#“If I had a copper piece for every time that incredibly specific set of conditions happened...”
y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Between Isobel and Aylin, and Durge and Astarion; my camp features two relationships involving white haired elves who died, their oddly dramatic kind of violent demigod lovers, and a meddling father.
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nevillelongsbottom · 6 years
microwave meals and math student meltdowns pairing: rowan khanna x andre egwu x charlie weasley word count: 2,597 links: ao3 for the @rowanprotectionsquad june ships event
Here is Rowan Khanna’s predicament.
There is a fraternity house three blocks down hosting the party of the year – red solo cups, booming bass, sex on the dishevelled heap of coats – but Ben Copper has just asked Rowan if he’d do Ben a solid and cover his shift down at the 24-hour library, where apparently the math majors have set up tents trying to cram for their finals. Rowan’s curiosity is piqued. He wants to know what kinds of snacks math majors eat to keep them alive, and fuck, he’d just like to spend a night in the library and pretend he’s Night at the fucking Museum.
But Bill Weasley is at that party, and Rowan has spent the past year of his college life losing his shit and discovering his sexuality over Bill Weasley.
Whichever option he chooses, he is absolutely fucked. If he decides to whittle away his almost-blossoming college life by taking a free shift at the library, he will miss out on Bill Weasley (but not miss out on the joy of inhaling book-smell, an activity Rowan doesn’t get to do so much now that he can’t even afford a book a month unless it’s digital and on sale). If he goes to the party, he is going to have a terrible time because he can barely stand the burn of alcohol in the back of his throat and because he can also barely stand anybody else at the college. He should’ve gone somewhere better. He should’ve done Harvard – but he can barely afford this run-of-the-mill state college, so where the hell else could he have gone?
Doesn’t stop him regretting, though. He’ll never be Bill Gates now.
Spinning around on the barstool behind the desk of the record store he works in, he decides to consult Tumblr. Rowan is startlingly popular on the website, yawning out his thoughts about every franchise that takes off everywhere across the social media spectrum and smashing out a fanfic now and then. Occasionally a fanfic involving copious amounts of sex, because Rowan has to make up for his saint-like lifestyle somehow, and he’s never going to manage enough food to eat more than microwaveable pasta for the rest of his student life. People also keep sending him asks about college. He’s not sure how to answer, because the real answer to surviving college is never sleeping, making sure to eat three meals a day even if they’re all Pot Noodle, and studying so hard he’s started getting migraines.
anonymous asked you: be a good Samaritan and go help your friend at the library xx
anonymous asked you: you’ll get other chances with that guy you like. parties are shit anyway
Rowan groans so loudly at the messages that a patron whose entrance he hadn’t noticed gives him a frightened look, and he shoots an apologetic look back. It’s certainly not his job or his prerogative to scare customers off from his own stresses, and he tries to shift the thought as he asks if the customer is looking for anything specific –
and joyfully enough for Rowan, he is indeed. So the predicament gets to sit a little longer in the back of his brain.
By the time he’s finished work and has consumed a dinner of grilled cheese, he’s long since given up on the idea of the party. He doesn’t feel damn near sociable enough, and just the thought of drinking alcohol makes his stomach churn; Rowan’s not so good at surviving an entire day without a nap, and he wonders if it’d be acceptable just to doze off behind the front desk to the lull of weeping students. Or maybe he could just read.
Maybe write a chapter or two of his ongoing no-powers high school Spiderman and Deadpool romance epic.
The library’s pretty quiet for all the myths he’s heard: when he arrives, there are indeed actual camping tents set up where some tables used to be and a good selection of about ten math majors all camped out inside and a couple milling about with packets of crisps. One boy is eating a pot of pasta in the doorway to the library kitchen; Rowan figures that the anarchy has already been installed, so brews himself a cup of tea and takes his spot at the library front desk, picking at the various knickknacks and tchotchkes.
He’s slight enough from his pasta-related malnutrition to be able to fit into the bucket chair with his legs crossed, and he serves an hour in peace with his cup of tea and his Kindle and a trashy gay romance novel he bought for a dollar on the Kindle store. He used to feel guilty, but he can’t find it in himself to even summon a single piece of guilt shrapnel; he spends so much time reading textbooks with sentences he has to decipher like he’s a codebreaker not a student that he needs some kind of switch-off, and who’s to say he isn’t allowed a bit of mind-numbing reading?  
And, all in all, Rowan’s having a pretty decent conclusion to his dilemma when he hears the sound of footsteps approaching and glances up from between the pages of unabashedly shameful sensual pottery. It’s a math student. His cheeks are tear-stained.
“Got any tissues?” he asks nervously. Rowan does not, but he can’t say the same for his well-stocked maze of a temporary desk, and he finds a packet in one of the jam-packed drawers, handing it over to the student, whose arms are surprisingly muscular for a math geek. Rowan wonders if he’s in the soccer team; he’s too short for basketball. He asks. The math boy laughs. “Oh, no, I’m not in a big sport. I’m on the lacrosse team, but I’ve taken a break for the math stakeout.”
“Have you considered that studying at home might be more relaxing?” Rowan asks, offering the math boy a stress ball; he declines, likely on the fact that it’s the grottiest thing Rowan’s ever had the misfortune of picking up and he immediately counters it with a choking amount of hand sanitiser.
“I work best under stressful conditions,” math boy elaborates. “And since I’m living in a tent, I don’t have time to worry about all the stupid things I usually worry about, like plucking my eyebrows or what clothes I’m wearing or how my hair looks.”
Math boy has little more than a buzzcut. Rowan raises his eyebrows, but says nothing, and avoids letting his eyes linger for too long on the math boy’s incredibly extra outfit of a striped turtleneck and wide leg red corduroy pants with some on-trend ugly Nikes. Rowan has to admit that he’s good-looking, and he does like math boy’s dedication, and he hasn’t had sex since that time with his best friend in the back of a rental in high school. So. He wouldn’t mind.
“I’m Andre,” math boy says. Shit. He’s likely noticed Rowan’s unsubtle idea of checking him out, but the name drop can only be a good sign.
Rowan goes in for the handshake. He’s so thirsty that he practically gets flushed from that alone. “Rowan. Khanna. History.”
And, with that, Andre returns to his inevitable doom and Rowan returns merely to imagining the fires of passion. It’s not that he’s ever been particularly interested in sex, or romance, or any of that - but it’s been way too long, and he’s going to cry if he eats any more microwave meals, and he wants someone to distract him from the call of the void that seems to follow being a single college student with at least two crushes. He groans.
“Problem?” an inquiring voice laughs. Rowan recognises the accent: it’s Southern and hillbilly but too gentle to belong to an actual hillbilly, and his head snaps up, expecting Bill Weasley and his tousled hair and his fang earring and his accepting attitude and his lax alternative style–
but it’s just an amused Charlie, and Charlie’s no Bill. He’s shorter, with a shaved head, an explosion of freckles, and a dragon tattoo. But God, Rowan thinks. As handsome as Bill. Just less outgoing. Charlie purportedly just lets things happen.
“I hate being a student,” Rowan sighs, and Charlie concurs. Their eyes meet long enough for Rowan’s heart to skip a beat. He looks like Bill.
Charlie leans in.
“Oh, Christ, please.”
Rowan doesn’t bother making a sign explaining his absence; nobody seems to want to speak to him, and that’s probably because it’s eleven at night and the only people in the library are the math crew, those lacking in the will to live, and him.
And he’s now backed up against the wall of the disabled toilet with Charlie under his waistband, so he’s not sure he gets to stack up well anymore.
Charlie makes short work of Rowan and lets him sink to the floor, breathless. He sets himself up, legs wrapped around Rowan, but sits still anyway. It’s a shit vantage point.
“Math?” Charlie asks.
“What the hell’s that?”
“I get to go on field trips to find wendigos.”
“Oh, my fiery feet! My burning feet of fire!”
“That’s the one. Can you get on all fours?”
Rowan does, resisting the familiar urge to gasp as Charlie pushes himself between Rowan’s thighs and lets this follow with tumbling expletives. Rowan can feel Charlie’s hands shaking a little where they hold his waist, and doesn’t think he’s worth that much, honestly.
Charlie starts moving, slowly at first but unable to temper himself. “Oh, God, I can’t,” he stutters, pushing faster and faster until Rowan’s thighs ache and he thinks he might come again just from the sounds of Charlie slipping over the edge and him grabbing Rowan’s hair as he thrusts.
Rowan’s so easy.
Charlie spills over his legs and then flips him round to finish Rowan off again until he can’t see straight anymore and is lying enjoying the last of his ethereal moments before he comes back into the realisation that he’s lying on the floor of a bathroom stall and his stomach is sticky and his hair is so out of order that he looks like he hasn’t brushed it in weeks.
He groans, and starts a little when he feels something soft run across his snail trail and down to his legs.
Charlie’s cleaning him up with a wet wipe.
“Do you carry those around with you everywhere?”
“Listen, do you want to try and clean yourself up with one-ply?”
Rowan supposes not. “Thanks.”
“You volunteer librarians. You always look like you’re desperate for it.”
“I’m covering for my friend Ben.”
“Even more desperate.”
“Have you and Ben ever…?”
“No. He kinda looks like he’d fall apart. I’ve got a bit of a thing going with Tonks, though. She’s amazing.”
“So, Charlie, what exactly started you on your path of having bathroom sex with all the student librarians?”
“I don’t know, really. It happened once and then I just kept going for it. Makes me feel a little less like I want to drive away and never come back.”
Charlie runs a hand across Rowan’s cheek and tucks some of his hair behind his ear. Rowan looks back at him.
“I get that,” Rowan says, and stands up.
Rowan is not very pleasantly woken from his slumber at seven in the morning by the next student volunteer, who seems entirely nonplussed by the fact that Rowan has slept through the majority of his cover shift.
He decides to be cordial enough to return the mug he’d borrowed to the kitchen, and of course, just to ensure that Rowan Khanna never gets any peace and is always living a life of predicaments, Andre and Charlie are kissing in the corner.
“I know this library is twenty-four-hour, but you can go home,” Rowan sniffs. “You can wait before your next conquest.”
“I was waiting for you,” Andre clarifies, and he laughs awkwardly for a moment. “I hate being in that fucking tent. I’m not learning anything. It’s not even a political stance; the board don’t care. I saw you two go into the bathroom yesterday, and- goddammit, I just want to be free to do what I want to do and not eat their idea of fucking meals which have no nutritional value whatsoever!”
“If we’re having sex, we’re going to breakfast first,” Rowan says. Charlie laughs.
“I’ll pay,” he says.
They have a slightly crappy breakfast in Starbucks, but the caffeine hits Rowan like a sledgehammer, righting all the wrongs in his system like the ultimate pill. Charlie has a roll and a hot chocolate and seems at an almost eerie bliss at his corner of the table, as if the stress of student life has entirely evaded him. Andre’s still got that math student vibe of being permanently jittered. He takes two toilet breaks in the time it takes them to eat breakfast.
“Don’t you drink coffee, Charlie?” Rowan asks. He has to ask. He doesn’t even understand how someone could survive a day in college without being fuelled through it by caffeine highs and bathroom blowjob crashes. Andre’s drinking tea, but that’s still caffeine.
“No,” he says. “I don’t like it.”
Rowan is hit by a wave of newfound respect for Charlie: under the influence of no stimulants, he survives daily college life, from lessons to screwing in library bathrooms, and he never once seems to look out of place. He almost wants to think fuck Bill. Bill might be cool, but Rowan’s seen him disheveled and grumpy in sweatpants: Charlie doesn’t seem to know how to be a mess, and though Andre is clearly an emotional wreck, he’s an emotional wreck in good trousers.
“I don’t want to have sex,” he says suddenly, and Charlie looks up so quickly that Rowan is hit by the urge to retract the statement; but it’s true, so he ploughs on. “I’m tired. And I want to just – watch Netflix with you guys.”
“If I’d known you’d say that, I’d have let Charlie do me in that kitchen,” Andre huffs, but concedes. Rowan’s correctly gauged that he also doesn’t have the energy left in him for any sort of vigorous physical exercise, or even any mental exercise. Rowan wonders what would happen if he asked Andre to read a book; perhaps he’d explode. “Depends on what you’re watching.”
“My vote’s on a Stranger Things marathon,” Charlie says.
This is how Rowan finds himself making out with his crush’s brother on a math student’s sofa whilst Barb finds herself left on her own at the pool. He bloody likes Stranger Things, too, but Charlie’s handsy. He can barely catch a breath because Charlie’s made it his mission to steal them all. Andre is content with Netflix.
Doesn’t stop him from nabbing a kiss or two.
Rowan’s not sure if this was the ideal answer to his initial predicament: after all, Charlie isn’t Bill, and he now seems to have acquired two boyfriends that his parents will disapprove of and whom he barely knows at all. But he guesses that he’s probably chosen right, because he’s not hungover, and he does have two boyfriends, one of whom is kind of the supreme Bill, the other a sobbing math student with an infectious smile and a sharp sense of style.
He could’ve had worse. And this is his reflection of the day that makes it to Tumblr, right after Peter Parker’s confession of love to Wade Wilson, a true slow burn at Chapter 52.
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judgeweight5 · 3 years
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Dear Daniela: What Do Peptides Provide For Skin
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Simply put, Vitamin C is aiding to safeguard the mobile frameworks that peptides are working hard to create. Peptides are a necessary active ingredient in the fight versus ageing as well as need to become part of your everyday collection - since the requirement for cells to behave as healthy and balanced young cells needs everyday focus. However bear in mind that utilizing skin care products with a mixed drink of advantageous active ingredients is the very best point you can do for the health and wellness and appearance of your skin. In addition, you should not be lured by the case that there is one special peptide or peptide mix, since this simply does not exist. There are several impressive peptides, and also a growing number of are being uncovered. If you incorporate these with antioxidants, moisturising as well as skin-repairing active ingredients in a skincare item, you can anticipate fantastic results versus multiple signs of skin ageing. While it's clear that peptides are special, as an isolated component they are inadequate.
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The Anti-Aging Benefits of Peptides In Your Skin-Care Products Shape.
Posted: Mon, 05 Nov 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Copper peptide is among one of the most raved-about skin care active ingredients. The hype began as a result of the reality that the foundation of your skin are formed by copper. So logic would certainly determine that you need copper peptide in your skincare items to fix your skin. It's true that copper peptide is a skin-restoring active ingredient, however there are several other peptides with the exact same otherwise even more impressive properties. Anyone from young adults to pensioners can gain from applying items with peptides, just like they can from other healthy and balanced skin ingredients, like niacinamide, vitamin C, anti-oxidants and also omega fats and so on . For more youthful individuals, it will aid ward off the look of ageing as well as for those that are a little older, they can boost the skin feel and look. These hidden nasties can create the breakdown of healthy proteins such as collagen as well as elastin.
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At Paula's Selection, we take a multi-ingredient 'alcoholic drink strategy' to skin care. This means the skincare products you buy should also include other reliable ingredients such as anti-oxidants and skin-repairing active ingredients.
It serves as a melt therapy, repairing liver damage, complying with an extended chronic alcohol exposure. All products provided through Peptides.co.uk are meant for study purposes only. peptides-uk.com’s article about Buy Peptides Online provided by Peptides.co.uk are not meant for use in foodstuff or as any kind of sort of medicine. Our products are not intended to treat, prevent, minimize or heal any kind of condition or clinical problem and are for research study purposes only.
What Dermatologists Really Consider The Collagen Drinks Swamping Your Instagram Feed
Peptides are short strings of amino acids aka the foundation of protein. It's these proteins, together with collagen and elastin, that keep our skin firm, plump and flexible. Peptides occur normally in the body, can be derived from natural components such as milk, or can be crafted in laboratories to resemble the job of all-natural peptides. Peptides are incredibly important amino acids in charge of the production of proteins such as keratin and also collagen. These proteins assist to provide the skin its strength and without them, the skin can transform texture and also shed its plumpness. When we apply peptide cream or peptide serum topically to the skin, our skin cells are kickstarted into activity, quickly constructing brand-new collagen and elastin leaving the skin sensation moisturized as well as firm.
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This reconstitution treatment includes 2ml of water with an overall 2 whole 1ml/1cc insulin syringes. Additional scientific trials have also proved that the BPC 157 can heal and also stop tummy ulcers at the same time. Therefore why it has actually been a top option for individuals addicted to NSAID medicines.
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They are made up of a large series of small pieces of amino acids. Amino acids are the foundation of proteins, and healthy proteins are a basic building block of skin. On their own, peptides are part of the body's complicated interaction system that informs various aspects of skin to do a far better task. If firming and also raising is your top priority, a treatment loaded with peptides is a great skincare enhancement. We suggest Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Activator which has 8 varying peptides that combine with plant stem cells to tighten, firm as well as volumise the complexion. For a daily dosage of 9 peptides, together with hyaluronic acid and also beneficial fats, attempt Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream, that includes signal, copper and also prevention peptides.
Dear Daniela: What Do Peptides Do For Skin
Peptides are brief chains of amino acids that function as foundation of proteins such as collagen, elastin and keratin. These proteins are the foundations of your skin and are accountable for its texture, strength and durability. Without peptides, our skin is much less undamaged which can lead to a loss of suppleness, the look of wrinkles, a change in structure and also less 'bounce'.
A safety peptide that is naturally produced in the body, carnosine blocks skin-damaging sugars from binding to collagen in the skin, protecting against the development of wrinkles.
Much like letters create a variety of words, amino acids can be integrated to create a range of various of peptides and healthy proteins.
IMAGE's Limit array is called MAX because it flaunts 10 effective peptides, plant and fruit derived stem cells and also powerful anti-oxidants for Optimum leads to anti-aging.
Peptides are known as 'little healthy proteins', due to the fact that they are substances where two or even more amino acids, which are the basic foundation for tissues, organs, muscle mass, skin as well as hair, have actually collaborated.
As a general guideline, a peptide will include 50 or less amino acids, though this is not a rigorous meaning.
A collagen revitalizing copper peptide encapsulated in a polymer system which dives through the layers of the skin to specifically target collagen-producing cells.
Yes, I want to receive updates concerning items & solutions, promos, special offers, information & occasions from Killer Nutrition. You could see results from BPC-157 in as little as hrs, depending on the extent of the injury it is being made use of to treat. If you do not quickly see the outcomes you desire, we 'd recommend waiting a week or more prior to thinking about readjusting dose.
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A Lot More From The Times And The Sunday Times.
Wallhead has currently explained that he does not have the financial resources to take legal action versus the supplement manufacturer, unless he can discover a lawyer prepared to do the job done for free. ' With this in mind, we are presently in the process of feeding into a larger European team, which is wanting to develop a set of European criteria for the manufacturing of dietary supplements for sportspeople. The majority of the compounds on WADA's Prohibited Listing are prohibited anyhow, says the European Professional Sports Nourishment Partnership. Ostarine is just one of those substances, which elevates major concerns concerning why it is showing up in supplements. "These companies require to be terrified to place things like ostarine into their items", he suggests. "I am looking into my legal options, in terms of where I stand as well as what I can do.
That could cost me a great deal of money and also I'm unsure I can pay for to do that. They are having fun with individuals lives as well as reputations, as well as it's wrong. Various other professional athletes have actually likewise been approved adhering to an AAF for ostarine, in spite of being adamant that they had actually not intended to cheat. Simply over a year ago, 2 triathletes said that their ostarine AAFs were triggered by salt tablet computers made use of to fight the effects of dehydration. USADA used to test the items utilized by Wallhead, despite him being based overseas in the UK, as well as even sourced its own supplement tub to confirm his claims. It sustained his effort to decrease his sanction for an ADRV he said was not his fault. It would certainly show up that Jimmy has actually been lucky that USADA was prepared to go the extra mile, and also resource its own tub in order to support his assertion that the supplement concerned had ostarine.
Do I Need A Pct For Ostarine?
British weightlifter Sonny Webster, who competed at the Rio 2016 Olympics, was sanctioned with a 4 year restriction by UK Anti-Doping in December last year. "I had actually just altered 2 products in my training previous to that test.
Lots of people likewise recommend they feel it has a nutrient partitioning result which discusses peoples enhanced weight loss whilst on cycle. Because of this Ostarine outcomes for body builders and professional athletes can be amazing. Outside of the research, ostarine is utilized as a performance/physique boosting medication under a variety of circumstances. Ostarine is exceptionally functional as well as can be stacked to sustain bodybuilding or fat burning goals.
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Ostarine is likewise great to help preserve hard-earned muscular tissue when in a severe calorie deficit. Ostarine is one of the best recognized SARMs as well as is made use of to raise lean body mass as well as improve physical feature in body building. Ostarine advantages and also side effects have actually been reported yet are still not completely comprehended by all people starting a cycle. Below we seek to decipher some of the truths and also mistaken beliefs around Ostarine to make sure that it can be utilized successfully as well as without negative results.
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He sent 20 items in to be examined as well as every one came back unfavorable for ostarine. I am thinking that also if it was that product or a contaminated supplement, or an infected batch, then the chances are low of it coming back positive. ' You need to watch out for ostarine's lots of basic synonyms, including MK-2866, enobasarm, -3-( 4-cyanophenoxy)- N- [4-cyano-3-phenyl] -2- hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide, as well as GTx-024 on supplement tags'. Ostarine is classified as an anabolic representative by the World Anti-Doping Agency, which reported a low 28 negative logical searchings for throughout sport in its 2016 Screening Numbers Record. It is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator developed as Enobosarm by pharmaceutical company GTX to deal with problems entailing muscle wastefulness or weakening of bones. As such, it is developed to target the androgen receptors in the body, to make sure that chosen cells react as they would to testosterone, without the negative effects. Ostarine can likewise be used whilst during a cutting phase of training as a result of its capacity to maintain both muscular tissue mass and also strength throughout calorific deficits.
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' Reports from DNA Lawful dated 30 August 2017 and 28 September 2017 confirmed that none of the samples examined included ostarine. " A couple of UFC boxers, that are twelve month into their two year prohibits for ostarine, messaged me", he discusses. " One is rather a well-known competitor, as well as he vouched on his kids life that he hadn't taken ostarine.
They feature much less risk than SARMs, are less complicated to source safely than steroids and also provide the exact same anabolic impacts.
peptides uk: Peptide Vials Spain: a blog article For those who have not made use of steroids, SARMs or prohormones in the past, a SARMs cyclewill frequently be the very best option.
Naturally, a crucial difference is the schedule as well as quality of each that we have accessibility to.
This has caused an underground market packed with products that are under or overdosed and may not be what they assert to be.
There are a numerous kinds of SARMs now on the marketplace, yet popular SARMs UK consist of rad140, ligandrol (lgd-4033) and andarine, all of which are available via Predator Nutrition.
I changed by BCAA amino acids, which I bought from a shop in Loughborough. I likewise bought a protein pancake mix, which I have on a really uncommon celebration as a breakfast alternative. Wallhead has actually been signed to the UFC, which is not a signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code, for about 18 months. USADA consented to run the UFC's anti-doping program on 1 July 2015, an arrangement that was complimented by WADA. Unless you are a drug store or an anti-doping authorities, the possibilities are that you will not have actually come across ostarine. Neither had Jimmy Wallhead, a Ultimate Combating Champion fighter based in Loughborough, UK. Yet he was approved with a nine month restriction after a supplement he had utilized was located to contain the substance.
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