soft, reddening skin taut, up and away from where your cock is disappearing between her cheeks - to allow more of your shaft into her hot, wet cunt - allow you to fuck her and fuck her up - allow the length of your shaft to slide deeper and hit all the spots that will send her reeling into this orgasm and the next.
Your gaze is stuck however, not to her curves rippling in excess, the damage of your thrusts pounding her body to ruin, or the look of flawless pleasure twisting up the pretty features of Hyewon's reflection, but instead it's the fucking flash and catch of the diamond that adorns her fourth finger. Even when you have her completely helpless, bent on your mercy, she's still wearing that promise, that intention to have and to hold, and you think, for at least a second, this whole roleplay thing isn't the worst idea: being a surrogate to fulfill someone's wildest fantasies. It might even be enough to make you hard all over again - the thrill and the debasement of your girl, lines quickly blurring between the Hyewon you'll take home and put back together and the Hyewon you're fucking pouding into a mattress - the here and now.
"Fuck, Hyewon," you find yourself swearing - steadying the hips rolling back in your palms, bending down until the flat of your chest meets her back, until your nose is in her hair, the long strands sticking to her lips and the back of her ears. Until you feel her shaking as you suckle against her skin, at her neck, hot kisses between the shoulder blades, finding a grip in her hands. Her grip in yours - as she's muffling these exquisite, needy sounds; she is perfect. Hyewon is perfect.
The first time you cum, it's this hot splatter of white: smeared across her ass and the crease of her lower back. It feels almost dirty to think that's just how you feel about it; your heart is stuttering in its erratic pace, but your eyes are drawn and enraptured, the sight of it all.
Then second, maybe your favorite: when she slips her hand to your aching shaft and simply takes you back inside her. This soft, wet, inviting heat that pulls you back to her.
"God- please," her head tips back, you feel the arch of her back through her ribs and stomach, the way her breath catches as you slide your cock through her creamed-out-cunt so much harder and smoother. "It feels so fucking good, baby," and there are tears now, welling in the corner of her eyes, "don't stop, God don't ever stop-"
She can barely finish her sentence before she's cut off, a moan ripped from the bottom of her lungs and a gasp straight from the pain-pleasure that has your balls slapping against her pussy every other stroke. And suddenly she's sitting, or rather, squirming into your arms, her face buried in your shoulders as she starts riding you, and not-quite crying and saying again - again, the whole filthy lot of things: about her wanting you to fill her, to plug her up with your cock. Every thrust she whines in your ears, clutching onto the fabric of your shirt and making a mess of herself in you.
It's this wild and reckless thing that makes its way around the room, on every surface and bit of furniture. You fuck her over the counter, let her ride you on the sofa, the chair, the two of you managing to find some sort of assistance in the wall even, the door frame, her legs up your sides and the slippery-sticky-heat of your mouths connecting and everything that isn't exactly meant to support that kind of strain buckling and nearly giving way - once when the wooden joints in the door-frame shift, once when she begs for release in that frantic voice that doesn't sound a thing like her. And the way she comes apart under you after, on top of you - is even sweeter; you imagine there's this endless possibility for love, for pleasure, a whole world in bundled in the notion that you could do it for her again, that it was always a question of Hyewon letting you have her that way, and the rest was mere foreplay - a stretch.
Only, on the bed again, Hyewon shivers beneath you, this full-body response, and you've got her stretched as she opens up - that the slightest of movements has her already whimpering out "fuck," and "please," and "right there," and "fuck you're going to make me come like this. You're so good, just fucking," and "more, harder, please, you feel so fucking good-"
The desperation for release is so palpable in her that it's curling into your stomach as your press Hyewon's knees into the points and edges of her shoulders and fold in her half - this perfect angle of leverage. Fucking her like she's yours and no one else's - the absolute delight of her cunt, wet, hot, and desperate to milk you empty - her body quaking at the force of each thrust, and the hungry grind of your hips into hers. Her fingers digging and knotting in the sheets around you until her knuckles pale, and your own grasp on her skin threatens to bruise.
"Inside me," she gasps out, because she can feel that edge just as well as you, "I want you to fill me, just cum inside, God, you always feel so amazing, fuck, like that, cum inside me, cum in me-"
"How could I say no, especially when you ask so sweetly," you tell her, kissing into her smile, "can you take another? Baby, look at me, look into my eyes, yeah? Look right back at me."
Her eyes blink and roll back a bit, almost losing focus and her eyelashes flutter - the creases in her brow, the elegant lines of her face locking up in the overwhelming tension, then, a peak.
And a demand, meekly asking you to fill her up. Until there's nothing left. "Cum," Hyewon moans, "for the love of fuck-"
You push her past her climax until she's practically weeping, sobbing through a litany of nonsense and slurred, unfinished sentences and almost howls, struggling beneath your weight and coaxing her fingers over the surge at the base of your spine. Before a hot liquid mess bursts out of you, into the deepest reach of Hyewon's throbbing cunt - cumming inside her, while you hold her down, not allowing her to move as your hips lock and you're both left groaning in utter agony.
(This was the thing you'd told her once - cumming inside her was almost always worth the effort it took to clean it all back out. You like the possessive aspect of it, maybe the slight humiliation, and more than anything, she'll just melt: once she's gone past the immediate discomfort. If anyone could really learn to get off on feeling a little filthy, it's the two of you. And she knows that too, Hyewon's eager little pout intimates, as she blinks down to watch where the two of you connect.)
You don't say much for the next while. If there's a line where this particular escapade blends back into your normal life, where the Hyewon curled up in the sheets is your own girl and not some half-conceived entity that didn't fit the reality of the rest of the evening, or how you see Hyewon everyday, even then, it’s not clear.
She's utterly boneless - this fragile, dazed thing that runs her palms all the way around her breasts and pulls up her stockings a little further up the line of her hips, as if you weren't going to peel them back and slip them all the way off when you had the wherewithal to handle it. But the strength in her isn't entirely lost either, she looks ready to burst: this air of pride and smugness - victory, right in her grin, which isn't totally surprising. Hyewon usually gets an odd satisfaction out of your participation in whatever hedonistic or obscene thing it is she wants to try.
This was her fantasy - maybe not a deeply rooted or unattainable one, but she'd worked out some kinks of hers and has walked away a far better woman for it, knowing what a sight she is to you. Like this.
"That was... fun," Hyewon eventually says, collecting articles of clothing strewn about the room.
Her shoes are one of two sets in the shoe-rack, but she'll have to look around and under the bed to find her dress. It would probably be some strange level of easy to play dumb and wait until she comes to the conclusion on her own that she should bend down and check down there, but she looks a little too worn out to really be interested in her clothes, more like, ready for the next part.
"We should do it again," her gaze lands, intent, and serious, back to you.
"Which part?" you have to ask, because you're probably still, a little slow on the uptake.
A small laugh, the sly smirk to herself; she knows she has you wrapped so perfectly around her finger, ready to bend to whatever game she can come up with: "whichever part you like."
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nathaslosthershit · 3 months
Unremarkable (LN4)
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(Part 2 of the Blind Items series)
Summary: Blind Items returns again to ruin yet another happy couple's peace. This time, Lando Norris and his ‘unremarkable’ girlfriend.
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“Lando, have you seen this?” his girlfriend asked, showing him the tweets. When they had soft launched, she got a small dose of what it would be like to be the WAG of Lando Norris. But even when they hadn’t known anything about her, some people still had been so mean. Now that they knew she had a ‘commoner’ job, they had started tearing her to shreds. ‘How could someone so rich and famous go for such a plain girl’ was what so many people had said. 
“Oscar showed it to me today. I am so sorry, honey, I was hoping that you wouldn’t have seen it. Those people are absolute asses, love.” He probably should have said something earlier but he knew how hard she would take it. While she had joked in the past about the differences in their jobs, especially the pay, he knew she felt insecure about it at times. 
“The thing is, I didn’t see it. Not at first. I only saw it when I heard one of my students talking about it in class today. Can you even imagine how humiliating that was for me? Hearing my own students who I have done nothing but be kind and understanding to, trying to get them to love learning, talk about how awful it is their favorite driver is dating someone as boring as a teacher.” She couldn’t stop the tears as she went on about the situation. He wouldn’t understand, he couldn’t. She knew Lando had his moments of insecurity but nothing like this. At the end of the day, he still had hundreds upon thousands of fans who loved him immensely. 
Even if he couldn’t fully understand, it still broke his heart seeing how much it hurt her. Sure, he hadn’t ever thought he would date a school teacher either, but that was mostly due to his previous lack of appreciation for school. But being with her has changed that. His girlfriend could always make things interesting. She loved to spout history facts on vacation and it always made him so deliriously happy to see how giddy she was to learn new things. 
Seeing her now though, so visibly upset made him realize this wasn’t something that could slide easily. His PR team might not love it but he wasn’t going to just sit there and let her feel terrible about herself.
“I’ll fix this, I promise.” He said quickly as he left. He shouldn’t have left her alone and crying, but he was fuming and decided he needed that anger to let his message out. 
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Liked by oscarpiastri and 153,137 others
landonorris I don’t know who this gossip page thinks they are but the last thing I will tolerate is someone hiding behind a screen telling the entire world that my girlfriend, who I love more than life itself, is ‘dull’ and ‘unremarkable’ because of her job. This is a woman who is smarter than 99% of the people I have ever interacted with, someone who spends so much of their time trying, and succeeding, to get kids to love learning. Even as someone who didn’t appreciate school as much as they should have, I would never have once thought school teachers were any of the negative things you have said. Luckily, here I am, happy with my amazing girlfriend who deserves the entire world, and I know I will spend the rest of my life trying to give it to her. 
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A few minutes later she came into the room, tears still staining her cheeks.
“Thank you Lando” she said as he motioned for her to sit on his lap. 
“I can say more if you want? I definitely think I could have cursed them out mor-” He was cut off with a kiss. The sheer force of it caused them to bump heads a little, which then caused them to break apart giggling. “I’m serious about what I said. I don’t know what I did to get someone as wonderful as you but I am not going to let some assholes on the internet make you upset over something so incredible. You should be proud of what you do and I will forever work to remind you of how amazing you are.”
“I love you, Lando” was all she replied.
“I love you more”
“Please can we not play this game you know I love-”
“Nope, la-la-la-la I can’t hear you over the sound of me loving you soooo much” He said as he covered his ears.
Such a dork, she thought.
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nouvxllev · 4 months
Hi, just wanna say I love your stuff! I was wondering if you’d do a Jenna x reader who is the daughter of Winona Ryder and Jenna meets her on the set of Beetlejuice 2. Winona acting as a wing woman for Jenna.
head over heels, your hand over mine
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^ request!
Words: 5.0k
Warnings: longer than i intended it to be
a/n: first of all... tysm!!! and second of all, thank you for the request!! means alot to me and i wrote it to the best of my abilities, hope you'll like it!!!
seq. || masterlist
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Shit, shit, shit...
Jenna cursed under her breath as she practically hammered down the first-floor button as if that was going to make it go faster.
She glanced over to the indicator right above the door, the numbers slowly inching towards the ground floor. Her foot kept directing her side to side in the elevator, a stressed back-and-forth pace she caught herself on all while she gripped the Beetlejuice 2 script right in her hands, the paper almost being punctured with holes and such.
Jenna could almost blame herself for this.
Actually, she does. She damned herself so much she wouldn't be surprised if she got hit by a bus, really.
It wasn't any other day you'd get a role in Beetlejuice, 2, might she add, and even landing the role of the daughter of Winona Ryder who is possibly one of the most outstanding actresses out there and a 90s icon.
And now she's just slightly fucking it up with first impressions with how she's atleast 10 minutes late to their set because she spent her entire night in reading and rereading the script over and over until she perfected her lines to the point it's probably better if she'd just make Beetlejuice herself.
When the doors slid open, Jenna bolted out until she made her way to the entrance, her hand tightly clutching that damn script and her other gripping the strap of her bag.
Fumbling with her phone to call an Uber, she couldn't help but grimace at the thousands upon thousands of texts saying that she was late and her alarm clocks repeatedly being turned on to snooze just minutes before.
Of course, this day of all days just so happened to be the day that the universe decided that it had a grudge on Jenna for whatever reason because all Ubers were somehow booked and it would probably take atleast 30 minutes for another one.
So, like the hardworking actress she is determined to get a first impression even with punctuality falling behind her, she ran.
It wasn't long, thank-fucking-god, till Jenna got to set. She slowed her pace a little when she saw the cameras and people surrounding a particular area.
She took a moment to compose herself as she approached them, smoothing down her pants and fixing her hair all while she tried to catch her breath before possibly collapsing on the ground. The crew members spared her a glance, how comforting, even if they all had concerned looks on their faces.
Jenna always worked with such talented actors and directors, and now here she was working with Winona Ryder meanwhile she was looking like she ran a marathon on the side while going to set.
"You're here!" Winona called out, lowering the script in her hands while she offered a warm smile. "We almost thought there were some complications in your schedule."
The young actress offered a sheepish smile, embarrassment flowing in her mind as she offered a weak hand gesture. "I'm so sorry, all Ubers were somehow booked and I woke up late." She admitted before introducing herself. "I'm Jenna. Ortega." She added.
Winona chuckled, "No worries. The tech team is sorting out some equipment issues, so it's a bit of free time right now." She explained, offering a handshake. "Winona Ryder. Your mother. Well, on-screen." She joked while Jenna laughed with it.
"God, sorry if I look worn out. I really admire your work, it's all so amazing." Jenna took her hand, reciprocating the gesture. She was almost going to add something until a figure approached Winona, looking like a split-perfect resemblance of her. And oh how she did the fastest double-take in her whole life.
"Oh, right!" Winona pulled, possibly the most prettiest and gorgeous, girl Jenna has laid eyes on in her 21 years of continuous breathing by the shoulders and pushed her in front of the young actress. Now life without you suddenly looks like something she just completely wasted her precious time on.
Just by looking at Winona and how excitement reflected in her eyes, Jenna could tell how much she beamed with pride for her daughter; it made her heart swell.
"Meet my daughter, Y/n."
There were things Jenna should do when she meets someone. She introduces herself in a calm manner and maybe engage in some friendly talk with them whether if it's the most awkward-est thing in her life or one of the moments she'd like to spend forever in.
What she shouldn't do is slowly have a mid-introduction nosebleed, completely throw out the knowledge that she has the ability to speak and say words while her mouth is half-agape and her eyes wide and never blinking. This rule seems to be more strict when she's convinced she has met the love of your life.
It's safe to say that Jenna checked all the boxes on the latter.
Jenna met your gaze, and oh how that was the stupidest decision she had ever made in her entire life. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks, breath caught in her throat, she tried to speak for a second but nothing came. It was like she was drowning but in the best way possible. And also falling head over heels in the worst way possible.
It's concerning how she almost wants to drop down and marry you on the spot; she's already rehearsing her vows inside her brain.
Jenna raised her hand, a shaky one at that, to offer a handshake. "I'm Jenny," she managed to squeak out, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at fumbling her own damn name. "I mean, Jenna! Sorry, not Jenny. I'm Jenna. Jenna Ortega." Oh, fuck, please just slit my throat already.
In every bad and awkward introduction, there's always someone from the other line slightly concerned but plays with it.
Your eyes crinkled, a bright sight to see that would put all sunrises to shame, and your lips parted like how the clouds part after a gloomy day, letting out a laugh that calmed Jenna's heart almost immediately. It was still running and skipping a fuck ton of beats per second, but your laugh seemed to warm it all.
"I'm Y/n, of course." You held Jenna's faltering eye contact as you reciprocated her gesture, "I'm really only here to accompany my mom," you explained. Please stay here forever. Better yet, be with me. Jenna almost said.
You shook her hand in the most softest way possible, her palm fitting right into yours. "Can't believe I met you, honestly." Jenna heard you mutter under your breath, a squeal following it.
Oh, if falling head over heels over you was a sin, she'd gladly be the epitome of something so mortal.
And that was only a week ago. Just imagine how much internal panic she goes through whenever she sees you now.
Jenna repeatedly cursed under her breath, staring at the reflection of herself in the mirror as she gripped the cold parts of the sink, glaring at herself in complete thought.
Almost so serious as if her mind wasn't battling with something so completely stupid she'd rather drown in self-pity and misery.
Jenna Ortega, deemed as America's #1 IT girl who practically swooned all seven continents by now, almost had a near anaphylactic shock when her hand grazed over yours and how you gave her possibly the most sweetest and soul-crushing smile with that stupidest crinkle in your eye to ever exist on this damned earth, holy fuck.
Why should she be so head over heels for you?
She lowered her head in defeat, a heavy sigh escaping her as the same image of your smile flickered in her mind, and now a stupid grin from your stupid image graced her lips.
It was only a week in being on the Beetlejuice set, and she damn near lost her mind.
You were always there, well of course you were there since you were Winona Ryder's daughter, but she didn't expect to be so obsessed with you to the point she needs to go to the bathroom to silently scream whenever she hears or sees your intoxicating smile.
It's sweet. Almost endearing to her.
As if she even has the right to even think about you in that way.
Jenna stepped outside, patting her hands dry by the hem of her shirt. her name already being called out by the directors, their voices only getting louder and louder until it dwindled down to nothing and she could only assume that Winona stopped them, it was still her break after all. She was almost like a real mother to her, a comforting one at that.
She started to take a pattern in her steps before she saw you sitting on the railings of the trailer. More importantly, Jenna's trailer.
Okay, she shouldn't have seen this as a sign from the universe that you liked her back, but she did and that was all the hope that the fate or whatever deity could do because she was too desperate and too drunk on the lack of attention and attraction you were giving her.
But how could she not do that when you look so perfect just being... you? Being everything she wanted? Needed? Just being so damn perfect almost feels like Jenna could die.
"You like my daughter, don't you."
Jenna looked behind her, the sudden voice that crept being Winona, the mother of the daughter she had been smitten for, a noticeable faint smile on her lips. It was more of a statement than a question. A fact, really.
Jenna could almost deny it if it wasn't so accurate. But what was she supposed to say? "Yes, I do like your daughter, in fact, I love her so much I would absolutely give up my very career to buy her the most expensive wedding ring to ever be created from the hands of a human, or even a Greek God perhaps, to show that she owns my entire heart, body, and soul."
Panic was evident, Winona could clearly tell by the way Jenna looked like was scramming to think up of a half-assed excuse.
"Yes—I mean, not like like. I love her, really. She's talented, hardworking, and passionate in the things she talks about. But that's really it; I love Y/n, in a friendly way." Jenna stammered. Even if she was spouting complete lies and nonsense about how she doesn't have a massive crush on you, her gaze was stuck on, of course, you yourself.
Winona arched an eyebrow, "Jenna, I know when someone is horribly in love with my daughter and who’s not."
"The both of you were always somehow joined together, even if none of you were talking. You’re always finding a reason to bring her up in a conversation even if no one was even talking about her. Also, everyone takes notice of how your gaze was always focused on Y/n. Even on scene, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her for a second."
Yeah, that seems about right.
Jenna sighed, her line of sight never laying off of you. It's amazing how you still haven't noticed she and your mother was staring at you like a bunch of stalkers.
"Y/n deserves someone like her, someone in her league," she turned around, now walking in the opposite direction to her original one. She almost sounded like a teenage boy who realized they couldn't get with the popular girl. "She looks like someone even from the heavens above couldn’t fathom they created her from their own mind and hands."
Winona's expression softened as she caught up to Jenna, now walking beside her. "If you, The Jenna Ortega, fail to get her attention and love then it's all over for us." She never heard someone talk so romantic about her daughter, it's truly unfair how the ones who love the most always fall short.
Jenna's steps slowed, her body slumping against the fall as her gaze was fixed on the ground. God, why was she acting like this over you?
The young actress nodded, her hands going up to her face and sliding them down as she spoke, "She's like this incredible and unattainable dream you want to continue after you wake up, Winona." She mumbled through her hands, "Y/n's gorgeous, gentle, charming, and just… perfect." She let go of her face, her hands now on her sides. "It's intimidating just by looking at her, knowing she's the essence of beauty and perfection. Like, how do you compete with that? Overall be someone who she wants to stick by her side?"
The actress observed the young one, Jenna's head down and fidgeting with her rings. Winona could almost say that this was the most vulnerable sight she ever saw from her. "You don't have to match her perfection, let alone measure yourself up to that; you just need to be the missing piece she didn't know she needed. "
Jenna took a deep breath, her head slowly rising, "I just don't want to mess it up. She deserves someone as awesome as her, and if she ever likes me back, I'm afraid of waking up and realizing I'm not enough for her to be someone she loves."
Winona tilted her head, crossing her arms, "Tell you what, I don't know much about my daughter now. She's not closed off, but she isn't open either." She could see how Jenna flicked her head upwards, listening attentively. "But I do know that she's been watching all of your movies and shows up to this point."
Jenna's eyes widened in surprise. She doesn't wanna take any risks, but she doesn't wanna lose any chances either. "She... she has?"
Winona nodded, a soft and warm smile playing on her lips, just like the one you always have if not more comforting.
"I could never hear the end of it. She says you have this genuine charm whenever you speak, you're calm but you're also being true to yourself. Y/n admires you so much, I almost get sick of it," she laughed that pulled a chuckle from Jenna. "You're perfect in her eyes, but that's not what she likes about you. She likes you because you're authentic, yourself." She reached out for Jenna's shoulders, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "I'll be your wingman. I'm sure you're the perfect girl for my daughter."
And that was maybe two to three months ago.
Now Jenna's thinking that you might be the most oblivious person to ever roam this entire globe. She's been dropping hints everywhere you go and you still wouldn't catch up that she has feelings for you!
Ever since Jenna got into Winona's wing, she knew everything that makes you happy. Your music taste, what type of flowers you like, what type of outings you like, clothes, scents, foods, colors, even legos, just basically everything under the sun she gave to you within a heartbeat.
Jenna gives you flowers everyday, hell even bouquets if she's feeling fancy. Reads and writes you letters, and ever since Winona gave her your number, she's been sending you voicemails of your favorite songs every morning as some goodmorning text. She's been nothing but romantic to you! Was she just missing something?
The only thing that really progressed was something of strangers to friends. The two of you were as close as ever to the point if one of you were needed, somebody probably would need to surgically remove both of you.
But that was it! No nothing, just friends. It was selfish for Jenna to want something more when she has the love of her life close to her as a friend, sure, but she needed just a little bit more before she mentally goes insane.
"I mean, come on!" Jenna complained to Winona, sitting across from the other chair just right beside her trailer, script in her hands but she was paying more attention to Jenna. "Flowers, letters, voicemails… I'm practically screaming 'I like you' at this point." She slumped over the table, "or maybe she's just really ignoring them."
"I think you're thinking too deeply, Jenna," Winona stated, looking over to somewhere far, "maybe you should confess. She's right there."
Jenna was about to stand up and say it all out and die in a hole if she gets rejected until she realized you were wearing something so... fucking gorgeous? stunning? breathtaking? ethereal? She needed a stronger word than all words combined.
It wasn't your everyday casual wear, in fact, it was something you'd wear to go on a date. A date that meant something, a date that you'd go with another person and to confess their love.
Oh, don't fucking tell her she was too slow to confess and some random dude confessed earlier.
"I don't..." Jenna stammered, she could sense that agonizing feeling of her heart sinking, a stinging pain but it was mixed with immense pressure, like she was almost drowning. "I don't really think it's the right time."
Winona let out a sympathetic sigh, "she did tell me that she was going somewhere important." She waved in your direction, grabbing your attention. "Y/n!"
Jenna didn't know it was possible to drown without having any bodies of water near you, now she was fully experiencing it by how her heart sank even further as she heard Winona's words.
She shouldn't be surprised, after all, somebody actually had the guts and mindset to actually confess to you personally without having to hide behind a facade and without having to drop a fuck ton of hints instead of saying it out loud.
It stung. Thinking that someone out there was that one for you. And how that someone was never Jenna. But it was sweet. She winced.
Jenna couldn't shake the pang and sting of disappointment as she watched to walk over to Winona, a smile on your lips like you've met the most wonderful person to ever be in your life. She couldn't read if it was real, and she hoped to God it was fake.
"What's with the get-up?" Winona asked, standing up while giving Jenna the look.
"Going on a date with this guy, he asked me." You smiled, yet again, but it was even brighter.
Yeah, she figured. When did she even assume that you liked women anyway?
"Can I borrow your car, mom, please?" You asked of her, your puppy eyes going in action while you mentally crossed your fingers.
Jenna wasn't the one to brag, but she could drive a car! Not that idiot guy who couldn't even take whatever vehicle to fetch her as a nice gesture. Hell, it was a date for godsakes!
Winona sighed, glancing between Jenna and you. "Sure, you can borrow the car," she stated before digging into her pockets and fetching her car keys, plotting it down to your hands, "but make sure to bring it back in one piece."
Jenna bit her lip, suppressing the urge to completely pull herself out of her chair and scream 'I love you so goddamn much, Y/n! Can't you see I'm the one for you and not some guy who couldn't even go the mile to drive you to the damn date!?' But no. Instead, she stayed in her seat, nodded as a goodbye, and forced yet another smile.
"Thanks for the flowers by the way, Jenna! I should really pay you back sometime." You chuckled, before hugging her head as your way of goodbye. "I'll tell you all about it when I get home."
"Don't worry about the flowers. No need to pay me back," Jenna replied, doing her damn best to keep her tone light and her knuckles not so light. As you hugged her, Jenna couldn't help but savor the moment, imagining that it wasn't a goodbye to go off on some date with some random dude but rather a lovely gesture. "I'll be waiting to hear all about it."
That was atleast three to five hours ago.
Jenna never knew how a 2$ caesar salad bought from a suspicious vendor on the sidewalks could be so depressing but still mock her on how she just lost the love of her life to someone who actually had the guts to confess until she actually experienced it.
It was a slow day on set. Probably because it was already so late at night. There were still some scenes being recorded, but most of it was Winona's.
So along those hours when Jenna wasn't with you or she couldn't text you through the phone, all she could really do was stare from afar and hope that you'd magically have some miraculous change of mind mid-date and maybe you'll soon believe and realize Jenna was the one for you after all.
Of course, life wasn't like a damn movie and that damn date was still going to happen no matter what she does.
Winona sat beside Jenna, offering a sympathetic look at how Jenna was poking around her lettuce. "You know that's her quote-on-quote I don't really give two shits outfit but I still need to look good for a requirement that is people's feelings."
Jenna let go of her fork, damn even it looked sad. "But she looks beautiful."
Winona could almost roll her eyes if not for the young actress wallowing in her own thoughts. "It's because you're head over heels for her, Jenna. She could wear some obnoxious color-clashing clothes and she'd still look like a goddess for you."
Jenna sighed, picking up her fork again and halfheartedly stabbing a folded lettuce leaf. "I mean, don't you?" she asked, glancing at Winona. "You're her mother."
Winona shrugged, "Her clothes, her choice, but I still absolutely would not." She laughed, and her smile brightened when Jenna allowed a smile to crack through her lips.
Jenna could almost face-plant herself into the salad bowl if not for a notification pinging in Winona's phone. A notification that Winona only applied for you.
"...Or you could tell her that she's much better off with you rather than some guy that stood her up." Winona showed the phone to Jenna, your message illuminating on the screen.
mom can u pick me up? karaoke room 217 stood up on me lol come quick, pls. thx
Jenna would've been lying if she said she wasn't jumping, screaming, throwing up in literal joy.
Well, of course, she was mad that you of all people were stood up, but she was semi-glad that you were.
Jenna's urgency was visible as she scrambled to get out of her seat, grabbing her bag with such hast and making a sudden beeline for the exit.
"Tell her that you can't go! I wanna surprise her," She yelled to Winona, her excitement in her voice echoing through the room. It's almost weird and insane how happy she was about how you were stood up.
You waited for 2 hours.
It wasn't disappointing. You already knew it was just some sort of dare or a prank that one of his friends pulled, but you showed up anyway. Not like because you wanted to play with his feelings; you couldn't do that if you didn't have any.
In fact, you had feelings for Jenna.
Ever since she showed up on your screen, she was the only actress you could ever think about. She was charming, alluring, the only person who could make the daylight so dark if her smile was out of place.
You didn't know her, personally then, but you loved her. You were willing to start wars with the world, may it be against you or may all odds and fate oppose you, you’d do everything for her even if it kills you to be someone who would take all her hidden suffering and plead for tears with your palms locked and thrown away.
And now that you were working with her on set, you couldn't help but be someone you're not. All thanks to you and your mother on reluctantly giving up on the idea of not bringing you to set. You wanted to confess, you really did. It was just a silly little crush like you'd always have but this one with Jenna seemed real and your life would've ended if your feelings were rejected.
Though, even after all that, Jenna was the one you wanted to be with. The one you hoped would walk through that damn door and hug you until your worries and thoughts all disappeared, only met with her voice and her comforting arms.
That would've been a fleeting memory, wishful thinking. That is until the very girl that made you go insane rushed into the room.
What the fuck.
She was exhausted, you could tell by her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of her; looking like she had gone the extra mile and maybe even drove a car on the way instead of running, just to be there with you. You could almost start laughing and be that snarky person you've always been to her if not for everything else fading into the background until Jenna was the only one left.
Without hesitation, she pulled you into a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around your body as she tightened the hug as if you'd die if she ever let go of your body. The warmth of her touch, the comfort in her soul, and her very being brought something so grand as you hugged her back. You feared that letting go would mean losing her forever, and she thought the same way.
"I love you." She murmured on your shoulders, closing her eyes. You notice how her voice cracked with vulnerability and almost sorrow as you tightened your hold on her.
"I love you," she whispered yet again, as if you didn't hear her the firs time. "I love you, I love you, I just love you." She dug her head under your neck, her breath warm on your skin as you waited for her to finish.
You could feel Jenna's heartbeat against your chest, fast and beating while it synced with your own. "I love you, Y/n. You don’t know how many lifetimes I would kill myself for you to look into my soul, everything beneath, and even the darkest parts of my heart so then you’ll see how I perceive you to be everything I look for. I can't understand how you don't understand how much you mean to me. How much your laughter was something I didn't know would be the cure to whatever terminal illness I had in life, your actions being my motivation, your soul being my guiding light, and your smile being something so bright that not even the sun could beat its glory."
Jenna slowly pulled away from you, her eyes searching yours for a reaction. The room was always so silent, but it never felt like it was the funeral of sound itself.
"I'm sorry—That—That wasn't... I didn't—" she stammered, her body already getting up and pulling away from you.
Gently, you reached out and cupped her face with your hands, your thumbs brushing away the newly formed tears that had welled up in her eyes and dripped from her cheeks. You could feel the warmth of her skin beneath your touch, her freckles, and everything that made Jenna her was right beneath your palm. You want nothing but to cherish it.
You couldn't think of a reply. You could, but it would never beat the confession Jenna had for you. It was more than a mere confession, but something out of a book that would put every writer to shame.
"Is this okay?" Your eyes searched for Jenna's consent in hers as you leaned in ever so slightly, her breath lingering on your skin until Jenna's lips met yours in a hesitant, gentle kiss. The touch of her soft lips against yours sent a shiver down your spine, her hands coming up to cradle your face as she melted into you while your own hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened.
Life felt like something you wasted without her lips touching yours. How you felt everything and how you were everything under her soft touch, her presence. It was if every moment before her had been leading to this one. Every heartbeat, every breath, every time you've experienced something happy, sad, or even something conflicted was building up to the moment your lips finally met hers. You felt whole, alive, reassured, and comforted.
Her touch felt like a warm embrace from something so indestructible, a star so far away that only you could see it shine from afar but yet you could feel every inch of its presence.
Then it stopped. The both of you pulled back.
But your heart never did.
"You know I asked for your mom to be my wingman."
"Please don't destroy this moment we have by mentioning my mom, Jenna. I'm serious."
Jenna chuckled, her eyes twinkling, "give her some credit. I never would've confessed to you without her."
You couldn't help but smile, realizing she was still the Jenna you fell in love with. "I guess, but I don't really want to talk about my mom after I just got stood up and then kissed the girl I love."
Jenna's chuckle turned into a soft giggle, her hand finding it's way to your palm as she intertwined her fingers with yours. "Also, for the record, that guy was an idiot."
You nodded after shared laughter. With everything that's going around between the two of you, you almost miss how Winona arrived just in time. Standing by the door with a smile on her face.
But even with Jenna's hand over yours, she'd still fall head over heels for you.
just some fuckass aftermath dialogues:
W: "You finally confessed." J: "Did she tell you?" W: "Well for one she's been awfully cheery and gave me a questioning I love you mom and offered me to go shopping with her."
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kurocamille · 6 months
❝maybe frat boys aren’t so bad (aka cars are meant for driving!)❞
Frat!Bakugou Katsuki x reader (except he’s not stereotypical and mean) mdni
part 2
4.1k+ words
you attend your first frat party and run into a familiar flirty face. he offers to drive you home from the party, the empty parking lot outside your dorm building definitely seems like the perfect place to get down and dirty…
part 1 of 2 (2 will have full smut..) 1 oc who’ll come into play later…., car sex, fingering, handjobs, heavy makeout, hickeys/neck kisses, dry humping/grinding kinda, female/afab reader, no pronouns used, inexperienced reader, “baby” as a pet name
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It was your first time going to a college party, miraculously enough. This year, you had met a group of girls who had quickly invited you into their friend group. Somehow, despite you refusing over ten times, they had managed to drag you to a frat party.
After getting yourself a cup of mysterious red punch, you stand in the crowd of people. Bodies brush against you—intentionally or unintentionally, you don’t know. You’ve seen a few of your friends since arriving, but it seems like most of them are off doing God knows what with some drunken frat boy.
You can feel the beat of the music in your chest, as if it’s pumping your heart for you. The strobe lights flash around you. Sipping away at your drink, you go wandering in search of someone you know.
When you exit the common room, you float down a hallway with fewer people. Despite fewer people being there, the hallway is stuffy, and you can barely walk through without knocking shoulders with someone.
You aren’t watching where you’re going, and suddenly you trip on the bunched up carpet beneath your feet. The half-full soda cup goes flying, and so do you. It spills on the front of your shirt and down the back of a nearby couple who, until now, had been in the middle of making out,
“Ugh!” the girl shrieks, and you look up to see her glaring at you. She comes out from under the guy caging her, and you realize it’s the girl Mika from one of your classes. As always, her hair is perfectly coiffed, and she’s wearing a dress that barely covers her ass.
The girl shakes her hands of the sticky liquid that spilled on her, but seeing as she had previously been caged under that other guy, she had barely gotten wet. Meanwhile, the guy stands in a sopping wet shirt. You also recognize him; Bakugou Katsuki. He’s in another one of your classes, one of which you had been paired up for a partner project. Unlike Mika, he doesn’t look like he’s trying too hard. A white short-sleeved band t-shirt complements his black jeans, something you wouldn’t have expected a frat boy like him to wear.
Despite being in the same fraternity/sorority group, Mika and Bakugou could not be more different, and you can’t help but wonder how they ended up together. While Mika is extremely stereotypical and, if you might say, annoying, rude, and a bitch, Bakugou is really nice. That one project had taught you that not every frat boy is a shameless womanizer and prick. Although he’s a definite flirt, he’s always been respectful and acknowledged you as an equal—opposite of what Mika had done to your friends, and now you.
“I’m so sorry,” you say hastily.
“Don’t min-” Bakugou starts, but he’s cut off by Mika.
“You better be sorry!” she all but screeches at you. “This is a brand new set of nails. They’re completely ruined. You better repay me for this. It cost 10,000 yen, you know that? Can you even fucking afford that”
“Look, I’m sorry I did that, but I don’t know if I can repay tha-” you start. The look she gives you is incredulous as she snarls before interrupting you.
“I actually can’t believe you. You must be a dumb slut dying for Bakugou’s attention. Imagine sabotaging me just because he chose to be with me! And you’re so poor you can’t even afford to fix your mess… Ridiculous,” she huffs, pressing a pointy finger into your chest and probably expecting you to bow down and beg for forgiveness.
You try to apologize, but Bakugou steps in before you can say anything.
“Mika, who cares,” he sighs. He looks at you with a silent ‘I can’t deal with this face.’
The silence that follows feels like an eternity, but it really only elapses the half second before her hand makes contact with Bakugou’s face.
The sound from the slap resounds in the small hallway. You stare wide-eyed at the growing red spot with matching nail marks on Bakugou’s face.
“You should fucking care. We’ve been together for, like, a month already, and you still won’t stand up for me?! I’m done, don’t call me,” she seethes before pointing at you. “And you, you better hope we never see each other again.”
After that, Mika storms off in a fit of rage and disappears into the crowd.
“Dating on and off for a month, and she pulls that. Psychotic bitch,” he mutters before turning to you. “Hey, Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming, you should’ve told me.”
“I’m so sorry, for all of that. I’ll just get going and pretend I never saw that.” You turn on your heel to dash out, but a hand grips your shoulder and turns you around.
“No need to apologize, she gets crazy when she’s drunk, and I was planning on breaking up with her,” he shrugs. “Anyway, I’m just gonna head upstairs and shower this stuff off. You can come up too, if you want, Y/N.”
You raise a brow at his suggestion. “You want me to come shower with you?”
A look of confusion and surprise crosses his sharp features before a smirk breaks out. “There are multiple bathrooms up there, but you know, if they’re all taken, you can always join me.” He sends you the stupidest wink that still sends your stomach into frenzy.
“You bounce back too quickly,” you groan. “Whatever, I’m coming up, but not with you.”
Bakugou reverts to his uncaring self and has you follow him. You follow Bakugou, slowly making your way up the rickety house stairs. When you make it around the corner, Bakugou points you in the direction of an ensuite washroom, and disappears into the room across from you. “Just take a folded towel, and I’ll deal with it. If you need anything, just come and get me.”
In the quiet of the bedroom, you lock the door and undress. You make your way into the connected bathroom and strip down in the low light. The shower has terrible pressure and doesn’t heat up, but it does the job of cleansing the sticky punch off your skin.
You finish your shower within five minutes and step out to grab a towel. It’s surprisingly clean, but the pile of your clothes on the counter are still dripping with liquid. That means you’ll either have to walk around in a towel for the rest of the night or muster up the courage to ask Bakugou for some clothes.
You opt for the second option, seeing as you won’t have to walk through a drunken frat house in a towel that barely covers your “good bits.” So, you head back to the door where Bakugou was, rolling your clothes into a ball and tucking them under your arm. When you get there, the door is still closed, as you expected, but there is no sound of running water coming from the room.
“Bakugou, sorry, I need some extra clothes,” you say after knocking on the door.
As if it isn’t embarrassing enough, Bakugou takes his sweet time getting to the door. When it finally opens, he stares at you, his eyes unashamedly trailing up and down your body. He, similarly to you, looks to have just gotten out of the shower. Water droplets fall from his hair and fall down his hardened chest, which he doesn’t bother to clothe. The only thing keeping his from being stark naked in front of you is the towel sitting low on his hips, low enough that you can see his v-line drifting below.
“Clothes?” he asks after an awkward pause, and you flush.
“Yeah, anything will do, I just need it to get home in them,” you reply.
“Alright, come in.” He beckons you with his hand to follow him.
The first thing you notice when you enter is that his room is far different from the other one. While the first bedroom, whose you can only assume is his frat brother’s, is standard for a male college student—clothes strewn everywhere, an only half-made bed, and suspicious posters. Bakugou’s room is the opposite, the bed made, shelves tidy, and everything in order.
Bakugou coughs and breaks you out of the spell you’re under. He’s holding out a crumpled plastic bag, with some grocery store logo on it. “Here, for your wet clothes.”
You quickly snatch the bag and stuff your clothes into it. As you struggle to fit them inside, the towel hugging your body slips from its hold and drops below your nipples. From your peripheral vision, Bakugou freezes ever so slightly, and you hear an awfully loud swallow.
As soon as you notice him, however, he averts his eyes and pretends he had been looking for clothes the whole time. The outfit he chooses for you isn’t half bad, a hoodie and drawstring sweatpants, but they look so big they could drown you.
You take the two garments from him, accidentally brushing fingers in the process. He pulls away from you and heads back towards his ensuite bathroom. “Don’t worry, I’ll be in here. I won’t peek. You can get changed in the bedroom.”
With that, he closes the door and cements a divide between the two of you. Quickly, you change into the clothes he gave you, having to roll up the cuffs on them multiple times. You look like a blob of fabric, but it’ll have to do. Hopefully Bakugou won’t notice that you’re not wearing your bra and panties.
Knocking on the bathroom door, you meet face to face with Bakugou one last time. He’s fully clothed now and gives you a smile.
“Looks like it fits,” he says sarcastically.
“For sure,” you joke, flattening out the garments awkwardly. “I’m planning on heading out now, by the way. I think I’ll just catch an Uber, I’m pretty sober now, and my friends will probably be here for a while longer.”
“Don’t take an Uber,” he replies suddenly.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he corrects himself. “I mean, it’s not safe to take one right now. Let me drive you, I didn't drink tonight.”
“No way!” you retort. “I couldn’t bother you with that. I’ll be fine, anyway.”
However, Bakugou, being his stubborn self, does not relent until you agree to let him drive you all the way back to your dorms, only a stupid 30 minutes away.
Normally, you wouldn’t risk going with someone in his frat, but you have enough trust in Bakugou to keep civil. So, after a moment of contemplation, you accept his offer and follow him to the adjacent parking lot. Multiple people stare as you walk past them, but you pay them no mind, seeing as you’re practically unrecognizable in your new outfit.
“Yo, Bakubro, good for you!” a redhead yells from the doorway as you leave, whooping in a supportive, you suppose, manner.
“Ah, shut up, don’t spread any rumours, Shittyhair.” Bakugou groans, but you don’t miss the way his ears turn pink.
You’ll have to forget about that, though, because the lights of a black Jeep Wrangler flash on, and Bakugou escorts you to the passenger seat.
“I didn’t know you were this much of a gentleman, Bakugou,” you giggle in an embarrassingly girly way.
“I’m always a gentleman.” He winks and walks around to his side of the vehicle, leaving you feeling hot in the face.
He swings into the passenger seat, and puts the car in motion. You can’t help but notice the way his arms grip the steering wheel, the veins from his strong hands trailing up his forearms in a way that makes you unconsciously bite your lip.
“Put the address into the GPS,” Bakugou interrupts, and you notice his eyes force themselves away from your lips.
You deny whatever you just saw and punch your address into the screen. The machine takes only a second to bring up the route home, which, at this late hour, will actually only take 15 minutes.
After pulling out of the lot, Bakugou heads down the street following the indicated yellow line. He drives smoothly and professionally, as you expected he would. He maneuvers the car with expertise, and you can’t help but think he’s showing off when he steers with an open palm and an arm on the back of your seat.
For most of the ride, you guys are silent. Other than the faint whirring of the air conditioner, the only sounds to be heard are made by you and Bakugou. His by his slow, peaceful breathing, and yours by the beating of your heart—something which betrays you by getting louder and faster with every minute.
Luckily for you, the drive is soon over and Bakugou’s car is parked right outside of your dorm building. For the most part, the lot is empty, and the lights from the windows are off. It makes sense, most people in your extremely small building are out partying at 9 o’clock on a Friday, and the homebodies you’d normally associate with are already in bed.
Your specific block seems to be completely dark, seeing as you left your friends behind at that party… Whoops. It’s no matter, however, you’ll just be the first one in your complex to get back.
You unclick the belt from your waist, moving up on the seat to grab your things off the floor.
“This is you, right?” Bakugou questions.
“Yep! Thank you so much for driving me. I’ll text you later so you can have your clothes back.” You smile at him and go to open the door, but he lightly pulls you back.
“Wait. Y/N, you can keep them, actually. ” He chuckles, but it has an awkward tone to it. “You look better in them than I do”
Wait, what?
You always thought Bakugou was just flirty by nature, which to some extent he is, but you could see it now. Whatever you two had going on was certainly out of the ordinary. From what you could tell, Bakugou wasn’t half as teasing towards Mika as he was to you.
Ever since that one project, he had always made it a priority to sit next to you in class. You had assumed he was there for your notes, not that you minded, but could it actually have been for another reason altogether?
“Well, I would bet you look pretty good in these too, not that you don’t always look good,” you giggle, testing out the waters.
Bakugou’s eyes widen in surprise and soften under the pale light of his car. You stare at him fondly, accidentally letting your eyes flicker to his lips.
“Y/N, I-“ he starts but can’t seem to find the right words.
“I know you just broke up—literally tonight, but, Bakugou, gosh, I really want to kiss you right now,” you speak for him.
Maybe that punch was more potent than you thought. Good thing Bakugou drove you all the way here…
Instead of replying, Bakugou places a tender hand on your cheek and pulls you in. Soft lips meet your own, and you smile. You move to his lap where the seat has suddenly been rolled back.
Ah, it’s his frat boy car seat trick.
Your kisses continue slowly, and you can tell Bakugou wants to deepen the kiss when his tongue brushes against your lips. Upon first contact, you freeze in place. Before this you’d only ever been with one guy, one that you hadn’t even gone far with. In the moment now, you can only hope and pray that he won’t notice your inexperience.
However, you completely forget whatever worry you had when Bakugou starts to go into your mouth. His large hands pull you flush against his body, grabbing at the flesh right above your ass.
When you finally pull back, Bakugou’s eyes are blown wide, and he looks lost to lust. The lips that had previously been on yours now have a cute pout, having puffed up from your kisses.
Bakugou’s lips move down and pepper chaste kisses along your jawline. Even with his light and seemingly innocent pecks, you’re still softly moaning under his hold.
Bakugou switches focus to your neck, licking and sucking a hickey into your skin. After nipping at you for a while, Bakugou lifts off of you, and you can tell with his smirk that he left a massive bruise blooming on your skin.
“Bakugou, let me touch you,” you whisper as he moves to kiss the other side of your neck.
“Call me Katsuki… Please. “ He groans when you slightly grind against his groin.
You shift down on your hips and look down to see a thick boner growing in his pants. Curiously, you press it softly with your fingers and give it a light squeeze.
Katsuki looks down at you, his face quickly turning red. Silently, you reach into his pants, looking at his gorgeous ruby eyes for any sign of contestment. Katsuki stays quiet but gives you a small nod in approval.
Finally, you get to the moment you’ve been waiting for. You press your fingers under the waistband of his boxers, sliding your hand across the top of his cock. Then, with one movement, you free him from his confines, and his dick stands proudly in front of you.
Any expectations or preconceived notions about what Katsuki was packing were shattered. Painfully hard and dripping tiny amounts of precum, his cock is a beauty. The dark pink tip invites you in, begging you to give it one moment of reprieve.
When you nervously stroke the shaft, Katsuki’s reaction is instantaneous, his hips lurching up against yours.
“Fuck, keep going,” he hisses, his breath already laboured.
With more confidence you wrap your fingers around him and give his cock a few quick pumps. Your sudden change in tempo makes Bakugou’s cock twitch in your hold and release a bead of white precum. You remove your hand, and Katsuki’s eyes meet yours with a pleading look.
Carefully, you push your thumb against the slit of his dick and lubricate him with his own pre-cum. As you swirl the substance around the head, Katsuki buries his face in your shoulder.
“Oh my God, I’m about to cum,” he gasps. “Fuck, it’s like I’m a virgin again.”
Bakugou’s chest heaves as you work him to his high. With every light touch or squeeze of his dick you make, it twitches and throbs in reply. You decide to help him finish, doing the same fast strokes that make him groan lewdly in your ear.
Then, all of a sudden, Bakugou reaches out and stops your hand in the middle of its movements. You eye him, confused. “You into edging or something?”
“Not quite, I wanna get you off, too.” He surprisingly lets out a hearty laugh.
“Sit up, baby,.” You follow his instructions and he picks you up with ease.
Katsuki flips you over so you’re no longer sitting on top of him, rather lying caged underneath him. His body is so close to yours that you can’t look down to see what’s happening when you feel his hands moving against your clothed pussy.
“May I?” he asks, tugging at the edge of your panties.
“Still such a gentleman,” you giggle embarrassingly.
“Breaking the frat boy stereotypes as we go, I suppose.” He laughs with you, before turning his attention back to your body.
His adept fingers pull your soaked panties to the side, revealing your equally glistening cunt. Katsuki nimbly dips his fingers in your wetness with a soft hum.
“So wet, baby,” he grins, and you blush in embarrassment.
Bakugou skillfully captures your attention by pressing the pad of his thumb against your aching sex, as if to test the waters. When he hears your soft moan in response, he takes it as an invitation to keep going.
Slowly, Katsuki’s thumb plays with your throbbing clit, brushing it in teasing circles. A whine escapes your mouth, and he chuckles upon hearing it, knowing how needy you feel. “You want my fingers inside of you?”
You gasp out a ‘yes,’ and his fingers are immediately prodding at your entrance. Then, you feel the stretch your hole makes to accommodate his intruding finger. Although you’re not used to such a feeling, you easily adapt to the length of his digit, which pleasantly curls into your depths.
Bakugou starts fingering in and out of you, and the pleasure increases. Previously soft moans and whines turn into cries against his shoulder. Despite your embarrassment of being oversensitive, the flush on Bakugou’s face proves he’s just as affected, without you even touching him.
As Katsuki continues to slip inside your wetness, you feel the pressure building in your stomach, much differently than it ever has before. One more finger squeezes into your tight cunt and presses against your pleasure spot. You cry out, and his hands continue to brush against that sensitive place.
“Fuck, that feels good, please don’t stop,” you babble mindlessly, barely even registering Bakugou’s reply of, “Course not. Wouldn’t dream of it.’
To your blissed out surprise, the pleasure gets stronger. The sensation on your clit returns, and your body uncontrollably arches into Bakugou’s above you. With every calculated movement against your bundle of nerves, you’re worked closer to orgasm.
Then, all of a sudden, the angle of the thrusting fingers changes. Bakugou changes his position to be closer to you, somehow managing to reach further than before. With every new touch to your g-spot and clit, you feel yourself being pushed to your high.
In turn, you grasp a hold of Katsuki’s twitching cock. His hiss in reply shows you just how sensitive he is from before. Your hand moves up and down, matching the quick strokes of his fingers. Just as quickly as he had gotten you to the peak of your orgasm, his body convulses, signaling his is soon to come, as well.
Your moans crescendo and bounce off the walls of the car, and Bakugou can't help but be spurred on by them. The speed of his hand gets faster, still very much calculated in its movements, your hole fluttering around his digits.
After swiping your thumb across his leaking tip, Bakugou’s body seems even more sensitive, if it’s even possible. His cock violently throbs in your hand, begging to spill its seed. You oblige its wishes and continue your pumps up and down his hard length.
You can feel yourself almost cumming, on the brink of losing your mind. Similarly, Katsuki’s body, his higher-pitched moans, twitching shaft, and milky tip, tell you he’s extremely close.
Then, taking you by surprise, Bakugou cuts off your moans with a hot kiss. Immediately after you make contact, his tongue sweeps against yours in a passionate dance.
“I’m gonna cum!” Your voice gets muffled by the tongue pressing against your own.
The addition his mouth was to your pleasure plunges you right into orgasm. Your body convulses, pussy tightening uncontrollably, and you wail into his mouth. Anything you had ever expected of sex is automatically blown to bits when this atomic force hits you.
You feel your eyesight black out, as if you’ve been hit by a truck. You subconsciously grip harder around Katsuki’s dick, causing his orgasm to come shooting out of him. Long strings of his pearly cum cover the palm of your hand, his cock still moving to let out the last bits of his seed.
The bliss that follows is calming. Bakugou finally pulls out of you, his face coming off of yours to reveal his dazed eyes and flushed cheeks.
You doubt you look appealing, but Bakugou looks at you sweetly and more kindly than you can assume he does with anyone else.
“You did so well, baby,” he whispers to you after leaning down to your level.
You give him a quick peck on the cheek and slowly untangle your limbs from his. Bakugou helps you up and grabs your (borrowed) clothes that had previously been strewn across the other seats.
After dressing yourself and saying a quick goodbye to Bakugou, you slip out of his car and head back into your dorms.
You smile to yourself as you lay in bed alone. On your bedside table you notice you’ve received a new notification, a message from an unknown number. What you see makes you smile and blush.
‘That was such a great night, let’s do it again sometime. - Bakugou’
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a/n: hi guys. i’m back for the holidays and i hope to put out part two soon (let’s be honest, i never write things on time). i tried writing something more plot heavy… hope you enjoyed🫶 also, sorry for the edging joke. i think i’m funny.
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hwasoup · 4 months
Tale As Old As Time
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Playlist to read along with !!
songs used for inspo: The First Branch, Belle, Nice and Airy How Does a Moment Last Forever (music box), No Matter What,
art credit goes to Marbipa
this au is very heavily inspired from the 1991 movie, 2017 movie, and the musical, some things will seem similar and at times different, some parts of dialogue will be familiar, however it's for the sake of the plot. to summarize, this is basically a retelling of the story. I hope you guys enjoy!!
also let me know if you want to be on the taglist!!
<< prev. | ch.2 >>
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Warnings: brief mention of character death, slight misogyny
word count: 1.9K
summary: life as the inventor's daughter
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Chapter 1 : The Village
In a small province, east of the castle, there was a small village called Arachna,
This village is quite unique on its own as there are many people of different personalities, Men go to work and get an education and the women stay at home to learn how to be housewives and tend for children. Reading was considered wrong for women to read…Men didn’t want them to develop ideas or think for themselves and only solely focus on the children… However…At the edge of the village, at a small house lived an old inventor, he knew how to fix clocks, create music boxes, and most importantly invent. He would slave the day away just tinkering and figuring out new ideas on how to make life more comfortable and convenient, he proposed his ideas constantly to the villagers to help them make their lives a bit easier, but alas…the villagers called him a loon and demented for frivolous ideas. He would go home dejected, but his greatest pride and most precious invention would be at home; Y/N…
He had raised y/n all on his own after his wife passed away when y/n was 5. To his precious daughter, He promised himself that he wouldn’t shun her from her curiosity and instead showed her all there is to know. Y/N learned how to read, write, speak, analyze, and even sing a little, all due to her father’s promise that he made to her dying mother and to his daughter. Eventually, Y/N grew to be a lovely and beautiful woman. She’s kind, compassionate, loving, and even imaginative. She even has a huge affinity for reading and especially having a bit of a collection of books at home. 
You may wonder, what is Y/N’s life like at her village
well it goes a bit like this…
A rooster crows in the distance, as the sun rises, signifying the day to begin..
Y/N has woken up and looked at her book beside her bedside table and smiles “well now...time to return this to the bookstore” she says softly to herself. She opens her curtains and opens the window, smelling the morning dew from the fresh air. Y/N gets dressed in her favorite blue dress, tying her hair in a low ponytail with a ribbon and walks downstairs to cook some breakfast for herself before leaving. She puts her book in a little basket and walks out and heads for the village. “Any moment now…before I hear-” she gets interrupted by the waking village “BUENOS DIAS MI GENTE” 
Y/N rolls her eyes as she sees the empty streets quickly fill up with people with errands and work to do. She smells fresh wheat from the bakery, and she smiles as she thinks how the baker always sells his bread right on time. “Ah, Buenos Dias Y/N” the baker says. “Oh Buenos Dias, señor”, The Baker looks at her and smiles and asks, “where are you off to?” Y/N smiling and excited to tell him says “Oh I’m going to the bookstore! I just finished reading this amazing story about an ogre, a donkey, and a cursed princess-” she gets interrupted “oh that’s nice. OYE MARIA, LOS BOLILLOS” he ends up yelling to his wife in the bakery. Y/N shrugs and moves along her day.
The villagers see her and start whispering amongst themselves, they gossiped about how she would always read, always having her nose stuck in a book.However, they could all mutually agree that despite her odd personality, she’s truly a sight for sore eyes, a truly beautiful woman who sadly knows how to think. 
Y/N arrives at the bookstore and opens the door, the bell on top of the door chiming, announcing her arrival. “Buenos Días señor ! vine a devolver el libro que me prestaron” she says handing the book back to the salesclerk with much care. The salesclerk laughs “ Already? Y/N my dear, it's only been since yesterday.” Y/N who was already on the ladder searching for another book looked down at him sheepishly “yea, well I couldn’t exactly put it down…” Her hand lands on a familiar blue book, she pulls it out of the bookshelf and hands it to the salesclerk “I’ll borrow this one !” The salesclerk looks at the title of the book and shakes his head, amused by her antics “you’ve read this book almost 2 times already, are you sure you want this book again ?” he says, while helping Y/N down the ladder. “Well I can’t help it, faraway places, tense sword fights, magic spells, and a prince in disguise” 
The salesclerk chuckles and hands her the book “well if you like it so much it’s yours...” Y/N holds the book in her hands in excitement “I-I… are you sure?” she asks hesitantly. “I insist, please take it” he tells her. “Well then thank you, thank you so much!” Y/N leaves the bookstore happily, immediately opening to the first page.
While Y/N is in the distance walking with her new book, next to a tavern there is a strong, tall, blone, handsome brute of a man, checking himself out in the mirror, making sure that his looks are impeccable. “BEN! I caught your uhh…whatever this bird is, oh and some girls told me to tell you you’re an amazing hunter” says a shorter looking pudgy man to him.
“Why thank you Eddie for reminding me how perfect I am,” Ben says. Eddie nods as he pretends to agree with his own statement. “I bet that not even a beast or girl can handle you,” he says, feeding the man’s ego. Ben looks down at Eddie and grins “oh and that’s true as well, but my next hunt is that one over there” he says pointing at Y/N. Eddie looks at him a bit appalled and says, “the inventor’s daughter?” Ben then inhales and goes on a tangent “Why yes, Eddie…she’s the one I’m going to marry, the most beautiful girl in town. As soon as I met her, I knew that I have to make her my wife, a handsome man like me and a gorgeous woman like her are meant to be together” Eddie agrees with him reluctantly as he sees Venom speed walk to catch up with her.
Ben goes through a bustling market in order to reach Y/N who is easing her way through the crowd despite reading a book. “Please let me through” he said exasperated, not wanting to let Y/N out of his sight. Eventually he does finally reach her by climbing the roof of a house and landing right on his feet like the man he is. “Hello, Y/N” he says as his eyes scan her from head to toe. “Hola, Ben” she says in response while still focusing on her book. ben then smirks and quickly takes the book away from her hands to get her attention. 
“Ben, por favor give back my book” she says politely. Ben ignores her by butting in her way and flipping the pages in the book “How do you read this… there’s no pictures…” 
“Well if you read books then you would know that some people have something called an imagination” 
Ben looks at her and throws the book somewhere as he tries to charm her “well Y/N, I believe it's finally time for you to stop reading books and pay attention to more…attractive things, like me” he says. “The whole town talks about it. It’s not proper for women to read...besides women thinking means they develop ideas and start assuming things” he says with a bit of a grimace on his face. 
“Ay, Ben you’re so antediluvian.”
Y/N then reaches down to pick up her book and wipes the dirt off with a handkerchief. She turns around to keep on going back home but is stopped by Ben yet again as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, mentioning how she should join him at the tavern so that they could talk and bond. “Oh, but I can't. I have to go help my father, goodbye now” she says, as she walks away as fast as her feet can take her away from the brainless man.
A few minutes later after speed walking, Y/N sees smoke coming out of the basement and rushes there quickly. “PAPA!” She opens the basement door to let out the smoke and searches for her father “ay papa, que paso? estas bien?” she asks as she helps him get up from the floor “Ay Hijita, I'm fine... I just can’t get this piece of metal to start working” Y/N chuckles and kisses her father’s forehead “papa you always say that when you’re frustrated… Besides, if you get this to work… you can finally go to the contest and win that prize you’ve always wanted.”
Her father thinks for a while and nods “ you’re right…i shouldn’t give up, i’ll get a patent on this and i’ll finally be Mauricio, the greatest inventor ever seen!” Y/N smiles and hugs her father before leaving to let him finish his invention. “Oh right, papa did you…” she looks at him with a knowing look “yes I did mijita, it's upstairs at the kitchen table.” Y/N nods and dashes up inside the house and speeds to the kitchen. She stops when she looks at the table and smiles fondly. It was her mother’s old music box…now fixed after so many years…
Y/N sits by the table and winds up the music box and hums along to the melody being played remembering the lullaby her father used to sing to her before going to sleep as a child. She then looks up and sees her father smiling at her, enjoying the melody as well. “Papa…do you think i'm..odd ?” she says softly to him. Her father raises an eyebrow and sits beside her “y a donde sacaste eso??”
“People talk papa…” she says looking to the side. “Solecito…they talk about me too, we’re not odd at all…” He brings his hand to her shoulder to console her “you’re my daughter…and you’re mother’s daughter as well, They’re the common people and you…you’re unique Hija. No matter what you do I’m always on your side ok?” Y/N smiles and chuckles “are you sure that’s just not you being biased?” Her father laughs and shrugs “Maybe…maybe not…don’t ever change who you are, ok?” Y/N smiles and nods “ok papa” A few days later, Y/N’s father was finished with his invention and had prepared the wagon, placing some food, medicine, horse fodder, and his invention all neatly placed inside the wagon. As he adds the saddle onto Felipe’s back, placing the reins properly on the horse’s side. He then looks at Y/N and smiles “Hijita…what do you wish for me to bring back for you? Shall it be jewelry, or dresses, or new perfumes?” Y/N thinks for a minute and says, “A rose, like the one mama had embroidered on her dress” He chuckles “But, you ask for that every year. Y/N smiles as she looks at her father “and yet every year you’ll bring it...” “Fine then, you’ll have my word, adios por ahora y/n” he says as he gently caresses his daughter’s cheek. “Adios Papa...” Y/N would watch her father ride up the hill into the distance. 
“Stay Safe...”
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taglist: @cupcakeinat0r , @miguelhugger2099, @mcmiracles, @xxsugarbonesxx,@codenameredkrystalmatrix,@deputy-videogamer,@lxverrings,@miguelzslvtz,@itsameclinicaldepression 
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nicestgirlonline · 1 year
dumb dumb
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Pairing: Bucky x Dumbass!Reader
Warnings: none! lots of fluff ahead!!! 
Summary: Everyone can see the huge crush Bucky has on you...everyone except you of course.
Word Count: 3.7k and counting because I truly am incapable of being brief
A/N: This is for week one’s writer activity for  @the-slumberparty  the I Spy Challenge! I included all three of the items they shouldn’t be too hard to spot! I hope you enjoy it! Unbetaed, forgive me! Feedback is always appreciated :)
Update 2/17: You guys asked and now there's a Part 2
Typically it was Team Cap that were the first people awake in the Avengers Compound. Steve, Sam and Bucky were still on a soldier's schedule, usually getting up at 5 to work out before getting breakfast. 
So it was a bit of a surprise when they entered the kitchen to see the coffee was already brewed and you were helping yourself to a bowl of cornflakes. You were a Stark Industries biochemical engineer and judging  from your lopsided ponytail and your rumpled clothes, you had ended up sleeping in the lab. Again. Steve checked his watch, it was barely past 6. 
“Good morning! Another late night?” Steve asked.
“Morning Cap! Yeah, the thing about stomach acid is it's so fascinating I lost track of my time while studying it.” You cover your mouth to hide a yawn.  
“I think maybe only you think that.” Sam said, making you giggle a bit. Bucky entered the kitchen slightly later than the other two. His hair was damp and he had a towel wrapped around his neck, freshly showered. Steve definitely noticed that Bucky had started to insist on showering before breakfast right after the first time they discovered Y/N in the kitchen. 
“Good morning Bucky!” You greeted, internally cringing at how loud you were. He was taken aback each time he saw her in the morning. The usually coordinated assassin bumped into the side of the breakfast bar with his hip and winced. 
“Morning.” he mumbled and gave a little wave before immediately heading to get some coffee, walking off the bump. Sam and Steve both glanced at each other. 
“You should kick Bucky’s ass, it’s his samples keeping you up at night,” Sam joked. You blushed and filled your mouth with more cornflakes. You’d specifically been studying well, all of Bucky? The effects of Dr. Erskine’s serum on his body mixed with the cryosleep and the other HYDRA experiments was a vast array of knowledge to tap into.
“It's not his fault I’m bad at time management. I really should stop doing this though. I'm sure my apartment misses me.” You say quickly as Bucky silently fixes himself breakfast. He pulls out the bagels and cream cheese with a bit more anger than usual. He sent Sam a glare but didn’t say anything. 
“Well if you’re here less, we’ll start missing you, won’t we Buck?” Steve asked. Both of them knew about Bucky’s soft spot for the scientist, too bad he didn’t seem like he was ever going to do anything about it. 
Bucky didn’t really answer, just sort of muttered something. You tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear trying to hide a blush.
“I'm sure Bucky won’t miss me. He’s gotten enough of me poking and prodding him.” You said hoping it came off as a light joke. While Bucky had been very willing to provide all of the samples you’d asked for, you secretly were starting to feel like you were no better than HYDRA in his eyes…
“And stealing my blood for science?” Bucky asked, his tone still grim. “‘S’not so bad when you do it.” He gave a small smile that he hid behind a sip of coffee. Steve remained quiet a moment, hoping either of you would make a move but both of you stayed blushing and looking in other directions. 
“Say, I was wondering to get your opinion on something. If there was a fella who was trying to get something nice for a lady friend, are flowers too old fashioned?”
“A lady friend? Steve, are you dating someone?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny. But humor a hundred year old guy for a second here. If someone were trying to catch the eye of a modern woman such as yourself, would he have to buy you flowers, chocolates, diamond necklace?” He asked. You thought about it for a moment tapping your chin. 
“Gosh, not diamonds for me! I can’t wear any jewelry in the lab. I think flowers are nice! Everyone likes getting flowers sometimes. Maybe I should get some flowers for the whole lab, with Valentine's Day coming up and all.”  
Bucky smiled to himself. You were just the sweetest person he’d ever met. Always thinking about others. Steve of course caught the face and Bucky quickly turned away, trying to go back to neutral. It was such a stupid little crush, nothing more. 
You felt like your back might snap in half, that lab cot was really not optimal. You’d ended up staying in the lab past midnight and at that point it was easier to just crash than bother driving home.  You’d had to redo nearly all of your samples from yesterday, after your acid experiment melted nearly all the pipettes in the lab. You were probably going to have to get some more cheek swabs from Bucky too. 
You bit your lip. It was nice to have him in the lab so much. He didn’t talk a lot but he was always awfully sweet when he did. He also didn’t seem to mind your science babble. It was safe to say you’d developed a bit of a crush over the past few months. Too bad there was absolutely no way he felt the same way about you. He was a gorgeous Avengers for chrissake, he wasn’t going to date a dorky scientist who was studying the acid in his stomach. 
Speaking of the devil, when you got up to stretch a bit you were taken back by a face full of flowers, you leaped back in surprise. 
Bucky, wearing his sweatsuit like he had just gotten back from a run, was carrying a huge bouquet of pink and purple flowers. His face as usual was unreadable. You placed your hand on your now racing heart. 
“Bucky! I didn’t hear you come in!” You said as you regained your footing. 
“Uh sorry about that. Kind of a habit. Assassin.” He said with a shrug. The two of you stood in silence with the beautiful flowers separating you. Both of you  taking in the other. 
Can’t believe he looks so handsome while I’m sitting here looking like an absolute wreck
Can’t believe she looks so cute in the mornings while I’m in here looking like a creep. 
“These are beautiful!” You gesture to the flowers snapping the two of you back to reality. He half smiled and took a deep breath, ready for the little speech he'd prepared to go along with the ridiculous bouquet. 
“Yeah uh, I was just thinking about what you and Steve were talking about yesterday, with Valentine’s Day and all—“ He began. 
“It’s so nice that you got these for the lab!” You cried out taking them from his hands. Yesterday you had mentioned getting flowers for the whole lab, that must be what Bucky was referencing. 
“I…did. I did get these for the lab.” He said the smile now disappearing and back to his usual grumpy/ neutral expression. Some people found it a bit off putting but you had grown accustomed to it. 
“The techs are gonna flip, an avenger bringing us flowers! This is gonna brighten up the break room.” You squealed happily. It broke your heart a little, secretly hoping they had been for you. The gesture was really appreciated. Maybe he really didn’t mind all of your little experiments so much!
“I’m glad you like them.” He said. He sounded genuine but he looked so sad. You quirked your eyebrows, hoping that you’d be able to cheer him up if he stayed.  “Yeah so I’m gonna go now.” 
He quickly turned his hands in his pockets. 
“Oh you can stay—” You called after him but he was basically out the door. 
 “I’ve got to go on a run.” he called back.
“Oh.” you said to yourself as the door shut behind him. You clearly had been wrong, no way did Bucky like you at all. 
“Hey there I got a huge bunch of flowers for the lab. Because I think the lab is beautiful. And the lab is smart and funny. I really like talking to the lab even though I have no idea what the fuck to even say half the time.” 
“Talking to yourself again?” Steve asked, finally catching up with Bucky who had taken off at a mad man’s pace. 
“Eavesdropping again punk?”
“Flowers didn’t go over too well? I take it?”
“Not talking about it.” Bucky said picking up speed. Steve easily matched his pace, refusing to let his friend get away. 
“Maybe you should just ask her out. You used to be pretty good at that. Being charming.” Steve suggested. Bucky picked up speed again and Steve followed, the two of them now pushing hard. Nearly too hard for conversation. 
“Will you drop it?” Bucky grunted. There was no way she liked him. Why would she anyway? She was a beautiful, brilliant scientist and he was the grumpy old meanie avenger. 
“Just trying to help.” Now Steve was pissed, he pushed harder trying to pass his best friend. 
“Stay out of it.”  The two super soldiers ran on, lapping poor Sam a shameful amount of times. 
Used to be charming. Used to be? Bucky scoffed. He’d show them. He was present day charming. 
You really needed to work on your time management, you checked your watch and it was already 3 o clock and you hadn’t even had lunch yet. You were out of lab snacks too, so you decided to break for a quick lunch. 
You assumed you’d be in the kitchen on your own but entered to see Bucky with a cup of instant noodles. He was mid slurp when you waved hello. You went straight to the pantry to grab the basics for a PBJ. You could hear lots of coughing as you turned. 
“You’re not choking right? Do you need the heimlich?” You asked only half jokingly. You’d certainly do whatever you could to help him.
You turned back and Bucky was a bit red in the face but breathing normally again. 
“No. S’fine. Went down the wrong pipe.” He grumbled waving his hand as you went back to your sandwich.  
“Everyone loves the flowers. By the way, really made our week.” You took a seat across from him. Bucky straightened up a big and cleared his throat for the final time. 
“Glad to hear it.” He smiled. You smiled back. 
There was a beat of silence. You looked down at your food, then back to Bucky only to discover he had done the same. You were looking into each other's eyes. 
“It was really so thoughtful.” You hoped you didn’t sound as breathless as you felt. 
“Well I was thinking of you when I saw them.” He said softly. Your heart soared. That was the sort of softness that you only heard from him in a few special moments. 
“Tony is having a screening of The Princess Bride. For Valentine's Day. As a treat to the company. Great movie, if you haven’t seen it.” You said very quickly. Not sure what was compelling you to tell him about it. It was one of your favorite movies and you were really excited to go to the screening until another scientist in your lab had asked you if you were bringing a date. It hadn’t occurred to you that the romance movie screening on Valentine's Day was going to be a mostly couples event. 
“I haven’t.” Bucky said. You were about to suggest he check it out when he continued “We should go. Together.” 
“Ok! Yeah! Yes we should go! Wow, that will be so much fun!” You could hardly believe it! Had your gambit worked? Subtly bringing up the movie with the hopes he’d come with you? 
“Uh cool, should I uh pick you up at the lab?” He seemed just as excited as you. You don’t think you’d ever seen him so smiley actually. 
“Yeah, I’ll have to bring my duffle bag so I have a change of clothes. I have this dress that looks like Buttercup’s — she’s a character in the movie. I should have more clothes here anyway. I hate my work clothes. And maybe a blanket too since the screening room is always so cold. We could bring snacks even though they’re usually provided. That might be overdoing it. ” You had started to ramble while Bucky rested his chin on his hand, contently listening. 
“You’re not planning on sleeping in the lab again are you?” He asked, concerned. 
“Well, I want to watch the movie and it's a bit silly to drive all the way home when I'm tired.” You said with a shrug. You really should stop sleeping at the lab so much, it seemed like you were starting to get a reputation. 
“Very true, you should not be driving while sleepy. But uh we could go to my place afterwards. It’s a much nicer commute. Probably a bit more comfortable than the lab.” He offered. 
“But Bucky, where would you sleep?” You asked, cocking your head to the side. The avengers apartments were nice but you were certain he didn’t have a guest bedroom. 
“I’ll take the floor. It’s actually not an issue.” 
“Bucky Barnes, I am not kicking you out of your own bed. No way. End of discussion.” You put your foot down. He let out a sigh looking up at the ceiling lights and then back to you. His whole demeanor changed 
“Well. I was trying to be a gentleman here but it is a pretty big bed. We probably could both fit. Since it seems like there are no other options. ”  He practically purred at you. You blinked, taken aback. You couldn’t remember a time where he had seemed more charming to you! But no, that couldn’t be right. Bucky Barnes was not actually offering to cuddle up with you on Valentine’s Day. This was you misreading the situation with him as usual. 
“Oh. You mean that as friends right?” You asked. Bucky looked pained and sucked his teeth for a moment. 
“Totally. As friends.”
“So let me get this straight. You are going to be going to see the romance movie The Princess Bride together. On Valentines day. As friends. Then you are going back to his apartment. Where you’ve planned on sharing his bed. As friends.”Nat asked.  You sat across from Nat on the long L shaped couch in the TV room. You were a little surprised with how well you had ended up getting along with all the Avengers since you got hired for the lab. Nat and Bucky especially were famously unfriendly to newbies and yet, you seemed to click with them faster than anyone. 
“Exactly. What's so hard to get about that?” You gave a shrug and sipped some more of your afternoon coffee.  She let out a groan and massaged her temples. 
“Are you dumb? Like has this whole brilliant scientist thing been like an Elizabeth Holmes scam? Geez Einstein, Bucky is head over heels for you and you spend all of your time thinking about smooching his stupid grumpy little face!” She cried and you winced. You only thought about smooching sometimes.
“His face isn’t stupid.” You muttered and Natasha rolled her eyes so hard you feared they may get stuck. “And he doesn’t like me like that.”
“Why would he ask you out to a movie? Then offer his place afterwards, if not because he’s totally into you!” 
“I asked him if he meant as friends then he said yes he meant as friends.” You cried back. She let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Honestly at this point, I think I may have to hang up my wing woman hat. Can’t get you a date, can’t get Steve a date, I’ve lost my touch.”  She groaned. 
“Doesn’t Steve have someone he’s seeing?” You asked. 
“Uh absolutely not. No way he could keep that from me. Unless you have some intel I don’t know about.”
“He was asking me all these questions a few weeks ago. About getting a girl flowers to show you’re interested in her.” You explained. Why would he bring that up if not for the girl he’s dating? She nodded along knowingly. 
“Quick question, was Bucky also there by chance?” She asked, her wry smirk returning to her face. 
“Yeah he was…how did you know that?”
“And was this before or after Bucky showed up with flowers for ‘the lab’ ?” She asked using finger quotes around the lab. The gears in your head usually reserved for science and math started to turn. “Please, I’m begging you. Use that big powerful brain that’s supposedly between your ears.” 
You trusted Nat, she was much better at reading people than you were. Could she be right? You hoped she was right. 
You had changed into your flowy blue dress, you had always thought it looked a bit like Princess Buttercup's wedding dress with its long sleeves and high cinched waist. You took your hair out of its usual ponytail and let it tumble down your shoulders. This was a date. You told yourself. This was a date, Bucky was taking you out on a date. 
It didn’t seem real. How could it be? You had crushes all the time but they never actually liked you back, that just wasn’t how life worked out. But Natasha could read people like no one you’d ever known before. Could she be wrong?
Bucky showed up at the lab door, lightly knocking on the door frame as he let himself in. He was wearing a black dress shirt with black dress pants. The black on black was his usual MO but god did he look so handsome in it. He had stayed his hair a bit too, you could see the gel he had combed in to keep it neat. 
“Hey are you ready for the mo-” you cut him off by pressing your lips to his. The two of you stayed frozen for a minute neither sure what to do. 
He pulled you away looking confused. Oh fuck I just sexually harrassed an avenger oh god I’m fired, I’m dead, Bucky is never going to speak to me again!
“What are you doing?” He whispered, his hands on your shoulders keeping you at a distance. 
“I’m so sorry! God I knew Nat was wrong, I’m sorry I’m sorry, I just thought that maybe…god I’m so dumb.” You started to blubber, humiliated. You wanted to melt into the floor. 
“Hey, hey slow down. Now I’m really mixed up here, you said we should go as friends and now you’re kissing me. Can you just tell me what’s going on?” He asked, his voice very measured, his face unreadable. 
You took a deep breath. 
“I like you. I like you a lot. And I always thought that…there’s no way you liked me back. I wished the flowers you brought to the lab were for me but of course they weren’t and I hoped we were going to the movie as a date but of course we aren’t. Nat said she thought you liked me back but I should have never listened to her. I’m sorry.” You covered your face and turned away. You couldn't believe you’d messed this up so bad. 
“You keep apologizing but I’m not exactly complaining here.”  He said his voice low. 
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to let you know, but every time I tried  it didn’t seem like you were interested in me!” He cried out. You just blinked at him, dumbfounded. 
“Why would you be into me, you're like the savior of the galaxy and I’m a nerd who practically lives in her lab.”
“Why would you be into me, you're a beautiful brilliant scientist  and I'm just some grumpy dope that’s also a  pardoned war criminal?”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him again. Bye god this was the second time you kissed Bucky today! Only this time when your lips met he eagerly returned the kiss. His soft lips moving feverishly against yours. His hands went to your hips and you tried not to let out a gasp as he pulled you flush against his body.  
“Wait, wait, are we going to miss the movie?” He asked you with such genuine sincerity you wanted to scream. How was he so cute?
“We can catch it another time.”
The two of you, barely able to keep yourself off each other, somehow managed to get in an elevator, go up all the way to Bucky's floor and get into his apartment. All while still remaining lip locked in a daze. 
He was kissing you silly, you almost felt drunk. With a bit of a flourish he tossed you on to the bed (which was quite big, easily room for the two of you like he had said). 
“Uh Bucky, what are these for?” You held up the leather cuffs that were chained across the back of the bed. He frowned, suddenly panicking. 
“I was going to move those, I’m sorry you had to see that. I just, I get nightmares sometimes and it um, it helps to chain myself to the bed so I don't um hurt myself. I’m on meds now and I never need to use them anymore.” He was rambling, quickly trying to sooth the situation. 
“Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I know I’m a whole lot of baggage on top of baggage. I really am totally fine sleeping on the floor if that makes you feel safer or--”
“Don’t say that about yourself. You’re the smartest woman I know. ” He insisted. He sat back down on the bed. He took you in his arms. You pecked him lightly on his lips.
“I just…I thought maybe these were going to be for me.” You fluttered your eyelashes as
Bucky's eyes grew wide. He cleared his throat.
“They can be. They absolutely can be.”
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tojivu · 8 months
✰ — author’s note i feel so guilty bc gojo is literally the only character i write for LOL anyway this is an old draft from months ago. idk why this is so long im so horrendously down bad for this fucking snowman.
✰ — cw / tags arrogant ceo!gojo x secretary f!reader, sfw, not rly enemies to lovers bc gojo has fat feelings, gojo satoru being a billionaire playboy
✰ — playing death & taxes by daniel caesar.
✰ — word count ~3k LOL
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nothing about gojo satoru really strikes you as the serious type.
even in a professional environment, your boss always has a carefree demeanour. his laugh is so nauseatingly loud that you can hear it from outside the office, and you wonder how someone as busy as him manages through his day; much less with a positive attitude. you take one look at his schedule, and you want to vomit with the way you hardly see any gaps between appointments.
you suppose you could learn that from him. it's his only good quality.
you admit that he's likeable, on surface level. there's a reason why you detest him, though: as his closest colleague, you know him way more than you would prefer. most people would think such a well to do man like satoru would have a wife by his side, but that's unfortunately not the case. you almost feel more miserable than him—because now you're forced to be the listening ear and comforting hand at his beck and call.
you think he'd be just fine if he was just a little more humble. he has a nice face. it's his fault for being so stuck up. you know how many women ask him out—painfully aware, actually.
'they just aren't suited to my taste,' he would say to you. 'i need someone that makes me feel alive.'
one time, gojo even asked you to bail him out of a date—something about the way she held her fork and knife disturbed him, and you were expected to show up at the restaurant and act as if there was an emergency.
'i'm so sorry, sweetheart. i have to go, duty calls.' his disgustingly charming tone made you want to slap him then and there.
she called him again the following week, and he completely forgot who she was. he didn't even save her number.
the sheer number of people asking him out had stroked his ego so hard that gojo firmly believes no woman is deserving enough. he rambles on and on to you about how snobby some of them seem, and it takes everything in you to bite your tongue when he does. 'takes one to know one,' you would say, if not for your job at stake.
you think gojo satoru is full of himself. you are a strong believer of that. a witness, as well—it's not like he didn't try his way with you, too. unlike the women he ranted about, you turned him down every single time.
it's been a long while since any of that has happened, though. the most recent ordeal was months ago, but that didn't inherently mean that people stopped asking him out: it just meant that he was rejecting every single offer.
it's a thursday morning when you find yourself eating a sandwich you purchased on the way to work, at your desk—wondering when the big boss will finally arrive. the clock read 9 a.m., and you're expecting an extravagant "good morning!" to surprise you any moment now.
just then, you notice mr. conceited walk in: except something is different. he has no stride in his step. there was no good morning. there was no playful teasing directed at you as he walked past your desk and into his office, not that you were complaining—it was just strange.
you stand up, a mouthful of your sandwich still being chewed. you take a big sip of water and fix your skirt and blouse, making sure your hair is presentable—before swiftly making your way into his office.
"i cannot believe this." he mumbles. you're standing in front of his desk, but he's not facing your direction.
gojo's chair is turned to the giant window that overlooks the business district, and he's gazing out of it thoughtfully. you think this is the cheesiest thing you've seen him do.
you can see how disheveled his hair was, even from where you were standing. you don't want to irritate him further, in case teasing you was still on his to-do list that day.
"what is it, mr. gojo?"
he swivels his chair around, and he is a mess—just what could have he been up to?
"i woke up late today."
"you're the boss, mr. gojo. you can come in any time you want—"
"not the point." he interrupts you. "i forgot my lunch. i was in the car, with the driver, on the way here already. . . and then i realised i left my donuts at home."
gojo's face is absolutely distraught. he looks like he's gone through a divorce and had his house set on fire with how he stands up dramatically—his hands now on his desk. you open your mouth to speak, but he shuts you up by talking again.
"i didn't want to inconvenience him. i'm too thoughtful, miss y/n."
you want to scoff, but you bite your tongue and hold back.
"so i got out of the car and ran back for it," gojo recounts. "i arrived home after the treacherous journey—only to discover that my donuts are gone."
you feign an expression of shock, just to humour him; he gives you an 'i know right' look, and continues his nonsensical story.
"the maids threw them away, miss y/n."
you can't help yourself: you let a small giggle slip through your lips. you quickly use your hand to cover your mouth, thinking of a quick excuse.
you cough. you pretend to, at least—but gojo satoru is not stupid.
no, maybe a little. though, not enough to be convinced of your terrible acting.
"nothing about this is funny."
you nod, looking down at the floor. "i apologise, mr. gojo, but it's just a few donuts. i'm sure someone in the office could fetch some for you."
"yes, i agree." he says, and you shift your gaze from the marble tiling of his office to his face. his hair is a mess, yes—but he still looks revoltingly handsome. his eyes are piercing through yours, and pieces of hair cover his face in just the right places.
you're staring a little too long and gojo finds his pulse quickening with the eye contact—but the spell he has you under is soon broken when he clears his throat.
you quickly look away, embarrassed that you were caught staring at your boss, by your boss.
"you'll pick some up for me, yeah?" his smooth and silky voice echoes through the empty space of his office.
you look at him again, and there's a gentle smile on his face; one you're all too familiar with.
you're aware of satoru's charismatic nature, his playboy-ish attitude, and all sorts of tricks he uses to make women fall head over heels for him. that didn't mean you were completely resistant to them, though—you find yourself playing with the sleeves of your blouse, your ears beginning to redden. "of course," is all you manage to say.
at least you were self-aware.
your mind was rational. should gojo satoru try to hit on you for the nth time—all it took was some self discipline to say no, and you'd like to think you had plenty.
you think the conversation is done with the way he doesn't speak another word, so you turn on your heels and make your way out of the office.
just as you touch the handle of the door, your boss adds: "i'll come with you."
you turn back to him, confused. you didn't need your boss babysitting you for a donut run, you knew his favourite flavours—it's all he ever insists on buying for lunch. "there's no need for that, mr. gojo."
satoru shakes his head in disapproval. "you don't even know my favourite flavours, miss y/n."
that was a blatant lie. he knew you knew. you were his personal donut grabber for a few months up until august, and it was only october. you suppose that it would've continued on if not for your complaints about the long lines in the morning.
nevertheless, you don't argue with him. gojo satoru was the type to get what he wants, when he wants, if he really wants it.
you smile at his disregard for the months you spent as his errand runner, and how idiotic the excuse he just used was. satoru knows he's lying through his teeth, and your smile makes him more nervous than your eye contact.
so nervous, in fact, that he takes back what he just said. "unless. . . you're fine by yourself."
you're surprised that gojo's confidence is dissipating, or that it could even fade at all. you can tell with the way he's avoiding your eye contact, exactly how you evaded his earlier—the red on the tips of his ears are much too obvious in contrast to his hair.
"i don't mind," you respond a bit too quicker than appropriate. "mr. gojo."
gojo curses himself mentally, thinking about how stupid he must sound. he's usually the one making people nervous, but he doesn't know why it's different when you look at him like that.
the atmosphere is deafening in gojo's favourite bakery. you always knew he had a sweet tooth, so you expected his choice to be a spectacular one—and you weren't disappointed.
you had personally visited this bakeshop before, and the confectionery was truly as good as people made it out to be; it proved evident in the amount of people crammed into this small establishment. though, you can't tell if it was for the food or for your boss, with the way most pairs of eyes are turned in his direction.
you two spend a good five seconds looking at the menu before gojo states his order, which was exactly what you thought it would be—the lady at the cashier smiles a bit too long at satoru, before asking: "eating in?"
you want to open your mouth to say something, but he beats you to it. "of course."
it was still very well your work day. he (or maybe you and him, considering you helped him plan seventy percent of his appointments) had a meeting in 3 hours to prepare for. you think this donut adventure is already unnecessary enough—but here he is, suggesting to waste even more time eating the donuts in the bakery itself.
"we have a meeting in a bit, though. you could eat it in your office."
he looks at you with a confused look, as if he forgot that there was a meeting at all—because he did forget. gojo gasps, turning back to the lady and retracting his previous statement.
gojo eats his donuts agonisingly slow and no conversation is initiated.
you're alternating between staring at both your laptops and the swirls on the wooden desk, unable to say anything because you didn't plan for such an occasion: an eating donuts with your admittedly handsome boss that makes you nervous while simultaneously planning for an important meeting occasion.
"miss y/n, you should try some."
you shift your eyes from the table to gojo, and he's holding a small piece of his donut to your lips: the powdered sugar practically calling your name.
"it's fine, i ate earlier," you decline his generous offer. "you should eat."
"i'm not asking you to eat all of them, miss y/n." he smiles at you. "just a bite. it's really good, y'know."
you sigh, reaching for his hand to take it from him—but he swiftly pulls it away and shakes his head. "open your mouth."
you feel the tips of your ears burning, blood rushing to your cheeks and you wonder how the girls he takes out manage themselves when he's like this—you've worked with him for so long, yet you can't recall a time when his gaze wouldn't make you shudder.
you think you'd stutter if you spoke one more word to him, so you save yourself from the embarrassment and bare with his request.
he feeds you the piece of sugar-coated donut, and you're sure you have powder on the corners of your lips with how it's width barely fits into your mouth.
you chew and swallow, feeling the residue of sugar on your skin.
"do you have any tissues?" you ask him, a serious expression plastered onto your face.
gojo tries to suppress the chuckle itching to escape his throat—the sugar on your lips and cheeks catch him off guard, and after a few seconds he can't help but let a small laugh slip. you stand up from your chair, scanning the room for any boxes of tissues you could lay your hands on.
he stands up as well, shaking his head—still giggling.
"it's not funny," you frown, and the smile on his face only grows wider—you're too cute for your own good when you sulk. "stop laughing."
you're not sure if you want to punch him or let him giggle to himself. for some reason, seeing you embarrassed is a great cause of joy to him. you can't bring yourself to tell him to shut up; you always imagine doing just that, it's strange how you couldn't muster the courage just when you needed it most.
"it's quite funny," gojo's laughter eventually calms down.
he leans closer to you and his right hand gently holds the side of your jaw—he uses his thumb to gently wipe the sugar off your cheek, and then your lips. "i got it."
his thumb stays on your bottom lip after dusting the sugar away. his pupils are locked onto the surface of your lips, which were glossy in the harsh light of his office: they looked so soft.
before long, they trail up your face until he's looking directly into your eyes: and this time you're not nervous, you don't look away, and your heart is completely calm.
satoru's fingers are easy on your skin. he handles you like fragile glass, as if he doesn't want to break you: and it's the same for the way he looks at you. gentle.
you're reluctant to speak because the way satoru has his thumb on your bottom lip sends shivers down your spine. you feel breathless.
you don't want this feeling to leave, not just yet.
a few seconds of tension pass. his hand moves back to your jaw, and your nervousness returns when gojo satoru leans his tall figure even closer to you; his head tilting ever so slightly.
it's a random thursday morning when you discover a few more good qualities gojo satoru possesses: his lips and his hands. maybe the way he kisses, too—it's slow and precise, unlike his attitude. he tastes sickeningly sweet and it makes you want to savour this moment even more.
you promised yourself you wouldn't fall victim to gojo satoru. yet, you just can't pull away: instead finding yourself slithering your arms around his neck and your chest pressing against his.
gojo's hands are wandering down to your waist and he's desperate to have you as close to him as possible, showing in the way he tries to close the already small gap between you two.
it takes only a fraction of a second for a small thought to form in your mind: just how many women have been in this position?
you quickly forget about that thought, though—you think it's pointless to regret it now, gojo satoru kisses you too good to be full of remorse.
gojo thinks he could stay like this: kiss you all morning, afternoon and pay you overtime if it meant he could be this close to you for just a bit longer.
there's hints of neediness in gojo's touch—as if he'd been waiting for this forever, wanting to relish it before it ends. his few seconds of bliss don’t last very long though, because you're soon pulling away—gasping for air.
he sighs mockingly, his hands sliding down from your waist to your hips. "can't last longer than 10 seconds, miss y/n?"
of course he would say some cocky shit like that—you'd forgotten for a minute that this was the same, arrogant mr. gojo you always knew, and no kiss (however heavenly) was going to change that.
"i'm sorry that i don't go on dates with every man that breathes."
gojo smirks at you after you say those words. "come on. just because i go on dates with people, doesn't mean i kiss them like this."
"sure you don't." your jealousy shows a bit too much in your reply, and he finds himself smiling even harder.
"is someone jealous?" he teases you again, rubbing circles with his thumb against the flesh of your hips.
you feel flustered, knowing that you're definitely done for now—he saw right through you. "nobody is jealous, mr. gojo."
"stop it with the formality. just call me satoru."
"it's still office hours. it's only polite."
gojo rolls his eyes, sighing in the process. you grin a little at him, knowing that this was the first thing you denied him of today—complying with the donuts and the kissing was already spoiling him enough.
"then i suppose there's only after work," there's his nauseatingly charming voice again—low and smooth. he knows exactly what he's doing to you, and you know it too. "i'm off after 6."
you think long and hard about whether you want to be mean and add this to the list of things you've declined to do for him. the ratio was starting to get really unbalanced—but you remember the way his hands touch you and how his lips greet yours so lovingly: and you think that there's no point turning back now.
"my boss doesn't let me off until after 8, though." you try to poke at his buttons—you put on a fake pout, knowing you’ll accept his invitation anyway—but gojo satoru is eternally patient when it came to things he sincerely desired.
"fuck your boss." he says, "he'll be fine with it."
you laugh at his response. you never thought you would see the day gojo curses at himself, after all, he's so self-obsessed: but you suppose you've seen—and tasted—parts of him that you never knew existed.
"then i'll see you at 6, mr. gojo."
what was the harm in discovering more?
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230323 — i kinda hate this but.. wtv… anyway i couldn’t be bothered to proofread have my brainrot of gojo in a suit Mmmm yumyum
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baek-at-it-again95 · 6 months
We Know
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Pairings: park seonghwa x fem reader x choi san
genres/content: action, agent au, mafia au? rivalry, leader bang chan, angry seonghwa, y/n is san's weakness lol
Warnings: profanity, violence, weapons, suggestive content!! please take care of yourselves <3
A/N: I am nervous about this one y'all 😳 I've never written something like this before, but it ended up being so fun! This is for my friends, @milfks and L, who had these wonderful ideas! Love you two lots <3
Synopsis: Tonight's mission is in your hands, and you're eager to prove that you're capable of handling it on your own. Unfortunately, your plans are interrupted a bit sooner than you expected.
"I've got eyes on him," you mumble, pretending to fix your diamond earring as you adjust your earpiece. Surveying from the platform of the mansion's grand staircase, your eyes follow a man in a black suit as he turns the corner and disappears down a far hallway.
Chan's sigh rings in your earpiece. "Be careful."
"I can handle myself. Trust me."
"I trust you, Y/N. You know that. It's everyone else that I don't trust. It's your first time unaccompanied," Chan says.
"Like I said, I can handle it. Besides, the boys are always out by themselves and they're just fine." If you could see Chan right now, you know he'd be pinching the bridge of his nose out of stress, holding back from giving you a lecture on why your situation is different from theirs. You know his concern is out of love, and he would blame himself if anything were ever to happen to you. But this is your chance to prove yourself. Tonight, you'll be participating in an auction to get your hands on the Cromer, a powerful artifact that can control time. It's been rumored that ATEEZ has their sights set on it as well, so Chan had you do as much research on them as possible. Unfortunately for you, they're quite good at covering their tracks and keeping their identities under wraps. You know only a few of their names and faces, so you'll need to be extra careful about your approach to this. 
The auction will begin in about an hour, and you'd rather not hear a lecture from Chan. "I'm going in," you whisper. Your black dress flatters your figure perfectly, and you're excited to show it off tonight. With a deep breath, you make your way down the staircase, your heels silent on the expensive red carpet.
Clusters of people stand together around the large space, sipping champagne and chatting amongst themselves. Many wives have separated into groups away from their husbands, who go on and on about their latest business ventures and investments. Understandable—how boring. You greet some people as you go, your charming smile in effect as their eyes land on you. One woman compliments your dress as you pass by, and you enthusiastically return her compliment, telling her that her own dress brings out her eyes. She blushes and tells you it's custom made, which basically means "my dress is worth twice as much as the average person's monthly paycheck." 
You continue to weave through the crowds and admittedly get a bit distracted, still thinking about the woman's compliment. As you turn into the hallway you witnessed your target disappear into, you bump straight into an oncoming person. A strong arm wraps around your waist before you can lose balance on your high heels. 
"Woah there, doll. Straying too far, are we?" A tall man with dark hair looks down at you, his eyebrows raised.
Park Seonghwa. Just the man you were looking for. 
"My apologies sir," you say quietly, feigning innocence and avoiding his eyes. His arm leaves your waist after steadying you. "I was wandering in hopes of finding a vacant room to lie down...I'm afraid I've had a bit too many drinks too early in the night." You stumble for dramatic effect, hoping he'll eat up your lies. "I have to sober up before the auction," you say, shaking your head. "Daddy will throw a fit if I spend all his money tonight."
The man looks amused. "Yeah? Better be careful, princess."
"I can handle myself," you say for the second time tonight, stepping closer to trace the pads of your manicured fingers over the fabric on his chest. He tilts your chin up gently, and you meet his intense gaze. He's breathtaking. Suddenly, you have an idea that seems much more fun than your previous plans.
Sorry Chan, you think as you press yourself against Seonghwa.
You didn't find anything of importance on Seonghwa's person, but you did manage to slip a tracking device into his suit pocket. Chan should be able to access his location any minute now.
You enter the auction room fifteen minutes before the event is scheduled to start, scanning the tables for your seat. It's dimly lit, a majority of the lighting coming from a screen behind the stage. You don't see Seonghwa seated anywhere yet.
"And what are the starting bids on you, lovely?" a low voice asks, breath tickling your ear. You turn to look at the owner of the voice, his strong facial features almost as striking as his neatly-styled red hair. He's practically undressing you with his eyes, and you can't say you hate it.
"Whatever you've got to offer, pretty boy," you reply sweetly. He smirks, pleased with himself as one of his hands finds your waist.
"My friend says you're not as innocent as you look."
"Pardon?" you ask. The man turns you around, your back against his broad chest as his free hand reaches up to your ear. Before you know it, your earpiece is on the ground in front of you, crushed beneath a polished designer shoe. Looking up, you see that the shoe belongs to none other than Park Seonghwa. Of course they're working together.
You freeze as something cold presses to the exposed small of your back. 
"One wrong move and you're done for, princess," the man with red hair says calmly, lowering himself back down to your ear. "Try to cause a scene and innocent people will pay the price."
You take a deep breath before nodding your head in submission. You slowly turn back around and watch as he returns his gun to his shoulder holster, his expensive blazer completely concealing it. No one around you sees the ordeal, too distracted and eager to spend their money. The man then puts his arm around your shoulders, leading you out of the auction room. Seonghwa follows close behind, making sure you aren't able to slip away. You have no idea if he is armed at this point in time.
You're led into a large meeting room at the very end of the upstairs corridor, the bright moonlight seeping through the open balcony doors and illuminating the glossy wooden table at the center of the room. You catch a glimpse of the pretty garden below the balcony before the man guiding you throws you to the floor. You can feel the bruises forming on your knees instantly.
You don't dare fight back yet—your training in hand-to-hand combat doesn't do shit when your opponents are armed with guns, of course. You would attempt it if he were alone, but with Seonghwa present and potentially armed, you'd rather feel the situation out. 
God, Chan will never let you out onto the field again. He's probably losing his mind now that you've lost contact with each other. Not to mention the fact that you were busted before you even had a chance to get what you came here for. The auction is going to start any minute, and now you're certain there are other ATEEZ members in the auction room that are ready to claim the Cromer instead of you.
You're angry with yourself for not being more prepared with your own weapon, but your favorite handgun unfortunately didn't fit under your dress of choice. You sigh to yourself. At least you look good in it. 
"Give it up, sweetheart. We know what's going on here," the man with red hair says. Seonghwa locks the door behind him before speaking.
"I saw your wolf tattoo, and I've seen only one other just like it. You're working with Bang Chan," he states, is emotions unreadable. 
No. You had forgotten to conceal your waist tattoo since your dress fully covers it. You hadn't expected to completely remove your dress tonight. Rookie mistake. You should expect everything. 
"All this over a tattoo?" You eye him, downplaying the situation.
"How brave of you to interfere with our operation by yourself," the other man comments, ignoring your previous sentence. "No back up here to save you, huh?" 
"Oh, you don't really believe she's here alone, do you, San?" Seonghwa asks. Choi San. You recognize that name. Seonghwa comes over to you, a completely different aura surrounding him now. He's intimidating, gripping your chin with much more force than he had earlier. "Be a good girl and tell us where your friends are, yeah? Don't make things difficult." A chill runs down your spine at his threat. 
"I'm not here with anyone," you state. It's the truth. Even though Chan had insisted he wait in his car nearby, you convinced him to stay and monitor operations from your base. If you don't make contact within the next hour or two, he'll know something is wrong and follow Seonghwa's location.
"Wrong answer, princess." He grips your hair harshly and you wince. "I have a hard time believing that they would put you in a situation like this without back up. Where are they?"
It's sweet of him to underestimate you, honestly. You got yourself into this situation, and you're sure as hell going to get yourself out. You're already halfway done formulating your escape plan. "I said they're not here," you answer again. He lets go of your hair with a hiss.
"It would pain me to ruin such a pretty face...I think we'll let the boss deal with you." 
The boss? Chan told you that no one knows the leader of ATEEZ—it's safe to assume that anyone who's seen him hasn't lived to tell the tale. You're not sure if he'll have any mercy at all to offer you. But maybe these two still have some in them.
"No, please!" you plead, your fists balled up as they rest on your thighs. "If I tell you where they are, will you go easy on me?" You let your head hang low, looking at the floor. San lowers himself in front of you and you find his eyes. You blink, letting a few tears slip down your cheeks. 
"Sure, doll face. We will." You look away from him to briefly meet eyes with Seonghwa. He still stands at full height, arms crossed as he looks down at you. Perhaps it's your tears making your vision blurry, but you swear his gaze softens at the sight of you. You look back to San, sniffling.
"You promise?"
Now, never ever would someone in their right mind trust a promise from someone like them. But you're not planning on following through with your own side of the promise, either. Two can play at this game. You would never jeopardize the safety of SKZ...you told Chan you could handle yourself and you meant it.
"Promise," San says. He's truly something else, radiating such strong and convincing charm. You would fall for his promise in a heartbeat if you didn't know who he really was.
As you slowly rise from your knees, San stands with you. "They made me do it," you confess, more tears spilling from your eyes and taking your favorite mascara with them. "They said they would kill me if I didn't," you whisper, looking away. 
"It's okay, doll," San says, coming closer to comfort you. You flinch before he touches you. "Just tell us where they are, okay? We'll help you." You bury yourself in his chest, your frame shaking in his arms as you cry quietly.
Your best performance yet, if you say so yourself.
After a long minute in his embrace, you begin to pull away. In the process, you grab the gun out of San's shoulder holster and hold the barrel to the center of his chest. He curses under his breath, raising his arms in defeat. You slowly step backwards, turning your aim to Seonghwa as a warning not to try anything, and then returning your aim to San. Seonghwa makes no attempt to grab for anything, so now you know for a fact that he is unarmed.
"I told you the first time that there's no one here with me." You smile. "But it's nice to discover that you both have a heart." 
"Tell Chan we said hi," Seonghwa replies, irritated. 
"Of course, it would be rude of me not to. It's truly been a pleasure, boys." You give Seonghwa a wink. "We'll meet again, right? Maybe you can introduce me to your boss next time."
You've backed up far enough to step onto the balcony, assessing the situation above and below. The garden below is deserted now that the auction has started, but it's a far drop to the ground. There is another balcony above you, but it seems a bit too high for you to escape to. You're trapped, so you're going to have to pull this off fast to avoid getting hurt. 
All you can hear is the sound of your own heartbeat as you throw the gun over the railing into the garden. If you slip up, they could get their hands on it again, and you cannot let that happen. You'll fight the real way if you must.
As soon as it leaves your hands, the men launch at you. You quickly dodge them, ducking under San's punch and managing to sweep Seonghwa's leg, knocking him to the ground. Now that they're both on the balcony, you run back inside, shutting the french doors and locking them behind you. You know it will barely do anything to set them back—they could easily break them down if they wanted to. Through the glass, you watch as San pulls Seonghwa off the ground and looks at you. He doesn't make an immediate effort to get inside.
Is he letting you go? 
You shouldn't wait around any longer to find out. You blow him a kiss before taking your exit out into the main hall. 
But after stepping out, you see why they let you go...
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woneuntonzz · 3 months
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for the first time ˎˊ˗
📞 ; “It's not the piano we share the love for. It's the music, isn't it?”
𖹭 : childhood lover!anton x afab!reader
💭 It's just like seeing her for the first time again...
⤷ contains: fluff, pining, childhood lovers trope 🙈, humor (if
you squint ig??)
⤷ wc: 8k :3 (not proofread :0)
⤷ a songfic, inspired by:
-ˋˏ under the cut .ᐟ ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
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Not many wonder about what the world was like when the sky’s silent and pure black. It’s all at the top of our heads —the world’s asleep, at least, the part that’s bathing in darkness and the moonlight. But Anton wondered, he wondered what kind of dreams people slept with, what his tired uncle snores about at night. 
He remembered being sat on the garage floor with his uncle who wore wounds and dark purple bruises all over his arms. A mechanic at work, and a magician at home. Anton was fascinated with how he could fix everything, everything but his aching heart. 
Anton saw the way his uncle looked at the woman that lived across from their house. His uncle became a frequent visitor when their family moved to that neighborhood, and he thought it was because his uncle was just so fond of him. And while that’s a definite truth, he figured it must be because of that woman. 
“Do you have a crush on her?” the innocent question fell off of Anton’s lips as he watched his uncle rummage through a box of equipment to give his dad’s car a fix. 
“No.” his uncle laughed, and the poor boy wouldn’t be able to sense the hints of frailty in his tone. “How about you? I see you. You’re all eyes for their youngest.”
The youngest child of the family that lived across. Anton had always wanted to approach, but he would get startled the moment that pair of glittery eyes got to him. It made him quake in his heart, and every passing second he’d be feeling for his hair, to feel if it had jumped around making him look so foolish —no, not in front of you.
“She’s really pretty.” uttered through a grin, he starts fiddling with the fabric of his shirt. 
“I bet she’s really nice too, like you. You should ask her to be your friend.” his uncle would keep his head under the hood of the car, still meddling with its insides. “Her mom is nice.”
Anton raised his brows as curiosity washed his face. “Is the woman her mom?” and to that his uncle could only nod, and along with his ashed face and wounds and dark purple bruises he wore a bittersweet smile. Anton had seen that smile so often that he thought it was just how he is. 
It was at your eighth birthday party when Anton noticed how different his uncle smiled around your mother. And Anton would smile the same way when he would so shyly blurt out, “Happy birthday Y/n.” he felt his heart taking leaps that there were no stops in between his words, just flat but still all over the place. You served him a slice of your coral pink cake. But he could already taste the sugar from your smile alone. 
He was forced in there. He would say forced because he had hinted frustration with the way he had dropped his back against the chair at dinner, but truly he was only anxious of meeting you, greeting you, seeing the silk ropes of your hair catching the harsh rays of the sun up close rather than from the window of his living room. He’d tell his uncle, but he was assured that it would all be fine, even if he himself was anxious to be accompanying his nephew to the birthday party being hosted by his greatest love. 
Anton watched the adults from a distance, overlooking the inkling pining from his uncle’s actions. His uncle who had refused to see women because of work, not caring if people suspected him of not being into women at all. He valued his heart, yet had never taken care of it. It was not clear to Anton the words said that had left his uncle to lose the whim in him that night. Though, he was sure of one thing. He had got himself a friend. 
He found out his friend played the piano, that’s why she had such pretty hands, and had as much passion as he did. He played the piano too. After he arrived from school in the afternoon, he got himself in more comfortable clothes, then he’d be shoving chicken, rice and some seasoned veggies in his mouth. He considered himself careful for not being scolded despite being in a rush. After that he started to walk to the door. It would take him twenty-seven steps. One. To open his door the same time you would. Two. He started to think about what to say. Six. And what not to say. Fourteen. He felt like his pulse was at the same rhythm as his steps. Twenty-seven. He finally opens the door. 
He must’ve had godly intuition, or maybe it was fate doing its work. You both surprised each other, doors swiping open being met with the distant sight of each other. The distance was vast, but he could see such amazing and beautiful pictures in your eyes. Now he was about to take fifteen steps to you. He took notice of the way your hair waved back even if it wasn’t a windy day. And it was because you ran to him, your avidness showing through the grin you carried to him. 
“Hi Anton!” he had never heard a voice so lively. Somehow it made him feel like he could do anything at that moment, free. 
“Hello, Y/n.” his lips were pressed together as his voice started to falter. 
He wanted to beat himself up for sounding so enfeebled and it was so not cool. But you giggled at his dainty utterance, and it was like having another slice of that coral pink cake, so sweet.
“How was school?” you had just gone from school too. You were attending a different school, but yours and his still held the same schedule it seems. 
“It was okay.” he couldn’t admit that he felt like crying when he was taunted for being too quiet. 
“Are you sure?” you followed the steps of your mother, to ask if they were sure if you weren’t so sure yourself. 
He shrugs, and you could hear the bottom of his shoes grinding against the stray leaves on the ground from the old oak tree by your house. “I think the kids at school don’t like me.” for a second he thought he had said something wrong with the way your brows knitted from what he said, and so he’d speak again, “But maybe it’s just me. They were joking I think.”
“Well it’s a ridiculous joke. You’re literally so nice. You’re the nicest boy I know.” it was the facts speaking, considering every other boy in your life seemed to fall dumb with throwing balls around and sipping unpalatable liquid while watching other people throwing balls around. 
Being the nicest boy in your life would be the bourne of Anton’s living moments for as long as he could remember. He owes you for all the times you’ve given him a smile as bright as day, and when you’d let him run his fingers through the silk of your hair, and when you’d talk to him about whatever came to mind, no matter how arbitrary or unusual. He felt like he was in debt because of how much he’s heard your dear voice. And how he missed it when dusk caught up to your ventures. He wanted to give you the world just for existing. 
What do you want to be when you grow up?
You laughed when you heard Anton huff about how typical this essay topic was. You were now thirteen. Also in the same middle school. You stuck by each other like an ant with a pint of sugar. It’s been five years, and he was still the nicest boy you know. You two were the best of friends. Inseparable most times. People believed it would be impossible to keep the two of you out of each other’s wonders and giggles. Every means of socializing would be your world colliding with his. There was no other pair of eyes, or lips, or an angelic voice he looked for within the trifling crowds of students in your class or anywhere else. In his world there was only yours. 
“I’ve heard this question so many times. Now I’m not even sure what to answer.” his hands rested on the paper he had laid out, but his eyes were attached to your eyes like he was looking for something in them —which if he were, he would’ve been looking all day.
“How about a swimmer? don’t you want to be that? or a pianist?” his eyes followed the movements of your eyelids that opened a bit more for his reply.
“Well, I guess I could get an athletic scholarship.” the truth was he was too caught up with how comfortably your eyes kept a lock on his. He wasn’t able to actually ponder what he truly wanted. “You?”
He was eager to hear from you. He knew in that beautiful soul of yours you bear such amazing dreams. “Maybe a musician. I love music.”
“I do too.” it was a spur of the moment thing —he mulled his lips, his eyes fluttering down to your coral pink lips. He thought it must be as sweet as that coral pink icing. “I love you too.”
Your eyes would be as wide as the gap that separated the two of you, not exactly broad, but not close enough. “Oh, then, I love you too, Ton.” you had made it out to be as him declaring how much he appreciates you for being his best friend. Because what else could it be?
You’d find out soon enough, you were already fifteen. Fifteen and still oblivious of each other’s affection. Your friends could tell with just a single glance. Even when silence was overbearing, the two of you would dwell deep in each other’s eyes. Now that you’re older —and a lot closer— he’s been a lot more expressive. And you were too, however it would only be for him. His arms were always around you. Wrapped around your shoulders, and if lost in the moment, around your waist. He thought you never noticed how careful and gentle his touch was. You did, all of it. It would kind of sting too. He’d leave an imprint of his zeal on your skin, even if sometimes not bear, it would burn, but in a good way. It would sting the moment it’s taken away from you. The longing, it was something you weren’t so sure how you’d act on. 
At sixteen, he was fully focused on his cello. He had given up the piano for it. You supported him throughout everything, but his dubiety would not allow for him to get a good night’s sleep. He thought of what you could’ve felt when he said he wanted to play the cello and not the piano. It was because the piano was something you both loved but you’d affirm to him, “It’s not the piano we share the love for. It’s the music, isn’t it?” he felt foolish about the whole ordeal. Still, you thought it was sweet of him for being so broody. 
He took a lot of classes for the cello while you were out practicing for your solos. And soon he’d be practicing for recitals too. It kept you apart, but you knew you’d both be doing something you love. A breath of fresh air if you will. That air would become too hard to inhale eventually. You waited for Anton, just right outside where he and his band practiced. There was a small crack where you could see that he had made a new friend. You knew that friend, she was popular amongst boys. Though, you heard that she was not in for fooling around, it wouldn’t stop you from driving your sanity close to the fear of losing Anton. She’s a dream. Anton loved to talk about dreams, dreams for the future, dreams when you're asleep, even ones when you’re awake. You wondered, was his dream now standing in front of you carrying such luscious locks and sanguine eyes with the stature of a runway model? she held a bow too, which could only mean one thing. She too played the cello. Anton talked about how she taught him this and that, probably about playing the cello in more efficient ways. Either way, you couldn’t remember. Your mind trailed off to the thought that he might start to enjoy practice more than spending time with you. 
Your thoughts had led you back to the music room, angry notes flying off the piano as you let your heart lead your fingers. You meant to play a little softer, as to not draw anyone into the room. You failed in doing so. The piano’s song echoed throughout the room, but you had no time to care if it was going through the walls. Lost in song, you weren’t able to catch the sound of the door’s hinges moving along at the pace of your head that tilted with the rhythm of which you played. After laying out the last note, another would follow, and it sounds, “Are you okay, sweet?” 
Anton heard the aggressive play even being fifteen steps away from the music room. After those fifteen steps, there you were, sitting on the bench as your fingers worked the music. He had to pinch himself to assure he wasn’t dreaming. You looked like you had just gone down from the heavens. But he saw your nerves seemingly wanting to pop out and the way your brows were knitted too. Before he approached, he was already thinking of reasons. It could’ve been your music teacher putting you through rough practice. Or maybe it was him. He was thinking of everything he had said and done for the past week, the past month even. Then he decides he’d walk up to you towards the end of the song you played. 
“I’m fine.” but you ended up closing the piano a little too hard, causing the keys to play by themselves from under. You immediately looked up at Anton, and like what you’d expect, his face reflected his doubt. “I’m sorry. I just have a lot in my mind.”
Your body almost fell limp when you felt the warmth you’ve been longing for the three painfully slow days of continuous practice without seeing him. His arms snaked around you, just above your chest. He rests his chin on your head. “What is it, sweet? Tell me.” 
He felt your head move as you sighed. His body responded by getting himself seated next to you, keeping one arm around you. He gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. You eyed his gentle hand on you and kept it there when you uttered, “Do you think those kids back in your elementary school still don't like you?”
“Maybe? I don’t know, really.” your question was too random, but he’d let his hand slowly fall on your elbow, and the sensation clouded your mind. 
“Anton, I wish I could’ve just told you then.” you felt his grasp grow tighter. He pulled himself closer to you. His breath staggered seeing the thin layer of sea on your eyes. 
“Told me what?” he could almost feel your exhaustion, even if your hands were cold when he held them. 
You chuckled, but it was so broken that it would only lead to his grasp closing even more. “So what if they didn’t like you? screw those kids. I like you. I have for the longest time, Anton.” you sniffled to fight the waters. “And not as a friend, but more.”
The warmth he had given you all those times you’d feel him were all coming back to him. It was so great. The feeling wasn’t overwhelming. It was utter relief. But it told him two things. One, you’ve both been in love ever since his family moved into that neighborhood. And two, you were both oblivious of your flourishing love. He had thought of the second, that time he told you he loves you —seemingly out of nowhere. Once realizing what he had just said, he thought he had dug his own grave, but you would innocently tell him you loved him too. That moment was a slap to his face. He thought all he’ll ever be to you is a best friend. 
The winds of change blew stronger in that room. “Y/n, when I said I love you, I meant it. Then, I was only hoping you saw me the same way.” his fingers drew circles on your skin. You were both red and hot by then, still he was able to take jest of the situation. “This isn’t a prank, is it?”
You laughed, pushing yourself into his neck. It was the heat of your air that had pushed him to hold your chin up, and for the first time your lips would meet. It lasted for three seconds —not that you could count— and he’d hover over your lips for a while. And he’d smile, pressing his forehead against yours. He had to swiftly lick on his lips to confirm a theory. He was stunned to taste your strawberry chapstick. Sweet, you truly were.
“Anton?” only he could hear it with how miniscule your voice was, and it was just right for he was yet to move from where he halted. He chuckles. You laughed. Soon you had your face buried within the crook of his neck. 
You two left the music room as you would when you’re together. Significantly close in distance. The only difference would be your entwined hands. You both walked past your friends’ coos in the hallway wearing sheepish grins. It felt as if you were both children again, running towards the exit whilst you held onto each other tightly —just to be sure the other won’t get lost as you sped out into the outside world. Your conjoined ecstasy was heard by the array of students that passed by. If laughter was medicine, you’d both be dead from overdosing. He was careful to lead you out of the public space. He could feel his phone buzzing in his pants since it was practice afternoon for his swimming team. You were aware of their schedule, but he’d keep your mind off of it, ultimately lulling you with a kiss. 
It had only taken a giggle for you to be laying on the grass of your backyard. The constellations drew the love emanating from your huddled bodies. He traced it with his eyes. When he looked down, he was tracing your features like he did with the stars. Even with the bed of stars in the sky, and the moon, you still held a shine brighter than all of them combined. He gazed on the bead of light on the tip of your nose. And then everywhere else it scattered. With his eyes he followed the outline of your lips, and the curve of your chin. Then he needed to feel. His palm, soft and gentle, would find its rest on your cheek. You’ve been watching his eyes with your own the whole time, watching for where they trailed. 
“Wouldn’t you be in trouble for skipping training?” your voice was mellow. It was the softest and prettiest melody he’s ever heard. His fingers glide down from your cheek to your jaw. 
“I don’t think I want to be a swimmer.” he says, caressing your skin whilst he roams your visage with his eyes once more.
“Then what do you want to be, Ton?” his other hand went on top of your head. He moves the stray strands, being delicate with your kind locks. 
“I want to be with you.” the tone is low, a lot deeper than when you were thirteen. Baritone and painstaking. Yet it was pure velvet in your ears. 
You tittered at his reply. It was a means of covering your flushed face. You moved a little closer and nuzzled your face against his clothed chest. “I do too.” you mumbled into the fabric of his shirt. He heard it, and he grew nervous from you feeling the pounding in his chest because of the proximity. “Seriously now, what do you dream of for the future?” you moved from his chest to look up at him. 
“I was being serious.” he propped his head up as he chuckled. Now he hovered slightly above you, elbow resting near the side of your head. He inhales the September breeze as he takes in all of you. “Though I am considering just being a musician. I might have an opportunity in line to be able to do that. To make music.”
You lie with lax on the grass bedding. You noticed that only one side of his face was shone on by twilight. You might have been staring for too long, because then he’d let his lips fall on your forehead, and then down to your lips. Your eyes glittered with the reflection of the stars in them. But he figured, it might be just the image they held. There was no need for stars, or moons, or the sun for you to light up his world. Later that night, his uncle had to come in and retrieve him. His uncle with wounds and dark purple bruises, all of which were now faded. Change had played after your birthday party. Even if it didn’t seem like it, the change was all for the better —even for Anton’s uncle. That night after your birthday party, he admits to his feelings. And your mom granted him closure. It was better than nothing anyways. 
The night Anton was fetched from the backyard of your home —the same place where you held your eighth birthday— his uncle finally told him the tragic tale of his greatest love. Once upon a time, his uncle and your mother were like you and him, but sadly fate had worked against them. He had gone away for work. The distance, the time, overwhelmed their love. It plummets quickly after a long time of losing contact. Then your mother had you. Anton’s uncle would assure him that there was beauty in it all, and it was you. It was insinuated that both you and Anton were brought down to earth from the heavens to be with each other. Still, fear proved to be man’s greatest enemy. 
With only a very few inches left to seventeen, he took strides. It was hard to keep up even with your hands enclosed with his. You took steps that were just right. But right beside you was him leaping forward to the inevitable. He had you in his arms when he contemplated. It was nothing to contemplate about, he had to tell you. But he feared that his farewell would be the last. What if history repeats itself? what if he leaves today and tomorrow you would no longer love him? he was already grieving over what he could only foresee in his nightmares. Even if his body was as warm as spring, he was cold. You could feel it. 
“What’s wrong Ton?” he felt guilt dawning down on him for causing that much worry to you. 
“I just have a lot in my mind.” like deja vu, he’d jump slightly from where he sat. He came back to that day in the music room. You played valse sentimentale, he remembered being so lovestruck with how perfect you played, even after finding out it was of great emotion from your fear of losing him. He couldn’t even remember that girl’s name. “I’m moving back to Korea.”
“You passed the audition?” you were genuinely happy for him. But then again, you had expected it. You never doubted his abilities. He is still his harshest critic. “That’s great! you’d have a chance at making music, like you always dreamed of.”
But at night when he dreamed, he saw paradise. He saw you. He had brought those dreams under the light of day. He thought about it whilst he meddled with his cello. He thought about it while he studied. He had even smiled so foolishly in the shower imagining it occurring in real life. That dream he had was under the moonlight. Maybe it was because of that night in your backyard, but in his dream you weren’t on grass. You were at some place small. It wasn’t exactly cramped per say, but it wasn’t of great space either. It was nothing important at first. He was more focused with the light that bounced off the skin on your face. When he dreamed of it again, it fed his fears. You were all tears in this dream. He wondered if he was seeing the future. There were no words spoken. It made it hard for him to decipher what that dream meant. It kept him awake for more hours than he should've. He could only hope it wasn’t a foreshadowing of a fallout. 
At the departure area of the airport is where you held him with all the vigor you had left in you. You were both seventeen already. Now he was to be flown to his dreams, though it would not be the dreams he had of you. The tears had already been drained from both of you days prior, now he could only savor the remainder of his thirty-minute wait with you. 
“Take care, Ton.” you utter against his temple so softly as your fingers brushed his hair. “I know they’ll take good care of you there too.”
“I wish I could be with you.” he had his eyes closed, head lying on your shoulder. He had his whole weight on you, but it was very much the opposite of a heavy burden. “You could take care of me better than anyone.”
You lightly pushed his shoulder that hung in the open whilst giggling. And he smiled against the scent of your cologne. The smell was sweet. It could’ve been because he was so convinced sweet is just what you are. But even so, he drowned in it. The thirty minutes was up, and he was headed for the sky. With exchanged I love yous and a lengthy farewell, he was off. He was in no mood for the plane movies. He had the memories he’s made with you that he kept on rewind in his head as he flew. He had dozed off, soon he was dreaming again. He woke up from it. He saw you in a dress, like the one you liked to wear when you were kids. Blue with the bows. Missing you was dreadful, but maybe, just maybe, landing would be a little nicer. Then it would be a little easier for his longing to subside. 
He was training all over again. It was none like swimming, but there were even more restrictions. Have a consistent diet. Never miss practice. Monthly evaluations are held every month’s end, and do not miss it. No sneaking out, and most importantly, no dating. But there was no rule stating he couldn’t miss you, there was no rule that stated he should break up with you. All he had to do was bear a secret. It was easier said than done, but he made it work. He had too. Only seeing and hearing you through his screen was incomparable to having you in real life. If he had a superpower, it would be being able to teleport. He wanted to so badly when he had called you as you studied for your midterms. You listened to his tales of training, how his fellow trainees were and all. You were being so good to him, he just wanted to have his arms around you again. To console you from the thousand words you read through while still having ears open for him. You were now eighteen. It’s been a year. Growing tired of this setting was not inside both of you. You would both treat it like the new normal now, but it was anything to keep your boat stable. 
“I miss you so much. I want to go home. But they say I can’t. Not yet.” he hugged himself like how he saw you with yourself. You had your own arms around your body, trying to make it up as his. But it wasn’t the same. Painful is all it was, but he was there right in front of you. Not quite for being on the screen of your laptop, but he was there. 
“I miss you too.” was all you could say. You hoped he could sense your yearning through what he could see from his own screen. 
It’s his smile that told you he yearns for you just as much, if not more. “I’ll visit you as soon as I can.” he wanted to see your face taking in the light of your surroundings again. He wanted to feel your gentle skin and your silk hair again. Its ghost lingered on his fingers that held onto his sides. “I love you, sweet.”
“I love you too, Ton.” you wondered if he could see it. Your eyes brimmed with water, but you were yet to let it fall. And you wouldn’t be able to when his smile grew wider. Your lips curved, an imitation of his. 
You were off to college when he told you he was up for debut. Not exactly where his dreams lie, but it was the closest he could get. An idol. He fits the job well you thought. You knew people would love him, though not as much as you did. You’d be his number one fan, always. It was when you had fixed your dorm room when he called you, gushing about the guys he was going to debut with, all while he tried to scan around where you were. It’s where he could’ve been too. Now it’s quite an impossibility. 
“I bet you’re even more handsome than all six of them combined.” you furrowed your brows in jest, determined to have him keep him show you his underlying confidence. 
“You’re reaching.” you’d both laugh as his obviously quoted response. “But thank you. You must be telling the truth. You always stare at me.”
You guffawed even if he was stating facts. “Yeah, but you must’ve known by then that I was only imitating you. You’ve had your eyes on me, since like, what? since we were children right?” 
He hummed an approval to your question. Art imitates life. You were the most beautiful painting, the only worthwhile movie, and the most pleasant song. You were all of those that depicted the love he had for life. His own and yours. “You’re so beautiful and sweet. I want to see you so bad.”
You’ve always wondered why he called you sweet, my sweet, he’d often say referring to you, or to call for you. But his words and the way his eyes worked around you, the way the ends of his lips rose for you, it was telling. It told you everything there is to know. You thought maybe it was his influence that had driven you to study psychology. He also couldn’t believe what he was hearing when you told him about your major. It was again, something he wasn’t able to foresee before. If him being an idol seemed like a stretch, you studying psychology would’ve been a reckless swing that went thirty miles off your expectations. You thought psychology was intriguing. Though you really didn’t need the books to understand Anton, you wanted to study the nature of man. Would it be possible that there’s anyone in this world as precious as he could be?
Other than that, you wanted to understand dreams. Dreams vary for everyone, and there are dreams people share, dreams that carry definitions that are listed in websites and reiterated in YouTube videos or in mini series of shorter videos on TikTok. You wanted to have a deeper understanding of how it worked. Where sometimes it’s sheer symbolism, and other times it’s a vision of the future. The people that you studied with were so different yet held much of the same curiosity as you. You were all aware that it was nothing fantastical. It was a bearing of life. And it was what made it beautiful. You found friends in them. You would always mention a lover that had ventured off to pursue his dreams. But you weren’t allowed to say his name, or what he did. All to avoid any mishaps in the future. It was something Anton would thank you for, even though he wished both you and him could show off each other like you did with the superficial belongings you wore. But it wouldn’t be superficial for him, it would be a yell to the world that you were for him just as he was for you. 
Your dreams were always so specific. One night you had dreamed of the skylight at the airport. A year later you saw the same view. Another pivotal moment was from your childhood. You had dreamt of a boy, the one that lived from across your house. He ate cake with you on the patio. Days later you sat next to him as dusk approached, munching on what was left of your birthday cake. Last night you had a dream. It was somewhere you couldn’t recognize. It was long after the day had fallen and the sky drew black. Anton was there, and he cried. He held your hand so closely to his chest too. He said something, but it came out blurry. When you tried to speak for yourself, you woke up. Taking another breath, dewdrops escaped your eyes. It was one that led you to exert more effort on your studies. To understand what that dream meant. Because if it were the future talking to you, it could be something very dear or it could be the end of something beautiful. 
Your doubts would get the better of you. Your calls would mostly be just staring into the light of your screens, and the talk couldn’t be anymore typical. He grew more and more insecure by the day, what if his fears were being answered? but it should not be be that way, he could still talk to you every night and whenever he could. Things shouldn’t end like how it did for his uncle. A phonecall and a cold evening was all it took for you to realize how much your thoughts ate both of you up. 
“I think I can go home for my birthday.” it was an unsure statement, but he sounded firm. He was turning nineteen, and close to debuting too. And before giving his life away to stardom, he wished to spend all time possible with you. 
The look in your eyes made his heart shrink, and it almost came crashing down when you told him, “You should spend your birthday with your dad, your family. I’m gonna be very busy, Ton.” you voice was as gloomy as the view outside his window. “It’s study season, but I’ll keep contact with you.” your gloom washed over him, but still he was thankful that you didn’t say you would just try, but you will.
He wouldn’t reply but, but instead you’d see him just staring. He did it the way he always would with you. Back when you were still close enough to see even the smallest cracks of your faces. 
“I have something for you too. To which adress Ton?” when you lift your head up from your paper, you were met with the reflection of his screen in his glossed eyes. “Ton?”
“Dorms.” it was one word, and you still heard the crack in his voice. 
“Anton, I really wish I could see you too. But It would just be this time. After this you can see me whenever you’re available.” he felt your hands holding his cold ones. He felt warmth that wasn’t there. “I love you, so, so much.”
“I love you more.” he did truly. And he was dying to prove it to you, and to the world. 
It was a busy week, for you and for him. He was subjected to hours of practice, and he used it to distract himself from the dread. He was deprived greatly of your loving. But he knew you struggled too. He knew college didn’t treat you fairly. That’s why you were always on late-night calls. Even if you fell asleep he’d stay. For a while he’s looking over you. And after a few blinks he’s off to dreamland. His last dream kept repeating, over and over again. He tried his best to not let it show through his speech and his face. His face that everyone paid him great attention for. It was hard, painful even. His eyes, instead of tracing the lines of your lips, were tracing the lines of the practice room mirrors.
At nineteen, he woke up. He got up from the left side of his bed, where there was less space. His foot hit one end of his bedside table. He winced, but it was not one for grumbles. He walked to the bathroom, then he brushed his teeth. He had to look again because he thought his toothbrush changed colors. It did, and it was Sungchan’s. He brushed his teeth again, this time minding the colors whilst he thought of how he would explain the whole incident —or if he should even explain at all. He got behind the shower curtains just for a quick wash. After that he’d go back to his room to slip in some practice clothes. Once his loose hoodie had gone over his head, his eyes stumbled upon the calendar. It was his birthday. Almost forgot. He was off to practice, not minding the date. It was just like any other day, or birthday for that matter. Even then it seemed like nobody even knew it was his birthday. So he figured there was no point to dither. 
He was nineteen when he was given heavy scolding for not being precise with his dancing. It wasn’t the first time, but this has been the worst he’s ever gotten. Everyone was not aware of the heavy load he’s been carrying in his heart. Their dance teacher’s yell would make it even heavier. The six others were supposed to come out with a cake with three candles, and balloons that read ‘19’. After a few times of brushing back his hair with his fingers and fighting back the tears. And when the first drop seeped out, he stood up from the floor and with staggered steps, he got out of that place. He was off somewhere, where he had dreamt of. 
He thought that place in his dreams was utter imagination. But it was real. Maybe he did see the future. But you weren’t there, on the balcony of his room. The balcony faced another building that shunned all others. All he could really do was look up. He ignored the countless notifications that came pouring out of his lockscreen. It got too much that he’d silent his phone, turning on the do-not-disturb function. Before he could lock his phone though, he’d stare at his wallpaper. It was a photo of you, a very discreet one at that. It showed only a small portion of your face. Your wispy lashes and the curvature of your nose. And your eyes. His reflection when he took the photo was caught in it. And he was smiling, the way he should’ve been for his birthday. But now all he could think about was his uncle’s story. Despite the assurances that pointed to all directions that led him to you, he felt as if one day he’d be forcing himself to forget. But he could never forget you. Not even by great force. A ringing would dawn in his head. It took another drop of salt before he realized that the ringing was from the doorbell of their complex. 
It was not his first time answering the door. And he counted, from his room to there, it took sixteen steps. It always made him reminisce about that day in the music room. How you thought he’d be interested in anyone else that was not you. He had no space in his heart for any more interests because it’s filled with you and the music you both grew up loving —but never as much as you grew to love each other. He’d count his first step out of his room as one. He wondered if it would be his angered manager or his worried groupmates that would come through the door. Two. He was already wary of the consequences. Six. His birthday is long gone now, all he could think about was how he was going to explain himself. Twelve. Or maybe if he should call you late at night. Fourteen. He hoped once he’s dialed you, it won’t go straight to your inbox. Fifteen. He remembered you said you would send him a gift. Maybe, just maybe, it’s your gift waiting for him behind that muted door. Sixteen. The door opens slowly. He expects a box, small, big, anything. Or maybe he’d a screeching yell, or stressed apologies. 
When he’d the door was barely a peek and wide open, he saw blue. Blue, but somehow bright and lively. A pair of glittery eyes. And lips of his favorite color —coral pink. A hug is what he’d receive, and his eyes would continue to dispense his sorrows. He held you, like it was the first time all over again. And he led you to his room’s balcony, while still holding a box. He’d looked at you, like it was the first time. It felt like back when your houses faced each other. When he followed the same routine religiously, every single day, just so he could open that door the same time you would yours. He was happy that he’s able to let his eyes draw along your features. At the same time he was terrified. “Please tell me this isn’t a dream.”
Tears swelled from his eyes. You tried your best to keep your jubilance, but your grin falters when you catch a glimpse of his dreaded countenance. “It’s not, Ton.”
You placed a hand on his cheek, and it was warm. He touched it with his own, and you’d flinch with how cold he was. He brought your hand from his cheek to his lips, leaving his fervor on your skin with a kiss. Suddenly you were brought to tears. The scene was all too familiar. An instance of deja vu. 
“I’m not dreaming?” almost in a sob, he’d ask you. His eyes pierced through your psyche, not harshly, but like he begged. You pulled him close to you, and there after a wistful eternity, he felt your silken lips against his. 
Forever is only possible in fiction, but he believed there was forever in you, and he sought for it in your essence. He felt like he was going crazy, and from chilling, you felt his body grow hotter as he lost himself in you. 
With a gentle push, he pulled away. But almost in a whine, he utters, “Why?” he wanted to cry again when he heard that sugared giggle of yours.
“Calm down, Ton.” you reply, still tittering at him. 
His hands cupped your face as he peppered it with kisses from your forehead to your chin. And he ends it with a kiss to your lips. “This is the best gift ever.” his breath crashed with yours, sending heatwaves to your rosy faces.
“Actually, your dad helped get here.” you kept your voice low, laying your head on his chest. “He was worried. Your group mates were messaging him too. They asked if you were home.” his eyes would dilate just enough as he hears for you. His fingers found their way through your hair. He’s never seen or felt anything like it before. “I don’t know if I should be saying this, but they meant to prank you. It’s a part of the surprise.” he heard him breathe a little louder. 
“They yelled at me for a prank —to surprise me?” he stammered with his words. His mellow voice made you nuzzle closer to him. “The prank didn’t work.”
“Yeah. I know.” you pulled away from his embrace. You faced him once you were sat up. “You’re debuting soon.”
“If soon is September, then yeah.” his eyes grew larger, and he could see an image of the stars in your backyard. “It’s our anniversary.” you gave him a weak nod, the next second your eyes released a river. He hurriedly swiped his thumb over them, “I’ll try my best to be around. It’s a busy month.” 
He was perplexed with how you laugh at yourself, replacing his hands with your own and wiping the tears away. “I thought we’re breaking up.” he made you yelp with how quick he got you enclosed in his arms again. 
“No, no. I can keep a secret. You can too.” you felt the movement in his throat as he gulped. He was choking back tears. “No one’s breaking up. Not in this universe.”
He allowed for your tears to continue falling on his forearms, it was hot, but forgiving. “I dreamt about this very moment. I thought it meant something bad. Because in there you were crying like earlier, and I felt so bad…” he ends your sobs with another kiss. 
“I did too.” he felt his fears creeping up behind him, but they would all go away when he met eyes with the girl he fell in love with through his living room window. “I dreamed about it every night, thought about it everyday. And I dreamed of a future where we’d share a cake on our own patio.”
His presence was like a meadow, so peaceful and warm, and comforting. His dream of eating cake with you like you had back then made you laugh louder than before, and he took it all in, making sure no other sounds drowned out his favorite song. 
He still wondered about what lies beyond the darkness of night, how dreams choose their explorers and nightmares crawled for their victims. But now he understood where dreams lie with him. Sometimes what seemed like a nightmare waiting to happen might just be a glimpse of his sweetest dreams. That dream he had where he thought you’d be there to end it all with him, it had only driven him to finally grasp on what it meant to dream. It was what his heart truly wanted. 
Maybe that dream was bound to come true. Because at nineteen, he received the biggest surprise of his life. And he ate a coral-pink cake with the girl that used to live from across his house. He believed it was foreshadowing, but still, he had it in him to make it come true. 
Dreams could be a symbol of some psychological conflict we’re having within ourselves, but on the night of March 21st, year 2023, I found out that it could be a vision of the future. Though it would be discreet, just enough for you to have it mistaken as a future barricade. I may be wrong, I could’ve been just lucky to have someone as passionate about dreams as I am —I got this passion from him anyways— but the best way to deal with the weight it forces upon us is to just let it play out. It could be the catalyst for the dreams you’re set to build. I dream of owning a home, with a wealthy meadow, with blue and pink butterflies. I want a patio where it would be a comfort to lie and stargaze, where it will be comfortable to eat too. Because my fiancé loves cake, but he loves me even more. (Y/s/n. To Live A Dream. 2039)
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what if this is a true story tho very late bday post for anton my loveydoves <3
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
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Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Companion piece to Idée Fixe.
(A journal entry that will never see the light of day, for it is meant to rot in darkness. Even the amoral owner is bound to agree with this).
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, Chrollo is creepy hooooly shit (he needs a hobby), and religious imagery. Word count: 1k.
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I have become hopelessly smitten with a woman who is, for lack of a better word, strange. 
She tells me she’s “probably agnostic, because that word sounds cooler than atheist”, while often exemplifying the religious doctrine she grew up in. She condemns herself for qualities she’d pardon in others. She’ll get excited over the most mundane things, such as pigeons, or when her rewards add up enough to get her favorite drink for free. I’m allowed to steal a certain amount before she stares at me, not quite comfortable enough to express her dissatisfaction verbally, yet undoubtedly pondering the perfect string of words to avoid offending me. 
The extent of her consideration for others is perplexing. There is no advantage to be gained by placating strangers, though her insistence on the matter would almost convince you otherwise. She never says “you’re welcome”, it’s always “of course”, as if the act of going so far out of her way is expected of her. If not that phrase, she’ll say “it’s no problem”, on the off chance the individual may think they burdened her. 
She’s strange, yes, but we’re alike in many ways, so I wonder what that’d make me. 
I’ve taken on innumerable roles throughout the years. I know how to judge the weight of my every word. My motivation for doing so is self-serving in nature. People, to me, are locks that require the right combination to crack. From what I can tell, she’s come to realize this too. Instead of pursuing this advantage, she shies away from it. Originally, I thought it was nothing more than people-pleasing, but it goes beyond that. She loves humanity, the same humanity I deem worthless. It’d be easier for me to understand if there was an ulterior motive. Alas, that'd be doing her a major injustice.
My initial intrigue in her was nothing more than a passing fancy. I had time to pass, and she just happened to be in the vicinity, reading a book I’m partial to. I thought I’d give her a few minutes of my time and then be on my way. Presently, however, If I believed in fate, I’d go so far as to say our paths were destined to cross. She is every part of myself that has died a slow death. Optimism, empathy, passion… they mix together to form the essence of her being. 
I didn’t intend to give her so much of my time. She became indispensable to me before I realized what was happening. In retrospect, perhaps I knew deep down that this was the type of person I’d been looking for. Someone I’d struggle between wanting to ruin or preserve. I erred toward the former at first. If I didn’t wake her from her naïve reverie, another would inevitably come down the line and do it themselves. The mere concept was unforgivable. 
As time passed, it became clear she wasn’t living in a dreamlike state, but was perfectly aware of her surroundings and the people who inhabit them. This left me at an impasse. How do you destroy someone who has already annihilated and rebuilt themselves? There are ways, yes, yet no longer did the idea appeal to me. I wanted something new from her, though the specifics alluded me. What I did know, however, was that this strange woman would touch many lives for the better. 
This was a constant torment. I’d have to go about my business, knowing full well she’s making others smile, laugh, and otherwise brightening their day elsewhere. My chest would become impossibly tight whenever I fixated on this. She holds qualities people are inevitably drawn to. She is radiance incarnate, so easy to adore. A light like that is visible far and wide.
When I pressed back against her dearly held beliefs, instead of fading, she burned ever brighter.
I know she feels it too — this invisible rope that binds us. She’ll happily talk to me for hours, even when I forgo superficial charm and express slivers of my depravity. She sees it, acknowledges it, and seeks me out all the same. I find myself talking more than I meant to when she’s around. She challenges me, interestingly enough. Her arguments often have holes and aren’t by any means polished, but she cuts to the heart of things. 
She is my personal torment. I want every inch of her for myself. Her unique mind, heart, soul… would it be enough? Could I stop there? Or would I keep going, taking more and more, until we were essentially one flesh? 
It’s by her recommendation I’m writing any of this down. She said “I am in desperate need of intensive therapy” and sent some links to her recommendations. I’m inclined to give in to her requests since she asks for so little, but that might be the one I have to refuse. I cannot recall the last time I met someone this amusing, if ever. The inner workings of her pretty little head are a mystery I long to unravel.
Displeased as I am to admit it, a day will pass when she no longer looks at me the way she does now. My true identity can’t go unknown forever, the revelation is inevitable. Still, I won’t let her go. My grip will only grow tighter. If her ire is my penance for possessing her entirely, then I’ll accept the sentence and chip away at it over time. Emotions are transient. With the right encouragement, I can guide her back to my arms, even if she considers the embrace a scourge. 
When we first met, she said something that has taken permanent residence in my mind. 
“So long as I can say I helped one person, that’s good enough for me.” 
This was always bound to be my benediction and her condemnation. 
From that moment onward, her life was mine to do with as I please. There are many far more worthy of her than I, which is why I’ll never give them the chance. I’ll deprive the world of her vibrancy. It could become engulfed in eternal darkness, and still, I’d happily refuse to give her back. Let them lament, weep, and gnash their teeth.
In my youth, I set out to be the greatest villain. Never have I been more willing to carry out the actions befitting such a lofty title. 
This is the curse of a wicked man’s love, [First] [Last]. Revisit your religion and pray fervently. For only a god could save you from the future I’ve planned for us. 
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sooniebby · 1 year
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꧁ 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Teaser ➤ with one lost is the gain of someone greater
Word count › 5k
Rating › NSFT
Warnings › none
Kinks › anal fingering, light nipple play, rimming
(Words to know—
Baobei: baby, affectionate from a parent to child
Ge: older brother (doesn’t have to be related, can be romantic)
Di: little brother
Wangliang: demons, spirits, any malevolent creatures
Jiangshi: hopping vampire that sucks one soul out)
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
The soft sound of feet patter against the ground shook a woman awake as she saw her sun run up to her. Her son huffed, face stained with tears as he waited for her to say something. She only sighed as she got out of bed and guided him to the mirror on the small table.
She gently forced him down to a kneel, with her joining as well to be height level with his face. The boy stared straight at the mirror as his mother cleaned up his bruises, taking out any twigs in his hair as well.
This wasn’t the first time this happened. It always happened whenever the boy went out. Whenever he tried to gain his father’s approval.
“I’m pathetic compared to my siblings!” He suddenly blurted out as his mother cleaned up a slit in his lip.
She glared at him. “How can you say that about yourself?”
“He seems to think so! I don’t matter to him. I don’t matter to anyone!”
“You do matter, (Name). Emperor Chu is a very busy man. An important man. Emperor Chu gives you a life many other children dream of. Appreciate it.”
“Papa doesn’t care for me.”
“(Name). You know you must call the emperor by his title.”
“Why? I can call you mama.”
(Name)’s mother sighed as she gently pulled his hair out of the ponytail, allowing it to stay out. She continued to fix his hanfu, making sure it fit his more frail body. He had always been sick. He knew that. The hanfu felt a bit big on him. His sickness only caused him to be stunted in growth compared to other boys.
The shoulders of the hanfu had to be bunched up to not fall off. But his sickness was no shock.
How could it be when his mother herself was known to be weak as a child. She couldn’t play like the other children. Confined to her room as she coughed up blood. It was a miracle she lived so long, even having a baby boy. But it only meant he received her illness.
“Emperor Chu loves you. It may not show but Emperor Chu doesn’t have favorites—loving all of you equally, like a emperor must.”
“But he doesn’t love you equally like his wife.”
“Please, (Name), do not refer to His royal highness so casually. If you get tired of saying Emperor Chu so much, call him by his other titles. I want you to be safe.”
“He’s my Papa.”
“He’s an Emperor first. My Baobei, please, for me.” Her dark hair framed her pale skin beautifully. It was no wonder Emperor Chu chose her as a consort. Such a beautiful woman could only belong to a powerful man. (Name) didn’t understand this well at the age of ten but he knew deep down that his mother wasn’t as lucky as the maids thought she was.
(Name) simply nodded. “Sorry.”
“I’m sorry, it’s important to practice formal speech, Baobei.”
(Name) simply nodded. He didn’t like his life at all. Staying indoors. Being forced to watch his siblings be doted on by his father while he only sends a maid to give him gifts. It wasn’t like the illness was contagious. Many people came near him or touched him and nothing happened to them months later.
This silly illness. It was ruining his life.
“Seventh Prince! Consort Yuying has requested you. Please, get him dress.” A guard said outside his door. The maid in (Name)’s room, Xiulan, got up from her seat on the floor and began to pull out his clothes.
(Name) sat up from his bed, glancing out at the opened doors to the mini courtyard that belonged to him and his mother. Consorts usually got their own sections of the palace. Since his mother was the ninth consort, many expected she’d get the leftovers but her being the prettiest, they had earned the more fancied one. The first consort was the emperor’s wife.
So she wasn’t even truly a consort anymore. She was an empress.
Xiulan motioned for him to get up as she removed his sleepwear, slipping on his hanfu and shoes. He bent down a little for the short woman to pull his long hair up into a bun. No one ever cut their hair. It was the hair from their parents. They shouldn’t disrespect it. Shaving was mostly fine. But (Name) didn’t grow much on his face.
His illness, is what his doctor had said.
“Seventh Prince is ready.” Xiulan stated as she opened the sliding door on their right. The guard there simply nodded and bowed in respect to (Name). The lower class referred to any child of the emperor in terms of when they were born.
(Name) was the seventh son, so he was named the Seventh Prince. He was also the last child. The youngest. It didn’t help that he was also terribly sick most of his nights so almost everyone babied him to an annoying degree.
When he was younger, it bothered him but now, as he felt weaker by the day, it made sense. He could hardly walk far without needing to stop.
He was weak. He needed every ounce of protection they gave him. But he was only sixteen.
His mother…
She wasn’t doing good.
The room she was in was close to the Emperor. It was so he could visit her with ease. She was bedridden most of the time, asleep as her health deteriorated. (Name) didn’t visit her much. He knew it wasn’t good to do such a thing to do her.
She needed to see her only son but he was scared.
To be confronted with the reality that she’s dying.
That he’s dying, too.
“She’s inside, Seventh Prince. I’ll be waiting here.” The guard said, holding his staff close to him. (Name) nodded as he walked inside the room, for the first time in maybe months.
There was his mother, her hair thinning. It was no longer shiny and thick. It was almost breaking off. Her normally beautiful sharp cheek bones looked scary with her skinnier face. She was dying.
(Name) pushed through any sight of distress and walked over to kneel down beside her body. The maids in the room made sure to give a bit of space for him, but hovered around just in case her health took a turn for the worst.
“Baobei…” Yuying sighed, tears streaming down her face. She reached one frail hand up to touch his face, cupping his chubby cheek. A small laugh left her lips. She had missed this. His cute cheeks that puffed out whenever he pouted or stuffed his mouth.
Pouty lips that were turning too pale for her liking. Yuying grunted as she moved to sit up, much to the maid’s dismay. (Name) tried to make her stay down but she somehow pushed him off. Whatever strength she had was still there. She was supposed to be only thirty-five but she looked fifty.
“Baobei, I failed you.”
“No. No. Mama, I failed you. I got so scared to see you. I didn’t want to see you like this but that was so selfish of me. Please, forgive me.” He cried, leaning his head on her shoulder.
Yuying reached a hand into his hair and pulled out his bun, allowing his long black hair to fall out. (Name) pulled away and looked at her in confusion. He watched as she played around with it, a smile on her lips.
“I missed your hair. It was healthier than mines.”
“Baobei, I don’t have much time left. They’re taking so much from me and I couldn’t stop them. What I have…” Yuying coughed, blood splattered on (Name)’s face but he was too shocked to react.
“No, the doctor said you had a few years left. Please, please. Don’t…”
“Baobei, listen to me. This isn’t a normal Illness. We aren’t sick.”
“What are you talking about Mama?”
Yuying glanced around, as if she was scared someone was watching.
“I’ve called a shaman to help you. He’s been here the entire time, watching you. He told me he’s ready for the attack.”
“Mama, you’re not making sense. Let’s lay down…”
“Baobei!” She yelled, a look of anger in her eyes. “Once I lay down I’m gone. Let me tell you this so you don’t face this fate. My mother came from the Xians. It gave me the ability to see the future with eternal beauty. This caught the attention of many Wangliang.”
“Wangliang…? But they don’t exist. Xians aren’t real. No one could be immortal.”
“Xians don’t just have immortality. But this doesn’t matter, what matters is that your illness is because a Wangliang is feeding off of you like a parasite. And it’s not just one. It’s why you have been getting weaker much faster than I did when I was younger.”
(Name) felt dizzy. He didn’t understand. His mother seemed to know from his face as she sighed.
“Baobei… I have a notebook that’s tucked somewhere in your room. Find it, it’ll give you more insight. But just know, your ability is something stronger than mines. Mines could only grant me ten seconds into the future. Your ability, it seems to deal with your heart.”
“Mama…. Why are you speaking as if today is your last..?”
“It is, Baobei. It’s too late to save me.”
“No. No! This shaman you spoke of, why can’t he save you?!” (Name) yelled, gripping at his mother’s hanfu. She simply smiled at him, cradling his face as she leaned in to press a soft kiss on his forehead.
“There’s only so much you can do for someone as old and frail as me. I used my ability for wrong reasons. I deserve my fate.” She pushed back a lock of hair to place behind his ear. “I’m blessed to say my goodbyes.”
Yuying moved to lay back down on her bed as she smiled up at her son. “I love you, Baobei.”
Then her eyes were closed.
(Name) screamed out as he shook his mother, hoping she would awaken. The maids in the room called out for the doctor, one trying to pull (Name) away from his mother’s corpse but was swiftly pushed away. He cried out in pain, a cry that was never heard from the boy ever in his life.
“Mama! Mama, please!” He chanted, rocking her body back and forth. People rushed into the room but (Name) couldn’t lay them any mind. His mother was gone. His mother, his only true parent was gone.
He was all alone.
Strong arms gripped him tightly and pulled him away from the body, easily subduing him. (Name) weakly fought against the man’s hold but could only whimper out for his mother to wake up. The one day.
The one day he went to see her and she was gone.
The man holding (Name) ended up being Emperor Chu and the Eldest Prince, Laohu who took over once his father had to check the body. (Name) cried in his brother’s arm, holding him close. Despite them having different mothers, they were close.
His twelve siblings all loved him well. Emperor Chu had seven boys and five girls. A good luck that many praised him for. Laohu was much older than most of the siblings. Close to his late twenties by now. He acted as (Name)’s father at this point as Emperor Chu couldn’t bother to be one.
“Ge… Ge!!” (Name) cried, wishing he had died with his mother. He couldn’t continue like this. Not without his rock.
“Di, can you stand?” Laohu muttered.
(Name) didn’t answer. Laohu nodded towards one his other brothers, the Sixth Prince, and motioned for him to help carry him to his room. Sixth Prince, Donghai, helped Laohu carry their younger brother to his room.
The death of a consort, no matter how little she mattered to the emperor, was a devastating loss. Everything stopped as they were allowed to mourn. And it was warranted for Yuying. She wasn’t just a consort.
She was someone to the lower class people before Emperor Chu found her.
She was a light of hope in their dark days.
And now she was gone.
(Name) was never the same after. And neither was his family.
“Di, please, you’ve been through here a thousands times before. You should’ve found it by now if it was truly here,” Donghai said, watching as (Name) once again turned every pillow and blanket to find the notebook his mother had once mentioned.
(Name) glanced at his brother, “Ge, you don’t understand! She said it’d be here for me. She mentioned a shaman!”
“Shamans aren’t people you should trust, Di. Please, you’re already getting more frail,” Donghai grasped his brother’s hand, (Name)’s thin hands looked small against his.
(Name) knew everyone was anxious for him. His mother died earlier than the doctor had estimated. Everyone walked on eggshells, hoping to not awaken to the news that they lost him too. It had been only three years, (Name) was nineteen. But it still felt like yesterday some days.
Donghai was the one worried the most. He was the sixth son but eleventh child. They were only two years apart in age. He had a relationship to (Name) that the other brothers didn’t have.
Laohu and Donghai had a love for him that rivaled his mother sometimes.
The other four brothers didn’t speak much to (Name) but the rare times they did, they cared deeply for him. But they focused more on their positions in the military. Two were twins and one shared the same mother as Laohu. Only four years younger than him. The last one, the Second Prince shared a mother with the Eldest Princess.
She was the first child. But she was never home, having married off to a man in a neighboring state. But whenever Laohu visited, he always told (Name) she was happy.
“I will be fine… but thank you for worrying.” (Name) smiled.
Donghai didn’t looked convinced but nodded.
“Sixth Prince! Emperor Chu has requested you to the throne room!”
“I will see you at dinner.”
“Bye, Ge.”
(Name) waited for Donghai to leave before he continued his search for his mother’s notebook. He wished she had told him where. But all he had to go with is that it should’ve be hidden that no maid could come across it while cleaning.
Xiulan wasn’t going to enjoy having to clean his room after this mess he was making. But he couldn’t worry about that. His mother came first.
He was feeling weaker by the minute and if this notebook could save him, he’d find it. The sliding door open, pausing his search as he looked over to see Consort Yue Lin. She was Laohu’s mother.
(Name) quickly bowed, showing respect to her. The second consort. She was very important to the emperor behind his wife. Many wondered if it was because his wife only gave him a daughter with no sons. It certainly made her seem pathetic in terms of Consort Yue Lin.
“(Name), if I may call you that, how are you feeling?” Yue Lin kneeled down next to (Name), her brown hair pulled into an intricate braid with flower pins holding them place. She certainly dressed as a queen.
“I have had better days, Consort Yue Lin.”
“I lost my mother quite young as well. Not as tragic as you but I know your pain. Laohu loves you. Very much. I think he loves you more than me,” she laughed. “Know that he is someone to talk to. He has reached his thirties. He’s wise. A… a father figure.”
(Name) was shocked that Yue Lin acknowledge the poor parenting skills of an emperor. But she want wrong. Laohu was a father to him. Not Emperor Chu.
“The Shaman…”
(Name) stared at her in fear.
She simply grinned. “I saw him once. He’s hidden himself as a knight very well. But he’s around here. He’s one of the knights that guards the entrance to the gate leading to the forest. However, if anyone told you, I never knew.”
“Yes, of course!”
“As for the notebook, floor.”
“Floor.” With a curt nod, she rose up and walked out of the room, subtly pointing at a spot near the closet. The door closed behind her as (Name) rushed over the the closet door and felt around on the ground.
He gasped when one felt loose. With ease, he pulled off one of the floor board to see the notebook underneath. He quickly grabbed it and placed the board back into its spot.
He’d give an excuse to why one of the floor boards were broken. What mattered now was that he got what he had been looking for.
The notebook was mainly a diary. Laying down a timeline of Yuying’s time before she was found at age eighteen by Emperor Chu to become his last consort. By the next year, she was pregnant with him.
She was happy. Stating how much Emperor Chu loved her despite him being near 40s when he impregnated her. It didn’t shock (Name). He knew his father was creepy when choosing the woman he wanted. Past emperors choose their women the first year he was given the title. But Emperor Chu waited.
He waited for each beautiful woman to be ready for marriage and to bear children.
It give him twelve so many didn’t go against him, even if they wondered what he could’ve truly had in common with such a young bride.
That voice.
(Name) closed the notebook, right was he was about to reach his mother’s words on the so called ‘Wangliang’. He placed the notebook on the ground and followed the sound of his mother into the forest near his courtyard. (Name) struggled to jump over the fence but was finally able to when something grabbed him.
His head was hurting but his mother’s voice took over. Calling to him. The snow crunched beneath his bare feet as he walked over to wherever his mother was. He could feel eyes on him. Watching him as he walked to his death.
Grief was a powerful thing.
It clouded one’s judgement. They couldn’t think straight.
The trance he was in was gone once he reached the middle of the forest, dressed in a light hanfu, not made for the cold weather. He wrapped his arms around himself as he looked around. The night sky made the usually calm forest seem scary.
Only the moonlight was his light. It shined down on him, as if mocking him for being so foolish. The crunching of snow near him shock him as he turned around erratically, looking to see who was coming close to him.
“Baobei… come to mama.”
(Name) watched in horror as something tall and imposing walked from it’s hiding spot. It was lankey and tall, long limbs that no human could ever have. A white face with dark black eyes, a large sinister smile. Blood was coated on it’s lip as it bent down slightly to level itself with (Name).
“Baobei.” It said in his mother’s voice.
(Name) felt his knees collapse beneath him. He dropped to the floor, staring up at the unknown beast. This was a Wangliang…? It began to laugh, in a voice that belonged to a multitude of people.
It’s jaw unhinged as a long tongue slithered out, reaching over to caress (Name)’s face. He felt himself blank at the gross tongue touching him. Was this how he died?
Donghai… Laohu…
His mother.
He didn’t even get to see the shaman.
(Name) closed his eyes tightly as the Wangliang’s tongue tightened around his throat, leaning down with it’s wide jaw to swallow him whole when a shriek was heard.
The Wangliang cried out with it’s tongue but clean off. Black blood splattered across (Name)’s face, sending him into a quick shocking memory of his mother doing the same on her death bed. He could only stay still on the floor as whoever it was, killed the beast in front of him.
It was dressed in his people’s knight uniform. He swung around a Guandao with ease. A long staff with a sharp curved blade at the end. The Wangliang screamed as it tried to fight back only to easily be killed with a slice at it’s neck.
The head fell down not too far away from (Name) as black blood sprayed out of the corpse, covering the knight’s face and body. But he didn’t seem phased. He only wiped it away with his hanfu and muttered a quick prayer before sprinting over to (Name).
“Seventh Prince! Apologies for being late. I did not notice when you left.”
The knight kneeled down to grab (Name) only for (Name) to jump into his arms. He paused for a moment, wondering if there was something wrong only to see that (Name)’s body trembled in his arms.
“Are you… Are you the shaman Mama was speaking about?”
“Yes. Consort Yuying paid me to protect you. If she caught the Jiangshi before it fully killed you, she thought you will survive. But it isn’t just the jiangshi killing you.”
“I don’t understand.”
The shaman simply hummed. “I do not expect you to understand, Seventh Prince. You do not need to worry much about what is happening. What matters is that you trust me,” he wrapped one arm around (Name)’s waist.
(Name) pulled away from his neck and stared at him, wanting to get a good look at who this man was. His long hair was pulled into a ponytail, giving a clear look at his facial features. Monolids with medium size lips. A prominent nose that was actually beautiful to (Name).
He knew others would possibly view the man as ugly but he couldn’t help the flutter in his heart.
“Do you trust me?” The man asked.
“Your name?”
“… Fa Yichen.”
“That doesn’t seem like you’re real name.”
“It is not. But when you prove yourself to me, I will tell you,” Yichen said, a faint smile on his lips. It looked off for someone to be smiling while their face was splotches of blood but (Name) supposed it wasn’t human blood.
“I’ll call you Ge.”
“I do not deserve such title. Call me Yichen.”
(Name) pouted but nodded. Yichen stood up, holding (Name) in his arms with ease. The man was tall, having to possibly be 6’4 or maybe even 6’6. (Name) wasn’t sure. All he knew for sure was that Yichen had an intimidating stature.
Muscular all around. He put (Name)’s military brothers to shame. (Name) wrapped his arms around his neck, allowing him to carry him back to the palace. His feet were dirty with snow. But he couldn’t feel it well due to the cold.
He just wanted to warm up.
Once they reached (Name)’s room, Yichen placed him down on the bed and immediately went to leave.
Yichen turned back to face him, “Yichen. I do not deserve such a kind title.”
(Name) grinned. “Sorry, I will not do it again.”
He will do it again.
“Is there anything you need? I can call Miss Xiulan to come clean you.”
“I want you to. We can get to know each other!”
“I’m sorry.”
“How can I trust you if you won’t do a simple task?”
Yichen’s eyebrows twitched in annoyance before grunting. “I’ll start the bath.”
(Name) smirked to himself. Perhaps he could get Yichen into the bath with him. Hey, it might been a bit weird to try and get some random man into a bath with him but he wasn’t exactly thinking.
His first time alone with a very beautiful man.
“Seventh Prince, the bath is ready.”
(Name) walked over to the connected bathroom and began to strip out of his dirty clothes. He wasn’t sure how he could explain the blood on them. Maybe that it was paint.
His clothes pooled on the floor around his feet as he glanced over to see if Yichen was watching him. The shaman was looking away with a light blush on his cheeks. (Name) grinned. He wasn’t exactly doing anything with that.
He was just used to being naked in front of maybe people so he forgot not everyone would be comfortable with it. “Apologies. I was raised to not be bothered by nudity.”
“It is no issue. I’ll leave you to your bath.”
Yichen stopped himself from leaving.
“Can you wash me? Xiulan does most of the work, I cannot suddenly do it alone.” (Name) said, walking over to the bath as he slipped in.
Once Yichen counted to ten in his head, he turned around to see (Name) fully covered by the water. (Name) grinned as he watched Yichen fumble around looking for the soap. It was different from Xiulan who moved with grace, sliding the soap all over him with ease and the muscle memory.
Yichen was slow. As if he was scared that if he went too fast, he’d tear (Name) apart. It wasn’t an unfounded fear. (Name) was small in every way compared to Yichen. Especially with their sizes.
Yichen’s hand almost covered (Name)’s entire back. And the brief moment they stood close together, (Name)’s head only reached his shoulder. But it was honestly the perfect height for him to just rest his head there if they hugged.
“Why was my mother too far gone?”
“Consort Yuying had been losing her life force to the Jiangshi since birth. They went after her due to her soul being more powerful than any ordinary human.” Yichen reached down to trace (Name)’s chest, the area where his heart was.
“Jiangshi loves souls. The more powerful, the more they want it. It is more of an unfortunate situation that her parents did not know of the Wangliangs that roam the earth.”
“If they had know…”
“Consort Yuying could have lived a fruitful life. But that is the past, we cannot change what has been done. I promised your mother that she could pass with me caring for you.”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I just wish I knew…”
“She was fearful that she’d scare you. That it would have sent you straight into a Jiangshi’s awaiting mouth.”
(Name) hummed as he leaned back into the touch of Yichen. Yichen’s hand that held the rag roamed his body, not touching his legs or anything lower than his stomach. (Name) bit his lip, reaching up to grasp the hand resting on the tub.
Yichen hesitated for a moment before continuing, “do you want to wash your hair?”
“Another time. It’s a process.”
(Name) glanced down at his body, blushing at his hard nipples. Yichen seemed to not notice, really focused on bathing (Name) as if it was his job. It was a bit of a disappointment from his dream but he knew he had a weird imagination.
“Seventh Prince…”
“I must tell you, sex is heavily influenced in your mother’s kind. The Xians.”
“Those immortal humans?”
“The original Xians were immortal, yes. But your mother’s family was a more muted version of them. You don’t live forever. But to awaken the power at first, a connection to the body is needed.”
“A connection?”
“Please, tell me whenever you are uncomfortable.”
A gasp left (Name)’s lips when he felt a tug at his nipples. He arched his back, his head resting on Yichen’s shoulder as he pulled at both nipples. Yichen’s much larger hands cupped his chest entirely. It sent a shiver down his spine.
How could he hands look against other parts of his body…?
“Stimulation is a great way to connect to one’s body. It is the fastest way other than meditation. Next time we can do meditation.”
(Name) did not want to do medication next time.
Yichen’s fingers rolled (Name)’s nipples around, watching every reaction the Prince gave him. In any other circumstance, he would’ve told his client to do it themself.
But he knew (Name). Ever since they were babies.
And he wouldn’t lie that he was physically attracted to him. There was no way he’d get another chance like this. (Name)’s soft whimpering filled in the room as one of Yichen’s hand moved downwards to grip his ass.
The squeak (Name) released, one that reminded him of a cute hamster, was music to Yichen’s ears. Yichen probed at (Name)’s hole, enjoying the sounds from (Name)’s lips.
“I’ll need to take you out of the bath so I can properly stimulate you.”
Yichen easily picked up (Name) and held him close as walked over to the bedroom. He checked to make sure the sliding doors were closed from the courtyard so no cool air came in. With that, he laid down on the floor, keeping (Name) on top of him.
“Relax and let me take care of everything,” Yichen pulled him up to bring his asshole near his lips. It was eye opening to feel something foreign touch his ass.
(Name) gripped at the floor beneath him as he cried out in pleasure as Yichen thrusted his tongue inside. He was shocked at the fact something could fit inside of him. Yichen’s grip on his thighs were tight, holding him close to his body as he explored his asshole.
He felt close. His cock twitching, ready to release. (Name) flinched when he felt something probe at his asshole, a finger this time. He blushed, wondering how Yichen’s finger would feel deep inside. One finger slowly pushed in as he pulled his tongue away.
His one finger was thick, it felt like two. (Name)’s body twitched as he cried out, feeling the finger drag against his warm walls. He clenched around the finger before feeling himself cum. Much to his disappointment, Yichen pulled his finger out and maneuvered (Name) to lay down on his bed.
“Do you feel differently?”
“I feel tired…” (Name) sighed. “But something feels… light…”
“Good. In the morning, we will talk more.” He moved to get up.
“Ge, don’t leave…”
“Di! Where are….”
(Name) and Yichen stared at the door showing a shocked Donghai. Donghai glanced at the wet naked body of his younger brother and the strange man’s clothing that had indents of water.
Oh, he was about to kill this man.
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
I went off the deep end. I wanted to do some medieval Chinese fantasy and I went too far…
Yichen debut! He’ll be coming back in the far future after I do some requests first! Oikawa fic tomorrow!!
Tag list: @the-ultimate-librarian @chill-guy-but-cooler @mello-life69 @kiiyoooo
Number 1 fan: @rainnyydaysworld
Request by: @kazuhazuuu hope it exceeds your expectations! <3
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elf-kid2 · 7 months
Modern Witchers
So this contractor drives into this tiny town, way out in the sticks, in the kind of beat-up white van used by many tradesman, and allegedly favored by murderous kidnappers.
He's got white hair that you're not sure is bleached or not, strange eyes short manners. Maybe (probably) he kinda gives you the creeps. White van, stranger-danger, big guy with muscles, and all. Bad vibes.
But you've got a problem, no denying: there's SOMETHING in those woods that doesn't belong there, and recently, when the local boys went to DO something about it... that SOMETHING went from killing livestock, to killing people to. And you know, once those types of creatures get a taste for human blood... best to deal with it sooner, rather than later. Hence, the out-of-town contractor.
Witchers specialize in hunting monsters, after all.
Better to put together a fundraiser to pay the (frankly, outrageous) fees now, then to have to pay all that later, plus the surcharge for beasts that've killed multiple people, plus pulling together the funds for more funerals.
A stitch in time save nine, as the saying goes.
He's got a musician hitchhiking with him, which you weren't expecting. Some hapless hitchhiker with a dufflebag over his shoulder, and a guitar on his back, who got lost on the way to Vegas, or Nashville, or wherever it is starry-eyed musicians go to Make It Big, these days.
Auntie said that any hitchhiker with sense'd be better off walking down a lonely road, instead of getting into a van like that, driven by a man like that. But I guess it takes all kinds of kinds, and that musician hadn't been murdered yet, so make of that what you will.
Anyhow, the musician started busking in the farmer's market-- some decent covers, a few original songs, and some kind of surprisingly catchy jingle for the contractor who'd given him a lift into town. It was pretty good; live music is always a treat when you can get it, and it'd been a while since the last Bluegrass Festival.
He knew how to charm people, work the crowd, how to ask for "donations to the fine arts" without being irritating about it. People dropped cash, and pennies, and quarters, into his open guitar case, at any rate.
I reckon he scraped together at least enough for lunch, form himself'n his friend. Witchers are surly and stingy as anything, y'know, so I wondered why he wasn't covering the meal, with how much he'd charged for slaying the monster...
...But I overheard mention of how he'd had to get that van fixed up at Joe's Auto-Mechanics, over by the old factory in the valley-- and everyone knows that Joe's Auto'll charge three times what the repairs are worth, with parts that cost ten times as much as they oughtta. Lord knows, those scammers'd be out of business, if there were any better options within 50 miles of their shop!
And that is why if you think your truck's getting ready to break down, you should try an' make sure it breaks down closer to home. And also why I figure it makes sense that even a Witcher'd be short on cash, after dealing with 'em.
Anyway, the Witcher spoke with the Sheriff, and he went out monster-hunting that night.
Meanwhile, that hitchhiking musician was playing at the local bar, and let me tell you-- he was pretty damn good! Played a few drinking-songs, and the kind of songs you can't play in front of the kiddos at Farmer's Market, played some catchy tunes that had people dancing and clapping along...!
I particularly enjoyed the murder-ballad about the woman who turned into a vengeful fire-monster when she found out her man was messing around with other women. Very clever wordplay, "flames of desire lighting up your funeral pyre!" Good stuff.
Then the Witcher came in-- fresh from the contract, and half-covered in mud and blood! Barkeep wouldn't even let him sit down until he'd hosed off the worst of it, out back!
Musician-- Jaskier, he called himself-- raised a toast to a successful hunt, and another to monster-hunters who let loving families sleep safely, and rowdy drunks stumble home un-eaten, and soon enough somebody was buying that Witcher a drink, and the barkeep gave him a plate of food on the house, and it was good times all around!
Beats toasting newly-dead friends, and drinking to forget the monsters at the door, any day.
The thing is, this is a small town. Not a lot of people come visit, and if they do, they're generally staying with family. Which is to say, there aren't any motels around here.
Now, that contractor, that Witcher, he'd asked around, beforehand, about what was available, in terms of overnight accomodations-- which, let's be honest, isn't much around here. Come morning, I saw that beat-up van parked outside the Rosebud Bed & Breakfast.
Now Rosebud's is a nice place, a respectable establishment, but we all know they've had some trouble since that big storm last month, when a tree smashed through the roof! Las I checked, that Bed & Breakfast only had the one bed fit for guests to sleep in!
Might've been a rather one-sided bidding war, or a tight fit, with two out-of-towners vying for a roof overhead, that night. But that's none of my business.
Jaskier the musician left town with the Witcher-- Geralt Rivera, I think the name was-- same as he came in. Well, makes sense that he wouldn't want to stay long enough to put down roots, a young musician on a mission to see the world and/or become rich and famous.
The Witcher, Geralt, did good work with the monster, too. I guess that's why they're the experts... Some folks are talking about having what's left of the beasty taxidermy'd, did you know? Might make a decent tourist attraction, or a decoration for Town Hall, or something. I don't know.
Anyway, all that's to say... don't let anybody tell you there's not still a need for Witchers, in the modern day.
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perotovar · 13 days
rebirth — a pride month oneshot
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pairing: genderfluid!javi gutierrez/ofc/reader (written in 3rd pov) rating: T word count: 2k content: javi uses hey/they pronouns, coming out, discussions of gender identity, mentions of misgendering and worries about being cast out/attacked for one's identity (doesn't actually happen), reader is only referred to as "she", google translate spanish, spanish pet names (used by both javi and reader), if i missed anything lmk! dividers: by @saradika-graphics beta: @qveerthe0ry and @scenaaario ily both ♥
summary: javi has been wanting to let his partner know something for a long time. in fact, this is something that javi has thought about for their entire life, and they're comfortable enough to finally say it.
a/n: written as a part of @romanarose 's pride event for week 1: coming out! i wanted to try something a little different and i hope you'll give it a try ♥
for any future fics, follow @oakslibrary and turn on notifications ♥
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They were both in the living room, the credits for their weekly movie rolling in front of them. Javi had been wanting to tell her this for a while now. If they didn’t get it out now, he was sure he never would.
“I believe I am… trans,” Javi said into the quiet room, gaze fixed to the floor.
She blinked, shifting her attention from Instagram and letting his admission settle over her. Javi curled in on himself, still unable to meet her gaze. She locked her phone and set it down on the coffee table, giving Javi her complete attention.
“Oh?” She asked quietly.
Javi closed his eyes briefly and nodded, hands balled into fists against his knees. “Y-yes, I,” he gulped. “Um. I feel… Inside. I feel it inside.”
She had no personal experience in any of this before, but Javi was coming to her in confidence. Javi trusted her with this side of… them? Him? Her? She really wasn’t sure which applied to Javi at this point.
She nodded, considering. “H-have you, um,” she gulped. “What brought you to that… conclusion? I’m sorry, osito, I’m… I’m new to,” she gestured vaguely, but stopped in case that came off as dismissive. “I’m not sure what I should say.”
Javi finally turned to her, huffing out a laugh and wiping his eyes. They grabbed their love’s hand and held it gently in their own.
“I am sorry,” he said softly. “I just sort of… sprung this on you, but. It has been on my mind a lot lately.”
She nodded, urging Javi to continue.
“I did not have the language that is available now, as I was growing up. I’m not sure if I’m… I do not believe I am a woman, but,” Javi paused, looking down at their clasped hands.. She squeezed their hand reassuringly, and Javi squeezed back. “Masculinity is… fragile.”
She snorted at that, making Javi laugh a little as well.
“Well, it is, but you know what I’m saying,” Javi giggled. 
“I do.”
“I have always felt disconnected with masculinity. There were so many things men were supposed to do, to be,” Javi sighed. “I never felt like I– Like I was one of those people.”
“Should I–” she started, but fell quiet. “Sorry, I don’t want to interrupt you, osito,” she said softly, rubbing her thumb across his cheek. Javi leaned into the touch, and gave a small shake of his head.
“Por favor, pregunta.”
“How should… Is there a name more fitting for you now? Or new… pronouns?”
Javi bit their lip, thinking about it. “I like my name,” they said easily. “And… I think I like ‘they’?” Javi shrugged. “It is still new for me as well.”
She giggled softly and leaned closer to press her forehead to theirs “That’s okay. We can… We’re in this together, mi osito.”
Javi’s cheeks flushed. They nodded, steeling themself for their next announcement. “I, um. I was wondering if you could… help me?”
She leaned back to look at him, eyes questioning. “Of course, amor. Whatever you need.”
“Um, I purchased some… clothes and makeup and I was wondering if you could help me put some outfits together?” He rushed out shyly.
She beamed, excited at the idea of helping her love explore something they’d always wanted to.
“It’s just–” Javi gulped. “You always look so put together and pretty and–” “Javi,” she chuckled, taking his face in both hands. “I’d love to help you.”
The smile on Javi’s face could rival the sun.
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Javi Gutierrez, he/they, discovered the word “genderfluid” a few months later. He liked that word, but it made everything all the more real. He knew that things were changing, but his mind was filled with brand new anxieties. He worried about being disrespected in meetings with studio executives, being misgendered, blacklisted, or even worse, a target.
For now, at least, he kept his identity private. Only his love, and immediate team were aware. To others, Javi was just a little adventurous when it came to fashion.
Ever since coming out to their partner, they’d gotten really good at applying their own eyeliner and lipstick, always a pretty neutral color that complimented his skin tone beautifully. Having lived in Mallorca most of his life, his wardrobe was already full of color, and he never shied away from the more “feminine” colors. Who knew wearing a pink suit would cause such a stir?
Some days they felt more masculine, and other days he felt more feminine. When they felt somewhere in the middle, they got to play around with some androgyny. The freedom to just… be was such a weight lifted off his shoulders. There were no restrictions to what they could do anymore. No pressures to act or look or be a certain way.
Javi was just… Javi.
And right now, Javi was nervous, but excited. 
“Mi amor, look! What do you think? Do you think it is too much for the luncheon?” Javi asked brightly, twirling a little in their shared closet.
She gave him a once over and felt her heart flutter at just how happy Javi looked. She’d always had her suspicions about Javi, especially the longer they’d been together. Javi always carried themself a little… differently than most men. She understood now that it was because Javi wasn’t like most men. Or even a man at all. Well, not really, anyway.
“I love the color... but it may be a little too short,” Javi pouted, nervously tugging at the hem of the skirt.
“Oh, it’s perfect, mi osito,” she grinned, stepping closer to them. “However,” she started, biting her lip as she gave him another look. Javi’s eyes widened and their cheeks flushed. “I think you should wear your knee high socks with it. Balance it out a little.”
“Are you sure?” Javi blinked owlishly. They looked into the full length mirror turning first to the left, then right, assessing the outfit. He had chosen a matching set in a soft lavender, the delicate shade perfect against his golden skin. The tennis skirt made his ass look fantastic, and the polo shirt hugged his biceps perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders. The strip of skin that peeked out between the two pieces was an added bonus. “I haven’t worn anything this… obvious to this sort of meeting before.”
“What do you want to do, honey? I think you’ll look beautiful whatever you decide to wear,” she smiled, coming up behind them to wrap her arms around their waist. She kissed their shoulder comfortingly, nuzzling into the soft fabric.
Javi bit his lip as he turned in the mirror again. “I love the skirt. I love how it feels, but… Perhaps it is too casual? No quiero ser poco profesional.”
She hummed in understanding. “Maybe the earrings? The new ones,” she offered instead.
The tiny silver hoops with small crystals in the colors of the genderfluid flag were more delicate than Javi usually wore. The gender euphoria he would feel during the luncheon far outweighed the subtlety of the jewelry.
“Good idea,” Javi smiled, turning in her arms to cup her face and kiss her tenderly. She hummed happily into it, keeping her hands on their hips. As he pulled away, Javi’s eyes softened at her blissful expression. “I am not sure what I did to deserve you, but… I’m not complaining,” he chuckled softly.
Her heart thudded in her chest. She felt the exact same way. It would take a little time for her to get used to all the complexities and nuances of Javi’s gender, but she was willing to put in the work. She loved him, loved them for exactly the person Javi was.
“Perhaps I should not question it too much, hm?” Javi winked, then pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Probably for the best,” she winked back. “Now, go get dressed so I can take you out later, ok?”
Javi smiled brightly and nodded, parting from her to get changed.
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“I am nervous, mi amor,” Javi whispered, clutching her hand tightly in his own. 
“You’ll be just fine. And you’ve got me here with you,” she grinned, and gave him a light peck on the cheek. “Don’t want to mess up your makeup,” she said, rubbing an invisible smudge off his highlighted cheekbone and winking.
Javi exhaled a heavy breath, eyes fluttering shut as he centered himself. “Alright. Press record, por favor.”
“Hola mis amigos,” they said shakily. "I have… I have something I’ve been meaning to share with all of you.” As nervous as Javi was, there was an undeniable determination in their eyes.
To say Javi’s coming out video went viral would be an understatement. Javi Gutierrez, screenplay writer and part-time producer, famed for working with the likes of Nicolas Cage, was coming out as genderfluid. It was on every news article and Twitter account for weeks.
Javi expected there to be mixed reactions, but the only opinions that they really cared about were from the people they’d be working with directly. His team had known for a long time, and they’d been out to themself for two years. They were sufficiently comfortable in this identity, and if he lost out on certain jobs, they weren’t worth having in the first place.
He did a few interviews after his initial coming out video, but made it clear that they didn’t want this to be something he had to talk about in every interview going forward. Yes, he was genderfluid, but it wasn’t the only thing.
Thankfully, lots of Javi’s celebrity friends were on his side. Every new set he worked on, he heard encouraging words from the cast and crew. A co-star who’s brand hinged on being very feminine, said Javi’s video unlocked a lot of feelings they had been trying to repress. One of the lighting guys, a man who could have passed for a member of the Hell’s Angels, quietly asked him for makeup recommendations while blocking a close-up shot. He worried about the people who wouldn’t be supportive, until he realized he had so many people in his corner that the bigots didn’t matter. 
And above all else, he had her. She accepted them for who they were and even if she had questions or didn’t understand something, she made it a point to ask or do her own research. 
Javi had never felt so seen. So respected.
And here, laying in her arms, head resting on her chest, they felt protected and loved.
“Your hair is getting long, mi osito,” she hummed quietly, twirling an errant curl around her finger.
“Sí, quería ver cómo quedaría,” Javi muttered, lifting their head and resting their chin on her stomach. He made eye contact with her, getting lost in the color of her eyes. “I have always wanted to know how I looked with long hair.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be gorgeous, mi amor. These curls of yours,” she sighed wistfully. 
Javi swayed their head from side to side, those curls bouncing and dancing along the tops of his shoulders. “You have said how much you love them,” Javi giggled.
“Well, it’s the truth. Maybe we can get some things to put in it once it’s even longer,” she offered, smiling softly.
Javi’s eyes grew wide and he sat up, on the bed, legs tucked under his backside. They were wearing a pale blue silk nightie that hugged their thighs and accentuated their shoulders beautifully. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.
“I would love that!” Javi exclaimed excitedly.
“Then it shall be so,” she grinned, playing with the bottom hem of the nightie they were wearing. She gazed up at him through her lashes, taking in the sharp angle of his cupid’s bow and full bottom lip. “When do you need to wake up, mi amor?”
Javi’s breath hitched as her fingers crept underneath the silk and across his thighs, and his gaze dropped to the smooth column of her neck. Their eyes met as he crawled over her to straddle her lap. 
“Not early,” he hummed, “Did you have plans for this evening?” They asked mischievously, leaning in to tease open mouthed kisses across her collarbone.
“Maybe,” she sighed, reaching around to squeeze his ass, bare under the nightie.
“Good,” Javi smiled, leaning down to kiss her deeply, hungrily. She moaned into their mouth, relaxing as they found a comfortable rhythm.
And that’s just how it was for them. They were in sync. Javi had a feeling they always would be.
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a/n: if you're curious to know what sort of nightie javi is wearing, this is what i was picturing ♥
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
— How dare you?
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Pairing: Yandere Douma x GN reader
Summary: While Douma is busy with other things, he has assigned a follower of his to watch you. But, what if they dislike you?
Warnings: Yandere behavior, details of decapitation, and a dead body, abuse towards reader (not by douma), threats.
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The room was uncomfortable. It was quiet, odd… different from when Douma was here. 
You were used to his loud and teasing voice, physical touches that were too tight, and his playful tricks that always warmed your heart. But this quietness was…. A difference. 
“Nyaa~!! You’re so cute!” Douma expressed while pinching your cheeks — his grin showing off his very pointy teeth and reflecting eyes. You hummed in response, gently pushing off his pointy claws before rubbing your cheeks. “That hurts, Douma.” 
“I couldn’t help myself! You’re just so adorable,” He stated in excitement, his black crown tilting to the side with his head as his hand rested on his cheek, looking at you with his rainbow eyes. 
Your body and face were hurting, bruises forming from how mad and irritated the so-called ‘follower’ had hit you. When leaving, Douma had summoned a follower — a trusted woman who promised to adore and watch over you as he went out. 
But as the hours went on, the more irritated she was; looking at you with such hatred and jealousy. While you did try to make conversation with her, she never replied or did blunt ones; an occasional hum or a ‘yeah’ thrown your way. 
While she was quiet and ignoring you, she had left a few minutes ago to retrieve food for you. Which you were grateful for as you were hungry. 
It felt like hours — days even since Douma was gone. You wanted him here, gently caressing your skin as he kissed your forehead.
His sweet lotus and warm sun to an amber fragrance that always helps you calm down. 
“Your hair is so dirty, Douma-san,” You say loudly while helping with Douma’s hair, brushing the knotted blood and leaves stuck in his hair.
He hummed in response, leaning more into you as he let your mind run — either letting you know he listened to what you said, or simply agreeing with your statement. Who knows?
But, the minute he saw you looking at him in the vanity mirror, watching you smile to yourself while brushing his hair. It made him feel somewhat special — a feeling he’s never felt before. 
“You’re so mean!! Pet me, darling!” He states with a smile, his rainbowed eyes shining in the orange lamps nearby as he pulls your waist close to his face, which makes his teeth nip at your torso. 
A tear ran down your face, which you quickly wiped. Wondering how long you’ve been locked in this small, crowded room. You do miss him, don’t you? 
Suddenly, the shoji slammed open, causing you to flinch and let out a pity yelp. 
“Why are you still on the ground? You’re haori will get dirty.” The follower snickered.
She walked in and placed a food tray onto the small-lowered table, consisting of miso soup, soba, some side tangerines, and a rice bowl, along with a steaming cup of green tea. 
It looked somewhat appetizing.
“Eat up, this is all yur’ getting.” She stated while turning her back towards you, walking to the mirror to fix up her hair.
But as you continue staring at her, she makes direct eye contact with you in the mirror. 
Gulping, you looked away and averted your gaze to the floor, unsure of what to do. This is very awkward.
You heard a sigh coming from her, “Really? What a waste of food. Y’know, people would die for that kind of stuff.” She scoffed, almost unbelievable at you ‘wasting the food’. 
It’s not that you weren’t hungry — you very were. It’s just… you were intimidated by the woman.  
Hesitantly looking at the dish, you reached over and grabbed the tea, smelling the cup.
It was steaming — you felt it on your nose and cheeks, grazing against it. You were hesitant to drink it, it smelled off. 
“Stop worrying so much, it’s like I didn’t poison it!” The woman stated, pushing the drink more down your throat, forcing it to pass your sealed lips and into your mouth.
It burned. 
You couldn’t breathe. The taste violated your throat, burning and crawling at the insides as it went down.
It sunk into your tongue, choking and corking it.
You spat out the hot water, ruining your outfit and staining the floors. 
“Hey! Watch it!” She screamed.
“What is wrong with you!” She yelled at you again, getting up while brushing her dress that was drenched in hot tea. “You ruined it! Look at it, you imbecile!” 
“I’m sorry!” You apologized, coughing at the burning taste as your eyes water. “I– am, let me help!” Grabbing tissues nearby, you reached over to start dabbing at her clothing before she pushed you away.
Hitting the ground, you let out a small ‘ouch��� before yelling out in pain as the woman kneeled and grabbed your hair, yanking it back with a fist full of your hair. 
Struggling against her grip, you tried to scream but she slammed a hand over your mouth. 
“I’ll kill you right here and now!” She screamed at you, looking at you with her face turning cherry-red. “I don’t see why Douma-san likes you! You’re worthless, idiotic, and a piece of garbage that deserves to be burnt!”  
You stopped struggling. Tears soon form in your eyes and fall down your cheeks. You grasped her hands as they tightened against your scalp. 
“Please let me go, it was an accident!” You requested against her rough palms.
At this point, she went crazy. Her other fist balled up, making its way toward you with such speed that you didn’t even feel the wind graze against your skin. You expected — almost felt the punch. 
But, the hit never reached you. Instead, you were greeted with her entire arm being held in a tight grip by Douma’s hold. The sounds of the woman's failed gasps could be seen and heard.
“How dare you.”
Douma’s rage was indefinite. His eyes highlighted sharply in the lamps, and his veins and stoic face showed so violently as his fan was raised to his face, closing with the golden marks shining. 
“How could you say something so cruel, Kimiko?” He asked, his head tilting. His eyes were completely emotionless — a different look from how he looked at you. 
Her face dropped. A look of fear rose instead of anger. Immediately, she started stuttering, words failing to come out in a complete sense. “Do–uma! I’m so sorry, p-please forgive me!” 
But, her words were drowned out by the sounds of her bone cracking, her agonized screams shot through the room as she tried pulling away from his tight hold. But to no avail, he kept holding and tightening his shift to make sure she hurt. 
He continued crushing her arm, his face staying the same as she continued screaming.
Screams that were begging, pleading — horrifying sounds that were telling him to ‘let go!’ and ‘I won’t do it again!’. 
Finally, after what felt like an entirety, he let go. But continued staring at her with his emotionless eyes.
Stumbling upward onto your knees, you reached over and pulled his shirt; slightly catching his attention as you saw his hand twitch.
However, he ignored you.
Within a second, he raised his hand with his fan and blood splattered throughout the walls and floor. Her head was separated from her body, disappearing and exploding in confetti amongst the walls in deep red.
It happened so fast that you didn’t get the time to blink.  
“What else did she do?” He asked bluntly.
Turning towards you with an angered face — his veins popping out, his engraved number growing in size, and fangs barring with a slight hiss.
Although they immediately shrinked the minute he sees your stressed-out face. 
He reached down for you, in which you were swept into his big arms and carried to the bed. As Douma plopped you down onto the soft mattress, tears started forming in your eyes again, falling from the event that took place.  
The tears were wiped away with sharp fingers. As you reopen your eyes, you connect with bright ones.
Sitting down in front of you, Douma gently grabbed your face, turning it to the side to examine the forming bruise. 
“What else did she do while I was gone, hm?” He asked, but sounded more like a demand by the tone of his voice.
His playful tone came back, watching you as you reflexively pull at the damped haori.
He looked at the haori and saw what you were doing, which he grabbed it, and peeled it off from you.
“I’ll call the maids to clean this–” He smiled and hinted at the scene behind him, “–and get you some new clothes.” 
Suddenly, he grabbed your hands and brought them to his lips. He licked your finger, and you winced at the slight sting; not noticing you had gotten a cut. 
He giggled, laughing at your reaction. His hands slid behind your back and pushed you closer to his chest, making you lean on him. Taking a deep breath, you were assured of safety with his presence.
Feeling his slow heartbeat, it was calming — something you needed.
His chin lays on top of your head, his grip tightening as his other hand traveled to the back of your head, slightly massaging your sore spot.
“Nobody touches you without my permission.” 
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sad
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Requested: Can you make one where jack had been neglecting y/n. Or maybe they had an argument so they've been ignoring each other and jack started hanging out with belle (or other character) and y/n can see that belle has feeling for jack so she just felt heart broken and tried to disappear from the face of the earth (not die ofc, just you know. Didn't come out of the house or left from somewhere and didn't come out for a while to cope). Idk how you'll do it but uhh fix the relationship after? Maybe with a little bit of hard to get but yeah WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH Angst to fluff😭🙏 i kinda wanna cry today cuz i haven't been processing my emotions like how a normal person should because it the normal way-,anygays so yeah ig. 🥲💕💕💕 Warnings: Cheating mentions/ arguing/ angsts
I had been sitting in this bed for what felt like a year, stuck up in this little room above the hospital listening to the chaos below. I had never intended to be here, I had a house of my own, but I seemed to always be here. At first, it was just visiting, every day once Jack finished his work I'd come up to his room to visit him, He'd tell me of his day and the business in the hospital, perhaps I'd make him dinner and we'd have a cuddle and perhaps more depending on his energy that evening. And I was so very happy, soon enough we were engaged and of course the sweetness and closeness that comes with it, Over time I visited more and more until I ended up as I was now practically living upstairs in his room. But the more time I spent here Ironicly the less I saw him.
It wasn't like that at first, when I was first here all day every day. The very moment Jack had five minutes he'd come up for a cuddle, a kiss and a cup of tea. But I had seen him less and less of these days. I know he's busy so I didn't want to complain, but I still missed him terribly. I missed just the joy of spending time together just cuddling and saying nothing at all for the pure love of being with one another. But now I saw him once a day, when he would come up to sleep, He'd barely give me more than a few grunts and an eye roll before he'd crawl into bed and sleep. Most days I didn't even get that as He'd come crawl into bed after I went to sleep and be gone before I was awake.
I had tried to go down into the hospital but I always got overwhelmed by the madness or just pushed away by the staff, but I know that's best I don't have any medical training or even knew only what Jack had told me second hand over time, so I wasn't any help and my body being wondering around was certainly a hindrance to the important work being done, and I wasn't even allowed to go into the theatre and watch the surgeries so I lived my life up in this little room.
But today, I had had enough. My mind had been racing all day curious of what he was up to, what he was doing, and who he was with, I found myself catastrophizing the worst of everything and I knew the only way to stop myself from doing so was to know. So I put on a nice dress, did my hair and went down into the hospital as usual people bustling about the place so I checked his ward but, he wasn't there. I checked the theatre but no that was empty too. I began to get worried looking around the hospital trying to see him but I couldn't find him. Luckily I spotted Hetty the head nurse.
"Ohh Do excuse me Hetty,"
"Yes, Miss Y/l/n?" She asked stopping with her bucket in hand,
"Do you happen to uhh know where Dr Dawkins is?" I asked,
"Jack's in the morgue Y/n."
"Ohh, thank you." I smiled, turned on my heels and headed down to the morgue, all being said I was excited to see him. But when I got down there I noticed he wasn't alone, and I don't just mean the body.
He stood over a body in the process of some sort of practice, with... a woman. She was beautiful, In a dress likely worth more than everything I owned, they both glanced up at me and she didn't seem interested, he however gave me a look, he knew me and how my mind worked, and he knew he was in trouble. Immediately he put space between them.
"I know, please don't and let me explain." He began,
"Too late," I answered,
"What's going on?" She asked,
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Belle this is Y/n. Y/n this is Lady Belle Fox the governor's daughter."
"Right," She nodded, "And she's relevant becuase?"
"Becuase I'm his fiancé" I spoke up,
She laughed, "Really?"
"Yes." I snapped a little,
"You can't be serious?" She asked him, "Jack?"
"Jack?!" I asked him too,
"I did tell you I was... kinda engaged," he said sheepishly to her,
"Kinda!" I yelled,
"Engaged! No, you did not!" she complained,
"You never even mentioned me!"
"No, he didn't."
"We've been Engaged two and half years!"
"Well, you neglected to mention that."
I was so so enraged! and to be fair so was she, I'm sure to any outsider this would have been hilarious to have seen both Belle and I gang up on him, leaving him really without a side to choose or anywhere to turn. No matter what he did someone was gonna be mad at him.
"I uhh..."
"I'd choose your next words very carefully." She warned,
"Yeah, listen to the lady," I told him,
And his response, was that he simply just walked out. Refusing to deal with either of us. Leaving her and I alone.
"I am... So sorry Y/n, I had no idea."
"It's Alright Lady Belle,"
"If I'd have known I'd never have-"
"you didn't know I can't fault you for that," I reassured her, "Do you have feelings for him?" I asked even if it shredded my heart to ask, and she simply nodded, "That's all I need to know."
I left heading up to his room, but he wasn't there. So I grabbed a bag packed up everything of mine that was there, and I left.
I made the walk back to my little house, even if the weight of my items and the time since last making this trip it felt far longer than I remembered. I set my bag down and locked the door, my little house was dusty and cold but I slid down the door and began to cry my emotions overflowing as if a river had burst its banks, I cried for hours only interrupted by banging on the door and his voice.
"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n I know you're in there! open the door, Sweetheart!"
I didn't answer,
"Ughhh! Open it!"
I didn't answer,
"Uhhhhh for god sake! Open the bloody door!"
I didn't answer,
"I don't have time for this! Will you at least hear me out!"
I didn't answer,
"Ohh for - Fine!" He yelled and the banging stopped.
I made sure the door was locked and went to my bedroom, I lay on my bed and let my emotions flow, they took over me and I remained in this state all day, only broken by the next day at the same time, banging returned to my door.
"Y/n! Y/n sweetheart it's me! Just open the door."
I didn't answer,
"Y/n Open the door!"
I didn't answer,
"Open it Y/n for god sake!"
I didn't answer and after a while, his banging stopped.
But this continued, day after day, every day at the same time he would come and bang on my door shouting, pleading at me to open it. But I couldn't bear to do so. I barely ate. barely drank. Barely even moved. But I just sealed myself away trying to come to terms with it all. It had been a month and I knew the time and expected the usual pounding on my door but not today. Instead, I heard keys in a lock and footsteps down my hall. I forced myself up as they came to my door but I shut it and leaned against it unable to lock him out.
I heard him sigh and weigh against the other side of the door as he too slid down to the bottom of the door,
"You gonna listen to me now?"
"Get out of my house Jack."
"I will, I'll go. When you listen and not before."
"why are you here?"
"Same reason I've been here every day."
"I meant inside."
"Well... I figured we could chat in private, and if I'm inside you don't have much of a choice but to listen, and I'm not leaving till you do so, listen or not I'm staying."
"How'd you even get in?"
"I still have my spare key."
"I regret ever giving you that damn thing..."
"I don't know, it had its good uses."
"I don't have anything to say to you," I said, "I just want to be left alone..."
"I know you do," He sighed, "Strangely enough after three years of dating and two years of engagement I know you fairly well. I know this is your response when you are upset, you hide. You run and hide yourself away it's your response to stuff like this. You run and hide yourself in a corner and catastrophize yourself into a ball of fear, and tears and god knows what else..."
"I think this is a pretty good reason."
"I never said you weren't justified, Sweetheart." He said, "Not this time." He said, "Will you listen to me? Please."
"Fine." I sighed,
"Are you mad? or are you sad?"
"I was mad. Now I'm sad."
"Alright, I don't blame you... for being angry at me, I completely agree you should be angry at me, you should shout and scream and call me a bastard. I just don't want you to be upset."
"What do you care?"
"Becuase I don't want the woman I love to be upset with me."
"You don't love me..."
"I do. You think I'd come back, every day and bang on your door till my knuckles start bleeding for a month, If I didn't still love you."
I didn't have an answer so I didn't say anything,
"Yeah, I looked like a bloody nutter every day for a month." he chuckled, "I wouldn't have come back every day if I didn't."
"You could have gone to see her."
"I could. But I didn't I'm here with you, not with her." He said, "Besides she's mad at me."
"Can't imagine why."
"Ohh everyone's mad at me. You're mad at me, Belle's mad at me, Hetty's mad at me, Even Rotty at the pub is mad at me." he sighed, "I've managed to piss off every woman in port victory in one day."
"Well done."
"Thank you, I'm not proud of it."
"I take it you're doing the rounds then?"
"No. they can be mad at me I don't care, you're the only person I care about being mad at me."
"I am?"
"Well you and Hetty, but I care less Hetty is mad at me for emotional reasons its more... She's the head nurse. Have you ever tried doing surgery where your nurse is ignoring you, not talking to you, and actively wants you to fail, I don't care she's angry It's more just causing me logistical issues."
"Fair enough,"
"I don't care Belle's mad at me, she can be mad at me. I don't want you to be mad at me." He said, "You don't trust me do you..."
"It's a little hard to when you neglect to mention your engagement to a girl."
"I honestly forgot. It didn't cross my mind to mention it."
"So you don't think of me?"
"I think of you every day Y/n. I think of you as my wife so much I forget to even tell anyone else becuase to me it's just... so automatic I don't even think to tell people becuase I just know." He explained,
"Even if she liked you."
He chuckled, "How long did you like me before we started dating?"
"Two years..."
"Would think you'd have figured out I can't tell. The only time I know if a girl is interested in me is if she comes up, sits on my lap and says 'Hey wanna have sex with me' I'm a lot more oblivious to that sort of thing than you'd think I am." He chuckled, "Plus... I don't pay attention to whether other girls like me or not, I have you. So I don't really pay all that much attention."
"Why were you alone together?"
"She has this... germ theory we needed to cut a body open to check. She didn't know how I was teaching her,"
"Teaching her?"
"We didn't do anything I promise."
"And I'm supposed to just trust you."
"Yeah, If I'm going to be your husband... You have to trust me. and I know it's hard. and I know it hurts. and I know your mind and its catastrophizing make you always believe in disaster. But this is ever going to work, You have to trust me. Please"
For a moment I didn't know what to think,
I questioned whether or not to let my heart rule over my head, or my head rule over my heart,
But I got up and opened the door which surprised him as he had been leaning his back against it and was now lying on the floor looking up at me,
"Hi, Sweetheart."
"Hi, Jack."
"Are you... still angry at me?"
"Alright, but it's a start? right?"
"I will forgive you." I nodded,
"You will?" He asked getting to his feet, "I assume there's a but, or an if."
"There is an if."
"Which is?"
"You move in here, and we get married."
"And you'll forgive me?" He asked questionably,
"... Okay," he nods slightly confused but clearly not going to argue,
"So you stay here, you come home at night, I always know if you're here or at work, and you wear a ring. That'll solve things." I said and I kissed his cheek as I went to the kitchen to make some tea, He soon followed and stood behind me a moment,
"You're sure?"
"Yes I am, That'll solve things, you live here you have to tell me where you go, I know when you're working or not, you sleep here with me, and you swear a ring, everyone knows you're taken. Besides... Two and a half jeans is a long time to keep a girl waiting about time we dealt with it, That agreeable with you?"
He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my cheek hard, "That's a deal sweetheart." 
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