#’look he’s in rehab he’s trying’ well good for him but stay the fuck away from Jamie
devildom-moss · 7 months
Signs of Affection (kiss)
Part 2 of this request (Lucifer, Leviathan, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon)
(Mammon x gn!MC) (Satan x gn!MC) (Asmodeus x gn!MC) (Belphegor x gn!MC) (Solomon x gn!MC)
Word Count: +4,100 (we aren't going to talk about the size difference between these shorts okay?)
“Geez, that sucked. Two hours of silent studyin’ for an F? I got a different F for that guy: a big ‘fuck you,’” Mammon grumbled to himself with his hands folded behind his head as he walked out of his mandatory extra lessons – or rather, they could have been classified as lessons if he had actually learned anything. Instead, Mammon spent the first 5 minutes trying to read one paragraph four times and the next 3 minutes trying to read the following paragraph before he became acutely aware that the supervising professor for today was watching him. He was clearly disappointed and judgmental of Mammon’s ongoing failure to turn the page. For the rest of his lesson, Mammon alternated between daydreaming about you – twisting your image in his head into a variety of different scenarios from innocent dates to the most depraved acts – and counting how many times he could spot the first letter of your name on the page. At least with the latter, it looked like he was reading.
“Mammon! How was delinquent rehab?” you teased him from your spot on the bench outside of the class.
Mammon shrieked and jumped. “W-what the fuck are ya doin’ here?!”
“MAMMON!” The supervisor poked his head out of the door. “Stop yelling in the hall and go home before I decide to keep you for another hour.”
“Sorry, that was my fault, Professor Amy. I startled him.” You stood up and bowed slightly, hoping the astronomy – and somehow, simultaneously, art – professor would go easy on Mammon if you took the heat.
“Oh, it’s you.” You were right to hope; Amy’s tone instantly softened. “If you’re on your way home, please take this loudmouth with you.”
“Who ya callin’ a loudmouth, man?” Mammon growled. You cupped your hand over his mouth; better late than never.
“Yes, I’ll be on my way now. I was just waiting for Mammon to finish his lessons.”
“Does being an idiot pay off after all?” Amy mused aloud – mostly to annoy the muzzled Mammon. “Very well. Be safe on your way home.”
“Alright, thank you, sir.” You smiled at him and began to drag Mammon down the hall. You only uncovered his mouth once the professor had gone back inside, and you were safely out of earshot.
“’Thank you, sir,’” Mammon mocked you. “Fuck was all that? You ain’t fuckin’ that teacher now are ya?”
“No, you pervert. It’s called being polite. You’d probably get in less trouble if you tried it with a few of your professors.”
“What’cha doin’ bein’ all polite to him for, anyway? Guy’s not even a good teacher, and he clearly has a human kink. Just stay away from him.”
“I almost never talk to him outside of our classes.” You rolled your eyes at Mammon. His jealousy had been excessive recently. As a slight punishment, you decided to tease him. “And why do you know so much about human kinks that you can recognize it in someone else?”
“Shuddup. It ain’t like that!”
“Like what?”
“I don’t have a human kink or nothing,” Mammon yelled. His cheeks burned, and he blurted out, “it’s only you.”
“Sorry, what was that?” you teased, biting back your smile.
“I didn’t say shit. Forget it.” Mammon crossed his arms as he picked up his speed just enough to walk ahead of you, hoping to avoid showing you the blush that stained his face.
“Okay, Mammon.” You dropped it, allowing him a bit of his dignity.
You both walked in silence for a minute until, finally, Mammon slowed down and started to walk beside you again. His blush had calmed. He glanced to the side briefly, trying not to draw your attention, but you noticed and smiled at him. Why do ya always look so cute ‘n happy when you’re walkin’ home with me, huh? What gives? Mammon wondered. If something as simple as walking home could make you smile like that, you were going to start charming demons left and right, and Mammon had no intention of sharing any more of you than he had to. That’s why he was so annoyed by you being nice to that professor. Just thinking about the way that demon’s face softened around you was pissing him off.
Suddenly, Mammon remembered what you had said, and his cheeks reignited in a faint blush. Nervous and masking his shyness with aggression, Mammon asked, “Hey, were ya serious about that back there – about just waitin’ for me to get out?”
“Yeah, of course I was.”
“For real? Ya waited two whole hours?”
“For my favorite hole? Yeah.” You smirked.
“Shuddup!” Mammon’s face burned. “Now who’s bein’ a perv?!”
“At least we’re even.” You smiled sweetly, as if you hadn’t just said something so vulgar – on a public street, no less.
Mammon stopped in his tracks, confidence surging in him. You stopped and looked back, confused. He grinned. “Ya must really love the Great Mammon, huh?”
“Sure do,” you readily agreed.
“I knew it!” Mammon pronounced – as if the occasional doubt had never wandered into his head. While he still had the courage to act, Mammon grabbed the sides of your face and quickly placed a kiss on your cheek. He whispered in your ear, “Thanks for bein’ so sweet to me, MC.”
Before you could register what had just happened, Mammon took off running towards the House of Lamentation. He pulled out his phone, skillfully dodging random obstacles and other demons as he appeared to start typing something. Seconds later, your D.D.D. buzzed.
Mammon: First one home gets a real kiss from the loser. Deal?
You laughed and stared down the street, watching as Mammon increased the distance between you. There was no way you were going to catch up to him.
MC: Deal. 💛
Satan was utterly thrilled when he found out the library had finally received the book that he requested two months ago. He insisted upon checking it out immediately after class, and since you had studying to do anyway, you went along with him.
With his new book acquired, Satan joined you at the small table you had settled into and began to read. However, his attention’s lifespan was uncharacteristically short despite his initial excitement. Satan’s eyes wandered away from the page, drifting up to you. Each time he tried to refocus on the book, his gaze punished him for a failure to indulge himself by lingering on you.
Few things enticed Satan more than you – especially when you got that serious look on your face. He had tried to keep reading too many times to keep track of, and now he couldn’t bear to tear his eyes away from you again. So, he just sat there, watching you read over your notes, recopying the most relevant points on a fresh sheet of paper. You were being so diligent.
One of the awful things about demons is that the alarm bells that go off in your head when you think someone is watching you are stronger and scarier when that someone is a powerful demon – and the fear your innate human senses created under the predatory gaze of a demon like Satan, whose sin was a destructive and devastating wrath, was intense. It sent a shiver up your spine, and when you looked up to find Satan’s eyes locked on your face, you jumped in your seat slightly. He didn’t need to look so hungry.
“Please stop staring, Satan.” You looked away, trying to turn your attention back to your studies.
“You don't want me to stare at you?” Satan got out of his seat across the table and took the spot right next to you. He propped his chin up in his hand and stared at you up close, eyeing you up and down with a smug grin on his face. “I want to. What's the problem?"
“It’s a bit distracting to have your eyes on me.” That was at least mostly true. There was no need to mention he was also turning you on in public. “I’d rather you not just stare at me.”
“Is that all?” Satan laughed. “You don’t want me to just stare? Very well.”
Satan leaned in, slowly shutting his eyes, and kissed your cheek. His warm lips lingered on your skin and his hot breath tickled. You could feel another chill run up your spine when his eyes fluttered back open. Even when he pulled back, his mouth hovered just over your cheek.
Another set of eyes landed on you. From a few aisles away, another library regular was stunned in their spot, mortified to have witnessed the Avatar of Wrath kissing a human in the library – not that they hadn’t seen worse. They gave you an awkward wave before turning and walking in the opposite direction, abandoning the book they had been searching for.
“Satan,” you chided him.
“What?” Satan hummed, inching closer to your ear, and whispered, “Do you still want more?”
“Someone saw.” You felt a bit guilty about it, too. Their embarrassment matched yours; in fact, it may have been even worse. “Why did you kiss me?”
“I wanted to. And who cares if someone saw? What are they going to do about a kiss on the cheek? It’s fine.” Satan placed another kiss on your cheek before returning to whisper seductively in your ear, “Besides, we’ve done worse. Don’t act so shy and innocent now. Do you need a reminder of all the things we’ve done – or perhaps you’d prefer a physical demonstration?”
What did you do to deserve this? You were just trying to study.
“You weren’t waiting too long for moi, were you?” Asmo rushed to the table that you had grabbed when you arrived. He had a grin on his lips, but that charming smile was a cover for the guilt and anxiety he felt about being fifteen minutes late for your date. He couldn’t figure out which pair of socks to wear to complement his boots and skirt – and in the end, he just ended up pulling on a pair of lace stockings. Usually, Asmo didn’t care if he was a little late, but the idea of leaving you all alone in a demon-infested night café didn’t sit well with him.
“I would have happily waited much longer – especially when you show up, looking this cute.” You smiled at him sweetly, and every inch of Asmo’s body burned.
“Ooh, you little charmer.” Asmo giggled. “Did you order yet?”
“Of course not; I wanted to wait for you.”
“Such an obedient human,” Asmo teased, leaning over the table and resting his chin on his hand. He stared at you affectionately.
“I’ve never been called that in my life.” You laughed, and that only made Asmo happier to have said it.
“Want me to go up and order? Just tell me what you want – other than me, of course.” Asmo got to his feet and waited patiently for you to relay your order. With a smile and a wink, Asmo booped your nose. “Excellent. Now make sure to enjoy the view.”
Before you could question him, Asmo spun around and walked toward the register. Each step was a deliberate effort to draw your attention to his legs and ass. Oh. That view. Asmo was a hopeless flirt, but he was awfully sweet, too. Besides, you couldn’t deny that it was a good view.
Unfortunately, as Asmo returned from placing the order, he was faced with the irritating realization that he was not the only view in the café. He caught a handful of demons leering at you – and one of them appeared to be approaching. Not on Asmo’s expensive, crystal watch. He hurried back to the table just in time to cut off the tall demon, placing his delicate hand over your shoulder possessively. With a haunting smile, Asmo stared them down. He announced – more to the other demon than to you, “I’m back, hun. Did you miss me?”
A shiver ran up the demon’s spine, and their eyes went wide. They weren’t about to square up with Asmodeus over a human – not after all the rumors they had heard about bloodlust being stronger in lust demons than those ruled by wrath. The demon awkwardly tried to escape by blurting out, “enjoy your date.”
The demon scurried away quickly, and you looked up at Asmo just in time for his menacing aura to dissipate. “That was weird, right?”
“Some people just can’t act right around cuties.” Asmo dismissed your worry with a lighthearted laugh.
“So, you get that a lot?”
“Sometimes, but I don’t mean me.” Asmo leaned down to whisper in your ear, “You’re so cute it’s drawing attention.”
“I’m not as cute as you, though.” You smiled. “Now, sit down with me.”
“Actually, I was hoping we could snap a few pictures first. Do you mind?”
“Sure, I guess.” You shrugged and started to stand, but Asmo used his hand that was still resting on your shoulder to push you back down into your seat.
“No need to get up,” Asmo cooed. He took a step back and leaned over your chair so he could get right next to your face and drape his arms over you. “This position is perfect.”
Asmo snapped a few pictures. With each one, he seemed to get closer until his cheek was pressed to yours affectionately. He asked you to make a half heart with your hand and completed it with his own. Then, catching you off guard, Asmo kissed your cheek tenderly, waiting a few seconds before finally snapping a picture. He immediately pulled his phone back and stood up to discreetly examine the photo. The shit-eating grin on his face spoke for itself. He was all too pleased with it.
“What was that?” You scoffed. You probably should have anticipated that level of physical affection from Asmo, but sometimes, he still surprised you.
“Hmm? Isn’t it obvious?” Asmo looked down at you, innocently tilting his head. “I had to mark my territory.”
“What?” Your eyes widened. Sure, Asmo was always teasing you and flirting, but you hadn’t quite expected that answer. Asmo giggled and bent over, getting indecently close to your neck.
“I had to mark you,” he repeated in a low, seductive tone. “Would you rather I leave a hickey on your neck right now instead? I’d be happy to.”
“Just be a good boy and sit down.” You sighed. It wasn’t that embarrassing, but all you could do was imagine Lucifer’s voice scolding you for indulging Asmo too much in public.
“Ooh, I do want to be your good boy. Okay.” Asmo grinned, biting back the urge to call you one of a myriad of unacceptable titles, and returned to his seat across from you. He pulled his phone out and started messing with it. “See, I’m behaving.”
You laughed. Something told you that he was not, in fact, behaving. It only took a few minutes of mindless chatting while he continued tapping away at his phone – a habit you were so accustomed to that it usually didn’t strike you as rude – for your suspicion to be confirmed.
Your D.D.D. buzzed with an alert from Asmo’s Devilgram. He posted the picture of him kissing your cheek with a pink heart emoji covering your face – for the sake of your privacy. That was decent of him. You smiled softly, certain that Asmo was watching you. It already had over 6k likes by the time you scrolled down to read the caption: Ugh. My date is so cute that they’re attracting all sorts of attention. No one else deserves to see that cute face tonight but moi~ What do you think, everyone, should I mark them for myself?  
Asmo was spared a playful lecture when his name was called at the counter. You got up to help him carry the drinks and food back to your table. The barista seemed to be staring at you, but when Asmo put his finger up to his lips, they got flustered and looked away, returning to their work. Covering your face in the picture served another purpose: Asmo was hiding the gloss mark he left on your cheek. You didn’t need to know about it yet.
Belphie was lucky that you had chosen to sit in the back of the lecture hall where he could comfortably lean up against your shoulder and fall asleep without immediate repercussions. At least he was polite enough to nap on the shoulder for your non-dominant hand so you could continue to take notes as you listened to the lecture. Occasionally, you glanced down at his sleeping face; he looked so sweet, peaceful, and adorable.
The clock ticked down the few remaining minutes of the lecture, which was your cue to begin the wake-up process. Although Belphegor seldom cared what his brothers or the professor thought about him using you as a pillow during class, you found that it was easier to just wake him up before the complaints came rolling in. You set your pen down, pet Belphie gently, and whispered his name so that only he would hear you. A soft moan left him, and he nuzzled into your arm before leisurely opening his eyes with a content smile.
“Good morning, MC.” Belphie whispered into your ear.
Reluctantly, Belphegor forced himself upright and away from the warmth of your body just in time for the lecture to be dismissed. The professor and other students gathered their things and collectively made their way towards the doors. You, however, waited on Belphegor to shake off his nap and get to his feet.
“C’mon, MC. Catch up,” Mammon shouted from the front of the class.
“Give us a second,” you replied at a lower volume.
“Man, you two are so slow. I ain’t waitin’ around forever.” Mammon groaned and made his way slowly towards the door.
“He would know slow,” Belphie muttered just loud enough for you to hear as he stood up.
“Belphie,” you chided him, but your tone went ignored.
“Hey, can I borrow your notes later? Maybe we could review together.” There was a soft, sweet neediness in Belphie’s voice.
“Didn’t you catch the lecture in your sleep like you usually do?” Sometimes Belphie’s ability to remember things that happened around him while he was asleep creeped you out. He was like an unassuming monitoring device if he wanted to be.
“Indulge me.” Belphie knocked his shoulder against yours playfully.
“I always do, don’t I?” You sighed. That was the unfortunate effect he had on you: you always found yourself spoiling him, even when he didn’t deserve it – or rather, especially when he didn’t.
You were just about to walk into the hall when Belphie grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the classroom before the others spotted you. He played with your hand, caressing you with his thumbs. His cheeks were stained light pink as his eyes flitted from your hand to your face.
“What’s the matter, Bel?”
Belphie closed the distance between you, springing forward to kiss your cheek. The sudden movement surprised you, but it wasn’t especially shocking; Belphegor had always been physically affectionate. He inched closer, causing his hot breath to ghost over your skin. His lips curved into a precious grin as he whispered in your ear: “Thank you for always spoiling me.”
The honey-sweet tone of Belphie’s voice was undercut by a sharp yell from the corner of the room. “I saw that.”
It was Solomon. He stopped shoving his books into his bag to glare at the back of Belphegor’s head. Unfortunately for Solomon, Belphie wasn’t bothered; he simply rolled his eyes and shrugged.
“Cool shit, bro.” Belphie replied in a condescending tone and lifted his arm up in the air to flip Solomon off. You watched Solomon’s jaw drop slightly as he physically recoiled. Sometimes Solomon forgot how rude Belphegor could be. It was hard not to laugh, but you really shouldn’t encourage his bad behavior by laughing. “Come on, MC. Let’s go.”
Belphie grabbed your arm and dragged you into the hall. He was attached, and he had no intention of letting you go anytime soon. In fact, he planned to stay glued to your side until his desire for your attention was fully satisfied.
The warmth of Solomon’s hands as he caressed your cheek was nothing compared to the warmth of his praise and your own pride swelling in your chest. Solomon hummed, “You did such a good job.”
You had successfully used a heating spell on the first try, evidenced by the warmth in Solomon’s previously cold hands. It had been a while since you got a spell that Solomon taught you perfect right away – let alone one that required you to manipulate another person’s body (and you could worry about the ethical dilemma involved with that later). Neither of you had expected you to raise his body temperature at such an ideal rate and stop at the perfect temperature. Of course, Solomon trusted you not to hurt him, but he was impressed by your control. He wanted to test you further.
“Excellent. Let’s try something similar.” Solomon began to search his shelves for the right ingredients. He continued to talk as he scanned, “I want to see if you can cool down an external object with the same level of control. If you can do it, I’ll reward you.”
“Bring it on,” you accepted. Solomon offered you plenty of praise when you did well, but he so rarely gave you an actual reward for your work. It was exciting to imagine what you could earn. Maybe he would teach you a cool, secret spell or give you a magical item. But more motivating than a reward was the idea of making Solomon proud.
“That’s my apprentice – so eager,” he mused, grabbing a bottle of glowing red liquid.
“Oh, but no home cooking as a reward,” you added, sparing your future self from potential suffering.
Solomon whipped his head around with a pout before returning to his search. He found a beaker and brought everything to his desk. By then, the pout had reshaped itself into a smirk. “I didn’t have cooking in mind when I offered you a reward, so it looks like we have a deal.”
Solomon poured plain water and the glowing red liquid into the beaker. They failed to mix. You asked, “What do I have to do?”
It was simple – or at least that was what Solomon said. All you had to do was cool the contents of the container between 32 to 36 degrees below the freezing point of water. If the red substance dipped under 36 degrees below the freezing point of water, it would become unstable. If you failed, the ice and glass would break open. Solomon didn’t tell you anything about the red substance or what “unstable” meant for it. All you knew was that you had a four-degree margin of error.
“And you’re sure it’s safe?”
“I wouldn’t put my favorite apprentice in danger for a game, would I?”
With that reassurance, you focused your magic into the beaker. As the water slowly solidified, the red liquid became concentrated at the center until it was encased in ice. You just had to keep lowering it until something felt right. You stopped and nodded. Solomon inspected the beaker.
“A beautiful job,” Solomon praised you.
“Really? What did I do though?”
“I’ll tell you once the ice melts,” Solomon waved off your curiosity. “For now, it’s time for your reward. Close your eyes.”
You did as he instructed and listened to him moving about the room. His presence got closer until you could feel his warmth. He placed a soft kiss on your cheek, causing your eyes to shoot open and your face to burn. Solomon chuckled at your response.
“I could feel your cheeks getting warm. Did I embarrass you?”
“No. I was just surprised.”
“Really?” Solomon leaned in and kissed your cheek again. “I don’t know. Your face burns under my lips.”
“You’re a terrible teacher,” you retorted. That wasn’t what you were expecting, of course he flustered you.
“Oh? That can’t possibly be true. My adorable apprentice seems to be doing quite well,” Solomon laughed, all too pleased with his successful attempt to tease you. “You learn so quickly. Should we try something even harder? Think you can handle it?”
There was a seductive tint to his words, and you narrowed your eyes at Solomon. “Same shady reward system? Pass.”
“Nope,” Solomon leaned close, trying to entice you. How were you just now noticing how sweet he smelled? Was he wearing perfume or cologne today? You didn’t have time to linger on the thought. Solomon dropped his voice, and through a wicked smirk, he added, “even shadier. If you succeed, I’ll do whatever you ask for a full day.”
“And if I fail?” you asked cautiously.
“I get to punish you.”
(gift version - Beelzebub, Thirteen, Raphael, Mephistopheles)
A/N: These ones got really flirty. . . oh well. Uhm, leave me nice comments or something. I don't know. I feel like I'm forgetting to say something. . .
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monnn · 6 months
Am I the greatest bastard that you know?
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staring: idol! jeonghan x non-idol!, gn! s/o
wc: 1.3k-ish
genre: ANGST. big angry feelings of reader, kinda fluff towards the end?
a/n: hi, ur fav angst lover is back! things have not been great lately and this fic might just be a vent of mine. big feelings and anger is very valid but so is taking a break. hope you realise that and take a break from life to just exist! to whoever's reading this, i love u, let things take time, take time for yourself, stay hydrated and BE ANGRY!!!
divider by @saradika-graphics !!!
song rec for this fic is The Greatest Bastard by Damien Rice!
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knowing how stressful going on a hiatus can be, you successfully lure jeonghan into a staycation, away from the city. though han had to be present for rehab, you had checked with the doctor and he was okay with han being away for a weekend. doing nothing was the plan since jeonghan was actively burning out from working hard to the extent that he's injured, so he was looking forward to spend time with his loved one for a while. what neither of you knew was the fight that would gonna pop up at reaching the room. hannie had drove all the way to the hotel since you didn't have a license and all you had done after reaching there was ask what he wanted to eat since y'all had skipped the rest stops.
~ 30 mins before
"hey love, what do you feel like eating? i could order it for us" you ask a very eepy han.
"just anything, i'm okay with anything" he replies and you can sense the exhaustion in his voice. to make sure you don't get him more grumpy, you ask again to confirm if he's sure about his decision.
"jesus y/n! can you cut me some slack? just stop fucking bothering me and order whatever the fuck you want!" he yells, shaking you to the core.
here's the thing - there necessarily hasn't been any major disagreements or "fights" in your relationship, so the intensity of his feelings get to you. but he should've known better than to snap because your rage knows no bounds and hannie does know about this.
"well, fuck you with that behaviour of yours, i'm not gonna be ordering any food!"
"good! because i don't fucking need it anymore either!" he screams, walking away from the room. you had put great effort in picking a room which is right by a stream, surrounded by mountains and a temple on one of the mountains.
trying not to mind the rage and disappointment with han, you chug a glass of water before doing anything. but you weren't gonna let han off the hook because he was having a hard time. the value you hold for yourself is much more important and you've tried so hard to just have that value in your life for so long, hence you are not going to let the love of your life doubt on it. finishing another glass of water, you leave the room in search of hannie with some snacks and a drink.
you are yet find han with the passing time. he wasn't by the stream, hadn't left the premises according to the owner and definitely hadn't hiked up a mountain(cause bro was literally eepy). but the one place you hadn't scraped was the temple, so you hydrate and go on to check if he's there.
in fact, he is there. his silhouette seems regretful. melancholic even. hunched over and zoning out by overthinking. you stomp your way towards the temple, letting him know of your arrival as he fixes his posture and keeps his gaze down. leaving your shoes behind, you enter the temple and kneel infront of han to provide well-needed snacks and water. he whispers a small 'thank you' and you move aside to sit away from him. not that you wanted to, rather wanting to just talk without any physical contact. you see him chug the water and eat his snacks, making a part of you feel relieved. after finishing his nibbles, han thinks he's ready to talk cause he knows it's better to do this right now than to dwell and let it become bigger.
"y/n, i'm sorry. i am not gonna reason myself for my actions towards you but i do wanna let you know i'm really tired. probably beyond exhaustion. i love you but that was really wrong of me to behave that way when you were just trying to make me feel better." he begins.
"okay, i accept your apology. but i'm not sorry because i haven't done anything wrong. and i'm gonna have to get this off my chest cause if i don't say it now, it's just gonna grow and rot in me." you say, stretching out your hand for him to hold. hannie slips his palm in yours and there's a little squeeze from both of you before letting go.
"okay, i'm gonna listen what you have to say and i'm sure i'll have things to say after, but i'm gonna listen to you first." he says, reassuring you.
"thank you. i hope you know that i was just trying to be of help and not a bother. you snapping at me was unnecessary, which you know by now and it scared me han. for a moment, you were an angry stranger to me and it made me so angry too. why? because i don't deserve to be treated like this han, you know how hard life has been and still is for me." you pause, taking a deep breath as you feel tears welling up your eyes. but one look at hannie and you know he's making space for your anger, willing for you to continue.
shit, you really do love him.
"i understand how mentally and physically exhausting things have been for the past week or so. i understand so much han, i really do. but that does not give you any leverage to be rude or angry at me. regardless of the terrible things i deal with in my life, i'm really trying to be positive towards our relationship and this unconsciously might've broken a part of me. maybe i'm being dramatic but my feelings are big and valid. i love you but we'll need to work on this at our own pace, yeah? what do you think?" you finish, catching a breath that you didn't realise was held.
jeonghan takes a deep breath, before he begins. taking one look at you, he fidgets with his phone and tries to talk cause he has to start somewhere.
"firstly, i am really sorry love. i wanna let you know that i regret my actions and shouldn't have behaved that way towards you. it's just been really hard for me to go into a break from being so packed with schedules. i don't think i've rested at all since i started working and it's just a lot. it's a lot because i now am realising the importance of rest and that solely is beyond overwhelming. but now that i'm here, i want to make the best of it and spend as much time as i can with the people i love. again, i can't think of anything other than apologising because you don't deserve that. i have no right to be treating you that way when you've put your complete trust and love in me. i'm so sorry again love, i want to work on this. i'm not sure how but i wanna work on us, with you. i love you." he finishes, letting out a loud sob. you hold yourself back from going and holding him cause he needs this more than anything else.
instead you move next to him, taking one of his hands in yours. hannie turns to look at you and lays his head on your shoulder, not caring about drenching your shirt. you gently caress his hand as he calms down and give him some water to hydrate. disconnecting from your hand, he drinks the water and wipes his face but intertwines your arm in both of his the moment he's done. there's a moment of stillness felt, as he leans onto your shoulder, nuzzling further into your neck. you haven't felt this feeling ever and just being present makes you realise that there is always space to be wrong and learn in love. not sure if it's the same with everyone else, but you know for sure it is with jeonghan.
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 20
anakin x reader
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a/n: i’m not a medical professional so don’t mind in accurate info lmfaooo- there is barf in this chapter only because i’m trying to make it realistic to what actually occurs after these procedures ( plus i kinda like writing whump lol)
The extent of Anakin’s condition is revealed and you wait for him to stabilize
warnings: cursing, alcohol abuse, emtephobia (barf and stuff…), hospitals, alcohol poisoning
“Ben!” you called when you spotted the bearded man sitting in the waiting room. 
“Y/n, Ahsoka- You two didn’t have to come, I could hav-”
“No, I want to be here” you interrupted. 
“Where is he?” Ahsoka asked.
“He’s still being treated, but they said a room should be ready for him soon”.
“Did they tell you his evaluation? What’s happening to him?” you asked.
“Yes, they concluded it was severe alcohol poisoning, enough to trigger a seizure and enough that he went into an alcoholic coma… I’m not sure for how long, but he definitely could have died.”
“How much did he have to drink to be in a fucking coma?!” Ahsoka exclaimed. 
“I’m not sure, but this is the most he’s ever drank,” Ben answered sadly, “but in addition he must have hit his head when he fell because he also sustained a mild concussion. “
Ahsoka seemed more frustrated than sad at the moment, “Un-fucking-believable!” she huffed. 
“Of course he was fucking drinking. I tell him he needs to go back to rehab or he at least needs some help, but does he listen to me...? No! And now here he is- going into a coma over it”.
You felt awful about Anakin’s admittance to the hospital, but you also understood the frustration Ash was feeling. She crossed her arms aggressively and tilted her face away, but you couldn’t help but hear her sniffles. 
“Ash?” you called, gently turning her towards you. Tears streamed down her face as her bottom lip quivered. 
“Ash…” you sighed, pulling her into your chest. 
“I-I try s-so hard to help him- but h-he…. I ju-just don’t want him to d-ie” she cried into your shoulder. 
Her outburst of emotion hit you in the feels and in turn made you teary as well; Ben came up and rubbed Ahsoka’s arm in comfort.
“I know Ahsoka. I know”.
Days passed and Anakin was finally released from the ICU to a normal hospital room; it had a nice view of the city and good natural lighting. The room was equipped with a sofa and armchair as well as Anakin’s bed (of course). 
For the past few days you had taken residence in his room; sleeping on the couch and keeping spare clothes in a duffle bag, just to keep an eye on him.
You were the one to stay with him everyday because Ben and Satine had work and Ash had training camp.
Honestly, you only offered since they were all busy and you really had nothing else to do. 
The sofa was definitely an inconvenience for you, it was hard, didn’t have much space, and your back already hurt from the extra weight of your belly. 
You yawned and stretched your arms as you sat up from the couch beside Anakin’s bed.  
Taking Anakin’s reduced body size into account, the effects of the alcohol he consumed were amplified. His coma had lasted for 5 days and they continually pumped his stomach as well as gave him plenty of IV fluids.
Since they had gotten his vitals back to normal (relatively), he was predicted to wake up any day. 
Anakin looked so weak wrapped in the white sheets, a breathing tube sticking out of his mouth, wires connected to him, and tubes coming from every which way.
You had seen him without his prosthetics before, but the harsh hospital atmosphere made it all the more noticeable, you knew he would hate that he was disassembled when he woke. 
You heard a noise coming from Anakin and you saw his eyes weakly opening and closing as he choked on the tube down his throat. Immediately you jumped up and called nurses into the room. 
You weren't sure how conscious he was but you did know he was definitely scared. After a while you were let back into the room and told that he may be vomiting for the next few hours from all of the stomach pumps, concussion, and other shit that had happened. The head nurse told you that it was normal but to notify them if there was blood in the throw up. 
You thanked each nurse for watching over him and entered the room, fully prepared to take care of him.
He was lying in the same position he was earlier, but now he just had an oxygen tube running under his nose instead of the breathing tube.
You approached him and found his eyes were closed- he was probably resting. 
He threw up on and off for the next few hours, but it was the last time that was the worst. 
You grabbed one of the bins they gave you as you wondered if he was even cognizant enough to comprehend what was happening.
The dull room was on the chilly side but you could see the sheen of sweat forming on his brow, he was fighting so hard. 
You grabbed a cloth and went to dab at his forehead when he coughed, your eyes widened as you used your arms to sit him up so he wouldn’t choke. He coughed some more and began to drool, you grabbed a can and held it in front of him as you helped hold him up. His eyes were still closed and his head rested on your shoulder until you leaned him over the bin when he started to retch. 
You really had never been able to be around throw up without feeling sick to your stomach, but this was different: all you could think about was how you wanted it to be over so he could finally rest. 
His head was in the can and you rubbed his back as his body shook with the violent rolls of nausea. 
After a few minutes he finally finished and you put the bin on the ground so you could help him lie back down.
The metal can was definitely heavier than when you had originally given it to him, but you would have to take care of that bag later, now you need to focus on Anakin. 
He was almost about to fall over when you got back from setting the can down so you rushed to his side and grabbed one of the many washcloths the nurses had left in the room for this very occasion. 
His eyes were unfocused and barely open: that answered your question, he was not cognizant.
He groaned as you wiped his mouth and brushed his soft curls back; slick with his sweat. 
“Shh, shh, it’s going to be ok, Ani” you comforted, helping him lie back down. 
You rolled him onto his side just in case he started again and brushed your fingers through his hair. His brows were kneaded together and he was shaking; this was bad. 
A frown found its way onto your face as you watched him suffer, you never wanted him to have to go through this. 
After a few more minutes you removed your warm hand from him and went to assess the bin- there was no blood, so at least that was a good sign.
You stepped into the hall to call a nurse but there was already one there who had a custodian on the way. You thanked her and the custodian for being so patient with Anakin and you. 
After everything was sanitized you went back to sitting beside Anakin, you scanned his face for any signs of coherency but he was still really out of it.
The only sign of emotion was the small tears that fell from the corners of his closed eyes. 
Anakin tried to open his eyes but there was a blinding light shining down; he tried to speak but no words were forming. 
You noticed his rasping from the chair beside his bed and quickly jumped up and went to his side. He was attempting to pull off his oxygen tube but you stopped him and gently placed your hands on his face. With you blocking the overhead light, he could finally open his eyes. 
“Anakin?” you asked, trying to make sure he was actually up. 
He hummed and glanced around until he saw the IV pole and realized he was in the hospital quicker than you could have imagined his vitals went crazy. You backed up in shock as he tussled around in the bed, attempting to get out. You knew he had PTSD from being in the hospital during his recovery, but you didn’t expect it to be as bad as it clearly was. 
“Anakin it’s alright!” you tried to calm him, but he was too scared. 
Soon a team of nurses rushed in and took over before he could hurt himself; they ushered you out in the process. You texted Ben and Ahsoka to let them know that he was awake.
Once he was settled, you were allowed back in; his bed was propped up so that he was sitting and he had his head turned away from the door. 
Gingerly, you walked towards him as you tried to think of what to say. 
You sighed.
“Look, I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but putting that aside, I needed to know that you were going to be alright…”
Finally, he met your eyes.
“Did you put me in here?” he asked, more sadly than accusatory.
“No, Ben found you and called 911” 
He nodded, “I don’t remember- I don’t know what happened. I just woke up and you were there with lights shining from behind you”. 
Your face formed a sad smile, “you had severe alcohol poisoning. You were non-responsive…a-and your pulse was gone.”
His brows furrowed as he tried to comprehend what you were saying. 
“They had to pump your stomach and when they finally got your vitals back up, you had already slipped into a coma” you explained.
“People don't just go into a coma from alcohol, surely it had to be something else” he protested.
“Anakin, you had a blood alcohol concentration of .57…. Your average is .15” 
He looked up to the ceiling and laid his head back onto the pillow. 
“Fuck” he exclaimed. 
“Anakin, you can’t keep doing this-”
“I know,” he interjected with a frustrated tone. 
He took a breath and began to cough; he continued and you stepped closer, “Anakin, do you need your inhaler, I can go get-”
“I'm -” he coughed once more, “fine”.
You took another step closed and laid a gentle hand on the end of his arm stump but he quickly retracted his limb from your reach. You flinched and looked at him with wide eyes, you only meant to comfort him. 
His blue eyes looked more fearful than angry, what was going on?
His gaze traveled from your perplexed face down towards your growing stomach; his pupils dilated slightly before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“Please leave”
“But Anak-”
“Please” he pleaded, refusing to look at you. 
Your teeth gently bit down on your lower lip and you nodded, slowly heading for the door.
At the entrance, you rested a hand on the door frame and caught one last look at the man in the bed; tubes and medical tape all over his body, the hospital grade blue gown, even his sandy curls looked sad.
You had never seen him look so helpless, so dejected; surely he was lost in thought- to him this was probably torture. 
He already hated hospitals, but now he couldn’t even entertain himself with his phone. In addition, the doctors weren’t allowing him to put on his prosthetics yet.
He wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep. 
As for you, you just wanted the father of your child to be able to recover and hopefully reign in his deadly addiction.��
a/n: sorry for all the throw up in the chapters lately (i just wanna try and make it as realistic as possible :( ) buuuttt next chapter will heat up emotionally and we’ll start seeing more y/n x ani moments :)) i have so many plot points i wanna do, so i’m not sure how long this fic is gonna end up being…. i hope you stick around though!! thanks for reading :)
taglist: @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil
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pricegouge · 3 months
loved the last chapter of fatted rabbit and the alt meeting 🥹 both had me thinking about what if a pair of random hikers accidentally ran into bunny and bear form!john hanging out one time on the trails (post bunny finding out & probably non canon)?
Hi Stelle! Tysm for both the ask and the nice words abut Fatted Rabbit :) hope you like!
I'm gonna say this one takes place almost directly after the last ask just because I'm having fun picking on these granola guys.
SFW, but please MDNI
The afternoon finds you both snuggled up well off the beaten path. Once it had been clear John wasn't going to leave you alone today, you'd let him lead you to a small hideaway clearing where he'd seemed confident enough in your privacy to flop onto his back and demand belly rubs. You've learned he's shameless in this form, happy to debase himself to dog-like behavior provided it earns him scritches. You never mind, but he always ends up falling asleep, which inevitably leads to him snoring loud enough to shake the trees. 
"I'd been planning on getting some reading done today," you gripe, but it's hard to stay mad at him when he rolls onto his tummy and sploots. "Froglegs," you tease, poking at the pads of his closest foot. He grumbles and kicks halfheartedly, but doesn't wake up. 
The clearing is just large enough to accommodate full sun plants like daisies and wheat grasses. Deciding on a new way to spend your day, you pick yourself a mess of them and get to work braiding the stalks into a big, thick chain. It's hard to gauge how long you'll need to make it, but John doesn't seem to mind you tugging at his neck fat so long as you scratch his chin when he starts to wake up. You've got the collar tied off and are just started to thread mane-like fern decorations into it when a gasp at the edge of the clearing has both you and John whipping your heads around in caught-out shock.
"What the fuck?" The short hiker from earlier whispers and you scramble away from John as he lumbers to his feet, shaking stray brush and dust from his coat. The collar hangs limply from his neck, a pathetic little testament to just how long you've been messing with this bear.
"Get away from that thing!" The tall one this time, stutter stepping his way to you while keeping a wary eye on the bear. His companion fumbles with a strap on the side of his pack and you panic.
"It's fine! Uh… It's um. He's rehabilitated." Three pairs of eyes turn to you and steadfastly refuse to shrink under the study.
"Huh?" Mr. Bearspray finally prompts and the moment shatters with it. The tension eases from you quickly, well-adept at lying your way out of consequences after years with Phil.
"Yeah! It's uh… This is Bobo -." John huffs indignantly but you carry on over him, "- he's a rehab from a local wildlife shelter. He grew up in captivity. I mean, clearly. Look at the size of him. Definitely had consistent feedings growing up, am I right? Anyway, he's very friendly!"
The men exchange frowns. One of them reaches for his breast pocket.
"I'd really appreciate some discretion here!" At John's chirp, you realize your voice has ratcheted too high to be believable so you clear your throat, try again. "I mean… he's supposed to be rehabbed, right? I'm not supposed to be visiting him. But, like… cuddly bear, you know? Who could blame me?"
The tall one looks absolutely mortified by this prospect, but the other tilts his head as if in consideration.
"You wanna come pet him? I assure you he's safe." The look John gives you makes it clear exactly what he thinks of that, but you refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that an animal is sending you communicative expressions by maintaining direct, borderline unhinged, levels of eye contact with the man you're currently trying to persuade into petting a wild bear.
"We're good," the stick in the mud asserts, but the shorter one has already shrugged, stepping cautiously closer. "What're you doing?"
"Dude, it's got a fuckin' flower crown on, how dangerous can it be?"
His companion sighs, snatches the bear spray from the other's pack nimbly. Shakes it at you. "If I find out that bear has no teeth or something equally heinous, I'm reporting you to every governing body in the state."
John returns the favor by baring his - very intact - teeth.
"He's just playing," you assure the approaching man. To prove your point, you attempt a growl right back and are delighted when John plays along by - gently - gnashing his teeth at you. "See? Like a dog." You stick your hand in John's mouth to prove a point and both men visibly relax when the bear simply tries excising the intrusion with a firm push of its tongue.
You both hold your breath as the man steps close enough to scratch at John's ears, sighing deeply when the big bastard accepts the touch with little more than a huff. "Soft," the hiker comments and you hum in agreement. "Dude, come feel."
"I'm good."
John chuffs as if pleased with that response and you bite back a giggle.
He continues to be a good sport for as long as it takes the visitors to be satisfied. You pet him soothingly and field questions far outside of your depth of knowledge re: bear rehabilitation (seriously, if these guys ever do even an ounce of research, you're fucked), but eventually the guys do clear out when you make a big show out of needing to head out. 
"Want company back to base?" one offers and John growls ominously.
"No, thank you," you assure, shooing them along. "I'm sure I'll just slow you down." You pat your belly self-deprecatingly, but the laugh it earns is a smidge too cruel for your taste.
"Alright, see you around," the tall one says before they trek off and you frown after them while John huffs irritably, scratching his considerable claws into the soil beneath him.
"You're right, that was rude," you drawl, fingers contradictory as you smooth the remnants of your stupid flower crown off his pelt. "You should eat him for me."
A/N Hey, it feels weird to draw the line here - in a series full of doing stupid shit with bears - but for real, don't pick wild plants! Especially if you're in a park/at a high altitude. Even if it's "just grass/weeds", the alpine-arctic ranges recede every year and we're losing key species like sedges, flaxes, and reed grasses! The vegetation you see at 10k feet is not the same as what's at base. I'd make a joke about ruining some yuppie's garden instead if you really must pick plants, but I'm not joking. Leave no trace, but also leave it like you found it. On a different note, I used to have a great dane which was a rescue situation and he had some behavioral issues but his absolute kill switch was if I put my hand in his mouth. He'd immediately sit right on his ass and just try to softly push my hand out with his big stupid tongue, it was so weird. The speed at which he went from kill mode to "Oh my god, I almost hurt mom" was truly admirable, though.
Anyway, feel free to send in requests for these two! I'll probably never get tired of writing for them :)
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couldawouldashouldaa · 10 months
Things Left Behind | Al & Nick | [closed]
The whole thing was weird, and Nick didn't feel particularly comfortable talking about things. But he sort of understood, or so he thought. Even if nobody survived to see it, it was there. It existed. Just like The Dead. They were here. They were people. And all this violence, he was tired of it. The bloodshed needed to be reserved for The Vultures. That was it. Not these people.
"Alright, I'll talk," he agreed. "Consider it a truce. Guns down." And he found himself facing the camera and being asked about his life, away from the group.
He thought for a moment about where to start. Where had his life really begun? Was it back in El Sereno? In Mexico? When he met Luciana? On the Ranch? Was it the day he got clean and stayed that way? He knew the two days it ended; when he got the news his dad died, and when his mom died. And that was why they were out here.
"Tell you about my life... well... I'm Nick, and I'm 21. And my life was... it was a pretty good, normal life for a while, I guess. Nothing to tell. Just my mom and dad, me, and my little sister, growing up in Los Angeles. It was good. We loved each other. Me and my sister were always doing stupid shit together. Me more than her, probably. But we were close... until I ruined it. I ruined a lot of things, I guess. I um..." he paused, thinking about his words while he scratched at his neck.
"I got into drugs when I was 14. My Dad was depressed, and he wouldn't talk to me. And I guess I had a lot of feelings, and things going on, and I thought... if we're not supposed to talk about that shit, then I didn't wanna feel that shit. And I thought it helped. But it just created a bigger divide. He died while I was in rehab. Mom wouldn't say it, but I know it's my fault. It was too much for him to take. And whenever I found myself thinking about that... I put a needle back in my arm. It's been a long time since I've wanted to do that. But I've done some shitty things to be able to. My lows were really low. I dunno. I guess my life really started after everything ended. I was still using when it all went to shit. Went through withdrawals in a cell when the military took over. And I was fucking desperate for a while. Looking for whatever I could find. And... things started making sense out here, in ways they didn't before. But that's not who I am now. And I don't think my addiction ever defined me the way people thought it did. And I think... I've made a lot of mistakes, that have hurt and killed a lot of people. But... I'm still trying to get it right. I wanna get it right. And I think I'm ready for a new life."
He was thinking about all those people that died because of him at the border. How Travis died because of him. Because they had to save him, again. He didn't regret killing Jeremiah, but he pulled the trigger. That was the first time he'd killed someone on purpose. And the dam... he wondered how many people died then. He had a good reason, and he was saving lives, and it was part of the plan, but still. And Mom. Mom died to make sure they all lived. To make sure he lived. Death followed him. Maybe that was why it was so natural for him to walk with the Dead.
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telltale-apologist · 2 months
Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time
And I feel like you weren't hearing me before
So here it goes
I know Hell's population is out of control
It's a bad situation
It's taking a toll
If we rehab these Sinners
And cleanse all their souls
At my Hazbin Hotel
Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!
Right! Extermination!
I know you guys fly down
Just to kill once a year
And it must be annoying
To schlep all the way here
If they join you in Heaven
That trip disappears!
You can wave that chore farewell
It'll be a happy day in he-
Let me stop you right there
Save us all precious time
If what you're suggesting
Is letting them climb
Up the ladder
Oh, they'd rather cross the Pearly Gates?
Well, uh
Sorry, sweetie
But there's no defyin' their fates!
'Cause Hell is forever
Whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
Now they boil in the pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives
Until we kill 'em again!
Okay, but
Just try to chillax, babe
You're wasting your breath
Did I hear you imply
That they don't deserve death?
Are they Winners?
Are they Sinners?
'Cause it's cut and dry
Well, actually, if you take a look
Fair is fair, an eye for an eye!
And when all's said and done (said and done)
There's the question of fun (fun)
And for those of us with Divine Ordainment
Extermination is entertainment!
Guitar solo, fuck yeah!
Oh, da-ah-ah now-now-n-now-n-now-n-now-n-nownownow
Hell is forever
Whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better (where the Hell did you people come from?)
Now they boil in the pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives
Until we kill 'em again!
Fuckin' Hell's forever
And it's meant to suck a lot
So give up your dumb endeavor
'Cause you don't have a shot!
Long as I've got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That we made the determination
To move up the next Extermination!
Can't wait a whole year
To slaughter those little cunts
I know it's just been a week
But we'll be back in six months!
Um, wait, didn't you
Ugh, shit!
That fucker is back!
Yeah, I thought he was gone for good too
It's been seven years!
You still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Uh, fuck you
Just sayin'
Things have changed a lot since he left town
That's for sure
I gotta send a message of who's really in charge of things now
Welcome home
I'm gonna make you wish that you'd stayed gone
Say hello to a new status quo
Everyone knows that there's a brand-new dawn
Turn the TV on! (Camera speeds, rollin' in three, two)
Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been
Who has been spotted cavorting around town (welcome to the show)
After a seven-year absence
Did anybody miss him? (Welcome to the show)
Did anybody notice?
More on tonight's program
So, the radio demon is back in town
Why is he hanging around?
What does that mean for your family?
Well handily, I've got good news
He's a loser, a fossil and I don't mean to sound hostile
But the demon is a coward!
You can take that as gospel
Pulling my viewers? Impossible!
I'm visual, he's barely audible
Stop givin' him the time of day
Don't listen to a word he'd say
I hope he had a nice vacay
But he should've stayed away
While he hid in radio
We pivoted to video
Now his medium is gettin' bloody rare
Hell's been better since he split
Where's he been?
Who gives a shit!
Good to be back on the air
Yes, I know it's been a while
Since someone with style treated hell to a broadcast
Sinners, rejoice!
What a dated voice!
Instead of a clout-chasin' mediocre video podcast
Come on!
Is Vox insecure? Pursuing allure?
Flitting between this fad and that, is nothin' working?
Ignore his chirping!
Every day, he's got a new format
You're lookin' at the future, he's the shit that comes before that!
Is Vox as strong as he purports
Or is it based on his support?
He'd be powerless without the other Vees
Oh, please!
And here's the sugar on the cream
He asked me to join his team
Hold on!
I said no, and now he's pissy, that's the tea
You old-timey prick
I'll show you suffering
Uh oh, the TV is buffering!
I'll destroy you, you little–
I'm afraid you've lost your signal
Let's begin
I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone
Tune on in when I'm done
Your status quo will know its race is run
Oh, this will be fun
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jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
Meddling Kids, XII
WARNING! This work/series contains mentions of slut shaming, EDs, gore, implied torture, implied SA, SH, violence, and many other things that can trigger some viewers. I will also mention that this work does NOT intend to glorify, romanticize, normalize, or promote ANY of these behaviors or ideas. That is not who I am and that is not what I stand for. Please do not take that message away when you read this.
I finally got my motivation back again. They fuck shit UP in this one.
Jimmy and Pete sat across from one another, picking at their questionable lunches. The air was oddly quiet. They’d been waiting for their third partner in crime to join them for the last ten minutes. It wasn’t like Gary to be late. He exchanged looks with Pete, who raised his brows and flicked his eyes to the wide-open cafeteria door.
“Do you think we should look for Gary?” Jimmy asked, pushing away the sweet soft ground beef mess meant to be a soft taco.
“Do you think we should?” Pete responded.
“That’s why I asked you, you idiot,” he huffed.
Pete sighed, getting up to throw away the leftovers of his packed lunch. Jimmy took that as a yes and threw away his meal. Good riddance.
Jimmy threw a wink to Trent, who grinned and blew him a kiss in return. Pete rolled his eyes at Jimmy’s flirtatious antics, pushing the heavy doors open to exit the main building. Above, the stale sun shined on them. Only Bullworth Academy could make a perfect sunny day seem so bleak. The energy shifted as they walked inside the boys' dorms, where a few nerds sat on the couch watching Bill Nye as a desperate form of entertainment.
They disregarded the others that greeted them, opting to walk to the far end of the hall, where the lights were flickering or dead. Multiple cobwebs nested in the corners of the high ceiling, and dust bunnies curled into the floorboards. This place needed a serious revamp. Thank the gods Carbblesnitch decided to finally hire a construction company to renovate and expand the boy’s dorms. Jimmy was tired of having to use the locker room showers every morning. He was happy, even if it meant Jimmy would soon be woken by heavy construction and bear-bellied men yelling for whatever tool or jackass they needed to help.
Jimmy grabbed the doorknob, letting himself and Pete in unannounced.
“Hey bitch, why’re you late?” He raised a brow.
Gary suddenly jumped, yelling in surprise as he yanked on his signature leather armband to hide away his nasty habit.
“You morons ever heard of knocking?” Gary shouted.
“Well, we got worried,” Pete shrugged.
“Yeah, you’re not late, dude,” Jimmy added.
“Well, for your information, I have court-mandated therapy today,” the brunette grumbled.
“Oh,” Pete replied with wide eyes.
Jimmy stayed silent, nodding in acceptance as the gears turned in his head. He thought of Heartland Academy and Mr. Joiner, Daniel Lamb’s alias. He loosely remembered discussing hospital records. With Daniel’s past of violent murder, maybe they could find something within Happy Volts.
Well, the worst Gary could say was no.
“Can we come with?” Jimmy asked.
“Why? Wanna hear my sob story or look at the crackheads in the rehab program?” Gary grinned.
“Maybe a bit of both. We could use the free entertainment,” Jimmy replied with a neutral shrug.
“Alright, you can come, just don’t act dumb,” Gary said, exiting his dorm.
Instead of taking a reasonable route, Gary ushered them to follow from a weird backway. It was almost as if Gary didn’t want anyone to know. Jimmy could see why. The entire school falsely labeled him as an evil sociopath. He’d had plenty of moments where he wanted to sock someone in the jaw for talking shit. Who the fuck were any of those kids to diagnose his best friend? Sure, Gary could be a mythic bitch sometimes, but he was Jimmy’s best friend.
The trio ducked into bushes, and once away from Bullworth’s earshot, Jimmy spoke up.
“We’re getting that psychos’ records.”
“What?” Gary blinked.
“We’re gonna sneak in and try to get Daniel Lamb’s records,” Jimmy elaborated.
“Are you fucking crazy?” Pete asked, cutting between the two as they walked.
“Do you want to put an end to this whole murder mystery shit?” Jimmy replied.
Pete stammered, thinking, but Gary beat him to an answer.
“You got a method to your madness?’ Pete asked.
“We sneak in and get it, boom,” Jimmy replied.
“No, those orderlies will see you. They have cameras in there. They’re old, but still cameras,” Gary explained. “You’ll have to sneak past orderlies and find uniforms in the laundry room. It’s in the back, but be quiet.”
“Got it,” Jimmy nodded while Pete nervously took an interest in his shoes and the dirt road.
They made a turn, Gary pointing ahead to an area covered by bushes and foliage, sending Pete and Jimmy on their way before he dashed to the gate.
Pete and Jimmy stood back, crouching as they watched Gary flash an ID card to an orderly, who opened the gate to let him in. He then entered the facility, an orderly at his side to escort him.
Jimmy and Pete sat there. It was a long twenty minutes they waited. Doing this was possibly one of the riskier things they’d done besides running into psychotic clowns and a drug gang. Hell, what hadn’t the three of them done? They should all collectively be in the county jail next to Johnny and Norton. Jimmy looked up, seeing the tree. He figured Gary was well into a therapy session about now. He turned to Pete.
“Can you climb trees?” He asked.
“You’re not serious about this, right? Can I just look out?’ Pete pleaded.
“No, I can’t sort through files and kick ass at once. Now climb the stupid tree,” Jimmy snapped.
Pete scrambled, struggling to use his core and upper body muscles to pull himself up the tree. Jimmy soon followed, letting out a quiet laugh as Pete landed hard on his ass. The pair crawled towards a bush, watching an orderly slowly pace, boredom and disinterest in his eyes. Once he fully turned his back, Jimmy and Pete ran for it, getting inside.
Gary hated many things, but therapy had to be up there.
He nervously fiddled with his hands struggling to make eye contact as Dr. Bambillo made notes on him. Gary felt more like a specimen than a patient as if he was something to be studied and not understood. He didn’t feel human here. He felt like a made-up villain out of some weird sadistic writer’s horror novel.
Dr. Bamillo cleared his throat, causing Gary to move his grey eyes to meet the man before him.
“Now, Gary, have you had any thoughts of hurting yourself? Or others, perhaps?” He asked with a raised brow.
Gary had to think for a moment. Did he want to go inpatient? Or shove it down and cork it? He couldn’t decide. Both options were terrible, but he had to pick his poison. He’d rather die than get locked up with the nut jobs here.
“No, I haven’t. Why?” He asked, his voice shallow.
“Well, I’ve seen a few of your behavior reports lately. You show apathy for your education and peers. You don’t seem to care. How does that look to you? Considering your brothers’ circumstances and your parents' name. Surely it’d be a shame to cost them both sons.”
Gary sat back, gritting his teeth as Dr. Bambillo ran his egotistical mouth. He hated this man with every bone, organ, and blood vessel he had. Gary always wondered why he left these sessions feeling worse than when he came. Gary wanted to go home. Hell, he’d rather be at Bullworth.
“Time and time again, I’ve read you have this loud, almost narcissistic confidence about you. Yet, when you’re here, it goes away. Perhaps it humbles you that someone with more knowledge and power is in the room? Does it bother you?” he asked.
“No sir,” he mumbled.
Dr. Bambillo looked Gary up and down, prying apart every weakened, cracked piece of emotional armor he’d built. Gary felt so small. All he could do was look away and pray to any god or higher power that would listen to make this all go away. Dr. Bambillo had long decided on him being crazy. That Gary had somehow gotten brain damage from falling off a horse one too many times, and now he was a screw loose from killing himself or others.
Just as Bambillo went to torment Gary with another invasive, unprofessional question, Gary popped.
“I’m not crazy! Stop it! Just stop it! I’m a normal fucking kid! I swear to god!” He screamed. “I’m not traumatized, I’m not depressed, and I’m not fucking crazy! Stop telling me I’m crazy! I know what I am, and I’m not some brain-dead sociopath that wants to kill people! I don’t want drugs, and I don’t want your stupid court-mandated therapy that doesn’t do shit!”
Dr. Bambillo’s eyes were wide, but his brows quickly furrowed as he reached for his pen to write.
That’s when the power cut, sending them and the rest of the facility into pitch blackness.
“SHit!” Jimmy yelled, fumbling with the other switches in the fuse box.
“What did you do!?” Pete yelled, pulling down his orderly mask.
“I don’t fucking know!” Jimmy hollered.
They scrambled to get out of the halls. Alarms and red lights were flashing as the cells opened one by one. The overjoyed, sadistic screams from the isolation unit echoed down the hall as helpless orderlies cried for security that was no match for the criminally insane. For the first time since he was a child, Jimmy felt genuine terror. Pete was also pretty sure he pissed himself.
It didn’t take long for them to yank an emergency exit open, scrambling as they rounded to their tunnel.
Petey collapsed in exhaustion, trembling as old, yellowed files scattered on the ground below them. Jimmy huffed, listening to the loud alarms and desperate screams.
Looking up, he saw a figure barreling toward them at full speed. Jimmy instantly reacted with a punch, sending the living body over into the dirt. A familiar yowl of pain escaped them.
“You moron!” Gary yelled, holding his now bloody nose.
“Shit! My bad,” Jimmy said, pulling the taller male to a stand and offering his mask as a tissue.
“Bitch! Fuck you mean ‘my bad’? You just released a bunch of criminally insane men!” Pete screeched, picking himself up off the ground.
“You let those maniacs loose?” Gary asked, alarmed.
“I didn’t mean to! I thought the switch was for the cameras, not the power!” Jimmy defended.
“Well, let’s fucking go ‘cause if we sit here, we’ll be some nice human leather!” Gary said as he shoved Pete forward before he ran.
Jimmy followed suit. Where had they gone wrong?
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
When you’re up for it (absolutely no pressure, I know you have a lot on your plate with Whumptober coming up) do you think we could get Kauri and Vince having some kind of heart to heart shortly after the incident?
"Kauri, we should-"
"Nope." Kauri looks away from him, curled up on the couch with his knees to his chest. The bruises Owen left around his throat are healing, fading day by day, but Vince can still see them peeking out from the top of the turtleneck sweater Kauri wears in an attempt to hide. "We shouldn't. Why now?"
"Because-.. he's dead, now. Isn't it different?"
Kauri doesn't look at him. He keeps his eyes on the TV, watching and not watching some random television show about house-flippers. The volume's so low neither of them can really hear it. It's just moving light and noise.
"Is it?" He asks, finally. "Different between us?"
"Well. I want to think it is." Vince stays where he is, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed in front of himself. He hasn't shaved in days, and barely even bothered to comb his hair this morning. Makes it harder to get recognized, the grungier he looks.
He's officially at a spa in Italy dealing with complicated feelings after the loss of his one-time friend. Rumors run rampant that he's in rehab, throw a dart hit a celebrity addict.
Those rumors aren't... entirely wrong.
He has a giant bottle of water on the kitchen table, in case the urge to drink get stronger. The need to hold something heavy in his hand, feel cold liquid down his throat. But right now... right now, he's okay.
"I don't. I don't want to think it's different at all." Kauri's voice is still a little hoarse, even. His voicebox must have been all but crushed by Owen's hands, before Vince had broken free. "I just want you to stay out of my fucking life."
"No, I get it. I know that it's been hard, having me... exist."
Kauri curls up a little tighter. "You don't know shit."
Vince just waits this one out, and sure enough, after a second Kauri exhales and rakes a hand back through his hair, turning to look directly at him for the first time.
"No, you know what, that's not fair. You know plenty about him. I'm just... it's hard, you know?"
Vince pauses, then slowly nods. "Yeah. Yeah, I know. He used to be okay, you know? Like sometimes he would be a pretty good friend, before... things kind of went off track. He could be funny, and he always had my back, until... until he didn't any longer."
Kauri nods, watching him. Like looking into a mirror, back in time, and Vince feels uneasy - but it must be even worse for Kauri, who is staring at an older version of himself, handsome but worn down by time and liquor and hiding himself. "He tried to be loving, sometimes," Kauri finally says. "He really did. In between when... when he was mad at me. He would try to be loving, but..."
He trails off.
"But?" Vince prompts.
"It wasn't me he wanted to be loving to," Kauri says, softly. Almost a whisper. "No matter how hard I loved him, the only person he ever wanted to love was you."
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
Sorry I’m gonna rant, I hope it’s okay
I used to be a 1D fan, I was 14 when I became a fan, in 2012. I’m a fully grown adult now and have seen almost everything go down in this fandom.
I was never a Larrie but I always had a soft spot for Louis, mostly because I’ve been through the same kind of shit he did. Dad abandoning me, growing up working class, a very young mom, who passed away when I was way too young, my brother hasn’t passed but he ODed multiple times after several stints in rehab, etc. I always felt like I was somewhat kindred with him.
Silently, I always did think that he wasn’t that talented musically. I never really thought that he was TERRIBLE or anything. There are so many untalented people making bank that it always felt like a cheap shot to come for him. Music isn’t necessarily about the quality of the voice, sometimes it comes down to vibes or personality. I still think a lot of the things you and your anons say are exaggerated. Like, I don’t blame him for what he does to his own body. He’s free to drink and smoke and snort whatever he wants. We all cope with our life the best we can, and I can’t judge someone else for the way they live their lives.
I had tickets for Red Rocks, as well as tickets for a few other shows that are coming up, and I went to see him in Cincinnati. I didn’t go to Red Rocks because something came up at work, but one of my best friends did, after what she told me, after what I’ve seen, I will no longer call myself a fan. I’ll try to sell my tickets and merch, and I’ll grieve the connection I had with him for a while, but I’m done
I can’t believe I’m writing to this blog, but I know nobody else will post me, they’re all lodged so far up his ass that they’re unable to criticize him, and what happened yesterday was a wake up call
I need to emphasize this for those who weren’t there: the amount of hail that fell over the course of the evening blanketed the entire soil, to the point it looked like it had snowed. Not all of it was hurtful but a good 20% of it was big enough to cause harm. It’s a miracle nobody was seriously injured
This blanket of hail was already there TWO HOURS before the show was canceled!! It took them TWO HOURS to cancel the show while my friend was sobbing, trying to cover herself with anything she could find because she didn’t have a car. They had to beg and scream to be allowed shelter backstage. Some of the people around my friend were hit in the head and were bleeding from their scalps, she doesn’t have confirmation of this because she chose not to go to the hospital but she thinks a good chunk of people had concussions. My friend got pelted in the back and has two giant gashes near her spine.
How in the everloving FUCK was this allowed to happen???? How is it possible that it took so long for them to cancel? Why did Louis and his team stay silent for so long? Why did people have to cry and scream for so long to get shelter??? This isn’t human!
I’ve turned a blind eye to Louis’ attitude for so long but I’m up to here. What happened yesterday opened my eyes. I’m never giving him another dime. He can’t control the weather, but it’s up to him to ask the venue to cancel the show, it’s up to him to ask the venue to give fans shelter, it’s up to him to reassure his fans after they have to go through a traumatic event and what he can come up with is that he loves fans’ PASSION? “Hope everyone is okay”??? Well, they were not Louis. They weren’t! They were hurt physically because of the hail you failed to do anything to protect them from and emotionally because their idol, the person they were there to see, acted callously and like an asshole.
I’m so so so so done. I’m sorry. I’m just done. Seeing people who weren’t there and had no one to worry about say “it’s okay! It’s not your fault!“ or “oh no he’s devastated poor Louis he wanted to play red rocks” is boiling my blood.
This level of idolization is unreal, and I will not partake anymore
Thank you for sharing this. The more I hear about the storm from people who were there, the worse it seems and it's a wonder nobody was killed. Louis' casual attitude is unbelievably callous.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e18 bring 'em back alive (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
charlie? really? ok. her exit was horrendous so maybe this is trying to make up for that but the reunion tour of this era is making me real tired
CASTIEL Dean is in Apocalypse World, alone? SAM No, he's with Ketch, so he's not alone. CASTIEL Because that makes it so much better. SAM Cass, he wanted to go solo. CASTIEL And you let him? SAM I... He didn't give me much of a choice. Anyways, Dean's right. As long as he's over there, and we're here, we need to be taking care of Gabriel, getting him right again.
oh please, cas, like you're any better at it :p unless you just force-sleep everyone
cas, perhaps give sam more than 10 seconds of talking to gabriel before declaring it a lost cause. surprise surprise trying to force feed the clearly very traumatized gabriel grace back garnered a bad reaction. why are they having cas be an ass now suddenly. speight looks so tiny all huddled up compared to cas and sam
(forgot/don't care about the lucifer and danneel situation quite honestly)
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jackles what was THAT. the most ridiculous fall. the backpack being yeeted 10 feet and the legs windmilling for no reason
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great. of course.
KETCH Now then... this will smart. There we are. Good lad. Good lad. Good lad.
ok. i follow a horse rider in wales who is always saying 'good lad' to her horses in the same manner lol. okay this is too much. i'll just include both scenes in the clip
so first thing. i really like the sound design of cas doing his whatever in gabriel's head. we get the ringing associated with "enochian" yeah whatever bros. and also the background static along with the like, waves of something too far away so it's just more garbled static. worst description ever. imagine you're in a car driving across the country and you're trying to find a station but you're in the middle of bumfuck nothing. anyway, it's subtle but it's a nice touch. even if i think the execution of angel radio generally is kinda goofy, i like the angel radio can't find a station situation
secondly, i'm really not sure what they're trying to sell us here with this dean and ketch scene. the good lad'ing aside, there's also so some sort of weird eye contact moments that seem weirdly hot and heavy for these characters in this situation. it feels like they're trying to sell me on ketch and dean bonding and i'm 🙅 i can only stow so much baggage (like hey cas for example, that one doesn't stay stowed very well admittedly [i hold a grudge for the bad things he did but try not to because they don't]) I'M OUT OF ROOM. it's not rehabbing john winchester levels of 🚫 but it's up there.
SAM Gabriel, you have to dig yourself out of this hole. Look, I know you think it's safer inside. No more torture. No more pain. No more expectations. I've been there. You were nothing like your family. You sure as hell weren't like your dad. Me either. And just like you, I got out. Or I-I thought I got out. But then... then my family needed me. And this is my life. No matter how many times I tried to fight it, this is what I was put here to do. This is where I make the world a better place. And sure, yeah, hookers in Monte Carlo sounds great, but your family needs you. Jack, your nephew, needs you. The world needs you. We need you. Gabriel, I need you. So, please, help us.
oh my god this episode has too many moments i want clips of. this fucking speech sam is making is RIDICULOUS and now we got this swelling mushy music via horns so it feels vaguely like. militaristicor star wars, to go with the rousing THE WATERS RECEDED speech (jay gruska episode)
thank you for the john w shade, you know i'm always here for it esp since i just bitched about the show's attempts at rehabbing him over the years :p also, wonder what the "got out" is referring to - an actual stanford mention? rarities this day in age.
also like, why is everyone so mad at gabriel? give him more than a few hours? this is a whack ass episode, man. and ALSO, sam's impassioned and emotional, "i need you" like what is going on right now? what do they need gabriel for so badly? generally having a strong ally? i've lost the plot here.
i am really not here for dean reliving his manpain over the frustrating and maddening original killing of charlie as some bonding experience with mr ketchup.
gabriel killing asmodeus, ketch staying behind with charlie, and in fact they only weepily needed gabriel to fight with them and big surprise he wasn't interested and bailed. and no grace to make another portal. whatever, man. dean got to have a little temper tantrum over being stymied again (i get it, but i also flinch [and panic] when someone explodes like that)
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starlingsrps · 4 months
dead on arrival.
ben is leaving kimbolton with no crew, no girl, and a hole in his favorite jacket he’s not sure anyone can fix.
it’s been a month since regensburg, a month since his life went sideways and then completely tits up. no one’s seemed to know what to do with him. he was in the hospital at peterborough first, laid up with a concussion, with just him, carter, and owens left from the dandy delilah. carter and owens had been sent down to london for rehab but ben was sent back to kimbolton to spin his wheels and feel useless.
they transfer him to the hundredth and thorpe abbotts which feels more or less like a death sentence. he usually welcomes change about as much as he’d welcome the clap but doesn’t fight the transfer. he feels like he’s just haunting the place, waiting for one of his friends to come around the corner and knowing damn well it won’t happen. 
it doesn’t feel right. it’s a month later when he leaves and it still doesn’t feel right that he’s not going to spend another mission begging sully to paint at least a bra on delilah, telling him that he’s never going to be able to look his wife in the eye after sitting over her tits every time they fly. he can’t sleep for shit. all he thinks about the way sully had been alive one second and missing the left side of his head the next, how he’d had to peel his fingers one by one from the controls once they were finally back on the ground and that they didn’t start to shake until then. he felt vulnerable after regensburg, like that now that the worst has happened, it will keep happening until it’s him slumped over in the cockpit.
besides, he’d fucked things up royally with sylvia the day before the mission and no amount of sympathy is ever going to get him back in her good graces.
it might be good for him to leave, all things considered.
he’s processed and deposited at his new hut and the regularity of the military makes him feel a little more at home. here’s his hut, here’s his shit, see you later. his bed is right by the door and squeaks but he guesses he’ll get used to both. the door opens shortly after he’s finished putting away his clothes and is trying to get his bed made. the breeze snaps the sheet loose, causing a spark of irritation that he shoves down to put a friendly face back on. there are two men with mustaches stopped at the edge of his bed looking at him like he’s got two heads.
“who the fuck are you?” mustache number one asks. he looks back at the second man as though he might have the answer even though ben is right in front of him.
ben straightens and holds out a hand. “captain ben tucker.” neither one of them takes it and he slips it into his jacket pocket. “you guys the jackals?”
mustache number two seems to recall manners first. “jack warren,” he says with an awkward wave. “this is sam.”
“you’ve got a hole in your jacket,”’ sam, formerly known as mustache one says. 
even though he knows, ben glances at his left sleeve. “yeah, least of my worries after regensburg.” he says it like a joke but it doesn’t land at all. their faces stay flat. “know where i can get it fixed?”
the mustache twins exchange a look that communicates nothing. “might be shit out of luck.”
ben looks at it again and sighs. “got it.” 
“so where are you getting slotted?” jack asks, another half assed attempt at being polite. 
ben shrugs and goes back to making his bed. the mattress squeaks as though to mock him but he manages to get the sheets down this time. “i’m the new co-pilot.”
“you’re taking over for dale?” sam says and then immediately looks to jack for the answer again. “he’s taking over for dale.”
“can’t fly a fort alone,” he says uneasily.
ben feels like he’s walked into the middle of a conversation that’s been going on for weeks. “regensburg?” he asks and jack nods. before he can offer the olive branch that he loses his own crew on that same mission, try to gain some ground he lost before he even got here, the hut door opens again and ben groans.
today just keeps being a kick in the dick. he hasn’t seen sidney halstead since a random reunion of their training class in 38 and he was perfectly happy to keep it that way but here’s the little shit now. same punchable face, a captain insignia on his collar. ben can’t even hold that above his head now and he doesn’t know why that irritates him. he’s on halstead’s turf now and there’s no real use in getting territorial until he’s gotten his hands dirty. 
“halstead,” he says, forcing a smile extending his hand again. 
“tucker.” his handshake is brief, enough to be polite but short enough to make a point. “welcome to the hundredth. sorry about your crew.”
“sorry about your co-pilot.”
“not as sorry as me.” he smiles, sharp and fast and yeah, halstead didn’t grow out of being a shit even a little bit.
if the welcome didn’t already feel frosty, it’s gone downright arctic. begrudgingly, ben will admit that halstead is, was, and probably always will be the better pilot of the two of them and that’s fine. he’s learned in the past few years that he’s better at second fiddle and made his peace with that. at the same time though, halstead was never smart enough to learn how to bullshit or play nice.
“still a jackass, huh?” ben says, baring his teeth in turn. 
“they’re going to crash the fucking plane,” sam stage whispers to jack, who snorts a laugh.
“we’re not crashing the fucking plane,” sid snaps before his eyes dart back to ben. there’s a silent statement there - that he can be a professional when they’re in the air if he can. “right?”
ben nods in agreement. “right.”
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canyouplzjust · 5 months
Into the City
The story of how we got back into DIE is all my fault. I found Max's journal on the ground of poorly attended flea market, in the grime of a warehouse for ghosts and dreams. After my last time in rehab, things were really starting to normal out for me, and for the first time in 15 years I wasn't see Fallen haunting my waking days. I put some clean time together, and held down a normal job and did all 12 steps in a row. It's hard to talk about in AA, but the Fallen are one of the reasons I stayed sick for so long. Anytime I tried to kick, I would see them coming for me. In the dark corners of flop houses and forgiving bars, I saw men and women flicker into Fallen demons and look right at me with eye sockets so red they could be lava, and a smoke oozing and wafting from their bodies that smelled like rotting flesh and burnt hair. It fucking rocked me sober no matter how drunk or high I was, and I almost killed myself many times trying to climb back down into the hole they pulled me out of. What else could I do? No one else saw them, as far as I could tell, and I sure wasn't going to try to convince anyone of their real and actual existance. Who would have believed me? Well, Raine, yeah, but that hardly helped. She had some dark times, too. So when I found the book and saw another Fallen, it felt different this time. Maybe its because I was sober, or maybe it was really different. I called Didi to find out, and she had been seeing them too! I convinced her to come home so we could try to save Max together. I'm a fucking idiot.
We got to the house I'd rented and it didn't take long for things to get weird. Leslie, Rory, JD and Didi all showed up, just like they said they would. It was not as good to see them as I thought it would be, but it would have been rude to say so. I hugged the ones that would let me, and found out I was surprised that Leslie didn't smell like Les, but I guess that makes sense if I had thought about it for like 10 seconds before they all arrived, but I didn't. I never do. We rolled the dice and fell into it just like old times, and the room stayed the same but also turned into hell. Some Fallen broke in, a monster with a percentile die in his chest poppped in to meance and terrify us, and Les for sure saved my life, like he always does. Honestly, I'd date anyone with a laser cannon on his shoulder, but its so hard to find a decent guy who builds his own sci-fi weapons outside of the city.
So, we make our escape through a long and terrifying hallway, and it appears that Max has saved us, yet again. He's alive! And he's in a cool tavern dimension, and he thinks we've been gone for three years. Someone else has to tell him that its been 15 years, and then I told him how I slandered his name after our return to the real world. That we had been kidnapped and he had set us up, because the cops were asking a lot of questions about how two 21 year old women ended up 5 states away with 3 minors and a lot of missing memories. Am I sorry I did it? Sure, in theory. If I could somehow know that what our outcome would have been without a MIA patsy, I'd have different feelings about it, but I don't, so I don't.
I was nervous about using the Voice again, and I didn't know if it would work, but Max said there was only one way to find out. With Didi's encouragement, I waved over a burly half orc and compelled him to buy me a drink. But like, he thought I was hot and he was very congenial, so everyone looked at me and rolled their eyes. Its not enough of a test, he was going to do that anyway, they insisted under their breath. Okay, so I told him to punch Les and it took a few seconds, but then the half-orc wound up and POW- landed a big meaty fist on the jaw of my Neo. Poor Les! He looked more shocked than anything else, but he was a good sport about it, thank god. Its not like I'd ever really hurt him. I think he knows that. Max was urgent about his request for our help, and gave us a ready made plan to follow once we got into the city. Uldman was back, having returned from the dead once more (why won't villains ever die), and taken the city by force. We infiltrated the Military check point (yeah, i did need to use the Voice), Les hacked the security doors and JD easily disposed of the tactical team.
Uldman walks out in a Mech suit and taunts Les with a goddamn plate of Faire gold. Les stayed strong(ish) and JD moved up to just start swinging. Its an illusion. Max started laughing and this veneer falls away, and he's revealed to be Fallen. Fuck. The Fallen Master, he says. I'm not going to call him that to his face. He was really mad that we left without him, and he's going to make us pay. He seemed angriest with me, but I take everything personally, so that might not be accurate. Well, some Black Knights showed up, along with our old enemy the Probability Knight. Somehow Les knew there was an escape hatch in the bed (let's put a pin in that) and I pushed the button before JD had caught up. The bed got stuck, Max fucked us again, and the rules of combat got in the way of the narrative. Like, it was my turn, and then it was going to be the enemy's turn before Les could go again, so when Kara asked me to use the Voice on Les as my action, to use the shoulder cannon, I wanted to ask Les for permission, but like, why would he give me permission instead of just doing it himself? Right, so I just said "Do you trust me? Fire!" and that sufficed. Session 2 and a PC asked me to use the Voice on them? My dreams are coming true. So, the cannon does go off and somehow we gtfo with our party in tact. Oh, Didi manifested a ba-bomb and we all got some damage, but it opened up the floor to the tunnel. Great, the escape tunnel turns into an office building, nope, its goddamn Umbrella Corp. I tried to make a break for it, and got properly slashed and gnashed the fuck up. I was on the ground in round one, and if Rory hadn't flitted over to heal me, I was dead meat. I should learn to be more careful, I do NOT want to die in here. I'm not going to die here. Actually, I wonder, if no one kills me, would I ever die here?
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kandadiff · 2 years
Larger Then Life 1
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Makayla looked at Tyler speechless. The dim lighting that surrounded the living room making the shadows on Tylers face contort him into some shadowy creature. The table they sat at now felt like island in a sea of disbelief. It didn’t help that the house, just a few hours before full of sound of their twins laughing, was now silent as they lay asleep in their bedroom. The tension was thick in the air and she rubbed her wrists nervously looking from her drink to Tyler again. “What?”
“I’m clean, Mickey” he said with a smile. How dare he smile at her when he just dropped this bombshell. “and I spoke to my lawyer and they say I'm in good standing to get custody of the kids.”
“Custody?” She repeated her voice breaking a bit in disbelief. “You want custody?”
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“Half” he quickly said like she should be grateful for it.“Half of course, I would never permanently take them from you.” 
“Why do you think you can even have half?” She spat at him. “I raised them- you spent the first year of there life high, Tyler! You just got to know them-”
“I got clean” he said softly, careful not to raise his voice. His phone recording in his pocket under the table. “And I want to get to know them-”
“Get to know them?!” She shouted at him, taking him completely off guard. She rarely ever shouted at him. Why was she upset? They were his kids too. “What’s their birthday? What are they allergic too?” She snapped in rapid succession. He paused about to answer teh first question but he was interrupted. “You don’t know! I was there to take them to the doctor and I was there during doctors visits and hospital stays! Me! You were fucking my cousin!”
He shook his hand “I’m not going to be shamed for getting clean Makayla. I only went to Rehab for them. I honestly thought we were past this but if you can’t have an adult conversation-” He stood up sliding his cup of water away from him. 
“An adult conversation? You are talking about taking my kids!”
“Half!” He snapped back at her. Making her voice shake a bit as she spoke the next words. 
“How are you even affording this?” She thought of Bella. Was she funding this? Or his new string of flings? Was he playing prostitue again? Makayla cringes when she things of Skye or Kai ever seeing there father like that. no he could not get custody. 
“Well I know not all of us have wealthy families to just take money from.” He spat at her. “But I made a few good friends in rehab. Helen Vanderwall agreed to be my lawyer.” Tyler smirk when Makaylas eyes widened. Helen was a very well known brutal lawyer who's won about 10x more then she lost, if she ever lost. case. “I helped her son in rehab a lot. She said she feels like she owes me.” He checked his watch, the Rolex looking out of place on Tylers skinny wrist. “Oh, I gotta go. I’m meeting with her tomorrow morning.” He tapped the table. “I’d get a lawyer if I was you
“How are you even affording a lawyer?” Makayla asked watching as he zipped up his jacket and stepped over the toys that littered the living room. 
“My aunt has a very good one.” He said with a shrug. “She said I should fight for full since that man you’ve been dating doesn’t exactly have a clean record. And the cops have been looking to nail him down to something.” He approached the door and looked back at her. “But I don’t want to take there mother away from them. Just remember this mercy I'm giving you.”
“I had no problem with you visiting them Tyler. Are you trying to hurt me? Those kids are more mine then yours.”
“Not according to the courts.” With that he left and Makayla slammed the door behind him. Angrily kicking at the door before leaning against it. Angrily, hot tear leaving her eyes. 
You knew the reason your phone was ringing. You didn’t even have to look at the caller ID to see it was Edward. Nor, did you have to answer to know he was pissed off. You saw the ‘expose’ that TMZ put out about your relationship with Austin Butler. You had both recently wrapped a movie together, a romcom and for publicity both your agents agreed for a little ‘friendly affection’ when doing publicity.
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This included when you were at the premiere posing in front of the poster. Austin, looked at you with his big hazel eyes and kissed up your arm before settling on your cheeks very close to your lips. Of course you had nothing to feel guilty about, you and Edward are separated. Still legally married but with how popular you were as soon as they saw you and Ed no longer posting each other and no longer going out together, they reported the separation. And plus, Austin was a sweetheart. Not your type at all but he was very sweet and always made sure you felt comfortable. In fact, you both agreed on the kiss before the carpet anyway. But Ed didn’t know that.
The phone rang again, and you debated turning it off. You were home alone with a glass of wine, bobs burgers playing in the background and the knowledge that Violet was with her cousin Vera at Anne’s tonight.
You grabbed your phone pressing the ignore button and settled deeper into your blanket. Until a pounding on your door made you spill the entire glass on your blanket, couch and shirt. “Fucking-“ You growled getting up and heading to the door checking the camera and seeing familiar curly hair. You threw open the door, Edward shoving himself inside. What was in his hand? Was that a- “Why do you have a bat?!” You shouted, following him inside.
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“Where the fuck is he?” He asked holding the bat with one hand. The veins in his hand and neck bulging as he went into the living room then into the kitchen. “Where the fuck is that pretty boy asshole?” He started to ascend the stairs, you had to take two steps at a time just to catch up with him. “That motherfucker plays Elvis one fucking time and he thinks he can just come in and take whats fucking mine?” He threw open your bedroom door. “COME OUT YOU FUCKING PUSSY!”
“No one is here!” You screamed as he threw the mattress over, grimacing when he found nothing under the bed save for sheet storage. He went to the closet and you ran but he was quick and he moved your clothes with the bat making sure no one was there. He then went to the bathroom.
“WHERE IS HE?” He barked at you.
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“You’re not allowed to look at me like that.” Katya said simply as she buttoned her coat. Taehyung’s hair was messy, her lips stick stains still on his smooth skin. He looked at her with pure love in his eyes, she noticed him subtly adding things she used to decorate back in his rented LA apartment. She wouldn’t admit it to herself that he was only renting it to be closer to her. 
He was grateful Marcel’s singing career had taken off. Now, Katya who was taking a step back from having a full schedule to doing a few things here and there - was his again. Taehyung didn’t hide it to her anymore. He loved her - it was a mistake to marry Wooyoung. He knew, she knew and he made sure Katya knew as well. Even though she didn’t like it hear it. “Like what?”
“Like this” she motioned to his face, her jacket all buttoned up. “Like you love me.” Her words were sharp but her eyes wouldn’t meet his. She loved him too whether she would admit it or not. Its not like Marcel gave her the time of day anymore, not with his constant touring and big ego. 
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“I do-” he started but she stopped him with a curt look. “Katya, I do love you. Ask me,” he said and she shook her head and he followed her to the door. “Ask me to leave Wooyoung, tell me you want me too. I will give you everything I can, everything he can’t. Anything you and Vera could want.”
She felt nauseous, her stomach hadn’t been well for the past week and her back was so sore. “I provide enough for Vera myself.”
“I know.” he said taking her hand in his, lacing her fingers “But there is a reason you’re here Kat. I know it, you know it. Let me back in and I will never leave.”
Katya looked at him for a moment, her face softening. “Goodnight Taehyung.” With that she kissed his cheek and left the room.
Shawn was drunk for the third time this week, stumbling into his fathers house slurring his words and hiccuping when one of the maids opened the door. His girlfriend, if you could call her that (she was more like a skinny accessory at this point) tried to hold him up. Covering his mouth so he wouldn’t shout - she failed. “DAD I’M HOME!” 
Negan was pissed when he saw him, both of us quickly getting out of bed. The twins in a nearby crib. Kegan sturring enough to infuriate his father. I followed Negan down the stairs reminding him “They just got back to sleep!” I whisper shouted wrapping my fluffy robe around me “Don’t scream!”
“Tell my other fucking son that then! coming here drunk like I didn’t buy him a fucking house to fucking scream to his fucking lungs content!” He shouted quieting himself down as much as he could bare. I was a few steps behind him when I saw Shawn laugh at the site of his hulking and angry father. “Dad!” He peered at me “step-mom!”
“Shawn its late.” I said “Why are you here?”
“Charli!” Shawn called to the stick he called his girlfriend. “Charli Did you know my step mom is only 2 years older then me?” He laughed throwing his hands in the air. “She birthed out gods gift to men! My little half siblings. But not all of them!” I raised an eyebrow confused but Negan grabbed his son in a vice grip.
“Get the fuck to your room.” Negans voice was low and deep. Like a rumbling growl. “Now.” Shawn looked back at him glassy eyed while Charli stood still, unsure what to do now. Shawn had come here drunk before but he usually passed out on the floor or couch or got on his fathers nerves bu stumbling to his old room and sleeping there. 
“No!” Shawn shouted hiccuping “You know who I saw today at the bar? Sandy! Remember Sandy?”
Negan yanked his son from Charli, throwing him against teh wall with a loud bang. Charli whimpered and I ran to him. Who was sandy? The way Negan was looking at Shawn it was a secret. Who was she? Was this the best time to ask? “Ill give you one more fucking chance to go to you room and go to sleep before I fucking put you to sleep.”
"Shawn go upstairs now!" Negan banged his fist down hard on the table making a few people jump.  
“She says Greg and Viv got so big. She can’t wait to see us on Christmas Eve!” He laughed and began throw his son down in a rage.  Shawn fall flat on his back on the table and banged his head on the table hard.
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"YOU FUCKING UNGRATEFUL! PIECE OF SHIT!" Negan shouted as his fist started hitting Shawn relentlessly. The unsettling sound of hands beating flesh filled the empty space in the room and echoed off the walls. it was enough to wake up Simon who ran out of his room with a crowbar. “STOP! SIMON HELP ME!” Simon looked at me pulling me back and shook his head. 
"Stop it!" I ordered trying to pull Negan off but he pushed me away. Charlie screamed.
"Look away, you shouldn't see this." He said and I pushed passed him ordering Negan to stop. It wasn't until I saw an opening and threw myself on Shawn that he stopped. Negan's fist unballed - stopping himself from almost hitting me square in the back of the head.
"Thank you." Shawn said his voice full of pain as I pulled him away. His eyes were black and swelling, while his nose was bent to the left and bleeding. Charlie tried to rush to him and Negan attempted to grab me up. I swatted his hands away now angry. I heard the twins crying from upstairs but I ignored it. What was he trying to keep hidden?
"What were you saying?" I knelt in front of Shawn and the looked at me confused "Where do you go on Christmas Eve?" The room around us was boiling over with noise. 
"Hes drunk, kid." Simon said pulling me up and I pushed him away. "He doesn't know what hes talking about." Shawn mumbled something but Simon pulling me and the noise made it hard to hear him.
"STOP TOUCHING ME!" I spat at Simon and Negan pushing him off of me turned toward Negan. “Who's sandy?”
“No one important” he said through gritted teeth. His eyes stayed on Shawn in a silent warning. “Go upstairs. I’ll be up to help you in a second.” I shook my head and scoffed turning back to the mess on the floor.  "Shawn" I said feeling Negan standing behind me, his aura was radiating pure rage and I was actually scared for Shawn. But Shawn just looked at me, either ignoring his father or because his eyes were quickly bloating, he couldn't see him "Where do you and Negan go on Christmas Eve?"
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"To Sandra Abrams house, to see Gregory and Vivianne" Shawn said pulling himself up looking up at Negan then back down at me, so he did see him and was ignoring him. I tried to wrack my brain for those names but came up empty. I didn’t know any family members with those names. "He has two other kids."
0 notes
shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Needing Dylan
Misty was told that Nibs made it to the rehab and she texted Dylan that she needed her necklace back. She left the door open as she tried cleaning up around the house.
Dylan arrived at the house with the necklace in hand and knocked on the door. “You should be glad I didn’t give it to Sophie yet. She probably wouldn’t have parted with it.” He tells Misty before giving her the necklace when she opens the door. 
Misty let Dylan in and moved to let him walk inside. “Oh thank you. Sorry, I will make sure I give you something to replace it.” She said as she took the necklace. She froze as her pheromones filled the air. “Um right…you…thank you.”
“You might want to add some air freshener to the air by the way. I could smell that from down the block…I can just magic it away if you want?” 
“I uh…you should go. I have to finish cleaning and I have to check on Nibs and I have to…please go.” Misty asked as she moved away from him. 
“Shouldn’t you have someone here? I noticed a few people creeping by your window when I came by…I don’t think they were supposed to be there either. And why what happened to Nibs?” He asks in confusion. 
“What?” Misty asked. “Oh he’s not feeling well. I will be fine. Thank you again, but you really really should go Dylan.” 
Dylan wanted to leave but the pheromones were keeping him from leaving. “Yeah I am trying to but um…it’s really strong. And unless it goes away I think I might be stuck here…which is a problem.” 
“I am trying Dylan. It’s not like I am doing it intentionally.” She replied as her eyes flashed red. “Fuck…can’t you just…go outside or something?” 
“I know you're not but it’s not letting me move or anything.” He says as his eyes turn bright red. “Did you really need the necklace that urgently right now? I could have um brought it after all this without um…you know…” 
“Nibs is gone, I don’t have anyone to watch me and I was trying to be a good wife and wear the necklace. He would never stay at a rehabilitation facility for a month if I didn’t have the stupid necklace.” She said before seeing his eyes. “Dylan…you…just plug your nose or something.”
“What do you mean he is gone? Rehab? For what? And you know it doesn’t just work like that Misty.” He tells her before his own pheromones filled the air and moved him so that he had pinned her to the nearby wall. 
Misty felt the wall behind her and smelled Dylan’s pheromones. “We can’t.” She said softly as she looked at him. “You can’t touch me.” She said as she desperately tried ignoring the smell in the air. 
“I know…but you smell so fucking good.” He growled while trying to ignore the way it was making him feel but it had been so long since he had sex that it was starting to take its toll on him. “You should throw me out then.” 
“Please don’t talk like that.” She begged. Hearing his words she put her hands on his chest and looked at him. “If you smelled it from outside…why did you come in?”
“You were the one that called me to come here and invited me inside. I didn’t think you were in heat I just figured that you and Nibs had just had sex or something.” He tells her as he feels her hands on his chest. 
“Right…” She looked behind him at the window and saw the people he was talking about earlier. “I can handle it. It’s just for a few days…I can handle it.” She said as she pushed him back lightly. 
“I don’t think so…I don’t know who those people are and what if they try to break in. You have no one else here. And what is to stop them from breaking in at night or something when you are asleep.” He asks as he doesn’t move. 
“I just have to make it to one of the houses Nibs has…the key is around here somewhere. I have the necklace…you brought the necklace. I just have to ignore it.” She said as she looked at him. “You aren’t helping…”
“Well you are crazy if you think those people aren’t going to follow you to one of those houses. Why would you send him away the day you enter the heat? That is the strongest one…” He asks while looking at her and he tries to stop his pheromones being released in the air but they were being released even stronger. 
Done :) 
“That wasn’t my plan. I planned everything last night. I was supposed to come home, get him to admit he fucked up, and knock him out. We weren’t supposed to…I didn’t think…” Misty couldn’t focus as she smelled Dylan’s pheromones in the air. She shifted uncomfortably as she could feel how wet she was. “Dylan…you are making this really hard.” She said as she tried pushing him away again.
“You know that whenever you two argue you always make up by having sex how would this have been any different?” He asks in confusion as he hears her words. “Yeah and smelling your pheromones made me hard so you aren’t the only one princess.” 
“I wasn’t even arguing with him. I was just proving that I was right. He didn’t trust me…he is going to be so pissed off.” She groaned before hearing Dylan’s words. “What did you call me?” 
“Literally everything between you two is an argument. Okay and you proved that you were right. Yeah I think that isn’t the only thing he will be pissed off about honestly.” Dylan tells her before hearing her question. “What? Calling you princess? I know how you react to it but I guess it became instinctual from when we were together before.” He groaned. 
Misty could feel her juices dripping down her leg and her pheromones were going crazy. “I just need to get off…we don’t have to…you just…” She could feel the people outside watching her but she ignored them as she moved to grind against Dylan’s leg. “I just need to cum…then I can leave…”
“Isn’t the whole point that you are going to need to cum multiple times and that you aren’t going to stop until you get fucked? You act as if I never knew how to deal with them.” He moaned when he felt her grind against his leg and grinded back against her. 
“I want it so badly but we can’t Dylan. You know if we start we won’t stop and I can’t…just please don’t make me stop. It feels so good.” She moaned as she continued grinding against him. 
“Not necessarily I mean we have stopped before haven’t we?” He asks her as his body still grinded against her as he could feel how dripping wet she was. “Fuck you are so wet.” Dylan growled as his eyes turned bright red again. 
“Dylan…I really don’t think you understand how horny I am. I want to beg you to fuck me in every room. I want your cock in my mouth…my pussy…my ass. I don’t want to stop Dylan. I want your cum covering my body. I don’t want to stop.” She said innocently as she looked at him. Her hips grinded faster against his leg, the spot on his jeans now completely drenched. “I need you to cum…and you need to leave.”
When he heard her words, there was no holding himself back as he felt his eyes turning black and he kissed her passionately. The look she gave him was more than enough to trigger the alpha side in him to come out. “Better that you beg me than some other random person don’t you think?” He purred before marking her neck. 
Misty felt him kissing her and kissed him back before moaning as he marked her neck. “Dylan…we…we can’t.” She moaned as her hands moved down his body to undo his pants. “Fuck you smell so good.” 
“You keep saying that yet you are not really acting like it.” He smirked before feeling her undo his pants. His hands moved to slide up her thighs and rip away her panties from under the dress. 
“I’m trying to control myself and you aren’t helping at all.” She said as she pulled down his pants and boxers. “I’m sorry about your jeans.” 
“You called me here during your heat, that isn’t my fault.” He tells her before helping her get his pants off. “I will help you this once then we are taking you to Nibs. I don’t want to hear about those creeps getting into the house. Then you two can decide where to go from there.” He tells her before picking her up and pinning her hips to the wall. Dylan moves so that she could line herself up. 
“You said you smelled me from outside. You shouldn’t have come in if you did. I didn’t intentionally start my own heat you know.” She said before feeling him picking her up. She listened to his words before her eyes flashed red. “Okay yeah that’s fine…please just fuck me already.” She begged as her pheromones filled the room. “Please Dylan.” 
“You told me to come here and I wasn’t just going to ignore you if you told me to come here.” He tells her before sliding into her and moaning as he could feel how tight she was. “Holy shit Misty.” Dylan growled as he started to pound into her without another thought. 
Misty’s nail dug into his shoulders as he slid inside of her and she moaned his name loudly. She couldn’t stop herself from kissing him deeply as she pulled him closer to her. “You feel so good.” 
Dylan moaned when she dug her nails into his shoulder. He kissed her back just as deeply as he abused her sweet spot. “Fucking hell…” His eyes burned bright red as he continued to pound into her. 
She kissed down his neck and bit down harshly on the sensitive part before letting her tongue run along his skin. She moaned at the taste of his blood on her tongue. ”I’m so close, Dylan.”
He could feel her biting down on his neck and he growled when she did so. “I am close too.” Dylan growled as he brought his hand down so that his thumb could rub circles against her clit. “Cum for me.” The male commanded. 
The pleasure was starting to become overwhelming as her nails dug deeply into his skin. “Dylan…I’m…” She trailed off as she came around his cock. “Please cum for me Dylan. Give your knot. I want it so badly.” She purred in his ear.
Dylan could feel her clenching around his cock as he could feel his own climax approaching. He thrusted inside of her and came hard as the knot sealed them both together. “Fuck Misty…” He moaned as he finished riding out his orgasm. 
Misty felt his knot locking them together and let out a slutty moan as it pressed against her sweet spot. “Fuck…” She said as she tried to ignore how good it felt. “I…you still are going to help me get out of here?” 
“I am still going to bring you to him at the rehab facility if that is what you want.” He tells her. “While you are there I will air out the house and get those weirdos away from here too.” 
“Okay. Thank you.” She said as she looked at him. “For…um…helping me. I feel a lot better.” She told him as she pushed some strands of hair out of his face.
“Yeah I know you don’t have much time until the next round starts so do you already have your stuff packed up and ready to go.” He asks her before moving some of the strands of hair out of her face. 
“No…I was just going to stay here while Nibs was at rehab but um…if you give me a couple minutes. I can grab some things.” She replied before smiling softly at his actions. “Your eyes.”
“Okay yeah I can wait for you to pack and then we can go there.” He tells her before hearing her words. “What about my eyes?” The male asks. 
“I just didn’t see you change them. It’s nice to know you can control it now. You worked hard…is all.” She said before feeling his knot go down. “I should start packing before…you know.”
“Oh thanks.” He smiles before feeling the knot going down and pulling out. He put her down gently before moving to grab something so that she could clean herself up and pack. Then Dylan went and cleaned himself off as well as he waited for her. 
Misty cleaned herself off before heading upstairs to pack a few things. She slid on the necklace before grabbing some shoes and heading downstairs. “I’m ready.”
Dylan had finished cleaning himself up before fixing himself up. When he heard she was ready, he let her lead the way to the car he had. “You will have to tell me where it is located though since I don’t know where you sent him.” He tells her before unlocking his car. 
“Okay.” She said as she moved into his car and closed the door behind her. She pushed her hair behind her ear as she looked through her messages for the address. “I had to send him somewhere private. You know, him being a king and all makes things difficult.” She said as she looked through her phone.
He got into the driver’s seat and turned on the gps so that it would take them there. “Right…well I think I can do this faster then.” He says before using magic and finding Nibs location and it registered on the gps. “Okay here we go.” 
“I hate when you use magic for things you can do without it.” She told him as she looked at him. “You and Nibs love doing that.” She teased him before sliding on her seatbelt. “Well if you don’t want me to ride you in the car, I suggest you start driving.”
“Don’t tempt me.” He tells her before starting to drive. “And time is of the essence isn’t it? Your next wave might hit while looking for the address.” He tells her before driving to the location. 
She smiled at his words, “If you didn’t want to have sex with me, you could have just said that.” She joked as he started driving.
“I think that you know as well as I do that that is not the case darling.” He teases with a small laugh. “I am surprised you even found this place. It looks like its in an abandoned place.” 
“Darling? No more princess now that you got into my pants?” She smiled at him. “It’s where we should have sent Hope. Grace was here a while ago. Royals and there stupid hideaways.” She shrugged before looking at the navigation. “I could have shifted.”
“It alternates sometimes.” He smirked. “Not if you ended up pregnant from when you and Nibs had your time together.” He tells her before pulling up at the place and parking the car. 
Misty heard his words and honestly forgot there was a chance she could be pregnant by Dylan. She laughed as she shook her head, “Oh I’m so fucked.” She said softly before grabbing her bag. “Thanks for the ride and you know um…earlier. I appreciate it.”
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I just wanted to help you get here safely.” He tells her before unlocking the car doors. 
“I’m not going to pretend it didn’t happen…it did and if I didn’t want it to, I could have said no. It’s just a little complicated is all. I guess…I’ll see you later?” 
“Yeah I can see you later. I will go and air out your house for you and get rid of those weirdos so when you come home they aren’t there.” He tells her with a nod as he waits for her to get out of the car and go inside. 
“Thanks. Just leave the key under the mat.” She said. She kissed his cheek before leaving the car. She pushed her hair out of her face as she walked into the rehab. 
“Okay I can do that.” He tells her before smiling as she kissed his cheek and then watched her walk inside before driving off.
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popcrone818 · 2 years
How Could You Know-Part Three
Part Three   Series Masterlist     Main Masterlist 
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Warning; Mentions of death and overdose 
Callie P.O.V
  Camille and I made our way back home after grabbing tacos.
“So, was that Luke I saw back at the bar?” she asked me as she handed me my taco and a drink.
“Yes, it was Luke. He's a Marine now, with Frankie. He looks better now too.”
“Yeah, he looks good.” We both lent back in our chairs on the balcony as I watched the waves crash to shore. I silently chewed on my taco as I thought over tonight’s events. I hadn’t ever planned on seeing Luke again. But here I was thinking about him like we hadn’t both gotten sober. Like our pasts had never gotten as bad as they were. “You should reach out to him, if he's sober, try to reconnect. You guys had a great friendship once, see if that’s still there.” Camille had her eyes closed as she spoke. I hummed in agreeance and looked back out at the waves. “I get it, you don’t want to talk about him.”
“Don’t want to talk about him? Everything went to shit when I knew him. And then to top it all off I had to go and fucking fall in love with him.” she looked at me sideways before she turned fully towards me. “The whole time I was with Johno all I wanted was to be with Luke. Doing drugs together was euphoric, I felt a high around him I had never felt before. Tonight, when I was having the panic attack, he brought me out of it. But I could see the fear in his eyes. He remembered when he found me passed out in Johno’s bathroom. Johno nowhere to be found, he stayed with me that night, then he just disappeared. I haven’t spoken to him or seen him for two years Cami, I can’t do it again. I'm scared I'm going to relapse. I can’t go back there.” My hands started to shake, she reached over to take them in her own shaking ones.
“You will get through this. We will get through this, together. We are all we have in this world now. I'm not going to let you go back there, I won’t let you go near Johno again and I won’t push you to go anywhere near Luke if you don’t want to.” I nodded at her as she squeezed my hands gently. “Do you want to watch movies?”
“No, I think I'm going to get some sleep, I'm exhausted after my panic attack. Raincheck?” She nodded, and I got up from my seat and took my rubbish with me.
I made it into bed with thoughts swimming through my mind, even though I was exhausted my mind wouldn’t shut off. I had been out for less than 24 hours and already my life felt like it was going off the deep end. The most terrifying thought I had was what was Johno going to do once he found out I was out now? I couldn’t go back down the path that led me to rehab, I was clean and sober now. And it terrified me that all of that could change in an instant if I let my guard down.
The next morning I woke up to Camille knocking on my bedroom door before she popped her head in.
“You have a visitor.” She sang quietly. “Its Frankie.”
I groaned but got out of bed, I didn’t bother changing and walked out to see Frankie in the living room.
“My parents are throwing me a going away party. Do you think you could make it?” I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my body against his.
“Of course I’ll be there, how could I say no to my best friend?” he pulled me in tighter.
“You get to finally meet Riley, oh this is going to be so good. But I got to go I’ll see you later?” I nodded to him and walked him back out to his car. I really need to get myself a new phone.
Camille had made us breakfast and we sat in silence for a little while.
“Cami, do you think we could get me a new phone today, my old one broke while I was gone and I don’t want everyone to have to come here to talk to me.”
“Yes of course, why didn’t I think of that before. Lets get ready then well go shopping, well have a girly day before you have to head off to Frankie’s party later.” We raced each other to get ready and I beat her as I sat and waited on the sofa in the living room.
Our first stop was the Apple store, where Camille picked up the new iPhone 13 pro max for me and paid for it while I tried to fight her telling her I didn’t need one of the newest ones. I thanked her profusely as she dragged me to a nail salon. The rest of the morning was spent having some much-needed sister time.
“Oh shoot, can you drop me off at Frankie’s?” I asked Camille when I looked at the time as we stuffed our faces with loaded fries. She also looked at the time and took a quick sip of her soda before she nodded. We collected our bags and took off in search for her car.
 I knocked on Frankie’s door as Camille pulled out of his driveway waving to me.
“The government that made my mom pay taxes for ten years, before giving her the right to vote? That government?” I could hear Cassie talking and so I just made my way inside the house. The door was unlocked, and when I stepped inside I saw Cassie stepping closer to Luke and Frankie sitting at the kitchen bench, which amused at the two currently having an argument.
“so your mom was living here illegally then?” Luke had his arms crossed as his feet shoulder width apart, something new I had noticed about him, but maybe Cassie just brought out his tough guy law abiding citizen look. Frankie saw me and nodded at me while they fought. I stayed in the living room and watched on.
“don’t tell me you’re a resident of southern California that does not see how this state was built off the backs of illegal immigrants. Like my mom who crossed that border, lived here for ten years, worked their asses off for ten years, paying taxes for your government, and were treated like less than citizens. Yeah, I will proudly rip off the government. You got anything else to say Commando?” Cassie stepped back from Luke and Frankie chuckled. Luke’s eyes shot up from Cassie and looked at Frankie.
“Dude, this is a trap.” Luke’s eyes briefly flitted to me before squaring in on Cassie again. “This will not end well for you.” Luke went to turn away to walk outside.
“I was just trying to help.”
“Mmm.” Cassie hummed as Luke turned around completely. His eyes found me, and he nodded his head outside so I would follow him. I had no idea why Cassie was at Luke’s throat, and I really had no interest in joining her crusade to piss off Luke. So, I followed him outside waving to Cassie as I did. “Thanks for the help.”
“So, you wanted me out of there why? What’s Cassie talking to Frankie about?” I questioned him crossing my arms.
“She wants them to get married so she can get health insurance to pay off her medical debt. Which is fraud, I can’t let Frankie do this to himself. He’ll ruin his life.”
“Since when did you become miss goody two shoes?” I asked him leaning up against the side of the house.
“Since the day I saw you passed out on the bathroom floor from an overdose two years ago.” My eyes shot up from the ground as I looked deeply into his eyes.
“That’s where you went?” he nodded crossing his arms and looking down at his feet. “A nurse told me you were there when I first got there but when I woke up you were nowhere to be found.” He looked up at me again as tears gathered in my eyes.
“I got the help I needed, now I owe him $15,000 after I had to pay my dad off.” He looked away from me when he told me he owed Johno money. “When did you go? What caused your turn around?”
“When mom found me with a needle hanging out of my arm and me passed out in the bathtub she took me straight to a hospital, after they discharged me with only a minor overdose, she admitted me into the drug rehab centre in oceanside. She’s the reason ii got sober, and I didn’t even get the chance to thank her or say goodbye to her.” Tears fell freely down my face as I recounted the broken look on my mom’s face when I came too after she found me. “They wouldn’t even give me a day pass to go to her funeral. I didn’t get to say goodbye to her Luke.” He walked closer to me and when he was within reaching distance, he pulled my smaller frame into his rock-hard body. He cradled my head gently as I cried into his shirt.
“Shhh, it’s going to be okay. I’ll take you to see her if you’d like?”
“I don’t think she would want to see you, Luke. She blamed you for a lot of everything that happened.” I sniffled and he chuckled.
“Then I’ll just deal with the wrath of Ms. Montgomery, wouldn’t be the first time. Come on, I don’t want to see if Frankie agrees to this anyway.” I nodded and let him lead me back through the house. Frankie and Cassie going quiet as we walked through.
“We’re going to see my mom.” I spoke to Frankie and didn’t look at Cassie. He nodded and Luke placed a gentle hand on the small of my back and lead me out to Frankie’s car.
We got to the cemetery shortly after leaving Frankie’s, I frantically looked down the first row of graves before turning to Luke.
“I don’t even know where she is.” The tears hadn’t stopped as he rushed up to me and pulled me into him again.
“I know where she is. When Frankie told me, I spent all day here looking for her. I needed to apologise to her for everything I had put you through to get to the point of you going away.” He took my hand and lead me to a grave towards the back. When I saw her name on the headstone I fell to my knees. Luke followed and gathered me up into his arms again. I gently pushed him away and crawled up to her headstone. My hand traced her name etched into the stone.
“Hi mommy, I miss you so much. I wish you could see where I am now,” I took a shaky breath as I wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks. “I’ve been sober for 12 months now. Frankie’s leaving for Iraq soon, and I feel like I only just got back and got him back. I don’t know how I'm going to survive if he doesn’t come back.” Another shaky deep breath ignoring Luke’s presence now. “I found Luke again too, he's been sober for two years, you should see him now. He's a Marine, like his old man. Who knew Luke Morrow could be a Marine?” I gave a watery chuckle. “I miss you everyday, I'm sorry I couldn’t come say goodbye, they wouldn’t let me out. But I'm here to say goodbye now. I’ll never forget you and everything you’ve ever done for me growing up and everything you still do for me now.” I chanced a glance behind me and remembered Luke. “Luke’s here too, he brought me here. Said he looked for a whole day to find you when Frankie told him. I hope you forgave him, because I have. He saved me that day you know. I could have died but he didn’t let me.” I watched Luke smile at me as he knelt down beside me and took my hand gently in his. “Goodbye mom, I love you so much.” I choked out a sob and turned my head onto Luke’s shoulder, he wrapped both of his strong arms around me and let me cry into his shoulder.
A/N: Please let me know what you think, also if you want to be added to the taglist shoot me a Message/ ask/ comment and ill pop you on,
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gegewrites · 2 years
mr.whites daughter  8-binding link
Jesses pov- End of rehab-
(y/n) didn't visit me during the last month of my rehab. I didn't know why, she didn't call or anything. Mr.white came and picked me up, we didn't go to his house, but instead to a condo. "Having a temporary switch in residency." He said and pointed to the couch,"that's yours." "Great." I dropped my bag next to the couch and sat down,"you hear from (y/n)?" "No not really." He shook his head,"a lot has been going on." I nodded and he raised his brow. "I thought she visited you quite frequently." "She didn't come at all this month, didn't hear from her." I shrugged my shoulders. "She's been pretty busy trying to keep a lot of things in our family intact right now." He admitted and I nodded. "Why? Why does it fall onto her?" "Well..."he shook his head,"I honestly Don't even know. It just somehow has." "Cause she's the oldest and is the binding link to it all?" I raised my brow. "I guess so." He nodded,"last time k spoke to her she said Saul has had her working a lot of overtime at the office." "Overtime, that's one way to put it." I muttered and rubbed my face. "What do you mean?" "Just forget it man." I shook my head,"I'm gonna go get my car and swing by my aunt house." "Where's your car?" "(y/n)s apartment." I stood up,"her place is like...a 20 minute walk from here you know right?" "I actually Had no clue." I nodded. "Aight man, do you have my money?" I stood up. "Saul has it, but ur not getting it unless you're clean." "Yo I just did three months and rehab and listened to how the director or whatever killed his 6 year old daughter cause of his addiction. I'm staying clean, I'm not usin again." He nodded and gave me a smile. "Good, good."
(y/n)s car wasn't at her apartment, but I was able to get my keys since she put them in my trunk. I went to my aunts house and found out they were fixin it up and were gonna sell it. My dad wouldn't even let me inside or really even look at me. So I went to sauls office right away. I pushed the glass door open and walked to the front desk. "Saul free?" I asked the lady and she called into his office. "Okay." She hung up the phone,"he's currently on a phone call but said you could go in. I walked away and to the door. I opened it and he was walking around his office on a call, he had one of these earpieces In. I closed the door, (y/n) wasn't in here. "How come I'm the one paying you? You should be paying me at this point." His back was turned towards me,"okay well thats true," he chuckled,"I'll see you soon." "Yo." I said as he pressed the earpiece and hung up the call. "If it isn't the Prodigal himself! Out of rehab and a whole new person with a buttload of cash!" He chuckled walking to his desk and picking up my duffel bag,"how you been?" I didn't answer him as I unvelcrode the peice that held the leather handles together,"how was rehab?" "Fine." I said as I moved a stack of files off of the table by his couch and sat down. I unzipped the back and started counting. "You're looking better, I'll give you that." I glanced up at him and went back to Counting, stacking the bars of cash. "I got a job." "For me?" "Yeah for you, my parents are selling my house, and i want it back." He nodded. "Sounds only fair." He shrugged his shoulders and the door opened. It was (y/n). "If you send me out to get you another fuckin latte during mid day traffic again, I will fuckin shoot you." She handed him a Starbucks cup, she didn't realize I was there till he cleared voice and motioned towards me with his head. "Holy shit." She was in a red pencil skirt and a black button up long sleeve. "Yo." I smiled, I couldn't help it. "When the fuck did you get out?" "Like an hour ago, your dad picked me up." She nodded,"so you gonna help me buy my aunts house or what?" "Definitely." He smiled as i put the cash back in the bag. "Wanna leave the room for a second (y/n)?" I asked and she looked at Saul and he nodded. "Alright, sure." With that she walked out and I walked past the table and to Saul. "I wanna make one thing clear with you right here, right now." I stoped a foot away from him,"leave (y/n) the fuck alone, alright?" He raised his brow at me,"you put a Fuckin finger on her, or make one move towards her from this day on. That Ditch Mr.white and I brought you to when we first met...you'll be staring at the stars from 6 feet down while bury you alive. Understood?" He gave me a smug look and took a step towards me. "I'll make sure to ask her what her opinion on that is."he smiled,"your not the first guy to come in here and threaten me and you sire as hell won't be the last." "Yo Anything under that shirt and skirt you bought her, that's mine, alright?" "Again, I'll her about what she thinks. Then again, its her choice." He walked past me and to the door and opened it,"I need you to get me in touch with the realestate for his aunts house." "I'll get on it." She smiled and looked at me,"you need somewhere to stay till then?" "Fuck ya, I'd prefer to crash on ur couch and not ur dads." "I'll meet you there after work then." She smiled and k nodded. I walked over and grabbed the duffle and gave one last look at Saul as he smiled at me. "Drive safe and walk the right path kid." "Whatever you say man." I smiled and left the room.
I met up with (y/n) at her apartment at 5. I was sitting in the stairs, smoking a cigarette when she pulled in. "When did you get here?" She asked closing the door and locking it. "A few minutes ago." I stood up and she walked up the stairs, gotta admit, her ass looked great in that skirt, probably why Saul bought it. "Gonna have the meeting tomorrow with the agent and your parents." She unlocked the door,"he's gonna make sure you get that house." I tossed the cigarette into the grass and picked up my bags as we walked in. She closed the door behind us and locked it. "I gotta question." I put my bags down, and she hummed,"you gonna keep Fuckin him?" "He asked me almost the same thing before I left." She walked down the hall and to her bedroom and I followed.
"I told him I'd have to thing about it." She sat down of the edge of the bed and took her heels off as I leaned on the door frame,"and I though about it in the ride here." She stood up and started unbuttoning her shirt,"and I came to the conclusion that..." she shrugged her shoulders,"I wasn't sure." "What do you mean?" She turned around ss she untucked the shirt from her skirt and took it off, her bra was red, and she pointed to the zipper on the back of her skirt so I unzipped it for her even though she could've done it herself. "We'll, your fresh out of rehab." She looked over her shoulder at me and stepped out of the skirt and tossed them in the hamper,"maybe it's to early for us to get involved with each other." "If you didn't wanna get involved with me, then like why I am here?" I crossed my arms as she turned around. I swallowed as she walked over to me, in a full, dark red lace set. "Because I need you to change my mind." Her face was a few inches away from my, my arms uncrossed my hands hands found their way onto her waist and I pulled her onto me. "You want me to change ur mind?" I smirked and she nodded,"so smudging that lipstick snd making ur mascara run is gonna do that?" "Maybe." She whispered,"it might not." "Did you like it when he fucked you? Treating you like some whore that he could have at the snap of his fingers?" I raised my brow. "Again that's why I need you to change my mind." "Because you enjoyed it?" She took a deep breath and nodded,"and now it feels...what wrong?" She moved away from me and sat down on her bed. "I mean, I liked it, I-I consented fo everything it wasn't like I was being forced-" "He's not what you want." I walked over and sat down,"he was like a temporary fix." "Yeah." She nodded. "First thing we're gonna do," I used my index and middle finger to make her look at me,"fuck his outta you, Then go through your closet, snd put all that fake business clothing deep in your closet, and get you back." "But the money is so good." She whined. "But this Dick I'm bouta give is gonna be so much better." Mu tongue swiped over my lip and she moved to straddle my hips and pushed me down, my hands found their way back to her hips as she lowered down, holding onto my shoulders. "But the money." She winced. "Forget the money and think about what's right." I smirked,"my Dick is forever, his cash? Temporary." "With how much I have right now, I won't even be able to spend it all by the time I'm 40." She laughed. "Exactly why you don't need his money." My hands moved back to her ass and I pulled her closer to me,"I'm all yours, so have me...Please." She lowered down and placed a kiss on my neck. "All mine?" "Bitch if you don't make me yours right now, I will make you mine." She kissed along my neck, I couldn't wait to see the stain her red lipstick made once we were done. I could feel Myself getting harder and harder each time her hips moved the slightest and she caught on and started grinding lightly. I felt her create that mark over my pulse point and I groaned. She sat up after she placed a kiss on it. My hand slid up her back and pinched the clip of her bra and she pulled it down her arms. The piercings she had in where plain with red gemstones in the shape of hearts. I ran my hands up her waist and to her boobs as she placed a soft kiss on my lips so I caught them before she could pull away. The kiss was slow, passionate, everything I've missed in these 3 months. I sat up as my hands moved to hold her so she didn't fall, her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled away. "You're wearing too much." I cupped her cheek and used my thumb to wipe away the smudged lipstick with I knew had to be on my lips to and she laughed and confirmed it. I grabbed onto the bottom of my shirt as she let of me and I took it off, I used it to wipe away her lipstick and I used it to wipe away whatever was on my lips away. "That's better." I smirked as she bit her lip and I threw my shirt away from us and kissed her again, harder time and she didn't fail to respond. At some point when the kiss for pretty heated, I felt her hand creep into my hair, using it to pull my head back as she went back to my neck. She was making me hers.
She slowly slid down my lap, kissing my chest, my ribs and my stomach till she made it to jeans. She looked up st me through her lashes as she undid my belt, unbuttoned Smd unzipped my jeans. Then her phone rang, she looked towards the door like she was debating grabbing it, and well she stood up smd walked oit. I kicked my sneakers and socks off and slipped oit of my jeans as I Walked out of the room.
When I heard her talking, I was no longer horny, the feeling being taken over by concern. "I- mom. Mom. Mom! I can't pick a fuckin side between you both!" She sat down on the couch,"I know nothing about him making meth I swear to god." My brows furrowed in confusion and worry,"I've already told you, I had no clue that dad was- I was not withdrawing on meth it was Cocaine I've told you this a lot of time already." I leaned against the wall by her counter as she rubbed her face and bit her lip,"I'm done with this bullshit, alright? I'm really Fuckin over it. You, dad, and junior are constantly calling me about this shit, I'm not Fuckin doing it anymore okay? Im done. D-o-n-e. Done." She hung up the call and flipped her phone close. "Your mom knows?" I asked and she looked up at me and I watched a tear fall down her cheek as her eyes flooded. "He Fuckin told her." Her jaw tightened,"and now I'm supposed to fix it all apparently." "Your dad mentioned that earlier." I said as i walked over. she grabbed her cigarettes out of her purse and slid one out and grabbed her lighter off the coffee table and lit it. "It never Fuckin ends." I sat down next to her and she moved to lean into me and I wrapped my arm over her shoulder as she took a drag. "That's why you didn't come this month, huh? Staying at the office so you had an excuse to not answer their calls, working overtime." "Bingo." She exhaled with a nod. "Your dads smart, he'll work something out with her." "I can only hope."I stole the cigarette from her fingers and took a drag,"I'm sorry, that completely my mood." "It's fine, don't worry about it." I shook my head and saw her look at me so I looked down at her,"wanna go get some food?" "That's be great."
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