#“i said smell you later to this man and he CRIED about it”? gold. “debate me”? gold.
ozcarr · 8 months
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episode one where everyone was meeting for the first time at the Fillettown docks
Love when two weird monotone guys bicker with each other
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Santa Makes a House Call
So @expected-kiss I’m your @newsies-secretsanta! I hope you love the little story I’ve written you!  I had a lot of fun writing this! Enjoy!!!
“The only reason I’m willing to dress as a Santa is the cookies. The absolute only reason.” Race raised an eyebrow at Spot’s confession. 
“They’re our nieces and nephew. You’re not willing to do it for them?” Race asked, giving his husband a look. “Are you saying you won’t do the same for our kids?” 
Spot leaned against the counter, giving him a look. “Are you trying to tell me something?” 
“I would hope you’d want our children to see the magic of Santa by dressing up for them.” Race shrugged. 
Spot sighed. “You’re evil.” 
“Please do this.” Race leaned over, kissing Spot. “Addie, Ben, and Josie are going to remember this for a long time.” 
A thin smile stretched across Spot’s mouth. “Until they realize that Uncle Spot ruined their childhood dressing up as Santa.” 
“Well let’s hope they’re older teenagers before they find out.” Race shrugged, stealing a cutout cookie. 
A groan escaped Spot’s mouth. “I’m sending them to you and Jack when they find out.” 
“So you’ll do it?” Race grinned, popping the last of the cookie in his mouth. 
Spot shook his head. “You’re a menace.” 
So a couple of days later, all dressed in a Santa suit, Spot rang the doorbell of Jack and Kat’s house, hiking up a red velvet bag full of presents for the three children. The door swung open, followed by a loud laugh. “I hate you so much.” 
“Why Santa, you came!” Jack’s cheerful voice sounded back as he allowed his brother-in-law into the house.  
Following Jack into the living room, he grinned seeing Kat and Race in there along with the three children who had stilled at the sight of the Jolly St. Nick. “Ho Ho Ho!” 
“Santa! What are you doing here?” Addie, the eight year old, gave him a look as he took a seat in the oversized chair, propping the velvet red bag beside him. “You’re supposed to be here in two days. Dontcha have a lot of work to do at the North Pole?” 
Spot looked at his niece and should’ve known she would have all the questions. “I got a special message that there were some extra good girls and a boy at this house and I should make a visit before Christmas.” 
“But aren’t ya busy at the north pole?” She asked, taking a hesitant step forward towards him. 
Spot tilted his head as his lips slid into a grin. “The elves are very busy making sure my sleigh is packed with all the presents for the good little girls and boys.” 
Josie and Ben, who were 6, stood back by Kat, wide eyed and not moving. “Well, who do we have here?” 
“That’s my brother and sister . . . but shouldn’t you know their names, Santa!” Addie looked at him, tilting her head. 
Spot chuckled, holding his pillow belly. “Of course I know their names . . . Josie and Ben! Have you been good this year?” 
Their heads slowly nodded, looking at one another before looking back at Santa. “I’ve been good . . . Josie and Addie not so much.” 
Kat’s eyes went wide as her son threw his sister under the bus in front of Santa. A chuckle escaped her mouth as she looked at Jack who was shaking his head. 
“Now I believe I was told that all the kids, including your mom and dad have all been on their best behavior this year.” Santa continued, looking at them through the gold rimmed glasses he had on. 
Addie giggled. “Mom and dad aren’t kids, Santa.” 
“They can be young at heart, right?” Santa argued back, giving her a look with a grin. 
Shrugging, she stepped forward, leaning on the arm of the chair. “Santa?” 
“Yes, Addie?” Spot looked amused at his niece, who normally wasn’t shy at all, all of a sudden clamming up. 
“Can I put in a last minute request for a Christmas present?” She asked, innocently as Spot looked over at Kat and Jack. 
Spot grinned. “You can ask but I don’t know if the elves will be able to make it happen.” 
“Okay.” She sighed, before looking at him. “I want a puppy for Christmas.”
Spot chuckled. It was a debate Addie had been having with Jack and Kat for at least the last six months. Jack and Kat said no but she was trying every angle to get the puppy. 
“What do your mom and dad say about a puppy?” Santa’s eyes went wide as he looked at the eight year old. Sighing, Addie bit her lip. “They said no.” 
“Unfortunately, Santa has to have parental approval for any presents delivered.” Santa sighed. “I do wish I could bring you a puppy, Addie but mom and dad get final approval for presents that I deliver Christmas Eve night.” 
Sighing loudly, Addie nodded, looking over at her parents. “No puppy?” 
“Sorry, kiddo.” Jack walked over and crouched down in front of her. “No puppy this year. Maybe when you get a bit older.” 
As Jack pulled Addie into his arms, Josie walked up to Santa and gave him a look. “Hey Santa?” 
“Yes, Josie?” Spot tried to keep the chuckle from escaping but he failed as the young girl gave him a look. 
“I thought you’d be bigger.” She grinned, looking much like her mother who had an evil streak beneath all the lovingness. “Did you go on a diet this year?” 
Race threw his head back and laughed as Kat and Jack quietly chuckled at their daughter’s question. “Mrs. Claus has me on a bit of a diet . . . telling me that I need to take it easy so that I can have all those cookies on Christmas Eve.” 
“Oh.” She looked over at her uncle with a grin. “What’s so funny, Uncle Race?” 
“Just you Josie.” He wiped tears away from his eyes. “Do you want to ask Santa for anything?” 
Popping out her hip, she tapped her finger against her mouth, humming as she thought. “I want a skateboard.” 
Eyes wide, Santa looked over at Kat, who slowly nodded her head. “I will have to check with mom and dad but if I was to drop one off, what color would you like?” 
“Pink.” She quickly spoke, grinning. Before he could say another word, she wrapped her arms around his shoulder in a quick hug. “Thanks Santa!” 
She bounced over to where Kat was sitting as Santa looked at Ben. “Ben, do you have anything you want?” 
“A fire truck!” He yelled, throwing his arms up in the air with great excitement. 
Spot nodded, looking at the little boy. “I’m sure I can find a place for a fire truck in my bag.” 
“Can the kids get a photo with you, Santa?” Kat asked, holding up her cell phone, giving her brother-in-law a wicked grin. Spot held back his groan, knowing this photo will be on full display for many years to come. 
Josie and Ben both sat on Santa’s lap while Addie leaned against the chair. All three had cheesy grins on their faces while Spot’s lip drew upward in a smile. Kat took several photos before instructing the kids to give Santa a hug before he had to go. 
“Uhhh . . . Santa?” Addie bit her lip, looking up at the man. 
Tilting his head, Santa gave her a look. “Yes, Addie?” 
“Why do you smell like Uncle Spottie?” She asked, eyes widened with curiosity. 
Spot’s eyes flew to Jack and Race, who snorted and tried to keep the giggles in. “Who’s uncle Spottie?” 
“It’s Uncle Race’s ‘usband.” Addie rolled her eyes, giving the man a look. “Thought you knew who everyone was.” 
“I know a Sean, who’s married to Uncle Race but I don’t know anyone named Spot.” Santa smoothly lied as Addie shrugged. “And we must use the same shampoo.” 
Jack chuckled, walked over to pick up Addie. “How about we let Santa get back to the north pole? You need to get to sleep because if you don’t, then Santa’s not coming to this house. Tell Santa, goodbye.” 
“Bye Santa. Thank you for stopping by our house.” Addie grinned, wrapping an arm around Jack’s shoulders to steady herself. 
Spot leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You’re welcome sweet girl. Merry Christmas, Addie, Ben, and Josie.” 
And with a wink, he made his way out the door. 
Ten Years Later
“Wait, you’re telling me that Uncle Spot was Santa all those years ago?” Addie’s eyes were wide as she looked between her parents and uncles. 
Nodding, Spot grinned. “You hit a little too close to home when you said that Santa smelled like me.” 
“I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on it when your dad and Uncle Race started laughing in the corner.” Kat shook her head, looking between her brother-in-law and her husband. 
Josie, Ben, and Addie looked at one another, laughter bubbling in their mouths. “Wow, who’s genius idea was it to have Uncle Spot dress up?” 
“He lost a bet actually.” Race shrugged. “Your mom asked us if we would dress up and he kinda lost a bet.” 
Spot’s eyes went wide. “Actually, you pressured me into dressing up, using our future children to guilt me if my memory serves me correctly.”
“Alright old man, whatever you say.” Race rolled his eyes, looking over at their own children, who were now teenagers themselves. 
Rose Elizabeth and Milo James were their pride and joy at fourteen years old. Spot and Race adopted them and loved them fierce, watching the two growing up. 
“So wait.” Rose called, giving the four adults a look. “So that photo you have of me and Milo with Santa, is that you papa?” 
Spot chuckled, shaking his head. “No. That was your uncle Jack. Payback was hell.” 
“Yeah and if I remember, there were threats involved with me dressing up.” Jack looked at his brother-in-law. 
Spot held his hands up innocently. “Uhhh I just remember guilting you and reminding you of how amazing of a Santa I was.” 
“I don’t know if I would use the word amazing.” Jack cracked a grin, scooting the chair back to escape the hit that was aimed his way. 
Milo laughed. “I think I may have been more scared of Santa after that visit . . .”
“Oi!” Jack cried. “I was a jolly old Santa. You and Rose ate it up. If I remember correctly, you sat happily on my lap and told me allllll the things you wanted that year.” 
Kat laughed. “You two were four when that happened. Our kids knew the secret but kept up the act for you two.” 
“And you two were so excited that Santa had visited your house that you ended up taking that photo in for show and tell many times and telling your classmates of the excitement of the season.” Race said happily, shaking his head. 
“Well, thank you Uncle Spot for initially dressing up as Santa.” Addie grinned. “That was pretty cool to do, even though you kept the secret from us.” 
Race laughed. “Could you imagine if you knew Santa was Uncle Spot? You never knew how to keep a secret as a young girl . . . the entire town would’ve known then Spot couldn’t go anywhere.” 
The laughter rose around the table as the four adults shook their head and the kids all laughed merrily.
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gofordrakgo · 5 years
Dwelling Chapter Two
“ ‘You’re like a mom,’ she blurted, her mouth still sticky with peanut butter. Only after the words were out of her mouth did she realize what she said. His eyes went wide, and jam spilled down the crust of his half of the sandwich as he squeezed it too tightly. ‘I… I’ll ignore that if you tell me why your skin is green.’ ”
Dwelling Summary
Dwelling Chapter One
Dwelling Chapter Three
The apartment building itself smelled like mildew and microwaved fish, and Shea couldn’t help but flinch when the smell hit her. Only one overhead light brightened up the entrance and it flickered enough to be headache-inducing. The man working at the desk, an older guy wearing an oversized cross on a gold chain, looked like he hadn’t showered even once since the invention of running water. He looked her up and down, then winked in Drew’s direction. 
“Feel like sharing, Lipsky?” He asked. His voice sounded like someone with a permanent cold trying to speak by submerging their head in water. Shea hated everything about him instantaneously. 
If it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t want Drew to freak out and decide she couldn’t actually stay the night, she would have plasma blasted the slimeball out of the building. And, to be honest, because of the fact that Drew’s only response was to look appalled, and immediately, though subtly enough that anyone else might have missed it, move to put himself between her and the creep. 
Despite her assumption that Drew knew less about real fighting than a toddler at a ninja-themed birthday party, Shea had never felt so protected. Her brothers knew as well as she did that she could handle herself against the worst of the worst, and they never bothered to stand up for her anymore. 
Once, when she was twelve or thirteen, a local news anchor commented to her, on live television, that like most other men, he was counting down the days until she turned eighteen. Her brothers, though they later claimed to be discomforted by his words, said nothing. 
Heath's only contribution was to reprimand her afterward for storming off and leaving scorch marks on the wall backstage. Merrick whined for the rest of the day about how she had gotten all the attention when the broadcast should have focused on the way he’d taken down the villain of the week. Wendell and Westley, she forgave because they were too young to understand what the implications had been, but it was still annoying when they cried all evening about not getting to eat the candy that had been left out for them to have after the interview, even after Shea had snuck them both candy bars from her hidden collection. 
It felt kind of nice, in a simultaneously uncomfortable way, to have someone act protective over her. It seemed as though he were a momentary barrier between her and all of her past troubles. He felt like a personified version of… oh.  She knew then, more like an unspoken instinct than a conscious realization, that she and Drew would, somehow or another, become much closer than some runaway brat and the college student who wanted her gone by the next morning. Everything about Drew screamed out home in a way that home hadn’t for years. The way he placed himself in harm's way for her, the way the lapses of silence seemed natural rather than awkward, even the way they had bickered the whole walk screamed of home to her, of safety and warmth and something else she couldn’t quite place. Love crossed her mind before being quickly dismissed. Acceptance. That was it. 
Still standing between her and slimeball, he began to usher her up the steps. After all the walking they had done, they still had to climb six flights of stairs. 
Somewhere between the fourth and fifth flight, Shea finally looked down at Drew who trailed just a few steps below her. “Hasn’t this place ever heard of elevators?” 
“Just keep walking,” he grumbled, his eyes focused on the stairs like he’d miss a step if he looked up. Never one to like being bossed around, she immediately stopped to glare at him. 
A moment later, Drew crashed right into her. She kept her balance easy enough but worried he might actually go falling backwards down the steps. She grabbed his shoulder to steady him without thinking. Was that a hero thing? Or just something normal people did? She hated that she could no longer tell the difference, and hated the idea of having to question her every choice even more. 
Once he seemed stable enough she snapped her hand back. “Watch your step, poindexter,” she warned, hoping he understood the double meaning behind her words. 
“Nngh- stop calling me that,” he snapped, sending her a glare of his own. He stormed past her, leaving her to actually have to run up a number of steps to catch him. By the time she did, he was in the process of shoving open the door to the sixth-floor hallway. He didn’t hold it for her the way he had when they first entered the building, and she rushed to catch it before it shut and locked her out. She had a feeling, even as angry as he seemed to be, he would have come back to let her in. Eventually. 
The silence had officially become awkward as he unlocked the door to his apartment. The keys kept sticking, and it took him three tries to get the door open. When it finally swung open he, once again, didn’t hold it for her. She inched inside before the door could swing shut.
The apartment was, as expected, not very spacious, though it was pleasantly, if sparsely decorated. A navy blue sofa and matching loveseat were angled towards a tv stand. Though the television itself looked old, his collection of VHS tapes could rival her own. For the first time since she slipped away earlier that day, she actually missed Go Tower. Her quick scan of the movies showed a ton of nostalgic children’s movies, every sort of sci-fi and fantasy out there, and every season of Mighty Martian, but not one good horror movie. Well, no horror movies at all, good or bad. 
She considered commenting, but when she glanced over at him the anger still radiating off of him slapped her in the face. He had his back turned to her, and for a moment she watched him as he dropped all of his books on the counter that marked the end of the living room and the start of the kitchen. He still didn’t look at her, as he rounded the corner and threw open one of the cabinets. Hunger twisted at her stomach, making her remember with near painful clarity that she hadn’t eaten anything since noon. 
She trailed into the kitchen behind him, putting the books she had been carrying in a neat stack beside the ones he’d thrown everywhere. She leaned against the counter and asked, “So. Um. Is Lipsky your last name?” trying to alleviate some of the tension. 
He glanced at her over his shoulder, then turned back again. She continued to watch him as he pulled bread and peanut butter from the pantry and barely stopped herself from grabbing him when he brushed past her to get to the fridge. 
She fidgeted with the hem of her t-shirt, green like most everything else she owned. After what felt like hours of internal debate, but had actually only been long enough for Drew to start slathering peanut butter onto a slice of bread, she decided she should probably apologize if she wanted to try asking him for food again.
He had just finished making the sandwich when she mustered up the courage to mutter, “I- um. Sorry.” He glanced at her, sighed, then looked away again to cut the sandwich in half. He took a bite out of one half, holding the other half out towards her. She snatched it from his hands, worried he’d change his mind. He gave her a startled look. 
“Your room-for the night- is through that door,” he said, jerking his thumb behind him. “Um. The sheets on the bed should be clean, I think I changed them a few days ago.” He shrugged and added, “if they’re not there’s extra in the closet in the hall.” 
“You’re like a mom,” she blurted, her mouth still sticky with peanut butter. Only after the words were out of her mouth did she realize what she said. She felt her face heat up knowing that if he somehow hadn’t noticed the green skin before he would definitely notice now. 
His eyes went wide, and jam spilled down the crust of his half of the sandwich as he squeezed it too tightly. “I… I’ll ignore that if you tell me why your skin is green.”
“Would you believe me if I said I ate too much broccoli as a kid?” She asked. He stared at her, which she took to mean he would not. “I didn’t mean it as an insult, you know.” Every bone in her body begged him to just let it slide. 
“You realize you’re eating my food in my apartment, right? The least you could do is tell me that you’re not carrying some deadly virus I don’t know about!”
“Well, I’m not,” she snapped. “My skins just green, okay? It’s not deadly! It doesn’t come off! And it’s not contagious!” He took a step away from her as she began yelling, and she forced herself to calm down. She didn’t want him to be afraid of her, despite her earlier attempt at threatening him. She’d actually started to like the guy and she didn’t want to completely ruin her one sort-of chance at having a friend. 
She hoped he wouldn’t notice her looking at her hands to make sure they hadn’t caught fire. They hadn’t, which gave her the barest hint of relief. 
Right as she considered that she might have to apologize for scaring him he asked, “Are your brothers green too?” He didn’t seem all that scared to her anymore, which, gah, he annoyed her just as much when he wasn’t scared as he did when he was. What was it about him?
“No.” She jumped up to sit on the counter, letting her legs dangle over the side. “But they’re not… I don’t know, normal, either.”
“Is it a genetic thing?”
“Not exactly.”
“What makes your brothers abnormal?”
“I think every question I answer should get me an extra night. This is personal stuff, Drew.”
He hesitated, then his startled look turned into a smirk. “Counteroffer, five questions get one free night.”
She finished the last bite of her sandwich and crossed her arms. She loved nothing more than a challenge. “One big question or three little ones gets a free night.”
“No. There’s no way I could know for sure which questions are big and which are little. Five questions for a free night. But you can pick and choose what to answer.”
“Three questions but I still get to choose what I answer.”
“Five questions and I’ll throw in one free meal a day.” 
“Three questions for a free night, two more gets the meal.”
Drew stayed silent for a long moment, staring at her. And then he stuck out his hand. “Deal.”
She slapped her hand into his and shook on it. His hand was sticky with the jam that had spilled earlier. Though she elected not to say anything about it he seemed to realize as they pulled away. 
“Sorry,” he muttered and passed her a dampened paper towel. She shrugged off his apology and wiped her hands clean. “So. What is supposedly so abnormal about your brothers?”
She sighed and tossed the paper towel over his head into the trash can behind him. “My oldest brother is kinda blue. Not that most people can really tell. They can tell his hair is blue, though.” She paused. 
Drew did exactly what she hoped he would do. “What about the other?”
“That counts as two questions!” Her grin widened as she took in his glare. 
He crossed his arms and yawned. “Fine. Just answer it. And then I want to go to bed.”
“He’s purple. Like really purple. His skin, his hair, even his eyes. Also, I have two other brothers.”
“I suppose I might as well ask what’s abnormal about them, and just let you stay tomorrow night as well,” Drew sighed. 
Hesitant as she’d been to answer his questions at first, she found herself enjoying talking about it. At least he didn’t know to ask about her powers. 
“They’re twins, Wendell and Westley.” Of her brothers, they were the only ones she still liked and the only ones she worried about missing. “Their hair and eyes are red. Not ginger red, but more like that little drop of blood after getting your finger pricked.” 
“Lovely. I imagine almost every word of that was a lie, but nonetheless, I suppose you can stay tomorrow as well. Cups are here,” he knocked on a cabinet above the dishwasher. “Use the filtered water in the fridge. And… well. Don’t drink my cocoa moo.”
“I’m not ly- wait… Cocoa…moo?”
“Yes. It’s mine. You can’t have any.”
“What exactly is cocoa moo?”
“Nngh! It’s chocolate milk.”
“Why do you-”
“Because I do, alright?”
Drew ran his hand through his hair, yawning once more. “I’m going to bed now. Your door locks but only turn the lock halfway if you plan on locking it. Otherwise, it’ll stick and we’ll have to call someone to get it open.”
“Okay. Um… thanks, by the way.” 
“Sure. Just. You know.” Drew shrugged, but she saw the blush that spread evenly across his cheeks. “And yeah. Um. Lipsky is my last name.”
And then he turned on his heel, locked the front door, and disappeared down the hall into what she assumed must be his room. Shea stayed on the counter, staring at the second hand of the clock as it tick-tick-ticked. It seemed unreal. 
In a weird way, Drew Lipsky’s apartment reminded her a lot of home, before the comet. They hadn’t been a rich family at all, back then. Heath and Merrick shared a room that had barely fit their bunk beds, let alone Heath’s desk and Merricks toy box. Sitting on Drew’s counter now, she imagined she could still hear them fighting over who got to sleep on the top bunk that night. Heath almost always came out victorious, until Merrick went screaming and sobbing to their mother. 
Shea had shared a room with the twins, for the first couple years of their lives. Her dad built her a lofted bed before they were born. The crib, which had been built to split into two as soon as the twins were old enough, fit neatly underneath. The babies would have been put to bed an hour before her own bedtime, and she learned quickly to sneak in silence up the ladder to her bed if she didn’t wish to wake them up. She’d get a silent half-hour, reading from a pile of books next to her pillow by the dim glow of a flashlight. Most nights Heath and Merricks fighting would wake the twins. More than once their cries had interrupted her in the middle of the best part of her story, in which case she’d climb back off her bed, and make the older boys fight worse than it had been, adding her own screams and wild punches into the mix. 
Those nights her mother would come in, long before Merrick had the chance to lose the fight, and decide who slept where. Then, she’d take Shea downstairs, pour her a glass of chocolate milk, and they would stay up late, curled up together on the couch, both reading their books.
That was back when her father was just a carpenter, and her mother was just a teacher and they were just normal children. 
Shea glanced over to the fridge, the temptation to pour herself a glass of chocolate milk was strong, despite Drew’s earlier warning. He was already letting her stay with him, despite her being able to contribute nothing except some half-answers to his questions, which he didn’t believe anyway. And already today she had done one thing that he had made a point of telling her not to do. She swung her legs out and leapt off the counter. 
“Maybe some other time,” she said in the direction of the fridge, feeling ridiculous even as she did. Still, hero or normal person, she thought following Lipsky’s basic rule was, in general, the better idea. “Thanks again, Drew,” she whispered, glancing down the hall towards his door. It was easier to say when she wasn’t looking at him. 
Her bedroom, or rather her bedroom for the next two nights, held nothing but a double bed. The blank white walls begged to be painted, covered in posters, anything to stop the room from looking like a hospital room. Even the thought made her sick. She’d spent far too much time in hospitals after the comet struck to be comfortable with them. 
Any notion she’d felt that she was meant to meet Drew strengthened ten-fold when she looked at the bed. As if he’d known she would be the one sleeping in the bed, he had covered it in green sheets, a dark black blanket folded neatly at the bottom. The sheets themselves were soft beneath her fingertips, and the clean lavender scent that wafted off them made her feel incredibly grimy in comparison. She almost wanted to take a shower, before climbing in, but the pillows looked so inviting. 
With a contented sigh, she closed the door behind her, slipped out of her jeans, leaving her t-shirt on and crawled into the bed. She left the door unlocked. 
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zaglicar-nofra · 7 years
Young Bloodletter
“...Then he rose his sword and said unto Opasyal Xavier, ‘You have tricked far too many men to believe in your false God! How could one of your intelligence do something so ignorant? You are still, as I always said, a fool.’
Xavier looked up at his former mentor, blood running down his face from the hilt slam to the head, and managed to utter, ‘Zaglicar! You shan't call me the fool! You are the one who won’t open your eyes wide enough to see Atemter’s divine power! All of Rokoda shall know you were the fool when we parade around the continent with your head on a pike!’
This was a foolish thing to say to one trained in the skills of assassination. Zaglicar the Second brought the sword down upon the head of the original Opasyal, splitting it in two.
Droka, the Elf Lord, seeing his fallen comrade, charged Zaglicar with a spear. Malley, another member of the House of Night, met Droka a split second before he struck Zaglicar and plunged her dagger into the throat of the Elf Lord.
Droka, being adept at magic, put a glowing palm onto his bloody neck, healing it slowly. Malley cackled at their victory when a tall, built man, wielding a staff came into the room. Malley turned to Zaglicar with fear in her eyes.
‘Boss? I-is that him? Could that be that man who poses as a god? This can’t be real! They were right all along.’ A tear went down her face.
‘I’m afraid it is, Malley. Go get Troget up and have Sethsma help him out of the room. I’ll protect Nya and Leytail.’ As the House of Night executed their orders, Atemter raised his staff carefully analyzing the enemy, deciding which one to end the life of.
‘Hmm, Leader, Archer, Berserker, Intellegence.... hmm, I think it is obvious that I shall take the Leader first, The Berserker next and after that, while the Archer draws her bow, hit her then the Intellegence,’ he said as he debated the order of massacre. Once he decided, Atemter raised his staff and started to chant a spell aimed at Zaglicar. Sethsma noticed this and dropped the right arm of Troget leaving Malley to help the injured man.
‘I haven’t been much use in combat before, but this time I will be’ Sethsma cried out as he jumped in front of the bolt of red light heading towards Zaglicar. It struck him full on in the chest, disintegrating him on impact. Zaglicar turned behind him and recognized the distraction, whispered a little prayer and continued to escape with the prisoners. They safely returned to Darkwind and that was the last time anyone in the kingdom heard of the House of Night…
But there are those who are in it. Brothers such as Gregory, Hamath, Genny, and even I. We are well aware of this guild and we know how effective it truly is. To maintain the mystery of our organization, we live normal lives among those in the outside world, me as a blacksmith, and you as a normal student. The reason I told you this was not only to tell you the great tales of Zaglicar Kugluktuk the Second, but was to inform you the true facts of the family you have been born into. You, my grandson, have been born into the House of Night, and naming you after such a great man gives us high hope for you. You have already shown exceptional skill in stealth and in strategy. We hope that you continue down your path of greatness and become the leader of this fine guild.”
      My mind was blown by what Grandpa told me. I couldn’t believe that I came from a long line of assassins. Not only were they assassins, but they are the legendary House of Night! But he said I couldn’t tell anyone and that I have to live a normal life on top of that.
“Thanks, Grandpa. And does this explain the disappearance of my father?” I asked, as I hoped to get some answers.
He looked at me with an emotionless face. “ I’m afraid that is the case. One of your father’s missions went terribly wrong. No one truly knows the exact details but it is said that one of the clients that we worked for, former Lord Fahlaz, set him up for an ambush. The target was an honorable Drow leader who fought for Trexley. When your father came upon him with his dagger, Fahlaz called forth his men and they used telekinesis spells to hold him. It is rumored that he was killed right there, but there are darker rumors than that.” A single tear rolled down his face as he finished his answer.
“What can be worse than death? What can be worse than the end of your existence?” I had my theories, but I wanted to see if he could confirm them.
“Lots of things, child. Lots of things such as: torture, forced betrayal, or slavery. I believe that the string of recent murders of officials in Darkwind is your father….brainwashed. My brothers and sisters also believe in my theroy and we all fear the day where we have to silence a former brother, a former leader…” At this point, he was silently crying. I don’t know why I was surprised to see this. He is part of an assassin guild with death being part of his job, but this was his son he was talking about, his own flesh and blood. Why wouldn’t he cry?
“ So, when would my training begin? I assume that I will need some.”
“It already has. Those kids who bully you are your first targets. We sent you to that school because we were trailing some fugitives who are raising their kids to believe in Atemter as the true god. We got intel that they will launch an attack in the middle of town and they, along with their family, will retreat across the border into Droka’s realm. You must eliminate them this week or you will fail your training and cause the death of many innocent lives. This is your mission, now go prepare, wander the dark, trail your target and kill quickly. This is the only advice I can give you. Goodbye my grandchild.” He got up and, with unnatural speed, went out the door.
I walked into the main room and saw my mother in tears. She has never shown emotion since Father disappeared. I approached her carefully and hugged her. “What is wrong Mother? Is it the story that Grandpa told me?”
“Kind of, Zaglicar. It’s not the truth of you father, I was well aware of what may or may not be the truth. It’s the fact that you are now aware of your destiny. I wish it could have waited a little bit longer, but you are sixteen now, so I guess you are no longer a child. Go and do as your Grandfather commanded.” She handed me a coin purse with roughly three hundred fifty gold pieces. “I am kicking you out of the house so that no one can trace you back to me. You are old enough to sustain yourself and you will get payed well from the contract,” She fully burst into tears after those words.
I hugged her tighter and whispered,” I will come back from this, I promise this. I will also send you portions of my profit to reward to for raising me right. Thank you, Mother, you have done me well…...I love you…” I went and packed my bags. Clothes, books and knives were all thrown into my pack.
As I headed towards the door I looked back at Mother. She smiled and said in a serious voice,” Adrian Gonzolo in the south market. Approach him in his shop and tell him your father’s name. Torvino used him as his number one shopkeeper. They drank together, went on missions and he has been looking over you at a far distance. Go to him and he will set you up with your starting gear. Son, stay safe.” I smiled back to her and walked out the door.
The sudden change of light made my eyes hurt a little. It was still morning, but the market in the East side of the town was still as alive as always. Merchants were telling everyone about their “bargains” they had to offer. Kids were advertising their fathers’ stalls, the smell of day old fish and other meats local to the area filled my nose with a pungent smell. This time, instead of scanning the area for my friends, I was scanning for the enemy. I always said that they would die by the hand of me, but I never thought it would actually happen.
After about twenty minutes of searching, I spotted my prey. The first target I could find was a tall, but built guy. I was on a rooftop in the East Housing District and he was down below on the uninhabited road. Now was my chance. Strike quick, hide quick. That is the way i was told to eliminate.
I took out my dagger that had some Elven runes inscribed on it. It was my father’s knife that he gave me when I was born. I realized now that he bestowed this upon me to help aid me in the quest he knew I would embark on.
The fear was getting to me, arousing question. “ What if I land wrong? What if i get caught? What if he gets me first? What if, what if, what if…’  It was now or never. I had to kill this man….not “this man” but “this kid”. It was my test, my goal, my new life.
I jumped off the roof with as much grace as I could gather and aimed my dagger for his neck. I didn’t think of any witty lines and I didn’t yell or growl. Silence. Complete silence is the best approach. It won’t alarm guards, and it won’t alarm the prey.
I landed on him, dagger puncturing his throat. ‘I did it! I killed the enemy! But why am I feeling this emotion? Like I shouldn’t be doing this? Could it be that I actually feel bad? This isn’t good, I can’t be feeling this! Is this how I’m going to feel the rest of my life?’  Tears began to fill my eyes as I looked at the boy’s life-drained face. He was staring back at me choking on his own blood, trying to breathe, trying to live. I felt the warm sensation of blood on my hands, but that didn’t help unfreeze them. I was paralyzed by fear. ‘Get up! Go back! Hide the evidence!’ None of these thoughts got me to move. All I could do was stare, stare at the mistake I made.
After a few minutes of crying, I managed to pull my dagger out of his wound. More blood spilled out of his neck. I sheathed my dagger and looked around me. In the distance, I saw someone coming. I knew I had to hide the body. Then, it would be the end of my moral argument and my emotions can settle.
After a few minutes of struggling, I finally drug the body to a bush and climbed a building next to it. Not a minute later I heard the screaming of a woman,”Help! There has been a murder! Their is a murderer on the loose! Guards, guards!”
I let out a sigh. ‘ If I was slower in moving that body, I would have been caught. Mother would have been furious.’  I continued to run home. I couldn’t go to school like this, people would see the blood and I would have had to make up an excuse, and Lilaya knows there is no good reason to have someone else’s blood on you.
I was fatigued by the run ‘home’, doing whatever I could to avoid people. ‘Home’ at this point was just the underside of a bridge in the Eastern market. Once I got there, I quickly donned new clothing and casually made my way through the market. “ Oh, Gods! I forgot to find Adrian! Where could I find this man?” I approached one of the rug stalls and asked the head salesperson, “ Umm, Sir? Can you point me in the right direction of Adrian Gonzolo? I am supposed to purchase things from him for my mother for, she has fallen ill. Can you please help me?”
The man smiled at me and said with a far eastern accent, “ Oh he is that funny, uhh, ‘Potion salesman’ guy isn’t? Well, he is located in the Southern Market district near the Hearty Dragon Inn. That is where you can usually find him.”
“Thank you!” I ran off....(to be continued)
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bestwishes86 · 5 years
Oliver Twists
This was the first story I wrote to completion that ended up being the basis for my book, tell me what you think
Toji was in a hurry as he ran across the quad by the soccer fields. He ran as fast as his long legs could move.  Toji ignored the burn in his lungs and muscles and pushed himself farther. He had made a promise to Shinji that he would see his debate and knew they locked the doors once it began. It was being preoccupied with the fear that he would be late and miss his friend’s performance. That caused him to not notice he was being chased until he rounded a corner. The predator sprang slamming into Toji from behind knocking him into the wall.  He hit it hard, his head bouncing off the white painted brick and he felt a ringing in his ears.
"The fuck!?!?!" He shouted, forcing himself to stay on his feet despite the growing dizziness. Throughout his time with Shinji and his group solving the hysteria mystery, Toji had fought many battles against monsters and humans.  So surprise attacks were becoming something he was begrudgingly getting used too. He looked in front of him and saw David Case, his rival and personal annoyance smiling at him. There was nothing kind about that smile. He wore the dark blue sweats from the practice he must have just left, his sun gold eyes looked like they were devouring Toji. Beads of sweat dripped down David's shaggy brown curls into his handsome, round Greek face.
"In a hurry?" David asked as he folded his muscular arms over his barrel chest. He took a step closer to Toji so they were only inches apart.  Toji smelled cigarettes and a copper smell on his breath as he loomed close to him. They were both six feet tall but Toji is lean and physically weaker than David. 
"I have to get to the debates before they start, I don't have time to waste with you."Toji said and turned to go and one of those thick arms was in his way a second later. He took a step the other direction and an arm was there too, pinning him in.
"Make time, he's out of your league, Oliver Twist," David said with a sneer and the insulting nickname churned the acid in Toji's gut. Ever since Toji had started eating with Shinji and his friends, other upperclassmen had taken to referring to him as Oliver Twist. The name implied he was only with them to eventually lie and rob them. Normally it was something he ignored.  But recently it had begun to burn him up under the skin. He hoped that Shinji didn’t believe the rumors that surrounded their involvement. 
"You don't know what you're talking about David." Toji said, he kicked himself mentally for responding at all and ducked under the arms.  Instantly he was on the move again. He didn't care about anything besides making sure Shinji's nerves didnt get the best of him. Over the semester they had spent learning the identity of the drug that drove people violently insane. He had grown closer to Shinji, had told him things about himself no one knew.  There had been conflicts between them. But he had noticed when he was around, Shinji seemed calmer. A hand like granite grabbed his wrist and pulled him back yanking him from his revelry painfully. Toji reacted without thinking and swung at David. David ducked with a speed Toji didn't think possible and headbutted him hard in response.  Pain exploded behind Toni’s eyes from the force of the blow. The strain on his still held wrist was agony and he felt the shocking pain amplify the dizziness from the first blow to the head.
"I told you nicely to make time for me, now listen before I get nasty," David said pulling Toji close.
they were almost nose to nose beneath the lights of the academic building. Anyone could see the two men in what looked like a lovers moment. 
"I... Don't. ...Have time for this," Toji exclaimed and spun as best he could with the short distance and brought his elbow up against the chin of the football player. The grip on his wrist released and Toji began to run again. David rubbed his chin and tasted his own blood. He watched the young man run.  His golden eyes clouded with his intentions. There was so many things he wanted to do the man he desired before he peeled back the skin and licked the exposed muscle and sinew. His olive tanned skin lost all color as he allowed the hold on his inner nature to lessen. It was like exhaling, as he shed the human form for his demonic one. Long Ram like horns grew on either side of his head. His cheeks hallowed as his mouth and nose grew out into a snout.  Jagged sharp fangs tore through his gums, pushing out his human teeth. The pain never lessened as he transformed. He reared back his head and growled, arms extended as he stretched to now seven feet. He was an alabaster colored Minotaur with eyes as red as rubies. 
"Oliver!!!!" David growled and Toji turned just in time to have his face grabbed by one of David's massive hands.  His feet left the sidewalk as David lifted him up in the air and then slammed him into the grass. He released the young man and smiled at the blood that coughed up from that mouth. He cried out in agony as David watched, taking pleasure in the cries of pain he had created. 
"Do you have time... for me now Oliver Twist," David growled before beginning to bend down to grab Toji by his shoulders. 
The gun shot rang out in the still night and David stumbled off to the right a few feet. Another shot struck him in the neck blowing away the rock like throat. David reaches up and felt the broken portions of his neck. Two figures stood off to the side watching the scene. One a tall, slender blond woman with a shotgun trained on the demon. She was dressed in a pearl white blouse and a blood red skirt that went down to her knees. It was slot up the side to her thighs for combat mobility.  Next to her, a lanky young man with a large head of blond curls with coke bottle glasses over his glowing green eyes. The man wore a black suit and white button down beneath. They are two of Shinj’s maid and manservant who work as his bodyguards when the need arises.
"Check on Toji " Anna ordered as she opened the shotgun and loaded two more shells and than swung it shut and set it at shoulder level. Aegis was beside Toji and gingerly touched his bruising face and neck.
"The boy is fine besides the swelling, he's tough." Aegis said in a soft French accented voice from beneath his large afro of blond curls.
"David, my next shot will kill you, what business do you have with Young Master's person," Anna said in a voice as cold as steel.
"He is unworthy of Shinji's presence. He is human, poor, low born..." whatever else David was going to say was cut off by the blast of the shotgun shattering his head.
"Anna!?" Aegis shouted 
"He annoyed me, and this one has to be front row at that debate. No time for poisonous words." Anna said with a shrug.
Toji felt his head swimming, between being considered Shinji's person and attacked by a demon he couldn't handle more.
"Do you want to let him down," Aegis asked as he helped him to his feet. The question brought Toji out of his revelry. He took off running the rest of the way without another word and Aegis frowned at Anna who made a mock face of apology.
A five foot three inches tall man of Chinese descent stood behind the deep purple velvet curtains trying not to have a panic attack.  His short black hair was slicked back from his face. His brown eyes looked their normal sleepy way of being hooded but fully aware of what was around him.  Other debate students were off in pairs practicing their facts off one another to guage how an audience would receive them. He had been working with Anna until she and Aegis had both left without a word.  Standing in a new button down sky blue shirt and brown cuadoroy pants with dark brown loafers. He had tried to take his friends advice and dress down to be relatable. But Shinji Kinomoto worried he still looked like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 
"They are going to laugh at me," he thought and paced in a small circle. His long thin fingers closing and opening in white knuckle fists. All his life he had had this fear of speaking in front of others. He wished he had Tomo’s extroverted way of saying things most wouldn’t. Or Toji’s way of saying only what needed saying. 
"I'm smart on paper and dumb in person," he said out loud and felt a hand grab his arm. He was pulled into a hug that shocked him.  His vision was obscured by red curls. He felt himself ease in the friendly embrace of his best friend. 
"You're smart in person and dumb in your head," Kate said into his neck. He stepped away from her and looked shocked. She winked one of her heavy mascaras eyes at him and smiled. 
"Kate i.... " Shinji stammered
"You're thinking too much, I think you'd want to show Oliver Twist how good you are against others." She said and used her fingers to give him the thumbs up. 
"He isn't coming," Shinji said
"Then who paid Yamoto 20 dollars for his seat?" Kate said with a grin and a wink.
Shinji felt his face flush beat red at the sentence and resisted the urge to peek out the blue velvet curtain. Kate waved and sauntered off and winked at Vallerie who mouthed "thank you" as she passed.
Toji sat in the front row dripping wet from the quick splashes of water he had used to wash his face and hoped the grass stains on his best white shirt would not be too noticeable. On either side of him upperclassman looked at him with disdain and he waved back weakly. The feeling of being out of place in the lecture hall fell away as Vallerie stepped out to the podium and announced the debate rules.
She announced the opposing school first and he gritted his teeth at the sight of Helen. She had done everything she could to steal Shinji from him. He felt his face flush with rage, he told himself to ignore it he was here to support Shinji. When Shinji walked out he felt the rage turn to a different feeling. Butterflies danced in his stomach and he sat up straighter. Shinji had worn the clothes he had chosen for him. He looked worried and as he said his full name he looked over the crowd before his eyes met Toji's. For a moment it was like they were the only two in the hall. Toji blushed scarlet and raised his hands in thumbs up. Shinji smiled and blushed as well. The upperclassmen looked at each other in confusion and then at Toji with curiosity.
Vallerie had to stifle her laugh and started the debate. Helen tried first to play the part of an innocent young girl with her voice. Shinji volleyed back steady strong tones as he undercut her points on the best use of stimulus capital. She made a face and spoke coldly back without being given permission. Toji wasn't entirely sure what they were saying but he noticed something new in Shinji. He was like a man drawing his line in the sand. Shinji waited for Vallerie to give him the floor before speaking on the state of the poor and middle class. Helen waited and said that personal feelings do not make the poor more deserving of attention. Toji got the double meaning there and felt the insult. He thought about his mother and father working two jobs each to keep his family from starving. Shinji placed both hands on the podium and said to the crowd directly that personal feelings should be what motivates change, that everyone deserves a better quality of life.
Toji met his eyes and nodded and felt the butterflies again. Vallerie awarded the point to Shinji and Helen went on the defensive. She attacked where the capital would come from and stayed that it would take away needed resources. Shinji smiled and displayed the current surplus in addition to the stimulus. Crushed by the facts Helen smacked the podium and said the poor deserve to be poor. Shinji raised his eyebrows and a the crowd reacted with murmurs. She went on to state that everyone makes decisions in life, that the government is not built on forgiveness for the choices of others. Shinji responded that every day is one where the choices made can affect the next. Toji felt a grin break over his face at this. It was what he had said to Shinji after agreeing to be more than friends.
Shinji leaned against the wall after the debate was over. Appearing confident had been stressful for him. The silence was welcome and then it was lost to the voices of his friends.
"You were amazing!" "Oh my God our little Shinji has some fire," they said. Shinji blushed and his face against the wall.
"You did very well Beanpole," a thick voice said and he turned in Time to meet Toji's hug from behind with his front. There faces collided into a haphazard kiss. The back stage was silent as the two stayed locked. Toji opened his mouth and leaned his head back as Shinji leaned forward and pushed his tongue into his mouth.
Vallerie quietly screamed, Tomo looked surprised and shocked. Kate elbowed him and held a hand out. He looked at her frowned and put 20 dollars in it. She pet his spikey hair and grinned. A few steps away Anna and Aegis stood with small smiles.
"How will be safe from Master Tosho," Aegis asked
"That will be tomorrows problem, for today they have this." Anna said back and walked away. Aegis gave the two one more look and then went to join her.
"Does this mean you two are together? Will he be sleeping over? Should I buy earplugs? Is his dick bigger then your tiny prick?" Tomo was flooded with questions and at the last a book flew at his head. He had adapted to projectiles being thrown at him and side stepped.
"Shut it Tomo!!!!" Toji demanded as he tried in vain to not think about last night. All he wanted to do was to think about it but he didn't know what to think. The kiss, his first had been an accident. Helen had come to speak to Shinji privately and he had asked Toji to go without him. That had scalded like touching a hot pan. Then had been the masterbating. Twice in one sleepless night. He felt confused but it all distracted him from any memory of David.
"Sorry just trying to think this through with you," Tomo said acting victimized by his friend's brutality. There one bedroom flat seemed far too small. Tomo began texting while Toji sat with his bowl of oatmeal. Long since cold it was inedible he picked it up and went to the sink to wash it out.
"Shinji says Good morning," Tomo called from the dinner table. Toji froze at the sentence and had to run it by himself twice before in a flash he was at Tomo's side, phone in his hands. He quickly skimmed the messages and scrolled up and saw the photo of him sleeping in his t shirt and boxers and read the "He is a cute sleeper" response. He slowly glared at his bestfriend
"You!!!!!" Toji started first raised and Tomo covered his head
"Just trying to help since you two were having "girl problems"" Tomo called out
"Learn privacy! No more late night trips in my room pervert," Toji said handing back the phone and walking to the room and closing the door.
"WHY DIDNT YOU MESSage him?" Tomo called through the door.
Toji sat down and looked at his phone 4 missed messages all from Shinji. He read them and sighed. Still thinking about last night. He silenced his phone and went to shower. Beneath the hot water, he thought about Shinji. About David. About Helen. Finally he thought about himself. What he wanted was Shinji, the fears of what he could and couldn't do were circling his head like a marquee.
Toji came out of the bathroom and saw Tomo sitting before a table full of food. All of it smelled like heaven and Toji was shocked by Aegis in his kitchen. Aegis was taller than Toji dressed in a crisp button down white shirt and slacks.
"Good morning Toji, I hope this is not a bad time. Your friend let me in and I brought things to cook for you." Aegis said in a voice that sounded like glass bells ringing.
"It's fine, thank you," Toji said sitting down. He felt anxious. Shinji's servant being in his flat without Shinji didn't bode well. Already he was ready for Aegis to say that Shinji had come to his senses.
"You look afraid. Is everything alright, last night with David must have you rattled." Aegis said placing a cup of steaming coffee down in front of Toji
"It's not that....I just don't know what to say to Shinji," Toji confided. Aegis raised an eyebrow and Tomo looked offended.
"You tell him.but not me!?!" Tomo shouted
"You're texting Shinji right now, youd tell him and he would come and make everything better." Toji said around a mouthful of eggs
"The problem?" Tomo demanded while stuffing his plate with French toast
"P'Toji wants to solve this himself," Aegis concluded
"Shinji is mad. You better solve it quickly." Tomo said and handed the phone to Toji. The screen had a photo of Aegis and Toji talking and below it was a response gif of Godzilla going berserk in Tokyo.
"Tomo! What did I just say about privacy!?!?! Your head is full of air and naked girl photos!" Toji shouted and ran to his phone in the other room. He dialed Shinji's number and it was denied. He tried to call again but it was blocked.
"He isn't answering." Toji said and resisted the urge to break Tomo's phone over his head.
"P'Toji Shinji is like David. He too can become monstrous. That is what I came to explain before your friend whose meddling has cost time ruined." Aegis said giving Tomo a cold glare.
"I....," Toji said and remembered that time Shinji was angry and his skin had felt....wrong.
"You might not have seen it, he is good at hiding the fact that he is more than human. And I apologize for being the one to tell you first. But," Aegis was cut off by Toji
"I know. I've always known he was different. I don't need to know more." Toji said and went out the door. Tomo looked at Aegis and Aegis glared at Tomo.
"Its no wonder you're single, you're insufferable," Aegis said leaving as well while Tomo pouted.
Toji walked down the stairs, unaware Shinji was running up them. They collided in a jumble of limbs and bodies.
"Beanpole...." Toji started but Shinji rose and glared down at him
"You kissed me and didn't even say goodnight or good morning." Shinji fired each word like a shot. His face was red with anger
"I am sorry Shinji. I didn't want to be in the way of you and Helen." Toji said and frowned at the excuse. He always had problems saying what he felt and hid behind walls
"Helen! She apologized for insulting you. That's it. How many times do I have to say I don't love Helen. I love you." Shinji shouted and stopped. Toji's eyes widened. The three words hung in the air between them.
"That's why I didn't speak to you. Because everything I wanted to say was I love you and it felt too soon to say. So I thought if I had more time to figure it out I would. But Tomo..." Toji babbled, his face blushing.
"You love me...." Shinji asked timidly
"You love me too," Toji asked back looking at his barefeet.
"Yesssss" a whisper shout came from above them. They both looked up to see Aegis and Tomo looking down.
"TOMO!?!?! What do I have to do to get privacy," Toji exclaimed
"Aegis, I tell you one thing and you come here, why?" Shinji asked shocked
"To see if p'toji was alright. To not be answering you something had to be off and I am as always correct. He needed a meddling push in your direction," Aegis said and Tomo looked offended
"Do you mean me?" Tomo asked innocently
Aegis grabbed Tomo's ear and said something about helping him clear the table.
"Meddlers.. ." Toji said but was cut off by Shinji's hug.
"You scared me. I thought my kiss was so bad you wouldn't want to again." Shinji said into Toji's haif.
"Your lips are soft and sweet, my kiss was like a walrus sucking on a wall," Toji said rubbing his neck in embarrassment.
"It was better than that, do you want to go up so those two don't have heart attacks over whether we will fire them from our lives?' Shinji asked smiling, Toji nodded and they went up together.
When the door opened both were shocked to see Aegis keeping Tomo from kissing him with a hand to the face.
"I wanted to know what's so great about kissing a guy but Aegis won't play with me!" Tomo whined giving up and grabbing his fork and going back to eating.
"Shinji, Toji, nothing happened or will happen with that meddler." Aegis declared standing up straight and at attention.
"Would it be so.bad?" Tomo said with a mouth full of French toast and syrup. Chunks flew with every word.
....." was Aegis silent reply but his face was one of horror.
Toji pulled a chair out for Shinji and sat next to him and they began to eat.
"Aegis explained you're like David?" Toji said quietly and Shinji froze and looked at his servant. His look was unreadable.
"He wanted to make sure Toji understood what being with you would he like. So he came by to make breakfast and explain," Tomo babbled to fill the heavy silence.
"Aegis, and the others feel concern for you. They worry I will hurt you accidentally. That's why Aegis and Anna were at the debates. I was the primary concern and you the second. Don't interrupt," Shinji said to Aegis who had opened his mouth to speak.
"Lately, there have been times where I don't feel myself. Or I act out, or am prone to anger. You saw how David changed. That is what they fear I will be when more unstable. It isn't that bad. But I could harm any of you, so I accept the concern." Shinji concluded and drank a cup of water in one sitting. Toji didnt know what to say. So he took Shinji's hand in his under the table.
"Is there a cause?" Toji asked
"Yes." Shinji said and nothing more.
"Tell me," Toji said and his voice did not waver, the two stared at each other for a moment and Shinji lowered his eyes in shame.
"I haven't eaten properly in 2 months. The less I eat what I need to eat the more my body craves it and it drives my impulses." Shinji said quietly and waited. His fears were that Toji would be disgusted. It was this fear that made him say those 3 words so hard.
"Two months ago, that's far too long. Why haven't you accepted what your father gives you for so long," Toji shouted. Shinji got up and walked to the bedroom and closed the door. Toji sat at the table and felt like the floor was falling away. Two months ago he had met with Tosho. Tosho had tried to kiss him, he had refused it. That had been when Tosho revealed Shinji's inner self and the need to eat living organs. It had been meant to scare him off but it had only made Toji more curious about Shinji instead.
He got up and walked to the bedroom and opened and closed the door behind him. Shinji stared at the ground while sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Your father is starving you?" Toji said and Shinji looked at him
"...yes," shinji said slowly
"Its my fault. If he hadn't had the lolita thoughts for me none of this would have happened," Toji said sitting beside Shinji and put an arm around him.
"My father, is a selfish man who does not love but owns. He can not own me so he seeks to destroy me." Shinji said and the tears fell then. They bled down his cheeks and he bit down on his lip and tried to stop them. This was the first time in his life he could not find a positive way to explain his fsther's behavior.
"I can provide you what you need," Toji said slowly. Shinji looked at him in horror.
"No, not me but I know people who sell organs and blood. I could get it for you but there is a price." Toji said and he interlaced his fingers with Shinji's. Shinji's face didnt change and he looked scared.
"You have to swear to me, you won't hurt people for your own gain. To me, you are an innocent person in a unfortunate circumstance. If you make the decision to hurt people so you can live I won't be able to look at you. Can you swear to me, Toji Syoroan you will never kill a person for your own life?" Toji said the words slowly and solemnly.
"I promise you, I will starve to death before it comes to that." Shinji said and Toji knew that was what Tosho intended.
"Please don't cry, I will provide for you. I will look after you. I will be your first and last love," Toji said and he kissed Shinji and felt himself melt into the kiss. Shinji felt like his life was ending and beginning a new as he felt the power of the kiss. When he broke the kiss his foot bumped one of the dried tissues. He picked it up and realized what it was and blushed. Toji's eyes opened, he saw it and snatched it instantly.
"Sorry.....I was .....last night was....," Toji stammered.
"No need to explain, I did it in the shower." Shinji said lowering his head and blushing
"For me or for helen," Toji asked looking at his thick toes and he curled them and didn't see the pillow coming until he was on the ground.
"Idiot," came the response
Aegis smiled as he put away the food and looked at Tomo who was listening at the door with a glass cup.
"Everything good?" Aegis asked
"Very!" Tomo whispered. Aegis moved to the door and looked back.
"Goodbye Tomo," Aegis said with a wave and went out. Tomo looked back at the empty living area and felt a odd uncertainty he could not place. He turned back to the door and hadn't noticed the door was open and he was looking at Toji's chest.
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
Redditors Share 24 Most Funniest Tiny Jokes About Trump That Will Surely Make You Chuckle
/r/Jokes on Reddit is the best thing ever.
And ever since Trump became president, not only have people been stunned, but it’s become a comedic gold mine. Political and non-political memes of everything that is Trump has been cropping up.
Hell, there was this entire week of Trump bodyslamming CNN.
And many redditors have made Trump the butt of many jokes, and God, they’re hilarious! We collected some, but you can find more here.
Bush, Obama and Trump go to a job interview with God…
God asks Bush: “What do you believe in?” Bush answers: “I believe in the free market, and the strong American nation!” “Very well”, says God. “Come sit to my right.”
Next, God asks Obama: “What do you believe in?” Obama answers: “I believe in the power of democracy, and equal rights for all.” “Good”, says God. “You shall sit to my left.”
Finally, God asks Trump: “What do you believe in?” Trump answers: “I believe you’re sitting in my chair.”
Source: RifRifRif
A Mexican kid meets Donald Trump and says to him, “I want to be President one day.” Trump says, “Are you stupid? Are you an idiot? Out of your mind?”
The kid replies, “You know what, I’ve changed my mind. Those are too many requirements.”
Source: akifafzal16
So Barack Obama and Donald Trump somehow ended up at the same barber shop…
As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were both afraid to start a conversation, for fear that it would turn nasty. As the barbers finished their shaves in silence, the one who had Trump in his chair reached for the aftershave. But Donald was quick to stop him, jokingly saying, “No thanks. My wife, Melania, will smell that and think I’ve been in a brothel.” The second barber turned to Barack and said, “How about you, Mr. Obama ?” Barack replied, “Go right ahead, my wife Michelle doesn’t know what the inside of a brothel smells like.”
Source: Cooking_Drama
Steve Jobs would have been a better president than Donald Trump. But it’s a silly comparison really, it’s like comparing apples to oranges.
Source: L0veToReddit
Breaking News: Bill Gates has agreed to pay for Trump’s wall… On the condition he gets to install windows.
Source: drugsondrugs
President Donald Trump and his driver were cruising along a country road one night when all of a sudden they hit a pig, killing it instantly.
Trump told his driver to go up to the farmhouse and explain to the owners what had happened. About one hour later Trump sees his driver staggering back to the car with a bottle of wine in one hand, a cigar in the other and his clothes all ripped and torn.
“What happened to you?” asked Trump
“Well, the farmer gave me the wine, his wife gave me the cigar, and his 19-year-old daughter made mad passionate love to me.”
“My God, what did you tell them?” asks Trump.
The driver replies, “I’m President Donald Trump’s driver, and I just killed the pig.”
Source: AdityaRav
Trump: The less immigrants that come in, the better
Pence: The fewer
Trump: I told you not to call me that yet
Source: subtone
The Pentagon is changing the nuclear codes to over 140 characters so Trump can’t tweet it.
Source: Figwun
Trump is executed and is hanged by the neck until dead. At Trump Tower, his family watches CNN, which is covering his death live, all of them mournful and teary before Donald himself walks in triumphantly.
“But Donald, CNN says you were killed!” Ivanka cried.
“Nope!” Donnie beamed, holding up the rope that was used to hang him, “fake noose.”
Source: twinb27
Looks like Trump is keeping up Michelle’s ideals of getting America fit again.
One day in office and he has thousands of people getting up and going out for walks on this beautiful Saturday morning.
Source: free_source
There’s a term for Presidents like Trump. Probably not two terms though…
Source: MorsJanuaVitae
Donald Trump is visiting a elementary school and he visits one of the classes. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks Mr Trump if he would like to lead the discussion of the word “tragedy.”
So he asks the class for an example of a tragedy. One little boy stands up and offers: “If my best friend who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and knocks him dead, that would be a tragedy.” “No,” says Mr Trump, “that would be an accident.”
A little girl raises her hand: “If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.” “I’m afraid not,” explains the exalted businessman. “That’s what we would call a great loss.” The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. Mr Trump searches the room. “Isn’t there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?”
Finally at the back of the room, little Johnny raises his hand. In a quiet voice he says: “If a private jet carrying you was struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.” “Fantastic!” exclaims Mr Trump, “That’s right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?” “Well,” says the boy, “because it sure as hell wouldn’t be a great loss and it probably wouldn’t be an accident either.”
Source: JayKay80
Donald Trump has labelled Hillary Clinton “disgusting” for taking a bathroom break during the debate. Trump himself never has to go to the bathroom, as the crap just comes straight out of his mouth.
Source: Taptap10
How much is Donald Trump’s life insurance?
Just one pence.
Source: charlesmajora
Donald Trump is flying over New York City.
He looks out of the window and says to his family, “You know what, I’m gonna throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy!”
His son looks at him and says, “Dad, why don’t you throw two hundred $5 bills out of the window? Then you can make two hundred people happy.”
Donald says, “Son, that’s a great idea!”
His wife turns to him and says, “Donald, why not throw one thousand $1 bills out the window? You could make one thousand people happy!”
Donald looks at her and says, “Babe, that is a fantastic idea! The best I’ve heard!”
The pilot turns and looks at Trump and says, “As long as you’re at it, why don’t you throw yourself out of the window and make millions of people happy?”
Source: SlcCorrado
Donald Trump goes to a fortune teller and asks “When am I going to die?”
The fortune teller replies: “You will die on a major Mexican holiday.”
Trump asks: “Which Mexican holiday? Cinco de Mayo? Dia de los muertos?”
The fortune teller replies: “ANY day you die, Donald, will be a major Mexican holiday!”
Source: PlanetVagina
Trump said in his campaign that if I voted for Clinton, I would be stuck with a criminal president under constant federal investigation from day one.
Turns out, he was right. I voted for Clinton and I’m stuck with a criminal president under federal investigation from day one.
Source: creamy_mint_bagel
Trump wants to ban the sale of pre-shredded cheese.
He wants to make America grate again.
Source: ericisaac
Trump calls Angela Merkel’s office. Secretary answers.
Trump: “What’s the time difference between Washington and Berlin”?
Secretary: “Just a second, Mr. President…”
Trump: “Thanks”
Source: IltalehdenToimitus
The US Postal Services releases a stamp with a picture of President Trump. But the new stamp was not sticking to envelopes. This enraged the President, who demanded a full investigation.
After weeks of testing and $1.73 million in congressional spending, a special Presidential commission presented the following findings:
The stamp is in perfect order. There is nothing wrong with the adhesive. The fact is, people are spitting on the wrong side.
Source: sky_walk
Donald Trump was asked if he could quote any Bible verses.
He replied, “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Deport him and you do not have to feed him again.” Trump 20:16.
Source: JakabBigShow64
What can Donald Trump and I both agree on?
That if Ivanka wasn’t Trump’s daughter, I would date her.
Source: Captainl53
On the night of his inauguration, Donald Trump is visited by 3 ghosts.
Early in the night, FDR appears. Trump asks him “How can I make America great again?” FDR replies “Think only of the people; do not make laws based on hatred, bigotry, or with the thought of lining your own pockets.” Trump’s face sours “FAKE NEWS!” He screams and FDR disappears. Trump falls back to sleep.
A few hours later, he is awakened by George Washington’s ghost. Trump asks “Jow can I make America great again?” Washington replies “I would suggest you never tell a lie”, which infuriates Trump. He screams for his bodyguards but Washington is already gone.
Around 3 in the morning, he is visited by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Again, he asks “how can I make America great again?” Lincoln thinks for a bit and says “Go to the theater.”
Source: Monechetti
A conversation with God about Trump.
John (while writing Revelations): “So Lord, the end will be signalled by trumpets?”
God: “No… I said Trump/Pence.”
John: Yeah, trumpets.
God: “Never mind. They’ll know.
Source: AdityaRav
0 notes
bestwishes86 · 6 years
Oliver Twists part 1
Toji was in a hurry as he ran across the quad by the soccer fields. He ran as fast as his long legs could move. Toji ignored the burn in his lungs and muscles and pushed himself farther. He had made a promise to Shinji that he would see his debate and knew they locked the doors once it began. It was being preoccupied with the fear that he would be late and miss his friend’s performance. That caused him to not notice he was being chased until he rounded a corner. The predator sprang slamming into Toji from behind knocking him into the wall. He hit it hard, his head bouncing off the white painted brick and he felt a ringing in his ears.
"The fuck!?!?!" He shouted, forcing himself to stay on his feet despite the growing dizziness. Throughout his time with Shinji and his group solving the hysteria mystery, Toji had fought many battles against monsters and humans. So surprise attacks were becoming something he was begrudgingly getting used too. He looked in front of him and saw David Case, his rival and personal annoyance smiling at him. There was nothing kind about that smile. He wore the dark blue sweats from the practice he must have just left, his sun gold eyes looked like they were devouring Toji. Beads of sweat dripped down David's shaggy brown curls into his handsome, round Greek face.
"In a hurry?" David asked as he folded his muscular arms over his barrel chest. He took a step closer to Toji so they were only inches apart. Toji smelled cigarettes and a copper smell on his breath as he loomed close to him. They were both six feet tall but Toji is lean and physically weaker than David.
"I have to get to the debates before they start, I don't have time to waste with you."Toji said and turned to go and one of those thick arms was in his way a second later. He took a step the other direction and an arm was there too, pinning him in.
"Make time, he's out of your league, Oliver Twist," David said with a sneer and the insulting nickname churned the acid in Toji's gut. Ever since Toji had started eating with Shinji and his friends, other upperclassmen had taken to referring to him as Oliver Twist. The name implied he was only with them to eventually lie and rob them. Normally it was something he ignored. But recently it had begun to burn him up under the skin. He hoped that Shinji didn’t believe the rumors that surrounded their involvement.
"You don't know what you're talking about David." Toji said, he kicked himself mentally for responding at all and ducked under the arms. Instantly he was on the move again. He didn't care about anything besides making sure Shinji's nerves didnt get the best of him. Over the semester they had spent learning the identity of the drug that drove people violently insane. He had grown closer to Shinji, had told him things about himself no one knew. There had been conflicts between them. But he had noticed when he was around, Shinji seemed calmer. A hand like granite grabbed his wrist and pulled him back yanking him from his revelry painfully. Toji reacted without thinking and swung at David. David ducked with a speed Toji didn't think possible and headbutted him hard in response. Pain exploded behind Toni’s eyes from the force of the blow. The strain on his still held wrist was agony and he felt the shocking pain amplify the dizziness from the first blow to the head.
"I told you nicely to make time for me, now listen before I get nasty," David said pulling Toji close. they were almost nose to nose beneath the lights of the academic building. Anyone could see the two men in what looked like a lovers moment.
"I... Don't. ...Have time for this," Toji exclaimed and spun as best he could with the short distance and brought his elbow up against the chin of the football player. The grip on his wrist released and Toji began to run again. David rubbed his chin and tasted his own blood. He watched the young man run. His golden eyes clouded with his intentions. There was so many things he wanted to do the man he desired before he peeled back the skin and licked the exposed muscle and sinew. His olive tanned skin lost all color as he allowed the hold on his inner nature to lessen. It was like exhaling, as he shed the human form for his demonic one. Long Ram like horns grew on either side of his head. His cheeks hallowed as his mouth and nose grew out into a snout. Jagged sharp fangs tore through his gums, pushing out his human teeth. The pain never lessened as he transformed. He reared back his head and growled, arms extended as he stretched to now seven feet. He was an alabaster colored Minotaur with eyes as red as rubies.
"Oliver!!!!" David growled and Toji turned just in time to have his face grabbed by one of David's massive hands. His feet left the sidewalk as David lifted him up in the air and then slammed him into the grass. He released the young man and smiled at the blood that coughed up from that mouth. He cried out in agony as David watched, taking pleasure in the cries of pain he had created.
"Do you have time... for me now Oliver Twist," David growled before beginning to bend down to grab Toji by his shoulders.
The gun shot rang out in the still night and David stumbled off to the right a few feet. Another shot struck him in the neck blowing away the rock like throat. David reaches up and felt the broken portions of his neck. Two figures stood off to the side watching the scene. One a tall, slender blond woman with a shotgun trained on the demon. She was dressed in a pearl white blouse and a blood red skirt that went down to her knees. It was slit up the side to her thigh for combat mobility. Next to her, a lanky young man with a large head of blond curls with coke bottle glasses over his glowing green eyes. The man wore a black suit and a white button down shirt beneath. His eyes flowed with magic that allowed him to see in the dark as well as the day. They are two of Shins’ maid and manservants who work as his bodyguards when the need arises.
"Check on Toji " Anna ordered as she opened the shotgun and loaded two more shells and than swung it shut and set it at shoulder level. Aegis, the young man, was beside Toji and gingerly touched his bruising face and neck. Toji looked into his eyes with a fierce determination Aegis understood.
"The boy is fine besides the swelling, he's tough." Aegis said in a soft French accented voice from beneath his large afro of blond curls.
"David, my next shot will kill you, what business do you have with Young Master's person?” Anna said in a voice as cold as steel.
"He is unworthy of Shin’s presence. He is human, poor, low born..." whatever else David was going to say was cut off by the blast of the shotgun shattering his head. Each word cleaved into Toji. They were true. The shower of demonic stone skin shocked him, he brushed it off himself as he sat up.
"Anna!?" Aegis shouted
"He annoyed me, and this one has to be front row at that debate. No time for poisonous words." Anna said with a shrug.
Toji felt his head swimming, between being considered Shin’s person by the people he held dear and being attacked by a demon he couldn't handle more.
"Do you want to let him down," Aegis asked as he helped him to his feet. The question brought Toji out of his revelry like a splash of cold water. He took off running the rest of the way without another word and Aegis frowned at Anna who made a mock face of apology.
A five foot three inches tall man of Chinese descent stood behind the deep purple velvet curtains trying not to have a panic attack. His short black hair was slicked back from his face giving him a mature appearance. His brown eyes looked their normal sleepy way of being hooded but fully aware of what was around him. They flitted around the backstage area at the other debate students who would were off in pairs practicing their facts off one another to gauge how an audience would receive them. Shin had been working with Anna until she and Aegis had both left without a word. Standing in a new button down sky blue shirt and brown pants with dark brown loafers. He had tried to take his friend’s advice and dress down to be relatable. But Shin Kinomoto worried he still looked like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
"They are going to laugh at me," he thought and paced in a small circle. His long thin fingers closing and opening in white knuckle fists. All his life he had had this fear of speaking in front of others. He wished he had Toji’s best fiend Tomo’s extroverted way of saying things most wouldn’t. There had been numerous times where the Casanova had said things that were intelligent and spot on. Or Toji’s way of saying only what needed saying. He thought about the tall, clever man. His way of cutting through nonsense with sentences that called all attention to him. Shin felt himself blush at their last conversation. They had been sitting at the canteen on campus and Toji had been arranging another job he performed as a courier for the criminal underworld of the city. As he had been typing in his black IPhone XR Shin had been going over the note cards for the debate. He had not been aware, but despite Toji’s focus on his phone he had noted the silence.
“Something on your mind? Besides the cards you’ve gone through five times.” Toji asked putting his phone on the table besides his finished glass of water. Shin had frozen, caught. Toji leaned in looking at the cards and his eyes widened beneath his bushy caterpillar brows. His mouth open in shock as he looked from the cards to Shin and back at the cards.
“How can you read them they are upside down!?!?” He exclaimed finally and Shin blinked and realized the same.
“I haven’t been able to focus lately...” Shin stammered embarrassed, slowly placing the cards on the table.
“How do you intend to win a debate for our school if you aren’t even focused on it? What’s more important to you?” Toji asked. He instantly regretted it as Shin’s eyes glistened becoming wet. It was in moments like these he wished he were Tomo. That man knew how to comfort people, he only knew how to break bones and pass tests. Neither skill was applicable now.
“I turned down your offer to be more than friends. But you’re here.” Shin said and Toji nodded but kept his desire to run buried. Any mention of that moment tore at his heartstrings. He had tried staying away but found that being beside Shin made him hurt less. It was selfish but he didn’t care. The man could suffer his presence, the way he suffered his love for Shin. At Toji’s silence Shin continued.
“I didn’t know how to answer you. But I do not want you away from me.” Shin stammered, he felt embarrassed for speaking his feelings.
“Study your note cards, I won’t be at your debate. But I trust you won’t let me down by failing to bring home the trophy.” Toji said picking up his phone and playing Candycrush out of Shin’s line of sight so he thought he was typing. Shin blinked back the tears and grabbed his cards, right side up and set to reading them with a new determination. Toji glanced over and smiled at the warmth that came from those words. It was a small flame, but it warmed the ice around his heart all the same. Shin now stood in the backstage, he let out a breath and wondered if he could win.
"I'm smart on paper and dumb in person," he said out loud and felt a hand grab his arm. Shin was pulled into a hug that shocked him. His vision was obscured by red curls. He felt himself ease in the friendly embrace of his best friend. Valerie, a short ruby haired woman with a half halo face grinned at her friend. She secretly admired him as more than a friend. It had been those feelings that had motivated her to sneak back stage aware that he would probably be in full freak out mode. Tonight her wild make up was tame by her standards. Bright purple eye shadow and purple lipstick. She had dressed in a red leather jacket over a pearl white chiffon dress.
"You're smart in person, and dumb in your head," Valerie said into his neck. She breathed in the smells of summer on his skin. He stepped away from her and looked shocked. She winked one of her heavy mascaraed eyes at him and smiled.
"Valerie i.... " Shinji stammered, blushing with embarrassment that she had heard his doubts.
"You're thinking too much, I think you'd want to show Oliver Twist how good you are against others." She said and used her fingers to give him the thumbs up. When Toji had rescued both of them from the Hysteria addicts that night she had seen it. The connection the two of them had. The way that walking tower of sad had shown genuine concern for Shin. Checking for cuts or bruises despite Shin’s protests. Then slapping him in the back of the head for going in with only her to investigate. Even while holding his head. Shin had looked at the frowning face of Toji with pure love and she had known then. She didn’t have a chance.
"He isn't coming," Shin said
"Then who paid Yamoto 20 dollars for his seat?" Valerie said with a grin.
Shin felt his face flush beet red at the sentence and resisted the urge to peek out the purple velvet curtain. Valerie waved and sauntered off and winked at Kate, their friend who was the moderator for the debate. Kate a short, round woman who always dressed in the best fashions money could buy mouthed "thank you" as she passed. Kate had watched Shin fret over something and had tried Toji’s line first but he hadn’t answered so she had flooded Valerie’s phone with texts. Finally Valerie had appeared.
Toji sat in the front row dripping wet from the quick splashes of water he had used to wash his face and hoped the grass stains on his best white shirt would not be too noticeable. He had placed his head beneath the fan that dried wet hands. It had hurt due to the bruises on his face but he wanted too look his best. His wild black hair had cooperated to a point but there were still cowlicks. On either side of him upperclassman looked at him with disdain and he waved back weakly. All Saint’s University is an Ivy League college filled with the children of millionaires and scientist. He himself had tested into the school and paid for it out of his own pocket and scholarships from many donors. Before becoming a part of Shin’s friends he had not been aware of the social caste system the school had. He looked back and saw other students in his stature standing in the back. All the seats had gone to the more affluent students. The feeling of being out of place in the lecture hall fell away as Kate stepped out to the wooden podium and announced the debate rules.
She announced the opposing school first and Toji gritted his teeth at the sight of Helen. A tall, golden skinned Thai girl with large almond eyes and full lips. She always looked as beautiful as any runway model. Tonight she wore a smart business suit, tailored for her taut body down to the bullet gray pencil skirt. She had done everything she could to steal Shin from him. He felt his face flush with rage, he told himself to ignore it. The memory of her deliberately pointing out his scuffed shoes, the holes in his favorite shirt. When she had placed her hand on Shin’s and talking like a damsel to be saved. But giving him smug looks when Shin wasn’t looking. He was here to support Shin. Toji pushes away those memories and the loss of ten thousand dollars he had turned down by cancelling the job to be here.
When Shin walked out he felt the rage turn to a different feeling. Butterflies danced in his stomach and he sat up straighter. Shin had worn the clothes he had chosen for him. Shin looked worried and as he said his full name he looked over the crowd before his eyes met Toji's. For a moment it was like they were the only two in the hall. They held each other’s gaze for a long moment. Toji blushed scarlet and raised his hands in thumbs up. Shin smiled at the nonsense that was just Toji. He wondered if Toji thought of it like a sport spectacle. He blushed as well. The upperclassmen looked at each other in confusion and then at Toji with curiosity and jealousy. The Kinomoto’s are a very prominent family, and quite a few of the classmates had tried to marry into the family. But Shin is naive and didn’t notice or care for any of them.
Kate had to stifle her laugh at her friends and started the debate. Helen tried first to play the part of an innocent young girl with her voice. Shin volleyed back steady strong tones as he undercut her points on the best use of stimulus capital. The city of Avalon had begun to fall from its golden age of financial success. The loss of financial stability had caused many jobs to outsource to other countries for cheaper work. Effectively ending many people’s way of life.
“Our Government should be a caring parent to those displaced by the recent economic shift. It should set up programs to care for the families who can not care for themselves. Help people find work, create new jobs. We have the means why not...” Shin stated and was cut off by a tsk sound made into her microphone. She made a face and spoke coldly back without being given permission.
“Why is it that an emotional plea is being made for people to sacrifice for those who can not help themselves. We have the means yes, to better our own financial situation. We can improve roads, schools, create jobs yes. But not give them away like golden tickets to people who instead of helping themselves have turned to lives of crime and depravity. The Red Lantern district is a thriving example. People sell their lives for money. They sell themselves for money. A dollar earned, is the saying. Courier’s for instance cause more structure damage to our city every day and who has to pay for it? The buildings and other public property damages created by this black market mail system in which clearly able bodied citizens choose to live outside the law for their own personal profit.” She concluded looking directly at Toji. He felt scalded by a hot plate. Quickly he looked at Shin, who stood very still and quiet. But he knew him long enough to see beyond the demeanor of ice prince.
The murmurs of agreement around the theater showed she had struck gold with that statement. Toji wasn't entirely sure what they were saying but he noticed something new in Shin. He was like a man drawing his line in the sand. Shin waited for Kate to give him the floor before speaking on the state of the poor and middle class.
“The middle class is a lie. There is no longer one. We have outsourced our jobs to over seas sources who do it for half what our men and women did. Schools for the public are taught via wireless internet connected video calls. Our hospitals require more and more than insurance covers. You speak of a life of crime as if it is a choice. It is I agree a choice, it’s the choice whether to eat your own children or eat groceries. A horrific choice but can you imagine being a parent who has to choose whether to feed yourself or your children. Whether the lie of it will be better tomorrow is good enough to tell a sick woman who can not afford a pill that would cure what her illness is. If we could reach into the stimulus and create jobs we could create hope for so many who have none.” Shin said, speaking with passion out to the crowd who watched with awe. Helen waited and said that personal feelings do not make the poor more deserving of attention.
“This is a government decision not a work outreach speech. We have stimulus for one reason which is too improve our way of life. Not go out and give people with no sense of perspective on their actions a prize for not living by societal standards. A man who steals a loaf of bread to feed his family is stealing the cost of the bread and the work many people did to put that bread on the shelf.”
Toji got the double meaning there and felt the insult. He thought about his mother and father working two jobs each to keep his family from starving. His mother Taiwanese, spoke little English and therefore worked in nail salons. She had taught herself enough English to discern what the customer wanted, but not what she wanted. When she died, broken. Miserable she was buried in the back yard of their home. They could not afford a proper funeral or a plot of land. He and his sister had wrapped her in favorite blanket and he had dug the hole. On top of her grave now was a bed of vegetables and flowers. The vegetables were a part of all the meals and the flowers often were put in vases around the home. He visited often and felt the spirit of his mother in every room. Shin placed both hands on the podium and said to the crowd directly that personal feelings should be what motivates change, that everyone deserves a better quality of life.
“It is our feelings that should create the perspective of a life we would want to live. That perspective should motivate us to respond to problems with helping hands not closed eyes. The world is not black and white, there are many situations we can not account for but the ones we can we should address, not ignore.” Shin said looking now at Helen.
Toji met his eyes and nodded and felt the butterflies again. Kate awarded the point to Shinji and Helen went on the defensive. She attacked where the capital would come from and stayed that it would take away needed resources. Shin smiled and displayed the current surplus in addition to the stimulus. Crushed by the facts Helen smacked the podium and said the poor deserve to be poor. Shin raised his eyebrows and a the crowd reacted with murmurs. She went on to state that everyone makes decisions in life, that the government is not built on forgiveness for the choices of others. Shin responded that every day is one where the choices made can affect the next. Toji felt a grin break over his face at this. It was what he had said to Shin after agreeing to be more than friends.
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