#“there'll be peace when you are done” my WHOLE ASS
aishitara · 1 year
oop, forgot to let y'all know yesterday that my blog is 6 years old now.
feels like 6 million. that's how time works on tumblr, right?
here, have this pain.
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Lookism 479, 480 and 481 edited
Struggled to type this because I'm sore from my physio therapist appointment
- OK, so we know Jerry also knew Jinyoung and that his father was murderd. We also know there's this mysterious reporter Kim who might have some clues.
- What is the Era of peace?
- Jerry's father had an abnormal body.
- Why does no one know anything about Daniel's connection with Jinyoung? I'm so done. I don’t even care about that anymore.
- Now that lineman's training, I would like to see him go against some of the worker guys that beat him.
- Dj being shady ass hell as usual 🙄. I don't think Daniel should trust him, he's being too trusting. James knows so much but refuses to tell him anything. He's using Daniel to get to jinyoung so he can learn the secret behind the 2 bodies. I know deep down Daniel doesn't trust him that much, but he needs to stop giving James even the tiniest bit of info.
- I feel like Lightning Choi is in danger now that James knows about him.
- oh my God, he really is living by the junkyard💀
- these guys just keep getting stronger, why is his back so huge, it looks like an extra layer of skin😮‍💨
- tf do they mean by " the time has come for us to try to kill each other". As if they weren't giving each other permanent damage. Honestly, gun and Goo's relationship reminds me of 2 siblings, goo being the younger one who is not used to being independent until one day he decides to leave the nest. This whole meeting felt like a family low-key falling apart, goo leaving the family but deciding to visit his brother one last time before leaving. Which makes me think about the whole theory of someone dying and it showing guns' true personality. I originally thought that it was hinting towards Olly and how gun surprisingly has respect for the dead. But now I think it's goo who's going to die. These panels are honestly so well done. The bittersweet smiles and how human they look in here. You can tell they don't want to kill each other.
- I feel gun will eventually betray Charles because he took it too far or hold back while fighting goo. That or there'll be a change of plans like in the workers' fight with dg.
- I think gun was genuinely happy to find someone on his level. Maybe he was used to people always agreeing with everything he did or said, so befriending someone like goo was a breath of fresh air.
- Watching this interaction also reminds me of Crystal. It honestly looked like she had a good relationship with James,Gun, and Goo. Calling them hyung and conversing normally. She seemed like the little sister of the family, and Charles is like the power-hungry dad tearing it apart. I almost felt bad watching the junkyard breakup, but then I remembered they're both awful people. The one I truly feel bad for is Crystal. She didn't ask for this, she didn't join Charles because she had a choice.
- The whole thing with Eli deciding Hudson will stay, and the whole " ... so I'll let you borrow one room" thing is pissing me off. Why is he the one making all the decisions, Sally did a lot for Hostle, but somehow, she's just being pushed aside. Ptj wtf. Throughout the entire Hostle arc, it was just Eli getting the credit for half the shit Sally did it was literally her idea to give the runways a home. And the point system shit was not only an Ok idea, but it wasn't even his original it was just something he saw while living on the streets. The fact it's all "Eli this" and " Eli that" is so fucking annoying. Ptj literally showed Sally putting in the work and pushed all the credit toward Eli. Like if you want it to be about him actually make it about him
- Gyeol doesn't deserve his brother.
- Every one of these guys have insane methods, like how do you expect him to talk when you shove his glasses down his throat.
- I used to think Charles's weakness was his daughter but now I don't think he gives a fuck about her.
- How did dg record the evidence though?
- hey I have that flash drive too
- I think dg was testing the waters with the whole flash drive situation to see Eugene's reaction to him knowing jinyoung.
- Mandeok is like Regina George, his hair is full of secrets literally
- Now they're calling it anxiety attacks instead🫥, ptj please research mental health
- is it me or James feels guilty for killing Gapryong and jinyoung going insane? This makes me think that after that incident James started hating Charles.
- that's some tacky ass writing he has there on his car
- that's the worst marketing strategy I've ever seen
- how did jibeom get so big😃
- Someone said the new guy looks like the lovechild of dg and Eli and now I can't unsee it
- To think Vin killed a king
- I was right about the cult theory
- This is why education is important, people think anything is evil, acting like they're not the devil themselves.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 43
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The Road so Far
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done...
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THREE Bullets
John Price
Hotel Lustig, Prague, Czech Republic
Price was actually worried about his snipers who fell at a reasonably tall height, but Nero was here even if he allegedly saw this one coming, he was getting desperate, and it was the perfect time to strike.
Price swung and unhooked himself from the harness, kicking a table on the process, using it for cover. The place was already filled with Nero's men, who were willing to waste their lives for his safety.
"Price! We're on our way inside the building! As soon as these huge waves of enemies are gone. Shit. Reinforcements from all directions!" Alex hissed, the sound of gunfire in the background.
"This is gonna take a while." Soap grunted.
"Just be careful out there Captain. Soon enough, we got your back." Roach assured as Price sprayed his bullets to the tangos, shaking as the bullets hit their bodies, slowly collapsing to the ground.
The captain quickly reloaded his rifle as soon as he ran out, thinking how he had already wasted a magazine in the first room. If this keeps up, it won't be doing well for him. Another problem is that Jack is in danger.
Groaning in a mix of anger and frustration, he quickly got up and advanced deeper into the hotel. If Nero would escape, the safest extraction area was the rooftops which were on the other building.
The lobby was already a mess. Enemies already utilized the hotel's furniture and fixtures as barricades and some are already hiding behind them.
"Fuck. I'm outnumbered! Nero is getting away!" Price roared, tossing a grenade as the hostiles panicked.
"So are we. Just hang on a little. We're advancing faster now." Alex said.
"Roach, as soon as I pop this smoke, make a run for it!" Soap's voice yelled as they began flanking towards the hotel.
Price clicked his tongue and checked on the hallway. It looked like the coast was clear, but as soon as he stepped forward, Nero's men immediately appeared at the end of the hall.
"Bloody hell!" Price cursed, sliding to cover as the enemies scattered and looked for cover as well. Nero must be already on his way out but as long as his exfil isn't around yet, there is still time.
"Do you see any aircraft nearby?" Price queried over comms.
"Negative. All reinforcements are via trucks. We're almost at the hotel!" Soap replied.
"Great. There's still hope." he muttered, peeking at the hallway and estimating his next move. After which, he made a run for it, shooting the enemies as he slid to the next barricade. Two down, a few more to go.
"Captain Price, we're inside Hotel Lustig." Roach said, as the sound of shattering glass was heard. They were already downstairs.
"Nero is on the west side of the building on his way to the rooftops. Try to catch up with him. I still have some bastards to blow off." he roared, shooting the remaining enemies in the hallway as he made his way to the next area.
The next hallway was already cleared as Price saw the three on the courtyard, shooting at those running on the open lobbies.
"Good job, team. Anyone got a visual on Nero?" Price asked as he ran across the building on his way to the rooftops.
"Negative on Nero. But I see a bird on its way here. Must be his exfil." Roach replied.
"Shoot it down!" Soap roared from the background as the three aimed their sights at the approaching helo.
"Shit nevermind! We're in their crosshairs!" Soap yelled.
"I'm almost out of bullets!" Alex yelled.
Price acted quickly, providing support to the open courtyard from his location. The three were already trapped as enemies slowly surrounded them.
He could already hear the whirring blades of the helicopter so he tried to advance further to the rooftops while providing support for his team to follow and cover after him.
"Fuck." He cursed as he ran out of magazines, tossing his rifle so he could lose weight and run faster.
Equipped with his trusty M1911, he surged through enemy lines, hitting them in the head as they were too busy firing at the courtyard. Each open window had mercenaries on each floor and Price did his best to clear out the third on his way to the staircase.
He could see them advance into the building which meant that they cleared the last of Nero's surprise attack.
He checked his pistol as he ascended to the rooftops, dust blasted through him as the gust of wind from the helicopter blew across the area. He couldn't reach the rooftops as his guards were pointing their guns at the doorway.
"Goodbye Captain Price. See you in the next war." He said over comms as the helicopter ascended from the hotel.
Price watched as it flew away from the rooftop, firing the last three bullets at it, hoping it could make a difference.
Then a small missile fired from below headed to the helicopter, hitting it with one shot. Price turned to the location of the missile trail where he saw Soap down below. Alex and Roach followed behind him as the helicopter spun uncontrollably in the air crashing toward their location.
"Get down!" Alex roared as they dove for cover as the plane crash landed back to the rooftops.
Hotel Lustig - Basement
The loud grumble of the building he was in shook the CIA agent awake, realizing that he was tied to a chair with a sophisticated bomb attached to his body.
His years of experience on these kinds of bombs were worthless as this model had it's wires hidden inside a very sensitive pressure plate. One delicate press and he's toast.
But that didn't stop him from attempting to escape. He wasn't going down just yet. He had to free himself here. And finish Nero.
He first met Nero on a mission. He was supposed to be held hostage for information but Gabriel messed up and let him escape. He was now beginning to realize how that wasn't a mess up. They found usefulness in each other and exploited their wealthy resources to mess up the world.
He squirmed his way out of the chair but it was no use, so he decided to bring the chair with him and ran up the stairs. He'd assumed the source of the fight was at the explosion and that meant that no one else would shoot him from where he's at.
5:49 the LED timer ticked as he awkwardly ran with a chair on his ass, hindering him from moving faster. He didn't know where to go, but the safest place to explode was outside, so none of the hotel would be destroyed. It should also be elevated, so there would be minimal damage to infrastructure, or maybe some of his allies were still here, and helped him defuse the bomb.
3:59. He could see smoke trailing from the rooftops. It looked like a downed helicopter. His eyes weren't able to identify the persons on top of it. But his gut told him it was Nero. He had to move quickly.
He slammed the chair to the wall, breaking the wooden furniture into pieces as a beep followed. He accidentally triggered the pressure plate as the timer blinked immediately to the last minute.
"Fuck. I guess this is it." he muttered as he used the last ounce of strength he had and channeled it to his legs, dashing to the stairs up to the rooftops. At his age, he couldn't even have possibly done this, but then the whole world was on the line, he knew he had to at least try and do whatever it takes.
Alex, Soap, Roach and Price were knocked down on the floor possibly by the plane crash as he saw Nero, struggling to get up as he pointed the gun to Price.
"Goodbye. Captain Price." He muttered as he almost pulled the trigger, Jack bolted looking at the team that welcomed him one last time, smiling like nothing was on the line. He took his last second to look at Alex. Mouthing the words "Thank you, kid." as he saw the terror in his eyes as he yelled.
Jack hugged Nero tight as he pushed him off the building, letting him feel the slow vibration of the mechanism attached to him.
"Jack? How did you-?" Nero angrily muttered.
"I'm not going down without a fight. If someone's going down, it's going to be…"
[Next Chapter] : "The TWO of us, together."
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