#rowan x charlie x andre
domaslut · 2 years
Okay, Jam City, it’s time to talk. I loved the adult versions of Badeea, Chiara and Andre. Yet, you should really allow my long lost hot prefect to step into Mc’s life, once again, as the charming man I expect him to be. Let my little witch fall in love with him all over again, please.
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Study Session
A/N #1: Fic #4 of the Quidditch series is finally here!
Quidditch series (in order): If the Shoe Fits | Of Threats and Persuasions | Off-Balance
Alice's outfit
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Alice came down the stairs of her dorm into the Ravenclaw common room as she checked the content of her handbag. Andre, who was sitting in an armchair, looked at her with a smirk.
“So,” he said, “meeting Charlie, huh?”
Alice stopped dead in her tracks as she slowly looked up at her friend. “Meeting? What are you talking about?” she said, wondering if he had seen her sneak out of the common room. Worse, maybe he had observed her flying around the pitch with Charlie. After all, you got a pretty decent view of the pitch from the common room and the dorms…
“Your ‘study session’ with Charlie this morning in Hogsmeade? Why didn’t you tell me that’s why you wanted to spend time in Hogsmeade?”
Alice raised her eyebrows, eyes wide. “I didn’t think it would make a difference. You seemed pretty adamant about my need for training.”
“Well, it’s a good thing Charlie explained everything to me then.”
“I didn’t think you’d be ok with me prioritizing a study session over Quidditch practice.”
“Well, there are study sessions, and then, there are ‘study sessions,’” said Andre, wiggling his eyebrows.
Alice stared blankly at him. “If you say so… Anyway, better go down to breakfast if I don’t want to make Charlie wait. Coming?”
“Sure. We can discuss your choice of outfit on our way there,” said Andre as he got up from the armchair.
Alice rolled her eyes as she followed him out.
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“Honestly, I would have been happy to plan your outfit,” Andre could be heard saying as he entered the Great Hall with Alice. 
“My outfit is perfectly fine!” exclaimed Alice a bit too loudly, causing some to stare at her. She cleared her throat. “I’ll be able to go from my study session with Charlie to the Quidditch pitch. I thought you’d be glad I wouldn’t waste time changing before practice.”
“What’s going on?” asked Rowan as she buttered her toasts.
“Rowan, is my outfit ok for a study session?” asked Alice as she sat in front of her friend.
“Sure, ask Rowan. We all know she’s the fashion guru of Hogwarts,” muttered Andre, sitting next to Alice.
Rowan frowned as she glanced at Andre before turning her attention back to Alice. She looked at her friend’s blue sweatshirt on which was written ‘California’ in red across the chest. “Looks perfectly fine to me. Will keep you warm in the library.”
“But she’s not headed to the library. It’s a Hogsmeade ‘study session,’” clarified Andre, once again wiggling his eyebrows.
“Is there something wrong with your eyebrows?” asked Alice, staring at Andre.
Rowan just stared blankly at him. “Why would you go study in Hogsmeade instead of the library?”
“To talk!” interjected Alice. “I need to discuss the Care of Magical Creature assignment with Charlie. If we go to the library, we’ll be hushed every two seconds by Pince.”
Rowan nodded. “Makes sense. Too bad I have to work on my Arithmancy homework or I would have tagged along.”
Alice didn’t know why, but she felt relieved that Rowan wouldn’t join her and Charlie.
Andre looked between the two friends. While these two were extremely clever under normal circumstances, when it came to matters of the heart, they were as dumb as soup. He shook his head. “You two are hopeless. I’ll go eat with Penny,” he said, getting up to go to the Hufflepuff table.
“What was that about?” asked Rowan.
Alice shrugged as she put a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. “Andre stuff, I guess,” she said after swallowing. 
As she drank the last drop of her orange juice, Charlie came to sit next to her. “Hey Rowan,” he said, waving to Alice’s best friend, who responded with a nod. “So,” he said, turning to Alice, “ready for our ‘study session’?”
“I think I’ve never heard the words ‘study session’ so much in one morning,” said Alice as she got up.
Rowan nodded. “It seems like Andre thinks one should dress a certain way to study with someone.”
Charlie looked at what Alice was wearing: a blue sweatshirt, jeans, brown boots, a small handbag, and her hair in a braid held by a red hair band. “You look fine to me,” he said, looking straight into her eyes.
Alice could feel her cheeks tingling. “Oh! Hum, thanks! Anyway, we should be going. Talk to you later,” she said, waving away to Rowan as she left the Great Hall with Charlie.
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Alice closed her eyes and took a deep breath as they stepped outside into the Courtyard. For a moment, the Great Hall had felt very stuffy. The sun shone brightly, making her squint as she opened her eyes. She started making their way toward Hogsmeade with Charlie and couldn’t help but think what a nice day it was… Too bad it would be ruined by her Quidditch incompetence.  
Charlie glanced at her as they walked. She was biting her lower lip, deep in thought. Clearly, something was weighing heavy on her mind. Under normal circumstances, he would have guessed the Vault was the reason for her troubled expression. But after last night’s training, he knew all too well Quidditch was the culprit this time around.
They arrived in the wizarding village, and Charlie started to walk toward The Three Broomsticks, but Alice stopped him.
“Not there. Too much risk someone could overhear our conversation,” said Alice looking around. She gave a small nod once she noticed something Charlie couldn’t see. “That way,” she said, walking toward what looked like a small alleyway. 
As they walked past Honeydukes, someone Charlie knew all too well exited the sweet shop. 
“Good morning, Captain,” said the girl.
Alice and Charlie turned around. The girl was shorter than Charlie and had brown hair, though the tips and the braid across her forehead were blue. Freckles covered her cheeks, just like Charlie, but she had green eyes just like Alice. 
“Hi, Skye,” said Charlie, waving lightly.
“What are you doing with the competition?” asked Skye, eyeing Alice with a smug expression that reminded the Ravenclaw of a certain Slytherin.
“Skye, Alice is my friend, not the competition,” said Charlie, frowning.
“Don’t tell me you already forgot she’s Ravenclaw’s newest addition to their team,” replied Skye, still looking at Alice.
“Charlie, who is that?” whispered Alice.
“Oh, sorry! Alice, this is Skye Parkin, one of my Chasers,” he said, nodding in Skye’s direction. “And Skye, this is…” he started, wrapping an arm around Alice’s shoulders.
“Alice Beaumont, Hogwarts’ Curse-Breaker and Ravenclaw’s newest Chaser, I know,” interrupted Skye.
Alice extended her hand. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said.
Skye stared at Alice’s hand and then at Alice. With a slight frown, she shook Alice’s hand. “You have no idea who I am?”
Alice looked at Charlie, who was just shaking his head, eyes closed, before looking back at Skye. “Well, you are a Chaser for Gryffindor, no?”
Before Skye could say anything, Charlie said, “Skye, Alice’s interest in Quidditch is recent. She truly has no idea who you are.”
Skye’s mouth opened in shock. “Wow, so Ravenclaw’s new recruit might be easy to beat. Ah! We are so getting the cup this year,” she said as she started to walk away. “Oh, I nearly forgot,” she said, briefly turning around. “Thanks for saving our captain last time.”
“Hum, you’re welcome?” said Alice, bemused.
“But don’t expect Gryffindor to do you any favours. You are now the enemy,” said Parkin before running off toward The Three Broomsticks.
Alice stared at her running away before turning to Charlie. “So… What’s supposed to be so special about her?”
“Do you know the Wigtown Wanderers?” he asked as they started walking again.
“No,” she answered as they turned unto to alley.
Charlie stared at her. “Really? Ok, well, basically, Skye’s family founded that team. She comes from a long line of Quidditch players, including her father, who’s a Chaser for the Wanderers and considered a Quidditch legend by many. Let’s just say that Skye has quite a legacy to live up to, which can sometimes make her a bit of a pain, but she’s really not that bad.”
Just as he said that, they had stopped under a sign on which was painted a wild boar's severed head leaking blood onto the white cloth beneath it. 
“This should do,” said Alice, pushing the door open.
When they entered the inn, Alice nodded at the barkeeper, who simply grunted what sounded like a hello. There was something about him that seemed familiar to Charlie, but before he could look closer, Alice took him to a table in the corner of the dingy and dirty room.
“Do you want me to go fetch us some Butterbeers?” asked Charlie, placing his coat on the back of his chair. 
Alice looked around, her nose wrinkled. “Nah, it’s fine. I strangely do not want to try a Butterbeer and dust mix.”
“You picked the place, Beaumont.”
“I know, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so… gritty. Then again, what was I supposed to expect from Mundungus.”
“Just someone I know from my dealings with Rakepick. Said he knew of a bar in Hogsmeade perfect for more discreet business transactions. Figured that’s what my situation called for.”
“Well, I think we can be certain no Hogwarts student will come in here,” said Charlie, still looking around, this time at the dubious patrons. “Alice? Are you ok? You look like you are overheating,” he said, now staring at Alice, who was pulling on the collar of her jumper.
“I mean, it is a bit stuffy here, no?”
“No, I’d say it’s actually chilly… Alice? Did you use that spell I taught you yesterday on your jumper?”
“Yes, why?”
Charlie slapped his forehead. “It’s for outdoor use only! That spell warms you up; it doesn’t regulate your body temperature. It’s like wearing a big winter coat; outside, you feel fine, but inside, just like with a winter coat, it’s too hot.”
“Huh-uh, huh-uh, thanks for the Charms lesson, Charlie Flitwick, but is there any special spell to stop it or do I just use the good ol’ ‘Finite Incantatem’? Because I’m starting to feel a bit faint, and it’s not like I can remove my jumper.”
Charlie blushed at the thought, covering the lower half of his face with his hand as he looked away. “The usual,” he muttered.
So, with a flick of her wand, Alice ended her suffering. Well, her physical suffering, as her mental pain related to Quidditch was far from being over. “So, me not knowing Skye Parkin is basically Quidditch royalty was a giveaway of my Quidditch knowledge?” 
“Well, in a way, as most Quidditch fans at Hogwarts know who she is. I actually heard Penny is a big fan. But that’s mostly trivia-wise. You do not need to know every single Quidditch team out there to be a good—”
“Ok, decent. You don’t need to know anything about Quidditch teams to be a decent player. Though most at least have a favourite team.”
“Really, what’s your favourite?” 
“Well, not the Chudley Cannons, but don’t tell that to Ron. It’s his favourite team.”
“What’s wrong with them?”
“They just… suck. Last time they won the cup was in the 1890s.”
“So I could become a professional Quidditch player after all!”
“Alice, that kind of attitude won’t help you on the pitch.”
“Sorry… But who’s your favourite team then?”
“I… don’t think I have any.”
Alice smirked. “So, no Dartmouth Dragons, huh?” she asked.
Charlie laughed. “No, no, no team decided to call themselves the Dragons, unfortunately. But I see you have noticed the pattern in Quidditch team naming.”
“Well, with names like the ‘Wigtown Wanderers,’ the ‘Portree Pride,’ and the ‘Chudley Cannons,’ it’s hard not to notice. So, it’s not the end of the world if I don’t have a favourite team?”
Charlie shrugged. “I guess not, but I’d say that even if I don’t have one, I still follow what goes on in Quidditch. So as not to seem like a complete outsider, I suggest you find one anyway.”
“What about the Locronan Lutins?”
“The who?”
“I think they’re in the French League?” 
A glint appeared in Charlie’s eyes as he smiled. “That might actually work to your advantage. Gives you a favourite team without having to discuss it too much. How do you know about that team?”
“It’s my dad’s favourite. So, now that I have a favourite team, how do I fool the Ravenclaw Quidditch team into thinking I’m not a lost cause and might make a decent Chaser?” she asked as she started to trace a game of tic-tac-toe in the dust that covered the table.
“Well, like I said, as long as you don’t stare up into the sky without looking at a precise target, your fear of heights probably won’t show too much. Just do whatever you do during flying class. Andre seems to have been fooled by that as he described you as good enough on a broom. Clearly, he never saw how white your knuckles became. Speaking of which, why did you decide to keep on taking those flying classes?”
“To help with my fear of heights…”
“Well, I can tell you it clearly didn’t work.”
“Thanks, Captain Obvious. I figured that much. But it doesn't help when Madam Hooch tells us that flying is like walking, except you could die.”
Charlie chuckled. “That sure doesn’t help someone who’s already lacking confidence when flying.”
“Exactly. And now I have to fly AND throw around a Quaffle. Oh, and also avoid Bludgers so they won’t crack my skull. Why do people play Quidditch again?”
“Because it’s fun?”
“Ah, yes, nothing more fun than risking being killed by a flying metal ball whose sole purpose is to harm. Jolly good fun.”
“Would you rather spend your free time with Rakepick?”
Alice twisted her lips, deep in thought. “Fine. I guess I’d rather be bludgeoned by a Bludger.”
“That’s the spirit! Now, let’s discuss how your situation is not as bad as you think.”
They discussed how Alice’s situation was not as bad as it first appeared for about an hour. Andre had selected her based on her aim and supposedly good flying skills, which he had witnessed on separate occasions. This meant that he was probably not expecting her to automatically know how to combine both skills. As long as she kept her focus and didn’t lose herself in the vastness of the sky, she could pull it off. Charlie had no doubt the rest of the team would do all they could to train her properly, knowing she was a last-minute replacement and most likely thinking she was doing Andre a favour.
“This reminds me… I forgot to ask how your Quidditch theory class went yesterday,” said Charlie.
“Well, it was like getting a summary of Quidditch Through the Ages. I even got homework,” replied Alice.
“McNully’s playbook?”
Alice nodded. “No wonder Rowan has a crush on him,” she mumbled.
“On who? McNully?”
“She won’t admit to it, but she keeps gushing about him ever since she heard Andre wanted me to join the team, telling me I should read all the Quidditch articles he wrote to get a better feel for the game.”
“But he’s al—” started saying Charlie.
“But of course, I told her the only way to get a good feel for the game is to actually play it.”
“Yes, that’s true, but—”
“Then, she got all huffy and puffy on me and said she was just trying to help.”
“So I told her it was just because she had a thing for the great Murphy McNully and that instead of trying to push match descriptions on me, she should just go hang out with him.”
“He’s not gonna fall for her if she just watches him from afar like some lovelorn teenage girl—”
“You’ve been rambling on…”
“Oh! Sorry!”
“Anyway, as I was about to say, McNully is already spoken for.”
“Aw shucks. I was hoping she would be lucky this time around.”
“This time around?”
Alice’s eyes grew wide, realizing she had potentially said too much. Thankfully for her, the innkeeper interrupted their conversation, handing her a letter an owl had just delivered.
“The Headmaster sent this for you,” he said before going back behind the bar.
Alice took it and quickly read it. “Dumbledore wants to see me…”
“What for?” asked Charlie, glancing back at the man behind the bar.
“Doesn’t say. I wonder how he knew I was here… Anyway, I’d better not make him wait,” Alice said as she got up, pointing her wand at her jumper.
“Here,” said Charlie, handing her his coat, “take my coat.”
“You’re sure? Won’t you be cold?” she asked, looking at the coat hesitantly.
“It’s really not that cold outside,” he said, draping the coat over her shoulders. “I’ll be fine.”
Alice could feel her cheeks heat up as her mind wandered back to the night of the Celestial Ball when Charlie had placed his jacket on her shoulder when they had left the others for the peacefulness of the Courtyard.
“Alice?” asked Charlie, staring at her.
Alice shook her head, shaking away the memories that had invaded her mind for a moment. “Sorry, was just wondering what Dumbledore wants with me.”
Charlie looked at her with an eyebrow raised, dubious.
Alice tugged at his arm, ignoring his gaze, leading him toward the door. “Come on! I’d better go and see what Dumbledore wants before facing the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.”
They quickly made their way back to the castle. When they arrived in front of the gargoyle guarding the Headmaster’s office, the gargoyle immediately lept aside, the wall behind it splitting to reveal a moving spiral staircase.
“Looks like it was warned of your arrival,” whispered Charlie, staring at the gargoyle.
Alice took a deep breath as she removed Charlie’s coat from her shoulders. “Well,” she said, handing him the coat, “wish me luck.” She climbed the stairs, the wall closing behind her and the gargoyle leaping back to its initial position.
As he waited, he caught a glimpse at the end of the corridor of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, who were most likely heading for the pitch. Andre saw him, and after saying something to his teammates, he sauntered toward Charlie.
“Your ‘study session’ is already over?” he asked as he made his way to his friend.
“Study session?”
“Well, that’s what Alice seemed to think it was. A Care of Magical Creature study session,” said Andre, smirking. “Though I didn’t see any books when you two left the Great Hall.”
“She just needed to talk about something,” replied Charlie.
“Sure… Something…”
“Wipe that smile off your face, Egwu. Nothing is going on between Alice and me.” At least, not what he’s imagining is happening, thought Charlie.
“Whatever you say, Weasley.”
At that moment, the stairs reappeared as the gargoyle leapt aside once more. Alice slowly came down, a shocked expression plastered on her face.
“Is everything alright?” asked Andre and Charlie in unison.
Alice looked at one and then at the other before looking straight ahead. “I’m… a Legilimens.”
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A/N #2: I hope you enjoyed it! Next up: Alice's first team practice.
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
A Valentine’s Day Drabble: Do you got room for one more troubled soul?
Fandom: HPHM
Word Count: 800
Ship: Verula (Verna x Merula)
Characers: Verna Malinda, Merula Snyde, Charlie Weasley
Warnings: Underage drinking & smoking, allusions to a character death
Notes: Title from Alone Together by Fall Out Boy
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All things considered; it had been a fun night. Verna felt giddy and a little tipsy after downing a few glasses of the punch Jae had spiked. Despite all the bumps in the road with the arrangements, everything had gone without a hitch. Andre seemed happy too, laughing and dancing with Penny.
“Verna?” Charlie called her name, pulling her out of her thoughts. She turned to look at him.
“My feet are killing me, mind if I take a break?” Charlie asked.
“Oh, yeah, no,” Verna said. “I think I'm going to go get some air.”
“Want me to come with?”
Verna shook her head. “I think I need a minute, you know?”
Charlie weighed her words for a minute and then squeezed her hand. “Okay, I get it.”
Verna gave him a smile and headed out. She couldn’t help but think back to a year ago, when she, Charlie, Ben, and Rowan had all been to the dance together. How much she missed Rowan, and how drastically things could change in just a year.
Verna thought of heading to the main courtyard, but on second thought, it would probably be too crowded for her purposes. She took a turn to the right instead and headed out from one of the side doors. It was dark outside, and the lanterns were lit. At first glance, it seemed like she was alone, but in the dim light, Verna quickly noticed a figure, smoking, and dressed in a shimmering black dress sat on one of the benches. She had an unmistakable orange streak in her hair. Verna wasn’t in the mood for this, so she resolved to turn and head back inside, when she accidentally kicked a rock, sending it flying across the yard. Of course the noise caught Merula’s attention. Because nothing ever seemed to go Verna’s way.
Reluctantly, Verna turned back around, to face her fully. “Merula.”
“What are you doing here?” Merula asked. She’d taken off her mask, and some of her mascara had smudged around her eyes. She looked pretty.
“I got tired of dancing,” Verna replied. Merula raised her eyebrow and patted the bench next to her.
Verna eyed her, suspiciously. “I was sort of hoping to be alone.”
“Well, I’m not leaving until I’ve finished smoking, so you better find another place to sulk, then.”
Verna rolled her eyes. She didn’t feel like finding another place, so she took a seat next to Merula.
“Why are you out here?” she asked.
“I wanted a smoke.”
“And I wanted to be alone, too,” Merula added and exhaled smoke.
“So why’d you ask me to stay?”
“Figured we could be alone together.”
Verna chuckled. She couldn’t help it. “Alright.”
They fell silent for a while. Verna thought of how Merula had kissed her not two weeks ago in a corridor in the dungeons, and how neither one of them had talked about it since. After a while, Merula stumped out her cigarette with her boot. Of course she was wearing boots with her dress.
“Do you want to dance?” she asked. Verna stared at her.
Merula waved a hand in front of her face. “Hello?”
Verna cleared her throat. “Dance? Here?”
“Why not?”
“There’s no music.”
“Lucky for you, I can fix that,” said Merula, and started to hum a slow melody.
“Merlin,” Verna said.
“Hey, you’re the one who helped me into the frog choir.”
“Alright, fine, let’s dance,” Verna agreed. “But no Celestina Warbeck.”
Merula laughed and got up. She extended a hand and Verna took it, following her.
Merula pulled her along to the center of the small courtyard.
“You look pretty,” Verna said.
“Shut up.”
“I’m serious.”
Merula looked up at her and sighed. “Thank you, so do you.”
Verna smiled and Merula pulled her close. They looked at each other and Verna’s stomach kept doing somersaults. Slowly, they started to dance. It was something like a waltz but neither one of them cared much for the technicalities of getting it right. Merula started to hum the melody again. After a while, they were mostly just swaying, with Merula’s head against Verna’s shoulder.
“Hey,” she said and Merula looked up, falling silent. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“I hate this holiday.”
“You know what, Malinda? You’re such a twit.”
Now it was Verna’s turn to laugh. “You’re dancing with a twit.”
Merula stopped in her tracks.
“Oh, come on,” Verna continued.
Merula glared at her. Verna assumed she was trying to come up with something witty to say, but instead, she grabbed her face and pulled her down into a kiss. Verna kissed her back, after all, it was what had been going through her mind on a loop ever since the Slytherin common room party a couple of weeks ago.
Merula pulled back slightly to look at her. Her expression had softened. “Happy Valentine's Day, Malinda,” she said, and kissed her again.
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shinyrockalaska · 2 years
Hogwarts Mystery characters as quotes from Will Grayson, Will Grayson
The quotes are either a description or something they would say/think
MC: “I wish i were someone else, even though i know i'll never, ever be able to get away from what i've done and what's been done to me.”
Rowan: “We grow up. Planets like them get new moons. Moons like me get new planets.”
Ben: “Maybe there's something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters.”
Penny: “I get it now. I get it. The things you hope for the most are the things that destroy you in the end.”
Bill: “This is why we call people exes, I guess - because the paths that cross in the middle end up separating at the end. it's too easy to see an X as a cross-out. it's not, because there's no way to cross out something like that. the X is a diagram of two paths.”
Tonks: “You know there's no such thing as a complete lie. There's always some truth in there.”
Tulip: “Random questions are the least random of all questions.”
Barnaby: “I'm so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.”
Andre: “This blue shirt i have is practically the same color as my jeans, and looking all-blue is something only cookie monster can pull off.”
Charlie: “I think the idea of a 'mental health day' is something completely invented by people who have no clue what it's like to have bad mental health. the idea that your mind can be aired out in twenty-four hours is kind of like saying heart disease can be cured if you eat the right breakfast cereal.”
Liz: “I just want the pleasure of noticing these things at a safe distance...”
Jae: “Great news for someone is always bad news for someone else”
Badeea: “I just think if you don't say the honest thing, sometimes the honest thing never becomes true.”
Diego: “You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot.”
Merula: “I do not say 'good-bye.' I believe that's one of the bullshittiest words ever invented. it's not like you're given the choice to say 'bad-bye' or 'awful-bye' or 'couldn't-care-less-about-you-bye.' every time you leave, it's supposed to be a good one. well, I don't believe in that. I believe against that.”
Ismelda: “I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.”
Talbott: “You’d think that silence would be peaceful. but really, it’s painful.”
Chiara: “Some people have lives; some people have music.”
Beatrice: “If my whole world is crashing down around me, then I am going to make the sound of the crashing. I want to scream until all my bones break.”
Jacob: “That's what the voices in your head are for, to get you through the silent parts.”
Skye: “Anything that happens all at once is just as likely to unhappen all at once, you know?”
Murphy: “It seems to me that all the things we keep in sealed boxes are both alive and dead until we open the box, that the unobserved is both there and not.”
Orion: “Love is the most common miracle.”
Face paint kid: “Whatever you're worried about, you're bigger than the worries.”
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ameliathefatcat · 1 year
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warofrosesrp · 2 years
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- Il est possible que des noms vous paraissent familier, certains ont été repris du jeu mobile Hogwart Mystery puisqu'il  s'agit de la même période (mais pas de la même intrigue). - Les personnages inventés ne sont pas autorisés chez les 6eme années.  - hb signifie halfblood (sang-mêlé), pb signifie pureblood (sang-pur) et mb signifie muggle born (né-moldu). Impossible de créer des familles de sang-pur qui n'apparaissent pas dans le registre. - Important : les faceclaims sont potentiellement négociables, sachez seulement que nous nous réservons le droit de refuser les propositions.
Pour découvrir les biographies, cliquez sur les noms des personnages ci-dessous ou référez-vous à la page du directory.
L E S  G W Y D I O N
Gillian McLaggen   — gryffondor › hb ›  — meneuse Cammie Prewett — gryffondor › hb  ›  Oswald Kirke — gryffondor › hb ›  Lance Dolohov — poufsouffle › hb ›  Cleve Mckinnon — poufsouffle › hb ›  — allié
L E S  E V E Y D D
Camille Prewett — gryffondor › hb › Angelica Cole — gryffondor › hb › Ben Cooper — gryffondor › mb ›  — allié  Darius Fudge  — serdaigle › hb › — meneur Andre Egwu  — serdaigle › hb ›
L E S  G I F A E T H W Y
Gina Linetti  — serdaigle › mb › May-Ly Chang — serdaigle › hb › — meneuse Myron Wagtail — gryffondor › hb ›  — allié Ajar Patil — gryffondor › pb › Henri Scrimgeour — serdaigle › hb › Asma Shafiq — poufsouffle › hb › 
L E S  A M A T H E O N
Rowan Khanna — serdaigle › hb ›  — meneuse Tulip Karasu— serdaigle › hb › Reginald Edgecombe — serdaigle › hb ›  — allié Archer Rosier — serpentard › pb ›   — meneur Cassius Nott  — serpentard › pb ›
L E S  H Y D D W N  
Rosetta Yaxley — serpentard › hb › — meneuse Darlene Croupton — serpentard › hb  › Richard Crabbe  — serpentard › pb › Gwenog Jones — poufsouffle › hb › — alliée Penny Haywood — poufsouffle › hb ›
L E S  B L E I D D W N  
 Merula Snyde — serpentard › hb › — meneuse Ismelda Murk — serpentard › hb › Ronan Montague — serpentard › hb › Diemos Bell — poufsouffle › hb › — allié Chester Davies — poufsouffle › hb ›  a quitté poudlard Chiara Lobosca — poufsouffle › hb ›
L E S  E X C L U S  
Charlie Weasley — gryffondor › pb › Aurora Jordan  — gryffondor › hb › Feyre Archenon  — serdaigle › hb › Lucian Dubois  — serdaigle › hb  › Nymphadora Tonks — poufsouffle › hb › Sulivan Flume — poufsouffle › hb › Barnaby Lee — serpentard › hb › Annabeth Goyle — serpentard › hb ›
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nevillelongsbottom · 6 years
microwave meals and math student meltdowns pairing: rowan khanna x andre egwu x charlie weasley word count: 2,597 links: ao3 for the @rowanprotectionsquad june ships event
Here is Rowan Khanna’s predicament.
There is a fraternity house three blocks down hosting the party of the year – red solo cups, booming bass, sex on the dishevelled heap of coats – but Ben Copper has just asked Rowan if he’d do Ben a solid and cover his shift down at the 24-hour library, where apparently the math majors have set up tents trying to cram for their finals. Rowan’s curiosity is piqued. He wants to know what kinds of snacks math majors eat to keep them alive, and fuck, he’d just like to spend a night in the library and pretend he’s Night at the fucking Museum.
But Bill Weasley is at that party, and Rowan has spent the past year of his college life losing his shit and discovering his sexuality over Bill Weasley.
Whichever option he chooses, he is absolutely fucked. If he decides to whittle away his almost-blossoming college life by taking a free shift at the library, he will miss out on Bill Weasley (but not miss out on the joy of inhaling book-smell, an activity Rowan doesn’t get to do so much now that he can’t even afford a book a month unless it’s digital and on sale). If he goes to the party, he is going to have a terrible time because he can barely stand the burn of alcohol in the back of his throat and because he can also barely stand anybody else at the college. He should’ve gone somewhere better. He should’ve done Harvard – but he can barely afford this run-of-the-mill state college, so where the hell else could he have gone?
Doesn’t stop him regretting, though. He’ll never be Bill Gates now.
Spinning around on the barstool behind the desk of the record store he works in, he decides to consult Tumblr. Rowan is startlingly popular on the website, yawning out his thoughts about every franchise that takes off everywhere across the social media spectrum and smashing out a fanfic now and then. Occasionally a fanfic involving copious amounts of sex, because Rowan has to make up for his saint-like lifestyle somehow, and he’s never going to manage enough food to eat more than microwaveable pasta for the rest of his student life. People also keep sending him asks about college. He’s not sure how to answer, because the real answer to surviving college is never sleeping, making sure to eat three meals a day even if they’re all Pot Noodle, and studying so hard he’s started getting migraines.
anonymous asked you: be a good Samaritan and go help your friend at the library xx
anonymous asked you: you’ll get other chances with that guy you like. parties are shit anyway
Rowan groans so loudly at the messages that a patron whose entrance he hadn’t noticed gives him a frightened look, and he shoots an apologetic look back. It’s certainly not his job or his prerogative to scare customers off from his own stresses, and he tries to shift the thought as he asks if the customer is looking for anything specific –
and joyfully enough for Rowan, he is indeed. So the predicament gets to sit a little longer in the back of his brain.
By the time he’s finished work and has consumed a dinner of grilled cheese, he’s long since given up on the idea of the party. He doesn’t feel damn near sociable enough, and just the thought of drinking alcohol makes his stomach churn; Rowan’s not so good at surviving an entire day without a nap, and he wonders if it’d be acceptable just to doze off behind the front desk to the lull of weeping students. Or maybe he could just read.
Maybe write a chapter or two of his ongoing no-powers high school Spiderman and Deadpool romance epic.
The library’s pretty quiet for all the myths he’s heard: when he arrives, there are indeed actual camping tents set up where some tables used to be and a good selection of about ten math majors all camped out inside and a couple milling about with packets of crisps. One boy is eating a pot of pasta in the doorway to the library kitchen; Rowan figures that the anarchy has already been installed, so brews himself a cup of tea and takes his spot at the library front desk, picking at the various knickknacks and tchotchkes.
He’s slight enough from his pasta-related malnutrition to be able to fit into the bucket chair with his legs crossed, and he serves an hour in peace with his cup of tea and his Kindle and a trashy gay romance novel he bought for a dollar on the Kindle store. He used to feel guilty, but he can’t find it in himself to even summon a single piece of guilt shrapnel; he spends so much time reading textbooks with sentences he has to decipher like he’s a codebreaker not a student that he needs some kind of switch-off, and who’s to say he isn’t allowed a bit of mind-numbing reading?  
And, all in all, Rowan’s having a pretty decent conclusion to his dilemma when he hears the sound of footsteps approaching and glances up from between the pages of unabashedly shameful sensual pottery. It’s a math student. His cheeks are tear-stained.
“Got any tissues?” he asks nervously. Rowan does not, but he can’t say the same for his well-stocked maze of a temporary desk, and he finds a packet in one of the jam-packed drawers, handing it over to the student, whose arms are surprisingly muscular for a math geek. Rowan wonders if he’s in the soccer team; he’s too short for basketball. He asks. The math boy laughs. “Oh, no, I’m not in a big sport. I’m on the lacrosse team, but I’ve taken a break for the math stakeout.”
“Have you considered that studying at home might be more relaxing?” Rowan asks, offering the math boy a stress ball; he declines, likely on the fact that it’s the grottiest thing Rowan’s ever had the misfortune of picking up and he immediately counters it with a choking amount of hand sanitiser.
“I work best under stressful conditions,” math boy elaborates. “And since I’m living in a tent, I don’t have time to worry about all the stupid things I usually worry about, like plucking my eyebrows or what clothes I’m wearing or how my hair looks.”
Math boy has little more than a buzzcut. Rowan raises his eyebrows, but says nothing, and avoids letting his eyes linger for too long on the math boy’s incredibly extra outfit of a striped turtleneck and wide leg red corduroy pants with some on-trend ugly Nikes. Rowan has to admit that he’s good-looking, and he does like math boy’s dedication, and he hasn’t had sex since that time with his best friend in the back of a rental in high school. So. He wouldn’t mind.
“I’m Andre,” math boy says. Shit. He’s likely noticed Rowan’s unsubtle idea of checking him out, but the name drop can only be a good sign.
Rowan goes in for the handshake. He’s so thirsty that he practically gets flushed from that alone. “Rowan. Khanna. History.”
And, with that, Andre returns to his inevitable doom and Rowan returns merely to imagining the fires of passion. It’s not that he’s ever been particularly interested in sex, or romance, or any of that - but it’s been way too long, and he’s going to cry if he eats any more microwave meals, and he wants someone to distract him from the call of the void that seems to follow being a single college student with at least two crushes. He groans.
“Problem?” an inquiring voice laughs. Rowan recognises the accent: it’s Southern and hillbilly but too gentle to belong to an actual hillbilly, and his head snaps up, expecting Bill Weasley and his tousled hair and his fang earring and his accepting attitude and his lax alternative style–
but it’s just an amused Charlie, and Charlie’s no Bill. He’s shorter, with a shaved head, an explosion of freckles, and a dragon tattoo. But God, Rowan thinks. As handsome as Bill. Just less outgoing. Charlie purportedly just lets things happen.
“I hate being a student,” Rowan sighs, and Charlie concurs. Their eyes meet long enough for Rowan’s heart to skip a beat. He looks like Bill.
Charlie leans in.
“Oh, Christ, please.”
Rowan doesn’t bother making a sign explaining his absence; nobody seems to want to speak to him, and that’s probably because it’s eleven at night and the only people in the library are the math crew, those lacking in the will to live, and him.
And he’s now backed up against the wall of the disabled toilet with Charlie under his waistband, so he’s not sure he gets to stack up well anymore.
Charlie makes short work of Rowan and lets him sink to the floor, breathless. He sets himself up, legs wrapped around Rowan, but sits still anyway. It’s a shit vantage point.
“Math?” Charlie asks.
“What the hell’s that?”
“I get to go on field trips to find wendigos.”
“Oh, my fiery feet! My burning feet of fire!”
“That’s the one. Can you get on all fours?”
Rowan does, resisting the familiar urge to gasp as Charlie pushes himself between Rowan’s thighs and lets this follow with tumbling expletives. Rowan can feel Charlie’s hands shaking a little where they hold his waist, and doesn’t think he’s worth that much, honestly.
Charlie starts moving, slowly at first but unable to temper himself. “Oh, God, I can’t,” he stutters, pushing faster and faster until Rowan’s thighs ache and he thinks he might come again just from the sounds of Charlie slipping over the edge and him grabbing Rowan’s hair as he thrusts.
Rowan’s so easy.
Charlie spills over his legs and then flips him round to finish Rowan off again until he can’t see straight anymore and is lying enjoying the last of his ethereal moments before he comes back into the realisation that he’s lying on the floor of a bathroom stall and his stomach is sticky and his hair is so out of order that he looks like he hasn’t brushed it in weeks.
He groans, and starts a little when he feels something soft run across his snail trail and down to his legs.
Charlie’s cleaning him up with a wet wipe.
“Do you carry those around with you everywhere?”
“Listen, do you want to try and clean yourself up with one-ply?”
Rowan supposes not. “Thanks.”
“You volunteer librarians. You always look like you’re desperate for it.”
“I’m covering for my friend Ben.”
“Even more desperate.”
“Have you and Ben ever…?”
“No. He kinda looks like he’d fall apart. I’ve got a bit of a thing going with Tonks, though. She’s amazing.”
“So, Charlie, what exactly started you on your path of having bathroom sex with all the student librarians?”
“I don’t know, really. It happened once and then I just kept going for it. Makes me feel a little less like I want to drive away and never come back.”
Charlie runs a hand across Rowan’s cheek and tucks some of his hair behind his ear. Rowan looks back at him.
“I get that,” Rowan says, and stands up.
Rowan is not very pleasantly woken from his slumber at seven in the morning by the next student volunteer, who seems entirely nonplussed by the fact that Rowan has slept through the majority of his cover shift.
He decides to be cordial enough to return the mug he’d borrowed to the kitchen, and of course, just to ensure that Rowan Khanna never gets any peace and is always living a life of predicaments, Andre and Charlie are kissing in the corner.
“I know this library is twenty-four-hour, but you can go home,” Rowan sniffs. “You can wait before your next conquest.”
“I was waiting for you,” Andre clarifies, and he laughs awkwardly for a moment. “I hate being in that fucking tent. I’m not learning anything. It’s not even a political stance; the board don’t care. I saw you two go into the bathroom yesterday, and- goddammit, I just want to be free to do what I want to do and not eat their idea of fucking meals which have no nutritional value whatsoever!”
“If we’re having sex, we’re going to breakfast first,” Rowan says. Charlie laughs.
“I’ll pay,” he says.
They have a slightly crappy breakfast in Starbucks, but the caffeine hits Rowan like a sledgehammer, righting all the wrongs in his system like the ultimate pill. Charlie has a roll and a hot chocolate and seems at an almost eerie bliss at his corner of the table, as if the stress of student life has entirely evaded him. Andre’s still got that math student vibe of being permanently jittered. He takes two toilet breaks in the time it takes them to eat breakfast.
“Don’t you drink coffee, Charlie?” Rowan asks. He has to ask. He doesn’t even understand how someone could survive a day in college without being fuelled through it by caffeine highs and bathroom blowjob crashes. Andre’s drinking tea, but that’s still caffeine.
“No,” he says. “I don’t like it.”
Rowan is hit by a wave of newfound respect for Charlie: under the influence of no stimulants, he survives daily college life, from lessons to screwing in library bathrooms, and he never once seems to look out of place. He almost wants to think fuck Bill. Bill might be cool, but Rowan’s seen him disheveled and grumpy in sweatpants: Charlie doesn’t seem to know how to be a mess, and though Andre is clearly an emotional wreck, he’s an emotional wreck in good trousers.
“I don’t want to have sex,” he says suddenly, and Charlie looks up so quickly that Rowan is hit by the urge to retract the statement; but it’s true, so he ploughs on. “I’m tired. And I want to just – watch Netflix with you guys.”
“If I’d known you’d say that, I’d have let Charlie do me in that kitchen,” Andre huffs, but concedes. Rowan’s correctly gauged that he also doesn’t have the energy left in him for any sort of vigorous physical exercise, or even any mental exercise. Rowan wonders what would happen if he asked Andre to read a book; perhaps he’d explode. “Depends on what you’re watching.”
“My vote’s on a Stranger Things marathon,” Charlie says.
This is how Rowan finds himself making out with his crush’s brother on a math student’s sofa whilst Barb finds herself left on her own at the pool. He bloody likes Stranger Things, too, but Charlie’s handsy. He can barely catch a breath because Charlie’s made it his mission to steal them all. Andre is content with Netflix.
Doesn’t stop him from nabbing a kiss or two.
Rowan’s not sure if this was the ideal answer to his initial predicament: after all, Charlie isn’t Bill, and he now seems to have acquired two boyfriends that his parents will disapprove of and whom he barely knows at all. But he guesses that he’s probably chosen right, because he’s not hungover, and he does have two boyfriends, one of whom is kind of the supreme Bill, the other a sobbing math student with an infectious smile and a sharp sense of style.
He could’ve had worse. And this is his reflection of the day that makes it to Tumblr, right after Peter Parker’s confession of love to Wade Wilson, a true slow burn at Chapter 52.
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camilamortem · 3 years
Just Bill being our mother
*Bill walking the gang to classes*
Ben, have you eaten yet?, TONKS, put that down we have to go, Andre its no time to style Barnaby's hair, Rowan put the book down sweety you need to rest
MC:*staring at Charlie's ass as he walks away*
Bill: *claps in MC's face* Hey! eyes up here, thats my brother you are objectifying there
*MC pilledin blanketson the armchair in their common room*
Bill: come on MC time for dinner
MC: *flips him off*
Bill: well somebody´s grumpy *pulls MC off the couch and throws them over his shoulder*
Bill to the rest of the gang: alright, lets go children this way
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make-me-a-weasley · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I started year 5 two years ago. TWO YEARS AGO!!! Look at the difference😂
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picnic and cafe, for the oc day trip asks!
Picnic: who brings the soccer ball/football? who forgets the sandwiches?
charlie, andre, and bill would definitely bring the soccer balls! or i guess footballs in britain? idk but they’re the one who brings them! i think that penny would be the one in charge of like,, all the sandwiches since imo she’d be one of the most responsible ones about it! jae made them btw they are delicious. i think they’d all try to bring sides but i think that barnaby and kat would forget to bring theirs if they aren’t reminded when they leave since they’re both excited and it overrides memory lmao!! rowan and ismelda would be the ones that remind kat and barnaby respectively! i’m imagining them dicking around on the grass on school grounds and i just. god they are so habby,,,, merula pushes kat off the dock and into the black lake and kat grabs her by the ankle and drags her in with her, and then they all start jumping in fjdndkdk
Cafe: what do they order? who are they meeting there? who’s there to write a novel, and who’s there to people-watch?
jdksksd i’m imagining kat meeting merula at a cafe for a date and it’s just,,, good,,,,,, kat is a hot chocolate type of gal if it’s cold, though she prefers iced tea when it’s hot! i think that merula would drink black tea? very refined and she orders it every time. kat tried it once and she very much did not like it. merula laughed at her expression. i tho i theyd chat while they people-watch there and they jus,,,, they have a nice time and it’s sweet and wonderful. and also merula makes fun of people while they people watch but kat thinks that it’s funny so it’s alright with her fjdndndn they also hold hands and kat likes to trace patterns on her skin with one of her nails! one if the only times post-fifth year when she feels comfortable taking her gloves off in front of people bcndnddn
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
An Art of Balance #10
Warning: very small mention of food
 Word Count: ~ 2.900
Chapter 10: A Change of Plans
Losing their first match against Ravenclaw had been a heavy blow to her ambitions, but Lizzie was glad everything seemed to go back to the way it was supposed to be, nonetheless.
Penny and Skye had decided to act as if the incident with the spilled love potion had never happened. They were on speaking terms again, although they limited conversations to superficial topics like Quidditch, homework or the weather.
Lizzie and Skye going from fighting to being close again was not a great surprise for the rest of their friends. They had all known the two girls long enough to not question how their friendship worked. They couldn’t have explained it anyway. It just did.
Their performance during practise had improved almost instantly after the match. Although neither girl cared to admit it, both took losing very personal. If they wanted to retain even the slightest chance at claiming the Cup once more, crushing their next opponent was vital. Both Lizzie and Skye were determined to make sure Slytherin would have a much harder time than Ravenclaw had had.
Even though the team had gotten back to being their usual fun bunch, Lizzie took great care to steer clear of Everett as best as she could. Neither of them had mentioned what had happened at the post-match party and Lizzie very much intended to keep it that way.
Still, she had noticed his eyes trailing her and could feel his gaze on her back when she sat in the Common Room with her friends. Lizzie had caught Orion watching Everett with an indeterminable look more than once, while the other boy tried to ignore him as best as he could.
Winter had started to hit the Hogwarts Grounds in earnest by the middle of November. Although no snow had fallen so far, the air was freezingly cold, sending biting gusts of wind howling through the open archways and cracks in the walls of the castle.
The windows of Hagrid’s hut were covered in frostwork so thick it was impossible to see outside. Lizzie was glad for the roaring fire Hagrid had stoked up before leaving for the Forbidden Forest. It was heating up the whole room to a degree that she was enjoying the cold air brushing her face as the door opened and Charlie came stomping inside. He was rubbing his palms against each other and went straight for the hearth to thaw his freezing fingers.
Lizzie was busy cutting up the heap of feed piled on the table. Charlie gazed at the fairy that was comfortably perched on her shoulder. It was dangling its little feet while happily buzzing into the girl’s ear. It was the one that had befriended Lizzie when she had tried to convince the fairy population to resettle in the Forbidden Forest. From time to time, some of them came back to the pumpkin patch, however. They loved to admire  their reflections in the windowpanes of Hagrid’s hut.
When the fairy caught him looking, it suddenly started shrieking, baring its tiny fangs at him. Caught by surprise, Lizzie dropped her knife and covered her ears with a pained expression.
“Stop scaring her!” she shouted at Charlie over the screeching. She hurriedly offered the little creature a fingertip full of food, which the fairy gladly accepted. It fluttered onto Lizzie’s head and started munching away.
“Scaring her?” Charlie lifted his eyebrows. “I just looked at her.”
“I guess, she got offended by that hat of yours.” She pointed her knife at the crimson Gryffindor hat he was wearing, the colour clashing horribly with his ginger hair.
Charlie looked at her with a hurt expression. “You sound just like Andre.”
He tore himself away from the fire and came over to the table. Noticing the wary look the fairy gave him, he quickly removed his hat and stuffed it into his pocket before sitting down. He grabbed another knife and started working himself.  
“Speaking of Andre, did you know he got himself a date?” Charlie mentioned casually. He smirked when he saw Lizzie’s head shoot up. This girl was too curious for her own good.
“No way!” She pushed her utensils to the side with a determined motion, suddenly all-ears. Even the fairy seemed to lean forward eagerly. “Give me the details, Weasley!”
Charlie put his knife down as well, spreading his fingers on the table. He lowered his voice conspiratorially.
“Her name is Claire Masters and she’s a fourth-year Ravenclaw, as far as I know. He always gets super nervous when he sees her walking by.” His brow furrowed. “I practically had to force him to tell me; he was very tight-lipped about the whole thing.”
Lizzie smirked wistfully. “No wonder; we literally crashed his last date.”
Charlie’s ears darkened a shade. “It wasn’t my fault I tripped over her bag and landed on their table.”
Lizzie guffawed at the memory, Charlie joining in her laughter. Trying to compose herself again, she sat up straight.
“And you really don’t know anything more? Like when or where he’s taking her?”
Charlie thought about it for a moment, frowning as he raked his memories. He tended to tune out of conversations if they didn’t involve any kind of dragon. His face brightened suddenly as he remembered.
“He is taking her to the Weird Sisters concert at The Three Broomsticks next weekend. He wants me to come as moral support, despite what happened last time. Do you want to come as well? Would save me from being the third wheel all the time.”
Lizzie hated to dampen Charlie’s enthusiasm but she shook her head apologetically. “I promised to go with the girls. And you and me appearing with Andre and a date would look an awful lot like a double-date.”
“But it wouldn’t be,” he insisted. “We’re just giving my best friend a bit of a heads up; step in if things get awkward. You can meet your friends there.”
Lizzie had picked up her knife again, toying with the handle. “I don’t know. Things have just gotten back to normal between Skye and me. You know her; ditching her for a player of another team doesn’t sound like something she’d appreciate.”
Charlies expression turned serious. “Don’t let them take our friendship away, remember? This is no one’s business but your own.”
Hanging her head in mock exasperation, Lizzie gave in to him. “Alright, fine. I’ll go with you. Under one condition,” she added quickly and held her finger up. “You tell Andre I’ll be wearing my own clothes. He seems nervous enough as it is. I don’t want him to go into another styling frenzy.”
Of course, Andre did go into a styling frenzy. Despite Lizzie’s particular wish to wear an outfit of her own choice, he had started drafting as soon he’d heard she would be coming as well.
He had been hounding Lizzie the whole week, waving fabric samples in her face and holding colour charts to her hair when he thought she wasn’t looking. To Professor Flitwick’s amusement, he had even bewitched a measuring tape to follow her around when she had refused to cooperate.
Eventually, Lizzie had given in to his persistence. Although she would have loved to be dressed after her own mind just one time, if concentrating on a new design helped Andre calm his nerves, she would simply have to indulge him.
She was having dinner with her friends when she spotted him walking over from the Ravenclaw table. With a little yelp she ducked behind Penny, but it was already too late. Andre had spotted her and approached them, a slight bounce to his step.
Peeking out from behind Penny’s slender shoulders, Lizzie shot him a threatening look.
“I swear, if you come at me with that measuring tape again, I’m going to strangle you with it,” she warned Andre before he had even opened his mouth. He looked taken aback.
“I just wanted to let you know that I have put something together for you. You can stop by the Transfiguration classroom later, if you want to see?” he replied almost sheepishly.
Lizzie immediately regretted her sharp tone. Andre always got overly excited when creating outfits for his friends, irrelevant whether they wanted him to or not. And admittedly, although his designs tended to be slightly over the top , they never failed to make his models look downright fabulous.
Out of the corner of her eye Lizzie saw Skye furrow her brow. It reminded her painfully that she had yet to tell her friends about her slight change of plans.
“What are you making her an outfit for?”
Andre looked surprised. “For the Weird Sisters concert of course. If Lizzie and Charlie are coming along on my date, I need to be able to let me be seen with them.” He spotted Lizzie frantically motioning for him to be silent too late.
Penny looked from Andre to Lizzie and back again, confusion visible on her face. “I thought you were going with us.”
“I was,” Lizzie replied sheepishly. “But Andre asked us to go with him and his date and- “
“So you’re dumping your friends for a date with Weasley and didn’t even think to tell us?” Skye’s narrowed eyes were flashing.
“I think you have some things to talk about, I’d better get going.” Andre mouthed a silent ‘sorry’ and hurried back to the Ravenclaw table. Skye watched him sitting down opposite Rath and gave the blond girl a hard stare just for the sake of it. Then she turned back to Lizzie.
“What was that about, Jameson?”
Lizzie avoided her eyes, sheepishly playing with her napkin. “I may have forgotten to tell you. I promised Charlie I’d go with him so he wouldn’t be third-wheeling on Andre’s date.”
Penny’s eyes went wide. “So you really are Charlie Weasley’s date?” She exchanged knowing looks with Tonks.
“She had better not tell you that, because I’m going to beat some bloody sense back into her if she starts dating the Gryffindor Seeker,” Skye interfered sharply. Lizzie wasn’t entirely sure she was joking.
She pinched the bridge of her nose. That was exactly why she had avoided telling them. She wasn’t in the mood for the drama.
Lizzie gave Penny at pointed look. “First of all, I am not going on a date with Charlie. We are going as friends because Andre needs our support; so for Merlin’s sake, stop grinning like a Cheshire Cat!” Penny pressed her lips together but it was evident she was fighting to contain her grin.
“Secondly,” and her attention shifted to Skye, who was still glaring at her, “don’t talk about Charlie like that. I told you time and time again, he is my friend. I don’t care which House he belongs to or which team he is playing for. If I want to spend time with him, you are sure as hell not going to stop me!”
“Hear, hear,” Tonks chimed in, her cheeks filled to the brim with pie.
Her sudden interjection relieved the tension into a burst of laughter, even Skye was joining in. Perhaps she was sick of fighting on all fronts for the time being.
“And you know,” Lizzie continued “it doesn’t mean we can’t meet up at The Three Broomsticks once we get there. Charlie and I have to help Hagrid before we can go anyway; I’ll walk to Hogsmeade with him and Andre and once we’re there, everyone is going to have a good time.”
Penny shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”
She nudged Skye, who still didn’t seem entirely convinced. “Come on, I thought you and Lizzie were done fighting for the year.”
Despite herself, a small smile appeared on Skye’s face at her words.
They sat in silence for a bit when a thought crossed Lizzie’s mind. Her eyes flickered from Rowan to Orion in a furtive movement.
“What about you guys; you are going as well, aren’t you?” she asked in a pointedly nonchalant tone.
McNully and Orion looked up from their plates and exchanged a glance.
“I don’t know yet,” McNully mused. “I got asked, but I’m only 24 % sure I should actually go.” His eyes flitted towards the Ravenclaw table for a moment. “64 % of the activities at such events involve dancing, which I surprisingly can’t enjoy properly.”
“Only because you can’t dance, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy music and good company,” Lizzie answered incredulously. “Especially, if a certain someone explicitly asked you.”
Although she had a fair point, McNully chose to ignore her arguments. Instead he jerked his head in Orion’s direction. “It’s not like I’m the only one not going, though.”
Orion merely shrugged. “He is right, I do not plan on going either. I don’t find a large number of people being crammed into a small space particularly enjoyable.”
His gaze drifted to the candles floating above their heads, casting their soft glow over the mass of students gathered at their tables. “So many different energies in one place unsettle me,” he added airily.
Skye snorted into her cup and Lizzie elbowed her into the side. She was suppressing a grin of her own at Orion’s detached manner, however.
“How boring,” she pouted, hidden laughter ringing in her voice, “Myron and the others have been planning this gig for ages, it’s going be a lot of fun!”
Neither Orion nor McNully looked particularly enthusiastic to discuss matters further, so Lizzie decided to let the topic rest. For now.
When the group had finished their meal and was headed back to the Common Room, Rowan caught Lizzie’s sleeve, subtly holding her back. She waved to the others to go ahead, sitting down next to her friend again.
Rowan looked at her earnestly. “Do you really think you can persuade Orion to come with us?”
Lizzie wasn’t as sure as she made herself out to be, but nodded anyway. She had never been one to give up easily. “I think so. It will take a bit of convincing but I’m positive I can get him to give in.”
Rowan’s cheeks turned darker. “If he agrees, do you think you could help me getting a little closer to him?”
It was exactly what Lizzie had had in mind. A group of friends enjoying good music; a few drinks and plenty of opportunities to separate from the group; getting lost in the crowd without it being overly suspicious. It was the perfect opportunity for them to loosen up and get to know each other better. She almost felt excited herself.
She linked her arm with Rowan as they were strolling towards the exit of the Great Hall, a mischievous smile playing about her lips. “Don’t you worry, I’ve got you covered.”
Orion and the others were already back in the Common Room, lounging in their usual spot next to the great fireplace. He and McNully were engaged in a game of chess, while the girls were talking in hushed voices to each other about Lizzie’s change of plans.
McNully’s rook had just beaten his bishop off the board in a particularly violent way, when Skye huffed audibly, sitting up from the yellow couch she had been sprawling upon.
“I don’t care, I still don’t like Jameson going out with the best player of another team. I mean, where are her loyalties?”
“You heard her, Skye”, Orion responded without taking his eyes off the board. He motioned his complaining pawn to move forward, into the path of McNully’s queen. “She and Charlie Weasley are going as friends and that is the truth we need to accept.”
Being completely honest with himself, however, he had to admit that Skye had a point. Charlie Weasley was Gryffindor’s greatest asset. He didn’t know much about his and Lizzie’s friendship, but the thought of them showing up together made him feel uneasy.
He tried to balance his feeling of restlessness by taking out another one of McNully’s white pawns, foolishly allowing his commentator friend to position his queen in front of Orion’s king.
“Checkmate, buddy,” McNully announced with a ring of surprise to his voice. “What a blunder! You made it really easy.”
Orion’s eyes wandered over the assortment of black and white pieces. He was trying to focus on the mistake he had made, but his mind was on anything but the game.
Skye came over and sat between them, picking up the black queen and spun her around between her fingers.
“Tell you what, we have to do something about this. I say, we all go, keep an eye on things; make sure Weasley doesn’t do anything stupid.”
McNully set the board for a second match. “I highly doubt Lizzie would approve being chaperoned,” he retorted sceptically.
Skye dismissed his concern with a flick of her wrist. “I don’t care about her approval. This is for the team. Now, are you in or what?”
Orion gave an exhausted sigh. Much like Lizzie, Skye wasn’t one to let things go once she had set her mind to it.
“Will you give it a rest if we agree to come?”
He made eye contact with McNully for a moment, who gave him the tiniest shrug.
He closed his eyes, breathing out slowly. He could already feel his calm slip at the thought of being stuck in such a crowd.
“Alright, we’re in.”
Skye lifted herself off the ground and placed the chess piece back on the board.
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hphm-stuff · 3 years
I have a handful of requests on the go, and I promise I'm working on them. I just have a bunch of school stuff that I'm working on right now. If you sent in a request, it's coming, I promise!
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mooooooooony · 4 years
Anyone: *breaths*
Charlie Weasley:
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The Celestial Ball
A/N: Okay I’m a be real with you guys, I been playing this damn game and it pisses me that we can’t date the Weasley’s, especially Charlie (he's so adorbs lol), hope you guys enjoy it, and yes I did add some little things.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, light Jealously, Angst.
Summary of Part 1: The Celestial Ball is just around the corner, and everybody is getting their dates and getting ready for the party but you get caught in a sudden decision, and you’re not sure if it will affect you later on.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Bonus Part
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You were on your Fourth Year at Hogwarts, and you were a proud Ravenclaw. You had made many friends along the way; Rowan, Tulip, Andre, Penny, Ben, Bill, Barnaby and especially Charlie, who was secretly your crush. You were just done with Potion class when Dumbledore had made an announcement that every student needed to report to the Great Hall. Upon arriving at the Great Hall, you noticed all of your classmates sitting on their tables, and wondered what was going on.
“What’s this about?” You heard from behind you, it was Charlie. “I’m not sure, come on.” You shrugged. As both of you walked down the hall, Charlie whispered loud enough for you to hear. “After this, wanna come to the Forest and look for Bowtruckles ?” You turned, finding those adorable brown eyes stare down at you, making you smile. “Of course, also now that you mention Bowtruckles, wanna know what a group of Bowtruckles is called ?” You grinned, knowing the joke was so corny. “No, what are they called?” He knew the answer, but he liked it when you would tell him little facts or jokes about Magical Creatures so he came closer to you so he could hear you better, but also because he liked being close to you, and every time he would do this it would send you shivers down your spine. “A branch ...” You whispered and started to laugh at his “perplex” expression. “Of course.” He rolled his eyes followed by a laugh.
“OI, can the two of You just kiss already?”
You heard Tonks yell from across the hall, noticing her and Penny giggling in their table. Rolling your eyes at the comment, they were one of the few that knew about your crush towards Charlie. “Oh shush.” You said jokingly but quickly gave her a warning look, while Charlie had turned to his table, making her laugh and Penny grin.
“Alright then, I’ll meet you later after Care of Magical Creatures.” He smiled at you one last time before sitting down next to his brother Bill, who waved at you and gave you a warm smile.
You waved back and turned to your table where Rowan and Tulip had left you space for you to sit. “So ... has the question popped out yet?” Tulip asked teasingly. “Nope ... and I doubt it would happen.” You sighed, noticing Dumbledore walking up to his owl podium, getting ready to reveal the reason for summoning the students to the Great Hall.
“Why you doubt it? You’re an amazing, beautiful and smart girl (Y/N).” Rowan insisted. “Plus, you guys have a lot in common.” Making Tulip and Andre nod.
“I know, but that’s why we’re best friends, Rowan, plus I know him, and he’s not the relationship type, he prefers Dragons instead of Humans.” You sighed again because it was true.
“Yeah ... but you’re human, not a Dragon, Yet he still hangs around you a lot.” Tulip teased again, making you chuckle. “Oh no trust me, even if he’s with me, he still talks about Dragons.” Which was also true making everybody in your table laughed.
"Yes, but what if he does have feelings for you but thinks the same way as you, and that's probably why he hasn't asked." Andre quirked his eyebrow, making everybody nod again. "That could be a possibility when you think about it." Tulip reaffirmed. "And due to your likeliness, it's definitely true," Rowan added, making the three of them turn to you. "Okay, you guys are getting way too deep into this."
From across the table, right behind them, Charlie, Bill, and Ben were seated discussing Quidditch when Bill turned to ask something to Charlie he noticed he wasn't listening at all. Quickly realizing what he was starting at.
"Oi, stop daydreaming about her and get up and ask her out already." Bill elbowed Charlie's side, pulling him back to reality. "What?" He asked cluelessly. "I said, get up and ask her out already. We all know you fancy her mate."
"You know I can't do that." Charlie murmured, watching you laugh at something you had said, he loved hearing you laugh, especially if he was the reason for it. "I don't even know if she feels the same ... and I don't want to ruin what we have." He turned to Bill who had already rolled his eyes at the comment. "You're really that clueless ?" He said, making Charlie frown. "What?"
Bill began to laugh. "She's been fancy you since you guys met, don't tell me you didn't notice it." And clearly, he didn't. "Ben, can you tell Charlie how much (Y/N) talks about Charlie?" Making the timid boy widen his eyes at the sudden comment. "I don't know what you're talking about ..." Ben said nervously, looking away from the redheaded brothers. "See?!" Charlie shouted, making Ben jump. "Did she told you to not say a word too?" Bill turned to Ben, quirking his eyebrows. "Y-yea ... N-No."
"Come on Ben." Bill insisted. "Okay, but you didn't hear it from me, she's a good friend and I don't want her to get upset at me." Ben began, making Charlie blush at the thought of (Y/N) liking him. "She does, she fancies you, Charlie, she talks about you like how you talk about Magical Creatures, especially Dragons." Both, Bill and Ben turned to Charlie who was now a complete mess, red-like a tomato. "Oh ..."
"See? Now go and ask her out." Bill pointed to (Y/N)'s table, and slowly Charlie began to raise from their table but not before being pulled back by Bill. "Not right now your twat, when you guys are alone." Making Charlie nod continuously.
“Good Evening Children ...” Dumbledore began, taking everybody's attention. “I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve called you here. Now, it is with great pleasure that I announce to you that Hogwarts’Celestial Ball is fast approaching.” Bill turned to Charlie excitedly. “Would you look at that, you’re in luck mate.” Making Charlie turn to you, who at the moment was paying attention to Dumbledore. “It is a festive event for your Year, held here in the Great Hall. There will be music, decorations, refreshments, and dancing. I’m sure you have many questions ...” And Dumbledore continued, answering the students' questions and finally dismissing everybody.
Meanwhile, in your table, Andre, Tulip, and Rowan started to discuss what they were going to wear, who were they going to go with, what prank they could do (This was, of course, Tulip's idea). “(Y/N) this could be a good chance for you and Charlie to ...”
“No.” You quickly cut her off, making everyone frown at your sudden attitude, and turn to look at each other. “Are you mad?” Rowan asked. “No, but please can you guys drop it already.” You began to feel a lump on your chest at the thought. “Come on, (Y/N), I’m sure he will ask you, you just have to- wait where are you-” Tulip said while watching you grab your books, and Andre quickly jumped in. “We’re sorry if we upset you (Y/N), we just thought that maybe-”
“I said no, so please drop it you guys.”You got up without thinking about it and began to walk away from your friends, holding tight into your books, a small tear ran down your cheek.
(”Why do they keep insisting? Don’t they notice it hurts me? Doesn’t he notice too?”) You thought to yourself, as you began to cry out.
Charlie noticed this and turned to your table, seeing everybody surprised too.
“Rowan, is (Y/N) alright?” Charlie asked from across the table. “We’re not sure.” Rowan shrugged, and the rest did too. “I think you should go check on her.” Bill suggested but Charlie only shook his head. “No, when she’s like that she prefers to be left alone.”
After cleaning yourself in the Prefects bathroom, and gathering everything you needed for your next classes, you finally got to your last one, Care of Magical Creatures. You sighed deeply as you walked out of the Castle, passing by Hagrid’s Hut, noticing him, and waving at him.
“Hey, (Y/N), wait ...” You heard from behind, it was Barnaby Lee. “Hey, Barnaby.” You smiled at the boy. “I have a question, what do you make of this ‘Celestial Ball?” He asked, and you began to notice a small hint of pink in his cheeks, but then you remembered he had just run into you. “Uhm ... It sounds interesting?”
“Blimey, I mean ... I was wondering.” His cheeks began to get into a different shade now, (”So it wasn’t the running.”) You thought. “I wanted to talk to you about it because I don’t have a date yet ...”
“Oh ... Yeah, me neither.” You said without thinking about it.
“Crikey, well ... Ummm, since you’re not going with anyone and I’m not going with anyone, so ...” Then realized where this was going and you didn’t want to keep it going, but there was no turning back, so you stayed quiet, not really knowing what to say.
“Would you like to go to the Celestial Ball with me?” He finally asked. You bit your lip at the thought, sure it could be fun but you wanted somebody else to drop the question, but knowing that person, he was never going to do it anyway. “Yes ...” You said, kinda doubting it, but Barnaby didn’t notice it, on the other hand, his face lighted up and had a big smile. “Brilliant! I know we’re going to have a great time together. Whew! Okay, I got to go, I usually like helping Mr. Kettleburn before we start the class, I’ll see you later then (Y/N).”
“Okay ...” You facepalmed yourself and rubbed it in annoyance. “Great.”
“Hey (Y/N), how are you doing?” Charlie's voice suddenly brought you back to reality. “Hey, I’m fine ... Why do you ask?” Hearing a concerned tone in his voice, this was normal in him, since he knew when you would get upset over something. “I noticed that you looked upset after the announcement Dumbledore gave ... You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I am.” You smiled at him, reassuring him, and he smiled back at you. “Alright, let’s go to class then.” Both of you began to walk to Mr. Kettleburn’s class when Charlie started to get a bit red from his cheeks, you turned and pointed it out. “Are you okay?” You asked, his freckles would normally make him look tanned but his cheeks did look a bit redder. “Uhmmm ... I have something to ask you actually.” He gulped, this wasn’t usually his behavior, you remembered. “Yeah? What is it?” You smiled at him and he looked down to the ground. “Uhmmm ... I wanted to ask you ... Actually, I wanted to know if ... No, that’s not.”
“Yes?” You quirked your eyebrow, and for a moment he looked at you and turned even redder. “Uhmmm ... I just wanted if you ... ijustmaybeifyoucouldgototheballwithme-” He spoke so rapidly you couldn’t make it up. “I’m sorry Charlie, I didn’t quite catch that?”
“Uhmm ... I was just wondering if you-”
“Hey (Y/N)!” Barnaby interrupted Charlie, making him frown and look at him in annoyance. “Hey Barns, what is it?” You smiled at him, and Charlie turned to look at you confused (”Since when did she start to call him like that?”) He asked himself. “Do you want to meet up after this and talk about what we should wear for the Ball?” He asks innocently, making Charlie’s eye widen at his words. (”He already asked her? What? Why? Why him? Especially him? And (Y/N) said yes?”). You turned to see Charlie, seeing his surprised face, it made you wonder why he had it in the first place, but you finally turned back to Barnaby. “Actually Barnaby, I’m busy after this, I got some stuff to do with Charlie.” Making Charlie smile triumphantly. “Oh, okay, it’s fine, then tomorrow would be fine?” Barnaby still insisted, which made Charlie a bit upset. “Yeah, that’ll be fine.” You said with a forced smile. “Blimey, I’ll be looking forward to it.” Barnaby smiled and finally left, leaving you and Charlie alone again.
“So ... what were you trying to ask me earlier?” You turned curiously at the redheaded boy.
“Oh ... Uhmmm, it’s nothing, forget about it.” Charlie smiled, hiding his annoyance at the thought of you and Barnaby. “Okay then ...” You frown in confusion but began to walk towards Liz who was already at the front of the class. Charlie stood back watching you laugh with Liz and then turned to Barnaby who was looking around almost daydreaming. “This sucks ...” Charlie told himself.
“Welcome back Children, today we’ll be learning about the Murtlap!”
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After class, both Charlie and you began to walk towards the forest without nobody noticing.
“At some point, we’re going to get caught you know ...” You said almost slipping from a rock. “Not if we’re careful we won’t,” Charlie said laughing as he caught you in time. “Good reflexes.” You said, locking your eyes on his. “It’s thanks to all the outdoor work, gotta pay attention to everything, like dad says.” He said while holding your hands still, you noticed a small blush forming on his cheeks.
“Well, he’s right.” You said smiling, looking away from him, trying to hide your blush. “Alright, so where should we look first ... Any specific tree or ...” You trailed off. “Well, they normally hide, they’re very timid and they only nest in trees with wand quality wood.”
“Now that ... I didn’t know.” You said as you looked around.
“And they also have very complex social lives,” Charlie said, as he searched too. “If you watch them for long enough ... Well, I think this should be a good spot.”
Both of you spend a good hour and a half looking for them, but none of the trees seemed to match the criteria.
“Maybe we’re not looking in the right place Charlie.” You suggested. “No, I know they’re here ... maybe we’re not ... Oi, over there look.” He said as he pointed to a small tree, a small Bowtruckle had come out but quickly went back inside when he heard Charlie's voice. Both of you turned to each other and slowly walked towards it.
“Alright ... What’s the plan genius.” You whispered, making Charlie frown. “Let’s approach it slowly first.” You nodded and continued to walk towards the small tree.
“So ... You and Barnaby.” Charlie cheekily asked, reminding you of the situation. “Oh ... that, uhmmm, yeah, I don’t know, it just sorta happened.” You said with a shrug. “Do you ... like him?” He asked curiously, noticing the discomfort in your face. “Not really ... I mean, he’s a great friend.”
“So, why him?”
Shush !
Charlie looked at you surprised.
“Why don’t you try to approach it first?” You suggested, having a good 3 feet apart from the tree. “Why me?”
“Because I know they’re very protective, and I know you got thick skin ...” You said, a bit afraid. “You’re not going to tell me you’re afraid of them are you?” He grinned at the thought. “It’s not that it’s- ... Would you please?” You said, finally giving in and throwing your hands in the air.
“Okay, okay, fine.” He said chuckling.
He slowly approached the tree and noticed the small Bowtruckle getting ready to defend its tree. “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.” He showed his hands to the small creature, who didn’t look convinced. “We just want to meet you ... okay?” But the Bowtruckle went back inside.
“Try to feed it ...” You whispered, and Charlie nodded. “Hey, I know you’re scared but I got something for you.” He slowly pulled out a small dry insect, which made the Bowtruckle take a peak from it’s hiding spot.
“It’s working ...” You whispered excitedly.
And sure enough, he began to crawl out from its nest, eating the insect Charlie had offered him, he fed him a few more and the small creature started to get closer to him, still scared but Charlie's voice seemed to soothe him, and you didn’t blame him, he was really caring and very delicate with every Magical Creature he would encounter, even if some of them would most of the time tried to harm him in the process.
“Oi, look!” He said excitedly, you noticed a small spark on his eyes, and you loved it, you loved seeing this side of him. “Give me a few more minutes and I’ll give him to you.”
After like 10 minutes of interacting with the Bowtruckle and hearing some more facts about them, Charlie decided it was time. You were sitting on the ground by now. So, Charlie kneeled down to your level.
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“Alright, here ... Careful.” He said while slowly moving his hand towards yours, placing his pinky on top of your hand, giving the Bowtruckle a way to walk towards you, but he also wanted to feel your warm touch again.
“Hey there buddy ...” You said to the small Bowtruckle, who was trembling. “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you, I promise.” He admired your kindness when it came to Magical Creatures, not everybody had that gift, and sure enough the Bowtruckle felt it and began but slowly walk towards your hand.
“I see he likes you ... That says a lot.” He smiled at you and so did you. “I think they’re cute.” The Bowtruckle seemed to understand this and turned to smile at you, which made you giggle.
“Ithinkyou’recute ...” Charlie whispered, and you quickly glanced at him. “What was that?” Both you and the Bowtruckle turned to see him confused. “I said that I think ... they’re cute too.” He said facepalming himself on the inside. “Okay.” You said giggling again.
“Do you really think it's a good idea to go to the Ball with Barnaby? I mean, he doesn’t seem like your type ...” He trailed off, looking at the ground, both of his hands on his pockets.
“Oh really? What’s my type then?” You looked up at him, a bit surprised with the comment. “Uhmmm, I don’t know, but not a Slytherin for sure.” He tried to shrug it off, (“maybe it wasn’t a good idea bring it up”) he thought.
“Not ALL Slytherins are bad, Charlie.” You tried to defend Barnaby, but if you were being honest to yourself, you didn’t really know that many Slytherins.
“So are you defending him now?” Charlie’s tone changed, and it sounded annoyed and you quickly caught it. “Where’s this coming from? You don’t like him?”
“It’s not that ... I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He said as he crossed his arms, looking away from you. “Barnaby is not what you think, and if you had the time, you would actually realize that he’s not that different from Us.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” He turned to look at you, you could tell he was upset.
“Well, for starters he loves Magical Creatures as much as you and I do.” You tried to reason with him, but it made him scoff.
“Okay and?” He said looking away from you this time. “Okay well, he’s actually not that bad of a friend, he helped us when it came to the Vaults, he practically fought Merula for us, when they were friends even before all this mess had started.”
“Okay and?”
“Really Charlie?” Your tone was now matching his, which made him realize this argument wasn’t a good idea.
“What? You can’t blame me, I’m just trying to figure out why would you go with him and not with-” But before he could finish his sentence you cut him off. “Because he asked me and I felt bad turning him down, and plus nobody had asked me before him so ...”
“Yeah, but you can’t just throw yourself at the first one that asks you ...” He mumbled, which made you upset with the way he had said it, and he regret it. “Oh yeah, who else could of had asked me?”
“I don’t know ... but you won’t know now since you’re already going with him, you missed your other chances.” His back now facing you, he was definitely going to regret this.
“Oh please Charlie.”
“I’m serious, maybe ... another boy was going to ask you.” He turned to see you shaking your head. “Yeah, well, I doubt it.”
“Why you say that?”
“Because the boy I wanted to ask me was never going to anyway ...”
“And what makes you think that?” He quirked his eyebrow at you, making you chuckle. “Because he isn’t the party or date type.” You said blanky. “Well, maybe he was and you didn’t give him a chance.” He tried to defend the other boy but it didn’t work. “Not really ...” You rolled your eyes, knowing he wasn’t and maybe he would never be.
“Well, (Y/N) now you’re stuck with Slytherin Boy.” He said mockingly. “Oh don’t call him that.”
“Okay, Barnaby ...” He rolled his eyes, making you laugh, but then he turned his gaze into a serious one which you hadn’t seen in a while. “This other boy, you talked about ... Do I know him?” He asked curiously and noticed you looked away from him.
“Yeah ... Uhmmm.” Your cheeks slowly began to get pink at the thought, you just couldn’t tell him, what if he gets weirded out or something. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to ...” He said, making you sigh in relief, but he continued. “Well ... whoever is, I hope he asks you out at some point.”
“Yeah ... me too.” Charlie noticed the sadness in your eyes and voice, and he knew he was the reason for it, and it made him feel bad.
“Anyways ... Uhmmm, the Bowtruckle, he really likes you.” Charlie pointed out, the Bowtruckle was over your shoulder now, and you didn’t even realize it. “Yes he does.” You smiled at the Bowtruckle who was now, leaning himself on your cheek.
“(Y/N) ...” He looked up and sighed. “I just ... I just hope you made the right decision, but if anything, I’m here for you.” Charlie said while giving you a warm smile. “Thank you, Charlie.” You turned your gaze back to the small creature, while Charlie looked down at you, sad, knowing he had missed his chance but he wasn’t going to give up that easily, not if it was about you.
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(I know this is Newt but I didn’t know what gifs to use; Credits to the owner)
(Next Chapter is going to take place during the Ball)
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A Night to Remember (Part 2)
A/N #1: Here is part 2 of the Celestial Ball fic! This is where all the dance and the romance is! Aaaah, Charlie and Alice... Will they? Won’t they? If you want to know, you’ll need to read on! Also, if you want to see Alice’s full outfit, CLICK HERE. If you want to know which music to listen to during various moments of the fic, CLICK HERE. (Oh, and there is a certain reference to a pants problem I had when drawing the art below...) Other parts in the series: You’ve Got a Friend in Me | Distraction | Something There | One Step Closer | Fashion Emergency | Get Your Head in the Game | Der Walzer von Alice | Of Quidditch and Ballgowns | From Paris, with Love | A Night to Remember (Part 1)
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Alice was looking down at her half-eaten sandwich, playing with some crumbs that had fallen to the plate’s side. She rolled them between her fingers, lost in her thoughts. 
“Alice!” said Rowan, waving her hand in front of her friend’s face to get her attention.
“Huh? Oh! How long have you been here?” asked Alice, looking at her friend sitting next to her.
“I just arrived. You seem perturbed. What’s bothering you?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact I’ll be dancing in front of thousands of people in just a few hours.”
Alice’s tendency to exaggerate always made Rowan smile. “Well, actually, taking into account that there is a max amount of 5 people per dorm, ten people per house per year, meaning 40 people per year… This means 200 students, minus the prefects and head boy/head girl on the dance floor, meaning 174 but adding the professors, which means about 13, plus Filch, Hagrid, Madam Pomfrey and Madam Pince, that makes about 191. And you also have to think the other prefects might not necessarily go with a fellow prefect like you and Charlie. Not to mention students who are not coming… So you’ll be dancing in front of about 180 people, which represents 18% of a thousand.”
“That makes it so much better,” grumbled Alice, laying her head on the table. 
“It’s not that much, Alice,” pointed out Rowan.
“Easy for you to say… If I recall, you told Bill you were willing to practice with him at the beginning, but you would not be his date because there is no way you will dance in front of a crowd…”
“I wouldn’t dance in front of a crowd of 10, to be honest, but that’s me. You are Alice Beaumont, Curse-Breaker extraordinaire. Nothing scares you!”
“Dancing is not like dealing with a Vault, Roro…”
“Trying something new.”
“Ok,” replied Alice, a small smile spreading her lips.
“Ah! I see a smile!”
“Yeah, yeah, alright. I guess I’ll survive. At least I’m dancing with a friend, so no pressure on that side. And Tulip is there to deal with Merula, so that’s being taken care of as well. I guess all that’s left to do is hope for the best…” said Alice, slowly raising her head from the table. “Speaking of Tulip, do you know what happened to Filch?”
“I heard he’s in the infirmary with boils on his face… It also seems like he doesn’t know where the liquid that fell on him came from.”
“Lucky break…” whispered Alice.
“There you are!” said Andre, standing in front of her.
“What do you mean, ‘there you are?’ You’re the one who told me to go eat.”
“That was an hour ago! It’s time to get ready. Chop, chop!” he said, clapping his hands.
“The ball is still in a few hours…” started saying Alice as she got up from the bench.
“Exactly! We need to put you in your dress, do your hair and your makeup… We need to start now, or you’ll be late for the ball!” said Andre before walking away while looking at a pocket watch.
“At least he didn’t say that I was going to be late for a very important date…” mumbled Alice as she walked out the Great Hall. 
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Alice was back in Andre’s dorm, sitting on his bed as he had told her to wait for him there while he brought Charlie his suit. Talbott had gone to the common room, so Alice was all alone. She noticed that Quidditch magazines were mixed in with fashion publications on Andre’s nightstand, while some old books were on Talbott’s. While Talbott’s side of the dorm was barely decorated, Andre’s walls were covered in posters, and most were of the Pride of Portree. There was also a small picture with an autograph on it. The only thing she could read was “Westwood,” the woman’s surname, she assumed. Two very different personalities were sharing a dorm…
“Finally, I’m ready for your makeover,” said Andre as he entered the dorm.
“Took you long enough. Was there something wrong with Charlie’s outfit?”
“Hum… Let’s just say there was a situation with the pants. A slight sewing problem, really, but really needed to be fixed. Anyway, here, go put this on,” said Andre, handing Alice a garment bag. 
Alice took the bag and headed towards the bathroom. “What was wrong with Charlie’s pants?” she asked after a few moments from inside the bathroom.
“Hum… Let’s just say that he looked very excited about the ball?” 
Alice’s head appeared from a small gap in the door. “Huh? How could pants show excitement?”
“You know…” he replied, raising his eyebrows.
“Hum, no, I don’t. I’m not an expert like you in fashion,” she said, zipping up the side of her dress as she left the bathroom.
“You sweet, innocent child,” Andre said, pinching his friend’s cheek.
“Ow!” Alice rubbed her cheek, glaring at Andre.
“Sorry,” he said, taking a step back to look at Alice in his creation. “Merlin, I’m good.” 
“Ok, great, the dress looks good, but do I look good in the dress?”
“You look great! But I’m still not done with you. By the time your entire look is completed, you will look like a vision. Now, sit,” he said, pulling out the chair in front of his desk. “First, the hair.”
Andre stretched his fingers and rolled his shoulders as if he was preparing for the most daunting task of his life. After stretching his neck, he promptly took a hairbrush and started brushing Alice’s hair after he had removed the headband she was wearing. He went through her hair with swift movements. Once her hair was brushed to his satisfaction, he took out a comb and started parting her hair. Taking the hairs framing her face, he started braiding them, adding strands of hair as he went further towards the back of her head. Little beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, but he hastily wiped them off. As the two braids joined each other, he used a flick of his wand to make them stay together. He then removed the silver threads from the tiara Alice’s grandmother had gifted her. He carefully placed the tiara right below the braid, and once again flicked his wand to make the tiara stay in place without the help of the threads. 
After admiring his handiwork for a few seconds, he turned the chair around so Alice would face him. He took out the blush and mascara Penny had lent him. He also pulled out a blush brush from his desk. Alice didn’t bother asking him why he had such a brush in his possession. He dipped the brush lightly in the blush and started applying it to Alice’s cheeks delicately. He then got out the mascara and started applying it slowly to Alice’s eyelashes. 
“This is going to take forever,” grumbled Alice as her eyes started to water while he did the lower lashline.
“You can’t rush art,” replied Andre.
After applying the mascara, he took out a lipstick, which was a very pale shade of pink, and started dabbing it on Alice’s lips using his finger. He took a step back and quickly grabbed a handkerchief to remove some of the mascara that had stained Alice’s lower eyelids. He then put her jewelry on, before standing away to take a good look at his fashion protégé. 
“I feel like Professor Higgins…” said Andre, looking at Alice.
“I don’t know him… What subject does he teach?” asked Alice, looking up at Andre. 
“Well... he’s a fictional character,” replied Andre. “Anyway, all you need now is to put on the shoes, and you’ll be ready.”
“I’ll put them on in the common room. There is no way I’m going down five flights of stairs in those, especially not in a narrow spiral staircase,” she said, leaving the dorm bare feet, holding her shoes in her hand. 
“Don’t leave without me!” shouted Andre as the door was closing behind her.
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Alice rapidly descended the narrow staircase until she finally arrived in the almost empty common room. Only Talbott was there, reading his book.
“Has everyone left already?” asked Alice.
“Yes, it was very noisy when everyone was getting ready to leave, and the first and second years were gawking at everyone,” said Talbott, looking up from his book. “Are bare feet the new trend in formalwear?”
“Haha, very funny. I told Andre I would put my shoes in here,” said Alice, showing the shoes she was holding as she sat down. “So even the younger students left?”
“Yeah, they all wanted to see everyone’s evening looks,” said Talbott as he took a closer look at Alice. “Hmm, Andre outdid himself.”
“Was I such an ugly duckling before?” asked Alice, glancing at him as she tightened the strap of her shoes around her ankles.
“That’s not what I meant…” started saying Talbott, flustered.
“I know. I’m messing with you, Winger,” replied Alice before sticking her tongue out.
“I’m ready,” said Andre as he entered the common room. 
“Wow, you changed quickly,” said Alice as she got up. 
“Well, when you look this good…” started saying Andre, tugging at his jacket’s lapel.
Alice lightly punched his shoulder. “Stop bragging, or we might be late to the ball.”
“Milady,” said Andre, extending his arm for her to take.
“Fine… But it’s only because I’m wearing heels,” said Alice as she took his arm. 
They stepped out and saw the younger students gawking at what was going on downstairs from the gallery. As they started passing them, some turned to see, and many of the girls were impressed by Alice’s outfit.
“She looks like a princess,” Alice heard one girl whisper to her friend.
“Oh lord… Andre, maybe this is too much,” whispered Alice.
“Just enjoy it, Alice. Tonight, you shall be the belle of the ball,” said Andre, gently squeezing her hand.
As they started to descend the moving staircase, Alice could hear the chatter coming from downstairs. She and Andre were the only ones in the stairs as the ball was about to begin. She heard Tonks’s distinct laugh as they were one staircase away from joining their friends. 
Andre quickly released her arm. “Stay here,” he said, before going down a few steps to stand at the top of the stairs that led to the entrance hall. He cleared his throat to get their friends’ attention.
“Andre! Took you long enough! The ball is about to start. Where is Alice?” asked Penny.
“She is right here,” said Andre, looking in Alice’s direction, giving her a small nod as her signal to come into view before quickly going down the stairs himself.
Alice took a deep breath and slowly started to go down the stairs leading to the top landing of the final staircase. She felt uneasy in high heels, and the last thing she wanted to do was to fall. She finally arrived at the top of the stairs and turned to see her friends.
“Oh! Alice!” exclaimed Penny while Tonks wolf-whistled. 
Charlie was talking with Barnaby, his back to Alice. Barnaby, who had a little bowtruckle embroidered on his lapel, looked up and stopped paying attention to Charlie, staring at his friend who was slowly coming down the staircase. Charlie turned around, and his eyes widened when he saw Alice. His mouth remained slightly open as he looked at her every move as she carefully came down the stairs. As she stepped down the last stair, Andre lent her his arm once more and brought her to Charlie, who just kept staring in awe. 
“Oh, Charlie! You look great in your suit!” said Alice as she looked at Charlie, who was wearing a dark navy Regency-style tailcoat with a high collar and two silver dragons adorning the front,  paired with red pants, and black leather derby shoes.
“Huh? What?” said Charlie as if coming out of a trance. “Oh! Thanks! You look great too!”
“The ball is about to begin,” announced McGonagall, standing at the Great Hall’s entrance. “All the students should be inside, except for the Headboy and girl, the prefects, and the students accompanying them.”
“Good luck,” said their friends as they went inside the Great Hall, while Alice, Charlie, and Bill took their position in the line of students that were going to open the ball. 
Bill took his position at the front with his date, while Alice and Charlie were at the back of the line as they were only 5th-year prefects. Charlie raised his hand, and Alice delicately placed hers on his. They glanced at each other before looking back in front of them, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm their nerves. They heard the music starting, and Bill immediately started to walk into the Great Hall, followed by the other students. Charlie and Alice looked at each other before taking their first steps into the Hall. 
The Great Hall was full of students in formal attire who were all standing around the dancefloor, observing the prefects’ arrival. Alice noticed Merula staring at her and looking surprised, while Diego, who was standing next to her, gave the pair two thumbs up as a sign of encouragement. Alice and Charlie took their position on the dancefloor along with the others, Alice placing her hand on Charlie’s shoulder while he put his on her waist. 
“Ready?” he whispered.
“Me neither… Well, let’s hope for the best. At least we’re together,” whispered Charlie, to which Alice nodded.
There was a slight pause in the music before it started again, indicating to the dancer that it was time to waltz. The couples started to sway to the music before starting to move around the dancefloor. It looked like a scene straight out of a period movie to the Muggle-borns. For students less familiar with the Muggle world, it looked more like something straight out of the stories their grandparents used to tell. Then, as the music became louder, the leads lifted their partners while turning, allowing the audience to see the magnificent gowns the ladies were wearing. Alice and Charlie kept looking into each other’s eyes, trying to forget all the people who were looking at them. Looking into Charlie’s warm brown eyes made Alice feel better, while his reassuring smile made her heart beat faster. 
As they were dancing, their friends were observing them.
“Oh, look! Alice is blushing!” whispered Penny to Andre as she nudged him with her elbow. 
“Are you sure it’s not Andre who put too much blush on her cheeks,” whispered Tonks, smirking.
“Unlike you, I have some talent when it comes to applying makeup,” whispered back André.
“Touché,” said Tonks before laughing.
“Look! He just made her twirl in front of us, and they completely ignored us. It’s like they’re in their own world,” pointed out Tulip.
“Can’t believe Alice was worried about the dance all this time,” whispered Rowan. “They look so graceful together.”
“Isn’t it romantic,” whispered Badeea as she sketched on a small pad.
“Are you actually sketching during a ball?” asked Ben.
“Of course! How many other balls will I get to see in my lifetime?” replied Badeea as the ladies were lifted once more by their partners.
The music eventually slowed down a bit, allowing others to join. The first to enter the dancefloor were Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, who were soon joined by other students, including Merula and Diego, as well as Penny and Andre. Soon the dancefloor was filled with students, as well as some professors, waltzing. While Diego was supposed to be the lead, he felt like Merula was making him dance more quickly than the others. He soon realized she was trying to catch up to Beaumont and Weasley. Annoyed, he made a sharp turn so that they would dance further away from the couple. Andre and Penny kept looking over at their two friends, who were now both blushing, though neither seemed to be aware of it.
“One Galleons that he asks her out tonight,” said Penny to her partner.
“Two that they have their first kiss tonight,” replied Andre.
Most of their other friends had remained on the side, Rowan and Ben refusing to dance in front of so many people, while Badeea kept sketching. Tulip and Tonks danced together on the side, laughing as they tried to lift each other and failed. Rowan observed her best friend, smiling, as she swayed to the music. She was happy to see Alice thinking about something other than the vaults.
The leads spun their partners before catching them at the waist. All the skirts twirling on the dancefloor made for a dizzying spectacle as the couples whirled around the dancefloor, at varying speed, depending on the music. At last, the music became louder and slightly faster as it approached the end, making the couples dance a bit more quickly, making them all seem like a blur to the audience. As the music ended, the dancers curtsied to their partners. 
Alice and Charlie looked at each other with a smile of relief. They held each other’s hands before hugging each other in a tight embrace.
“Well, you two were quite the pair,” said Andre as he made his way towards them with Penny. 
“Is there a piece of gossip I should start spreading around?” added Penny grinning.
“What are you talking about?” asked Alice, looking at the blond Hufflepuff.
Charlie looked at his friends, annoyed. They were not even trying to be subtle anymore. “Just ignore them,” he said, placing an arm around her waist. “We should go to our table.”
Charlie guided Alice to one of the prefects’ tables, where Bill was also sitting with his date, under the watchful eyes of Penny and Andre.
“Hmmm, I’m afraid we might lose our wagers,” said Andre as they made their way to their table.
“Don’t be so sure, the night is still young,” said Penny, smirking.
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After dinner, the Weird Sisters took their place on the stage and started playing their hit song (and the only song Alice had ever heard them play), “Do the Hippogriff.”
Many of the students went to the dance floor and started to dance to the rhythm of the music. Alice could see Penny, Andre, Tonks, and Tulip shaking their heads to the rhythm while jumping. Bill led his date to the dance floor, while Charlie and Alice remained seated, the Ravenclaw beating the tempo of the music with her fingers on the table. 
From the corner of his eye, Charlie noticed Barnaby approaching their table. While Charlie didn’t like the idea of dancing again in front of everyone, he took Alice’s hand and led her to the dance floor. There was no way Barnaby Lee was going to cut in on his time with Alice. Especially not if it was to dance with her. As they joined the group of dancing students, he made her do an inside turn, before they started to shimmy to the beat, smiling at each other.
When the song ended, and they started to go back towards their table, Penny grabbed Alice’s arm and whispered something in her ear, while Andre and Charlie were having a conversation about Quidditch.
“Wait, how did you manage to…” started saying Alice as she heard the Weird Sister play the first notes of a song she knew all too well, along with nearly all Muggle-borns and many half-bloods.
“It took some convincing, but I managed to make them include some Muggle song in tonight’s repertoire, even if Myron didn’t find them dark enough to his taste,” replied Penny as she dragged her friend near the front of the stage.
“I really would love to know what you used to convince him to play Ghostbusters,” said Alice as they started to dance.
“Oh, that one was easy. I had to get creative for Footloose and Y.M.C.A.”
“Wait… THE Weird Sisters are going to play Y.M.C.A.?!”
“Yup! But Myron’s not going to sing that one. No amount of blackmail… uh, I mean, convincing, would make him sing a fun song.”
“Who will?”
“Who else?” said Penny, nodding in Diego’s direction, who seemed busy warming up his voice while Merula was giving him the cold shoulder and pouting.
“What’s up with Snyde?”
“Eh, ignore her. She’s just pissed because you were the center of attention.”
“I was not! Everyone is wearing such gorgeous outfits. I nearly asked Andre if he designed everyone’s outfit.”
“You are too precious. Honestly, though, you and Charlie probably have the best outfits. Barnaby was so jealous of the two silver dragons on his chest. And I heard a lot of murmurs about a certain sparkling blue dress, not to mention your tiara. You two looked like a couple straight out of a fairytale or a period drama.”
Alice shrugged at that last comment as she kept dancing to Ghostbusters. Andre had also hinted at the whole fairytale scenario. She didn’t know what her friends were on about with the whole fairytale thing. Charlie wasn’t a prince, and she was no princess either, at least not literally. Maybe it was the tiara? Perhaps it was her tendency to read fairytales? But it wasn’t because she read fairy tales that she necessarily believed in the unrealistic love stories found in them. Anyway, no one said anything about love, right?
With these thoughts in mind, she glanced towards Charlie, who was sitting at a table, deep in conversation with Andre and Barnaby. As if on cue, he looked in her direction at that moment, and their eyes met. He smiled at her; she smiled back. As she did so, she felt her heart thumping faster and a warm sensation enveloping her body. She started to feel as if there were too many people around her as they all did the Y.M.C.A moves. Her chest was tightening, making it hard to breathe. She quickly made her way out of the crowd, Penny trying to catch up to her, to no avail. 
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Alice opened the door leading to the Entrance Hall, and quickly closed it behind her. She leaned against it, holding her hand over her chest as she tried to catch her breath. She didn’t understand what had happened. Maybe she was getting sick? She placed a hand on her forehead. No, her temperature seemed normal. Maybe there were just too many people…
She made her way toward the courtyard, hugging herself to keep warm in the Scottish winter. She stood at the edge of the courtyard, looking up at the starry night sky.
“Nothing beats the real thing, huh?” said someone behind her as a jacket was placed on her shoulders.
She turned her head and saw Charlie standing beside her.
“I wanted to make sure you were alright. You ran out of there looking frantic,” he said, looking at her worriedly.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to worry you. I just felt like… Like I was suffocating? I don’t know… I just kept hearing my own heartbeat and feeling hot. My head was just telling me to get out,” tried to explain Alice. 
“Well, as long as you are ok now,” said Charlie, glancing in her direction as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Mmm, I am, thanks… You can go back to the ball. Wouldn’t want you to miss all the fun on my account.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Diego commandeered a guitar and started singing in Spanish… Something about a bamboleo? Or is it a bambolea? Either way, many girls are swooning over him. Anyway, I’d much rather spend time with you,” he said with a shy smile, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
“Oh! Hum… Thanks,” replied Alice, looking back at the star as she felt her heartbeat quicken again, and her face, unbeknownst to her, had become redder.
Charlie stared at her. Was Alice Beaumont blushing? Could she possibly have feelings for him? “I liked dancing with you this evening,” said Charlie, trying to break the silence.
“Me too,” replied Alice, still looking up at the sky.
“I’m happy I got to dance with you…”
“Me too.”
“Too bad we’ll probably never do it again…”
“What do you mean?” asked Alice, suddenly looking at him.
“Well, I don’t think we’ll ever attend a ball again,” pointed out Charlie.
“Oh, right,” replied Alice, looking down.
“Well, we could have one last dance…”
“Not sure I want to go back in there,” said Alice, nodding in the Great Hall’s direction.
“Who said anything about going back in there? We have the courtyard all to ourselves; the night sky matches the theme way better than all the decorations in the Hall…”
“Hey! We put a lot of effort into those decorations!”
“I meant that they couldn’t beat the real thing.”
“True… But there is one problem: no music.”
“So? We practiced plenty of time without music,” said Charlie, extending his hand to her.
Alice looked at his hand, then into his eyes. She smiled as she shook her head, taking his hand. “Fine. Just let me put on your jacket properly, unless…”
“Nah, I’m fine. A turtleneck plus the gloves should keep me warm enough,” he said, taking her hand and leading her outside after she had put on his jacket.
Alice placed her hand on his shoulder, while he gently placed his free hand on her waist as they had done earlier, but this time, there was no pressure. They were just together. They started to sway together in the courtyard, slowly going around the fountain. The only sound they could hear was the wind and a little bit of the music coming from the Great Hall. The only witnesses to their dance were the stars twinkling in the sky. Charlie made Alice turn, making her skirt twirl, and the sparkles on it looked as if they were trying to compete with the stars as they glittered. He then caught her and lifted her, turning around as he did so, her hands resting on his shoulders as she looked down at him, smiling. Gently putting her back on the ground, they went on waltzing around the courtyard, a shy smile on their faces as they kept looking into each other’s eyes. They were in their own world, the heavens watching over them with benevolence. Charlie was lost in her green eyes, remembering the first time he had noticed her in this very courtyard when she had duelled Merula by stuffing her wand up the Slytherin’s nose. Alice looked at his smile and thought of the time he had caught her in his arms in Hogsmeade. She recalled being a bit mad when he had made fun of her book, but who could stay angry at someone with such an endearing smile. Not to mention he had helped her so many times since that day. Writing essays on creatures, finding the forest vault… He was always by her side…
They slowly stopped dancing, staring into each other’s eyes. Charlie leaned in closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, their faces nearing each other. As she looked at his lips coming closer, she started to close her eyes when…
“Alice!” shouted Rowan from the doorway.
Charlie and Alice stepped away from each other as if suddenly remembering where they were. 
“Alice! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! We still have some packing to do for tomorrow!” shouted Rowan as she hugged herself to keep herself warm. “What are you doing out in the cold? You could catch a cold!”
“I’m coming,” said Alice as she started to walk towards her friend, before turning towards Charlie. “Oh, your jacket…”
“Keep it,” said Charlie, looking at her with tenderness in his eyes. 
She looked at him for a moment. “Thanks,” she said with a small smile before walking back inside with Rowan.
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A/N #2: Well, looks like Charlie didn’t kiss the girl this time around, but maybe Alice is realizing something... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave a comment, and know that I am always open to constructive criticism. I’m not sure yet what my next fic will be. Maybe a musical sequel to this (mostly because I know a song that would fit so well after the events of this fic). Oh, and if you are wondering why Ghostbusters seems like a special song for Alice and Penny, read this fic. For the fic where Alice stuffs her wand up Merula’s nose, CLICK HERE. For the fic where Charlie catches Alice in his arms, CLICK HERE.
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missjosie27 · 4 years
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Hey guys!
Commission I asked for is now completed! Thank you so much to @jayusdraws for this wonderful drawing.
There will also be an accompanying story to follow! I wish I could include more people but this is all I could do for now
Enjoy everyone! I hope you like it!
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