#“i love it when women steal from iron man and use his tech to try to melt me” - this idiot probably
organised-disaster · 5 months
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Peak character description: narrator gushing about how pretty the person literally trying to kill them is
No joke:
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lasersheith · 6 years
Team Voltron as MCU characters:
This got really long so under the cut it goes.
Allura-Thor: Stunningly beautiful. I can’t stress this enough. The hair! The face! The rest! Really magical in super cool ways. Loves a father that Did His Best but they’re both growing up to see that maybe he wasn’t the perfect saint they thought he was. “Humans are so petty. And tiny.” Loves them anyway. STRONG. Extremely majestic. Hilarious and unexpected silliness at the perfect times.
Keith- Captain America: (minor s6 trailer spoilers) Would fight you, has fought you, is probably fighting you right now. Lost his best friend and was super sad about it. Is capable of strategic thinking but going with his gut always seems to work out better. Used to be small and is now Buff and Beefy. Made the right call but for some reason all of his friends were piSSED ABOUT IT so he LEFT to do the right thing. Would sacrifice himself if it meant saving everyone else.
Shiro- Winter Soldier: So unbelievably gorgeous it isn’t fair. Confused, stressed, doing his best. Robot arm. Memory issues from Evil Bad People forcing him to fight for them. [insert 50k long rant about sheith and stucky parallels here]
Pidge-Iron Man: I’ll fix it! With science! Loves their friends and family SO MUCH. Anxious and blabbering sometimes, occasionally their own worst enemy, but generally just wants to do the right thing and help people. Absolute tech wizard. Butts heads with people a lot and isn’t super in control of their emotions, but tries really hard to do the right thing.
Hunk- War Machine: Extremely sweet but also so, so salty. Not appreciated enough. “WarMachineRox” except with the yellow lion. Not a huge fan of breaking The Rules but if he’s gonna do it, it’s because he wants to help his friends out. “I hate to be the voice of reason, as usual, but actually I love it. You’re all crazy, here’s why.” Cannot stress enough how much more screen time he needs. Puts up with A Lot with only minor complaining.
Lance-Hawkeye: Maybe not as “super” as the rest of the team, but he’s fun and funny and underneath all the snark he’s a good guy. So much love for his family it’s unreal. Sharpshooter!!! Surprisingly badass given the right circumstances. If he isn’t the man for the job, he knows a guy and how to get them where they need to be to help the team.
Matt-Ant Man: Huge dork. Shouldn’t be hot, but his personality is so cute he tricks you into thinking he is, accidentally. LOVES. HIS. FAMILY. Not around a lot, but when he is he absolutely steals the scene. Tries his best but messes up a lot. I didn’t expect to love him as much as I do, but here we are.
Lotor-Black Panther: Gorgeous. Regal. Captivating. So, so smart. Strong af. We stan a KING (slash emperor, shh). Can be a little haughty, but honestly he’s better than you. Realizes that maybe the way his people have been doing things for a long time isn’t quite the right approach. Makes mistakes but admits to them and tries to make up for them. Bonus points: surrounded by amazing, strong, talented, beautiful capable women.
I wanted desperately to find somewhere to put Falcon because I love him so, so much but I don’t think anyone really fits. This is an important but irrelevant addition that I just wanted you all to know: Sam Wilson is the absolute best and I would die for him.
Also if you have ideas for Coran please tell me. I was trying to come up for something for him but I got stuck imagining him wearing an eye patch and yelling MOTHER QUIZNAKER in a goofy Samuel L Jackson voice and haven’t had a coherent thought since.
edit: @happysheith Pointed out that Coran could be Bruce! Very sad but holds it inside and channels it into helping his friends. Mostly stays calm, but when he’s angry you better watch out. [Coran- will shoot you with space lasers from his space ship or steal a giant gun and pew pew pew. Bruce- Hulk smash]. I need to think about this more, but I love it!! Also pointed out by happysheith: In Ragnarok Bruran has to clean up after Thorllura’s and Odalfor’s messes which is pretty freaking spot on!!
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singledarkshade · 5 years
Sapphire And Steel
Part Four Iron Heights Prison filled the view in front of him as Rip sat in his car dreading this meeting. It had been a week since the ball and his encounter with one half of the thieves he was trying to catch. Despite trying to forget about it, the kiss Miranda had given him had been on his mind a lot.
Taking a slow deep breath Rip picked up the file and got out of the car. Heading into the prison, he went through all the security checks feeling sick to his stomach at who he was about to come face to face with.
“Just let me know once you’re finished,” the guard told him before leaving to get the prisoner.
Rip went through the file again, hearing the door open he looked up to see the man in the prison jumpsuit walking in and taking a seat across from Rip.
“It’s been some time since anyone has wanted to talk to me,” Druce said amusement in his voice, “I’m assuming a Detective of some kind.
“Detective Rip Hunter,” he introduced himself, amazed he kept his voice completely steady, “Central City PD.”
Druce stared at him for several minutes before asking, “So, what exactly can I do for you, Detective?”
The smug voice made Rip stiffen slightly before he pulled out the picture of Miranda and Gideon placing them on the table in front of the other man, “Do you recognise these women?”
“Ah, my beautiful girls,” he smiled with self-importance, “They’re my pride and joy.”
“Excellent,” Rip replied shortly, “I’m looking for information on them and where they would hide out.”
Druce chuckled, “And what is in it for me to give you information on two people so dear to me?”
Rip smiled coldly, “Nothing.”
“You expect me to give you something for nothing?” Druce asked incredulously, “Did they not teach you anything in ‘Cop School’?”
“All I wanted to know was that you knew them,” Rip replied, “I can work out the rest from that. Anything else I could get from you was just a bonus.”
Druce stared at him, “Really?”
“I know your organisation,” Rip told him darkly, “I know how you worked and what you did to the kids you used to steal for you.”
Tilting his head in thought, Druce stared intently at Rip, “And how would you know that?”
Lifting the file and tapping the door to let the guard know he was finished, Rip shrugged, “I do have something for you, a name,” the door opened, and Rip stepped out saying, “Michael Carter.”
In the corner of his eye he caught the look of horror on Druce’s face, feeling a small sliver of satisfaction and surprised by the closure he felt.
  “What is he doing going to see that bastard?” Gideon mused as she watched their detective.
“He must have put together that we used to work for Druce,” Miranda sighed.
Gideon pulled up the CCTV from the prison interview room, and they studied the conversation between the two men. Miranda let out an amazed gasp at the name Rip called back to Druce.
“Who is Michael Carter?” Gideon asked confused.
Miranda sighed sadly, “He was one of the best kids Druce ever trained. Apparently could get in anywhere and steal anything without getting caught. On one job the police were nearly on top of them so Druce tossed him off the roof of the building to distract the cops.”
Gideon’s eyes widened in horror, “Why did I never hear about that?”
“Because Druce threatened to kill anyone who mentioned the name,” Miranda told her, “I only knew him for a few days, but he was nice and looked out for the younger kids. Told me how to survive Druce.”
A thoughtful look crossed Gideon’s face and she began to type, “I wonder what happened to him and what our dear detective knows.”
Miranda waited while Gideon dove into records before hacking into the police database.
“Did you find anything?” she asked when Gideon looked over at her.
Gideon nodded, “Well, although the news reports that he died, there is no death certificate for him. He seems to have simply vanished. I think Michael Carter is still alive somewhere.”
“Interesting,” Miranda mused, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Our detective is connected to him,” Gideon said thoughtfully.
Miranda nodded.
“Well, we need to look into that,” Gideon smiled, “But let’s steal something first. I’m bored.”
Cuddling her girlfriend, Miranda murmured, “I have a few ideas for that.”
  “Here,” Sara handed Rip a bottle of beer, “You look like you need it.”
Rip smiled at her, “Thanks.”
She took a seat on the couch him, “Break-ups suck.”
“Very true,” Rip sighed, “But honestly it’s for the best. With everything happening at work, it’s not as easy to spend time with her. Caitlin deserves someone who can focus on her.”
Sara took a drink shaking her head, “She broke up with you and you’re being so nice about it. Most break-ups I’ve been a part of and around involve a lot more hard drinking with name calling.”
“I’m sorry to disappoint you,” Rip replied with a small chuckle. Before he could take a drink, his phone buzzed, “And here is the reason I am single once more.”
“Something interesting?” Sara asked.
Rip grimaced, “My kleptomaniac friends are back.”
“Oh,” Sara grinned, “Does this mean we’re getting another racy photo?”
Handing her the beer back Rip grabbed his things and left the house to find out what had happened this time.
  The museum was full of police when Rip arrived, ducking under the tape he nodded hello to the officer standing guard. Heading further inside he found Joe West watching the CSI team working.
“Do I want to ask?” Rip said with dread filling him, “What did they steal this time?”
“Tiara, necklace and bracelet,” Joe listed, “All on loan from a private collector.”
“What kind of jewels?” Rip asked.
Joe checked his notes, “Mostly diamonds but there were also…sapphires.”
Rip chewed his pen in thought, “Hmm.”
“What does that mean?” Joe asked interested.
“Just a thought,” Rip replied, “I’ll look over it when I get back to the station.”
Joe nodded, “Cisco has something for you in the control room. Barry is finishing up.”
“Thanks, Joe.”
The older man shrugged, “No problem. Fun on a Friday night.”
Rip grimaced, “Definitely.”
Heading up to the control centre for the museum Rip found Cisco sitting staring at his tablet.
“What have you got for me?” he asked letting the other man know he was there.
Cisco looked up at him, “Just so you know I’m only talking to you as a work colleague.”
“Caitlin ended things with me,” Rip replied amused, “And we’re still friends. But I will tell her you took her side.”
“Just so you know where you stand,” Cisco grinned before turning back to work, “Look at this.”
Rip frowned as he studied the screen, “Is that a signal?”
Cisco nodded, “I’ve been trying to track it for a while.”
“It’s not part of the museum system?” Rip asked concerned.
Cisco shook his head, “No, I only found it by accident. I don’t know where it came from.”
“It’s them,” Rip breathed in annoyance but also impressed. Cisco was the best tech guy around. He had offers upon offers to work at labs, tech companies and everything in between but he loved his job with the CCPD.
Cisco stared at him, “You think?”
“Wait,” realisation hit him, “How far would this signal be able to send?”
“Not that far,” Cisco told him.
Grabbing the tablet from Cisco, Rip yelled back as he ran out the room, “They’re here.”
Rip charged through the museum pausing only to check the triangulation programme Cisco had set up. Heading out the back to the loading bay he skidded to a halt just as a car screeched out of the alley.
Focussing on the car, he quickly took in every bit of information on it before relaying it over the radio. With a sigh he headed back inside to finish going over the scene.
  Miranda laughed as they ditched the car and ran to the car they had waiting. She was impressed that they’d found Gideon’s signal, considering how well she had it hidden but overhearing that it was by accident, it made sense.
“Are we free?” she asked after they’d driven around for a while.
Gideon nodded, “They’re still looking for the original car. We need to change again since their tech guy found my signal.”
Miranda mused for a moment before saying, “We’ll head for the safe house tonight. They’ll be looking at hotels.”
Gideon smiled, “Sounds good and I have an idea for our picture.”
“I can’t wait,” Miranda laughed.
  Rip stared at the photograph he’d just received, relieved no one else was in the room with him.
It was Miranda on her own this time, naked and laying on her stomach on a bed, the curve of her breast just visible. Her head on the pillow facing away from the camera, with her long dark hair spread out against the white pillowcase. The stolen pieces of jewellery were placed along her spine and a white sheet covering just below her lower back.
Rip knew he should stop staring at the photo but…she was a work of art.
After the ball, and that kiss, Rip had spent a lot of time trying to work out what exactly they were up to. The flirting especially was unbalancing him.
And annoyingly, he was spending a lot of time obsessing and fantasising about them. His dreams of catching them kept turning into something other than an arrest and he wanted it to stop.
Rip didn’t like being out of control.
His entire life since becoming Rip Hunter had been to make it his and never let anyone take that from him.
These women were not going to do that.
  “I’m hoping you’re working on something important and not just staring into space.”
The familiar voice jolted Rip out of his musing, he hit the button to close the picture before moving to the woman walking towards him. Dark curly hair, dark eyes and an amused smile on her face, she gave him a hug the moment he reached her.
“I didn’t realise you’d invited the FBI in,” Singh said as he appeared in the doorway, “Not until Agent Jiwe appeared in my office.”
“Amaya is a friend,” Rip told the other man, “I asked if she would do me a favour and put together a profile on Coburn and Ryder. She owes me a few.”
Amaya gave Singh a smile, “Rip and I spent three days on a stakeout just before he transferred here. I lost a lot playing him at poker.”
“Thanks for the warning,” Singh laughed, “Let me know if you need anything, Agent.”
“Of course, Captain,” Amaya smiled at him, “But I’ll make Rip get me whatever I need since he dragged me here.”
Singh chuckled again, “I like her.”
Once the Captain left them alone Rip fetched Amaya some coffee before taking his seat again.
“Thanks for agreeing to do this, Amaya,” Rip said handing her a copy of the file, “I could use all the help I can get.”
She sipped the coffee while studying the sheets of paper with a thoughtful frown, “They seem to have fixated on you a lot more than Perkins,” she looked him up and down smiling, “I can see why.”
Blushing slightly, Rip replied, “There is something that isn’t in the file that happened recently.”
Amaya leaned back and waited for him to speak, listening in silence as Rip told her about his encounter with Miranda at the ball before showing her the photo.
“From what we know,” Amaya mused, “They are in a relationship and devoted to one another. The fact she’s offering you the opportunity to join them is interesting.”
“Really?” Rip asked, “Because I see it as another way of them messing with me.”
Shaking her head Amaya replied, “There are other ways. This was specific and an intimate invitation.”
He sighed, “They’re trying to distract me.”
“It’s working,” Amaya told him, “I know you, Rip. When we worked together you were always so focussed no matter what. You’re rattled.”
When he frowned, she patted his hand.
“Let me ask you a question,” Amaya said, licking her lips nervously, “Remember this is in a completely professional capacity.”
He nodded waiting.
“You’ve been seeing someone, right?” Amaya asked softly
Rip nodded again.
“After the ball did the two of you…spend the night together?” Amaya kept her cool demeanour.
“Yes,” Rip replied, “What does that have…”
“When you were with your girlfriend that night, were thinking about her or two different women?”
His silence answered her question.
“I’ll look over this and get a profile back to you,” Amaya promised, “Along with some suggestions.”
Rip stood and accepted the hug she gave him, “Thank you for your help.”
“If you need to talk,” she reminded him, “I’m always available but maybe take a few steps back from this case for a while. To them this is just a game and you appear to be a prize, but this could ruin your career.”
When she left Rip sat and stared at his computer for a few seconds before shutting it down. He was following Amaya’s advice and taking the night off.
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