#“Im gonna follow everyone I know!” *proceeds to follow the daughter of the married man he is sleeping with*
mintaikk · 5 months
Ik the mods follow the other accounts mostly just bcuz of rp purposes, but imagine your dad's affair partner following you 😭
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darklortt · 4 years
Story time!!!!
Ok so I was dating this girl (met her on a set, she’s an actress I was producing something blah blah) and it was kind of weird like she and I were not official but we were fucking around a lot. It was a lot of back and forth and she ended up cheating on me and sleeping with her ex. So then I was like well fuck you, but also I was deeply in love with her so I wanted her around.
Cut to like a couple weeks later and I’m meeting her boyfriend and she’s like, “we should all date or something”. So we all start hanging out but like no one is fucking and she’s like I wanna see you guys kiss. So we do and I’m a lesbian so I’m like not that into it but I love this girl so whatever. Then she gets mad and jealous. We go back and forth about it for awhile but eventually she gets on board after a few days. At one point we all did end up having sex and she was pissed and was like I don’t know who I’m more jealous of you or him!!! And then it gets crazy and dramatic and she starts saying she doesn’t want to be with me but then he’s like well I’m not dating you if you stop dating her!!! And I’m like crying most of these days cause I love her but she’s clearly wanting to be with him alone. I drink a lot during this time. After days of us all fighting he’s like no I’m leaving this triad and I want you guys to be together and be happy. And she’s mad so she breaks up with me. So then he and I go live in his art gallery in this small mountain town where everyone is an artist. I’m desperately still in love with the girl from the triad but I know I have to move on. He and I live there for a couple weeks (as friends) before I meet one of his biggest buyers. She’s so fucking hot. Dark eyes dark hair middle aged. She is everything young lesbians fantasize about. But she is married to another artist guy who is pretty well known. I’m like ok she’s gonna be a challenge. I’m a horrible person I know but I was so so very broken. Anyways, I’m warned by everyone and their mother that this woman is a Scorpio and she will end up stinging me to death at some point. I don’t listen.
We go to her MASSIVE house one night for an after party of some event. She’s a psychiatrist (also a turn on) and there was a film made about suicide and she’s speaking at a panel afterwards. Whatever we get to her house and everyone gets plastered. The guy I’m living with has friends in from NY that he met at Burning Man. They’re cool. We’re all drunk and suddenly me and said psychiatrist are making out. Guy I’m living with gets mad and starts pouting in the corner. She and i go upstairs and then the people from NY follow us. Her walls are littered with guy I’m living with’s paintings. We all get into her fucking shower and have sex. She and I spend the night together and many nights and days after that. Shit hits the fan with dude I’m living with. Over the next two weeks he is mad that I’m spending so much time with the psychiatrist and I eventually move out and into her house (her husband is out of town working on a commissioned painting for a couple months) she and I fuck around, she spends money on me, feeds me, calls me “my girl”, and I become her assistant.
We work together for a few months, meanwhile I see how she treats people. She yells at service folks making them feel like shit at every turn if they don’t get something right. She is a Karen in every way, demanding to speak to a higher up on every phone call. She starts nitpicking my appearance, telling me to wear makeup and not “look a mess”. She is still initiating sex with me, but is careful not to let anyone find out. I hate myself so I continue to fuck her and be treated like shit. I find out she is actually evil. Her husband comes home and she is treating me like shit as usual, yelling at me telling me I owe her for everything she’s done for me every day. I get pushed out into her guest house the day he gets home (we never have sex again) and she starts telling me I need to pay her to live there. Meanwhile her husband takes me under his wing and tries to teach me dad things like fixing a bike. I start to look for a new place to live because I find out her daughter had an abortion and psychiatrist lady called the boy who got her daughter pregnant and told his family that she had an abortion (they’re catholic) just to shit on her daughter. I find out she also has been spying on her husband and set up cameras in his studio and apartment to catch him cheating on her (she later gets divorced). I tell her I’m quitting as her assistant and moving back to the city and she tells me that I’m a horrible person and that I need to get my shit together and that I have “mental problems”. She tells me “fuck the two weeks” and that I needed to move out of her guest house as soon as possible. I go to move out that day and she sweetly comes up to me and says, “well I didn’t mean you had to leave now”. And I quickly grab all my shit because I’ve seen her do some crazy shit and know she could stab me at any point and no one would find my body. She proceeds to send me messages saying she misses me with 💋 emojis FOR MONTHS and I never reply. I block her number and DONT talk to her again. Im still friends with the original gf from the triad and now we laugh about how fucked up and wild those times were. I honestly can’t believe this shit happened sometimes. Anyways. Watch out for scorpios.
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